Spotlight on Athletic Training
Spotlight on Athletic Training
March EAP - Set Boundaries and Boost Your Wellbeing
In honor of National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, Dr. Lora from Excela Health Gastroenterology will be the guest on the Faith in Action radio show. Dr. Lora's interview will be aired at 8:30 a.m. on March 25, 2023, on Westmoreland Gold, channel 98.7 FM and 910 AM.
The full interview will be posted to their website on Monday, March 27.
Healthy Connections: March
Kudos & Recognition, Page 4
New Faces, Page 5
Athletic trainers complete years of educational training, along with clinical training before stepping onto the field. Along with being a part of the sports team, athletic trainers are a part of a team of Orthopedics & Sports Medicine professionals.
Meet Nicole Markiewicz an Athletic Trainer (AT) at Seton Hill University. Her primary sports are volleyball, men’s basketball, and softball. She graduated from California University of Pennsylvania with a bachelor’s degree in athletic training and a master’s degree in Exercise Science.
Newly installed board members of the Westmoreland Hospital Auxiliary are (sitting left to right), President Jan Taylor-Condo, Vice President Darlene Nagrosky and Second Vice President Kaaren Tintori; (standing from left) Past President Joan Stairs, Recording Secretary Maureen Cutrell, Corresponding Secretary Frieda Reamer, Treasurer Lisa Robosky, Assistant Treasurer Sally Anne Novak and Second Past President Darlene Delaini.
March 23, 2023 I
Volume 6 I
Chip Chip Hooray!
Learn More
As a new Wellness initiative the Well-Being Center is promoting a monthly “Healthy Connections” flier. Each month it will highlight prevention, awareness, and holistic wellness topics to remind all of our employees of the benefits of participating in the Excela Health Wellness Program.
The March issue highlights Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month.
From a recent obituary...
"Thank you to the team at the Excela Health ICU sixth floor doctors and nurses. Never have we experienced a more compassionate and devoted team of healthcare professionals”
n National Athletic Training Month
n National Nutrition Month
n Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
n Registered Dietician Nutritionist Day I 3/8
n Certified Nurses Day I 3/19
n Anesthesia Tech Day I 3/31
n Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week I 3/12 to 3/18
n Health Care HR Professionals Week I 3/13-3/17
n Patient Safety Awareness Week I 3/13 to 3/19
Food & Nutrition Services
Ashley Akers, Nutrition Services Specialist
Laboratory Services
Danielle Monroe, Phlebotomist
Central Processing
Sarah Drake, Technician, Central Service
Clinical Resource Management
Haley Sass, Case Manager, BSN
Emergency Department
Jessica Rubinstein, Technical Partner
Inpatient Physical Therapy
Erica Schroyer, Physical Therapist Assistant
Laboratory Services
Destiny Cuff, Phlebotomist
Nursing Pool
Jun Chi Horng, BSN
Melissa Stickney, BSN
Behavioral Health Inpatient Unit 1
Holly Meier, BSN
Environmental Services
Krista Cornell, Environmental Services Technician
Food & Nutrition Services
Miah Bentz, Intern, Nutritional Services
Intensive Care Unit
Philip Green, RN
Operating Room
David Lewis, Expeditor
Alyssa Simpson, BSN
Patient Transport
Jaden Lambert, Patient Transporter
Alyssa Roseski, RN
Nicole Riffle, Technical Partner
Barbara Ohler, Telemetry Technician
Brittany Hayes, Clinical Nurse Coordinator, BS
Kelly Rodgers, RN
Step Down Unit
Oluchi Austin-Adesina, BSN
Pain Medicine
Melinda Sasso, Patient Services Associate
Scott Alexander, Clinical Pharmacist
Mandy Sliva, RN
General Surgery
William Birsic, MD
Internal Medicine
Rita Meglio, Patient Services Associate
Gina Furlano, Patient Services Associate
Primary Care
Sabrina Earnesty, Certified Medical Assistant
Mary Jakubek, Certified Medical Assistant
Mount Pleasant
Anissa McFadden, Certified Medical Assistant
Home Care
Rebecca Stewart, Direct Care Partner