Age uk mid mersey ebook

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Mid Mersey

Guide to services 2015-16 ............................................................................................................................... .....

Working with and for older people in Halton, Knowsley, St Helens & Warrington ............................................................................................................................... .....

Registered charity number 1003476

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This booklet details the services and activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey. We arebooklet a localdetails organisation, run by local people and we solely the This the services and activities offered byexist Age UK Midfor Mersey. Thisare booklet the services and activities Agesolely UK Mid benefit ofalocal residents. We localdetails organisation, run by local peopleoffered and weby exist forMersey. the We are a local organisation, run by local people and we exist solely for the benefit local (formerly residents. Age UK Midof Mersey Age Concern Mid Mersey) was formed in 2008 with the merger of local residents. of benefit three local Age Concern organisations: Halton (Runcorn and Widnes), St Helens and

Age UK Mid Mersey (the working name of Age Concern Mid Mersey) was formed in 2008 with Warrington. has(the seen the addition of Age Knowsley in Mid the Mersey) form of the Roby Community Hub Agemerger UK Mid2015 working nameorganisations: of Concern in 2008 with the ofMersey three local Age Concern Halton (Runcornwas andformed Widnes), St Helens – aand new social and activity centre for the local community. the Warrington. merger of three local Concern organisations: Halton (Runcorn St Helens 2015 hasAge seen the addition of Knowsley in the form ofand theWidnes), Roby Community and –Warrington. 2015 activity has seen the addition of Knowsley in the form of the Roby Community Hub a new centre for the local community. Altogether, wesocial haveand many more years of experience delivering a wide range of trusted Hub – a new social and activity centre for the local community. services to people agedmany 50+ within each of boroughs, with St aHelens its 40th Altogether, we have more years of the experience delivering wide celebrating range of trusted Altogether, weyear. have more each years ofofthe experience a wide range of its trusted anniversary services tolast people agedmany 50+ within boroughs,delivering with St Helens celebrating 40thth services to last people aged 50+ within each of the boroughs, with St Helens celebrating its 40 anniversary year. Later life can present anniversary last year.a whole range of different decisions, options and challenges, and we have helped many oldera people to feelofsafe and secure, to mix withand others throughand a variety Later life can present whole range different decisions, options challenges, we Later life can present a whole range of different decisions, options and challenges, and of have activities, and to feel supported their lives.through Whether youwe are helped many older people tothrough feel safethe anddifficult secure, times to mixinwith others a variety have helped many older people to feel safe and secure, to mix with others through a variety of activities, and to feel supported through the difficult times in their lives. Whether you are fit and active and looking for social activities or more frail and vulnerable and looking for highofand activities, feel supported throughtoor the difficult times in people their lives. Whether you are fit active and and looking forMersey social activities more frail and vulnerable and not looking for highquality support, Ageto UK Mid strives ensure that older are forgotten and fit and active and looking for social activities or more frail and vulnerable and looking for highquality Age UK Mid Mersey strives to ensure thatand oldervalued peoplewithin are not forgotten and that theirsupport, skills and experience are embraced, enhanced our communities. quality support, Age UK Mid Mersey strives to ensure that older people are not forgotten and that their skills and experience are embraced, enhanced and valued within our communities. We believe that older people deserve high-quality professional services and activities thatbelieve their skills andolder experience are embraced, enhancedprofessional and valued within our communities. We that high-quality services activities throughout their later yearspeople and wedeserve are committed to making sure that we canand make later life We believetheir that older people deserve high-quality professional services and later activities throughout later years and we are committed to making sure that we can make a fulfilling and enjoyable experience for everyone. We value the support we receive fromlife our throughout their later years and we are committedWe to making sure that we can makefrom laterour life a fulfilling and enjoyable experience for everyone. value the support we receive dedicated volunteers, sponsors and donors in helping us to achieve this. a fulfillingvolunteers, and enjoyable experience for everyone. the support dedicated sponsors and donors in helpingWe usvalue to achieve this. we receive from our dedicated volunteers, sponsors and donors in helping us to achieve this.we offer may not all be I would urge you to read all the information in this booklet. Services I would urge you to read all the information in this booklet. Services we offer may not all be relevant tourge you now,tobut may ofinformation use to you in or someone you know in the future. I would read all be the booklet. may not all be relevant to youyou now, but may be of use to you orthis someone youServices know inwe theoffer future. relevant to you now, but may be of use to you or someone you know in the future. With best wishes, With best wishes, With best wishes, Mark Lunney Mark LunneyCMgr CMgr Chief Executive Mark Lunney CMgr Chief Executive Chief Executive Section Page Numbers Section Page Numbers Knowsley St Knowsley StHelens Helens Knowsley St Helens 4 4

Halton Warrington Halton Warrington Halton Warrington Supporting our Work 4 43 Supporting our Work 3 3 3 Supporting our Work 4 4 4 4 9 14 18 26 Practical Support Living Independently 8 14 18 25 Practical Support 9 14 18 26 10 15 19 26 LivingFun Independently Having and Keeping Well -10 15 19 25 15 19 26 Living Independently 15 19 27 HHaving Fun and Keeping Well Being in Control 915 20 26 HHaving Fun and Keeping Well 15 19 27 Being in Control 10 16 20 27 Coping Times -10 23 BeingininChallenging Control 16 20 2723 Coping in challenging Times Participating 13-24 Coping in challenging Times 23 -Participating 13 24 Contact Us 29 29 29 Participating 13 24 -29 Room Hire 17 24 Room Hire 17 24 Contact Us 30 30 30 30 Although Age all of the sponsors30 within this services Contact UsUK Mid Mersey would like to thank 30 30 and activities guide, 30

neither Age UK Mid Mersey nor Excell Media Ltd can recommend or endorse any services or products that these sponsors may supply. information in this guideallwas correct at time of going to print. Although Age UK MidAll Mersey would like to thank of the sponsors within this services and activities guide, Although Age UK Mid Mersey would like to thank all of the sponsors within this services activitiesthat guide, neither Age UK Mid Mersey nor Excell Media Ltd can recommend or endorse any servicesand or products these neither Age UK Mid Mersey nor Excell Media Ltd can recommend or endorse any services or products that these sponsors may supply. All information in this guide was correct at time of going to print. sponsors may supply. All information in this guide was correct at time of going to print. 2|Page

Page 3

This booklet details the services and activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey.

This booklet details the services and activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey. We are a local organisation, run by local people and we exist solely for the benefit of local residents.

Supporting our work

Age UK Mid Mersey (formerly Age Concern Mid Mersey) was formed in 2008 with the merger ofAsthree Age Concern Halton (Runcorn and Widnes), Helens a locallocal independent charity,organisations: Age UK Mid Mersey relies on the generosity of localStpeople andand Warrington. 2015 has seen the addition of Knowsley in the form of the Roby Community businesses to help fund our work across the boroughs. The money we generate is invested inHub – services a new social andpeople activityand centre the local community. for older theirfor carers in Halton, Knowsley, St Helens and Warrington. It is only with support from our local donors that we are able to undertake such valuable work, Altogether, have maintain many more years of experience a wide rangepromotes of trusted which helpswe people control of their lives, helpsdelivering reduce social isolation, services to people aged within eachto ofremain the boroughs, withfor St longer. Helens Ifcelebrating itsin40th health and wellbeing and50+ enables people independent you can help anniversary last year. any way, please get in touch. Later life can present a whole range of different decisions, options and challenges, and we Legacies Inolder Memoriam have helpedand many people toGifts feel safe and secure, to mix with others through a variety gift in yourand willto is one the most through effective the ways you can support olderlives. peopleWhether in later life. ofAactivities, feel of supported difficult times in their youIfare writing willfor and youactivities are thinking about a gift to and charity, please fityou andare active and your looking social or more frailleaving and vulnerable looking for do highconsider Age UK MidUKMersey. For more information how people your giftare might benefit theand quality support, Age Mid Mersey strives to ensureabout that older not forgotten organisation, or the correct wording to use to ensure your legacy benefits local people, please that their skills and experience are embraced, enhanced and valued within our communities. contact us. that older people deserve high-quality professional services and activities We believe throughout their later years and we are committed to making sure that we can make later life a Donations fulfilling and enjoyable experience for everyone. We value the support we receive from our dedicated volunteers, and donors helpingand us to Age UK Mid Mersey issponsors an independent localincharity weachieve need tothis. raise £1.4million each year to enable us to provide our desperately needed services. We face challenging times and I would urge you to read all the information in this booklet. Services we offer may not all be with your kind help we hope to deliver our work much more easily. We welcome donations of relevant to you now, but may be of use to you or someone you know in the future. any amount from individuals, local community organisations and companies in support of our important work with and on behalf of older people. The generosity of our local people in With best wishes, making donations is greatly appreciated and makes a major difference to the lives of local people. If youCMgr wish to make a one-off donation, or if you wish perhaps to make a monthly Mark Lunney contribution, Chief Executiveplease contact us. Please support us and make a difference today. Contact the number below or check out our website: Halton Knowsley St Helens Warrington Supporting our Work To text a donation, please text Living Independently AUKM22 to 70070 followed by the donation amount.Well Having Fun and Keeping













Being in Control





Coping in Challenging Times










Contact Us





01744 454 530 (Finance)

Although Age UK Mid Mersey would like to thank all of the sponsors within this services and activities guide, neither Age –UK Mid Mersey nor Excell Media Ltd can recommend or endorse any services or products that these Monday Friday sponsors may supply. All information in this guide was correct at time of going to print. (9.00 am – 5.00 pm) 2|Page

4 This booklet details the services andPage activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey.

This booklet details the services and activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey. We are a local organisation, run by local people and we exist solely for the Gift Aid benefit ofAid local residents. Using Gift means that for every pound you give, Age UK Mid Mersey receives an extra 25

pence the Inland Revenue, helping yourMid donation gowas further. This means £10 can be Age UK from Mid Mersey (formerly Age Concern Mersey) formed in 2008that with the merger turned into £12.50 just so long as donations are made through Gift Aid. of three local Age Concern organisations: Halton (Runcorn and Widnes), St Helens and Warrington. has seenofthe addition of Knowsley the of the Roby Hub Note: You must2015 pay an amount income tax and/or capital gainsintax at form least equal to the tax Community that Age UK Mid – Mersey a new reclaims social and activity centre fortax theyear local community. on your donations in the (currently 25p for each £1 you give). If in the future your circumstances change and you no longer pay tax on your income and capital gains equal to the tax that Age UK

Altogether, we have many years of experience delivering a wide range of trusted Mid Mersey reclaims, you can cancelmore your declaration. services to people aged 50+ within each of the boroughs, with St Helens celebrating its 40th anniversary last year. Later life can present a whole range of different decisions, options and challenges, and we have helped many older people to feel safe and secure, to mix with others through a variety of activities, and to feel supported through the difficult times in their lives. Whether you are fit and active and looking for social activities or more frail and vulnerable and looking for highCharity Shops quality support, Age UK Mid Mersey strives to ensure that older people are not forgotten and that their skills and embraced, enhanced andthe valued our communities. We currently have experience two charity are shops – one in St Helens and otherwithin in Warrington. These We older people deserve nearly high-quality professional services and sell believe a range that of donated goods, including new clothing, books, bric-a-brac andactivities small electrical items. Theyears income from our charity shops underpins the work thelife throughout their later andgenerated we are committed to making sure that we can makeof later charity and is all spent locally for local people across the four boroughs. We rely on donations a fulfilling and enjoyable experience for everyone. We value the support we receive from our of saleable items to stock our shops. If you would like to an item dedicated volunteers, sponsors and donors in helping usdonate to achieve this.please get in touch. I would urge you to read all the information in this booklet. Services we offer may not all be relevant to you now, may be of use to you or someone you know in the future. Peckershill Road, Stbut Helens With best wishes, 01744 819 327 Mark Lunney CMgr Monday – Friday (10.00 am – 3.00 pm); Chief Executive Saturday (9.30 am – 3.00 pm) Halton 3

Knowsley 3

St Helens 3

Warrington 3

Living Independently Warrington Hub Having Fun and Keeping Well









Being in Control 01925 244 645













29 Supporting our Work

Coping in Challenging Times Monday – Friday (9.00 am – 4.30 pm); Participating 13

Saturday Contact Us (9.00 am – 4.00 pm)


Although Age UK Mid Mersey would like to thank all of the sponsors within this services and activities guide, neither Age UK Mid Mersey nor Excell Media Ltd can recommend or endorse any services or products that these sponsors may supply. All information in this guide was correct at time of going to print. The Mayor of Warrington (2012-13), Cllr Steve Wright, declaring the Warrington Hub open.


5 This booklet details the services andPage activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey.

This booklet details the services and activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey. We are a localEvents organisation, run by local people and we exist solely for the Fundraising benefit localfundraising residents. We holdof charity events every year at

TheUK Mansion House (formerly in St Helens, including Age Mid Mersey Age ConcernanMid Mersey) was formed in 2008 with the merger annual beer festival and Christmas Fayre. If you of three local Age Concern organisations: Halton (Runcorn and Widnes), St Helens and wish to get involved or want details of any of our Warrington. 2015 has seen the addition of Knowsley in the form of the Roby Community Hub events, please contact us: – a new social and activity centre for the local community. 01744 752 we 644 have many more years of experience delivering a wide range of trusted Altogether, services to people aged 50+ within each of the boroughs, with St Helens celebrating its 40th Monday – Friday (9.00 am – 4.30 pm) anniversary last year.

Later life can present a whole range of different decisions, options and challenges, and we have helped many older people to feel safe and secure, to mix with others through a variety also and available on supported the Mansion House the difficult times in their lives. Whether you are ofDetails activities, to feel through fitwebsite: and active and looking for social activities or more frail and vulnerable and looking for highquality support, Age UK Mid Mersey strives to ensure that older people are not forgotten and Profits generated our tradingare activities go that their skills andbyexperience embraced, enhanced and valued within our communities. directly to support our various charitable activities. We believe that older people deserve high-quality professional services and activities Photographs courtesy of Robbob from Fingerpost. throughout their later years and we are committed to making sure that we can make later life a fulfilling and enjoyable experience for everyone. We value the support we receive from our Volunteering dedicated volunteers, sponsors and donors in helping us to achieve this. The work carried out by volunteers is fundamental to all the services and activities of Age UK I would urge you read not all the in this of booklet. Services wewould offer may not all be Mid Mersey. If ittowere for information volunteers, many our programmes be severely relevant you now, buttomay be aofdifference? use to youDo or someone know inexisting the future. reduced.toDo you want make you want you to develop skills or learn new ones? Do you need to gain confidence or experience for work? Maybe you’d just like to With best wishes, meet people, be useful and have fun? Mark Lunney CMgr If you have at least two hours per week Chief Executive to spare that’s all it takes to volunteer

for Age UK Mid Mersey. You could make a real difference to the quality of Halton Knowsley St Helens Warrington someone’s life by offering a small Supporting Work time. You will gain 3 3 3 3 amount our of your valuable experience and a sense of 8 Living Independently 14 18 25 fulfilment. Volunteers work throughout our organisation in a variety of roles, including drivers, Having Fun and helping Keeping Well 15 25 befrienders, hands support workers, information officers,19counsellors, tutors, receptionists, waitressing and catering. Being in Control administrators, positive living 9 / day care assistants, 15 20 26 If you think that you could gain something from volunteering with us, please get in touch – we Coping in Challenging Times 23 would love to hear from you. Participating 13 24 0151 559 3061 (Knowsley) 01744 752 644 (St Helens) Contact Us 29 29 29 29 Monday – Friday (9.00 am – 5.00 pm) Monday – Friday (9.00 am – 4.30 pm) 01928 Age 575UK 400 01925 244within 645 this (Warrington) Although Mid(Halton) Mersey would like to thank all of the sponsors services and activities guide, neither Age UK Mid Mersey nor Excell Media Ltd can recommend or endorse any or products Monday – Friday (9.00 am – 3.00 pm) Monday – Friday (9.00services am – 4.30 pm) that these sponsors may supply. All information in this guide was correct at time of going to print.


6 This booklet details the services andPage activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey.

This booklet details the services and activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey. We are a localHouse organisation, run by local people and we exist solely for the The Mansion benefit of local residents. Weddings - Celebratory Functions, Parties & Receptions - Funeral Receptions –

Banqueting – Events, Conference & Meeting spaces was – Health, Age UK Mid Mersey (formerly Age Concern Mid Mersey) formedFitness in 2008and withWellbeing the merger Activities – Transport – Victoria Bistro & Orangery Cafés. of three local Age Concern organisations: Halton (Runcorn and Widnes), St Helens and Warrington. 2015 has seen the addition of Knowsley in the form of the Roby Community Hub The Mansion House (set within the charming Victoria Park, St Helens) is a unique and beautiful – Grade a new II social and activity centre for the local community. listed venue which is owned and managed by Age UK Mid Mersey. It is a hub for

people andwe businesses to use as a special to celebrate, meet, and attend lifestyle Altogether, have many more years of place experience delivering a wide range of trusted classes. The venue offers civil wedding ceremonies and receptions; banqueting and gala services to people aged 50+ within each of the boroughs, with St Helens celebrating its 40th dinners; social functions and parties; room hire and conference spaces; funeral receptions; anniversary last year. health, fitness and wellbeing activities; a transport service and onsite café facilities. Later life can present a whole range of different decisions, options and challenges, and we have helped many older people to feel safe and secure, to mix with others through a variety of activities, and to feel supported through the difficult times in their lives. Whether you are fit and active and looking for social activities or more frail and vulnerable and looking for highquality support, Age UK Mid Mersey strives to ensure that older people are not forgotten and that their skills and experience are embraced, enhanced and valued within our communities. We believe that older people deserve high-quality professional services and activities throughout their later years and we are committed to making sure that we can make later life a fulfilling and enjoyable experience for everyone. We value the support we receive from our dedicated volunteers, sponsors and donors in helping us to achieve this.

I would urge you to read all the information in this booklet. Services we offer may not all be relevant to you now, but may be of use to you or someone you know in the future. With best wishes, Mark Lunney CMgr Chief Executive

Supporting our Work

Halton 3

Knowsley 3

St Helens 3

Warrington 3

Living Independently





Having Fun and Keeping Well





Being in Control





Coping in Challenging Times





For further information or bookings, please House Reception: Participating 13 contact the Mansion 24 Contact 01744Us 752 644





Monday – Friday – 4.30 Although Age UK Mid (9.00 Merseyam would like pm) to thank all of the sponsors within this services and activities guide, neither Age UK Mid Mersey nor Excell Media Ltd can recommend or endorse any services or products that these sponsors may supply. All information in this guide was correct at time of going to print.


7 This booklet details the services andPage activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey.

This booklet details the services and activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey. We are a local organisation, run by local people and we exist solely for the Generating Funds benefit of local residents. In association with various third party providers, Age UK Enterprises Limited and Aid-Call Age UK Mid Mersey (formerly Age Concern Mid Mersey) was formed in 2008 with the merger Limited offer a wide range of products and services designed for the over 50s. Net profits of three local Age Concern organisations: Halton (Runcorn and Widnes), St Helens and generated from the sale of these products and services go directly to support Age UK’s Warrington. 2015 has seen the addition of Knowsley in the form of the Roby Community Hub charitable activities. – a new social and activity centre for the local community. These include: Altogether, we have many more years of experience delivering a wide range of trusted services to people –aged 50+ each theanboroughs, with Stinsurer*. HelensYou celebrating 40th Home Insurance Cover youwithin can rely on,of with award-winning can evenits pay anniversary by interest last free year. monthly instalments at no extra cost. (0% APR Representative).

Later life can present a whole range of different decisions, options and challenges, and we Car Insurance – Cover you can rely on designed with drivers in later life in mind. There is no have helped many older people to feel safe and secure, to mix with others through a variety upper limit and there are no hidden admin fees. You can also pay by interest free monthly ofinstalments activities, and to feel supported through the difficult times in their lives. Whether you are (0% APR Representative). fit and active and looking for social activities or more frail and vulnerable and looking for highquality Age –UK Mid wherever Mersey strives to in ensure older people Recovery are not forgotten and Motorsupport, Breakdown Cover you are the UKthat – with Roadside, and Home that their skills and to experience areages embraced, enhanced and within our communities. Services. Available drivers of all with European cover alsovalued available. We believe that older people deserve high-quality professional services and activities Travel Insurance – Ayears choice of we Single or AnnualtoMulti-trip coverthat withwe nocan upper agelater limitlife throughout their later and areTrip committed making sure make coverand for medical conditions wherever possible†.We value the support we receive from our a and fulfilling enjoyable experience for everyone. dedicated volunteers, sponsors and donors in helping us to achieve this. Gas & Electricity - Age UK Energy‡ is a tailor-made gas and electricity package developed I would urge you tobyread allwhich the information thisand booklet. Services we offer may not all be with and provided E.ON, brings greatin value excellent customer service. relevant to you now, but may be of use to you or someone you know in the future. Funeral Plan – The Age UK Funeral Plan allows you to pre-pay for a funeral at today’s prices. With best aged wishes, If you’re 50 or over, acceptance to the plan is guaranteed. Mark Lunney CMgr Contact Numbers Chief Executive

Runcorn - 01928 248 909 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday (9.30 am – 1.00 pm)

St Helens - 01744 410 631 Monday – Friday (10.00 am – 3.00 pm) Halton Knowsley Warrington 01925 591 988 Monday Friday (9.00 am – 4.30 Supporting our Work 3 3 pm)

St Helens 3

Warrington 3


Living Independently 8 14 18 25 Home, Car and Travel Insurance are provided by Ageas Insurance Limited. Age UK Motor Breakdown is provided AriaKeeping Insurance Services Limited Having Funbyand Well




*Ageas Insurance Limited, winner - ‘Customer Care Award’ at the Post Claims Awards 2014 and Gold Standard Being in Control 9 15 20 26 Awards 2008 - 2014 inclusive, plus ‘General Insurer of the Year’ at the 2014 British Insurance awards.

Coping in Challenging Times 23 † Subject to medical screening and acceptance by underwriting and the appropriate premium having been paid. Participating Gas and Electricity is provided by E.ON Energy13 Solutions Limited.-



‡ Only available in Mainland Great Britain. Contact Us





Age UK Energy is a trading name of Age UK Enterprises Limited. E.ON Energy Solutions Limited. Registered office: Westwood Way, Westwood Business Park, Coventry CV4 8LG, registered in England and Wales number. Although Age UK Mid Mersey would like to thank all of the sponsors within this services and activities guide, 3407430. neither Age UK Mid Mersey nor Excell Media Ltd can recommend or endorse any services or products that these Age UK Mid Representative Age UK Enterprises Limited is authorised and sponsors mayMersey an All Appointed information in this guide of was correct at time of going which to print. regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for insurance mediation.

ACOME2378V1MAY15 2|Page

8 This booklet details the services andPage activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey.

This booklet details the services and activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey. We are a local organisation, run by local people and we exist solely for the benefit of local residents.


Age UK Mid Mersey (formerly Age Concern Mid Mersey) was formed in 2008 with the merger UK Mid Mersey from time to time receive funding for other and services. ofAge three local Agedoes Concern organisations: Halton (Runcorn Widnes), St Helens and Warrington. 2015 has seen the addition of Knowsley in the form of the Roby Community Hub full details of current services available, pleasecommunity. contact: – For a new social and activity centre for the local 01928 575 400 Altogether, we have many more years of experience delivering a wide range of trusted th services agedam 50+ within Mondayto to people Friday (9.00 – 3.00 pm) each of the boroughs, with St Helens celebrating its 40 anniversary last year.

Later life can present a whole range of different decisions, options and challenges, and we have helped many older people to feel safe and secure, to mix with others through a variety of activities, and to feel supported through the difficult times in their lives. Whether you are fitPractical and active andSupport looking for social activities or more frail and vulnerable and looking for highquality support, Age UK Mid Mersey strives to ensure that older people are not forgotten and We their all want to be able to stay living our own homes for as long we choose do so. We have that skills and experience areinembraced, enhanced and as valued withintoour communities. a range of services that aim to make living independently that little bit easier. We believe that older people deserve high-quality professional services and activities throughout their later years and we are committed to making sure that we can make later life Helping Hands Service a fulfilling and enjoyable experience for everyone. We value the support we receive from our Our Helping Hands volunteers help inwith thoseusodd little jobs that can cause a big dedicated volunteers, sponsors provide and donors helping to achieve this. headache, such as changing light bulbs, changing curtains or chair covers, moving furniture,

clearingurge a loft, defrosting fridge other small in the home. Our Helping Hands is be I would you to readaall the and information in tasks this booklet. Services we offer mayservice not all available for people aged 50+ and is offered free of charge. relevant to you now, but may be of use to you or someone you know in the future. This best service receives no external funding so voluntary With wishes,

donations (however small) are gratefully accepted and will help Lunney to preserve Mark CMgrthis service for those older or vulnerable people who need Chief Executive it. 01744 752 644 Monday & Wednesday (9.00 am – 2.00 Halton pm); Supporting Work (9.00 am - 4.30 pm) 3 Tuesday &our Thursday

Knowsley 3

St Helens 3

Warrington 3

Living Independently 8 14 18 25 Stay Safe Service Having Fun and Keeping Well 15 19 25 Our Stay Safe service offers information and practical help on ways to improve (or maintain) your Being in Control within your home. The service 9 is delivered 15 26who independence by experienced 20 members of staff will help you to identify hazards- in the home (such Coping in Challenging Timesand overcome potential 23 as avoiding- falls, home safety, crime and bogus callers, carbon monoxide poisoning). We can also provide Participating - UV practical help such as fitting spy holes, 13 providing energy- efficient light 24 bulbs, torches and securityUspens. In addition, we can give information on how29 to gain further assistance and benefits Contact 29 29 29 advice. 01928 575 400

Although Age UK Mid Mersey would like to thank all of the sponsors within this services and activities guide, neither Age–UK Mid Mersey nor –Excell Monday Friday (9.00 am 3.00Media pm) Ltd can recommend or endorse any services or products that these sponsors may supply. All information in this guide was correct at time of going to print.


9 This booklet details the services andPage activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey.

This booklet details the services and activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey. We are a&local organisation, run by local people and we exist solely for the Keysafe Lifeline benefit of local In conjunction withresidents. Halton Borough Council Community Wardens team, our Keysafe & Lifeline service offers installation of telecare equipment.

Age UK Mid Mersey (formerly Age Concern Mid Mersey) was formed in 2008 with the merger of01928 three575 local 400Age Concern organisations: Halton (Runcorn and Widnes), St Helens and Warrington. 2015 has seen the addition of Knowsley in the form of the Roby Community Hub Monday – Friday (9.00 am – 3.00 pm) – a new social and activity centre for the local community. People’s Register of Traders Altogether, we have many more years of experience delivering a wide range of trusted The People’s Register of Traders may be ableoftothe helpboroughs, you find someone can trust to do a good services to people aged 50+ within each with St you Helens celebrating its 40th job, at the last rightyear. time and for the right price. Age UK Mid Mersey have compiled a list of local anniversary traders such as gardeners, electricians and gas fitters who are registered with us and who have

Later lifethat canthey present a wholegood range of different options and challenges, proven can provide levels of service.decisions, Each trader is interviewed by Age UKand Midwe Mersey and many three references are to obtained from people who had work carried out by the have helped older people feel safe and secure, tohave mix with others through a variety trader during the preceding 12 months. All the traders on the register are fully covered by Public of activities, and to feel supported through the difficult times in their lives. Whether you are Insurance. Currentfor traders’ apply.orFor more information or to find trader, please fitLiability and active and looking social rates activities more frail and vulnerable andalooking for highcontact us. quality support, Age UK Mid Mersey strives to ensure that older people are not forgotten and that their skills and experience are embraced, enhanced and valued within our communities. 01928 575 400 We believe that older people deserve high-quality professional services and activities Monday – Friday – 3.00 throughout their (9.00 later am years andpm) we are committed to making sure that we can make later life a fulfilling and enjoyable experience for everyone. We value the support we receive from our dedicated volunteers, sponsors and donors in helping us to achieve this.

Living Independently

I would urge you to read all the information in this booklet. Services we offer may not all be Age UKto Telephone relevant you now,Befriending but may be Service of use to you or someone you know in the future. There is a national Age UK telephone befriending service ‘A Call in Time’, primarily for people aged With best wishes, 60+ who would benefit from the additional support a telephone friendship could provide. ‘Call in Time’ works with local partners to ensure people can receive the service or services most Mark Lunney CMgr appropriate to their needs. All 'Call in Time' calls are free to recipients, and delivered Monday to Chief Executive Friday between 9.00am and 5.00pm. Contact us for more information. 01928 575 400 Monday – Friday (9.00 am – 3.00 pm) Supporting our Work

Halton 3

Knowsley 3

St Helens 3

Warrington 3

Alternatively you can contact Age UK direct 0800 434 6105 or Living Independently 8 on Freephone 14 18via email to: 25 For more information or to download a referral form, you can go to the Having Fun and Keeping Well 15 19 25 Age UK website: Being in Control 9 15 20 26 Coping in Challenging Times 23 -


Being in Control Contact Us





29 29 29 29 We have a range of services that help to empower people with the information they need to make informed decisions about the options and opportunities available to them.

Although Age UK Mid Mersey would like to thank all of the sponsors within this services and activities guide, neither Age UK Mid Mersey nor Excell Media Ltd can recommend or endorse any services or products that these Money Advice Service sponsors may supply. All information in this guide was correct at time of going to print.

The Money Advice Service is an impartial service that can help you with everything from budgeting to borrowing; savings to mortgages. No selling, no jargon; just the facts. When it comes to money,


10 This booklet details the services andPage activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey.

This booklet details the services and activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey. we are can a help you organisation, work out what’s right for local you. Sounds simple is. Thissolely is a face-to-face We local run by people andand weitexist for the service that is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. There really are no barriers in terms of benefit of local residents.

who can benefit, although we think it will be especially useful for anyone in an already vulnerable financial situation. can contact of ourMid specially trained Advisors to with arrange see Age UK Mid MerseyYou (formerly Age one Concern Mersey) wasMoney formed in 2008 thetomerger them face-to-face in Runcorn. Sessions are by appointment only and home visits are available. of three local Age Concern organisations: Halton (Runcorn and Widnes), St HelensAlland our sessions are completely free.

Warrington. 2015 has seen the addition of Knowsley in the form of the Roby Community Hub – The a new social and Service activityiscentre the local the community. Money Advice offeredfor throughout boroughs of Halton, Knowsley, St Helens and Warrington. In 2014/15, there were over 1,000 clients seen by our approved and independent Altogether, we have many more years of experience delivering a wide range of trusted Money Advisors. services to people aged 50+ within each of the boroughs, with St Helens celebrating its 40th anniversary last year. 01928 575 400

Monday Friday (9.00 am – 3.00 pm) Later life -can present a whole range of different decisions, options and challenges, and we have helped many older people to feel safe and secure, to mix with others through a variety & Advice ofInformation activities, and to feel supported through the difficult times in their lives. Whether you are fitOur andspecialist active and looking officers for social more frail and vulnerable and looking for highinformation areactivities trained tooroffer free, confidential and impartial information, advice support, and support people 50+strives and their families,that helping them to make choicesand quality AgetoUK Mid aged Mersey to ensure older people are informed not forgotten to improve theirand lives.experience are embraced, enhanced and valued within our communities. that their skills We believe that older people deserve high-quality professional services and activities The service covers a wide range of issues relevant to older people, including: throughout their later years and we are committed to making sure that we can make later life a fulfilling experience for everyone. We value  and howenjoyable to access care and support  the caresupport homes we receive from our dedicated volunteers, sponsors and donors in helping us to achieve this.

 housing options, repairs and adaptations  education and learning I would  urge you tocare readatall the information in this booklet. we offer may not all be help and home  Services local services relevant to you now, but may be of use to you or someone you know in the future.  transport  benefits advice With best  wishes, health matters  fuel poverty  understanding documents Mark Lunney CMgr Chief If weExecutive can’t help, we’ll put you in touch with someone who can.

Free Age UK guides and factsheets are also available, which cover later life issues. Please contact Knowsley St Helens Warrington us for copies or details of other services.Halton Supporting our Work 3 3 3 3 01928 590 600 Living Independently 8 14 18 25 Monday, Tuesday & Thursday (9.30 am – 1.00 pm) Having Fun and Keeping Well 15 19 25 A drop-in service is available. Being in Control 9 15 20 26 Copies of the guides and factsheets can be obtained direct from the Age UK website: Coping in Challenging Times 23 -

Participating 13 24 Welfare Benefits (for those aged 65+) Contact Us 29 that you are 29 29 state pensions 29 and Our Information Officers are able to check receiving all of the benefits you should be and, if not, will provide you with all of the practical support you need. This additional can help assist older to sponsors maintainwithin theirthis independence. In 2014/15 Although Age income UK Mid Mersey would like to thankpeople all of the services and activities guide,we helped people Haltonnor claim anMedia extraLtd £272,238 in benefits. neither Age UK MidinMersey Excell can recommend or endorse any services or products that these sponsors may supply. All information in this guide was correct at time of going to print.

01928 590 600

Monday, Tuesday & Thursday (9.30 am – 1.00 pm) 2|Page

11 This booklet details the services andPage activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey.

This booklet details the services and activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey. We are aservice localisorganisation, run by local people and we exist solely for the A drop-in available. benefit of local residents.

Home from Hospital Service (Information & Practical Support) Age UK Mid stay Mersey Agetime Concern Mid Mersey) wasclose formed in 2008 with thepeople merger A hospital can (formerly be a difficult for patients and those to them so, to help ofthrough three what local can Agesometimes Concern be organisations: Halton and Widnes), St Helens a life-changing event, (Runcorn Age UK Mid Mersey, in partnership withand Warrington. 2015 has seen the addition of Knowsley in the form of the Roby Community Hub Halton Hospital, is offering a bedside information service to long-stay older patients in the - Ward B1. In addition responding to general patient enquiries, patients will – rehabilitation a new social ward and activity centre for theto local community. receive information about the services available to them after discharge which can help to avoid Altogether, wetohave many moresupport years is ofalso experience wide ofa trusted re-admittance hospital. Practical offered todelivering help ensureathat therange home is safe th services people within each of the boroughs, with and St Helens celebrating place fortopeople to aged return50+ to: practical jobs such as securing carpets replacing stair/door its rods40 which the Occupational anniversary last year. Therapy Team have identified as falls hazards. This can facilitate a safer and quicker return to home. Later life can present a whole range of different decisions, options and challenges, and we This helped service many is volunteer-led and to so feel we would welcome (however to help to have older people safe and secure,donations to mix with otherssmall) through a variety preserve this service for those older or vulnerable people who need it. of activities, and to feel supported through the difficult times in their lives. Whether you are fit and active and looking for social activities or more frail and vulnerable and looking for highFor enquiries about this service, please contact: quality support, Age UK Mid Mersey strives to ensure that older people are not forgotten and that their skills 01928 590 600and experience are embraced, enhanced and valued within our communities. We believe that older people deserve high-quality professional services and activities Monday, Tuesday & Thursday (9.30we amare – 1.00 pm) throughout their later years and committed to making sure that we can make later life a fulfilling and enjoyable experience for everyone. We value the support we receive from our Warm Homes Programme dedicated volunteers, sponsors and donors in helping us to achieve this. Excellent results have been achieved through the Warm Homes Programme - a long-standing I would urge youfunded to readbyallE.ON the and information booklet. offer notMid all be winter initiative deliveredinbythis local Age UKServices partnerswe such as may Age UK Mersey. to Now its fourth year,be the over 400 olderinpeople within our Mid relevant youinnow, but may ofproject use to has you supported or someone you know the future. Mersey region between September 2013 and August 2015 through a mixture of home energy With bestbenefit wishes,entitlement sessions and referrals to E.ON’s Warm Home Discount Scheme. checks, Benefits during the period have amounted to over £800,000. For enquiries about this service, Mark Lunney CMgr please contact: Chief Executive 01928 590 600 Monday, Tuesday & Thursday (9.30 am – 1.00 pm) Halton Knowsley St Helens Warrington Dementia Cafés Supporting our Work 3 3 3 3 A diagnosis of any form of dementia can Living Independently 8 be a difficult14time. Age UK Mid 18 Mersey is working 25 inpartnership with the Alzheimer’s Society to provide an advisory service to older people whohave Having and Keeping Well onset dementia. - The service15 19 25 been Fun diagnosed with early provides an opportunity for carersand people living with dementia to get together9on a regular basis group support ina26social Being in Control 15 to enjoy peer 20 setting where they can feel safe and part of society. Through regular dementia cafés,we are helping Coping in Challenging Times 23 to ensure that people are supported and kept informed of their choices throughouttheir dementia Participating 13 to access other- services and activitiesincluding: 24 journey. Age UK Mid Mersey can help people

Contact Us





 Information, advice and like advocacy Although Age UK Mid Mersey would to thank all of the sponsors within this services and activities guide, neither UK Mid Mersey nor Excell Media Ltd can recommend or endorse any services or products that these  Age Counselling sponsors may supply. All information in this guide was correct at time of going to print. 

Financial advice


12 This booklet details the services andPage activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey.

This booklet details the services and activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey. We areSocial a local organisation, and leisure activities run by local people and we exist solely for the benefit of local to residents.  Signposting other services as appropriate. Age UK contact Mid Mersey Please us for(formerly details: Age Concern Mid Mersey) was formed in 2008 with the merger of three local Age Concern organisations: Halton (Runcorn and Widnes), St Helens and Warrington. 2015 has seen the addition of Knowsley in the form of the Roby Community Hub 01928 575 400 – Monday a new social and activity centre for the local community. - Friday (9.00 am – 3.00 pm) Altogether, we have many more years of experience delivering a wide range of trusted Karaoke Reminiscence services to people aged 50+ within each of the boroughs, with St Helens celebrating its 40th The Mansion House, anniversary last year. Victoria Park in St Helens runs regular bi-monthly karaoke reminiscence events which are open to older people from Halton. These events may be particularly relevant to

Later can present a whole range of different decisions, options and challenges, and we thoselife living with dementia and their carers. have helped many older people to feel safe and secure, to mix with others through a variety 575 400 of01928 activities, and to feel supported through the difficult times in their lives. Whether you are fitMonday and active and(9.00 looking social - Friday am –for 3.00 pm) activities or more frail and vulnerable and looking for highquality support, Age UK Mid Mersey strives to ensure that older people are not forgotten and that their skills and experience are embraced, enhanced and valued within our communities. We believe that older people deserve high-quality professional services and activities Participating throughout their later years and we are committed to making sure that we can make later life Older people have a wealth of skills, experience and knowledge that they have amassed over their a lifetime. fulfillingWe andvalue enjoyable experience for everyone. We value the support we receive from our this experience and accordingly support a range of opportunities for older dedicated volunteers, sponsors and donors in helping us to achieve this. people to influence local life. I would urge you to read all the information in this booklet. Services we offer may not all be Halton Older People’s Empowerment Network (Halton OPEN) relevant to you now, but may be of use to you or someone you know in the future. With best wishes, Mark Lunney CMgr Chief Executive Age UK Mid Mersey is pleased to facilitate Halton OPEN, a group Halton Knowsley St Helens Warrington established to provide a collective Supporting Work 3 3 3 3 voice for our older people in Halton and to influence the development Living Independently 8 14 18 25 of services which improve the Having andofKeeping 15 19 25 qualityFun of life all olderWell people. Being in Control 9 15 20 26 Membership of Halton OPEN is free Coping in Challenging Timesinvitations to a range 23 the opportunity - to with members receiving of events and seminars, and participate in focus groups and consultations. Members wishing to get more involved may seek to Participating 13 24 be elected to the Halton OPEN Committee which is responsible for campaigning and lobbying at a Contact Us national level on issues of relevance 29 to older people 29 in Halton. 29 29 local and 01928 575 400

Although Age UK Mid Mersey would like to thank all of the sponsors within this services and activities guide, Monday – Friday (9.00 am – 3.00 pm) neither Age UK Mid Mersey nor Excell Media Ltd can recommend or endorse any services or products that these sponsors may supply. All information in this guide was correct at time of going to print.

Details also available on the Halton OPEN website: /


13 This booklet details the services andPage activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey.

This booklet details the services and activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey. Participation Groups We are a local organisation, run by local people and we exist solely for the benefit of localgroups residents. Our participation are a satellite link of Halton Older People’s Empowerment Network (Halton OPEN). These give older people an opportunity to get out of their homes and join in with

Age UKactivities, Mid Mersey Concern Mid Mersey) was their formed in fed 2008 merger social to be(formerly consultedAge about local issues and to have views intowith the the planning ofprocess three for local Age Concern organisations: Halton and Widnes), Helens and services that are delivered in Halton. There(Runcorn are coffee mornings andStcommunity Warrington. 2015 has seen thepart addition Knowsley in theand form the Robyspeakers Community groups offering a chance to take in artsof and craft activities to of hear guest invitedHub other organisations. Occasional outings take place from time to time. – in a from new social and activity centre for the localalso community. Altogether, we have many more years of experience delivering a wide range of trusted 01928 575 400 th services people aged within Mondayto – Friday (9.00 am50+ – 3.00 pm) each of the boroughs, with St Helens celebrating its 40 anniversary last year. Later life can present a whole range of different decisions, options and challenges, and we have helped many older people to feel safe and secure, to mix with others through a variety of activities, and to feel supported through the difficult times in their lives. Whether you are fit and active and looking for social activities or more frail and vulnerable and looking for highquality support, Age UK Mid Mersey strives to ensure that older people are not forgotten and that their skills and experience are embraced, enhanced and valued within our communities. We believe that older people deserve high-quality professional services and activities throughout their later years and we are committed to making sure that we can make later life a fulfilling and enjoyable experience for everyone. We value the support we receive from our dedicated volunteers, sponsors and donors in helping us to achieve this.


I would urge you to read all the information in this booklet. Services we offer may not all be Age UK Mid Mersey does to use timeto receive for other services. relevant to you now, butfrom maytime be of you orfunding someone you know in the future. For full details of current services available, please contact: With best wishes, 0151Lunney 559 3061 Mark CMgr Chief Executive Monday to Friday (9.30 am – 5.00 pm)

Halton 3

Knowsley 3

St Helens 3

Warrington 3

Living Independently





Having Fun and Keeping Well







26 Supporting our Work

Practical Support

Being in Control 9 Trader Approved Scheme Knowsley (TASK)

Coping in Challenging 23 Age UK Mid Mersey Times does not operate a trader register in- Knowsley; however, there is a -local directory of traders which has been set up13by the Knowsley- Pensioners Advocacy Service (KPAIS). Participating 24 This directory is known as the Trader Approved Scheme Knowsley (T.A.S.K) and is intended for use Contact Usor vulnerable residents in Knowsley. 29 The scheme29 29 of by older has been vetted29through the Office Fair Trading by Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council’s (KMBC) Trading Standards Department. If you are eligible to use this free service, you can contact TASK directly on 0151 546 6680. Although Age UK Mid Mersey would like to thank all of the sponsors within this services and activities guide, Alternatively, you can find further details via: Age UK Mid Mersey nor Excell Media Ltd can recommend or endorse any services or products that these with/living-at-home/home-maintenance-and-gardening.aspx sponsors may supply. All information in this guide was correct at time of going to print. There is also a national trader register available:


14 This booklet details the services andPage activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey.

This booklet details the services and activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey. Traders (Trustmark Approved Tradesperson) We are aRegister local organisation, run by local people and we exist solely for the benefit ofislocal residents. quality scheme that signposts people to reputable local firms TrustMark a Government-backed and expert tradespeople working to Government-endorsed standards. All TrustMark firms are

Age UK Mid Mersey Agepractices, Concern customer Mid Mersey) wasand formed in 2008 skills. with the uniquely checked for(formerly their trading service their technical Youmerger can ofcontact three us local Age Concern organisations: Halton (Runcorn and Widnes), St Helens and for details. Warrington. 2015 has seen the addition of Knowsley in the form of the Roby Community Hub 3065 / 3062 – 0151 a new559 social and activity centre for the local community. Thursday & Friday (9.30 am – 4.00 pm). A drop-in service is available.

Altogether, we have many more years of experience delivering a wide range of trusted th services to people aged 50+ Trustmark within each of by thetelephone boroughs, Helens celebrating Alternatively, you can contact direct on with 0333St 555 1234 or access theirits 40 anniversary year. website via last the Age UK website. Later life can present a whole range of different decisions, options and challenges, and we have helped many older people to feel safe and secure, to mix with others through a variety of activities, and to feel supported through the difficult times in their lives. Whether you are fitLiving and activeIndependently and looking for social activities or more frail and vulnerable and looking for highquality support, Age UK Mid Mersey strives to ensure that older people are not forgotten and that skills and experience embraced, enhanced and valued within our communities. Agetheir UK Telephone Befriendingare Service We believe that older people deserve high-quality professional services and activities There is a national Age UK telephone befriending service ‘A Call in Time’, primarily for people aged throughout their benefit later years we are committed makingfriendship sure thatcould we can make‘Call laterinlife 60+ who would from and the additional support a to telephone provide. a Time’ fulfilling andwith enjoyable experience for everyone. We value works local partners to ensure people can receivethe thesupport servicewe or receive servicesfrom mostour dedicated volunteers, sponsors and donors in helping us to achieve this. appropriate to their needs. All 'Call in Time' calls are free to recipients, and delivered Monday to Friday between 9.00am and 5.00pm. Contact us for more information.

I would urge you to read all the information in this booklet. Services we offer may not all be relevant to3061 you now, but may be of use to you or someone you know in the future. 0151 559 Monday Friday (9.30 am – 5.00 pm) With besttowishes, Alternatively can contact Age UK direct on Freephone 0800 434 6105 or via email to: Mark Lunneyyou CMgr For more information or to download a referral form, you can go to the Chief Executive Age UK website: Halton Knowsley St Helens Warrington

Supporting our Work


Having fun and keeping well




Living Independently 8 14 18 25 We allFun want enjoy the much as possible. Having andtoKeeping Wellopportunities our - lives offer as15 19 Age UK Mid Mersey 25 offers a range of services to help promote health and wellbeing, irrespective of age or ability. Being in Control 9 15 20 26 Healthy Living Activities Coping in Challenging Times 23 Roby Community Hub is a fun and safe environment where Participating 13 - people can take 24 part in their chosen activity and meet new people. Activities and events are reviewed on a regular basis. At the time Contact 29knit and natter 29session and a 29 of printUsthese include gentle exercise to29 music, a weekly social variety afternoon (including sing-a-longs, dancing, quizzes and games). Please contact our Roby office for details of current activities.

Although Age UK Mid Mersey would like to thank all of the sponsors within this services and activities guide, neither Age UK Mid Mersey nor Excell Media Ltd can recommend or endorse any services or products that these 0151 559 sponsors may3061 supply. All information in this guide was correct at time of going to print.

Monday to Friday (9.30 am – 5.00 pm)


15 This booklet details the services andPage activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey.

This booklet details the services and activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey. We are a local organisation, run by local people and we exist solely for the Being in Control benefit of local residents. We have a range of services that help to empower people with the information they need to

make decisions aboutAge the options and opportunities available to them. Age UKinformed Mid Mersey (formerly Concern Mid Mersey) was formed in 2008 with the merger of three local Age Concern organisations: Halton (Runcorn and Widnes), St Helens and Money Advice Service Warrington. 2015 has seen the addition of Knowsley in the form of the Roby Community Hub – The a new social andService activityiscentre for the localthat community. Money Advice an impartial service can help you with everything from budgeting to borrowing; savings to mortgages. No selling, no jargon; just the facts. When it comes to money,

Altogether, moreright years experience delivering a wide of trusted we can helpwe youhave workmany out what’s for of you. Sounds simple and it is. This isrange a face-to-face services to people agedby 50+ each of the boroughs, with St are Helens celebrating itsof40th service that is regulated thewithin Financial Conduct Authority. There really no barriers in terms anniversary last year. who can benefit, although we think it will be especially useful for anyone in an already vulnerable financial situation. You can contact one of our specially trained Money Advisors to arrange to see

Later can present a whole of different decisions, optionsare and challenges, themlife face-to-face in Roby (strictlyrange by appointment only). All our sessions completely free.and we have helped many older people to feel safe and secure, to mix with others through a variety ofThe activities, and toService feel supported through the times in their lives. Whether Money Advice is offered throughout thedifficult boroughs of Halton, Knowsley, St Helensyou andare Warrington. In 2014/15, there were over 1,000 clients seen by our approved and independent fit and active and looking for social activities or more frail and vulnerable and looking for highMoneysupport, Advisors. Age UK Mid Mersey strives to ensure that older people are not forgotten and quality that their skills and experience are embraced, enhanced and valued within our communities. 0151 559 3061 We believe that older people deserve high-quality professional services and activities Monday - Friday – 3.00 throughout their(9.30 lateram years andpm) we are committed to making sure that we can make later life a fulfilling and enjoyable experience for everyone. We value the support we receive from our Information & Advicesponsors and donors in helping us to achieve this. dedicated volunteers, Our specialist information officers are trained to offer free, confidential and impartial information,

I advice would and urgesupport you totoread all aged the information this booklet. we offer may choices not all be people 50+ and theirinfamilies, helping Services them to make informed relevant to you to improve theirnow, lives. but may be of use to you or someone you know in the future. With best wishes, The service covers a wide range of issues relevant to older people, including: Mark Lunney CMgr  how to access care and support Chief Executive

 housing options, repairs and adaptations  help and care at home Halton  transport Supporting our Work 3  health matters Living Independently 8  understanding documents

   Knowsley  3  14

Having Fun and Keeping Well 15 If we can’t help, we’ll put you in touch with someone who can. Being in Control 9 15

care homes education and learning local services St Helens benefits advice 3 fuel poverty 18

Warrington 3 25





Free Age UK guides and factsheets are also- available, which-cover later life issues. Please contact Coping in Challenging Times 23 us for copies or details of other services. Participating 13 24 0151 559 Contact Us 3065 / 3062 29 29 29 29 Thursday & Friday (9.30 am – 4.00 pm). A drop-in service available. Although Age UK MidisMersey would like to thank all of the sponsors within this services and activities guide, neither Age UK Mid Mersey nor Excell Media Ltd can recommend or endorse any services or products that these sponsors may supply. information in this was correct at time going toUK print. Copies of the guidesAlland factsheets canguide be obtained direct fromofthe Age website:


16 This booklet details the services andPage activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey.

This booklet details the services and activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey. Welfare (for those agedrun 65+)by local people and we exist solely for the We are aBenefits local organisation, benefit of localOfficers residents. Our Information are able to check that you are receiving all of the state pensions and benefits you should be and, if not, will provide you with all of the practical support you need. This

Age UK Midincome Merseycan (formerly Ageolder Concern MidtoMersey) formed in 2008 In with the merger additional help assist people maintainwas their independence. 2014/15 we ofhelped threepeople local inAge Concern organisations: Halton (Runcorn and Widnes), St Helens and Halton, St Helens and Warrington claim an extra £1,179,553 in benefits. Warrington. 2015 has seen the addition of Knowsley in the form of the Roby Community Hub 3065 / 3062 – 0151 a new559 social and activity centre for the local community. Thursday & Friday (9.30 am – 4.00 pm).

Altogether, we have many more years of experience delivering a wide range of trusted A drop-in available. services toservice peopleis aged 50+ within each of the boroughs, with St Helens celebrating its 40th anniversary last year. Warm Homes Programme Later life can present whole rangethrough of different decisions, options and challenges, and we Excellent results have abeen achieved the Warm Homes Programme - a long-standing have helped many olderby people safe and to UK mixpartners with others a variety winter initiative funded E.ON to andfeel delivered by secure, local Age such through as Age UK Mid ofMersey. activities, and to feel supported through the difficult times in their lives. Whether you Now in its fourth year, the project has supported over 400 older people within our Midare fitMersey and active and lookingSeptember for social 2013 activities more2015 frail and vulnerable andoflooking for highregion between and or August through a mixture home energy quality UK Mid Mersey to ensure people areDiscount not forgotten and checks,support, benefit Age entitlement sessionsstrives and referrals to that E.ON’solder Warm Home Scheme. Benefits the experience period have are amounted to over £800,000. enquiries about service, that their during skills and embraced, enhanced andFor valued within our this communities. please contact: We believe that older people deserve high-quality professional services and activities throughout their later years and we are committed to making sure that we can make later life 559 3065 / 3062 a 0151 fulfilling and enjoyable experience for everyone. We value the support we receive from our Thursday volunteers, & Friday (9.30 am – 4.00 pm). dedicated sponsors and donors in helping us to achieve this. I would urge you to read all the information in this booklet. Services we offer may not all be relevant to you now, but may be of use to you or someone you know in the future. Room Hire There arewishes, rooms available for hire for meetings, office work and other activities. There are kitchen With best facilities, and presentation equipment can be arranged as required. Please contact our Roby

Community for details. Mark LunneyHub CMgr Chief Executive 0151 559 3061

Monday to Friday (9.30 am – 5.00 pm)

Supporting our Work

Halton 3

Knowsley 3

St Helens 3

Warrington 3

Living Independently





Having Fun and Keeping Well





Being in Control





Coping in Challenging Times










Contact Us





Although Age UK Mid Mersey would like to thank all of the sponsors within this services and activities guide, neither Age UK Mid Mersey nor Excell Media Ltd can recommend or endorse any services or products that these sponsors may supply. All information in this guide was correct at time of going to print.


17 This booklet details the services andPage activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey.

This booklet details the services and activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey. We are a local organisation, run by local people and we exist solely for the benefit of local residents.


Age UK Mid Mersey (formerly Age Concern Mid Mersey) was formed in 2008 with the merger UK Mid Mersey from time to time receive funding(Runcorn for other services. ofAge three local Agedoes Concern organisations: Halton and Widnes), St Helens and Warrington. 2015 has seen the addition of Knowsley in the form of the Roby Community Hub For full details of current services available, please contact: – a new social and activity centre for the local community. 01744 752 644 Altogether, we have many more years of experience delivering a wide range of trusted Monday to Friday am50+ – 4.30 pm) each of the boroughs, with St Helens celebrating its 40th services to people(9.00 aged within anniversary last year.

Later life can present a whole range of different decisions, options and challenges, and we have helped many older people to feel safe and secure, to mix with others through a variety of activities, and to feel supported through the difficult times in their lives. Whether you are fitPractical and active andSupport looking for social activities or more frail and vulnerable and looking for highquality support, Age UK Mid Mersey strives to ensure that older people are not forgotten and We all want to be able to stay living in our own homes for as long as we choose to do so. We have that their skills and experience are embraced, enhanced and valued within our communities. a range of services that aim to make living independently that little bit easier. We believe that older people deserve high-quality professional services and activities throughout theirService later years and we are committed to making sure that we can make later life Helping Hands a fulfilling and enjoyable experience for everyone. We value the support we receive from our Our Helping Hands volunteers help in with thoseusodd little jobs that can cause a big dedicated volunteers, sponsorsprovide and donors helping to achieve this. headache, such as changing light bulbs, changing curtains or chair covers, moving furniture, a loft,you defrosting fridge other small in the home. Our Helping Hands service is be I clearing would urge to reada all theand information intasks this booklet. Services we offer may not all available for people aged 50+ and is offered free of charge. relevant to you now, but may be of use to you or someone you know in the future. This service receives no external funding so voluntary donations With best wishes, (however small) are gratefully accepted and will help to preserve this service Mark Lunney CMgr for those older or vulnerable people who need it. Chief Executive 01744 752 644 Monday & Wednesday (9.00 am – 2.00 pm); Halton

Supporting Work (9.00 am - 4.30 pm) 3 Tuesday &our Thursday

Knowsley 3

St Helens 3

Warrington 3

Living Independently 8 14 18 25 St. Helens Council Trader Register Having Fun and Keeping Well 15 19 25 Age UK Mid Mersey does not operate a trader register in St Helens; however, there is a local Trader Register set up by St.Helens Council Trading9Standards for the Being in Control 15 benefit of both 20local consumers 26and traders based within St Helens. It aims to reassure consumers, providing advice and information Coping in Challenging Times 23 on employing a trader and working together to get things right first time. Traders have all demonstrated their commitment to fair13and honest trading practices24 and delivering -good Participating customer service. Contact our St Helens Advocacy & Information Service for details: Contact Us 29 29 29 29 01744 454 530 Although UK Mid Mersey would like to(9.30 thankam all of the sponsors Monday,Age Tuesday, Thursday & Friday – 4.00 pm) within this services and activities guide, neither Age UK Mid Mersey nor Excell Media Ltd can recommend or endorse any services or products that these Wednesday (9.30 am 1.00 pm) in this guide was correct at time of going to print. sponsors may supply. All –information


18 This booklet details the services andPage activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey.

This booklet details the services and activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey. We are a local organisation, run by local people and we exist solely for the Living independently benefit of local residents.

Befriending Service Age UK Mid Mersey (formerly Age Concern Mid Mersey) was formed in 2008 with the merger ofOur three local Age Concern organisations: Halton (Runcorn andisolated Widnes), Helens and Befriending Service offers friendship and companionship to socially andSt housebound older people2015 livinghas in their homes. This service provides a volunteer home visits. WeHub Warrington. seenown the addition of Knowsley in the form of the for Roby Community always try to take into account people’s own interests and experience when matching with – a new social and activity centre for the local community. volunteers. For those who are isolated, there is access also to our national Age UK telephone

Altogether, we have many more years of experience delivering a wide range of trusted befriending service ‘A Call in Time’ – see below. services to people aged 50+ within each of the boroughs, with St Helens celebrating its 40th 01744 752 644 anniversary last year. Monday & Wednesday (9.00 am – 2.00 pm);

Later life can present a whole range of different decisions, options and challenges, and we Tuesday & Thursday (9.00 people am - 4.30 have helped many older to pm) feel safe and secure, to mix with others through a variety of activities, and to feel supported through the difficult times in their lives. Whether you are Age UK Telephone Befriending Service fit and active and looking for social activities or more frail and vulnerable and looking for highThere issupport, a national Age telephone service ‘A Callolder in Time’, primarily for people agedand quality Age UKUKMid Merseybefriending strives to ensure that people are not forgotten 60+ who would benefit from the additional support a telephone friendship could provide. ‘Call in that their skills and experience are embraced, enhanced and valued within our communities. Time’ works with local partners to ensure people can receive the service or services most We believe that older people deserve high-quality professional services and activities appropriate to their needs. All 'Call in Time' calls are free to recipients, and delivered Monday to throughout their later years and we are committed to making sure that we can make later life Friday between 9.00am and 5.00pm. Contact us for more information. a fulfilling and enjoyable experience for everyone. We value the support we receive from our dedicated sponsors and donors in helping us to achieve this. 01744 752volunteers, 644 & Wednesday (9.00 pm); I Monday would urge you to read allam the– 2.00 information in this booklet. Services we offer may not all be relevant now,(9.00 but may ofpm) use to you or someone you know in the future. Tuesdayto & you Thursday am - be 4.30

With best wishes, Alternatively you can contact Age UK direct on Freephone 0800 434 6105 or via email to: For more information or to download a referral form, you can go to the

Mark Lunney CMgr Age UK website: Chief Executive


Having Supporting our fun Work and keeping3 well

Knowsley 3

St Helens 3

Warrington 3

We all want to enjoy the opportunities our much as possible. Living Independently 8 lives offer as 14 18 Age UK Mid Mersey 25 offers a range of services to help promote health and wellbeing, irrespective of age or ability. Having Fun and Keeping Well 15 19 25 Positive Living Community Day Centres9 Being in Control 15 20 26 As wein get older, physical frailty may mean -that we are no longer able to enjoy Coping Challenging Times 23 the social company and activity that we are used to. Our Positive Living Community Day Centres in St Helens offer Participating 13 - day, with refreshments, 24 companionship, activities and general support during the lunch- and transport to join29 in where possible Contact Us also available. Everyone is encouraged 29 29 and our essential 29 and valued volunteers are always on hand to encourage and support if needed. There is a charge for this service.

Although Age UK Mid Mersey would like to thank all of the sponsors within this services and activities guide, neither UK644 Mid Mersey nor Excell Media Ltd can recommend or endorse any services or products that these 01744Age 752 sponsors may supply. All information in this guide was correct at time of going to print.

Monday – Friday (9.00 am – 4.30 pm)

19 | P a g e


19 This booklet details the services andPage activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey.

This booklet details the services and activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey. Lifestyle We are aActivities local organisation, run by local people and we exist solely for the benefit of local Age UK Mid Merseyresidents. offers fun and safe environments where people can take part in their chosen activity and meet new people. Activities currently include:

Age UK Mid Mersey (formerly Age Concern Mid Mersey) was formed in 2008 with the merger ofArts three Concern organisations: (Runcorn and Widnes), St Helens and local Crafts:Age Floristry, Machine Knitting and Halton Mixed Crafts. An external tutor currently teachesand French for beginners each week. Warrington. 2015 has seen the addition of Knowsley in the form of the Roby Community Hub – a new social and activity centre for the local community. Exercise and Dance: Gentle (Chair Based) Exercise, Line Dancing, Tai Chi – Beginners, Altogether, weand have many Tea more yearsStrictly of experience delivering a wide Nordic range Walking, of trusted Intermediate Advanced, Dance, Dance Step, Walking Football, Badminton and Tennis. An external tutor currently runs a Yoga class one evening a week. services to people aged 50+ within each of the boroughs, with St Helens celebrating its 40th

anniversary last year.

There is a charge for these activities. Contact The Mansion House Reception for details of current

activities. Later life can present a whole range of different decisions, options and challenges, and we have helped many older people to feel safe and secure, to mix with others through a variety 752 644 of01744 activities, and to feel supported through the difficult times in their lives. Whether you are fitMonday and active and(9.00 looking social – Friday am –for 4.30 pm) activities or more frail and vulnerable and looking for highquality support, Age UK Mid Mersey strives to ensure that older people are not forgotten and Karaoke Reminiscence that their skills and experience are embraced, enhanced and valued within our communities. We that older deserve services Agebelieve UK Mid Mersey offers people bi-monthly karaokehigh-quality events which professional are open to older peopleand 50+. activities These throughout later yearsrelevant and we to arethose committed to making sure wecarers. can make events maytheir be particularly living with dementia andthat their Therelater is a life charge for these events. a fulfilling and enjoyable experience for everyone. We value the support we receive from our dedicated volunteers, sponsors and donors in helping us to achieve this. 01744 752 644

I Monday would urge you(9.00 to read thepm) information in this booklet. Services we offer may not all be – Friday am –all 4.30 relevant to you now, but may be of use to you or someone you know in the future.

Being in Control

With best wishes,

Mark Lunney CMgrof services that help to empower people with the information they need to We have a range Chief makeExecutive informed decisions about the options and opportunities available to them. Money Advice Service

Halton Knowsley St Helens Warrington The Money Advice Service is an impartial service that can help you with everything from Supporting our Work 3 3 3 3 budgeting to borrowing; savings to mortgages. No selling, no jargon; just the facts. When it comes Living Independently 14 simple and it18 25 to money, we can help you work out what’s 8right for you. Sounds is. This is a face-to-face service that is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. no barriers in terms Having Fun and Keeping Well 15There really are19 25 of who can benefit, although we think it will be especially useful for anyone in an already vulnerable Being in Control 9 specially trained 15Money Advisors20 financial situation. You can contact one of our to arrange to see26 them face-to-face in St Helens. Coping in Challenging TimesAll our sessions are - completely free. 23 Participating 13 24 The Money Advice Service is offered throughout the boroughs of Halton, Knowsley, St Helens and Warrington. by our approved29 and independent Contact Us In 2014/15, there were over 1,000 29 clients seen29 29 Money Advisors. Although Age UK Mid Mersey would like to thank all of the sponsors within this services and activities guide, 01744 454 530 neither Age UK Mid Mersey nor Excell Media Ltd can recommend or endorse any services or products that these Tuesday & Thursday am - 4.30 sponsors may supply. All(10.00 information in thispm) guide was correct at time of going to print.


20 This booklet details the services andPage activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey.

This booklet details the services and activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey. St Helens Advocacy & Information Resource (SHAIR) We are a local organisation, run by local people and we exist solely for the benefit of local This residents. is a free, confidential and impartial service for all people (aged 18+) and their families, helping them to make informed choices to improve their lives. We also

Age UK Mid Mersey Age Concern Mersey) was formed in 2008 withhelp the assist merger offer (formerly practical support to claimMid benefits – additional income that can of three local people Age Concern organisations: Halton (Runcorn and covers Widnes), St Helens in maintaining their independence. The service a wide range ofand Warrington. 2015 has seen the addition ofages Knowsley in the form theput Roby Hub issues relevant to people of all and if we can’t help,ofwe’ll youCommunity in touch with someone who can. for the local community. – a new social and activity centre Altogether, weOur have many more years of experience delivering a wide range of state trusted Information Officers are able to check that you are receiving all of the pensions and benefits you should be and, if not, will provide you with all of the practical support services to people aged 50+ within each of the boroughs, with St Helens celebrating its 40th you need. This income can help assist older people to maintain their independence. In anniversary lastadditional year. 2014/15 we helped people in St Helens claim an extra £549,753 in benefits.

Later life can present a whole range of different decisions, options and challenges, and we Free helped Age UK guides and factsheets arefeel alsosafe available, which cover later life others issues. Please contact have many older people to and secure, to mix with through a variety us for copies or details of other services. of activities, and to feel supported through the difficult times in their lives. Whether you are fit and active and looking for social activities or more frail and vulnerable and looking for highCopies of the guides and factsheets can be obtained direct from the Age UK website: quality support, Age UK Mid Mersey strives to ensure that older people are not forgotten and that their skills and experience are embraced, enhanced and valued within our communities. We believe that older people deserve high-quality professional services and activities 01744 454 530 throughout their later years and we are committed to making sure that we can make later life Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday (9.30 am – 4.00 pm) a fulfilling and enjoyable experience for everyone. We value the support we receive from our Wednesday (9.30 am –sponsors 1.00 pm) and donors in helping us to achieve this. dedicated volunteers, A drop-in service is available.

I would urge you to read all the information in this booklet. Services we offer may not all be relevant to you now,60+ but Affected may be ofbyuse to you or someone you know in the future. Supporting People Cancer In partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support we provide practical and emotional support to older With best wishes, people 60+ diagnosed with cancer. This includes a one hour session per week of either shopping

or light housework. Mark Lunney CMgr We also help to identify welfare benefit entitlement and any other financial support, as well Chief Executive as helping you access other services and activities. We can also help you to complete any necessary forms. 01744 454 530

Halton Knowsley Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday (9.30 am – 4.00 pm) Supporting our Work 3 3 Wednesday (9.30 am – 1.00 pm) Living Independently 8 14

St Helens 3

Warrington 3



A drop-in is available. Having Fun service and Keeping Well





Being in Control Hospital Outreach





Coping in Challenging 23 St Helens AdvocacyTimes & Information Resource (SHAIR) Age UK Mid Mersey offers an outreach service in Whiston- Hospital. Our24 specialist Information Participating 13 Officers are trained to offer free, confidential and impartial information, advice and support to Contact 29them to make29 peopleUs aged 18+ and their families, helping informed choices29to improve their29lives. The service covers a wide range of issues and if we can’t help, we’ll put you in touch with someone can.Mersey would like to thank all of the sponsors within this services and activities guide, Although Agewho UK Mid

neither Age UK Mid Mersey nor Excell Media Ltd can recommend or endorse any services or products that these Free Age UKsupply. GuidesAlland factsheets areguide also available, cover later issues. Please contact sponsors may information in this was correctwhich at time of going tolife print.

us for copies or details of other services.


21 This booklet details the services andPage activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey.

This booklet details the services and activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey. Thisare is a a drop in service every Wednesday (10.00 ampeople – 12 noon) in the and in for the Frailty We local organisation, run by local and weentrance exist solely the Ward Ward A1. benefit of local residents. For further details, please contact: Age UK Mid Mersey (formerly Age Concern Mid Mersey) was formed in 2008 with the merger of01744 three454 local 530 Age Concern organisations: Halton (Runcorn and Widnes), St Helens and Warrington. 2015 has seen the addition of Knowsley in the form of the Roby Community Hub Tuesday, & Friday (9.30 – 4.00 pm) – Monday, a new social andThursday activity centre for theam local community. Wednesday (9.30 am – 1.00 pm)

Altogether, we have many more years of experience delivering a wide range of trusted services people 50+ within each of the boroughs, St Helens celebrating its 40th Copies oftothe guidesaged and factsheets can be obtained direct from with the Age UK website: anniversary last year. Later lifeHomes can present a whole range of different decisions, options and challenges, and we Warm Programme have helped many older people to feel safe and secure, to mix with others through a variety Excellent results have been achieved through the Warm Homes Programme - a long-standing ofwinter activities, and funded to feel by supported thebydifficult times their lives. Whether initiative E.ON andthrough delivered local Age UK in partners such as Age UKyou Midare fitMersey. and active for social activities more frailover and400 vulnerable and within lookingour forMid highNow and in itslooking fourth year, the project hasorsupported older people quality Age UK September Mid Mersey2013 strives ensure2015 thatthrough older people are of nothome forgotten Merseysupport, region between andtoAugust a mixture energyand that their skills and experience are embraced, enhanced and valued within our communities. checks, benefit entitlement sessions and referrals to E.ON’s Warm Home Discount Scheme. We believe that deserve tohigh-quality professional services activities Benefits during theolder periodpeople have amounted over £800,000. For enquiries about and this service, please contact: throughout their later years and we are committed to making sure that we can make later life a fulfilling and enjoyable experience for everyone. We value the support we receive from our 01744 454volunteers, 530 dedicated sponsors and donors in helping us to achieve this. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday (9.30 am – 4.00 pm)

I would urge you to read all the information in this booklet. Services we offer may not all be Wednesday (9.30 am but – 1.00 pm) relevant to you now, may be of use to you or someone you know in the future. Dementia Cafés With best wishes, A diagnosis of any form of dementia can be a difficult time. Age UK Mid Mersey offers an advisory

Mark Lunney CMgr service to older people who have been diagnosed with early onset dementia. The service provides Chief Executive

an opportunity for carers and people living with dementia to get together on a regular basis to enjoy peer group support in a social setting where they can feel safe and part of society. Through egular dementia cafés,we are helping to ensure that people are supported and kept informed of Halton Knowsley St Helens Warrington their choices throughout their dementia journey. Age UK Mid Mersey can help people to access Supporting our Work 3 3 3 3 other services and activities including: Living Independently 8 14 18 25  Information, advice and advocacy Having Fun and Keeping Well 15 19 25  Counselling Being in Control 9 15 20 26  Financial advice Coping in Challenging Times 23  Social and leisure activities Participating 13 24  Signposting to other services as appropriate. Contact Us 29 29 29 29 Please contact us for details: Although Age UK 01744 752 644Mid Mersey would like to thank all of the sponsors within this services and activities guide, neither Age UK Mid Mersey nor Excell Media Ltd can recommend or endorse any services or products that these Mondaymay - Friday (9.00 am – 4.30 pm) sponsors supply. All information in this guide was correct at time of going to print.


22 This booklet details the services andPage activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey.

This booklet details the services and activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey. Karaoke We are aReminiscence local organisation, run by local people and we exist solely for the benefit of local Age UK Mid Merseyresidents. offers bi-monthly karaoke events which are open to older people 50+. These events may be particularly relevant to those living with dementia and their carers. There is a

Age UK Mid Mersey (formerly Age Concern Mid Mersey) was formed in 2008 with the merger charge for these events. of three local Age Concern organisations: Halton (Runcorn and Widnes), St Helens and 01744 752 644 Warrington. 2015 has seen the addition of Knowsley in the form of the Roby Community Hub – Monday a new social and activity for the local community. - Friday (9.00 am – centre 4.30 pm) Altogether, we have many more years of experience delivering a wide range of trusted services to people aged 50+ within each of the boroughs, with St Helens celebrating its 40th Coping in challenging times anniversary last year. Sometimes during later life we may need that bit of extra support to deal with life’s challenges.

Later life can present a whole range of different decisions, options and challenges, and we have helpedServices many older people to feel safe and secure, to mix with others through a variety Advocacy of activities, and to feel supported through the difficult times in their lives. Whether you are St Helens Advocacy & Information Resource (SHAIR) fit and active and looking for social activities or more frail and vulnerable and looking for highOur advocacy services support people during challenging times, helping them to express their quality support, Age UK Mid Mersey strives to ensure that older people are not forgotten and views and wishes about what they want in their life. Through advocacy, we help people say what that and experience embraced, valued within communities. theytheir wantskills to say, secure things toare which they are enhanced entitled andand obtain services theyour need. The Age We believe that older service peopleis adeserve high-quality professional services and(aged activities UK Mid Mersey advocacy free, confidential and impartial service for all people throughout their laterliving years we are committed tohave making sure that we canthe make later life 18+) and their carers in and the St Helens borough who the ability to instruct advocate a but fulfilling and enjoyable experience everyone. Wecovers valueathe receive have no family or friends to supportfor them. Advocacy widesupport range ofwe issues suchfrom as our dedicated volunteers, sponsors andand donors in helping us to achieve this. (but not limited to) housing, benefits health. I would urge you toand readfactsheets all the information in thiswhich booklet. offerPlease may contact not all be Free Age UK guides are also available, coverServices later lifewe issues. relevant to you now, but may be of use to you or someone you know in the future. us for copies or details of other services. With best wishes, 01744 454 530 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday (9.30 am – 4.00 pm) Mark Lunney CMgr Wednesday (9.30 am – 1.00 pm) Chief Executive A drop in service is available.

Knowsley Helens Copies of the guides and factsheets canHalton be obtained direct from the AgeStUK website: Supporting our Work 3 3 3

Warrington 3

Living Independently 14 18 25 Trust Matters 50+ Counselling Service 8 Having Funaand Keeping Well 15 to anyone aged 19 50+. Our Trust25 We offer professional counselling service-which is available Matters

Counselling Service provides a safe and confidential space 15 in which to talk with who will Being in Control 9 20 a counsellor 26 listen and help you explore and understand your feelings. Our counsellors deal with issues such as: Coping in Challenging Times 23 bereavement, loneliness, being out of work, depression, anxiety, self-confidence, sexuality and stress. Participating 13 24 This service Commissioning Group (CCG) Contact Us is funded by St Helens Clinical29 29 29 29 01744 752 644

Although Age UK Mid Mersey would like to thank all of the sponsors within this services and activities guide, Monday – Friday (9.00 am – 4.30 pm) neither Age UK Mid Mersey nor Excell Media Ltd can recommend or endorse any services or products that these sponsors may supply. All information in this guide was correct at time of going to print.


23 This booklet details the services andPage activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey.

This booklet details the services and activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey. We are a local organisation, run by local people and we exist solely for the Participating benefit of local residents. Older people have a wealth of skills, experience and knowledge that they have amassed over their

lifetime. WeMersey value this experience and accordingly support a range of in opportunities for older Age UK Mid (formerly Age Concern Mid Mersey) was formed 2008 with the merger influence life. organisations: Halton (Runcorn and Widnes), St Helens and ofpeople threetolocal Agelocal Concern Warrington. 2015 has seen the addition of Knowsley in the form of the Roby Community Hub Helens Senior Forum – St a new social andVoice activity centre for the local community. Age UK Mid Mersey is pleased

Altogether, we havetomany more of experience delivering a wide range of trusted facilitate theyears St Helens services to people aged 50+ within eacha of the boroughs, with St Helens celebrating its 40th Senior Voice Forum, group anniversary last year.established to provide a collective




Later life can present a whole of and different decisions, options and challenges, and we people in Strange Helens to have helped many older people to feel safe and secure, to mix with others through a variety influence and encourage the ofdevelopment activities, and feel supported through the of toservices which improve the difficult times in their lives. Whether you are fitquality and active looking social activities orofmore frail and vulnerable and looking for highof lifeand of all older for people. Membership the Senior Voice Forum is free with members quality support, Age UK Mid Mersey strives to ensure that older people are not forgotten and receiving invitations to a rangeare ofembraced, events andenhanced and valued within our communities. that their skills and experience seminars, theolder opportunity participate in We believeand that peopleto deserve high-quality professional services and activities focus groups and consultations. Members wishing throughout their later years and we are committed to making sure that we can make later life get more involved may seek to be elected to the St Helens Senior Voice Committee which is a to fulfilling and enjoyable experience for everyone. We value the support we receive from our responsible for campaigning and lobbying at a local and national level on issues of relevance to dedicated volunteers, sponsors and donors in helping us to achieve this. older people in St Helens.

I would urge you to read all the information in this booklet. Services we offer may not all be 01744 752 644 relevant to you now, but may be of use to you or someone you know in the future. Monday – Friday (9.00 am – 4.30 pm)

With best wishes,

Mark Lunney CMgr on the Senior Voice website: Details also available Chief Executive

The Mansion House

Supporting our Work 01744 752 644 (Reception) Living Independently Monday – Friday (9.00 am – 4.30 pm) Having Fun and Keeping Well Being in Control Coping in Challenging Times Room/venue bookings and hire Participating

Halton 3

Knowsley 3

St Helens 3

Warrington 3

















13 24 The Mansion House is a hub for people and businesses to use as a special place to celebrate, Contact Us 29 29 29 29 meet, and attend lifestyle classes. The venue offers civil wedding ceremonies and receptions; banqueting and gala dinners; social functions and parties; room hire and conference spaces; funeral Age receptions; health,would fitness wellbeing activities. variety and of spaces (functions Although UK Mid Mersey likeand to thank all of the sponsorsThere withinare thisaservices activities guide, neither Age UK Mid Mersey nor Excell Media Ltd can recommend or endorse any services or products that these hall, state-of-the-art orangery and smaller gracious Victorian rooms) with something to suit most sponsors needs. may supply. All information in this guide was correct at time of going to print.


24 This booklet details the services andPage activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey.

This booklet details the services and activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey. For are further details organisation, or to make a booking, please We a local run by local people and we exist solely for the contact The Mansion House Reception. benefit of local residents. On-site café Age UK Mid Mersey (formerly Age Concern Mid Mersey) was formed in 2008 with the merger ofThere three local Age café Concern is an on-site open organisations: most weekdays Halton (Runcorn and Widnes), St Helens and (Victoria Bistro caféhas and/or café) of with Warrington. 2015 seenOrangery the addition Knowsley in the form of the Roby Community Hub occasional weekend opening for events and – a new social and activity centre for the local community. bookings. We pride ourselves on offering quality

Altogether, we have many more years of experience delivering a wide range of trusted food and our hospitalities team at The Mansion House continue to aged celebrate achievement services to people 50+high within each of the boroughs, with St Helens celebrating its 40th with regard last to food anniversary with a 5-star rating. The award was given in recognition of 12 years

Later lifestandards. can present whole House rangeisofthe different decisions, options and achallenges, and we of high The a Mansion perfect place to meet for drinks, meal or a snack have people to feelthe safe and Victoria secure,Park to mix withaothers through with helped friends, many maybeolder after a walk around lovely or after meeting in one a ofvariety our rooms. Forfeel further details through or to make booking,times pleaseincontact The Mansion ofmeeting activities, and to supported theadifficult their lives. WhetherHouse you are Reception. fit and active and looking for social activities or more frail and vulnerable and looking for highquality support, Age UK Mid Mersey strives to ensure that older people are not forgotten and Transport service that their skills and experience are embraced, enhanced and valued within our communities. Our believe dedicatedthat vehicles canpeople be pre-booked for high-quality any occasion from weddings and partiesand through to We older deserve professional services activities off-site group trips and excursions. With friendly experienced drivers who know the region well, throughout their later years and we are committed to making sure that we can make later life vehicles canenjoyable hold up toexperience 14 people and fully compatible for wheelchair users well. from our aour fulfilling and forare everyone. We value the support we as receive dedicated volunteers, sponsors and donors in helping us to achieve this. So next time you are thinking of booking an event at The Mansion House or anywhere in the thatyou matter, think House transport a reliable, friendlywe and value for money I region wouldfor urge to read allMansion the information in thisfor booklet. Services offer may not all be service. relevant to you now, but may be of use to you or someone you know in the future. For further details or to make a booking, please contact The Mansion House Reception. With best wishes,

Mark Lunney CMgr Chief Executive

Proudly supporting

Halton 3

Knowsley 3

St Helens 3

A stunning venue for your wedding

Supporting our Work

Living Independently

14 occasion 18 And a venue of 8choice for any

Warrington 3 25

Having Fun and Keeping Well





Being in Control





Coping in Challenging Times










Contact Us





Although Age UK Mid Mersey would like to thank all of the sponsors within this services and activities guide, Packages to suit all budgets neither Age UK Mid Mersey nor Excell Media Ltd can recommend or endorse any services or products that these VictoriainPark, City Road, St Helens WA10 2UEto print. sponsors may supply. All information this guide was correct at time of going

01744 752 644 | 2|Page

25 This booklet details the services andPage activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey.

This booklet details the services and activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey. We are a local organisation, run by local people and we exist solely for the benefit of local residents.


Age UK Mid Mersey (formerly Age Concern Mid Mersey) was formed in 2008 with the merger UK Mid Mersey from time to time receive funding for other services. ofAge three local Agedoes Concern organisations: Halton (Runcorn and Widnes), St Helens and Warrington. 2015 has seen the addition of Knowsley in the form of the Roby Community Hub For full details of current services available, please contact: – a new social and activity centre for the local community. 01925 244 645 Altogether, we have many more years of experience delivering a wide range of trusted th services aged 50+ within Mondayto to people Friday (9.00 am – 3.00 pm) each of the boroughs, with St Helens celebrating its 40 anniversary last year.

Later life can present a whole range of different decisions, options and challenges, and we have helped many older people to feel safe and secure, to mix with others through a variety of activities, and to feel supported through the difficult times in their lives. Whether you are fit and active and looking for social activities or more frail and vulnerable and looking for highquality support, Age UK Mid Mersey strives to ensure that older people are not forgotten and Practical Support that their skills and experience are embraced, enhanced and valued within our communities. We believe that older people deserve high-quality professional services and activities Trader Register (Trustmark Approved Tradesperson) throughout their later years and we are committed to making sure that we can make later life Age UK Mid Mersey does not operate afor trader register We in Warrington; there is a national a fulfilling and enjoyable experience everyone. value the however, support we receive from our trader register. TrustMark is a Government-backed quality dedicated volunteers, sponsors and donors in helping us to scheme achieve that this. signposts people to reputable local firms and expert tradespeople working to Government-endorsed standards. All

I TrustMark would urge youare to read all the information in trading this booklet. Services we offer may not all be firms uniquely checked for their practices, customer service and their technicaltoskills. relevant you now, but may be of use to you or someone you know in the future. With best wishes, Please contact Trustmark direct by telephone on 0333 555 1234 or access their website via the Age UK website.

Mark Lunney CMgr Chief Executive

Living Independently Halton

Supporting our Work


Knowsley 3

St Helens 3

Warrington 3

Age Independently UK Telephone Befriending Service 8 Living 14 18 25 There Fun is a and national Age Well UK telephone befriending service ‘A15 Call in Time’, primarily for people25aged Having Keeping 19 60+ who would benefit from the additional support a telephone friendship could provide. ‘Call in Being Controlwith local partners to ensure 9 people can 15 20 or services26 Time’in works receive the service most appropriate to their needs. All 'Call in Time' calls are free to recipients, and delivered Monday Coping in Challenging Times 23 - to Friday between 9.00am and 5.00pm. Contact us for more information. Participating 13 24 01925 Us 244 645 Contact 29 29 29 29 Monday to Friday (9.00 am – 3.00 pm) Although Age UKyou Midcan Mersey wouldAge likeUK to thank the sponsors within this services and activities Alternatively contact directall onofFreephone 0800 434 6105 or via email to: guide, neither Age UK Mid Mersey nor Excell Media Ltd can recommend or endorse any services or products that these For more information or to download a referral form, you can go to the sponsors may supply. All information in this guide was correct at time of going to print.

Age UK website: 26 | P a g e


26 This booklet details the services andPage activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey.

This booklet details the services and activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey. We are a local run bywell local people and we exist solely for the Having funorganisation, and keeping benefit of local residents. We all want to enjoy the opportunities our lives offer as much as possible. Age UK Mid Mersey runs

a number social (formerly dance groups and around Warrington toformed promoteinhealth Age UK MidofMersey AgeinConcern Mid Mersey) was 2008 and withwellbeing, the merger of age ability. ofirrespective three local Ageor Concern organisations: Halton (Runcorn and Widnes), St Helens and Warrington. 2015 has seen the addition of Knowsley in the form of the Roby Community Hub Tea Dances & Evening Social Dances – Afternoon a new social and activity centre for the local community. These extremely popular dances are run by Pam Rowland (ex. Age UK Mid Mersey President) and a

Altogether, we have many who moreareyears of at experience a wide rangewelcome, of trusted team of dedicated volunteers on hand all times todelivering ensure everyone is made services to people aged 50+ time. withinThe each of the boroughs, with St celebrating itsof40th feels included and has a good volunteers pride themselves onHelens their professional way anniversary working andlast notyear. least on their endeavours to provide the best possible enjoyment for all of their guests.

Later life can present a whole range of different decisions, options and challenges, and we have helped many older people to feel and secure, to mix new withfriends othersand through a variety Everyone is assured of having a great timesafe meeting people, making dancing in a ofrelaxed activities, to feel supported It through difficult times their lives. Whether andand friendly atmosphere. doesn'tthe matter if you areinan experienced dancer you or aare beginner; everyone other.or There is something for everyone. fitcomplete and active and looking for helps socialeach activities more frail and vulnerable andDances lookinginclude for highModern Sequence, Latin and Line Dancing to a selection of popular recorded music and,and quality support, Age UK Mid Mersey strives to ensure that older people are not forgotten occasionally, live music provided by the "C'est Si Bon Quartet". that their skills and experience are embraced, enhanced and valued within our communities. We believe that older people deserve high-quality professional services and activities Everyone is welcome to join in or simply just sit and watch before trying - there is absolutely no throughout later years and we are once! committed to making wesure canyou make later pressure; alltheir the dancers were beginners Come and give it asure try –that we’re won’t be life a disappointed. fulfilling and enjoyable experience for everyone. We value the support we receive from our dedicated volunteers, sponsors and donors in helping us to achieve this. There is a charge for this service. Contact Pam Rowland on 01925 265 607 for further details

I including would urge you dates to read the information in this booklet. Services we offer may not all be venues, andalltimes. relevant to you now, but may be of use to you or someone you know in the future.

Being in Control

With best wishes,

Mark Lunney CMgrof services that help to empower people with the information they need to We have a range Chief makeExecutive informed decisions about the options and opportunities available to them. Money Advice Service

Knowsley Helens fromWarrington The Money Advice Service is an impartialHalton service that can help you with St everything budgeting Supporting our Work 3 3 3 3 to borrowing; savings to mortgages. No selling, no jargon; just the facts. When it comes to money, we can help you work out what’s right for you. Sounds simple and it is. This is a face-to-face Living Independently 8 14 18 25 service that is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. There really are no barriers in terms of Having Funbenefit, and Keeping Wellwe think it will be - especially useful 15 for anyone in19 25 who can although an already vulnerable financial situation. You can contact one of our specially trained Money Advisors to arrange to see Being in Control 9 15 20 26 them face-to-face in Warrington. All our sessions are completely free. Coping in Challenging Times 23 The Money Advice Service is offered throughout the boroughs of Halton, Knowsley, St Helens and Participating 13 24 Warrington. In 2014/15, there were over 1,000 clients seen by our approved and independent Money Us Advisors. Contact 29 29 29 29 01925 244 645

Although Age UK Mid Mersey would like to thank all of the sponsors within this services and activities guide, Monday, & nor Friday (10.00 4.30 pm) neither Age Wednesday UK Mid Mersey Excell Mediaam Ltd-can recommend or endorse any services or products that these sponsors may supply. All information in this guide was correct at time of going to print.


27 This booklet details the services andPage activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey.

This booklet details the services and activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey. Information & Advice We are a local organisation, run by local people and we exist solely for the benefit of local residents. Our specialist information officers are trained to offer free, confidential and impartial information, advice and support to people aged 50+ and their families, helping them to make informed choices

Age UK Mid their Mersey to improve lives.(formerly Age Concern Mid Mersey) was formed in 2008 with the merger of three local Age Concern organisations: Halton (Runcorn and Widnes), St Helens and The service covers wide range issues relevant to olderinpeople, including: Warrington. 2015 ahas seen theofaddition of Knowsley the form of the Roby Community Hub – a new social and activity centre for the local community.

how to access care and support

care homes

Altogether, we have many more years of experience delivering a wide range of trusted options, repairs andeach adaptations education and celebrating learning services to housing people aged 50+ within of the boroughs,with St Helens its 40th  help care at home  local services anniversary lastand year.

transport  options benefits advice Later life can present a whole range of different decisions, and challenges, and we  health fuelwith poverty have helped manymatters older people to feel safe and secure, to mix others through a variety of activities, and to feel supported  understanding documentsthrough the difficult times in their lives. Whether you are fit and active and looking for social activities or more frail and vulnerable and looking for highIf we can’t help, Age we’ll UK put Mid you Mersey in touch strives with someone whothat can. older people are not forgotten and quality support, to ensure that their skills and experience are embraced, enhanced and valued within our communities. Free Age UK guides and factsheets are also available, which cover later life issues. Please contact We believe that older people deserve high-quality professional services and activities us for copies or details of other services. throughout their later years and we are committed to making sure that we can make later life a Copies fulfilling andguides enjoyable experience We from valuethe the support we receive from our of the and factsheets canfor beeveryone. obtained direct Age UK website: dedicated volunteers, sponsors and donors in helping us to achieve this.

I This would urgereceives you to read all the funding information in this booklet. offerare may not all be service no external so voluntary donationsServices (howeverwe small) gratefully relevant youwill now, may be of to you someone know inpeople the future. acceptedtoand helpbut to preserve thisuse service for or those older oryou vulnerable who need it. With best wishes, 01925 244 645 Monday drop in service (10.00 am – 2.30pm) Mark Lunney CMgr Wednesday (appointments only) Chief Executive

Welfare Benefits (for those aged 65+) Halton Knowsley Warrington Our Information Officers are able to check that you are receiving all St of Helens the state pensions and benefits you you with all 3of the practical support you need. Supporting ourshould Work be and, if not, will provide 3 3 3 This additional income can help assist older people to maintain their independence. In 2014/15 we Living Independently 8 14 18 25 helped people in Warrington claim an extra £357,562 in benefits. Having Fun and Keeping Well 15 19 25 This service receives no external funding so voluntary donations (however small) are gratefully Being in Control 9 for those older 15 or vulnerable 20 accepted and will help to preserve this service people who need26 it. Coping in Challenging Times 23 01925 244 645 Participating 13 24 Monday drop in service (10.00 am – 2.30pm) Contact Us 29 29 29 29 Wednesday (appointments only) Although Age UK Mid Mersey would like to thank all of the sponsors within this services and activities guide, neither Age UK Mid Mersey nor Excell Media Ltd can recommend or endorse any services or products that these sponsors may supply. All information in this guide was correct at time of going to print.


28 This booklet details the services andPage activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey.

This booklet details the services and activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey. Warm Programme We areHomes a local organisation, run by local people and we exist solely for the benefit localhave residents. Excellentof results been achieved through the Warm Homes Programme - a long-standing winter initiative funded by E.ON and delivered by local Age UK partners such as Age UK Mid

Age UK Mid Mersey (formerly Midsupported Mersey) over was 400 formed 2008 with Mersey. Now in its fourth year,Age the Concern project has olderinpeople withinthe ourmerger Mid ofMersey three region local between Age Concern organisations: Halton (Runcorn and Widnes), St Helens and September 2013 and August 2015 through a mixture of home energy Warrington. 2015 has seen the addition Knowsley the form the Roby Community Hub checks, benefit entitlement sessions and ofreferrals to in E.ON’s WarmofHome Discount Scheme. during theactivity period centre have amounted to over £800,000. For enquiries about this service, – Benefits a new social and for the local community. please contact:

Altogether, we have many more years of experience delivering a wide range of trusted services to people aged 50+ within each of the boroughs, with St Helens celebrating its 40th 01925 244 645 anniversary last year. (10.00 am – 2.30pm) Monday drop in service Wednesday only) range of different decisions, options and challenges, and we Later life can(appointments present a whole have helped many older people to feel safe and secure, to mix with others through a variety of activities, and to feel supported through the difficult times in their lives. Whether you are fit and active and looking for social activities or more frail and vulnerable and looking for highquality support, Age UK Mid Mersey strives to ensure that older people are not forgotten and that their skills and experience are embraced, enhanced and valued within our communities. We believe that older people deserve high-quality professional services and activities throughout their later years and we are committed to making sure that we can make later life a fulfilling and enjoyable experience for everyone. We value the support we receive from our dedicated volunteers, sponsors and donors in helping us to achieve this.

Keeping you warm this winter

I would urgeor you to read boiler all the from information this booklet. Services we offer may not all be A Baxi Vaillant under in £1,300 relevant to you now, but may be of use to you or someone you know in the future. With best wishes, Mark Lunney CMgr Chief Executive

Supporting our Work

Halton 3

Knowsley 3

St Helens 3

Warrington 3

Living Independently





Having Fun and Keeping Well





Energy Performance Review9 Being inFree Control













for Age UK customers. Coping in Challenging Times


Participating 13 For many people winter brings frosty bedrooms, icy showers and a chilling increase in energy costs. By Contact Us 29 upgrading your boiler you’ll save energy, reduce bills and increase the warmth of your home.

Although Age UK Mid Mersey would like to thank all of the sponsors within this services and activities guide, neither Age Mid Mersey Excell Media an LtdEnergy can recommend or endorse any services or products that these For aUKboiler quotenor or to arrange sponsors may supply. All information in this guide was correct at time of going to print.

Performance Review call 01744 752 644.


29 This booklet details the services andPage activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey.

This booklet details the services and activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey. We are a local organisation, run by local people and we exist solely for the benefit of local residents.


Age UK Mid Mersey (formerly Age Concern Mid Mersey) was formed in 2008 with the merger of three local Age organisations: Halton (Runcorn and Widnes), St Helens and Warrington. 2015 has seen the addition of Knowsley in the form of the Roby Community Hub – a new social and activity centre for the local community. Altogether, we have many more years of experience delivering a wide range of trusted Head Office services to people aged 50+ within each of the boroughs, with St Helens celebrating its 40th The Mansion House, Victoria Park, City Road, St Helens WA10 2UE anniversary last year. Later life can present a whole range of 01744 different options and challenges, and we 752decisions, 644 have helped many older people to feel safe and secure, to mix with others through a variety of activities, and to feel supported through theStreet difficult times in their lives. Whether you are Claughton Office fit and active and looking for social activities or more frail and vulnerable and looking for high24-28 Claughton St Helens WA10people 1RZ are not forgotten and quality support, Age UK Mid Mersey strives Street, to ensure that older that their skills and experience are embraced, enhanced and valued within our communities. 454 530 professional services and activities We believe that older people deserve01744 high-quality throughout their later years and we are committed to making sure that we can make later life Roby Community a fulfilling and enjoyable experience for everyone. WeHub value the support we receive from our dedicated volunteers, sponsors and donors in helping us to achieve this. Merton Crescent, Roby, Liverpool L36 4LD I would urge you to read all the information in this booklet. Services we offer may not all be 3061 relevant to you now, but may be of use to0151 you 559 or someone you know in the future. With best wishes,

Runcorn Office

Mark Lunney CMgr Chief Executive

Supporting our Work Living Independently Having Fun and Keeping Well

44 Church Street, Runcorn WA7 1LR 01928 575 400 Halton St Helens Sutton CharityKnowsley Shop 3 3 3 74 Peckershill Road, St Helens WA9 3JZ 8 14 18 -01744 819 23715 19

Being in Control

9 15 20 Warrington Borough Hub Coping in Challenging Times 23 Unit 10, 14 Sankey Street, Warrington WA1 1TD Participating 13 24 Contact Us

01925 244 64529 29


Warrington 3 25 25 26 29

Although Age UK Mid Mersey would like to thank all of the sponsors within this services and activities guide, neither Age UK Mid Mersey nor Excell Media Ltd can recommend or endorse any services or products that these sponsors may supply. All information in this guide was correct at time of going to print.



Page 30

This booklet details the services and activities offered by Age UK Mid Mersey.

We give people the care they deserve so that they can stay in the home they love As the nation’s leading home care provider, we are able to deliver care across a range of specialisms, often taking on cases that other care companies decline. We cover anything from short visits to longer, more intense care and support including health related care, respite, live in and overnight care.

For more information please call us on 0800 542 1078 or visit

Working to keep people in their own homes

Page 31

& 0151 239 1000

Planning for your future We hold regular legal advice clinics in Age UK offices in St Helens, Warrington, Runcorn and Widnes

Discounts for Age UK MM Clients Age UKMM clients receive a 5% discount and we donate 10% of our fee to Age UKMM.


Disputed Wills and Estates

Lasting Powers of Attorney

Court of Protection Matters

Personal Injury Trusts

Older Client Matters including

Nursing Home Fees

Grants of Probate & Estate Administration

A Personal Service We can also arrange for home or hospital visits in your area. Please contact your local Age UK Office or call us on 0151 239 1000.

We believe that everyone should enjoy living in their own home for as long as they want to. It just takes a bit of planning. With our pendant alarm service, you can live safely and independently at home for less than ÂŁ1.80 per week. We even have trained responders who can reach you in an emergency.

Call 0345 603 4576 Visit Page 32

Specialised kitchen alteration service

EXPERIENCED AND HIGHLY RECOMMENDED We offer a fully regulated building insurance claims service

ALL WORKS COME WITH A WORK GUARANTEE n Home alterations n Roofing repairs n Fully fitted wet rooms n Kitchen fitted and design service n Redecoration service provided n Plumbing and gas service n Flooring and carpet specialist

Tel: 0151 933 8287 | 0800 000 000 Email: Website: 97 Stanley Road, Bootle, Merseyside L20 7DA

Turn your bathroom into a stylish wet room Page 33

We offer a full redecoration service

08000 111 560

08000 111 560

If doesn’t they didn’t put safety It cost the earth first, we make they to protect yoursure family’s put youand first. future give you Occupational Disease peace of mind.

If they didn’t put safety first, we make sure they put you first. Occupational Disease

If you suffer health problems or of your work or workplace conditions, then Wouldn’t you want to make certain that when Hattons may befamily ableare tolooked help after in you are gone your the way that you want? By making a will you especially if you suffer from…

If you suffer health problems or illness as a result of your work or workplace conditions, then Hattons may be able to help especially if you suffer from…

Wills & Probate illness as a result

can make sure of your wishes, often save the estate paying as much in tax and expenses • Hearing loss and save your loved ones extra worry at a time • grief. Asbestos illnesses of We haverelated a team of lawyers who are • Hand/Armprofessional Vibration and Syndrome approachable, on your side.

• Hearing loss • Asbestos related illnesses • Hand/Arm Vibration Syndrome

We also of help to deal with advice on Ourcan team specialist lawyers Powers of Attorney that help you to chose who are approachable professional you want to act for you if your health suffers andyou oncannot your side. and handle your own affairs.

Our team of specialist lawyers are approachable professional and on your side.

Personal Injury Family Law Personal InjuryDisease Family Professional Law Occupational Negligence Occupational DiseaseWills Professional Medical Negligence & ProbateNegligence Advocacy Services Medical Negligence Wills & Probate Advocacy Services

Personal Injury Family Law Occupational Disease Professional Negligence Medical Negligence Wills & Probate Advocacy Services



Mobility Aids EXTRA wide, deep & roomy footwear So roomy we can fit: Swollen Feet, Bunions, Problem Toes, Orthotics, Misshapen Feet.

You’ll find a large stock of shoes,sandals, slippers hosiery and socks at our showroom.

We’re a small family business providing healthcare solutions, quality products and outstanding service to both healthcare industry and the general public.


Unit 1 Waterloo Court, Wellington Street, Widnes WA8 0QF We Are Open: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm & Sat 10am-1pm Web: Email: Tel: 0151 420 1352 Fax: 0151 424 9853 S E AT I N G


Page 34


Providing Support Services for Older People and People with Dementia in Warrington

We are proud to say the support we offer is person centred which means: We recognise your needs, choices, abilities and dreams We focus on you as a whole person not just on essential care tasks We encompass physical, emotional and social well-being within every person’s support plan We seek to ensure the service fits your needs, abilities and dreams That you direct your own support giving you control and choice

Residential Homes Heathside and The Mews - Penketh

Community Network

As well as the person centred support described above Heathside and The Mews provide: - A flexible, supportive and positive environment - Opportunity for you to engage in interesting and meaningful pastimes as well as new activities - A choice of modern and spacious or traditional and cosy accommodation - All this is in a superb location in the heart of Penketh and set within attractively landscaped gardens

As well as the person centred support described above the community network service provides: - Support in your own home or in your community - Support to help maintain and develop your independence - Support with intimate and personal care - Support to help keep you active and engaged

Warrington Community Living is a not for profit organisation with strong values, which means we can provide a quality service at a competitive price. We promise to support your rights, your well-being and help you to thrive. Warrington Community Living also provide support for people with Learning and Physical Disabilities and Mental Health needs across a number of other residential and community settings across Warrington. If you want any further advice or support with the options available for you or one of your relatives, please feel free to call and chat to one of our colleagues at WCL.

Warrington Community Living | The Gateway | 89 Sankey Street | Warrington | WA1 1SR

Tel: 01925 246870 | Email: | Warrington Community Living “Seeing the Opportunities to Make a Positive Difference� Page 35

“Your local Vehicle Adaptation Specialist”

Our Products/ Services….. * Hoists * Tail Lifts

… from a simple Steering Ball to a turnout swivel seat ...

* Ramps * Seating Conversions

… from a Scooter Hoist to a Hand Control ...

* Hand Controls * Steering Aids

BAS are Vehicle Adaptation Specialists covering the North West of England. We are a Motability Partner with over 35 years’ experience in the installation of Vehicle Adaptations and one of the leading companies in our field.

* Handbrake Adaptations * Pedal Guards

If you cannot find a product to suit your exact requirements, BAS are specialised in creating Bespoke solutions, just for you.

We are offering a special discount for Age UK, please quote Reference: AUK1594

* Pedal Extensions

* Convenient Free Mobile Fitting or Collection & Delivery Service * Free Demonstration

Wide Range of adaptations available

* Infrared/ Wireless Control Systems * Bespoke Adaptations

BAS (NW) Ltd., School Lane, Hollins Green, Warrington. WA3 6LJ Tel: 0161 776 1594 email:

0800 25 26 27 Page 36

The Old Rectory Nursing Home is a family run care home set in three acres of quiet, leafy grounds within the picturesque village of Grappenhall.

We provide nursing, residential, respite and palliative care for singles and couples. The Old Rectory endorses a holistic approach which is sensitive to the needs of each resident and encompasses the following essential aspects of each person, Privacy, Dignity, Independence, Choice, Rights, Security and Fulfilment. • 24 Hour professional care by friendly and caring staff • Excellent locally produced home cooked food • Regular entertainment and day trips • Happy, pleasant, clean and caring environment

We invite you to come and visit us The Old Rectory Nursing Home, Church Lane, Grappenhall, Warrington, Cheshire WA4 3EP Tel: 01925 604 611 • Email: Website:


Belong Warrington: op ow en magnificent care in a magnificent setting Day care with a difference Support at home Award winning care Dementia expertise

Respite stays

Nursing care

Belong Warrington is a brand new village complex in the heart of the community and provides: • Specialist dementia and nursing care • Innovative household model • Experience Days service offering fulfilling day care with a difference • Belong at Home service providing practical and emotional support to you in your own home • Independent living in modern one or two bedroom apartments • Village centre open to the public with amenities including licensed bistro, hair and beauty salon and specialist exercise studio • Respite stays welcome

Call 01925 321 400 to book a personal tour or to find out more visit

BELONG WARRINGTON | Loushers Lane, Warrington WA4 6RX Belong villages are located in: Atherton, Crewe, Macclesfield, Warrington and Wigan.

Page 37

Your life, your pace, your way.

Silverman Livermore SOLICITORS Providing legal services to the people of Runcorn and surrounding areas for over 30 years. To get fast, expert, initial advice consult one of our specialists: WILLS, PROBATE & POWERS OF ATTORNEY Ask for MAURICE HEMMINGS or DARREN EARNSHAW DIVORCE & FAMILY MATTERS Ask for KAREN WISHART ACCIDENTS AT WORK OR ON THE ROAD Ask for DARREN EARNSHAW


Members of the Law Society specialist panel in Family & Accident work

Appointments at home or hospital can be arranged • Fixed fee for preparing a simple Will • No Win, No Fee in Accident cases

West Bank

Page 38








Madison Close • Parr • St Helens • WA9 3RW

Madison Court is a state of the art facility designed from the ground up to provide quality care for all service users. We provide long term care in three units: • For eighteen people with dementia who have residential needs • For twenty four people with dementia who have nursing needs • For twenty four people who have general nursing needs • Specialist dementia care • Highly trained staff • End of life care • Single rooms, all en-suite For further information please contact Stella 01744 455 150 Email: For all of our other services please visit Page 39

To apply for the Careline Service, Please contact the Customer Contact Centre on 01744 676600. Your request will be forwarded to a Care Manager who will assess you in accordance with th criteria adopted by the Council. Alternatively, if you feel that you would like to apply for a Lifeline emergency Unit as a private subscriber, or as a short-term service, then please contact the Careline office on 01744 676312. Please note that for your protection, staff training and efficicency purposes, all calls received at the Careline Control Centre are recorded You can also visit our web page at:

Contact Centre, Wesley House, Corporation Street, St.Helens WA10 1HF

Page 40

To educate as well as to inform is the secret of sound financial advice

We offer a confidential, professional and personal service where integrity and discretion are paramount. Our main aim is to cut through the jargon and explain and present our advice in a simple straightforward manner, to enable you to make a sensible, well informed decision.

Financial Planning

Our team of highly qualified staff will provide simple, effective, well thought through solutions to help you understand and put into place your financial objectives. We encourage and nurture a long term relationship with our clients akin to that of the old family doctor and solicitor.

What we do best… • We can give you an Independent general overview and guidance on your financial situation • Help you maximise your income from savings and investments • We work closely with local reputable solicitors and can guide you through all legal aspects like Will’s, Trust’s and Powers of Attorney • Advice on Care Fees and protecting your assets as DC&A are one of a small number of advisers expertly qualified in this field • Inheritance Tax Planning • Long Term Care Planning

T: 01744 451877 • E: • W: www.

Tickle Hall cross soliciTors


Our Services: • Wills & Estate planning including Tax Advice • Powers of Attorney • Registration of Enduring Powers of Attorney • Court of Protection (Deputyship) applications • Advice for Attorneys & Deputies • Estate Administration (Probate) • Transfers of Equity (Gifts of houses) • Trusts We have provided advice and assistance to generations of families in the Mid-Mersey area. We understand that a change of circumstances can be a time of great worry, and we will do all we can to assist you at this time. We can arrange to see clients in their homes, hospitals, or care or nursing homes, throughout Merseyside and North Cheshire.

01744 733333

ST HELENS OFFICE Carlton Chambers | 25 Hardshaw Street | St Helens | Merseyside | WA10 1RP PRESCOT OFFICE 2 Derby Street | Prescot | Merseyside | L34 3LJ Page 41

F U N E R A L F.W. Marsh Haygarth Jones Solicitors GODWINS DK1 Express Denture Repair Service




Dental Lab

Independent, family run Private Chapels of Rest Within 150 yards of Whiston Hospital


Serenity Pre-paid Funeral Plans

Exclusive to F.W. Marsh

ADVICE FOR ELDERLY CLIENTS We can help with in all aspects of legal matters for elderly clients and their families including: • Wills • Inheritance Tax Planning

St Helens • Lasting Powers of Attorney 100 Parr Stocks Road, • Court of Protection St Helens, • Administration Merseyside of Estates WA9 1NZ • Property Sale and/or Purchase Tel: 01744 27928/22810 • Equity Release

Emergency Denture Repairs Over 15 years Experience Denture Repairs within the hour HOME COLLECTION & DELIVERY

For initial help and advice contact:

Paul Bargery 66 Claughton Street

01744 730 130

Rainford WhistonSt. Helens Billinge Newton Le Willows 177 Ormskirk Road, 199Merseyside Warrington Road, 55 Main Street, 1 Queen Street, WA10 1SN Rainford Whiston, Billinge Newton Le Willows, Tel: 01744 740440 WA11 8HR Merseyside WN5 7HA Merseyside 9amWA12 - 6pm HOME VISITS PROVIDED L35 5AF 9ASMonday - Friday, Tel: 01744 882645 Tel: 0151 4310696 Tel: 01744 892260 Tel: 01925 291060 9am - 1pm Saturday

Mob: 07969651559

34 George Street, St Helens WA10 1BU

Emergency Denture Repairs

Providing High Quality Care & Support for all your needs and requirements including:

Personal Care Community Support Meal Preparation Medication Assistance Shopping Service Night Sitting Service Domestic Support

• Emergency Denture Repairs • Wheelchair Friendly • One Hour Service • Competitive Rates • Established 24 Years • Member Of The DLA

St Helens Dental Lab .ltd 52 Claughton Street, St. Helens, Merseyside, WA10 1SN

01744 759475 We are very grateful to the businesses whose advertisements appear in this publication. As a mark of our gratitude we would like to draw the attention of the readers to their details and announcements. We are required to make it clear however that neither Excellmedia nor the distributor can accept responsibility for any services or workmanship that they may undertake.

For an appointment or visit, Please contact us; Able House, 1 Micklehead Business Village, St Michaels Road, Sutton Manor, St Helens WA9 4YU

Tel: 01744 853190 Fax: 01744 853191

Telephone: 08450 707040 | This brochure was produced by excellmedia The Barn at Westwinds, Bank Lane, Warton, Preston PR4 1AT

Page 42

Let the Millennium Centre point you in the right direction! We are a central point for information and advice on services, all aspects of health, social care and wellbeing.

St Helens Gateway is your online community hub offering an independent, confidential free service with information and advice on: All health, social care, wellbeing and contact services and organisations.

Tel: 01744 675 131 Tel: 01744 740803

Face to Face in the Main Reception at The Millennium Centre Email: Web: /sthelensgateway

Search: St Helens Gateway

Registered Charity No: 1089878

Page 43 /sthelensgateway

Positive Living

Community Day Care for older people Age UK Mid Mersey is committed to promoting an improved quality of life for older people whilst reducing loneliness and isolation. Thanks to our dedicated team of volunteers, our Positive Living Community Day Centres offer: ď ś Great value for money ď ś A great opportunity to meet people and make new friends Available each weekday, our Positive Living Community Day Centres are suitable for older people who need minimal support but want to enjoy later life. For more information, to arrange a free visit or to book a place, please contact The Mansion House Reception on 01744 752 644.

Leave a Legacy

A gift in your will is one of the most effective ways you can support older people in later life. Your legacy will make a real difference to a person in need of help. It could provide support for some of our local older people who feel isolated and alone with no one to turn to. We promise that your legacy will be spent wisely and make a genuine difference to the people we help. Many of the gifts we receive from supporters come from gifts in wills, and as a charity we rely heavily on these donations to ensure we can continue to provide our desperately needed services to our local ageing population.

Call us today on: 01744 410 664.


We offer a paid professional counselling service which is available to anyone aged 18+. We provide a safe and confidential space in which to talk with a counsellor who will listen and help you explore and understand your feelings. Our counsellors deal with issues such as: bereavement, loneliness, being out of work, depression, anxiety, self-confidence, sexuality and stress. For further details of costs or to book a session, please contact The Mansion House Reception on 01744 752 644. 1|Page

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