Points of Pride
INSIGHT March 14, 2019
St. Patrick’s Day Contest In this week’s edition of Excela Insight, we are celebrating St. Patrick's Day with a contest! On the front and back of this week's edition, you will find shamrocks of all sorts of sizes, but just how many are there? Be sure to look closely! The first person to email the correct response to EMA@excelahealth.org will win a prize!
Tammy Vogel, MSN, RN, Director Nursing Services and Quality at Latrobe Hospital, is one of Excela Health’s top Points of Pride nominators. Tammy uses Points of Pride as a way to recognize staff by giving thanks, offering “thinking of you” cards as needed, and as a way to celebrate great teamwork and accomplishments. She notices positive changes in staff behavior and attitude when she uses Points of Pride. They are thrilled to be recognized, thankful, and ready to shop when awards are given. Vogel also says that great teamwork during emergency situations has been recognized when staff has gone above and beyond. For example, when recovery efforts turn to preparing a patient and the family for death and/or dying, staff has been recognized for providing emotional support to the patient, family, and each other. To recognize someone for his/her hard work, celebrations, or moments of need, visit Points of Pride on the Intranet
Meet EMma: Therapy dog of the month Employee Engagement Survey March 25 is the start of the Employee Engagement Survey! This survey is open to all employees of Excela Health, it will be sent to them in their email, and also can be found on the Intranet. The results of the survey lead to changes in the organization. Since the last survey, improvements to communication, employee recognition, opportunities for personal finances, and the Excela environment have been implemented. Watch Featured News leading up to the survey for these top 10 improvements.
Meet Emma, a German Shorthaired Pointer mix, who is eight years old and the March Therapy Dog of the Month. Unlike other dogs, Emma is not interested much in toys or food, but does enjoy a game of hide-and-seek with her owner Rhonda. Emma also does not like to be dirty, wet or cold, so she can be found in a raincoat or winter boots in cold weather. She enjoys being a therapy dog and bringing comfort to patients at Excela Square at Norwin and also to the students at Seton Hill University. For information on joining the furry team of therapy animals go to: http://bit.ly/2Isf7lj
Employee Engagement Survey March 25 - April 8
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Vol. 2 Issue 11
Kudos to Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Greg Bisignani who took the time to observe the surgical techniques of students in the biotechnology class at Greensburg Salem, and evaluated their work as they completed a simulated knee replacement.
New Webinar through Washington EAP On 3/19 Washington EAP Services will release an online seminar, which is free to Excela Health employees. The session will explore verbal and non-verbal communication and help participants understand how their behavior may be interpreted by others. This will help to grow positive and effective working relationships. To access the webinar go to http://bit.ly/ExcelaEAP1, login using the password “excela” and click on “work-life” in the upper right corner.
In The News • Excela Health Clinical Dietitian Ian Hunter, discusses the Keto diet. Read about it here: http://bit.ly/2Uz3QRY
Happy Social Work Month
Community EVENTS •
Spring into BINGO, 4/28, doors open at noon, lunch served noon to 1:30 p.m., and bingo at 1:30 p.m., Youngwood Fire Hall, 104 South Second Street, Youngwood. Jackpot wins: regular $200; “X” $300; coverall $1,000; 14 regular games $50; four single quickie games $75, and three special games $100. All proceeds benefit the Westmoreland Hospital Auxiliary. Tickets are $25 and quantities are limited. To purchase tickets, contact Patti Buhl at PBuhl@excelahealth.org.
Reminders UPCOmING ON-SITE EVENTS • Masquerade Jewelry and Accessories $5 Fundraising Sale benefiting the scholarship program sponsored by the Westmoreland Auxiliary: • 3/18, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Westmoreland Hospital Lobby • 3/19, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Westmoreland Hospital Lobby. • Employee Biometric Screening, multi-date, multi-site. Visit the Calendar of Events located on the Intranet for more information.
Do not forget to complete your mandatory Net Learning education modules for the month. Be sure to read ‘New Faces’ on EMA and see if anyone you know started their career with Excela!
PERKS! There are perks available for all interests. For more details and to view more than 100 perks, visit www.myexcelaperks.org.