Age UK Colchester

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Guide to services ............................................................................................................................... .....

Working for all older people in the Borough of Colchester ............................................................................................................................... .....

reg charity no: 1036450

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Reassuringly tasty, nutritious and dependable.

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We are Age UK Colchester ............................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................. ....................


Now that’s a recipe for an easier life.

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for only £19.95

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Our Mission

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Age UK Colchester is a local independent charity working with and for all older people in the Borough of Colchester and its surrounding environs, and is committed to making later life a more fulfilling and enjoyable experience. As the leading charity for older people, we are often their first port of call for assistance. We help people no matter what their concern and we are a voice for those who feel they cannot be heard.

To promote the welfare of older people and to enable them to maintain their independence by providing advice, knowledge and, where possible, the resources to do so.

To improve the quality of life for both older people and their carers.

To combat ageism by promoting positive a titudes to older people and the ageing process.

To pursue the highest standards in all that we do to ensure sustainable, accessible, and inclusive services whilst maintaining budgetary control.

To monitor and evaluate our work to ensure the best possible services.

Our experience of working with people dates from 1950, which includes our beginning as the Older People’s Welfare Association, becoming a registered charity in 1964. In 1970 the change of name to Age Concern Colchester was registered with the charities commission, followed by our most recent change to Age UK Colchester in 2011, adapting to meet current needs and to provide the best service we can. Operating from our base at Globe House, 6 George Street, Colchester, we provide a range of services and activities to enable older people to live more independent and active lives and to remain in good mental and physical health for as long as possible, and we endeavour to promote the contributions made by older people to society. Our office is open to the public from 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday and our telephone number is 01206368420. We have an after hours answering machine, leave your name, telephone number and a short message and we will return your call on the next working day. You can also email us on This Guide gives details of our services and activities. Whether you are an older person yourself, a friend or a family member, or you are a professional working with older people, we hope you will find it useful. If you would like further information please do not hesitate to contact us. We are Age UK Colchester

• To treat every person with respect and courtesy and to value the contribution made by our wonderful team of volunteers. •

To actively fundraise to maintain the highest standards in our services, and to commit to the effective promotion and continuing develoment of Age UK Colchester, responding to the needs and requirements of older people in Colchester and its environs.

To work closely with other charitable organitions and statutory bodies to deliver a co-ordinated and effective approach to services.

To promote equality and diversity.

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What we can do for you

Health and Wellbeing

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Information Service

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We offer a free, confidential and impartial service covering a wide range of local and national information on many matters of interest to older people including national Age UK fact-sheets and booklets and local information about services and agencies. We also keep a list of recommended local services as well as details of clubs and activities in our area. We are happy to give presentations on the services of Age UK Colchester to local agencies and organisations.

Consumer Advice

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We are able to offer advice and support on many consumer issues such as problems with utility suppliers or defective goods or services. In addition we can offer a confidential consultation on you energy use to ensure you are on the correct tariff, as well as guidance on any free offers which may be available to improve home insulation, etc. We can also offer advice on home security issues. Please telephone the office for an appointment with our Consumer Manager.

Legal Advice Surgery

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We offer a thirty-minute free and confidential advice session with a local solicitor every other Wednesday between 11am and 1pm at our office in George Street. Please telephone for further information if you wish to make an appointment.

Advice and Advocacy Service

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We provide a comprehensive Advice Service to those aged 60 and over which is staffed by experienced, caring advisors. We understand that as people age they may need social and health care to remain independent and in their own homes. Arranging care at home can be a stressful experience for older people and their families. This can happen after a period of hospitalisation or as disabilities progress.

When that time comes, you need to know who to contact and what your legal rights are. You also need to know what free services you are entitled to from the NHS such as continuing care, either in or out of hospital. We can assist in these matters as well as with enquiries about residential care and its cost. Millions of pounds are missed in unclaimed benefits each year. Our advice workers are able to assist people of pensionable age with claims for benefits and allowances including Attendance Allowance and Disability Living Allowance, Pension Credit and Council Tax Benefit. Working together with the client and family members, they can oversee the entire process from sending for application forms in the first instance to completing them with the client, and going to appeal if necessary. Our advice workers are able to visit clients in their own homes and the service is free of charge, confidential and independent. Please ring our office to make an appointment for your Benefits Eligibility Check or for advice regarding any issues you require help with.

Computer Courses

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Do you want to learn how to use a computer, laptop, tablet, notebook, or learn more about IT or the World Wide Web? Then why not enrol for some of our computer classes with an individual tutor? We can offer three one-hour sessions, on a one-toone basis, that are tailored to your own requirements, all for £15 for the course. All abilities catered for. For further information about our ‘Catch the Mouse’ classes please contact the office.

Each year Age UK Colchester runs a Winter Warmth Campaign aimed at helping older people to stay warm and safe through the colder periods. In previous years this has comprised of a day of electric blanket testing and giving food parcels to people nominated by various agencies. In the 2013-2014 season we felt that we would like to do things a little differently.

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Befriending Service

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There are times in our lives when we are faced with decisions we feel unable to tackle alone or we may need someone to deal with others on our behalf to ensure that our voice is heard or our needs are met. We have a team of dedicated volunteer Advocates ready to help and support those who are vulnerable. Please contact the office for further information.

Winter Warmth Campaign - The Big Knit

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We have recently set up a befriending service and would very much like to hear from anybody who would like to access this service or who would like to volunteer to be a befriender. All volunteers are interviewed and references received before joining us and DBS checks are completed before a volunteer is matched to a client. The co-ordinator remains in contact with both client and volunteer on a regular basis. If either party is not happy with the match then both are placed back on the list until a more suitable match can be made for each.

Chairobics ............................................................................................................................... .....

A fun, gentle session of seated exercises designed to stimulate both body and brain, and aimed at helping to prevent falls. These sessions take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2pm for 1hr, £2.50 per session. We also run an outreach session at an Activity Centre in Colchester.

To that end we organised several electric blanket testing sessions with an electrician recommended by Trading Standards, combined with Stay Warm, Stay Safe Roadshows and held these sessions in various places around the Borough of Colchester and its environs. The roadshows give information on measures to take to help keep down the costs of staying warm, including providing warm fleece or knitted blankets, thermal socks, hand-warmers, draught excluders and draught-proofing items either free of charge or at reduced cost and if the electric blanket fails its test then it is replaced free of charge. Information is also available about staying safe - from leaflets about dealing with bogus callers to free door chains and door viewers so you can see who is at the door without opening it. If you would like to know more about any aspect of our Winter Warmth Campaign or would like to help please do not hesitate to contact us, we would love to hear from you.

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Clubs and Activities

Clubs and Activities

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From our office based in George Street, Colchester, we host a variety of clubs and activities.


Men in Sheds and Gardens

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We all slow down as we get older, but by stimulating our bodies and our minds we can lessen the effects of ageing. To address these issues Age UK Colchester is running Activ8, a monthly activity club to provide the interest and activity to help maintain a healthy and active mind and body.

The ‘Men in Sheds’ movement began in Australia when men realised they could get together on a regular basis to take on practical tasks.

A friendly club on second Tuesday of each month from 10am until 12noon, offering activities such as: speakers on a variety of subjects; gentle seated exercises; reminiscing; quizzes; games; outings; trips to the theatre or concerts; craft days; and more. The cost is just £1.50 per in-house session, including a raffle and refreshments.

This format appeals to men of all ages, whether living alone or with a partner, although the majority have reached retirement age.

Knit and Natter Club


This club has been so successful that it now oper-..... ates on two days of the month, namely the third Tuesday of the month from 10am until 12noon and the last Tuesday of the month at the same times. The groups knit items for charities such as Beacon House Project for the Homeless, Square Circle South Africa, Broomfield Hospital Maternity Service, and others, and produces an incredible amount of items for these charities. Costing just £1 per session, refreshments are included. Drop-In Stitches Club operating from The Waiting Room (on the site of the old bus station in Queen ..... Street) on Wednesdays from 10am until 3pm. Drop in session no cost.

Coffee Club ...............................................................................................................................

Wednesday and Friday mornings between 10am and 12noon This is a friendly drop-in club and costs just £1 for either a cup of coffee or tea plus a piece of cake and a biscuit. Come along and soak up the convivial atmosphere and make some new friends.

This would be even better if they could have a permanent ‘workshop’ where tools or work-inprogress could be stored and skills swapped.

Men are not very good at joining clubs, especially those who have been bereaved, and can easily become socially isolated. Working alongside others on practical tasks but without imposed demands can be just the right remedy. The possibility of working in a garden, again with a practical purpose such as growing vegetables or cut flowers that perhaps people on low incomes in the local community can benefit, from seemed a natural add-on for those whose inclination lay that way. Having the two groups working side-by-side could open up possibilities for both sets of interests. If you or someone you know would be interested in this we would love to hear from you. Men in Sheds and Gardens is open at The Waiting Room in Colchester (on the site of the old bus station in Queen Street) on Wednesdays from 10am until 3pm . If you are interested in the Shed and would like to know more please come along and meet the team, or contact us on: 01206 368420 or email:

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How can you help to support Age UK Colchester?

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Join us and make a difference


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In order to carry out our work, Age UK Colchester relies on our wonderful volunteers without whom our wide range of services would not be possible. They give their time and goodwill free of charge and we are most grateful to them. They come from a range of age groups and walks of life and bring a rich diversity of skills and experience to our services.

In order to continue our work at Age UK Colchester donations are a vital lifeline. However much you can give, be it a single donation or a regular payment you can be assured that it will be used for the benefit of older people of Colchester and its environs.

Do you have some spare time during the week and would like to share your skills and experience? Would you like to learn new skills, meet lots of people and help older people at the same time? Give us a call on 01206 368420 for an informal chat regarding current opportunities or email enquiries@ Examples of opportunities that may be available are: • • • • • • • •

Reception Administration duties Advice Caseworker Advocate Computer Tutor Activities Co-ordinator assistant Befriender Fundraising Co-ordinator assistant

Training and ongoing support is provided, as well as ‘out of pocket’ expenses. Two or three times a year we arrange ‘get-togethers’ for the volunteers to meet up and socialise which is always popular.

There are many ways in which you can make a donation. The following gives a brief outline: Donation by cheque: Please make cheques payable to Age UK Colchester and send to: Globe House 6, George Street Colchester CO1 1TP

giving help to your chosen charity. If you would like your family and friends to make an ‘In Memory Of’ donation to Age UK Colchester at your funeral ensure you express your wishes to them and include the instruction in your Will and/or you Funeral Plan if you have one. Cheques should be made payable to Age UK Colchester. Gift Aid: If you are a taxpayer you can help us to increase your gift by 25% through the Gift Aid Scheme which allows us to claim back the tax paid on donations.

Fundraising: ............................................................................................................................... .....

Donate online: This can be done by visiting our website at: and going to the ‘Support Us’ section.

Raising enough funds throughout the year to enable us to continue providing our comprehensive service has always been a challenge but is becoming more difficult year on year. We are therefore always looking for people to support us in our efforts, whether you like to do your own thing or would like to help us with any of our events and challenges we would love to hear from you.

Regular giving: You can make regular payments (monthly, quarterly or annually) by CAF donation (; online via our website; or by requesting a Standing Order Payment form from us at the Globe House address or by calling 01206 368420.

We have lots of ideas if you want to do something but are unsure what and we will support you in any way that we can. If you are a group that organises and runs fundraising activities and are looking to support a local charity we would be pleased to work with you.

Payroll giving: You can make regular donations through your salary. Please contact your employer for more information. Leave a Legacy: Leaving us a legacy in your will, no matter how small, will help us continue to support older people in the local community. If you would like advice on making or amending a Will please telephone: 01206 368420 to make an appointment for our Legal Advice Surgery. ‘In Memoriam’ Donations: Asking for donations instead of flowers at your funeral is becoming an increasingly popular way of

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Help for your hearing ............................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................. .

Hearing loss is a condition that can develop at any time. Most often, it is gradual and painless - you may not even realise it is happening until it begins to affect your life and those around you. The most common cause of hearing loss is the ageing process, but other factors include disease, medications, injury and long-term exposure to noise. Hearing loss can range in degree, from mild to severe, but many cases can be successfully treated with a hearing aid. If you think your hearing might be impaired, ask yourself the following questions: • • • •

‘If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, you may have hearing loss,’ says Vicki Skeels, senior audiologist and md of The Hearing Care Centre, Colchester’s multi-award winning private hearing aid clinic. ‘Left untreated, hearing loss can lead to anxiety, depression, isolation and loneliness. It is therefore important to seek a solution at an early stage.’ At The Hearing Care Centre, we offer free, no-obligation hearing assessments, which will determine if a hearing aid can help treat an individual’s hearing loss. If so, we offer a wide variety of styles, manufacturers and price ranges to choose from. ‘Hearing aids are no longer the clumsy, ‘beige bananas’ of the past’, says Ms Skeels, ‘thanks to new digital technology. Powerful performance now comes packaged in the most discreet, comfortable and stylish of instruments.’ If you think you may be showing signs of hearing loss, the Hearing Care Centre invites you for a free, no-obligation hearing test and consultation with a qualified hearing aid audiologist. Our main centre is in Colchester, but we also have branches throughout North and Mid Essex and provide home visits for the housebound. Call us on (01206) 760839 or visit

Transform your Hearing At The Hearing Care Centre, our goal is to help restore quality of life and provide a range of discreet and effective solutions for those who experience hearing loss. As one of the most trusted, reputable and established hearing healthcare providers in Essex, we provide an outstanding level of professional expertise, ethical care and confidentiality. Our services include:

Hear what some of our clients have to say: ‘My hearing has improved 100% - it’s like having two new ears! Your service and professionalism are first-class and I won’t hesitate in recommending you to all my friends.’ Mr A. Dadds, Colchester

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Do you have trouble following a conversation when there is background noise? Do you need to turn up the volume on the television or radio? Do you feel stressed or tired when you have to listen for long periods? Do friends and family ask if you have a hearing problem?

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The Old Rectory Residential & Dementia Care Home Spring Lane, Lexden, Colchester, CO3 4AN Telephone: 01206 572 871

Nayland House Residential & Dementia Care Home

• • • •

Call us for your FREE consultation on (01206) 760839

‘The clock has been wound back and I feel younger and better able to enjoy life.’ Mrs F. Spraggett, Great Bentley ‘Your professionalism, expertise and customer service surpasses any kind of service I have ever received – you should all be proud of yourselves.’ Mrs E. Turnbull, Colchester

Award winning care homes

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We look forward to welcoming you to our homes!

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‘Your multi-award winning, local and independent hearing care specialist’


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respite and permanent stays with this leaflet Terms and conditions apply

CARE VISITS AT HOME We care passionately

What we offer We offer everything from personal care to shopping, cleaning or social visits. In fact everything you need to stay in the comfort of your own home.

Alternative Bluebird Care offers a realistic cost effective alternative to residential care. With familiar friends, relatives and possessions around, Bluebird Care ‘just happens’.

Thinking of downsizing…? Sometimes running a larger home can be expensive once children have flown the nest, and recent benefit cuts can also mean affording the rent can be a real struggle. If you are thinking that it might be time to start considering a move to a smaller property, why not consider looking at one of Colne’s retirement schemes? Available to anyone aged 55 or over, and retired, these properties enable you to retain your independence, whilst being secure in the knowledge that help is close to hand should you need it.

We have retirement schemes in Colchester, Clacton, Brightlingsea, Chelmsford, Manningtree and Tiptree

For more information please look at our website or please call us on 01206 244700

We’ll be happy to help.

Our staff Our staff are caring, trained to give medication and police checked.

Call and talk to one of our friendly professional team

Colchester District

Best Western THE


Tel: 01206 827605

4 Lanswood Park, Broomfield Road, Elmstead Market CO7 7FD Email:

Tendring District

Tel: 01255 427113

4 Lanswood Park, Broomfield Road, Elmstead Market CO7 7FD Email: Regulated by the Care Quality Commission and member of UKHCA

Our team of dedicated staff will be delighted to assist and support you whilst making arrangements for your loved one with a dignified service. GATHERINGS CAN BE TAILORED TO SUIT YOUR INDIVIDUAL NEEDS We have a choice of private rooms and menu options Buffets with a choice of hot and cold menus Afternoon tea with cakes & pastries Welcome drinks on arrival such as tea/coffee, sherry or wine We can also offer overnight accommodation for those who have travelled to pay their respects

BEST WESTERN Marks Tey ~ London Road ~ Colchester ~ Essex ~ CO6 1DU Telephone: 01206 210001 ~ Fax: 01206 212167 Web: ~ Email:

Falls Prevention Service Every year hundreds of older people in NE Essex fall and hurt themselves sometimes suffering serious injury, loss of confidence and loss of independence. The Service aims to reduce the risk of falling while working to improve health and wellbeing. The Falls Prevention team offers support, advice and information and links with GPs, other health and social care professionals, plus a team of specially trained volunteers. If you or your friend have fallen or feel at risk of falling you can make a referral to the Service yourself by phoning direct to 01206 518522. A Health professional may make the referral for you. You will be contacted by phone to arrange a home visit by a team member at your convenience. The team member will carry out a risk assessment. You will be asked about falls, your health, your lifestyle and any needs and difficulties you may be having. A follow up visit by a trained volunteer may be arranged. You may then be offered referral to other services as appropriate to your needs.

VOLUNTEERS WANTED! Both young and retired people welcome s ervice of fer S n o ti n e v e r The Falls P nd advice a t r o p p u s t, assessmen over 65’s g in r d n e T r& to Colcheste r are at risk o , n e ll fa e v who ha of falling. e to make m ti e m o s e par contact , If you can s s ll a c e n o or ph house visits mith on... Margaret S e provided

lb Training wil

Falls Prevention Service, Independent Living Centre, 1 Newcomen Way, Colchester, Essex, CO4 9YR & Kennedy House, Kennedy Way, Clacton, CO15 4AB.

Living independently is easier than you think with Essex Cares Essex Cares provides a range of products and services aimed at increasing independent living, supporting community involvement and delivering practical solutions that give peace of mind to individuals and their families. Help with day to day tasks such as cleaning & ironing Improved mobility & independence in the home & community with a range of equipment and other options such as telecare. Joining clubs to meet new friends & enjoy favourite pastimes

Community day opportunities Making & attending appointments Meal preparation Personal care Shopping Correspondence & money management Visiting friends

Call our dedicated call centre on 0845 835 0150 to place an order or to arrange a free, no-obligation assessment carried out by highly qualified and caring staff. Alternatively find out about these and the many other services available to suit individual requirements. ÂŽ

Tel: 0845 835 0150

Specialist nursing and dementia care home


Incorporating Sharon Coomber

Planning for and staying in control of your future......

Life is for living e g n a r G w o r r u at Foxb

It may be a daunting thought but all of us have to plan for the future, it does not matter how old we are, it is something that we all must consider whilst we are still able to. Whilst it may to be stressful to consider many of us do worry about what will happen ones both now and as you grow older.


It is still surprising that more people still do not have a Will than those that do. Making a Will is the only legal way to ensure that your wishes are followed and that those you wish to inherit from your estate do. It may be that you wish for certain family to be followed. No two Wills are ever the same and therefore we are more than happy to assist you in creating a Will to suit

Lasting Powers of Attorney

As we are an aging population it is now unfortunate that many of us might in the future not be able to manage our own and whilst we are still well and have capacity we are able to nominate who you would wish to carry out this function if you were no longer able to do so yourself. There are many reasons why you may wish to create these documents and each can be tailored

“Our chefs prepare a range of freshly cooked, nutritious meals every day.”

peace of mind.

d the “We provide roun e highest clock care of th standard.”

At Foxburrow Grange we are dedicated to helping our residents enjoy life to the full. Here, at our state-of-the-art home, we create an environment where independence and involvement are encouraged; where residents have choice and control over how they live their lives. And, by marrying our knowledge and experience with the latest research, we are able to deliver first class dementia and complex nursing care. This is not just a home where we do things differently, this is a home where we make a difference. To arrange a tour of Foxburrow Grange or if you’d just like more information, please call us, we’d love to hear from you.

Court of Protection

Sadly, it may be that it is too late for someone that we love or care for to create the Lasting Power of Attorney and this then leaves

Probate services There are many legal terms that confuse people such as Probate and whether or not this is needed. We can advise you as to what is necessary and what it may involve. We are able to assist you with as much or as little guidance as you feel you need and can deal with the administration of the whole estate for you or are more than happy to deal with certain aspects of it. Whatever is needed We are also able to assist you with matters concerning care home planning and all other matters that you may feel you need assistance with, from moving home to retirement planning. If you would like some further information then we do have a guide to making Lasting Powers of Attorney and a short guide to what you may wish to consider when making a Will. We are also happy to discuss any matter with you and are proud of the relationships that we build with all of our clients and believe that we are small For further information regarding our private client services, please contact Chris Andrews on 01206 576151 or We have offices in Colchester, Brightlingsea and Clacton-on-Sea, we also offer home visits by request. Legal Service Community

Criminal Defence Service

01206 586900 Town Hall Chambers, St Runwald Street, Colchester, Essex CO1 1DS - T: 01206 576151, F: 01206 761916, E:

Personal Caring Approach From Independent Family funeral Directors l Traditional & Green Funerals, Woodland Burials l Both Non- Religious and multi faith services catered for l Private Chapel of Rest


l Pre Pay Funeral Plans

What we offer

We care passionately

We offer everything from personal care to shopping, cleaning or social visits. In fact everything you need to stay in the comfort of your own home.


Let us guide you through your time of need

Bluebird Care offers a realistic cost effective alternative to residential care. With familiar friends, relatives and possessions around, Bluebird Care ‘just happens’.

Our staff

Our staff are caring, trained to give medication and police checked.

Tel: Colchester


Freedom House, Hawkins Road, Colchester, CO2 8JY

Call and talk to one of our friendly professional team Colchester District

Tendring District



Tel: 01206 827605

Tel: 01255 427113

Regulated by the Care Quality Commission and member of UKHCA scan this code for our website


Age UK Colchester Globe House 6 George Street Colchester CO1 1TP 01206 368420

Thank you for taking the time to read our brochure, we hope you found it useful. If you require further information or have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us

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