Exam zone E f ˆ x c ( t )[ x c ( t ) ¡ ˆ x c ( t )] g =0 : (4) If we look at just the first sum in Eq. (4) and incorporating Eq. (3): IfthesuminEq.(1)weretoconvergetothecontinuous-timerandomsignalintheMSsensewerequirethat: Expanding the square in the expectation and rewriting the requirement: If the above expression is evaluated at¿ =0 we obtain: Replacing the variable ¿ with the variable ¿ + t we obtain: E f [x c ( t ) ¡ ˆ x c ( t )] x c ( t ) g = R x x c c (0) ¡ lim ˆ R x x c c (0) = X X X