Isle of Man
Guide to services For people over 50 years of age on the Isle of Man
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Welcome to Age Isle of Man and thank you for picking up our Guide to Services
Age Isle of Man is the new name for Age Concern Isle of Man which has served the needs of older people on this Island since it was formed in 1992. Our aim is simple: to help people over the age of 50 and anyone with a disability make more of life. The things that we do help to ensure that older people have the opportunity to live life to the full. We do this in ways that may surprise you. We believe that age should be valued. We believe that there should be just as much choice available for the older person as the young and we believe in your right to stay independent for as long as possible. We are here to support and assist you in a variety of ways through the services we provide:Day Centres Information & Advice Computer drop-in centres Lunch Clubs Activity Clubs Meals on Wheels Fundraising shops The CHAT bus Fundraising events House clearances Handyman Services Energy Doctor Service
If you’d like more information about any of our services or have any other queries, please get in touch. You can also find out about the whole range of services we offer by visiting our website or contact us. (See back cover for contact details)
Day Centres .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Age Isle of Man operates five Day Centres in partnership with the Department of Social Care.
Each centre caters for up to 18 clients per day, 5 days a week and their aim is to help older people enjoy life more on a daily basis and to remain independent for as long as possible.
We try to make each day different and special for our clients. There is a choice of activities on offer and the emphasis is on enjoyment and variety. Activities include games, quizzes, crafts, special events, excursions and presentations. We want you to have fun, make new friends and share in a sense of community.
Day Centre Locations
Douglas – Victoria Lodge Onchan – Meadow View Peel – Ny-kiare-Thieyn Port Erin – Southlands Ramsey - Cummal Mooar
Refreshments and Meals
Contact information
Refreshments are served throughout the day and a delicious two course hot or cold lunch is included in the price.
The Services Manager Helen Champion Cummal Mooar Day Centre Ramsey - Cummal Mooar Isle of Man t 01624 817263
The total cost of £5 includes refreshments and a meal.
Information & Advice .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Age Isle of Man offers you information and advice on a wide range of issues. We’ll provide you with the facts so you can make choices and decisions knowing you have reliable information.
What we can offer you
F We will give you information that is accurate and up-to-date. F We can explain the choices you have. F We will help you decide what to do, but it is your choice. F We may be able to take action on your behalf, if you want us to. F $ we can’t help we will point you in the right direction.
How we work
F We will not charge you for our service. F We will not tell anyone about your business without your permission. F You can talk to us in private. F We will not make judgements about your life and what you want to do. F We will help to tackle any discrimination or prejudice that you face. F We will not be influenced by any other interests but yours.
We can help you with
F Money matters including Wills, managing other people’s money, debt counselling, income tax returns, UK tax issues, and the financial implications of going into a care home. F Benefits including Income Support, Disability Living Allowance, Attendance Allowance and Carers Returns. F Housing and employment rights. F Health and Social Care including information on home help, Meals on Wheels, aids and adaptations, private care agencies, and local care homes and day centres. F Leisure and social activities. F Family and personal matters. F Legal queries including property and probate, making a Will, Enduring Power of Attorney, Receivership and Legal Aid. F Advocacy services offering mediation and dispute resolution including Department of Health complaints as well as representation at Appeal Tribunals. F Neighbour disputes. F Consumer issues. F And most other things that affect your quality of life.
Computer Lifelong Learning Centres .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Age Isle of Man opened its first Computer Lifelong Learning Centre in Douglas in April 1999. Now Age Isle of Man has four centres to help older people all over the Island with the latest computer technology. The centres provide free access to computers and the Internet for over-50s, offering tuition on a variety of up-to-date software as well as the use of broadband and e-mail facilities. The Computer Lifelong Learning Centres are ideal for those who might not otherwise have access to a computer, or are reluctant to visit an Internet café or go on a computer literacy course. Visitors are able to use the facilities in a friendly environment with someone on hand to help. All the centres are equipped with up-to-date hardware and software, including computers, flat screens, printers and scanners, a wide range of programs, broadband Internet and e-mail facilities. You can learn to do whatever you want at your own pace. There is no waiting list and there’s no need to book - you can drop in at any time during opening hours.
Opening Times:-
Douglas-Age Isle of Man Head Office, 19 Drinkwater Street, Douglas Monday 2.00pm–4.30pm Tuesday 2.00pm–4.30pm Douglas–iMuseum, Kingswood Grove (@ Manx Museum), Douglas Wednesday & Thursday 10.00 am–12.30pm Ramsey-First Floor, Ramsey Public Library, Ramsey Tuesday 10.00am-12.30pm Friday 10.00am-12.30pm and 1.30pm-3.30pm Southern-Southlands Resource Centre, Church Road, Port St Mary Monday 10.00am-12.30pm Wednesday and Thursday 2.00pm-4.30pm For further information please call 631740 or call into our office at 19 Drinkwater Street, Douglas, Isle of Man
Activity and Lunch Clubs .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Age Isle of Man Activity Clubs
The Age Isle of Man activity clubs meet up each month on two Thursdays/ Tuesdays in the locations listed below. Douglas/Onchan: Call Margaret on 631740 (Thursdays) Port Erin: Call Elsie on 834353 (Tuesdays) Activities include games, crafts, social gatherings and excursions. We want you to have fun, make new friends and share in the sense of community. You do not even have to worry about getting to and from the activity clubs as you will be picked up and returned home by one of our specially equipped mini buses. If you would like to know more and possibly join us:- Call Margaret on 631740 or Contact the numbers above.
Age Isle of Man Lunch Clubs
Age Isle of Man runs five lunch clubs, meeting at various venues around the Island where you can come along and make new friends and enjoy a hot home cooked lunch. A few great reasons to contact us and arrange to come along to your nearest Lunch Club: F -!' * 'nteraction F Lots of friendly people! F ##2 3. for a ‘chat’ and a cup of tea F ,(oy a nice hot lunch
Age Isle of Man lunch clubs operate in the following areas: Castletown–Join us at the George Hotel every Thursday from 12 noon-2pm Port Erin–Join us at the Cherry Orchard every Wednesday from 12 noon-2pm Laxey–Join us at the Laxey Methodist Hall every Tuesday from 12 noon-2pm Union Mills-Join us at the White Church hall every Friday from 12 noon-2pm Ramsey–The Mitre–every Friday from 12 noon-2pm So please don’t sit at home alone. Come and see lots of warm, friendly faces. We want you to have a pleasant day with us so please come along and find out for yourself how you can find fun and friendship close to home. If you would like to know more and possibly join us please ring:Castletown–The George HotelJackie Roberts –823782 Port Erin–The Cherry Orchard– Jackie Roberts–823782 Laxey Methodist Hall– Kathy Harrison–480770 Union Mills–White Church Hall– (Opposite Petrol Station)-Ken Corlett–861859 Ramsey–The Mitre Hotel– Helen Champion– 817263
Meals on Wheels .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
The Meals on Wheels Organisation is a registered Charity and was inaugurated some 30 years ago. We provide a range of good quality, nourishing meals at a reasonable price directly to your home. Age Isle of Man works in partnership with the Department of Social Care to supply this vital service. The meals are cooked and chilled in the kitchen at Nobles Hospital and consist of a main course and a sweet. Those having a meal can also enjoy a sandwich or jacket potato as a tea time option. People requiring meals must be assessed as to their eligibility for the service.
Who is eligible?
F People who are housebound and are without the support of family or friends. F People who cannot shop for themselves. F People who are unable to cook for themselves. F People whose loss of living skills means that a level of support is required on a daily basis for meal preparation. F People who through illness need short term support with meals provision. F Carers living with a person who may need support. F People who have become frail through age or illness and need support with meals. F People with special dietary requirement. Please note that Meals on Wheels is not only for older people - they can be given irrespective of age.
What is the cost?
There is a charge for the meals and this is currently £2.75 for a dinner and a sweet and £1.65 for a sandwich/jacket potato. You pay your deliverer on the first day of the week that you receive a meal. Cheques are made payable to: “The Meals on Wheels Organisation”.
Delivery of the Meals
Your meals will be delivered by our driver to your home each morning between 8.30am and 1.30pm To make a referral telephone Meals on Wheels on Tel No: 687308 / 686932 or Home Care on Tel No: 686188
Fundraising .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
In order to make life better for older people, the costs of many of the services Age Isle of Man provides are funded with money raised on the Island.
We run three shops on the Island – one in Ramsey, one in Port Erin and a furniture shop in Douglas. We are equally grateful to those who donate to our shops and to those who contribute to our funds by making purchases.
Age Isle of Man organises a number of fundraising events each year which are designed to raise money, cater for a wide age range and most importantly, enable people to have fun. Look out for our events and please come along to support them.
The CHAT bus
The CHAT bus supports Community, Health, Advice and Training and is run by Age Isle of Man. It features full heating and air-conditioning, a lounge area, kitchenette, private IT suite for six users, LED lighting, tinted windows, an external awning and outside seating. The CHAT bus operates to a regular itinerary and visits a number of locations in the more isolated parts of the Island or where there is no recognised meeting place. It enables older people to socialise and receive Information and Advice. It is also often to be seen at local shows and special events. The CHAT bus is available for hire along with its host/driver as a resource for other charities, businesses and voluntary groups. For further information regarding the CHAT bus telephone 631740.
We are always grateful to individuals and groups who raise money through sponsorship on behalf of Age Isle of Man. Their contributions are most welcome and we appreciate their efforts in sometimes undertaking arduous challenges on our behalf.
House Clearance Service .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Age Isle of Man provides a house clearance service to help people, often at a difficult and stressful time.
What we do
F We clear and prepare homes for sale for those going into care, for the representatives of deceased estates; we also prepare properties for sale. F We are happy to dispose of/recycle house contents as appropriate. F We can arrange for particular items to be valued and sold in consultation with you. F 30 1taff are experienced, knowledgeable and friendly and above all else extremely professional; occasionally we use volunteers to help us who are vetted and approved by our organisation. F We try to recycle as much as we possibly can from every clearance property but items such as money, jewellery or personal effects will be handed over to you for the benefit of either the person going into care or the deceased estate. F We will agree a timescale with you in advance to clear the property which we will stick to as far as possible. We do not charge for our clearance services, however, we expect to cover our costs through the sale of the furniture, bric-a-brac, clothing etc, through our shops, donated by you to our Charity during the property clearance. We agree a contract with clients in advance of our services and work to a strict code of practice. We can also help with the sale of property if required to do so. For further information telephone 631740.
Practical Support
Age Isle of Man has contacts with a number of approved specialists. These are trusted people who are vetted by us and can be expected to provide a friendly and reliable service at a reasonable rate for the job. We can provide contact telephone numbers for:Gardeners Handymen Painter and Decorator (Female)
Energy Doctor Service .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
The Energy Doctor supported by Age Isle of Man, the Department of Environment, Food & Agriculture and Bright Ideas will visit your home and help you to bring down your energy costs. He will do this by carrying out an assessment of each property and offering you free energy saving materials all of which he can fit there and then. To book your FREE visit contact Age Isle of Man and ask for the Energy Doctor on 631740/414274. The materials that can be provided include:F ,#rgy efficient light bulbs F raught excluders to doors and letterboxes F Reflective radiator panels F -2 water tank jackets The above items are Free of charge. While he is with you he can also advise you on:F Correct loft insulation requirements F Cavity wall insulation F -3 *# %* 8',% H'$ ,-,# *ready installed) F Regular servicing of boilers
Volunteering ....................................................................................................................................
We have a range of volunteering opportunities at Age Isle of Man. Without our volunteer teams, we would not be able to offer the level of support to older people that is currently available. We are grateful for volunteer support: F ', -30 fundraising shops in Ramsey, Port Erin and Douglas F ', -30 "ay centres in Port Erin, Peel, Ramsey, Douglas and Onchan F 1 relief mini-bus drivers F ', &#*.',% 5'2& 2&# -rganisation of fundraising events F ', 11'12',% 5'2& 2&# 03,,',% -$ *3,!& ," activity clubs F in our Computer Lifelong Learning Centres in Port Erin, Ramsey and Douglas If you are interested in volunteering to work with Age Isle of Man please call 631740.
Age Isle of Man is a brand partner with Age UK which supplies a number of regulated financial services which we can enable you to access. We can provide you with general information about insurance products tailored to meet the needs of older people such as Home and Contents, Car and Travel as well as Funeral Plans and Personal Alarms.
Individual Giving .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
There are many ways you can donate to Age Isle of Man and all of them will help us to continue providing support for older members of the community. We value every single donation, large or small, and thank you for thinking about supporting us.
Make a donation by post or in person
We can accept donations made in this way and will issue you with a receipt. Please make cheques payable to Age Isle of Man.
Make an online donation
To make an online donation, please use the Connect2 charity website nationsform.html
Donations in memory of a loved one
You may wish to celebrate the life of a loved one by making a donation in their memory at the funeral instead of giving flowers. Your donation will help us to support an older person in need and it will be a lasting tribute to the person you have lost. If you would like family and friends to make this gesture instead of flowers, please speak to your funeral director who can help with the appropriate arrangements.
Remember us in your Will
You can help safeguard the future of our work with older people in the Isle of Man by leaving us a gift in your Will. Legacies can make a significant difference to our work by helping to secure and expand our services and projects. We are an independent local charity so by choosing to leave a gift to us, you can make a lasting impact on your community. It can be challenging to think about writing a Will and it is a difficult subject to talk about, but Age Isle of Man can help you by providing information and advice. Get in touch with us today if you would like to discuss making your Will or if you would like to find out more about leaving a gift to Age Isle of Man.
Corporate Giving
Age Isle of Man believes that corporate partnerships should be collaborative; mutually beneficial; enjoyable for all involved and, where possible, tailored to suit individual needs and expectations.
Why we make a good partner .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
An important cause:
A well known charity brand:
We know that charities such as ourselves working with older people are often not as popular as charities that are health related, or those that provide services for children. We firmly believe, however, that a society that cares about and cares for its older people is a civilised society and we hope that your organisation agrees that our cause is well worth supporting.
Age Isle of Man is a partner of Age UK which is a well-established and highly recognisable national brand. We believe that it brings with it a number of possible connotations including reliability, trust and compassion.
A cause that will affect everyone:
Old age will have an impact on all of us– through growing older ourselves but also through the experience of supporting our parents and other relatives as they age. Our cause will always be topical, relevant and far-reaching.
A local focus:
Age Isle of Man provides services across the whole of the Island. We are an independent local charity, driven by local need and committed to ensuring that older people in the Isle of Man receive the support and assistance they need to ensure quality of life.
A personal touch:
As a local charity we are committed to ensuring personal and mutually beneficial relationships with all our supporters – both individuals and companies alike.
Long Term friendship:
There are many ways we could work together and we are happy to establish both short and long term partnerships.
Benefits to you
Here are just some of the ways companies can benefit from supporting Age Isle of Man. F Positive PR, good news press stories and increased media coverage. F 11-!' 2'-, 5'2& well-regarded charity brand F Commercial benefits from reaching a wide audience F ..-023,'27 for staff to develop new skills and experience
Financial Planning; because you only have one life about your options at every stage of your life. After all life is about health, happiness and family.
“As Chartered Financial Planners, we provide trusted, ethical and transparent life planning to give you peace of mind.�
Telephone: +44 (0)1624 660220 Email:
How do you ensure you live the life you want without outliving your money? Increasing life expectancy is an advantage of the modern world but brings with it the issue of how to fund those extra years to maintain a reasonable quality of life. Most need to save enough for a retirement that will last nearly as long as their working years. Official figures forecast that more than 10 million people living in the UK today will Caption Font is Arial 9pt reach their 100th birthdays. About 11,800 people alive today have reached that with 12pt leading milestone and in around 50 years time that number will have swelled to half a million. Retirement is changing. Early retirement has become almost a quaint notion and each year fewer people give up work in a single step at age 65. The new reality is that people in their late 50s and early 60s are usually fit, healthy and want to stay active and continue making a contribution. This gives them the option of retiring in stages, taking some pension benefits but continuing to work part-time. These active early retirement years eventually give way to a more passive stage when the pace of life naturally slows;; a result of greater age and declining health. Ultimately, many people will move into a care phase which can be expensive.
Recognising that retirement is likely to be in two or three phases should encourage think more carefully about how they deploy their pension money to provide an income.
An unwelcome effect of Quantitative Easing is that annuity rates have fallen. The credit crunch has also made people more wary of investment risk and the ongoing Eurozone crisis shows no real sign of resolution at the time of writing so markets are volatile. People investing substantial sums from a lifetime of saving are keen to ensure that should they die prematurely their loved ones can still gain maximum value but also because longer lives could result in more years in poor health, enhanced annuities chosen later might well provide increased income. Those who have the capacity to build some flexibility into their retirement planning, even for a few years, should explore all options as they ease into the uncertainty of retirement.
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“Mum was on her own when she fell...
...but she wasn’t alone” Installation Schemes Available 1). Carephone cost £185.00 plus monitoring centre charges of £2.50 per week, paid quarterly in advance -£32.50 . Total initial payment £217.50. 2). Free CarePhone – No hidden costs Includes top of the range technology equipment including:Carephone Unit; connection lead that plugs into a phone socket; one alert button; the button allows you to wear the alert as a pendant, wristband, or clip on; Additional alert buttons can be purchased. Monitoring centre charges of £24 per month, invoiced annually in advance. 2 year contract with no minimum cancellation period thereafter. If you need a more complex Carephone system or additional assisted living technology we’d be happy to put together a cost effective package designed around your needs. We would recommend where applicable a key safe be installed for a nominal additional cost of £41.00 + VAT Existing or new clients of Manx Home Care enjoy free monitoring centre charges providing they commit to a minimum of 2hrs of service per week.
“Brookfield is independently owned and operated, as is evident by the care taken to ensure every resident feels as though this is also their home.”
BROOKFIELD PHILOSOPHY OF CARE The Management and Staff at Brookfield undertake to consider each resident as an individual and treat them with dignity and respect which their age and experience of life deserves. They will meet each resident’s physical, emotional and spiritual needs in the best possible manner and be respectful of each resident’s privacy and personal space. It shall be recognised that the quality of life of each resident is more important than longevity and that Brookfield is a home which bestows purpose and enjoyment to their lives.
Brookfield will strive to be a real home to each resident. This will enable each resident to exercise the right to make independent decisions about their lifestyles within the context of community living. Residents who are unable to be completely independent will be encouraged to retain their independence for as long as possible
Contact Mrs Bernie Ross, Manager, Brookfield Nursing and Residential Home, Claughbane Drive, Ramsey, IM8 2RE or telephone 817867.
Claughbane Drive Ramsey Isle of Man IM8 2RE Phone 817867 Fax 817865
Contact details: Tel: 01624 627177 Email: Web:
Address: Unit 15, Spring Valley Trading Estate, Braddan, Isle of Man, IM2 2QT
What we sell Daily Living Aids Incontinence products Grab handles Tap turners Jar opener’s Bath boards Grab rails Shower stools Bed rails Bed tables Seat raisers Walking aids Many other products Rest and Relaxation Rise and recliner chairs, pressure relieving chairs and electric profiling beds Mobility Equipment Pride, range of scooters, power chairs. Karma, range of light weight wheel chairs. Moving & Handling Atlas, portable compact hoists, NRS range of hoists Other Protecta Cast, for waterproof cast protection. Spares, repairs, maintenance and delivery.
Come and try our extensive range of disability living aids in a simulated home environment, from bedroom, bathroom and kitchens through to outdoor equipment too. Opening Times. Monday to Friday 9am until 5pm closed bank holidays
McKiernan & Hill LIMITED
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Some of our other services include: Structural adaptations Ramps Handrails Door widening etc Reduced height kitchens Further information and photographs of previous work can be found on our website. Contact us: Phone: 813346 / 471232 Web: Email: Find us in the Best Business Guide
McKiernan & Hill is an indepdent family business Registered address: Sea View, Queens Promenade, Ramsey, IM8 1BH. Company registered in the Isle of Man No.120472C
Holmes & Davidson Optometrists Est 1917
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2012 marks our 95th Anniversary and over the generations Holmes & Davidson has provided a caring and professional service. Optical requirements change with advancing years. Holmes & Davidson has invested in the latest clinical technology and a wide range of lenses and frames from budget to designer to provide the best service for each individual patient. If you are no longer able to visit our practice, we can test you at home, or in your Residential or Nursing Home; the Health Service will normally fund these home visits.
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Opening hours: 9am to 5pm Monday to Saturday
Tel: 01624 676230 Fax: 01624 662145 email:
MARATHON COURT NURSING & RESIDENTIAL HOME 24 hour care Privately owned Single & en-suite rooms Respite care available Lift to all floors Special menus catered for Dual Registered Friendly & professional staff A large spacious beautiful home set within its own secluded grounds with a superb view over the bay
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Personal Hygiene Needs
Washing and Dressing
General Companionship
Assistance with Hospital/ Doctors Appointments
Shopping Medication
Competitive rates for care supplied by reliable trained staff. For further information, contact Mrs Irene Goodall on 818063
Home Care Services
Claughbane Drive Ramsey Isle of Man IM8 2RE Phone 818063 Fax 817865
01624 661155
The Empress Hotel, Central Promenade, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 4RA
A warm welcome from us all at the Empress Hotel on the Isle of Man. The hotel commands a prime position on the Victorian promenade overlooking Douglas Bay and is just a short walk from the town centre. Built at the end of the last century, the hotel has been extensively upgraded and proudly maintains its status as one of the best hotels on the island.
where business and leisure go hand in hand Accommodation
Conferences & banqueting
Accommodation The Empress offers 102 bedrooms, 3 luxurious executive suites plus several executive sea facing rooms and a top floor penthouse overlooking Douglas Bay.
Conferences & Banqueting The Prince Albert Suite accommodates up to 180 conference delegates and is ideally suited for product launches, training courses and private functions. There is also the Connaught Suite which caters for numbers up to 60.
Weddings On your big day there are so many people to please and items to organise. Let our Wedding Co-ordinator, guide and assist you with the essential planning.
Dining The Empress offers an ideal place to dine for two and also has facilities for that special party celebration. With 3 different restaurants, you will be spoilt for choice.
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As  energy  costs  increase  once  again,  did  you  know  you  can  save  40%  of  the  heat  lost  through  your  windows  by  installing  window  blinds  ?
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tel: 01624 645900 01624 663864 fax: email: Jubilee Buildings, 1 Victoria Street, Douglas, Isle of Man IM99 1BF
tel:  01624  629940 email: visit: 61-Ââ€?62  Derby  Square  Douglas
Showroom  opening  hours:  Mon  -Ââ€?  Fri  9am-Ââ€?  5pm Sat  9am  -Ââ€?  12:30  pm 1.30pm  -Ââ€?  5pm
Park Crest Residential Care Home Bay View, Ramsey
We are a small, welcoming and friendly ‘Home from Home’ which provides the highest quality of care for those who can no longer manage in their own homes or who need a short period of respite care, perhaps after a stay in hospital. Park Crest is a non-profit making registered charity.
Full Optometric Service Optomap Digital Retinal Scanning
Home Visits Available
Sadler  &  Vanderplank Sadler,  Tracy  Vanderplank or  Sarah  Woodworth  please  call:
Park Crest offers: ‡ very comfortable rooms all with en-suite facilities ‡ (xcellent home cooking offering individual choices ‡ Residents are very welcome to bring their own furniture to personalise their rooms. ‡ $ OLIW DQG VWDLU OLIWV Jive easy access to all rooms including our most attractive residents’ lounge and dining room. ‡ 6LWXDWHG RQ D UHVLGHQWLDO URDG LQ QRrth Ramsey with stunning views to the sea, the Mooragh Park and the hills. It has sunny sheltered gardens with a summer house.
Our Manager would be delighted to send you a colour brochure and invite you to visit Park Crest and perhaps join us for a meal. Please phone 813332 or email
Visit on facebook Age Isle of Man 19 Drinkwater Street Douglas Isle of Man IM1 1AT t 01624 613044 e
Age Isle of Man Limited is a Company Number 57165C. Limited by guarantee which is an Isle of Man registered Charity Number 549. Although we would like to thank all of the sponsors within this folder for their support, neither Age Isle of Man or Excell Media Ltd can recommend or endorse any services or products that they may supply.