Ewa Lenart - selected works

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EWA LENART s e l e c t e d w o r k s

Vienna, April 9th 2015

Motivation Letter - Send by e mail.

Sincerely, Ewa Lenart Please do not hesitate to contact me: lenarteee at gmail.com +43 699 19936974

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nationality: polish | contact: +43 69919936974 | lenarteee at gmail com


matura | I LO Słupsk, Poland advanced degree in art history, mathematics, polish and english


University of Applied Arts Vienna DIE ANGEWANDTE Diploma programme - architecture (MA): design studio : Wolf d.Prix design studio : Greg Lynn design studio: Hani Rashid research lab: applied foreign affairs | Baerbel Mueller

2010 -

Southern California Institute of Architecture Los Angeles SCI ARC exchange | Advanced Vertical Design Studio Design Studio: Coy Howard Visual Studies: Andrew Zago, Ivan Bernal, Critical Studies: Dora Epstein-Jones, David Bergmann

fall 14

summer 2013 2 terms 1 term 5th term 2012 -

since 2014 since 2014

Rhinoceros, Maya, Grasshopper - 3dModelling Illustrator, Indesign, Photoshop, After Effects - Graphics Vray, Maxwell - Visualization Laser Cutting , CNC milling, 3dprinting , Vacuum Forming - Fabrication experience with concrete and bamboo polish (5) english (4) german (2) - Lingual

[a]FA | four weeks realization and bamboo practice conducted by Jörg Stamm, Ghana Central Region [a]FA | four weeks research lab Ghana - Central Region

summer 2011

winter 2014 spring 2013

spring 2013

winter 14 winter 13

summer 2013 summer 2012


Glaeser, Georg- Geometry and its Applications in Arts, Nature and Technology, 3.6 ‘Explorations’/Page 104-105 | Springer Vienna New York architekturjournal wettbewerbe 6 / 2014 No 317

Adjaye Associates | Accra, Ghana Architectural Assistant Conceptual Design, 3d modelling, Rendering, Editorial 2 months Liquifer Systems Group | Vienna, Austria Working on SHEE project Self-deployable Habitat for Extreme Environments 2 months Delugan Meissl Associated Architects | Vienna, Austria 3d modelling, Rendering, Graphics, Model Building 3 months




summer 2014


fall 2014 summer 2014 spring 2014 winter 2014 summer 2013 winter 2013 summer 2012

noCOLOUR INC. | Accra, Ghana Collaborations - from design to realization Atelier Eva Schlegel | Vienna, Austria Fabrication Galerie Goettlicher | Krems an der Donau, Austria Curatorial work - conceptual and realization exhibition work Asymptote, NYC | Vienna, Austria Competition design work (1 month) conceptual design, 3d modelling Irene Ott-Reinisch Architecture | Vienna , Austria Competition design work - conceptual and design work (2 months) conceptual design, 3d modelling, rendering, graphics, model making KinderuniKunst Kreativwoche | Vienna, Austria Teaching - 1 month work White partners London - dark side club | Venice, Italy 13th La Biennale di Venezia 2012 Communication, Event Organization


Design Acts! | Galerie Freihausgasse | Villach, Austria The Essence 14 | Künstlerhaus Wien | Vienna, Austria Think Global, Build Social! | AZW The Architekturzentrum Wien | Vienna, Austria Staging Apam | Galerie Goettlicher | Krems an der Donau , Austria The Essence 13 | MAK Museum of Applied Arts | Vienna, Austria Staging | Nubuke Foundation | Accra , Ghana The Essence 12 | Künstlerhaus Wien | Vienna, Austria


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Virtual Blur| New York, NY die Angewandte | studio Hani Rashid | summer 2014 | with V.Sandor

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Museum of Found Souls| Los Angeles, California Sci-Arc | studio Coy Howard | fall 2014 | single project

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Vast Markt | Dresden, Germany die Angewandte | studio Greg Lynn | fall 2013 | with J.Strohmayer

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Stark White| Accra, Ghana collaboration with no-COLOUR INC. | under construction | 2014 Haduwa Stage | Apam, Ghana a[FA] die Angewandte | research, design and realization | built 2014 with C.Car, J.Hofmarcher, I.Klis, J.Lazarova, I.Petkova, P.Reinsberg


V|I|R|T|U|A|L BLUR proposing Bitcoin HQ on Park Avenue

Since BITCOIN is actually not a company but a virtual currency the idea of a typical HQ does not apply. The inventor(s) is anonym. The system is open-source and also anonym. Bitcoin does not need office space neither advertisement. The more users the system include the higher the bitcoin value becomes. That makes the only benefit. Our proposal was to create a new type of a “physical� market where while the legal currency is virtual (bitcoin), the products remain physical. We tried remain the original UBS bank building (very private), while expressing the idea of being open-source, accessible for everyone, which characterize Bitcoin system.

Park Avenue View

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Vieving Into Lens Cons (From the Outside In)

Park Avenue Views Physical 1:1000 model

Object Vs. Image After the analyses of markets, shopping centers, shopping streets etc. with the focus on storefronts we had to come up with an idea which makes our vertical tower function as a market and express the difference between physical and digital reality. We used the storefront as an analog-medium which translates for the pedestrians the inner physical products into “digital images�. The medium is a lens - an analog tool which digitalizing (transforming, translating, mutating) the physical.

According to the lens type ( converging, diverging) the diopter and the distance, the image varies. While the pedestrians move along Park Avenue they experience different distortions from the product which are exhibited inside. Structure Diagram Programm Distribution

Component Clustering - Internal organisation EXPOSED



Lens Effects - Physical Model tests

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Section Zoom In Park Avenue View

Plan Rooftop - Observatory

Plan Interior- Lens Components integrating with existing structure

Plan Bottom - Atrium open to the Street

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M|U|S|E|U|M OF FOUND SOULS creating outsider art center in Los Angeles

The term Outsider Art, sometimes called rough art, describes art created outside the boundaries of official culture, very often created by those who are not trained to be an artist, children or disable. Given the site, Silver Lake district of Los Angeles, which has become in last years one of the most desirable ares of the city with still remaining rough touch to it, has created an extremely interesting justaposition of mainstream and underground. The project uses the idea of cultural artifact and defines the tectonics inspired by easthetics of intuitive and personal, mysterious and efordless process of creation.

Aerial View

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First Gallery View dark long

Second Gallery View open, perforated

Third Gallery View hidden horizon

Third Gallery View leaving

Materialized state of mind Graphite Wax on Plexi

Created Intuitive Artifacts Top View page. 16 lenartewaselectedworks

Top View, No roof page. 17 lenartewaselectedworks

V|A|S|T MARKT designing market in Dresden

Whereas much discussion has been made of Dresden’s facades and they are one of the prime contributors to its baroque character. We propose a building without facades. The market should be thought as a vast continuous space more than a sequences of enclosed rooms. Vastness is immeasurable, infinite, without edge or limit, difficult to comprehend, out of scale, distant, vague and sublime. It has nothing to do with ‘absolute scale’ but instead vastness is defined by ‘relative scale.’

Street View

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1:100 physical model (Roof: Carbon Fiber Fabricated with Epoxy, covered with golden leaf Plinth: CNC Milled )

Space instead of Facade While creating a VAST and extended space, we have analysed a forced perspective as a spatial phenomena. Looking at baroque presences where the mass serves as a space creator, we intended to achieve this effect with our topological surface, where the effect works sectional as well as in plan.

Plan 00 (Ground)

Having massive plinth and a lightweight roof, we create a constant interplay between those two. Urban clear story which is an artificial controlled horizon, consequently frames the whole plaza, being a result of relentless attraction of ground and roof scape.


perceiving the market from the main street - sequenced

Plan 01


The Project retrives a very traditional lobby with vast staircase, enabling the space to breath and locate an elevator.

lobby retrival in Accra, Ghana

Our proposal redefines this very condesed space with demolishing existing staircase and creating a new ondulated and at the same time compressed one, enabling the lobby to open and accomodate the lift.

Under Construction

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Existing Ground Level

Proposed Ground Level

Existing terrace Level

Proposed terrace Level

Existing Section

Proposed Section

Under Construction

Our intervation includes creating condessed staircase, with wooden slot railing and slight skylight in the last platofrm of the staircase. It also includes elevator integration and pre fabricated furniture design and fabrication. Project currently under Construction. I was part of the project from the first meeting with the client and was responsible for design, communication with client and was a part of construction supervision.

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Axonometric View, Explaining all the elements coming together

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H|A|D|U|W|A STAGE creating cultural institution in Apam, Ghana

Driven to engage the residents of Apam, the main idea compels to explore a significant social engagement within the development of the art discourse in Ghana and will foster the growth and the promotion of art made in Africa. Our vision focuses on ecological and economical sustainability and aims to create a comfortable working environment for artists and local residents. A series of indoor and outdoor program specific areas are placed around the site according to their functions. Adapted to the local conditions, they will provide comfort and will meet the need for inhabitation. The main parts of the program are kindergarten, stage, artists’ studios, living headquarter, workshop area, staff facilities and spots for recreation.

Beach Panorama

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The Stage The stage for the performance artists is the focal point of the site. Landed gracefully in the spacious area, it is the very core, a meeting space and landmark, that will become the next big thing in Ghana’s art scene. Rather than being a self centered stage, shut off from the surroundings, we propose a structure that adapts to the topography and creates an external informal auditorium. This will enhance the operation of the building not only by focusing on hosting performances but also opening up the space and inviting local residents to reprogram it according to their needs. Situating the stage on the ocean front poses many questions as acoustics and wind protection. Our strategy to solve this is to place the more vertical program parts, such as backstage, facing the ocean. This will serve as a barrier that will protect the event space from wind and noises, alternating into stage. The multifunctional platform follows the landscape and provides with an alternative stage that creates openness and leads to a bar area.

the roof Apart from benefiting from a gift of nature, bamboo is one of the most versatile, flexible and strong materials. Constructing with bamboo is environmental friendly and helps the adoption and reinforcement of sustainable development practices in Ghana. The roof is informed by corresponding to the material structural system, and uses its technical and spatial potential. The rising and declining structure invites by passers to enter and explore the new form of open space. It is large enough to accommodate big concerts, gatherings, exhibitions and a market for the local residents, combining maximum daylight with minimal sunshine exposure interfacing with the external elements - sun, daylight, air humidity, wind. For the canopy forming the grid shell we use low-tech joint details. A waterproof membrane protects the roof from heavy rain and the rain water runs down into a tank, placed on the south west side of the stage.

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contact EWA LENART +43 69919936974 lenarteee at gmail com Keinergasse 29 21 1030 Vienna Austria

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