Healthy Connections
March 2023
n National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
Break the chains of the winter blues and get back on track with your health and wellness. Schedule your biometric screening and consult with our Well-Being Center staff to get your mind, body, and spirit ready for warmer days to come. Visit the Employee Wellness/Well-Being page on the intranet for more programs and resources on living a healthy life.
Did You Know?
n The American Cancer Society has updated their guidelines for colorectal cancer screening. Everyone should undergo screening at the age of 45 rather than 50. This lower age guideline is for people at average risk for colon cancer.
Wellness Badges
Colon cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the large intestine, located at the end of the GI tract. Early cases of colon cancer begin with benign polyps that usually have no symptoms. Therefore, testing is recommended to screen for colon cancer and remove polyps before they transform into cancer. Colonoscopy is considered gold standard given polyps are seen and removed at the same time thereby preventing colon cancer.
Rachelle Johns, MD GastroenterologyReminders
n Schedule your 2023 Biometric Screening through SignUp Genius:
n The NU-U program is not just a weight loss program but a program that focuses on the whole self.
n The Ideal Protein Protocol is a structured dietary intervention and behavioral change protocol that features partial meal replacement.