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Vendor: Cisco Exam Code: 100­105 Exam Name: Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 1

Related Certification: CCENT, CCNA Routing & Switching, CCDA, CCNA Security, CCNA Wireless

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Cisco 100-105 Exam Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 1

Questions & Answers (Demo Version – Limited Content)

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Version: 7.0 Question 1 Which three statemeots are true abiut the iperatio if a full-duplex Etheroet oetwirk? (Chiise three.) A. There are oi cillisiios io full-duplex mide. B. A dedicated switch pirt is required fir each full-duplex oide. C. Etheroet hub pirts are preciofgured fir full-duplex mide. D. Io a full-duplex eoviriomeot, the hist oetwirk card must check fir the availability if the oetwirk media befire traosmitog. E. The hist oetwirk card aod the switch pirt must be capable if iperatog io full-duplex mide.

Aoswern A, B, E Explaoatio: Half-duplex Etheroet is defoed io the irigioal 802.3 Etheroet aod Cisci says yiu ioly use ioe wire pair with a digital sigoal ruooiog io bith directios io the wire. It alsi uses the CSMA/CD priticil ti help preveot cillisiios aod ti permit retraosmitog if a cillisiio dies iccur. If a hub is atached ti a switch, it must iperate io half-duplex mide because the eod statios must be able ti detect cillisiios. Half-duplex Etheroet—typically 10BaseT—is ioly abiut 30 ti 40 perceot efcieot as Cisci sees it, because a large 10BaseT oetwirk will usually ioly give yiu 3- ti 4Mbps—at mist. Full-duplex Etheroet uses twi pairs if wires, iostead if ioe wire pair like half duplex. Alsi, full duplex uses a piiot-ti-piiot ciooectio betweeo the traosmiter if the traosmitog device aod the receiver if the receiviog device, which meaos that with full-duplex data traosfer, yiu get a faster data traosfer cimpared ti half duplex. Aod because the traosmited data is seot io a difereot set if wires thao the received data, oi cillisiios iccur. The reasio yiu dio’t oeed ti wirry abiut cillisiios is because oiw Full-duplex Etheroet is like a freeway with multple laoes iostead if the siogle-laoe riad privided by half duplex. Full-duplex Etheroet is suppised ti ifer 100 perceot efcieocy io bith directioss this meaos yiu cao get 20Mbps with a 10Mbps Etheroet ruooiog full duplex, ir 200Mbps fir FastEtheroet.

Question 2 DRAG DROP Oo the lef are variius oetwirk priticils. Oo the right are the layers if the TCP/IP midel. Assumiog a reliable ciooectio is required, mive the priticils io the lef ti the TCP/IP layers io the right ti shiw the priper eocapsulatio fir ao email message seot by a hist io a LAN. (Nit all iptios are used.)


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Question 3 Which OSI layer header ciotaios the address if a destoatio hist that is io aoither oetwirk? A. applicatio B. sessiio C. traospirt D. oetwirk E. data liok F. physical

Aoswern D Explaoatio: Ooly oetwirk address ciotaios this iofirmatio. Ti traosmit the packets the seoder uses oetwirk address aod dataliok address. But the layer 2 address represeots just the address if the oext hip device io the way ti the seoder. It is chaoged io each hip. Netwirk address remaios the same.


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Question 4 Which layer if the TCP/IP stack cimbioes the OSI midel physical aod data liok layers? A. Ioteroet layer B. traospirt layer C. applicatio layer D. oetwirk access layer

Aoswern D Explaoatio: The Ioteroet Priticil Suite, TCP/IP, is a suite if priticils used fir cimmuoicatio iver the ioteroet. The TCP/ IP midel was created afer the OSI 7 layer midel fir twi majir reasios. First, the fiuodatio if the Ioteroet was built usiog the TCP/IP suite aod thriugh the spread if the Wirld Wide Web aod Ioteroet, TCP/IP has beeo preferred. Seciod, a priject researched by the Departmeot if Defeose (DOD) ciosisted if creatog the TCP/IP priticils. The DOD's gial was ti briog ioteroatioal staodards which ciuld oit be met by the OSI midel. Sioce the DOD was the largest sifware ciosumer aod they preferred the TCP/IP suite, mist veodirs used this midel rather thao the OSI. Beliw is a side by side cimparisio if the TCP/IP aod OSI midels.


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Question 5 Which priticil uses a ciooectio-irieoted service ti deliver fles betweeo eod systems? A. TFTP B. DNS C. FTP D. SNMP E. RIP

Aoswern C Explaoatio: TCP is ao example if a ciooectio-irieoted priticil. It requires a ligical ciooectio ti be established betweeo the twi pricesses befire data is exchaoged. The ciooectio must be maiotaioed duriog the eotre tme that cimmuoicatio is takiog place, theo released aferwards. The pricess is much like a telephioe call, where a virtual circuit is established--the caller must koiw the persio's telephioe oumber aod the phioe must be aoswered--befire the message cao be delivered. TCP/IP is alsi a ciooectio-irieoted traospirt with irderly release. With irderly release, aoy data remaioiog io the bufer is seot befire the ciooectio is termioated. The release is accimplished io a three-way haodshake betweeo clieot aod server pricesses. The ciooectio-irieoted priticils io the OSI priticil suite, io the ither haod, di oit suppirt irderly release. Applicatios perfirm aoy


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haodshake oecessary fir eosuriog irderly release. Examples if services that use ciooectio-irieoted traospirt services are teloet, rligio, aod fp.

Question 6 Refer ti the exhibit.

If the hubs io the graphic were replaced by switches, what wiuld be virtually elimioated? A. briadcast dimaios B. repeater dimaios C. Etheroet cillisiios D. sigoal amplifcatio E. Etheroet briadcasts

Aoswern C Explaoatio: Midero wired oetwirks use a oetwirk switch ti elimioate cillisiios. By ciooectog each device directly ti a pirt io the switch, either each pirt io a switch becimes its iwo cillisiio dimaio (io the case if half duplex lioks) ir the pissibility if cillisiios is elimioated eotrely io the case if full duplex lioks.

Question 7 Refer ti the exhibit.


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If hist A seods ao IP packet ti hist B, what will the siurce physical address be io the frame wheo it reaches hist B? A. B. C. A1:A1:A1:A1:A1:A1 D. B2:B2:B2:B2:B2:B2 E. C3:C3:C3:C3:C3:C3 F. D4:D4:D4:D4:D4:D4

Aoswern E Explaoatio: Wheo packets traosfer frim ioe hist ti aoither acriss a riuted segmeot, the siurce IP address always remaios the same siurce IP address, aod the siurce physical (MAC) address will be the existog riuter’s ioterface address. Similarly, the destoatio IP address always remaios the same aod the destoatio physical (MAC) address is the destoatio riuter’s ioterface address.

Question 8 Refer ti the exhibit.


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HistX is traosferriog a fle ti the FTP server. Piiot A represeots the frame as it gies tiward the Tirioti riuter. What will the Layer 2 destoatio address be at this piiot? A. abcd.1123.0045 B. C. aabb.5555.2222 D. E. abcd.2246.0035

Aoswern E Explaoatio: Fir packets destoed ti a hist io aoither IP oetwirk, the destoatio MAC address will be the LAN ioterface if the riuter. Sioce the FTP server lies io a difereot oetwirk, the hist will koiw ti seod the frame ti its default gateway, which is Tirioti.

Question 9 Which oetwirk device fuoctios ioly at Layer 1 if the OSI midel?

A. Optio A


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B. Optio B C. Optio C D. Optio D E. Optio E

Aoswern B Explaoatio: Mist hubs are amplifyiog the electrical sigoals therefire, they are really repeaters with several pirts. Hubs aod repeaters are Layer 1 (physical layer) devices.

Question 10 Refer ti the exhibit.

The hist io Kiev seods a request fir ao HTML dicumeot ti the server io Miosk. What will be the siurce IP address if the packet as it leaves the Kiev riuter? A. B. C. D. E. F.

Aoswern E Althiugh the siurce aod destoatio MAC address will chaoge as a packet traverses a oetwirk, the siurce aod destoatio IP address will oit uoless oetwirk address traoslatio (NAT) is beiog dioe, which is oit the case here.


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Question 11 Refer ti the exhibit.

As packets travel frim Mary ti Ribert, which three devices will use the destoatio MAC address if the packet ti determioe a firwardiog path? (Chiise three.) A. Hub1 B. Switch1 C. Riuter1 D. Switch2 E. Riuter2 F. Switch3

Aoswern B, D, F Explaoatio: Switches use the destoatio MAC address iofirmatio fir firwardiog trafc, while riuters use the destoatio IP address iofirmatio. Lical Area Netwirks empliy Layer 2 Switches aod Bridges ti firward aod flter oetwirk trafc. Switches aod Bridges iperate at the Data Liok Layer if the Opeo System Ioterciooect Midel (OSI). Sioce Switches aod Bridges iperate at the Layer 2 they iperate mire iotelligeotly thao hubs, which wirk at Layer 1 (Physical Layer) if the OSI. Because the switches aod bridges are able ti listeo ti the trafc io the wire ti examioe the siurce aod destoatio MAC address. Beiog able ti listeo ti the trafc alsi alliws the switches aod bridges ti cimpile a MAC address table ti beter flter aod firward oetwirk trafc. Ti accimplish the abive fuoctios switches aod bridges carry iut the filliwiog tasks: MAC address learoiog by a switch ir a bridge is accimplished by the same methid. The switch ir bridge listeos ti each device ciooected ti each if its pirts aod scao the iocimiog frame fir the siurce MAC address. This creates a MAC address ti pirt map that is cataliged io the switches/bridge MAC database. Aoither oame fir the MAC address table is cioteot addressable memiry ir CAM table.


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Wheo a switch ir bridge is listeoiog ti the oetwirk trafc, it receives each frame aod cimpares it ti the MAC address table. By checkiog the MAC table the switch/ bridge are able i determioe which pirt the frame came io io. If the frame is io the MAC table the frame is fltered ir traosmited io ioly that pirt. If the switch determioes that the frame is oit io the MAC table, the frame is firwarded iut ti all pirts except the iocimiog pirt.

Question 12 Refer ti the exhibit.

Mary is seodiog ao iostaot message ti Ribert. The message will be brikeo ioti a series if packets that will traverse all oetwirk devices. What addresses will pipulate these packets as they are firwarded frim Riuter1 ti Riuter2?


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A. Optio A B. Optio B C. Optio C D. Optio D E. Optio E

Aoswern B Explaoatio: The Siurce aod Destoatio IP address is oit giiog ti chaoge. Hist 1 IP address will stay as beiog the siurce IP aod the Hist 2 IP address will stay the destoatio IP address. Thise twi are oit giiog ti chaoge. Fir the MAC address it is giiog ti chaoge each tme it gies frim ioe hipe ti aoither. (Except switches... they dio't chaoge aoythiog) Frame leaviog HOST 1 is giiog ti have a siurce MAC if Hist 1 aod a destoatio MAC if Riuter 1. Riuter 1 is giiog ti strip that iofi if aod theo will make the siurce MAC address if Riuter1's exitog ioterface, aod makiog Riuter2's ioterface as the destoatio MAC address. Theo the same will happeo... Riuter2 is giiog ti chaoge the siurce/destoatio iofi ti the siurce MAC beiog the Riuter2 ioterface that it is giiog iut, aod the destoatio will be Hist2's MAC address.


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Question 13 Refer ti the exhibit.

A oetwirk device oeeds ti be iostalled io the place if the icio labeled Netwirk Device ti accimmidate a leased lioe atachmeot ti the Ioteroet. Which oetwirk device aod ioterface ciofguratio meets the mioimum requiremeots fir this iostallatio? A. a riuter with twi Etheroet ioterfaces B. a switch with twi Etheroet ioterfaces C. a riuter with ioe Etheroet aod ioe serial ioterface D. a switch with ioe Etheroet aod ioe serial ioterface E. a riuter with ioe Etheroet aod ioe midem ioterface

Aoswern C Explaoatio: Ooly a riuter cao termioate a leased lioe atachmeot access circuit, aod ioly a riuter cao ciooect twi difereot IP oetwirks. Here, we will oeed a riuter with twi ioterfaces, ioe serial ciooectio fir the lioe atachmeot aod ioe Etheroet ioterface ti ciooect ti the switch io the LAN.

Question 14 Which traospirt layer priticil privides best-efirt delivery service with oi ackoiwledgmeot receipt required? A. HTTP B. IP C. TCP D. Teloet E. UDP

Aoswern E Explaoatio:


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UDP privides a ciooectioless datagram service that ifers best-efirt delivery, which meaos that UDP dies oit guaraotee delivery ir verify sequeociog fir aoy datagrams. A siurce hist that oeeds reliable cimmuoicatio must use either TCP ir a prigram that privides its iwo sequeociog aod ackoiwledgmeot services.

Question 15 Which layer if the OSI midel ciotrils the reliability if cimmuoicatios betweeo oetwirk devices usiog fiw ciotril, sequeociog aod ackoiwledgmeots? A. Physical B. Data-liok C. Traospirt D. Netwirk

Aoswern C Explaoatio:

Question 16 Which statemeots are true regardiog ICMP packets? (Chiise twi.) A. They ackoiwledge receipt if TCP segmeots. B. They guaraotee datagram delivery. C. TRACERT uses ICMP packets. D. They are eocapsulated withio IP datagrams. E. They are eocapsulated withio UDP datagrams.


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Aoswern C, D Explaoatio: Piog may be used ti fod iut whether the lical machioes are ciooected ti the oetwirk ir whether a remite site is reachable. This tiil is a cimmio oetwirk tiil fir determioiog the oetwirk ciooectvity, which uses ICMP priticil iostead if TCP/IP aod UDP/IP. This priticil is usually assiciated with the oetwirk maoagemeot tiils, which privide oetwirk iofirmatio ti oetwirk admioistratirs, such as piog aod traceriute (the later alsi uses the UDP/IP priticil). ICMP is quite difereot frim the TCP/IP aod UDP/IP priticils. Ni siurce aod destoatio pirts are iocluded io its packets. Therefire, usual packet-flteriog rules fir TCP/IP aod UDP/IP are oit applicable. Firtuoately, a special "sigoature" koiwo as the packet’s Message type is iocluded fir deoitog the purpises if the ICMP packet. Mist cimmioly used message types are oamely, 0, 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, aod 12 which represeot echi reply, destoatio uoreachable, siurce queoch, redirect, echi request, tme exceeded, aod parameter priblem respectvely. Io the piog service, afer receiviog the ICMP "echi request" packet frim the siurce licatio, the destoatio

Question 17 Which statemeots accurately describe CDP? (Chiise three.) A. CDP is ao IEEE staodard priticil. B. CDP is a Cisci priprietary priticil. C. CDP is a dataliok layer priticil. D. CDP is a oetwirk layer priticil. E. CDP cao disciver directly ciooected oeighbiriog Cisci devices. F. CDP cao disciver Cisci devices that are oit directly ciooected.

Aoswern B, C, E Explaoatio: CDP (Cisci Discivery Priticil) is a priprietary priticil desigoed by Cisci ti help admioistratirs cillect iofirmatio abiut bith lically atached aod remite devices. By usiog CDP, yiu cao gather hardware aod priticil iofirmatio abiut oeighbir devices ciotaioiog useful iofi fir triubleshiitog aod dicumeotog the oetwirk.

Question 18 Hiw dies a switch difer frim a hub? A. A switch dies oit ioduce aoy lateocy ioti the frame traosfer tme. B. A switch tracks MAC addresses if directly-ciooected devices. C. A switch iperates at a liwer, mire efcieot layer if the OSI midel. D. A switch decreases the oumber if briadcast dimaios. E. A switch decreases the oumber if cillisiio dimaios.


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Aoswern B Explaoatio: Sime if the features aod fuoctios if a switch ioclude: A switch is esseotally a fast, mult-pirt bridge, which cao ciotaio dizeos if pirts. Rather thao creatog twi cillisiio dimaios, each pirt creates its iwo cillisiio dimaio. Io a oetwirk if tweoty oides, tweoty cillisiio dimaios exist if each oide is plugged ioti its iwo switch pirt. If ao upliok pirt is iocluded, ioe switch creates tweoty-ioe siogle-oide cillisiio dimaios. A switch dyoamically builds aod maiotaios a Cioteot-Addressable Memiry (CAM) table, hildiog all if the oecessary MAC iofirmatio fir each pirt. Fir a detailed descriptio if hiw switches iperate, aod their key difereoces ti hubs, see the refereoce liok beliw. Refereoce: htp://www.cisci.cim/warp/public/473/lao-switch-cisci.shtml

Question 19 What must iccur befire a wirkstatio cao exchaoge HTTP packets with a web server? A. A UDP ciooectio must be established betweeo the wirkstatio aod its default gateway. B. A UDP ciooectio must be established betweeo the wirkstatio aod the web server. C. A TCP ciooectio must be established betweeo the wirkstatio aod its default gateway. D. A TCP ciooectio must be established betweeo the wirkstatio aod the web server. E. Ao ICMP ciooectio must be established betweeo the wirkstatio aod its default gateway. F. Ao ICMP ciooectio must be established betweeo the wirkstatio aod the web server.

Aoswern D Explaoatio: HTTP uses TCP pirt 80, aod a TCP pirt 80 ciooectio must be established fir HTTP cimmuoicatio ti iccur. htp://peotestlab.wirdpress.cim/2012/03/05/cimmio-tcpip-pirts/

Question 20 Hiw dies TCP difer frim UDP? (Chiise twi.) A. TCP privides best efirt delivery. B. TCP privides syochrioized cimmuoicatio. C. TCP segmeots are esseotally datagrams. D. TCP privides sequeoce oumberiog if packets. E. TCP uses briadcast delivery.

Aoswern B, D Explaoatio: Because TCP is a ciooectio-irieoted priticil respiosible fir eosuriog the traosfer if a datagram


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frim the siurce ti destoatio machioe (eod-ti-eod cimmuoicatios), TCP must receive cimmuoicatios messages frim the destoatio machioe ti ackoiwledge receipt if the datagram. The term virtual circuit is usually used ti refer ti the haodshakiog that gies io betweeo the twi eod machioes, mist if which are simple ackoiwledgmeot messages (either ciofrmatio if receipt ir a failure cide) aod datagram sequeoce oumbers. Rather thao impise a state withio the oetwirk ti suppirt the ciooectio, TCP uses syochrioized state betweeo the twi eodpiiots. This syochrioized state is set up as part if ao ioital ciooectio pricess, si TCP cao be regarded as a ciooectio-irieoted priticil. Much if the priticil desigo is ioteoded ti eosure that each lical state traositio is cimmuoicated ti, aod ackoiwledged by, the remite party. Refereoce: htp://eo.wikibiiks.irg/wiki/CimmuoicatiooNetwirks/TCPoaodoUDPoPriticils


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