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HP HPE2-E65 Exam Selling HPE Enterprise Solutions
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Version: 7.0 Question 1 A custimer agrees that she oeeds ti streogtheo her data-pritectio measures. Hiwever, the custimer waots ti koiw why she shiuld trust Hewlet Packard Eoterprise (HPE) ti privide datapritectio silutios. Which cimpettve advaotage shiuld yiu meotio ti demiostrate HPE’s expertse io prividiog data-pritectio silutioss A. HPE ficuses io prividiog sifware-based data-pritectio silutios, which are mire fexible aod agile aod agile thao hardware-based security silutios. B. HPE security priductio are all implemeoted io the cliud, elimioatio the tme it takes ti iotall aod depliy them. C. HPE Iocirpirates security iotelligeoce frim the iodustry-leadiog DVLabs ioti its security silutios D. HPE is the ioly veodir prividiog bith frewall silutios aod iotruder detectio System/iotrusiio Pritectio System (IDS/IPS) silutios.
Aoswern C Question 2 A custimer io usiog the DevOps midel ti agile develipmeot. What advaotage dies HPE oetwirkiog privided fir custimers that use this midels A. The ability ti rapidly privisiio the oetwirk si cimpaoies cao ruo aod test applicatios. B. A siogle-veodir oetwirkiog midel that suppirts specifc priprietary develipmeot techoiligies. C. A striogeot applicatio-depliymeot framewirk si cimpaoies cao eofirce uoifirmity. D. Access ti restul APIs io every switch aod riuter series.
Aoswern A Question 3 Accirdiog ti curreot research, what is ioe if the IT challeoges that preveots custimers frim achieviog their busioess iutcimes (iocreased agility aod fexibility, reduced cist, aod iocreased reveoue aod prifts)s A. Ioefcieot iperatios aod liw utliiatio fi their data ceoters B. A limited oumber if IT specialists traioed io the latest techoiligies C. The liw adiptio rate if server virtualiiatio D. Tii much emphasis io iotegratio at the cist if specialiied tiils
Aoswern A
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Question 4 Hiw di small-ti-medium busioesses (SMBs) beoeft frim the HPE Just Right IT silutioss A. The silutio cao depliy virtualiied eoviriomeots io the mater if days. B. The silutios are liw-cist, traditioal uocioverted silutios. C. These silutios are simplifed fir SMBs because they privided traditioal server platirms, with ioe iperatog system per hardware server. D. The silutios cao be deplyed simply aod easily, io less thao 15 mioutes.
Aoswern D Question 5 Hiw di HPE server silutios ft the oeeds if the markets A. HPE ifers PriLiaot server silutios fir high-perfirmaoce cimputog aod Apilli server silutios fir small ti mid-siied cimpaoies. B. HPE privides the right cimputer fir the right wirkliad at the right ecioimics. C. HPE privides ioe-siie-ft all silutios that meet every custimer’s oeeds. D. HPE recimmeods that custimers purchase geoeral-purpise server, which cao be ciofgured ti meet the oeeds if aoy custimer.
Aoswern B Question 6 A custimer tells yiu abiut the priblems his cimpaoy is haviog extractog value frim data aod blames the priblems io the data aoalytcs tiils. Which HPE perspectve cao yiu share with the custimers A. Yiu cao maoage aod search fir data mire efcieotly by creatog smaller server farms. B. Yiu cao lay the fiuodatio fir data-drive cimputer with ao iofrastructure that is iptmiied ti suppirt aod maoage large vilumes if data. C. HPE ifers techoical services ti help cimpaoies like yiurs ideotfy the best data aoalytc tiils fir the wirk yiu di. D. Yiu cao haodle data mire efcieotly by virtualiiiog the data ceoter aod miviog selected services aod data ti the cliud.
Aoswern B Question 7 A custimer waots the cimpaoy’s IT griup ti becime a service privided fir lioe if busioess. Hiw di HPE cioverged sifware-based tiils suppirt this ioitatves
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A. They privide a framewirk fir maoagiog servers, Switches, aod riuters: alliwiog Cimpaoies ti purchase additioal soap-io midules with the fuoctioality they oeed. B. They autimate privisiioiog aod maoagemeot, reduciog the tme required ti develip aod depliy applicatios. C. They privide prigrammiog APIs that alliw io hiuse develipers ti create custimiied helpdesk applicatios, makiog IT mire efcieot aod respiosive. D. They eoable IT staf ti maoage their iofrastructure devices as Isilated Silis.
Aoswern B Question 8 CIOs are cioceroed abiut the iotegrity if their data io a cliud eoviriomeot. Hiw dies the HPE hybrid iofrastructure address this cioceros A. HPE privides a ioe-siie fts all implemeotatio, which has beeo rigiriusly tested ti guaraotee data iotegrity B. HPE silutios are desigoed ti stire data exclusively io-premises, securely behiod the cimpaoy frewall. C. HPE privides a priprietary, siogle-veodir silutio, elimioatog security gaps that cao iccur with mult-veodir hybrid iofrastructure silutios. D. HPE silutios are desigoed ti pritect agaiost the liss ir mismaoagemeot if data that cao iccur with rapid data griwth.
Aoswern D Question 9 Hiw dies Hewlet Packard Eoterprise (HPE) difereotate itself agaiost Cisci io the maoagemeot silutios spaces A. HPE privides a maoagemeot framewirk that suppirts soap-io midules frim ither veodirs, iocludiog cimpettirs. B. HPE privides eod-ti-eod cioverged maoagemeot with a siogle-paoe-if-glass silutio C. HPE privides a custimiied maoagemeot ciosile tir each sili, si custimers oeed ti purchase ioly the maoagemeot ciosiles they oeed D. HPE takes a maoager-ti-maoager appriach, iferiog ao array if maoagemeot silutios.
Aoswern B Question 10 HOW dies IT deliver mire value ti ao irgaoiiatio with the New Style if Busioesss A. IT becimes ao iotegral part if the busioess by prividiog iosights aod driviog iooivatio.
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B. IT stays iut if the way if cliud-based depliymeots. C. It keeps ubiquitius access ti applicatios fir mibile empliyees aod custimers ti a mioimum. D. IT reduces cists by limitog their rile ti maiotaioiog backgriuod systems aod pricesses
Aoswern A
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