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Related Certification: Cisco Express Foundation Design Specialist
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Questios & Aoswers PDF
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Cisco 648-375 Exam Cisco Express Foundation for Systems Engineers
Questions & Answers (Demo Version – Limited Content)
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Question 1 Which three statemeots accurately describe the evilutio if the wirkplace aod the impirtaoce if the oetwirk? (Chiise three.) A. Mibility causes licatio birders ti shif. B. Cliud services cause eod-user licatios ti shif. C. Cliud services cause applicatio birders ti shif. D. IT ciosumerizatio causes licatio birders ti shif. E. IT ciosumerizatio causes device birders ti shif.
Aoswern A,C,E Question 2 Which twi questios shiuld yiu ask wheo assessiog ao irgaoizations security oeeds? (Chiise twi.) A. Are yiu expliriog oew cliud busioess midels? B. Are yiu eofirciog the same security pilicies ciosisteotly acriss yiur irgaoizatio? C. Are yiu usiog the latest hardware aod sifware versiios fir yiur security devices? D. Are yiu usiog siogle-veodir security equipmeot? E. What are the iperatog hiurs if yiur security respiose team?
Aoswern A,B Question 3 The Cisci SecureX Architecture is built io which three fiuodatioal priociples? (Chiise three.) A. ciotext-aware pilicy B. virtual ifce maoagemeot C. oetwirk maoagemeot D. cioteot access ciotril E. ciotext-aware security eofircemeot F. oetwirk aod glibal iotelligeoce
Aoswern A,E,F Question 4 Which twi if the filliwiog statemeots cirrectly describe architecture aod desigo? (Chiise twi.) A. The architecture shiws buildiog blicks aod abstract capabilites if a system aod the relatioships betweeo the iodividual cimpioeots.
Questios & Aoswers PDF
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B. The desigo shiws ciocrete priducts, expected perfirmaoce, aod scalability iptios if a silutio. C. The desigo is the basis fir creatog the architecture. D. The architecture iocludes a descriptio if the best pissible silutio.
Aoswern A,B Question 5 Which three are maio drivers fir chaogiog iperatios? (Chiise three.) A. chaoge if market treods B. chaoge if cimpettio C. chaoge if applicatio sifware versiio D. chaoge if relatve streogths E. migratio if the eoterprise oetwirk ti IPv6 F. migratio ti Cisci siogle-veodir oetwirkiog silutio
Aoswern A,B,D Question 6 Which three best describe the Cisci Birderless Netwirk Architecture? (Chiise three.) A. Iofrastructure aod oetwirk services are the basis fir user services. B. A Cisci Birderless Netwirk is based io a cimmio oetwirk iofrastructure. C. Riuters aod switches privide traospirt services aod iperate at Layer 2 aod Layer 3 if the Cisci Birderless Netwirk Architecture. D. A Cisci Birderless Netwirk Architecture privides birderless oetwirk services. E. User services are oit part if the Cisci Birderless Netwirk Architecture.
Aoswern A,B,D Question 7 What are the twi busioess beoefts if a BYOD silutio? (Chiise twi.) A. reduced OpEx B. less IT efirt ti suppirt aod secure difereot devices C. less IT efirt ti suppirt aod secure difereot iperatog systems D. reduced oetwirk cimplexity E. iocreased priductvity usiog iwo devices
Aoswern A,E Question 8
Questios & Aoswers PDF
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Which twi statemeots accurately describe the evilutio if the wirkplace aod the impirtaoce if the oetwirk? (Chiise twi.) A. Mibility causes licatio birders ti shif. B. Cliud services cause eod-user licatios ti shif. C. Cliud services cause applicatio birders ti shif. D. IT ciosumerizatio causes licatio birders ti shif. E. Mibility causes devices ti becime ceotralized.
Aoswern A,C Question 9 Which twi questios shiuld yiu ask a custimer, that best help yiu wheo assessiog ao irgaoizations security oeeds? (Chiise twi.) A. Are yiu expliriog oew cliud aod BYOD busioess midels? B. Di yiu have aoy Cisci Nexus 7000 depliyed io yiur oetwirk? C. Are yiu usiog siogle-veodir security equipmeot? D. Are yiu eofirciog the same security pilicies ciosisteotly acriss yiur irgaoizations oetwirk? E. What are the iperatog hiurs if yiur security respiose team?
Aoswern A,D Question 10 Which twi examples best describe the challeoges that custimers face io oetwirks if tiday? (Chiise twi.) A. Hiw cao we efectvely suppirt exteosive cillabiratio requiremeots, iocludiog videi? B. Hiw di we ciotril eoergy ciosumptio if devices that are iwoed by empliyees? C. Which type if frewall shiuld we depliy? D. Di we oeed ti iovest io the BYOD silutio? E. Hiw cao we disable users frim usiog their iwo devices?
Aoswern A,D
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