New Music for String Orchestra 2021-2022

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Music that Inspires


New Music for

String Orchestra

Larry Clark

Tyler Arcari

President and Founder

Instrumental Music Editor


Excelcia Orchestra Select Dealers Purchase our new orchestra music at these outstanding retailers.

Select Dealers

J.W. Pepper & Son, Inc.

Midwest Sheet Music

Popplers Music

191 Sheree Blvd. Exton, PA 19341 (800) 345-6296

2616 Metro Blvd. Maryland Heights, MO 63043 (314) 291-4686

1119 W 41st St. Sioux Falls, SD 57105 (605) 336-6332

Long & McQuade

Music and Arts

Schmitt Music

368 Terminal Avenue Vancouver, British Columbia, V6A 3W9

5295 Westview Dr Suite 300 Frederick MD, 21703-8517

Luck’s Music Library

Music Direct, Ltd.

2400 Freeway Blvd. Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 (763) 566-4560

32300 Edward, P.O. Box 71397 Madison Heights, MI 48071 (800) 348-8749

33 Tuscany Ravine Mews NW Calgary, Alberta T3L 2W3 (403) 287-7787

Stanton’s Sheet Music

Pender’s Music Co.

West Music

314 S. Elm Denton, Texas 76201 (800) 772-5918

1212 5th Street Coralville, Iowa 52241 (319) 351-2000

Menchey Music Service Inc. 9 Barnhart Drive Hanover, PA 17331 (717) 637-2185


330 South 4th. Street Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 224-4257

Excelcia Music Publishing, Music that Inspires

A New Approach

Director Designs Customizable Warm-ups and Technique Collection Programmed into a Single PDF

Tyler Arcari

NEW Less time to plan, More time to play • Purchase once; use & print forever • One file contains all string instruments • Designed when you want, how you want • Over 150+ exercises • $100

Demo it! Major Scales (Two octave) Select from box, then press [Design]

Bow Stretchers


Reminder: When playing your two-octave scales, remember your whole sp & half step pattern.


D-MAJOR-PATTERN E Major Scale - Two Octave Pattern

## œ œœ & # # 44 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 2 œ œ œ œ # ## œ œ œ & # œ œ œ






œœœ œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ E-MAJOR-PATTERN œ œ


œ œ 3






œœœœœ œ œ Œ



œ Technique Exercies 8

Select from box, then press [Design]


Directions: Each time your practice, Focus on one part of your bow: LH:M:UH

A-1 A-Sharp-1 C Major Scale - Bow Stretchers #1 B-1 ≥ ≤ ≥ ≤ ≥ ≤ C-1 & 44 œœ œœœ œœœ œœœ œœœ œœœ œœœ œœœ œœœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œC-Sharp-1 2


Exercises Select from box, then press [Design]



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Finger Stretcher œœœœ œ œœ œ œœ œœ Finger Stretcher œœœœœ B # # # # 44 œœ œ œœ Viola œ œœœœ œ is used to reinforce Retake-1 Directions: This œexercise alternate fingerings 4 ≥ ≤ ≥ ≤ ≥ ≤ 2 3 4 B œœœ œœœ œœœ œœœ and intonation. When switching between open strings andViola alternate4 Sliding-Around-1 œ œ œ œ œ œ2 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ3 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ4 œ very close attention to the intonation fingerings, between the two. œ œ œ œ œ œ sim. œ œ œ œ œ 3 œ œ pay œ # œ # œ œ String-Crossing-1 B ## Œ 4 œ œ œ œ œ 0 4 0 œ œ 0 ≥ ≤0 ≥ ≤ ≥ ≤ 5 6 7 8 3 # 44 ˙ B œ ˙œ˙œ œ œ œ œ 43œ œœœ œœœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Violin & # 43 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ8 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Select from box, then press [Design] 5 7 6 sim. 4 2 3

Rhythm Studies


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Rhythm 3(4/4) Cello



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œ œ 3 œ œ œ œ œ œ 6 3

œ œ œ 5 œ Rhythm 12(3/4)


42 œ 6



œ œ 7 œ Design






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2 Rhythm 11(3/4) j j j4 j j œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ B ‰# # œ œ ‰ œœ œ œœ œ œ œ ‰œ œ ‰ œ 2 œ Rhythm ã 43 Œ œ 12(3/4) 4 Rhythm 13(3/4) 6 5 œœœœ œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ # œ œ ? # 4 œ œ # Rhythm œ œœœœœ # 4 14(3/4) Design œœœœ Rhythm œ22(2/4) œ 2 3 4 Rhythm 15(3/4)















Excerpt 3 (Grade 2) Excerpt fromExcerpt Moonglade4 (Grade 2) ≥≤≥≤≥≤ ? 4 (2020) Measured q = 72 Cello œ œ œœ≥ œ œ œ œ œ œœœœœ œœ2.5) 4 œ œ œ œExcerpt œ œœœœœ œœ œ œ œ 5œ œ(Grade œœœœœ œ œ œViolin œ œ œI œ œ œ# œ4œ œ≥œ œœ œœ œ œœ œœ œ˙ œ œ œ œœœ œœœ œ œ œExcerpt œ ˙ 6 (Grade ˙ 2.5) 4 & 4 0 0 0 f Excerpt 7 (Grade 3) ≥˙˙≤ ≥ ≤ ≥ ≤ 3 œ œ œ œ f œ 44 ˙ poco rall. ? œ œœœ œœ 4 # ≥ œ œœœ œœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 7













&4 sim. œ œ






2 4 œ
















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Measured q = 72

B # 44 Œ



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œ œœœ œœ ˙

Less time to plan, More time to play 0 ? ## 3 œ

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Exercises Select from box, then press [Design]

Measured q = 72

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poco rall.




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Erica Donahoe

Tyler Arcari

Larry Clark

Amy Riebs Mills

David Hinds

Ruth Elaine Schram

Liam Ramsey-White

Yukiko Nishimura

Steven L. Rosenhaus

Sean O’Loughlin

Alan Lee Silva

Caryn Weigand Neidhold

Peter Terry

George Sweet

Bruce W. Tippette

Bud Woodruff

Open to all composers. Submissions by members of underrepresented groups are encouraged.

Our composers want to hear from you! or scan here. 4

Excelcia Music Publishing, Music that Inspires

Prelude Orchestra Series • Playable by first year students with limited study • Moderate tempo and 4/4 time signatures

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• All sections have an opportunity to play the melody


Prelude String Orchestra Series

Grade 1/2

Click, Click, Click (Up on the Housetop) Benjamin Hanby Arranged by Amy Riebs Mills

Click, Click, Click (Up on the Housetop)


nd hope, Amy Riebs Mills’ melodic beauty, rhythmic richness. Her worldwide Force conductor, a regional an educator bring a wealth the craft of writing music



Prelude String Orchestra Series

Grade 1/2


Excelcia Music Publishing Prelude String Orchestra Series

There is sometimes a lack of sensitive music at this grade level, which is why Twilight Smiling by Larry Clark is so great. Wonderful opportunities to teach expressive playing and phrasing, this lyrical work will be a hit at any concert throughout the school year. (2.52)

Larry Clark

Larry is one of the most popular and most performed composers of music for school concert band and orchestra. His music is characterized by rhythmic verve, tuneful melodies, contains a fresh harmonic perspective, is well scored, and stretches the musicianship of the performers.


Twilight Smiling

There is sometimes a lack of sensitive music at this grade level, which is why Twilight Smiling by Larry Clark is so great. Wonderful opportunities to teach expressive playing and phrasing, this lyrical work will be a hit at any concert throughout the school year.

laying their piece?

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

Twilight Smiling Larry Clark

Twilight Smiling


This clever version of the classic Christmas carol, Up on the Housetop, is a brilliant addition to the beginning string orchestra repertoire with opportunities to work on strengthening pizzicato. Your students will love this one, and parents will too! (1:39)

n the Housetop, is a brilliant with opportunities to work one, and parents will too!

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PSO2102 – Set PSO2102FS – Full Score PSO2102P – Parts

PSO2102 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40.00

PSO2101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40.00

Da Capo Orchestra Series

Grade 1


• Playable by first-year groups • Keys of D and G; first position (Bass 3rd position); careful writing of low 2


The music comes alive!

for Violins and Violas while avoiding high 3 • Introducing 2/4 and 3/4 time signatures with whole, half, quarter and eighth note patterns with no syncopation • Detache, pizzicato, staccato, legato and marcato bowings to expand your students’ technique with the right hand

Da Capo String Orchestra Series

Grade 1



Tyler Arcari



ishing tra Series

Da Capo String Orchestra Series

Scan here

Grade 1

Scottish Folk Song

Arranged by LARRY CLARK

Tyler Arcari brings us a driving contest piece that is sure to keep your students motivated. Cinematic-like orchestra hits and biting rhythms make for a fun experience, while lyrical contrast in the B-section is perfect for introducing expressive playing. Your students will ask to play this one over and over! (2:22) Larry Clark

Larry is one of the most popular and most performed composers of music for school concert band and orchestra. His music is characterized by rhythmic verve, tuneful melodies, contains a fresh harmonic perspective, is well scored, and stretches the musicianship of the performers.


This wonderful folk song has been beautifully arranged for string orchestra. On top of a melody that you won’t be able to get out of your head, there are ample opportunities to work on lyrical playing and phrasing. Every concert needs something musically expressive,and this arrangement is sure to impress musicians and audiences alike. (2:37)


Kelvin Grove Scottish Folk Song

ure to keep your students rhythms make for a fun s perfect for introducing ne over and over!

This wonderful folk song has been beautifully arranged for string orchestra. On top of a melody that you won’t be able to get out of your head, there are ample opportunities to work on lyrical playing and phrasing. Every concert needs something musically expressive, and this arrangement is sure to impress musicians and audiences alike.

laying their piece?

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

Scan QR code or email:

DSO2103 – Set DSO2103FS – Full Score DSO2103P – Parts

DSO2101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00


Da Capo String Orchestra Series

Grade 1





Composer Sean O’Loughlin continues to inspire students with his dramatic writing, and this string orchestra work is no different. Endeavour is inspired by the brilliant scientists and astronauts that make travel into space possible. Look to the stars with this new work for string orchestra. (2:19)

Excelcia Music Publishing Da Capo String Orchestra Series


dents with his dramatic ndeavour is inspired by the pace possible. Look to the

Liam Ramsey-White’s music is characterized by interesting harmonies, expressive lyricism, and exciting textures that are fun to play and exhilarating to listen to.

Dragon’s Flight

laying their piece?

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers. Scan QR code or email:

DSO2104 – Set DSO2104FS – Full Score DSO2104P – Parts

DSO2102 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00


Da Capo String Orchestra Series

Grade 1

Dragon’s Flight

Dragon’s Flight Liam Ramsey-White


Liam Ramsey-White

Newcomer Liam Ramsey-White flies out of the gate with Dragon’s Flight! Liam knows how to write for string orchestra and it shows with this dynamic and intense work. Students will take a journey alongside this ancient and mythical creature in this light and fun work, perfect for any concert opener or closer.

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

DSO2103 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00

Endeavour Sean O’Loughlin

Kelvin Grove Scottish Folk Song Arranged by Larry Clark

Kelvin Grove


Excelcia Music Publishing Da Capo String Orchestra Series

ent. His compositions are tion of band and orchestra orld. His music is beautiful,

nd a rising name in the s characterized by vibrant dies, and colorful scoring. performed composers of

The music comes alive!

• Uses only the first six notes of the D Major Scale

ishing ra Series

ishing tra Series

Grade .5



Newcomer Liam Ramsey-White flies out of the gate with Dragon’s Flight! Liam knows how to write for string orchestra and it shows with this dynamic and intense work. Students will take a journey alongside this ancient and mythical creature in this light and fun work, perfect for any concert opener or closer. (1:40)

DSO2104 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00

Buy from an Excelcia Orchestra Select Dealer or at!


Harmony Orchestra Series

Grade 1.5


• Playable by 2nd year musicians • Incorporates dotted quarter-notes and simple syncopated rhythms • Expanded right hand technique of 2-note slurs, hooked bows and adjacent string crossings

The music comes alive!

• Open string double stops


Harmony String Orchestra Series

Grade 1 1/2

Christmas Grace


Silent Night, Away in a Manger, Greensleeves, Amazing Grace Arranged by Larry Clark

Arranged by LARRY CLARK

Harmony String Orchestra Series

Grade 1 1/2


Excelcia Music Publishing Harmony String Orchestra Series

We have all heard of legends best told around a campfire! Journey to new and exciting lands of legends with David Hind’s new work for developing string orchestra. (2:03)

David Hinds

pular and most performed school concert band and haracterized by rhythmic contains a fresh harmonic ored, and stretches the mers.

David’s music is characterized as both energetic and melodic. David strives to make music that is appealing to students while being fun to play. It is his goal to make each instrument part be as interesting as possible.

Intertwining folk songs and Christmas carols gives this piece a unique voice! Great for expressive playing, this work includes Silent Night, Away in a Manger, Greensleeves, and Amazing Grace. This piece will be a certain winner with such a line-up of wellknown tunes! (3:13)



Night Legend

es, Amazing Grace

We have all heard of legends best told around a campfire! Journey to new and exciting lands of legends with David Hind’s new work for developing string orchestra.

his piece a unique voice! Night, Away in a Manger, ertain winner with such a

laying their piece?

HSO2104 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

Night Legend David Hinds

Night Legend


Silent Night, Away in a Manger, Greensleeves, Amazing Grace

ishing stra Series

Christmas Grace

Scan here

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HSO2104 – Set HSO2104FS – Full Score HSO2104P – Parts

HSO2101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00 ®


Harmony String Orchestra Series

Grade 1 1/2

Brave Fires Caryn Wiegand Neidhold

Brave Fires

Grade 1 1/2

Bud Woodruff The composer describes this work as the feeling you get, awakening from a slumber, only to realize that you have exciting things to do today. Bolting out of bed in a rush, Awakening by Bud Woodruff aims to capture the spirit of that great morning phenomenon. (2:10)

Bud Woodruff

Bud writes music he wishes he would have had for his own students. His focus on musicality and allowing students to concentrate on developing a better sense of tuning, rhythm, and ensemble techniques make his music an easy choice for educators.

Brave Fires, featuring Drum Set, is a cool and fun new work about a serious subject. Composer Caryn Wiegand Neidhold writes “Brave Fires honors the families impacted by devastating forest fires in Northern Nevada and Northern California and recognizes Wildland Firefighters’ and their support staff’s heroic work.” (1:57)


ucational music in many ms to encourage students to worlds and keep playing es arrangements of hidden mposing music for eclectic ck, and jazz.



The composer describes this work as the feeling you get, awakening from a slumber, only to realize that you have exciting things to do today. Bolting out of bed in a rush, Awakening by Bud Woodruff aims to capture the spirit of that great morning phenomenon.


ork about a serious subject. honors the families impacted rn California and recognizes Music can bring healing, and

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece? Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers. Scan QR code or email:

laying their piece?

HSO2105 – Set HSO2105FS – Full Score HSO2105P – Parts

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

HSO2105 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00

HSO2102 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00 ®

Harmony String Orchestra Series

Grade 2

Distant Shores

Distant Shores Peter Terry


Excelcia Music Publishing Harmony String Orchestra Series


ishing stra Series


Harmony String Orchestra Series

Grade 1 1/2


Venom is a unique new work for string orchestra by newcomer Erica Donahoe. The piece will be one your students ask to play over and over. Complete with a lyrical section for expressive playing, as well as interesting parts for everyone in the ensemble and accentuated by optional percussion, Venom a winning combination. (2:18)

Erica Donahoe

Erica always writes with her audience in mind, and creates music that students will love to play again and again. Her work is energetic and fun, with vibrant melodies and catchy rhythms that are accessible to young players and enjoyable for the listener.


he unknown. Somewhere new people, a new culture. y with this new work for

Distant Shores evokes the excitement of exploring the unknown. Somewhere beyond the horizon is another experience: a new land, new people, a new culture. Composer Peter Terry takes us on a wonderful journey with this new work for young string orchestra. (2:07)


Venom is a unique new work for string orchestra by newcomer Erica Donahoe. The piece will be one your students ask to play over and over. Complete with a lyrical section for expressive playing, as well as interesting parts for everyone in the ensemble and accentuated by optional percussion, Venom a winning combination.

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece? Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers. Scan QR code or email:

laying their piece?

HSO2106 – Set HSO2106FS – Full Score HSO2106P – Parts

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Venom Erica Donahoe



s of jazz, popular, world, usic with his experience as ores that sound big while n every instrument.



Excelcia Music Publishing Harmony String Orchestra Series


ishing stra Series

Harmony String Orchestra Series



HSO2106 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00

HSO2103 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00


Rhapsody String Orchestra Series



Get inspired anytime, anywhere! Explore new Orchestra Music Listen to a full recording of a new band piece while viewing its score

Go to or our YouTube Channel


Grade 3


LIAM RAMSEY-WHITE Music that Inspires

Excelcia Music Publishing, Music that Inspires



Intermezzo Orchestra Series

Grade 2-2.5


• Playable by 2nd and 3rd year groups

The music comes alive!

• Introducing 6/8 time signatures • New key signatures including C, A, F and Bb

Scan here

• New positions for Violin, Cello and Bass • More complex rhythms and fingered double stops


Intermezzo String Orchestra Series

Grade 2

The Garden Tyler Arcari


ishing stra Series


Intermezzo String Orchestra Series

Grade 2

(My Hometown)

Excelcia Music Publishing Rhapsody String Orchestra Series


Written for a dear friend and her social media posts about her cool Florida garden, Tyler Arcari crafts a heart-felt tribute perfectly suited for contest and festival. Very Copland-like, very accessible, along with lots of opportunities for expressive and contest-style playing. (2:14) Yukiko Nishumura

ent. His compositions are tion of band and orchestra orld. His music is beautiful,

When writing her music, Yukiko creates great harmonies and melodies that are easy on the ears and remind you of times past.



Furusato, a very famous Japanese song about one’s hometown, has been beautifully arranged by composer Yukiko Nishimura. Play this piece, looking fondly back on your hometown, where you grew up, and where your journey began. (2:54)


(My Hometown)

ut her cool Florida garden, r contest and festival. Very unities for expressive and

Furusato, a very famous Japanese song about one’s hometown, has been beautifully arranged by composer Yukiko Nishimura. Play this piece, looking fondly back on your hometown, where you grew up, and where your journey began.

laying their piece?

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

Scan QR code or email:

ISO2106 – Set ISO2106FS – Full Score ISO2106P – Parts

ISO2101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00


Intermezzo String Orchestra Series

Grade 2

ISO2106 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00

Beyond the Horizon ®

Bud Woodruff

Beyond the Horizon

Composer Bud Woodruff writes, “To me Beyond the Horizon is as much a philosophy as it is a title. No matter what you have accomplished today, there is always a new adventure awaiting you ‘beyond the horizon’.” This work will inspire your students musically, as well as philosophically, making it a wonderful teaching piece, perfect for contest, festival, or performance. (2:01)

Grade 2

George Sweet George Sweet has such a wonderful harmonic palette you just can’t help but enjoy his music. Full of hope, and a little sadness, it has everything in a piece that we get from life. Inspired by the woods surrounding the composer’s home, Fernwood is a magical and personal piece. (2:41)

George Sweet

George incorporates many techniques and concepts of Twentieth Century Music into his works. His music is unusually sophisticated and emotionally charged while evoking the feeling of modern film music.



on is as much a philosophy d today, there is always a his work will inspire your g it a wonderful teaching



George Sweet has such a wonderful harmonic palette you just can’t help but enjoy his music. Full of hope, and a little sadness, it has everything in a piece that we get from life. Inspired by the woods surrounding the composer’s home, Fernwood is a magical and personal piece.

laying their piece?

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers. Scan QR code or email:

ISO2107 – Set ISO2107FS – Full Score ISO2107P – Parts

ISO2107 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00

ISO2102 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00 ®

Intermezzo String Orchestra Series

Grade 2 1/2

Whispers of Spring Sean O’Loughlin

Whispers of Spring


Intermezzo String Orchestra Series

Grade 2


Excelcia Music Publishing Rhapsody String Orchestra Series


Ruth Elaine Schram

Lovely melodic gestures, rich harmonic textures and beautifully scored, Ruth’s music is some of the most popular for choirs and string orchestras around the world. She has over 2,000 published compositions.

Whispers of Spring highlights composer Sean O’Loughlin’s love of French impressionistic music from composers like Ravel, Debussy and Satie. Like those composers of old, Sean has created a wonderfully lyrical work with lots of colorful sound. (2:27)

Continuing with her “seasonal” themed pieces, Ruth Elaine Schram gives us the latest addition to her collection: Summer. Enjoy the beautiful harmonies and full tutti playing that will make your string orchestra sound great. (2:31)



nd a rising name in the s characterized by vibrant dies, and colorful scoring. performed composers of


Continuing with her “seasonal” themed pieces, Ruth Elaine Schram gives us the latest addition to her collection: Summer. Enjoy the beautiful harmonies and full tutti playing that will make your string orchestra sound great.



ughlin’s love of French ussy and Satie. Like those work with lots of colorful

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece? Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers. Scan QR code or email:

laying their piece?

ISO2108 – Set ISO2108FS – Full Score ISO2108P – Parts

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

ISO2108 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00

ISO2103 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00 ®

Intermezzo String Orchestra Series

Grade 2

A Jingle Fantasy David Hinds

A Jingle Fantasy DAVID HINDS

ishing stra Series



Intermezzo String Orchestra Series

Grade 2 1/2

Excelcia Music Publishing Rhapsody String Orchestra Series


A Jingle Fantasy, arranged by David Hinds uses the modernized version of Jingle Bells as the basis for this work. Intended for use for Christmas or Winter concerts. (2:12)

Larry is one of the most popular and most performed composers of music for school concert band and orchestra. His music is characterized by rhythmic verve, tuneful melodies, contains a fresh harmonic perspective, is well scored, and stretches the musicianship of the performers.


This piece is epic, fresh, and cool. Your students will be asking to play this on loop! Great part-writing gives each section something to work towards with lots of opportunity to practice bowing technique as well as pizzicato passages. Oblivion is going to fit on any concert program! (4:45)



This piece is epic, fresh, and cool. Your students will be asking to play this on loop! Great part-writing gives each section something to work towards with lots of opportunity to practice bowing technique as well as pizzicato passages. Oblivion is going to fit on any concert program!

dernized version of Jingle istmas or Winter concerts.

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

ISO2104 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00 Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

laying their piece?

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Scan QR code or email:

ishing stra Series

ppealing and identifiable by fresh harmonic ideas. odern scoring style and a ration. His pieces have an

ISO2109 – Set ISO2109FS – Full Score ISO2109P – Parts

ISO2109 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00


Intermezzo String Orchestra Series

Grade 2 1/2

Viridescence ALAN LEE SILVA



Alan Lee Silva


Excelcia Music Publishing Rhapsody String Orchestra Series

Alan Lee Silva takes us on a journey inspired by the luminous green foliage he experienced hiking with his family on the trails in Oregon. Sparkling greenery is a perfect way to describe the bubbly and iridescent nature of Viridescence. Your audience will be captivated by the sound of this work. (2:46)

Intermezzo String Orchestra Series

Grade 2

Coming Back


Coming Back

uminous green foliage he gon. Sparkling greenery is ture of Viridescence. Your

Commissioned during COVID-19, this work is meant to inspire us as we “Come Back” to normal. Hopeful, and mostly upbeat, the work has moments of tension and sadness that underscore the year that we have had through music. We all hope to get back to normal soon, and Coming Back is a perfect anthem for that sentiment.

laying their piece?

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

Scan QR code or email:

ISO2110 – Set ISO2110FS – Full Score ISO2110P – Parts


ISO2105 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00

Coming Back Tyler Arcari


Tyler Arcari

Tyler is an emerging talent. His compositions are quickly drawing the attention of band and orchestra conductors around the world. His music is beautiful, fresh, and dynamic.

Oblivion Larry Clark


Larry Clark

terized as both energetic ves to make music that is le being fun to play. It is his ment part be as interesting


(Summer) Ruth Elaine Schram




ishing stra Series



Excelcia Music Publishing Rhapsody String Orchestra Series

s he would have had for his n musicality and allowing n developing a better sense nsemble techniques make r educators.

Intermezzo String Orchestra Series




ishing stra Series


(My Hometown) Teiichi Okano Arranged by Yukiko Nishimura




Commissioned during COVID-19, this work is meant to inspire us as we “Come Back” to normal. Hopeful, and mostly upbeat, the work has moments of tension and sadness that underscore the year that we have had through music. We all hope to get back to normal soon, and Coming Back is a perfect anthem for that sentiment. (3:11)

ISO2110 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00

Buy from an Excelcia Orchestra Select Dealer or at!


Rhapsody Orchestra Series

Grade 3-3.5


The music comes alive!

• Playable by advanced middle school and high school musicians • Exploring higher positions for all strings

Scan here

• Expanded literature for advancing programs


Rhapsody String Orchestra Series

Grade 3 1/2

Everything Larry Clark

Everything LARRY CLARK

ishing stra Series


Rhapsody String Orchestra Series

Grade 3 1/2


Excelcia Music Publishing Rhapsody String Orchestra Series

Everything is a beautiful new work by composer Larry Clark. Featuring the Harp and utilizing wonderful soloistic sections with the Violin, Everything has ample opportunity to work on many techniques with your string orchestra. Inspired by the phrase “Family is Everything”, this work can be used for many occasions or just to strengthen bonds within the orchestra. (4:29)

Written to be lively and fun, composer Steven L. Rosenhaus has crafted a brilliant new work for string orchestra featuring the Harp. Compound meters will push your musicians and provide a perfect feel for this “ghostly” dance. Perfect for contest and festival performance. (3:47)

Steven L. Rosenhaus

pular and most performed school concert band and haracterized by rhythmic contains a fresh harmonic ored, and stretches the mers.

Whether composing for professionals or those just starting out, Steven never “writes down” -- he only and always writes the best music he can.



Phantom Dance

Clark. Featuring the Harp lin, Everything has ample ing orchestra. Inspired by sed for many occasions or

Written to be lively and fun, composer Steven L. Rosenhaus has crafted a brilliant new work for string orchestra featuring the Harp. Compound meters will push your musicians and provide a perfect feel for this “ghostly” dance. Perfect for contest and festival performance.

laying their piece?

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

Scan QR code or email:

RSO2104 – Set RSO2104FS – Full Score RSO2104P – Parts

RSO2104 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55.00

RSO2101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55.00 ®


Rhapsody String Orchestra Series

Grade 3 1/2

Drops of Sun Sean O’Loughlin

Drops of Sun

Liam Ramsey-White

Liam Ramsey-White’s music is characterized by interesting harmonies, expressive lyricism, and exciting textures that are fun to play and exhilarating to listen to.

Drops of Sun was written to provide teaching opportunities around the concept of “composite rhythms”. Composer Sean O’Loughlin writes “Throughout my career, I have always had a fascination with composite rhythms and how they sound to an audience. Drops of Sun explores this concept and more to provide many wonderful musical teaching opportunities to the advancing string ensemble.” (4:25) Luminosity

Brilliant, fresh and bright! Newcomer Liam Ramsey-White has created a piece that is truly luminous. Work on bell-tone techniques and harmonics as well as mixedmeter in this accessible grade 3 piece for string orchestra. The piece, uniquely ends on a “fade-out” effect, that will spice up any concert program.

nd a rising name in the s characterized by vibrant dies, and colorful scoring. performed composers of


Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece? Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

ties around the concept of es “Throughout my career, and how they sound to an o provide many wonderful ensemble.”

Scan QR code or email:

RSO2105 – Set RSO2105FS – Full Score RSO2105P – Parts

laying their piece?

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Grade 3

Luminosity Liam Ramsey-White


Excelcia Music Publishing Rhapsody String Orchestra Series


ishing stra Series

Rhapsody String Orchestra Series



Phantom Dance Steven L. Rosenhaus

Phantom Dance



Brilliant, fresh and bright! Newcomer Liam Ramsey-White has created a piece that is truly luminous. Work on bell-tone techniques and harmonics as well as mixedmeter in this accessible grade 3 piece for string orchestra. The piece, uniquely ends on a “fade-out” effect, that will spice up any concert program. (3:07)

RSO2105 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55.00 Concert/Festival

RSO2102 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55.00 ®

Rhapsody String Orchestra Series

Grade 3 1/2


Snowberry Yukiko Nishimura


ishing stra Series


ic, Yukiko creates great that are easy on the ears past. ®

autiful harmonic palette is ring orchestra. Absolutely ng, your audience will be

laying their piece?

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Written for the retirement of a master teacher, Yukiko’s beautiful harmonic pallette is on full display with this hauntingly beautiful work for string orchestra. Absolutely stunning and full of opportunities for expressive playing, your audience will be captivated and you will have plenty to teach in class! (4:29)

RSO2103 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55.00

STREAM NOW Professional recordings of each new piece & more!

Search “Excelcia Chamber Orchestra” 8

Excelcia Music Publishing, Music that Inspires

Maestro Orchestra Series • Playable by high school musicians • First Violins explore 5th position while second Violins and Violas move through 3rd position • Cellos expand to 4th position while the Bass section works through 5th position


Maestro String Orchestra Series

Grade 5


Erica always writes with her audience in mind, and creates music that students will love to play again and again. Her work is energetic and fun, with vibrant melodies and catchy rhythms that are accessible to young players and enjoyable for the listener.

Erica Donahoe

Imperial Procession ERICA DONAHOE

Newcomer Erica Donahoe gives us a piece that could easily fit on any contest and festival program. Full of opportunities for advanced playing by each section of the string orchestra, this piece fits on any concert program. (3:58)


Imperial Procession

laying their piece?

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

Imperial Procession

Grade 4

Newcomer Erica Donahoe gives us a piece that could easily fit on any contest and festival program. Full of opportunities for advanced playing by each section of the string orchestra, this piece fits on any concert program.

O’Loughlin shows off his old. Experience Ode to Joy

laying their piece?

Excelcia Music Publishing Maestro String Orchestra Series

Maestro String Orchestra Series

The music comes alive! Scan here

Erica Donahoe

n Beethoven)

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Sean O’Loughlin

Beethoven has never seemed so fresh! Composer Sean O’Loughlin shows off his “chops” in this homage to the illustrious composer of old. Experience Ode to Joy like never before! (4:53)



s in this dark and brooding e positioned between fresh cians will want to play and



(Inspired by Ode to Joy by Ludwig van Beethoven)

nd a rising name in the s characterized by vibrant dies, and colorful scoring. performed composers of

sing memorable melodic harmonic language that chable by performers and lity allows him to write for mble.

Impressions of Joy (Inspired by Ode to Joy by Ludwig van Beethoven)

Impressions of Joy

ishing ra Series

ishing ra Series

Grade 4 & up


Scan QR code or email:

MSO2103 – Set MSO2103FS – Full Score MSO2103P – Parts

MSO2101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00

MSO2103 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00


Maestro String Orchestra Series

Grade 4

Dark Sky


Dark Sky Bruce W. Tippette



Composer Bruce W. Tippette gives us movie cinema vibes in this dark and brooding new work for string orchestra. Big, dramatic sections are positioned between fresh rhythmic passages. This one is a fun ride that your musicians will want to play and perform over and over. (3:42)

MSO2102 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00

Sea Shanty Saga


Four Sea Shanties for String Quartet Arranged by Tyler Arcari Sea Shanty Saga (Four Sea Shanties)

Sea Shanty Saga is in direct response Excelcia Music Publishing to the 2021 TikTok resurgence of 13th Century Sea Shanty! This setting includes 4 varying sea shanties perfect for Festival Performance, or just plain fun!

for String Ensemble

| Grade 3

Excelcia Ensemble Series

Excelcia Music Publishing

Arranged by

Tyler arcari

Instrumentation Full Score Violin Viola Cello Bass

Excelcia Music Publishing, llc 402 S. Kentucky Ave. Suite 210 Lakeland, FL 33801 (863) 213-3100



Buy from an Excelcia Orchestra Select Dealer or at!


Flexcel Concert Works Series

Flexcel Concert Works Series From the veterans in flexible music Flexcel for String Orchestra • •

Stand-out flexibility for reduced ensemble size Scored in four parts with optional Piano, play with any combination of four string instruments, from as few as four players to a full String Orchestra

Includes unique photocopying permission, professional recordings & access to digital copies for remote learning

Easy to transition to the fully-scored version of pieces (Available from Excelcia Music Publishing)

Grade 1

Grade 1.5 Grade 1

Flexcel Concert Works Series

Angels in the Halls

Angels We Have Heard on High/Deck the Halls



Angels in the Halls

Grade 1 1/2

Flexcel Concert Works Series

Angels We Have Heard on High/Deck the Halls Arranged by Matthew R. Putnam Flexible String Works that Excel!

Bruce W. Tippette

Final Expedition BRUCE W. TIPPETTE

This racing, rhythmic flexible orchestra composition will leave your young ensemble with the sense that they sounded like a professional orchestra. Appropriate for younger groups, the melodic material is presented in all voices. A rousing ending will make even the youngest of ensembles sound great! (2:18)

Bruce W. Tippette


The holiday season is a time of joy, merriment, excitement, and traditions. One such timehonored tradition is the holiday string concert, which is often the debut performance for young musicians. Angels in the Halls will enable beginning string students to demonstrate their developing skills while putting the audience in the spirit of the holidays. (1:57) Bruce focuses on composing memorable melodic lines, accompanied by a harmonic language that is fresh, but still approachable by performers and listeners alike. His versatility allows him to write for virtually any type of ensemble.

many years of experience dents that is interesting, un to play.


Final Expedition

eck the Halls

This racing, rhythmic flexible orchestra composition will leave your young ensemble with the sense that they sounded like a professional orchestra. Appropriate for younger groups, the melodic material is presented in all voices. A rousing ending will make even the youngest of ensembles sound great!

ment, and traditions. One rt, which is often the debut ill enable beginning string putting the audience in the

laying their piece?

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece?

Flexible String Works that Excel!

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

Flexible String Works that Excel!

Scan QR code or email:

FSO2004 – Set FSO2004FS – Full Score FSO2004P – Parts

Music that Inspires Music that Inspires




seripsnI tah t cisuM

Music that Inspires Music that Inspires

Final Expedition



FSO2004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00

FSO2005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00

Grade 2 Grade 12

Flexcel Concert Works Series

The Knight Errant ALAN LEE SILVA


Alan Lee Silva

Evening Dusk

With pulsing energy from the opening bar, The Knight Errant moves forward with driving precision, building intensity and energy as the piece develops. Composer Alan Lee Silva crafts a tale of a mythical knight who valiantly searches for adventure and opportunity. (2:13)


Yukiko Nishimura

When writing her music, Yukiko creates great harmonies and melodies that are easy on the ears and remind you of times past.


Evening Dusk

Errant moves forward with piece develops. Composer ntly searches for adventure

laying their piece?

1 Grade 2

Flexcel Concert Works Series

Flexible String Works that Excel!

ppealing and identifiable by fresh harmonic ideas. modern scoring style and a ration. His pieces have an

“The color is faint but the setting sun still has the power to light up the sky”. Yukiko Nishimura’s unique harmonic style and beautifully fresh melodic lines will inspire the best out of any performer.

Flexible String Works that Excel!

composer about mote rehearsal sic Publishing is orite composers.

The Knight Errant

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece? Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

Flexible String Works that Excel!

FSO2003 – Set FSO2003FS – Full Score FSO2003P – Parts




FSO2001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00


seripsnI tah t cisuM

Yukiko Nishimura “The color is faint but the setting sun still has the power to light up the sky”. Yukiko Nishimura’s unique harmonic style and beautifully fresh melodic lines will inspire the best out of any performer. (3:52)

FSO2003 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00

Scan QR code or email:

Music that Inspires Music that Inspires

Evening Dusk

Music that Inspires Music that Inspires



Excelcia Music Publishing, Music that Inspires


t Excel!

Grade 1 to 2.5

The Ultimate in Flexibility Grade 2–2.5 Grade 21

Flexcel Concert Works Series



Danza de mi Corazón

Flexible String Works that Excel!

Set in a clever waltz style, Ruth Elaine Schram has set the well-known folk tune of Greensleeves for flexible strings. This work is an easy and musical introduction into pizzicato playing, with all the lush arco sections that make Greensleeves a timeless melody. (2:31)

(Dance of My Heart)


Danza de mi Corazón (Dance of My Heart)

he well-known folk tune of d musical introduction into make Greensleeves a timeless

Composer Steven Rosenhaus always strives to have his music connect emotionally with players and audiences alike. This energetic work does that and makes you want to dance too! It’s truly a “dance of the heart.”

Flexible String Works that Excel!

Want to inform this composer that you are playing their piece? Scan the QR code to initiate contact with this composer about their piece or connect about commissions, remote rehearsal sessions, clinics or honor bands. Excelcia Music Publishing is giving you unprecedented access to your favorite composers.

Flexible String Works that Excel!

Scan QR code or email:


Arranged by Ruth Elaine Schram Whether composing for professionals or those just starting out, Steven never “writes down” -- he only and always writes the best music he can.

rich harmonic textures and s music is some of the most tring orchestras around the 0 published compositions.

s composer about mote rehearsal usic Publishing is vorite composers.

Grade 21 1/2

Flexcel Concert Works Series

Steven L. Rosenhaus


playing their piece?


FSO2002 – Set FSO2002FS – Full Score FSO2002P – Parts

Music that Inspires Music that Inspires


FSO2006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00



seripsnI tah t cisuM

Music that Inspires Music that Inspires



Danza de mi Corazón (Dance of My Heart) Steven L. Rosenhaus Composer Steven Rosenhaus always strives to have his music connect emotionally with players and audiences alike. This energetic work does that and makes you want to dance too! It’s truly a “dance of the heart.” (2:27)

FSO2002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00

Flexcel for Winds with Optional String Parts


Gra Flexib

le Co

Grade 1

Waltz of the Carols

Arranged by Sean O’Loughlin

FCB2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00

Grade 1.5

Popular band works that can be played by String Quintet, or in combinations of wind, string, piano & percussion Scored by key (not by instrument) for standout flexibility and preparedness



on le C




t to

Low Voice on the Housetop (from Low Brass on the Housetop) Benjamin Hanby Arranged by John M. Pasternak

FCB2007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00

Grade 2 Capstone (March)

Tyler Arcari

FCB2001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00

Innovative Collections All-Purpose Performance Collection

Sean O’Loughlin

FCB2003 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00




a Gre



l Conc

ert W orks

Serie s cel! ace llection r Rl Chorale Co ChoralesBy pece Warm-Up pex Fl ive z M i ress l antin A Exp ER TN 8 C by ED KEIF PU CARO t nged . e Arra R Dan L BR ea W ITTI N CH ce Gr ATTHE

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Flexcel Chorale Collection

FCB2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75.00

FCB2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00

Shining Moments

Byzantine Dances

Arranged by Ed Kiefer

Larry Clark

Carol Brittin Chambers

FCB2002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00

FCB2005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00

FCB2006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00




8 Expressive Warm-Up Chorales

Ukrainian Bell Carol, House of the Rising Sun Arranged by Tyler Arcari



at Exc

ires Insp at c th usi ic that Inspires MMus Mus ic th at In spire s

14 Essential Songs for the School Year Arranged by Larry Clark

House of the Rising Bells

Hidden Wonders



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ks Wor


Works that

Grade 2 Series

itt rol music ’s music in Ch incorp teache is creativ ambe rs e melod oratin s val g uni uable and fun ies. for mu que groovesical coneveryone. s and cepts Her memo while rable

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cert Works

sWorks th erie

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Flexcel Con

Grade 3 The Great Clipper Race Matthew R. Putnam

FCB2004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00

Flexcel Score Videos

Full recordings and more!

Go to or scan here

Buy from an Excelcia Orchestra Select Dealer or at!


2020 String Orchestra Music Prelude

Grade .5

Cha Cha Christmas

Da Capo


Larry Clark

Grade 1



Tyler Arcari

Jingle in the New Year

Courtly Two Step

HSO2001 HSO2002

Bud Woodruff

Condor Flats Fortune Favors the Bold


Isle of Skye

HSO2004 HSO2005

Tyler Arcari

Peripheral Visions


Alan Lee Silva



John M. Pasternak


Sean O’Loughlin


Michael J. Miller

Final Expedition


Grade 3-3.5




Dancing Waters


Arranged by Ruth Elaine Schram


Tyler Arcari


(from Noure et Anitra)

Celtic Impressions

(Folk Song Suite No. 2)

RSO2003 RSO2004




Grade 4 & up



Bruce W. Tippette

Out of Time


Sean O’Loughlin

Alan Lee Silva



2020 Orchestra Works


The music comes alive!

Shirl Jae Atwell

Ripples Yukiko Nishimura

Here, Below


George Sweet

Alexander Ilyinsky, Arranged by Michael J. Miller

A Festive Carousel

Summer Solstice

Yukiko Nishimura

Primrose Hill


George Sweet


Steven L. Rosenhaus

The Horizon

The Hidden Path David Hinds

Sean O’Loughlin

Matthew R. Putnam


Carol Brittin Chambers


Peter Sciaino

Sean O’Loughlin

Nomadic Journey

Waltz of the Carols

Grade 1.5

Bruce W. Tippette

Michael J. Miller



Peter Terry

Grade 2-2.5

Purple Mountain Heather

Desert Winds

Dark Frontier

Carl Strommen

Cricket Dance



Larry Clark



Purple Mountain Heather

Scan here


Michael J. Miller


Twenty Violin Duets A new collection of medium-advanced duets by popular composer Steven L. Rosenhaus

$19.99 SB2105


Excelcia Music Publishing, Music that Inspires

18 Festival Solos with Piano


Composed or Arranged by

Larry Clark and Tyler Arcari Edited by Josh Dampier


Accessible Solo Repertoire for

Downloadable piano accompaniment parts • Downloadable recordings • Perfect for adjudicated solo or festival or recital • Grades 2-2.5 •

Violin 18 Festival Solos with Piano Download includes MP3 & PDF piano accompaniment.

Composed or Arranged by

Larry Clark and Tyler Arcari


Accessible Solo Repertoire for Viola contains eighteen newly composed or arranged solos with piano accompaniment written at grades 2 to 2.5. Written by one of the most popular composers of music for students today, Larry Clark, and the talented up and coming composer Tyler Arcari, these solos will add something new, fresh, and different to your solo repertoire for Viola. Larry and Tyler use their experience as music educators to write solos that are fun to play and musically stimulating. These solos are perfect for use at an adjudicated solo festival or recital. Each book comes with beautifully set solo parts. Piano accompaniment parts, full recordings, and piano only recordings of each piece are available for download from the Excelcia Music Publishing website.

Composed or Arranged by

Larry Clark and Tyler Arcari Edited by Josh Dampier

Bass Composed or Arranged by

Larry Clark and Tyler Arcari

18 Festival Solos with Piano Download includes MP3 & Accessible Solo Repertoire for Bass eighteen newly composed PDFcontains piano accompaniment. or arranged solos with piano accompaniment written at grades 2 to 2.5. Written by one of the most popular composers of music for students today, Larry Clark, and the talented up and coming composer Tyler Arcari, these solos will add something new, fresh, and different to your solo repertoire for Bass. Larry and Tyler use their experience as music educators to write solos that are fun to play and musically stimulating. These solos are perfect for use at an adjudicated solo festival or recital. Each book comes with beautifully set solo parts. Piano accompaniment parts, full recordings, and piano only recordings of each piece are available for download from the Excelcia Music Publishing website.

Composed or Arranged by

Larry Clark and Tyler Arcari Edited by Josh Dampier

Compatible with



Music that Inspires

Viola - SB2005


Accessible Solo Repertoire for

Bass 18 Festival Solos with Piano Download includes MP3 & PDF piano accompaniment.

Composed or Arranged by

Larry Clark and Tyler Arcari Edited by Josh Dampier


Music that Inspires

Cello - SB2006







Compatible with


Violin - SB1801

Download includes MP3 & Accessible Solo Repertoire for Cello eighteen newly composed PDF contains piano accompaniment. or arranged solos with piano accompaniment written at grades 2 to 2.5. Written by one of the most popular composers of music for students today, Larry Clark, and the talented up and coming composer Tyler Arcari, these solos will add something new, fresh, and different to your solo repertoire for Cello. Larry and Tyler use their experience as music educators to write solos that are fun to play and musically stimulating. These solos are perfect for use at an adjudicated solo festival or recital. Each book comes with beautifully set solo parts. Piano accompaniment parts, full recordings, and piano only recordings of each piece are available for download from the Excelcia Music Publishing website.

Accessible Solo Repertoire for Accessible Solo Repertoire Cello


Composed or Arranged by

Larry Clark and Tyler Arcari

18 Festival Solos with Piano



Music that Inspires






Compatible with


Accessible Solo Repertoire for Bass



Accessible Solo Repertoire for Accessible Solo Repertoire Viola



Accessible Solo Repertoire for Cello

Solo Repertoire Edited Accessible by Josh Dampier

Accessible Solo Repertoire for Viola

Larry Clark and Tyler Arcari


Composed or Arranged by


Accessible Solo Repertoire for Violin


Accessible Solo Repertoire

Music that Inspires


Bass - SB2007



15 Festive Solos in 25+ Different Styles Each carol is arranged in three distinct popular musical style arrangements, which go along with free downloadable play-along tracks in each style. Jazz, Latin, Pop and Country styles are included.

Violin - SB1905

Viola - SB2012

Cello - SB2013

Bass - SB2014

Buy from an Excelcia Orchestra Select Dealer or at!


Flexibly use with any combination of string instruments dAptAble rios



Newly composed or arranged pieces at accessible 1.5-3 grade levels

Written by experienced educators, composers Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam and Violin edited by violinst Diana Traietta

Adaptable Trios contains 25 newly-composed or arranged string trios that can be flexibly used with any combination of string instruments, making them an invaluable resource in the modern orchestra classroom! Written at an accessible 1.5-3 grade level, Adaptable Trios follow the popular Adaptable Duets books by the same composers. Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam bring with them a wealth of educational experience as music educators to craft trios that are fun to play and musically stimulating. Edited by dedicated Violinist and educator Diana Traietta, Adaptable Trios are sure to become an instant favorite.

The music comes alive!

ISBN 9781644020357

90000 >


9 781644 020357

Adaptable Duets Arranged or Composed by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam Edited by Diana Traietta

AdAptAble duets

29 Duets for Any Pair of String Instruments Viola

29 Duets for Any Pair of String Instruments Arranged or Composed by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam Edited by Diana Traietta

AdAptAble duets

29 Duets for Any Pair of String Instruments Cello

29 Duets for Any Pair of String Instruments Arranged or Composed by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam Edited by Diana Traietta

Adaptable Duets contains 29 newly-composed or arranged duets that can be flexibly used with any combination of string instruments, making them an instant favorite for the modern Orchestra room. Written by dedicated educators and composers Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam, and edited by violinist Diana Traietta, Adaptable Duets are written for grades 1.5 to 3 and are perfect for recitals and festival adjudications. You will find that Tyler and Matthew use their experience as music educators to craft duets that are fun to play and musically stimulating!

Viola - SB1902 Kaleidoscope (Putnam) La Morisque (Susato) La Paloma Tango (Iradier) Lakeside Steps (Arcari) Minuet (Boccherini) Minuet (Telemann) Minuet (J.S. Bach)

AdAptAble duets 29 Duets for Any Pair of String Instruments Bass

ISBN 9781644020180 Arranged or Composed by90000 > Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam SB1904 Edited by Diana Traietta

9 781644 020180

Arranged or Composed by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam Edited by Diana Traietta



Air (Purcell) Bagatelle (Diabelli) Desert Winds (Arcari) Don’t Ever Pass Up Pie! (Arcari) Ecossaise (Beethoven) German Dance (Haydn) I Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble Halls (Balfie) Impertinence (Handel)

9 781644 020173


ISBN 9781644020173 Arranged or Composed by90000 > Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam SB1903 Edited by Diana Traietta

Violin - SB1901


AdAptAble duets





9 781644 020166

Bass - SB2104




ISBN 9781644020166 Arranged or Composed by90000 > Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam SB1902 Edited by Diana Traietta

Viola - SB2102




Adaptable Duets contains 29 newly-composed or arranged duets that can be flexibly used with any combination of string instruments, making them an instant favorite for the modern Orchestra room. Written by dedicated educators and composers Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam, and edited by violinist Diana Traietta, Adaptable Duets are written for grades 1.5 to 3 and are perfect for recitals and festival adjudications. You will find that Tyler and Matthew use their experience as music educators to craft duets that are fun to play and musically stimulating!



Adaptable Duets contains 29 newly-composed or arranged duets that can be flexibly used with any combination of string instruments, making them an instant favorite for the modern Orchestra room. Written by dedicated educators and composers Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam, and edited by violinist Diana Traietta, Adaptable Duets are written for grades 1.5 to 3 and are perfect for recitals and festival adjudications. You will find that Tyler and Matthew use their experience as music educators to craft duets that are fun to play and musically stimulating!

AdAptAble duets

Cello - SB2103

AdAptAble duets


29 Duets for Any Pair of String Instruments

Violin - SB2101

29 Duets for Any Pair of String Instruments

AdAptAble duets

AdAptAble duets

29 Duets for Any Pair of String Instruments


Arranged by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam Edited by Diana Traietta


Scan here

AdAptAble duets


Arranged by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam Edited by Diana Traietta

27 Trios for Any Three Strings Instruments


Can be played with small chamber group up to full ensemble



25 Trios for Any Three String Instruments

AdAptAble trios for

AdAptAble trios

AdAptAble duets

arranged on of for the cators m, and are written estival use their are fun to


Duets, Trios and Quartets for any Combination of String Instruments

AdAptAble duets



Adaptable Ensemble Series

Cello - SB1903 Minuet in F Major (L. Mozart) Mozart for Two (W.A. Mozart) Musette (Couppey) On the Other Side of Bouree (Arcari) Promenade (Putnam) Quadrille (Haydn) Rondeau (Mouret)

Bass - SB1904 Russian Folk Song (Beethoven) Scaramella (Prez) Song (Arcari) Spring (Vivaldi) Theme (W.A. Mozart) Two Dances (Tchaikovsky) Un Poco Adagio (Clementi)

AdAptAble trios

25 Trios for Any Three String Instruments Viola

25 Trios for Any Three String Instruments Arranged or Composed by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam Edited by Diana Traietta


21 Quartets for Any Combination of String Instruments Arranged or Composed by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam Edited by Diana Traietta


AdAptAble QuArtets

AdAptAble QuArtets

21 Quartets for Any Combination of String Instruments Cello

21 Quartets for Any Combination of String Instruments Arranged or Composed by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam Edited by Diana Traietta

Adaptable Quartets contains 21 newly-composed or arranged string quartets that can be flexibly used with any combination of string instruments, making them an invaluable resource in the modern orchestra classroom! Written at an accessible 1.5-3 grade level, Adaptable Quartets follow the popular Adaptable Duets and Adaptable Trios books by the same composers. Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam bring with them a wealth of educational experience as music educators to craft quartets that are fun to play and musically stimulating. Edited by dedicated Violinist and educator Diana Traietta, Adaptable Quartets are sure to become an instant favorite.

21 Quartets for Any Combination of String Instruments Bass

ISBN 9781644020791 Arranged or Composed by 90000 > Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam SB2011 Edited by Diana Traietta

Viola - SB2009 Curse of Tortuga (Arcari) Dawn of the Century - March (Paull) Fortune Favors the Bold (Putnam) Gesù Bambino (Yon) Go Tell It on the Mountain (Spiritual) Greensleeves (Trad. English Folk Song) Home on the Range (Kelly)

9 781644 020791

Cello - SB2010

Arranged or Composed by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam Edited by Diana Traietta



Abide with Me (Monk) Agincourt Carol (English Folk Song) The Barber of Seville (Rossini) Be Thou My Vision (Trad. Irish) Capstone (Arcari) Chorale - Jupiter (Holst) Country Gardens (Trad. Morris Dance)

9 781644 020555


Violin - SB2008

ISBN 9781644020555 Arranged or Composed by 90000 > Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam SB2010 Edited by Diana Traietta

AdAptAble QuArtets





9 781644 020548

The Ash Grove (Trad. Welsh Air) The Imp (Arcari) Valse Noble (Schubert) Volte - Terpsichore (1612) (Preaetorius) Wait Just a Minuet (Arcari) Waltz (Schubert)

21 Quartets for Any Combination of String Instruments




ISBN 9781644020548 Arranged or Composed by 90000 > Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam SB2009 Edited by Diana Traietta

Arranged or Composed by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam Edited by Diana Traietta


Adaptable Quartets contains 21 newly-composed or arranged string quartets that can be flexibly used with any combination of string instruments, making them an invaluable resource in the modern orchestra classroom! Written at an accessible 1.5-3 grade level, Adaptable Quartets follow the popular Adaptable Duets and Adaptable Trios books by the same composers. Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam bring with them a wealth of educational experience as music educators to craft quartets that are fun to play and musically stimulating. Edited by dedicated Violinist and educator Diana Traietta, Adaptable Quartets are sure to become an instant favorite.

Pathetique - Piano Sonata No. 8 (Beethoven) Rondo (Susato) Sailor’s Song (Grieg) Saint Anthony Chorale (Brahms) Shenandoah (American Folk Song) Sunayama (Trad.)




Adaptable Quartets contains 21 newly-composed or arranged string quartets that can be flexibly used with any combination of string instruments, making them an invaluable resource in the modern orchestra classroom! Written at an accessible 1.5-3 grade level, Adaptable Quartets follow the popular Adaptable Duets and Adaptable Trios books by the same composers. Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam bring with them a wealth of educational experience as music educators to craft quartets that are fun to play and musically stimulating. Edited by dedicated Violinist and educator Diana Traietta, Adaptable Quartets are sure to become an instant favorite.

AdAptAble QuArtets

21 Quartets for Any Combination of String Instruments


Bass - SB2004

AdAptAble QuArtets

Arranged or Composed by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam Edited by Diana Traietta

AdAptAble QuArtets

25 Trios for Any Three String Instruments


German Dance (Schubert) March - from Aida (Verdi) Minuet (Beethoven) Musette - English Suite No. 3 (Bach) My Country, ‘Tis of Thee (Trad.) Pastorale (C.P.E. Bach)

9 781644 020272

Cello - SB2003

AdAptAble QuArtets


21 Quartets for Any Combination of String Instruments

ISBN 9781644020272 Arranged or Composed by 90000 > Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam SB2004 Edited by Diana Traietta


9 781644 020265

Viola - SB2002

AdAptAble QuArtets

AdAptAble QuArtets

21 Quartets for Any Combination of String Instruments

Adaptable Trios contains 25 newly-composed or arranged string trios that can be flexibly used with any combination of string instruments, making them an invaluable resource in the modern orchestra classroom! Written at an accessible 1.5-3 grade level, Adaptable Trios follow the popular Adaptable Duets books by the same composers. Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam bring with them a wealth of educational experience as music educators to craft trios that are fun to play and musically stimulating. Edited by dedicated Violinist and educator Diana Traietta, Adaptable Trios are sure to become an instant favorite.


ISBN 9781644020265 Arranged or Composed by 90000 > Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam SB2003 Edited by Diana Traietta

Adaptable Quartets AdAptAble QuArtets

Arranged or Composed by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam Edited by Diana Traietta

AdAptAble trios




Violin - SB2001 Alla Hornpipe - Water music (Handel) Contredanse (Haydn) Danza de Hercules (Susato) Fanfare (Duncombe) Flamingos (Puttnam) Funiculi, Funicula (Denza) German Dance (Beethoven)


25 Trios for Any Three String Instruments



AdAptAble trios

25 Trios for Any Three String Instruments


Adaptable Trios contains 25 newly-composed or arranged string trios that can be flexibly used with any combination of string instruments, making them an invaluable resource in the modern orchestra classroom! Written at an accessible 1.5-3 grade level, Adaptable Trios follow the popular Adaptable Duets books by the same composers. Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam bring with them a wealth of educational experience as music educators to craft trios that are fun to play and musically stimulating. Edited by dedicated Violinist and educator Diana Traietta, Adaptable Trios are sure to become an instant favorite.

AdAptAble trios

AdAptAble trios

AdAptAble trios



Adaptable Trios contains 25 newly-composed or arranged string trios that can be flexibly used with any combination of string instruments, making them an invaluable resource in the modern orchestra classroom! Written at an accessible 1.5-3 grade level, Adaptable Trios follow the popular Adaptable Duets books by the same composers. Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam bring with them a wealth of educational experience as music educators to craft trios that are fun to play and musically stimulating. Edited by dedicated Violinist and educator Diana Traietta, Adaptable Trios are sure to become an instant favorite.

25 Trios for Any Three String Instruments

AdAptAble trios

Arranged or Composed by Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam Edited by Diana Traietta

9 781644 020258

AdAptAble QuArtets

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25 Trios for Any Three String Instruments

ISBN 9781644020258 Arranged or Composed by 90000 > Tyler Arcari & Matthew R. Putnam SB2002 Edited by Diana Traietta



AdAptAble trios

25 Trios for Any Three String Instruments





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AdAptAble trios

AdAptAble trios


AdAptAble trios


Adaptable Trios

Bass - SB2011

In the Hall of the Mountain King (Grieg) Les Toréadors - Carmen (Bizet) Scimitar! (Matthew R. Putnam) Sea Shanty (19th Century Sea Shanty) Song Without Words - Second Suite in F (Holst) The Emperor Waltz (Strauss II) When Johnny Comes Marching Home (American Folk Song)


Excelcia Music Publishing 402 S. Kentucky Ave., Suite 210 Lakeland, FL. 33801

New Orchestra Music Because the experience of making music has never been more important.


Music that Inspires


New Music for String Orchestra

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