New Music for Concert Band & Jazz Ensemble

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Music that Inspires


New Music for

Concert Band

& Jazz Ensemble

Welcome Band Directors

Larry Clark

Tyler Arcari

Blair Bielawski

President and Founder

Instrumental Music Editor

Jazz Editor

Contents Director Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2021-22 Concert Band Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11 Flexcel Concert Works Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13 2020 Concert Band Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Jazz Ensemble Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-18 Solos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 22 Adaptable Ensemble Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-21


Excelcia Music Publishing, Music that Inspires

A New Approach

Director Designs Customizable Warm-ups and Technique Collection Programmed into a Single PDF

Tyler Arcari

NEW Less time to plan, More time to play • Purchase once; use & print forever • One file contains all band instruments • Designed when you want, how you want • Over 200+ exercises • $150

Demo it! Scales

C Inst. (High)


B Inst.


E Inst.



Scale Exercises

œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ w & b 44 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Exercises Select from box, then press [Design] 2



œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ & 44 œ 2








W.W. Flexibility #2 (Brass Lip Slur #2)


& 44 œ

C MAJOR-Exercise 1


œ Design œ œ







œ #œ




#œ #œ #œ





œ #œ

Go on or go back








#œ #œ #œ #œ

Go on or go back



#œ œ #œ





C MAJOR-Chorale # œ œ œ. œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ. œ # œ œ œ œ # œ œ œ œ # œ WILLIAM ˙ HENRY MONK Concert Chorale 4 œ œœ œ œ F MAJOR-Chorale & Arranged by Tyler Arcari 2 3 4 5 œ ˙ 6œ œ Œ 7 8 Œ Œ œ ˙ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ œ ˙ œ . . ã4 B-Flat MAJOR-Chorale Go on or go back q = 72 E b Major Scale with arpeggio œ # # œ MAJOR-Chorale bœ œ œ œ œ œ bœb 4 b˙œ œœ œ ˙˙ ˙ œœ œ œœ œE-Flat œ œ œ œ œ˙ œœ œœ ˙ œ ˙ ˙ œ œ œ n œ w œ œ wœ ? b b 44 œ œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œE bœInst.œ &œ # œ44 œw œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ&5œ œ œœ œ Flute œ œ œ œ &œ œ 4œ6 7 8 A-Flat MAJOR-Chorale P b 2 3 4 Design Rhythm 12(3/4) 3


œ 4 œ œ œ . œB bœInst. œ œ . &œ 4œ œœ œœ . œ œ œœ œœ œ œ œ œ œ ˙B b (Brass)




Lip Slur #2








Rhythm 11(3/4) ˙ œ œ œ œ w ## œ œ œ . œ œ œ œ . œ œ œ œ . œ œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ b œ œ œ . FœInst. ˙ œ œ œ œ w œ œ œ . &œ 44œ œœ & j j j j j œ . b ˙ œœ œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ # œ œ œ 4 œ œœ ˙ œ œ œœœ œœ œ œ œ 2 œ œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ & ‰ 5 œ ‰ œ œ œ œ œ ‰ 6œ ‰ œ Rhythm ã 43 Œ œ 12(3/4) 3 7 8 f E b Major Scale with arpeggio Rhythm 13(3/4) Go on or go back q = 72 ˙ œ œ œ œ w #œ ˙ œ œ ˙ ˙ œ œ œ nœ w 4 œ ?Rhythm b 4 ˙ œ œ 14(3/4) œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 8œ œ ˙ œœ œ œœ œœ & œ œœ &œ 4 œ œ œw œ œ œ œ œ œ 2 œ œ œ œ œ œ 3 œ œ œ œ &œ5 bœœ bœœ œ œ4Oboe b b b 44 œ 22(2/4) œœ bœœ 4œ6 b œ b œ ˙˙ Rhythm 7 œ œ œ œF Inst. œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œœ œ œDesign œ Rhythm 15(3/4) P 2

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Perc. (SD,BD)


#œ œ #œ

œ œ œ œ œ œ œ&œ œ œ œ œExercises œ #œ 7 œ œ œ œ œ œ6œ œ œ œ œ œ 5œ from box, then press [Design] œ œ Select œLip Slur #2


C Inst. (Basses)






# œ œ œ œ œ œœ œ œœ œœ & 44 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ

B b Inst. œ œ b b 44 &Rhythm 3(4/4) œ œ œ œ œ œ œDesign œ w œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 2

C Inst. (B.C.)


B b Inst.

œ bœ Concert F Major Scale - Thirdsb œ œ œ1 œ bœ œ œC MAJOR-Exercise œ œ œ œ&œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœ œ œœ œœ œFœœ MAJOR-Exercise œ œ œ œ 5 6 œ œ œ œ 1 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œInst.œ &œ b œ44 w œ C(High) F MAJOR-Exercise 1 W.W. Flexibility #2 (Brass Lip Slur #2) 2 3 4 4 œ œ œ b œ œ œ . 4 œ œ œ œ . œ œ œ œ . œ œ œ œ B-Flat œ œ MAJOR-Exercise 1 &4 œ œ œ œ œ œ . œEœ Inst. œ œ. œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ 2 & b œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ

C Major Scale with arpeggio (E b Concert)

Rhythm Studies

Lip Flexibility 3 W.W. Flexibility #2 (Brass Lip Slur #2) b œ Flexibilityœ 4 Lip œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 4 C Inst. œ b œ b œ œ 1# œ œ #œ Lip Slur (+Mallets) & 4 2 3 4 Go on or go back b œ Lip Slur 2 œ bœ œ œ œ œ Lip œSlurœ 3 bœ œ bœ & bœ œ œ œ


F Major Scale with arpeggio (E b Concert)


Exercises Select from box, then press [Design]

C MAJOR-LVL3 F MAJOR-LVL3 E b Major Scale with arpeggio œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ MAJOR-LVL3 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ w bb b 4 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ B-Flat & 4 E-Flat MAJOR-LVL3 A-Flat MAJOR-LVL3

Exercises B b Major Scale with arpeggio (E b Concert) Select from box, then press [Design]

F Inst.

Lip Flexibility


Exercises Select from box, then press [Design]



j œ




Lip Slur #2


œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ 6



˙ b ˙ œœ œ œ œ . œ œ œ œ . ?œ 4œ b œœ .& œ œbœœ œ œ œ œ œœ œ˙ b œ C Inst. œ8 4 10 7 (B.C.) f 2

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œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ œ7œ œ œ w ˙ œ 8œ 6 ˙ ˙ 7 œ œ œ # œ w 3 5 8 Go on or go back


? 44 b œ œ œ œ œ 8 &œ ˙ œ œ œ ˙ œ 2˙b œ œœ œ ˙œ œ 3wœ œ œ ˙œ œ œ# œ œœ œ 4œœ œ œœ ˙˙ 10 11 12 13 14 15 f

œ œ œ œ?œ œ œ œ 4 œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ 3 bœ bœ œ œ œ œ qœ= 72 b œ 5 6



Less time to plan, More time to play C Inst. (Basses)


œ œ œ œ w œ œ œ œ ˙ œ # œ œœ œ œ œœ œœ œ ˙ ˙ œ ˙ 11 12 13 14 15


C Inst. (Basses)



Go on or go back

œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 8œ








Christopher Artau

Blair Bielawski

Kris Berg

Tyler Arcari

Larry Clark

R. Alan Carter

Carol Brittin Chambers

Laura Estes

Jack Cooper

Ed Kiefer

Joshua Hobbs

Christina Huss

Yukiko Nishimura

Gene Milford

Sean O’Loughlin

Amy Riebs Mills

Brooke Pierson

John M. Pasternak

Peter Sciaino

David Samuel

Chris Ferguson

Michael J. Miller

Steve Parsons

Jamie Roth

Jon Bubbett

Matthew R. Putnam

Steve Wiest

Alan Lee Silva

Open to all composers. Submissions by members of underrepresented groups are encouraged.


Excelcia Music Publishing, Music that Inspires

Prelude Concert Band Series


• Rhythm: whole, half, quarter and two repeated eighth-notes • Optional alternate parts for Horn (lower range) and Trombone (nothing past 4th position)

Scan here

• Low brass and low woodwinds cover the bass line

Prelude Band Series

Grade 1/2

Click, Click, Click

Up on the Housetop Benjamin Hanby Arranged by Amy Riebs Mills

Click, Click, Click (Up on the Housetop)






and hope, Amy Riebs Mills’ melodic beauty, rhythmic richness. Her worldwide Force conductor, a regional an educator bring a wealth the craft of writing music



Prelude Band Series

Grade 1/2


Excelcia Music Publishing Prelude Band Series

Chris Ferguson knows how to write a march! Accessible and superbly geared as an intro of the march style, Boulder Ridge March has everything you and your ensemble need for success. (1:48)

Chris Ferguson

Chris has over 20 years in music education and draws from his experience to make music that is easily accessible to young musicians while helping them build confidence as they grow.


Boulder Ridge March

Chris Ferguson knows how to write a march! Accessible and superbly geared as an intro of the march style, Boulder Ridge March has everything you and your ensemble need for success.

setop, is a brilliant addition Riebs Mills offers many as to have fun with sound

laying their piece?

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

Boulder Ridge March Chris Ferguson

Boulder Ridge March

This clever version of the holiday classic, Up on the Housetop, is a brilliant addition to the beginning band repertoire. Composer Amy Riebs Mills offers many opportunities to work on section independence as well as to have fun with sound effects! A perfect piece for their first holiday concert. (1:48)


PCB2104 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00

Scan QR code or email:

PCB2104 – Set PCB2104FS – Full Score PCB2104P – Parts

PCB2101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00 ®




Prelude Band Series

Grade /2 1

Draconian Measures Ed Kiefer

Draconian Measures

Prelude Band Series

Grade 1/2

Twilight Smiling LARRY CLARK

Excelcia Music Publishing Prelude Band Series

Twilight Smiling is a standout piece for its uniquely sensitive nature at this grade level. Larry Clark’s new lyrical work offers wonderful opportunities to teach expressive playing and phrasing, and will surely be a hit at any concert throughout the school year. (3:04)

Larry Clark

Full of bombastic sounds and metal percussion, this new piece is reminiscent of the severe Draconian era! Composer Ed Kiefer has crafted a fun and accessible grade half for young musicians. (1:43)

Larry is one of the most popular and most performed composers of music for school concert band and orchestra. His music is characterized by rhythmic verve, tuneful melodies, contains a fresh harmonic perspective, is well scored, and stretches the musicianship of the performers.

melodies are passionate hile giving performers the eelings and emotions. His ed worldwide, including state conventions and the


Twilight Smiling


Twilight Smiling is a standout piece for its uniquely sensitive nature at this grade level. Larry Clark’s new lyrical work offers wonderful opportunities to teach expressive playing and phrasing, and will surely be a hit at any concert throughout the school year.


ew piece is reminiscent of afted a fun and accessible

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece? Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers. Scan QR code or email:

laying their piece?

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

PCB2105 – Set PCB2105FS – Full Score PCB2105P – Parts

PCB2102 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00

PCB2105 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00

Prelude Band Series

Grade 1/2

Perseverance SEAN O’LOUGHLIN






Sean O’Loughlin


Excelcia Music Publishing Prelude Band Series

Perseverance by Sean O’Loughlin is an uplifting and meaningful grade half work. Perfect for talking with your students about “pushing through” when faced with challenges, this piece is a wonderful and timely introduction to concert repertoire. (2:20)

Prelude Band Series

Grade 1/2

Virtual Warrior

Appealing, playable, tuneful with a dash of whimsy, Peter’s music is influenced by jazz, world, and popular music while still being heavily rooted in the concert band medium.


Virtual Warrior

Composer Peter Sciaino has taken online meetings to a whole new level with his new work Virtual Warrior, written during the COVID-19 pandemic. We can all relate to this one!

aningful grade half work. hrough” when faced with ction to concert repertoire.

laying their piece?

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

Virtual Warrior Peter Sciaino


Peter Sciaino


Twilight Smiling Larry Clark



ishing ies

nd a rising name in the s characterized by vibrant dies, and colorful scoring. performed composers of

The music comes alive!

• Pieces using the first six notes of the B≤ scale

ishing ies

ishing ies

Grade .5

Composer Peter Sciaino has taken online meetings to a whole new level with his new work Virtual Warrior, written during the COVID-19 pandemic. We can all relate to this one! (2:41)

PCB2106 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00

Scan QR code or email:

PCB2106 – Set PCB2106FS – Full Score PCB2106P – Parts

PCB2103 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00


STREAM NOW Professional recordings of each new piece & more!


Wind Band” Search: “Excelcia “Milwaukee Jazz Orchestra”

Buy from an Excelcia Concert Band Select Dealer or at!


Da Capo Concert Band Series


Grade 1

• Playable by first year musicians

The music comes alive!

• Limited range of the first octave • Rhythm: whole, half, quarter and simple eighth-note patterns

Scan here

• Clarinet part stays below the break • Bass line is reinforced throughout with multiple lower instruments • Active percussion

Da Capo Band Series

Grade 1

John Henry Hopkins Arranged by Jon Bubbett

Groovin’ Kings Three JOHN HENRY HOPKINS Arranged by JON BUBBETT

ishing ries

Groovin’ Kings Three





Da Capo Band Series


Grade 1


Excelcia Music Publishing Da Capo Band Series

Inspired by the legend of Jack the Ripper, Ripper takes on a whole new meaning with clever sound effects. Using scrap paper, composer Tyler Arcari added sections where the ensemble “Rips” those pieces of paper in half, creating a fun and exciting concert experience! (1:52)

Tyler Arcari

Arranger Jon Bubbett brings a fresh new groove to the holiday classic We Three Kings. Students will love to play this new work and audiences will keep tapping their feet out the door! (1:48)

Tyler is an emerging talent. His compositions are quickly drawing the attention of band and orchestra conductors around the world. His music is beautiful, fresh, and dynamic.

ng band director and has ears of experience to write es and lyrical lines. ®




Inspired by the legend of Jack the Ripper, Ripper takes on a whole new meaning with clever sound effects. Using scrap paper, composer Tyler Arcari added sections where the ensemble “Rips” those pieces of paper in half, creating a fun and exciting concert experience!

e holiday classic We Three diences will keep tapping

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

laying their piece?

Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Scan QR code or email:

DCB2105 – Set DCB2105FS – Full Score DCB2105P – Parts

DCB2101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00

DCB2105 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00


Da Capo Band Series

Grade 1

(March) Matthew R. Putnam

Piccadilly Parade (March)

ishing ries

Piccadilly Parade


Da Capo Band Series





Grade 1


Excelcia Music Publishing Da Capo Band Series

Matthew R. Putnam’s marches are always hits, and Piccadilly Parade is no exception! A perfect introduction to the British style march, this one is an excellent choice for contest and festival. (2:18)

Drawing on 36 years of experience as a band director, Laura writes in a playful and witty, yet serious manner by emphasizing and reinforcing key musical concepts designed to aid in the development of young students. In her compositions, all instrument sections have opportunities to shine, with special consideration given to utilize the full capabilities of the percussion section.


Based on a true story from New Zealand, composer Laura Estes presents an ideal piece for historical lesson plans, as well as for contest and festival performance. Students will learn from – and love – Cook Strait Crossing. (2:17)


Cook Strait Crossing

Based on a true story from New Zealand, composer Laura Estes presents an ideal piece for historical lesson plans, as well as for contest and festival performance. Students will learn from - and love - Cook Strait Crossing.

dilly Parade is no exception! e is an excellent choice for

laying their piece?

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

Cook Strait Crossing Laura Estes

Cook Strait Crossing

Laura Estes


any years of experience ents that is interesting, n to play.

Ripper Tyler Arcari


Scan QR code or email:

DCB2106 – Set DCB2106FS – Full Score DCB2106P – Parts

DCB2102 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00

DCB2106 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00



Grade 1



Gene Milford


ishing ries


Da Capo Band Series


Da Capo Band Series

Grade 1


Excelcia Music Publishing Da Capo Band Series

Composer Gene Milford is known for writing fantastic charts for young band, and SunWatch shows you why! With great form for contest and festival and wonderfully full Tutti writing, SunWatch fits perfectly on any program. (1:50)

Newcomer Christina Huss comes out of the gate swinging with this intense and driving new work for young band. Optional metal trash cans and cool trombone glissandos make The Forge a rocking good time for students and audience alike! (2:05)

Christina Huss

ducator who has arranged or students throughout music that is grade level musically interesting.

Drawing from her career as a instrumental music teacher, Christina writes music that allows for teachable moments while utilizing tuneful melodies and a variety of challenging, but accessible rhythms.



The Forge

harts for young band, and d festival and wonderfully m.

Newcomer Christina Huss comes out of the gate swinging with this intense and driving new work for young band. Optional metal trash cans and cool trombone glissandos make The Forge a rocking good time for students and audience alike!

laying their piece?

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

The Forge Christina Huss

The Forge

Scan QR code or email:

DCB2103 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00 DCB2107 – Set DCB2107FS – Full Score DCB2107P – Parts

DCB2107 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00

Da Capo Band Series

Grade 1

Dark Corridors

Dark Corridors


Sean O’Loughlin


ishing ries





Excelcia Music Publishing Da Capo Band Series

Dark and spooky, this work is excellent for Halloween or any other program. Composer Sean O’Loughlin gives us a dramatic new addition to the young-band repertoire with Dark Corridors. (2:41)

Da Capo Band Series

Grade 1

Tokens of Esteem

Matthew pulls from his many years of experience to write music for students that is interesting, melodically driven, and fun to play.


Tokens of Esteem

Make your band sound big and full with the wonderful tutti sections in Tokens of Esteem. No wonder Matthew R. Putnam’s younger band music is always so popular.

n or any other program. ddition to the young-band

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

laying their piece?

Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

DCB2104 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00

Matthew R. Putnam


Matthew R. Putnam

nd a rising name in the s characterized by vibrant dies, and colorful scoring. performed composers of

Tokens of Esteem


Make your band sound big and full with the wonderful Tutti sections in Tokens of Esteem. No wonder Matthew R. Putnam’s younger band music is always so popular. (2:56)

DCB2108 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00

Scan QR code or email:

DCB2108 – Set DCB2108FS – Full Score DCB2108P – Parts

Our composers want to hear from you! or scan here. 6

Excelcia Music Publishing, Music that Inspires


Harmony Concert Band Series


Grade 1.5

• Accessible to first year musicians and those beginning the second year of study • Range is expanded, but still limited

The music comes alive!

• Rhythm: whole, half, quarter and eighth-notes, simple syncopation • Addition of two Trumpet and Clarinet parts.

2nd Clarinet stays below the break, 1st Clarinet crosses the break carefully • Bass line is reinforced throughout, but with more independence in the low brass • Active percussion Grade 1 1/2

Flight of Jolly Old St. Nicholas JAMES R. MURRAY Arranged by JOHN M. PASTERNAK

ishing eries

Flight of Jolly Old St. Nicholas James R. Murray Arranged by John M. Pasternak



Harmony Band Series




Grade 1 1/2

Guardians of the Vanguard TYLER ARCARI

Excelcia Music Publishing Harmony Band Series


Harmony Band Series

Tyler is an emerging talent. His compositions are quickly drawing the attention of band and orchestra conductors around the world. His music is beautiful, fresh, and dynamic.




Guardians of the Vanguard

holas as you rock your way n with this wonderful new ve.

Inspired by the composer’s love of video games, specifically Destiny, this piece is a great introduction to the ABA form. The middle section, lyrical yet still driving, is an opportunity for expressive playing. Whether for contest and festival or for their spring concert, your students will love playing Guardians of the Vanguard.

laying their piece?

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

Scan QR code or email:

HCB2106 – Set HCB2106FS – Full Score HCB2106P – Parts

HCB2101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55.00


Harmony Band Series


Grade 1 1/2






Harmony Band Series

Grade 1 1/2


Larry Clark’s newest march, Ingenuity, is the ideal introduction to the march style. It is a fast and fun uptempo march that will be perfect for contest and festival. (2:02)


An uplifting new work based on the spirit of discovery, composer Matthew R. Putnam offer cool rhythms and powerful harmony in this timely piece. Perfect for any concert program! (2:57)

Matthew R. Putnam

Matthew pulls from his many years of experience to write music for students that is interesting, melodically driven, and fun to play.

duction to the march style. .


Journey of Discovery

An uplifting new work based on the spirit of discovery, composer Matthew R. Putnam offer cool rhythms and powerful harmony in this timely piece. Perfect for any concert program!

laying their piece?

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

HCB2102 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55.00

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece? Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

HCB2107 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55.00

Scan QR code or email:

HCB2107 – Set HCB2107FS – Full Score HCB2107P – Parts


Harmony Band Series


Grade 1 1/2



Laura Estes



Arranged by LAURA ESTES

ishing eries


Composer Laura Estes’s new arrangement of S’vivon (Hebrew for “dreidel”) is a wonderful new addition to the repertoire. Perfect for holiday concerts or as a teaching piece, this one would fit perfectly on any program all year long! (2:09)


Harmony Band Series

Grade 1 1/2


Heartfelt and kind, Neverlanding by composer Peter Sciaino is one to inspire us all. Perfect for contest and festival, or spring performance, with ample opportunities to work on expressive playing. (3:23)

Peter Sciaino

Appealing, playable, tuneful with a dash of whimsy, Peter’s music is influenced by jazz, world, and popular music while still being heavily rooted in the concert band medium.

(Hebrew for “dreidel”) is r holiday concerts or as a ram all year long!



Heartfelt and kind, Neverlanding by composer Peter Sciaino is one to inspire us all. Perfect for contest and festival, or spring performance, with ample opportunities to work on expressive playing.

laying their piece?

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece? Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

HCB2103 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55.00 Scan QR code or email:

HCB2108 – Set HCB2108FS – Full Score HCB2108P – Parts


Harmony Band Series


Grade 1 1/2

HCB2108 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55.00

Coriolis Effect


Sean O’Loughlin

Coriolis Effect



ishing eries


Sean O’Loughlin’s new driving, dramatic work for developing band is an excellent choice for contest and festival as well as spring concerts. Your students will love Coriolis Effect! (2:46)

Excelcia Music Publishing Harmony Band Series

nd a rising name in the is characterized by vibrant odies, and colorful scoring. performed composers of


The Gathering (Waltz)

laying their piece?

Brooke Pierson’s The Gathering is a creepily inspired Waltz in 3/4 time for young bands. A great choice for Halloween performances, this Waltz has plenty of excellent learning opportunities, especially if you want to work on accidentals!

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

HCB2104 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55.00

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece? Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers. Scan QR code or email:

HCB2109 – Set HCB2109FS – Full Score HCB2109P – Parts



Harmony Band Series

Grade 1 1/2

Mysterious Chase

lishing eries

ars in music education and ence to make music that is ung musicians while helping as they grow.


work for concert band from es for rhythmic playing and alloween concert or on any

playing their piece?

is composer about remote rehearsal Music Publishing is avorite composers.

Harmony Band Series

Grade 1 1/2

The Gathering (Waltz)


Brooke Pierson

Brooke Pierson crafts music that is not only engaging for every player, but gives students of all levels a chance to perform music with modern harmonies that are often reserved for music at the highest levels due to technical challenges.

loping band is an excellent s. Your students will love

Mysterious Chase

Neverlanding Peter Sciaino


Excelcia Music Publishing Harmony Band Series

perience as a band director, ul and witty, yet serious nd reinforcing key musical d in the development of mpositions, all instrument ies to shine, with special lize the full capabilities of

Journey of Discovery Matthew R. Putnam

Journey of Discovery

Excelcia Music Publishing Harmony Band Series

opular and most performed school concert band and characterized by rhythmic contains a fresh harmonic ored, and stretches the mers.

Tyler Arcari

HCB2106 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55.00

Ingenuity (March) Larry Clark


ishing eries

Guardians of the Vanguard Inspired by the composer’s love of video games, specifically Destiny, this piece is a great introduction to the ABA form. The middle section, lyrical yet still driving, is an opportunity for expressive playing. Whether for contest and festival or for their spring concert, your students will love playing Guardians of the Vanguard. (3:08)

Tyler Arcari

Take a midnight sleighride with Flight of Jolly Old St. Nicholas as you rock your way to the end of this piece! John M. Pasternak does it again with this wonderful new holiday chart that your ensemble and audiences will love. (1:58)

composer of concert band teresting melodic contour y.

Scan here


The Gathering (Waltz) Brooke Pierson

Brooke Pierson’s The Gathering is a creepily inspired Waltz in 3/4 time for young bands. A great choice for Halloween performances, this Waltz has plenty of excellent learning opportunities, especially if you want to work on accidentals! (2:02)

HCB2109 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55.00

Chris Ferguson



Take a mysterious ride with this spinechilling new work for concert band from composer Chris Ferguson. With plenty of opportunities for rhythmic playing and dramatic accents, Mysterious Chase fits nicely in a Halloween concert or on any program throughout the year! (2:23)

HCB2105 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55.00


Buy from an Excelcia Concert Band Select Dealer or at!



Intermezzo Concert Band Series

Grade 2-2.5

• Accessible to second and third year musicians • Range is expanded, but still carefully considered • Rhythm: whole, half, quarter and eighth-notes, and simple sixteenth patterns • Clarinet 2 still stays below the break

The music comes alive! Scan here

• Separate parts for Trombone, Euphonium, and Bassoon • Careful scoring to make the band sound full • Percussion treated as an important color

Intermezzo Band Series

Grade 2 1/2

Repeat the Sounding Joy STEVE PARSONS

ishing eries

Repeat the Sounding Joy

Intermezzo Band Series





Steve Parsons

Grade 2

Sonic Radiance

Excelcia Music Publishing Intermezzo Band Series


Composer Steve Parsons’s background in musicals comes alive in this original work for the holidays! Perfect for Christmas, or winter concerts, Repeat the Sounding Joy is sure to bring in the cheer. (5:03)

Radiance perfectly describes veteran composer Larry Clark’s powerful new work for concert band. An excellent choice for festival or contest, Sonic Radiance is a bright and melodic piece. With many opportunities to teach form and structure and a wonderfully expressive lyrical section that will push your ensemble’s musicianship, this piece has it all! (2:28)

Larry Clark

and fun. Student’s will be film-score like music. He nce composing outside of rings an exciting freshness

Larry is one of the most popular and most performed composers of music for school concert band and orchestra. His music is characterized by rhythmic verve, tuneful melodies, contains a fresh harmonic perspective, is well scored, and stretches the musicianship of the performers.



Sonic Radiance


mes alive in this original ncerts, Repeat the Sounding

Radiance perfectly describes veteran composer Larry Clark’s powerful new work for concert band. An excellent choice for festival or contest, Sonic Radiance is a bright and melodic piece. With many opportunities to teach form and structure and a wonderfully expressive lyrical section that will push your ensemble’s musicianship, this piece has it all!

laying their piece?

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

Sonic Radiance Larry Clark


Scan QR code or email:

ICB2101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65.00 ICB2105 – Set ICB2105FS – Full Score ICB2105P – Parts

ICB2105 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65.00 ®

Intermezzo Band Series


Grade 2

Verity March ®

Laura Estes

Verity March


Intermezzo Band Series

Grade 2 1/2


shing eries


An outstanding traditional style march that is perfect for contest and festival, Verity March is a welcome new addition to the march repertoire by composer Laura Estes. (3:08)


Excelcia Music Publishing Intermezzo Band Series

erience as a band director, l and witty, yet serious nd reinforcing key musical d in the development of mpositions, all instrument es to shine, with special ze the full capabilities of


Inspired by the Irish town of Kilkenny, composer Carol Brittin Chambers introduces 6/8 time in this highly accessible work for young band. Great for Spring concerts, The Spirit of Kilkenny is an instant favorite. (4:35)

Carol Brittin Chambers

Carol’s music is creative and fun for everyone. Her music teaches valuable musical concepts while incorporating unique grooves and memorable melodies.

for contest and festival, by composer Laura Estes.


The Spirit of Kilkenny

ICB2102 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65.00

Inspired by the Irish town of Kilkenny, composer Carol Brittin Chambers introduces 6/8 time in this highly accessible work for young band. Great for Spring concerts, The Spirit of Kilkenny is an instant favorite.

aying their piece?

omposer about ote rehearsal c Publishing is rite composers.

The Spirit of Kilkenny Carol Brittin Chambers

The Spirit of Kilkenny

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece? Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers. Scan QR code or email:

ICB2106 – Set ICB2106FS – Full Score ICB2106P – Parts

ICB2106 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65.00



Intermezzo Band Series

Grade 2



(At the Battle of Agincourt)

ishing eries

Courage (At the Battle of Agincourt) Tyler Arcari




Matthew R. Putnam

In the style of a Spanish march, and the form of a traditional march, Matthew R. Putnam’s La Matriarca is a unique new addition to the march repertoire that your ensemble will love! (2:14)

Matthew pulls from his many years of experience to write music for students that is interesting, melodically driven, and fun to play.


ari crafted an intense and ). The court intrigue is on section and each musician


La Matriarca (March)

laying their piece?

In the style of a Spanish march, and the form of a traditional march, Matthew R. Putnam’s La Matriarca is a unique new addition to the march repertoire that your ensemble will love!

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

La Matriarca

(March) Matthew R. Putnam



Based on the tune Agincourt Carol, composer Tyler Arcari crafted an intense and dramatic work called Courage (At the Battle of Agincourt). The court intrigue is on full display and there are ample opportunities for each section and each musician to shine. This one is a winner! (3:02)


Grade 2 1/2

La Matriarca

Excelcia Music Publishing Intermezzo Band Series

nt. His compositions are on of band and orchestra ld. His music is beautiful,

Intermezzo Band Series

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece? Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers. Scan QR code or email:

ICB2107 – Set ICB2107FS – Full Score ICB2107P – Parts

ICB2107 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65.00

ICB2103 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65.00

Intermezzo Band Series

Grade 2

Visceral Chase SEAN O’LOUGHLIN

ishing eries

Visceral Chase





Sean O’Loughlin


Excelcia Music Publishing Intermezzo Band Series

Take a wild ride full of impact percussion and motivic writing with Sean O’Loughlin’s new Visceral Chase! Abounding with drama and the brilliant writing that we have come to love and expect from Sean, your ensemble will sound fantastic with this piece. (3:45)

Intermezzo Band Series

Grade 2

Ancient Fires


Carol’s music is creative and fun for everyone. Her music teaches valuable musical concepts while incorporating unique grooves and memorable melodies.

Ancient Fires

otivic writing with Sean ma and the brilliant writing our ensemble will sound

Composer Carol Brittin Chambers’ new work for young band is sure to excite and inspire. Great writing makes this a superb choice for contest and festival. You’ll be hearing a lot of this one!

laying their piece?

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

Scan QR code or email:

ICB2108 – Set ICB2108FS – Full Score ICB2108P – Parts

ICB2104 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65.00

Carol Brittin Chambers


Carol Brittin Chambers

d a rising name in the characterized by vibrant ies, and colorful scoring. erformed composers of

Ancient Fires


Composer Carol Brittin Chambers’ new work for young band is sure to excite and inspire. Great writing makes this a superb choice for contest and festival. You’ll be hearing a lot of this one! (4:25)

ICB2108 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65.00



Excelcia Music Publishing, Music that Inspires


Intermezzo Band Series

Grade 2

This Vast and Noble Land


Alan Lee Silva With pulsing energy from the opening bar, The Knight Errant moves forward with driving precision, building intensity and energy as the piece develops. Composer Alan Lee Silva carefully crafts a tale of a mythical knight who valiantly searches for adventure and opportunity. (2:38)


The Knight Errant

With pulsing energy from the opening bar, The Knight Errant moves forward with driving precision, building intensity and energy as the piece develops. Composer Alan Lee Silva carefully crafts a tale of a mythical knight who valiantly searches for adventure and opportunity.

laying their piece?

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece? Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

Scan QR code or email:

ICB2112 – Set ICB2112FS – Full Score ICB2112P – Parts

ICB2109 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65.00

ICB2112 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65.00


Intermezzo Band Series

Grade 2



nductor and educator with e pageantry arts. His music full of dramatic effect and ognition and performances


(from Noure et Anitra) Alexander Ilyinsky Arranged by Michael J. Miller

(from Noure et Anitra)

ishing eries





Intermezzo Band Series

Grade 2


Excelcia Music Publishing Intermezzo Band Series

Dedicated to her graduating senior class, Forevermore by composer Christina Huss is a heartfelt and meaningful new addition to the band repertoire. A wonderful introduction to lyrical playing, this piece would work well as a tribute piece or on any program. (2:38)

Christina Huss

Passionate and expressive, Michael J. Miller’sarrangement for band of the Berceuse, from the orchestral suite Noure et Anitra by Alexandrovich Ilyinsky, will stretch the musicianship of your ensembles in wonderful ways (2:11)



Dedicated to her graduating senior class, Forevermore by composer Christina Huss is a heartfelt and meaningful new addition to the band repertoire. A wonderful introduction to lyrical playing, this piece would work well as a tribute piece or on any program.

nt for band of the Berceuse, ch Ilyinsky, will stretch the

laying their piece?

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

Scan QR code or email:

ICB2113 – Set ICB2113FS – Full Score ICB2113P – Parts

ICB2113 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65.00

ICB2110 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65.00 Intermezzo Band Series

Grade 2

Transformation JOHN M. PASTERNAK







John M. Pasternak


Excelcia Music Publishing Intermezzo Band Series

Intermezzo Band Series

Grade 2


Coming Back Tyler Arcari


John M. Pasternak’s knack for writing great pieces for young band is on full display with Transformation. With many teaching opportunities, this work is a foolproof choice for contest and festival! (2:53)

Hopeful and heartfelt, Coming Back was commissioned during COVID-19. Written in a contest-festival format, this work is meant to inspire us as we return to “normal.” (2:37)

Tyler Arcari

composer of concert band teresting melodic contour y.

Forevermore Christina Huss


Drawing from her career as a instrumental music teacher, Christina writes music that allows for teachable moments while utilizing tuneful melodies and a variety of challenging, but accessible rhythms.


The Knight Errant


Alan’s music features appealing and identifiable melodies accompanied by fresh harmonic ideas. It comes to life with a modern scoring style and a lush approach to orchestration. His pieces have an uplifting Americana style.

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Grade 2 1/2

A wonderful addition to the patriotic repertoire, composer Steve Parsons has created this original work for concert band. This Vast and Noble Land combines Steve’s classic harmonic flair with plentiful teaching opportunities. We know you will enjoy this one! (3:25)

mposer Steve Parsons has and Noble Land combines portunities. We know you

laying their piece?

Intermezzo Band Series

The Knight Errant

Excelcia Music Publishing Intermezzo Band Series


composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Grade 2-2.5

Alan Lee Silva

and fun. Student’s will be film-score like music. He nce composing outside of rings an exciting freshness

ung band is on full display s, this work is a foolproof

Steve Parsons




ishing eries

ishing eries

This Vast and Noble Land




Intermezzo Concert Band Series

Tyler is an emerging talent. His compositions are quickly drawing the attention of band and orchestra conductors around the world. His music is beautiful, fresh, and dynamic.


Coming Back

Hopeful and heartfelt, Coming Back was commissioned during COVID-19. Written in a contest-festival format, this work is meant to inspire us as we return to “normal.”

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece? Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

ICB2111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65.00

ICB2114 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65.00

Scan QR code or email:

ICB2114 – Set ICB2114FS – Full Score ICB2114P – Parts


Intermezzo Concert Band Series


La Matriarca

Get inspired anytime, anywhere! Explore new Concert Band Music Listen to a full recording of a new band piece while viewing its score

Go to or our YouTube Channel

Grade 2 1⁄2


MATTHEW R. PUTNAM Music that Inspires



NEW To assist with the return to in person instruction, all of our 2021 concert band titles come with a free download that includes two click track recordings, one with a click over the live recording and one with the click track only for at home practice or in class rehearsal.

Buy from an Excelcia Concert Band Select Dealer or at!



Rhapsody Concert Band Series

Grade 3-3.5

• Fully scored pieces for upper middle school and high school

The music comes alive!

• Range is expanded, but still carefully considered • More advanced rhythms and part independence

Scan here

• Three Clarinet and Trumpet parts, two Horn and Trombone parts • Generous cross-cueing of solos or exposed parts • More advanced use of percussion

Rhapsody Band Series


Grade 3


(Around the Christmas Tree) Arranged by Gene Milford

Christmas Morning (Around the Christmas Tree)

ishing eries

Christmas Morning

Arranged by GENE MILFORD


Rhapsody Band Series

Grade 3

(O Waly, Waly)

Excelcia Music Publishing Rhapsody Band Series


Carol Brittin Chambers

ducator who has arranged or students throughout music that is grade level musically interesting.

Allow arranger Gene Milford to transport you to that wonderful feeling of sitting around the tree on Christmas morning! Christmas Morning (Around the Christmas Tree) is an excellent choice for holiday concerts. (4:01)

Carol’s music is creative and fun for everyone. Her music teaches valuable musical concepts while incorporating unique grooves and memorable melodies.



Beautifully written and a great piece for expressive playing, Carol Brittin Chambers’ Where the Waters Meet takes this wonderful folk tune and gives it new life. (3:07)


Where the Waters Meet


(O Waly, Waly)

wonderful feeling of sitting ning (Around the Christmas

Beautifully written and a great piece for expressive playing, Carol Brittin Chambers’ Where the Waters Meet takes this wonderful folk tune and gives it new life.

laying their piece?

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

Where the Waters Meet

(O Waly, Waly) Arranged by Carol Brittin Chambers

Where the Waters Meet

RCB2106 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75.00

Scan QR code or email:

RCB2106 – Set RCB2106FS – Full Score RCB2106P – Parts

RCB2101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $85.00

Rhapsody Band Series


Grade 3 1/2


(Military March) Jens Bodewalt Lampe Arranged by John M. Pasternak

National Defense




composer of concert band teresting melodic contour y.

Rhapsody Band Series

Grade 3


This collaborative work by Christina Huss and R. Alan Carter is offered in the same spirit of unity in which the piece is inspired. Perfect for patriotic concerts, Anthem for Freedom is a wonderful tribute with beautiful writing for all sections of the ensemble. (3:47)

Christina Huss

Drawing from her career as a instrumental music teacher, Christina writes music that allows for teachable moments while utilizing tuneful melodies and a variety of challenging, but accessible rhythms.

R. Alan Carter


With over 30 years experience as a band director, Alan’s music is fresh and full-bodied while still being playable for bands both large and small.

National Defense (Military March) is adapted for grade 3 concert band by John M. Pasternak. A stunning march, this piece is now more accessible than ever. (2:29)


Anthem for Freedom (March)

This collaborative work by Christina Huss and R. Alan Carter is offered in the same spirit of unity in which the piece is inspired. Perfect for patriotic concerts, Anthem of Freedom is a wonderful tribute with beautiful writing for all sections of the ensemble.

concert band by John M. cessible than ever.

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece? Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

laying their piece?

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Scan QR code or email:

RCB2107 – Set RCB2107FS – Full Score RCB2107P – Parts

RCB2102 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $85.00

RCB2107 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75.00

Rhapsody Band Series


Grade 3 1/2

Tyler Arcari

The Angels Call

ishing eries

The Angels Call




Rhapsody Band Series

Grade 3 1/2

(Art is Life)

Excelcia Music Publishing Rhapsody Band Series


Art is Life! This sentiment is abundant in this wonderful new work for concert band by Larry Clark. Full of flourish and thick brass writing harkening back to the days of Alfred Reed, Ars Vitae has everything you could want in a contest and festival work. (5:31)

Larry Clark

Larry is one of the most popular and most performed composers of music for school concert band and orchestra. His music is characterized by rhythmic verve, tuneful melodies, contains a fresh harmonic perspective, is well scored, and stretches the musicianship of the performers.



Ars Vitae (Art is Life)

Art is Life! This sentiment is abundant in this wonderful new work for concert band by Larry Clark. Full of flourish and thick brass writing harkening back to the days of Alfred Reed, Ars Vitae has everything you could want in a contest and festival work.

gically taken too soon, The ed at football games in her n hymn It is Well With My heartstrings.

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece? Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

laying their piece?

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Scan QR code or email:

RCB2108 – Set RCB2108FS – Full Score RCB2108P – Parts

RCB2108 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90.00

RCB2103 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $85.00 Rhapsody Band Series


Grade 3

Day of Infamy Sean O’Loughlin


ishing eries



Rhapsody Band Series

Grade 3


Excelcia Music Publishing Rhapsody Band Series

Day of Infamy fits perfectly on any concert commemorating our heroes. Sean O’Loughlin’s dramatic writing jumps off the page! (4:22) Drawing on 36 years of experience as a band director, Laura writes in a playful and witty, yet serious manner by emphasizing and reinforcing key musical concepts designed to aid in the development of young students. In her compositions, all instrument sections have opportunities to shine, with special consideration given to utilize the full capabilities of the percussion section.


Newcomer Laura Estes harkens us back to an earlier day with her original folksounding work, Wicklow. Packed with opportunities for historical study as well as historically-accurate instruments, Wicklow is an excellent choice for contest or festival performance. (3:58)



Newcomer Laura Estes harkens us back to an earlier day with her original folksounding work, Wicklow. Packed with opportunities for historical study as well as historically-accurate instruments, Wicklow is an excellent choice for contest or festival performance.

orating our heroes. Sean

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

RCB2104 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75.00 Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

laying their piece?

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Scan QR code or email:

RCB2109 – Set RCB2109FS – Full Score RCB2109P – Parts

RCB2109 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $85.00


Rhapsody Band Series

Grade 3


lishing Series

ting, sentimental, and often atic in nature. He strives to the ensemble have musical and fun to play.

ur musicians all on its own. pressive playing, composer

playing their piece?

And More


Joshua Hobbs


Excelcia Music Publishing Rhapsody Band Series

And More is one of those works that will inspire your musicians all on its own. Beautifully written and full of opportunities for expressive playing, composer Joshua Hobbs’ new work is perfect for any program. (4:33) Steve’s music is energetic and fun. Student’s will be captivated by his heroic film-score like music. He has a wealth of experience composing outside of educational music that brings an exciting freshness to his pieces.

Infinity Awaits

Steve Parsons’ significant background with musical theater is clear with this concert band piece. With fresh changes and harmonic choices, Infinity Awaits will bring excitement to any program.

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

is composer about remote rehearsal Music Publishing is avorite composers.

Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

Rhapsody Band Series

Grade 3

Infinity Awaits

Scan QR code or email:

RCB2105 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75.00 RCB2110 – Set RCB2110FS – Full Score RCB2110P – Parts

Infinity Awaits Steve Parsons


Steve Parsons


Wicklow Laura Estes


Laura Estes

nd a rising name in the s characterized by vibrant dies, and colorful scoring. performed composers of

Ars Vitae (Art is Life) Larry Clark

Ars Vitae

Written to commemorate the life of a young woman tragically taken too soon, The Angels Call is inspired by the 3-note Ship bell figure played at football games. Using original music as well as the well-known hymn It is Well With My Soul and folk song Loch Lomond, this one will tug at the heartstrings. (4:24)

ent. His compositions are ntion of band and orchestra orld. His music is beautiful,

Anthem for Freedom Christina Huss & R. Alan Carter

Anthem for Freedom

Excelcia Music Publishing Rhapsody Band Series

(Military March)

ishing eries

National Defense


Steve Parsons’ significant background with musical theater is clear with this concert band piece. With fresh changes and harmonic choices, Infinity Awaits will bring excitement to any program.(4:13)

RCB2110 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $85.00


Excelcia Music Publishing, Music that Inspires


Rhapsody Concert Band Series


Rhapsody Band Series


Grade 3 1/2




Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece? Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

RCB2113 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75.00

Scan QR code or email:

RCB2113 – Set RCB2113FS – Full Score RCB2113P – Parts

RCB2111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $85.00

Rhapsody Band Series


Grade 3

Sweet New Moon Yukiko Nishimura


shing ries

Sweet New Moon is a beautifully heartfelt work for young musicians. Composer Yukiko Nishimura offers lush harmonies and suspensions that will stretch the musicianship of your ensemble. Program this thoughtful, meditative work on any concert program. (3:55)


c, Yukiko creates great that are easy on the ears past. ®

ng musicians. Composer ons that will stretch the , meditative work on any

aying their piece?

omposer about ote rehearsal c Publishing is rite composers.

RCB2112 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75.00

Maestro Concert Band Series


• • • • • • • •


Grade 4 & up

Fully scored pieces for high school and collegiate level ensembles High artistic merit Range is within reason for advancing ensembles Rhythm: within reason and more use of mixed meter Scoring makes use of all colors Cross-cueing of solos or exposed parts More advanced use of percussion Percussion as an essential color

Maestro Band Series

Grade 4 1/2

Song of the Fjords


Carol Brittin Chambers

Song of the Fjords

ishing ries


Scan here

Maestro Band Series

Grade 4



Carol Brittin Chambers shows off her writing chops in this new and challenging work for concert band! Relish the great part writing and take advantage of ample opportunities to display the texture of your ensemble in Song of the Fjords. (5:15)


The music comes alive!

From Sea to Shining Sea

Excelcia Music Publishing Maestro Band Series


Steve Parsons

and fun for everyone. Her musical concepts while grooves and memorable

Steve’s music is energetic and fun. Student’s will be captivated by his heroic film-score like music. He has a wealth of experience composing outside of educational music that brings an exciting freshness to his pieces.



This 6/8 concert march by Steve Parsons is fresh and dynamic. Bursting with excitement, From Sea to Shining Sea is a great concert opener or closer.

laying their piece?

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

From Sea to Shining Sea (March) Steve Parsons This 6/8 concert march by Steve Parsons is fresh and dynamic. Bursting with excitement, From Sea to Shining Sea is a great concert opener or closer. (3:59)


From Sea to Shining Sea

this new and challenging d take advantage of ample Song of the Fjords..

Winner of the 2020 Florida Bandmaster’s Association Composition Contest, this new lyrical work is a phenomenal addition to the concert band repertoire by newcomer Christopher Artau. (5:22)

Winner of the 2020 Florida Bandmaster’s Association Composition Contest, this new lyrical work is a phenomenal addition to the concert band repertoire by newcomer Christopher Artau.

laying their piece?

laying their piece?

Christopher Artau


As a current high school student, Chris’ music holds a unique perspective and offers students a new voice that is both timely and relatable. With a fresh and contemporary style, Chris is heavily inspired by modern composers, especially those in Jazz and Film music.




Christopher Artau

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Grade 3

Composer Amy Riebs Mills takes us on a journey inspired by frontline workers. Beyond Courage has many opportunities for great tutti playing as well as soloistic and expressive sections. Ensembles and audiences will love it. (5:47)

ired by frontline workers. playing as well as soloistic ove it.

expertise is on full display the great marches of old.

Rhapsody Band Series


Excelcia Music Publishing Rhapsody Band Series

and hope, Amy Riebs Mills’ melodic beauty, rhythmic richness. Her worldwide Force conductor, a regional an educator bring a wealth the craft of writing music

ducator who has arranged or students throughout music that is grade level musically interesting.


Amy Riebs Mills

Beyond Courage

ishing eries

ishing ries

Beyond Courage

Grade 3-3.5

MCB2103 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $95.00

Scan QR code or email:

MCB2101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90.00 MCB2103 – Set MCB2103FS – Full Score MCB2103P – Parts


Maestro Band Series

Grade 4

Champion Spirit (March)


Champion Spirit (March) Gene Milford


Maestro Band Series

Grade 4


Haven’s Conviction Excelcia Music Publishing Maestro Band Series


David Samuel


Gene Milford is no stranger to writing marches, and his expertise is on full display in this new concert march. Champion Spirit stands up to the great marches of old. (3:14) David’s music is emotionally charged and rhythmically pleasing. Heavily influenced by his background as a jazz pianist, his harmonic palate provides listeners with a fresh sound.

Haven’s Conviction

Written during the COVID-19 pandemic, Haven’s Conviction is inspired by the perseverance of students facing overwhelming obstacles. Composer David Samuel has created a great new work for the concert band repertoire.

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece? Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

MCB2102 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90.00 Scan QR code or email:

MCB2104 – Set MCB2104FS – Full Score MCB2104P – Parts


Haven’s Conviction David Samuel Written during the COVID-19 pandemic, Haven’s Conviction is inspired by the perseverance of students facing overwhelming obstacles. Composer David Samuel has created a great new work for the concert band repertoire. (5:08)

MCB2104 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90.00


Buy from an Excelcia Concert Band Select Dealer or at!


Flexcel Concert Works Series ®

Flexcel Concert Works Series The Ultimate in Flexibility Scored by key (not by instrument) for stand-out flexibility and preparedness • Easy to transition to the fully-scored version of pieces (available from Excelcia Music Publishing) • Includes unique photocopying permission, professional recordings & access to digital copies for remote learning •

Play with any combination of wind, string, piano & percussion instruments- with as few as five players plus percussion

All Flexcel pieces come with an electronic percussion play-along track to enhance the experience for small wind/string groups

Innovative Collections Grade 2-3

Flexcel Concert Works Series

All-Purpose Performance Collection 14 Essential Songs for the School Year

t Excel!

Arranged by LARRY CLARK

All-Purpose Performance Collection 14 Essential Songs for the School Year Arranged by Larry Clark

Grade 2 1/2

Flexcel Concert Works Series

Flexcel Chorale Collection 8 Expressive Warm-Up Chorales

Flexible Concert Works that Excel!

Arranged by ED KIEFER

Ed Kiefer

14 songs for all occasions with almost limitless possibilities - Fanfare Resilience, Star Spangled Banner, America the Beautiful, You’re A Grand Old Flag, Taps, Amazing Grace, Holiday Happiness (4 carols), Happy Birthday to You, Alma Mater, Pomp and Circumstance and Triumphal March. Flexcel Chorale Collection


8 Expressive Warm-Up Chorales

ool Year

8 expressive chorales that can be used for warm-up or to work on musicianship. These chorales written by veteran music educator and composer Ed Kiefer will make as few as five players up to a full ensembles sound wonderful.

bilities - Fanfare Resilience, nd Old Flag, Taps, Amazing You, Alma Mater, Pomp and

laying their piece?

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

Flexible Concert Works that Excel!

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Flexible Concert Works that Excel!

Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers. Scan QR code or email:

FCB2010 – Set FCB2010FS – Full Score FCB2010P – Parts

Music that Inspires

FCB2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75.00

Music that Inspires


8 Expressive Warm-Up Chorales Arranged by Ed Kiefer

8 expressive chorales that can be used for warm-up or to work on musicianship. These chorales, written by veteran music educator and composer Ed Kiefer, will make as few as five players up to a full ensemble sound wonderful.

Ed’s settings of tuneful melodies are passionate and audience-friendly while giving performers the chance to express their feelings and emotions. His music has been performed worldwide, including multiple performances at state conventions and the Midwest Clinic.

most popular and most music for school concert music is characterized by melodies, contains a fresh well scored, and stretches formers.

Flexcel Chorale Collection

FCB2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00


Flexcel Concert Works Series Grade 1

Flexcel Concert Works Series

Waltz of the Carols (Grade1)

Grade 1 1/2

Flexcel Concert Works Series

Arranged by Sean O’Loughlin

Waltz of the Carols

Low Voice on the Housetop (from Low Brass on the Housetop)


t Excel!

Grades 1-3.5

Flexible Concert Works that Excel!


Introduce your students to 3/4 time with this clever mash-up of Christmas Carols in Waltz style. Each section has a turn to shine with the melody, perfect for parents to get a good shot of their little ones at their Christmas concert. (2:18) John M. Pasternak

nd a rising name in the is characterized by vibrant odies, and colorful scoring. performed composers of

John is a talented young composer of concert band music. His pieces have interesting melodic contour and a film score sensibility.

(from Low Brass on the Housetop)

Low Brass on the Housetop is a fun piece that features an argument between the low brass and the rest of your ensemble. Naturally, the low brass prevails in this clever Christmas-time arrangement.

laying their piece?

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

Flexible Concert Works that Excel!

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Flexible Concert Works that Excel!

Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

Scan QR code or email:

FCB2007 – Set FCB2007FS – Full Score FCB2007P – Parts

FCB2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00 Music that Inspires

Grade 11/2

Flexcel Concert Works Series

Zombie Attack! JASON TAURINS

t Excel!

Grade 1 1/2

Flexcel Concert Works Series

Jason Taurins


This creepy new work for developing bands is a perfect fit for your next Halloween concert. With plenty of opportunity for sonorous tutti playing and low brass independence, Jason’s unique harmonic style is great for teaching common accidentals. We know your students will ask to play Zombie Attack! again and again. (2:32) Carol’s music is creative and fun for everyone. Her music teaches valuable musical concepts while incorporating unique grooves and memorable melodies.


Rhythmania! is an exciting new work for a developing band! Introduce your students to new sound effects produced with hands, sticks, and pencils on stands in this rock-inspired opener! We know your students are going to ask to play this one more than once!

laying their piece?

Flexible Concert Works that Excel!

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

Scan QR code or email:




FCB2102 – Set FCB2102FS – Full Score FCB2102P – Parts

Music that Inspires

Flexible Concert Works that Excel!



Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

Benjamin Hanby Arranged by John M. Pasternak

FCB2007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00


Carol Brittin Chambers

fit for your next Halloween ti playing and low brass at for teaching common bie Attack! again and again.

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Zombie Attack! (Grade1) Flexible Concert Works that Excel!

e as a music educator to music, drawing inspiration rock and metal, as well as t century.

Music that Inspires


(from Low Brass on the Housetop)

Low Voice on the Housetop is a fun piece that features an argument between the low voices and the rest of your ensemble. Naturally, the low voices prevail in this clever Christmas-time arrangement. (1:54)

Low Voice on the Housetop


sh-up of Christmas Carols melody, perfect for parents concert.

Low Voice on the Housetop (Grade1)

Rhythmania! (Grade1) Carol Brittin Chambers Rhythmania! is an exciting new work for a developing band! Introduce your students to new sound effects produced with hands, sticks, and pencils on stands in this rock-inspired opener! We know your students are going to ask to play this one more than once! (1:56)

FCB2104 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00 Music that Inspires


FCB2102 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00


Excelcia Music Publishing, Music that Inspires

Flexcel Concert Works Series Grade 11/2

Flexcel Concert Works Series


Flexible Concert Works that Excel!


Young bands will enjoy playing this traditional march. Lots of dynamic changes and built in color will have your audiences clapping in no time. A melodic horn part and moving low brass lines will keep everyone in the band interested and sounding their best!

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

Flexible Concert Works that Excel!

Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.


FCB2001 – Set FCB2001FS – Full Score FCB2001P – Parts

Music that Inspires


Shining Moments LARRY CLARK

Hidden Wonders

Hidden Wonders is a great example of Sean O’Loughlin’s skill at writing for young musicians. Full of lyrical beauty and exquisite craft, this piece will challenge your musicians. Inspired by beauty and unity, Hidden Wonders is a great addition to any concert program.

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece? Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

Flexible Concert Works that Excel!

FCB2002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00 Scan QR code or email:

FCB2003 – Set FCB2003FS – Full Score FCB2003P – Parts

Music that Inspires

Music that Inspires

FCB2003 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00



Grade 2

Flexcel Concert Works Series

Byzantine Dances (Grade 2)

Byzantine Dances

Grade 2

Flexcel Concert Works Series

Carol Brittin Chambers

House of the Rising Bells Ukrainian Bell Carol, House of the Rising Sun


Flexible Concert Works that Excel!

Written in the style of a Roma Gypsy dance, Byzantine Dances is fast and energetic. Students will love playing in a different style and directors will find plenty of historical content to teach while learning this piece. (2:44)

Arranged by TYLER ARCARI

Tyler Arcari

House of the Rising Bells

Ukrainian Bell Carol, House of the Rising Sun

Open your next holiday concert with this impactful and clever pairing of two folk tunes: House of the Rising Sun and the Ukrainian Bell Carol. Arranged for developing band by Tyler Arcari, House of the Rising Bells is sure to add something unique to your winter program.

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

Flexible Concert Works that Excel!

Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

Flexible Concert Works that Excel!

Scan QR code or email:

FCB2006 – Set FCB2006FS – Full Score FCB2006P – Parts

FCB2005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00 Music that Inspires


Music that Inspires

House of the Rising Bells (Grade 2)

Ukrainian Bell Carol, House of the Rising Sun Arranged by Tyler Arcari Open your next holiday concert with this impactful and clever pairing of two folk tunes: House of the Rising Sun and the Ukrainian Bell Carol. Arranged for developing band by Tyler Arcari, House of the Rising Bells is sure to add something unique to your winter program. (2:28)

Tyler is an emerging talent. His compositions are quickly drawing the attention of band and orchestra conductors around the world. His music is beautiful, fresh, and dynamic.

ances is fast and energetic. ectors will find plenty of


FCB2006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00 Grade 21/2

Flexcel Concert Works Series

Bardic Air and Reel (Grade 2.5) Larry Clark

Bardic Air and Reel LARRY CLARK

t Excel!

Sound larger than life with this brilliantly scored overture for developing band. Beautifully expressive playing with ample opportunity to teach grace-notes and traditional “snaps”, Larry has crafted an accessible work for young band that is reminiscent of great band works of the past. Your students will ask to play this one over and over! (4:25) Flexible Concert Works that Excel!

most popular and most music for school concert music is characterized by melodies, contains a fresh well scored, and stretches formers.

Grade 3

Flexcel Concert Works Series

The Great Clipper Race MATTHEW R. PUTNAM

Matthew R. Putnam

Matthew pulls from his many years of experience to write music for students that is interesting, melodically driven, and fun to play.


ure for developing band. to teach grace-notes and rk for young band that is ts will ask to play this one

The Great Clipper Race

The Great Clipper Race seeks to transport musicians and listeners to the mid 1800’s, a time when clipper ships sailed the seas ferrying cargos from exotic locales to Europe and the Americas. Composer Matthew R. Putnam weaves a tale of intrigue and adventure on the high seas!

Flexible Concert Works that Excel!


Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece? Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

Flexible Concert Works that Excel!

FCB2004 – Set FCB2004FS – Full Score FCB2004P – Parts


The Great Clipper Race (Grade 3) Matthew R. Putnam The Great Clipper Race seeks to transport musicians and listeners to the mid-1800s, a time when clipper ships sailed the seas ferrying cargos from exotic locales. This is a tale of intrigue and adventure! (4:45)

FCB2004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00

Scan QR code or email:

Music that Inspires

Music that Inspires


FCB2103 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65.00 Grade 3 1/2

Flexcel Concert Works Series


Exhale (Grade 3.5) Sean O’Loughlin



t Excel!

a rising name in the music characterized by vibrant odies, and colorful scoring. performed composers of

using dynamics and tiered omposer Sean O’Loughlin sound!

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Hidden Wonders is a great example of Sean O’Loughlin’s skill at writing for young musicians. Full of lyrical beauty and exquisite craft, this piece will challenge your musicians. Inspired by beauty and unity, Hidden Wonders is a great addition to any concert program. (3:16)

Sean is a fresh voice and a rising name in the music world. His music is characterized by vibrant rhythms, passionate melodies, and colorful scoring. He is one of the most performed composers of educational music.

Flexible Concert Works that Excel!

Hidden Wonders (Grade 2) Sean O’Loughlin


Sean O’Loughlin

and fun for everyone. Her musical concepts while rooves and memorable

laying their piece?

Grade 2

Hidden Wonders

Flexible Concert Works that Excel!

A beautiful and uplifting ballad, this piece can be used to teach developing bands good musicianship qualities, like phrasing and playing with emotion. (3:43)


Shining Moments (Grade 2) Larry Clark

laying their piece?


Flexcel Concert Works Series Grade 1 1/2

Flexcel Concert Works Series

we are at our best, where chieve. Shining Moments is ut uplifting ballad that can ualities, like phrasing and veloping student to have a

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

FCB2001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00 Music that Inspires

FCB2105 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00

most popular and most music for school concert music is characterized by melodies, contains a fresh well scored, and stretches formers.

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Flexible Concert Works that Excel!

Scan QR code or email:

t Excel!

laying their piece?

A traditional march, Capstone will have your audiences clapping in no time. A melodic horn part and moving low brass lines will keep everyone in the band interested and sounding their best! (2:02)


composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

t Excel!

Tyler Arcari



Tyler is an emerging talent. His compositions are quickly drawing the attention of band and orchestra conductors around the world. His music is beautiful, fresh, and dynamic.

laying their piece?

Capstone) (Grade 2) (March)


Tyler Arcari

iting new work for concert t playing to contrapuntal experience. Explore the re artists and works from

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Grade 2

Flexcel Concert Works Series

Inspired by the Gothic artists of the 12th century, this exciting new work for concert band explores lots of musical ideas. From independant playing to contrapuntal melodic lines, Gothic delivers a well-rounded concert experience. Explore the possibility of departmental collaboration as you explore artists and works from the Gothic period. (2:46)

ent. His compositions are tion of band and orchestra rld. His music is beautiful,

laying their piece?

Gothic (Grade 1.5) Tyler Arcari


t Excel!

Grade 1 to 3.5


Flexible Concert Works that Excel!


Exhale is a wonderful new soundscape for concert band using dynamics and tiered orchestration to create breathing-like sound effects. Composer Sean O’Loughlin has crafted a festival-worthy overture with a fresh new sound! (5:03)

Flexcel Score Videos

Full recordings and more!

Go to or scan here

FCB2101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00 Music that Inspires


Buy from an Excelcia Concert Band Select Dealer or at!


2020 Concert Band Music Prelude

Grade .5

Geyser Point March


Chris Ferguson

Give Me Five


Peter Sciaino

Strength and Honor


Sean O’Loughlin



Larry Clark

Ringtone Christmas

PCB2005 Jolly Old St. Nicholas, Up on the Housetop, Jingle Bells Arranged by Tyler Arcari

Cricket Dance


Peter Terry

Grade 1

Crystal Creek




Jon Bubbett


Peter Sciaino

Waltz of the Carols


Arranged by Sean O’Loughlin

Distant Shadows


The Long Look Back


A Summer’s Knight Threshold Uncharted Waters Arise!


Brooke Pierson

Cuyahoga Valley View


Steve Parsons


John M. Pasternak

House of the Rising Bells


The Quest for Coronado’s Gold HCB2008


Christmas Grace

RCB2002 RCB2003 RCB2004

John M. Pasternak



Valerie Laney-Rowe

Flying High



Bardic Air and Reel


Larry Clark

Moonlit Skies


Sean O’Loughlin




Larry Clark

Blinding Light


Peter Sciaino

The Cycle


Peter Sciano

Kalos Eidos (Kaleidoscope)

R. Alan Carter


Tyler Arcari


Jason Taurins Chris Ferguson


Silent Night, Away in a Manger, Greensleeves, Amazing Grace Arranged by Larry Clark


Matthew R. Putnam


Grade 4 & up

Heart of America



Arthur Pryor, Arranged by John M. Pasternak

Atlantic Rhapsody


Sketches on the Navy Hymn, Eternal Father, Strong to Save Robert Thurston

Smiling After the Rain


Yukiko Nishimura

Sol Picante MCB2004 from Into the Elements Suite Larry Clark



Tyler Arcari



Carl Strommen

Carol Brittin Chambers

Storm Warriors


Matthew R. Putnam

Hiding in the Shadows


Robert Thurston

Coffin Races


Jason K. Nitsch

Haunting Old Mountain Melody HCB2014 Ed Kiefer



(Surprises in Controversial Time) Laura Estes


My Heart Always Wanders


Mitt Hjerte Alltid Conker

Arranged by Jason K. Nitsch

Yuletide Flourish


R. Alan Carter



2020 Concert Band Works The music comes alive! Scan here

Michael J. Miller

A Rose in Silence Blooms

RCB2012 A Fantasy on Low How a Rose E’er Blooming, and Silent Night Arranged by Peter Terry

Cosmic Wonder


Bruce W. Tippette

Danza la Habana


Ruth Brittin


2020 Jazz Ensemble Works The music comes alive! Scan here


Valerie Laney-Rowe



Gene Milford


Sean O’Loughlin


Tyler Arcari

David Samuel


Tyler Arcari

Bend the Iron

Arranged by Tyler Arcari

Sunset Lullaby

Grade 3-3.5


Bring to Light

Matthew R. Putnam

Fortune Favors the Bold

Carol Brittin Chambers



Zombie Attack!


Pipe and Thistle

HCB2005 Ukrainian Bell Carol, House of the Rising Sun

The Bandmasters


(Sketches of Scotland)

Beginning Anew


John M. Pasternak


Michael J. Miller


Dark Frontier


Gene Milford

Throne of Swords


Sean O’Loughlin


Peter Terry

Jon Bubbett

On the Precipice


Frontline March

Amy Riebs Mills

Grade 2-2.5

Carol Brittin Chambers


Larry Clark

Mercury Rising



Grade 1.5


Matthew R. Putnam

Matthew R. Putnam

Harmony Terminus

Matthew R. Putnam

Dream Field

Tyler Arcari

Sunset in the East Acropolis

Da Capo

Excelcia Music Publishing, Music that Inspires


Music that Inspires


New Music for Jazz Ensemble Our 2021-22 Jazz Ensemble music release features music from a roster of outstanding composers. You will find a range of exciting new pieces, explorations of new ideas, and music that is accessible for all levels of school and community Jazz ensembles. Grouped in five difficulty levels, each chart is carefully edited and has fully notated rhythm section parts.

Odyssey Series

Voyage Series

Grade 1

Grade 3-3.5

Exploration Series

Zenith Series

Grade 1.5

Grade 4 & up

Horizon Series

Jazz Combo Series


Grade 2-2.5


Grade 3

Larry Clark

Blair Bielawski

Jamie Roth

David Samuel

Steve Wiest

Jazz Editor

Kris Berg

Jack Cooper

Steve Parsons

Peter Sciaino

Buy from an Excelcia Jazz Ensemble Music Select Dealer or at!


Jazz Odyssey Series - Grade 1

• Playable with a core instrumentation of Alto Sax 1 & 2, Tenor Sax 1, Trumpet 1 & 2, Trombone 1, Piano, Bass (cued in Piano) Drums • Includes parts for a full ensemble (5/4/4/4) • Optional parts included for Flute, Clarinet, Horn in F, Tuba • Limited ranges in the winds • Carefully notated rhythm section parts

Larry Clark


Your young rhythm section will really be able to dig in with this funky, cut-time rock chart. It features bold melodies along with some compelling counter lines from the Saxes and Guitar. Driving rock is at the heart of this piece, but there are several passages with winds only that provide some subtle contrast. To add a different dimension to your band’s sound, if you have an Electric Guitar player, have them experiment with some effects when playing a line with the Saxes or Trombones.


Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers. Scan QR code or email:

OJE2101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00


Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

EJE2101 – Set EJE2101FS – Full Score EJE2101P – Parts


Jazz Odyssey Series

Grade 1

EJE2101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00


Box of Rock Grade 1 /2

Here’s a very easy rock tune with a fun twist – it is built on ten measure phrases! Your band will sound great in a hurry with this one and will have a blast in the process. Punchy Brass licks and outstanding Saxophone lines are a feature of this engaging rock chart. (3:03)

(with Interference) #2 in the Smart Phone Series STEVE WIEST

Signal Drop

(with Intereference)

#2 in the Smart Phone Series

Long known for his compositions for advanced ensembles composer Steve Wiest has turned his creative genius an to an easier level to come up with music that is hip but is accessible to younger bands. Students and audiences will love the programmatic nature of this chart. (4:04)

Signal Drop

Box of Rock

Steve Wiest

Multiple time Grammy-nominated jazz composer and trombonist, Steve Wiest is known world-wide for his fresh, cutting-edge writing, as well as his extroverted virtuoso trombone playing.

Long known for his compositions for advanced ensembles, composer Steve Wiest has turned his creative genius to come up with music that is hip but is accessible to younger bands. Students and audiences will love the programmatic nature of this chart. The second offering in his Smart Phone series is all about that dreaded “call failed” signal drop. Aside from the story behind the music, the blues-tinged melody along with the minor harmony sound very cool.

g their piece? LARRY CLARK

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

Scan QR code or email:


Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

OJE2102 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00 EJE2102 – Set EJE2102FS – Full Score EJE2102P – Parts


Jazz Odyssey Series


It’s Got That Swing! BLAIR BIELAWSKI


Grade 1

It’s Got That Swing Blair Bielawski

EJE2102 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00 ®

Jazz Exploration Series

Grade 11/2


It’s Got That Swing!

The full ensemble is highlighted throughout this very easy swing chart. Plenty of tutti rhythms in the winds and straight forward, beautifully written rhythm section parts will help this piece come together with minimum rehearsal time. (2:39)


Excelcia Music Publishing Jazz Exploration Series

The biting dissonance of the sharp 9 chord is used as the centerpiece for this free spirited, funky rock chart. Cutting, angular lines and interesting counterpoint come together to create a unique piece in the repertoire for music at this level. (3:02)

Honk! Honk!

OJE2103 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00 The biting dissonance of the sharp 9 chord is used as the centerpiece for this free spirited, funky rock chart. Cutting, angular lines and interesting counterpoint come together to create a unique piece in the repertoire at this level. It is surprisingly sophisticated with just the right amount of “grit” to warrant the title.

Honk! Honk!


g their piece?

Jack’s music draws from a diverse number of musical genres and styles. His melodies find their own, organic path, creating unexpected and lyrical ideas. Classical, pop and multi-ethnic elements are found in his big band writing creating many pleasant surprises.

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

Scan QR code or email:


Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

Honk! Honk! Jack Cooper

Honk! Honk!

Jack Cooper

ser about hearsal sesing is giving s.

Signal Drop

(with Interference) #2 in the Smart Phone Series Steve Wiest

Signal Drop

Excelcia Music Publishing Jazz Exploration Series

Jazz Exploration Series





Larry Clark

Box of Rock

ser about hearsal sesing is giving s.

g chart. Plenty of tutti rhythm section parts me. There is a shorted by a shout chorus

Your young rhythm section will really be able to dig in with this funky, cut-time rock chart. It features bold melodies along with some compelling counter lines from the Saxes and Guitar. Driving rock is at the heart of this piece, but there are several passages with winds only that provide some subtle contrast. (3:15)


Baby Blues


Overdrive Blair Bielawski


Excelcia Music Publishing Jazz Exploration Series

The music Blair creates for jazz ensembles at all levels is engaging for the student and educationally sound. Writing for publication since 1988, his music has been performed internationally by student and professional groups. His compositions and arrangements appear on many state contest/festival lists and have been described as creative, innovative, and dynamic.


nsembles at all levels educationally sound. 8, his music has been dent and professional angements appear on d have been described c.

Grade 11/2


Larry Clark has composed a great introduction to the blues that is filled with ensemble passages that work beautifully. One of the fundamentals of the blues is “call and response” and this chart demonstrates exactly what that is all about. (3:12)

g their piece?

en measure phrases! l have a blast in the are a feature of this tar chord frame chart agrams.

Jazz Exploration Series

Blair Bielawski

ser about hearsal sesing is giving s.

and most performed l concert band and terized by rhythmic ns a fresh harmonic and stretches the

Baby Blues



s filled with beautiful “call and response”, re are some fabulous Brass and Saxes that Straight ahead, welle winds will help this .

Grade 1

• Playable with a core instrumentation of Alto Sax 1 & 2, Tenor Sax 1, Trumpet 1 & 2, Trombone 1, Piano, Bass (cued in Piano) Drums • Includes parts for a full ensemble (5/4/4/4) • Optional parts included for Flute, Clarinet, Horn in F, Tuba • Limited ranges in the winds • Carefully notated rhythm section parts



Jazz Odyssey Series


and most performed l concert band and terized by rhythmic ns a fresh harmonic and stretches the

Jazz Exploration Series - Grade 1.5

EJE2103 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00

EJE2103 – Set EJE2103FS – Full Score EJE2103P – Parts


Jazz Exploration Series

Grade 11/2


Swingin’ Winner, Chicken Dinner! DAVID SAMUEL

Excelcia Music Publishing Jazz Exploration Series

David’s music is emotionally charged and rhythmically pleasing. Heavily influenced by his background as a jazz pianist, his harmonic palette provides listeners with a fresh sound.

Swingin’ Winner, Chicken Dinner! Everyone is a winner with this new David Samuel blues composition. It’s got everything you look for in an easy swing chart: straight ahead rhythms with clear articulations, bluesy melodic lines, well-written solos with an opportunity to improvise and a cool shout chorus. Definitely worth taking a gamble on this one!


Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

Scan QR code or email:


Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

EJE2104 – Set EJE2104FS – Full Score EJE2104P – Parts

All Excelcia Jazz charts come with free play-along practice tracks for practice of improvisation skills, that feature rhythm section accompaniment over the solo section changes.

EJE2104 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00


Jazz Exploration Series

Grade 11/2


No, No, No... We Gotta Go STEVE PARSONS

Excelcia Music Publishing Jazz Exploration Series Steve’s music is energetic and fun. Student’s will be captivated by his heroic film-score like music. He has a wealth of experience composing outside of educational music that brings an exciting freshness to his pieces.

No, No, No... We Gotta Go A funky rock chart with attitude, this piece is good-naturedly dedicated to that one person in the band who makes everyone late as their friends chant “we gotta go” in exasperation. The Saxes take the main theme with brass answering lines, then the roles are flipped for the B section. Lots of Cowbell underscores the call and response bridge, leading into solos for Tenor Saxophone and Trumpet.

No, No, No... We Gotta Go

Steve Parsons

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

Scan QR code or email:


Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

David Samuel Everyone is a winner with this new David Samuel blues with a bridge composition. It’s got everything you look for in an easy swing chart: straight ahead rhythms with clear articulations, bluesy melodic lines, well written solos with an opportunity to improvise and a cool shout chorus. (3:10)

Swingin’ Winner, Chicken Dinner!

David Samuel

Swingin’ Winner, Chicken Dinner!

No, No, No...We Gotta Go Steve Parsons A funky rock chart with attitude, this piece is good-naturedly dedicated to that one person in the band who makes everyone late as their friends chant “we gotta go” in exasperation. (3:42)

EJE2105 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00

EJE2105 – Set EJE2105FS – Full Score EJE2105P – Parts


Excelcia Music Publishing, Music that Inspires

Jazz Horizon Series - Grade 2-2.5

Jazz Voyage Series - Grade 3-3.5

• • • • •

• • • • •


Excelcia Music Publishing Jazz Voyage Series Blair Bielawski

The music Blair creates for jazz ensembles at all levels is engaging for the student and educationally sound. Writing for publication since 1988, his music has been performed internationally by student and professional groups. His compositions and arrangements appear on many state contest/festival lists and have been described as creative, innovative, and dynamic.

On the Cool Side

At the End of the Day

This stunning music was written by Dallas based Rosana Eckert for her debut album in 2003. It is a light and sophisticated bossa with some gorgeous harmony. Arranged by the incomparable Michele Weir for vocal jazz ensemble, this version was adapted for instrumental ensemble by Blair Bielawski. There is an eight-measure solo line that may be played by Tenor Saxophone and/or Guitar. Though not technically demanding, this chart does require some thoughtful playing by the winds and rhythm section.

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?


Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers. Scan QR code or email:

Jazz Horizon Series

Grade 2


Unlimited Miles

As you probably guessed from the title, Kris Berg has taken hints from some Miles Davis classics and turned them into a brilliant, up-tempo swing composition. Your band will get to show off their dynamic flexibility with some wonderful soft ensemble sections that lead into a shout chorus with awesome Saxophone line. Be sure to stay tuned to the end of the chart…Kris adds some clever harmonic and rhythmic movement that wraps up the chart with a flourish.

HJE2102 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00

Mamacita Needs a Break

Driving Latin rhythms, great polyphonic writing and interesting major 7 over minor chord harmony combine to make this chart unforgettable. There are lots of dynamic contrasts, so the full range of your group will be showcased. The haunting melody weaves between sections throughout the composition which really makes the piece hang together well.


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Peter Sciaino

VJE2103 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00

Grade 2


Traditional, Arranged by David Samuel

Jazz Voyage Series


Composer Peter Sciaino has taken a vintage big band feel and turned it into a rousing, swinging extravaganza. There are plenty of twists and turns along the way and some interesting development sections that will showcase your band to the fullest. (3:48)

Peter Sciaino

Big Band Bash

Composer Peter Sciaino has taken a vintage big band feel and turned it into a rousing, swinging extravaganza. There are plenty of twists and turns along the way and some interesting development sections that will showcase your band to the fullest. Of course, it has a killer shout chorus!

Big Band Bash

Appealing, playable, tuneful with a dash of whimsy, Peter’s music is influenced by jazz, world, and popular music while still being heavily rooted in the concert band medium.

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

Scan QR code or email:


Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

Big Band Bash Peter Sciaino

Big Band Bash

Excelcia Music Publishing Jazz Voyage Series

The holidays never had it so good! David Samuel has taken the classic carol Deck the Halls and turned it into a funky, rhythmic piece that will definitely be a crowd pleaser. There is a terrific winds only section after the short solo section. (2:49)

Grade 3


Groovin’ Up the Halls

Groovin’ Up the Halls


Jazz Horizon Series


VJE2104 – Set VJE2104FS – Full Score VJE2104P – Parts

VJE2104 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.0

HJE2104 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00


Jazz Horizon Series

Grade 2


Steve Parsons

Excelcia Music Publishing Jazz Voyage Series


Blair Bielawski

Love Wins

In addition to the demonstration recording of this tune, be sure to check out the exuberant video by the composer, Bill Cantos, with his own band. He calls the music he wrote for this album “new standards for the new Millennium” and this funky cha-cha certainly warrants that description. Some lush orchestration and creative orchestration make this chart shine.

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece? Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers. Scan QR code or email:


VJE2105 – Set VJE2105FS – Full Score VJE2105P – Parts

HJE2105 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00


(Can’t You See?) It’s Magic

The music Blair creates for jazz ensembles at all levels is engaging for the student and educationally sound. Writing for publication since 1988, his music has been performed internationally by student and professional groups. His compositions and arrangements appear on many state contest/festival lists and have been described as creative, innovative, and dynamic.

A good introduction to the ubiquitous rock shuffle, this piece captures the fun and mystery of an illusionist’s sleight-of-hand close magic act. Every section is featured as the melodic lines are passed along over a funky groove. (3:31)

Love Wins Love Wins

(Can’t You See?) It’s Magic

(Can’t You See?) It’s Magic

Jazz Voyage Series



Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

VJE2103 – Set VJE2103FS – Full Score VJE2103P – Parts

g their piece?

ser about hearsal sesing is giving s.

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

HJE2103 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00

Mamacita Needs a Break Driving latin rhythms, great polyphonic writing and interesting major 7 over minor chord harmony combine to make this chart unforgettable. There are lots of dynamic contrasts, so the full range of your group will be showcased. (4:06)

Mamacita Needs a Break

Appealing, playable, tuneful with a dash of whimsy, Peter’s music is influenced by jazz, world, and popular music while still being heavily rooted in the concert band medium.

Groovin’ Up the Halls


captures the fun and ion is featured as the olos written for Guitar, c keyboard, the piano nd (with the spinning


Peter Sciaino


un. Student’s will be core like music. He omposing outside of n exciting freshness to


Here’s a great new chart from composer Jack Cooper that is sure to be a hit. Jack uses the ≥11 of a B≤ chord as one of the main melody notes in the winds, so the music sounds distinctive and sophisticated. (2:06)


Grade 3


Excelcia Music Publishing Jazz Voyage Series


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Jazz Voyage Series

Mamacita Needs a Break



ng their piece?

Shuffle and Deal Jack Cooper

Shuffle and Deal

Shuffle and Deal

he classic carol Deck definitely be a crowd olo section. Be sure to

VJE2102 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00




Scan QR code or email:

hing s

arged and rhythmically y his background as a ette provides listeners

Kris Berg has taken hints from some Miles Davis classics and turned them into a brilliant, up-tempo swing composition. Your band will get to show off their dynamic flexibility with some wonderful soft ensemble sections that lead into a shout chorus with awesome Saxophone lines filling in. (2:50)

VJE2102 – Set VJE2102FS – Full Score VJE2102P – Parts



Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece? Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

Unlimited Miles Kris Berg

Unlimited Miles

Unlimited Miles

As a bassist, Kris tends to start original compositions from the “bottom” up, starting with a groove or rhythmic chord progression idea and composing melodies over the top. For his arrangements, Kris loves to “change” things up including meter, style, tempo or “de-construction” of the melody.

g their piece?

ser about hearsal sesing is giving s.

Grade 3

Kris Berg


ure to be a hit. Super ing like champs. Jack e winds, so the music yle to the Lee Morgan

Jazz Voyage Series

Excelcia Music Publishing Jazz Voyage Series

Grade 2

Rosana Eckert Arranged by Michele Weir Adapted by Blair Bielawski

This stunning music was written by Dallas based Rosana Eckert for her debut album in 2003. It is a light and sophisticated bossa with some gorgeous harmony. Arranged by the incomparable Michele Weir for vocal jazz ensemble, this version was adapted for instrumental ensemble by Blair Bielawski. (3:16)


This new Calypso chart from jazz musician and educator Kris Berg might be the happiest piece ever written for young jazz ensemble. Like the classic Sonny Rollins piece St. Thomas, this composition uses simply basic chords and rhythms, but the end result is a sparkling, bright change of pace chart. (2:50)


e number of musical nd their own, organic yrical ideas. Classical, are found in his big ant surprises.



Jazz Horizon Series

At the End of the Day

VJE2101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55.00

The Beach Life Kris Berg

The Beach Life

The Beach Life


g their piece?

ser about hearsal sesing is giving s.

At the End of the Day

HJE2101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00 ®

is Berg might be the classic Sonny Rollins and rhythms, but the hythm section players but sound great.

Grade 3

VJE2101 – Set VJE2101FS – Full Score VJE2101P – Parts


original compositions g with a groove or dea and composing angements, Kris loves meter, style, tempo or

Jazz Voyage Series


Looking for a reason to have the band wear shades? Here’s the answer! Nice little bass riff, splashy piano chords and finger snaps set up this chart perfectly. Great motivic development and some weaving lives add to the character of the piece. Have some fun with this one! (4:35)

At the End of the Day

Peter Sciaino

On the Cool Side

g their piece?

ser about hearsal sesing is giving s.

On the Cool Side

High school ensembles Full instrumentation (5/4/4/4) More independent rhythm section parts Longer solo sections Carefully notated rhythm section parts



he answer! Nice little chart perfectly. Great ter of the piece. Have

Grade 2



Jazz Horizon Series


h a dash of whimsy, z, world, and popular rooted in the concert

Optional Tenor Sax 2, Trumpet 4, Trombone 4 & Guitar Includes parts for a full ensemble (5/4/4/4) Optional parts include Flute, Clarinet, Horn in F, Tuba Range is expanded, but still carefully considered Carefully notated rhythm section parts


Grade 3

Love Wins

Bill Cantos Arranged by Michele Weir Adapted by Blair Bielawski In addition to the demonstration recording of this tune, be sure to check out the exuberant video by the composer, Bill Cantos, with his own band. He calls the music he wrote for this album “new standards for the new Millennium” and this funky cha-cha certainly warrants that description. (4:00)

VJE2105 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.0

Buy from an Excelcia Jazz Ensemble Music Select Dealer or at!


Jazz Zenith Series • • • • •

Advanced high school ensembles More freedom in overall concept More advanced harmonic structure Independent playing across sections Carefully notated rhythm section parts Grade 4

Traditional, Arranged by Kris Berg


Grade 4

Written for the wonderful saxophonist Chris Vadala, arranger Kris Berg has fashioned a contemporary sounding chart in D minor that moves from a loose, open swing to a straight-ahead swing groove. (5:15)


This is definitely not your grandmother’s rhythm changes! Leave it to the creative master, Steve Wiest, to come up with a totally fresh (and somewhat zany) take on the familiar rhythm changes form. This piece zips along at 236, so be prepared for a wild ride. (3:16)

Steve Wiest

Use the Sykalator!

This is definitely not your grandmother’s rhythm changes! Leave it to the creative master, Steve Wiest, to come up with a totally fresh (and somewhat zany) take on the familiar rhythm changes form. This piece zips along at 236 bpm, so be prepared for a wild ride. An awesome selection to close a concert or festival program, Steve has definitely tapped “into the force” on this killer chart.


g their piece?

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece? Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

ZJE2101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00 Scan QR code or email:


ser about hearsal sesing is giving s.

Use the Sykalator!

Multiple time Grammy-nominated jazz composer and trombonist, Steve Wiest is known world-wide for his fresh, cutting-edge writing, as well as his extroverted virtuoso trombone playing.

Use the Sykalator! Steve Wiest

Use the Sykalator!

Excelcia Music Publishing Jazz Zenith Series

Scarborough Fair

ris Berg has fashioned loose, open swing to dic material from the gether. Solo space for d.

Jazz Zenith Series



original compositions g with a groove or dea and composing angements, Kris loves meter, style, tempo or

Scarborough Fair



Jazz Zenith Series

Scarborough Fair


Grade 4 & up

ZJE2103 – Set ZJE2103FS – Full Score ZJE2103P – Parts

ZJE2103 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00

Grade 4

Wow! This is a blues with serious attitude! It comes out of the gate roaring and composer Jamie Roth has included plenty of interesting details that make this a standout chart for high school bands. Great dynamic contrasts are built in so there are some moments that whisper and some that explode. (4:25)

Jack Cooper Inspired by a trip through the mountains of Austria, Vantage Point is a breathtaking excursion in 3/4 with excellent lines and brilliant harmony. (2:57)

Jack Cooper

Vantage Point

Inspired by a trip through the mountains of Austria, Vantage Point is a breathtaking excursion in 3/4 with excellent lines and brilliant harmony. The beautifully shaped melody is first presented by Alto Saxophone 1, Tenor Saxophone 1 and Trumpet 4 with some light time in the rhythm section. This leads to the full ensemble taking over in a swinging three. Plenty of dynamic contrasts and some interesting 4 against 3 rhythms will make this chart a showcase for your band.

g their piece?

Vantage Point

Jack’s music draws from a diverse number of musical genres and styles. His melodies find their own, organic path creating unexpected but lyrical ideas. Classical, pop and multi-ethnic elements are found in his big band writing creating many pleasant surprises.

ZJE2104 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

Scan QR code or email:


Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.


ser about hearsal sesing is giving s.

Vantage Point


Excelcia Music Publishing Jazz Zenith Series

It Is What It Ain’t

the gate roaring and ails that make this a s are built in so there addition the swinging

Grade 4

Vantage Point



Jazz Zenith Series



Jamie Roth

It Is What It Ain’t

uition and sensibility. nthusiastically crafted former, audience and that it is a recollection he imagination.

It Is What It Ain’t



Jazz Zenith Series

ZJE2104 – Set ZJE2104FS – Full Score ZJE2104P – Parts

ZJE2102 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00

Flexcel Jazz Combo Series • • • • •

Playable by as few as three players and rhythm section Parts written in keys instead of by instrument for additional flexibility Optional parts included for Flute, Clarinet, Horn in F, Tuba Rhythm section practice play-along track provided Permission to photocopy included and digital files can be download Grade 3


Traditional Arranged by Blair Bielawski

Blair Bielawski The music Blair creates for jazz ensembles at all levels is engaging for the student and educationally sound. Writing for publication since 1988, his music has been performed internationally by student and professional groups. His compositions and arrangements appear on many state contest/festival lists and have been described as creative, innovative, and dynamic.

This new flexible arrangement of Go Tell It on the Mountain by arranger Blair Bielawski is sure to be a crowd favorite. Written in classic swing style, this chart is playable by as little as 3 musicians and a rhythm section. Christmas has never been more groovy! (1:58)


Flexcel Jazz Combo Series We Wish You a Merry Christmas

Go Tell It on the Mountain

Go Tell It on the Mountain

Go Tell It on the Mountain



Flexcel Jazz Combo Series

ensembles at all levels d educationally sound. 988, his music has been tudent and professional arrangements appear on nd have been described mic.

Grade 3

Grade 3

We Wish You a Merry Christmas TRADITIONAL Arranged by BLAIR BIELAWSKI

ing their piece?

poser about rehearsal ublishing is composers.

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece? Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers. Scan QR code or email:

Music that Inspires



FJE2003 – Set FJE2003FS – Full Score FJE2003P – Parts



Using a light and breezy Calypso vibe, this arrangement will be as much fun to play as it is to hear. There are several interesting melodic and harmonic twists that will keep everyone on their toes, but it is still quite easy to play and should require a minimum of rehearsal time. This would be a wonderful change-of-pace selection on a holiday concert. This flexible arrangement is highly adaptable and will work with a variety of wind configurations.

Music that Inspires


Traditional Arranged by Blair Bielawski This light and breezy chart is another winner from arranger Blair Bielawski. Playable with as little as 3 musicians and a rhythm section. Open your next concert with this laid-back groovin’ version of We Wish You a Merry Christmas. (2:04)

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

Gospel groove. After the ere is a more open and rast. The strong melodic arrangement is highly ons.

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

FJE2003 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00


FJE2001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00

Hark! The Herald Angels Sing TRADITIONAL Arranged by BLAIR BIELAWSKI

Hark! The Herald Angels Sing Traditional Arranged by Blair Bielawski

Flexcel Jazz Combo Series Joy to the World

Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

ensembles at all levels d educationally sound. 988, his music has been tudent and professional arrangements appear on nd have been described mic.

Grade 3



Flexcel Jazz Combo Series

Grade 3

Joy to the World TRADITIONAL Arranged by BLAIR BIELAWSKI

Blair Bielawski The music Blair creates for jazz ensembles at all levels is engaging for the student and educationally sound. Writing for publication since 1988, his music has been performed internationally by student and professional groups. His compositions and arrangements appear on many state contest/festival lists and have been described as creative, innovative, and dynamic.

Arranged by Blair Bielawski for flexible Jazz combo, this swingin’ version of Hark! The Herald Angels Sing is a perfect addition to any Christmas concert. Playable with as little as 3 musicians and a rhythm section, we know this one will be a hit! (2:32) Joy to the World


ing their piece?

poser about rehearsal ublishing is composers.

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece? Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers. Scan QR code or email:


FJE2102 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00

Music that Inspires




FJE2004 – Set FJE2004FS – Full Score FJE2004P – Parts


The Neal Hefti composition for the Basie band called Cute set the standard for soft and sophisticated ensemble work in the winds with the drummer playing soloistic fills using brushes. This arrangement of Joy to the World uses that style in a clever way to highlight the ensemble and give your drummer a chance to show off their brush technique. The chart is very playable and serves as a super introduction to the lighter side of swing. This flexible arrangement is highly adaptable and will work with a variety of wind configurations.


gs! One of the features he winds after the initial nison and harmonized ment combinations. The a flourish. This flexible of wind configurations.

Music that Inspires


Joy to the World Traditional Arranged by Blair Bielawski Wish good tidings and cheer for your audience with this easy swing version of a classic Christmas hit! Blair Bielawski certainly brings joy with this wonderfully accessible arrangement of Joy to the World for Flexible Jazz Combo, playable with as little as 3 musicians and rhythm section. (2:20)

FJE2004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00

Excelcia Music Publishing, Music that Inspires

Accessible Solo Repertoire


phone o e most the add lto perience ally o s. Piano of each hing

Accessible Solo Repertoire

Accessible Solo Repertoire for Alto Sax/Bari Sax


Alto Saxophone or Baritone Saxophone


18 Festival Solos with Piano

18 Festival Solos with Piano


Composed or Arranged by

Download includes MP3 & PDF piano accompaniment.

Larry Clark and Tyler Arcari

Composed or Arranged by

Larry Clark and Tyler Arcari

Downloadable piano accompaniment parts • Downloadable recordings • Perfect for adjudicated solo or festival or recital • Grades 2-2.5

Clark/Arcari WB1803

Music that Inspires

Coming soon: Oboe, Tenor Saxophone, Horn in F & Tuba


Alto Saxophone or Baritone Saxophone WB1802




Compatible with

ISBN 978-1-64402-005-0




Composed or Arranged by

Larry Clark and Tyler Arcari


Music that Inspires


Downloadable piano accompaniments for rehearsal or performance and compatible with SmartMusic, Legacy Solo Series contains masterworks routinely found on state lists that have clean, easy-to-read engravings.


Excelcia Solo Series

Features new literature by well-known composers who add a fresh voice to the standard solo repertoire.

Andante et Allegro


Petite Pièce Concertante

for B≤ Trumpet & Piano

for Trombone & Piano

for Horn in F & Piano

for B≤ Trumpet & Piano

Edited by

Download includes MP3 of piano accompaniment

Excelcia Music Publishing

Edited by

Excelcia Music Publishing

Edited by

Larry Clark

Excelcia Music Publishing

Larry Clark

Download includes MP3 of piano accompaniment

Download includes MP3 of piano accompaniment


Excelcia Music Publishing, llc 402 S. Kentucky Ave. Suite 210 Lakeland, FL 33801 (863) 213-3100



B≤ Trumpet

LS1801 . . . . . $9.99

B≤ Trumpet

LS1805 . . . . . $9.99

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart


François-Joseph Gossec

Méditation from Thaïs

Camille Saint-Saëns

for Trombone & Piano

for Horn in F & Piano

for B≤ Clarinet & Piano

for Flute & Piano

for Violin & Piano

Edited by

Download includes MP3 of piano accompaniment

Edited by

Larry Clark

Download includes MP3 of piano accompaniment

(Op. 167)

Excelcia Music Publishing

Edited by

Larry Clark

Download includes MP3 of piano accompaniment

Excelcia Music Publishing

Edited by

Larry Clark

Download includes MP3 of piano accompaniment

B≤ Trumpet

WS1901 . . . . . $14.99

Jules Massenet

Excelcia Music Publishing

Excelcia Music Publishing

Download includes MP3 of piano accompaniment

Horn in F

B≤ Clarinet

LS1808 . . . . . $19.99


LS1809 . . . . . $8.99


LS1810 . . . . . $9.99



LS1807 . . . . . $12.99

| Grade 5

Excelcia Music Publishing


402 S. Kentucky Ave. Suite 210 Lakeland, FL 33801 (863) 213-3100



Excelcia Solo Series

Edited by

Josh Dampier

Excelcia Music Publishing, llc

LS1806 . . . . . $12.99

Amusement for B≤ Trumpet & Piano Accompaniment

B≤ Trumpet & Piano

Larry Clark

Excelcia Music Publishing


Horn in F

LS1804 . . . . . $12.99

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Excelcia Music Publishing

Concert Rondo


LS1803 . . . . . $11.99


Concert Rondo

B≤ Trumpet

LS1802 . . . . . $11.99

| Grade 3.5 Excelcia Music Publishing

Edited by

Larry Clark

Download includes MP3 of piano accompaniment

Origins SEAN O’LOUGHLIN for B≤ Trumpet & Piano Accompaniment

Excelcia Solo Series

Excelcia Music Publishing

Edited by

Larry Clark

Download includes MP3 of piano accompaniment

Guillaume Balay

B≤ Trumpet & Piano

Larry Clark

Excelcia Music Publishing

Franz Strauss


Andante et Allegro

for B≤ Trumpet & Piano Excelcia Music Publishing



Andante et Allegretto

Joseph Guy Ropartz


Music that Inspires



Joseph Guy Ropartz


Robert Clayson Download includes MP3 recordings.

Trombone or Euphonium



14 Festival Solos for Snare Drum & Mallet Instruments


9 781644 020067


Guillaume Balay


ISBN 978-1-64402-006-7



B≤ Trumpet


Robert Clayson

18 Festival Solos with Piano Download includes MP3 & Accessible Solo Repertoire for Percussion 14 newly composed PDF piano contains accompaniment. solos for Snare, Bells, Xylophone, and Marimba. Written by an emerging composer of percussion music, Robert Clayson, these solos are a muchneeded addition to the young percussionist’s repertoire. Robert uses his experience as an educator to write solos that are fun to play and musically stimulating. These solos are perfect for use at an adjudicated solo festival or recital. Each book comes with beautifully set solo parts. Full recordings of each piece are available for download from the Excelcia Music Publishing website.


Music that Inspires

B≤ Clarinet


Accessible Solo Repertoire


Music that Inspires

9 781644 020050

Euphonium Percussion





Composed or Arranged by

Larry Clark and Tyler Arcari


9 781644 020043

Larry Clark and Tyler Arcari

18 Festival Solos with Piano Download includes MP3 & Accessible Solo Repertoire for Trombone Euphonium contains eighteen PDF piano or accompaniment. newly composed or arranged solos with piano accompaniment written at grades 2 to 2.5. Written by one of the most popular composers of music for students today, Larry Clark, and the talented up and coming composer Tyler Arcari, these solos will add something new, fresh, and different to your solo repertoire for Trombone or Euphonium. Larry and Tyler use their experience as music educators to write solos that are fun to play and musically stimulating. These solos are perfect for use at an adjudicated solo festival or recital. Each book comes with beautifully set solo parts. Piano accompaniment parts, full recordings, and piano only recordings of each piece are available for download from the Excelcia Music Publishing website.


Music that Inspires



Composed or Arranged by



ISBN 978-1-64402-004-3

Accessible Solo Repertoire for Accessible Solo or Repertoire Trombone


WB1802 9 781644 020029

Trombone or Euphonium



Composed or Arranged by

Larry Clark and Tyler Arcari

Compatible with



Compatible with

ISBN 978-1-64402-002-9

Larry Clark and Tyler Arcari

18 Festival Solos with Piano Download includes MP3 & Accessible Solo Repertoire for B≤ Trumpet contains eighteen newly PDF piano accompaniment. composed or arranged solos with piano accompaniment written at grades 2 to 2.5. Written by one of the most popular composers of music for students today, Larry Clark, and the talented up and coming composer Tyler Arcari, these solos will add something new, fresh, and different to your solo repertoire for B≤ Trumpet. Larry and Tyler use their experience as music educators to write solos that are fun to play and musically stimulating. These solos are perfect for use at an adjudicated solo festival or recital. Each book comes with beautifully set solo parts. Piano accompaniment parts, full recordings, and piano only recordings of each piece are available for download from the Excelcia Music Publishing website.


Accessible Solo Repertoire for Percussion

Composed or Arranged by

Larry Clark and Tyler Arcari

Composed or Arranged by


Larry Clark and Tyler Arcari

18 Festival Solos with Piano Download includes MP3 & Accessible Solo Repertoire for B≤ Clarinet eighteen newly PDF piano contains accompaniment. composed or arranged solos with piano accompaniment written at grades 2 to 2.5. Written by one of the most popular composers of music for students today, Larry Clark, and the talented up and coming composer Tyler Arcari, these solos will add something new, fresh, and different to your solo repertoire for B≤ Clarinet. Larry and Tyler use their experience as music educators to write solos that are fun to play and musically stimulating. These solos are perfect for use at an adjudicated solo festival or recital. Each book comes with beautifully set solo parts. Piano accompaniment parts, full recordings, and piano only recordings of each piece are available for download from the Excelcia Music Publishing website.

B≤ Trumpet

Accessible Solo Repertoire for Accessible Solo Repertoire B≤ Trumpet

Accessible Solo Repertoire for Tbn/Euph

Composed or Arranged by



B≤ Clarinet

Accessible Solo Repertoire for Accessible Solo Repertoire B≤ Clarinet

Accessible Solo Repertoire for B≤ Trumpet



Accessible Solo Repertoire for Accessible Solo Repertoire Flute

Accessible Solo Repertoire for B≤ Clarinet


hteen newly composed tten at grades 2 to 2.5. f music for students ng composer Tyler and different to your experience as music musically stimulating. solo festival or recital. Piano accompaniment of each piece are available website.

Accessible Solo Repertoire for Flute





B≤ Trumpet

WS1902 . . . . . $14.99


Flexibly use with any combination of wind dAptAble rios and percussion instruments 25 Trios for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments NEW

Can be played with small chamber group up to full ensemble

Arranged by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam

Adaptable Trios contains 25 newly-composed or arranged trios that can be flexibly used with any combination of wind and percussion instruments, making them an invaluable resource in the modern band room! Written at an accessible 1.5-3 grade level, Adaptable Trios follow the popular Adaptable Duets books by the same composers. Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam bring with them a wealth of educational experience as music educators to craft trios that are fun to play and musically stimulating. Adaptable Trios are sure to become an instant favorite.

Newly composed or arranged pieces at accessible 1.5-3 grade levels


• Flute


27 Trios for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments B≤ Clarinet • Bass Clarinet • B≤ Trumpet • Baritone (T.C.)

• Oboe

WB2102 • Alto Sax. • Bari. Sax.

WB2104 • Tenor Sax.

WB2105 • Horn in F

Bass Clarinet Baritone (T.C.)

Written by experienced educators, composers Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam and percussion specialist Robert Clayson

AdAptAble trios for

• •


B≤ Clarinet B≤ Trumpet


AdAptAble trios

WB2106 • Trombone

B≤ Clarinet • Bass Clarinet • B≤ Trumpet • Baritone (T.C.)

• Euphonium • Bassoon

Scan here

Arcari/Putnam WB2003

The music comes alive!

ISBN 9781644020302

90000 >


9 781644 020302

WB2107 • Tuba


Arranged by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam

• Percussion


B≤ Clarinet • Bass Clarinet • B≤ Trumpet • Baritone (T.C.) WB2103

Adaptable Duets 29 Duets for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments Flute

29 Duets for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments

29 Duets forOboe Any Wind & Percussion Instruments

Adaptable Duets contains 29 newly composed or arranged duets written at grades 1.5 to 3. Written by emerging composers Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam, these duets will add something new, fresh, and different to your duet repertoire. Designed to be used with any combination of two wind instruments, Adaptable Duets is perfect for the modern band room. Tyler and Matthew use their experience as music educators to craft duets that are fun to play and musically stimulating. These duets are perfect for use at an adjudicated festival or recital.

29 Duets for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments

29 Duets for•Any Wind &•Percussion Instruments B≤ Clarinet • Bass Clarinet B≤ Trumpet Baritone (T.C.)

Adaptable Duets contains 29 newly composed or arranged duets written at grades 1.5 to 3. Written by emerging composers Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam, these duets will add something new, fresh, and different to your duet repertoire. Designed to be used with any combination of two wind instruments, Adaptable Duets is perfect for the modern band room. Tyler and Matthew use their experience as music educators to craft duets that are fun to play and musically stimulating. These duets are perfect for use at an adjudicated festival or recital.

Bass Clarinet Baritone (T.C.)


ISBN 9781644020098

90000 >


9 781644 020098

Oboe WB1907

Adaptable Duets contains 29 newly composed or arranged duets written at grades 1.5 to 3. Written by emerging composers Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam, these duets will add something new, fresh, and different to your duet repertoire. Designed to be used with any combination of two wind instruments, Adaptable Duets is perfect for the modern band room. Tyler and Matthew use their experience as music educators to craft duets that are fun to play and musically stimulating. These duets are perfect for use at an adjudicated festival or recital.

ISBN 9781644020128

90000 >

WB1912 9 781644 020128

Horn in F WB1911

Kaleidoscope (Putnam) La Morisque (Susato) La Paloma Tango (Iradier) Lakeside Steps (Arcari) Minuet (Boccherini) Minuet (Telemann) Minuet (J.S. Bach)


AdAptAble duets AdAptAble duets 29 Duets for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments

29 Duets forTuba Any Wind & Percussion Instruments

Composed or Arranged by Composed or Arranged by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam & Robert Clayson Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam Adaptable Duets contains 29 newly composed or arranged duets written at grades 1.5 to 3. Written by emerging composers Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam, these duets will add something new, fresh, and different to your duet repertoire. Designed to be used with any combination of two wind instruments, Adaptable Duets is perfect for the modern band room. Tyler and Matthew use their experience as music educators to craft duets that are fun to play and musically stimulating. These duets are perfect for use at an adjudicated festival or recital.


ISBN 9781644020104

90000 >

WB1913 9 781644 020104

Tenor Saxophone

Tenor Saxophone WB1910


ISBN 9781644020388

90000 >

PB1902 9 781644 020388

Trombone • Euphonium Bassoon WB1912

Minuet in F Major (L. Mozart) Mozart for Two (W.A. Mozart) Musette (Couppey) On the Other Side of Bouree (Arcari) Promenade (Putnam) Quadrille (Haydn) Rondeau (Mouret)

Tuba WB1913

AdAptAble duets 29 Duets for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments Percussion Composed or Arranged by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam & Robert Clayson

Arcari/Putnam/Clayson PB1902

Air (Purcell) Bagatelle (Diabelli) Desert Winds (Arcari) Don’t Ever Pass Up Pie! (Arcari) Ecossaise (Beethoven) German Dance (Haydn) I Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble Halls (Balfie) Impertinence (Handel)

29 Duets for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments • Euphonium • Bassoon Trombone

90000 >

Alto Sax. • Bari. Sax. WB1909

Arcari/Putnam WB1913

Flute - WB1906

29 Duets for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments

ISBN 9781644020135

9 781644 020135



AdAptAble duets AdAptAble duets Composed or Arranged by Composed or Arranged by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam

29 Duets for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments


Adaptable Duets contains 29 newly composed or arranged duets written at grades 1.5 to 3. Written by emerging composers Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam, these duets will add something new, fresh, and different to your duet repertoire. Designed to be used with any combination of two wind instruments, Adaptable Duets is perfect for the modern band room. Tyler and Matthew use their experience as music educators to craft duets that are fun to play and musically stimulating. These duets are perfect for use at an adjudicated festival or recital.

Arcari/Putnam WB1912

90000 >

Trombone • Euphonium • Bassoon

Arcari/Putnam WB1911

ISBN 9781644020111

9 781644 020111


AdAptAble duets

29 Duets for Any Horn in FWind & Percussion Instruments

Horn in F

90000 >

AdAptAble duets

29 Duets for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments

Trombone • Euphonium • Bassoon

Arcari/Putnam WB1906

Horn in F

Adaptable Duets contains 29 newly composed or arranged duets written at grades 1.5 to 3. Written by emerging composers Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam, these duets will add something new, fresh, and different to your duet repertoire. Designed to be used with any combination of two wind instruments, Adaptable Duets is perfect for the modern band room. Tyler and Matthew use their experience as music educators to craft duets that are fun to play and musically stimulating. These duets are perfect for use at an adjudicated festival or recital.

AdAptAble duets AdAptAble duets Composed or Arranged by Composed or Arranged by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam

AdAptAble duets

Composed or Arranged by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam

AdAptAble duets

29 Duets for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments

ISBN 9781644020142

9 781644 020142

B≤ Clarinet • Bass Clarinet B≤ Trumpet • Baritone (T.C.) WB1908


AdAptAble duets

Adaptable Duets contains 29 newly composed or arranged duets written at grades 1.5 to 3. Written by emerging composers Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam, these duets will add something new, fresh, and different to your duet repertoire. Designed to be used with any combination of two wind instruments, Adaptable Duets is perfect for the modern band room. Tyler and Matthew use their experience as music educators to craft duets that are fun to play and musically stimulating. These duets are perfect for use at an adjudicated festival or recital.

AdAptAble duets Composed or Arranged by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam

Arcari/Putnam WB1910

Duets for• Any Wind & Percussion Instruments Alto29 Saxophone Baritone Saxophone

Tenor Saxophone

Arcari/Putnam WB1909


Arcari/Putnam WB1908

90000 >

29 Duets for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments

Alto Saxophone • Baritone Saxophone

B≤ Clarinet • Bass Clarinet • B≤ Trumpet • Baritone (T.C.)

Arcari/Putnam WB1907

ISBN 9781644020081

9 781644 020081

AdAptAble duets AdAptAble duets Composed or Arranged by Composed or Arranged by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam

Tenor Saxophone

• •

Composed or Arranged by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam



AdAptAble duets AdAptAble duets Composed or Arranged by Composed or Arranged by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam

Alto Saxophone Baritone Saxophone


B≤ Clarinet B≤ Trumpet

Adaptable Duets contains 29 newly composed or arranged duets written at grades 1.5 to 3. Written by emerging composers Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam, these duets will add something new, fresh, and different to your duet repertoire. Designed to be used with any combination of two wind instruments, Adaptable Duets is perfect for the modern band room. Tyler and Matthew use their experience as music educators to craft duets that are fun to play and musically stimulating. These duets are perfect for use at an adjudicated festival or recital.

AdAptAble duets AdAptAble duets Composed or Arranged by Composed or Arranged by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam

AdAptAble duets

Composed or Arranged by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam

AdAptAble duets

29 Duets for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments

29 Duets for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments

AdAptAble duets

AdAptAble duets

AdAptAble duets

AdAptAble duets

o n


Duets, Trios and Quartets for any Combination of Wind & Percussion Instruments

AdAptAble duets


Adaptable Ensemble Series

Percussion PB1902

Russian Folk Song (Beethoven) Scaramella (Prez) Song (Arcari) Spring (Vivaldi) Theme (W.A. Mozart) Two Dances (Tchaikovsky) Un Poco Adagio (Clementi)

Composedbyor Arranged by Composed or Arranged Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam

Adaptable Trios contains 25 newly-composed or arranged trios that can be flexibly used with any combination of wind and percussion instruments, making them an invaluable resource in the modern band room! Written at an accessible 1.5-3 grade level, Adaptable Trios follow the popular Adaptable Duets books by the same composers. Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam bring with them a wealth of educational experience as music educators to craft trios that are fun to play and musically stimulating. Adaptable Trios are sure to become an instant favorite.

Bass Clarinet Baritone (T.C.)

90000 >


Oboe WB2002


or Arranged by Composed or Composed Arranged by Arcari Matthew R. Putnam Tyler Arcari &Tyler Matthew R. & Putnam

Adaptable Trios contains 25 newly-composed or arranged trios that can be flexibly used with any combination of wind and percussion instruments, making them an invaluable resource in the modern band room! Written at an accessible 1.5-3 grade level, Adaptable Trios follow the popular Adaptable Duets books by the same composers. Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam bring with them a wealth of educational experience as music educators to craft trios that are fun to play and musically stimulating. Adaptable Trios are sure to become an instant favorite.

AdAptAble trios AdAptAble trios

25 Trios for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments

25 Trios for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments • Euphonium • Bassoon Trombone Composedbyor Arranged by Composed or Arranged Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam

Adaptable Trios contains 25 newly-composed or arranged trios that can be flexibly used with any combination of wind and percussion instruments, making them an invaluable resource in the modern band room! Written at an accessible 1.5-3 grade level, Adaptable Trios follow the popular Adaptable Duets books by the same composers. Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam bring with them a wealth of educational experience as music educators to craft trios that are fun to play and musically stimulating. Adaptable Trios are sure to become an instant favorite.

90000 >


AdAptAble trios AdAptAble trios

25 Trios for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments

25 Trios for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments Tuba

or Arranged by Composed or Composed Arranged by Tyler Arcari, Matthew R. Putnam Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam & Robert Clayson Adaptable Trios contains 25 newly-composed or arranged trios that can be flexibly used with any combination of wind and percussion instruments, making them an invaluable resource in the modern band room! Written at an accessible 1.5-3 grade level, Adaptable Trios follow the popular Adaptable Duets books by the same composers. Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam bring with them a wealth of educational experience as music educators to craft trios that are fun to play and musically stimulating. Adaptable Trios are sure to become an instant favorite.

Tenor Saxophone WB2005

AdAptAble trios

25 Trios Horn for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments in F

ISBN 9781644020326

9 781644 020326

Alto Sax. • Bari. Sax. WB2004

AdAptAble trios

AdAptAble trios AdAptAble trios

25 Trios for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments


AdAptAble trios

25 Trios for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments Percussion Composed or Arranged by Tyler Arcari, Matthew R. Putnam & Robert Clayson




• •

Arcari/Putnam WB2001

Horn in F

Adaptable Trios contains 25 newly-composed or arranged trios that can be flexibly used with any combination of wind and percussion instruments, making them an invaluable resource in the modern band room! Written at an accessible 1.5-3 grade level, Adaptable Trios follow the popular Adaptable Duets books by the same composers. Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam bring with them a wealth of educational experience as music educators to craft trios that are fun to play and musically stimulating. Adaptable Trios are sure to become an instant favorite.

90000 >

B≤ Clarinet • Bass Clarinet B≤ Trumpet • Baritone (T.C.) WB2003 AdAptAble trios

Composed or Arranged by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam

AdAptAble trios

AdAptAble trios

25 Trios for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments

ISBN 9781644020319

9 781644 020319


Tenor Saxophone Composed or Arranged by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam


ISBN 9781644020302

9 781644 020302


Adaptable Trios contains 25 newly-composed or arranged trios that can be flexibly used with any combination of wind and percussion instruments, making them an invaluable resource in the modern band room! Written at an accessible 1.5-3 grade level, Adaptable Trios follow the popular Adaptable Duets books by the same composers. Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam bring with them a wealth of educational experience as music educators to craft trios that are fun to play and musically stimulating. Adaptable Trios are sure to become an instant favorite.

AdAptAble trios

25 Trios for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments

Tenor Saxophone



Arcari/Putnam WB2003

90000 >

or Arranged by Composed or Composed Arranged by Arcari Matthew R. Putnam Tyler Arcari &Tyler Matthew R. & Putnam

Alto Saxophone • Baritone Saxophone

B≤ Clarinet • Bass Clarinet • B≤ Trumpet • Baritone (T.C.)

Arcari/Putnam WB2002

ISBN 9781644020296

9 781644 020296

25 Trios for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments • Baritone Alto Saxophone Saxophone

Tenor Saxophone

• •


AdAptAble trios AdAptAble trios

25 Trios for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments

AdAptAble trios


Composed or Arranged by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam

25 Trios for• B≤ Any Wind •&Baritone Percussion (T.C.) Instruments B≤ Clarinet • Bass Clarinet Trumpet

Alto Saxophone Baritone Saxophone

Adaptable Trios contains 25 newly-composed or arranged trios that can be flexibly used with any combination of wind and percussion instruments, making them an invaluable resource in the modern band room! Written at an accessible 1.5-3 grade level, Adaptable Trios follow the popular Adaptable Duets books by the same composers. Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam bring with them a wealth of educational experience as music educators to craft trios that are fun to play and musically stimulating. Adaptable Trios are sure to become an instant favorite.

AdAptAble trios AdAptAble trios

25 Trios for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments

AdAptAble trios

25 Trios for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments Oboe

or Arranged by Composed or Composed Arranged by Arcari Matthew R. Putnam Tyler Arcari &Tyler Matthew R. & Putnam

B≤ Clarinet B≤ Trumpet


AdAptAble trios AdAptAble trios

25 Trios for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments

AdAptAble trios

25 Trios for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments

Adaptable Trios contains 25 newly-composed or arranged trios that can be flexibly used with any combination of wind and percussion instruments, making them an invaluable resource in the modern band room! Written at an accessible 1.5-3 grade level, Adaptable Trios follow the popular Adaptable Duets books by the same composers. Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam bring with them a wealth of educational experience as music educators to craft trios that are fun to play and musically stimulating. Adaptable Trios are sure to become an instant favorite.

AdAptAble trios

Composed or Arranged by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam

25 Trios for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments

Flute 90000 >


Horn in F WB2006

Flute - WB2001

Alla Hornpipe - Water music (Handel) Contredanse (Haydn) Danza de Hercules (Susato) Fanfare (Duncombe) Flamingos (Puttnam) Funiculi, Funicula (Denza) German Dance (Beethoven)

ISBN 9781644020340

9 781644 020340

German Dance (Schubert) March - from Aida (Verdi) Minuet (Beethoven) Musette - English Suite No. 3 (Bach) My Country, ‘Tis of Thee (Trad.) Pastorale (C.P.E. Bach)


AdAptAble QuArtets AdAptAble QuArtets 21 Quartets for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments

21 Quartets for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments Oboe Composed Composed or ArrangedorbyArranged by Arcari R. & Matthew Tyler ArcariTyler & Matthew Putnam R. Putnam

Adaptable Quartets contains 21 newly-composed or arranged quartets that can be flexibly used with any combination of wind and percussion instruments, making them an invaluable resource in the modern band room! Written at an accessible 1.5-3 grade level, Adaptable Quartets follow the popular Adaptable Duets and Adaptable Trios books by the same composers. Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam bring with them a wealth of educational experience as music educators to craft quartets that are fun to play and musically stimulating. Adaptable Quartets are sure to become an instant favorite.

21 Quartets for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments • Baritone Alto Saxophone Saxophone Composed Composed or ArrangedorbyArranged by Arcari R. & Matthew Tyler ArcariTyler & Matthew Putnam R. Putnam

Adaptable Quartets contains 21 newly-composed or arranged quartets that can be flexibly used with any combination of wind and percussion instruments, making them an invaluable resource in the modern band room! Written at an accessible 1.5-3 grade level, Adaptable Quartets follow the popular Adaptable Duets and Adaptable Trios books by the same composers. Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam bring with them a wealth of educational experience as music educators to craft quartets that are fun to play and musically stimulating. Adaptable Quartets are sure to become an instant favorite.

AdAptAble QuArtets 21 Quartets for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments Tenor Saxophone Composed or Arranged by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam

Tenor Saxophone

ISBN 9781644020517

90000 >


9 781644 020517


21 Quartets for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments


90000 >


AdAptAble QuArtets AdAptAble QuArtets

AdAptAble QuArtets AdAptAble QuArtets

AdAptAble QuArtets AdAptAble QuArtets

AdAptAble QuArtets

21 Quartets for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments

21 Quartets Horn for Any in F Wind & Percussion Instruments Composed Composed or ArrangedorbyArranged by Arcari R. & Matthew Tyler ArcariTyler & Matthew Putnam R. Putnam

Adaptable Quartets contains 21 newly-composed or arranged quartets that can be flexibly used with any combination of wind and percussion instruments, making them an invaluable resource in the modern band room! Written at an accessible 1.5-3 grade level, Adaptable Quartets follow the popular Adaptable Duets and Adaptable Trios books by the same composers. Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam bring with them a wealth of educational experience as music educators to craft quartets that are fun to play and musically stimulating. Adaptable Quartets are sure to become an instant favorite.

Composed Composed or ArrangedorbyArranged by Tyler Arcari, Tyler Arcari & Matthew R.Matthew Putnam R. Putnam & Robert Clayson Adaptable Quartets contains 21 newly-composed or arranged quartets that can be flexibly used with any combination of wind and percussion instruments, making them an invaluable resource in the modern band room! Written at an accessible 1.5-3 grade level, Adaptable Quartets follow the popular Adaptable Duets and Adaptable Trios books by the same composers. Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam bring with them a wealth of educational experience as music educators to craft quartets that are fun to play and musically stimulating. Adaptable Quartets are sure to become an instant favorite.

ISBN 9781644020647

90000 >


Trombone • Euphonium Bassoon WB2020

Curse of Tortuga (Arcari) Dawn of the Century - March (Paull) Fortune Favors the Bold (Putnam) Gesù Bambino (Yon) Go Tell It on the Mountain (Spiritual) Greensleeves (Trad. English Folk Song) Home on the Range (Kelly)

Percussion Composed or Arranged by Tyler Arcari, Matthew R. Putnam & Robert Clayson


ISBN 9781644020524

90000 >

PB2002 9 781644 020524

Tuba WB2021


9 781644 020647

21 Quartets for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments


Horn in F WB2019

21 Quartets for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments Tuba



Adaptable Quartets contains 21 newly-composed or arranged quartets that can be flexibly used with any combination of wind and percussion instruments, making them an invaluable resource in the modern band room! Written at an accessible 1.5-3 grade level, Adaptable Quartets follow the popular Adaptable Duets and Adaptable Trios books by the same composers. Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam bring with them a wealth of educational experience as music educators to craft quartets that are fun to play and musically stimulating. Adaptable Quartets are sure to become an instant favorite.

21 Quartets for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments



Composed Composed or Arranged or byArranged by Tyler ArcariR.& Putnam Matthew R. Putnam Tyler Arcari & Matthew


90000 >

21 Quartets for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments • Euphonium • Bassoon Trombone


ISBN 9781644020630

9 781644 020630

21 Quartets for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments

AdAptAble QuArtets

Tenor Saxophone WB2018

AdAptAble QuArtets

Alto Sax. • Bari. Sax. WB2017

Arcari/Putnam WB2020

Abide with Me (Monk) Agincourt Carol (English Folk Song) The Barber of Seville (Rossini) Be Thou My Vision (Trad. Irish) Capstone (Arcari) Chorale - Jupiter (Holst) Country Gardens (Trad. Morris Dance)


Flute - WB2014

ISBN 9781644020500

9 781644 020500

Trombone • Euphonium Bassoon


Alto Saxophone • Baritone Saxophone

AdAptAble QuArtets AdAptAble QuArtets

B≤ Clarinet • Bass Clarinet B≤ Trumpet • Baritone (T.C.) WB2016

Trombone • Euphonium • Bassoon


90000 >

The Ash Grove (Trad. Welsh Air) The Imp (Arcari) Valse Noble (Schubert) Volte - Terpsichore (1612) (Preaetorius) Wait Just a Minuet (Arcari) Waltz (Schubert)

Oboe WB2015

Horn in F

Arcari/Putnam WB2014

ISBN 9781644020623

Adaptable Quartets contains 21 newly-composed or arranged quartets that can be flexibly used with any combination of wind and percussion instruments, making them an invaluable resource in the modern band room! Written at an accessible 1.5-3 grade level, Adaptable Quartets follow the popular Adaptable Duets and Adaptable Trios books by the same composers. Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam bring with them a wealth of educational experience as music educators to craft quartets that are fun to play and musically stimulating. Adaptable Quartets are sure to become an instant favorite.


Percussion PB2001

Tenor Saxophone

90000 >


Horn in F

9 781644 020623

Tuba WB2008


Adaptable Quartets contains 21 newly-composed or arranged quartets that can be flexibly used with any combination of wind and percussion instruments, making them an invaluable resource in the modern band room! Written at an accessible 1.5-3 grade level, Adaptable Quartets follow the popular Adaptable Duets and Adaptable Trios books by the same composers. Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam bring with them a wealth of educational experience as music educators to craft quartets that are fun to play and musically stimulating. Adaptable Quartets are sure to become an instant favorite.

ISBN 9781644020494

9 781644 020494

AdAptAble QuArtets

Composed or Arranged by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam

Composed Composed or Arranged or byArranged by Tyler ArcariR.& Putnam Matthew R. Putnam Tyler Arcari & Matthew


21 Quartets for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments

AdAptAble QuArtets


AdAptAble QuArtets



Alto Saxophone Baritone Saxophone


Quartets for• Any Wind •&Baritone Percussion (T.C.) Instruments B≤ Clarinet21• Bass Clarinet B≤ Trumpet


90000 >

21 Quartets for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments

Bass Clarinet Baritone (T.C.)

B≤ Clarinet • Bass Clarinet • B≤ Trumpet • Baritone (T.C.)


ISBN 9781644020487

9 781644 020487

AdAptAble QuArtets AdAptAble QuArtets

• •



90000 >

21 Quartets for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments

B≤ Clarinet B≤ Trumpet

Composed or Arranged by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam

ISBN 9781644020371

9 781644 020371

AdAptAble QuArtets

21 Quartets for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments

AdAptAble QuArtets

Adaptable Quartets contains 21 newly-composed or arranged quartets that can be flexibly used with any combination of wind and percussion instruments, making them an invaluable resource in the modern band room! Written at an accessible 1.5-3 grade level, Adaptable Quartets follow the popular Adaptable Duets and Adaptable Trios books by the same composers. Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam bring with them a wealth of educational experience as music educators to craft quartets that are fun to play and musically stimulating. Adaptable Quartets are sure to become an instant favorite.


Pathetique - Piano Sonata No. 8 (Beethoven) Rondo (Susato) Sailor’s Song (Grieg) Saint Anthony Chorale (Brahms) Shenandoah (American Folk Song) Sunayama (Trad.)

AdAptAble QuArtets

Composed or Arranged by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam

AdAptAble QuArtets

AdAptAble QuArtets

21 Quartets for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments

90000 >

Trombone • Euphonium Bassoon WB2007

Adaptable Quartets AdAptAble QuArtets

ISBN 9781644020364

9 781644 020364






Arcari/Putnam WB2008

90000 >


Arcari/Putnam WB2007


ISBN 9781644020333

9 781644 020333


Trombone • Euphonium • Bassoon

Horn in F

AdAptAble QuArtets



AdAptAble trios

AdAptAble trios

25 Trios for Any Wind & Percussion Instruments

AdAptAble trios


Adaptable Trios

Percussion PB2002

In the Hall of the Mountain King (Grieg) Les Toréadors - Carmen (Bizet) Scimitar! (Matthew R. Putnam) Sea Shanty (19th Century Sea Shanty) Song Without Words - Second Suite in F (Holst) The Emperor Waltz (Strauss II) When Johnny Comes Marching Home (American Folk Song)





15 Festive Solos in 25+ Different Styles Each carol is arranged in three distinct popular musical style Tuba arrangements, which go along with free downloadable play-along tracks in each style. Jazz, Latin, Pop and Country styles are included. Coming soon: Oboe, Tenor Saxophone, Horn in F & Tuba

Wedding Brass Will Ring essential collection for brass quintet

a r r a n g e d b y J o h n M. P a s t e r n a k Flute - WB1914

B≤ Clarinet - WB1915

Alto Saxophone / Baritone Saxophone - WB1916

B≤ Trumpet - WB1917

Trombone/Euphonium/ Bassoon - WB1918

Wedding Brass Will Ring


e sse n t i a l c o l l e c t i o n f o r br a ss q u i n t e t

Collection includes 18 newly-arranged favorite works for all musical phases of a wedding ceremony: Prelude, Postlude, Processional, Ceremony and Recessional. The scores are available for download after purchase. Beautifully engraved, composer and arranger John M. Pasternak’s collection is a must-have for brass players. B≤ Trumpet 2

Tuba B≤ Trumpet 1 WB2009



Horn in F WB2011

Trombone WB2012

Titles include: Air from Water Music (Handel), Hornpipe from Water Music (Handel), Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring (J.S. Bach), La Réjouissance from The Royal Fireworks (Handel), Movement 4 “Organ Symphony” (Saint-Saëns), Overture from The Royal Fireworks (Handel), Spring (Vivaldi), Trumpet Tune (Clarke), Trumpet Voluntary (Clarke), Arrival of the Queen of Sheba (Handel), Promenade (Mussorgsky), Rondeau (Mouret), Wedding March (Mendelssohn), Wedding March (Wagner), Ave Maria (Gounod), Canon in D (Pachelbel), Hymn from Jupiter (Holst), Nimrod (Elgar)



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