Healthwatch orth somerset

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Information Directory 2015

North Somerset


About Us

About Us

Choosing the Right Care Home

Who are Healthwatch North Somerset?

Get Involved

Residential Homes

Healthwatch are the independent consumer champion for health and social care in North Somerset. Our job is to give the North Somerset community a strong collective voice to influence and change the way services are delivered.

Local Information Directory

Nursing Homes

Our Mission statement

Mental Health

By offering all people of North Somerset a strong voice, we will improve the quality of local health and social care.

Learning Disabilities

What do we do?

What powers do we have?




• Listen to your views and concerns about local health and social care services. • Use your views to initiate and write reports on services and make recommendations on how services can be improved. • Use your views to give feedback to organisations responsible for planning, commissioning, delivering or monitoring health and social care services and hold them to account. • Provide you with information and signposting about local health and social care services. This includes how to access them and what to do if things go wrong. • Visit publicly funded health and social care services to talk to patients, service users, carers and staff. • Make sure the voices of people who are vulnerable or less able to speak are heard. • Alert Healthwatch England or the Care Quality Commission, where appropriate, to concerns about specific care providers and health or social care matters.

• Have a seat on the local Health and Wellbeing Board (known as the People and Communities Board in North Somerset) – This is the Board that oversees local health and social care and can influence how services are set up and commissioned. • Can Enter and View any publicly funded health or social care organisation. • Make our findings known to the local Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), local authority, NHS and the Care Quality Commission (CQC). The CQC are the independent regulator for health and social care services and have to act on advice from Healthwatch. • Can escalate concerns to Healthwatch England, who influence health and social care provision at a national level.

Engagement North Somerset Council North Somerset CCG Are You A Carer

GP Surgeries & Hospitals

Legal Terms Advice On Paying For Care


Independent Living


Care in your own Home

Become a Member


Membership Form

Disclaimer This Directory has been compiled to cover health & social care throughout North Somerset and will be widely distributed throughout this area. Whilst we have taken every care in compiling this booklet, the publishers and promoters cannot accept responsibility for any inaccuracies. A note on advertising: We offer businesses the chance to reach potential customers via this publication. It is the intention of Healthwatch North Somerset and Excell Media Ltd to clearly indicate that an advertisement is being displayed and no endorsement or approval of any product, service or supplier should be implied.

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Healthwatch North Somerset and Excell Media Ltd value the support of our advertisers in meeting one of our key objectives of reducing costs by attracting external funding.

About Us

Get Involved

What is Health and Social Care? Health Care NHS hospital services - all inpatient and out patient services, hospital food, midwifery, nursing and doctors. Community healthcare services - District Nurses, Physiotherapy, Community Midwifery, Podiatry, GP’s, Opticians, Pharmacies, Occupational Therapists and Dentists. Social Care Care Homes and Care in your own home How can Healthwatch North Somerset Help Me? Talk to us if:

• • • •

You need information about health and social care services. You would like to share your experiences of local health and social care services the good and bad. You would like to tell us your views on local health and social care services. You want to praise your local health and social care services.

Healthwatch North Somerset wants you to have your say and you can do this in variety of ways. Phone us: 01275 851400 E-mail us: Follow us on Facebook or tweet us @healthwatchns Write to us: 3rd Floor, The Sion, Crown Glass Place, Nailsea BS48 1RB You can also visit our website

Working together to improve health and social care in our community Healthwatch North Somerset is the voice for health and social care in our community – representing adults, young people and children. Every Voice Counts when we are capturing people’s views and experiences to shape the future of local health and social care services. We want you to volunteer with us to help us to listen, act, challenge and feedback to improve the quality of local health and social care services, ensuring that we are promoting excellence and consistency throughout.

Our volunteers will: • Be the eyes and ears of the local community and raise issues of concern. • Make recommendations on how to improve local services. • Tell people about Healthwatch and encourage them to become involved. • Promote Healthwatch events and projects to local people. • Attend meetings, groups and events as a Healthwatch North Somerset representative. • Participate in task and project groups. • Talk to patients and service users about their experiences of using health and social care services. • Visit health and social care providers, as part of our Enter and View activity.

How can you become involved? It’s easy… • You don’t need any qualifications to become a Healthwatch North Somerset volunteer; just a willingness to listen and talk to a range of individuals, an open mind and a desire to strengthen the voice of local people. • Anyone can apply to become a Healthwatch volunteer, however if you wish to take a less active role you can sign up to be a Healthwatch Member where you will receive regular updates and newsletters. • Whatever your skills we will have a volunteer role just for you. • Whatever you choose to do, we need your views and experiences to help influence and improve health and social care services in North Somerset. If you want to get involved contact us: Phone: 01275 851400 E-mail: Write to us: 3rd Floor, The Sion, Crown Glass Place, Nailsea BS48 1RB You can also talk to us at any of our regular information drop in sessions across North Somerset. Please visit our website for details.


Local Information Directory The Healthwatch North Somerset Information Directory helps local residents find out where to go for help and support about any issues within health and social care. Healthwatch North Somerset can point you in the right direction when raising a concern or making a complaint, they can help you find support groups for medical conditions, mental or physical disability needs. We can also help you locate a local GP, a dentist, pharmacy or opticians. We are here to help, and give you information to make sure you get the best support from your local services. We can’t tell you what choice to make but we can give you information you need to make comparisons to help you decide what’s best for your needs. The Local Information Directory phone line is available Monday to Thursday 9:30am – 3:30pm.

You can contact the Healthwatch Local Information Directory in any of these ways: Phone: 01275 859421 E-mail: Visit our website If you run a local voluntary, charity or community group and would like to be included in the directory then please contact Healthwatch North Somerset using any of the contact details above.

Engaging with the North Somerset Community

Carers Strategy Group

Healthwatch North Somerset works with and supports a network of sub groups to enable us to engage closely and effectively with local people. These groups help us to reach far more communities and hard to reach groups than would be possible without their input, adding value to the work we do with the local communities of North Somerset. Any Healthwatch North Somerset member can apply to join one of the groups.

This group comprises of carers and North Somerset voluntary and statutory sector representatives and has a remit of overseeing the delivery and development of services for carers in North Somerset.

Senior Community Links There are five groups of Senior Community Links who meet monthly in the North, South, East and West of the county and a BME group. The groups are open for membership of North Somerset residents aged 50 and over. The groups meet to learn about and influence local services. Healthwatch Health Group This group meets every other month to focus on issues of health and social care in North Somerset. The group undertakes focused projects and look more closely into issues of interest to the local community. They represent Healthwatch North Somerset at meetings and engage with the public on our behalf.

Learning Disabilities Partnership Board Meeting quarterly, this group is a partnership of people with a learning disability and voluntary and statutory sector representatives who meet to review the provision of services for people with learning disabilities in North Somerset. North Somerset Autism Forum The North Somerset Autism forum is a partnership involving Healthwatch North Somerset, North Somerset Council, and the community learning disability team, which aims to bring together people with an autism spectrum condition, who want to influence the services they receive and those they would like to see available in North Somerset. These views will then be fed in to the North Somerset Autism Strategy Group.

Carers Assessment

Do you need care and support to live in your own home?

Care and support may be needed because of your age, ill health, a disability, because you are caring for others, or during a crisis.

An integrated team of health and social care professionals work together with Care Connect to give callers access to a range of services. They can prioritise requests and make referrals to other health and social care professionals as well as giving help and advice to any concerned residents.

This information, produced by North Somerset Council, will help you make the right choices.

These services are open: Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm.

Care Connect is the single point of access for all general health and social care enquiries in North Somerset, outside those provided by your GP.

Care Connect: 01275 888 801

A wide range of options delivered by the council and independent organisations is available to support you to live your life.

Care Connect offers impartial advice and can guide you towards social care services offered by the council or put you in touch with voluntary, statutory or private sector organisations.

When a request for social care and support is made, North Somerset Council carries out an eligibility assessment to determine what is needed and if the person has the finances to make a contribution towards costs. The same set of standards is used for everyone to ensure fairness. Some people may need intensive support for a short period of time, need equipment in the home, or help to become more independent to reduce the need for longer-term support. Professionals can talk through these options before any decision is made. To decide whether people are eligible, the council uses the Department of Health Eligibility criteria. This is graded into four bands which describe the seriousness of risk to independence or other consequences if needs are not addressed. These bands are critical, substantial, moderate or low. The threshold for North Somerset includes critical and substantial needs only. However, advice and information on alternative support for lower needs can be provided. Assessments Professionals will talk through your needs, learn what you want to achieve and decide what support is right for you. However, there may be some situations when the council cannot give you all the help you may feel you need. Any help you do receive will be set out in a support plan. You will receive a copy of this document and any costs will be explained.

Anyone who provides regular care to a relative or friend and finds it is having an impact on their life is entitled to have a carer’s assessment. This is a series of questions which will help identify how caring impacts on a carer’s life, so the council can determine what support is needed. A carer’s assessment can take place even if the person receiving the care refuses help or an assessment for themselves. Services provided for carers can include: ✔ substitute care so you can have a break ✔ help with particular tasks or equipment ✔ advice and support ✔ benefits information and advice. Financial Assessment A financial assessment is carried out to decide what contribution towards your care and support you can afford. If you have savings and/or investments of more than £23,250 (for 2014/ 2015), or you do not wish to disclose your financial details, you will be considered to be financially- responsible, known as self-funding. This threshold is subject to change at the start of each financial year. However, anyone who funds their own care can still receive help and advice through the council’s Care Navigator service. The Care Navigator service is a free service for people who are financially responsible for themselves but may be concerned about how and where to get help to remain as independent as possible. This service can provide information about care and support options and what practical help may be available, such as clarifying if you are entitled to any financial assistance from the council.

The Care Navigator services aims to:

Short term care home support

Home care

Package of care from the NHS

✔ work to ensure you maintain your independence despite needing care ✔ provide an informal, tailored approach ✔ ensure equal access to services, including informing you about the range of services available ✔ help you and your carers plan for the future ✔ respond to urgent needs ✔ help negotiate care costs to get best value for money ✔ respond quickly and efficiently.

Giving people the time and space to re-learn skills they may have lost due to poor health and impairment is the aim of the care home enablement service.

A wide range of personal care and practical support is offered by North Somerset Council to help you make the most of your own abilities. Home Care services are designed to allow as many people as possible to remain in their own homes and reduce the need for going into longterm residential or nursing care.

People who need on-going care because of a disability, accident or illness could receive NHS support whether they are in a care home or their own home.

Help to remain in your own home Access to social care is being made easier so that people can get the right level of support and know where to turn for advice. North Somerset Council wants to increase people’s choice and control so it is easier for them to access help and support when they need it. People who receive care and support via North Somerset Council also now have more choice and control over the way they receive and organise their care in the form of a personal budget. Anyone who has a personal budget can choose to have their needs met in a number of ways, such as employing personal assistants or by purchasing more traditional services such as day care or respite care. Links are also being built with other private and voluntary organisations to ensure the widest possible range of support is available.

‘Enablement’ is provided in a care home following a spell in hospital or problems at home so that the person has the chance to relearn skills in a safe environment. It is designed for people who may have considered moving permanently into a care home after their hospital stay. Instead, enablement aims to help people to return to their own homes and continue living independently for as long as possible. Health and social care workers work with the person to create a support plan, helped by care home staff. Enablement lasts for as long as it is needed, which is usually between one and six weeks. During this time assessments by health or social care professionals will be made, as well as therapist support, if necessary. If you sign up to the scheme, you will be required to pay for or make a contribution to the care home during your stay. The current fixed weekly charge can be discussed with your care manager, but additional services and support you need while in the home will be free of charge. Advice is also offered about how to maintain your home while you are in the care home, such as benefits advice, assistance with shopping, or visits to check security, heating and pipes. If you are not eligible for Continuing Health Care, or are considered by the council to be self-funding, you can still receive enablement support through Care Navigator.

A care plan which matches your priorities and specific personal needs will be drawn up. You may be charged for home care following a financial assessment. Gaining independence A wide range of personal and practical support is available for people to be as independent as possible in their own home. Adults who experience a reduction in their daily living skills, often as a result of ill-health or injury, can take advantage of a short-term assessment and re-ablement service (START). Home care staff can work with you and your carer to develop a re- ablement plan which meets your specific needs. This could include help with: ✔ getting dressed and undressed ✔ personal hygiene ✔ preparing a meal or snack, or helping you or your carer organise meals ✔ supporting you or your carer to work out how bills can be paid, pensions collected, shopping bought or getting prescribed medication regularly. New users, or people who need care again after a break of 18 months or more, will not be charged for up to six weeks for any re-ablement care provided by START. Anyone who needs care after this time will be referred for a financial assessment to see whether they have to pay towards future costs.

Continuing Health Care is a package of care which is arranged and funded by the NHS for people who are no longer in hospital. The service is free and no contributions are needed, as long as you meet the eligibility criteria. An assessment by health or social care professionals will be carried out to confirm if you are eligible. If you are, the NHS will arrange, co-ordinate and fund the care which it has assessed you need. This will then be reviewed regularly.

Community Meals

Technology to assist you

Hot meals delivered direct to your door are a lifeline for people who are too ill or frail to cook for themselves. Hot, nutritious meals are delivered Monday to Friday and a new weekend delivery is now available for the most vulnerable people. Meals include a main course and pudding, and a tea-time meal of a sandwich or salad with a cake or biscuit, can also be dropped off to eat later. Special diets such as diabetic, vegetarian, low fat or gluten free can be catered for.

Innovative detectors and sensors can be used around the home to raise an alert, to remind you to do something or call for help if needed. Telecare is the name for the range of products which are designed to assist you in your daily life, bringing reassurance and confidence to older and Disabled people, as well as peace of mind to their family and carers.

Carelink Help at the touch of a button is available 24-hours-a-day thanks to the council’s easy-touse monitored alarm system. Carelink gives peace of mind for thousands of people in North Somerset and provides help 365-days-a-year. Users can call for help by pushing a button on the unit, a pendant or wrist watch and they can speak to an operator in the monitoring centre even if they are not near a telephone. Carelink is ideal for people who want to remain independent in their own home but also want to be able to summon help quickly if they need it. The system just needs a standard telephone socket and a spare power socket on the same wall and it does not affect your normal telephone. Installation only takes a few minutes but advisers spend a little time with users to explain how it works and complete the paperwork. Carelink is available from as little as £1.92 a week depending on your circumstances.

Devices can be used alone or be linked to a 24-hour monitoring system such as Carelink. When a sensor is activated it sends a signal to the alarm unit in your home which automatically calls the monitoring centre. Sensors can monitor falling, inactivity, or remind people to take their medicines, while alerts can be raised for safety issues such as flooding, fire or security issues. Contact centre staff can then respond by offering reassurance and arranging for help by alerting a nominated contact or the appropriate emergency services. Before installation, an occupational therapist will need to carry out an assessment. If you would like to use Carelink but are concerned you do not have someone who could respond in an emergency, ask a Carelink adviser for details about Response 24.

Support at home Occupational therapists work with individuals of all ages to restore their independence, health and well-being. Disabled residents who experience day-to-day difficulties with practical tasks can apply for help with their personal care. The occupational therapist team will assess your difficulties with daily tasks such as getting in and out of a chair or on and off a toilet, and give advice about how to manage with these. Advice can also be given to carers about moving and handling techniques, such as helping to get you in and out of bed, and essential equipment can be loaned to help with day-to-day living. Equipment and minor adaptations to the home can also improve quality of life for Disabled people. Home improvements Occupational therapists can assess what home improvements are needed or give advice about equipment or other solutions. Items which help with everyday activities such as moving and bathing can be provided by North Somerset Council, along with NHS North Somerset and Medequip Assistive Technology.

These could include shower chairs, hoists, grab rails or stair rails. Contact Care Connect for information on which services can be accessed to meet your needs. If a major adaptation is assessed as necessary and appropriate, such as a stairlift and/or level access shower, the occupational therapist will support an application for Disabled Facilities Grant funding. This is a financially assessed grant and you may have to contribute to some or all of the costs. Seven community teams have been set up across North Somerset to improve the quality of care given to people at home. The community teams include community nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and support workers who can make clinical assessments, examinations, and give prescriptions to you in your own home. Each team works alongside a small group of GP practices and offers care 24-hours-a-day, 365-days-a-year. This means that if you become very unwell, you could be treated at home rather than go into hospital. This helps you remain independent, reduces unnecessary admissions, and reduces the length of stay in hospital.

Helping people access services

Supporting Vulnerable People

Information, advice and social events are run throughout North Somerset by the Community Connect team.

Vulnerable people who need extra support to live independent lives are receiving help through the Supporting People programme.

This service, run by Age UK Somerset and Somerset Racial Equality Council aims to:

Supporting People services are provided to people from all walks of life, whether they are care leavers, individuals with learning or physical disabilities, people with mental health impairments, ex-offenders, recovering substance mis-users or those fleeing domestic violence.

• help reduce social isolation by providing opportunities for people to become more active in their community • support existing groups and help form new ones • provide information, advice and help to access services, support and opportunities in North Somerset • work with local communities to develop a a network so people can get reliable information and advice •

provide older people in North Somerset the opportunity to have their say on current and future development of services through Senior Community Link.

Call 0845 643 4706 (local rate) Older people can air their views and discuss the issues they face during monthly meetings across North Somerset. Members of the five local Senior Community Links (SCL) groups meet monthly to represent the views of older people in their community and put forward these opinions to local councillors and other decision-makers. Guest speakers talk about services or proposals on a range of subjects, such as health, social care and transport. Four SCL groups are based on their location, while the fifth is for people from black and ethnic minority backgrounds. Call Healthwatch 01275 851400

Home from Hospital Partnership Free advice is available for people who are due to leave hospital but need a little extra help to keep them independent. The Home from Hospital Partnership provides access to services for people leaving Weston. General and Bristol hospitals. Services can include: ✔ key safe fitting for emergency access and arranging Carelink installation ✔ support with initial shopping for when you return home ✔ arranging community meals ✔ explaining possible housing options, help to move home and settle in ✔ free accident and fire safet prevention home checks ✔ advocacy support if you need specific help with an issue ✔ adaptations to your home, including repairs, heating and insulation advice

Housing-related support services they could receive include: ✔ budgeting and paying bills ✔ being safe in and out the home ✔ filling in forms and dealing with authorities ✔ assessing their own support needs ✔ understanding their rights and responsibilities ✔ linking care and health opportunities ✔ finding services to meet other cultural needs ✔ improving self-worth, controlling feelings and improving relations with others and engaging in community activity ✔ accessing emergency support in a crisis. The Supporting People programme does not cover health and social care services though, such as home and personal care or community meals.

✔ a subsidised Handy Man service

Care and Repair

✔ help applying for appropriate benefits and grants

Homeowners and private tenants aged 60 and over who want to remain safe, secure and independent in their homes could benefit from the Care and Repair service.

✔ debt and budgeting advice ✔ help to find care to support you at home ✔ general welfare check to help boost confidence when you return home ✔ advice to carers and family members ✔ information about social opportunities to help you feel less isolated.

North Somerset Care and Repair is a non-profitmaking organisation which is managed by We Care and Repair (West of England). It receives money from the Government and other sources, as well as generating a small income from fees, and provides:

✔ advice and support to help people spend their money wisely ✔ help for homeowners and private tenants to obtain grants and other funding to pay for work on their homes ✔ help with disability adaptations ✔ information on welfare benefits and community services, such as heating and installation schemes, Carelink, and gas safety checks ✔ lists of approved contractors ✔ supervision and support on any work, acting as the liaison for all parties concerned. Make your home more energy efficient Making your home energy efficient can help keep you warm in winter, cool in summer and save you money. Top tips! ✔ turn your thermostat down by 1ºC ✔ is your water too hot? The thermostat needn’t be higher than 60ºC ✔ close curtains at dusk to stop heat escaping ✔ always turn off lights when you leave a room ✔ don’t leave appliances on standby or charging unnecessarily ✔ only boil the water you need (but remember to cover elements if using an electric kettle) ✔ fix leaking taps and turn them off fully ✔ replace light bulbs with energy- saving ones ✔ keep lids on pans when cooking. For more information on all of the Services please contact Care Connect on: 01275 888 801

North Somerset CCG North Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group is committed to public engagement and participation as it develops the services it buys from local providers (like hospitals and community care) on YOUR behalf. Working together to improve health and social care in our community The next 12 months will see North Somerset CCG asking for your views and experiences on many areas of the local health and care system such as: • Adult and child community services • Children’s and young people‘s services • Primary care • Urgent care • Planned care • Maternity services • Care for vulnerable and elderly adults

Alternatively, you can take part in Healthwatch North Somerset, which is the independent local consumer champion for health and social care. You can also request to join your own GP practice patient group – ask at your GP surgery reception for details.

THINK ABC BEFORE A&E Anytime medical advice from NHS 111 Book an appointment with your GP surgery Call in at your local Minor Injuries Unit

Here’s how you can take part: You can go to the Get Involved pages of our website or call Patient and Public Engagement Manager, Mary Adams, on 01275 546750 to talk about your interests and how you can join in.

You might like to sign up to the quarterly stakeholder engagement newsletter, which you can do on our website, to be kept informed of what the CCG has been working on, and what is planned. You can also speak to the Patient Advice and Liaison Service on 0117 947 4477 or email:

Injured or feeling unwell?

Your local Minor Injuries Units: Clevedon Community Hospital, Minor Injuries Unit, Old Street, Clevedon, North Somerset, BS21 6BS Telephone: 01275 546852

North Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group

Bridgwater MIU, Bridgwater Community Hospital, Salmon Parade, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 5AH Telephone: 01278 436705

Your local Urgent Care Centre: South Bristol Community Hospital, Urgent Care Centre, Hengrove Promenade, Bristol, BS14 0DE Telephone: 0117 342 9692

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A Carer spends a significant proportion of their life providing unpaid support to family or friends.

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who has a long term illness or disability including mental illness, alcohol or drug misuse or those that are elderly, forgetful or frail.

We offer podiatry, Caring can be a very difficult, demanding and all consuming video task,physiotherapy, no matter how close you are to gait the person you care for. analysis and more. Caring can affect your Health making you feel tired, frustrated, stressed and feeling guilty, leaving you with no time to yourself. In fact 52% of carers need treatment for stress related problems and many carers feel they have to supporting yourhas on their life. give back up workinto because of the effects caring

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You are not alone! It is estimated there around 6.5 million Carers in the UK today. You are certainly not alone, but you still need take care of yourself as well as the person you For tomore information visit care for.

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North Somerset Community Partnership is your local health service provider. We are commissioned to deliver over 26 NHS services to the communities of North Somerset. You can find out more about us by visiting: or scan the QR code.

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Legal Terms Tricky issues to navigate in planning for care - By Ian Evans, Dip PFS The fastest-growing sector of the UK population is that aged over 75. Modern medicine means more of us are surviving far longer than our ancestors. The good news is that for most of us this comes with fitness and the ability to enjoy another decade of life. The downside is that for a minority - about one in four of those now aged 65 - physical or mental deterioration towards the end of their lives will require some form of increasingly costly residential care. In Scotland, the State pays for much of this. But in England, it pays only for the costs directly related to health, and individuals are means-tested on their eligibility for other benefits. The new rules introduced by the Coalition government have made an already complex system more complicated. In particular, each local authority applies different rules so that two people with similar requirements for care, in care homes separated by just a couple of streets, can be receiving substantially different local authority contributions towards their costs. In theory, under the new system taking effect in 2016, once an individual has spent £72,000 on their own care, all costs will be paid by the State. But in fact, only direct health-related costs count towards the cap. For someone in a residential care home paying £4,000 per month, the amount counting towards the cap is likely to be no more than 50% of the cost per month. This means that by the time these eligible costs have reached £72,000, they will have spent about £134,000 on care (source Partnership). And even after that, only about a third of their care home bills will be paid by the State. Why the ‘care cap’ won’t fit “The ‘capped cost’ model will not in fact cap people’s care costs given most individuals pay more for care than their local authority, particularly in residential care. Despite the government promoting the new Upper Capital Limit in 2016 for means- tested support for residential care costs of £118,000, few, if anyone, will actually receive financial support when they spend down their wealth to this level. There will in effect be 152 different ‘real’ Upper Capital Limits across England.” - Jeremy Lloyd, Director, the Strategic Society Centre, September 2013 The costs of care thus become a huge financial issue not just for those affected but for their families. There have been many cases in which not just all of a couple’s financial assets, but their home too, have been used in paying for the costs of care. Many elderly people resent not being able to leave their children the inheritance they had hoped for, especially when the rules appear so arbitrary and complex. It seems inevitable that there will be more changes to the dysfunctional English system over the next few years. In the meantime, there are some things that almost all elderly people should consider as a matter of course.

Update your Will. Nowadays, solicitors will often recommend that on the death of the first of a married couple, half the marital home is left to their children. Then, if the second enters a care home, the half that has been given to the children cannot be claimed by a local authority to pay fees. Set up Powers of Attorney. Two types of Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA) can be set up that give relatives and/or lawyers the power to act on someone’s behalf. Most people establish financial LPAs, but one governing health is equally important - otherwise the family can end up entirely in the hands of the medical profession, with no power to make independent decisions. A recent upsurge in applications means it takes between 12 and 16 weeks to register new LPAs, so do not leave this too late, and get legal help in making the application. Talk to the family. When making plans for long term care, everyone needs to understand what provisions are being made and how they will work. Review the finances. Often, there are ways of arranging investments that will at least reduce the amounts of tax payable, even if the capital still has to be used to pay care home fees. The longer in advance plans are made, the easier it is to ‘ring fence’ assets so that they are protected. On all these issues, most people will benefit from professional advice. At FiveWays Financial Planning, we specialise in this area and already have one adviser fully accredited with the Society Of Later Life Advisers (SOLLA,www. We work closely with solicitors specialising in this field who are members of Solicitors for the Elderly (SFE, www. We also run regular money clinics at several residential care homes in Somerset. Our normal practice is to offer an introductory meeting without charge or obligation, so that people can get a clear idea of what we can do and the potential benefits of our service. Financial planning for long-term care is often complicated and a discussion with an adviser can help clarify the key issues for you. Contact us on 01934 511511 or to make an appointment with one of our advisers.

Advice On Paying For Care Care and support services are means-tested and are not free to everyone. Most people have to pay something towards their own care and some will have to pay for all of the costs. Who pays depends on what your needs are, how much money you have, and what level and type of care and support you require. You may need to pay for all of your own care, or you may be entitled to local authority funding, NHS care (free) or have entitlements to welfare benefits to help pay for your care and support. For most people needing social care services, the first place to start is by asking your local authority for an assessment of your social care (care and support) needs. As part of this, the local authority may also carry out a financial assessment. This assessment will determine whether the local authority will meet all the cost of your care, or whether you will need to contribute towards your care cost or whether you will have to meet the full costs yourself.

Some of the rules for this financial assessment are applied differently based on whether you need care in your own home or care in a residential home. There are several options for funding care. Understanding them, and which ones apply to you can be complicated.

Get personal advice on care funding The cost of care and support is likely to be a long term commitment and may be substantial, particularly if you opt for residential care. If you or a member of the family need to pay for care at home or in a care home, it’s important to understand the alternatives. This makes advice tailored to your individual needs vital. Please see the North Somerset Council in the RED section of the directory for more details or contact the care connect team on: 01275 888801 or on the website:

The Mental Capacity Act:

• The purposes of the Act are allowing adults to make as many decisions as they can for themselves. • To enable adults to make advance decisions about whether they would like future medical treatment. • To allow adults to appoint, in advance of losing mental capacity, another person to make decisions about personal welfare or property on their behalf at a future date. • To allow decisions concerning personal welfare or property and affairs to be made in the best interests of adults when they have not made any future plans and cannot make a decision at the time. • To ensure an NHS body or local authority will appoint an independent mental capacity advocate to support someone who cannot make a decision about serious medical treatment, or about hospital, care home or residential accommodation, when there are no family or friends to be consulted. • To provide protection against legal liability for carers who have honestly and reasonably sought to act in the person’s best interests. • To provide clarity and safeguards around research in relation to those who lack capacity.

Your Journey, Our Guidance For independent financial advice on all aspects of planning and funding for long-term care and care home fees. We specialise in advice in this sector and work closely with local solicitors who are members of Solicitors for the Elderly.

Tel: 01934 511511

Ian Evans is a director of Weston-based financial advisers FiveWays Financial Planning.

Call to arrange a free initial consultation

He is accredited by the Society Of Later Life Advisers.

FiveWays Financial Planning Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Tricky issues to navigate in planning for care - By Ian Evans, Dip PFS The fastest-growing sector of the UK population is that aged over 75. Modern medicine means more of us are surviving far longer than our

The costs of care thus become a huge financial issue not just for those affected but for their families. There have been many cases in which not just all of a couple’s financial assets, but their home too, have been used in paying

Independent Living Around one in five adults in the UK is disabled, and more than 1 million of those live alone. With the right support and facilities, leading an independent life with a physical or learning disability is now more achievable than ever. If you or a member of your family has difficulty living in your home due to a long-term illness or disability, you may be able to get help by adapting your home to better meet your needs. You can apply to your local council for a disabled facilities grant. The grant helps you adapt your home to make it suitable for a disabled person. Depending on your income, you may need to pay towards the cost of the work to the property. You could get a grant from your council if you are disabled and need to make changes to your home

Minor Adaptations External Adaptations • • • • • •


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Let us help you retain your independence

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Our 2 showrooms have an atmosphere which is relaxed and approachable. Many visitors have commented how they have been shown understanding, sensitivity and kindness with no pressure. Sarah Gooding is an experienced qualified professional OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST and has the expertise to discuss and advise you on your individual needs.

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Care In Your Own Home If you are finding it difficult to manage at home you could consider using the services of a home care provider. Home care providers employ care assistants who can help you with bathing, washing and dressing.

Organising your own home care If you are thinking about arranging your own home care it is a good idea to ask any agencies you approach the following questions:

The staff who work for these agencies are trained in personal care and safety procedures, moving and handling, hygiene and infection control. If you require nursing care at home, many agencies employ registered nurses.

• • • • •

A list of the care agencies registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC), which are located in the North Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group can be found on the following pages. When considering the use of services from a home care provider you may want to ask them a few questions to help you build up a picture of how your care needs will be met. Some of these questions could be.

Are there different rates for weekends/evenings? Are there any extra charges i.e. for the carer’s travelling expenses? What sort of services do you provide? If you provide me with a service, can I contact you out of office hours? If so, how? Are your carers trained? Are you registered with the Care Quality Commission?

To check up-to-date information on the providers of homecare in North Somerset visit or scan the QR CODE with your Smartphone. Telephone

Allied Healthcare

01934 642424

Birnbeck House - Learning Disabilities 2 St Pauls Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 4AF

01934 626498

Bluebird Care (North Somerset)

35 Boulevard, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1PE

01934 412430

Carewatch (North Somerset)

211 Milton Road, Weston-super-Mare BS22 8EG

01934 425184

Chase Lodge Care Home

4 Grove Park Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2LN

01934 418463

Churchill House

Bridgwater Court, Oldmixon Crescent, Weston-super-Mare BS24 9AY 01934 429448


Badger House, Oldmixon Crescent, Weston-super-Mare BS24 9AY

01934 416969

CTS Domiciliary Care

81 High Street, Worle, Weston-super-Mare BS22 6ET

01934 708772

Disabled Children,The Firs

Resource Centre, 89a Drove Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 3NX

01934 427669

Home Instead Senior Care

202 Worle High Street, Worle, Weston-super-Mare BS22 6JE

01934 526892

Housing & Care 21 - Diamond Court

Summer Lane, Diamond Batch, Worle, Weston-super-Mare BS24 7AY 03701 924038

Maria Care Services

57 Jubilee Way, St Georges, Weston-super-Mare BS22 7RH

01934 522570

MiHomecare Weston Super Mare

Ground Floor, 8 Beaconsfield Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1YE

01934 643888

Notaro Homecare

Top Floor Office, 25-31 Boulevard, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1NX 01934 422800

Nursing Solutions

Sterling Buildings, High Street, Worle, Weston-super-Mare BS22 6JD 01934 522022

Onetrue Step

115 Beach Road, Kewstoke, Weston-super-Mare BS22 9UG

07792 837250

Pine Lodge

13 Hazeldene Road, Milton, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2XL

01934 622539

Poppy’s Homecare Limited

Purn House Farm, Bleadon, Weston-super-Mare BS24 0QE

01934 815025

Silver Tree Lodge

18 Clarence Road South, Weston-super-Mare BS23 4BN

01934 625309

The Coach House

Little Manor Barns, West Hewish, Weston-super-Mare BS24 6RR

01934 835937

Total Care at Home

95 Moreland Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 4HS

01934 416216

Domiciliary Care Nailsea Address


United Response

07850 212353

The Sion, 1st Floor, Crown Glass Place, Nailsea, Bristol BS48 1RB

Domiciliary Care Portishead Address


Waverley Court

01275 846582

2-136 Forth Avenue, Portishead BS20 7NY

We promote independence and work with you to achieve your goals and aspirations We specialise in reablement Facilitating hospital discharges Providing personal care and continence care Respite and convalescence services All round support with daily living and managing your home We also provide foot health care visitors in your own home.

01275 342 266

Domiciliary Care Weston-super-Mare Address 11 Boulevard, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1NR

Arch Care Services Ltd enabling health and wellbeing at home.

Arch Care Services Ltd, Unit 4, Britannia Way, Clevedon, North Somerset, BS21 6QH

We care passionately Call our professional team on 01934 412430

What we offer

The homecare service where peace of mind comes as standard.

We offer everything from personal care to shopping, cleaning or social visits. In fact everything you need to stay in the comfort of your own home.

WE OFFER A WIDE RANGE OF SERVICES TO HELP SUPPORT YOUR CARE NEEDS: • Personal Care • Respite Care • Direct Payments • Specialist Care • Shopping

Contact us Visit us online at Call our professional team on 01934 412430

• Companionship • Holiday Cover • Nursing Care • Personal Budgets • Support with Daily Living

For more information please contact the North Somerset branch:

01934 310555

Prestige Nursing + Care

Care In Your Own Home


Arch Care Services Ltd provide home care Services to residents in North Somerset. We are a small company offering a personalised service to our clients in their own homes offering them the continuity of regular care staff who are well trained and fully vetted.



Offering the largest range of fitted key safes in the UK

Tel: 01275 879 499 or 01275 543 348

For just


FREE quotations & NO long term commitment

Tel: 01275 543 348

Poppy's Homecare Ltd, The Old Parlour, Purn House Farm, Bleadon, Weston Super Mare, Somerset, BS24 0QE

On this page you will find some useful contact details and a brief description of services offered from a selection of local charities and service providers . Additional copies of this directory will be available for collection only (hard copy) or via email (electronic version) from all these outlets.

Our team aims to add life to days when days cannot be added to lives, providing comfort, peace of mind and support to local people during the toughest experience they will ever have to face. We provide vital nursing, practical, spiritual and emotional support to local people and their families - whether that be in our Day Hospice or In-patient Unit, or via our Hospice Community Nurse specialists who make sure that those who wish to stay in their own homes can do so, while still receiving the high quality of care they need and deserve. All the Hospice services are free and cost us nearly £3 million every year, so if you or someone you know could benefit from our services or if you'd like to make a donation please call 01934 423900 or vist or speak to your GP.

HOME SUPPORT AGENCY Services are tailored to individuals Telephone: 01934 815025 email:

“As soon as we walked through the doors I thought: ahhhh, we’re in safe hands now.” Carolyn Boley, wife of a patient

Registered Charity No. 900328

We provide a wide range of homecare services direct to people in Weston Super Mare and the surrounding towns and villages. Poppy’s have become a leading light in domiciliary care and our reputation for delivering a high quality, caring service to a variety of clients is recognised throughout the local area.

Telephone: 01934 412430 Email: Bluebird Care, 35 The Boulevard, Weston Super Mare, BS23 1PE

Somerset and North Somerset

General enquiries: 0845 643 4621 Tel: 01934 414 214

Bluebird Care is a quality care provider. We specialise in working with customers and their families that require social care in their own homes. We offer a unique service of tailored care visits from 30 minutes to full live-in support.

Ground Floor, Enterprise Centre Oldmixon Crescent Weston-super-Mare, Somerset BS24 9AY


To find out more please contact: The Carers Centre, 1 Graham Road, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset BS23 1YA 01934 411840

Notaro Live in Care

25/31 Boulevard, Weston super mare, BS23 1NX

Tel 0845 5190800 Fax 01934 422824 Email:

Prestige Nursing + Care

Age UK Somerset and North Somerset Ash House, Cook Way, Bindon Road Taunton, Somerset TA2 6BJ

For more information please contact the North Somerset branch:

The homecare service where peace of mind comes as standard.

“Supporting children and adults with a learning disability and their families and carers”


01934 310555

Domiciliary Care Portishead Address



Castlewood, Tickenham Road, Clevedon BS21 6FW


ARCH Care Services Ltd

Unit 4, Britannia Way, Clevedon BS21 6QH


Arrigadeen Nursing Home

20 Cambridge Road, Clevedon BS21 7HX


Brunelcare Domiciliary Care Services

1 Britannia Way, Clevedon BS21 6QH


Careplus - Clevedon

21-25 Old Church Road, Clevedon BS21 6LU


Oaktree Lodge Residential Home

12-13 Jesmond Road, Clevedon BS21 7RZ


Working with and for older people We promote the well-being of all older people in Somerset to make later life an enjoyable and fulfilling experience If you have concerns about Alzheimer's disease or about any other form of dementia, Alzheimer's Society National Dementia Helpline 0300 222 1122 can provide information, support and guidance.

Crossroads Care supports carers of all ages regardless of the illness or disability that the person with care needs has. PLEASE JOIN US WE NEED YOU

For more information visit our website:


Contact us by phone: 01934 419393 By email at: or by post to: Vision North Somerset, 3 Neva Road, Weston super Mare, BS23 1YD

Supporting blind and partially sighted people in North Somerset

01934 423 900

Our team aims to add life to days when days cannot be added to lives, providing comfort, peace of mind and support to local people during the toughest experience they will ever have to face.

Email: Jackson-Barstow House, 28 Thornbury Road, Uphill, Weston-super-Mare, Somerset BS23 4YQ

Choosing the Right Care Home All care homes vary in their quality, and it can be hard to know what qualities to look for when choosing a home. A good care home will probably do the following: • Offer new residents and their families or carers a guide (in a variety of accessible formats) describing what they can expect while they’re living there. Ideally, residents of the home would have helped to produce the guide • Have a majority of staff who have worked there for a long time. They know the residents well, and are friendly, supportive and respectful • Involve residents, carers and their families in decision making, perhaps through regular meetings with staff • Support residents in doing things for themselves and maximising their independence, including keeping contact with the outside community • Offer a choice of tasty and nutritious food, which residents may have helped to prepare • Take into account the needs and wishes of all residents, and provide a variety of leisure and social activities • Be in a clean, bright and hygienic environment that’s been adapted appropriately for residents, with single bedrooms available. A good environment encourages residents to personalise their room • Have staff who respect residents’ privacy and knock before they enter someone’s room • Be staffed by well-trained people, for example, nurses trained in dementia care • Respect residents’ modesty and make sure that they look respectable, while recognising residents’ choice about what they wear • Be accredited under the Gold Standards Framework for end of life care A bad care home might do the following: • Have a code of practice and a set of aims, but doesn’t make them a priority • Offers little opportunity to listen to residents, with most decisions made by staff • Have residents’ care plans that are out of date, and don’t reflect their needs accurately. This means that some residents aren’t getting the support they need with their healthcare and personal care

• Give residents little privacy. Staff often enter residents’ rooms without knocking, and they talk about residents within earshot of other people • Have staff who don’t make an effort to interact with residents, and leave them sitting in front of the TV all day • Be in a poorly maintained building, with rooms that all look the same and have little choice in furnishings • Need cleaning, with shared bathrooms that aren’t cleaned regularly • Deny residents their independence, for example, by not allowing someone to feed themselves because it takes too long As a resident in a care home, you should expect: • The right to be treated politely and with dignity • The right to privacy for yourself, and your relatives and friends when they visit • The right to deal with your own finances and spend your money how you choose • The right to eat food that’s prepared in line with your faith, and to worship when and where you want to • The right to choose the food that you eat, and to be given the time and space to relax and enjoy your meal • The right to choose when you get up in the mornings and go to bed at night • The right to complain if you’re unhappy with your care

Choosing the Right Care Home There are many types of residential care homes available. These include permanent care homes for older people, homes for younger adults with disabilities and homes for children. They may be privately owned or run by the voluntary sector or local authorities. You may want to consider in detail the many options for residential care before you make a decision. Older People Care homes for older people may provide personal care or nursing care. A care home which is registered to provide personal care (see the section on care home regulation, below) will offer support, ensuring that basic personal needs, such as meals, bathing, going to the toilet and medication, are taken care of. In some homes more able residents have greater independence and take care of many of their own needs.Some residents may need medical care and some care homes are registered to provide this. These are often referred to as nursing homes. Some homes specialise in certain types of disability, for example, dementia. Adults Aged 18-65 There are also residential care homes that provide care and support for younger adults with, for example, severe physical disabilities, learning disabilities, acquired brain injury, progressive neurological conditions or mental health problems. Care can be provided for adults with more than one condition and some homes have expertise in providing care for adults with alcohol or drug dependency.

These homes offer permanent residence or provide care for a temporary period until the adult is able to live independently or move to a different type of accommodation. Choosing between residential care and independent living Social services normally encourage younger adults who they assess for support to be as independent as their circumstances allow. The care plan for adults with disabilities will consider what independent tasks they can carry out and how they can be helped to achieve more. Even if adults have very severe disabilities their needs are reviewed from time to time to check whether residential care or a very high level of support is still appropriate. Supported living may be an option for younger adults. This allows people to live independently in the community but with basic support. The support offered includes help with setting up a home and managing finances, and assistance with cleaning and shopping. For older people there are various alternatives to residential care. These include sheltered housing and extra care housing schemes, which offer independence with an increased level of care and support. For many people there is also the choice of living independently at home with community care support.

Choosing the Right Care Home

Residential Homes Residential Homes Weston-super-Mare Address


Abberleigh House

17 Grove Park Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2LW

01934 621397


10 Eastfield Park, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2PE

01934 622144


71 Beach Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 4BG

01934 621166

Abbi Lodge Residential Home

13 Clifton Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1BJ

01934 642251

Acer House Care Home

141b Milton Road, Weston-super-Mare BS22 8AA

01934 637350

Ashcombe Court

17 Milton Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2SJ

01934 626408

Birnbeck House - Learning Disabilities

2 St Pauls Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 4AF

01934 626498

Cedars (The)

8 Clevedon Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1DG

01934 629773

Chase Lodge Care Home

4 Grove Park Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2LN

01934 418463

Cherrywood House

6 Eastfield Park, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2PE

01934 621438

Clevedon House

70-72 Clevedon Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1DF

01934 624836

Dewdown House

64 Beach Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 4BE

01934 417125

Earlfield Lodge

25-31 Trewartha Park, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2RR

01934 417934

Ellenborough Court

3 Ellenborough Crescent, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1XL

01934 424262

Gardenia Court Nursing Home

21 Uphill Road North, Weston-super-Mare BS23 4NG

01934 632552

Gough House

13 Ellenborough Park North, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1XH

01934 622019

Granada House

5 St Pauls Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 4AB

01934 416102

Harewood House

8 Shrubbery Terrace, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2JZ

01934 620502


32 Trewartha Park, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2RT

01934 644940

Innisfree Residential Home

12-16 Severn Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1DN

01934 621611

Kew Gardens

1 Kew Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2NP

01934 629378


18 New Bristol Road, Weston-super-Mare BS22 6AB

01934 525677

Kismet House

92 Walliscote Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1EE

01934 628631

Longton Court

8 Longton Grove Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1LT

01934 708771


Choice of Accommodation The law says that where the local authority is funding accommodation it must allow the person entering residential care to choose which care home they would prefer. Social services must first agree that the home is suitable for the person’s needs and that it would not cost more than they would normally pay for a home that would meet those needs. If the person chooses to go into a more expensive home, a relative or friend may be able to ‘top up’ the difference in cost. Choosing a Care Home Care homes may be arranged through the local authority but many people will want to arrange them independently. It is a good idea to visit several homes before making a choice. Make sure you spend enough time in each home to get a good idea of what it is like. Respite and Short Term Stays Residential care home stays don’t necessarily have to be permanent. Temporary stays can be arranged for respite care (in which you take a break from caring for somebody else), or as a trial period before a permanent stay.

Temporary stays can give you flexibility when covering unexpected events, such as: • Palliative care (which manages or reduces pain) after a hospital stay or illness • Support for newly disabled people and their carers • Enabling someone to continue living independently if they live alone and suddenly require care • Giving someone a chance to try potential future homes What your choices are A list of nursing and residential care homes within your locality can be found on the following pages. Every care home in England must be registered with the national regulatory body Care Quality Commission (CQC). They inspect each care home on a regular basis and write an inspection report for you to read. It is advisable to read this report before making a final decision. To check up-to-date information on the Nursing and Residential care homes within your locality visit or scan the QR CODE WITH YOUR SMARTPHONE

18-20 Ellenborough Park South, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1XN

01934 626233

Madeira Lodge Residential Care Home 38-40 Birnbeck Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2BX

01934 621846

Meijer House

2-3 Ellenborough Park Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1XJ

01934 627600

Miller Farm

66 High Street, Worle, Weston-super-Mare BS22 6EJ

01934 521288

Neva Manor Care Home

4 Neva Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1YD

01934 623413

Oak Bank Residential Home

31 South Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2HD

01934 647670

Oakley House

23 Gerrard Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2RE

01934 627481

Park House Residential Home

Park Place, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2BA

01934 415701

Pine Lodge

13 Hazeldene Road, Milton, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2XL

01934 622539

Quantock House

15 Quantock Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 4DN

01934 644971

Rodney House Residential Home

34-36 Trewartha Park, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2RT

01934 417478

Rosewood Lodge

9 Uphill Road North, Weston-super-Mare BS23 4NE

01934 644266


Beach Road, Kewstoke, Weston-super-Mare BS22 9UZ

01934 631893

Sandringham Villa

97-99 Locking Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 3EW

01934 613998

Sefton Park

Sefton Park, 10 Royal Crescent, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2AX

01934 626371


15-19 Clevedon Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1DA

01934 620195

Shallcott Hall Residential Home

1 Ellenborough Crescent, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1XL

01934 620611

Silver Tree Lodge

18 Clarence Road South, Weston-super-Mare BS23 4BN

01934 625309

Southside House

44 Severn Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1DP

01934 626540

Residential Homes

Nursing Homes

01934 511511

01934 511511

201 Park Way, Worle, Weston super Mare, North Somerset, BS22 6WA

Make the best use of your resources with professional financial planning from an independent financial adviser.

St Agnes Retirement Home

5-7 Neva Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1YD

01934 621167

St Anthony’s Court

26 Bristol Road Lower, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2PP

01934 622161

St David’s House

50 Walliscote Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1XF

01934 627600

Stoneleigh Residential Care Home

24 Clarence Road South Weston-super-Mare BS23 4BN

01934 626701

The Links

7 Uphill Road North, Weston-super-Mare BS23 4NE

01934 625869

The Willows Care Home

7 Court Road, Sand Bay, Weston-super-Mare BS22 9UT

01934 628020

Tilsley House Care Home

14-16 Clarence Road South, Weston-super-Mare BS23 4BN

01934 419300

Tollington Lodge Residential Home

146 Milton Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2UZ

01934 620630


16 Swiss Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 3AX

01934 629919

Victoria Court

1 Victoria Park, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2HZ

01934 629392

Westcliffe House Limited

12 Madeira Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2EX

01934 629897

Westgate Residential Home

5 Ellenborough Crescent, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1XL

01934 621952

Wyvern Lodge

154 Milton Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2UZ

01934 413388

Wyvern Lodge

89 Drove Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 3NX

01934 612416

Stuart House

21-23 Clevedon Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1DA

201 Park Way, Worle, Weston super Mare, North Somerset, BS22 6WA

Make the best use of your resources with professional financial planning from an independent financial adviser.

Albert House Nursing Home Tel: 01934 622869 Fax: 01934 613807 Email:

01934 429086

Residential Homes Portishead



Cambrian Lodge

4 Battery Road, Portishead BS20 7HP

01275 848844

Norewood Lodge Nursing Home

72 Nore Road, Portishead BS20 8DU

01275 818660


Petersfield, Church Road South, Portishead BS20 6PU

01275 848362

Residential Homes Nailsea Argentum Lodge Consensus Support Services Limited Gilbert Scott Care Home The Granary Care Centre The Rambles Care Home

Address Telephone Silver Street, Nailsea, Bristol, BS48 2DS 01275 850430 Moor Lane, 1 Moor Lane, Backwell, Bristol BS48 3LL 01275 465560 Old Weston Road, Flax Bourton BS48 1UL 01275 464875 Lodge Lane, Wraxall, Nailsea BS48 1BJ 01275 866642 90 Farleigh Road, Backwell BS48 3PD 01275 790072

Residential Homes Clevedon Alvony House Residential Care Home Ashley House - Bristol Channel View Gorselands Care Home Oaktree Lodge Residential Home Osborne House Pizey Avenue St Brigas Residential Home Upton Cottage Waverley Lodge Winash Rest Home Worcester Lodge

Address 25 Linden Road, Clevedon BS21 7SR 33 Sunnyside Road, Clevedon BS21 7TL 42 Albert Road, Clevedon BS21 7RR 45 The Avenue, Clevedon BS21 7DZ 12-13 Jesmond Road, Clevedon BS21 7RZ 16 Bay Road, Clevedon BS21 7BT 7 Pizey Avenue, Clevedon BS21 7TS 2-3 Jesmond Road, Clevedon BS21 7SA 18 Bay Road, Clevedon BS21 7BT 17 Albert Road, Clevedon BS21 7RP 9 Albert Road, Clevedon BS21 7RP 30-32 Castle Road, Walton St. Mary, Clevedon BS21 7DE

Telephone 01275 875573 01275 871557 01275 341199 01275 872315 01275 873171 01275 871020 01275 341753 01275 870653 01275 878601 01275 873942 01275 873129 01275 874031

Nursing Office: 01934 627471 Admin Office: 01934 627518

“A Home where laughter is embraced & memories shared”

Lyndhurst Park Nursing Home, Severn Road, Weston Super Mare, North Somerset BS23 1DW

Ambleside Nursing Home, 6 Southside, Weston-Super-Mare North Somerset, BS23 2QT

The Home provides nursing care for elderly frail people. The services to our residents include general elderly care, nursing care, continuity care, respite, enablement and dementia type of illnesses.

Call us… 0117 949 4000 Email us… Cote Lane, Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol BS9 3UN

St Monica Trustʼs retirement villages provide high quality sheltered accommodation and innovative care for elderly and disabled people. We are recognised nationally as one of the leading providers of continuing nursing care in Bristol and North Somerset.

Nursing Homes Weston-super-Mare



Albert House Nursing Home

19 Albert Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1ES

01934 622869

Beaufort Hall Nursing Home

28-30 Birnbeck Road, Madeira Cove, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2BT 01934 620857

Abbey Grange Residential Home Ambleside Nursing Home Clarence Park

Ellenborough Nursing Home Flowerdown House

Highcroft Nursing Home

Jasmine Court Nursing Home

Lyndhurst Park Nursing Home Manor Park Nursing Home

Oak Bank Residential Home Oaklands Care Home Ravenswood

St George’s Nursing Home

61 South Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2LT 6 Southside, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2QT

01934 629374

55 Beach Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1BH

01934 621664

9-11 Neva Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1YD 7 Eastfield Park, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2PE 13 Park Place, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2BA

33-35 Severn Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1DW

3 Ellenborough Park North, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1XH 31 South Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2HD

26 Severn Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1DP

47 Bristol Road Lower, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2PX

01934 621006 01934 622247 01934 622028 01934 627471 01934 414111

01934 647670 01934 616344 01934 412091

1 Court Cl, Pastures Ave, St Georges, Weston-super-Mare BS22 7AA 01934 524598

8 Queens Road, Weston-Super-Mare BS23 2LQ

The Manor House

Uphill Road South, Uphill, Weston-super-Mare BS23 4TA

Uphill Grange Care Home

Uphill Road South, Weston-super-Mare BS23 4TX

The Willows Nursing home

01934 642172

7-9 Clarence Road North, Weston-super-Mare BS23 4AT

Stanton Nursing Home Summer Lane

01934 623223

01934 625640

Diamond Batch, Worle, Weston-super-Mare BS24 7AY

01934 529190

West Wick, Weston-super-Mare BS24 7TF

01934 510404

01934 412207 01934 635422

Nursing Homes 20 Cambridge Road, Clevedon, North Somerset, BS21 7HX

Arrigadeen Nursing Home

(01275) 879405

Nursing Homes Clevedon



Arrigadeen Nursing Home

20 Cambridge Road, Clevedon BS21 7HX

01275 879405

Bay View Nursing & Residential Home

2-6 Bay Road, Clevedon BS21 7BT

01275 343109

Clevedon Court Nursing Home

32 Dial Hill Road, Clevedon BS21 7HN

01275 872694

Elm View Nursing Home

Moor Lane, Clevedon BS21 6EU

01275 872088

Mount Elton Nursing Home

25 Highdale Road, Clevedon BS21 7LW

01275 871123

Nursing Homes Portishead



Norewood Lodge Nursing Home

72 Nore Road, Portishead BS20 8DU

01275 818660

Time to explore your retirement options? The St Monica Trust holds regular open days at our award-winning Sandford Station retirement village.

You will be escorted on a guided tour by one of our residents to view the wide range of facilities we have to offer, including the Pullman restaurant, pool and gym, indoor and all-weather outdoor bowls, as well as a variety of leisure activities and social events.

For those with care needs, 24-hour care and support is available, as well as specialist nursing and dementia care.

Tel: 01934 642172

Our team of Registered Nurses and carers provide round-the-clock care and support for each resident according to their individual needs..

The homely feel at Ambleside is created by our staff. Our team have been carefully selected not only for their professional ability but also for their commitment to trulymaking a difference for the people in our care. All the people work for Ambleside are directly employed by the Home and this promotes to build relationship with the residents and offer accountability.

Why not join our re-sales mailing list and we will keep you informed when re-sale properties become available.

Call 0117 949 4004 to find out more. | |

Delivering well-being Registered Charity 202151

Contact us today for more information on 01934 642172

Mental Health

Mental Health

What Is Mental Health?

Care connect

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It can affect the way you think, feel and behave. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make everyday choices. Mental health is important at every stage of our lives.

These are the contact details for our care connect service, who deal with enquiries relating to social services for older and disabled people.

Mental health problems can affect the way you think, feel and behave. Some mental health problems are described using words that are in everyday use, for example ‘depression’ or ‘anxiety’. This can make them seem easier to understand, but can also mean people underestimate how serious they can be. Mental health problems range from the worries we all experience as part of everyday life to serious long-term conditions. The majority of people who experience mental health problems can get better and many recover completely, especially if they get help early on.

Email: Telephone: 01275 888 801 Fax: 01275 888 407 Minicom: 01275 888 805 Our Care Connect service is available Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm.

Kismet House and Ventura Residential Home are homes which provides support and residential facilities for people with Mental Illness. Both the homes provides a comfortable relaxed and happy environment. Kismet House Care Home Ltd is a small family run business. All the staff working at both homes are experienced and qualified to understand the sensitivities and needs of people who have mental illness and provide an excellent support to be able to live there lives as independently as possible.

We offer Support with: Planning daily & weekly routines Medication Motivation & organisational skills Maintaining good physical health Cooking & housework

In an emergency outside our usual working hours contact the emergency duty team on 01454 615 165.

Enhancing social skills

Our Staff provide a specialist community based service for people with a history of mental health or those who are in drug or alcohol recovery. We offer person centred, holistic support to our clients enabling and encouraging them to regain control of their lives.

Finding employment / volunteering Finding educational courses Family relationships Budgeting skills

Mental Health Homes Clevedon



Channel View

42 Albert Road, Clevedon BS21 7RR

01275 341199

Pizey Avenue

7 Pizey Avenue, Clevedon BS21 7TS

01275 341753

Mental Health Homes Weston-super-Mare Address


Abbey Grange Residential Home

61 South Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2LT

01934 623223

Albert House Nursing Home

19 Albert Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1ES

01934 622869

Annabel House Care Centre

57 Bristol Road Lower, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2PX

01934 416648

Ashcombe Court

17 Milton Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2SJ

01934 626408

Beach Lawns Care Home

67 Beach Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 4BG

01934 629578


18-20 Ellenborough Park South, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1XN

01934 626233

Chase Lodge Care Home

4 Grove Park Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2LN

01934 418463

Kismet House

92 Walliscote Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1EE

01934 628631

Longton Court

8 Longton Grove Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1LT

01934 708771

Manor Park Nursing Home

3 Ellenborough Park North, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1XH

01934 414111

Meijer House

2-3 Ellenborough Park Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1XJ

01934 627600

Miller Farm

66 High Street, Worle, Weston-super-Mare BS22 6EJ

01934 521288

Oaklands Care Home

26 Severn Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1DP

01934 616344

Pine Lodge

13 Hazeldene Road, Milton, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2XL

01934 622539

Quantock House

15 Quantock Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 4DN

01934 644971


47 Bristol Road Lower, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2PX

01934 412091


81 Locking Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 3DW

01934 633397


Beach Road, Kewstoke, Weston-super-Mare BS22 9UZ

01934 631893

Sefton Park

Sefton Park, 10 Royal Crescent, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2AX

01934 626371


15-19 Clevedon Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1DA

01934 620195

Shallcott Hall Residential Home

1 Ellenborough Crescent, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1XL

01934 620611

Weston Super Mare is a delightful sea side town with beautiful Victorian style building. Both homes are with in a mile to the beech and local town. There is railway station near by. Weston Super Mare is famous for its Pier and the lovely walks around the beech.

Kismet House and Ventura provides a clean and healthy environment. All the service users have freedom to choose there daily routine. The staff provides 24 hour support . The home provides home cooked meals and attend all the other needs of the daily living of the service users while maintaining there independence . The staff arranges regular day trips and yearly holiday trips of the service users choice. The staff takes the service users for there medical and review appointments and keep a record of there daily activities and care plans. Both homes are registered with CQC for people agre ranging 18-65. The fee is in range of £490 to £850 depending on there needs and requirements

01934 628631


Kismet House Care Home Ltd 92 Walliscote Road Weston super Mare, North Somerset BS23 I EE

Building confidence on public transport Managing correspondence Religious needs

01275 342 266

Arch Care Services Ltd, Unit 4, Britannia Way, Clevedon, North Somerset, BS21 6QH

Silver Tree Lodge

18 Clarence Road South, Weston-super-Mare BS23 4BN

01934 625309

St David’s House

50 Walliscote Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1XF

01934 627600

St George’s Nursing Home

1 Court Cl, Pastures Ave,St Georges Weston Super Mare BS22 7AA

01934 524598

Stanton Nursing Home

8 Queens Road, Weston Super Mare BS23 2LQ

01934 625640


16 Swiss Road, Weston Super Mare BS23 3AX

01934 629919

Victoria Court

1 Victoria Park, Weston Super Mare BS23 2HZ

01934 629392

Westcliffe House Limited

12 Madeira Road, Weston Super Mare BS23 2EX

01934 629897


01934 628631 KISMETHOUSE@HOTMAIL.CO.UK Kismet House Care Home Ltd 92 Walliscote Road Weston super Mare North Somerset BS23 I EE

Arch Care Rehab Services provides a specialist community based service for people with a history of mental health or those who are in drug or alcohol recovery. We offer person centered, flexible support throughout North Somerset.

Kismet House is a spacious Victorian property, which has nine bedrooms two being en-suite which are all decorated to a high standard to the service users wishes.

Learning Disabilities

Learning Disabilities

“More than 1.5 million people in the UK have a learning disability”

A learning disability can be mild, moderate or severe

A learning disability affects the way a person learns new things and communicates in all areas of life, not just at school. This means they can have difficulty: • understanding new or complex information • learning new skills • coping independently It is thought that up to 350,000 people have severe learning disabilities. This figure is increasing.

Most people’s learning disability occurs from birth or a childhood illness and the effects are life-long. It’s important that people find the right, personalised support to lead a full and interesting life and have the same opportunities as everyone else.

North Somerset Community Team for People with Learning Disabilities Partnership House Building 400 Worle Parkway, Weston-super-Mare BS22 6WA Telephone 01934 427600 Website

There is no reason why people with learning disabilities shouldn’t have access to all the same things that everyone else does in our society, such as; paid work, a home of their own, choice over how they spend their time and who with and a say in who supports them and how. The new personalisation agenda which as been implemented by the Government as already started to make this a reality meaning people with learning disabilities and their families are able to take more control over the support they receive.

Learning Disabilities Homes Weston-super-Mare Address Abberleigh House

Albert House Nursing Home

Ashcombe Court

Birnbeck House - Learning Disabilities

Cherrywood House

Clevedon House

Harewood House


Hollywell House


17 Grove Park Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2LW

19 Albert Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1ES

17 Milton Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2SJ

2 St Pauls Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 4AF

6 Eastfield Park, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2PE

70-72 Clevedon Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1DF

8 Shrubbery Terrace, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2JZ

32 Trewartha Park, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2RT

63 Clevedon Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1DD

18 New Bristol Road, Weston-super-Mare BS22 6AB

Longton Court

8 Longton Grove Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1LT

Manor Park Nursing Home

3 Ellenborough Park North, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1XH

Lyndhurst Park Nursing Home

Miller Farm

Neva Manor Care Home

Oak Bank Residential Home

Oaklands Care Home

Oakley House

Pine Lodge

Quantock House



Silver Tree Lodge

33-35 Severn Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1DW

66 High Street, Worle, Weston-super-Mare BS22 6EJ

4 Neva Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1YD

31 South Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2HD

26 Severn Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1DP

81 Locking Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 3DW

Beach Road, Kewstoke, Weston-super-Mare BS22 9UZ

18 Clarence Road South, Weston-super-Mare BS23 4BN

01934 621438

01934 624836

01934 620502

01934 644940

01934 629658

01934 525677 01934 708771

01934 627471

01934 414111

01934 521288

16 Swiss Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 3AX

1 Victoria Park, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2HZ

Homes Caring for Autism Ltd,

Unit 1 Churchill House, Bridgwater Court, Oldmixon Crescent, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset, BS24 9AY

St. Brigas Residential Home And Day Centre

Phone:01275 870653

St Brigas Residential Home and Day Care also offer a complete service including,

2-3 Jesmond Rd, Clevedon, North Somerset BS21 7SA

Accessing Services In The Community • 1-1 Sessions

Person Centered Support • Health Care

Learning Disabilities Homes Clevedon



Ashley House - Bristol

33 Sunnyside Road, Clevedon BS21 7TL

01275 871557

Bay View Nursing & Residential Home 2-6 Bay Road, Clevedon BS21 7BT

01275 343109

Pizey Avenue

7 Pizey Avenue, Clevedon BS21 7TS

01275 341753

St Brigas Residential Home

2-3 Jesmond Road, Clevedon BS21 7SA

01275 870653

Upton Cottage

18 Bay Road, Clevedon BS21 7BT

01275 878601

r i g B as t S Clev t edon, North Somerse

01934 647670

01934 616344

01934 622539

01934 633397

01934 631893

01934 625309 01934 626540

St Brigas is a spacious and comfortable Victorian home situated in the quiet area within Clevedon, it has beautiful views over the Severn Channel. Clevedon has many amenities and attractions which are accessed regularly by all of our clients. We aim to provide our clients with a warm, relaxed atmosphere, in which their care, comfort and well-being are of paramount importance. St Brigas offer respite and have an in-house separate Drop In Centre with six members of staff managing activities including, Rambling, Horse Riding, Skittles, day trips across North Somerset, Music Therapy, Hydro Therapy, Shopping Trips and many more. Dedicated care managers, fully trained and vetted long term staff providing a high grade home from home service.

01934 625640

St Brigas is inspected by CSCI we are proud of our ‘top rating’ (excellence) received for the services we provide.

01934 629919

For more information call Lynne Whitehouse or Jenna Britton on 01275 870653 visit or email

01934 510404

01934 629392

PLEASE JOIN US - WE NEED YOU “Supporting children and adults with a learning disability and their families and carers”

01934 623413

1 Court Cl, Pastures Ave,St Georges, Weston-super-Mare BS22 7AA 01934 524598

West Wick, Weston-super-Mare BS24 7TF

We believe that autistic individuals need and deserve specialist services, with staff who have a genuine understanding of autism.

01934 626498

01934 644971

8 Queens Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2LQ

Victoria Court

01934 626408

15 Quantock Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 4DN

13 Hazeldene Road, Milton, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2XL

Stanton Nursing Home


01934 622869

01934 627481

44 Severn Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1DP

The Willows Nursing home

01934 621397

23 Gerrard Road, Weston-Super-Mare BS23 2RE

Southside House

St George’s Nursing Home


Tel: 01934 429448 E:

Mencap is the UK’s largest charity working with people with a learning disability to campaign for better services, equal rights and respect. The charity is made up of hundreds of local societies (of which North Somerset Local Society is your local society) and Gateway clubs affiliated to the national organisation, “Royal Society Mencap”. (Charity registered number: 1144376)

For more information visit our website:

Opticians & Hearing Centres Regular eye tests are important because your eyes do not always hurt when something is wrong. A sight test is a vital health check for your eyes that can pick up early signs of eye conditions before you are aware of any symptoms. A sight test will show if you need to: • Get glasses for the first time • Change your current glasses A sight test will also include a general health check that can pick up early signs of eye disease before you are aware of any symptoms many of which can be treated if found early enough. Some health conditions can affect the eyes such as:

Your sight test It’s recommended that adults have their eyes tested every two years, unless their ophthalmic practitioner advises them to have a sight test more often than that. The way a sight test is carried out is governed by law. A sight test will identify: What your level of vision is whether you need glasses to correct your sight. Your eyes and the area around them will be examined, to look for signs of injury, disease or abnormality.

• diabetes • macular degeneration • glaucoma Opticians Weston-super-Mare



Armstrong & North

55c Oxford Street, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1TR

01934 626579


37 High Street, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1HD

01934 629 852

Bowen Opticians

135 High Street, Worle, North Somerset BS22 6HQ

01934 520520

Bowen Opticians

21 St. andrews Parade, Weston-super-Mare BS23 3SS

01934 412958

Carpenters Optometrists

184a High Street, Worle, Weston-super-Mare BS22 6JD

01934 512 838


44 Meadow Street, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1QH

01934 631539

Greenslade Opticians

51 High Street, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1HD

01934 629755

NK Opticians

40 Meadow Street, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1QH

01934 628820


Sovereign Shopping Centre, High St, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1HL 01934 642909 75 High Street, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset BS23 1HE

01934 642140

Stephen Bryson Opticians

184a High Street, Worle, North Somerset BS22 6JD

01934 512838

Opticians Clevedon

Address Telephone


9 Old Church Road, Clevedon, Avon BS21 6LZ

01275 877 877

Spex Appeal Ltd

29 Old Church Road, Clevedon, North Somerset BS21 6NN

01275 873559

Dunscombes Opticians

20 Hill Road, Clevedon, North Somerset BS21 7NZ

01275 873536

Tudball (Opticians) Ltd

95 Hill Road, Clevedon, North Somerset BS21 7PN

01275 343353

Opticians Nailsea

Address Telephone


Crown Glass Shopping Centre, Nailsea, Somerset BS48 1RH

01275 856074

Lynne Fernandes Optometrists

63 High Street, Nailsea, North Somerset BS48 1AW

01275 854946

Sight Centres Ltd

14 Colliers Walk, Nailsea, Bristol BS48 1RG

01275 810301

Opticians Portishead

Address Telephone

Darlington Opticians

55 High Street, Portishead, North Somerset BS20 6AG

01275 818427

Dyer & Scott

96 High Street, Portishead, North Somerset BS20 6AJ

01275 842504

Specsavers Opticians

GP’s and Pharmacies

GP’s and Pharmacies Choosing a GP can seem a daunting task, especially if you have just moved into an area and don’t know anything about the local health services. But there are some easy ways to find the doctor to suit you. It’s important to be registered with a doctor because you’ll need them to refer you for specialist hospital and community treatment services. 0800 773 773

Our friendly drivers hand-deliver your meals for FREE, straight to your door. Wiltshire Farm Foods, Yearsley Ltd, Garanor Way, Portbury, Bristol, BS20 7XT

01934 642140 75 High Street, Weston Super-Mare, North Somerset, BS23 1HE

Doctors Nailsea

If you have the symptoms of a cough, cold, or think you’ve got the flu a pharmacist is the best place to go, as they can usually provide you the help and information you need on the spot. They can also offer help with healthy living issues such as losing weight or giving up smoking. For opening times and NHS SERVICES available from your Pharmacy Please scan the QR code with your smartphone or visit

Free home eye tests with Specsavers Healthcall Specsavers Healthcall provides eyecare services at home to those who cannot visit a high street optician unaccompanied due to physical or mental disability.



8 Brockway, Nailsea, Bristol BS48 1BZ

01275 850600


Phillips Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 3UZ

01934 410710


16 St Andrew’s Parade, Weston-super-mare BS23 3SS

01934 628 882


52-56 High Street, Weston Super Mare BS23 1JA

01934 629068


Summer Lane, Weston-super-Mare BS24 7AY

01934 525048


Monkton Avenue, Oldmixon, Weston-vuper-Mare BS24 9DA

01934 813720

Day Lewis Pharmacy

168 Locking Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 3HQ

01934 622043

Graham Road Pharmacy

22 Graham Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1YA

01934 410029

Instore Pharmacy

Tesco Pharmacy, Station Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1XG

01934 887847

Jays Pharmacy

5 Waterloo Street, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1LA

01934 629002


193 High Street, Worle, Weston-super-Mare BS22 6JS

01934 514475

Backwell Surgery

15 West Town Road, Backwell, Bristol BS48 3HA

Tower House Medical Centre

Stockway South, Nailsea Bristol BS48 2XX

01275 866700

Doctors Portishead




146 High Street, Worle, Weston-super-Mare BS22 6HG

01934 514392


Townsend Road, Worle, Weston-super-Mare BS22 7GF

01934 520891

Heywood Family Practice

Lodway Gardens, Pill, North Somerset BS20 0DL

0300 300 0029 01275 372105


3 North Worle Queensway, Worle, Weston-super-Mare BS22 6BT

01934 510233

01275 841630 Telephone


37 Whitecross Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1EN

01934 620740


23 Waterloo Street, Weston-Super-Mare BS23 1LF

01934 628845

01934 628111

Locking Pharmacy

60 Grenville Avenue, Locking, Weston-super-Mare BS24 8AR

01934 827771

Milton Pharmacy

260 Milton Road, Weston-super-Mare BS22 8EN

01934 413100

Moorland Road Pharmacy

53 Moorland Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 4HP

01934 629669

Morrisons Pharmacy

Summerlane, Locking Castle, Worle BS24 7AY

01934 521135

The Co-Operative Pharmacy

205 Milton Road, Weston-super-Mare BS22 8EF

01934 623873

Tudor Lodge Pharmacy

3 Nithsdale Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 4JP

01934 615111

harmacies Clevedon P

Address Telephone


7 Clevedon Triangle Centre, Clevedon BS21 6HB

01275 879969

Instore Pharmacy

Tesco Pharmacy, Kenn Road, Clevedon, North Somerset BS21 6LH

01275 750447

Rowlands Pharmacy

111 Old Street, Clevedon, Bristol BS21 6BP

01275 876797

01934 249554

The Co-Operative Pharmacy

2 Sunnyside Road, Clevedon, Somerset BS21 7TA

01275 873425

01934 516671

Pharmacies Portishead



01934 622665


50 High Street, Portishead BS20 6EL

01275 818475

01934 724010

The Marina Health Centre, 2 Haven View, Portishead, Bristol BS20 7QA

01275 846505

01934 516789

01275 818346

Brockway Medical Centre

Harbourside Family Practice

Marina Healthcare Centre, 2, Haven View, Portishead BS20 7QA

Portishead Medical Group Doctors Weston-super-Mare

Victoria Square, Portishead, Bristol BS20 6AQ Address

Dr G Garvey and Partners

22 Graham Road Surgery, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1YA

Clarence Park Surgery Cedars Surgery

Locking Castle Medical Centre Locking Village Hall Surgery Longton Grove Surgery New Court Surgery

Riverbank Medical Centre

St Georges Medical Practice Stafford Place Surgery

The Locality Health Centre The Milton Surgery

The Village Surgery

Tudor Lodge Surgery

Weston GP Healthcare Centre Weston GP Healthcare Centre

13 Clarence Road East, Weston-super-Mare BS23 4BP

87 New Bristol Road, Worle, Weston-super-Mare BS22 6AJ

Highlands Lane, Locking Castle, Weston-super-Mare BS24 7DX Grenville Avenue, Locking, Weston-super-Mare BS24 8AR

168 Locking Road, Weston-super-Mare, Somerset BS23 3HQ 39 Boulevard, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1PF

Walford Avenue, North Worle, Weston-super-Mare BS22 7YZ

135 Pastures Avenue,St Georges, Weston-super-Mare BS22 7SB 4 Stafford Place, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2QZ

68 Lonsdale Avenue, Weston-super-Mare, Avon BS23 3SJ 232-234 Milton Road, Weston-super-Mare BS22 8AG

Hill Road East, Worle, Weston-super-Mare BS22 9HF

Tudor Lodge, 3 Nithsdale Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 4JP

01275 465100

Pharmacies Weston-super-Mare Address Telephone

01934 415080 01934 515878 01934 524260 01934 823204 01934 628118

01934 624242 01934 521133

01934 527681 01934 524260

0345 350 3973

12-14 The Boulevard, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1NA

01934 724009

Lloydspharmacy Lloydspharmacy

Waitrose Store, Harbour Road, Portishead, Bristol BS20 7DE




Portishead Med Group, Victoria Square, Portishead, Bristol BS20 6AQ 01275 844697


19 High Street, Portishead, Bristol BS20 6AB

01275 843269

01275 873588

West Hill Pharmacy

117 Avon Way, Portishead, Bristol BS20 6LT

01275 840066

Pharmacies Nailsea

Address Telephone

Grange Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 4TQ

Worle Medical Practice

125 High Street, Worle, Weston-super-Mare, Somerset BS22 6HB

Clevedon Riverside Group

Clevedon Medical Centre, Old Street, Clevedon BS21 6DG

01275 335666

Doctors Clevedon

Sunnyside Surgery

4 Sunnyside Road, Clevedon, North Somerset BS21 7TA

Clevedon Medical Centre, Old Street, Clevedon BS21 6DG

01275 335680

Hospitals Weston-super-Mare




29-30 Somerset Square, Nailsea, Bristol BS48 1RQ

01275 856855

Cohens Chemist

82b High Street, Nailsea, Bristol BS48 1AS

01275 852516

Hospitals Clevedon



Cohens Chemist

5 Somerset Square, Nailsea, Bristol BS48 1RP

01275 852096

Tower House Pharmacy

Tower House Medical Center, Stockway South, Nailsea BS48 2XX

01275 855109

The Green Practice Weston General Hospital

Clevedon Community Hospital

Grange Road, Weston-super-Mare, Somerset BS23 4TQ Old Street, Clevedon, Avon BS21 6BS

01934 636363 01275 872212

Become a Member

Dentists Emergency Dental Service If you are referred to another dentist for another, separate course of treatment, you can expect a second charge.

Dental charges depend on the treatment you need to keep your mouth, teeth and gums healthy.

Some minor treatments are free.

You will only ever be asked to pay one charge for each complete course of treatment, even if you need to visit your dentist more than once to finish it.

Always ask your dentist whether the treatment they are recommending is available on the NHS and how much it will cost before you go ahead.

Dentists Weston-super-Mare Address


125@ The Houston Group

125 Milton Road, Weston-super-Mare, Somerset BS23 2UY

01934 628032

ADP Dental Company Ltd

Beaconsfield Dental Surgery, 12 Beaconsfield Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1YE

01934 626677

Boulevard Dental Practice

43 Boulevard, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1PG

01934 636564

Chapman Neil - Family Dental Care

33 Whitecross Road, Weston-super-mare BS23 1EN

01934 621771

Dental Surgery

15 Walliscote Road, Weston-Super-Mare BS23 1EB

01934 629856

Dr Nigel J. Newton’s Dental Care

14 Dowland, Dartmouth Close, Worle, Weston-super-Mare BS22 6LJ 01934 521789

Ground Floor Dental Surgery

14 Dowland, Worle, Weston-super-Mare BS22 6LJ

01934 521789

Lympsham Dental Practice

The Old Rectory, Rectory Way, Lympsham, Somerset BS24 0EW

01934 750008

Moorland Road Dental Surgery

160 Moorland Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 4HZ

01934 623420

Oxford Street Dental Centre

51a Oxford Street, Weston-super-Mare, Somerset BS23 1TN

01934 629058

Steve Watkins Dental Practice

131 High Street, Worle, Weston-super-Mare BS22 6HQ

01934 517711

The Dental Surgery

164-166 Milton Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 2YG

01934 622 824

Weston Orthodontic Centre

141 Milton Road, Weston-super-Mare BS22 8AA

01934 429052

Dentists Clevedon

Address Telephone

34 Kenn Road

34 Kenn Road, Clevedon BS21 6EW

01275 872835

Clevedon Dental Care

Dental Surgery, 34 Kenn Road, Clevedon BS21 6EW

01275 876027

Coly House Dental Surgery

39 Old Church Road, Clevedon BS21 6NP

0844 815 1112

Grendon Lodge Dental Practice

Grendon Lodge, 22 St Johns Road, Clevedon BS21 7TG

01275 342183

Linden Lodge Dental Care Ltd

17 Linden Road, Clevedon BS21 7SR

01275 872066

Dentists Nailsea

Address Telephone

Backwell Dental Care Ltd

17 West Town Road, Backwell, Bristol BS48 3HA

01275 462421

Dental Care @ Nailsea

116 Station Road, Nailsea BS48 1TB

01275 852143

MG Dental Care

12 Clevedon Road, Nailsea, Bristol BS48 1EH

01275 866359

Nailsea Dental Practice

22/24 High Street, Nailsea, Bristol BS48 1AU

01275 856179

Dentists Portishead

Address Telephone

Frances Dowler’s Dental Practice

9a The Precinct, Portishead BS20 6AH

01275 848825

Lime Tree Dental Practice

6 Woodhill Road, Portishead BS20 7ET

01275 840234

Portishead Dental Practice

52 Nore Road, Portishead BS20 6JY

01275 399845

Woodburn Cottage Dental Surgery

93 High Street, Portishead, Bristol BS20 6PR

01275 842 058

Become a Member of Healthwatch North Somerset and help to influence the design and delivery of local health and social care services. As a Member of Healthwatch North Somerset you will be able to keep up to date with all the latest Health and social care news, and receive regular updates on our activities and research. Everyone who lives or works in North Somerset can get involved, including local organisations. Membership can be as an individual or as an organisation and it costs nothing to become a Member of Healthwatch North Somerset. As a Member of Healthwatch North Somerset you can be as involved as little or as much as you wish to be. You can: • Send us your comments, updates and experiences on local services. • Receive our newsletter with updates on local services. • Attend our events. • Help us collect the views of the local community. • Join our task groups and influence your local health and social care services. • Apply to join our Board of Directors. Become a member of Healthwatch North Somerset today! Contact us for a membership form: Phone 01275 851400 Email Write to us 3rd Floor, The Sion, Crown Glass Place, Nailsea BS48 4NX You can also visit our website and download a membership form Please See Over For A Membership Form

Become a Healthwatch North Somerset Member

Dental Access Centres are available to treat patients who need emergency treatment. This service gives priority to pain relief and urgent care. Please call 111.

Membership Form Title:

First name/s:

Last Name:

Address: Postcode: Telephone Number:


For Organisational Members Organisation Name (Only complete this section if applying for Organisational Membership) Type of Organisation: Address (if different from above): Named Nominated Person from Organisation Our preferred method of contact is email as this reduces costs and our carbon footprint. If you require information in a different format please specify. Please tell us of any other needs you have to make our work accessible to you:

Your Health & Social Care Interests Are you interested in any particular services or areas (please tick all that apply) q q q q q q

Adult Social Care Services Audiology Cancer Children & Young People Children with Disabilities Community Services

q q q q q q

Dementia Care Dentistry Drug & Alcohol Misuse Elderly Care GP Services Hospital Services

q q q q q q

Learning Disabilitie Long Term Conditions Maternity Mental Health Pharmacy Services Physical & Sensory Impairment

If you are interested in other areas that have not been listed please specify below:

I wish to become a member of Healthwatch North Somerset and receive newsletters and other information. Consent is given to details being stored on a database. Healthwatch North Somerset will protect your personal information in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1988. The details provided will only be used for the purposes of our work and we will not share your information with any third party without your consent. If aged under 18 please get a parent or guardian to sign for you.



Please return to:- 3rd Floor, The Sion, Crown Glass Place, Nailsea BS48 1RB 01275 851400 •

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