Ewen's portfolio

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Yi- Wei(Ewen), Lee









悟」吧!在此時此刻,心靈是被充滿的,一種平靜與喜悅。至今,仍忘不了那樣的 中那種踏實的感動。


的觸感、一張張斑斕的色票、陪伴夜晚的音樂與解毒的牛奶。這一切真的很充實, 請您閱讀與感受我的「建」與「解」。

Name of the portfolio is construct and deconstruct, and it's the spirit that I try to convey.

Construct the designing education for four years. It is fresh for my every single attempt, stimula executing, non-stop trying during the process, and then modifying, just for having practical feel thinking the proposal, and after I exchanged views with my teacher, the tremble is delighting fe my spirit is fulfilled, feeling peace and joy. For me, design is not only to face the challenge but

Deconstruct - the review of four-year designing education. Browsing those past projects, and m I am now. Time after time, my experiences became lessons; the alcoholic smell of markers, the milk. I think I really like this living way, continue to enrich myself. I want to be strong. Please read and feel my "construct " and "deconstruct".






ates the senses that i haven't discovered yet, again and again, pondering, planning lings as the moment I finish the project. Still Remembered once I stayed up at night eeling, feels like my senses are all opened, maybe it's called "an insight"! At this moment, t to pursue the touching feelings in out heart.

my mind was recalling those memories, these four years leading me and making me who e tactile impression of putty, numbers of gorgeous tonal-color, accompanied music and

李奕緯 Yi- Wei(Ewen),

12th October, 1 Mobile:0928090 E-mail:ewen15



Natio Bach Sep,


1988 0109 51@gmail.com



高雄師範大學 工業設計系畢業


onal Kaoshiung Normal University helor of Industrial Design 2007-June, 2011

高師大工設系營隊活動組組長 高師大國標社副社長 chef of event support in student council chef of event support in design summer camp vice president of ballroom dance club

Professional Experience

UID Proje

Chinese Wedding Teaset Design

Love Tomorrow Today Interaction Exhibition

Mo Tab

Innov D

Creative Taichun “Show Up” Exhibit






Concucted the Development Plan, Innovatio

Provided market analysis to plan the key re

Integrated 9 brands of Taiwan to go to Hong

Kept the interaction exhibition with 10 desig

interface and screen-printing and 3 branche

Actively reached out 3 companies (UID Cre

Create Ltd. ect Assistant

55 weeks imployeed

odern Portable bleware Design

Modular Headset And Earphone Design

vation Consultant Design Project

Lucky rice Trade Show In Tokyo And Shanghai

ng tion

PUMP Taiwan Design Trade Show In Hong Kong






on Business Plan to apply government subsidy over $4,200,000 NTD.

esult of 7 products and maintain development schedule.

g Kong Gift & Premium Fair.

gners, 42 compositions and 2000 audiences to experience customized

es exhibition to gather designers and audiences community.

eate, Yow Design, Afterain Design), 40 people to hold the Designer’s Ball Competition.

Hornor 2011 新一代設計展 Creatorgarten - 廠商特別獎 2009 TCC玩具暨兒童用品創意設計競賽 Randomaze 迷蹤城 - 佳作 2009 大專生國科會專題研究計畫-顯示介面在數感測驗與視覺疲勞之評估研究 2009 青輔會青年行動計畫 協助阿禮社區文創產品開發 - 入圍 2011

Young Designers’Competition - Special Award


TCC Toy Design Competition - Goodwork Prize


Research Creativity Award from the National Science Council - Research of Number sense and visual fatigue in different display interface


Youth Action Plan from National Youth Commission - Cultural product development of Adiri community

Experience 2011

畢業製作研究調查幼兒教學環境與測試產品 - 高雄市政府社會局附設幼稚園


參加設計工作營 - 日本岩手大學


合作開發阿禮社區文創產品 - 國立屏東科技大學森林系及阿禮部落




preschool surroundings survey and prototype testing of graduation project - attached kindergarten of Social Affairs Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government


member of design workshop - National Kaoshiung Normal University X Iwate University


cultural product development of Adiri community - National Pingtung University of Science and Technology and Adiri Tribe


part-time employee of department office


文化部文化創意產業補助計畫 Cultural and Creative Industry Subsidy From Taiwan Ministry Of Culture - 600,000 NTD subsidy

Chinese Wedding Teaset Design


Chinese Wedding Marriage is one of the important thing in life. Especially there are lots of grand and meaningful custom in Chinese world. That is the reason why the Chinese wedding is interesting and unique. The teaset design project combine the custom of "grand" and "serve tea". We dedicated to design the modern wedding teaset to reserve the Chinese tradition.

東方的婚禮 在東方世界自古以來結婚是人生的大事,有著許多 隆重且富含意義的習俗,為東方的婚禮染上濃厚的 文化色彩。 此產品設計案特別研究傳統的婚禮習俗,融合「十 里紅妝」的典故與「奉茶」的習俗,設計婚禮的茶 具禮品,希望此產品不僅能保留傳統的元素,更能 加入現代的美感傳承東方的婚禮的精髓。



Design Participation


Composing the modern aesthetic teaset need to purify the traditional cutom like serve tea, traditional basket, sedan chair.

針對中國人婚禮習俗中奉茶的儀式進行禮品的 設計,加入轎子的意象、提籃的象徵,讓傳統 茶具也具有現代的美感。

I conducted the histrory servey, made the presentation to apply Taiwan Ministry of Culture subsidy.

在本案中負責搜集、彙整文獻資料,製作簡報 向文化部申請提案。


CITD協助傳統產業補助計畫 Conventional Industry Technology Development - 600,000 NTD subsidy

Modern Portable Tableware Design


Brand Product Extension The Tealeidoscope from Lanto is honored by Red Dot Design Award and brings the revenue to the brand. In that reason, we planned to develope the new product to nurture the brand. Therefore, we start from the tealeidoscope to think the relevant idea. We think Lanto is playing a role on connecting house and urban life. So we set the goal to develope travel mug and bento box.

品牌產品延伸 品牌Lanto的泡茶器榮獲Red Dot 的設計獎,為品牌帶 來可觀的效益,進而希望持續延伸產品線,讓品牌不 斷茁壯。 因此,我們由泡茶器作為靈感的出發點,定位藍傢是 連結居家與城市生活的夥伴,因此規劃了「城市茶」 、「城市餐盒」的兩條產品線,並設定城市隨行杯與 隨行餐盒兩個開發目標。



Sketch The core technique of Lanto is platic injection, and that is why we deicde to use Tritan, the material which have 97% transparency, to design the high quality, high value product. Besides, the cost of Tritan is too high so the design team get the big responsibilities to balance the whole aesthetic and cost.

草圖 Lanto 擅長的技術為塑膠射出,此次希望導入Tritan 的高級塑料,其塑料能夠保有97%的透明度,材質 有如玻璃,能夠凸顯品牌的強項與質感。 因為 Tritan 的成本高,該如何有效地運用材料掌握整 體的美感是設計團隊的重責大任。我們從前端的發想 針對使用方式到泡茶器的結合、造型與異材質應用都 做足了工夫,預計今年會上市。





We combine the shape of arc and triangle to make the difference on the market. In otherwise, the modeling of it not only solve some problem on usability but the way to use convenient.

最後的設計採用圓弧與三角形結合的造型, 為了別於市場上大多數的隨行杯與便當盒, 也為解決一些使用上的問題與增加使用上的 方法。


經濟部中小企業即時技術輔導計畫 Instant Technical Assistance Program of SME - 125,000 NTD subsisdy

X Modular Headset And Earphone Design


The situation of Hoomia Hoomia is the new brand of earphone and headset. They want to become the brand that the teenager want to own their product when they want to buy the first audio product. Therefore, Hoomia cross lots of brands and designer to spread the product series and raise the reputation.

品牌狀況 好米亞是新興成立的品牌,他們設定成為「年輕 人想要擁有的第一隻耳機」的目標,推出許多時 尚流行的耳機,並透過與許多品牌、設計師合作 ,快速拓展產品線與市場知名度。



Target We want to spread the product series as soon as possible, so we design the modular earphone and headset. This cooperation we focus on the young, female user, so we decide cute color and modeling. Lots of testing user love the design!

設計方向與目標 我們為了要能夠讓產品線快速延伸,特別設計 入耳式和耳罩式耳機模組化的機構,為客戶帶 來更多的價值與可能,並嘗試運用在我們的聯 名產品。 聯名產品以我們的品牌為基調,以年輕女性為 主要市場的考量,推出粉嫩的色系與可愛的造 型。很多測試的朋友都覺得很可愛很喜歡呢!


台北市政府文化局世界設計之都設計攪動計畫 Adaptive City Exhibition Apply For World Design Capital - 600,000 NTD subsidy

Love Tomorrow Today Interaction Exhibition


Love Tomorrow Today "Love Tomorrow Today" started from America Vermont in 2008. The founder hope this movement will rouse people awareness about environment. Therefore, "Love Tomorrow Today" starting from little change around us to sample people how to begin. http://www.lovetomorrow.tw/

愛明日行動 對於明日的生活方式,我們必須提出一些改變,本 活動最初是由幾位美國的設計師在2008年的佛蒙特 州所發起,目的是希望喚起人們對於自我生活的環 境有更深的互動與認識,藉由每個人一點點小小的 改變來創造不一樣的未來,最重要的是讓大家從現 在開始做起。


Visual Design The main concept is adaptive city. Heart is symbolized Taipei city. The spherical elements is like the citizens' participation. These are materials to raise the ballon fly into sky. As the same spirit of adaptive city. Let's Change! Taipei Change!


主視覺概念 2013年以愛心象徵為城市、圓形 的氣體分子象徵人民參與的熱情與活 力,推動著進步的氣球引領城市冉冉 升空,將關懷散播到城市的每一個角 落。 Let's change ! Taipei Change !






Interaction Exhibition in Shong-Shan Cultural Park We bring screen-print, innovation interface to Cultural Park. By taking a part of activity, iwe hope Taipei citizens and tourist can participate the improvement of Taipei City through the deisgners compositions. Let's do your own souvenir of Taipei!


松菸體驗展 將網版印刷與手機客製介面帶到松山文創園區, 透過設計師的圖像與現場教學與民眾直接互動, 讓民眾與設計師一起參與臺北、關心臺北。 親手製作自己獨一無二的臺北紀念品!





During the exhibition, people feel interesting and new. Therefore, lots of audience not just stay and see, but join the activity together!

對於新的展覽方式與體驗許多觀展者感到新奇有 趣,因此有許多觀展民眾圍觀,也獲得許多民眾 的支持,更有許多單位前來尋求合作。

Nevertheless, some school and company ask the oppurtunities of cooperation. In conclusion, the brand new style exhibition of interaciont with designer, audience, graphics is successfully.

透過互動的方式,親手印製自己的衣服、製作專 屬的手機殼,跟著設計師的圖像一起感受臺北的 進步與美麗,讓我們一起愛明日就從今天開始! 讓我們愛臺北就從現在開始!


經濟部商業司服務業創新計畫 Service Industry Innovation Research - 1,400,000 NTD subsidy


Innovation Consultant Design Project


DE 37












UID Create Ltd. New Service

Brand + Brand





外貿協會國際行銷計畫 Taiwan External Trade Development Council International Marketing Project - 400,000 NTD subsidy

Lucky rice Trade Show In Tokyo And Shanghai


Trade Show Debut It is important to join trade show to propogate new product. And we would be honor to win the subsidy to attend 2013 Tokyo Gift Show and Shanghai Interior Lifestyle. I participated booth design, prepared sample and scheduled business trip. I felt fullfied after dealing lots of detail about join the trade show.

首次接觸商展 參加國際商展是增加海外曝光的絕佳時機,也是拓展 海外市場增加外銷的好機會,而我們在外貿協會的支 持下代表台灣前往東京與上海參展,佳評如潮。 很高興能有這樣的機會協助公司申請展覽補助,參與 交通安排、展場設計、展品準備的工作,讓我了解上 海、日本東京商展的參展細節,獲益良多。


台中市政府文化局創意台中設計展 Design Exhibition for Department of Cultural Affairs of Taichung City Government

Creative Taichung “Show Up” Exhibition


Design Fesitval


Taiwan government stimulate the value of design in recent year, but people just feel distant. In that reson, we kept the Show Up Taichung Design Festival to show the development of design, interaction activity, speech to let people feel the glorious fo design.

台灣近年來鼓吹設計的價值,但設計卻讓人感到 距離感,所以我們與台中市政府合作,舉辦設計 展、假日活動與交流論壇,讓市民們都能免費來 體驗設計、感受設計的美好。



Screen-Print Limited Edition


I was in charge of the screen-print activity in the "Show Up" Exhibition. We invited the artist Han-Lee to compose the special edition of the activity. During the activity, people can do their own screen-print with the staff to enjoy the happy of the design.

在此次的設計展中,我主要負責規劃假日的絹印 體驗活動。此次特別跟舉牌小人合作,在十月十 日國慶日與民眾一起歡慶國慶。民眾在工作人員 的引導下,自己體驗絹印的樂趣,讓活動圓滿畫 下句點,也拉近民眾跟創意、設計的距離。


文化部展賽補助 Trade Show Subsidy From Taiwan Ministry Of Culture - 800,000 NTD subsidy

PUMP Taiwan Design Trade Show In Hong Kong


Hong Kong Gifts & Premium Trade Show Gathered nine Taiwan Designer's Brand to attend the Hong Kong Gifts & Premium Trade Show. To make a league to combine the designer together and "Pump" the Taiwan Design to the world! I was responsibled for the subsidy apply and product display.

台灣創意品牌大集合 結合九個台灣創意品牌,一起前往香港禮品展 展出,以 PUMP Taiwan Design為概念,以聯盟的 形式,將台灣的創意推向國際!

此次也同樣作為計畫的主要聯絡人,負責相關補助 的申請與展品陳列規劃。



Taiwan Brand's Promotion


Taiwan design become mature in recent years. There are lots of designer and design studio found the brand and attend the trade show and become famous. But we want to combine more and more designer to become a group. To become united will be more powerful.

近年來台灣的設計水準越來越提升,很多設計師或 設計公司成立了自己的品牌並且遠赴海外參展行銷 。我們看到越來越多台灣品牌在國際上展露頭角, 但是力量分散,無法聚焦。因此,我們聯合九個品 牌一起展出,因為結合所以吸睛,更能創造效益。


Product Booth Visu in National Kaouhiusng Normal University




Booth Design

ual Design


Shoes Cabinet 15




Visual Design

Product Design



合作夥伴 : 侯美如




Shoes Cabinet 15

新一代設計展 - 廠商特別獎 Young Designers’ Competition - Special Award


Intro Nowadays, almost the desk used in kindergarten are made of wood or PP. It is considered about intensity and durability. But it is not easy to change the position of them. Shouldn’t the classroom be more interesting ?


前言 現今幼稚園所使用之課桌椅,多半為不可拆卸式之木造品或者是 新式的 PP 製品,雖然有強度和耐用度的考量,但是在幼稚園講 求靈活多變的空間中,使用上就少了些變通,更因為不可拆卸收 納而占了不少空間,使幼稚園的教職員因空間變化分配上傷透了 腦筋。


Creatorgarten 與孩子同心


Main Concept Creatorgarten is a system furniture that can let children scrawl everywhere. Children can change using mode by themselves or cooperate with their teacher. This is a wonderland of creativity!


設計理念 成功帶入系統性的概念,抓住小朋友愛塗鴉的心理所設計的家具。 變換不同的功能來滿足幼稚園不同的使用情境,讓小朋友在與老師 的互動下,開心的學習,兼顧安全性,激發小朋友的創意能量。



Divergent Thinking


In the beginning, we do not focus on the furniture. We just propose some new, interesting idea on the contrary. This project may be a kind of system.

在初步的發想上,並沒有設 而是對於這個空間提出新的 且希望這個作品是有一個系

Preparation The classroom of the kindergarten is not only for education, but also for living. Preferable environment no wonder brings good efforts to growth.

幼稚園的教學環境,除了滿足教育的 目的之外。老師與小朋友是共同生活 在那樣的環境,吃飯、睡覺、遊戲和 學習等。好的環境絕對會為他們帶來 更多成長上的幫助。

設定要做什麼樣家具, 的、有趣的可能性。並 系統性的。


Obstacle In the second step, we trying on the diverse usability of the furniture. Although, it is still on the stage of divergent thinking, it is not on the right direction. We have not found the key idea of our project.


瓶頸 在第二個階段針對多用途進行探討,基 本上還是在進行橫向思考,但變成有種 在做Redesign的感覺,沒有找到關鍵的 魅力點。


Key Point We spent lots of time to observe the kindergarten student's daily life. Though children love scrawling and gaming, the space in Taiwan are limited. We hope to bring the solution to build a creative space to let teacher and kids enjoy the wonderland of knowledge! 63

關鍵點 長時間在幼稚園觀察孩童的作息,我們發現 孩童最喜歡塗鴉與遊戲‧但是也常因空間大 小而受到限制‧因此我們希望透過設計解決 這樣的問題,讓空間充滿創意與活力,讓老 師與小孩能夠一起成長! 64

There are mechanics inside the floor.

Tenon and mortise is the The desktop can be combination of the furniture. change to 90 degree.

The Detail of Product Creatorgarten is a system furniture that can let children scrawl everywhere. Children can change using mode by themselves or cooperate with their teacher. This is a wonderland of creativity!


Mo d e o f n a p & scr a wl i n g - l e t th e ch i l d r e nh a ve a so u n d sl e e p o r scr a wl h a p p i l y . Mo d e o f l i n i n g & g a me - we ca n p l a y sta cki n g r i n g s i n d o o r. Mo d e o f tr a d i ti o n a l l e a r n i n g - h a vi n g cl a ss o r stu d yi n g

產品細節 產品功能上的可變性也讓我們更注意「使用上的 安全」。無論是在產品的安裝結合上或是架設桌 腳的機構上等等都有做好考量,讓在學習過程無 後顧之憂。 Creatorgarten可以依照空間大小需求進行單位 組裝;使用上的自由度很高,任何意想不到的 使用經驗,正等待充滿創意的你來探索。





We h o p e o u r co mp o si ti o n wi l l b e a l i ttl e co n ce p tu a l ,co mme r ci a l a n d syste m i n th e p r o j e ct b e g i n n i n g . We r e a ch th e g o a l fi n a l l y. No wa d a ys, we sti l l ve r y l i ke i t a n d fe e l p r o u d o f i t.

從畢製一開始,我和我的夥伴就希望能 夠做的有一點實驗性與市場性,並且要 有"系統"的概念。我們最後也達成這樣 的目標,現在回過頭來看,還是很喜歡 這個作品,也很有成就感。

Re me mb e r th e ti me th a t we sta y u p a l l n i g h t to fi n i sh ske tch , mo d e l ...e tc. Fr o m ze r o to th e e n d . Th e n , we b e co me ski l l e d . Th a n ks fo r l o ts o f p e o p l e th a t h a ve h e l p e d u s a t th a t ti me . Re a l l y a p p r e ci a te d . I We co mp o se d th e Cr e a to r g a r te n r e a l l y h a p p i l y a n d p r a cti ca l l y.

現在回想起來,作品從零然後慢慢地摸 索,不斷的跟時間賽跑,也不斷的突破 自己;中間也受了很多人的幫助(老師、 鳳山幼稚園等等。 ),才能有這樣的成 果。心裡有無限的感激。 這樣做設計,真的,很開心很踏實。


Product Design






Shoes Cabinet 15


Intro In 2010, Taiwan’s airports were classified as unideal level. The most serious problem was the cart in the airport :old, shortage by using, etc.


前言 我國在2 0 1 0年的各國機場環境評比中成績不理想, 其中又以手推車的問題最為嚴重―老舊、數量不敷 使用等問題。手推車便成了這次設計的議題。


Horncart 速度的美感


Main Concept The cart in Taiwan’s airport is not easy to find. We decide to use vivid color and modern form to redesign the cart. Elevate the recgonition to let tourist easy to get the cart.


設計理念 在前往機場實地觀察後,發現台灣的機場推車容易發生找尋 不易的問題,因此我們希望能夠用鮮豔的顏色與前衛的造型 增加辨識度,方便旅客能夠快速地找到推車。


Sketch We observe the tourist in airport are busy. Therefore, we select “horn� to be the idol, to empahsize the speed motion. Besides, using the vivid orange coating to let visitors can find cart easily in the crowded airport.


草圖 我們認為穿梭在機場的旅客是忙碌的,因此 我們以「角」作為主要概念,強調速度感, 並以鮮豔的橘色作為塗裝,方便旅客在人潮 擁擠的機場能夠快速找到行李推車。


Review Ho r n ca r t g a ve me a ch a n ce to b r e a k th r o u g h myse l f a fte r th e e xp e r i e n ce o f fi n i sh i n g S h o e s Ca b i n e t 1 5 . Fr o m ske tch , 3 D, r e n d e r i n g to mo d e l , we d i d n o t ma ke a co mp r o mi se . Ju st fo l l o w th e o r i g i n a l ta r g e t a n d fi n i sh th e Ho r n ca r t. A n d th e fi n a l i s fa n ta sti c a n d ma ke me fe e l p r o u d . Th e ch a r a cte r i sti c- h o r n a n d th e mo d e l i s th e p r o o f o f my g r o wi n g a b i l i ty. A l th o u g h h o r n ca r t h a s fe w u n r e a so n , I th i n k I d o n e th e e xp e r i me n ta l i sm we l l .


回顧 在完成Shoes Cabinet 15 後,機場推車讓我再度挑戰 自己的極限。從sketch、建模、 render 、模型,每一 個環節都不妥協,都依循著一開始訂定的目標方向進 行(扁管、羊角)。 而最後成果的展現,也令我覺得很驕傲。羊角特色的 展現和模型的精緻度,讓我的能力又提升了一個階段 ,或許有很多的不合理,但至少我覺得我做到了學生 應該有的實驗精神。


Product Design






Shoes Cabinet 15




準備 P r e p a r a ti o n - p r e p a r i n g th e a cr yl i c sh e e ts - 壓 克 力 板(已 完 成 雷 射 切 割) wh i ch a r e cu t b y l a se r

Co mb i n e th e a cr yl i c sh e e ts - co mb i n e th e a cr yl i c sh e e ts o f u si n g n o tch .

光罩結合 - 利用溝槽將壓克力板 互相結合

光罩結合骨架 Co mb i n e th e a cr yl i c sh e e ts & th e fr a me wo r k - 將骨架一一穿過壓克力 - p a ssi n g fr a me wo r k th r o u g h 板中間的孔洞 th e ci r cl e wh i ch i s i n th e mi d d l e o f th e a cr yl i c sh e e ts.

Co mb i n e th e fr a me wo r k wi th 骨 架 連 結 燈 座 th e l a mp h o l d e r s - 按照圖示結合燈座與骨 - fo l l o w th e p i ctu r e to i n sta l l th e 架 ,E we n o就 完 成 了 fr a me wo r k a n d l a mp h o l d e r s, th e n th e E we n o fi n i sh e d .




Th e i n te r l o cki n g l a mp i s a ch a l l e n g e d a ssi g n me n t

片購燈的作業帶給我們很大的挑戰。用 Sketch 的方法來構思感覺不具體,燈造型與光影的互 動很難去揣測,經驗不足是主要的原因。

fo r u s. S ke tch i n g d i d n o t h e l p u s to e sta b l i sh th e fo r m p r e ci se l y. A n d we a l so co u l d n o t i ma g i n e th e a tmo sp h e r e wh e n th e l a mp l i g h ti n g . In co n cl u si o n , we a r e n o t e xp e r i e n ce d . In th i s ca se , we j u st ma d e a mo ck- u p . A ctu a l l y, a fte r ma n y ti me s o f te sti n g , we g o t a fa n ta sti c fi n a l . Th e p r o ce ss g a ve me a p r o ve : we sh o u l d p o u n d e r b y h a n d so me ti me s.

所以我們直接用「手」去思考,經過幾次的嘗 試、修改、組合、測試,最後的成品讓我們很 意外、驚豔。給了我不要拘泥於框架的最好例 證―偶爾也用手進行思考。


Product Design






Shoes Cabinet 15


前言 針對玩具設計競賽做設計,我們思考了現今的 遊戲或玩具充滿了「輸贏」;而輸贏的關鍵在 於「技巧」。所以我們不強調「技巧」,反而 更在乎不分年齡的一同享受遊戲。 隨機,是一種平衡也是一種樂趣。

Intro We pondered over the meanings of games. Although, triumph in the game is important, but the amusement is the core meaning of the game. We attach importance to enjoy the game, not the artifice. We hope the game be fun and be balanced. Just random.


Randomaze 純粹享受遊戲的樂趣 random


Review A ctu a l l y, I d i d n o t fo n d o f Ra n d o ma ze a t fi r st. B u t a fte r th e d i scu ssi o n , I r e co g n i ze th e ma i n co n ce p t: Ju st e q u i ty, th e n e n j o y th e g a me . Ra n d o ma ze i s th e o u r fi r st a wa r d e d co mp o si ti o n . A n d we sp e n d i n g sp o n so r sh i p to fi n i sh o u r mo d e l wi th th e mo d e l co mp a n y.


回顧 Ra n d o ma ze這 件 作 品 一 開 始 我 並 不是很喜歡, 但是經由與夥伴的 討論後, 我認同了作品的中心思 維: 強調遊戲公平性,進而享受 遊戲帶來的樂趣。 第一次參加比賽獲獎非常的高興 ,也利用贊助金與模型公司有了 一次接觸的經驗。


Product Design






Shoes Cabinet 15


Main Concept Shoes Cabinet 15 is my composition of the furniture design lesson. I think the shoes cabinet should not just a shoes cabinet, it could be interesting and also be a seat. Shoes Cabinet 15 is safe and colorful to set in children’s inhouse playground, library for children or amusement park.


設計概念 Shoes Cabinet 15是我家具設計課的作品。 希望鞋櫃不只是鞋櫃,而是一個富有趣味、也可供人乘坐的穿鞋椅。 色彩豐富、安全,適合放置兒童遊戲室、兒童圖書館、兒童樂園等場所。


Review Shoes Cabinet 15 is my first 1:1 model. It’s brings me big challenge, but the special learningn experience. Even though looking back has many problems, it took a important role of my designer‘s life. For that reason, I put Shoes Cabinnet 15 in my portfolio.


Inspiration & Idea Sketch

- i n te r e sti n g , i n te r a cti o n , fi t wi th so me wh e r e - n e w styl e o f sh o e s ca b i n e t, e ffi ci e n t sto r a g e

發想與草圖 有趣的、互動的、適合某些場所 新型式的鞋架、更有效率的包裝

回顧 Shoes Cabinet 15是我第一個大型的1:1作品,他帶給我的不只是挑戰,更是經驗的學習。

現在回過頭發現有很多不足的部分,但透過親手製作的學習經驗,確實後續設計的生涯, 幫助我很多,因此將此作品納入我重要作品的一部分。


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