For us, special solutions are standard! Thee righ Th rightt partner fo forr yo your ur needs You need a ve You very ry special solution fo forr yo your ur applica application tion?? We off offer er co cont ntra ract ct manuf manufac acturing turing and co cooper operat atee closely with our cus custo tomer merss to pr produc oducee individualiz individualized ed solutions or co comple mplete te sy syst stems ems of the highes highestt qualit qualityy in st stainles ainlesss st steel. eel. Our specialis specialists ts ar aree at yo your ur side with advic advicee fo forr each pr projec ojectt fr from om the ve very ry beginning, ensuring tha thatt yo youu gett the bes ge bestt support righ rightt thr through ough un until til deliv delivery ery.. Decades of ex experienc perience, e, st stat ate-of e-of-the-the-art art te technologies chnologies and pr produc oduction tion me methods, thods, an end-t end-to-end o-end pr produc oduction tion chain, our ow ownn design departmen department,t, and pr precise ecise qualit qualityy cont co ntro roll pr proc ocedur edures es guar guaran ante teee ex exce cellen llentt pr produc oductt solutions. Th That at mak makes es us yo your ur re reliable liable and co compe mpete tent nt co cont ntra ract ct manufac manuf acturing turing partner fr from om the planning st stage age to the manuf manufac acturing turing of individual co componen mponents, ts, and ev even en the ins installa tallation tion of en entir tiree sy syst stems. ems.
What Wh at mak makes es us special More than 30 ye More year arss of ex experienc periencee in st stainles ainlesss st steel eel pr proc oces essing sing and mor moree than 100 emplo employe yees es giv givee yo youu the assur as suranc ancee of wo working rking with a co compe mpete tent nt partner partner.. Th Thee unc uncompr ompromising omising fulfillmen fulfillmentt of our cus custo tomer mers’ s’ qualit qualityy requir re quiremen ements ts is the basis of our suc succe cess ss..
Perfection in all areas of application
Thanks to our gr Thanks grea eatt ve vers rsat atilit ility, y, we co cove verr a br broad oad ra range nge of applica applications. tions. Depending on the cus custo tomer mer’s ’s needs and re requir quiremen ements, ts, we wo work rk to toge gether ther to de deve velop lop the desir desired ed solution. Our ow ownn surf surfac acee finishing proc pr oces esses, ses, such as immer immersion sion pickling, grinding, elec electr tropolishing, opolishing, or glas glasss bead blas blasting, ting, mak makee us mee meett even ev en the highes highestt re requir quiremen ements ts fo forr qualit quality, y, such as those needed in the pharmac pharmaceutical eutical indus industry try.. As a pur puree st stainles ainlesss st steel eel pr proc oces essor sor,, we off offer er the optimal pr prer erequisit equisites es fo forr demanding tasks. Wi With th our te team am of we welder lders, s, tank and appar apparat atus us builder builders, s, and ex experts perts in machining pr proc oces esses, ses, all ce certified rtified by the German Technical Te chnical St Standar andards ds Or Organiza ganization tion (TÜV) and by AS ASME, ME, we carry out co comple mplexx pr projec ojects. ts.
Our la lathe the shop shop,, milling shop shop,, and tank pr produc oduction tion unit enable us to deliv deliver er fle flexible xible,, cus custo tomer mer-orien -oriente tedd solutions and cus custo tom-made m-made pr produc oducts ts to mee meett the highes highestt demands of the pharmac pharmaceutical eutical and fo food od industries. indus tries. Th This is can be ac acco complished mplished due to co cont ntinuous inuous further de deve velopmen lopmentt of our human resour re source cess and te technology chnology.. Tanks and sy Tanks syst stems ems tha thatt off offer er pr proc oces esss re reliabilit liabilityy and pr precision ecision demons demonstr trat atee our close partner partnership ship and co collabor llaborat ation ion with our cus custo tomer merss as we wellll as a high le leve vell of co confi nfidenc dencee in the perf performanc ormancee of Sommer & St Stra rass ssbur burger ger..
Plant construction
The great experience of Sommer & Strassburger, as well as their outstanding production depth, ensure precision and quality down to the last detail. Implementation from 3D drawing to complete plant construction.
Examples of our plant construction portfolio
Reve Re vers rsee osmosis plan plantt Forr wa Fo wate terr tr trea eatmen tment.t.
Past Pa steuriza eurization tion plan plantt Complete Comple te solutions fr from om tube in tube to multitube to re regener generat ator or..
Pharmaceutical Pharmac eutical va valv lvee block All we welds lds ar aree orbitalorbital-we welded. lded.
Produc Production tion fa facilit cilityy specifications: › Hall ar area ea 1, 1,200 200 m › Cr Crane ane height height 9. 9.55 m › In-house cus custo tomer mer FA FATT
AseptraLine® – process tanks and welded pads Hygienic solutions are our core business – as demonstrated by our special product line AseptraLine® with connections according to DIN 11864-2.
Hygienic we Hygienic welded lded pad with connec co nnection tion ac acco cord rding ing to DIN 1186411864-22 Flush design fo forr optimal cleaning.
Examples of our process tank production
Proc Pr oces esss tanks With hea With heating ting/c /cooling ooling and insula insulating ting jack jacket et up to Ø 2, 2,000 000 mm.
Agita Ag itating ting tank Youu supply the agita Yo agitato tor,r, we manuf manufac actur turee the tank.
Proc Pr oces esss filt filter er Based Ba sed on cus custo tomer mer re requir quiremen ements, ts, we mak makee pr proc oces esss filt filter erss fo forr gaseous, liquids, and hazar hazardous dous media.
Tank Ta nk pr produc oduction tion fa facilit cility specifications: › Tanks Tanks up to Ø 2, 2,000 000 mm and wa wallll thicknes thicknesss up to 20 mm › Ma Mate terials: rials: e. g. AISI 316, 316 L, 316 Ti Ti,, 304
MembraLineÂŽ membrane housings Sommer & Strassburger is a well known European manufacturer of stainless steel membrane housings for membrane processes. Areas of application include ultra- and nanoďŹ ltration or reverse osmosis.
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Examples of our membrane housing and plant production Membrane Membr ane housings 8“ With fo With four ur module seal va varian riants ts and thr three ee tube wa wallll thicknes thicknesses, ses, we off offer er the optimal solution fo forr ev every ery pr pres essur suree ra range nge in tw twoo surfac surf acee qualities.
Membrane Membr ane skids Skids fo forr membr membrane ane housings with in inte termedia rmediate te and end modules to ensur ensuree optimal flo flow w dis distribution tribution and to sa save ve piping co cost st.. We can also deliv deliver er skids fo forr membr membrane ane housings as skids with manif manifolds. olds.
Membrane plan plants ts If desired, ed, we can handle the co comple mplete te plan plantt co cons nstruc truction. tion.
Special housings From te From test st ce cellll to 8” membr membrane ane housing fo forr 300 bar bar,, with EC unit verifica ve rification tion ac acco cord rding ing to Module G or EC ty type pe ex examina amination tion fo forr liquids and gases.
Membrane housing specifications: Membrane › Fron Frontt port and side port designs › Membr Membrane ane housing fo forr up to 6 membr membrane ane elemen elements ts › Pr Pres essur sures es up to 300 bar
› Membrane Membrane siz sizes es 1. 1.8“ 8“ - 8“ › Ma Mate terials: rials: e. g. AISI 316, 316 L, 304
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FiltraLine® – cartridge filter housings and bag filter housings Your product as a clean solution – we manufacture cartridge filter housings, bag filter housings, vent housings, condensate housings, inline filter housings, and low-volume filter housings, as well as special housings based on your wishes and specifications.
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Examples of our cartridge and bag filter housing production
Parallel Para llel bag filter filt er housing We mak makee st standar andardd bag filt filter er housings forr yo fo youu in siz sizes es 1 and 2.
Condensate Condensa te and vent ve nt housings In st standar andardd or individualiz individualized ed designs.
Filter housings with fa fast stening ening bolts To mee meett the highes highestt demands, such as applica applications tions in the pharmaceutical pharmac eutical indus industry try..
Cartridge Ca rtridge filt filter er housing Filter Filt er housing fo forr fo food od & be beve vera rage ge holds 1 to 48 cartridges.
Filter Filt er housing specifica specifications: › 1x to 48x › Heigh Heightt 5” to 40” › Ma Mate terials: rials: e. g. AISI 316, 316 L, 304
› Pres Pressur sures es up to 160 bar › Cu Cust stom om pr produc oduction tion and special mate ma terials rials upon re reques questt
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Heat exchangers
From your process data to the finished product – in the area of heat exchangers, we provide the support our customers need: from consulting, to calculation, to design of individualized applications, and even complete production of shell-and-tube heat exchangers.
DTSS pharmac DT pharmaceutical eutical hea heatt ex exchanger changerss Additional Ad ditional saf safet etyy fo forr incr increased eased pr proc oces esss re reliabilit liability. y.
Multitube hea heatt ex exchanger changerss Any design is pos Any possible sible,, fr from om indus industrial, trial, to fo food od & be beve vera rage ge,, to pharmaceutical pharmac eutical applica applications, tions, including insula insulating ting jack jacket ets. s.
Heat ex Heat exchanger changer pr produc oduction specifications:
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› Bundle length up to 6, 6,000 000 mm › Ø up to 1,000 1,000 mm › Ma Mate terials: rials: e. g. AISI 316, 316 L, 304
Efficient and hygienic plant construction using our extruded distributors and connectors.
Ultra-small pharmac Ultra-small pharmaceutical eutical distribution dis tribution units Thee smaller the be Th bett tter er – mini is our specialt specialty. y. Bor Boree Ø st starting arting at 1.5 mm, Ra 0. 0.55 µm and the smalles smallestt diame diamete ters rs guar guaran ante teee the highes highestt qualit qualityy fo forr pharmaceutical eutical applica applications. tions.
Distribution Dis tribution units Extruded, with we Extruded, welded lded clamp sock socket ets, s, orbital-we orbitalwelds lds upon re reques quest.t.
Extrusion Extrusion specifica specifications: tions: › › › ›
Main tube max. Ø 35 3566 mm Extrusion Ex trusion max. Ø 27 2733 mm Length Le ngth max. 6,500 mm, tmax = 4 mm All st standar andardd pipe dimensions pos possible sible
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Our production … fast – flexible – first class With our versatile and modern equipment, we can fulfill nearly any customer wish. Whether sheet metal processing, welded constructions, turned or machined parts; our experts always have an economic solution. Numerous references from all kinds of sectors, such as the food & beverage industry, chemical, and pharmaceutical industry impressively document this claim. In addition to stainless steel, we also process special materials such as hastelloy or duplex stainless steel. The surface finishing techniques range from immersion pickling to glass bead blasting, to vibratory grinding, hand polishing or electropolishing.
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Turning, Tu rning, machining, grinding
Auto Au toma mate tedd we welding lding
Conv Co nven entional, tional, cy cycle-c cle-con ontr trolled olled and CNC CNC-c -con ontr trolled olled turning up to Ø 1,500 mm (also with po powe werr-driv driven en to tools ols),), CNC fla flatbed tbed milling machine 3, 3,000 000 x 1,1,000 000 x 1,1,000 000 mm, CNC pr proc oces essing sing ce cent nter er with 4 and 5 ax axes, es, Fla Flatt grinding to 35 3500 x 55 5500 mm.
Longitudinal aut Longitudinal automa omate tedd seamer seamerss and cir circular cular aut automa omatic tic welding we lding machine machine,, plasma key keyhole hole we welding, lding, and TIG. Cir Circular cular welded we lded seams up to Ø 2,500 mm, longitudinal seams up to 4,000 4, 000 mm.
Orbital we welding lding with open-fr open-framed amed or close-fr close-framed amed we weld ld head.
Manual we welding lding
TIG manual wo works rksta tations tions with turn turntable table,, MA MAG G wo works rksta tations, tions, spot we welding lding machine machine..
Grinding to 400 gr grain, ain, manual polishing to Ra 0. 0.44 Âľm, immersion immer sion pickling, glas glasss bead blas blasting, ting, elec electr tropolishing. opolishing.
› Curr Cu rren entt equipmen equipmentt lis listt can be fo found und at at:: www.sus-br www .sus-brett etten. de
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Design and testing – perfection from the very start For joint developments, our CAD design unit is at your disposal. Our designers’ extensive experience is held in high regard, guarantees first class results, and is therefore often used as an external service. The foundation for their work is provided by the AD 2000 regulations, EN 13445, and the ASME code. In addition, we also implement the standards of GMP, FDA, and UVV, including acceptance procedures under PED 97/23/EG. Throughout the entire development process, quality assurance measures are applied with the aid of state-of-the-art processes.
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Design With Wi th the pr progr ograms ams In Inve vent ntor or 3D and Mechanical 2D 2D,, we off offer er our cus custo tomer merss the ideal pr prer erequisit equisites es fo forr ne new w designs or changes in their ex exis isting ting dr draw awings. ings.
Test me Test methods thods and documenta documen tation tion Various Va rious te test st me methods thods ar aree carried out by us in inte ternally rnally and can be documen documente tedd fo forr yo youu as desir desired. ed.
› › › › › ›
Borescope X-ray Riboflavin Pressure te test st Dye pene penetr trat ation ion te test sting ing Surfacee ro Surfac roughnes ughnesss measuremen measur ementt
› › › › ›
Ferrit Fe rritee measur measuremen ementt Helium leak te test st ATEX AT EX as asses sessmen smentt RFA RF A ma mate terial rial analy analysis sis Individual ac acce ceptanc ptancee procedur proc eduree Module G under PED 97 97/2 /23/ 3/EG EG
Certifica Ce rtifications tions › IS ISO O 900 90011 › Appr Approv oval al under AD 2000 da datashee tasheett HP 0, DIN EN IS ISO O 38343834-2, 2, HP 100 R, TRD 20 2011
› In Inte ternal rnal pr produc oduction tion co cont ntro roll and monit monitoring oring of the acce ac ceptanc ptancee pr proc ocedur eduree (Module A1) under PED 97 97/2 /23/ 3/EG EG
› We Welder lder qualifica qualification tion under DIN EN 28 287, 7, EN IS ISO O 9606, DIN EN 14 1418, 18, AS ASME ME Co Code de Sec Section tion IX
› Certified Ce rtified per personnel sonnel fo forr ND NDTT under DIN EN 47 4733 › We Welding lding pr proc ocedur eduree qualifica qualification tion /
ZERTIFIKAT Die Zertifizierungsstelle der TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH besch
t, dass das Unternehmen
Sommer & Strassburger Edelstahlarmaturen GmbH & Co. KG Gewerbestraße 32 • 75015 Bretten-Gölshausen Deutschland für den Geltungsbereich Entwicklung, Herstellung und Vertrieb von Druck- und Vorlagebehältern, Rührwerksanlagen, Komplettanlagen ein Qualitätsmanagementsystem eingeführt hat und anwendet. Durch ein Audit, Bericht-Nr. 70018903 wurde der Nachweis erbracht, dass die Forderungen der
ISO 9001:2008 erfüllt sind. Dieses Zertifikat ist gültig bis 2013-12-10 Zertifikat-Registrier-Nr. 12 100 20814 TMS
München, 2011-01-12
München, 2011-01-12
produc pr oduction tion co cont ntro roll te test st DIN EN IS ISO O 156 1561414-11
› Specialis Specialistt oper operat ation ion under § 19 of the WHG
| 19 Zertifikat-Registrier-Nr. 12 100 20814 TMS
Cont Co ntac actt us! When it co When comes mes to st stainles ainlesss st steel eel pr proc oces essing, sing, we ar aree the righ rightt partner fo for:r: › › › ›
Plant co Plant cons nstruc truction tion Proc Pr oces esss tanks Membrane Membr ane housings Filter Filt er housings
› Heat Heat ex exchanger changerss › Ex Extrusions trusions › Cus Custo tom m manuf manufac acturing turing
Over 100 co Over commit mmitte tedd emplo employe yees es and st stat ate-of e-of-the-the-art art equipmentt ar equipmen aree re ready ady fo forr yo you. u.
Sommer & St Stra rass ssbur burger ger GmbH & Co Co.. KG Gewe Ge werbes rbestr traße aße 32 | 75 7501 0155 Br Brett etten-Gölshausen en-Gölshausen | German Germanyy Telephone Te lephone +4 +499 (0) 72 52 93 95 95-0 -0 | Fa Faxx +4 +499 (0) 72 52 93 95 95-50 -50 info in fo@sus-br @sus-brett etten. de | www www.sus-br .sus-brett etten. de