Reusable Wiping Towel Service: Green Cause Delivers Green Effects
The Print Industry & Solvents
Emulsion Waste Stream Water (20-50%) Solvent (50-70% naphtha ) Ink (10-20%) vegetable based Waste is captured either within the wiping towel or a free liquid
Paper Disposable
The economics of using single-use paper towels versus cloth reusables.
Cloth Reusable
Absorbency testing on two of the leading brands of disposable wipes was compared to that of a reusable wipe. Water was introduced to the towels in ¼ oz. to 1 oz. increments until total saturation was achieved. The maximum fluid absorbed ranged from 66% to 233% more for the reusable wipe. Using these absorbency numbers – 5 – reusable wipes = 8-17 disposable
wipes. Paper Single Use Wipers ➢ More towels required ➢ Expensive disposal
Cloth Reusable Wipers ➢ Less towels required ➢ No waste
Health & Safety Cloth Reusables
Shop Towel Service vs. Disposable Wipes Get the Facts Health and Safety Rental wiping towels have come under attack in recent years by the big name corporations selling disposable wipes claiming that reusable wipers are unsafe for users because of the residual metal being left on the wipers after they have been laundered. This claim in not true. Rental wipers are regulated by the EPA (United States) so that each wash removes enough soil to eliminate any risk to human health in their reuse. An independent research study commissioned by the TRSA provides conclusive evidence that laundered wipers do not pose a safety risk to users and are a safe choice for industrial wiping.
Independent Study Assesses the Risk of Heavy Metal in Laundered Shop Towel A health risk assessment of laundered shop towels by the international environmental engineering firm ARCADIS indicates that using laundered reusable shop towels creates no health hazard. Findings indicate that metals that remain on shop towels after laundering are not readily transferred to the hands of workers who use shop towels. This independent research found either zero detectable risk from the transfer of these metals or a level that would be considered insignificant even by comparison to health conservative values established by EPA..
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Washing soiled wipers without removing solvents first is dangerous, illegal and bad for the environment.
Using a wiper service from a company that does not employ best practices might be cheaper ‌. however, it is not worth the RISK!
Executive Mat Technology For Reusable Wiping Towels
Used wiping towels and bulk liquid wastes are delivered to Executive Mat processing facility
Clean wiping towels are quality inspected and returned to our customer for reuse
Emulsion is cracked using high pressure steam. Solvents are removed and captured
Award Winning Environmental Technology
2 separate technologies have been developed – one for towels the other for bulk liquids.
Recovered solvents are used a fuel source for steam generating boiler
Solvent free towels are laundered clean in laundry
We manufacture our own line of GREEN proprietary detergents used to clean towels
High pressure steam boiler runs entirely using recovered solvents 1-877-720-6287
Addressing climate change one mat at a time!