EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS Fall & Winter 2017 – 2018
SECTIONS NEW & UPDATED........................................................................... 01 SOFTWARE.................................................................................... 03 CONTINUING EDUCATION COURSES................................... 04-08 POSTERS........................................................................................09 MAINTENANCE/MODERNIZATION...................................................10-13 SAFETY....................................................................................... 14-15 CONSTRUCTION/DESIGN/ENGINEERING............................... 16-20 CET® EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS..............................................21-23 CAT® EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS............................................24-25 BEGINNERS/TRAINING................................................................. 26 CODES & STANDARDS..............................................................27-29 MARKET STUDIES......................................................................... 30 ELECTRICAL/TRAINING/TROUBLESHOOTING....................... 31-32 FOREIGN LANGUAGE PUBLICATIONS..........................................32 LEGAL PRODUCTS........................................................................ 33 GIFT IDEAS............................................................................... 34-35 TIMELESS EDITIONS..................................................................... 36 JUST FOR KIDS.............................................................................. 36 ELEVATOR WORLD PUBLICATIONS............................... Back Cover SUBSCRIPTIONS............................................................................37 HOW TO ORDER............................................................. Back Cover
PRODUCTS 2014 & 2017 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE.................................................................................................28 2015 FIELD EMPLOYEES’ SAFETY HANDBOOK.....................................14 ADA AND BUILDING TRANSPORTATION, 4TH EDITION....................27 ANATOMY OF ELEVATORS, THE............................................................ 12 ASHRAE DESIGN GUIDE..........................................................................18 ASSESSMENT OF TOTAL EVACUATION SYSTEMS....................................... 15 CIBSE GUIDE D 2015.................................................................................18 CONTROL OF TRAFFIC SYSTEMS IN BUILDINGS................................. 19 DEFENSIVE ELEVATORING..................................................................... 33 EDUCATIONAL FOCUS, VOL. 1............................................................... 13 EDUCATIONAL FOCUS, VOL. 2.............................................................. 13 ELECTRIC MOTOR CONTROL, 10TH EDITION..................................... 32 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING POCKET HANDBOOK............................20 ELECTRICAL SAFETY HANDBOOK........................................................20 ELECTRICIANS CALCULATIONS MANUAL........................................... 28 ELECTRICITY 1: DEVICES, CIRCUITS & MATERIALS............................. 31 ELECTRICITY 2: DEVICES, CIRCUITS & MATERIALS............................. 31 ELECTRICITY 4: AC/DC MOTORS, CONTROLS.................................... 31 ELECTRONIC MAINTENANCE CONTROL PROGRAM........................03 ELECTRONIC VARIABLE SPEED DRIVES............................................... 32 ELEVATE™ TRAFFIC ANALYSIS SOFTWARE.........................................03 ELEVATOR & ESCALATOR ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION.......................................................... 33 ELEVATOR & ESCALATOR MAINTENANCE FOR BUILDING MANAGERS, 2ND EDITION................................................ 12 ELEVATOR & ESCALATOR MAINTENANCE LOGBOOKS.................. 13 ELEVATOR & ESCALATOR MICROPEDIA, 5TH EDITION..................... 26 ELEVATOR & ESCALATOR RESCUE........................................................ 15 ELEVATOR DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE......................18 ELEVATOR ELECTRIC DRIVES.................................................................18 ELEVATOR ENGINEERING, 2ND EDITION................................................ 16 ELEVATOR MAN STORIES....................................................................... 35 ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE MANUAL AND HANDBOOK..................... 11 ELEVATOR MECHANICAL DESIGN, 3RD EDITION................................ 16 ELEVATOR TRAFFIC HANDBOOK THEORY & PRACTICE, 2ND EDITION.................................................................. 19 ELEVATOR WORLD TECHNICAL LIBRARY............................................. 16 ELEVATORS 101, 3RD EDITION............................................................... 26 ELEVATORS BY ANNETT......................................................................... 36 ESCALATOR SAFETY.................................................................................................26
FACILITY MANAGERS MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK.................................. 12 FIELD EMPLOYEES’ ELEVATOR TESTING MANUAL.....................................10 GLOBAL STATISTICS REPORT...............................................................................30 HANDBOOK OF SMOKE CONTROL ENGINEERING..................................20 HEIGHTS, THE..............................................................................................................35 HISTORY OF THE PASSENGER ELEVATOR, A................................................34 INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL TROUBLESHOOTING........................................ 31 INSPECTION HANDBOOK, 6TH EDITION........................................................10 INSTALLATION MANUAL......................................................................................... 17 INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS.........................................................................................32 JALLINGS’ ELEVATORS..............................................................................................36 JOB HAZARD ASSESSMENT FORMS...................................................................14 LAW & LIABILITY, 2ND EDITION...........................................................................33 LIBRARY OF BASIC ELECTRONICS, A................................................................26 LIFT MODERNISATION DESIGN GUIDE, 2ND EDITION................................ 12 LIFT TECHNOLOGY....................................................................................................18 LIFTED............................................................................................................................. 34 MAGNETIC LEVITATION...........................................................................................19 MAINTENANCE CONTROL PROGRAM & MRL ELEVATOR INSPECTIONS DVD................................................................................................... 11 MAINTENANCE MANAGER’S STANDARD MANUAL.................................. 13 MAINTENANCE ON NEW EQUIPMENT DESIGNS......................................... 11 MORE UPS THAN DOWNS.....................................................................................34 MONSTERS IN THE ELEVATOR.............................................................................36 MOVING PEOPLE FROM STREET TO PLATFORM – 100 YEARS UNDERGROUND............................................................................35 NEW MATERIALS & NEW TECHNOLOGIES APPLIED TO ELEVATORS.....................................................................................20 ONE WORLD TRADE CENTER..............................................................................35 PEDESTRIAN PLANNING AND DESIGN.............................................................18 ROPE DYNAMICS DVD.............................................................................................. 17 ROPE TRACTION THEORY & PRACTICE.......................................................... 17 SAFETY MEETINGS, 7TH EDITION..........................................................................14 SAFETY TRAINING FOR ELEVATOR SERVICE DVD...................................... 15 SAM & SAMANTHA, THE MAINTENEERS.......................................................26 SPANISH/ENGLISH DICTIONARY FOR ELECTRICITY & ELECTRONICS.........................................................................32 SPEAKING OF ISSUES...............................................................................................34 STANDARD TEXTBOOK OF ELECTRICITY, 6TH EDITION............................ 31 SPEAKING OF ISSUES...............................................................................................34 SUPERVISOR’S SAFETY FIRST PACKAGE.........................................................14 SYSTEMS ENGINEERING OF ELEVATORS.........................................................16 THE CONTROL TECHNIQUES DRIVES & CONTROLS HANDBOOK.................................................................................19 TROUBLESHOOTING & REPAIRING COMMERCIAL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT.................................................................................... 31 USER REFERENCE GUIDE FOR ELEVATOR ROPES ..................................... 17 VERTICAL TRANSPORTATION HANDBOOK 4TH EDITION....................16 VERTICAL TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM.................................................................................01 VERTICAL TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY REVIEW..........................02 WIRE ROPES: TENSION, ENDURANCE, RELIABILITY................................. 17 WRITTEN MAINTENANCE CONTROL PROGRAMS....................................10
ELEVATOR WORLD Subscribers receive 15% discount on most products!* *Prices in this catalog are subject to change (Excludes CET/CAT materials, Field Employees’ Safety Handbook, Software, Market Studies, Magazine Subscriptions and Items On Special) Software, statistical reports, CET®/CAT® materials and code books are not returnable or refundable.
FEATURED NEW PRODUCTS Lift Modernisation, 2nd Edition by Roger E. Howkins This unique reference tool, originally published in 1998, has now been revised to bring it up-to-date with the most modern concepts of modernisation. It has been purposely formatted to take onto job sites and to assist engineers, consultants, mechanics, surveyors and sales teams who are actively involved in the art of lift modernisation. Hardback | 236 pages | Weight: 2 lb. REGULAR $92.00
Escalator Engineering by Ben Abbaspour This new book provides the reader with an abundance of practical information related to escalator design and engineering. It includes information on the latest technology, specifications and equipment available in the market, and is segmented into chapters consisting of: general description and history of escalators, engineering of components and principals of mechanics related to escalator design, special escalators such as spiral, heavy duty, outdoor and helical, and the design of moving walks. Please visit for availability and pricing.
Ugly’s Electrical References, 2017 Edition This pocket-sized guide is updated to reflect the 2017 National Electrical Code. Containing the latest mathematical formulas, tables, ampacity and conduit fill information, wiring configurations, conduit bending, and life-saving first aid procedures, this is an indispensable reference for anyone working with electricity. Full color diagrams, tables, and illustrations are an added bonus. Spiral Bound | 200 Pages | Weight: 1 lb. REGULAR $30.00
Ugly’s Electric Motor & Controls, 2017 Edition Updated to reflect the 2017 National Electrical Code, this pocket guide is specifically designed to provide the most commonly required information on the design, installation, application, and maintenance of motors and controls in an easy-to-read, easy-to-access format. Spiral Bound | 128 Pages | 1 lb. REGULAR $30.00
Ugly’s Electrical Safety & NFPA 70E, 2015 Edition This new edition summarizes current OSHA regulations as well as the National Electrical Code®. Designed for electricians, engineers, contractors, designers, maintenance workers, inspectors, instructors, and students, this invaluable resource provides fast access to the most commonly referenced sections of the latest NFPA 70E and related safety standards. Spiral Bound | 178 Pages | 1 lb. REGULAR $30.00
Chinese Safety Handbook by Elevator World The 2015 Field Employees’ Safety Handbook is now available in Chinese. For sales in China and Asia, please contact Peng Jie. Phone: 1-39-10834680 | Email: For sales in the United States, please contact Elevator World. Phone: +1.251.479.4514, ext. 19 | Email: Softback | 142 pages | Weight: 1 lb. 6+ Copies: $5.50/each REGULAR | $6.00
Introducing The Vertical Transportation Management Program
What is the VTMP? A unique, personnel development program created by industry professionals specifically for the vertical transportation industry. “A VTMP student will have exposure to education and possess a basic understanding of contemporary business practices. They will also gain a technical working knowledge of factors that affect the day-to-day operations of a business engaged in the elevator industry.” The VTMP includes the following books from Elevator World, Inc.: • Elevators 101 • The Vertical Transportation Handbook • Maintenance on New Equipment Designs • The Field Employees’ Safety Handbook • Installation Manual • A Manager’s Safety Notebook • Elevator Maintenance Manual +shipping • ADA & Building Transportation
$ 425
Visit or call 251-479-4514 ext 19 to order materials. To join the program, call NAEC at 1-800-900-6232
No more waiting! Our popular photo contest is back and we’re accepting entries at
ELEVATETM is the software used by designers worldwide to select the number, size and speed of elevators for all types of buildings. ElevateTM can also be used to demonstrate that modernizing an existing elevator installation will improve service for passengers. ElevateTM is an excellent tool for developing, testing and demonstrating your own control systems.
Some of Elevate’sTM features include: • Analysis of elevator performance in offices, hotels, hospitals, shopping centers, residential buildings, car parks, mixed use buildings, airports, public buildings, sports & leisure complexes, schools and colleges. • Using techniques from up peak round trip time calculations through to full dynamic simulation incorporating a graphical display of elevators responding to passenger calls. • Easy to use Windows interface. Supplied with comprehensive user support.
ELEVATETM EXPRESS is the basic version of ElevateTM, but still more advanced than most other elevator traffic analysis software. ElevateTM Express analyzes up traffic using both roundtrip calculations and full dynamic simulation. Single User License for ElevateTM Express $580.00
Single User License for ElevateTM $2900 + shipping Multiple copy discounts, company licensing and upgrades from older versions are also available
eMCP: Your Solution to Managed Maintenance Create and manage a Maintenance Control Program (MCP) for all units under your control as required by the ASME A17.1/B44 Safety Code
Download the eMCP Demo app in the Apple Store today!
• Know the true costs of maintenance. • Available for all conveyance types. • Allows for special maintenance tasks or security requirements to be added. • Allows space for special notes, tasks and procedures. • Ability to upload photographs of the equipment needed. • Provides record keeping for Cat 1, 3 and 5 testing. • Includes emergency evacuation and hoistway glass cleaning procedures, and records to document oil log, monthly FEO checking and callbacks.
CONTINUING EDUCATION Need CEUs? ELEVATOR WORLD offers a variety of courses you can take to receive contact hours that will count towards your recertification. Each course is self-study with a timed online test. Online testing allows you to access exams 24/7. Don’t like online testing? Check out the Educational Focus Series (page 7) and the Elevator World Magazine Articles (page 6). While the exams can be taken online they also include answer sheets that can be filled out and faxed or mailed in. When it’s this easy why wait until the last minute? Most Courses Approved by: NAEC for CET/CAT, NAESA* for QEI, States of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin. Please check each course for verification of approval. * maximum of 0.2 CEU for online courses per annual renewal period can be applied towards maintenance of qualifications for QEI certified inspectors.
SPECIAL NOTICE: During the month of December there will be a rush processing fee added to each continuing education order made via phone.
Maintenance Control Program & MRL Elevator Inspections This course is based on the DVD Maintenance Control Program & MRL Elevator Inspections (The DVD for this course is not included and should be purchased separately. See page 11). This course is self-study with a timed online test. Earn 1.5 contact hours (.15 CEU’s) toward recertification. Approved by: NAEC for CET®/CAT® and NAESA for QEI States of: AL, AR, FL, GA, IL, IN, MD, MO, MS, MT, OK, PA, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV SAVE
REGULAR $45.00
REGULAR $70.00
Purchase the MCP & MRL Elevator Inspections DVD and continuing education course together as a set and save!
Rope Dynamics This course is based on the DVD Rope Dynamics (The DVD for this course is not included and should be purchased separately. See page 17). This course is self study with a timed online test. Earn 1 contact hour (.1 CEU) toward recertification. Approved by: NAEC for CET®/CAT® and NAESA for QEI States of: AL, AR, FL, GA, IL, IN, MD, MO, MS, MT, OK, PA, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV SAVE
Purchase the Rope Dynamics DVD and continuing education course together as a set and save!
REGULAR $35.00
REGULAR $60.00
Field Employees’ Elevator Testing Course
Field Employees’ Elevator Testing Manual
This course is based on the book Field Employees’ Elevator Testing Manual, 4th Edition (The book for this course is not included and should be purchased separately. See page 10). The course is self-study with a timed online test. Earn 3 contact hours toward recertification. Approved by: NAEC for CET®/CAT® and NAESA for QEI States of: AL, AR, FL, GA, IL, IN, MD, MO, MS, MT, OK, PA, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV
4th Edition
REGULAR $75.00
Maintenance on New Equipment Designs by John Koshak These courses are based on the book, Maintenance on New Equipment Designs (The book for this course is not included and should be purchased separately. See page 11). The courses are self-study with timed online tests. Approved by: NAEC for CET®/CAT® and NAESA for QEI States of: AL, AR, FL, GA, IL, IN, MD, MO, MS, MT, OK, PA, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV
Maintenance & the Maintenance Control Plan Course $75.00 $63.75
The Maintenance on New Equipment Designs Course $135.00 $114.75
9.0 Maintenance on New Equipment Design Course Series $175.00 $148.75 (Includes both courses at a 15% savings)
Maintenance Courses Each course is a text-based, self-study timed online test. Elevator Maintenance Manual should be purchased separately. See page 11.
Hydraulic Elevator Maintenance Course*
Traction (Electric) Elevator Maintenance Course*
Escalator Maintenance Course*
General Elevator Maintenance Course **
Elevator & Escalator Maintenance Course Series
(All four maintenance courses)
CET® Approved **CET®/CAT® Approved All courses QEI approved in states of: AL, AR, FL, GA, IL, IN, KY, MD, MO, MS, MT, OK, PA, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV
Elevator World Magazine Articles Your subscription just became more valuable. You can earn contact hours in ELEVATOR WORLD magazine. Just read the article and complete the quiz at the end or take the test online. Articles, worth 1-3 contact hours, pertain to various industry topics and appear in the magazine bi-monthly.
NOT A SUBSCRIBER? See back cover for subscription information. Approved by: NAEC for CET®/CAT® and NAESA for QEI States of:
AL, AR, FL, GA, IL, IN, MD, MO, MS, MT, OK, PA, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV *check each course for verification of approval
October 2017: Electronic Theorems for Design and Repair Professionals Regular: $35.00 Subscriber: $29.75 1.0 Contact Hour September 2017: Traction for Field Personnel, Part 2 Regular: $35.00 Subscriber: $29.75
1.0 Contact Hour
August 2017: Traction for Field Personnel Regular: $35.00 Subscriber: $29.75
1.0 Contact Hour
June 2017: CAN Bus for Elevators Regular: $35.00
Subscriber: $29.75
1.0 Contact Hours
April 2017: Troubleshooting Elevators Regular: $35.00
Subscriber: $29.75
1.0 Contact Hour
February 2017: Full-Cab A18.1/B355 Lifts – An Alternative to LU/LA Elevators Regular: $35.00 Subscriber: $29.75 1.0 Contact Hour December 2016: Thoughts on Escalator and Moving Walk Maintenance Regular: $35.00 Subscriber: $29.75 1.0 Contact Hour November 2016: Reading Electronic Schematics Regular: $35.00 Subscriber: $29.75
1.0 Contact Hour
September 2016: Making Hydraulic Elevators Heat Resilient Regular: $35.00 Subscriber: $29.75
1.0 Contact Hour
June 2016: Oscilloscopes, Part 2 Regular: $35.00
Subscriber: $29.75
1.0 Contact Hour
May 2016: Oscilloscopes, Part 1 Regular: $35.00
Subscriber: $29.75
1.0 Contact Hour
NEW! 2013 CODE UPDATE ARTICLES (available online only) Occupant Evacuation Elevators
1.0 Contact Hour
Maintenance Control Program Changes
1.0 Contact Hour
North American Elevator Industry Codes & Standards
1.0 Contact Hour Publication dates of CE Articles are subject to change.
CONTINUING EDUCATION Educational Focus by Elevator World The Educational Focus book is a compilation of articles from ELEVATOR WORLD published in 19 magazine issues between March 2002 and October 2003. Sixteen of the 19 chapters are available to receive contact hours, with a maximum of 21 hours of credit possible if all tests are passed. An Educational Focus Guide to CE is available at no cost online ( or will be included with your purchase of the Educational Focus book. This guide contains article objectives, study questions and learning-assessment questions, pricing for tests and testing forms, which can be copied and sent in by mail or taken online.
The Educational Focus book should be purchased separately, see page 13. Chapters can be purchased individually for $5.00 each.
1.0 Contact Hour Courses Regular: $35.00 | Subscriber: $29.75 CET/CAT Approved: Hydraulic Elevators, Elevator Guide Rails, Elevator Safeties and Govenors, Elevator Car Enclosure, Elevator Hoisting Machines, Elevator Entrances CET Approved: Dispatching Systems, Door Protection Systems, Escalators, Testing Equipment, Freight Elevator Doors
2.0 Contact Hour Courses
3.0 Contact Hour Courses
Regular: $55.00 | Subscriber: $46.75 CET/CAT Approved: Elevator Controllers, Elevator Door Operators
Regular: $75.00 | Subscriber: $63.75 CET/CAT Approved: Elevator Drive Systems/ Communication, Elevator Suspension Systems
All courses QEI Approved – (NAESA) States of AL, AR, FL, GA, IL, IN, KY, MD, MO, MS, MT, OK, PA, VA, VT, WI, WV
Educational Focus, Volume 2 by Elevator World This newly-released volume compiles 20 ELEVATOR WORLD articles from our Educational Focus Series published from 2008 to 2013. A few of the selected technical topics focus on drives, ropes, brakes and components. Each chapter comes with learning reinforcement questions and a tutorial where certain points within the article are elaborated or clarified to assist in the readers’ understanding of the content more thoroughly. These articles include hands-on procedures and techniques that can be used by field personnel to help install, troubleshoot or repair elevators and escalators. Approved for Continuing Education by NAEC for 19 hours of possible credit.
2.0 Contact Hour Courses
3.0 Contact Hour Courses
Regular: $55.00 | Subscriber: $46.75 CET/CAT Approved: Elevator Drives, Ropes, Brakes and Components
Regular: $75.00 | Subscriber: $63.75 CET/CAT Approved: Elevator Drives, Ropes, Brakes and Components
All courses CET/CAT approved by NAEC. State approval coming soon.
All continuing education courses and study materials are available at PHONE: (251) 479-4514, EXT 19 | E-MAIL:
CONTINUING EDUCATION Rope Traction Theory and Practice The Rope Traction Theory & Practice course is based on a seminar presentation by George Gibson, a 50- year veteran of the elevator industry. Earn 3 contact hours by viewing this presentation and completing the assessment examination online. The Rope Traction Theory & Practice DVD is not included with the course and must be purchased separately (see page 17). Approved by: NAEC for CET®/CAT® and NAESA for QEI States of:
AL, AR, FL, GA, IL, IN, MD, MO, MS, MT, OK, PA, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV Purchase the Rope Traction Theory & Practice DVD and continuing education course together as a set and save!
REGULAR $75.00
REGULAR $135.00
Course Only
Set Price
Elevator Field Safety Course (EFSC) Based on the 2015 Safety Handbook, the EFSC counts as three and one-half 3.5) contact hours. REGULAR $85.00
Approved by: NAEC for CET®/CAT® and NAESA for QEI States of: AL, AR, FL, GA, IL, IN, MD, MO, MS, MT, OK, PA, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV
Safety Exams We have re-packaged the “Elevator Field Safety Exam” into four exams covering different portions of The Elevator Industry Field Employees’ Safety Handbook (Purchased separately. See page 14). Each course consists of one (1) safety hour. SAFETY EXAM #1 • General Safety • Safety Inspections • Personal Protective Equipment • Fall Protection SAFETY EXAM #2 • Electrical Safety • Proper Use of Jumpers • Lockout and Tagout SAFETY EXAM #3 • Hoistways and Machine Rooms • Tools • Portable Ladders/Scaffolds • Working Platforms
SAFETY EXAM #4 • Material Handling • Welding, Cutting and Soldering • Hazard Communications • Inclined Elevators • Escalators and Moving Walks • Dumbwaiters • Service and Repair Job Hazard Assessment • Driving and Vehicle Safety • Substance abuse • Glossary of Terms REGULAR $35.00
POSTERS For a full selection of posters, please visit
Traction or Hydraulic Elevator Posters Decorate your office, reception or public areas with artwork that represents you. See elevators inside and out. Great training tool. Sold separately.
17” x 22” matte finish
18” x 24” laminated
23” x 32” laminated & mounted on foam board
Elevator Systems Blueprint Poster Educates with “The World of Elevator Systems.” Includes schematics of elevator systems including hydraulics traction and safety. Can be used as an educational tool or gift to employees or customers. Weight: 1 lb. REGULAR $11.50*
* Price per poster
Accessibility & Residential Systems Poster The Accessibility and Residential Systems poster includes stairway chairlifts, incline platform lifts, vertical platform lifts, and private residence elevators. Laminated Sheet | Weight: 1 lb. REGULAR $11.50*
* Price per poster
Historic Prints See the selection of 20 historic prints available online at Posters have matte finish and are suitable for framing – 17” x 22. (Framing not included) REGULAR $29.75*
* Price per poster
MAINTENANCE & MODERNIZATION Written Maintenance Control Programs for Elevators & Escalators Provided by Code Data Plate Interactive Written Maintenance Control Program (WMCP) Forms have been revised to better serve the contractor with the process of creating a MCP for each unit individually. Each newly designed form comes with a sample MCP that contains basic maintenance and testing procedures that contractors can use as a guide for creating their own MCP. In addition to the WMCP forms for Electric and Hydraulic Elevators new WMCP Forms are now available for Roped-Hydraulic Elevators, Escalators, Moving Walks, Private Residence Elevators, Special Purpose Elevators and Dumbwaiters. Each Form is designed to meet the requirements of Section 8.6 of the 2003, 2010 & 2013 ASME A17.1 / CSA B44 Safety Code. WMCP Forms are a very valuable tool and asset for Elevator Service Companies, Consulting Agencies and other qualified person’s responsible for creating a Maintenance Control Program. For pricing information, please call 251-479-4514 x 19 or visit
Inspection Handbook, 6th Edition UPDATED! by Zack McCain This new 2015 edition has been updated to reflect code changes through ASME A17.1 2013 and A17.3 2015. It aids the experienced elevator inspector in assuring compliance with ASME QEI-1. Brimming with tables featuring the effective date of code changes for elevators, escalators and moving walks. Softback | 148 pages |Weight. 1lb
Inspection Handbook 6th Edition
Zack McCain
REGULAR $25.50
Published by Elevator World 1997, 2002, 2004, 2007, 2011, 2016
Field Employees’ Elevator Testing Manual
4th Edition
Field Employees’ Elevator Testing Manual, 4th Edition UPDATED! This handbook was designed to provide a guide to persons assigned the task of performing various tests on electric and hydraulic passenger and freight elevators in the presence of a Certified Elevator Inspector. This publication can Available help with understanding what is being tested, why it is being tested Page 5 and a safe means to demonstrate the function. Print or PDF | 96 pages | Weight: 1 lb. REGULAR $12.50
Field Employees’ Elevator Testing Manual
Inspection Handbook 6th Edition
Inspection Handbook & Testing Manual Combo The Elevator Industry Inspection Handbook and the Field Employees’ Elevator Testing Manual will help you get results! Whether you need to know the results an inspector should expect from a test or how to perform the test, these materials are your guide to getting the data you need. Softcover | Weight: 1 lb. REGULAR $33.00
Zack McCain Published by Elevator World 1997, 2002, 2004, 2007, 2011, 2016
4th Edition
MAINTENANCE & MODERNIZATION Maintenance on New Equipment Designs — Application of the MCP to MRL Elevators by John Koshak The primary purpose of this book is to provide a clear explanation of the differences new technology is making to Available maintenance. New installations and designs create greater Page 5 challenges and risk for elevator personnel. The author, John Koshak, presents an overview of this new language, what documentation is required by the code, a general overview of the major manufacturers’ traction equipment, and when maintenance, inspection, testing, adjustment, repair and replacement procedures must be provided. Softback | 94 pages | Weight: 3 lb. REGULAR $48.75
Maintenance Control Program & MRL Elevator Inspections DVD by John Koshak This presentation provides an in-depth look at the MCP; detailed explanations of code requirements; the differences involved in working on legacy equipment vs. MRL’s; maintenance of elevator components; wiring diagrams; implementation of monthly Fire Service tests and more. Length: 94 minutes REGULAR $30.00
Available Page 4
Elevator Maintenance Manual, 2nd Edition and Elevator Field Maintenance Handbook by Zack McCain References to acceptance and periodic tests of elevators have been updated to A17.1-2007 edition requirements. The Elevator Maintenance Manual, 2nd Edition is an in-depth guide Available Page 5 designed for the service technician, covering elevator maintenance programs and practices as related to both electric and hydraulic elevators. Also covers escalators and moving walks. This publication is a comprehensive “how-to” guide that can be used for training classes, home study or as a reference guide.The Field Handbook is a pocket-sized companion designed for the service mechanic to take into the field. Contains over 75 charts and guides. BULK DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE; CALL FOR QUOTE. Elevator Maintenance Manual, 2nd Edition — Print or PDF, Wt. 3 lb. Elevator Field Maintenance Handbook — Print or PDF, Wt. 1 lb. Elevator Maintenance Manual, 2nd Edition & Field Handbook Set
MAINTENANCE & MODERNIZATION The Anatomy of Elevators Elevator Component Images on CD-ROM by Roger E. Howkins and Fred English of Ove Arup & Partners The professional’s tool for selling, teaching or demonstrating. Magnificent handcolored illustrations include: guide rails, car frames, sectioned views, buffers, rope terminators, governors, safety gears and more. Presented in a proposal or lesson, the images give the visual punch necessary to grab the reader. CD-ROM includes jpeg images and power point presentation. 34 images on CD-ROM | Weight: 1 lb. REGULAR $86.00
Lift Modernisation, 2nd Edition by Roger E. Howkins
A unique reference tool, originally published in 1998, has now been revised to bring it up-to-date with the most modern concepts of modernisation. It has been purposely formatted to take onto job sites and to assist engineers, consultants, mechanics, surveyors and sales teams who are actively involved in the art of lift modernisation. Hardback| 236 pages | Weight: 2 lb. REGULAR $92.00
Elevator & Escalator Maintenance for Building Managers, 2nd Edition Assists building managers in making informed decisions regarding upkeep and regular maintenance of elevators and escalators under their control. The responsibility of good maintenance is not only in the hands of the contractor, but also rests with the building manager. This book provides guidance in establishing an optimum maintenance program that will benefit building occupants. Print or PDF | 108 pages | Weight: 2 lb. REGULAR $49.95
Facility Manager’s Maintenance Handbook, 2nd Edition by Bernard T. Lewis & Richard P. Payant An essential on-the-job resource, this handbook presents step-by-step coverage of the planning, design, and execution of operations and maintenance procedures for structures, equipment, and systems in any type of facility. This career-building reference provides the tools needed to streamline facility management processes, reduce operational cost, and ensure the effective utilization, maintenance, repair and renovation of existing physical assets. Hardback | 560 pages | Weight: 5 lb. REGULAR $117.95
Maintenance Manager’s Standard Manual, 5th Edition Published by BNi Building News Whether you are a facilities manager, engineer, property owner, developer, or anyone else responsible for maintenance operations, this manual is a must-have reference. The manual covers structural, mechanical and electrical maintenance, instrument repair, safety and more. For each of these areas materials planning, preventative maintenance, emergency maintenance, budgeting and expense forecasting and much more are covered. Softback | 762 pages | Weight: 5 lb. REGULAR $105.00
LOGBOOKS Electric Elevator & Escalator Maintenance or Hydraulic Elevator & Escalator Maintenance Designed to comply with ASME A17.1 Safety Code. Spiral Bound | 62 pages | Weight: 1 lb. | Sold separately. REGULAR $25.00
Educational Focus Volume 1 by Elevator World A compilation of ELEVATOR WORLD articles in our Educational Focus Series. These articles include hands-on construction and maintenance procedures and techniques that can be used by field personnel to install, troubleshoot and repair elevators & escalators. Directed toward the needs of service technicians and AVAILABLE construction adjusters who install, adjust and maintain PAGE 7 elevator and escalator systems. Softback | 200 pages | Weight 2 lb. REGULAR $63.25
Educational Focus Volume 2 by Elevator World
Available page 7
This book compiles 20 ELEVATOR WORLD articles from our Educational Focus Series published from 2008 to 2013. INCLUDED ARE: • Elevator Drives • Elevator Ropes • Elevator Brakes • Selected Topics Related to Mechanical and Structural Systems Each chapter comes with learning reinforcement questions and a tutorial where certain points within the article are elaborated or clarified to enhance the readers’ understanding. These articles include hands-on procedures that can be used by field personnel to help install, troubleshoot or repair elevators. Spiral Bound | 176 pages | 2 lbs. REGULAR $65.00
Get started earning your CEUs with Educational Focus, Volume 2, by visiting:
SAFETY SUPERVISORS SAFETY FIRST PACKAGE Proper training and safety practices start with you, the supervisor. Elevator World has put together this custom package to help you keep safety first. The Supervisor’s Safety First Package includes: • A Manager’s Safety Notebook • Safety Meetings, 7th Edition* • Safety Training for Elevator Service DVD • A FREE one-year digital subscription to ELEVATOR WORLD magazine
$124.50 * Safety Meetings are also available on your smartphone or tablet. See page 15 for more information.
2015 Field Employees’ Safety Handbook Edited by the NEII Safety Committee to include the most up-to-date safety procedures for protection of field employees on every construction site or maintenance job. Heavy-duty vinyl 6 ring binder, convenient 5 1/8” x 6 5/8” Weight: 1 lb.
Available Page 8
1-50/$11.00 each | 51-100/$10.50 each | 101-500/$10.00 each
Service & Repair PPE Assessment Forms This pad of 40 individual forms, extracted from the 2015 Safety Handbook, is an easy-to-use checklist that helps identify potential hazards and the corresponding PPE that should be used. Space for documentation such as the date of the job, tasks to be completed, where the job is taking place and who prepared the form are included. Compliant with the OSHA Personal Protective Equipment Standard. Softback | Weight: 1 lb. BULK (Subscriber Discount not available on bulk orders)
REGULAR $13.25
51-100 = $10.75 each | 101-500 = $10.25 each
Safety Meetings, 7th Edition A Supervisor’s Guide based on the Elevator Industry Field Employees’ Safety Handbook, 2015 Edition In notepad form, these meetings contain the complete script of the 2015 Safety Handbook, Each sheet includes discussion questions, space for attendee signatures and comment fields for the supervisor. Weight: 2 lb. BULK
51 – 100 $19.00 each 101 – 500 $18.00 each (Subscriber discount not available on bulk orders)
REGULAR $23.50
SAFETY Mobilize Your Safety Program By using a mobile phone or tablet, Safety Meetings can now be reviewed in the NEW! field, or at home, and digitally signed (optional) validating that each one has been completed. Each mechanic is required to answer a series of yes/no questions that are graded to verify understanding of the safety topic. The completed safety meeting is then automatically sent back to the supervisor and recorded in each mechanics unique folder. Using a web-based management dashboard, a supervisor can view and resend uncompleted tasks, review scoring and easily print or download needed documents. ALSO AVAILABLE: Mechanic, Vehicle and Jobsite Safety Audits, and the ability to track any internal certification requirements.
Contact Elevator World today for your free demo. Phone: 251-479-4514, ext. 38 | Email: Phone: 251-479-4514, ext. 17 | Email:
Safety Training for Elevator Service by Elevator World Following the guidelines set forth in the new 2015 Elevator Industry Safety Handbook, this 32-minute tutorial has been updated to reflect service safety procedures for new employees. Some topics include maintenance in the pit, hoistway and machine room, correct apparel and personal protection, lockout/tagout procedures and more. This DVD also comes with questions and answers that can be used to quiz employees after viewing the presentation. Visit for more information including a sample video clip. DVD | 32 minutes | Weight: 1 lb. Available on thumb drive by request. REGULAR $117.00
A Manager’s Safety Notebook by Elevator World When you own or manage a company that installs, repairs or maintains elevators, escalators or moving walks you will be responsible for the safety of the men and women who work for you. This notebook will assist managers in implementing a valid safety program and maintaining compliance with OSHA regulations by executing mandated training requirements, safety site audits and inspections. Valuable position papers relating to relevant subjects, written by the NEII® Elevator Safety Committee, are also included. 3-ring Binder | Weight: 2 lb. REGULAR $25.00
Assessment of Total Evacuation Systems for Tall Buildings by Enrico Ronchi and Daniel Nilsson This book focuses on the use of egress models to assess the optimal strategy for total evacuation in high-rise buildings. It investigates occupant relocation and evacuation strategies involving the exit stairs, elevators, sky bridges and combinations thereof. Softback | 51 pages | Weight: 1 lb. REGULAR $63.25
Elevator and Escalator Rescue: A Comprehensive Guide by Theodore Lee Jarboe & John O’Donoghue Written by firefighters for firefighters, this book contains important information for technical rescue members, training officers, and fire company members alike. This engaging and accessible book details the risk involved in elevator and escalator rescues and how to face them successfully. REGULAR SUBSCRIBER DISCOUNT Hardback, 284 pages, Wt. 3 lb. $70.00 $59.50
CONSTRUCTION, DESIGN & ENGINEERING Engineer’s Reference Library: Get both books for only $143
SAVE $40! Systems Engineering of Elevators by Phil Andrew & Dr. Stefan Kaczmarczyk This book covers all the aspects of elevator systems engineering providing commentary on how individual components of an elevator are brought together to provide a vertical transportation system which will carry the required load at the required speed over the necessary travel, and to examine how this process is moderated and supported by the requirements of safety codes. Hardback | 558 pages | Weight: 4 lb. REGULAR $118.00
Elevator Engineering, 2nd Edition UPDATED! by Ben Abbaspour This book presents a roadmap of elevator design and acts as a complete guide to practical engineering based on the ASME A17.1-C2013/CSA B44-C13 Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators. With more than 45 examples of essential and comprehensive elevator calculations relating to both traction and hydraulic units, Elevator Engineering is suitable for a wide audience. Includes easy-to-follow hand calculations, numerous original schematics, graphs, tables, and drawings, and features real projects as examples. Print or PDF | 425 pages | Weight: 2 lb. Pricing for this new edition is subject to change. REGULAR SUBSCRIBER DISCOUNT $65.00
Vertical Transportation Handbook, 4th Edition by George Strakosch & Bob Caporale This one-of-a-kind handbook provides an essential updating to keep the book current with technology and practice. New coverage of topics such as machine-room-less systems and current operation and control procedures, ensures that this revision maintains its standing as the premier general reference on vertical transportation. Hardback | 610 pages | Weight: 4 lb. REGULAR $175.00
Elevator Mechanical Design, 3rd Edition by Dr.-Ing. Lubomír Janovsky The technology of “how to achieve the mechanical aspects of the design” of an electric elevator as well as discussing why the designs are implemented in a particular way. The principles and concepts of all the mechanical components of an elevator are discussed in detail, supported wherever necessary by mathematical analysis. A full description and comparison of international standards is also included. Hardback | 401 pages | Weight: 3 lb. REGULAR $92.00
ELEVATOR WORLD Technical Library by Elevator World This information-packed CD-ROM contains over 2,700 pages of technical articles published in Elevator World magazine categorized by subject with full search capabilities. Subjects include: Machines and Motors, Maintenance and Repair, Traffic Analysis and Testing, Hydraulic Elevators, Earthquakes, Fires and Natural Disasters Escalators and Moving Walks, Modernization Update, Accessibility, MRL Elevators. Free 1 year didgital subscrition to Elevator World with purchase!
REGULAR $150.00
CONSTRUCTION, DESIGN & ENGINEERING Installation Manual | 2014 Edition by Elevator World This 400 + page manual has been completely revised and updated to reflect the step-bystep process of installing elevators and escalators. The book is brimming with photos of actual field installation procedures, safety techniques, and a multitude of wiring diagrams and layout drawings. This is your guide to the installation process for a traction elevator from the pit through the hoistway and into the machine room (hydraulic elevators, escalators and a new MRL section are also included). Softback, 424 pages, Wt. 4 lb. REGULAR $65.00
Rope Dynamics DVD
by Phil Andrew and Dr. Stefan Kaczmarczyk This presentation discusses the purpose of analyzing the dynamic behavior of the roping system and how Hamilton’s Principle and classical mechanics may be employed to derive the dynamic equations which describe the oscillatory motions of the ropes. DVD Format - 40 minutes REGULAR $30.00
Available Page 4
Rope Traction Theory & Practice by George Gibson Learn the basics of rope traction from an expert. This DVD is a seminar presentation by George Gibson, a 50 year veteran of the elevator industry. In just a short time you can gain a working knowledge of the principles of rope traction. Also available are 3 contact hours of continuing education. Available DVD Format - 110 minutes Page 8 REGULAR $65.00
User Reference Guide for Elevator Ropes by Brugg Lifting This guide serves as both a basic primer to the elevator industry novice, and a helpful reference for the experienced professional. It thoroughly covers elevator-rope classifications, construction, designs, end fittings, termination procedures, techniques (1:1 and 2:1 installation, and 2:1 rope replacement), installation best practices, maintenance tips and other data that, when followed, can help extend hoist-rope life expectancy. Included is a large glossary of terms specific to the field and more than 300 line illustrations to help answer questions. Print or PDF | 172 Pages | Weight: 2 lb. REGULAR $95.00
Wire Ropes: Tension, Endurance, Reliability by K. Feyrer The main concern of this book is to present the methods used to calculate the most important rope quantities as well as to explain how they are applied by means of a large number of calculations as examples. This book deals with the different types of wire rope and their component parts, the effects of wire ropes under tensile forces (stationary ropes) and wire ropes under bending and tensile force (running ropes). Hardback | 322 pages | Weight: 3 lb. REGULAR $382.00
CONSTRUCTION, DESIGN & ENGINEERING CIBSE Guide D: Transportation Systems in Buildings (2015) The 2015 edition contains an extensive revision to the guidance on traffic planning, significantly expanded information on energy efficiency and conservation, and updated guidance on the effective commissioning, maintenance and testing of lifts and escalators. Softback | 380 pages | Weight: 3 lb. REGULAR $145.00
Lift Technology: An Insight on Design Basics and its Evolution by K. Subramaniam & Johnson Lifts (P) Ltd. Images and brief explanations depicting the evolution of machines, electrical and electronic control systems, floor counting and sensing devices, permanent magnet gearless machines, floor displays and aesthetics of the car are included. A compilation of basic information on lifts, especially on codes and norms observed in the design, manufacturing and installation of the various components and sub assemblies used are also represented. Softcover | 179 pages | Weight: 1 lb. REGULAR $30.00
ASHRAE Design Guide for Tall, Supertall and Megatall Building Systems by Peter Simmonds Tall buildings present unique and formidable challenges to architects and engineers because of their size, location in major urban areas and the multiple, complex occupancies they often contain. This guide is a unique reference for owners, architects, and mechanical, structural and electrical engineers as well as other specialized consultants involved in designing systems for these buildings, such as HVAC, plumbing, vertical transportation and much more. Softback | 223 pages | Weight: 2 lb. REGULAR $135.00
Elevator Design, Construction and Maintenance 1905 Originally published in 1905, this book begins with the basics of elevator technology. It quickly moves on to in depth sections on both hydraulic and electric elevators. 160 highly detailed illustrations present information of historical significance and for research. Softcover | 264 pages | Weight: 2 lb. REGULAR $25.00
Pedestrian Planning and Design by John J. Fruin, Ph.D. Describes and qualifies the space people need to walk, queue, crowd and wait. It discusses the space people need to access buses, trains, planes, elevators and escalators as well as the number of people that can walk on stairs through corridors, turnstiles, revolving doors, etc. Contains photos, diagrams and elevator/escalator configurations. Softback | 214 pages | Wt. 1 lb. REGULAR $30.00
Elevator Electric Drives – Concepts and Principles, Control and Practice by G.C. Barney and Loher AG This book is of interest to anyone in the elevator industry concerned with the application, design and maintenance of modern hoisting machines. The technical information, in general, is universal and can be applied to any new solid- state AC motor. Softback | 197 pages | Weight: 2 lb. REGULAR $63.25
CONSTRUCTION, DESIGN & ENGINEERING Elevator Traffic Handbook Theory & Practice, 2nd Edition by Dr. Gina Barney This second edition of this well-respected book covers all aspects of the traffic design and control of vertical transportation systems in buildings, making it an essential reference for vertical transportation engineers, other members of the design team, and researchers. The book introduces the basic principles of circulation, outlines traffic design methods and examines and analyses traffic control using worked examples and case studies to illustrate key points. The latest analysis techniques are set out, and the book is up-to-date with current technology. A unique and well-established book, this much-needed new edition features extensive updates to technology and practice, drawing on the latest international research. Hardback | 440 pages | Weight: 3 lb. REGULAR $185.00
Softcover 376 pages Weight: 4 lb.
Vertical Transportation Technology Review Vol. 1
Vertical Transportation Technology Review Vol. 2
This review contains 10 dissertations from the U.K.’s University College Northampton’s Masters in Lift Engineering program. These technical papers cover many topics especially for the vertical-transportation industry such as building sway on ropes, ventilation and passenger comfort, power consumption, firefighting and evacuation usage and utilizing lifts for the differently disabled.
Volume 2 to of the series includes five technical dissertations. Some topics include “Effectively Communicating Code Requirements for Interfaces Between Building Systems and Elevator Systems,” “The Future of the Lift Maintenance Business” and “A Critical Comparison of Coated Steel Belts against Steel Wire Ropes as Applied to the Lift Industry.”
REGULAR $76.00
Softcover 252 pages Weight:3 lb.
REGULAR $60.00
Vertical Transportation Technology Review Voumes 1 & 2 | 2-volume Set | Weight: 7 lb.
Magnetic Levitation: Maglev Technology and Applications by Hyung-Suk Han and Dong-Sung Kim This book provides a comprehensive overview of magnetic levitation technologies, from its fundamental principles through its state-of-the-art applications. Maglev technology is believed to be a diverse and green technology that will be applied not only in rail transportation, but also in other fields such as ropeless high-speed elevators. Hardback | 247 pages | Weight: 2 lb. REGULAR $117.00
The Control Techniques Drives and Controls Handbook This handbook gives a state-of-the art insight into the technology and techniques of AC and DC motor control, from basic theory through to practical solutions. Hardback | 750 pages | Weight: 4 lb. REGULAR $188.00
Control of Traffic Systems in Buildings by Sandor Markon, Hajime Kita, Hiroshi Kise and Thomas Bartz-Beielstein This book presents the state of the art in the analysis and control of transportation systems in buildings focusing primarily on elevator groups. The theory and design of passenger traffic and cargo transport systems are covered, together with actual operational examples. Hardback | 277 pages | Weight: 2 lb. REGULAR $155.00
CONSTRUCTION, DESIGN & ENGINEERING New Materials & New Technologies Applied to Elevators by Antonio Miravete
Provides a solid discussion of new materials and technologies through the use of text, illustrations, photographs, diagrams and formulas. Hardback | 272 pages | Weight: 3 lb. REGULAR $86.00
Electrical Engineering Pocket Handbook by EASA This booklet was p roduced by the Electrical Apparatus Service Association (EASA). This engineering reference guide c ontains tables, charts and motor data c arefully selected for everyday use. Softback | 118 pages | Weight: 1 lb. REGULAR $11.50
Electrical Safety Handbook, 4th Edition by John Cadick, Mary Capelli-Schellpfeffer and Dennis Neitzel Written by experts in electrical construction safety as a practical guide for electrical workers and others exposed to electrical hazards. This easy-to-use, illustrated guide provides vital safety information for industrial, commercial, and home-office based electrical systems. Hardback | 704 pages | Weight: 3 lb. REGULAR $95.00
BNi Facilities Manager’s Costbook 2017 Published by BNi Building News Ready-to-use cost data for building owners, architects, engineers and facilities managers. This costbook puts accurate and up-to-date material and labor costs for thousands of cost items at your fingertips, based on the latest national averages and standard labor productivity rates. Includes detailed regional cost modifiers for adjusting your estimate to your local conditions. Softback | 797 pages | Weight: 5 lb. REGULAR $117.50
Handbook of Smoke Control Engineering by John H. Klote; James A. Milke; Paul G. Turnbull; Ahmed Kashef; Michael J. Ferreira This handbook provides authoritative, comprehensive guidance on the latest in smoke control practice, incorporating the most current engineering approaches. The book examines elevator evacuation systems, elevator piston effect and elevator smoke control among other topics. View the Table of Contents at Hardback | 484 Pages | Weight: 4 lb. REGULAR $160.00
Easy Scheduling: A Construction Scheduling Resource Handbook Published by BNi Building News Easy Scheduling presents you with a complete set of “real world” scheduling tools that are specifically tailored to meet the needs of small to medium-sized construction businesses. Step-by-step you’ll see how to establish realistic project goals: How to set checkpoints, activities, relationships and time estimates for each task, how to establish priorities, how to create a project flowchart and how best to communicate the schedule to keep everyone focused and on track. The easy way to take control of your projects and boost your profits! Softback | 216 pages | Weight: 3 lb. REGULAR $70.00
Certified Elevator Technician (CET®) Education Program Materials CET® stands for the Certified Elevator Technician education and certification program. The CET program is a four-year e ducation curriculum for elevator and escalator installers and maintainers. For more information on CET, inquire at CET® and CAT® are the registered trademarks of the National Association of Elevator Contractors, Conyers, Georgia.
CET-S Supervisor Core Curriculum Package
NAEC Member | $680.00 non-NAEC Member | $840.00
Must be CET to purchase.
KIT CONTAINS: • CET-S Training Manual • CET-S Log Book • Unit 1 - Elevator History and Basic Safety • Unit 2 - Basic Print Reading • Unit 3 - Handling Materials & Tools/Rigging & Hoisting • Unit 4 - Pit Equipment • Unit 5 - Guide Rails • Unit 6 - Machine Room Equipment • Unit 7 - Hoistway Equipment • Unit 8 - General Maintenance Practices • Unit 9 - Maintenance of Traction Elevators • Unit 10 - Maintenance of Hydraulic Elevators • Unit 11 - Maintenance of Escalators & Moving Walks • Primer for Course 4 Electrical Theory and Safety • Poster of Elevator Systems • Anatomy of Elevators (CD) • First issue of complimentary subscription of ELEVATOR WORLD
CET-S Supervisor Advanced Curriculum Package KIT CONTAINS: • Includes advanced curriculum textbooks • CET-S Training Manual • CET-S Log Book • Course 5 – Unit 12 – Elevator Doors and Equipment • Course 6 – Motors, Motor Control and Faultfinding CET-S CD • Course 7 – Unit 13 – Construction Wiring and Equipment • Course 8 – Unit 14 – Hydraulic Theory and Installation • Course 9 – Unit 15 – Study Questions and Skills for Electronics and Solid State • Course 10 – Unit 16 – Elevator Rope Replacement • Course 10 – Unit 17 – Machine Troubleshooting and Repair • Course 11 – Unit 18 – Escalators and Moving Walks • Course 12 – Unit 19 – Accessibility
NAEC Member | $680.00 non-NAEC Member | $840.00
CET-S Supervisor Complete Curriculum Package Includes all Curriculum Textbooks and Training Aids for the entire program. Must be CET to purchase. NAEC Member | $1250.00
non-NAEC Member | $1575.00
CET® COURSE CURRICULUM Course I – Introduction to Elevators Approximately six months study and field work (79 class hours, 1,000 field hours).
KIT CONTAINS: • Candidate Course Guide • Unit 1 - Elevator History and Basic Safety • Unit 2 - Basic Print Reading • Unit 3 - Handling Materials & Tools/ Rigging & Hoisting • Skills Verification Portfolio (blue) • Poster of Elevator Systems • Video: Safety Training for Elevator Service Construction • Elevator Industry Field Employees’ Safety Handbook • Field Maintenance Guide by Zack McCain • First issue of complimentary subscription to ELEVATOR WORLD NAEC Member | $525.00
non-NAEC Member | $650.00
Course II – Basics of Installing Elevator Components (Approximately six months study and field work (90 class hours, 1,000 field hours). KIT CONTAINS: • Candidate Course Guide • Unit 4 – Pit Equipment • Unit 5 – Guide Rails • Unit 6 - Machine Room Equipment • Unit 7 – Hoistway Equipment • Skills Verification Portfolio (green) • The Installation Manual published by Elevator World, Inc. • Electric Elevators by Fred Hymans • Continuation of subscription to ELEVATOR WORLD NAEC Member | $575.00
non-NAEC Member | $680.00
Course III – Maintenance Practices and Testing Approximately six months study and field work (87 class hours, 1,000 field hours). KIT CONTAINS: • Candidate Course Guide • Unit 8 – General Maintenance Practices • Unit 9 – Maintenance of Electric Elevators • Unit 10 – Maintenance of H ydraulic Elevators • Unit 11 – Maintenance of E scalators • Skills Verification Portfolio (orange) • The Maintenance Manual 2nd Edition by Zack McCain • The Maintenance Field Handbook by Zack McCain • The Inspection Handbook by Zack McCain • The Field Employees’ Elevator Testing Manual by Zack McCain • Sam and Samantha by ELEVATOR WORLD • Identification Installation, Lubrication and Maintenance of Power Transmission Roller Chains in ANSI B29.1 & B29.3 • Continuation of subscription to ELEVATOR WORLD NAEC Member | $585.00
non-NAEC Member | $690.00
CET® COURSE CURRICULUM Course IV – Electrical Safety and Theory Approximately six months study and field work (65 class hours, 1,000 field hours) KIT CONTAINS: • Primer – Instructions on how to use textbook and industry-specific questions and answers • Textbook: Standard Textbook of Electricity, 6th Edition by Stephen Herman • National Electrical Code 2017 (NEC) • Course IV Skills Portfolio NAEC Member | $475.00
CET® Year Three Kit KIT CONTAINS: • Candidate’s Course Guide • Course 5 – Doors and Equipment (Unit 12) • Skills Portfolio for Course 5 • Course 7 – Electrical Wiring and Equipment (Unit 13) • Skills Portfolio for Course 7 • Course 6 CD – Motors, Motor Control and Faultfinding • Skills Portfolio for Course 6 • Year 3 & 4 Roadmap (John White) • Education Focus Compilation, 1st Edition • Electrical Engineering Pocket Handbook • Superflex Installation Guide, Whisperflex Installation Guide and Flat Cable Guide (From Draka) • Continuation of subscription to ELEVATOR WORLD NAEC Member | $1,110.00
non-NAEC Member | $1,325.00
CET® Year Four Kit KIT CONTAINS: • Course 8 – Hydraulic Theory and Installation (Unit 14) • Skills Portfolio for Course 8 • Course 9 – Basic Electronic and Fundamentals (Unit 15) Teacher’s Guide and Skills Portfolio • Course 10 – Rope Replacement (Unit 16) • Course 10 – Machinery Troubleshooting (Unit 17) • Skills Portfolio for Course 10 (2) • Course 11 – Escalator and Moving Walks (Unit 18) • Skills Portfolio for Course 11 • Course 12 – Accessibility (Unit 19) • Skills Portfolio for Course 12 • Library of Basic Electronics by Sy Levine • ADA and Building Transportation by Ed Donoghue • Elevators by John Jallings NAEC Member | $950.00
non-NAEC Member | $1,155.00
non-NAEC Member | $580.00
CAT® COURSE CURRICULUM CAT® stands for the Certified Accessibility and Private Residence Lift Technician Education and Certification Program. CAT is a two-year education curriculum for accessibility contractors. For more information on CAT inquire at
CAT-S Supervisor Administration Package | Includes Core Curriculum Textbooks & Training Aids KIT CONTAINS: • “Ethics Pledge” • CAT-S Training Manual • Instructions for taking CAT-S Test • CAT-S Log Book • “Getting to know TABE” • Course 1 – Introduction to the Vertical Transportation Industry* • Course 2 – Vertical Platform Lifts* • Course 3 – Inclined Platform Lifts* • Course 4 – Inclined Stairway Lifts* • Course 5 – Private Residence Elevators* • Accessibility Systems Poster • First issue of complimentary subscription of ELEVATOR WORLD
Course I – Introduction to The Vertical Transportation Industry Credit Hours: 64 class hours/500 field hours (3 months) PACKAGE CONTENTS: • Course 1 Textbook – Introduction to the Vertical Transportation Industry • Skills Verification Portfolio (blue) • Poster of Accessibility Systems • Required reading/viewing materials – Elevator Industry Field Employees’ Safety Handbook, ADA and Building Transportation • First issue of complimentary subscription of ELEVATOR WORLD NAEC Member | $315.00
Course II – Vertical Platform Lifts Credit Hours: 40 class hours / 500 field hours (3 months)
PACKAGE CONTENTS: • CAT Course Guide • Course 2 Textbook – Vertical Platform Lifts • Skills Verification Portfolio (Green) • National Electrical Code • Required Reading/viewing • Compilation of VPL Manufacturer’s information • Continuation of Subscription to ELEVATOR WORLD NAEC Member | $420.00
non-NAEC Member | $525.00
non-NAEC Member | $420.00
CAT® COURSE CURRICULUM Course III — Inclined Platform Lifts Credit Hours: 40 class hours / 500 field hours (3 months).
PACKAGE CONTENTS: • CAT Course guide • Course 3 Textbook – Inclined Platform Lifts • Skills Verification Portfolio (Orange) • Required Reading/Viewing: Compilation of IPL Manufacturer’s information • Continuation of subscription to ELEVATOR WORLD NAEC Member | $262.00
non-NAEC Member | $367.00
Course IV — Inclined Stairway Chairlifts Credit Hours: 20 class hours / 200 field hours (5-6 weeks).
PACKAGE CONTENTS: • CAT Course guide • Course 4 Textbook – Inclined Stairway Chairlifts • Skills Verification Portfolio (Turquoise) • Required Reading/Viewing: Compilation of ISC Manufacturer’s information • Continuation of subscription to ELEVATOR WORLD NAEC Member | $210.00
non-NAEC Member | $315.00
Course V — Private Residence Elevators Credit Hours: 120 field hours (10 1/2 months). PACKAGE CONTENTS: • CAT Course guide • Course 5 Textbooks – Private Residence Elevators Volumes 1 & 2 • Skills Verification Portfolio (Purple) • Required Reading/Viewing: Compilation of PRE Manufacturer’s information • Continuation of subscription to ELEVATOR WORLD NAEC Member | $420.00
non-NAEC Member | $525.00
BEGINNERS/TRAINING Elevators 101, 3rd Edition by Zack McCain This book provides a basic overview of elevator systems, equipment and technology. It is a must have for elevator salespersons, new hires or anyone who wants a better understanding of elevator technology. New in this 3rd Edition are updated images, industry terms and definitions as well as updated information on codes, publications and associations within the industry. TOPICS INCLUDE: Common Elevator Terms | Codes & Publications Types of Elevators | Elevator Driving Machines | Control Systems, Operation and Drives | Machines Space & Equipment | Hoistway Equipment | Pit & Equipment including Safeties | Elevator Doors & Gates | Escalator & Moving Walks. Print or PDF, 127 pages, Wt. 2 lb. REGULAR $47.95
Elevator & Escalator Micropedia, 5th Edition by G.C. Barney, D.A. Cooper and J. Inglis The Elevator & Escalator Micropedia is a compendium of useful data providing a handy first reference for information. It comprises three main parts, a glossary of over 2,150 terms, drawings of lift components and tables and formulae. It will be of practical use to designers, field service personnel, installers, engineers, building owners, facility managers, lift operators and researchers. Softback | Weight: 1 lb. REGULAR $25.00
Escalator Safety by Fartash Razmjoo and Anthony Andon Among vertical transportation devices, escalators and moving walks accommodate the greatest volume of passengers. Today, it is hard to imagine subway stations, airport terminals, malls and other public buildings without them. This much needed book explores escalator safety in detail by studying different types of real-life accidents and providing information on related safety systems and solutions. This book can be helpful to all who need more information on safety codes for escalators and moving walks. Softback | 120 pages | Weight: 2 lb. REGULAR $47.95
A Library of Basic Electronics by Sy Levine Volume One – explores basic concepts and passive components, laying the foundation for more advanced study. Volume Two – discusses the discrete semiconductors and optoelectronics found in most present-day and many early elevator controllers. CD-ROM Only REGULAR $65.00
Sam & Samantha – The Mainteneers by George R. Strakosch Sam and Samantha are fictionalized versions of real people. Their stories, which really happened, are a sample of what elevator personnel encounter in the day-to-day task of taking care of elevators. Elevator mainteneers are the front lines of the elevator business. Softback | 64 pages | Weight: 1 lb. REGULAR $30.00
U.S. CODES & STANDARDS ASME A17.1 – 2016 Safety Code for Elevators & Escalators Weight: 5 lb. Regular: $430.00
Subscriber: $365.50
ASME A17.1 – 2013 Safety Code for Elevators & Escalators Weight: 5 lb. Regular: $425.00
Subscriber: $361.25
ASME A17.1 – 2010 Safety Code for Elevators & Escalators
Weight: 5 lb.
Regular: $425.00
Subscriber: $331.50
ASME A17.2 – 2014 Guide for Inspection of Elevators, Escalators & Moving Walks Weight: 2 lb. Regular: $245.70
Subscriber: $208.85
ASME A17.3 – 2015 Safety Code for Existing Elevators Weight: 1 lb. Regular: $190.00
Subscriber: $161.50
ASME A17.4 – 2015 Guide for Emergency Personnel Weight: 1 lb. Regular: $50.00
Subscriber: $42.50
ASME A17.5 – 2014 Elevator and Escalator Electrical Equipment Weight: 1 lb. Regular: $179.40
Subscriber: $152.49
ASME A17.6 – 2010 Standard for Elevator Suspension, Compensation & Governor Systems Weight: 1 lb. Regular: $110.00
Subscriber: $93.50
A17.7 2007 Performance-Based Safety Codes for Elevators and Escalators Weight: 1 lb. Regular: $185.00
Subscriber: $157.25
ASME A18.1 – 2014 Safety Standard for Platform Lifts and Stairway Chairlifts Weight: 1 lb. Regular: $123.00
Subscriber: $104.55
ASME A90.1 – 2015 Safety Standard for Belt Manlifts Weight: 2 lb. Regular: $76.70
Subscriber: $54.28
ASME B20.1 – 2012 Safety Standard for Conveyors and Related Equipment Weight: 1 lb. Regular: $75.00
Subscriber: $63.75
ASME QEI-1 – 2013 Standard for Qualification of Elevator Inspectors Weight: 1 lb. Regular: $92.00
Subscriber: $78.20
ADA & Building Transportation, 4th Edition by Edward A. Donoghue and Brian D. Black Includes the latest ADA, ABA, FHAA and ICC/ANSI A117.1 regulation and standards for elevators, wheelchair lifts and escalators. Rationale for the requirements, such as explanations, examples, excerpts from the codes, comparison charts and checklists, are also provided. PDF or Print | 188 pages | Weight: 3 lb. REGULAR $70.00
Handbook on A17.1/CSA B44 - 2013 Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators This Handbook contains the rationale for Code requirements; explanations, examples, and illustrations of the implementations of the requirements; plus excerpts from other nationally recognized standards which are referenced by the Code. Weight: 4 lb. REGULAR $290.00
2015 International Building Code Featuring time-tested safety concepts and the very latest industry standards in material design, the 2015 version offers up-to-date, comprehensive insight into the regulations surrounding the design and installation of building systems. Weight: 4 lb. REGULAR $165.00
CODES & STANDARDS 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design with Commentary Published by BNi Building News Enforcement of 2010 ADA Standards began on March 15, 2012. Sweeping accessibility changes affecting many public facilities will be required and enforced. Compliance is mandatory! The 2010 ADA Standards you need for compliance, side-by-side with explanatory guidance and background information from the Department of Justice. See page 21 for elevator-specific ADA standards. Softback | 368 pages | Weight: 2 lb. REGULAR $85.00
Electrician’s Calculations Manual by Nick Fowler This new edition reflects the 2011 National Electrical Code and helps you find answers for both AC and DC circuits, solve problems related to motor circuits and transformers, accurately figure requirements for commercial jobs, perform conduit-bending math, handle service entrance problems, understand the math behind electrical solutions and more. Softback | 259 pages | Weight: 2 lb. REGULAR $34.00
2017 National Electrical Code® UPDATED! by National Fire Protection Association Covers the latest requirements on electrical wiring and equipment installation issues, including minimum provisions for the use of connections, voltage markings, conductors and cables. Softcover | 950 pages | Weight: 4 lb. 2014 National Electrical Code® by National Fire Protection Association
REGULAR $112.00
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U.S. CODES & STANDARDS ANSI/ASSE 10.4-2016 Safety Requirements for Personnel Hoists & Employee Elevators on Construction & Demolition Sites This standard applies to the design, construction, installation, operation, inspection, testing, maintenance, alterations and repair of hoists and elevators that 1) are not an integral part of buildings, 2) are installed inside or outside buildings or structures during construction, alteration, demolition or operations and 3) are used to raise and lower workers and other personnel connected with or related to the structure. Available in print and PDF formats. REGULAR $110.00
ANSI/ASSE 10.5-2013 Safety Requirements for Material Hoists This standard applies to material hoists used to raise or lower materials during construction, alteration or demolition. It is not applicable to the temporary use of permanently installed personnel elevators as material hoists. Available in print and PDF formats. REGULAR $110.00
ICC A117.1-2017 NOW UPDATED! Accessibility and Usable Buildings & Facilities This updated edition of the standard continues the tradition of aligning provisions with ADAAG and Fair Housing Design Guidelines, but it also provides greater accessibility for the evolving disabled communities and new elements of building design. The intent of this standard is to allow a person with physical disability to independently get to, enter, and use a site, facility building or element. Available in print format only. REGULAR $60.00
MARKET STUDIES The Elevator World 2017 Global Statistics Report: A Comprehensive List of Industry Numbers This statistics report provides broad insight into the international vertical transportation marketplace and an unbiased assessment and overview of the industry, including charts, databases, market projections and market trends for various countries. Focused reports on India, Africa, Saudi Arabia, the U.A.E., China and the United States, with special focuses on the Chicago and Mid-Atlantic areas are included. REGULAR $250.00
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World Elevators to 2017 and 2022 This study analyzes the global market for elevators (including passenger and freight). Historical data (2002, 2007, 2012) and forecasts for 2017 and 2022 are provided for elevator supply and demand by type (i.e., passenger and freight elevators, escalators and moving walkways, parts and miscellaneous equipment, installation services, modernization and repair services) and market (i.e., residential, nonresidential) for six regions and 18 major national markets. 362 Pages | PDF or Print $6,100.00
Elevators in China This study analyzes the 66.2 billion yuan elevator market in China. It presents historical demand data for 1998, 2003 and 2008, with forecasts for 2013 and 2018 by product (passenger elevators, freight elevators, escalators and moving walkways), service (installation, maintenance and repair), market (nonresidential, residential, non-building) and geographic region. 188 Pages | PDF or Print $5,200.00
Focus on Elevators & Escalators, World Market This report forecasts to 2019 total world demand for elevator equipment and related services by type, market, and major world region in US dollars at the manufacturers’ level. Elevator equipment and services are segmented by type as follows: passenger/freight elevators, escalators and moving walkways, parts and other equipment, modernization and repair services, and installation services. Reported markets encompass: nonresidential and residential. Major world regions include North America, Western Europe, Asia/Pacific, and all other regions. Demand by type of equipment/service is also forecast for each major world region. 23 pages | PDF or CD $950.00
Focus on Elevators & Escalators, U.S. Market This report forecasts to 2019 US elevator equipment and service demand and elevator equipment shipments in US dollars at the manufacturers’ level. Total demand is segmented by type in terms of: passenger/ freight elevators, escalators and moving walkways, other equipment and parts, modernization and repair services, and installation services.Total demand is also segmented by market as follows: nonresidential and residential. 19 Pages | PDF or CD $750.00
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ELECTRICAL TRAINING & TROUBLESHOOTING Troubleshooting & Repairing Commercial Electrical Equipment by David Herres (A regular contributor to Elevator World) A practical guide that shows maintenance and construction electricians how to successfully repair commercial and industrial electrical equipment. Inside you’ll find ways to become faster, more efficient, and able to achieve a much higher success rate in restoring large electrical equipment without damaging it, introducing an additional defect, or creating a hazard. Included are sections on elevators, electric motors, troubleshooting techniques, commercial & industrial wiring and more. Hardback | 257 pages | Weight: 2 lb. REGULAR $69.00
Electricity 1: Devices, Circuits and Materials, 10th Edition by Thomas Kubala This book introduces readers to basic electron theory and electron movement, as well as direct-current series, circuits, parallel circuits and series-parallel circuits. Numerous circuit diagrams appear throughout the book along with photographs of electrical devices and materials. Softback | 165 pages | Weight: 1 lb. REGULAR $94.00
Electricity 2: Devices, Circuits and Materials, 10th Edition by Thomas Kubala Readers will examine numerous types of alternating current circuits on the way to developing a solid understanding of the concepts of power, power factor, and power factor correction. Softback | 143 pages | Weight: 1 lb. REGULAR $94.00
Electricity 4: AC/DC Motors, Controls and Maintenance, 10th Edition by Jeff Keljik Introduces readers to DC and AC motors, as well as many types of manual, magnetic and electronic controls. Throughout this edition, motors are described in detail, enabling the reader to develop a working knowledge of the operations, advantages and disadvantages of each type. Softback | 372 pages | Weight: 2 lb. REGULAR $116.00
Standard Textbook of Electricity, 6th Edition by Stephen Herman This book assumes that the reader has had no prior knowledge of electricity, but also provides enough comprehensive coverage to be used as a reference tool for experienced electricians. It offers practical examples of “how-to-do” many of the common tasks the industrial electrician must perform. It is also a great tool for training programs. Hardback | 1120 pages | Weight: 5 lb. REGULAR $230.00
Industrial Electrical Troubleshooting by Lynn Lundquist This book demonstrates the efficient use of certain electrical meters to troubleshoot relay-logic circuits with a single setting and concentrates on efficiently achieving the ultimate goal of savings through the reduction of lost production time, with careful attention given to safety procedures throughout. Softback | 384 pages | Weight: 3 lb. REGULAR $136.00
ELECTRICAL TRAINING & TROUBLESHOOTING Electronic Variable Speed Drives, 3rd Edition by Michael E. Brumbach Written with the maintenance technician in mind, this book serves as a practical guide to understanding different types of drive circuits, inverters, current source inverters and flux vector drives with emphasis throughout the book set on troubleshooting and maintenance. Softback | 312 Pages | Weight: 3 lb. REGULAR $144.00
Electric Motor Control, 10th Edition by Walter N. Alerich & Stephen L. Herman This book is an especially useful and effective tool for anyone who will install, monitor, and/or maintain motor control and is particularly well suited for use in journeyman electrician training courses or self-study. Softback | 480 Pages | Weight: 3 lb. REGULAR $165.00
Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers, 3rd Edition by Gary Dunning This book was developed for electrical technicians, maintenance personnel, machinedesign engineers and individuals selling PLCs in today’s ever-changing manufacturing environment. Topics covered will include exploring what a PLC is, operation, usage, instructions, applications hardware selection and configuration, introductory programming examples and exercises, and some troubleshooting hints. Softback | 640 Pages | Weight: 4 lb. REGULAR $228.00
FOREIGN LANGUAGE Chinese Safety Handbook by Elevator World The 2015 Field Employees’ Safety Handbook is now available in Chinese. For sales in China and Asia, please contact Peng Jie. Phone: 1-39-10834680 | Email: In the U.S., please contact Elevator World at Softback | 142 pages | Weight: 1 lb. 6+ Copies: $5.50/each
PRICE: $6.00
Spanish/English Dictionary for Electricity and Electronics A useful training tool for beginners, and a valuable on-the-job reference for experienced electricians and electronic technicians which addresses the need for clear, concise communication within a multilingual workforce. Spiral Bound | 155 pages | Weight: 2 lb. REGULAR $40.00
LEGAL PRODUCTS LEGAL SUPERPACK The Legal Superpack is five great ELEVATOR WORLD legal products for only $200.00! $200.00 – Over $300 Value!
INCLUDES: Law & Liability | Elevator & Escalator Accident Reconstruction and Litigation, 2nd Edition | Defensive Elevatoring PLUS the Hydraulic and Traction elevator posters (17” x 22”)
Elevator and Escalator A ccident Reconstruction and Litigation, 3rd Edition Prepare for any legal action that you may take. The authors have investigated numerous elevator and escalator accidents. Their expertise will guide you as you make your decision to take or reject the cases, and their experience will give you the basic understanding of the issues you need to understand to proceed with confidence. Hardback | 426 pages | Weight: 2 lb. REGULAR $102.50
Law & Liability – 2nd Edition Over 50 new pages added to include the most current information and help litigants assess liability and initiate proper case preparation. This book was developed to enumerate cases which have been adjudicated by describing specific accidents, subsequent judgements, deposition development and preparation. Softback | 332 pages | Weight: 2 lb. REGULAR $75.00
Defensive Elevatoring by D.A. Swerrie Reprints of highly requested ELEVATOR WORLD articles by one of the industry’s most highly regarded safety engineers. Industry members who design, market, install, maintain, repair, modernize, inspect or operate vertical transportation equipment seek to be aware of hazards and appropriate countermeasures. This common concern for safety led to the publishing of this book. Softback | 290 pages| Weight: 1 lb. REGULAR $28.00
COURTROOM EXHIBITS See our wide selection of posters at which can be enlarged up to 23” x 32”, laminated and mounted on foam board for courtroom presentations.
William C. Sturgeon Collection Purchase both for $84.95 and SAVE 25% off regular price! More Ups Than Downs: A Memoir by William C. Sturgeon (1917-2012) In this memoir, ELEVATOR WORLD founder Bill Sturgeon reflects on his adventurous early careers, service in WWII and successful decades as EW editor. Full of industry history, personalities, anecdotes and photos, this book is a must read for industry members. Hardback | 312 Pages | Weight: 2 lb. REGULAR $55.25
Speaking of Issues by William C. Sturgeon A compilation of 45 years of ELEVATOR WORLD editorials by William Sturgeon. He was a founding member of the National Association of Elevator Contractors and several other organizations. Reportage by Editor Sturgeon throughout the world greatly shaped ELEVATOR WORLD into a publication serving and read by the international elevator industry. Hardback | 675 pages | Weight: 3 lb. REGULAR $57.50
History of the Elevator Collection Purchase both for $80.00 and SAVE $20! A History of the Passenger Elevator in the 19th Century by Lee E. Gray The extensive research that went into this publication takes us from the technological origins of the freight hoists in England and the U.S. to the elevators and skyscrapers of 1880 – 1900. There is no question that anyone involved in the building industry will find this book fascinating and informative, with the engaging illustrations as an added bonus. Print or PDF | 336 pages | Over 175 illustrations | Weight: 2 lb. REGULAR $55.00
Lifted: A Cultural History of the Elevator by Andreas Bernard This fascinating book explores how the elevator changed notions of verticality and urban space. Bernard traces how the elevator quickly took hold in large American cities while gaining much slower acceptance in European cities like Paris and Berlin. Combining technological and architectural history with the literary and cinematic, he opens up new ways of looking at the elevator—as a secular confessional when stalled between floors or as a recurring space in which couples fall in love. Lifted takes the reader on a compelling ride through the history of the elevator. Hardcover | 320 pages | Weight: 2 lb. REGULAR $45.00
GIFT IDEAS Skyscrapers: A History of the World’s Most Extraordinary Buildings by Judith Dupré Now, bigger than ever, this long-awaited revised edition of Judith Dupré’s best-selling Skyscrapers is a giant celebration of today’s most significant superstructures. It features an all-new design with full-color photographs, 10 new buildings, and informative updates throughout. Hardback | 176 pages | Weight: 4 lb. REGULAR $30.00
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One World Trade Center by Judith Dupré This book presents a behind-the-scenes story of the most extraordinary building in the world, from bestselling author, Judith Dupre. In this groundbreaking history, Dupré chronicles the most astonishing architectural project in memory: One World Trade Center. It includes more than seventy interviews with the people most intimately involved, and unprecedented access to the building site, suppliers, and archives. Hardback | 285 pages | Weight: 3 lb. Check out a video of Skyscrapers & One World Trade Center:
REGULAR $35.00
The Heights: Anatomy of a Skyscraper by Kate Ascher This book is the ultimate guide to the way skyscrapers work—from the bases of their foundations to the peaks of their spires. With skyscrapers becoming essential elements of urban life, there has never been a greater need for understanding and embracing these complex structures. Using innovative illustrations to tackle the vast complexity of these buildings, The Heights explores every aspect of designing, building, and maintaining a modern skyscraper, as well as the individuals who build and maintain these architectural cathedrals. Paperback | 208 Pages | Weight: 2 lb. REGULAR $28.00
Elevator Man Stories
by Jim Collett
The elevator industry has its collection of stories that mechanics and technicians share between themselves and these stories are what make our industry great. The first published book of its kind, Jim Collett has captured his 40 year career while working as an elevator mechanic. Sometimes serious and other times hilarious accounts while working in the trade. Softback | 242 pages | Weight: 2 lb. REGULAR $25.00
Moving People: From Street to Platform — 100 Years Underground Author, Ray Orton; Researcher, Nick Gaw; Book Design, Grey Lipley & John Gale Traces the history and development of the London Underground train network and the escalators that serve it. Author Ray Orton has worked for the London Underground for over 25 years and his enthusiasm for these unique m achines and their environment will engage readers worldwide. Over 70 extraordinary photos! Hardback | Coffee-table-sized at 11” x 9-1/2” | Weight: 3 lb REGULAR $57.50
TIMELESS EDITIONS Jallings’ Elevators by John H. Jallings Presenting the development and design of hand, belt, steam, hydraulic and electric elevators, Jallings’ Elevators served as a popular reference during the early 20th century. Starting with the fundamental p rinciples of elevator technology, the book describes mechanical equipment, as well as car and car frames, guide rails and hoist ropes. Hardback/Numbered | 420 pages | Weight: 2 lb. REGULAR $80.00
Elevators by Frederick A. Annett Originally published in 1961, when traction elevators were prominent, this publication is pertinent today since most of these elevators are candidates for modernization. Elevators provides vital information to anyone c ontemplating modernization or involved in the maintenance of such equipment. Printed by Elevator World, Inc. in its original style. Hardback/Numbered | 387 pages | Weight: 2 lb. REGULAR $80.00
Electric Elevators, Books 1 & 2 (Combined) by Fred Hymans Fundamental elevator design and engineering. Originally published in 1931 and 1934. Includes: Electric Traction Elevators and Hoistway Equipment, Electric Elevator Motors, Electric Elevator Operators, care and maintenance and detailed descriptions of “AC” and “DC.” REGULAR SUBSCRIBER DISCOUNT Lithocase Hardback | 366 pages | Weight: 2 lb. $51.75
Monsters in the Elevator
In this cooperative math card game for kids, your Elevator is full of Monsters trying to go to work. If the Elevator gets too heavy, it breaks and everyone loses. But, if the Elevator reaches the 20th floor without breaking, everyone wins! Monsters in the Elevator is for 2-6 player, ages 7-to-11 (and up). Takes 2 minutes to learn and 5-20 minutes to play.
Going Up! Elisha Otis’s Trip to the Top by Monica Kulling / illustrated by David Parkins This new book for young readers tells the life story of Elisha Otis, the man who invented and installed his first successful passenger elevator in a five-story department store in New York City. Going Up! brings this inventor to life through the use of marvelous illustrations and unique dialogue. Paperback | 32 pages | Weight: 1 lb. REGULAR $10.00
Don’t Forget About these Kids’ Classics! • The Elevator Family by Douglas Evans • The Case of the Elevator Duck by Polly Berrien Bernends • Alligator in the Elevator by Rick Charette
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