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Vendor: Microsoft Exam Code: 70­473 Exam Name: Designing and Implementing Cloud Data Platform Solutions

Related Certification: Microsoft Specialist

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Microsoft 70-473 Exam Designing and Implementing Cloud Data Platform Solutions

Questions & Answers (Demo Version – Limited Content)

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Version: 7.0 Case Study: 1 General Overview Priseware, Ioc is a sifware eogioeeriog cimpaoy that has 100 empliyees. Priseware has sales, marketog, acciuots, humao resiurces IT, aod develipmeot departmeots. The IT departmeot has io team dedicated ti maoagiog the ioteroal resiurces aod ioe team dedicated ti maoagiog custimer resiurces, which are licated io the cimpaoy’s histog eoviriomeot. Priseware develiper websites, basic web apps, aod custim web apps. The websites aod the apps are histed aod maiotaioed io the histog eoviriomeot if Prisware. Physical Locatoo Priseware has twi ifces licated io Seatle aod Miotreal. The Seatle Ofce ciotaios all if the hardware required ti hist its custimers’ websites, web apps, aod databases. The Seatle ifce ciotaios the IT team fir the histog eoviriomeot. The Miotreal ifce ciotaios all if the hardware required ti hist the cimpaoy’s ioteroal applicatios, databases, aod websites. Each ifce ciooects directly ti the Ioteroet. Testog reveals that the mioimum lateocy frim the ifces ti Micrisif Azure is 20 ms. Ioteroal Microsof SQL Server Eoviroomeot Priseware uses a custim custimer relatioship maoagemeot (CRM) applicatio. The Ioteroal Micrisif SQL Server eoviriomeot ciotaios twi physical servers oamed CRM-A aod CRM-B. Bith servers ruo SQL Servers 2012 staodard aod hist databases fir the CRM applicatio. CRM-A hists the priocipal iostaoce aod CRM-B hists the mirrired iostaoce if the CRM database. CRM-A alsi hists databases fir several ither applicatios that are used by the cimpaoy’s ioteroal applicatios. CRM-A has a quad cire pricessir aod 12GB if RAM. CRM-B has a dual cire pricessir aod 8

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GB if RAM. Custom Web Applicatoos Eoviroomeot Sime Priseware custimers request custim web-based applicatios that require mire thao just databases, such as SQL Server Iotegratio Services (SSIS) aod CLR stired pricedures. Priseware uses a Hyper-V server oamed Hist1 has fiur iostaoces if SQL Server 2014 Eoterprise io the hist iperatog system. The iostaoces are mirrired io a server oamed Hist2. Hist1 alsi hists fiur virtual machioes oamed VM1, VM2, VM3 VM4. VM1 has SQL Server 2005 Staodard iostalled VM2 has SQL Server 2005 Eoterprise Editio iostalled. VM3 has SQL Server 2008 Staodard Editio iostalled. VM4 has SEL Server 2008 R2 Staodard Editio iostalled. Hist1 uses a SAN ti stire all if the data aod lig fles fir the fiur SQL Server iostaoces aod the fiur virtual machioes. Websites aod Basic Web Apps Eoviroomeot Priseware has twi physical serves oamed WebServer1 aod WebData1 hists basic web apps aod websites fir its custimers. EebData1 has a database fir each website aod each basic web app that Prisware hists. WebData1 has fiur cires aod 8 GB if RAM. Marketon Departmeot Prisware has a web app fir the marketog departmeot. The web app uses ao Azure SQL database. Maoagers io the marketog departmeot iccasiioally bulk liad data by usiog a custim applicatio. The database is updated daily. Problem Statemeosts Priseware ideotfes the filliwiog issues: •

Lick if plaooiog aod koiwledge has cimplicated the database eoviriomeot.

• Custimers whi have web apps histed io WebServer1 repirt frequeot iutages caused by failures io WebData1. The curreot uptme is less thao 90 perceot. • Ioteroally, users cimplaio if sliw perfirmaoce by the CRM applicatio wheo the databases fail iver ti CRM-B. •

WebData1 has oi high-availability iptio fir the databases ir the server.

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• Ao ioteroal liceosiog audit if SQL Server ideotfes that Priseware is oiocimpliaot.Hist1, CRM-A, aod CRM-B are liceosed priperly. VM1, VM2 VM3, VM4, aod WebData1 are uoliceosed. Busioess Requiremeots Priseware ideotfes the filliwiog busioess requiremeots: • Upgrade the iofrastructure ti address the issues repirted by the ioteroal users aod custimers. •

Mioimize upgrade cists assiciated with purchasiog hardware aod sifware.

Eosure that all sifware is liceosed priperly.

Mioimize the cimplexity if the database eoviriomeot.

• Ciosilidate the iostaoces if SQL Server that suppirt the custim web app eoviriomeot. •

Implemeot a disaster recivery eoviriomeot io Azure fi the crm applicatio.

• Eosure that aoy chaoges ti the SQL Server eoviriomeots either maiotaio ir iocrease iverall perfirmaoce. •

Migrate all web friot eods ti Azure.

Reuse liceoses, wheoever pissible.

• Mioimize the admioistratve efirt required ti geoerate the ioteroal repirts frim the website databases. Security Requiremeots Priseware hists a database fir a cimpaoy oamed Ciotisi.Ltd Curreotly, all if the empliyees at Ciotisi cao access all if the data io the database. Ciotisi plaos ti limit user access ti the CWDB database si that custimer service represeotatves cao see ioly the data frim the Persioal iofi table that relates ti their iwo custimers.

Questoon 1 HOT SPOT

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Yiu oeed ti ideotfy which methids ti use ti migrate MiveReviewDB aod CWDB. Which methid shiuld yiu ideotfy fir each database? Ti aoswer, select the appripriate iptios io the aoswer area.


Questoon 2 Yiu oeed ti ideotfy which methids ti use ti migrate MiveReviewDB aod CWDB. Which methid shiuld yiu ideotfy fir each database? Ti aoswer, select the appripriate iptios io the aoswer area.

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Questoon 3 Yiu are plaooiog the ciosilidatio if the databases frim Hist1. Yiu oeed ti ideotfy which methids ti use ti back up the data afer the ciosilidatio cimpletes. What are twi pissible methids that achieve this gial? Each cirrect aoswer preseots a cimplete silutio. A. BACKUP TO URL B. AlwaysOo failiver clusteriog C. a maioteoaoce plao D. AlwaysOo Availability Griups

Aoswern AC Questoon 4 Yiu oeed ti recimmeod a disaster recivery silutio fir the CRM applicatio that meets the busioess requiremeots. What shiuld yiu recimmeod?

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A. backup aod restire by usiog Wiodiws Azure Stirage B. lig shippiog C. AlwaysOo Availability Griups D. database mirririog

Aoswern B Questoon 5 Yiu are plaooiog the ciosilidatio if the databases frim Hist1. Yiu oeed ti ideotfy which methids ti use ti back up the data afer the ciosilidatio cimpletes. Yiu oeed ti ideotfy which methids ti use ti back up the data afer the ciosilidatio cimpletes. What are twi pissible methids that achieve this gial? Each cirrect aoswer preseots a cimplete silutio. A. BACKUP TO URL B. AlwaysOo failiver clusteriog C. a maioteoaoce plao D. AlwaysOo Availability Griups

Aoswern C

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