The 2 Steps to Carbon Net Zero 1. Calculate your carbon footprint. 2. Purchase high quality offsets to zero your carbon balance sheet.
Legacy Weather Stopper™ Out performs all other rental matting systems when it comes to controlling tracked in soils and water. Proudly Carpet Top Safer – Cleaner Floors
Legacy Weather Stopper
Low carbon manufacturing in Kerala State
Our manufacturing
is 100% off-grid utilizing
for electrical and and
for thermal energy!
plant in Southern India
Bi level Construction Dirt/Water Reservoir Rubber Reinforcement Averages: 1 lb. / ft2 Cut Pile Construction Synthetic Rubber Backing Averages: .7 lbs. / ft2 All New Legacy WeatherStopper™ Industry Average Nylon On Nitrile Rubber Carbon Footprint Comparison Fiber % Total WT Emission Factor Fabric1 Rubber Emission Factor Rubber2 Total Embodied Carbon 4x6 Mat WS 1 lb/ft2 PETr 5% total wt 2.11 lbs CO2 / 4x6 mat Natural 95% 4.56 lbs. CO2 / 4x6 mat 6.67 lbs CO2/ 4x6 mat 4x6 Mat Nylon .7 lb/ft2 Nylon 10% total wt 13.2 lbs CO2 / 4x6 mat Synthetic 90% 60.78 lbs. CO2 / 4x6 mat 73.98 lbs CO2/ 4x6 mat Shipping CO2 3 4'x6' mat Nylon - Nitrile Rubber Weather-StopperTM Vancouver 21.5 lbs. CO2 /4'x6' 12.6 lbs. CO2/4'x6' Calgary 18.0 lbs. CO2/4'x6' 16.1 lbs. CO2/4'x6' Toronto 5.8 lbs. CO2/4'x6' 14.5 lbs. CO2/4'x6' Sources: 1 Emission factors 2 Weather-StopperTM plant is off-grid (zero emission) compared to North American manufacturing. 3 See Ocean versus Over the road shipping comparison 90% lower embodied carbon
Ocean shipping is dramatically more carbon-friendly compared to over-theroad shipping.
Container shipment 30,000 lbs. (13.6 tonnes).
Distance Kochi, India to Port of Vancouver 13,163 km. (Montreal = 13,150 km).
Shipping CO2 - Vancouver
Ocean Freight:
Kochi Vancouver 13,163
40 grams CO2 per tonne per km:1
Vancouver: 13.6 x 40 grams CO2 x 13,163 = 7.16 tonnes CO2
Georgia Toronto Vancouver = 5,992 km
150 grams CO2 per tonne per km:1
Vancouver: 13.6 x 150 grams CO2 x 5,992 = 12.2 tonnes CO2
1 Source:
Cleaning & Sanitizing
A patented tunnel washing system that utilizes superior cleanliness with a carbon footprint 99% less than standard industry cleaning methods.
Industry Baseline
Based on a study published by TRSA the average carbon footprint for industrial laundries (reporting on average 40% dust control volume) is 1.78 kg CO2e per m2 processed (based on weight 4.8 kg. m2).
Industry standard: carbon footprint associated with cleaning just 1 4’X6’ floor mat is 8.8 lbs. CO2
Executive Mat Service Technology
Carbon footprint of the CDF technology is a function of the relative emission factor per kWh.
Example: Ontario, Canada emission factor = 30 g CO2e / kWh. At 150 kWh per hour x .03 kg. CO2e = 4.5 kg CO2e per hour or .008 kg CO2e per m2 . (Based on 2,640 kg per hour).
Executive Mat Service carbon footprint associated with cleaning just 1 4’X6’ floor mat is .05 lbs. CO2
Patented ultra efficient floor mat cleaning technology drives Scope 3 carbon reduction!
When you use Executive Mat Service Ltd. you lower your Scope 3 carbon footprint forging a path to carbon netzero 1 mat at a time