AFTA Travel Pages 2015

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The official guide of The Australian Federation of Travel Agents


travelpages 2015

• National Product Directory • Member Directory • 2014 Year in Review

TOMORROW YOU WILL SEE LAND AND OCEAN MEET. Here’s a chance to set yourself apart with an expert knowledge in New Zealand and all its many regions. Join the 100% Pure New Zealand Specialist Programme. Members of the programme gain significant advantages when promoting New Zealand, through increased knowledge of the country and its regions as well as special events and ongoing training provided by Tourism New Zealand. To find out more, visit

Every day a different journey.

Waitakere Ranges, Auckland


travelpages CONTENTS 2

AFTA Board of Directors


AFTA Staff


AFTA Life Members


AFTA’s role in the Australian travel industry


Welcome from Jayson Westbury, Chief Executive, AFTA


2014 AFTA National Travel Industry Awards


AFTA National Travel Industry Awards 2014 Winners


AFTA Membership Benefits


AFTA – A year in review


AFTA Travel Accreditation Scheme (ATAS)


ATAS Participant Benefits


AFTA Education and Training


Council of Australian Tour Operators


International Institute for Peace through Tourism – Are you an ‘Agent of Change’?


A message from the Minister for Trade and Investment, the Hon Andrew Robb MP, AO


A message from the Shadow Minister for Tourism, the Hon Anthony Albanese MP


Travel insurance partnerships made simple


Smartraveller: Protecting your clients – it’s good business


Tourism and Transport Forum: Towards Tourism 2020


Cruise Lines International Association Australasia


Does your agency pass the Healthy Business Test?


AFTA Product Directory


Product Directory




Australian Capital Territory


New South Wales


Northern Territory




Tropical North Queensland




South Australia


Western Australia


AFTA Member Directory


Product Directory Index

Published by: ABN 30 007 224 204 430 William Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 Tel: (03) 9274 4200 Fax: (03) 9329 5295 Email: Web: The editor, publisher, printer and their staff and agents are not responsible for the accuracy or correctness of the text of contributions contained in this publication or for the consequences of any use made of the products, and the information referred to in this publication. The editor, publisher, printer and their staff and agents expressly disclaim all liability of whatsoever nature for any consequences arising from any errors or omissions contained in this publication whether caused to a purchaser of this publication or otherwise. The views expressed in the articles and other material published herein do not necessarily reflect the views of the editor and publisher or their staff or agents. The responsibility for the accuracy of information is that of the individual contributors and neither the publisher nor editor can accept responsibility for the accuracy of information which is supplied by others. It is impossible for the publisher and editors to ensure that the advertisements and other material herein comply with the Trade Practices Act 1974 (CTH). Readers should make their own enquiries in making any decisions, and where necessary, seek professional advice. © 2015 Executive Media Pty Ltd. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is strictly prohibited.



16 - 17 JULY




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AFTA Board of Directors

Mike Thompson Chair Helloworld Limited Head of Strategic Partnerships

Julie Primmer Director Helloworld Limited Head of Branded Network

Graham Turner Vice Chair Flight Centre Limited General Manager

Spiros Alysandratos Director Consolidated Travel Chief Executive

Elizabeth Gaines Vice Chair Helloworld Limited Chief Executive

Tom Manwaring Director Express Travel Group Chief Executive

AFTA Staff Jayson Westbury – Chief Executive Gary O’Riordan – General Manager Dean Long – National Manager Strategy and Policy David Tooze – Compliance Manager Courtney Duddleston – Finance Manager Sue Whelan – Executive Assistant Joanne Tralaggan – Marketing and Communications Manager Belinda Herbert – Marketing and Communications Executive Gina Dounis – Industry Consumer Liaison Coordinator April Halliday Tisdell – Administration Assistant

AFTA Life Members Mrs Marie Allom Mr Ian Carew-Reid Mr Jim Clements Mr John Cooper* Mr John Dart OBE RFD ED Mr Tom Goldman OAM Mr Mike Hatton OAM Mr Phil Hoffmann Mr Jim Jenkins* Mr Frank Johnson AM* Mr Roy King Mr Max Krumbeck* Mr Peter Lowry MBE LNZITT Mr John Masselos Mr Stewart Moffat* Sir Frank Moore AO Mr Mario Perrone Mr Osmond Pitts AM RD Mr Jim Russell* Mr Bob Steel Mrs Beverley Wills*


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* denotes deceased.

Joanne Sully Director American Express Business Travel Vice President and GM

Christian Hunter Director Traveller’s Choice Chief Executive

David Smith Director Flight Centre Limited Company Secretary

Andrew Macfarlane Director Magellan Group Chief Executive

Jamie Pherous Director Corporate Travel Management Chief Executive

Jayson Westbury Australian Federation of Travel Agents Chief Executive

AFTA’s role in the Australian travel industry AFTA’s role is to address major industry issues relating to the operation of all travel agencies in Australia. In broad terms, these issues are those not addressed by agency chains or corporate entities on behalf of their members, and are ones that involve the industry as a whole. The types of issues AFTA addresses include, but are not limited to: • AFTA Travel Accreditation Scheme (ATAS) • government regulation of the industry • the International Air Transport Association (IATA) • matters involving major industry entities, such as the Council of Australian Tour Operators (and wholesalers), and inbound tourism operators through AFTAExport • matters involving the Australian Consumer Competition Commission (ACCC), and its role in regulating the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) • the promotion of tourism with focus and emphasis on domestic and outbound travel • maintenance and negotiation of the Industrial Awards affecting industry employees • involvement in the negotiation of all change affecting the industry, such as major GDS changes, industry systems and procedures, and regulation – both state and federal • cooperative working with organisations such as the Cruise Lines International Association Australasia (CLIA) in order to secure the position of travel agents • industry education and training • National Travel Industry Awards (NTIA) – recognising the best of the industry • providing industrial relations and human resources to members • lobbying on behalf of the industry in all areas that can affect industry operations.

Message from the Chief Executive

Welcome from Jayson Westbury, Chief Executive, AFTA 2014 marked a significant milestone in the history of the Australian travel industry, with the launch of the AFTA Travel Accreditation Scheme (ATAS). The introduction of the AFTA Travel Accreditation Scheme (ATAS) on 1 July 2014 concluded a very long journey to reform, and we could not have predicted the overwhelming support that it would receive. AFTA has witnessed industry-wide adoption of ATAS; many of the industry’s large suppliers publicly backed ATAS – Carnival Cruises Australia, Qantas and Virgin to name a few – and more than 2600 locations across Australia were ATAS travel accredited by 31 December 2014, just six months after the scheme launched. It is a milestone worthy of celebration. The Australian travel industry is free from regulatory burden, and travel agents are now able to make commercial decisions to set themselves apart in a sea of competition, and operate their businesses in a way that makes them more relevant to the travelling consumer of today. The challenge for the travel agent in the current market is how they can capture the attention of the traveller in a world where consumer is king. Research shows that consumers are travelling more than ever before, but their destination, mode of travel and experiences are influenced heavily by access to self-selected information at their fingertips. ATAS-accredited businesses have a head start in the process – centred on professional standards, trustworthiness and experience – their legitimate


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positive value proposition makes them more relevant, competitive and known. AFTA is committed to the future success of travel agents via the ongoing promotion of ATAS to the consumer. Throughout 2014, more than two million consumers were informed about ATAS via a multi-platform approach that included a mixture of traditional and digital activity to reach, inform and engage the consumer. AFTA’s communication efforts dovetailed a significant marketing campaign led by Australia’s Fair Trading and Consumer Affairs Agencies – Pack Some Peace of Mind – educating consumers on the importance of booking through a reputable agency or supplier, and to look for an agent that is accredited through the industry-led accreditation scheme ATAS. As more consumers were made aware of the new environment, AFTA made a commitment to ensuring that the integrity of ATAS is maintained, and in October 2014 the AFTA Code Compliance Monitoring Committee (ACCMC) was born. An independent Chair, two industry representatives and two consumer representatives are charged with overseeing the scheme, and reviewing consumer complaints and allegations of noncompliance with the standards if and when they arise. The ACCMC provides fair outcomes for all parties. It has been a busy year for the AFTA team, and myself personally. In November 2014 I was elected as Chair of the World Travel Agent Association Alliance (WTAAA), which acts as the global voice of travel agents and works to represent agents’ interests in a range of forums. This, coupled with the appointment of a National Manager – Strategy & Policy at

Jayson Westbury

AFTA, has allowed the organisation to take a proactive approach to issues that directly influence the state of the Australian travel industry. AFTA continues to enhance the business environment for travel agents at every opportunity, and now, with its additional resources, has the capacity to engage and contribute to the many issues that face the agency community, within both government and the industry itself. 2015 is looking to be another strong year for travel agents, and with the ongoing support of AFTA and ATAS I am confident that the industry will thrive in the year ahead.

2014 AFTA National Travel Industry Awards

2014 AFTA National Travel Industry Awards The National Travel Industry Awards (NTIA), now in its eighth year of celebrating excellence in the Australian travel industry, continues to grow in size and grandeur. In 2014, more than 1300 guests gathered at the Hordern Pavilion on 19 July to honour the 34 category award winners at the esteemed Gala Dinner. The AFTA National Travel Industry Awards is one of the most important events in the travel industry calendar. Known as the ‘night of nights’, the NTIA Gala Dinner recognises and rewards the achievements of businesses


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and individuals who have made a valuable contribution to the industry over the past 12 months. In 2014, the Emirates Travel Consultant Scholarship was introduced. This is a prestigious new award recognising an individual with less than three years experience, but who personifies excellence in their role as a retail or corporate travel consultant. As with any true celebration, the Gala Dinner was filled with loud music, bright lights, sumptuous food and awesome entertainment. The audience rose to its feet when the 2011 Australia’s Got Talent placegetter and dancer-singersongwriter Timomatic danced onto stage. The audience later watched in awe as Swagamama and Laserman brought the room to life with sound, colour and movement.

Laserman’s entertainment concluded with an ‘ATAS’ laserfilled room. The large projections of the ATAS logo on the wall, ceiling and floor signified the journey to reform on which the industry had embarked during 2014 – a new era has dawned! The evening was lead by a talented MC, Andrew Daddo, who ensured that the event ran smoothly and to schedule, and was another great success. In fact, celebrations continued well into the night with the AFTA Party, sponsored by Singapore Airlines. AFTA thanks all who participated in the awards – all sponsors including major sponsor Qantas, the nominees, finalists and winners, media partners and the AFTA NTIA Judging Panel – along with those who attended the Gala Dinner.


In store


AFTA – A year in review

AFTA – A year in review 2014 was a tremendously exciting and busy year at AFTA. Here are just some of the highlights. February • David Tooze is appointed as Compliance Manager, heading the compliance team in reviewing participant applications, monitoring an applicant’s compliance to the Code of Conduct and Charter, providing guidance to travel intermediaries in regards to their obligations for complaints handling and rectification, and general compliance activities involved with ATAS. • ATAS brand is showcased at AIME in Melbourne The team enjoys a very successful two days at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, and is very proud to introduce ATAS to the business travel sector.

May • ATAS online application launches for industry to start their journey towards becoming ATASaccredited. • ‘ATAS – Becoming Travel Accredited’ workshops are held across the nation, reaching more than 900 travel agents, to educate and provide a comprehensive update to the industry on the ATAS application process. July • ATAS accreditation scheme officially comes into effect as of 1 July. • ATAS consumer website is launched for consumer education about ATAS accreditation. • AFTA hosts another stellar NTIA evening with a record high of 1330 guests. • ATAS industry launch of consumer video at NTIA event. August

March • New AFTA trade website launches, offering a new and improved user functionality and site navigation, delivered in a fresh, modern design.


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• Australia’s state and territory government fair trading agencies launch their multi-million-dollar national campaign, ‘Pack some peace of mind’. October • ATAS digital social media strategy commences with partner Think!, incorporating SEO and SEM to raise consumer brand awareness of ATAS.

• National ATAS brand awareness consumer radio campaign commences off the back of the ‘Pack some peace of mind’ government campaign coming to an end. • Western Australian state legislation is repealed. November • The NTIA 2015 host venue is announced as Dockside Pavilion, Darling Harbour. • Seven new categories for NTIA 2015 are announced, and three category names are revised to reflect the changing, dynamic nature of the travel industry. • ATAS consumer print ads are included in in-flight magazines for both Qantas and Virgin throughout November. • Tasmanian state legislation is repealed. December • Milestone of 2400 ATAS-accredited participants is reached, elevating travel standards.

Find your way




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AFTA Travel Accreditation Scheme (ATAS)

AFTA Travel Accreditation Scheme (ATAS) Gary O’Riordan, General Manager (AFTA) Background


The AFTA Travel Accreditation Scheme (ATAS) is the industryled accreditation scheme that replaced government-controlled licensing of travel agents and the Travel Compensation Fund. ATAS commenced on 1 July 2014, and was developed following extensive industry, government and consumer lobby group consultation via a series of workshops and regular committee meetings.

In October 2014, the ATAS Code Compliance Monitoring Committee (ACCMC) was formed; it is made up of an independent chair, two consumer representatives, and two industry representatives. The first meeting of the ACCMC was held in November, looking at complaints received against participants and deciding upon an appropriate course of action, including referral to consumer affairs agencies.

In May 2014, a round of industry workshops titled ‘Becoming Travel Accredited’ was conducted across the country to educate industry on the process of becoming accredited, and outlined the ATAS marketing plans.

Accreditation – industry take-up

Corporate governance The governance documents for the scheme were finalised in April 2014. The Charter governs the scheme’s operation, and a Code of Conduct outlines the expectations required of participants, as well as a formal complaint handling procedure for consumers.

By the end of November, approximately 2400 travel agent locations in Australia were ATAS-accredited


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By the end of November, approximately 2400 travel agent locations in Australia were ATAS-accredited. A further 74 applications were submitted (these entities might have multiple locations), and a further 310 commenced the process. Again, an entity that had commenced an application may have multiple locations under its ABN. This is a strong sign of the industry support of ATAS, and all major travel industry groups are now on board. The compliance process has proven to be robust, with industry feedback very positive. Many accredited agents now carry and use the ATAS brand and logo in their marketing and advertising. Industry support for the scheme has been widespread, and key industry associations such as the Council of Australian Tour Operators (CATO), Cruise Line Industry Association (CLIA) and International Air Transport Association (IATA) have publicly backed the scheme.

Gary O’Riordan

Many accredited agents now carry and use the ATAS brand and logo in their marketing and advertising Marketing and communications On 25 August 2014, Australia’s state and territory government consumer affairs and fair trading agencies launched the multi-million-dollar national campaign, ‘Pack some peace of mind’. The campaign was focused on educating Australians about recent changes to travel agent laws, and provided consumer guidance on the smarter ways to book travel, such as through an ATASaccredited travel agent.

AFTA Travel Accreditation Scheme (ATAS)

AFTA is committed to raising consumer awareness of ATAS, and on 1 October 2014 commenced its own marketing activity

advertising (radio and print), as well as digital and social platforms. AFTA is committed to raising consumer awareness of ATAS, and on 1 October 2014 commenced its own marketing activity, dovetailing with the momentum generated by the ‘Pack some peace of mind’ campaign. A strong digital focus through SEO and SEM strategy is aimed at targeting the consumer, and intercepting their online activity researching, planning and seeking recommendations from others via social media. This online activity is accompanied by print, radio and targeted PR activities.

In addition to the Gow-Gates/ IPP-backed insolvency solutions that have been introduced to the Australian market, a range of alternative solutions has been developed in recent months. This gives the travel industry options that best meet their own business models. A trust account fidelity insurance product is now available in the market, as well as extensions of existing travel insurance policies that have elements of insolvency protection for suppliers and wholesalers.

Commercial safeguards AFTA worked closely with the various government agencies in the development of the campaign, which extended across traditional

AFTA will continue to seek appropriate commercial solutions and promote them to its members.

Inflight advertisement published November 2014

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AFTA Education and Training

AFTA Education and Training Rick H Myatt FACID FAIM, Director, AFTA Education and Training

We have been asked quite frequently throughout 2014 if AFTA Education and Training (AFTA E&T) is still operating AFTA travel colleges, or if we provide direct training to the public. This has not been the situation since 2008, as a conscious decision was made back then not to continue with the AFTA college concept. This was because the practice of operating one exclusive AFTA college per state was not adequate to service the capacity needs of our dynamic industry workforce.

was designed to provide four key knowledge components to entrylevel consultants, namely:

AFTA E&T has since moved away from the direct delivery space (of training) to a much wider overseeing capacity. This is to ensure that new graduates are trained in line with the workforce skills needs, and that the existing members have access to gap training where required at the registered training institutions (RTOs) – or other training facilities recommended by us for their high quality.

In order to ensure the level of knowledge required to prepare graduates to be fit for purpose, we continue to develop a full suite of industry-centric training modules (branded as the Australian Travel Education Program – ATEP), which covers all of the above topics in detail, and is only made available for sale to RTOs and other training providers that meet with our standard of training. Our ATEP training modules are fully mapped to the SIT31312 requirements.

We act as the ‘gatekeepers’ of the entry-level qualification – Certificate III in Travel (SIT31312). This has been highly useful for industry employers, as they can focus on checking whether candidates hold this specific travel qualification, instead of trawling through a whole heap of other unrelated qualifications. AFTA E&T was instrumental in creating this qualification in conjunction with our industry skills council in 2011. The qualification

• essential tourism industry knowledge, including customer service, communications and sales • Australian and international destination knowledge • Australian and international travel product knowledge • technology including airfares knowledge, CRS, sales and backoffice support systems. The above knowledge and skills are embedded as core units of competency for the Certificate III in Travel, in the current National Training Package for Tourism, Travel and Hospitality SIT 12.

The modules are continually improved through the input of our team of specialist industry writers, module strategists, industry skills advisers and industry researchers. We are also fortunate to have a number of senior industry managers offering their own time to review and scrutinise the quality (and currency) of the information in our modules on a cyclical basis. We sincerely thank these generous contributors for their valuable input.

Rick H Myatt

Since its introduction, the Certificate III in Travel qualification has vastly improved learning outcomes by providing a clear set of required employability skills and knowledge that will be incredibly useful to the new graduates as they pursue their careers within the travel industry, both here and abroad. It also improves our industry visibility to the public; particularly to parents. Since the deregulation of travel agents, our coverage has expanded to provide advice to those who are interested in joining the AFTA Travel Accreditation Scheme (ATAS) and are seeking our guidance to ensure that their current qualifications meet with the compliance criteria set out by ATAS. If not, candidates are advised regarding the level of upskilling gap training that is required, and where best to obtain such training. It is enlightening to note from these numerous enquiries that a large proportion of the general public respects ATAS, and acknowledges that it provides a quality assurance scheme that they must join to be recognised as a credible and professional travel agent. AFTA E&T is in constant communication with the relevant government departments at both state and federal levels, seeking opportunities for our industry to get a fair share of funded training for its workforce, and other related opportunities when they are made available. We are represented in the National Industry Skills Council, State Training Advisory Board, Tourism Councils, NSW Board of Studies Industry Curriculum Planning Committee, Council of Australian Universities Tourism & Hospitality Education (CAUTHE), and a number of other working committees related to labour and skills training, to ensure

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AFTA Education and Training

that our industry sector’s workforce development and training issues are heard, and are given a fair share of attention. Our approach in this area has allowed us to be involved at the forefront of the industry, including the planning for the execution of the recent National Industry Workforce Development Strategy – the Workforce Futures program – and a National Workforce Development Fund scheme authorised by the Department of Innovation. In the latter, we engaged with 327 industry businesses and provided customised advice to each of the business owners or responsible managers, face-to-face, at their desired location for a total of 17.5 hours over three months. These sessions were run by our team of industry specialist skills advisers at no cost to the businesses, as the program was fully funded by the federal government. Where training was jointly considered to be the solution for improving workforce skills, the government funding was made available to those businesses based upon the co-funding model of up to 67 per cent under the National Workforce Development Fund scheme. A number of our agents have capitalised on this opportunity. Our successful engagement in the Workforce Futures program has provided us with great satisfaction, through seeing our industry getting a fair share of government-funded opportunities. To us, it is also a great learning curve to understand and appreciate the challenges facing our industry today from a workforce development, skills alignment and talent sustainability perspective. One of the business models clearly standing out in the industry today is a shift in focus from products to solutions. The product is clearly an important part of the solution, but it’s not the entire solution. In turn, the role of technology goes beyond creating new and improved products towards gaining sharper insights into what customers want, and how to deliver it. The skills horizon is shifting as fast as the landscape of our industry businesses, as they are both largely driven by globalisation and customer influence. In today’s competitive


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environment, customer-centricity should not merely be an aspiration – it’s essential. As a part of the Workforce Futures project, AFTA E&T undertook an intensive survey (E-Scan) to identify the current and future skills needs of our industry workforce. This has given us a good ‘hint’ as to what the future industry workplace and workforce could look like, where, for example, job satisfaction will come from accomplishment rather than tenure. The workforce will be bound together by the social capital of work, and the mutual commitment will be defined not by the organisation for which employees work, but by the colleagues with whom they work. Focus is already shifting in the workplace, empowering talented individuals and encouraging them to manage themselves. This mindset will continue to grow and, as it does, the future will belong less to the employees of firms than to the talented and knowledgeable participants of an open, networked platform. While not all organisations will transform in this way, a great majority will be affected by the digital revolution, to varying degrees. A sense of urgency was noted in many business owners, especially from regional Australia, who were genuinely concerned about the skills gaps within their organisations that could hinder their succession plans when the time comes. Many 2ICs need to be better prepared with the right skills. Both the survey and our extensive individual consultations revealed a range of skills gaps, both at the front line and supervisory levels. This includes management skills for supervisors, managers and potential managers. There is a growing demand for formalised management training for potential management candidates in the existing workforce in order to strengthen their current skills and develop areas of deficiency. The growth of inbound tourism from Asia is also causing concerns, due to a chronic lack of cultural and language skills among front line staff and supervisors.

However, there are still challenges in accessing affordable training, and that seems to derail any motivation to upskill. As a result of that, except for larger organisations, only limited access to training is available – in an ad hoc manner – to the existing industry workforce as well as career changers, particularly in regional and rural Australia, and mostly without any funding support. Hence, we considered it necessary and timely to host an important education event – Industry Leaders & Educators Engagement Symposium – this February. The symposium will bring all three stakeholders together – the industry, educators and governments – to have an open and constructive dialogue on how best to draw synergies among all of us in dealing with ways to tackle skills gaps and skills shortage issues in our industry. Details are available on the AFTA website: education/2015-industry-leaderseducators-engagement-symposium. Our symposium will provide a great opportunity for educators and industry to build relationships and foster conversations on improving the content design and delivery of vocational education that is fit for purpose and will improve the employability of graduates. Aligning skills to workforce needs will continue to be a work in progress, as it will continue to evolve in line with the global changes of the industry landscape. AFTA E&T will continue to contribute its efforts towards industry workforce development and upskilling initiatives.

TOMORROW TAKE A JOURNEY THROUGH SCENERY THAT WILL LEAVE YOU SPEECHLESS. Here’s a chance to set yourself apart with an expert knowledge in New Zealand and all its many regions. Join the 100% Pure New Zealand Specialist Programme. Members of the programme gain significant advantages when promoting New Zealand, through increased knowledge of the country and its regions as well as special events and ongoing training provided by Tourism New Zealand. To find out more, visit

Every day a different journey.

The Queenstown Trail, Queenstown

Council of Australian Tour Operators

Council of Australian Tour Operators Peter Baily, General Manager, Council of Australian Tour Operators (CATO)

2014 will go down in history as the year the government closed down the old, outdated travel agents licensing system, and allowed the travel industry to start its own form of regulation. This chance to self-regulate is a great opportunity for our industry to unite and support the initiative shown by AFTA in forming ATAS, the new travel accreditation scheme. The Council of Australian Tour Operators (CATO) has been a great supporter of AFTA during these changes, and is keen for its members to be recognised as being accredited and having the ‘CATO Advantage – Integrity and Commitment’, working together with the accredited travel agent to promote ease of booking, and to focus on service, experience, trust and 24/7 support for the travelling public. In the coming year, CATO is looking at an ambitious plan of more membership involvement to ensure that it remains relevant and accessible to travel agents and the public in this new self-regulated era. The role of CATO is defined in a number of ways: • to provide a voice for tour operators through trade and general press and lobbying where necessary • to improve the professionalism of the tour operator sector with our Code of Conduct, best practice,


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information sharing and research, and to ensure that the CATO logo remains a sign of integrity • to provide networking opportunities for members at meetings and trade events • to provide a marketing benefit to members through the CATO website and Facebook page, as well as in conjunction with associate members and other full members. To enhance CATO’s role further, we plan to produce a bimonthly industry newsletter to keep both members and agents informed. This will be in addition to the CATO Facebook page and website. Articles will cover a variety of subjects, including member and committee profiles, general news, general interest stories and, importantly, tourism office updates. A survey of members will soon be undertaken, and the results will assist in guiding CATO into the future. Since CATO was founded, the industry has changed dramatically, especially with the introduction of digital media. While many members continue to be ‘traditional wholesalers’, there are others with new, fresh ideas that will assist all in their significance within the industry. The survey will cover businesses of all sizes, and will be aimed at both international and domestic travel. Following on from the survey, CATO will be looking at commissioning papers on a variety of topics, including the ongoing discussions regarding insurance, crisis management planning, and IT and reservations systems. With the above innovations comes an increase in costs. A

Peter Baily

number of revenue-raising ideas, including sponsorships, were discussed to try and ensure that the new activities of CATO can be implemented without increasing costs to members. At the closing meeting of the year and annual CATO Christmas dinner, Chairman Rod Eather, in his report to members, expressed excitement at the prospects that the New Year will bring, and reiterated to members that their support and participation was the mainstay of CATO. He said that these two things ensured that CATO would continue to offer and maintain the integrity and commitment expected by agents and the travelling public.

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International Institute for Peace through Tourism

International Institute for Peace through Tourism Are you an ‘Agent of Change’? Gail Parsonage, President, IIPT Australia Inc.

It is often said by Miss World contestants that they want to contribute to ‘world peace’. It is the dream of some people to make a positive difference to the peace and stability of the world. Well, as travel industry professionals, we are privileged and well placed to be ‘Agents of Change’ and help promote a ‘Culture of Peace through Tourism’. A primary goal of the International Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT) is to mobilise the travel and tourism industry to be a leading force for change, and, through initiatives, to help to bring about a peaceful and sustainable world. IIPT is a not-for-profit association whose mission and goals are to foster and facilitate tourism initiatives that contribute to: • collaboration among nations • promoting international understanding among peoples and cultures • protecting the environment and preserving biodiversity • enhancing cultures and valuing heritage • sustainable development • poverty reduction • healing wounds of conflict and reconciliation through tourism, culture and sport.


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Question: How active are you in contributing to and implementing some of these values and goals? Answer: You may be more active than you realise.

You can make a difference if, when following normal commercial decisions, you also factor in choosing ethical and responsible companies that exercise best practice Each time you choose a product for your client, are you basing it purely on a corporate mandate? Or are you also discerning that some products, destinations and services are implementing best practice in sustainable, environmental, and social responsibilities? You can make a difference if, when following normal commercial decisions, you also factor in choosing ethical and responsible companies that exercise best practice, and that are role models for the tourism industry. A taxi driver in Vila, Vanuatu, said to some Australian travellers, ‘Thank you for coming and visiting, it really helps our country. It brings in money to help me and my family. Without

Gail Parsonage

Australian tourists, life for us would be very hard.’ That booking, and their subsequent use of that taxi driver/guide, has made a positive difference to the poverty reduction of his family, helping to promote international understanding and helping support community tourism. From a micro to a macro level, IIPT provides many examples, and through newsletters, use of the Credo of the Peaceful Traveller, World Peace Travel tours, conferences, symposiums, global summits and dedication of Peace Towns/Villages, IIPT showcases initiatives and projects that help contribute to promoting a ‘Culture of Peace through Tourism’. Please see Future projects A groundbreaking IIPT World Symposium, Cultivating Sustainable and Peaceful Communities and Nations through Tourism, Culture and Sport, honouring the legacies of the world’s three champions of non-violent resistance – Nelson

International Institute for Peace through Tourism

Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr – will be held in South Africa in February 2015. As an ongoing project in Australia, IIPT, in collaboration with Skål, continues to invite suitable towns and regions to declare themselves a Peace Town or Village. Many towns around the world have declared and linked themselves to this worldwide initiative. Each IIPT/Skål Peace Town or Village actively commits to promoting values of tolerance, non-violence, gender equality, human rights, youth empowerment, environmental awareness and sustainable social and economic development. An ongoing legacy is also the dedication of a Peace Park in each town. As an Agent of Change, you can help promote peace through tourism by identifying and organising a submission for a town or region to declare itself a Peace Town. Please contact for more information.

Peace through tourism begins with each person and organisation accepting their opportunity and responsibility to contribute to peace by actively embracing the IIPT Credo of the Peaceful Traveller:

Journey with an open mind and gentle heart Accept with grace and gratitude the diversity I encounter Revere and protect the natural environment, which sustains all life Appreciate all cultures I discover Respect and thank my host for their welcome Offer my hand in friendship to everyone I meet Support travel services that share these views and act upon them By my spirit, words and actions encourage others to travel the world in peace.

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Message from the Minister for Trade and Investment

A message from the Minister for Trade and Investment, the Hon Andrew Robb MP, AO The Australian Government is making sure that Australia is best placed to capture the rapidly growing Chinese tourist market. In 2013–14, there were 761,400 Chinese visitors to Australia – up 11.9 per cent – who spent a total of $5.3 billion. With Chinese tourists now our top-spending international visitors, it is important that Australia continues to provide the kinds of experiences they seek. Through the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA), the government is working to strengthen the tourism sector in Australia and deliver certainty for Australian tourism service providers in China. ChAFTA will grow our world-class tourism sector at home and increase opportunities in China, through high-quality services and investment outcomes. Situated in the fastest-growing tourism region in the world, and with unique natural assets, Australia is a highly attractive destination for tourism infrastructure investment – including hotels, transport, restaurants, retail and major attractions. ChAFTA will support increased Chinese investment in Australia’s tourism industry through higher screening thresholds for private Chinese investment. This investment will help meet the needs of the 1.5 million Chinese who are expected to visit Australia by 2022–23, and who are projected to spend more than $10.2 billion


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in our economy. With about 40 per cent of inbound expenditure growth in the tourism sector to 2022–23 expected to be sourced from China, ChAFTA will maximise opportunities. As ChAFTA deepens business and education links with China, business and study-related travel is also set to grow strongly. A work and holiday arrangement concluded alongside ChAFTA will allow 5000 Chinese work and holiday-makers into Australia annually, increasing demand for tourism services and supporting the development of the sector – particularly in rural Australia where the number of Chinese tourists is substantially growing. Australian tourism service providers will receive guaranteed access to the growing tourism market within China under ChAFTA. For example, China has guaranteed that Australian service suppliers will be able to construct, renovate and operate wholly Australian-owned hotels and restaurants in China. It has also guaranteed that Australian travel agencies and tour operators will be able to establish subsidiaries and provide travel services, tours and hotel accommodation directly to domestic and foreign travellers in China. ChAFTA complements and further strengthens the Government´s wider commitment to the Australian tourism industry through Tourism 2020, which includes: • record funding to Tourism Australia of more than $143 million per year • $43 million for the Tourism Demand-Driver Infrastructure Programme

Hon Andrew Robb

• $10 million and a revised Code of Business Standards and Ethics for the China Approved Destination Status (ADS) scheme • delivering benefits for investment through a tourism focus in the Australia Week in China and Australia Business Week in India events • the inclusion of tourism as one of Australia’s five investment priorities • a commitment to freeze the Passenger Movement Charge for the term of this Parliament. The travel industry, and travel agents in particular, are vitally important to the tourism sector, facilitating and distributing tourism experiences to consumers. I would like to thank AFTA for its ongoing contribution to tourism, and I look forward to working with you again in 2015.



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Message from the Shadow Minister for Tourism

A message from the Shadow Minister for Tourism, the Hon Anthony Albanese MP As the old saying goes, when one door closes, another one opens.

More leisure and business travellers mean higher jobs growth and a sustained economic boost to our regions.

In 2015, as the mining boom continues to slow, tourism will play an increasingly important role in our economy and Australia’s future prosperity.

I was pleased that AFTA attended roundtable discussions that I held across the country last year, and was pleased to hear directly from industry about issues affecting you, and how the federal government could help. I look forward to continuing that work in 2015.

Already, the industry is our largest services export, and employs one million Australians. As Shadow Minister for Tourism, my aim in 2015 is to help position our tourism industry front and centre of the federal government’s agenda. The Commonwealth Government should be our tourism industry’s best friend, as it’s one of the super-growth sectors set to drive jobs and economic growth for the next 20 years. Our 280,000 tourism businesses – including each of yours – deserve support and encouragement. This includes proper support for research and statistics, like the Survey of Tourist Accommodation, and an annual Australia Week in China. Tourism should also be one of the government’s priorities in its competitiveness agenda, and there should be a designated Tourism Minister advocating for the needs of the sector around the Cabinet table and the world. With the rise of the Asian middle class representing unparalleled opportunities for Australia, it has never been more important for the industry to have a strong advocate around the Cabinet table.


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Cities will also be a key part of Labor’s focus in 2015. Australia’s international image has traditionally been one of spectacular natural assets – think the reef and rock – and our pristine beaches. It is a well-deserved reputation, but the reality is that most international travellers arrive via our capital cities. First impressions count. International visitors stepping off planes and cruise ships should be greeted by fast and efficient public transport that can whisk them into the city. They should have easy access to our beaches, entertainment and hospitality precincts, and outdoor activities. Great public transport is not just an essential element of productive, sustainable and livable cities, but it is also a key element of a thriving tourist and accommodation sector. Think of what New York City would be without the subway, Paris without the Metro and London without the Tube. Iconic projects require leadership by the federal government. As former United States President John F. Kennedy once said,

Anthony Albanese

‘Things do not just happen. They are made to happen.’ The federal government should recognise the value of public transport across our economy, including tourism, and invest in major public transport projects in 2015. I look forward to leisure and business travellers one day being able to zip up Australia’s east coast on highspeed rail, with opportunities for regional tourism along the route. In the meantime, I look forward to continuing to work with you in 2015 to ensure that your industry is poised to capitalise on the enormous opportunities headed our way.

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25/11/14 3:09 PM

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18/09/14 2:54 PM

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Product Directory

Travel insurance partnerships made simple Fast Cover travel insurance has always been committed to providing fast, simple and easy to understand travel insurance for the consumer. This approach also extends to its partnerships, which provide you with a simple way to generate commission from the sale of travel insurance policies to your travellers. Fast Cover travel insurance offers a great choice of policies for all travellers, with great cover at competitive and affordable prices. Travellers may be surprised when they compare the prices of policies when considering the level of cover. Fast Cover policies not only cover travellers for what they actually need, but they’re also simple and easy to understand, with a quick and easy quote and signup process. The company covers all types of travellers, and offers standard policies, comprehensive policies, snow skiing cover, snowboarding cover, cruise cover and multi-trip cover for seniors, backpackers, working holiday-makers, travellers, families, couples and more. As an agent of Fast Cover, you will not only be providing your customers with a quality travel insurance product that is underwritten by Allianz, the company’s global partner, but you will also be providing a product that is great value and offers a quick and easy quote and sign-up process. Fast Cover is a wholly Australianowned and -operated company, with call centres in New South Wales and Queensland servicing all of Australia. Fast Cover products offer travellers the following: • easy and quick quotes online or over the phone

X 26

A F T A Tr T r aa vv ee ll PP aa gg ee ss 22 00 11 55

• easy and quick policy sign-up process • insurance for travellers up to 99^ years of age • no medical forms* when taking out a policy • policies underwritten by Allianz • access to web or Australian call centre service • cheque, bank deposit or credit card payment methods • no requirement for an email address; they can post out any information required. Fast Cover Comprehensive policies offer the following: • unlimited cancellation cover*, which comes into effect from the time that the customer takes out the policy • unlimited medical cover for travellers aged younger than 80^

• cover for luggage up to $5000 • Fast Cover’s famous ‘14-day Money Back Guaranteed’ cooling off period. Fast Cover policy options include the following: • add-on cruise cover • add-on snow cover • excess reduction

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• cover for luggage up to $7500

What’s in it for you?

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• cover for rental car excess up to $5000 • Fast Cover’s famous ‘14-day Money Back Guaranteed’ cooling off period. Fast Cover Standard policies offer: • unlimited cancellation cover*, which comes into effect from the time that the customer takes out the policy • unlimited medical cover for travellers aged younger than 80^ • 24 hours a day, seven days a week emergency medical assistance

• the opportunity to attract new customers to your business • no set-up costs • peace of mind for customers that they’re insured when they travel • a monthly sales report. To start earning commission, contact Fast Cover today by phoning 1300 409 322 or email ^ For travellers aged 80 years and over, additional terms and conditions apply.

*Some conditions and exclusions apply.

Fast Fast Quotes Fast Quotes Quotes Fast Bookings Fast Fast Bookings Bookings Fast Claims Fast Fast Claims Claims Why wouldn’t you give your customers Why wouldn’t you give your Why wouldn’t you give your customers customers Great Cover at Competitive Prices? Great Cover at Competitive Great Cover at Competitive Prices? Prices? Quote page on your website Quote page on your website Quote page on your website Quote widget on your website Quote widget on your website Quote widget on your website Links to our website Links to our website Links to our website Direct with our call centre Direct with our call centre Direct with our call centre

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Fast Cover Pty Ltd ABN 98 143 196 098 AR No.381399 arranges this insurance as an authorised representative of AGA Assistance Australia Pty Ltd, ABN 52 097 227 177, AFSL 245631 Fast Cover Pty LtdGlobal ABN 98 143 196 098 AR Insurance No.381399isarranges thismanaged insurancebyasAllianz an authorised representative of AGA Assistance Australia Pty Ltd,Insurance ABN 52 097 227ABN 177, AFSL 245631 trading as Allianz Assistance. Travel issued and Global Assistance as agent of the insurer Allianz Australia Limited 15 000 122 850 trading as Allianz Assistance. Travel issued and managed Assistance as agent ofconsideration the insurer Allianz Australia Limited 15needs. 000 122 Fast Cover Pty Terms, LtdGlobal ABN 98 143 196 098 AR Insurance No.381399 arranges this insurance asAllianz an authorised representative ofany AGA Assistance Australia Pty Ltd,Insurance ABN 52 097 227ABN 177,or AFSL 245631 AFSL 234708. conditions and exclusions apply.isWe do not provide anyby advice onGlobal this insurance based on of your objectives, financial situation You850 AFSL 234708. Terms, conditions andTravel exclusions apply. doProduct not anyby advice onGlobal this(including insurance based on anyofconsideration of your objectives, financial situation You trading as Allianz Global Assistance. Insurance isWe issued andprovide managed Allianz Assistance aswording) agent the insurer Allianz Australia Insurance ABNor15 000 122 should consider the Combined Financial Services Guide and Disclosure Statement policy before buying this product available onLimited this website toneeds. decide if850 this should consider theyou. Combined Financial Guide and Product Statement policy before buying this product available on this websiteortoneeds. decideYou if this AFSL 234708. conditions and exclusions We do not provide any advice on this based on any consideration of your objectives, financial situation product is rightTerms, for If you purchase aServices policy, apply. Fast Cover receives aDisclosure commission which is (including ainsurance percentage of wording) your premium - ask us for more information. product is right for If you purchase policy, Fast Cover commission which is (including a percentage of wording) your premium - ask us for more information. should consider theyou. Combined FinancialaServices Guide andreceives Product aDisclosure Statement policy before buying this product available on this website to decide if this product is right for you. If you purchase a policy, Fast Cover receives a commission which is a percentage of your premium - ask us for more information.


Smartraveller: Protecting your clients – it’s good business Helping your clients make the right preparations for their overseas trip, including having the right travel insurance policy, is one of the best moves you can make – something Helen Goddard of San Remo, Victoria understands all too well. Helen and her husband were looking forward to their holiday to Europe in 2013. Three weeks before departure, they followed Smartraveller advice and purchased comprehensive travel insurance. A week later, Helen suffered a brain aneurysm. Fortunately for the Goddards, their travel insurance reimbursed their $34,000 holiday almost entirely. Helen has recovered, and this year she and her husband headed overseas. But many Australians don’t prepare as well as the Goddards. The Nine Network’s The Embassy series showed a range of Australians in difficulty, calling home for help when it became clear that the Australian Government doesn’t pay for travellers’ expenses. The latest data from the ‘Understand Insurance 2014’ survey revealed that nearly one in five Australians travel without travel insurance. This figure is even higher for young males – the demographic most likely to make daring decisions while travelling. Of similar concern are the vast numbers of Australians who have purchased travel insurance that does not cover their personal circumstances or the range of activities or destinations they intend to enjoy while overseas.


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The Goddards

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) consistently reminds Australians that they are responsible for themselves when overseas. With a record nine million departures in 2013–14, including to more adventurous destinations, these messages are set to get even stronger with DFAT’s new Consular Strategy 2014–16. While some travel risks – natural disasters and illness, for example – cannot be foreseen, most problems can be mitigated or avoided by simple preventative measures. Insurance is essential, no matter how long the trip or what the destination. And the earlier insurance is taken out, the better. On DFAT’s Smartraveller website, you can find the CHOICE Travel Insurance Buying Guide to help Australians understand which policy will work best for them. But that’s just the start. The Smartraveller website should be a key step in the planning process for you and your clients. We have upgraded the maps for each country so that the

alert levels are colour-coded. It’s particularly important to know the ‘do not travel’ areas, where insurance is often voided, or the ‘reconsider your need to travel’ areas, where the risks may not be immediately obvious. One of the best ways to prepare your clients is to encourage them to stay informed, both before and during their trip. Here’s a couple of things you can suggest to them: subscribe to Smartraveller’s free email updates on the risks at each destination; follow the latest updates on our Facebook and Twitter accounts; download our iPhone app to stay informed on the go; and register travel plans. The Smartraveller team can be contacted at, or at, if you’d like to discuss ways to improve the safety of Australians travelling overseas.


“MY TRAVEL INSURANCE DIDN’T JUST SAVE ME $100,000, IT SAVED MY LIFE.” When Natalie went to Thailand, she had full travel insurance and registered her trip with Smartraveller. Just as well. On her way to a Full Moon Party, Natalie was in a high-speed boat collision, and nearly died. She spent three weeks in a Bangkok hospital and faced medical bills over $100,000. But thanks to her insurance, she was able to focus on making a full recovery.

Scan to visit us online

Download the Smartraveller iPhone App

Authorised by the Australian Government, Capital Hill, Canberra. Printed by Docklands Press, 142 Dougharty Rd, West Heidelberg VIC 3081

Tourism and Transport Forum

Tourism and Transport Forum Towards Tourism 2020 Margy Osmond, Chief Executive, Tourism and Transport Forum (TTF)

When the National LongTerm Tourism Strategy (NLTTS) was launched in late 2009, it was strongly endorsed by industry as identifying the factors critical to fostering growth in the sector. It focused on strategic areas, including growing demand from Asia, encouraging investment, implementing a regulatory reform agenda, and building industry resilience, productivity, and quality. The following year saw the release of the 2020 Tourism Industry Potential, which estimated that overnight visitor expenditure could grow to between $115 billion and $140 billion per year. This target range was endorsed by government and industry as achievable, fuelled by rising demand from Asia. Reaching the upper end would deliver billions of dollars per year in additional exports and tax revenue to government, along with tens of thousands of additional jobs across Australia. Now known as Tourism 2020 and backed by the Coalition Government following its election in 2013, the strategy laid out a timeline for implementation, including three years of ‘setting the foundation’ from 2012 to 2014. That timeline has 2015 as the first year of ‘seeing the results’. So, how are we tracking, and what can we expect? On some metrics, we are doing well, with solid growth from many countries in Asia and demand from traditional markets recovering in the aftermath of the GFC.


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Yet, that growth is not sufficient to accelerate overnight visitor spending to the levels required to reach even the lower end of the Tourism 2020 target. In fact, at current rates, overnight visitor expenditure will fall short of reaching $100 billion by 2020, let alone $115 billion. This is a lost opportunity for the Australian economy.

We need to reduce the cost of coming to Australia for visitors from shorthaul markets like New Zealand and countries in SouthEast Asia Tourism and Transport Forum (TTF) is calling for action in three key areas to help unlock the potential of growing international demand for travel by improving Australia’s competitiveness as a destination. Our report, Visitor Visa Reform: Reducing the barriers for travel to Australia, shows that we have fallen behind our rivals on visa processing, and that reform is needed to return Australia to a worldleading position. Online processing, reduced evidentiary requirements and faster approvals can all help to improve our offering. We would also like to see visa fees streamlined to remove inequities in the system that see visitors from China pay over six times more for a visa than visitors from Malaysia.

Margy Osmond

We need to reduce the cost of coming to Australia for visitors from short-haul markets like New Zealand and countries in SouthEast Asia. Australia’s Passenger Movement Charge is the highest in the developed world for short-haul flights, and is a deterrent for leisure travellers from our near neighbours. TTF is urging the Australian government to follow the lead of other countries and reduce the fee or remove it all together. We need more funding to market Australia internationally. The industry has shown that it is willing to enter cooperative marketing agreements with state and federal governments, and with studies showing a return of $16 for every international marketing dollar, governments need to see this as an investment, not an expense. Attracting more visitors will get us closer to the 2020 target, creating more jobs and driving economic activity around Australia. With these reforms and some hard work, we will indeed be seeing the results.




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Cruise Lines International Association Australasia

Cruise Lines International Association Australasia Brett Jardine, General Manager, CLIA Australasia

We’re expecting another massive year of cruising this year. With even more ships set to arrive Down Under in 2015, and waves of Australians expected to continue holidaying at sea both here and abroad, it may well be the year that we hit the magic milestone of one million passengers. After smashing the 800,000-passenger mark in 2013, we only require seven per cent growth in 2014 and 2015 to reach the one million mark – several years ahead of the original estimate of 2020. Leading up to this moment has been an exciting time for the Australian cruise industry, which is currently ranked number one in the world for market growth and penetration. CLIA Australasia’s latest industry figures reveal that a record 833,348 Australians took a cruise in 2013 – 20 per cent more than the 694,062 in 2012, and more than double the growth rate of any other major cruise market. With the equivalent of 3.6 per cent of the Australian population taking a cruise in 2013, Australia has become the first nation to ever achieve a stronger penetration rate than the world’s largest passenger source market, North America, which is a huge accomplishment for our young market. In 2013, the equivalent of 3.3 per cent of the North American population took a cruise. Each summer cruise season, we’re seeing the previous record smashed. During the 2014/15 season, CLIA member cruise lines were scheduled to bring 36 ships to


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Australia between 1 October 2014 and 30 April 2015. Making a total of 642 calls, including 38 maiden port visits to a range of towns including Busselton, Eden, Esperance, Albany, Port Hedland and Geelong, the massive summer cruise season reflects the growing popularity of cruising among Australians, as well as our appeal as a cruise destination for international travellers. To gauge the economic contribution of cruising around Australia, CLIA Australasia commissioned the first Economic Impact Study for the region. The report, prepared by Business Research and Economic Advisors, found that the industry’s economic output in Australia reached a record $3.21 billion in 2013. The report also found that passengers spent an average of $371 each per port visit day. These figures further underline that it’s a great time to be a CLIA cruise specialist, with an increasing number of agents recognising the opportunity that the booming cruise industry presents for their business. 2014 was our first full year as a global organisation under the CLIA banner, and that led to some landmark achievements, including a uniform online training program that was rolled out across all regional cruise associations. Agents can now undertake all compulsory CLIA training required to achieve Cruise Industry Accreditation online, as part of their annual CLIA membership. As a leader in agent training, we were proud to play a vital role in crafting the program with our sister organisation in the United Kingdom.

Brett Jardine

This year also marks an encore for CLIA Australasia’s cruise3sixty conference. After its historic debut in Sydney in 2014 as the first international deployment of the event outside of North America, we look forward to seeing the conference go from strength to strength, in line with the local market. To reflect the changing cruise agent landscape, CLIA has also moved to acknowledge the growing number of online and mobile agencies. The annual Cruise Industry Awards now include categories for Online Agency of the Year, and Home Based/Mobile Agency of the Year. With so much happening locally to boost awareness of cruising among Australians, it’s no wonder the once long-range target of one million Australian cruise passengers has come within our reach much sooner than anticipated.

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Product Directory

Does your agency pass the Healthy Business Test? We’ve discovered that healthy and successful businesses, both in and outside of the travel industry, most often have the following five things in common.

Purpose – why are we here? Call it a goal, or a mission, or a purpose – your business has a reason to exist, and it’s more than just ‘to make a profit’. Agencies that have a clear statement of purpose, goals and a destination to focus upon will outperform those that do not. So, begin with the end in mind – and it’s never too late to begin again. What are your goals for this year, and how do they align with, and advance towards, your purpose?

Cash flow – no journey lasts without this Positive cash flow is the most significant indicator of a healthy business. Don’t run your business on a credit card. Cash flow buys the people you need, the advice you require, the rent, and the communications and other business items, and covers travellers for whom you may allow credit. Regular sales targets are an indicator of coming cash flows, and enable monitoring of progress. Surplus cash flow determines how much in borrowings might be needed from your bank, and determines dividends for owners. What is your surplus cash flow this year?

Find your niche What’s important in any business is keeping your customers happy, especially when it comes to booking a holiday – you want to deliver the best service and experience possible. In the eversqueezed travel market, being a generalist might not be enough. Find a niche space where you can excel and stand out from the crowd


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by being visibly different and better than existing offerings. This will allow you to craft specific marketing messages that resonate with that audience. How do you differentiate and stand out?

Remember that it’s not all about you Having a team of committed, engaged and reliable people makes all the difference in business. In order to build your team, clear goals and purpose, and shared values and culture are critical. Build a career progression chart that shows people where they are going and what they should be learning next. Team engagement and development are far more important than salary. Is your team ‘paddling the boat’ in the same direction as you?

Get your systems right Systems make things run better – your team knows what to do and how to do it (even when someone is away); from a customer’s point of view, they know they are getting

a reliable standard of service, and, as a manager, you know that things will be done right, even if you are not there. Do you have a ‘How we do it here’ manual? Do you score five out of five? DFK firms provide plain English advice, profit improvement plans, indepth business guidance, industry expertise and much more to grow your travel business. Call us to boost your business score! Rob Shelton is the Managing Director of DFK Everalls in Canberra. He provides business consulting, strategy advice, boardlevel assistance, succession advice and planning, and complex tax analysis to his clients. DFK Everalls Unit 3 Royal Life Saving House 26–28 Napier Close Deakin, Australian Capital Territory 2600 Phone: 02 6232 4588 Email:

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Product Directory

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12/02/15 12:29 PM

Flinders Island Travel Centre

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DriveAway Holidays

DriveAway Holidays is committed to finding the perfect vehicle and creating a carefree self-drive experience for every customer.

DriveAway Holidays is Australia and New Zealand’s leading self-drive specialist, offering car hire throughout 130 countries, worldwide motorhome rentals, and Peugeot leasing in Europe. Our partnerships with major suppliers have been established for over 25 years and our award-winning service is known for its Beat Rate Policy, secure payment and toll-free customer service team.

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Level 6, 117 York Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: +61 2 9286 8951


26/09/14 11:11 AM

Sundowners Overland

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Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade RG Casey Building, John McEwen Crescent, Barton ACT 0221

Product Directory

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25/08/14 11:17 AM


Fa’a Samoa is the Samoan way. A 3,000 year old authentic living culture found nowhere else in the world. So whilst Samoa might look similar to other Pacific Islands, the experience is anything but. To holiday the Samoan way is to discover all things unique about Samoa. For instance Sunday is still a day of rest. Daily prayers are held between 6 and 7pm religiously. And family is sacred. But most of all, apart from the unspoilt tropical island paradise, you’ll discover that Samoans love life; food, music and laughter. And that makes Samoa far and away the most treasured island destination. HOLIDAY THE SAMOAN WAY.

The Treasured Islands of the South Pacific

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Australian Capital Territory

VisitCanberra Ian Hill, Director of Tourism

The completion of the Canberra International Airport’s $420 million redevelopment marks a key milestone in the city’s history, with the airport now capable of providing visitors with state-ofthe-art offerings and full international capabilities, including customs and immigration facilities. As part of the Australian Capital Territory’s 2020 Tourism Strategy, the Australian Capital Territory Government and Capital Airport Group are working together closely on access initiatives, including securing direct international flight services to Canberra.


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In June, the ACT Government embarked on the biggest ever overseas delegation to Singapore, promoting Canberra’s trade, investment and tourism credentials, as well as the education, information and communications technology, creative, food, wine and sport sectors. A busy and eventful year filled with major events and blockbuster exhibitions at the National Gallery of Australia (Gold and the Incas: Lost World of Peru), the National Library of Australia (Mapping our World), and the National Portrait Gallery (Elvis at 21) continued to drive growth in both domestic and international visitation. To celebrate Canberra’s 101st birthday, the world’s first Human Brochure advocacy campaign embarked on a new chapter with

Ian Hill

the launch of ‘101 Local Humans’. Using social media as the platform for destination advocacy, 101 Local Humans encouraged locals to explore their backyards, invite interstate friends and family to

Australian Capital Territory

experience the destination, and tell the world about it through the website. Tourism Australia’s Restaurant Australia campaign provided a platform for Canberra’s awardwinning food and wine offerings to be showcased to the world at the inaugural ‘Invite the world to dinner’ event in Hobart. The emerging food and wine precincts of Braddon and Lonsdale Streets,

Kingston Foreshore and NewActon continue to thrive, with a host of new bars, restaurants and cafés firmly establishing Canberra as a destination for foodies. Canberra’s tourism product experiences continue to grow, with a suite of new hotels being announced, including the new Vibe Hotel at the Canberra Airport, the Little Darling Hotel, the five-star Avenue Hotel and the refurbished

historic Kurrajong Hotel Canberra. Hotel groups Peppers and QT also established their brands in Canberra for the first time, with the opening of the Peppers Gallery Hotel (formerly Diamant Hotel) and QT Canberra (formerly Rydges Lakeside). In early 2015, the National Zoo & Aquarium’s muchanticipated lodges will be opened – with some of them having just a glass wall between you and the lions’ den. Over the next four years, the Australian War Memorial will be commemorating the centenary of the First World War through a major redevelopment of its First World War galleries and a variety of new public programs and events. The National Gallery of Australia, with support from VisitCanberra’s Special Event Fund, is once again hosting a blockbuster exhibition – ‘James Turrell: a retrospective’ – from December 2014 through June 2015. For the first time ever, Canberra played host to two of the biggest sporting events in 2015 – the AFC Asian Football Cup, which played out early this year, and the ICC Cricket World Cup – further cementing Canberra’s reputation as a worldclass sporting destination. For more information on tourism in the ACT, make sure you sign up to receive our Industry Blog RSS feed by going to the Industry Link tab on our corporate site, For all other consumer information, go to or be part of the conversation on Facebook and Twitter. Don’t forget to download our iPad edition of the Canberra Region Visitor Guide from the App Store.

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New South Wales

Destination NSW Sandra Chipchase, Chief Executive

As the New South Wales Government’s tourism and major events agency, Destination NSW is focused on developing and delivering activities to double overnight visitor expenditure to New South Wales by 2020. The New South Wales Government’s funding commitment to Destination NSW enables us to deliver an exciting program of major events and tourism campaigns, where we work closely with partners, including agents, to drive visitation across our state. Destination NSW is now in its fourth year, and we continue to achieve record results for both international and domestic visitation. Attracting the right mix of new events is a key part of Destination NSW’s strategy to continue building the New South Wales visitor economy, by driving tourism, business events and major events to Sydney and regional New South Wales. Since 2011, we have secured more than 270 events for New South Wales, and in 2014 we saw new events such as the Opening Series of Major League Baseball, the world premiere of Strictly Ballroom the Musical, and Italian football champions Juventus taking on the A-League All Stars at ANZ Stadium. We look forward to announcing more new events for 2015, to continue this growth. Regional New South Wales has also been a focus for Destination NSW, with increased investment in tourism and major events in these areas. Record government funding has been disseminated through


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the Regional Visitor Economy Fund, which helps local operators to attract visitors to their areas. Major regional events across the state have also been strongly supported, with new events such as the Australian Bowl-Riding Championships and the Dungog Festival joining established names like the Tamworth Country Music Festival and the Deni Ute Muster.

Destination NSW has partnered with China UnionPay International to provide special deals to the bank’s 4.5 billion cardholders worldwide We continue to target priority international markets to attract more visitors to New South Wales. China and India have received particular focus, as they were identified as high-value potential growth markets by the Visitor Economy Taskforce. Destination NSW has partnered with China UnionPay International to provide special deals to the bank’s 4.5 billion cardholders worldwide. In February 2014, Destination NSW developed and launched the ‘Jhappi Time’ campaign, which comprises a series of videos filmed by acclaimed Australian-Indian Bollywood director Anupam Sharma. The campaign, specifically targeting visiting friends and relatives, aims to increase visitation from India – a market currently worth around $182 million per year to the New South Wales economy.

Sandra Chipchase

We have also joined with the retail sector of the travel industry to promote the summer and winter ‘Love Every Second in Sydney’ campaigns. Our partners included,,, HotelClub and Flight Centre. These campaigns highlight the best that Sydney has to offer tourists, and have delivered significant growth in visitor numbers to Sydney. We will be building on that in 2015. There are many new, exciting events planned for 2015, such as the Australian premiere of Matilda the Musical, and the recently announced Australian premiere of Here Lies Love, a disco-pop musical about the Marcos era created by David Byrne and Fatboy Slim. More new events will be announced shortly, with 2015 shaping up to be yet another big year for New South Wales. At Destination NSW, we look forward to continuing our work with you to help us achieve our goal of doubling overnight visitor expenditure by 2020.

Accommodation / Attractions / Tours

Best Western values your business! - Commissions are paid for bookings made online. - Enter your IATA number on the reservation page. - Group bookings can now be made on

New South Wales


There are more than 170 Best Western hotels across Australia, New Zealand and Fiji. Ranging from three to five star, each hotel, apartment and resort is committed to the common worldwide standards of quality, service and value.

Reservations: GDS Code = BW 131 779 | 329508A_Best Western | 2127.indd 1

The Meridian Resort

Meridian Resort Beachside 32 Lewis Street, Old Bar 2430 P: 02 6553 3441

Sacred Spaces, Singleton

Visit the heritage convent built by the Sisters of Mercy as their motherhouse, the original octagonal presbytery, and the magnificent nuns’ chapel. Enjoy a stroll around the beautiful gardens. Morning tea or afternoon tea and light lunch are available for groups of 15 or more.

The Meridian Resort boasts 40 clean, spacious, one, two & three bedroom fully self-contained modern units with full kitchen and laundry facilities. The resort is beautifully appointed with gardens, solar-heated pool, heated spa, BBQ facilities and a recreation room – and FREE limited wi-fi. Beach fishing, surfing, and bushwalking are also very popular, as is dolphin and whale watching.


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11/11/14 12:47 PM


Tel: 02 6572 2398

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Insight Vacations Pty Ltd

12/12/14 9:26 AM

Level 3 35 Grafton Street Bondi Junction NSW 2022 Tel: 1300 727 767 Fax: 02 9006 1960

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Northern Territory

Tourism Northern Territory Tony Mayell, Chief Executive

This is an exciting time for the Northern Territory, and tourism is at the forefront of great change and revitalisation. Tourism NT has set a clear path for growth, and we are on that road to recovery. One of the biggest challenges for the Northern Territory over the years has been access, particularly to Central Australia. In March, that will all change, with Virgin Australia commencing flights between Alice Springs and Darwin. This move will have a profound effect on the business and tourism sectors, as a new carrier drives all-important competition with the long-time carrier on the route, Qantas. In time, we hope that Virgin Australia will expand its services to other destinations to further boost our tourism numbers. It’s no surprise that competitively priced airfares and holiday packages represent that extra edge we need in the list of unending choices for a preferred holiday destination. We are also proud of our new Virtual Journeys portal, which was launched late last year. These journeys offer unique insight to travel agents, who are unable to experience the Northern Territory locations, sights and tourism products in person. Now your frontline sales staff and product managers can select first-person videos to form a realistic itinerary to show clients, in order to help them decide where they want to go, what they want to do and how much time they will need. Interest from travel agents in familiarisation programs to the Northern Territory is also at remarkable levels. This is in no small part driven by heightened consumer interest in the Northern Territory, as a consequence of our ‘Do the NT’ brand positioning. Research has shown that this


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consumer interest has been piqued due to the rise in information around access, prices, availability and ranges of accommodation, and experiences being made more readily available. The royal visit to Uluru saw a jump in interest in the Northern Territory from potential holiday-makers, following extensive media exposure around the world. That visit, combined with greater air access to Australia’s spiritual heart, has resulted in a spike in visitation. Tourism NT is supporting visitation to the Centre and Uluru by working with airlines and trade partners to promote packages and on-the-ground experiences.

Over the past two years, the Northern Territory Government has committed an additional $16 million to the tourism budget to help boost visitation We have a host of exciting new products across the Northern Territory that will enhance any visit to the Territory. In the Red Centre, Lasseters Hotel Casino has completed a $35 million upgrade, which includes a new hotel entrance and reception, a new hotel wing, a new restaurant, a new casino lobby and a health club, pool and spa. Mountain bike enthusiasts will love the new cycle paths developed for beginners through to experts at the Alice Springs Telegraph Station. The Northern Territory Government provided $150,000 to build the trails, which are being billed as a Mecca

Tony Mayell

for mountain bike riders around the globe. Bike hire is also available. Uluru Meeting Place has undergone a comprehensive redevelopment as part of a $38 million upgrade of the Ayers Rock Resort. In the Katherine region, Cicada Lodge, an indigenous-owned property in the Nitmiluk National Park, offers luxury accommodation on the doorstep of one of Australia’s most spectacular locations. A unique tourism venture – cruising from Darwin to Gove aboard the cargo barge Sea Swift – is another new experience designed to enhance tourism in Arnhem Land. In Darwin, Segway Tours offer guided tours through the George Brown Botanic Gardens, while Firestone Tours take people on a Larrakia Aboriginal culture journey. Over the past two years, the Northern Territory Government has committed an additional $16 million to the tourism budget to help boost visitation. In tight fiscal times, this funding represents one of the few jurisdictions in Australia that is increasing its tourism budget. That commitment underlines the priority that the Northern Territory places on tourism.

Attractions / Tours

We are witnessing growth, albeit small growth, in visitor numbers for the first time in many years Do the NT is the message of our new brand strategy, which is starting to show results. Previously, our marketing had solely focused on the destination, using scenic shots of our landscapes and attractions; however, research showed that the Territory was already well known for this, so our new strategy is to focus more on the active, engaging and fun things your clients can do in the


(08) 89450 376

Territory, with which they may be less familiar. We are witnessing growth, albeit small growth, in visitor numbers for the first time in many years. Other strategies include: • Launching our Mates of the Territory program – where celebrities and influential Australians with a strong connection to the NT share their experiences and stories to inspire more Aussies to tick the Northern Territory off their bucket lists. • Launching a $1 million Digital Marketing Activation Program that led to 131 operators from all over the Northern Territory receiving grants for digital advertising, and 84 operators receiving grants to create digital videos.

We have also launched a $1.3 million pool of Northern Territory and federal funding for infrastructure for improving current facilities or helping to establish new tourism experiences. A range of tourism businesses have benefited from the funding, including the Sea Swift voyage to Arnhem Land, a tourism trail on the Tiwi Islands, and a roadhouse overhaul for the Wauchope Hotel (near the Devils Marbles). There are a good number of other exciting projects to be announced under this initiative.

Northern Territory

We are in the midst of an ambitious program for growth. At the centre of that program is our plan to grow the visitor economy to $2.2 billion by 2020, as measured by overnight visitor expenditure. That represents a growth rate of 3.1 per cent annually.

We know that our product is second to none. The Northern Territory has made great strides in the tourism sector over the past year. Right now, it’s never been easier to Do the NT.

• Launching a Business Events Ambassador Program with 16 of Australia’s leading business and community leaders to promote the Northern Territory on the national and international stage.

2-6 Days Barra Run Off Safaris @Shady Camp (Feb-Apr) 2-6 Days Barra & Bluewater Fishing Safaris @Dundee (Apr-Nov)


Darwin’s Barra Base has its own B&B Lodge, located only 5 minutes from the Darwin Airport 328683A_Darwin Bara | 2027.indd 1

2-5 Days Remote Finniss River Barra Fishing Safaris (May-Nov) B&B Lodge has 4 Guestrooms, all with ensuites Call for overnight and weekly rates 5/12/14 12:30 PM

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Tourism and Events Queensland Leanne Coddington, Chief Executive

From the Gold Coast to the Whitsundays, Brisbane, the Sunshine Coast and the Tropical North, Queensland has a unique position in Australia of having 13 destination brands showcasing a diverse range of experiences. Currently a $23 billion industry, tourism has been identified as one of four economic pillars for the state, directly supporting 101,000 jobs and 53,600 tourism-related businesses.

Recent Whether you are in Cairns, on the Gold Coast or in the outback, Tourism and Events Queensland has a collaborative approach to growing visitor expenditure towards 2020 with our industry partners, focusing on building strong destinations.

Whether you are in Cairns, on the Gold Coast or in the outback, Tourism and Events Queensland has a collaborative approach to growing visitor expenditure towards 2020 with our industry partners, focusing on building strong destinations.

we hope to entice more people to experience the best of what Queensland has to offer – and to keep coming back. Recognising that working together to achieve our growth objectives is vital, in recent years we have focused on strengthening our partnership with the regional tourism network, underpinned by a refreshed destination tourism planning framework, and identifying the unique priorities for each region. Recent multi-year cooperative agreements with Qantas and Flight Centre also underline our collaborative partnership focus. As Queensland’s lead tourism marketing, event acquisition and tourism experience development agency, TEQ recognises the need to be at the forefront of ever-evolving trends, to seek innovation, to evolve and adapt to challenges, and to make the most of emerging opportunities. The launch of ‘It’s Live! in Queensland’ in October 2014 signalled the next phase in TEQ’s strategy to bring events and tourism


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Leanne Coddington

marketing together in a way that we haven’t before. ‘It’s Live!’ builds on Queensland’s core brand promise, ‘where Australia feels most alive’, and centres on an events calendar that profiles 126 major and regional events staged across the state’s tourism destinations. Through attracting visitors with a dynamic and exciting event calendar, against the backdrop of iconic destinations, we hope to entice more people to experience the best of what Queensland has to offer – and to keep coming back. On behalf of our tourism industry, I would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to the AFTA network of travel agents and industry suppliers for their ongoing support of Queensland.

Accommodation / Attractions / Tours / Transport Queensland

Charlotte Plains Outback Station – Farmstay This authentic sheep/cattle station, half the size of Singapore, where nothing is staged, offers excellent tours and hospitality, accommodation and wide-open spaces. It is a popular destination, with hot, free-flowing mineral water to soak in, history, birds and a variety of wildlife. Your hosts cater for schools and groups, offering bus group lunches and tours. Dine under a galaxy of stars by the open campfire. Dream and enjoy real outback magic. Charlotte Plains has been featured on the travel shows Weekender and Travel Oz.

Charlotte Plains The Adventure Way Cunnamulla QLD 4490 Tel: 07 4655 4923 Fax: 07 4655 4114 Email: Web:

326584A_Charlotte Plains | 2127.indd 1 Min Min Encounter & Visitor Info Centre


The Min Min Encounter is a 45-minute laser and animatronics show showcasing stories of the Min Min Light Legend that originated in Boulia. Min Min Encounter and Visitor Information Centre Herbert Street Boulia 4829 Tel: 07 4746 3386 Fax: 07 4746 3387

Mission Beach Holidays

328682A_Boulia Shire | 2127.indd 1

8/09/14 4:18 PM

Mission Beach Holidays – ‘The Accommodation Specialists’ for Mission Beach.

Luxury to budget – beachfront houses and apartments.

Tel: 07 4052 1111 Fax: 07 4032 5889

10/06/14 8:55 AM

This luxury fast CAT goes to two stunning locations. Snorkel and dive in the beautiful shallow waters surrounding Upolu Cay and ‘Wonder Wall’ on the outer edge of Upolu Reef. Minimal travel time allows six hours to do all activities including a complimentary Adventure Drift Snorkel and Glass Bottom Boat Tour.

Tel: +61 7 4088 6699 Web:

Toowoomba, Ipswich, Warwick

23 Sowden St Toowoomba, QLD 4350 Tel: 1300 304 350 Fax: +61 7 4630 2322 Email: Web:

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Door-to-door airport transfers from Toowoomba to Brisbane or Brisbane West (Wellcamp, Toowoomba) Airports daily from Sunday to Friday. Scheduled doorto-door airport transfers between Ipswich, Gatton and Brisbane Airport are also provided. Areas beyond Toowoomba and Ipswich, such as the Darling Downs, Southern Downs, Surat Basin, Fassifern Valley and Scenic Rim, are catered for on request. Discounts apply for seniors, students, more than one travelling from a single address, groups and families, and return bookings.

31/07/14 10:11 AM

Tours Tours

Billy Tea Safaris

PO Box 77N North Cairns, QLD 4870 Tel: 07 4032 0077 Our pledge, to serve, surprise and delight

25/11/14 4:09 PM

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Cairns and Tropical North Queensland – where rainforest meets the reef Alex de Waal, Chief Executive, Tourism Tropical North Queensland

Visitors can get in touch with their adventurous nature in Tropical North Queensland – the only place with two World Heritage areas side by side. The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef system on earth, and the Wet Tropics rainforests contain the world’s oldest tropical rainforest. More than 2.2 million visitors arrive in Cairns each year to experience the reef and rainforest, and to relax into the tropical lifestyle, find their own personal adventure and connect with the culture of the region’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. With some 600 tours departing daily, visitors can make their holiday as adventurous or as relaxed as they like. There is always something new to experience, whether it is snorkelling with dwarf minke whales, whitewater rafting through the rainforest, eating the first mango of the season or learning to catch a mud crab with a spear. The casually sophisticated city of Cairns is the beginning of the adventure. Cairns Airport has a domestic network with up to 51,000 seats on more than 700 flights each week to 15 key city and regional destinations. Located on the edge of the Coral Sea, surrounded by exotic tropical


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plants, and with a year-round warm climate, Cairns is the gateway to the Great Barrier Reef. Visitors can choose from around 40 vessels and more than 100 ways to experience the Great Barrier Reef. The ultimate personalised reef adventure is to join a live-aboard dive boat for days and nights of underwater exploration. Keep your hair dry with a helmet dive, snorkel from a sand cay, zoom along on an underwater scooter or see the unforgettable colours of the Great Barrier Reef from the air on a seaplane or helicopter tour. With the reef so close, there’s plenty of time to enjoy a dream itinerary. Adventure for many visitors is relaxing in the coastal villages of Palm Cove, Port Douglas and Mission Beach on the Cassowary Coast, where the days can be spent enjoying the palm-fringed beaches, indulging in spa treatments and tasting contemporary Australian tropical cuisine. Dial the adventure up with ballooning, horseriding, zorbing, skydiving, crocodile spotting, motorcycle tours or jungle surfing. Adventurers can push their boundaries on world-class mountain bike tracks, or participate in the annual iron distance triathlon, Ironman Cairns. The natural attractions of the Atherton Tablelands include swimming beneath waterfalls, following a food trail, wildlife spotting and getting cosy in a quaint B&B. Hit the road to adventure in the Queensland Outback with an epic trip

Alex de Waal

through the Cape York Peninsula to the top of Australia, or explore the hidden gorges and their spectacular wildlife in the Gulf Savannah. Chase black marlin or land a barramundi, see some of the world’s rarest birds and wildlife, or hike and camp in the wilderness. With seven sub-regions to choose from, Tropical North Queensland is the ultimate destination for tropical adventure. To find out more, go to


Tourism Victoria Leigh Harry, Chief Executive

Victoria continues to innovate, both in its marketing and its product offering, to provide new reasons for visitors to visit the state. In 2014, we continued the development of innovative marketing campaigns, encouraging new tourism product and aviation partnerships, which yielded increased international visitor growth in Victoria. The launches of Victoria’s 2020 Tourism Strategy in 2013, and its Regional Tourism Strategy 2013– 2016 in 2014, provide a platform for Tourism Victoria, industry and other stakeholders to work toward a positive future for sustainable tourism growth. These strategies guide and focus our activity on key areas such as digital excellence, international and national marketing, attraction of major and business events, air services and investment, and workforce and skills development. Events remain a significant focus for the Victorian Government, and we work hard to find cultural and sporting events to provide new reasons for your clients to visit Melbourne and regional Victoria. Domestically, Melbourne continues to attract more interstate visitors than other capital cities, attracting 4.4 million visitors in 2013. Research shows that Melbourne will continue to be Australia’s preferred destination for a domestic holiday in the next two years, and we are

working hard with our industry partners to maximise this potential. Regionally, visitor growth also increased three per cent in both interstate and intrastate markets. Industry and corporate partnerships continue to be a key aspect of our marketing, providing crucial opportunities to increase customer awareness, campaign visibility and, ultimately, conversion. The priority is to ensure that destination content communicated by our partners is current and up to date, and that this is managed through regular audits of our partner websites and by providing new and updated copy, as well as imagery and video content. We continue to foster relationships with key international and domestic airline partners, to promote Melbourne as Australia’s premier events and tourist destination, and Victoria’s key tourism product. Victoria’s air services play a key role in growing the state’s economic development, particularly in the tourism industry. Victoria had 25 international airlines flying directly in and out of Melbourne Airport at 30 June 2014, and during 2013–14 Melbourne Airport recorded more than 31 million passenger movements through its terminals.

Leigh Harry

The relationships with our wholesale, retail and travel agent partners are important to us, and we look forward to further developing and strengthening these relationships to provide the latest information on Melbourne and regional Victoria tourism products and experiences, and to ensure that you are both well informed and engaged.

International visitor expenditure in Victoria in 2013 grew by 9.6 per cent to $4.8 billion, largely driven by Chinese visitor expenditure, which increased by 18.4 per cent year-on-year to $1.1 billion. The Victorian Government is committed to strengthening its engagement with the Chinese market through inbound and outbound trade missions, and digital and social media campaigns.

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South Australia

South Australian Tourism Commission Rodney Harrex, Chief Executive

Home to stunning coastline, award-winning sporting events, colourful festivals and world-class food and wine regions, South Australia is the perfect destination for your clients’ next holiday. Adelaide is the vibrant capital that boasts a fantastic calendar of events. From the first stop on the world cycling calendar, Santos Tour Down Under, to the Fringe Festival that takes over the entire city, there’s something for everyone. The newly upgraded, world-class airport is a 10-minute drive from the CBD. With several airlines recently announcing new routes from Adelaide, it is also the fastest growing international airport of all of Australia’s capital cities. Adelaide is cementing its reputation as the food and wine capital of Australia, with 700 restaurants, cafés and pubs, and more than 200 cellar doors within an hour’s drive. The state government recently introduced new licensing laws to reduce red tape for small venues, bringing an influx of new, quirky, unique bars and boutique-style eateries that add to our street and laneway culture. The Riverbank Precinct’s multibillion-dollar transformation, along with the redeveloped Adelaide Oval bringing cricket and AFL together, has provided a significant boost to the city’s profile, both domestically and internationally. Leading guidebook publisher and global travel authority Lonely Planet named Adelaide as one of the world’s top 10 cities to visit in 2014. Adelaide was the only Australian


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city to be listed in Lonely Planet’s Best in Travel 2014 guide, named alongside Zurich, Paris, Shanghai and Vancouver. Ranked at number nine, Adelaide is described as ‘effortlessly chic – and like a perfectly cellared red, it’s ready to be uncorked and sampled.’ Adelaide and South Australia offer experiences that are easily accessible; you can go from the city to our wine regions in a short time, and can access more than 200 cellar doors within an hour’s drive from Adelaide. Our beaches are as easily accessible, too. Our city is buzzing with restaurants and cafés, and visitors are often surprised by the diversity of tourism experiences on offer. Port Lincoln is the only place in Australia where adventure-seekers can shark-cage dive and see the magnificent creatures in their natural habitat. Wildlife experiences and stunning scenery, award-winning food and wine, and the chance to explore the real outback are just some of the tourism offerings in Adelaide and South Australia. A visit to our iconic wine regions, such as Barossa, McLaren Vale and Clare Valley, will give your clients a firsthand opportunity to see why our state is celebrated for its world-acclaimed wine. From rustic tin sheds to superior tasting rooms, South Australia’s cellar doors are as diverse as they are plentiful. We’re also the source of some of the freshest produce in the country, where local, seasonal ingredients lead the way. Kangaroo Island is a sanctuary for wildlife and natural, rugged beauty. Visitors can spy native wildlife and walk among endangered Australian sea lions, catch a glimpse of a shy platypus, sail alongside dolphins, or watch the kangaroos feeding at

Rodney Harrex

dusk. You don’t need to venture far to meet our native wildlife – head to the Adelaide Hills for wildlife sanctuaries and national parks, watch playful dolphins swimming in the waters off local beaches, or take a bushwalk in one of our many conservation parks. Whether your clients are looking for a food and wine getaway, a cosmopolitan city stay or a naturebased retreat, the opportunities are endless for a truly unforgettable South Australian experience.

Accommodation / Attractions / Tours South Australia

Swagabout Tours Aussie icons, beaches, desert landscapes, rugged coastlines and mountains, wildflowers, wildlife and lots more. You get it all on a Swagabout Tour. 8 Rosslyn Avenue, Manningham, SA 5086 Accommodation Mob: 0408 845 378 | Tel: 08 8266 1879 Email: Web:

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29/09/14 11:36 AM Island Beach


Lot 91 Borda Road Island Beach, Kangaroo Island, SA 5222 Tel: 08 8553 7101 Mobile: 0429 414 912 Attractions Excellent quality accommodation and facilities

Gorge Wildlife Park


30 Redden Drive, Cudlee Creek, SA 5232 Tel: 08 8389 2206 Fax: 08 8389 2215 Australian and exotic animals, birds and reptiles. Free koala holding.

River Dolls of Goolwa Doll Museum & Lolly Shop

33 Cadell Street Goolwa SA Tel: 08 8555 5801 Fax: 08 8555 5999 Sweet Memories For All The Family

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Western Australia

Tourism Western Australia Stephanie Buckland, Chief Executive

2014 was another busy year in tourism in Western Australia. The year started on a high, with Perth ranking number nine on the New York Times’ list of 52 mustvisit places in 2014. Part of the reason for this recognition was the massive revitalisation program occurring across the city, which will see major infrastructure projects come to fruition over the next few years. These include Perth City Link, which involves sinking the railway line to reconnect the CBD with Northbridge and create a vibrant, mixed-use precinct, and the Elizabeth Quay river foreshore development, which will reconnect the city with the Swan River and provide locals and visitors with waterfront dining options, accommodation and entertainment spaces. In addition, construction has started on the new 60,000-seat Perth Stadium, which is set to open in time for the 2018 AFL season, as well as the Perth Airport, which is undergoing a $750 million redevelopment. Aviation access into the state has been experiencing significant growth, and in July we welcomed award-winning Etihad Airways with the inaugural flight from Abu Dhabi to Perth. The direct daily service not only provides a connection to the Middle East, but also to many of our key markets, such as the United Kingdom, United States and Germany. This is in addition to Scoot, China Southern Airlines and Qatar Airways, all of which have added Perth to their networks since 2011. With improved aviation access, we expect to increase the number of visitors to the state, which means that we will require more hotel


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rooms to accommodate them. Currently, we have more than 1400 hotel rooms (including serviced apartments) in the development pipeline to enter the market between 2015 and 2018. These developments will see some of the world’s leading brands establishing their presence in Perth, including a 204-room Ritz Carlton hotel at Elizabeth Quay, the 362-room Westin Hotel, and the 500-room sixstar Crown Towers hotel. Work is also being undertaken to redevelop the 135-year-old, heritage-listed Treasury Building in the CBD, which will be restored into an exciting mix of hotel, hospitality and retail uses.

In support of culinary tourism, Tourism WA is pleased to announce that an additional three years of funding have been secured to sponsor the Margaret River Gourmet Escape until 2017 In support of culinary tourism, Tourism WA is pleased to announce that an additional three years of funding have been secured to sponsor the Margaret River Gourmet Escape until 2017,

Stephanie Buckland

paving the way for the festival to grow to one of the biggest and best food and wine events in the Asia-Pacific region. In 2014, the event attracted the likes of Heston Blumenthal, Massimo Bottura and Rick Stein. In addition, we will continue to support a number of world-class events throughout the year, such as the Hopman Cup; the Margaret River Pro surfing, which is part of the World Championship Tour; and a number of fantastic cultural events including the Ord Valley Muster and the Shinju Matsuri in the North West. I would like to thank the Australian Federation of Travel Agents for your continued support in helping to sell Western Australia. To learn more about Western Australia as an extraordinary holiday destination for your clients, visit

Accommodation / Tours

PO Box 8464, Broome WA 6725 Tel: 08 9192 6407

Diversity Charter Company is one of a few WA owned and operated Kimberley cruise companies. With a maximum of 12 guests per cruise and a choice of 7, 8, and 10 night tours, Diversity ensures your days are filled with multiple excursions such as fresh water swimming, bushwalking, fishing, ancient art galleries, flora and fauna watching and much more.

Charter flights between Shark Bay and Exmouth (Ningaloo) and other destinations, plus scenic flights around Shark Bay World Heritage area. 99 Knight Terrace, Denham WA 6537 Tel: 0417 919 059; 08 9948 1773 Email: Web:

327389A_Shark Bay | 1897.indd 1

Western Australia

Shark Bay Air Charter

Diversity Charter Company

5/12/13 2:06 PM

Accommodation Accommodation

Falls Retreat Bed & Breakfast

328688A_Diversity Charter | 2127.indd 1

1/10/14 4:48 PM

Tel: 08 9291 7609 Fax: 08 9291 0349 Mob: 0417 973 386 Modern B&B in Perth Hills, 4 stars (upgraded from 3.5)

A F T A Tr a v e l P a g e s 2 0 1 5


AFTA TRAVEL PAGES 2015 As at 31 December 2014

Member Directory As at 31 December 2014 Adelaide Travel 3/55 Gawler Place ADELAIDE SA 5001 08 8212 0511

Airlink Services Group Pty. Ltd. Suite 203 Level 2 227 Collins Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 1300 662 711

1300Cruise Suite 2 2-10 Banksia Avenue NOOSA HEADS QLD 4567 1300278473

Adriatic Adventures Travel & Tours 223-227 Edensor Road EDENSOR PARK NSW 2176 298230011

Ajanta Travel Services WZ-491 MS Block Hari Nagar NEW DELHI INDIA 91 1125 128 937

2M Travel 36 Eton Road Lindfield NSW 2070 02 9416 6715

Advcon Travel Services Suite 202 45 Cross Street DOUBLE BAY NSW 2028 02 9327 7848

ALABASTER & TURNER TRAVEL ASSOCIATES Shop 1, 1 Waterworks Rd Red Hill QLD 4059 133 133

303 World Travel 303 Bay Street PORT MELBOURNE VIC 3207 03 9645 3800

Adventure Destinations 89a Orange Street BENTLEIGH EAST VIC 3165 395704466

Albert Park Travel 142 Bridport Street ALBERT PARK VIC 3206 03 9690 3511


Adventure Destinations 89a Orange Street BENTLEIGH EAST VIC 3165 395704466

Alice Travel & Cruise 40 Todd Mall ALICE SPRINGS NT 0870 08 8953 0488

Adventure World Travel Pty Ltd Level 1 35 Grafton Street BONDI JUNCTION NSW 2022 289130755

All About Travel Kingscliff Shop 28 22-28 Pearl Street Kingscliff NSW 2487 02 6674 5022

Adventures Unlimited 20 Banawarra Road GEILSTON BAY TAS 7015 362438572

All About Travel Tweed Heads Suite 15, Corporate House 8 Corporation Circuit Tweed Heads South NSW 2486 07 5513 1433

Africa Travel Company Crossways Shopping Centre Cnr Rokeby Road & Bagot Road SUBIACO WA 6008 893815797

All Link Travel Suite 605 109 Pitt Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 9238 0088

African Ubuntu Safaris 2 Crowther Avenue GREENWICH NSW 2065 02 9877 6789

All Occasions Travel 41 Anderson Street THEBARTON SA 5031 883540399

Afrikan Majik Safari & Dive Tours 6 Waigen Place SOUTH LAKE WA 6164 08 9414 1192

All Style Holidays Shop B 398 Magill Road KENSINGTON PARK SA 5068 08 8332 5738

AIIU Travel PO Box 6427 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122 07 3347 4444

All Things Travel Lara 8 The Centreway LARA VIC 3212 03 5282 2977

Air Tickets Level 11 403 George Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 292442320

All Tours and Travel 110 New South Head Road EDGECLIFF NSW 2027 02 9328 4555

Air Tickets 8/33 King William Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 883068306

All World Travel Service 130 Graham Street WONTHAGGI VIC 3995 03 5672 1168

Air Tickets Level 9 14-16 Victoria Avenue PERTH WA 6000 892299283

Allen’s Travel 1119c Pittwater Rd On Collaroy St COLLAROY BEACH NSW 2097 299826677

Air Tickets Level 2 410 Queens Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 734077143

Alpha Maldives Level 7 Jazeera Building Boduthakurufaanu Magu MALE MALDIVES 00960 792 2533

A & A Travel 2 Market Street BOX HILL VIC 3128 03 9899 8838 A & H International Travel Pty. Ltd. 441 Beamish Street CAMPSIE NSW 2194 02 9787 1100 A.T.E. Travel 7 Armadale Street ARMADALE VIC 3143 395091566 AAT Kings Tours Pty Ltd Level 7 35 Grafton Street BONDI JUNCTION NSW 2022 290283510 AAT Travel 115/368 Sussex Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 92838968 Abercrombie & Kent (Australia) Pty. Ltd. Level 3 290 Coventry Street SOUTH MELBOURNE VIC 3205 395361800 About You Travel Pty. Ltd. 13 Perkins Street SANDGATE QLD 4017 07 3314 0214 ACA Travel 111 Parer Street BURWOOD VIC 3125 398334519 ACKERFELD & GOLDBERG TRAVEL ASSOCIATES Level 1, 444 Glenhuntly Road ELSTERNWICK VIC 3185 133 133 Acland Travel Suite 1 128 Acland Street ST KILDA VIC 3182 03 9534 0901 ACR International Travel Lower Ground Floor 280 Pitt Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 8252 8777 ACT 600 CT CBR Take That Level 1, 86-88 Northbourne Avenue Braddon ACT 2612 133 133 Adelaide City View SA105 Level 4, 33 King William Street, Adelaide (ADL) SA 5000 133 133 Adelaide Metro SA106 Level 4 / 33 King William Street Adelaide SA 5000 133 133

Air Tickets Level 10 310 King Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 1300 656 777 Air Travel Express Suite 2 Level 1 9-11 Rochester Street HOMEBUSH NSW 2140 297466699 Air Travel Express Suite 2 Level 1 9-11 Rochester Street HOMEBUSH NSW 2140 297466699 Air Travel Express Suite 2 Level 1 9-11 Rochester Street HOMEBUSH NSW 2140 297466699 Air Travel Services Pty. Ltd. Suite 305 Level 3 32 York Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 8014 9608

AFTA Travel Pages

1000 Mile Travel Group 901 / 83 Queens Road MELBOURNE VIC 3004 0408 481 414

Altitude Travel Shop 74, Royal Randwick Shopping Centre Belmore Road RANDWICK NSW 2031 02 9326 3577 Altitude Travel - Tea Gardens Shop 1 209 Myall Street TEA GARDENS NSW 2324 02 4997 0580 AM World Travel Shop 14 Westfield Mount Druitt MOUNT DRUITT NSW 2770 02 9832 9888 Amazing Travel and Cruising 2 Boucher Place PROSPECT SA 5082 08 8269 6093

A F T A Tr a v e l P a g e s 2 0 1 5


Member Directory As at 31 December 2014 Asia Escape Holidays 353 Cambridge Street WEMBLEY WA 6014 08 9481 7177

Australian Pacific Tours Pty Ltd Level 4 1230 Nepean Highway CHELTENHAM VIC 3192 03 8526 1300

American Express Global Business Travel Level 13 197 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000 08 92612600

Asia Escape Holidays 353 Cambridge Street WEMBLEY WA 6014 08 9481 7177

Australian Travel Agents Co-Operative Ltd. Level 7 246 Bourke Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 0438 167 357

American Express Global Business Travel Level 4 333 Collins Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 396336333

Asia Travels Shop No 6 Johnson Street OAKLEIGH VIC 3166 99880807

Australind Travel & Cruise Centre Shop 2 3 Mulgara Street Australind VIC 6233 08 9797 1799

American Express Global Business Travel 74 High Street TOOWONG QLD 4066 1300 668 745

Association of Bhutanese Tour Operators PO Box 938 THIMPHU BHUTAN 119752822862

Aus-Zealand Travel & Tourism Saigon Dulich Unit 1 Level 1 13 Restwell St BANKSTOWN NSW 2200 9708 2999

American Express Global Business Travel Level 5 12 Shelley Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 292717910

Association of British Travel Agents 30 Park Street LONDON SE1 9EQ UNITED KINGDOM 442031170500

Avgo Travel Pty. Ltd. 952 Mount Alexander Road ESSENDON VIC 3040 393704400

American Express Global Business Travel Level 13 197 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000 08 92612600

Association of Canadian Travel Agents 2560 Matheson Blvd. East Mississauga ONTARIO L4W4Y9 CANADA 19052829294

Axis Events Travel 81-83 Campbell Street SURRY HILLS NSW 2010 02 9215 0300

American Express Global Business Travel Level 4 333 Collins Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 396336333

Association of South African Travel Agents Ground Floor - Block C Rosebank Office Park 181 Jan Smuts Avenue - Parktown North JOHANNESBURG SOUTH AFRICA 27113277803

Axis Travel Centre 220 Glen Osmond Road FULLARTON SA 5063 08 8433 1111

American Express Global Business Travel 74 High Street TOOWONG QLD 4066 1300 668 745 American Express Travel & Lifestyle Services 12 Shelley Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 9271 4661 American Society Of Travel Agents Suite 200 1101 King Street Alexandria VA 22314 U.S.A. 17037392782 Amica Travel Pty Ltd 9 Richardson Street East LANE COVE NSW 2066 02 9415 1588 Amongst The Vines Travel Group 33 Pinot Crescent COROWA NSW 2646 0417 566 749 Ananda Travel Level 12 St Martins Tower 31 Market Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 9267 3899

Atlas Travel Centre Care of sturt downs station via katherine KATHERINE NT 0850 08 8972 1455 Atoll Paradise PvLtd. Level 4 Ma. Champa Star Madhoshi Goalhi MALE MALDIVES 9603332400 Atoll Travel Pty Ltd 4 Bridge Street FOSTER VIC 3960 356821088 Attadale Travel Unit 2 11 Hislop Road ATTADALE WA 6156 08 9317 8998 Austral Tours Level 1 107 Puckle Street MOONEE PONDS VIC 3039 393706621

Anywhere Travel 345 Anzac Parade KINGSFORD NSW 2032 02 9663 0411

Australia & Oceania Travel t/as Russia Tour 3 Buchan Place KINGS LANGLEY NSW 2147 88093008

ANZCRO Level 1 6 Short Street SOUTHPORT QLD 4215 755565551

Australia Travel Pty. Ltd. Suite 403 332-342 Oxford Street BONDI JUNCTION NSW 2022 9389 6199

API Travel Pty Ltd Ground Floor 160 Wharf Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 730056666

Australian Discount Travel & Tours Shop 3 41 Victoria Street Hobart SA 7000 03 6231 3844

Apps, Stevens & Turner Travel Associates Suite 2, Victoria Court 36-40 Victoria Street East Gosford NSW 2250 133 133

Australian Holiday Centre Adelaide 75 King William Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 08 8221 5044

Argyle Travel 26 Herbert Street Beachport QLD 5280 0408 532 197

Australian Holiday Centre Sydney Shop 3 Skyview Shopping Plaza 551 George Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 1300133822

ASHMORE & JAMES TRAVEL ASSOCIATES Suite 3, 208 Canterbury Road CANTERBURY VIC 3126 133 133


Atlantic Pacific HCF House Level 12 403 George Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 9964 6000

A F T A Tr a v e l P a g e s 2 0 1 5

Australian OpCo Pty. Ltd. 316 Adelaide Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 07 3170 8152

B B & P Travel & Cruise 86 Commercial Street West Mount Gambier SA 5290 08 8725 7888 Back Track Adventures 222A Barry Parade FORTITUDE VALLEY QLD 4006 738507600 Bairnsdale Travel & Cruise 208 Main Street BAIRNSDALE VIC 3875 03 5152 6166 Balgownie World Travel 135a Balgownie Rd BALGOWNIE NSW 2519 02 4283 4299 Bali Travel Service (VIC) Pty. Ltd. Level 2 499 St Kilda Road MELBOURNE VIC 3004 398209288 Ballarat Travel and Cruise 207 Sturt Street BALLARAT VIC 3350 03 5333 5913 Ballina Cruise & Travel 71 River Street Ballina NSW 2478 02 6686 3155 Balnarring Travel & Cruise Shop 4 Village Centre Balnarring TAS 3926 03 5983 1998 Barolin Travel Bundaberg 51D Woongarra Street BUNDABERG QLD 4670 07 4151 2111 Barry, Buttigieg & Turner 281 Napier St Strathmore VIC 3041 133 133 Bathurst Travel Centre 70 William Street BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 2333 Baulkham Hills Travel 10B Olive Street BAULKHAM HILLS NSW 2153 02 9686 2455

AFTA Travel Pages

American Express Global Business Travel Level 13 197 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000 08 92612600

Member Directory As at 31 December 2014 Boronia Travel Centre 94 Boronia Road BORONIA VIC 3155 03 9762 2111

Bay Travel Group Level 4 655 Pacific Highway ST LEONARDS NSW 2065 297510100

Boutique Travel Services Suite 306 50 Clarence Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 9299 1025

Bayview Travel 232 Bay Street BRIGHTON VIC 3186 03 9596 7299

Bowen Travel 40 William Street Bowen QLD 4805 07 4786 2835

BCD Travel Brisbane Level 8 400 Queen Street BRISBANE CITY QLD 4000 07 3229 3511

Brand Travel 49 Patterson Road Bentleigh VIC 3204 03 9557 8833

BCD Travel Melbourne Level 7 99 Queen Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 03 9595 6900

Brandons Travel 118 Queen Street Ayr QLD 4807 07 4783 1400

BCD Travel Sydney Express Service Centre Level 1 66 Clarence Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 8080 7400

Breakaway Travel Pty. Ltd. 94 Main Street BLACKTOWN NSW 2148 02 9622 7799

BellaJet Travel Shop 12 2 Union Road WANDIN NORTH VIC 3139 03 5964 4333

Breakaway Travelclub Pty. Ltd. Level 1 123 Clarence Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 292509400

Belmore Travel 324 Belmore Road Balwyn VIC 3103 03 9857 4555

Brian Campbell Travel 20 Brice Avenue Mooroolbark VIC 3138 03 9726 0222

Bench International c/o Alex Rajkumar Level 4 55 York Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 292902877

BRICE & TURNER TRAVEL ASSOCIATES Shop C7, Currambine Central 1244 Marmion Avenue Currambine WA 6028 133 133

Bendigo Travel & Cruise Centre 336 Hargreaves Street BENDIGO VIC 3550 03 5441 8811 Bestjet Travel Pty Ltd 5/22 Constance St FORTITUDE VALLEY QLD 4006 1300 237 853 Beta Holidays - Perth Shop 17 Gwelup Plaza North Beach Road GWELUP WA 6018 08 9244 1800 Bicton Travel Shop 1 258 Canning Hwy (Cnr Petra Street) BICTON WA 6157 08 9339 0277 Bill Peach Journeys Pty. Ltd. Unit 20/77 Bourke Road ALEXANDRIA NSW 2015 296932233 Black Rock Travel Unit 3/84 Bluff Road BLACK ROCK VIC 3193 03 9589 0932 Boland Travel Shop 11 Bowral Mall Station Street BOWRAL NSW 2576 02 4861 4567 Bonaventure Travel Suite 5 & 6 1327 Hay Street WEST PERTH WA 6005 893216555 Book and Fly Travel Agency 20 Clow Street DANDENONG VIC 3175 03 9793 0095 Book and Fly Travel Agency Level 3 391 Prospect Road BLAIR SA 5081 08 8262 7566

Bridge The World Travel & Cruise Centre Shop 4A Two Rocks Shopping Centre Two Rocks VIC 6037 08 9561 5095 Broad Horizons Travel Shop 18 Yamba Shopping Fair Treelands Drive YAMBA NSW 2464 02 6646 1413 Broome Travel Centre Shop 31 Broome Boulevard Shopping Centre 106 Frederick St BROOME WA 6725 08 9193 7233 BTC Travel Shop 9A/31 Egerton Drive Aveley WA 6069 08 6296 5388 Bundaberg Travel Centre Civic Arcade 157 Bourbong Street BUNDABERG QLD 4670 07 4151 2644 Bunnik Travel Pty Ltd 45 Flinders Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 883592295 Burleigh Travel Co. WOTSO Work Space, Level 2 194 Varisty Parade VARSITY LAKES QLD 4227 07 5535 8355

BYOjet Cairns Kiosk K05, Stockland Cairns 537 Mulgrave Road EARLVILLE QLD 4870 07 4054 1365 BYOjet Chadstone Shop 63, Chadstone Shopping Centre 1341 Dandenong Road CHADSTONE CENTRE VIC 3148 03 9530 4009 BYOjet Darwin Shop 100B 247 Trower Road CASUARINA NT 0810 08 8945 6443 BYOjet Hervey Bay Kiosk K04, Stockland Hervey Bay 76 Central Avenue PIALBA QLD 4655 07 4124 4835

AFTA Travel Pages

Bay Travel & Cruise 118 Balcombe Road Mentone VIC 3194 03 9585 5855

BYOjet Logan Level 1, Suite 4 54 Bryants Road LOGANHOLME QLD 4129 07 3451 5400 BYOjet Townsville Kiosk K36, Stockland Townsville 310 Ross River Road AITKENVALE QLD 4814 07 4779 1847 Byron Cruise & Travel 4/52 Jonson Street Byron Bay NSW 2481 02 6685 6733

C CA Balgowlah 338 Sydney Rd Balgowlah NSW 2093 133 133 Cactus Tours Madagascar 146B - Antanetibe 101 Antananarivo IVATO MADAGASCAR 261 20 22 018 25 Cairns Travel Professionals 5 Park Terraces 67 Digger Street Cairns North QLD 4870 07 4051 7177` Call Incentives 3/165 Malabar Road COOGEE NSW 2034 293494711 Cambridge Travel 172 Harbourne Street WEMBLEY WA 6014 08 93837568 Camden Haven Travel Shop 4 75 Bold Street LAURIETON NSW 2443 02 6559 9048 Camden Travel, Travel & Cruise Centre 56 - 58 John Street CAMDEN NSW 2570 02 4655 8618 CAMPUS TRAVEL Curtin Building 201 Room 338 Kent St BENTLEY WA 6102 133 133

Burnie Travelcentre 18 Wilmot Street Burnie TAS 7320 03 6431 8222

Campus Travel Monash Level 1, 436 St Kilda Road Melbourne VIC 3004 133 133

Business Jet Travel Pty. Ltd. 1/127 Smith Street FITZROY VIC 3065 03 9097 4800

CAMPUS TRAVEL VIC CENTRAL (MEL 001) Level 1, 436 St Kilda Rd MELBOURNE VIC 3004 133 133

Boomerang Travel Centre Pty Ltd 210-212 Allan Street Kyabram VIC 3620 03 5852 3433

A F T A Tr a v e l P a g e s 2 0 1 5


Member Directory As at 31 December 2014 Castle Hill Travel Shop 1 262 Old Northern Road CASTLE HILL NSW 2154 02 9899 3555

CiEvents Loyalty 2 L evel 5, 33 Berry Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 133 133

Casula Travel Services Shop 17A Casula Mall Kurrajong Rd CASULA NSW 2170 02 9821 4661

CiEvents Phoenix Level 5 33 Berry St North Sydney NSW 2060 133 133

Cathay International Travel Shop 54A Dianella Plaza Shopping Centre DIANELLA WA 6059 08 9275 8877

cievents Rockettes Level 3 545 Queen St Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133

Celtic Travel Services Suite 502, Level 5 4 Bridge Street Sydney NSW 2000 02 8243 2600

cievents Superstylers Level 4, 436 St Kilda Road Melbourne VIC 3004 133 133

Central West Travel Landsborough Highway Longreach Airport Longreach QLD 4730 07 4658 1155

CiEvents Syd 1 Level 5 33 Berry Street North Sydney NSW 2060 133 133

Carlson Wagonlit Travel Level 6 50 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000 892102500

CFS Travel Shop 27A, Park Beach Plaza Park Beach Road COFFS HARBOUR NSW 2450 02 6652 6555

CiEvents Syd 3 - Astranomical Level 5, 33 Berry Street North Sydney NSW 2060 133 133

Carlson Wagonlit Travel Level 14 33 King William Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 881249300

Check Us Out Travel 46 Missouri Way OXENFORD QLD 4210 07 5529 9191

Carlson Wagonlit Travel c/- Ausaid Office Ground Floor 255 London Circuit CANBERRA CITY ACT 2600 262064516

Chelsea Cruise & Travel 396 Nepean Highway Chelsea VIC 3196 03 9773 1900

Carlson Wagonlit Travel c/- DFAT Implant RG Casey Building John McEwen Crescent BARTON ACT 2600 262611940

Chimu Adventures Level 5 231 Miller Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 1300 678 909

Carlson Wagonlit Travel Level 6 333 Queen Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 396666000

China Bestours t/as CBT Holidays Suite 2 Level 8 99 York Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 292621555

Carlson Wagonlit Travel Level 6 50 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000 892102500

China Bestours t/as CBT Holidays Suite 2 Level 8 99 York Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 292621555

Carlson Wagonlit Travel Level 14 33 King William Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 881249300

CHISHOLM & TURNER TRAVEL ASSOCIATES 10 Hill Street Camden NSW 2570 133 133

Carlson Wagonlit Travel c/- Ausaid Office Ground Floor 255 London Circuit CANBERRA CITY ACT 2600 262064516

Cholan Tours Private Limited Sri Rangam Trichy Tamilnadu SOUTH INDIA 914314226102

Carlson Wagonlit Travel c/- DFAT Implant RG Casey Building John McEwen Crescent BARTON ACT 2600 262611940

Choose A Cruise Pty Ltd 10 Surrey Close HALLAM VIC 3803 246 693

Carlson Wagonlit Travel Head Office Level 21 233 Castlereagh Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 286661500

Ciao Travel PO Box 1226 GEELONG VIC 3220 03 5250 1111

Carlton Travel Service Level 1 189 Faraday Street CARLTON VIC 3053 393499017

CiCreate Design 1 Level 1 280 Coventry Street South melbourne VIC 3205 133 133

Carnarvon Travel Centre 34 Robinson Street CARNARVON WA 6701 08 9941 1950

CiCreate Design 2 Level 5 33 Berry Street North Sydney NSW 2060 133 133

Carole Bradford Travel PO Box 166 LINDISFARNE TAS 7015 03 6243 6176

cievents CIA Level 5 33 Berry Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 133 133

Casino Travel Shoppe 109 Barker Street CASINO NSW 2470 02 6662 6255

cievents Flash Mob Level 5, 33 Berry Street North Sydney NSW 2060 133 133

Canale Travel 501 Lutwyche Road LUTWYCHE QLD 4030 07 3357 6444 Capricorn Travel 28 Troode Street West Perth WA 6005 08 6250 9585 Carine Travel Bug Unit 1 Carine Central 8 Davallia Road Duncraig WA 6023 08 9246 7277 Carlson Wagonlit Travel Level 6 333 Queen Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 396666000


A F T A Tr a v e l P a g e s 2 0 1 5

cievents The Fast and The Furious Level 1 280 Coventry Street South Melbourne VIC 3205 133 133 CiEvents Travel Team Level 5, 33 Berry Street North Sydney NSW 2060 133 133 cievents Veuve Level 5 33 Berry Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 133 133 CiEvents WA Level 18 191 St Georges Tce Perth WA 6000 133 133 City Beach Travel & Cruise Shop 4, Ocean Village S/Centre Kilpa Court City Beach WA 6015 08 9245 1988 Civic Travel Service Waldorf Arcade 2 Akuna Street Canberra ACT 2601 02 6248 0822 Clayfield Travel Professionals 735 Sandgate Road Clayfield QLD 4011 07 3862 1215 Clout & Turner Travel Associates Shop 4, Level 1 4 Newman Ave Camp Hill QLD 4152 133 133 Club Mediterranee (Australia) Pty. Ltd. Level 6 227 Elizabeth Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 9265 0524 Club Travel Unit 8 29 Strickland Street MOUNT CLAREMONT WA 6010 08 9284 3223 Coastal Travel Shop 1 5 Market Street WOOLGOOLGA NSW 2456 02 6654 8114 Coffs Coast Travel Suite 1 Coffs Harbour Airport Terminal COFFS HARBOUR NSW 2450 02 6651 2022 Colac Travel Service 126 Murray Street COLAC VIC 3250 352312988 Collie Travel and Cruise Shop 4, 44 Forrest Street Jones Arcade Collie WA 6225 08 9734 5788

AFTA Travel Pages

Canadian Bay Travel Shop 5, Ritchies Centre 89 Mt Eliza Way Mount Eliza VIC 3930 03 9787 9477

Member Directory As at 31 December 2014 Convention Travel Pty. Ltd. Suite 8 552 Oxford Street BONDI JUNCTION NSW 2022 1800 633 3131

Compass India Inc. Ground Floor 35 Link Road NEW DELHI INDIA 911141602115

Coolum Cruise & Travel Shop 5 Coolum Village Shopping Centre Birtwill Street Coolum Beach QLD 4573 07 5446 1727

Compass Travel & Cruising 8/354 Galston Road Galston NSW 2159 02 9653 2028 Complete Business Travel Suite 2, Ground Floor 129 Logan Road WOOLLOONGABBA QLD 4102 07 3393 1833 Complete Conference Management & Travel Suite 210 8 Clarke Street CROWS NEST NSW 2065 02 9439 5100 Concierge Travel Level 3 332 Kent Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 282704800 Concierge Travel Group Level 4 332 Kent Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 8270 4800 Concorde Agency Network Level 9 310 King Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 1300656777 Conference Associates Suite 6 150 Albert Road South Melbourne VIC 3205 03 9699 3955 CONNELLY & TURNER TRAVEL ASSOCIATES 21 Claremont Avenue MALVERN VIC 3144 133 133 Consolidated Group of Companies Level 7 246 Bourke Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 392515000 Consolidated Travel Pty Ltd - NSW Level 28 Australia Square 264 George Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 293941427

Cooroy Cruise and Travel Wattle St Complex Shop 7 13 Garnet St COOROY QLD 4563 07 5447 7088

CR Travel Pty Ltd 6 Sherriffs Road LONSDALE SA 5160 08 8186 9942 Craigs Travel Service 967 High St ARMADALE VIC 3143 03 9822 0322

Corporate Blue Level 1 226-228 McKinnon Road MCKINNON VIC 3204 03 9578 6555

Create Travel Forest Lake Shop 44 Forest Lake Village 235 Forest Lake Boulevard Forest Lake QLD 4078 07 3279 9144

Corporate Travel Connections 69 Kooyong Road NORTH CAULFIELD VIC 3161 8527 4000 Corporate Travel Management Level 2 271 Collins Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 03 9567 3645 Corporate Travel Management - Sydney Level 30 60 Margaret Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 8268 4100 Corporate Travel Management Brisbane 27A 52 Charlotte Street BRISBANE QLD 4002 732112400 Corporate Travel Management GC Office No. 1 13 Karp Court Kingfisher Centre BUNDALL QLD 4217 755841300 Corporate Travel Management Perth Level 19 197 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000 864672111 Cousins Tours & Travel 58b Cromwell Road SOUTH YARRA VIC 3141 03 9827 2999 Cove Travel Pty Ltd 1C Jabiru House Masthead Way SANCTUARY COVE QLD 4212 5577 9211

Consolidated Travel Pty Ltd - SA Level 4 50 Grenfell Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 882038001

CP Adelaide Suite 2, Level 13, 33 King William Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 133 133

Consolidated Travel Pty Ltd - WA Level 3 178 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000 894426000

CP Brisbane City Level3 Suite 3 316 Adelaide Street Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133

Contal Travel 76 Bacon Street HINDMARSH SA 5007 02 9212 5077

CP Groups Level 1 436 St Kilda Rd Melbourne VIC 3004 133 133

Continental Pacific Travel (Aust) 112 Wellington Parade EAST MELBOURNE VIC 3002 394198499

CP Kelvin Grove Shop 13, Kelvin Grove Urban Village Musk Avenue KELVIN GROVE QLD 4059 133 133

Convention Travel Pty. Ltd. Suite 8 552 Oxford Street BONDI JUNCTION NSW 2022 1800 633 3131

CPE Travel 897 Brunswick St NEW FARM QLD 4005 07 3135 9360

Cornerstone Travel Level 12 269 Wickham Street FORTITUDE VALLEY QLD 4006 07 3252 9033

Consolidated Travel Pty Ltd - QLD Level 8 243 Edward Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 733342000

Contours Travel Pty. Ltd. 287 Victoria Street WEST MELBOURNE VIC 3003 03 9328 8488

CP UQ St Lucia Level 1 Physics Annexe Building 6 Staff House Road St Lucia Campus, University of QLD ST LUCIA QLD 4072 133 133

CP Melbourne University (MEL 0 Tenancy 1, G09, Union House Royal Parade PARKVILLE VIC 3052 133 133 CP Sydney Central Suite 14, Level 8, 234 Sussex Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 133 133

AFTA Travel Pages

Comfort Tour Coach Co Syd Level 1 431 Sussex Street HAYMARKET NSW 2000 02 9281 8018

Creative Holidays Level 2 35 Grafton Street BONDI JUNCTION NSW 2022 295112279 Cronulla Travel 82 Cronulla Street CRONULLA NSW 2230 02 9527 2733 Croydon Cruise & Travel 103 Main Street CROYDON VIC 3136 03 9723 4200 Croydon Travel 34 Main Street CROYDON VIC 3136 03 9725 8555 Cruise & Leisure Travel The Courtyard, Shop 5 40 Howard Street Nambour QLD 4560 07 5441 2887 Cruise & Travel Centre Springwood Unit 9 & 10 “Dennis Court” 8 Dennis Road SPRINGWOOD QLD 4127 07 3808 2299 Cruise Focus 9 Faye Avenue RIDGEHAVEN SA 5067 08 8410 8808 Cruise Marketing Group Unit 1 6 Classic Way BURLEIGH WATERS QLD 4220 755936444 Cruise Republic Limited Suite 309 11 Queens Rd MELBOURNE VIC 3001 Cruise Travel Centre Shop 2036 Westfield Kotara Corner Park Avenue and Northcott Drive KOTARA NSW 2289 02 4935 9900 Cruise Traveller Pty Ltd 3/3 Atlantic Ave MERMAID BEACH QLD 4218 5575 8094 CRUISEABOUT ALBANY CREEK Shop 3b Woolworths Marketplace Cnr Old Northern Road and Albany Forest Drive ALBANY CREEK QLD 4036 133 133 CRUISEABOUT APPLECROSS Shop 1 9 Riseley St Ardross WA 6153 133 133

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Member Directory As at 31 December 2014

CRUISEABOUT BALLARAT 204 - 206 Sturt Street Ballarat VIC 3350 133 133 CRUISEABOUT BALMAIN 375 Darling St Balmain NSW 2041 133 133 CRUISEABOUT BENDIGO 70 Mitchell Street Bendigo VIC 3550 133 133 CRUISEABOUT BIGGERA WATERS Shop 5, Metro Market 33 Hollywell Road BIGGERA WATERS QLD 4216 133 133 CRUISEABOUT BOWRAL 286 Bong Bong St Bowral NSW 2576 133 133 Cruiseabout Burleigh Heads Shop 2 45 James St Burleigh Heads QLD 4220 133 133 CRUISEABOUT BURNSIDE 392 - 396 Greenhill Road GLENSIDE SA 5065 133 133 CRUISEABOUT CALOUNDRA Shop 19, Caloundra Shopping Village 1 Ormuz Avenue CALOUNDRA QLD 4551 133 133 CRUISEABOUT CANTERBURY 107 Maling Road Canterbury VIC 3126 133 133 CRUISEABOUT CHEVRON ISLAND Shop 1 42 Thomas Drive CHEVRON ISLAND QLD 4217 133 133 CRUISEABOUT CLEVELAND Lot 3, Ground Floor, Raby Bay Harbour 2 Masthead Drive Cleveland QLD 4163 133 133 CRUISEABOUT CONCORD Shop 49B, Majors Bay Rd Concord NSW 2137 133 133 CRUISEABOUT COTTESLOE Shop 1 G&H Cottesloe Central Shopping Village 460 Stirling Highway PEPPERMINT GROVE WA 6011 133 133 Cruiseabout Direct Balgowlah Level 1, 338 Sydney Road Balgowlah NSW 2093 133 133 CRUISEABOUT ERINA Shop T83 Erina Fair Shopping Centre 620 Terrigal Drive Erina NSW 2250 133 133 CRUISEABOUT FREMANTLE 53 High Street Fremantle WA 6160 133 133 CRUISEABOUT GEELONG 182 High Street BELMONT VIC 3216 133 133 CRUISEABOUT GLENELG Shop 4, 118 Jetty Road Cnr Cowper St GLENELG SA 5045 133 133


A F T A Tr a v e l P a g e s 2 0 1 5

Cruiseabout GOLDEN GROVE Shop G034, Golden Grove Village Shoppping Centre The Golden Way Golden Grove SA 5125 133 133

CRUISEABOUT NOOSA Shop 26, Noosa Fair Shopping Centre 3 Lanyana Way NOOSA HEADS QLD 4567 133 133

CRUISEABOUT GYMEA 69 Gymea Bay Rd Gymea NSW 2227 133 133


CRUISEABOUT HAMPTON 472 Hampton Street HAMPTON VIC 3188 133 133

CRUISEABOUT PROSPECT Shop 1, 99c Prospect Road Prospect SA 5082 133 133

CRUISEABOUT HERVEY BAY Shop 18, Pialba Place Shopping Centre 30 Main Street Pialba QLD 4655 133 133

CRUISEABOUT Q SUPER CENTRE Shop A2, Q Super Centre Cnr Bermuda & Markeri Streets MERMAID WATERS QLD 4218 133 133

CRUISEABOUT HOBART 12 Criterion St Hobart TAS 7000 133 133

CRUISEABOUT ROSE BAY 668a New South Head Road ROSE BAY NSW 2029 133 133

CRUISEABOUT INDOOROOPILLY Shop 2014, Indooroopilly Shopping Centre 322 Moggill Road INDOOROOPILLY QLD 4068 133 133

CRUISEABOUT ROUSE HILL Shop GR046, Rouse Hill Town Centre Market Lane ROUSE HILL NSW 2155 133 133

CRUISEABOUT KEW 139 High Street KEW VIC 3101 133 133

CRUISEABOUT TOORAK Shop 3A, 535 - 539 Toorak Road TOORAK VIC 3142 133 133

CRUISEABOUT KNOX CITY Shop 1054, Knox City Shopping Centre Corner Burwood Highway & Stud Road WANTIRNA SOUTH VIC 3152 133 133

CRUISEABOUT TURRAMURRA Shop 5, 5-7 Rohini Street TURRAMURRA NSW 2074 133 133

CRUISEABOUT LANE COVE Shop G.03,02 102-104 Longueville Road LANE COVE NSW 2066 133 133

CRUISEABOUT UPPER MT GRAVATT Shop 28a Mt Gravatt Shopping Village 1932 Logan Road UPPER MT GRAVATT QLD 4122 133 133

Cruiseabout Live Level 3, 729 Hay Street Perth WA 6000 133 133

CRUISEABOUT WEST LAKES Shop 353 Westfield West Lakes SA 5021 133 133

CRUISEABOUT MANDURAH Shop 6a Mandurah Central Shopping Centre 8 - 10 Smart Street MANDURAH WA 6210 133 133

CRUISEABOUT WILLIAMSTOWN 80 Douglas Parade Williamstown VIC 3016 133 133

CRUISEABOUT MANUKA Shop 2 The Lawns 19 Bougainville Street Manuka ACT 2603 133 133 CRUISEABOUT MITCHAM Shop 20 Mitcham Square 119 Belair Road Torrens Park SA 5062 133 133 CRUISEABOUT MONA VALE Shop 23, 7 Bungan Street Mona Vale NSW 2103 133 133 CRUISEABOUT MOONEE PONDS 35 Puckle Street Moonee Ponds VIC 3039 133 133 CRUISEABOUT MOSMAN Shop 1 & 2, 707 Military Road MOSMAN NSW 2088 133 133 CRUISEABOUT MT ELIZA 62 Mount Eliza Way Mount Eliza VIC 3930 133 133 CRUISEABOUT NEW FARM Shop RS4, Centro on James 46 James Street Fortitude Valley QLD 4006 133 133

CRUISEABOUT WILSTON 83A Kedron Brook Road Wilston QLD 4051 133 133 1/6 Classic Way BURLEIGH WATERS QLD 4220 07 5587 6700 CruiseGuru Level 1 171 Clarence Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 131303 Cruiseology 277 Hunter Street NEWCASTLE NSW 2300 1300 367 040 Cruises & Honeymoons 28 Bronte Road BONDI JUNCTION NSW 2022 02 9389 7755 Cruising Down Under Shop 7 39 Hercules Street Portside Wharf HAMILTON QLD 4007 07 3868 3948 CT ACT 100 CBR Fantastic Four Level 1, 86-88 Northbourne Avenue Braddon ACT 2612 133 133 CT ACT 101 Pimped out Volvos Level 1, 86-88 Northbourne Avenue Braddon ACT 2612 133 133

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Cruiseabout Armadale 972 High Street Armadale VIC 3143 133 133

Member Directory As at 31 December 2014

CT Adelaide City SA 100 Suite 5, Level 13, 33 King William Street ADELAIDE (ADL) SA 5000 133 133 CT Adelaide Downtown SA102 Suite 6, Level 13, 33 King William Street ADELAIDE (ADL) SA 5000 133 133

CT Clayton VIC 122 Suite C6, Monash Corporate Centre 756 Blackburn Road Clayton VIC 3168 133 133

CT Monash Vic 110 Suite C6, Monash Corporate Centre 756 Blackburn Road CLAYTON VIC 3168 133 133

CT Coburg Vic 606 Shop 1, 87 Sydney Road COBURG VIC 3058 133 133

CT Mulgrave Vic 103 Suite C6, Monash Corporate Centre 756 Blackburn Road CLAYTON VIC 3168 133 133

CT Domain Vic 115 Level 9, 436 St Kilda Rd, Melbourne VIC 3000 133 133

CT Adelaide FestivalCity SA104 Suite 7, Level 13, 33 King William Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 133 133

CT Douglas Parade Vic 123 85 Douglas Parade Williamstown VIC 3016 133 133

CT Adelaide Riverside SA601 Level 4, 33 King William Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 133 133

CT Downtown VIC 107 Shop 1, 87 Sydney Road COBURG (MEL) VIC 3058 133 133

CT After Hours WA108 Parelia House, Level 18 191 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000 133 133

CT Empire QLD 119 Level 11 Suite 1 316 Adelaide St Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133

CT Albert Park VIC 119 Level 9, 436 St Kilda Rd Melbourne VIC 3004 133 133 CT Bayside A 603 Suite 3, 315 Main Street Mornington VIC 3199 133 133 CT Botanical Vic 112 Suite 7, Level 9, 436 St Kilda Road MELBOURNE VIC 3006 133 133 CT Bourke St Vic 109 Suite 1, Level 9, 436 St Kilda Road MELBOURNE VIC 3004 133 133 CT Camden City SA600 Level 4, 33 King William St ADELAIDE (ADL) SA 5000 133 133 CT Cathedral Place QLD 118 Level 4 Suite 3 316 Adelaide Street Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133 CT CBD Vic 106 Level 9, 436 St Kilda Road MELBOURNE VIC 3004 133 133 CT Central Plaza QLD 100 Level 4 Suite 4 316 Adelaide Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133 CT Central QLD 104 Level 2 Suite 1 316 Adelaide Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133 CT Central Vic 101 Level 9, 436 St Kilda Road MELBOURNE VIC 3006 133 133 CT Centurion QLD 115 Level 2 Suite 3 316 Adelaide St Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133

CT Emporium QLD 113 Suite 2 Level 2 316 Adelaide St BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133 CT Fabulosity QLD 122 Level 2 Suite 4 316 Adelaide St Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133 CT Fawkner Park Vic 118 85a Douglas Parade Williamstown VIC 3016 133 133 CT Galaxy QLD 117 Level 2 Suite 11 316 Adelaide St Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133 CT Geelong CBD VIC 120 Level 1, 20 Little Ryrie St Geelong VIC 3220 133 133 CT Geelong Vic 601 Level 1, 20 Little Ryrie St GEELONG VIC 3220 133 133 CT Glenferrie Vic 114 Level 2, 823 Glenferrie Road HAWTHORN VIC 3122 133 133 CT Gold Coast QLD 107 3 Glenelg Ave Mermaid Beach QLD 4218 133 133 CT Groups Level 2 Suite 8 316 Adelaide St Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133 CT Hawthorn Vic 607 Level 2, 823 Glenferrie Road HAWTHORN VIC 3122 133 133 CT Hobart Vic 600 2 Castray Esplanade BATTERY POINT TAS 7004 133 133

CT City QLD 103 Level 2 Suite 5 316 Adelaide St BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133

CT Kawana QLD 120 Suite 10, The Edge Corporate Centre East 10 Lake Kawana Blvd Bokarina (MCY) QLD 4575 133 133

CT City Vic 100 Suite 3, Level 9, 436 St Kilda Road MELBOURNE VIC 3004 133 133

CT Mermaids QLD 124 BOH, 3 Glenelg Ave Mermaid Beach QLD 4218 133 133

CT NSW 100 The Avengers Suite 10, Level 13, 33 Berry Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 133 133 CT NSW 102 The Incredibles Suite 9, Level 13, 33 Berry Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 133 133

AFTA Travel Pages

CT Adelaide Central SA 101 Suite 4, Level 13, 33 King William Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 133 133

CT NSW 104 North Sydney Central Suite 7, Level 13, 33 Berry Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 133 133 CT NSW 105 Metro Suite 6, Level 13, 33 Berry Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 133 133 CT NSW 108 Harbourview Suite 15, Level 13, 33 Berry Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 133 133 CT NSW 114 The Star LEVEL 13 33 BERRY STREET NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 133 133 CT NSW 115 The Ghost Riders Level 13, 33 Berry St North Sydney NSW 2060 133 133 CT NSW 400 The Mavericks Suite 8, Level 13, 33 Berry Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 133 133 CT On the Park Vic 108 Suite 10, Level 9, 436 St Kilda Road MELBOURNE VIC 3006 133 133 CT Partners Level 8 345 George Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 282355548 CT Peninsula VIC 1 21 Suite 3, 315 Main St Mornington VIC 3199 133 133 CT Perth CBD WA102 Level 1/22 Oxford Close West Leederville WA 6007 133 133 CT Perth Central WA101 Level 1 22 Oxford Close West Leederville WA 6007 133 133 CT Perth City View WA107 Suite 11, Level 18, 191 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000 133 133 CT Perth City WA 100 Level 2/22 Oxford Close Leederville WA 6007 133 133 CT Perth Esplanade WA104 Level 1 22 Oxford Close West Leederville WA 6007 133 133

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Member Directory As at 31 December 2014 CT Travel Club QLD 200 Level 11 Suite 5 316 Adelaide Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133


CT Perth Parmelia WA106 Level 2, 22 Oxford St West Leederville WA 6007 133 133

CT Trilogy QLD 601 Level 4 Suite 1 316 Adelaide Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133

DB Travel Pty Ltd Shop 6 31 North East Road Collinswood COLLINSWOOD SA 5081 883443011

CT Perth St Georges Tce WA 103 LEVEL 2 22 OXFORD CLOSE WEST LEEDERVILLE WA 6007 133 133

CT Uptown QLD 109 Level 2 Suite 9 316 Adelaide St BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133

Deniliquin Travel Centre 358 Cressy Street DENILIQUIN NSW 2710 03 5881 7744

CT Victory QLD 123 Level 11 Suite 3 316 Adelaide street Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133

Denmark Travel World 60 South Coast Highway DENMARK WA 6333 08 9848 2155

CT WA113 Level 18 / 191 St Georges Tce Perth WA 6000 133 133

Departure Point 124 Goondoon Street GLADSTONE QLD 4680 07 4972 2288

CT Waterfront QLD 110 Level 4 Suite 2 316 Adelaide Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133

Destination Holidays Pty. Ltd. 1/157 Main Street CROYDON VIC 3136 397254655

CT Westend WA 600 Level 2 22 Oxford Close West Leederville WA 6007 133 133

Destination HQ Beaumaris 23 North Concourse BEAUMARIS VIC 3193 03 9589 3294

CT Westside WA 110 Level 1 22 Oxford Close West Leederville WA 6007 133 133

Destination HQ Mentone Shop C20 Thrift Park Shopping Centre 171 Nepean Highway MENTONE VIC 3194 03 9584 3833

CT Perth Travel Club Getaways WA112 Level 18 191 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000 133 133 CT Phoenix New 1 316 Adelaide St Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133 CT Phoenix New 2 316 Adelaide St Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133 CT Platinum QLD 102 Level 11 Suite 2 316 Adelaide Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133 CT Platinum WA109 Level 1 22 Oxford Cl West Leederville WA 6007 133 133 CT Portside QLD 116 Suite 10, The Edge Corporate Centre East 10 Lake Kawana Blvd Bokarina (MCY) QLD 4575 133 133 CT Powerhouse QLD 108 Level 11 Suite 8 316 Adelaide St BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133

CTS Travel Services Shop 16A Central Square S/C Central Avenue ALTONA MEADOWS VIC 3028 9360 8423

Destination Travel Centre 646 Sydney Road COBURG VIC 3058 03 9355 7575 Destinations Africa 10A Bayview Street NELSON BAY NSW 2315 02 4984 9747

Curtin Cruise & Travel Unit 10 Curtin Shops Carruthers Street Curtin ACT 2605 02 6162 4400

Detour Travel 86 Rosehill Street REDFERN NSW 2016 02 9310 7941

Custodian Travel & Cruise 64 Little Malop Street GEELONG VIC 3220 03 5221 2133

Diploma World Travel Service (Homebush) 28-38 Powell Street HOMEBUSH NSW 2140 02 9735 9160

CT Regatta QLD 111 Level 11 Suite 7 316 Adelaide St BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133

CVFR Travel Group Level 18 Australia Square 264 George Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 1300 244 777

Diploma World Travel Service (Rooty Hill) 5 Beames Road ROOTY HILL NSW 2766 02 9735 9396

CT River City QLD 101 Level 4 Suite 11 316 Adelaide Street Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133

CVT Travel 14 Fig Tree Avenue ABBOTSFORD NSW 2046 02 9712 8500

CT SANT Travel Club Getaways Suite 3, Level 13, 33 King William Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 133 133


CT QLD 125 Level 4, 316 Adelaide St Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133 CT Queen St Vic 105 Level 9, 436 St Kilda Road MELBOURNE VIC 3006 133 133

CT St Kilda Rd Vic 102 Suite 2, Level 9, 436 St Kilda Road MELBOURNE VIC 3006 133 133 CT Stock Exchange QLD 106 Level 11 Suite 4 316 Adelaide Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133 CT Tedder Ave QLD 600 3 Glenelg Avenue Mermaid Beach QLD 4218 133 133 CT The Edge QLD112 Suite 10, The Edge Corporate Centre East 10 Lake Kawana Blvd Bokarina QLD 4575 133 133


CT Williamstown Vic 117 Level 1, 85A Douglas Pde Williamstown VIC 3016 133 133

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Direct Travel & Cruise 88A First Avenue MOUNT LAWLEY WA 6050 08 9271 2500 Directions Travel Ground Floor 176 Parramatta Road CAMPERDOWN NSW 2050 02 9565 6500

Dalma Travel Services 92 Pakington Street GEELONG WEST VIC 3218 03 5229 7631

Discover Croatia Holidays 15/46 Old Pittwater Road BROOKVALE NSW 2100 02 9212 1507

DARE & TURNER TRAVEL ASSOCIATES Level 3 Oracle South 17 Elizabeth Avenue BROADBEACH QLD 4218 133 133

Discover Travel & Cruise Stafford City Shop 55, Stafford City 400 Stafford Road Stafford QLD 4053 07 3356 0600

Darebin Travel 77 Main St DIAMOND CREEK VIC 3089 03 9438 3055

Discover Travel & Cruise The Gap Shop 29 1000 Waterworks Road The Gap QLD 4061 07 3300 5300

David Vuong Travel Office 4 Level 1 333 King Street NEWTOWN NSW 2042 295162990

Discovery Holidays WA Shop 9 88 South Western Highway DONNYBROOK WA 6239 08 9731 2753

AFTA Travel Pages

CT Perth Metro WA105 level 1/22 Oxford Close West Leederville WA 6007 133 133

Member Directory As at 31 December 2014 Educational World Travel 274A Canterbury Road Surrey Hills VIC 3127 03 9830 4545

Donna Barlow Travel Group Unit 1, Building A 111 Wicks Road NORTH RYDE NSW 2113 02 9888 5555

EGAN & TURNER TRAVEL ASSOCIATES Shops 3 & 4 116 Collins Avenue Edge Hill QLD 4870 133 133

Door Way Travel 26 Railway Ave RINGWOOD EAST VIC 3135 03 9870 1711

Egencia Australia Pty. Ltd. Level 8 345 George Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 292623666

DQ International Travel Service 9th Floor 500 Collins Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 03 9614 4588

Egencia Australia Pty. Ltd. Level 8 345 George Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 292623666

Dream Maker Travel Metropol Shopping Centre 742 Creek Rd MOUNT GRAVATT EAST QLD 4122 07 3343 5422

Elite Travel Suite 2 27 Hunter Street Parramatta NSW 2150 02 9843 3500

DriveAway Holidays Level 1 157 Walker Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 299009300

Elite Travel Solutions 17 Angus Avenue SPEARWOOD WA 6163 08 6191 0029

Duck Creek Mountain Travel Shop 25 The Plaza ALSTONVILLE NSW 2477 266283701

Eltham Travel and Cruise Shop 15, Eltham Village Centre 906 Main Road ELTHAM VIC 3095 03 9431 1192

Dynamic Travel Group Shop 1, 37 Macquarie Street Cowra NSW 2794 02 6342 4000

Emerald Travel Pty. Ltd. Level 3 316 Queen Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 396709696


Enchanting-Travels AG Sonnestraße 26b Feldkirchen 85622 GERMANY 498959082157

East Burwood Travel Shop 6 2 Burwood Highway EAST BURWOOD VIC 3151 398081177 East Burwood Travel Shop 6 2 Burwood Highway EAST BURWOOD VIC 3151 398081177 East Ivanhoe Travel & Cruise 231 Lower Heidelberg Road EAST IVANHOE VIC 3079 394992377 Eastern Australia Airlines Pty Ltd Bldg 142 King Smith Ave MASCOT NSW 2020 296912333 Eastern Hill Travel 50 BRUNSWICK STREET FITZROY VIC 3065 03 9417 4320 Eastside Travel 21 Craigend Street DARLINGHURST NSW 2010 02 9357 5575 Easy Travel & Cruise 51 Bridge Street Murray Bridge SA 5253 08 8532 1766 Echuca Travel Centre 203 Hare Street ECHUCA VIC 3564 03 5482 2177 eCruise and Travel 81 Victoria Street EAGLEHAWK VIC 3556 03 5446 1888 Eden Corporate Travel Level 9 1 Castlereagh Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 9233 5555

Encore Journeys Level 1 46 River Street SOUTH YARRA VIC 3141 1300 767 734 Endeavour Travel & Cruise Shop 136a Smithfield Shopping Centre Smithfield QLD 4878 07 4038 1677 Entire Travel Connection Pty. Ltd. 601/83 Mount Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 9966 1177 Equity Travel Suite 88 Jones Bay Wharf 26-32 Pirrama Road PYRMONT NSW 2009 02 9660 8881 Erudite Travel Consultants 6/16 Sapat Villa Makaloo Hotel Gangapur Road Savarkar Nagar NASHIK - 42200 INDIA 91 2550 344714 Escape Travel Monnee Ponds 98 Puckle Street Moonee Ponds VIC 3039 133 133 Escape Travel (Townsville) 336 Flinders Mall TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 747210470 Escape Travel 24 7 Level 1, 545 Queen St Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL AUSTRALIA FAIR Shop G118, Australia Fair Shopping Centre 42 Marine Parade SOUTHPORT QLD 4215 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL BALGOWLAH Shop 42, Stockland Balgowlah 215 Condamine St Balgowlah NSW 2093 133 133

ESCAPE TRAVEL BALLARAT 415 Sturt St Ballarat VIC 3350 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL BALLINA Shop 21, Ballina Central 44 Pacific Highway (North) BALLINA NSW 2478 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL BALMAIN 383 Darling Street BALMAIN NSW 2041 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL BALWYN Shop 3 379 Whitehorse Road Balwyn VIC 3103 133 133

AFTA Travel Pages

Dive Fish Snow Travel Pty. Ltd. 14-18 Lee Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 6494792210

ESCAPE TRAVEL BANKSTOWN Shop T254, Centro Bankstown Corner North Terrace & Lady Cutler Avenue BANKSTOWN NSW 2200 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL BEENLEIGH Shop G024, Beenleigh Marketplace 114 George Street Beenleigh QLD 4207 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL BELCONNEN Shop 144 Westfield Belconnen Benjamin Way BELCONNEN ACT 2617 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL BLACK ROCK Shop 3 38 Bluff Road Black Rock VIC 3193 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL BLACKTOWN Shop 1054, Westpoint Blacktown 17 Patrick Street BLACKTOWN NSW 2148 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL BONDI JUNCTION Shop 5022, Westfield Bondi Junction 500 Oxford Street BONDI JUNCTION NSW 2022 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL BROADWAY Shop G17A, Broadway Shopping Centre 1 Bay Street BROADWAY NSW 2007 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL BROOKSIDE Shop 103, Brookside Shopping Centre 159 Osbourne Road MITCHELTON QLD 4053 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL BROOKWATER Shop T7, Woolworth Brookwater Village Cnr Augusta Parkway & Tournament Drive Brookwater QLD 4300 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL BROWNS PLAINS Shop G121, Grand Plaza Shopping Centre Corner Brown Plains Road & Mount Lindesay Highway BROWNS PLAINS QLD 4118 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL BUNBURY Shop 33, Bunbury Forum S/C Sandridge Road, Cnr Strickland Street Bunbury WA 6230 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL BURLEIGH TOWN Shop 27B Stockland Burleigh Heads Shopping Centre 149 West Burleigh Road BURLEIGH HEADS QLD 4220 133 133

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Member Directory As at 31 December 2014

ESCAPE TRAVEL CAIRNS CENTRAL Shop 42a, Cairns Central Shopping Centre Corner McLeod and Spence Streets Cairns QLD 4870 133 133 Escape Travel Caloundra 46 Bulcock St CALOUNDRA QLD 4551 5437 0900 ESCAPE TRAVEL CAMBERWELL 560 Burke Street CAMBERWELL VIC 3124 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL CAPALABA PARK Shop 28 Capalaba Park Shopping Centre Corner Mt Cotton & Redland Bay Road CAPALABA QLD 4157 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL CARINDALE Shop 1218A, Westfield Carindale S/C Corner Creek & Old Cleveland Roads CARINDALE QLD 4152 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL CAROUSEL Shop 1087, Westfield Carousel 1382 Albany Highway CANNINGTON WA 6107 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL CASTLE PLAZA Shop G043, Castle Plaza Shopping Centre, 992 South Road EDWARDSTOWN SA 5039 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL CASTLE TOWERS Shop 255, Castle Towers Shopping Centre 6-14 Castle Street CASTLE HILL NSW 2154 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL CASUARINA Shop GD21, Casuarina Square 247 Trower Road CASUARINA NT 810 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL CENTREPOINT Shop 211 Centrepoint Shopping Centre 20 Murray Street HOBART TAS 7000 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL CHADSTONE Shop F038A, Chadstone Shopping Centre 1341 Dandenong Road CHADSTONE VIC 3148 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL CHARLESTOWN SQUARE Shop G, 8025 Charlestown Sq Shopping Centre 35/30 Pearson Street CHARLESTOWN NSW 2290 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL CHATSWOOD Shop 231, Westfield Chatswood 1 Anderson Street CHATSWOOD NSW 2067 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL CHERMSIDE Shop 398, Westfield Chermside Corner Gympie and Hamilton Roads CHERMSIDE QLD 4032 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL CITY Shop 10A, Telstra Centre 56 Lonsdale Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 133 133


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ESCAPE TRAVEL CLAREMONT Shop 6, 4 St Quentin Avenue Claremont WA 6010 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL CLEVELAND Shop 30, Stockland Cleveland Shopping Centre 91 Middle Street CLEVELAND QLD 4163 133 133

ESCAPE TRAVEL FOUNTAIN GATE Shop 1154, Westfield Fountain Gate 352 Princes Highway FOUNTAIN GATE VIC 3805 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL GALLERIA Shop 94A, Centro Galleria Corner Collier Road & Walter Road MORLEY WA 6062 133 133

ESCAPE TRAVEL COFFS HARBOUR Shop 46, Coffs Central S/C 35 - 61 Harbour Dve Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 133 133

ESCAPE TRAVEL GARDEN CITY Shop 1046, Westfield Garden City Corner Logan & Kessels Roads UPPER MOUNT GRAVATT QLD 4122 133 133

ESCAPE TRAVEL COLLINS PLACE Shop 10, Ground Floor, Collins Place 45 Collins Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 133 133

Escape Travel Garden City Shop 311 Garden City Booragoon 125 Risely St Booragoon WA 6154 133 133

ESCAPE TRAVEL COLONNADES Shop GM14, Centro Colonnades Shopping Centre Corner Goldsmith Drive & Beach Road NOARLUNGA SA 5168 133 133

ESCAPE TRAVEL GATEWAYS Shop 124, Cockburn Gateways S/C 812 Beeliar Drive Success WA 6164 133 133

ESCAPE TRAVEL CRAIGIEBURN Shop C00-18, Craigieburn Central 350 Craigieburn Rd Craigieburn VIC 3064 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL DONCASTER VIC Shop G103A, Westfield Doncaster Shopping Centre Corner Doncaster Road & William Street DONCASTER VIC 3108 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL EAST PERTH Shop 3, 118 Royal Street EAST PERTH WA 6000 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL EASTGARDENS Shop 304, Westfield EastGardens 152 Bunnerong Road PAGEWOOD NSW 2035 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL EASTLAND Shop L52A, Eastland Shopping Centre 171-175 Maroondah Highway RINGWOOD VIC 3134 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL ELIZABETH Shop S133, Elizabeth Shopping Centre 50 Elizabeth Way ELIZABETH SA 5112 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL EPPING Shop 2, Epping Plaza Shopping Centre Corner Cooper & High Streets EPPING VIC 3076 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL ERINA Shop T207, Erina Fair Terrigal Drive ERINA NSW 2250 133 133 Escape Travel Fig Tree Shop 44, Westfield Figtree 19 Princes Highway Figtree NSW 2525 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL FOREST HILL Shop 111a, Forest Hill Chase Shopping Centre 270 Canterbury Road FOREST HILL VIC 3131 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL FORESTWAY Shop L01018, Forest Way S/C Cnr Warringah Rd & Forest Way FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 133 133

ESCAPE TRAVEL GEELONG Shop 2264 Westfield Shopping Centre 121 Malop Street GEELONG VIC 3220 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL GERALDTON Shop 21, Centro Northgate Shopping Centre 110 Chapman Road GERALDTON WA 6530 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL GLENELG 76 Jetty Road GLENELG SA 5045 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL GOLDEN GROVE Shop G062A Golden Grove Village S/C Cnr The Golden & The Groves Ways Golden Grove SA 5125 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL GREENSBOROUGH Shop 3.03A, Greensborough Plaza 25-35 Main Street GREENSBOROUGH VIC 3088 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL GRENFELL STREET Shop 1, 28 Grenfell Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL HALLETT COVE Shop 16 Hallet Cove Shopping Centre 246 Lonsdale Road Hallett Cove SA 5158 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL HELENSVALE Shop 1073A, Westfield Helensvale 1-29 Millaroo Drive HELENSVALE QLD 4212 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL HIGHPOINT Shop 2084, 120 Rosamond Road MARIBYRNONG VIC 3032 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL HORNSBY Shop 1044, Westfield Hornsby 236 Pacific Highway HORNSBY NSW 2077 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL HUNTERS HILL Shop 5, 64-68 Gladesville Rd HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL HURSTVILLE Shop 123 Westfield Hurstville Park Road Hurstville NSW 2220 133 133

AFTA Travel Pages

ESCAPE TRAVEL BURWOOD Shop 336, Westfield Burwood 100 Burwood Road BURWOOD NSW 2134 133 133

Member Directory As at 31 December 2014 ESCAPE TRAVEL MALVERN 145 Glenferrie Rd Malvern VIC 3144 133 133

ESCAPE TRAVEL INDOOROOPILLY Shop 3073, Indooroopilly Shopping Centre 322 Moggill Road INDOOROOPILLY QLD 4068 133 133

ESCAPE TRAVEL MARION Shop 2059A, Westfield Marion 297 Diagonal Road OAKLANDS PARK SA 5046 133 133

ESCAPE TRAVEL IPSWICH RIVERLINK Shop 18, Ipswich Riverlink S/C Cnr Downs St & The Terrace North Ipswich QLD 4305 133 133

ESCAPE TRAVEL MELTON SHOP T061, Woodgrove Shopping Centre 533-555 High Street Melton VIC 133 133

ESCAPE TRAVEL JOONDALUP Shop T214a Lakeside Joondalup Shopping City 420 Joondalup Drive JOONDALUP WA 6027 133 133

ESCAPE TRAVEL MERRYLANDS Shop 1035A, Stockland Merrylands S/C McFarlane Street Merrylands NSW 2160 133 133

ESCAPE TRAVEL KARRINYUP Shop G94B, Karrinyup Shopping Centre 200 Karrinyup Road Karrinyup WA 6018 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL KAWANA Shop 431 Kawana Shopping World 119 Point Cartwright World Buddina QLD 4575 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL KENMORE PLAZA Shop 18, 841 Moggill Rd Kenmore QLD 4069 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL KNOX CITY Shop 1089, Knox City Shopping Centre Corner Burwood Highway & Stud Road WANTIRNA SOUTH VIC 3152 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL LINDFIELD Shop 3, 1-5 Tyron Place LINDFIELD NSW 2070 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL LISMORE Shop 51A, Lismore Square McKenzie Street Lismore NSW 2480 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL LITTLE COLLINS Shop 3a, 459 Little Collins Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL LIVE Shop 6, 4 St Quentin Ave Claremont WA 6010 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL LIVE NSW Level 3 33 Berry Street North Sydney NSW 2060 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL LIVERPOOL Shop 1075, Westfield Liverpool Macquarie Street LIVERPOOL NSW 2170 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL LOGANHOLME Shop 205A, Logan Hyperdome Corner Bryants Road & Pacific Highway LOGANHOLME QLD 4129 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL MACARTHUR SQUARE Shop U22, Level 3, Macarthur Square Corner Gilchrist Drive & Kellicar Road CAMPBELLTOWN NSW 2560 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL MACQUARIE Shop 30, Macquarie Shopping Centre 197 Herring Road NORTH RYDE NSW 2113 133 133

ESCAPE TRAVEL MIDLAND GATE Shop 15, Midland Gate Shopping Centre 25 Brockman Road MIDLAND WA 6056 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL MIRANDA Shop 3050, Westfield Miranda Shopping Town 600 The Kingsway MIRANDA NSW 2228 133 133

ESCAPE TRAVEL OCEAN KEYS Shop 45, Ocean Keys Shopping Centre 36 Ocean Keys Boulevard CLARKSON WA 6030 133 133 Escape Travel Pacific Fair Shop 51, Pacific Fair S/C Hooker Blvd Pacific Fair QLD 4218 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL PALMERSTON Shop T6/7 Palmerston Shopping Centre Temple Terrace PALMERSTON NT 830 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL PENRITH PLAZA Shop 52, Westfield Penrith 585 High Street PENRITH NSW 2750 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL PLENTY VALLEY Shop 7 Plenty Valley Shopping Centre 415 McDonalds Road Mill Park VIC 3082 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL QUEEN STREET Shop 1B, Ground Floor 200 Queen Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 133 133

ESCAPE TRAVEL MORNINGTON Shop 22, Centro Mornington 78 Barkly St Mornington VIC 3931 133 133

ESCAPE TRAVEL QUEENS PLAZA Shop 44 TLG, Queens Plaza Cnr Adelaide and Edward Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133

ESCAPE TRAVEL MOUNTAIN CREEK Shop 5, 158-170 Karawatha Drive Mountain Creek QLD 4557 133 133

ESCAPE TRAVEL ROBINA Shop 4209 Robina Town Centre Robina Town Centre Drive Robina QLD 4230 133 133

ESCAPE TRAVEL MT OMMANEY Shop 101, Mt Ommaney Shopping Centre 171 Dandenong Road MOUNT OMMANEY QLD 4074 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL NAMBOUR Shop 6, Nambour Plaza 28 Ann St Nambour QLD 4560 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL NARELLAN Shop 13, Narellan Town Centre 326 Camden Valley Way NARELLAN NSW 2567 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL NEUTRAL BAY Shop 4, 199 Military Road NEUTRAL BAY NSW 2089 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL NORTH ADELAIDE Shop 17 North Adelaide Shopping Centre 81 O Connell Street NORTH ADELAIDE SA 5006 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL NORTH LAKES Shop 1170, Westfield North Lakes 101 North Lakes Drive MANGO HILL QLD 4509 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL NORTH SYDNEY Shop 2, 2 Elizabeth Plaza NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL NORTHLAND Shop W046 Northland S/C 2 - 50 Murray Rd East Preston VIC 3072 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL NORWOOD Shop 16, Norwood Shopping Centre The Parade NORWOOD SA 5067 133 133

AFTA Travel Pages

ESCAPE TRAVEL IN TAMWORTH Shop 1, 424 - 426 Peel Street TAMWORTH NSW 2340 133 133

ESCAPE TRAVEL ROCKINGHAM Shop GG052, Rockingham City Shopping Centre Corner Council Avenue & Read Street ROCKINGHAM WA 6168 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL ROSELANDS Shop L007, Centro Roselands Roselands NSW 2196 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL ROUSE HILL Shop GR189A, Rouse Hill Town Centre, 10 - 14 Market Lane Rouse Hill NSW 2155 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL RUNAWAY BAY Shop GF 85, Runaway Bay Shopping Village 10-12 Lae Drive RUNAWAY BAY QLD 4216 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL SHELLHARBOUR Shop 49, Stockland Mall Shopping Centre Lake Entrance Drive SHELL HARBOUR NSW 2529 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL SHEPPARTON 68 High Street SHEPPARTON VIC 3630 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL SOUTH YARRA Shop 8, 210 Toorak Road SOUTH YARRA VIC 3141 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL SOUTHERN CROSS TOWERS Shop E1, Southern Cross Laneway 121 Exhibition Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 133 133

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Member Directory As at 31 December 2014 ESCAPE TRAVEL VICTORIA POINT Shop 6, Victoria Point Shopping Centre 2 - 30 Bunker Rd VICTORIA POINT QLD 4165 133 133

ET Burnside Shop 5, Burnside Plaza Shopping Centre 433 Portrush Rd Glenside SA 5065 133 133

ESCAPE TRAVEL STOCK EXCHANGE Shop 2, 520 Collins Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 133 133

ESCAPE TRAVEL WAGGA WAGGA Shop 36, Sturt Mall Wagga Wagga 135 Baylis Street (Forsyth Street Entrance) WAGGA WAGGA NSW 2650 133 133

ET Hervey Bay Shop 103, Centro Hervey Bay 6 Central Avenue Hervey Bay QLD 4655 133 133

ESCAPE TRAVEL WALKERVILLE Shop T6, Woolworths Walkerville S/C Cnr Walkerville & Victoria Terraces Walkerville SA 5081 133 133

Europe Travel Centre t/as World DriveHolidays Suite 322 20 Dale Street BROOKVALE NSW 2100 294662400

ESCAPE TRAVEL STRATHPINE Shop 131, Westfield Strathpine 295 Gympie Road STRATHPINE QLD 4500 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL SUBIACO 155 Rokeby Road SUBIACO WA 6008 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL SUNBURY 56 Evans St Sunbury VIC 3429 133 133 Escape Travel Tea Tree Shop 26, Westfield Tea Tree Plaza 972 - 976 North East Road MODBURY SA 5092 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL THE GLEN Shop 2.01 Centro The Glen 235 Springvale Road GLEN WAVERLEY VIC 3150 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL TOOMBUL Shop 26A, Centro Toombul 1015 Sandgate Road TOOMBUL QLD 4012 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL TOOWOOMBA Shop 86, Grand Central Cnr Margaret & Dent St Toowoomba QLD 4350 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL TOP RYDE Shop 4015a, Level 1, Top Ryde City Shopping Centre Cnr Blaxland Road & Devlin Street RYDE NSW 2567 133 133 Escape Travel Toronto 64 The Boulevarde TORONTO NSW 2283 249598666

ESCAPE TRAVEL WARRINGAH MALL Shop 404 Waringah Mall Cnr Old Pittwater Road and Condamine Street BROOKVALE NSW 2100 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL WARWICK Shop 20, Centro Warwick S/C Cnr Beach & Erindale Roads Warwick WA 6024 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL WATERGARDENS Shop 128/129, WaterGardens Town Centre 399 Melton Highway TAYLORS LAKES VIC 3038 133 133 Escape Travel Waurn Ponds Tenancy 951, Waurn Ponds S/C 173-199 Pioneer Road Waurn Ponds VIC 3216 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL WERRIBEE Shop T005a, Werribee Plaza Shopping Centre Corner Derrimut & Heath Road WERRIBEE VIC 3030 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL WEST LAKES Shop T200B, West Lakes Mall 111 West Lakes Boulevard WEST LAKES SA 5021 133 133

ESCAPE TRAVEL TRARALGON 124 Franklin Street TRARALGON VIC 3844 133 133

ESCAPE TRAVEL WHITFORD CITY Shop 231A, Westfield Whitford City Corner Marmion & Whitfords Avenue HILLARYS WA 6025 133 133

ESCAPE TRAVEL TUGGERAH Shop 2042, Westfield Tuggerah Corner Cobbs & Gavenlock Road TUGGERAH NSW 2259 133 133

ESCAPE TRAVEL WODEN Shop LG 13, Westfield Woden Keltie Street PHILLIP ACT 2606 133 133

ESCAPE TRAVEL TUGGERANONG Shop G011 Tuggeranong Hyperdome S/C 148 Anketell St Tuggeranong ACT 2900 133 133

ESCAPETRAVEL.COM Level 8 316 Adelaide Street Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133

ESCAPE TRAVEL TUGGERANONG Shop G011, Tuggeranong S/C 148 Anketell St Tuggeranong ACT 2900 133 133

Esplanade Travel 317 The Esplanade LAKES ENTRANCE VIC 3909 351552404

ESCAPE TRAVEL TWEED CITY Shop 32, Tweed City Shopping Centre 54 Minjungbal Drive TWEED HEADS SOUTH NSW 2486 133 133 ESCAPE TRAVEL UNLEY Shop 13, Unley Shopping Centre 204 Unley Road UNLEY SA 5061 133 133


ESCAPE TRAVEL WARRIEWOOD Shop 50, Centro Warriewood 12 Jacksons Road WARRIEWOOD NSW 2102 133 133

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Esther Hamilton Travel Suite 311 737 Burwood Hwy Hawthorn East VIC 3121 03 9816 4947 Estours Travel / Est Ski Tours Pty Ltd 38 Murray Road CORRIMAL EAST NSW 2518 242841688

Events Worldwide 112 Bittern Dromana Road MERRICKS NORTH VIC 3926 359897666 Everything Travel Pty. Ltd. Suite 505. Level 5 267 Castlereagh Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 292321711 Everywhere Travel Shop 10 Carnarvon Central Robinson Street Carnarvon WA 6701 08 9941 4595 Evoke World Travel 145 Britannia Street MORNINGSIDE QLD 4170 07 3901 5354 Executive Bees Level 5, 33 Berry Street North Sydney NSW 2060 133 133 Executive Travel Management 1 Yarra Street GEELONG VIC 3220 03 5221 1488 Exotic Destinations Suite 1 / 1176 Nepean Highway CHELTENHAM VIC 3192 03 9585 1118 Exotic Destinations Suite 1 / 1176 Nepean Highway CHELTENHAM VIC 3192 03 9585 1118 Expedia Inc Suite 1 Level 2 77 King Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 8090 6626 Experience Travel and Cruise Toowoomba Shop 4, Southtown Shopping Centre 144 South Street TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 07 4636 2622 Explore Travel Group 1/3 Shillito St SOUTHPORT QLD 4215 761169 Eyre Travel Civic Centre 60 Tasman Terrace PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 08 8682 6666

F F.I.Travel Australia Pty. Ltd. Shop 14 60 Abbott Street CAIRNS QLD 4870 07 4041 3888

AFTA Travel Pages

ESCAPE TRAVEL SOUTHLAND Shop 1019, Westfield Southland 1239 Nepean Highway CHELTENHAM VIC 3192 133 133

Member Directory As at 31 December 2014

Fairy Chimneys Travel 518 Riversdale Road CAMBERWELL VIC 3124 398827766 Fairy Chimneys Travel 518 Riversdale Road CAMBERWELL VIC 3124 398827766 FBI Travel/Freeway Balaclava International 80 Kooyong Road CAULFIELD NORTH VIC 3161 385730900 FC Brickworks Shop T24 Brickworks Marketplace 36 South Rd Torrensville SA 5031 133 133 FC Chermside Two Westfield Chermside Corner Gympie and Hamilton Roads CHERMSIDE QLD 4032 133 133 FC Elizabeth Street 2 Shop UG03 39 Martin Place SYDNEY NSW 2000 133 133 FC TWENTY47 Level 3 545 Queen Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133 FCBT Direct Alliance 316 Adelaide Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133 FCBT Direct Darwin 316 Adelaide St Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133 FCBT DIRECT SOUTH Level 2 729 Hay Street Mall PERTH WA 6000 133 133 FCBT Direct Toowoomba BOH 227 Margaret St Toowoomba QLD 4350 133 133 FCBT KING STREET Shop 2, 75 King St SYDNEY NSW 2000 133 133 FCm Absolut Agents Level 8 Suite 8 316 Adelaide Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133 FCM Ade King William St SA1 Suite 1, Level 4, 33 King William Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 133 133 FCm Adelaide CBD Suite 3 Level 13 33 King William Street Adelaide SA 5000 133 133 FCM Alpha Centauri Suite 10, Level 4, 33 Berry Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 133 133 FCm Altitude Level 8 Suite 4 316 Adelaide St Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133

FCm Avengers Vic 14 Suite 7, Level 8, 436 St Kilda Road MELBOURNE VIC 3006 133 133 FCm Blackbird Vic 18 Suite 14, Level 8, 436 St Kilda Road MELBOURNE VIC 3006 133 133 FCm Cobra Vic 1 Suite 8, Level 8, 436 St Kilda Road MELBOURNE VIC 3006 133 133 FCm Darwin Central NT1 Level 4, 62 Cavenagh St Darwin NT 800 133 133 FCm Darwin City Suite 4, 62 Cavanagh St Darwin NT 800 133 133 FCm Darwin City NT100 Suite 4, 62 Cavenagh St DARWIN NT 800 133 133 FCm Diamonds WA7 Level 1, 729 Hay Street Mall Perth WA 6000 133 133 FCm Dragons Level 8 Suite 7 316 Adelaide Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133 FCm Dreamliner Vic 16 Suite 6, Level 8, 436 St Kilda Road MELBOURNE VIC 3004 133 133 FCm Enterprise Vic 21 Level 8 436 St Kilda Road Melbourne VIC 3004 133 133 FCm Falcon Vic 20 Level 8, 436 St Kilda Road Melbourne VIC 3004 133 133 FCm G6 Vic 15 Suite 10, Level 8, 436 St Kilda Road MELBOURNE VIC 3006 133 133 FCm Galactic Level 8, 436 St Kilda Road MELBOURNE VIC 3004 133 133 FCm Galaxy WA8 Level 3, 729 Hay St Perth WA 6000 133 133 FCM Gold Rush Suite 7, Level 4, 33 Berry Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 133 133 FCm Hercules Vic 13 Suite 2, Level 8, 436 St Kilda Road MELBOURNE VIC 3006 133 133 FCm Hunter Vic 17 Suite 1, Level 8, 436 St Kilda Road MELBOURNE VIC 3006 133 133 FCm Kings Park WA 4 level 18 Parmelia House 191 St Georges Street Perth WA 6000 133 133 FCm MAPS ACT NG 111 Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 133 133

FCm Mustangs Level 8 Suite 3 316 Adelaide St Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133 FCm Odyssey Level 8 Suite 9 316 Adelaide Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133 FCM Perth Downtown WA1 Suite 2, Level 18, 191 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000 133 133 FCm Perth Foreshore WA 6 Level 18, Parmelia House 191 St Georges Tce Perth WA 6000 133 133

AFTA Travel Pages

Fairfield Travel Shop 5 Fairfield Gardens Shopping Centre FAIRFIELD QLD 4103 07 3846 7991

FCM Perth Parkside WA3 Level 18, 191 St Georges Tce PERTH WA 6000 133 133 FCm Perth Riverview WA2 Level 3, 729 Hay St PERTH WA 6000 133 133 FCm Perth Sundowners WA5 Level 10, Parmelia House 191 St Georges Tce Perth WA 6000 133 133 FCm Phantom Vic 50 Level 1 20 Little Ryrie Street Geelong VIC 3220 133 133 FCM Phoenix Suite 9, Level 4, 33 Berry Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 133 133 FCm Raptors QLD6 Level 8 316 Adelaide St Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133 FCm Sister Act Level 4 33 Berry St North Sydney NSW 2060 133 133 FCm Smooth Operators Suite 3, Level 4, 33 Berry Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 133 133 FCm The FEDS 64 NORTHBOURNE AVENUE CANBERRA ACT 2601 133 133 FCm The Royals Level 4, 33 Berry Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 133 133 FCM The Transformers Suite 4, Level 4, 33 Berry Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 133 133 FCM TITANS Suite 11, Level 4, 33 Berry Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 133 133 FCm Travel Club Getaways Suite 2, Level 4, 33 Berry Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 133 133 FCm Travel Solutions WA9 Level 2, 729 Hay Street Perth WA 6000 133 133

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Member Directory As at 31 December 2014

FCm Valkyrie Vic 12 Suite 11, Level 8, 436 St Kilda Road MELBOURNE VIC 3004 133 133 Fenghuang Pty Ltd 47 Saiala Rd EAST KILLARA NSW 2071 9403 1007 Fernando Travels 1/53 Sinclair Road DANDENONG VIC 3175 03 9713 0048 FJAJ Group Pty.Ltd. 207 Rocky Point Road RAMSGATE NSW 2217 02 9593 1682 Fleurieu Travel / Cruising Plus 6 George Main Street VICTOR HARBOR SA 5211 08 8464 0456 FLIGHT CENTRE Shop 27, Findon Shopping Centre 303 Grange Rd Findon SA 5023 133 133 Flight Centre Address 1 133 133 Flight Centre 24/7 NSW - Titanium LEVEL 10 33 BERRY STREET NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 133 133 Flight Centre 24/7 Address 1 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE 24/7 38A Semaphore Road Semaphore SA 5019 133 133 Flight Centre 24/7 Darwin BOH Shop T13B, Darwin Central Complex 21 Knuckey Street DARWIN NT 800 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE 24/7 NSW - OBSIDIAN LEVEL 10 33 BERRY STREET NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE 24/7 NSW - RUBY LEVEL 10 33 BERRY STREET NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE 24/7 NSW - STEEL LEVEL 10 33 BERRY STREET NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE 291 ADELAIDE STREET 291 Adelaide Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE 545 QUEEN ST Ground Floor DC1, 545 Queen Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ABERFOYLE PARK Shop 9, Aberfoyle Village S/C 142 Hub Drive Aberfoyle Park SA 5159 133 133


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FLIGHT CENTRE ACCOR 291 Adelaide Street, BRISBANE, QLD, (4000) GPO BOX 1884, BRISBANE QLD 4001 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE ARCHER Shop 1, 379 Victoria Avenue Corner Archer Street and Mills Lane CHATSWOOD NSW 2067 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE ACTIVE TRAVEL QLD Level 3 545 Queen St Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133


FLIGHT CENTRE ACTIVE TRAVEL SA Level 7 / 108 King William St Adelaide SA 5000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ADELAIDE STREET 170 Adelaide Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE AIRPORT VILLAGE Shop 9 1 Airport Drive BRISBANE AIRPORT QLD 4007 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE AIRPORT WEST Shop 70, Westfield Airport West 29-35 Louis Street AIRPORT WEST VIC 3042 133 133

Flight Centre Armadale Shop 41, Armadale Shopping Centre 224 Jull Street ARMADALE WA 6112 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ARMIDALE Shop 3A, Corner Complex 108 Dangar Street ARMIDALE NSW 2350 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ARNDALE SHOP 62, ARNDALE SHOPPING CENTRE CNR TORRENS AND HANSON ROAD KILKENNY SA 5009 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ARTARMON 74 Hampden Road ARTARMON NSW 2064 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE ALBANY Shop 19, Albany Plaza Shopping Centre 38 Albany Highway ALBANY WA 6330 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE ASCOT Shop 4, Ground Floor 134 Racecourse Road ASCOT QLD 4007 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE ALBANY CREEK Shop 20, Centro Albany Shopping Centre Corner Albany Creek Road and Wruck Crescent ALBANY CREEK QLD 4035 133 133


FLIGHT CENTRE ALBERT PARK 138 - 140 Bridport Street ALBERT PARK VIC 3206 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ALBERT ST (QLD) 115 Albert St BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ALBURY Shop 033, Myer Centrepoint Corner Swift and David Street ALBURY NSW 2640 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ALDINGA Shop 39, Aldinga Central SC/C Aldinga Beach Road Aldinga SA 5173 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ALICE SPRINGS Shop 18A, Yeperenye Centre 36-38 Hartley Street ALICE SPRINGS NT 870 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ALLENSTOWN Shop 6B, Allenstown Plaza S/C, 42 Caroline St ALLENSTOWN QLD 4700 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ALTONA 67 Pier St ALTONA VIC 3018 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE APPLECROSS Shop 4, 13 Risely Street ARDROSS WA 6153 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ARANA HILLS Shop 5, Kmart Plaza Arana Hills Corner Dawson Parade and Patricks Road ARANA HILLS QLD 4054 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE ASHFIELD Shop 22A, Ashfield Mall Shopping Centre 260A Liverpool Road ASHFIELD NSW 2131 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ASHGROVE Shop 21A, Ashgrove Central Shopping Centre 221 Waterworks Road ASHGROVE QLD 4060 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ASHMORE Shop L6, Ashmore City Shopping Centre 206 Currumbarra Road ASHMORE QLD 4214 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ASPLEY Shop 62A, Aspley Hypermarket 59 Albany Creek Road ASPLEY QLD 4034 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ASPLEY VILLAGE Shop 8, Aspley Village Shopping Centre 605 Robinson Road West ASPLEY QLD 4034 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE AUSTRALIA FAIR Shop G130A, Australia Fair Shopping Centre 42 Marine Parade SOUTHPORT QLD 4215 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE AVALON Shop 1, 20 Avalon Parade AVALON NSW 2107 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BALACLAVA 155 Carlisle St Balaclava VIC 3183 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BALDIVIS Shop 7A Stockland Baldivis Safety Bay Road BALDIVIS WA 6171 133 133

AFTA Travel Pages

FCM United Nations Suite 6, Level 4, 33 Berry Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 133 133

Member Directory As at 31 December 2014 FLIGHT CENTRE BAYSIDE Shop 186, Bayside North Shopping Centre 28 Beach Street FRANKSTON VIC 3199 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE BENTONS SQUARE Shop 35, Bentons Square Shopping Centre 210 Dunns Road MORNINGTON VIC 3931 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE BEAUDESERT Shop 16, Beaudesert Fair Shopping Centre Corner Anna & William Streets BEAUDESERT QLD 4285 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE BERRY SQUARE Shop 23A, North Sydney Berry Square 77 Berry Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE BEAUMARIS 17 North Concourse Beaumaris VIC 3193 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE BERWICK 64a High Street BERWICK VIC 3806 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE BALMAIN 329 Darling Street BALMAIN NSW 2041 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE BEAUMONT STREET Shop 1, 75 - 77 Beaumont Street HAMILTON NSW 2303 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE BALWYN 276 Whitehorse Road BALWYN VIC 3103 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE BEECROFT Shop 4, Beecroft Village 6-8 Hannah Street BEECROFT NSW 2119 133 133

Flight Centre Bibra Lake Shop 17, Lakes Shopping Centre Cnr North Lake & Omeo Roads South Lake WA 6164 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE BALLARAT Shop 19, Central Square Shopping Centre 18 Armstrong Street BALLARAT VIC 3350 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BALLINA Shop T41, Ballina Fair Shopping Centre Corner Kerr and Fox Street BALLINA NSW 2478 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE BANKSTOWN SQUARE Shop ML302 Centro Bankstown Corner North Terrace & Lady Cutler Avenue BANKSTOWN NSW 2200 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BARKLY SQUARE Shop A2, Barkly Square S/C 90 - 106 Sydney Rd Brunswick VIC 3056 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE BEENLEIGH Shop 30, Beenleigh Marketplace 114-118 George Street BEENLEIGH QLD 4207 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BEENLEIGH CITY ROAD 117 City Road BEENLEIGH QLD 4207 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE BAROSSA VALLEY Shop 3, Barossa Regional Shopping Centre 1 Murray Street NURIOOTPA SA 5355 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE BEGA Shop T24, Sapphire Coast M/Place 106 Auckland St Bega NSW 2550 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE BASS HILL Shop 6, Bass Hill Plaza 753 Hume Hwy Bass Hill NSW 2197 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE BELCONNEN Shop 220, Westfield Belconnen Benjamin Way BELCONNEN ACT 2617 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE BASSENDEAN Shop 10, Bassendean Village Shopping Centre Corner Guildford and West Streets BASSENDEAN WA 6054 133 133


FLIGHT CENTRE BATEAU BAY Shop 49, Stockland Bay Village The Entrance Road BATEAU BAY NSW 2261 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BATEMANS BAY Shop G24, Stockland Batemans Bay 1 Perry Street BATEMANS BAY NSW 2536 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BATHURST Shop 37, Bathurst City Centre 210 Howick St BATHURST NSW 2795 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BATHURST ST Shop TG03 Bathurst Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BAULKHAM HILLS Shop B25, Stockland Baulkham Hills Corner Olive Street & Old Northern Road BAULKHAM HILLS NSW 2153 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BAY CITY Shop 1191 Westfield Geelong Shopping Centre Malop Street GEELONG VIC 3220 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE BELMONT Shop 29, Belmont Shopping Centre 227 Belmont Avenue CLOVERDALE WA 6105 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BELMONT CITI CENTRE Shop 23, Belmont Citi Centre Macquarie Street BELMONT NSW 2280 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BELRIDGE Tenancy 7A, Belridge S/C Ocean Reef Rd BELDON WA 6027 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BENDIGO 46 Mitchell Street BENDIGO VIC 3550 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BENOWA GARDENS Shop 18 Stockland Benowa Gardens Corner Ashmore & Benowa Roads BENOWA GARDENS QLD 4217 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BENT STREET Macquarie House 167 Macquarie Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BENTLEIGH 434 Centre Road BENTLEIGH VIC 3204 133 133

AFTA Travel Pages

FLIGHT CENTRE BALGOWLAH Shop 28, 215 Condamine Street BALGOWLAH NSW 2093 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE BIRKDALE Shop 10, Birkdale Fair Shopping Centre 2-12 Mary Pleasant Drive BIRKDALE QLD 4159 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BLACKBURN NORTH Shop 45, North Blackburn S/C 66 - 104 Springfield Road Blackburn North VIC 3130 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BLACKTOWN Shop 1046, Westpoint Blacktown 17 Patrick Street BLACKTOWN NSW 2148 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BLACKWOOD Unit 2, 237 Main Road Blackwood SA 5051 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BLIGH ST Shop B3, Wentworth Connection 2A Bligh Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BLUES POINT Shop 4, 40 Miller Street Corner Blue Street & Blue Point Road NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 133 133 Flight Centre Bluewater Redcliffe Shop 21, Bluewater Square Shopping Centre Corner Sutton Road & Anzac Avenue REDCLIFFE QLD 4020 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BONDI BEACH 17 Hall Street BONDI BEACH NSW 2026 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BONDI JUNCTION Shop 7, 175 - 181 Oxford Street BONDI JUNCTION NSW 2022 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BONDI WESTFIELD NORTH Shop 1034, Westfield Bondi Junction 500 Oxford Street BONDI JUNCTION NSW 2022 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BONNYRIGG Shop 11B, Bonnyrigg Plaza 100 Bonnyrigg Avenue BONNYRIGG NSW 2177 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BOOVAL Shop 20A, Booval Fair Shopping Centre Corner Brisbane & South Station Roads BOOVAL QLD 4304 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BOTANY ROAD Shop 139, Metro Village 747 Botany Road ROSEBERY NSW 2018 133 133

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Member Directory As at 31 December 2014 FLIGHT CENTRE BULIMBA Shop 3, 168 Oxford Street BULIMBA QLD 4171 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE BOWRAL Shop 23, Springetts Arcade 37 Wingecarribee Street BOWRAL NSW 2576 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE BULL CREEK Shop 30, Stockland Bull Creek Cnr South Street & Benningfield Rd Bull Creek WA 6149 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE BOX HILL Shop F13, Box Hill Centro 17 Market Street BOX HILL VIC 3128 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE BUNBURY Shop 9A, Bunbury Centrepoint Shopping Centre Corner Blair & Stirling Streets BUNBURY WA 6230 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE BRANDON PARK Shop 10A, Centro Brandon Park Corner Ferntree Gully & Springvale Roads WHEELERS HILL VIC 3150 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BRIBIE ISLAND Shop 27, Bribie Island Shopping Centre Goodwin Drive BONGAREE QLD 4507 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BRIDGEPOINT Shop 19a, Level 1, Bridgepoint Shopping Centre 1 - 3 Brady Street MOSMAN NSW 2088 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BRIGHTON 51 Church Street BRIGHTON VIC 3186 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BRIMBANK Shop T67, Brimbank Central Shopping Centre Corner Neale & Station Road DEER PARK VIC 3023 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BRISBANE AIRPORT Shop 4L-07, Level 4, Brisbane International Terminal Airport Drive BRISBANE AIRPORT QLD 4007 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BROADMEADOWS Shop G045, Broadmeadows Town Centre 1099 - 1169 Pascoe Vale Road BROADMEADOWS VIC 3047 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BROADWAY EAST Shop G23, Broadway Shopping Centre 1 Bay Street BROADWAY NSW 2007 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BROADWAY WEST Shop G23, Broadway Shopping Centre 1 Bay Street BROADWAY NSW 2007 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BROOKSIDE Shop 82, Brookside Shopping Centre 159 Osborne Road MITCHELTON QLD 4053 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BROWNS PLAINS Shop 99, Grand Plaza Shopping Centre Corner Brown Plains Road & Mount Lindesay Highway BROWNS PLAINS QLD 4118 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BRUNSWICK ST 398 Brunswick Street FITZROY VIC 3065 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BUDERIM Shop 2, 72 Burnett Street BUDERIM QLD 4556 133 133


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Flight Centre Business Travel Direct Caxton Level 3 114 Queen Street Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133 Flight Centre Business Travel Direct Criterion Level 1 114 Queen Street Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133 Flight Centre Business Travel Direct Empire BOH, 360 Queen St Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE BUNDABERG Shop 317, Sugarland Shopping Town 115 - 119 Takalvan Street BUNDABERG QLD 4670 133 133

Flight Centre Business Travel Direct Grosvenor BOH 327 George Street Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE BUNDABERG CITY Shop 34, Hinkler Central 16 Maryborough Street BUNDABERG QLD 4670 133 133

Flight Centre Business Travel Direct Hobart 2 Brooke St Hobart TAS 7000 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE BUNDOORA SQUARE Shop 3, Bundoora Square Shopping Centre 25-31 Plenty Road BUNDOORA VIC 3083 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BURANDA Shop 23, Centro Buranda 264 Ipswich Road BURANDA QLD 4102 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BURLEIGH HEADS 16 James Street BURLEIGH HEADS QLD 4220 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BURLEIGH TOWN Shop 82B, Stockland Burleigh Heads Shopping Centre 149 West Burleigh Road BURLEIGH HEADS QLD 4220 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BURNSIDE SHOP 64, BURNSIDE SHOPPING VILLAGE 447 Portrush Road GLENSIDE SA 5065 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BURWOOD Shop 362, Westfield Burwood 100 Burwood Road BURWOOD NSW 2134 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BURWOOD 1381 Toorak Road Camberwell VIC 3124 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BURWOOD EAST Shop 38, East Burwood Plaza Cnr Blackburn Rd and Burwood Hwy East Burwood VIC 3151 133 133 Flight Centre Business Direct Hay St Level 2 729 Hay Street Perth WA 6000 133 133 Flight Centre Business Direct Midland Shop T61, Midland Gate S/C 274 Great Eastern Highway MIDLAND WA 6056 133 133 Flight Centre Business Travel Direct Cairns Level 1/19 Aplin Street Cairns QLD 4870 133 133

Flight Centre Business Travel Direct Jubilee Level 3 114 Queen Street Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133 Flight Centre Business Travel Direct Runaway Bay Village BOH Shop G023 Runaway Bay Village S/C 10 - 12 Lae Dve Runaway Bay QLD 4216 133 133 Flight Centre Business Travel Direct Sunshine Coast C/- Shop 2, 72 Burnett St Buderim QLD 4556 133 133 Flight Centre Business Travel Direct Victory 114 Queen Street Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133 Flight Centre Business Travel Melbourne Direct BOH 362 Little Collins St Melbourne VIC 3000 133 133 Flight Centre Business Travel Triumph Shop 13, Collins Square 735 Collins Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BUSSELTON Shop 9, Busselton Central Shopping Centre 30 Kent Street BUSSELTON WA 6280 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE BYRON BAY Shop 4, Corner Fletcher & Lawson Street BYRON BAY NSW 2481 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CAIRNS Shop 6, Central Court 24 Spence Street CAIRNS QLD 4870 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CAIRNS CENTRAL Shop 119, Cairns Central Shopping Centre Corner McLeod and Spence Streets CAIRNS QLD 4870 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CALAMVALE Shop 26 Calamvale Shopping Centre 688 Compton Road CALAMVALE QLD 4116 133 133

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Member Directory As at 31 December 2014

FLIGHT CENTRE CALOUNDRA CITY Shop 10, 55 Bulcock Street CALOUNDRA QLD 4551 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CAMBERWELL 231 Camberwell Road HAWTHORN EAST VIC 3123 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CAMDEN Ground Floor, 114 Argyle Street CAMDEN NSW 2570 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CAMMERAY Shop TQ2, 506-508 Miller Street CAMMERAY NSW 2062 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CAMP HILL Shop 6a, Whites Hill S/C 25 Samuel St CAMP HILL QLD 4152 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CAMPBELLFIELD PLAZA Shop 8, Campbellfield Plaza Corner Hume Highway & Mahoneys Road CAMPBELLFIELD VIC 3061 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CAMPBELLTOWN MALL Shop U09, Campbelltown Mall 271 Queen Street CAMPBELLTOWN NSW 2560 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CANBERRA CENTRE Shop EG19 Canberra Centre 148 Bunda Street CANBERRA ACT 2601 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CANELAND CENTRAL L01 2521 Caneland Central Cnr Victoria Street & Mangrove Road Mackay QLD 4740 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CANNON HILL Shop 40, Cannon Hill Kmart Plaza 1909 Wynnum Road CANNON HILL QLD 4170 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CAPALABA Shop 60, Capalaba Central Shopping Centre 38-62 Moreton Bay Road CAPALABA QLD 4157 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CAPALABA PARK Shop 65, Capalaba Park Shopping Centre Corner Mt Cotton & Redland Bay Road CAPALABA QLD 4157 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CAPITAL Shop CL 15 Canberra Centre CANBERRA ACT 2601 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CARDIFF Shop T05 Woolworths Cardiff Cnr Main & Macquarie Roads CARDIFF NSW 2285 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CARINDALE Shop 1031A, Westfield Carindale Shopping Centre Corner Creek & Old Cleveland Roads CARINDALE QLD 4152 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE CARINDALE 2 Shop 2069A, Westfield Carindale Shopping Centre Cnr Creek Road & Old Cleveland Road CARINDALE QLD 4152 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CARINDALE WHITE Shop 1031A, Westfield Carindale Cnr Creek & Old Cleveland Roads Carindale QLD 4152 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CARINGBAH Shop 16, Caringbah Shopping Village 58 President Avenue CARINGBAH NSW 2229 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CARLINGFORD COURT Shop 229, Carlingford Court Shopping Centre Corner Pennant Hills & Carlingford Streets CARLINGFORD NSW 2118 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CARLTON 322 Lygon Street CARLTON VIC 3053 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CARNEGIE 82 Koornang Road CARNEGIE VIC 3163 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CARNES HILL Shop T2a, Carnes Hill Marketplace Corner Cowpasture & Kurrajong Roads HORNINGSEA PARK NSW 2171 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CAROLINE SPRINGS Shop LO1, 43 Caroline Springs Square Caroline Springs Boulevard CAROLINE SPRINGS VIC 3023 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CAROUSEL Shop 1165, Westfield Carousel 1382 Albany Highway CANNINGTON WA 6107 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CARSELDINE Shop 14, Carseldine Central 735 Beams Road CARSELDINE QLD 4034 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CASTLE HILL BLAZE Shop 248, Castle Towers Shopping Centre 6-14 Castle Street CASTLE HILL NSW 2154 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CASTLE HILL IGNITE Shop 248, Castle Towers S/C 6-14 Castle Street CASTLE HILL NSW 2154 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CASTLE PLAZA SHOP 66A, CASTLE PLAZA S/CTR 992 SOUTH ROAD EDWARDSTOWN SA 5039 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CASUARINA Shop GD11, Casuarina Shopping Square 247 Trower Road CASUARINA NT 810 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CASUARINA SQUARE Shop GD259, Casuarina Square 247 Trower Road CASUARINA NT 811 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CASULA Shop 34 Casula Shopping Centre Corner Kurrajong Road & Ingham Drive CASULA NSW 2170 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE CBA FLAGSHIP BRISBANE 240 Queen Street, Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CBD DIRECT Shop 1 360 Bourke Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CBD PLAZA Shop 5a, 47 Cavenagh Street DARWIN NT 800 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CENTRAL Shop 7, Henry Deane Plaza 2-10 Lee Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 133 133

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FLIGHT CENTRE CALOUNDRA Shop 30, Stockland Caloundra 47 Bowman Road CALOUNDRA QLD 4551 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE CENTRE STAGE Shop 18, Cairns Central Shopping Centre Corner Mcleod & Spence Streets CAIRNS QLD 4870 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CENTREWAY ARCADE Shop 16, Centreway Arcade 259-263 Collins Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CESSNOCK Shop 6 1 North Avenue Cessnock NSW 2325 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CHADSTONE Shop 265, Chadstone Shopping Centre 1341 Dandenong Road CHADSTONE VIC 3148 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CHANCELLOR PARK Shop 14, Chancellor Park Market Place, University Way SIPPY DOWNS QLD 4556 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE Chapel Hill Shop 2B, 620 Moggill Rd INDOOROOPILLY QLD 4069 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CHARLES STREET 151 Charles Street LAUNCESTON TAS 7250 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CHARLESTOWN SQUARE Shop 201A, Charlestown Square Shopping Centre 30 Pearson Street CHARLESTOWN NSW 2290 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CHATSWOOD SHOPPINGTOWN Shop 246, Westfield Chatswood 1 Anderson Street CHATSWOOD NSW 2067 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CHERMSIDE Shop 328, Westfield Chermside Corner Gympie and Hamilton Roads CHERMSIDE QLD 4032 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CHERRYBROOK Shop T1, Cherrybrook Shopping Village 41-47 Shephards Drive CHERRYBROOK NSW 2126 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CHIRNSIDE PARK Shop GD, 641 Chirnside Park Shopping Centre Corner Maroondah Highway & Edward Road CHIRNSIDE PARK VIC 3116 133 133

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Member Directory As at 31 December 2014 FLIGHT CENTRE COOGEE Shop 2, 210 Coogee Bay Road COOGEE NSW 2034 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE DARLINGHURST Shop 3, 18 - 32 Oxford Street DARLINGHURST NSW 2010 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE CHURCHILL CENTRE Shop T36 Churchill Centre 252 Churchill Rd Kilburn SA 5084 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE COOLANGATTA Shop 3, 70 Griffiths Street COOLANGATTA QLD 4225 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE DARWIN CENTRAL Shop 13B, Darwin Central Complex 21 Knuckey Street DARWIN NT 800 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE CIRCULAR QUAY Shop 524 Gateway Quayside 1 Macquarie Place SYDNEY NSW 2000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CITY Shop 1, 360 Bourke St Melbourne VIC 3000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CITY CENTRE PLAZA ROCKHAMPTON Shop 45 City Centre Plaza Corner Bolsover & Fitzroy Street ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CITY WALK Shop 5,GIO Building 240 City Walk CANBERRA ACT 2601 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CLAREMONT Shop 2, 52 Bay View Terrace CLAREMONT WA 6010 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CLEVELAND Shop 19, Stockland Cleveland 90-91 Middle Street CLEVELAND QLD 4163 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CLIFFORD GARDENS Shop 54A, Clifford Gardens Shopping Centre Corner James Street & Anzac Avenue TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CLIFTON HILL 278 Queens Parade CLIFTON HILL VIC 3068 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE COBURG 392A Sydney Road COBURG VIC 3058 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE COFFS HARBOUR Shop 8, Coffs Central S/C 35 - 61 Harbour Dve COFFS HARBOUR NSW 2450 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE COLLINGWOOD 268 SMITH STREET COLLINGWOOD VIC 3066 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE Collins Square Shop 13, 735 Collins St Docklands VIC 3008 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE COLLINS STREET Shop 1, 422 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE COLONNADES Shop GM87, Colonnades Shopping Centre Beach Road Noarlunga SA 5168 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CONCORD 76 Majors Bay Road CONCORD NSW 2137 133 133


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FLIGHT CENTRE COOLUM Shop 12, Coolum Park Shopping Centre South Coolum Road COOLUM BEACH QLD 4573 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE COOMERA CITY CENTRE Shop E3, Coomera City Centre Corner Old Coach & Days Road COOMERA QLD 4209 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CORRIMAL COURT Shop 33, Stockland Corrimal 270 Princess Highway CORRIMAL NSW 2518 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE COTTESLOE Shop 3, Australia Post Centre Corner Stirling Highway & Napoleon Street COTTESLOE WA 6011 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE DARWIN WATERFRONT Shop B4 Darwin City Waterfront Darwin NT 800 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE DEE WHY 683 Pittwater Road DEE WHY NSW 2099 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE DEVONPORT 20a Stewart Street DEVONPORT TAS 7130 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE DIAMOND CREEK Shop 14a, Diamond Creek Shopping Station 67 Main Hurstbridge Road DIAMOND CREEK VIC 3089 133 133


FLIGHT CENTRE DIANELLA Shop 19, Dianella Plaza Corner Grand Promenade and Alexander Drive DIANELLA WA 6059 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE CRAIGIEBURN Shop D00-08, Craigieburn Central S/C 350 Craigieburn Rd Craigieburn VIC 3064 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE DICKSON Shop G4B Dickson Chambers Dickson Place DICKSON ACT 2602 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE CRANBOURNE Shop 38A, Cranbourne Park High Street CRANBOURNE VIC 3977 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE DIRECT STOCK EXCHANGE BOH, 55 St Goerges Tce Perth WA 6000 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE CREMORNE Shop 5, 307 Military Road CREMORNE NSW 2090 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CRONULLA 115 Cronulla Street CRONULLA NSW 2230 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CROWS NEST 75 Willoughby Road CROWS NEST NSW 2065 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CROYDON 101 Main Street CROYDON VIC 3136 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CRUISE SPECIALIST ALTONA 67 Pier St Altona VIC 3018 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE CURRIMUNDI Shop 6B, Currimundi Marketplace Corner Nicklin Way and Bellara Drive CURRIMUNDI QLD 4551 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE DALKEITH 101 Waratah Avenue DALKEITH WA 6009 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE DANDENONG Shop 350a, Dandenong Plaza 22-55 McCrae Street DANDENONG VIC 3175 133 133 Flight Centre Darby Street Shop 1, 82-84 Darby St COOKS HILL NSW 2300 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE DOCKLANDS 756 Bourke Street DOCKLANDS VIC 3008 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE DONCASTER Shop 1122, Westfield Doncaster Shopping Centre Corner Doncaster Road & William Street DONCASTER VIC 3108 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE DOUBLE BAY Shop 5, 326 New South Head Road Entry via Corner Goldman Lane & Knox St DOUBLE BAY NSW 2028 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE DUBBO Shop 6, 137 Macquarie Street DUBBO NSW 2830 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE DURAL Shop 7, Village Green 22 Kenthurst Road DURAL NSW 2158 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE EAGLE STREET Tenancy 1, 379 Queen Street Corner Queen & Eagle Streets BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE EARLVILLE Shop 104, Stocklands Earlville Shopping Centre 537 Mulgrave Road EARLVILLE QLD 4870 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE EASTGARDENS A Shop 166, Westfield EastGardens 152 Bunnerong Road PAGEWOOD NSW 2035 133 133

AFTA Travel Pages

FLIGHT CENTRE CHURCH STREET C/- Shop 1083 McFarlane St Merrylands NSW 2160 133 133

Member Directory As at 31 December 2014 FLIGHT CENTRE ERINA B Shop T70A, Erina Fair Shopping Centre Terrigal Drive ERINA NSW 2250 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE FOREST LAKE Shop 61, Forest Lake S/C 235 Forest Lake Boulevard Forest Lake QLD 4078 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE EASTLAND Shop L005, Eastland Shopping Centre 171-175 Maroondah Highway RINGWOOD VIC 3134 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE ESPERANCE Shop 15, Boulevard Shopping Centre Forrest Street ESPERANCE WA 6450 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE FOREST LAKES Shop 43, Forest Lakes Shopping Centre Murdoch Road THORNLIE WA 6108 133 133


FLIGHT CENTRE EVERTON PARK Shop 18, Northwest Plaza 97 Flockton St Everton Park QLD 4053 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE FORESTWAY Shop 10A, Forestway Shopping Centre Corner Warringah Road & Forestway FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE F&B QUEEN STREET MALL (BOH) Level 2 114 Queen Street Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE FORREST CHASE Shop 53, Forrest Chase Shopping Centre 419 Wellington Street PERTH WA 6000 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE ECHUCA 207 Pakenham Street ECHUCA VIC 3564 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE EDGECLIFF Shop 4, Edgecliff Centre 203 New South Head Road EDGECLIFF NSW 2027 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ELI WATERS Shop 21, Eli Waters Shopping Village Corner Maryborough and Hervey Bay Roads HERVEY BAY QLD 4655 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ELIZABETH SHOP 44B, ELIZABETH CITY CENTRE ELIZABETH WAY ELIZABETH SA 5112 133 133 Flight Centre Elizabeth Street (BOH) Shop UG03 39 Martin Place Sydney NSW 2000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ELIZABETH STREET (NSW) Shop UG03, Ground Floor 39 Martin Place SYDNEY NSW 2000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ELLENBROOK Shop 31, The Shops at Ellenbrook 204 Pinaster Parade Ellenbrook WA 6069 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ELSTERNWICK 359 Glenhuntly Road ELSTERNWICK VIC 3185 133 133 LIGHT CENTRE ELTHAM 1024 Main Road ELTHAM VIC 3095 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ELWOOD Shop 2, 125 Ormond Road ELWOOD VIC 3184 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ENDEAVOUR HILLS Shop 67B, Endeavour Hills Shopping Centre Heatherton Road ENDEAVOUR HILLS VIC 3802 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ENGADINE Shop 2, 1033 Old Princess Highway ENGADINE NSW 2233 133 133


FLIGHT CENTRE FORRESTFIELD Shop 24, Forrestfield Market Place 20 Strelitzia Avenue Forrestfield WA 6153 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE FAIRFIELD (NSW) Shop G35, Neeta City Shopping Centre Smart Street FAIRFIELD NSW 2165 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE FORSTER Shop 123 Stockland Mall Forster Breese Parade FORSTER NSW 2428 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE FAIRFIELD GARDENS Shop 25, Fairfield Gdns S/C 180 Fairfield Gardens Rd Fairfield QLD 4103 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE FOUNTAIN GATE Shop 2118, Westfield Fountain Gate 352 Princes Highway FOUNTAIN GATE VIC 3805 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE FIGTREE Shop 37, Westfield Figtree Corner Princess Hwy & The Avenue FIGTREE NSW 2525 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE FRANKSTON Shop 5, Corner Young And Playne Street FRANKSTON VIC 3199 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE FIRLE Shop 19 Firle Plaza 171 Glynburn Road Firle SA 5070 133 133 Flight Centre First & Business NSW Diamond Level 1, 33 Berry Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE FIRST & BUSINESS MELBOURNE 433 Chapel Street SOUTH YARRA VIC 3141 133 133 Flight Centre First & Business NSW-Platinum Level 3 Level 3 North Sydney NSW 2060 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE FIRST & BUSINESS WA 729 Hay St Mall Perth WA 6000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE FIVE DOCK 109 Great North Road FIVE DOCK NSW 2046 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE FLINDERS LANE 112 Flinders Lane MELBOURNE VIC 3000 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE EPPING PLAZA Shop 114, Epping Plaza Shopping Centre Corner Cooper & High Streets EPPING VIC 3076 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE FLOREAT Shop 78, Floreat Forum Shopping Centre Howtree Place FLOREAT WA 6014 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE ERINA A Shop T70A, Erina Fair Shopping Centre Terrigal Drive ERINA NSW 2250 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE FOREST HILL Shop 166, Forest Hill Chas Shopping Centre 270 Canterbury Road FOREST HILL VIC 3131 133 133

AFTA Travel Pages

FLIGHT CENTRE EASTGARDENS B Shop 166, Westfield EastGardens 152 Bunnerong Road PAGEWOOD NSW 2035 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE FREMANTLE Shop 6A, Queensgate Complex William Street FREMANTLE WA 6160 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE FREMANTLE MARKETPLACE Shop 6A The Queensgate Centre Cnr William & Newman St Fremantle WA 6160 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE FRESHWATER Shop 13 & 17, 1 - 3 Moore Road HARBORD NSW 2096 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE FULHAM GARDENS SHOP 5 FULHAM GARDENS SHOPPING CENTRE TAPLEYS HILL ROAD FULHAM GARDENS SA 5024 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE GALERIES VICTORIA RLG03, Galeries Victoria 500 George Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE GALLERIA Shop 1038, Centro Galleria Corner Collier & Walter Roads MORLEY WA 6062 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE GALLERIA (MEL) Grnd Floor, 362 Little Collins St MELBOURNE VIC 3000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE GARDEN CITY Shop 110, Garden City Shopping Centre 125 Riseley Street BOORAGOON WA 6154 133 133

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Member Directory As at 31 December 2014

FLIGHT CENTRE GARDEN CITY STH Shop 1036, Westfield Garden City Corner Logan & Kessels Roads UPPER MOUNT GRAVATT QLD 4122 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE GATEWAYS Shop 19, Gateways Shopping City 812 Beeliar Drive SUCCESS WA 6164 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE GAWLER SHOP-2 , LOT 51 COMMERCIAL LANE GAWLER SA 5118 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE GEELONG 122 Moorabool Street GEELONG VIC 3220 133 133 Flight Centre Geelong (BOH) Shop 3, 136 Pakington Street Geelong VIC 3218 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE GEORGE STREET (QLD) 181 George Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE GERALDTON Shop 14A, Stirlings Central 54 Sanford Street GERALDTON WA 6530 133 133


FLIGHT CENTRE GLENORCHY Shop T12, Glenorchy Plaza 350-360 Main Road GLENORCHY TAS 7010 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE GUNGAHLIN Shop 9, The G Shopping Centre 46-48 Hibberson Street GUNGAHLIN ACT 2912 133 133


FLIGHT CENTRE GYMEA Shop B 57 Gymea Bay Road GYMEA NSW 2227 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE GORDON Shop 7, Gordon Centre 802-808 Pacific Highway GORDON NSW 2072 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE GOSFORD Shop 120, Imperial Shopping Centre 171 Mann Street GOSFORD NSW 2250 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE GOUGER STREET SHOP 38, VICTORIA SQUARE SHOPPING CENTRE 36 GOUGER STREET ADELAIDE SA 5000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE GOULBURN Shop T22, Centro Goulburn 217 Auburn Street GOULBURN NSW 2580 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE GERALDTON 2 Level 3, 191 St Georges Tce Perth WA 6000 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE GRAFTON Tenancy 20, Grafton Shoppingworld Corner Fitzroy & Duke Streets GRAFTON NSW 2460 133 133


FLIGHT CENTRE GREENSBOROUGH Shop 116 Greensborough Plaza 25-35 Main Street GREENSBOROUGH VIC 3088 133 133


FLIGHT CENTRE GREENSLOPES Shop T5, Greenslopes Conv Centre 620 Logan Rd Greenslopes QLD 4120 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE GISBORNE Shop 5, 23C Hamilton St Gisborne VIC 3437 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE GLADESVILLE Shop 3A, Gladesville Shopping Centre 1-7 Flagstaff Street GLADESVILLE NSW 2111 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE GLADSTONE Shop 81, Stockland Gladstone Corner Dawson Highway & Phillip Street GLADSTONE QLD 4680 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE GLADSTONE SQUARE Shop 1C, Gladstone Valley Shopping Centre 184 Goondoon Street Gladstone QLD 4680 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE GLEN WAVERLEY Shop 2.07, Centro The Glen Shopping Centre 235 Springvale Road GLEN WAVERLEY VIC 3150 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE Glendale Shop 14A Stockland Glendale S/C 387 Lake Road Glendale NSW 2285 133 133



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FLIGHT CENTRE GRENFELL STREET GROUND FLOOR 50 GRENFELL STREET ADELAIDE SA 5000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE GRIFFITH Shop 26b, Griffith Central Shopping Centre 10-12 Yambill Street GRIFFITH NSW 2680 133 133 Flight Centre Groups -Kryptonite Level 3, 33 Berry Street North Sydney NSW 2060 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE GROUPS NSW - SAPPHIRE Level 3/33 Berry st North Sydney NSW 2060 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE GROUPS QLD 115 Albert St (Middle Room ) BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133 Flight Centre Groups SANT 143 Melbourne St North Adelaide SA 5006 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE GROUPS SOUTHERN CROSS 433 Chapel Street SOUTH YARRA VIC 3141 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE GYMPIE Shop F5, Centro Gympie Shopping Centre, Corner Excelsior Road & Bruce Highway GYMPIE QLD 4570 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE HALLETT COVE Shop 57, Hallett Cove Shopping Centre 246 Lonsdale Road HALLETT COVE SA 5158 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE HAMILTON HARBOUR SHOPT-7, KSD1 Building, Hamilton Harbour 485 Kingsford Smith Drive QLD 4007 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE HAMPTON 452 Hampton Street HAMPTON VIC 3188 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE HARBOUR TOWN Shop A053, Harbourtown Shopping Centre Cnr Gold Coast Hwy & Oxley Drive BIGGERA WATERS QLD 4216 133 133 Flight Centre Hargrave (Queen St Mall 4) Ground Floor 114 Queen Street Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE HASTINGS Shop 8, Kmart Plaza 20 Victoria Street HASTINGS VIC 3915 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE HAWTHORN 719 Glenferrie Road HAWTHORN VIC 3122 133 133 Flight Centre Hay Street 729 Hay Street Hall Perth WA 6000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE HEIDELBERG 98 Burgundy Street HEIDELBERG VIC 3084 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE HELENSVALE Shop 1003, Westfield Helensvale 1-29 Millaroo Drive HELENSVALE QLD 4212 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE HENLEY BEACH Shop 5 & 5a, Henley Square Pavillion 340 Seaview Rd Henley Beach SA 5022 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE HIGH WYCOMBE Shop 19A High Wycombe Village Shopping Centre 530 Kalamunda Road HIGH WYCOMBE WA 6057 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE HIGHPOINT Shop 3119, Highpoint Shopping Centre 200 Rosamond Road MARIBYRNONG VIC 3032 133 133

AFTA Travel Pages

Flight Centre Garden City Shop 2010, Westfield Garden City Corner Logan & Kessels Roads UPPER MOUNT GRAVATT QLD 4122 133 133

Member Directory As at 31 December 2014

FLIGHT CENTRE HOBART Shop 2, 136 Collins Street HOBART TAS 7000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE HOLLYWOOD Shop 30 Centro Hollywood Shopping Centre Cnr Winzor St and Spains Rd Salisbury Downs SA 5108 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE IPSWICH Shop 6A, City Plaza 2 Bell Street IPSWICH QLD 4305 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE IPSWICH RIVERLINK Shop 38, Ipswich Riverlink S/C Corner Downs Road & The Terrace NORTH IPSWICH QLD 4305 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE IVANHOE 198 Upper Heidelberg Road IVANHOE VIC 3079 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE HORNSBY FIERCE Shop 1011, Westfield Hornsby Corner Florence & Hunter Streets HORNSBY NSW 2077 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE JESMOND Shop 17, Stockland Jesmond 28 Blue Gum Road JESMOND NSW 2299 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE HORNSBY GLORY Shop 1011, Westfield Hornsby Corner Florence & Hunter Streets HORNSBY NSW 2077 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE JOONDALUP Shop T31, Lakeside Joondalup Shopping City 420 Joondalup Drive JOONDALUP WA 6027 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE HOTELS ONLINE Level 6 157 Ann Street Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE HURSTVILLE Shop 442, Westfield Hurtsville Corner Cross Street & Park Road HURSTVILLE NSW 2220 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE HYDE PARK Shop 1, 1 Mitchell Street HYDE PARK SA 5061 133 133 Flight Centre Hyper Store White 729 Hay St Mall Perth WA 6000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE INDOOROOPILLY 2 Shop 1052, Indooroopilly Shopping Centre, 322 Moggill Road Indooroopilly QLD 4068 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE INDOOROOPILLY MEGA Shop 1039, Indooroopilly Shopping Centre 322 Moggill Road INDOOROOPILLY QLD 4068 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE INDOOROOPILLY SHOPPINGTOWN Shop 1052, Indooroopilly Shopping Centre 322 Moggill Road INDOOROOPILLY QLD 4068 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE INGLE FARM SHOP 7A, INGLE FARM SHOPPING CENTRE WALKLEYS ROAD INGLE FARM SA 5098 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE INGLEBURN Shops 1 & 2, 19-21 Oxford Road INGLEBURN NSW 2565 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE INGLEWOOD Shop 1, The Clock Tower Inglewood 927 Beaufort St (Corner Dundes Street) INGLEWOOD WA 6052 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE INNALOO Shop 1052, Westfield Innaloo Oswald Street INNALOO WA 6018 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE KALAMUNDA Shop 4,Centro Kalamunda 39 Railway Road KALAMUNDA WA 6076 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE KALGOORLIE Shop 3, 169 Hannan Street KALGOORLIE WA 6430 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE KARDINYA Shop 14, Kardinya Park Shopping Centre 15 South Street KARDINYA WA 6163 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE KARINGAL HUB Shop T93, Karingal Hub Shopping Centre 330 Cranbourne Road FRANKSTON VIC 3199 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE KARRINYUP Shop G65, Karrinyup Shopping Centre 200 Karrinyup Shopping Centre KARRINYUP WA 6018 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE KATOOMBA Shop 2, Katoomba Village Centre 32 Parke St KATOOMBA NSW 2780 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE KAWANA Shop 309A, Kawana Shopping World 119 Point Cartwright Drive BUDDINA QLD 4575 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE KEILOR Shop 36, Centro Keilor 16 Taylors Road KEILOR DOWNS VIC 3038 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE KELMSCOTT Shop 14B, Kelmscott Plaza 2865 Albany Highway Kelmscott WA 6111 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE KENMORE Shop 49, Kenmore Village Shopping Centre 9 Brookfield Road KENMORE QLD 4069 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE KENSINGTON 513 Macaulay Road KENSINGTON VIC 3031 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE KEW 171 High Street KEW VIC 3101 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE KIAMA 98 Terralong St Kiama NSW 2533 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE KING GEORGE SQUARE Shop 3, Commonwealth Bank Building Corner Adelaide & Albert Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE KING ST Lot 2, 75 King St SYDNEY NSW 2000 133 133

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FLIGHT CENTRE HIGHTON Shop 14, 65 - 71 Barrabool Road HIGHTON VIC 3216 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE KINGS CROSS B Shop G14, Kingsgate Shopping Centre 88-94 Darlinghurst Road KINGS CROSS NSW 2011 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE KINGS MEADOWS Shop 33, Meadow Mews Shopping Centre 102-106 Hobart Road KINGS MEADOWS TAS 7249 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE KINGSTON Shop CT2, Channel Court Shopping Centre 37-43 Channel Highway KINGSTON TAS 7051 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE KINGSTON ACT Shop 28A, Cusack Centre Corner Eyre Street & Jardine Street KINGSTON ACT 2604 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE KINGSWAY Shop 50, Kingsway City Shopping Centre 168 Wanneroo Road MADELEY WA 6065 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE KINROSS Shop 15/16 Kinross S/C Cnr Connolly & Selkirk Dves Kinross WA 6028 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE KIRRIBILLI Unit 1, 21 Broughton Street KIRRIBILLI NSW 2061 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE KNOX CITY Shop 1056, Knox City Shopping Centre Corner Burwood Highway & Stud Road WANTIRNA SOUTH VIC 3152 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE KOGARAH Shop 6A, Kogarah Town Centre 7 Railway Parade Kogarah NSW 2217 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE KOTARA FRESH Shop 2.26, Westfield Kotara Corner Park Avenue & Northcott Drive KOTARA NSW 2289 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE KOTARA ONE Shop 2.26, Westfield Kotara Corner Park Avenue & Northcott Drive KOTARA NSW 2289 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE KURRALTA Centro Shopping Centre 153 Anzac Highway Kurralta Park SA 5037 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE KWINANA Shop T79 Kwinana Marketplace 4 Chisham Avenue Kwinana Town Centre WA 6167 133 133

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Member Directory As at 31 December 2014 FLIGHT CENTRE MACARTHUR SQUARE Shop UO4O, Macarthur Square Corner Gilchrist Drive & Kellicar Road CAMPBELLTOWN NSW 2560 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE LANE COVE Shop 2, 73 Longueville Road LANE COVE NSW 2066 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE MACKAY Shop 50A, Caneland Central Corner Victoria Street & Mangrove Road MACKAY QLD 4740 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE LAUNCESTON 65 Brisbane Street LAUNCESTON TAS 7250 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE LAVINGTON Shop 50, Centro Lavington Corner Griffith Road & Breen Street LAVINGTON NSW 2641 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE LEEDERVILLE 152 Oxford Street LEEDERVILLE WA 6007 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE LEICHHARDT Shop 3, Leichhardt Market Place Corner Marion & Flood Streets LEICHHARDT NSW 2040 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE LILYDALE Shop T70, Lilydale Marketplace 33-45 Hutchinson Street Lilydale VIC 3140 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE LISMORE Shop 28, Lismore Shopping Centre Corner Brewster & McKenzie Streets LISMORE NSW 2480 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE LIVERPOOL Shop 164, Westfield Liverpool Macquarie Street LIVERPOOL NSW 2170 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE LIVERPOOL ST (NSW) Shop 2, 130-134 Elizabeth Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE LIVERPOOL ST SPECIALIST Level 1, 33 Berry St NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE LIVERPOOL STREET (TAS) 84 Liverpool Street HOBART TAS 7000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE LIVINGSTON Shop E32A, Livingston Marketplace Shopping Centre Corner Ranford & Nicholson Roads CANNING VALE WA 6155 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE LOGANHOLME Shop 68, Logan Hyperdome Corner Bryants Road & Pacific Highway LOGANHOLME QLD 4127 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE LUTWYCHE Shop 16B, Centro Lutwyche 543 Lutwyche Road LUTWYCHE QLD 4030 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE LYNBROOK Shop 22, Lynbrook Village Shopping Centre Corner Lynbrook Boulevard & South Gippsland Hwy LYNBROOK VIC 3975 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MACARTHUR CENTRAL Shop LG 2, Macarthur Central 255 Queen Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133


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FLIGHT CENTRE MACQUARIE POWER Shop 11, Macquarie Shopping Centre 197 Herring Road NORTH RYDE NSW 2113 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MACQUARIE VOLTAGE Shop 11, Macquarie Shopping Centre 197 Herring Road NORTH RYDE NSW 2113 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MADDINGTON Shop 52, Centro Maddington Shopping Centre 43 Attfield Street MADDINGTON WA 6109 133 133 Flight Centre Magellan (Queen St Mall 3) Ground Floor 114 Queen Street Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MAITLAND Shop 44, Stockland Green Hills Molly Morgan Drive EAST MAITLAND NSW 2323 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MAJURA PARK Tenancy 7, 18 - 26 Spitfire Ave MAJURA ACT 2609 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MALVERN 131 Glenferrie Road MALVERN VIC 3144 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MANDURAH Shop 77A, Centro Mandurah 330 Pinjara Road MANDURAH WA 6210 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MANLY Shop 2, 8 Belgrave Street MANLY NSW 2095 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MANLY WEST Shop 14, Mayfair on Manly Cnr Manly & Hargreaves Roads MANLY WEST QLD 4179 133 133

Flight Centre Market St Shop M1, 2 Market Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MAROUBRA JUNCTION Shop 8, Pacific Square 707-745 Anzac Parade MAROUBRA NSW 2035 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MARRICKVILLE METRO Shop 93, Marrickville Metro Shopping Centre 34 Victoria Road MARRICKVILLE NSW 2204 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MARRICKVILLE RD 234 Marrickville Road MARRICKVILLE NSW 2204 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MARTIN PLACE Shop 2D, Level 1, Colonial Centre Arcade 52 Martin Place SYDNEY NSW 2000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MARY STREET Shop 2, 133 Mary Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MARYBOROUGH Shop 34B, Station Sq S/C 142 Lennox St Maryborough QLD 4650 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MAWSON Shop 2A, Southlands Shopping Centre 8-12 Mawson Drive MAWSON ACT 2607 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MAWSON LAKES Shop 8b, the Promenade 121 Mawson Lakes Blvde Mawson Lakes SA 5095 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MAYLANDS Shop 84, Eighth Avenue MAYLANDS WA 6051 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MCLAREN VALE Shop T23, Mclaren Vale Shopping Centre1 130 Main Road McLaren Vale SA 5171 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MEADOW SPRINGS Shop 15, Meadow Springs Shopping Centre 25 Meadow Springs Drive MEADOW SPRINGS WA 6210 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE MANUKA 3 Flinders Way MANUKA ACT 2603 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE MEGA STARS Shop 009, Myer Centre 91 Queen St BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE MARGARET RIVER Shop 1, 129 Bussell Highway Margaret River WA 6285 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE MELBOURNE Shop 1, 360 Bourke St MELBOURNE VIC 3000 133 133


FLIGHT CENTRE MELBOURNE AIRPORT Shop 42, Departures Level, Melbourne International Airport Airport Drive MELBOURNE AIRPORT VIC 3045 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE MARION RED Shop 2034, Westfield Marion 297 Diagonal Rd Oaklands Park SA 5046 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MARION WHITE SHOP 2034, WESTFIELD MARION 297 DIAGONAL ROAD OAKLANDS PARK SA 5046 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE MELBOURNE STREET 143 Melbourne Street North Adelaide SA 5006 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MELTON Shop T101, Woodgrove Shopping Centre 533 - 555 High Street MELTON VIC 3337 133 133

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FLIGHT CENTRE LAKE HAVEN Shop 78, Lake Haven Shopping Centre Lake Haven Drive LAKE HAVEN NSW 2263 133 133

Member Directory As at 31 December 2014 FLIGHT CENTRE MODBURY SHOP 223, WESTFIELD TEA TREE PLAZA 976 NORTH EAST ROAD MODBURY SA 5092 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE MENTONE 3 Como Parade West MENTONE VIC 3194 133 133

Flight Centre Monavale Shop 2, 13 Bungan Street MONA VALE NSW 2103 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE MT LAWLEY Shop 4, Beaucott Building 652 Beaufort Street MOUNT LAWLEY WA 6050 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE MERRYLANDS Shop 1083, McFarlane Street MERRYLANDS NSW 2160 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE MOOLOOLABA Shop 2, Mooloolaba Business Centre Corner Walan Street & Brisbane Road MOOLOOLABA QLD 4557 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE MT OMMANEY Shop 142, Mt Ommaney Shopping Centre 171 Dandenong Road MOUNT OMMANEY QLD 4074 133 133


Flight Centre Mt Ommaney 2 Shop 142, Mt Ommaney Centre 171 Dandenong Mt Ommaney QLD 4074 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE MET CENTRE Shop G17 Met Centre 60 Margaret Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MIAMI ONE Shop 10, Miami One Shopping Centre 1934 Gold Coast Highway MIAMI QLD 4220 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE MORAYFIELD Shop 79, Morayfield Shopping Centre 165-175 Morayfield Road MORAYFIELD QLD 4506 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE MIAMI PLAZA Shop 7, Miami Plaza Shopping Centre Corner Old Coast & Olive Roads FALCON WA 6210 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE MORAYFIELD CENTRAL Shop 13, Morayfield Shopping Centre 165-175 Morayfield Road MORAYFIELD QLD 4506 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE MIDLAND GATE Shop T061, Midland Gate Shopping Centre 25 Brockman Road MIDLAND WA 6056 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE MORDIALLOC Shop 2, Mordialloc Plaza 600 Main Street MORDIALLOC VIC 3195 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE MILDURA 131A Eighth Street MILDURA VIC 3500 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE MORISSET Shop 14a, Morisset Shopping Centre Corner Station & Newcastle Street MORISSET NSW 2265 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE MILLER STREET Shop P39, Northpoint Shopping Centre 100 Miller Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 133 133


FLIGHT CENTRE MILLIGAN ST Shop 1, 240 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000 133 133


FLIGHT CENTRE MILTON Shop 2, 23 Cribb Street MILTON QLD 4064 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE MOSMAN 717 Military Road MOSMAN NSW 2088 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE MIRANDA FAIR Shop 3042, Westfield Miranda Shopping Town 600 The Kingsway MIRANDA NSW 2228 133 133


FLIGHT CENTRE MIRRABOOKA Shop 82, Mirrabooka Square Shopping Centre 43 Yirrigan Drive MIRRABOOKA WA 6061 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MITCHELL CENTRE Shop 24, Mitchell Centre 55 - 59 Mitchell Street DARWIN NT 801 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MITTAGONG Shop 28, Highlands Market Place 197 Old Hume Highway MITTAGONG NSW 2575 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MLC CENTRE Shop 633, MLC Centre 19-29 Martin Place SYDNEY NSW 2000 133 133 Flight Centre Mobile Travel Brisbane C/- Shop 3, 168 Oxford St Bulimba QLD 4171 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE MOUNTAIN GATE Shop 30c, Mountain Gate Shopping Centre 1900 Ferntree Gully Road FERNTREE GULLY VIC 3156 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MT DRUITT Shop 62, Westfield Mt Druitt Corner Carlisle & Luxford Road MOUNT DRUITT NSW 2770 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MT ELIZA 61 Mt Eliza Way MOUNT ELIZA VIC 3930 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MT GAMBIER Shop 16A, Centro Mt Gambier Shopping Centre Helen Street MT GAMBIER SA 5290 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MT GRAVATT PLAZA Shop 15A, Mt Gravatt Plaza Corner Creek & Logan Roads UPPER MOUNT GRAVATT QLD 4122 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE MT HAWTHORN Shop 2, 186 Scarborough Beach Road MOUNT HAWTHORN WA 6016 133 133

AFTA Travel Pages

FLIGHT CENTRE MELVILLE Shop 27, Centro Melville Shopping Centre 380 Canning Highway BICTON WA 6157 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE MT PLEASANT Shop 147, Mt Pleasant Shopping Centre Corner Malcomson Street & Bucasia Road NORTH MACKAY QLD 4740 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MT SHERIDAN Shop 56, Mount Sheridan Plaza 106 Barnard Drive MT SHERIDAN QLD 4868 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MUDGEE Shop 1, Mortimer Centre 90 - 96 Mortimer St Mudgee NSW 2850 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MUNDARING 54 Great Eastern Highway MUNDARING WA 6073 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MUNNO PARA SHOP 24B, MUNNO PARA SHOPPING CENTRE MAIN NORTH ROAD MUNNO PARA SA 5115 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MURRAY BRIDGE Shop T44 Murray Bridge M/P 23 - 51 South Tce Murray Bridge SA 5253 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MURRAY STREET 131 Murray Street PERTH WA 6000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MURWILLUMBAH Shop 13, Sunnyside Mall 42 - 56 Wollumbin Street MURWILLUMBAH NSW 2484 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE MYER CENTRE Shop 009 Level A, Myer Centre 91 Queen St BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE NAMBOUR Shop 19a, Nambour Plaza 28 Ann Street NAMBOUR QLD 4560 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE NARELLAN Shop 47A, Narellan Town Centre 326 Camden Valley Way NARELLAN NSW 2567 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE NEPEAN Shop 54, Centro Nepean Corner Station & Woodriff Streets PENRITH NSW 2750 133 133

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Member Directory As at 31 December 2014

FLIGHT CENTRE NEUTRAL BAY Shop 3, 173 Military Road NEUTRAL BAY NSW 2089 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE NEW FARM 880 Brunswick Street NEW FARM QLD 4005 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE NEWCASTLE 97-99 Hunter Street NEWCASTLE NSW 2300 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE NEWMARKET Shop 113, Reading Newmarket Corner Newmarket & Enoggera Roads NEWMARKET QLD 4051 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE NEWTON Shop T16, Newton Village S/C CNR Starbroke & Montacute Rd Newton SA 5074 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE NEWTOWN 312 King Street NEWTOWN NSW 2042 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE NIDDRIE Shop 2, 344 Keilor Road NIDDRIE VIC 3042 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE NOOSA Shop 31, Noosa Fair Shopping Centre 3 Lanyana Way NOOSA HEADS QLD 4567 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE NOOSA CIVIC Shop T1061 Noosa Civic Eenie Creek Road Noosaville QLD 4567 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE NOOSA VILLAGE Shop 11, Noosa Village Shopping Centre Corner Mary Street & Gibson Road NOOSAVILLE QLD 4566 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE NORANDA Shop 43A, Noranda Palm Shopping Centre Benara Road NORANDA WA 6062 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE NORTH BRIGHTON 378 Bay Street BRIGHTON VIC 3186 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE NORTH ESSENDON 1061 Mt Alexander Road ESSENDON VIC 3040 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE ONLINE FORCE Shop 2, 186 Scarborough Beach Rd Mt Hawthorn WA 6016 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE NORTH ROCKHAMPTON Shop 229, Stockland Rockhampton Shopping Centre Corner Yaamba Road and Highway One NORTH ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4701 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE ORANGE Shop 1, 205 Anson Street ORANGE NSW 2800 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE NORTH ROCKS Shop 54,Westfield North Rocks 328 North Rocks Road NORTH ROCKS NSW 2151 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE NORTH RYDE shop 2, 142 Cox’s Rd North Ryde NSW 2113 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE NORTHBRIDGE NSW Shop G05, 128 Sailors Bay Road NORTHBRIDGE NSW 2063 133 133 Flight Centre Northbridge WA Shop 2, 189 Williams Street NORTHBRIDGE WA 6003 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE NORTHCOTE PLAZA Shop GZ13, Northcote Plaza Shopping Centre 3 Separation Street NORTHCOTE VIC 3070 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE NORTHERN BEACHES MACKAY Shop 10, Northern Beaches Central S/C Cnr Eimeo & Mackay-Bucasia Roads Rural View QLD 4740 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE NORTHLAND Shop J-002 Northland Shopping Centre 2-50 Murray Road PRESTON VIC 3072 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE NORTHSHORE Shop 008, Stockland Northshore, Main St Burdell QLD 4818 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE NORTON PLAZA Shop T27, Norton Plaza 55 Norton Street LEICHHARDT NSW 2040 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE NORWEST Shop T24A, Norwest Marketown 4 Century Circuit BAULKHAM HILLS NSW 2153 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE NORWOOD 148B THE PARADE NORWOOD SA 5067 133 133


FLIGHT CENTRE NOWRA Shop 29, Stockland Nowra 32 - 60 East Street NOWRA NSW 2541 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE NORTH LAKES Shop 1087, Westfield North Lakes 101 North Lakes Drive MANGO HILL QLD 4509 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE NUNDAH Shop 14, Nundah Village Corner Sandgate & Buckland Roads NUNDAH QLD 4012 133 133


FLIGHT CENTRE OCEAN KEYS Shop 11, Ocean Keys Shopping Centre 36 Ocean Keys Boulevard CLARKSON WA 6030 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE NORTH PARK Shop 62 North Park Shopping Centre Main North Road Prospect SA 5082 133 133


FLIGHT CENTRE NORTH PERTH Shop 18, 391 Fitzgerald Street NORTH PERTH WA 6006 133 133

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FLIGHT CENTRE OXENFORD Shop 10, Centro Oxenford Shopping Centre Corner Old Pacific Highway & Mt Tamborine Road OXENFORD QLD 4210 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE OXLEY Shop 11, The Station Oxley Shopping Centre Cnr Oxley Station Road & Lincoln Street Oxley QLD 4075 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE PACIFIC FAIR Shop 11, Pacific Fair Shopping Centre Hooker Boulevard BROADBEACH QLD 4218 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE PACIFIC HWY Shop 2, 80 Pacific Highway NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE PADDINGTON 225 Given Terrace PADDINGTON QLD 4064 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE PAKENHAM Shop 27, Pakenham Marketplace 50 - 54 John Street PAKENHAM VIC 3810 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE PAKINGTON ST Shop 3, 136 Pakington Street GEELONG WEST VIC 3218 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE PALMERSTON Shop T38, Palmerston Shopping Centre Temple Terrace PALMERSTON NT 830 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE PARABANKS SHOP 14A, PARABANKS SHOPPING CENTRE JOHN STREET SALISBURY SA 5108 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE PARKMORE Shop H04, Parkmore Shopping Centre 317 Cheltenham Road KEYSBOROUGH VIC 3173 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE PARRAMATTA NORTH SHOP 3079, WESTFIELD SHOPPINGTOWN NORTH 159-175 CHURCH STREET PARRAMATTA NSW 2150 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE PARRAMATTA SOUTH Shop 3079, Westfield Parramatta 159-175 Church Street PARRAMATTA NSW 2150 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE PASADENA Shop 20, Pasadena Shopping Centre Five Ash Drive Pasadena SA 5042 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE PATTERSON LAKES Shop 21, Harbour Plaza 21 Thompson Road Patterson Lakes VIC 3197 133 133 Flight Centre Pennant Hills 50b Rawson Street Epping NSW 2121 133 133

AFTA Travel Pages

FLIGHT CENTRE NERANG Shop 41, My Centre 57 Station Street NERANG QLD 4211 133 133

Member Directory As at 31 December 2014

FLIGHT CENTRE PENRITH PHOENIX Shop 74, Westfield Penrith 585 High Street PENRITH NSW 2750 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE PHOENIX Shop 10, Phoenix Park Shopping Centre 254 Rockingham Road SPEARWOOD WA 6163 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE PIALBA PLACE Shop 51, Pialba Place Shopping Centre 30 Main Street HERVEY BAY QLD 4655 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE PICTON Shop 1, 112 Argyle Street PICTON NSW 2571 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE PINEWOOD Shop 1, Pinewood Shopping Centre 47 The Centreway MOUNT WAVERLEY VIC 3149 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE PITTWATER PLACE Shop 12, Pittwater Place 10 Park Street MONA VALE NSW 2103 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE PLAZA FOODCOURT SHOP 13, WESTFIELD TEA TREE PLAZA 976 NORTH EAST STREET MODBURY SA 5092 133 133 Flight Centre Plaza Foodcourt Red Shop 13, Westfield Tea Tree Plaza 976 North East Road MODBURY SA 5092 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE PLAZA PARADE Shop 116A, Sunshine Plaza Shopping Centre Corner Horton Parade & Maroochydore Road MAROOCHYDORE QLD 4558 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE PLENTY VALLEY Shop 63 Westfield Plenty Valley S/C 415 McDonalds Road MILL PARK VIC 3752 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE PLUMPTON Shop T19A Plumpton Marketplace Cnr Hyatts & Jersey Road Plumpton NSW 2761 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE POINT COOK Shop 106, Point Cook Shopping Centre Corner Dunnings Road & Broadwalk Blvd POINT COOK VIC 3030 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE PORT DOUGLAS 1/46 Macrossan Street PORT DOUGLAS QLD 4871 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE PORT LINCOLN Shop 6 Port Plaza Edinburgh Street Port Lincoln SA 5606 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE PORT MACQUARIE Shop 32, Port Central Shopping Centre 40-42 Horton Street PORT MACQUARIE NSW 2444 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE PORT MELBOURNE Shop 3, 200 Bay Street PORT MELBOURNE VIC 3207 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE POST OFFICE SQUARE Shop 26, Post Office Square 280 Queen Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE POTTS POINT Shop 2, 75 Macleay Street POTTS POINT NSW 2011 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE PRAHRAN Shop G39, Pran Central Shopping Centre 325 Chapel Street PRAHRAN VIC 3181 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE PYRMONT Shop 2, The Atrium 60 Union Street Pyrmont NSW 2009 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE Q SUPER CENTRE Shop B8A, Q Super Centre Markeri Street MERMAID WATERS QLD 4218 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE QUEANBEYAN Shop 5, Riverside Plaza 131 Monaro St QUEANBEYAN ACT 2620 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE QUEEN STREET 34 Queen Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE QUEEN STREET (QLD) 360 Queen Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE QUEEN STREET MALL Ground Floor 114 Queen St Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE QUEENSBRIDGE Shop 2, Customs House Lane 15 Williams Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE RANDWICK 35-41 Belmore Road RANDWICK NSW 2031 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE RAYMOND TERRACE Shop 38 Raymond Tce MarketPlace 35-39 William St NSW 2324 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE REDBANK PLAZA Shop 28, Redbank Plaza 1 Collingwood Drive REDBANK QLD 4301 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE REDCLIFFE Shop G32, Kippa Ring Shopping Centre 284 Anzac Avenue KIPPA-RING QLD 4021 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE RENMARK Shop T13 Renmark Plaza Shopping Centre Renmark Avenue RENMARK SA 5341 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE REVESBY Shop 12, Revesby Abbey 19-29 Marco Avenue REVESBY NSW 2212 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE RHODES WATERSIDE Shop 24, Rhodes Waterside Shopping Centre 1 Rider Boulevard RHODES NSW 2138 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE RICHMOND 109 Bridge Rd RICHMOND VIC 3121 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE RICHMOND NSW Shop 3, Richmond Marketplace 68 March St RICHMOND NSW 2753 133 133

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FLIGHT CENTRE PENRITH ODYSSEY Shop 74, Westfield Penrith 585 High Street PENRITH NSW 2750 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE RIVERTON Shop 72, Stockland Riverton Corner High Road and Willeri Drive RIVERTON WA 6148 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ROBINA Shop 4174, Robina Town Centre Robina Town Centre Drive ROBINA QLD 4230 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ROCKDALE Shop 9, Rockdale Plaza 1 Rockdale Plaza Road ROCKDALE NSW 2216 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ROCKINGHAM Shop G117A, Rockingham City Shopping Centre Corner Council Avenue & Read Street ROCKINGHAM WA 6168 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ROSE BAY SHOP 2, THE MARINER CNR NEW SOUTH HEAD RD & DOVER RD ROSE BAY NSW 2029 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ROSE CITY WARWICK Shop P3 Rose City Shopping World 81 Palmerin Street WARWICK QLD 4370 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ROSEBUD 1019 Point Nepean Road ROSEBUD VIC 3939 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ROSELANDS Shop 61, Centro Roselands Roselands Drive ROSELANDS NSW 2196 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ROSNY Shop 2, 7 Bayfield Street ROSNY TAS 7018 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ROUSE HILL Shop GR038 Rouse Hill Town Centre Windsor Road ROUSE HILL NSW 2155 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ROZELLE 625A Darling Street ROZELLE NSW 2039 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE RTW BENTLEIGH BOH 434 Centre Road Bentleigh VIC 3204 133 133 Flight Centre RTW Experts Queen Street Mall 1 Ground Floor 114 Queen Street Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133

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Member Directory As at 31 December 2014 FLIGHT CENTRE SEAFORD Shop T28, Seaford Shopping Ctr Commercial Rd Seaford SA 5169 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE SOUTHGATE PLAZA Shop 13, Southgate Plaza Shopping Ctr, Sherrifs Road (Cnr Hilliers Rd) Morphett Vale SA 5162 133 133

Flight Centre RTW Moonee Ponds (BOH) 44 Puckle Street Moonee Ponds VIC 3039 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE SEMAPHORE 38a Semaphore Road Semaphore Semaphore SA 5019 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE SOUTHLAND Shop 3046, Westfield Southland 1239 Nepean Highway CHELTENHAM VIC 3192 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE SETTLEMENT CITY Shop 3A, Settlement City Shopping Centre Corner Park & Bay Streets PORT MACQUARIE NSW 2444 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE SOUTHLAND BOULEVARD Shop 81, Southlands Boulevard Shopping Centre Burrendah Boulevard WILLETTON WA 6155 133 133

Flight Centre RTW NSW 1 683 Pittwater Road Dee Why NSW 2099 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE RTW NSW 2 683 PITTWATER ROAD Dee Why NSW 2099 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE RTW NTH ADELAIDE BOH, 143 Melbourne Street Adelaide SA 5006 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE RTW PERTH Level 1, 729 Hay St Mall Perth WA 6000 133 133 Flight Centre RTW St Agnes BOH - Shop 5, 1244 North East Rd, St Agnes Adelaide SA 5097 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE RTW TTP (BOH) BOH, Shop 63 Westfield Tea Tree Plaza 976 North East Rd Modbury SA 5092 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE RUNAWAY BAY Shop 61, Runaway Bay Shopping Village 10-12 Lae Drive RUNAWAY BAY QLD 4216 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE RUNAWAY BAY VILLAGE Shop GF 23, Runaway Bay Shopping Village 10-12 Lae Drive RUNAWAY BAY QLD 4216 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE RUNDLE STREET 186 RUNDLE STREET ADELAIDE SA 5000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE SALAMANDER BAY Shop 41, Salamader Bay Shopping Centre 2 Town Centre Circuit SALAMANDER BAY NSW 2317 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE SAMFORD Shop 1a, Village Place 55 Main Street SAMFORD QLD 4520 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE SANDGATE Shop 2, 9-15 Brighton Road SANDGATE QLD 4017 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE SANDRINGHAM 86 Station Street SANDRINGHAM VIC 3191 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE SANDY BAY 182 Sandy Bay Road SANDY BAY TAS 7005 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE SCARBOROUGH Shop 6, Luna Maxi Mart Corner Scarborough Beach Road & West Coast Highway SCARBOROUGH WA 6019 133 133


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FLIGHT CENTRE SEVEN HILLS Shop 22a, Centro Seven Hills Corner Prospect Highway & Federal Road SEVEN HILLS NSW 2147 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE SHELLHARBOUR Shop 1023a, Stockland Shellharbour Lake Entrance Road SHELLHARBOUR NSW 2529 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE SHEPPARTON 290 Wyndham Street SHEPPARTON VIC 3630 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE SHERWOOD Shop 2a, 686 Sherwood Road SHERWOOD QLD 4075 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE SINGLETON Shop 39A Singleton S/C 1 Gowrie Street Singleton NSW 2330 133 133 Flight Centre Sirius (Queen St Mall 2) Ground Floor 114 Queen St Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE Smithfield C/- Shop 57, Smithfield Centre Corner Captain Cook & Kennedy Highways SMITHFIELD QLD 4878 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE SOUTH MELBOURNE 289 Clarendon Street SOUTH MELBOURNE VIC 3205 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE SOUTH PERTH Shop 10 Millstream S/C 21 Mends St SOUTH PERTH WA 6151 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE SOUTH YARRA 433 Chapel Street SOUTH YARRA VIC 3141 133 133 Flight Centre Southern Cross 54 King William Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 133 133 Flight Centre Southern Cross 110 Exhibition Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE SOUTHGATE Shop P3, Southgate Shopping Centre 3 Southgate Avenue SOUTHBANK VIC 3006 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE SOUTHGATE NSW Shop 31 Southgate Shopping Centre Corner Port Hacking Road & Princes Highway SYLVANIA NSW 2283 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE SOUTHLAND FOODCOURT Shop 3070, Westfield Southland 1239 Nepean Highway CHELTENHAM VIC 3192 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE SOUTHPOINT Shop 10, Southpoint Shopping Centre 238 - 262 Bunnerong Road HILLSDALE NSW 2036 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE SOUTHPORT Shop T003, Southport Central 56 Scarborough Street SOUTHPORT QLD 4215 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE SOUTHPORT PARK Shop 18, Southport Park Shopping Centre Cnr Ferry & Benowa Roads SOUTHPORT QLD 4215 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE SPRING HILL SHOP 2, THE EDWARDIAN 474 UPPER EDWARD STREET SPRING HILL QLD 4000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE SPRING STREET Shop 2, 62 Pitt Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE SPRINGFIELD LAKES Shop 20A, Orion Springfield 1 Main Street SPRINGFIELD LAKES QLD 4300 133 133 Flight Centre Springwood Shop 32, Centro Springwood Corner Rochedale Road & Fitzgerald Avenue SPRINGWOOD QLD 4127 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE SPRINGWOOD Shop 7, 126 Macquarie Road SPRINGWOOD NSW 2777 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ST AGNES Shop 5, St Agnes Shopping Centre 1244 North East Road St Agnes SA 5097 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ST CLAIR Shop 17, St Clair Village Cheltenham Parade Cheltenham SA 5014 133 133 Flight Centre St Clair Shop 33. St Clair Shopping Centre 155 Bennett Rd St Clair NSW 2759 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ST GEORGES TERRACE 172 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000 133 133

AFTA Travel Pages

Flight Centre RTW Experts RED Queen Street Mall 2 Ground Floor 114 Queen Street Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133

Member Directory As at 31 December 2014

FLIGHT CENTRE ST KILDA ACLAND COURT Shop G2, Acland Court Shopping Centre 181-189 Barkly St ST KILDA VIC 3182 133 133 Flight Centre St Kilda Road Shop 3, 237 Exhibition Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ST LEONARDS Shop 3PI, The Forum Plaza 201-203 Pacific Highway ST LEONARDS NSW 2065 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ST PETERS Shop 10 The Avenues Shopping Centre 114 Payneham Road STEPNEY SA 5069 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE STAFFORD Shop E5B, Stafford City Shopping Centre 400 Stafford Road STAFFORD QLD 4053 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE STANHOPE GARDENS Shop 40, Stanhope Gardens Shopping Centre 2 Sentry Drive STANHOPE GARDENS NSW 2768 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE STIRLING Shop 1, 83 Mount Barker Road STIRLING SA 5152 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE STOCK EXCHANGE Shop 4 Church Lane 500 Collins Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE STOCK EXCHANGE (WA) Ground Floor, 55 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE STOCKLAND CAIRNS Shop 52, Stockland Cairns 537 Mulgrave Road EARLVILLE QLD 4870 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE STOCKLAND TOWNSVILLE Shop 242 Stockland Townsville 310 Ross River Road Aitkenvale QLD 4814 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE STRATHFIELD PLAZA Shop 5, Strathfield Plaza 11 The Boulevard STRATHFIELD NSW 2135 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE STRATHPINE Shop 101A, Westfield Strathpine 295 Gympie Road STRATHPINE QLD 4500 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE STUD PARK Shop 10A, Stud Park Shopping Centre Corner Stud & Fulham Roads ROWVILLE VIC 3178 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE SUBIACO Shop 2, 424 to 436 Hay Street SUBIACO WA 6008 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE SUMMER HILL 9 Lacky Street Summer Hill NSW 2130 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE SUNBURY 95 O-Shanassy Street Sunbury VIC 3429 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE SUNNYBANK Shop 32A, Sunnybank Plaza Corner Mains Road & McCullough Street SUNNYBANK QLD 4109 133 133 Flight Centre Sunshine Coast Direct Originals Shop 14, Chancellor Park Marketplace University Way Sippy Downs QLD 4556 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE THE JUNCTION Shop 12, Junction Shopping Village 10-16 Kenrick Street THE JUNCTION NSW 2291 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE THE PINES Shop 71, Stockland The Pines 181 Reynolds Road DONCASTER EAST VIC 3109 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE THE PINES ELANORA Shop 41, The Pines Shopping Centre Cnr Guineas Creek Rd & K.P. McGrath Drive Elanora QLD 4221 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE SUNSHINE MARKETPLACE Shop 27, Sunshine Marketplace 80 Harvester Road SUNSHINE VIC 3020 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE TOOMBUL Shop 32, Centro Toombul 1015 Sandgate Road TOOMBUL QLD 4012 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE SUNSHINE PLAZA Shop 266, Sunshine Plaza Shopping Centre Corner Horton Parade & Maroochydore Road MAROOCHYDORE QLD 4558 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE TOORAK 439 Toorak Road TOORAK VIC 3142 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE SURFERS PARADISE Shop 40, Chevron Renaissance 3240 Surfers Paradise Boulevard SURFERS PARADISE QLD 4217 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE SURRY HILLS Shop 11, Surry Hills Shopping Centre 2-38 Baptist Street REDFERN NSW 2016 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE SUTHERLAND Shop 6, 788 Old Princess Highway SUTHERLAND NSW 2232 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE SYDNEY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Shop 2-1666, T1 International Terminal Sydney Airport Mascot NSW 2020 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE SYDNEY STREET MARKETS Shop 16, Sydney Street Markets Corner Sydney & Gordon Streets MACKAY QLD 4740 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE TAIGUM Shop 35, Centro Taigum Corner Church & Beams Roads TAIGUM QLD 4018 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE TAMWORTH Shop T12, Tamworth City Plaza 436 Peel Street TAMWORTH NSW 2340 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE TAREE 6 Manning Street TAREE NSW 2430 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE TEMPLESTOWE 3 Macedon Road Templestowe Lower VIC 3107 133 133

AFTA Travel Pages

FLIGHT CENTRE ST IVES Shop 76, St Ives Shopping Village 166 Mona Vale Road ST IVES NSW 2075 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE TOORMINA Shop N2, Centro Toormina Shopping Centre 5 Toormina Road TOORMINA NSW 2452 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE TOORONGA VILLAGE Shop 005a, Stockland Tooronga Cnr Toorak & Tooronga Rd Glen Iris VIC 3146 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE TOOWONG Shop G4, Toowong Village Shopping Centre Sherwood Road TOOWONG QLD 4066 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE TOOWOOMBA Shop 84A, Grand Central Corner Margaret & Dent Streets TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE TOOWOOMBA PLAZA Shop 18, Toowoomba Plaza 878 Ruthven Street (Corner Stenner Street) TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE TOP RYDE Shop 1016, Top Ryde City Shopping Centre 109 - 129 Blaxland Road RYDE NSW 2113 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE TORONTO 82 The Boulevard TORONTO NSW 2283 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE TORRENSVILLE 170A HENLEY BEACH ROAD TORRENSVILLE SA 5031 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE TOWNHALL LG7, The Pavilion Plaza 580 George Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE TERRIGAL Shop 2, 98 Terrigal Esplanade TERRIGAL NSW 2260 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE TOWNSVILLE Shop 242, Stockland Townsville Corner Ross River Road & Nathan Street AITKENVALE QLD 4814 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE THE BARRACKS Shop 16B, The Barracks 61 Petrie Terrace BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE TOWNSVILLE CASTLETOWN Shop 60, Castletown Shopping Centre 35 Kings Road TOWNSVILLE QLD 4812 133 133

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FLIGHT CENTRE VICTORIA GARDENS Shop S29, Victoria Gardens S/C 620 Victoria St RICHMOND VIC 3121 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE TOWNSVILLE WILLOWS Shop 44, Willows Shopping Town Corner Hervey Range Road & Thuringowa Drive KIRWAN QLD 4817 133 133 Flight Centre Travel Group Limited Level 12 316 Adelaide Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 13 16 00 Flight Centre Travelwise Level 3 545 Queen St BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE TUGGERAH Shop 2051, Westfield Tuggerah Corner Cobbs & Gavenlock Road TUGGERAH NSW 2259 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE TUGGERANONG Shop 127, Tuggeranong Hyperdome 148 Anketell Street TUGGERANONG ACT 2900 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE VICTORIA POINT Shop 18, Victoria Point S/c 2 - 30 Bunker Rd VICTORIA POINT QLD 4165 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE WAGGA WAGGA Shop T2, Wagga Wagga Marketplace Baylis Street WAGGA WAGGA NSW 2650 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE WAHROONGA Shop 1, 18 Railway Avenue WAHROONGA NSW 2076 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE WANGARATTA 90 Murphy Street WANGARATTA VIC 3677 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE TUNSTALL SQUARE Shop 39, Tunstall Square Shopping Centre Corner Tunstall & Doncaster Roads DONCASTER EAST VIC 3109 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE WANNEROO Shop 8, Wanneroo Central 950 Wanneroo Road WANNEROO WA 6065 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE TWEED CITY Shop 112, Tweed City Shopping Centre 54 Minjungbal Drive TWEED HEADS SOUTH NSW 2486 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE WARNBRO Shop 17A, Centro Warnbro Shopping Centre 206 Warnbro Sound Avenue WARNBRO WA 6169 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE TWEED MALL Shop 62, Centro Tweed Mall Corner Bay & Wharf Streets TWEED HEADS NSW 2485 133 133 Flight Centre Twenty47 1 Level 3, 33 Berry Street North Sydney NSW 2060 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ULLADULLA Shop T2 Woolworths Ulladulla S/C 119 Pricess Hwy Ulladulla NSW 2539 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE ULVERSTONE Shop 1, Ellis Court 22 Reibey Street ULVERSTONE TAS 7315 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE UNDERWOOD Shop 29, Underwood Market Place 3215 Logan Road UNDERWOOD QLD 4119 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE UNIVERSITY HILL Shop T04, Brand Junction Shopping Centre University Hill BUNDOORA VIC 3083 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE UNLEY ROAD Shop 10A Unley Shopping Centre 204 Unley Road UNLEY SA 5061 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE VAUCLUSE 18-20 Old South Head Road VAUCLUSE NSW 2030 133 133


FLIGHT CENTRE VICTORIA PARK Shop 5, The Park Centre 789 Albany Highway EAST VICTORIA PARK WA 6100 133 133

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FLIGHT CENTRE WARNER Shop 6, Warner Village 353-355 Samsonvale Rd WARNER QLD 4500 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE WARNERS BAY Suite 6, The Esplanade Centre 87 King St Warners Bay NSW 2282 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE WARRAGUL 35 Smith Street Warragul VIC 3820 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE WARRAWONG Shop 27, Westfield Warrawong Corner King & Cowper Streets WARRAWONG NSW 2502 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE WARRIEWOOD Shop 23, Centro Warriewood 12 Jacksons Road WARRIEWOOD NSW 2102 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE WARRINGAH MALL A Shop 402, Warringah Mall Shopping Centre Corner Old Pittwater Road & Condamine Street BROOKVALE NSW 2100 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE WARRINGAH MALL B Shop 402, Warringah Mall Shopping Centre Corner Old Pittwater Road & Condamine Street BROOKVALE NSW 2100 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE WARRNAMBOOL 1/162 Koroit Street WARRNAMBOOL VIC 3280 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE WARWICK Shop 42, Centro Warwick Corner. Beach & Erindale Road WARWICK WA 6024 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE WATERGARDENS Shop 15, WaterGardens Town Centre 399 Melton Highway TAYLORS LAKES VIC 3038 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE WAURN PONDS Shop T921, Waurn Ponds Shopping Centre Corner Princess Highway & Pioneer Road WAURN PONDS VIC 3216 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE WAVERLEY Shop 3, 284 Bronte Road WAVERLEY NSW 2024 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE WAVERLEY GARDENS Shop 31, Waverley Gardens Shopping Centre Corner Jacksons & Police Road MULGRAVE VIC 3170 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE WAYMOUTH 4 Waymouth Street Adelaide SA 5000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE WEMBLEY 341B Cambridge Street WEMBLEY WA 6014 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE WENDOUREE Shop 51A, Stockland Wendouree S/C 330 Gillies Street Wendouree VIC 3355 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE WERRIBEE 38 Watton Street WERRIBEE VIC 3030 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE WERRIBEE PLAZA Shop T142A Werribee Plaza Corner Derrimut & Heath Roads WERRIBEE VIC 3030 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE WEST END Shop 6, West End Market 69-79 Boundary Street WEST END QLD 4101 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE WEST LAKES Shop 155, Westfield Westlakes S/C 111 West Lakes Blvde West Lakes SA 5021 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE WEST MELBOURNE Shop 3, 551 Little Lonsdale Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE WEST PERTH Shop G/2, 1260 Hay Street WEST PERTH WA 6005 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE WEST RYDE Shop T08, West Ryde Marketplace 14 Anthony Road WEST RYDE NSW 2114 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE WESTFIELD SYDNEY ONE Shop LG16, Westfield Sydney SYDNEY NSW 2000 133 133

AFTA Travel Pages

FLIGHT CENTRE TOWNSVILLE FAIRFIELD WATERS Shop T8 Fairfield Central Corner Lakeside Drive & Racecourse Road IDALIA QLD 4811 133 133

Member Directory As at 31 December 2014

Flinders Island Travel Centre Your local island specialists for accommodation, hire car, tours and experiences. Walking, wildlife and fishing packages available – standard or customised.

FLIGHT CENTRE WESTON Shop 16, Cooleman Court Shopping Centre Brierly Street WESTON ACT 2611 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE WESTPAC PLAZA Shop 7, Westpac Plaza 275 Kent Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE WETHERILL PARK Shop W102, Stockland Wetherill Park 561-583 Polding Street WETHERILL PARK NSW 2164 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE WHITFORD CITY Shop 9, Westfield Whitford City Corner Marmion & Whitfords Avenue HILLARYS WA 6025 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE WHITSUNDAY Shop 22, 8 Galbraith Park Drive CANNONVALE QLD 4802 133 133

Tel: 1800 674 719 Email: Web:


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FLIGHT CENTRE WORLD SQUARE Shop 9 38, World Square 644 George Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE WOY WOY Shop 43, Deepwater Plaza Woy Woy 62 Railway Street Woy Woy NSW 2256 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE WHYALLA Shop 15B Westlands Shopping Centre WHYALLA SA 5600 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE WYNNUM PLAZA Shop 48, Wynnum Plaza Shopping Centre 2021 Wynnum Road WYNNUM WEST QLD 4178 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE WILLIAM STREET Shop TG01, CBW Retail 181 William Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE YAMANTO Shop 10, Yamanto Shopping Village 512-514 Warwick Road YAMANTO QLD 4305 133 133


FLIGHT CENTRE YANCHEP Shop T2A, Yanchep Central Shopping Centre 1 Peony Boulevard Yanchep WA 6035 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE WINDSOR Shop 13, Windsor Riverview Shopping Centre 227 George Street WINDSOR NSW 2756 133 133


FLIGHT CENTRE WINSTON HILLS Shop 35, Winston Hills Mall 180 Caroline Chisholm Drive WINSTON HILLS NSW 2153 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE YEPPOON Shop 27 Yeppoon Shopping Centre Corner Rockhampton & Park Roads YEPPOON QLD 4703 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE WODEN Shop G54, Westfield Woden 8 Keltie Street PHILLIP ACT 2606 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE YOKINE Shop 18, Dog Swamp Shopping Centre 6 Wanneroo Road YOKINE WA 6060 133 133

Flight Centre Woden 2 Shop 50A/1, Westfield Woden S/C 192 Keltie St Woden ACT 2606 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE YORK STREET Shop 1a, Wynyard Green 11-13 York St (Corner Margaret) SYDNEY NSW 2000 133 133

Flight Centre Woden Mega Address 1 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE WODONGA Shop 47, Centro Wodonga 51-57 Elgin Street WODONGA VIC 3690 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE WOLLONGONG 155 Crown Street WOLLONGONG NSW 2500 133 133 FLIGHT CENTRE WOODCROFT Shop T3 Woodcroft T/C S/C Cnr Panalatinga & Bains Rds WOODCROFT SA 5162 133 133

FLIGHT CENTRE Zetland Shop T16 East Village S/C Defries Ave Zetland NSW 2017 133 133 Flightbiz 13 Tobruk Ave CREMORNE NSW 2090 02 9953 8000

Flinders Island Travel Centre 8/09/14 4:10 PM 15 Franklin Parade Lady Barron FLINDERS ISLAND TAS 7255 03 6359 3583

AFTA Travel Pages

Flight Centre Westfield Sydney Two Shop 2005a, Zone 2, Level R02, Westfield Sydney 188 Pitt Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 133 133

Floreat World of Travel Suite 3 43 Kirwan Street Floreat WA 6014 08 9387 6211 Flower Travel Suite 1 286 Bolton Street ELTHAM VIC 3095 03 8407 4204 Forward Travel Level 2 15 Rundle Street SURRY HILLS NSW 2010 1300 738 168 Four Corners Travel 37 Seymour Avenue ARMADALE VIC 3143 03 9576 1950 Four Corners Travel Group Pty Ltd 37 Seymour Avenue ARMADALE VIC 3143 395761950 France@Leisure Level 4 Wickham House 155 Wickham Terrace SPRING HILL QLD 4000 07 3220 2200 Frank Ford Travel 1209 Sturt Street BALLARAT VIC 3350 03 5331 5122 Fraser Coast Travel Centre Shop 1 Fraser Shores Shopping Plaza 79 Boat Harbour Drive HERVEY BAY QLD 4655 07 4124 2222 FREEDMAN & TURNER TRAVEL ASSOCIATES Suite 3, 1-3 Faussett Street ALBERT PARK VIC 3206 133 133 Fremantle Travel Services 22 Queen Street FREMANTLE WA 6160 08 9335 5500 FriendshipXchange Network t/as Selective Tours Level 3 44 Miller Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 299546888

FLIGHTCENTRE.COM Level 1 545 Queen St Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133 Flightworld 1138 Hay Street WEST PERTH WA 6005 08 9322 2914

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Member Directory As at 31 December 2014

Galaxy Inc Groups Level 13 33 Berry Street North Sydney NSW 2060 133 133 GANNON & TURNER TRAVEL ASSOCIATES 485 High Street Prahran VIC 3181 133 133 Gate 1 Travel Australia 6/10 Hoddle Street ABBOTSFORD VIC 3067 1300 653 618 Geelong Travel 136 High Street BELMONT VIC 3216 03 5244 3666 Gem Tours & Travel Service Maroondah Village, Shop 11 401 Maroondah Highway Croydon North VIC 3136 03 9726 0444 General Travel Group Pty. Ltd. Level 8 33 Berry Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 299542600 Genesis Travel & Cruise Shop 3 Pelican Plaza 1007 North East Road RIDGEHAVEN SA 5097 08 8396 1155 German Australian Travel 9 Gympie Kin Kin Road KIN KIN QLD 4571 732210427 GET Educational Tours 30/20 Commercial Road SOUTH MELBOURNE VIC 3205 398203055 Get Set N Go Travel 21 Bergman Circuit KATHERINE NT 850 889723219 Gimme Golf 1175 Toorak Road CAMBERWELL VIC 3124 03 9809 1022 Gippsland Travel Centre 3/126 Albert Road WARRAGUL VIC 3820 03 5623 5151 Glades Travel Service 59 Rockley Avenue Baulkham Hills NSW 2153 02 9838 0954 Global Active Travel Pty Ltd 43 Glen Cairn Road GLEN CAIRN QLD 4342 754654061 Global Athlete Travel 6 Nash Court ALTONA MEADOWS VIC 3028


Going Places Travel Shop 3 130-132 Thompson Ave COWES VIC 3922 03 5952 3700

Global Travel and Tour Pty. Ltd. 30 Gordon Street BLACKTOWN NSW 2148 02 8814 8562

Golden Compass Tours Pty. Ltd. 24 Mark Street FIGTREE NSW 2525 1800 132 385

Global Travel Company 40 Dalgety Crescent GREEN POINT NSW 2251

Goldman Travel Corporation Westfield Tower One Suite 1803 Level 18 520 Oxford Street BONDI JUNCTION NSW 2022 02 8333 7700

Global Travel Directors Pty Ltd 7/8 Wellington St NARRABEEN NSW 2101 Global Travel Solutions 5 Lichendale Street FLOREAT WA 6014 08 9284 1003 Global Travel Specialists Pty Ltd t/a Excite Holidays Suite 1901 Level 19 Westfield Tower 2 101 Grafton Street BONDI JUNCTION NSW 2022 280612990 Global Travel Specialists Pty Ltd t/a Excite Holidays Suite 1901 Level 19 Westfield Tower 2 101 Grafton Street BONDI JUNCTION NSW 2022 280612990 Global Travellers Shop 4 57-59 Bridge Road (enter via Normandy Street) RICHMOND VIC 3121 03 9428 2227

Goodwood Travel 92 Anzac Highway Everard Park SA 5035 08 8371 0166 Goondiwindi Travel Centre 21 Albert Street GOONDIWINDI QLD 4390 746711677 Grafton Travel Agency 48 Prince Street GRAFTON NSW 2460 02 6642 3777 Grand Touring 9 Upfield Street EDENSOR PARK NSW 2176 296103763

Global Village Travel 1/ 13 Beattie Street Balmain NSW 2041 02 9555 8355

Grand Travel and Tours Shop 5A 369 William Street NORTHBRIDGE WA 6003 08 9228 3388

Globenet Travel Level 3 10 Felix Street BRISBANE CITY QLD 4000 07 3100 7999

Great Events 144 Hannell Street WICKHAM NSW 2300 02 4940 2222

Globetrotter Corporate Travel The Old Nedlands Post Office 35 Stirling Highway NEDLANDS WA 6009 894420100

Great Southern Rail Travel Level 2 1 Greenhill Road WAYVILLE SA 5076 08 8213 4560

Globetrotters Travel Agency 172 Margaret Street Toowoomba QLD 4350 07 4639 2255

Greece and Mediterranean Travel Centre Suite 2 644 Botany Raod ALEXANDRIA NSW 2015 02 8338 6900

Go See Touring Unit 4/99 Racecourse Road ASCOT QLD 4007 07 3868 4760

Greenhills Travel Centre Shop 2, 5-9 Mitchell Drive Maitland East NSW 2323 02 4931 0300

Go Tours Travel 2/33 Dominions Road ASHMORE QLD 4214 07 5527 9855

Griffin Travel Pte.Ltd. Suite 9 Level 1 189 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000 08 9470 7000

Go Travel Travel Planet Building 529 Toorak Road TOORAK VIC 3142 03 9826 9827

Global International Travel Services 1st Floor 4-6 Howitt Street SOUTH YARRA VIC 3141 03 9826 9600

Go Travel Group Shop 4A 12 Murrumbidgee Ave SYLVANIA WATERS NSW 2224 02 9522 9600

Global Journeys Pty. Ltd. 46 Mary Street NOOSAVILLE QLD 4566 07 5474 3911

Go Travel International Pty. Ltd. 27/11 Bryants Road DANDENONG VIC 3175 387885152

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Goldring Travel 9 Professional Circle Suite 202 Colts Neck New Jersey USA USA +1 732-578-8585

Group Events Pty Ltd 8 Correa Court The Sanctuary VOYAGER POINT NSW 2172 297731133 GTS Mirrabooka Shop 86 Mirrabooka Shopping Centre Yirrigan Drive MIRRABOOKA WA 6061 08 9285 3900 GTS Travel Management Suite 2 114 Hampden Road ARTARMON NSW 2064 02 8440 8900

AFTA Travel Pages


Global Travel & Cruise Level 2, Outrigger Twin Towns Resort Wharf St TWEED HEADS NSW 2485 07 5536 1700

Member Directory As at 31 December 2014

Gympie Getaway Travel 89 Mary Street Gympie QLD 4570 07 5482 8388

H H.I.S. Australia Pty. Ltd. Brisbane Arcade Lower Level Shop 9 117 Adelaide Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 732241111 H.I.S. Australia Pty. Ltd. Level 1 Orchid Plaza Abbott Street CAIRNS QLD 4870 740517181 H.I.S. Australia Pty. Ltd. Level 12 447 Kent Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 292670555 H.I.S. Australia Pty. Ltd. 4th Floor 230 Collins Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 396509488 H.I.S. Australia Pty. Ltd. Level 2 26 St George’s Terrace PERTH WA 6000 892215588 H.I.S. Australia Pty. Ltd. Ground Floor 29 Elkhorn Avenue SURFERS PARADISE QLD 4217 755848311 H.I.S. Australia Pty. Ltd. Brisbane Arcade Lower Level Shop 9 117 Adelaide Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 732241111 H.I.S. Australia Pty. Ltd. Level 1 Orchid Plaza Abbott Street CAIRNS QLD 4870 740517181 H.I.S. Australia Pty. Ltd. Level 12 447 Kent Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 292670555 H.I.S. Australia Pty. Ltd. 4th Floor 230 Collins Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 396509488 H.I.S. Australia Pty. Ltd. Level 2 26 St George’s Terrace PERTH WA 6000 892215588

Harey World Travel Bribie Island Shop 3/229 Bribie Island S/C Goodwin Drive BRIBIE ISLAND QLD 4507 07 3410 0111 Harp Travel 663 High Street KEW EAST VIC 3102 03 9859 1302 Harvest Pilgrimages Level 11 133 Liverpool Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 293905460 Harvest Pilgrimages Level 11 133 Liverpool Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 293905460 Harvey World Travel Belconnen Shop 147 Westfield BELCONNEN WA 2616 02 6253 1600 Harvey World Travel Booragoon - Garden City Shop 18 Garden City S/C 125 Riseley Street BOORAGOON WA 6154 08 9364 6044 Harvey World Travel Dromana 191 Nepean Highway DROMANA VIC 3936 03 5987 3444 Harvey World Travel Erina Shop 18 Fountain Plaza 148 The Entrance Road ERINA NSW 2250 02 4365 2337 Harvey World Travel Erina Fair Shop T376 Erina Fair Terrigal Drive ERINA NSW 2250 02 4367 7410 Harvey World Travel Frankston 17 Wells Street FRANKSTON VIC 3199 03 9781 3733 Harvey World Travel Kincumber Shop 32, Kincumber Shopping Centre 43 Avoca Drive KINCUMBER NSW 2251 02 4369 0093 Harvey World Travel Myer Mall Erina Fair Shop T23a Myer Mall Erina Fair Shopping Centre ERINA NSW 2250 02 4365 4090 Harvey World Travel Parkmore Shop A2 Parkmore Centre 317 Cheltenham Road KEYSBOROUGH VIC 3173 03 9798 4844 Hastwell Travel & Cruise 109b Conyngham Street Frewville SA 5063 08 8379 2344

Hamilton Travel & Cruise 117 Beaumont Street HAMILTON NSW 2303 02 4969 3844

Hayllar Music Tours 42 Ocean View Road FRESHWATER NSW 2096 0466 248 498

Hampton Travel and Cruise 319 Hampton Street HAMPTON VIC 3188 03 9521 9339

HB Cruise and Travel Centre 259 Shute Harbour Road AIRLIE BEACH QLD 4802 749465299

Hanson Travel 143-145 Regency Road Croydon Park SA 5008 08 8268 3388

Heidelberg Travel Service 161 Burgundy Street HEIDELBERG VIC 3084 03 9458 1555

helloworld Adelaide Arcade 4G Adelaide Arcade ADELAIDE SA 5000 08 8227 1222 helloworld Airport West Westfield Shopping Centre Shop 98 29 Louis Street AIRPORT WEST VIC 3042 03 9338 8988 helloworld Albany at 140 Lower York 140 York Street ALBANY WA 6330 08 9841 1611 helloworld Albany Central York Street 185 York Street ALBANY WA 6330 08 9841 5744

AFTA Travel Pages


helloworld Albany Creek Albany Creek Market Place Shop 26 720 Albany Creek Road ALBANY CREEK QLD 4035 07 3264 6222 helloworld Albury 591 Dean Street ALBURY NSW 2640 02 6021 7933 helloworld Alexander Heights Alexander Heights S/C Shop 12 200 Mirrabooka Avenue ALEXANDER HEIGHTS WA 6064 08 9343 9000 helloworld Alice Springs Shop 10 Yeperenye S/C Hartley Street ALICE SPRINGS NT 0870 08 8953 2266 helloworld Applecross Shop 2 9 Riseley Street APPLECROSS WA 6153 08 9364 6977 helloworld Armadale WA Shop 2 182 Jull Street ARMADALE WA 6112 08 9497 2554 helloworld Armidale Shop 10, Centro Armidale 225 Beardy Street ARMIDALE NSW 2350 02 6772 1177 helloworld Ascot Vale 219 Union Road ASCOT VALE VIC 3032 03 9370 2811 helloworld Ashburton 168 High Street ASHBURTON VIC 3147 03 9885 8818 helloworld Ashmore Ashmore Shopping Plaza Cotlew Street ASHMORE QLD 4214 07 5539 2144 helloworld at Stockland Nowra Stockland Shopping Centre Shop 4 NOWRA NSW 2541 02 4421 2666 helloworld Atherton 26 Main Street ATHERTON QLD 4883 07 4091 1333 helloworld Ayr 131 Queen Street AYR QLD 4807 07 4783 2122

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Member Directory As at 31 December 2014

helloworld Balcatta Northlands Prime West Northlands Shopping Centre 201 Amelia Street BALCATTA WA 6021 08 9345 2033 helloworld Ballarat 104 Sturt Street BALLARAT VIC 3350 03 5332 8088 helloworld Balwyn North 66 Doncaster Road BALWYN NORTH VIC 3104 03 9819 7173 helloworld Bankstown Shop SP.319 Bankstown Central BANKSTOWN NSW 2200 02 9707 4900 helloworld Banora Banora Village Centre Leisure Drive BANORA POINT NSW 2486 07 5524 8199 helloworld Bassendean Shop 22 Bassendean Village West Road BASSENDEAN WA 6054 08 9377 3188

helloworld Blackwood 243 Main Road BLACKWOOD SA 5051 08 8370 2344 helloworld Bonnyrigg Bonnyrigg Plaza Shop 11 Bonnyrigg Avenue BONNYRIGG NSW 2177 02 9610 9244 helloworld Bowral Shop 24 37 Wingecarribee Street BOWRAL NSW 2576 02 4861 2888 helloworld Brighton SA Brighton Shopping Centre 525 Brighton Road BRIGHTON SA 5048 08 8296 1288 helloworld Brighton Victoria 7/75 Bay Street BRIGHTON VIC 3186 03 9596 7100

helloworld Bateau Bay Shop 72, Bateau Bay Square BATEAU BAY NSW 2261 02 4334 3400

helloworld Brighton-Le-Sands 287 Bay Street BRIGHTON-LE-SANDS NSW 2216 02 9567 1233

helloworld Baulkham Hills Stockland Mall Shop 26 375-383 Windsor Rd BAULKHAM HILLS NSW 2153 02 9686 1088

helloworld Broken Hill 380 Argent Street BROKEN HILL NSW 2880 08 8087 3310

helloworld Bega 153 Carp Street BEGA NSW 2550 02 6492 3599 helloworld Belgrave 1668 Burwood Highway BELGRAVE VIC 3160 03 9754 1066 helloworld Belmont 39A Macquarie Street BELMONT NSW 2280 02 4945 0044 helloworld Belmont Shopping Centre WA Shop 63 Belmont Forum Shopping Centre Abernathy Road BELMONT WA 6104 08 9479 1933 helloworld Bendigo 74 Mitchell Street BENDIGO VIC 3550 03 5442 4699 helloworld Berri Shop 6A, Berri Riverlands S/C Kay Avenue BERRI SA 5343 08 8582 1655 helloworld Biloela New World Arcade Shop 1B 56 Kariboe Street BILOELA QLD 4715 07 4992 1966


helloworld Blacktown GUNTHER & TURNER TRAVEL ASSOCIATES Suite 3, 166 Hume Street TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 133 133 Westpoint Shopping Centre Shop 1013 Level 1 Kildare Road BLACKTOWN NSW 2148 02 9621 2444

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helloworld Caboolture King Street Shop 5 73-77 King Street CABOOLTURE QLD 4510 07 5495 1766 helloworld Caloundra Shop 2 11 Bulcock Street CALOUNDRA QLD 4551 07 5491 9111 helloworld Camberwell 941 Burke Road CAMBERWELL VIC 3124 03 9963 1280 helloworld Camden Argyle St Shop 2, Camden Arcade 166 Argyle Street CAMDEN NSW 2570 02 4655 7077 helloworld Campbelltown Mall Shop U03 Campbelltown Mall 271 Queen St CAMPBELLTOWN NSW 2560 02 4628 6055 helloworld Camperdown 185 Manifold Street CAMPERDOWN VIC 3260 03 5593 1495 helloworld Canberra Centre Shop 18-19 Canberra Centre Bunda Street CANBERRA ACT 2601 02 6257 2222 helloworld Capalaba Capalaba Central Shopping Centre Shop 44 Moreton Bay Road CAPALABA QLD 4157 07 3245 4377

helloworld Brookside Shop 117 Brookside S/C 159 Osborne Road MITCHELTON QLD 4053 07 3355 2333

helloworld Carindale Shop 1010 Westfield Carindale Shopping Centre 1151 Creek Road CARINDALE QLD 4152 07 3843 1144

helloworld Browns Plains Shop 26 Grand Plaza Cnr Browns Plains Rd & Mt Lindesay Hwy BROWNS PLAINS QLD 4118 07 3809 2246

helloworld Carlingford Shop 218 Carlingford Court CARLINGFORD NSW 2118 02 9872 1155

helloworld Buderim Shop 2 58 Burnett Street BUDERIM QLD 4556 07 5445 4022

helloworld Carousel Shop 1060 Westfield Carousel Albany Highway CANNINGTON WA 6107 08 9451 6700

helloworld Bullcreek Shop 6 Bullcreek Shopping Centre Corner South Street and Benningfield Road BULL CREEK WA 6149 08 9310 2900

helloworld Charlestown Shop 2003 Upper Level Charlestown Square Pearson Street CHARLESTOWN NSW 2290 02 4942 1551

helloworld Bunbury 90 Spencer Street BUNBURY WA 6230 08 9721 5855

helloworld Charters Towers 13 Gill Street CHARTERS TOWERS QLD 4820 07 4787 2622

helloworld Burleigh West 27 Park Avenue BURLEIGH HEADS QLD 4220 07 5535 9888

helloworld Chermside Westfield Shopping Centre Shop 179 Gympie Road CHERMSIDE QLD 4032 07 3359 9000

helloworld Burnie 25 Wilson Street BURNIE TAS 7320 03 6432 2322 helloworld Burpengary Plaza Shop 4 Burpengary Plaza Station Road BURPENGARY QLD 4505 07 3888 3621

helloworld Circular Quay Shop 1 AMP Centre 50 Bridge Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 9221 7988 helloworld Cloncurry 45 Ramsay Street CLONCURRY QLD 4824 07 4742 1107

AFTA Travel Pages

helloworld Bacchus Marsh 1/137 Main Street BACCHUS MARSH VIC 3340 03 5367 5151

Member Directory As at 31 December 2014

helloworld Coffs Harbour Park Beach Plaza Shop 89 Park Beach Plaza COFFS HARBOUR NSW 2450 02 6652 6766

helloworld Drummoyne Shop 14 52 Lyons Road DRUMMOYNE NSW 2047 02 8624 9999 helloworld Drysdale Shop 3, 3 Wyndham Street DRYSDALE VIC 3222 03 5251 1125

helloworld Cooma 86 Sharp Street COOMA NSW 2630 02 6452 4677

helloworld Dunsborough Shop 3 Naturaliste Forum DUNSBOROUGH WA 6281 08 9755 3122

helloworld Cootamundra 169 Parker Street COOTAMUNDRA NSW 2590 02 6942 1388

helloworld Eastgardens Westfield Eastgardens Shop 352 Bunnerong Road EASTGARDENS NSW 2036 02 8347 7400

helloworld Corio Shop GO64 Corio Shopping Centre Cnr Bacchus Marsh & Purnell Roads CORIO VIC 3214 03 5274 2511

helloworld Echuca 150 Hare Street ECHUCA VIC 3564 03 5480 1911

helloworld Corrimal Shop 1 237- 239 Princes Highway CORRIMAL NSW 2518 02 4284 1277

helloworld Edge Hill Suite 2 137 Collins Avenue EDGE HILL QLD 4870 07 4053 6022

helloworld Cowra 89 Kendal Street COWRA NSW 2794 02 6342 1288

helloworld Elizabeth Shop 149, Elizabeth Shopping Centre 50 Elizabeth Way ELIZABETH SA 5112 08 8252 9999

helloworld Cranbourne Shop 19 Cranbourne Centro High Street CRANBOURNE VIC 3977 03 5995 1488 helloworld Croydon Hills 40 McAdam Square CROYDON HILLS VIC 3136 03 9725 8999 helloworld Currambine Currambine Marketplace Cnr Shenton & Marmion Avenue CURRAMBINE WA 6028 08 9304 0000 helloworld Daisy Hill Shop 9 4-14 Allamanda Drive DAISY HILL QLD 4127 07 3208 6033 helloworld Dandenong Shop 2 15/23 Langhorne Street DANDENONG VIC 3175 03 9792 9144 helloworld Dapto Shop G132, Dapto Mall Princes Highway DAPTO NSW 2530 02 4261 4344 helloworld Darwin Shop 2 63 Smith Street DARWIN NT 0800 08 8981 6777 helloworld Deception Bay Market Square Deception Bay Shop 33 Cnr Bay Ave & Deception Bay Road DECEPTION BAY QLD 4508 07 3293 4488 helloworld Devonport Fourways Shopping Centre 142 William Street DEVONPORT TAS 7310 03 6424 5544 helloworld Doncaster East Level 2 290 Blackburn Road DONCASTER EAST VIC 3109 03 9842 1044

helloworld Ellenbrook The Shops Shop 19 Cnr Pinnaster Parade & the Promenade ELLENBROOK WA 6069 08 6296 7299 helloworld Eltham Shop 2, 950 Main Road (entry via Arthur Street) ELTHAM VIC 3095 03 9431 0855 helloworld Emerald 38 Borilla Street EMERALD QLD 4720 07 4982 1133 helloworld Emu Plains Lennox Shopping Centre Shop 14 corner Pyramid & Water Streets EMU PLAINS NSW 2750 02 4735 4200 helloworld Endeavour Hills Endeavour Hills Shopping Centre Shop 3, ENDEAVOUR HILLS VIC 3802 03 9700 7511 helloworld Engadine 7/69 Station Street ENGADINE NSW 2233 02 9520 5522 helloworld Esperance on Andrew 9 Andrew Street ESPERANCE WA 6450 08 9071 2002 helloworld Ferntree Gully Mountain Gate Shopping Centre Shop 41 Ferntree Gully Road FERNTREE GULLY VIC 3156 03 9758 7088 helloworld Figtree Westfield Shopping Centre Shop 93 Princes Highway FIGTREE NSW 2525 02 4225 9966

helloworld Forbes 6 Templar Street FORBES NSW 2871 02 6852 2344 helloworld Forest Hill Shop 228 ForestHill Chase Shopping Centre 260 Canterbury Road FOREST HILL VIC 3131 03 9877 2444 helloworld Forestville Shop 16A The Centre Darley Street FORESTVILLE NSW 2087 02 9975 3600 helloworld Fountain Gate Shop 2123, Westfield Fountain Gate Shopping Centre 352 Princes Hwy NARRE WARREN VIC 3805 03 8790 5800

AFTA Travel Pages

helloworld Cobram 48 Bank Street COBRAM VIC 3644 03 5872 1788

helloworld Frankston Bayside Bayside Shopping Centre Shop G013Q 28 Beach Street FRANKSTON VIC 3199 03 9770 0064 helloworld Gatton 61 Railway Street GATTON QLD 4343 07 5462 1844 helloworld Geelong Central 62 Little Malop Street GEELONG VIC 3220 03 5223 2788 helloworld Geelong Market Square 109 Moorabool St GEELONG VIC 3220 03 5221 1722 helloworld Geelong West Shop 1, 226 Pakington Street GEELONG WEST VIC 3218 03 5221 3611 helloworld Geraldton Shop 2, 9 Chapman Road GERALDTON WA 6530 08 9921 7377 helloworld Gladstone Central 81 Goondoon Street GLADSTONE QLD 4680 07 4972 3488 helloworld Glenbrook 39 Park Street GLENBROOK NSW 2773 02 4739 6599 helloworld Glendale Shop 66 Stockland Glendale Lake Road GLENDALE NSW 2285 02 4956 7226 helloworld Glenelg Shop 6, 118 Jetty Road Glenelg GLENELG SA 5045 08 8294 5900 helloworld Gloucester 60 Church Street GLOUCESTER NSW 2422 02 6558 1055 helloworld Gordon Shop 10, Gordon Centre 802-806 Pacific Highway GORDON NSW 2072 02 9498 8433 helloworld Gosford Imperial Shopping Centre Shop 206A Upper Level 171 Mann Street GOSFORD NSW 2250 02 4324 7444

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Member Directory As at 31 December 2014 helloworld Jannali 572 Box Road JANNALI NSW 2226 02 9528 3111

helloworld Leopold 641-659 Bellarine Highway LEOPOLD VIC 3224 03 5250 1210

helloworld Green Hills Shop 62 Stockland Green Hills Molly Morgan Drive EAST MAITLAND NSW 2323 02 4933 3077

helloworld Jesmond Shop 63, Ground Floor Stockland Jesmond 28 Blue Gum Road JESMOND NSW 2299 02 4951 7611

helloworld Lilydale 146 MAIN STREET LILYDALE VIC 3140 03 9735 0222

helloworld Greensborough 42 Main Street GREENSBOROUGH VIC 3088 03 9434 1377

helloworld Joondalup Shop 4 115 Grand Boulevard JOONDALUP WA 6027 08 9300 3055

helloworld Helensvale Plaza Helensvale Plaza Shop 18 12 Sir John Overall Drive HELENSVALE QLD 4212 07 5573 5188 helloworld Helensvale Westfield Shop 1099 Westfield Millaroo Drive HELENSVALE QLD 4212 07 5580 4020 helloworld Hervey Bay Shop 4 9 Torquay Road Pialba (next to the RSL) HERVEY BAY QLD 4655 07 4128 1900 helloworld Highton 83 Barrabool Road HIGHTON VIC 3216 03 5243 9311 helloworld Hope Island Marina Shopping Centre Shop 2B HOPE ISLAND QLD 4212 07 5530 8633 helloworld Hornsby Westfield Shopping Centre Level 3, Shop 3048 HORNSBY NSW 2077 02 9476 5544 helloworld Horsham 38 Firebrace Street HORSHAM VIC 3400 03 5382 6699 helloworld Hurstville Westfield Westfield Hurstville Shop 142 cnr Cross Street & Park Road HURSTVILLE NSW 2220 02 9570 2833 helloworld Ingham 34 Herbert St INGHAM QLD 4850 07 4776 5677 helloworld Ingle Farm Ingle Farm Shopping Centre Shop 22 Montague Road INGLE FARM SA 5098 08 8265 7888 helloworld Innisfail Shop 18 17 Edith Street INNISFAIL QLD 4860 07 4061 6166 helloworld Ipswich City Mall Ipswich City Mall Shop 2 31 Ipswich City Mall IPSWICH QLD 4305 07 3202 3355 helloworld Ivanhoe Ivanhoe Plaza Shop 13 Livingstone Street IVANHOE VIC 3079 03 9499 7711


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helloworld Kalgoorlie 240 Hannan Street KALGOORLIE WA 6430 08 9021 2866 helloworld Karratha Central Shop 20A Centro Karratha Welcome Road KARRATHA WA 6714 08 9185 3122

helloworld Lisarow Lisarow Plaza Shop 4 1 Parsons Road LISAROW NSW 2250 02 4329 7722 helloworld Lismore City Shop 6 Conway Plaza Conway Street LISMORE NSW 2480 02 6627 6100 helloworld Lithgow 106 Main Street LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6351 4740

helloworld Katoomba Shop 6 Pioneer Place KATOOMBA NSW 2780 02 4782 2188

helloworld Lower Templestowe 18 Macedon Road TEMPLESTOWE LOWER VIC 3107 03 9852 0200

helloworld Kawana Shop 328B Kawana Shopping World Nicklin Way BUDDINA QLD 4575 07 5457 8777

helloworld Macarthur Square Macarthur Square Shop 12, Level 2 200 Gilchrist Dr CAMPBELLTOWN NSW 2560 02 4625 8200

helloworld Keilor Shop 56 Centro Keilor Taylors Road KEILOR DOWNS VIC 3038 03 9310 8855

helloworld Mackay 58 Wood Street MACKAY QLD 4740 07 4969 3600

helloworld Kenmore Shop 55A, Kenmore Village Brookfield Road KENMORE QLD 4069 07 3378 8555

helloworld Mandurah Central Shop 3 12 Sutton Street MANDURAH WA 6210 08 9581 5944

helloworld Kiama Kiama View Shopping Centre Shop 8 KIAMA NSW 2533 02 4233 1488

helloworld Mandurah Forum Shop SP082, Mandurah Forum Shopping Centre Pinjarra Road MANDURAH WA 6210 08 9535 5144

helloworld Knox Westfield Shop 2081B Level 2 Knox City S/C 425 Burwood Highway WANTIRNA SOUTH VIC 3152 03 9801 5488 helloworld Kotara Shop 1011 Westfield Kotara Northcott Drive KOTARA NSW 2289 02 4957 0277 helloworld Lake Haven Shop 24 Lake Haven S/C Lake Haven Drive LAKE HAVEN NSW 2263 02 4392 7233 helloworld Lane Cove 1-3 Burns Bay Road LANE COVE NSW 2066 02 9418 6866 helloworld Langwarrin Shop 22 Gateway Shopping Centre 230 Cranbourne Road LANGWARRIN VIC 3910 03 9775 8588 helloworld Launceston 54 Brisbane Street LAUNCESTON TAS 7250 03 6332 1222 helloworld Laurieton Shop 2 74 Bold Street LAURIETON NSW 2443 02 6559 6959

helloworld Manuka Manuka Court Suite 11 11 Bougainville St MANUKA ACT 2603 02 6260 8080 helloworld Marion Westfield Level 2 Shop 2004 Westfield Marion 297 Diagonal Road OAKLANDS PARK SA 5046 08 8358 1949 helloworld Maroochydore Centrepoint Arcade 9 Ocean Street MAROOCHYDORE QLD 4558 07 5443 2588 helloworld Melton Shop 1A Central Walk 429 High Street MELTON VIC 3337 03 9746 0944 helloworld Melville Shop 13D Melville Shopping Centre 390 Canning Highway BICTON WA 6157 08 9339 5474 helloworld Menai Marketplace Shop 3, Menai Marketplace 152-194 Allison Crescent MENAI NSW 2234 02 9541 1244

AFTA Travel Pages

helloworld Goulburn 252 Auburn Street GOULBURN NSW 2580 02 4821 5777

Member Directory As at 31 December 2014

helloworld Middle Brighton 138 Church Street BRIGHTON VIC 3186 03 9593 1402 helloworld Midland Crescent Village Unit 6 53 The Crescent MIDLAND WA 6056 08 9250 2535 helloworld Mildura Mildura Central Shop T66 Cnr Deakin Ave & 15th Street MILDURA VIC 3500 03 5022 1555 helloworld Mildura City Centre 137 Eighth Street MILDURA VIC 3500 03 5022 0997 helloworld Milton Centro Shopping Centre 12 Baroona Road MILTON QLD 4064 07 3369 5899 helloworld Miranda Level 1, Shop 1023 Westfield The Kingsway MIRANDA NSW 2228 02 9526 2611

helloworld Mt Annan Shop 9 Mt Annan Marketplace 11-13 Main Street MOUNT ANNAN NSW 2567 02 4647 4543

helloworld North West Karratha Centro Shop 56 Welcome Road KARRATHA WA 6714 08 9185 1777

helloworld Mt Gambier 49 Commercial Street West MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290 08 8723 2611

helloworld Norwood Shop 3, 200 The Parade NORWOOD SA 5067 08 8332 9933

helloworld Mt Ommaney The Mt Ommaney Centre Shop 85 171 Dandenong Road MOUNT OMMANEY QLD 4074 07 3715 9000

helloworld Nowra CBD 37 Kinghorne Street NOWRA NSW 2541 02 4421 3055

helloworld Mt Pleasant Mt Pleasant Shopping Centre Phillip Street MACKAY QLD 4740 07 4942 1444 helloworld Mudgeeraba Mudgeeraba Market Shopping Village Shop 11 3 Swan Lane MUDGEERABA QLD 4213 07 5522 9099 helloworld Murwillumbah Sunnyside Shopping Centre Shop 34 Corner Brisbane St & Wollumbin St MURWILLUMBAH NSW 2484 02 6672 3400

helloworld Moe 48 Moore Street MOE VIC 3825 03 5127 3388

helloworld Myer Centre Adelaide Myer Centre Rundle Mall Shop R001 ADELAIDE SA 5000 08 8212 3354

helloworld Mona Vale Shop 25 Mona Vale Plaza 7 Bungan Street MONA VALE NSW 2103 02 9997 3900

helloworld Nambucca 16 Bowra Street NAMBUCCA HEADS NSW 2448 02 6568 6455

helloworld Moonee Ponds 136 Puckle Street MOONEE PONDS VIC 3039 03 9370 7211 helloworld Morisset Shop 1 99 Dora Street MORISSET NSW 2264 02 4973 1188 helloworld Morley Suite 1 2-16 Bishop Street MORLEY WA 6062 08 9276 5577

helloworld Naracoorte 87 Smith Street NARACOORTE SA 5271 08 8762 1111 helloworld Narellan Shop 58 Narellan Town Ctr Cnr Camden Valley Way & Somerset Ave NARELLAN NSW 2567 02 4648 2744 helloworld Narrabri 60 Maitland Street NARRABRI NSW 2390 02 6792 2555

helloworld Oakleigh 31 Portman Street OAKLEIGH VIC 3166 03 9563 1566 helloworld Ocean Grove Shop 13, 12-20 Kingston Downs Dve OCEAN GROVE VIC 3226 03 5256 1888 helloworld Ocean Grove The Terrace 75 The Terrace OCEAN GROVE VIC 3226 03 5255 5252 helloworld Old Reynella Shop 8, 211-225 Old South Road OLD REYNELLA SA 5161 08 8322 9472 helloworld Oxley Shop 4, Oxley Central 130 Oxley Station Road OXLEY QLD 4075 07 3379 8700 helloworld Parkdale 9 Chandler Street PARKDALE VIC 3195 03 9580 9111 helloworld Parramatta Westfield Shop 3083 Westfield Shoppingtown Church Street PARRAMATTA NSW 2150 02 9635 6433 helloworld Penrith 427 High Street PENRITH NSW 2750 02 4732 2022 helloworld Petersham 47 New Canterbury Road PETERSHAM NSW 2049 02 9560 6722 helloworld Point Cook Shop 50, Sanctuary Lakes Shopping Centre 300 Point Cook Road POINT COOK VIC 3030 03 9395 0020

helloworld Mornington Cruise and Travel 63 Main Street MORNINGTON VIC 3931 03 5975 3355

helloworld Nerang My Centre Nerang Shop 38 57 Station Street NERANG QLD 4211 07 5578 2544

helloworld Mornington Travel Centre 116 Main Street MORNINGTON VIC 3931 03 5975 4100

helloworld Newcastle 144 Hannell Street WICKHAM NSW 2293 02 4940 2244

helloworld Port Adelaide Shop 11C Port Canal Shopping Centre 200 Commercial Road PORT ADELAIDE SA 5015 08 8341 1200

helloworld Morwell 213 Commercial Road MORWELL VIC 3840 03 5134 3388

helloworld Newtown Shop 4, 329 Pakington Street NEWTOWN VIC 3220 03 5221 9888

helloworld Port Augusta 31A Flinders Terrace PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 08 8642 3344

helloworld Mount Barker 32 Hutchinson Street MOUNT BARKER SA 5251 08 8398 2589

helloworld Niddrie 3/388 Keilor Road NIDDRIE VIC 3042 03 9374 3399

helloworld Mount Isa 2A Marian Street MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 07 4744 8533

helloworld Nightcliff Shop 1 159 Dickward Drive NIGHTCLIFF NT 0810 08 8948 2777

helloworld Port Douglas 4 22 Macrossan Street PORT DOUGLAS QLD 4877 07 4099 5899

helloworld Noosa Heads Shop 2, 16 Lanyana Way NOOSA HEADS QLD 4567 07 5447 4077

AFTA Travel Pages

helloworld Merimbula 6 Merimbula Drive MERIMBULA NSW 2548 02 6495 3455

helloworld Port Hedland Shop 5, South Hedland Shopping Centre SOUTH HEDLAND WA 6722 08 9172 2700 helloworld Port Macquarie Horton Street 91 Horton Street PORT MACQUARIE NSW 2444 02 6584 1411

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Member Directory As at 31 December 2014 helloworld Seven Hills Seven Hills Shopping Centre Shop 10 Cnr Federal Rd & Prospect Hway SEVEN HILLS NSW 2147 02 9622 5400

helloworld Sunbury Sunbury Sq Shopping Centre Shop 7B 2-24 Evans Street SUNBURY VIC 3429 03 9744 4544

helloworld Portland 53 Julia Street PORTLAND VIC 3305 03 5521 7895

helloworld Shellharbour Shop 14 Stockland Shellharbour Lake Entrance Road BLACKBUTT NSW 2529 02 4295 4722

helloworld Sunnybank Hills Sunnybank Hills Shoppingtown Level 4 cnr Compton & Calam Roads SUNNYBANK HILLS QLD 4109 07 3273 6600

helloworld Proserpine 64 Main Street PROSERPINE QLD 4800 07 4945 3838 helloworld Redcliffe 90 Sutton Street REDCLIFFE QLD 4020 07 3284 9222 helloworld Regents Park Regency Plaza Shop 9 Corner Beaudesert and Vansittart Roads BROWNS PLAINS QLD 4118 07 3800 7122 helloworld Revesby Shop 1, Ground Floor, Revesby Workers Club 2B Brett Street REVESBY NSW 2212 02 9772 2066 helloworld Richmond VIC 260 Swan Street RICHMOND VIC 3121 03 9428 8720 helloworld Riverlink Ipswich Ipswich Riverlink Shopping Centre Shop E8 Downs Street NORTH IPSWICH QLD 4305 07 3812 9888 helloworld Roma Street Brisbane 158 Roma Street BRISBANE QLD 4001 07 3211 4977 helloworld Rosebud Beach Rosebud Village 967 Pt Nepean Road ROSEBUD VIC 3939 03 5986 5222 helloworld Rosebud Ninth Avenue 4 Ninth Avenue ROSEBUD VIC 3939 03 5981 1888 helloworld Rowville Shop 105 1091 Stud Road ROWVILLE VIC 3178 03 9764 8487 helloworld Runaway Bay Liquor Barn Complex Shop 1 Lae Drive RUNAWAY BAY QLD 4216 07 5528 9991 helloworld Sandgate Shop 1C, IBIS Central 11 Bowser Parade SANDGATE QLD 4017 07 3869 1588 helloworld Scone The Mare & Foal Mall 166 Kelly Street SCONE NSW 2337 02 6545 1855 helloworld Settlement City Shop 32 Settlement City Shopping Centre Corner Bay & Park Streets PORT MACQUARIE NSW 2444 02 6584 4018


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helloworld Shepparton 242 Wyndham Street SHEPPARTON VIC 3630 03 5821 7566 helloworld Singleton Shop 4 Singleton Square John Street SINGLETON NSW 2330 02 6571 2870 helloworld South Melbourne 230 Clarendon Street SOUTH MELBOURNE VIC 3205 03 9696 7979 helloworld South Perth Angelo Street Unit 1 70 Angelo St SOUTH PERTH WA 6151 08 9367 6300 helloworld South Perth Mends Street South Shore Centre Shop 17 Mends Street SOUTH PERTH WA 6151 08 9474 3555 helloworld Southland Shop 1131, Westfield Southland 1239 Nepean Highway CHELTENHAM VIC 3192 03 9583 3188 helloworld Southport Australia Fair S/Centre Shop 1037 42 Marine Parade SOUTHPORT QLD 4215 07 5591 7311 helloworld Spring Hill 67 Astor Terrace BRISBANE CITY QLD 4000 07 3832 0833 helloworld Springwood NSW Shop 4, 150 Macquarie Road SPRINGWOOD NSW 2777 02 4751 6599 helloworld St Kilda Road 432 St Kilda Road MELBOURNE VIC 3004 03 9804 5800 helloworld Stanthorpe 1 Maryland Street STANTHORPE QLD 4380 07 4681 2144 helloworld Strathpine Westfield Shopping Centre Shop 58 295 Gympie Road STRATHPINE QLD 4500 07 3205 9033 helloworld Subiaco Central 286 Hay Street SUBIACO WA 6008 08 9380 6955 helloworld Subiaco Hay Street 156 Hay Street SUBIACO WA 6008 08 9388 2335

helloworld Surfers Paradise The Cosmopolitan Shop 5 3142 Surfers Paradise Boulevarde SURFERS PARADISE QLD 4217 07 5539 0333 helloworld Surrey Hills 156 Union Road SURREY HILLS VIC 3127 03 9830 0055 helloworld Swan Hill 226 Campbell Street SWAN HILL VIC 3585 03 5033 1901 helloworld Tamworth 421 Peel Street TAMWORTH NSW 2340 02 6766 1277 helloworld Tea Tree Plaza Shop 149A Tea Tree Plaza S/C 976 Northeast Road MODBURY SA 5092 08 8265 3355 helloworld Thirroul Shop 9B Thirroul Plaza Lawrence Hargrave Drive THIRROUL NSW 2515 02 4267 4011 helloworld Thornton 3 Woodford Place THORNTON NSW 2322 02 4923 5955 helloworld Toowoomba City 434 Ruthven Street TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 07 4632 8933 helloworld Toowoomba Range Shop 4, Range Shopping Centre 11 James Street TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 07 4639 2241 helloworld Toowoomba Ridge The Ridge Shopping Centre Shop 4 445-455 Hume Street TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 07 4613 6500 helloworld Toowoomba Town Hall 501 Ruthven St TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 07 4632 1588 helloworld Top Ryde City Shop 1032, Lower Ground 2 Top Ryde City Shopping Centre, 109-129 Blaxland Road RYDE NSW 2112 02 9808 3019 helloworld Toronto Shop 11A Toronto Town Square 47 The Boulevarde TORONTO NSW 2283 02 4959 4011 helloworld Torquay Shop 6 8 Gilbert Street TORQUAY VIC 3228 03 5261 9333

AFTA Travel Pages

helloworld Port Macquarie Peachtree Walk Shop 10 Peachtree Walk 78 Horton Street PORT MACQUARIE NSW 2444 02 6584 9766

Member Directory As at 31 December 2014

helloworld Tumut 68 Wynyard Street TUMUT NSW 2720 02 6947 3055 helloworld Tuncurry SHOP 3 80 Manning Street TUNCURRY NSW 2428 02 6554 7711 helloworld Umina Shop 2, 330 West St UMINA NSW 2257 02 4344 6266 helloworld Vermont South Vermont South Shopping Centre Shop 50A 495 Burwood Highway VERMONT SOUTH VIC 3133 03 9803 9099 helloworld Wagga Wagga Marketplace Wagga Wagga Marketplace Shop 49, Baylis Street WAGGA WAGGA NSW 2650 02 6921 2000 helloworld Wangaratta 42 Murphy Street WANGARATTA VIC 3677 03 5721 5888 helloworld Warrnambool 142 Fairy Street WARRNAMBOOL VIC 3280 03 5561 7793 helloworld Warwick 80A Palmerin Street WARWICK QLD 4370 07 4661 2366 helloworld Watergardens Shop 25A Watergardens S/C 399 Melton Highway TAYLORS LAKES VIC 3038 03 9449 2000

helloworld Winston Hills Shop T63 Winston Hills Mall Caroline Chisholm Drive WINSTON HILLS NSW 2153 02 9620 8300

Holiday Xperience Shop 74 Centro 1 Main Street BOX HILL VIC 3128 03 9899 5919

helloworld Wodonga Shop 4 / 135 High Street WODONGA VIC 3690 02 6024 7655

Holidayline 26 Salamander Drive TAYLORS LAKES VIC 3038 03 9326 5883

helloworld Wollongong 62 Crown Street WOLLONGONG NSW 2500 02 4254 7000

Holidayplanet Level 1 288 Stirling Street PERTH WA 6000 894269907

helloworld Wollongong on Burelli Shop 4 Corner of Burelli and Church Streets WOLLONGONG NSW 2500 02 4227 2991 helloworld Worongary Worongary Shopping Centre Shop 4 1 Mudgeeraba Road WORONGARY QLD 4213 07 5569 2477 helloworld Woy Woy Shop 33 Deepwater Plaza Railway Street WOY WOY NSW 2256 02 4341 7200

Homa Travel Pty. Ltd. Suite 1210 Level 12 301 George Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 290063636 Home Travel Company “Shannon” 607 Penguin Road PENGUIN TAS 7316 03 6437 0959

Heritage World Travel 15 Carlson Avenue MARYBOROUGH QLD 4650 41230499

Honey Bee Travel 3 Kambala Crescent FAIRFIELD WEST NSW 2165 02 9729 1518

Herman’s Tours & Travel 599 Oxley Road Corinda QLD 4075 07 3379 6255

Horizons Sporting Events Unit 27-28 Homebush Business Park 11-21 Underwood Road HOMEBUSH NSW 2140 9764 3421

Hi Travel and Cruise 126 Sydney Road COBURG VIC 3058 03 9386 6221 Hideaway Holidays 14A 8 Avenue of Americas NEWINGTON NSW 2127 287992500

helloworld Waverley Gardens Waverley Gardens S/C Shop 57 Cnr Police & Jackson Road MULGRAVE VIC 3170 03 9548 0555

Hills Travel Centre Shop 22 Kings Langley Shopping Centre, James Cook Drive KINGS LANGLEY NSW 2147 02 9624 1177

helloworld West Lakes Mall Shop 23, Westlakes Shopping Centre 111 West Lakes Blvd WEST LAKES SA 5021 08 8235 2181 Suite 116 40 Yeo Street NEUTRAL BAY NSW 2089 02 9953 3533

helloworld Wynnum 106 Bay Terrace WYNNUM QLD 4178 07 3393 4000

helloworld Waurn Ponds Waurn Ponds Shopping Centre Shop 809 Corner Pioneer & Colac Roads WAURN PONDS VIC 3216 03 5244 3600

helloworld Wellington Centre Hobart Wellington Centre Shop 1 60 Liverpool Street HOBART TAS 7000 03 6234 2699

Holidays of Australia Pty. Ltd. 18-20 Grenfell Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 08 8311 1196

Himalayan Eco Treks and Travel - Nepal Tri-Devi Marga Thamel P.O.BOX:23135 KATHMANDU NEPAL 4266382

Hot Holiday Pty. Ltd. 67 The Esplanade CAIRNS QLD 4870 263442260 HRG Australia Level 10 344 Queen St BRISBANE QLD 4000 732141931 HRG Australia Unit 2 11 McKay Lane TURNER ACT 2612 1300 165 336 HRG Australia Level 5 St Martins Tower 44 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000 1300 165 336

Holiday and Cruise Centre 613 Sturt Street BALLARAT VIC 3350 353337977

HRG Australia Level 7 9 Castlereagh Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 1300 165 336

Holiday Specialists Level 6 59 Goulburn Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 290801698

HRG Australia Level 10 344 Queen St BRISBANE QLD 4000 732141931

helloworld Whitford City Shop 218 Whitford City S/C Whitfords Avenue HILLARYS WA 6025 08 9402 5811

Holiday Wonders Shop 3 212 Belair Road HAWTHORN SA 5062 08 8373 1282

HRG Australia Unit 2 11 McKay Lane TURNER ACT 2612 1300 165 336

helloworld Willetton 30 Kembla Way WILLETTON WA 6155 08 9354 9066

Holiday World 324775_CIL Insurance Shop 9 Salamander S/Centre SALAMANDER BAY NSW 2317 249846677

HRG Australia Level 22 360 Collins Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 1300 165 336

helloworld Wheelers Hill Brandon Park Shopping Centre Shop 55 Springvale Road WHEELERS HILL VIC 3150 03 9562 0282

AFTA Travel Pages

helloworld Traralgon 75 Franklin Street TRARALGON VIC 3844 03 5174 7877

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Member Directory As at 31 December 2014 italktravel Maitland 409 High Street MAITLAND NSW 2320 024934 2155

Ingham Travel Agency 28 Lannercost Street Ingham QLD 4850 07 4776 5666

italktravel Mount Barker 31C Hutchison Street MT BARKER SA 5251 883915277

Huon Travel and Cruise 37 Main Road HUONVILLE TAS 7109 362641043

Innstant Travel City Junction Business Park Malahide Road Northern Cross DUBLIN 17 IRELAND 35316873737

italktravel Narre Warren Shop 2086 Westfield Fountain Gate Magid Drive NARRE WARREN VIC 3805 03 9705 7777


Insight Vacations Pty. Ltd. 35 Grafton Street BONDI JUNCTION NSW 2022 295120726


Integrity Travel 233 Maundrell Tce ASPLEY QLD 4034 38631007

HRG Australia Level 7 9 Castlereagh Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 1300 165 336

iCruise and Travel Shop 5 Jimboomba Commercial Centre 133-145 Brisbane Street JIMBOOMBA QLD 4280 07 5667 2918

italktravel Newcastle West Shop 9 Markettown Shopping Centre NEWCASTLE WEST NSW 2302 02 4969 3077 italktravel Reservoir Shop 3 291a Spring Street RESERVOIR VIC 3073 394607888

Idotravel 427 Glenhuntly Road ELSTERNWICK VIC 3185 395239966

International Parktours 28 Timbarra Drive BEECHMONT QLD 4211 755333583

italktravel Rutherford Shop T14A Rutherford Marketplace Cnr Alexandra Avenue & Hillview Street RUTHERFORD NSW 2320 249329244

Idyllic Travel 4/180 Grange Road Flinders Park SA 5025 08 8443 4366

Internet Travel Wollongong 137 Crown Street WOLLONGONG NSW 2500 02 4226 2222

italktravel The Junction Cnr Kenrick & Union Sts THE JUNCTION NSW 2291 249693077

Illawarra Travel 30 Wentworth Street PORT KEMBLA NSW 2505 02 4274 4444

Intersport Global 5 Warrego Way HELENSVALE QLD 4212 756301169

italktravel Tunstall Square) 45 Tunstall Square DONCASTER EAST VIC 3109 398419222

Illawong Travel Services Shop G11 273 Fowler Road Illawong NSW 2234 02 9532 0199

Island Travel 297C Prospect Road BLAIR ATHOL SA 5084 08 8344 3877

italktravel Warners Bay Shop 2 25 John Street WARNERS BAY NSW 2282 249473655

iLuv2travel & cruise Shop 1090 Westfield Carindale Carindale QLD 4152 07 3395 0599 Impact Organisation (Travel) Suite 22 799 Springvale Road MULGRAVE VIC 3170 395450825 Imperial Travel Services 31 Annison Place MORLEY WA 6062 08 9244 2003 In2 Travel & Cruise 94 Boardwalk Boulevard POINT COOK VIC 3030 03 9395 4077 Inca Tours 68 Pacific Highway WYONG NSW 2259 02 4351 2133 Inca Tours 68 Pacific Highway WYONG NSW 2259 02 4351 2133 Inflight Travel of Toorak 6/145 Canterbury Road TOORAK VIC 3142 03 9827 8975 Information Planet Level 5 285 Clarence Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 9283 6161


InterAsia Tours & InterGlobal Tours 4/33-37 Heatherdale Road RINGWOOD VIC 3134 398737466

italktravel Narrogin Suite 1 / 11 Fortune St NARROGIN WA 6312 9881 2714

A F T A Tr a v e l P a g e s 2 0 1 5

Italian Tours 21 Union St PADDINGTON NSW 2021 93584923 italktravel Bathurst Shop 10 127 George Street BATHURST NSW 2795 263311433 italktravel Belmont Shop TP12 Belmont Central Singleton Street BELMONT NSW 2280 249450741 italktravel Doncaster Shop G046 Westfield Doncaster 619 Doncaster Road DONCASTER VIC 3108 398402888 italktravel Fountain Gate Shop 2022 Westfield Shopping Centre Magid Drive NARRE WARREN VIC 3805 397049100 italktravel Glen Waverley Shop 1.38 The Glen S/C 235 Springvale Road GLEN WAVERLEY VIC 3150 398868899

italktravel Warrnambool 124 Lava Street WARRNAMBOOL VIC 3280 355624066 Itineraries Travel Consultants Observatory Towers, Unit 87, Level 19 166 Wickham Terrace BRISBANE CITY QLD 4000 07 3831 2777 IYC Travel Pty Ltd Suite 403 Level 4 Bermuda Point 1 Lake Orr Drive VARSITY LAKES QLD 4227 07 5595 7588

J Jamison Travel Shop 5, 39 Bowman Street Macquarie ACT 2614 02 6251 5166 Janesco Travel / All Japan Tours Level 39 Citigroup Centre 2 Park Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 9004 7445

italktravel Hunter St Hornsby Shop 1A 21 Hunter Street HORNSBY NSW 2077 294827722

Japan Association Of Travel Agents Zen-nittu Kasumigaseki Bldg. 3-3-3 Ka Chiyoda-ku Tokyo JAPAN 81.336

italktravel Kensington 180 Belair Street KENSINGTON VIC 3031 393763111

Japan Snow Accommodation 2/12 Blueberry Court BYRON BAY NSW 2481 6685 8847

AFTA Travel Pages

Information Planet Manly 41A The Corso MANLY NSW 2095 02 9977 7960

HRG Australia Level 5 St Martins Tower 44 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000 1300 165 336

Member Directory As at 31 December 2014 Jetset Travel Toorak 529 Toorak Road TOORAK VIC 3142 03 9827 2200

Jayes Travel Suite G4 GHD Tower 24 Honeysuckle Drive Newcastle NSW 2300 1300 891 100

Jetsetter Travel 123 Queen Street AYR QLD 4807 4783 3999

JBR Travel 215 Morrison Road PAKENHAM UPPER VIC 3810 359427503 JC Travel Professionals Pty. Ltd. Suite 403 Level 4 4 Columbia Court BAULKHAM HILLS NSW 2153 296347044 JD’s Global Travel Shop 12 1053-1057 Old Princess Highway ENGADINE NSW 2233 295483055 Jetaround Holidays Suite 56 Level 5 104 Bathurst Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 9233 5644 Jetaway Travel Shop 2 30 Hamilton Street Gisborne VIC 3437 03 5428 4466 Jetover Tours 45 Dalton Road ST IVES NSW 2075 291441389 Jetset Travel Bentleigh 488 Centre Road BENTLEIGH VIC 3204 03 9563 9122 Jetset Travel Black Rock Shop 2 41B Bluff Road BLACK ROCK VIC 3193 03 9589 0866 Jetset Travel Busselton 84B Queen Street BUSSELTON WA 6280 08 9752 3377 Jetset Travel Horsham Corner Pynsent & Darlot Street HORSHAM VIC 3400 03 5382 5788 Jetset Travel Hutt Street 202 Hutt Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 08 8227 0711 Jetset Travel Marrickville Shop 88F Marrickville Metro Shopping Centre 34 Smidmore Street MARRICKVILLE NSW 2204 02 9550 6133 Jetset Travel Maryborough 401 Kent Street MARYBOROUGH QLD 4650 07 4123 4355 Jetset Travel Midland Shop 16 Midland Gate Shopping Centre Corner Lloyd Street & Great Eastern Highway MIDLAND WA 6056 08 9274 5866 Jetset Travel Moonee Ponds Shop 51 14-16 Hall Street MOONEE PONDS VIC 3039 03 9370 9100

Jetworld 46 Cavill Avenue SURFERS PARADISE QLD 4217 755384600 JJ Travel Service 19/47 Neridah Street CHATSWOOD NSW 2067 02 9884 7377 John Abbott Travel Office 6 & 13 23 Unley Rd PARKSIDE SA 5063 883578888 JONES & TURNER TRAVEL ASSOCIATES 209 - 211 Glenmore Rd Paddington NSW 2021 133 133 Jonkers Travel Banner ads (one of each) Shop 103 Morayfield Shopping Centre Morayfield Road MORAYFIELD QLD 4506 07 5498 9411 JTB Australia Melbourne Level 6 10 Artemis Lane MELBOURNE VIC 3000 03 8623 0000 JTB Australia Sydney Level 18 456 Kent Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 9510 0100 Juanita Scott Travel 1st Floor, Market Square 163-185 Commercial Road SOUTH YARRA VIC 3141 03 9826 0077 Jump On Board Travel 4 Edinburgh Court GREENVALE VIC 3059 393548454 Just Travel 8 La Perouse Street GRIFFITH ACT 2603 02 6285 2644

K Kadina Travel 3 Goyder Street KADINA SA 5554 08 8821 2177 Kalbarri Visitors Centre 70 Grey Street KALBARRI WA 6536 899371104 Karen Noakes Travel 54A Maud Street ETHELTON SA 5015 08 8341 6600 Kathmandu Travels & Tours Pvt Ltd PO Box 459 KATHMANDU NEPAL 97714471577 Kawana Waters Travel Shop 2 115a Point Cartwright Drive Buddina QLD 4575 07 5444 6500

KCM Travel Unit 6 23 Dudley Street ELTHAM VIC 3095 03 9439 9666 Kempsey Travel & Cruise 48 Belgrave Street KEMPSEY NSW 2440 02 6562 6111 KENNEDY & TURNER TRAVEL ASSOCIATES 85 Longman Terrace CHELMER QLD 4068 133 133 Kensington Travel 202 Yangebup Road YANGEBUP WA 6164 08 9417 1132

AFTA Travel Pages

Jay Jay Mobile Travel 10B Mira Mar Street DOUBLEVIEW WA 6018 893413251

Kernot International Travel Level 2 263 Clarence Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 292671255 King William Travel Ground Floor Pascot Building 29 King William St ADELAIDE SA 5000 882122132 Kingscote Travel Shop 5, 57 Dauncey Street Kingscote SA 5223 08 8553 3154 Kintetsu International Express (Oceania) - Melbourne Level 5 230 Collins Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 03 9654 3320 Kintetsu International Express (Oceania) - Sydney Suite 102 Level 1 120 Sussex St SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 8251 3314 Kirra Holidays 11 Young Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 08 8212 7833 Kode Entertainment Group Level 4, Mattel Building 658 Church St RICHMOND VIC 3121 03 9008 4489 Kyneton Travel Centre 20 High Street KYNETON VIC 3444 354221777

L LANGHORNE & JAMES TRAVEL ASSOCIATES 224 Bluff Road SANDRINGHAM VIC 3191 133 133 Latitude Cruise & Travel Cleveland 9 Ribbonwood Street Thornlands QLD 4164 07 3286 7900 Latitude Travel Group Level 1 613 St Kilda Road MELBOURNE VIC 3000 03 9681 6044 Laze Away Travel 99 Great North Road FIVE DOCK NSW 2046 02 9712 1177 Lea’s World Travel 190 Tower Street Panania NSW 2213 02 9792 2744

A F T A Tr a v e l P a g e s 2 0 1 5


Member Directory As at 31 December 2014

Let’s Go Tour & Cruise Shop 10 Fountain Shopping Centre 1344 Gympie Road ASPLEY QLD 4034 07 3263 6406 Let’s Go Tour & Cruise Shop 10 Fountain Shopping Centre 1344 Gympie Road ASPLEY QLD 4034 07 3263 6406 Let’s Travel & Cruise 59 Kooyoo Street GRIFFITH NSW 2680 02 6964 4644 LEWIS & TURNER TRAVEL ASSOCIATES 66 Melbourne St North Adelaide SA 5006 133 133 Lifestyle Travel & Cruise Centre Shop 16 122 Griffith Street COOLANGATTA QLD 4225 07 5599 2929 Lifestyle Travel Ballarat 33 Armstrong Street South BALLARAT VIC 3350 03 5331 8277 Lightning Travel 762 Highbury Road GLEN WAVERLEY VIC 3150 0468 302 910 Lilydale Travel Centre 219 Main Street LILYDALE VIC 3140 397351144 Lismore Cruise & Travel 55 Woodlark Street Lismore NSW 2480 02 6621 2548

Magic Carpet Tours & Travel Ground Floor, Goodearth Hotel 195 Adelaide Terrace East Perth WA 6004 08 9221 1207 Magic Travel Shop 21 Crossways Centre Cnr Rokeby & Bagot Rds SUBIACO WA 6008 08 9381 8744 Magna Carta Travel Banner ads (one of each) Suite C 2 Albert Road STRATHFIELD NSW 2135 02 9746 9964 Mahsuri Travel & Tours 317A Albany Highway VICTORIA PARK WA 6100 08 9470 3660 Main Beach Travel Suite 13 Tedder Terraces Cnr Tedder & Hughes Ave MAIN BEACH QLD 4217 07 5591 8818 Maitland World Travel 414 High Street MAITLAND NSW 2320 02 4933 5266 Majestic International t/as Holidays on Location Suite 502 Princes Tower 1 Princess Street KEW VIC 3101 398518747 Majestic Travel 405 Elizabeth Street SURRY HILLS NSW 2010 02 9281 2288

Live For Travel 72 Bridgewater St MORNINGSIDE QLD 4170 57596597

Malaysia-Singapore Travel Specialists Suite 205-206 2 Pembroke Street EPPING NSW 2121 298685199

Lorraines House Of Travel Shop 2 366-372 Sydney Road BALGOWLAH NSW 2093 02 9949 3244

Malvern Travel And Cruise 92 Glenferrie Road MALVERN VIC 3144 03 9576 0211

LOW & JAMES TRAVEL ASSOCIATES Banner ads (one of each) 34 Grosvenor Street NEUTRAL BAY NSW 2089 133 133 Lyn McNaught Travel 50 McLennan Street MOOROOPNA VIC 3629 03 5825 1866

M M & G Travel 66 Balo Street MOREE NSW 2400 02 6752 3055 M&M Travel Professionals Shop 48 Liverpool Plaza 165-191 Macquarie Street LIVERPOOL NSW 2170 02 9602 5588 Macarthur Travel & Cruise Centre Shop 1 130 Argyle Street Camden NSW 2570 02 4655 7044


MADIGAN & TURNER TRAVEL ASSOCIATES Shop 2.01b, 2 Emporio Place 2 - 10 Maroochy Blvd Maroochydore QLD 4558 133 133

A F T A Tr a v e l P a g e s 2 0 1 5

Mandarin World Tours 4/3368 Pacific Highway SPRINGWOOD QLD 4127 Mansfield Travel & Cruise Shop 3B 14 High Street Mansfield VIC 3722 03 5775 1274

Maria, Fellowes & Turner Travel Associates 14 Macquarie Avenue Penrith NSW 2751 133 133 Mariner Travel Pty. Ltd. 473 St Kilda Road MELBOURNE VIC 3004 392119341 MARTIN & JAMES TRAVEL ASSOCIATES Suite 1, Level 1, Brighton Arcade 293 Bay Street BRIGHTON VIC 3186 133 133 Martin’s Travel Group Albury 66 Fallon Street ALBURY NSW 2640 260404400 Maryborough Travel & Cruise 156 High Street Maryborough VIC 3465 03 5460 5101 MAS Rundle Street Shop 8, 161 - 185 Rundle St Adelaide SA 5000 133 133 Maverick Travel - Everton Park 711 Stafford Road EVERTON PARK QLD 4053 07 3355 3700 Maverick Travel - Samford Shop 12 Samford Central Mt Glorious Rd SAMFORD QLD 4520 07 3289 3700 Maxim’s Travel Pty Ltd Level 8 50 Margaret Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 9223 1122 McGann Travel Suite 1 94 Taren Point Road TAREN POINT NSW 2229 02 8543 3666 McLaren Vale Travel Services 178 Main Road McLaren Vale SA 5171 08 8323 9922 McNally Travel 7 Solanum Gardens CANNING VALE WA 6155 08 9455 1789 McNally Travel 7 Solanum Gardens CANNING VALE WA 6155 08 9455 1789 Mecca Travel Co. Pty. Ltd. 82 Wentworth Avenue KINGSTON ACT 2604 02 6295 7575

Maranoa Travel Centre 71 Arthur Street Roma QLD 4455 07 4622 1416

Medical Tours Australia Pty. Ltd 5 Nicole Place WINMALEE NSW 2777 02 4754 5000

Marconi Travel 9 William Street FAIRFIELD NSW 2165 297281900

Mega Travel Suite 4 60 Memorial Avenue LIVERPOOL NSW 2170 02 9824 2427

Margaret River Holidays PO Box 837 Margaret River WA 6285 08 9758 7152 Maria Rosa Travel Pty Ltd 3/161 Rowe Street EASTWOOD NSW 2122 298749633 Maria Slater Travel Shop 5, Block 3 Southlands Shopping Centre Mawson ACT 2607 02 6290 7700

Melton Travel Centre Shop 6, Coburns Central Shopping Centre 523-531 High Street MELTON VIC 3337 03 9747 0477 Meridian Travel (VIC) Pty Ltd 127 Lower Plenty Road ROSANNA VIC 3084 394594933

AFTA Travel Pages

Leongatha Travel and Cruise Shop 1, 16 McCartin Street Leongatha VIC 3953 03 5662 3601

Member Directory As at 31 December 2014 Moss Vale Cruise & Travel 413 Argyle Street Moss Vale NSW 2577 02 4868 1177

My Adventure Store Shop 6, 185 Military Rd Neutral Bay NSW 2089 1300 658 427

Merola’s Travel Service 3/110 Railway Street CORRIMAL NSW 2518 02 4283 3443

Motive Travel Mezzanine Level BGC Centre 28 The Esplanade PERTH WA 6000 08 9322 2666

My Adventure Store Shop 8, 161 - 185 Rundle St Adelaide SA 5000 1300 308 993

Merrylands Travel Shop 1 254 Pitt Street MERRYLANDS NSW 2160 02 9637 0100

MP Travel Pty Limited Level 10 51 Pitt Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 299939000

Mid Coast Travel & Cruise 12 Wallace Street MACKSVILLE NSW 2447 02 6568 2777

MP Travel Pty Limited Level 10 51 Pitt Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 299939000

Middletons Travel Centre 129 Ellen Street PORT PIRIE SA 5540 08 8632 3035 Milan Travel 191 Guildford Road MAYLANDS WA 6051 08 9371 1666 Mildura Travel & Cruise 20/135c Eighth Street MILDURA VIC 3500 03 5023 3307 Millennium Travel Services 143 Campbell Street SURRY HILLS NSW 2010 292110944 Minabel Travel Pty. Ltd. 85-87 Oakwood Road ALBANVALE VIC 3021 393638333 Minna Travel & Cruise Shop 42d, The Stables 314-360 Childs Road Mill Park VIC 3082 03 9437 9222 MJF Travel 2/6-10 Wyuna Avenue HAWTHORN VIC 3122 03 9819 2226 Modica Travel Service 2 McCrae Street DANDENONG VIC 3175 03 9793 3111 Mondo Travel Shop 20 148 Scarborough Beach Road MOUNT HAWTHORN WA 6016 08 9242 1477 Montina Travel Centre 1st Floor, 55 Flinders Street Adelaide SA 5000 08 8359 2511 Mordialloc Travel & Cruise Suite 2 572 Main Street Mordialloc VIC 3195 03 9580 8100 Mornington Travel 1 McLaren Place MORNINGTON VIC 3931 359751099 Mosaics Level 5 33 Berry Street North Sydney NSW 2060 133 133 Mosman Cruise Centre Shop 3, 870 Military Road Mosman NSW 2088 02 9968 1600

MSC Cruises (Australia) Pty. Ltd. Suite 532 5 Lime Street King Street Wharf SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 8076 1000 MTA Travel Suite 208 Level 2 Eastside 232 Robina Town Centre Drive ROBINA QLD 4226 07 5593 3322 Mudgee Travel & Cruise Shop 2, 68 Church Street Mudgee NSW 2850 02 6372 6077

My Adventure Store Pty. Ltd. 316 Adelaide Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 07 3170 8152 My Living Travel Suite 7 362 Fitzgerald Street NORTH PERTH WA 6006 08 6102 6414 My Personal Travel Planner 23 Bridge Street TOOWOOMBA EAST QLD 4350 07 4637 8235 My Travel Expert 129-131 Junction Street NOWRA NSW 2541 02 4421 5577 My World Travel 12 Murray Street BARHAM NSW 2732 03 5453 1190


My Adventure Store 386 Lt Bourke St Melbourne VIC 3000 1300 308 763

Naracoorte Travel n Cruise Shop T1A Kincraig Plaza Naracoorte SA 5271 08 8762 4444

My Adventure Store 231 Lygon St Carlton VIC 3053 1300 308 530

National Seniors Travel Level 18 215 Adelaide Street BRISBANE CITY QLD 4000 1300 883 750

My Adventure Store 658 Glenferrie Rd Hawthorn VIC 3122 1300 308 587 My Adventure Store 197 Chapel St Prahran VIC 3181 1300 306 578 My Adventure Store Shop 1 180 City Walk Civic ACT 2608 1300 308 458 My Adventure Store 24 Oxford St Paddington NSW 2021 1300 308 946 My Adventure Store 181 King St Newtown NSW 2042 1300 308 904 My Adventure Store Westfield Sydney Lower Ground Floor 188 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 1300 015 598 My Adventure Store Shop 3, 209-211 Given Tce Paddington QLD 4064 1300 308 410 My Adventure Store Shop RS4 Centro on James 46 James St Fortitude Valley QLD 4006 1300 308 611 My Adventure Store TM6 Raine Square 300 Murray St Perth WA 6000 1300 308 993

AFTA Travel Pages

Meridian World Travel & Cruise Big B Arcade 30 James Street Burleigh Heads QLD 4220 07 5535 6233

National Travel Bendigo Pty Ltd 76 Mitchell Street BENDIGO VIC 3550 354421677 National Warrnambool Travel 144 Liebig Street WARRNAMBOOL VIC 3280 355621122 Nationwide Travel 1st Floor 939 Pacific Highway PYMBLE NSW 2073 02 9983 9211 Naturaliste Travel Shop 4, West Busselton Shopping Centre 170 Bussell Highway BUSSELTON WA 6280 08 9754 4566 Neptune Travel Brunswick 698 Sydney Road BRUNSWICK VIC 3056 393836288 Netfare Travel 187 Anzac Pde KENSINGTON NSW 2033 02 9662 5000 New Century Holidays 411 Pacific Highway CROWS NEST NSW 2065 294399188 New England Travel Centre 188 Beardy Street ARMIDALE NSW 2350 02 6772 1722 New Farm Travel Shop 14 Merthyr Village 85 Merthyr Road NEW FARM QLD 4005 07 3358 6588

A F T A Tr a v e l P a g e s 2 0 1 5


Member Directory As at 31 December 2014 NPIRE Travel 10 Banks Court SANDHURST VIC 3977 0409 971 828

Oliver Travel 194a Hutt Street Adelaide SA 5000 08 8232 0111

New Horizons Holidays Pty Ltd Level 1 74 Wittenoom Street EAST PERTH WA 6004 1300 302 230

NRMA Travel 9A York Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 1300 053 052

On Course Tours & Travel 11 Tepko Road TERREY HILLS NSW 2084 02 9986 2400

NSW 101 CT Uptown Suite 12, Level 13, 33 Berry Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 133 133

Onda Travel Agency 791 King Georges Road SOUTH HURSTVILLE NSW 2221 295472155

NSW 103 CT Universal Suite 13, Level 13, 33 Berry Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 133 133

Orange Journeys Suite 2, 64 Croydon Street Cronulla NSW 2230 02 9527 4988

NSW 107 CT North Sydney CBD Suite 14, Level 13, 33 Berry Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 133 133

Orange Travel 213 Anson Street ORANGE NSW 2800 02 6362 1744

NSW 109 CT Dynamo Suite 11, Level 13, 33 Berry Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 133 133

Orba Travel Brokers Suite 47, Como Corporate Centre Cnr Preston & Mary Streets COMO WA 6152 08 9474 1655

NEW SME2 Level 18 191 St Georges Terrace Perth WA 6000 133 133 NEW STORE TITANIUM Address 1 133 133 New World Travel Shop 10A 206 Bourke Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 03 9663 7118 New World Travel t/as Travel Partners Level 12 447 Kent Street SYDNEY NSW 1230 292833599 Nexus Holidays Level 2 Manning Building 451 Pitt Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 9264 7878

NSW 111 CT Platinum Level 1/22B Brookhollow Avenue BAULKHAM HILLS NSW 2153 133 133

Nexus Travel & Cruise 74 Main Road MONBULK VIC 3793 03 9756 7566

NSW 112 CT Spirit Level 1, 22B Brookhollow Avenue Baulkham Hills NSW 2153 133 133

NGT Travel Conferences Incentives Suite 47, Building 2 Portpark 574 Plummer Street PORT MELBOURNE VIC 3207 03 8686 1566

NSW 113 CT Riverview Level 13 33 Berry St North Sydney NSW 2060 133 133

Nippon Travel Agency Level 9 22 Market Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 9275 9600

NSW 602 CT Nitro Lvl 1, 22B Brookhollow Ave BAULKHAM HILLS NSW 2153 133 133

NOLLER & TURNER TRAVEL ASSOCIATES 164 BAROONA RD ROSALIE QLD 4064 133 133 Noosa Cruise and Travel Shop 2 The Terrace 253 Gympie Terrace NOOSAVILLE QLD 4566 07 5449 8866 Noosa Travel 105 Poinciana Ave TEWANTIN QLD 4565 754497000 North Sydney Travel Level 8, Suite 31 100 Walker Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 02 9966 1100 Northam Travel 178 Fitzgerald Street NORTHAM WA 6401 08 9622 1499 Northshore Travel Shop 35, Gordon Village Arcade 767 Pacific Highway GORDON NSW 2072 02 9418 2546 Northwest Cruise & Travel Rouse Hill Village Centre Shop 2c, 18-24 Adelphi Street Rouse Hill NSW 2155 02 9836 1609


NSW 110 CT Gold Level 1 22B Brookhollow Avenue Baulkham Hills NSW 2153 133 133

A F T A Tr a v e l P a g e s 2 0 1 5

NSW 603 CT Titanium Shop 3, 6 Eden Park Drive MACQUARIE PARK NSW 2113 133 133 NSW 605 CT The Force 33 Berry St North Sydney Sydney NSW 2060 133 133

O Ocean Grove Travel 63A The Terrace OCEAN GROVE VIC 3226 352554422 Oceania Expeditions 51A Werona Avenue GORDON NSW 2072 0409 784 410 Odyssey Travel 256 swanston Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 03 9982 4888

Orion Xpeditions Level 2 8 West St NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 02 9033 8713 Our Travel Agent Shop 9 865 South Western Highway Byford WA 6122 08 9525 0900 Our Vacation Centre 58 Kingston Drive GAVEN QLD 4212 07 5514 3333 Our Vaction Centre Pty. Ltd. 58 Kingston Drive GAVEN QLD 4212 5514 3333 Our World Travel Shop 1/113 Royal Street EAST PERTH WA 6000 892219977 Outdoor Travel - Melbourne Level 1 361 Little Bourke Street Melbourne VIC 3000 03 9670 7252 Ovation Travel & Cruise Planners Suite 2 Level 3 27 Belgrave St MANLY NSW 2095 02 9977 3900 Oxford Travel Pacific Square Shopping Centre Shop 43A 737 Anzac Parade MAROUBRA NSW 2035 02 9516 5000 OZway Travel Pty. Ltd. 26 Lemco Walk DELAHEY VIC 3037 0414 353 101


Odyssey Travel Suite 3 235-285 New South Head Road EDGECLIFF NSW 2027 02 9002 5848

Package Travel Suite 105 10/F 420 Pitt Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 9280 3688

Olive Tree Travel Level 1 230 Balaclava Road NORTH CAULFIELD VIC 3161 384889696

Pakenham Travel 97 Main Street PAKENHAM VIC 3810 03 5941 1244

AFTA Travel Pages

New Horizon Travel 674 High Street EAST KEW VIC 3102 03 9859 9521

Member Directory As at 31 December 2014 Phil Hoffmann Travel - Hyde Park 82 King William Road GOODWOOD SA 5034 08 8272 2166

Panorama Cruise & Travel 133 Howick Street Bathurst NSW 2795 02 6331 7044

Phil Hoffmann Travel - Modbury Shop 9ABC Westfield Tea Tree Plus 1020 North East Road MODBURY SA 5092 08 8122 7110

Parthenon Travel (VIC) Pty Ltd 201 Lonsdale Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 396391177 Parthenon Travel (VIC) Pty Ltd 201 Lonsdale Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 396391177 Pasadena Travel Service Shop 13 Mitcham Sc 119 Belair Road TORRENS PARK SA 5062 882724433 Passport Travel Level 1 12-14 Glenferrie Road MALVERN VIC 3144 03 9500 8355 Passport Travel Level 1 12-14 Glenferrie Road MALVERN VIC 3144 03 9500 0444 Patterson Lakes Travel & Cruise Shop 3 Gladesville Shopping Centre 116-118 Thompson Road PATTERSON LAKES VIC 3197 03 9781 9888

Phil Hoffmann Travel - Norwood Shop 3 89 The Parade NORWOOD SA 5067 08 8366 5600 Phil Hoffmann Travel - Semaphore Shop 3 13 Semaphore Road SEMAPHORE SA 5019 08 8449 7333

Premium Sport Tours Pty Ltd Suite 2 Ist Floor 240 Bay Street BRIGHTON VIC 3186 395306555

Pie in the Sky Travel Lexus Centre Corner Swan Street & Batman Avenue MELBOURNE VIC 3000 03 8412 0100

Pioneer Travel Australia Pty.Ltd. 1/184 The Bopulevarde STRATHFIELD NSW 2135 02 8034 1204

PERCHALLA & TURNER TRAVEL ASSOCIATES 107 - 111 King William Road HYDE PARK SA 5061 133 133

Plan B Group Nominees 42 Barkly Street ST KILDA VIC 3182 03 8598 0606

Peregrine Travel Centre 192 Rundle Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 08 8223 5905

Planet Earth Travel PO Box 75332 Manuwera AUCKLAND NEW ZEALAND 1800 605 098

Phil Hoffmann Travel - Barossa Valley 41A Murray Street NURIOOTPA SA 5355 08 8562 3411 Phil Hoffmann Travel - Gawler Shop 1 105 Murray Street GAWLER SA 5118 08 8523 0055 Phil Hoffmann Travel - Glenelg Leisure Bayside Village Shopping Centre Cnr Jetty Rd and Brighton Rd GLENELG SA 5045 08 8350 5700

Premium Holidays 530 Marrickville Road DULWICH HILL NSW 2203 02 9241 3211

Phil Hoffmann Travel - Victor Harbor Unit 12 46-52 Ocean St corner Coral St VICTOR HARBOR SA 5211 08 8551 3000

Peninsula Travel 9 Bay Road MOUNT MARTHA VIC 3934 03 5974 3911

Phil Hoffmann Travel - Adelaide API Ground Floor 12 Pirie Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 08 8113 8700

Premier Cruise and Travel Shop 38, Chatswood Central Shopping Centre Cnr Magellan and Chatswood Roads Springwood QLD 4127 07 3290 5355

Premium Sport Tours Pty Ltd Suite 2 Ist Floor 240 Bay Street BRIGHTON VIC 3186 395306555

Pinpoint Travel Group Pinpoint House 34 James Craig Road ROZELLE NSW 2039 295568441

Phil Hoffmann Business Travel Bayside Village Shopping Centre Cnr Jetty Rd and Brighton Rd GLENELG SA 5045 08 8350 5700

Prahran Travel Service Pty. Ltd. Shop 55 Level 1 325 Chapel Street PRAHRAN VIC 3181 395104793

Phil Hoffmann Travel - Stirling Shop 15 51 Mt Barker Road STIRLING SA 5152 08 8131 4400

Pellegrino Travel Avondale 139 Military Road AVONDALE HEIGHTS VIC 3034 03 9331 0190

Peter Milling Travel 105-107 Macquarie Street DUBBO NSW 2830 02 6882 7788

Prahran Travel Service Pty. Ltd. Shop 55 Level 1 325 Chapel Street PRAHRAN VIC 3181 395104793

Planet Shakers Travel 607 Canterbury Road Surrey Hills VIC 3127 03 9896 7999 PlanetBlue Travel Level 1 327 Church Street PARRAMATTA NSW 2150 02 9126 9444 Port Lincoln Travel and Cruise 79 Liverpool Street Port Lincoln SA 5606 08 8682 1933 Port Macquarie Travel 110 William Street PORT MACQUARIE NSW 2444 02 6583 1422 Port To Port Travel V114 18 Fairway Drive CLEAR ISLAND WATERS QLD 4226 07 5554 6560

AFTA Travel Pages

Palm Beach Cruise & Travel 49 Forest-Oak Drive Upper Coomera QLD 4209 07 5534 1499

Presidential Travel Pty Ltd 52 Lambert Road Royston Park SA 5070 08 8362 7222 PRESS & JAMES TRAVEL ASSOCIATES Level 2, 11 Bungan Street MONA VALE NSW 2103 133 133 Prestige Travel Management Pty Ltd 396a Greenhill Road GLENSIDE SA 5065 883381223 Prier World Travel Suite 307 Delfino Centre 30 Kingsway CRONULLA NSW 2230 02 9523 8000 Production Global Level 5 33 Berry Street North Sydney NSW 2060 133 133 Professional Travel 125 Ember Lane Esher SURREY KT10 8EH UNITED KINGDOM 208873 1097 Professional Travel Services Pty Ltd 74 Parry Street PERTH WA 6000 08 9227 8555 Progress Travel 57 Great Valley Road GLEN IRIS VIC 3146 03 9889 2297 Pulse Travel The Precinct Ground Floor 12 Browning St WEST END QLD 4101 730046666 Pure Travel Suite 202 Norwest Central 10 Century Circuit Norwest Business Park BAULKHAM HILLS NSW 2153 02 9407 8400

Port Travel 158 Rouse Street PORT MELBOURNE VIC 3207 03 9676 2777

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Member Directory As at 31 December 2014


QA Business Travel Level 4 179 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000 08 6181 0090

RAA Adelaide 41 Hindmarsh Square ADELAIDE SA 5000 08 8202 4589

Qantas - Group Sales Australia Level 10 APC Centre Cnr Robey & O’Riordan Streets MASCOT NSW 2020 295784100 Qantas Holidays Level 5 Building E 197-201 Coward Street MASCOT NSW 2020 296910693 Qantas Retail Sales Australia Level 12 8 Exhibition Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 296910204 Qantas Travel Centre Level 1 247 Adelaide Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 732382930 Qantas Travel Centre 130 Collins Street HOBART TAS 7000 362374920 Qantas Travel Centre PO Box 586 TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 747533311 Qantas Travel Centre 16 Bennet Street DARWIN NT 800 889823336 Qantas Travel Centre Endeavour Square Nhulunbuy GOVE NT 880 889870033 QBT Level 7 167 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000 892258270 QBT Level 2 14 Childers Street CANBERRA ACT 2600 02 6263 6111 QBT Level 3 120 Edward Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 07 3055 5220 QBT Level 2 79 Victoria Parade COLLINGWOOD VIC 3066 386962233 Quadrant Australia Level 1 89 Faulkner Street ARMIDALE NSW 2350 02 6772 9066 Queanbeyan City Travel & Cruise Shop 49, Riverside Plaza 131 Monaro Street Queanbeyan NSW 2620 02 6299 3111

RAA Colonnades Shop 25 Centro Colonnades Beach Road NOARLUNGA CENTRE SA 5168 08 8202 4589 RAA Elizabeth Shop 147 Elizabeth Shopping Centre 50 Elizabeth Way ELIZABETH SA 5112 08 8202 4589

A F T A Tr a v e l P a g e s 2 0 1 5

RACQ Travel Service 249 Bourbong Street BUNDABERG QLD 4670 741316033 RACQ Travel Service 2649 Logan Road EIGHT MILE PLAINS QLD 4113 738728464

RAA Marion Shop 2042 Westfield Marion 297 Diagonal Road OAKLANDS PARK SA 5046 08 8202 4589

RACQ Travel Service Shop 74 Capalaba Park Shopping Centre Redland Bay Road CAPALABA QLD 4157 738724927

RAA Mile End 101 Richmond Road MILE END SA 5031 08 8202 4589

RACT Travel Burnie 24 North Terrace BURNIE TAS 7320 03 6434 2955

RAA Modbury 33 Smart Road MODBURY SA 5092 08 8202 4589

RACT Travel Collins Street Hobart Shop 1 110 Collins Street HOBART TAS 7000 03 6222 9222

RAA Mt Gambier 55 Commercial Street West MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290 08 8202 4589 RAA West Lakes Shop 31, Westfield West Lakes 111 West Lakes Blvd WEST LAKES SA 5021 08 8202 4589 RAATS & TURNER TRAVEL ASSOCIATES 583 Stirling Highway Cottesloe WA 6011 133 133 RAC Travel 832 Wellington Street WEST PERTH WA 6005 894364488 RACQ Travel Shop 2425 Caneland Central Mangrove Road and Victoria Street MACKAY QLD 4740 07 4840 0340 RACQ Travel Stockland Shopping Centre 537 Mulgrave Road EARLVILLE QLD 4870 740423118 RACQ Travel 103 Adelaide Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 738728612 RACQ Travel Service 300 St Paul’s Terrace FORTITUDE VALLEY QLD 4006 738728483 RACQ Travel Service 202 Ross River Road AITKENVALE QLD 4814 747753999 RACQ Travel Service 25-33 Cornmeal Parade MAROOCHYDORE QLD 4558 754433306 RACQ Travel Service Shop BD4 Riverlink Shopping Centre Cnr Pine St & The Terrace IPSWICH QLD 4305 738728407


RACQ Travel Service Shop 59 Brookside Shopping Centre 159 Osborne Road MITCHELTON QLD 4053 07 3872 8449

RACT Travel Devonport 119 Rooke Street Mall DEVONPORT TAS 7310 03 6421 1977 RACT Travel Hobart 179-191 Murray Street HOBART TAS 7000 03 6232 6455 RACT Travel Kingston Shop 60 Channel Court KINGSTON TAS 7050 03 6242 3211 RACT Travel Launceston Corner York & George Streets LAUNCESTON TAS 7250 03 6335 5655 RACT Travel Rosny Rosny Mall 2 Bayfield Street ROSNY PARK TAS 7018 03 6212 6777 RACT Travel Ulverstone 38 Reibey Street ULVERSTONE TAS 7315 03 6425 8050 Raj Travel Ground Floor Anisa Building 8 Oswald Street VICTORIA PARK WA 6100 894721077 Ramsgate Travel Service Pty Ltd 358 Rocky Point Road RAMSGATE NSW 2219 295293444 Raw Wildlife Encounters Pty. Ltd. 10 Clare Street YARRAVILLE VIC 3013 0409 162 946 Red Horizon Travel Services 2/11-13 O’Keefes Lane KOGARAH NSW 2217 85945188 Redcliffe Travel 93 Redcliffe Parade REDCLIFFE QLD 4020 732845192

AFTA Travel Pages


RACQ Travel Service 176 James Street TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 746321057

Member Directory As at 31 December 2014

REED & TURNER TRAVEL ASSOCIATES Shop 4, 79 Colin Street WEST PERTH WA 6005 133 133 Reho Travel (NSW) Level 2 343 George St SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 9900 6969 Reho Travel (VIC) Ground Floor 484 St Kilda Road MELBOURNE VIC 3004 03 9823 5222 REIS & JAMES TRAVEL ASSOCIATES Unit 2, Level 1, 32 Bougainville Street MANUKA ACT 2603 133 133

RoundAbout Travel Level 1 134a The Parade NORWOOD SA 5067 1300 318 227

Sandra Lew Fatt & Associates Corner Smith and Knuckey Streets DARWIN NT 0801 08 8981 2871

Roxby Travel and Cruise Shop 3A, Richardson Place Roxby Downs SA 5725 08 8671 2222

Sanford International Travel Level 7 117 York Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 9327 5884

RR Gooi Travel Pty. Ltd. 2 Prose Street BALYWN NORTH VIC 3104 03 9859 5004

Sapphire Travel 9 St Tropez Vista ELLENBROOK WA 6069 08 6296 7442

Runaway Bay Cruise & Travel Shop 9 465 Oxley Drive Runaway Bay QLD 4216 07 5537 7222

Savenio 33 Park Road Milton QLD 4064 07 3368 3733



S&S After Hours 38 Driver Avenue Fox Studios Moore Park NSW 2021 133 133

Scenic Tours Australia Level 2 11 Brown Street NEWCASTLE NSW 2300 249294333

S&S Brisbane The Producers Level 3 Suite 1 316 Adelaide Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133

Sean Simmons Travel Pty. Ltd. Suite 6 53 Coppin Street RICHMOND VIC 3121 03 9429 3294

S&S Fox 4 Entourage FOX Studios Australia #28, Building 23 38 Driver Avenue MOORE PARK NSW 2021 133 133

Select Travel Service Shop 4 439 Cambridge Street FLOREAT WA 6014 08 9284 9488

S&S Fox 5 Studio 54 FOX Studios Australia #28, Building 23 38 Driver Avenue MOORE PARK NSW 2021 133 133

Select World Travel Suite 1 66 Appel Street Surfers Paradise QLD 4217 07 5526 7467

Riverland Travel 191 River Street Maclean NSW 2463 02 6645 2017

S&S Fox 6 The Band FOX Studios Australia Building 28 38 Driver Avenue MOORE PARK NSW 2021 133 133

Select World Travel & Cruise PO Box 4360 Ashmore City QLD 4214 07 5531 4210

Rogers Travel Suite 1 Cnr Vernon & Duke Streets COFFS HARBOUR NSW 2450 02 6652 2799

S&S Groups & Leisure Fox Studios Aust, FSA #28 38 Driver Ave Moore Park NSW 2021 133 133

roomsXML 265 Auburn Road HAWTHORN VIC 3122 03 9813 4900

S&S Melbourne 3 lvl 4, 436 St Kilda Rd Melbourne VIC 3004 133 133

SF Tea Tree Plaza Shop 88, Westfield Tea Tree Plaza 976 North East Road Modbury SA 5046 133 133

Rose Bay Travel 514 Old South Head Road ROSE BAY NSW 2029 02 9371 8166

S&S Melbourne Paparazzi Suite 6, Level 4, 436 St Kilda Road MELBOURNE VIC 3006 133 133

Shepparton Travel and Cruise 100 Fryers Street SHEPPARTON VIC 3630 03 5821 6644

Rose Travel Service Shop 4 218-220 Springvale Road SPRINGVALE VIC 3171 03 9546 5111

S&S Melbourne The Groupies Level 4, 436 St Kilda Road MELBOURNE VIC 3006 133 133

Signature Tours Tower 2 1 Lawson Square REDFERN NSW 2016 02 8332 2550

Rejoice World Travel Shop 26 The Pines 181 Reynolds Road DONCASTER EAST VIC 3109 03 9841 0234 Richmond Travel Centre Shop 9, Park Mall 209-213 Windsor Street RICHMOND NSW 2753 02 4578 4944 Rickshaw Travel Suite 905 147 Pirie Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 08 8125 1800 Right Connections Travel 20 Fraser St MIDDLE PARK VIC 3206

Seymour Travel Shop 5 20 Tallarook Street SEYMOUR VIC 3660 03 5792 2668

ROSS & TURNER TRAVEL ASSOCIATES Shop 9a, Level 1, 8 Grice Avenue PARADISE POINT QLD 4216 133 133

SA Groups Level 4 33 King William Street Adelaide SA 5000 133 133

Ross Garden Tours International Pty Ltd 83 Beecroft Road BEECROFT NSW 2119 294845100

Sabra Travel 234 Bondi Road BONDI NSW 2026 02 9389 9933

Silkway Travel 8 Thea Walk Willetton WA 6155 08 9312 7338

Round Travel Suite 6 23 Dudley Street ELTHAM VIC 3095 03 9439 4652

Sailing Whitsundays Pty. Ltd. Shop 4 398 Shute Harbour Road AIRLIE BEACH QLD 4802 07 4948 0933

Simple Travel 22 Tugela Rise EDMONDSON PARK NSW 2174 0424 953 288

Saizen Tours 2/20 Clayton Street CHIRN PARK QLD 4215 755640133

AFTA Travel Pages

Redmud Australia t/as Pioneer Tours Australia Office 5 20 Loyalty Road NORTH ROCKS NSW 2151 282150608

Signature Travel Orange 197 Summer Street ORANGE NSW 2800 02 6362 6733

Sina World Travel Goodna Shop 40 St Ives Shopping Centre Smiths Rd GOODNA QLD 4300 07 3818 7900

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Member Directory As at 31 December 2014 Spain Tourism Board 541 Orchard Road #09-04 Liat Tower SINGAPORE 46567373008

STA Travel (ANU) Arts Centre ANU Union Square CANBERRA ACT 2601 262470800

Sino Travel Service 301/401 Sussex Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 9281 5639

Spatel Travel 9 Quinane Avenue FORDE ACT 2914 0433 994 264

Sirocco Travel & Cruise Shop 5, Newcomb Central 71 Bellarine Highway NEWCOMB VIC 3219 03 5248 1605

SPD Travel Berkeley Vale 1 Sanitarium Drive BERKELEY VALE NSW 2261 02 4348 7704

STA Travel (ANU) Arts Centre ANU Union Square CANBERRA ACT 2601 262470800

Sirus Holidays Shop 5 124 High St FREMANTLE WA 6160 08 9431 7330 Skelton Travel 137 Yundah St SHORNCLIFFE QLD 4017 07 3869 2007 Ski Scene Travel Ground Floor 743 Stanley Street WOOLLOONGABBA QLD 4102 07 3392 1722 Skilled Travel 22-24 Oxford Road INGLEBURN NSW 2565 02 9605 5866 Smark Travel Pty. Ltd. Suite 3 Level 3 891 Sussex Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 9281 6969 Solterbeck Travel Pty. Ltd. Level 1 63 York Street SOUTH MELBOURNE VIC 3205 399495900 Somerville Travel & Cruise Shop 22, Somerville Plaza 17 Eramosa Road West Somerville VIC 3912 03 5977 5433 Sorrento Travel & Cruise 9 George Street SORRENTO VIC 3943 03 5984 3366 South America Tourism Office Level 1 178 Collins Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 03 9654 7977

SPD Travel Wahroonga 148 Fox Valley Road WAHROONGA NSW 2076 02 9847 3202 Specialty Travel Unit 1 228 Canning Street Rockhampton QLD 4700 07 4922 7229 Spectrum Holidays 511 Whitehorse Road MITCHAM VIC 3132 03 8804 2420 Sportsnet Corporation 616-622 Smith Street CLIFTON HILL VIC 3068 394829411 Spring Hill Travel Centre 71 Spurs Drive Wellington Point QLD 4160 07 3822 1341 St George Travel 43 Mulga Road Oatley NSW 2223 02 9579 2488 St Georges Basin Travel 27 Waterpark Road ST GEORGES BASIN NSW 2540 0400 355 582 St Ives Travel Shop 86, St Ives Shopping Village 166 Mona Vale Road ST IVES NSW 2075 02 9983 1699 St Kilda Travel Centre 35 Jervois Street ST KILDA EAST VIC 3183 395272740 St Leonards Travel 6 Pacific Highway ST LEONARDS NSW 2065 02 9438 1499

STA Travel (Belconnen) Shop 179 Level 3 Westfield Shopping Town Benjamin Way BELCONNEN ACT 2616 262514688 STA Travel (Belconnen) Shop 179 Level 3 Westfield Shopping Town Benjamin Way BELCONNEN ACT 2616 262514688 STA Travel (BNE Myer Centre) Shop 40 The Myer Centre Cnr Elizabeth & Queen St Mall BRISBANE QLD 4000 732296066 STA Travel (BNE Myer Centre) Shop 40 The Myer Centre Cnr Elizabeth & Queen St Mall BRISBANE QLD 4000 732296066 STA Travel (Bondi Westfield) Shop 1004 Level 1 Westfield Bondi Cnr Oxford & Grosvenor Streets BONDI JUNCTION NSW 2022 293894955 STA Travel (Bondi Westfield) Shop 1004 Level 1 Westfield Bondi Cnr Oxford & Grosvenor Streets BONDI JUNCTION NSW 2022 293894955 STA Travel (Brisbane CBD) Shop G11 Queen Adelaide Building 59 Adelaide Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 732292499 STA Travel (Brisbane CBD) Shop G11 Queen Adelaide Building 59 Adelaide Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 732292499 STA Travel (Broadway) Shop 216B The Broadway S/C Bay Street BROADWAY NSW 2007 292112563

South America Travel Centre Pty Ltd 104 Hardware Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 396425353

SArnaud Travel & Cruise 121 Napier Street St Arnaud VIC 3478 03 5495 2294

STA Travel (Broadway) Shop 216B The Broadway S/C Bay Street BROADWAY NSW 2007 292112563

South Coast Cruise & Travel 21 Kinghorne Street Nowra NSW 2541 02 4423 0276

STA Travel (Acland) 144 Acland Street ST KILDA VIC 3182 395253188

STA Travel (Camberwell) 558 Burke Road CAMBERWELL VIC 3124 398820611

South Perth Travel 2/67-77 Angelo Street SOUTH PERTH WA 6151 08 9367 3020

STA Travel (Acland) 144 Acland Street ST KILDA VIC 3182 395253188

STA Travel (Camberwell) 558 Burke Road CAMBERWELL VIC 3124 398820611

South Sydney Travel Unit 27 19-25 Birmingham Street ALEXANDRIA NSW 2015 02 9669 5355

STA Travel (Adelaide Uni) Level 4 Union House Adelaide University ADELAIDE SA 5000 882236620

STA Travel (Canberra Centre) Shop B06 Ground Level The Canberra Centre CIVIC ACT 2601 262577122

Southside World Travel 16 Gymea Bay Road GYMEA NSW 2227 295252211

STA Travel (Adelaide Uni) Level 4 Union House Adelaide University ADELAIDE SA 5000 882236620

STA Travel (Canberra Centre) Shop B06 Ground Level The Canberra Centre CIVIC ACT 2601 262577122


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AFTA Travel Pages

Sina World Travel Logan Shop 4, Logan Central Plaza 38 - 74 Wembley Road LOGAN CENTRAL QLD 4114 07 3386 0871

Member Directory As at 31 December 2014 STA Travel (Chisholm) Union Building Monash University 2 Princes Avenue CAULFIELD EAST VIC 3145 395722811

STA Travel (Fountain Gate) Shop 1195A Westfield Fountain Gate 352 Princess Highway FOUNTAIN GATE VIC 3805 03 8396 5450

STA Travel (Carillon City) Shop M109-111 Carillon City 207 Murray Street PERTH WA 6000 893228966

STA Travel (Chisholm) Union Building Monash University 2 Princes Avenue CAULFIELD EAST VIC 3145 395722811

STA Travel (Fremantle) 53 Market Street FREMANTLE WA 6160 894305553

STA Travel (Carindale) Shop F06 Carindale Shopping Centre 1151 Creek Road CARINDALE QLD 4152 731568400

STA Travel (Collingwood) 196 Smith Street COLLINGWOOD VIC 3066 394170299

STA Travel (Carindale) Shop F06 Carindale Shopping Centre 1151 Creek Road CARINDALE QLD 4152 731568400 STA Travel (Carousel) Shop 1158 Carousel Westfield S/C 1382 Albany Highway CANNINGTON WA 6107 894517358 STA Travel (Carousel) Shop 1158 Carousel Westfield S/C 1382 Albany Highway CANNINGTON WA 6107 894517358 STA Travel (Castle Towers) Shop 450 Castle Towers S/C 6-14 Castle Street CASTLE HILL NSW 2154 02 9146 7680 STA Travel (Castle Towers) Shop 450 Castle Towers S/C 6-14 Castle Street CASTLE HILL NSW 2154 02 9146 7680 STA Travel (Chadstone) Shop B103 Chadstone S.C. 1341 Dandenong Road CHADSTONE VIC 3148 395685744 STA Travel (Chadstone) Shop B103 Chadstone S.C. 1341 Dandenong Road CHADSTONE VIC 3148 395685744 STA Travel (Chapel St) Shop 3 478 Chapel Street SOUTH YARRA VIC 3141 398279366 STA Travel (Chapel St) Shop 3 478 Chapel Street SOUTH YARRA VIC 3141 398279366 STA Travel (Chatswood) Shop 253 Level 2 Westfield S/T 28 Victor Street CHATSWOOD NSW 2067 294116888 STA Travel (Chatswood) Shop 253 Level 2 Westfield S/T 28 Victor Street CHATSWOOD NSW 2067 294116888 STA Travel (Chermside) Shop 190 Westfield Shoppingtown Cnr Gympie & Hamilton Roads CHERMSIDE QLD 4032 738614266 STA Travel (Chermside) Shop 190 Westfield Shoppingtown Cnr Gympie & Hamilton Roads CHERMSIDE QLD 4032 738614266

STA Travel (Fremantle) 53 Market Street FREMANTLE WA 6160 894305553

STA Travel (Collingwood) 196 Smith Street COLLINGWOOD VIC 3066 394170299

STA Travel (Garden City) Shop 95 Garden City S/C 125 Riseley Street BOORAGOON WA 6154 893646500

STA Travel (Curtin Uni) Student Guild Curtin University of Technology SOUTH BENTLEY WA 6102 892667000

STA Travel (Garden City) Shop 95 Garden City S/C 125 Riseley Street BOORAGOON WA 6154 893646500

STA Travel (Curtin Uni) Student Guild Curtin University of Technology SOUTH BENTLEY WA 6102 892667000

STA Travel (George Street) 841 George Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 292121255

STA Travel (Doncaster) Shop 1051 Westfield Doncaster 619 Doncaster Road DONCASTER VIC 3108 8199 1990 STA Travel (Doncaster) Shop 1051 Westfield Doncaster 619 Doncaster Road DONCASTER VIC 3108 8199 1990 STA Travel (Eastland) Eastland Shopping Centre 171-175 Maroondah Highway RINGWOOD VIC 3134 398768211 STA Travel (Eastland) Eastland Shopping Centre 171-175 Maroondah Highway RINGWOOD VIC 3134 398768211 STA Travel (Erina Fair) Shop T350 Errina Fair S/C 620-658 Terrigal Drive ERINA NSW 2250 243676577 STA Travel (Erina Fair) Shop T350 Errina Fair S/C 620-658 Terrigal Drive ERINA NSW 2250 243676577 STA Travel (Fitzroy) 344 Brunswick Street FITZROY VIC 3065 394163450 STA Travel (Fitzroy) 344 Brunswick Street FITZROY VIC 3065 394163450 STA Travel (Flinders Uni) Shopping Arcade Union Building Flinders University BEDFORD PARK SA 5042 882779611 STA Travel (Flinders Uni) Shop T04 Student Hub Flinders University BEDFORD PARK SA 5042 882779611 STA Travel (Fountain Gate) Shop 1195A Westfield Fountain Gate 352 Princess Highway FOUNTAIN GATE VIC 3805 03 8396 5450

AFTA Travel Pages

STA Travel (Carillon City) Shop M109-111 Carillon City 207 Murray Street PERTH WA 6000 893228966

STA Travel (George Street) 841 George Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 292121255 STA Travel (Glasshouse) Shop 4R13 Glasshouse S/C 135 King Strreet SYDNEY NSW 2000 292313930 STA Travel (Glasshouse) Shop 4R13 Glasshouse S/C 135 King Strreet SYDNEY NSW 2000 292313930 STA Travel (Glenferrie) 677 Glenferrie Road HAWTHORN VIC 3122 398180645 STA Travel (Glenferrie) 677 Glenferrie Road HAWTHORN VIC 3122 398180645 STA Travel (Gold Coast Uni) Gold Coast University Shop 2 The Link Parklands Drive SOUTHPORT QLD 4215 755528062 STA Travel (Gold Coast Uni) Gold Coast University Shop 2 The Link Parklands Drive SOUTHPORT QLD 4215 755528062 STA Travel (Griffith) Shop 5 Community Centre West Creek Rd Griffith University NATHAN QLD 4111 738751868 STA Travel (Griffith) Shop 5 Community Centre West Creek Rd Griffith University NATHAN QLD 4111 738751868 STA Travel (Highpoint) Shop 1111a Level 1 Highpoint S.C. Rosamond Road MARIBYRNONG VIC 3032 393170277 STA Travel (Highpoint) Shop 1111a Level 1 Highpoint S.C. Rosamond Road MARIBYRNONG VIC 3032 393170277

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Member Directory As at 31 December 2014

STA Travel (Indooroopilly) Shop 1021B Indooroopilly S/C 322 Moggill Road INDOOROOPILLY QLD 4068 737202744 STA Travel (Kings Cross) Shop 6 127-139 Macleay Street POTTS POINT NSW 2011 293681111 STA Travel (Knox City) Shop 2067A Westfield Knox S/C 425 Burwood Highway WANTIRNA SOUTH VIC 3152 398001611 STA Travel (Knox City) Shop 2067A Westfield Knox S/C 425 Burwood Highway WANTIRNA SOUTH VIC 3152 398001611 STA Travel (Kotara) Shop 2098 Westfield Kotara Cnr Park & Northcott Ave KOTARA NSW 2289 02 9146 7500 STA Travel (La Trobe Uni) The Agora La Trobe University BUNDOORA VIC 3083 394781868 STA Travel (La Trobe Uni) The Agora La Trobe University BUNDOORA VIC 3083 394781868 STA Travel (Lygon Street) 366 Lygon Street CARLTON VIC 3053 393494344 STA Travel (Lygon Street) 366 Lygon Street CARLTON VIC 3053 393494344 STA Travel (Macquarie Centre) Shop 438 Macquarie Centre Cnr Hering & Waterloo Roads NORTH RYDE NSW 2113 298708288 STA Travel (Macquarie Centre) Shop 438 Macquarie Centre Cnr Hering & Waterloo Roads NORTH RYDE NSW 2113 298708288 STA Travel (Macquarie Uni) Level 1 Union Building Macquarie University NORTH RYDE NSW 2109 298050211 STA Travel (Macquarie Uni) Level 1 Union Building Macquarie University NORTH RYDE NSW 2109 298050211 STA Travel (Marion) Shop 2036a Westfield Marion 297 Diagonal Rd OAKLANDS PARK SA 5046 884260083 STA Travel (Marion) Shop 2036a Westfield Marion 297 Diagonal Rd OAKLANDS PARK SA 5046 884260083 STA Travel (MCAE) 240 Flinders Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 396547266


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STA Travel (MCAE) 240 Flinders Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 396547266

STA Travel (Newtown) 308 King Street NEWTOWN NSW 2042 295577396

STA Travel (Melbourne Central) 309 Swanston Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 396392277

STA Travel (Pacific Fair) Shop 79 Pacific Fair S/C Hooker Boulevarde BROADBEACH QLD 4218 755261599

STA Travel (Melbourne Central) 309 Swanston Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 396392277 STA Travel (Melbourne Uni) Ground Floor Union Building University of Melbourne PARKVILLE VIC 3052 393481444 STA Travel (Melbourne Uni) Ground Floor Union Building University of Melbourne PARKVILLE VIC 3052 393481444 STA Travel (MET Centre) Shop T05 273 George Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 9146 7690 STA Travel (MET Centre) Shop T05 273 George Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 9146 7690 STA Travel (Miranda) Shop 1151/52 Westfield Miranda 600 The Kingsway MIRANDA NSW 2228 295240622 STA Travel (Miranda) Shop 1151/52 Westfield Miranda 600 The Kingsway MIRANDA NSW 2228 295240622 STA Travel (Monash) Campus Centre Monash University CLAYTON VIC 3800 399053128 STA Travel (Monash) Campus Centre Monash University CLAYTON VIC 3800 399053128 STA Travel (Mt Gravatt) Shop 13048 Westfield Garden City Cnr Logan & Kessels Rd UPPER MT GRAVATT QLD 4122 07 3135 6520 STA Travel (Murdoch Uni) Amenities Blding Murdoch Uni South Street MURDOCH WA 6150 893606970 STA Travel (Murdoch Uni) Amenities Blding Murdoch Uni South Street MURDOCH WA 6150 893606970 STA Travel (Newcastle) University of Newcastle University Drive CALLAGHAN NSW 2308 249674427 STA Travel (Newcastle) University of Newcastle University Drive CALLAGHAN NSW 2308 249674427 STA Travel (Newtown) 308 King Street NEWTOWN NSW 2042 295577396

STA Travel (Pacific Fair) Shop 79 Pacific Fair S/C Hooker Boulevarde BROADBEACH QLD 4218 755261599 STA Travel (Parramatta) Shop 2156 Westfield Parramatta 159-175 Church Street PARRAMATTA NSW 2150 288217700 STA Travel (Parramatta) Shop 2156 Westfield Parramatta 159-175 Church Street PARRAMATTA NSW 2150 288217700 STA Travel (Penrith Plaza) Shop L01/066 Penrith Plaza Henry Street PENRITH NSW 2750 247225555 STA Travel (Penrith Plaza) Shop L01/066 Penrith Plaza Henry Street PENRITH NSW 2750 247225555 STA Travel (QUT) L Block QLD University of Technology 2 George Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 732290655 STA Travel (Randwick) 126 Belmore Road RANDWICK NSW 2031 293147888 STA Travel (RMIT) Level 4 Union Building R.M.I.T. MELBOURNE VIC 3000 396637365 STA Travel (RMIT) Level 4 Union Building R.M.I.T. MELBOURNE VIC 3000 396637365 STA Travel (Rundle) 235 Rundle Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 882232426 STA Travel (Rundle) 235 Rundle Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 882232426 STA Travel (Southland) Shop 3030 Westfield Southland SC 1239 Nepean Highway CHELTENHAM VIC 3192 395857689 STA Travel (Southland) Shop 3030 Westfield Southland SC 1239 Nepean Highway CHELTENHAM VIC 3192 395857689 STA Travel (Subiaco) Shop 2 93 Rockeby Road SUBIACO WA 6008 893804747 STA Travel (Subiaco) Shop 2 93 Rockeby Road SUBIACO WA 6008 893804747

AFTA Travel Pages

STA Travel (Indooroopilly) Shop 1021B Indooroopilly S/C 322 Moggill Road INDOOROOPILLY QLD 4068 737202744

Member Directory As at 31 December 2014 STA Travel (Woden) Shop 109 Woden Shopping Centre Keltie Street WODEN ACT 2606 262478633

STUDENT FLIGHTS BRISBANE CENTRAL Shop 5, Post Office Square 280 Queen St BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133

STA Travel (Sunshine Plaza) Shop GD146 Sunshine Plaza S/C Horton Parade MAROOCHYDORE QLD 4556 775316010

STA Travel (Wollongong) Building 17 IT Resource Centre Wollongong Uni Northfields Dve WOLLONGONG NSW 2500 242262077

STUDENT FLIGHTS BROADWAY Shop 4, 185-211 Broadway Shopping Centre 1 Bay Street BROADWAY NSW 2007 133 133

STA Travel (Swanston) 208 Swanston Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 396390599

STA Travel (Wollongong) Building 17 IT Resource Centre Wollongong Uni Northfields Dve WOLLONGONG NSW 2500 242262077

STUDENT FLIGHTS BUNDOORA Shop A7, Polaris S/C 1056 - 1140 Plenty Road Bundoora VIC 3083 133 133

STA Travel Pty. Ltd. Level 3 6 Riverside Quay SOUTHBANK VIC 3006 390976900

STUDENT FLIGHTS CAIRNS Shop 14, Orchid Plaza 79-87 Abbott Street CAIRNS QLD 4870 133 133

Status Travel 98 Maling Road CANTERBURY VIC 3126 03 9836 8444

STUDENT FLIGHTS CANBERRA 59 Northbourne Avenue CANBERRA ACT 2600 133 133

Stodarts Travel & Cruise 227 Hannan Street Kalgoorlie WA 6430 08 9021 1855

STUDENT FLIGHTS CAROUSEL Shop 1064, Westfield Carousel 1382 Albany Hwy CANNINGTON WA 6107 133 133

STA Travel (Swanston) 208 Swanston Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 396390599 STA Travel (Town Hall) Shop 8 Town Hall Sqaure 464-480 Kent Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 292629692 STA Travel (Town Hall) Shop 8 Town Hall Sqaure 464-480 Kent Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 292629692 STA Travel (UNSW) Shop G39 Quadrangle Building University of NSW KENSINGTON NSW 2033 296632378 STA Travel (UNSW) Shop G39 Quadrangle Building University of NSW KENSINGTON NSW 2033 296632378 STA Travel (UQU) Ground Floor Union Building University of Queensland ST LUCIA QLD 4067 733712433 STA Travel (UQU) Ground Floor Union Building University of Queensland ST LUCIA QLD 4067 733712433 STA Travel (WA Uni) Level 1 Guild Village University of WA CRAWLEY WA 6009 893802302 STA Travel (WA Uni) Level 1 Guild Village University of WA CRAWLEY WA 6009 893802302 STA Travel (Wentworth) Level 3 Wentworth Building Sydney Uni City Road CHIPPENDALE NSW 2008 296606422 STA Travel (Wentworth) Level 3 Wentworth Building Sydney Uni City Road CHIPPENDALE NSW 2008 296606422 STA Travel (William St) 111 William Street PERTH WA 6000 892263922 STA Travel (William St) 111 William Street PERTH WA 6000 892263922 STA Travel (Woden) Shop 109 Woden Shopping Centre Keltie Street WODEN ACT 2606 262478633

STORER & TURNER TRAVEL ASSOCIATES 1 Cole Street WILLIAMSTOWN VIC 3016 133 133 Student Flights 24 7 Level 1, 545 Queen St Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS ADELAIDE CENTRAL Shop 2 21 Pulteney Street Adelaide SA 5000 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS ADELAIDE CITY WEST Shop 8, 189-207 Hindley Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS ADELAIDE STREET Shop 31, Mayfair Arcade 126 Adelaide Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS ALBERT STREET 96 Albert Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS ALEXANDRA HEADLAND Shop 4, Alex Beach Resort 180 Alexandra Parade ALEXANDRA HEADLAND QLD 4572 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS ANZAC PARADE 255 Anzac Pde Kingsford NSW 3032 133 133

STUDENT FLIGHTS CASTLE TOWERS Shop 457B Castle Towers S/C 6 - 14 Castle Street castle Hill NSW 2154 133 133 Student Flights Caulfield Plaza Shop 3, Caulfield Plaza Shopping Centre 860 Dandenong Road Caulfield VIC 3162 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS CHADSTONE Shop 244, Chadstone Shopping Centre 1341 Dandenong Road CHADSTONE VIC 3148 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS CHARLESTOWN Shop 2087 Charlestown Sq 30 Pearson St Charlestown NSW 2290 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS CHATSWOOD Shop 349, Westfield Chatswood 1 Anderson Street CHATSWOOD NSW 2067 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS COLLINGWOOD 256 Smith Street COLLINGWOOD VIC 3066 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS CURTIN Shop 12, Village Green Shopping Centre Corner Kent Street and Manning Road KARAWARA WA 6152 133 133


STUDENT FLIGHTS DONCASTER Shop G060A, Westfield Doncaster 619 Doncaster Road DONCASTER VIC 3108 133 133

STUDENT FLIGHTS BELCONNEN Shop 181, Westfield Belconnen Benjamin Way BELCONNEN ACT 2617 133 133

STUDENT FLIGHTS ERINA Shop No T 369, Erina Fair 620-658 Terrigal Drive Erina NSW 2250 133 133

STUDENT FLIGHTS BOND UNIVERSITY Shop 14, Building 9, Level 1 Commercial centre, University Dve ROBINA QLD 4229 133 133

STUDENT FLIGHTS FLINDERS STREET Shop 4, 250 Flinders Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 133 133

STUDENT FLIGHTS BONDI JUNCTION Shop 8, 235 - 239 Oxford Street BONDI JUNCTION NSW 2022 133 133

AFTA Travel Pages

STA Travel (Sunshine Plaza) Shop GD146 Sunshine Plaza S/C Horton Parade MAROOCHYDORE QLD 4556 775316010

STUDENT FLIGHTS FORTITUDE VALLEY Shop T20, McWhirters Urban Markets Corner Wickham & Brunswick Streets FORTITUDE VALLEY QLD 4006 133 133

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Member Directory As at 31 December 2014 Student Flights Logan Hyperdome Shop 127 Logan Hyperdome 3828-3846 Pacific Highway Loganholme QLD 4129 133 133


STUDENT FLIGHTS MACARTHUR SQUARE Shop L01, C031 Macarthur Square Corner Gilchrist Drive & Kellicar Road CAMPBELLTOWN NSW 2560 133 133

STUDENT FLIGHTS GARDEN CITY Shop 2108A, Westfield Garden City Corner Logan & Kessels Roads UPPER MOUNT GRAVATT QLD 4122 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS GEELONG Shop 5, 114 - 122 Moorabool Street GEELONG VIC 3220 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS GLEBE 85 Glebe Point Road GLEBE NSW 2037 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS GROUPS Level 3, 33 Berry St North Sydney NSW 2060 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS HAWTHORN 642 Glenferrie Road HAWTHORN VIC 3122 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS HIGHPOINT Shop 3016, Highpoint Shopping Centre 200 Rosamond Road MARIBYRNONG VIC 3032 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS HOBART Shop 34 Cat and Fiddle Arcade 51 Murray Street Hobart TAS 4000 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS HORNSBY Shop 3078, Westfield Hornsby 236 Pacific Highway HORNSBY NSW 2077 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS HURSTVILLE Shop A13 Westfield Shoppingtown Hurstville Cnr Cross and Park Road HURSTVILLE NSW 2220 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS INDOOROOPILLY Shop 3034, Indooroopilly Shopping Town 322 Moggill Road INDOOROOPILLY QLD 4068 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS INNALOO Shop 1020, Westfield Innaloo Oswald Street INNALOO WA 6018 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS JOONDALUP Shop T49 Joondalup Lakeside S/C 420 Joondalup Dve Joondalup WA 6027 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS KNOX CITY Shop 2050, Knox City Shopping Centre Corner Burwood Highway & Stud Road WANTIRNA SOUTH VIC 3152 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS LIVE Shop 6 Osborne Park Shopping Centre 212 Main Street Osborne Park WA 6017 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS LIVE 2 Shop 6, Osbourke Park Shopping Centre 212 Main Street Osbourne Park WA 6017 133 133


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Student Flights Macquarie University Shop 121 - 122 UMQ Building Macquarie University North Ryde NSW 2113 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS MANLY 7 Sydney Road MANLY NSW 2095 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS MARION Shop 2019 Westfield Marion S/C 297 Diagonal Rd Oaklands Park SA 5046 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS MELBOURNE CENTRAL Shop LG25, Melbourne Central 211 Latrobe Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 133 133 Student Flights Melbourne University Tenancy 1, G09, Union House Royal Parade PARKVILLE VIC 3053 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS NEDLANDS 180 Hampden Road NEDLANDS WA 6009 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS NEWTOWN 140 King Street NEWTOWN NSW 2042 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS OXFORD ST Ground Floor, 73 Oxford Street DARLINGHURST NSW 2010 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS PARRAMATTA Shop 2177, Westfield Parramatta 159-175 Church Street PARRAMATTA NSW 2150 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS PENRITH Shop 302, 585 High St Penrith NSW 2750 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS PRAHRAN 175 Chapel Street PRAHRAN VIC 3181 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS QUT GARDENS POINT Shop P205, P Block, QUT Gardens Point Campus 2 George Street Brisbane QLD 4000 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS RANDWICK 3-5 Belmore Road RANDWICK JUNCTION NSW 2024 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS RICHMOND 163 Swan Street RICHMOND VIC 3121 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS ROCKINGHAM Shop 146, Rockingham S/C Read Street Rockingham WA 6168 133 133

STUDENT FLIGHTS SOUTHPORT Shop 1, 9 Nerang Street SOUTHPORT QLD 4215 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS ST LUCIA Shop 1, 228 Hawken Drive ST LUCIA QLD 4067 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS SUNNYBANK Shop 128, Sunnybank Plaza Corner Mains Road & McCullough Street SUNNYBANK QLD 4109 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS SWANSTON STREET Shop 2, 339 Swanston Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 133 133 Student Flights Sydney Central Ground Floor, 803-813 George Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS TOWN HALL Shop 21B, Town Hall Arcade 464-480 Kent Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS TOWNSVILLE Shop 29, Stockland Townsville 310 Ross River Road AITKENVALE QLD 4814 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS UNI QLD Level 1, Physics Annexe Building 6 Staff House Road ST LUCIA QLD 4072 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS WATERGARDENS Shop 8, 399 Melton Highway TAYLORS LAKES VIC 3038 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS WEST END 179 Boundary Street WEST END QLD 4101 133 133 STUDENT FLIGHTS WODEN Shop 69A, Westfield Woden Keltie Street PHILLIP ACT 2606 133 133 Summerland Travel Lismore 97 Keen Street LISMORE NSW 2480 02 6621 4181 Summerland Travel Merimbula 16 The Plaza MERIMBULA NSW 2548 02 6495 1008 Summit Travel (& The Peregrine Travel Centre WA) Level 1 862 Hay Street PERTH WA 6000 893211259 Summit Travel (& The Peregrine Travel Centre WA) Level 1 862 Hay Street PERTH WA 6000 893211259 Suncity Travel - Caloundra 6 First Ave CALOUNDRA QLD 4551 07 5491 8311 Sundowners Overland Level 1 51 Queen Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 03 9627 5300 Sunstate Travel Centre Bundaberg 167B Bourbong Street BUNDABERG QLD 4670 07 4152 2322

AFTA Travel Pages

STUDENT FLIGHTS FOUNTAIN GATE Shop 1131A, Westfield Fountain Gate 352 Princes Highway FOUNTAIN GATE VIC 3805 133 133

Member Directory As at 31 December 2014

Supertravel Pty Ltd 3rd Floor 199 Toorak Road SOUTH YARRA VIC 3141 398266111 Sure Thing Travel 68 Carlton Crescent KOGARAH BAY NSW 2217 1300495969 Surrey Travel Rear 278 High Street KEW VIC 3101 03 9855 2202 Sussex Inlet Travel Shop 3 192 Jacobs Drive SUSSEX INLET NSW 2540 02 4441 1147 Swan Travel 40 Railway Parade KOGARAH NSW 2217 02 9553 8886 Swansea Travel & Cruise Shop 4 168 Pacific Highway SWANSEA NSW 2281 02 4972 1222 Sylvania Travel & Cruise Shop 5 Southgate Shopping Centre Cnr Princes Hwy & Port Hacking Rd SYLVANIA NSW 2224 02 9544 6544 Synergy Travel 1a Glyde St MOSMAN PARK WA 6012 08 9384 4110

T Tailor Made Travel (Mount Gambier) 2/20 Ferrers Street MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290 08 8725 5332 Taking Off Tours Suite 3, 618 St Kilda Road Melbourne VIC 3004 03 9521 1475 Tamworth Travel Shop 13 Atrium Shopping Centre 345 Peel Street TAMWORTH NSW 2340 02 6761 3944 Target Tours (India) Pvt Ltd 203 Ansal Classique Tower J Block”” Rajouri Garden NEW DELHI INDIA 911145525663 TAYLOR & TURNER TRAVEL ASSOCIATES Suite 2, 204 Oxford Street BULIMBA QLD 4171 133 133 Tee Lee Travel 115 Gouger Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 08 8212 3822 Telford Educational Tours P/Ltd 69-71 Henderson Road TURRELLA NSW 2205 295673659

Temora Travel 198 Hoskins Street TEMORA NSW 2666 02 6977 1296

The Savvy Traveller 119 Rainbow Street RANDWICK NSW 2031 9398 2516

Tempo Holidays Pty. Ltd. Cox & Kings House 72 Market Street SOUTH MELBOURNE VIC 3205 396460277

The Travel and Cruise Company Shop 8, Ocean Central Shopping Centre 2-4 Ocean Street MAROOCHYDORE QLD 4558 07 5408 4700

Terrace Travel Ground Floor 16 Kenilworth Street SHERWOOD QLD 4075 738321747

The Travel Authority Level 1, Suite 101 308 Pacific Highway CROWS NEST NSW 2065 02 8437 1111

Tertiary Travel Service Pty. Ltd. 80 Broadway NEDLANDS WA 6009 893866314

The Travel Authority - Central Coast Shop 1 17 Church Street TERRIGAL NSW 2260 02 4384 0400

Tertiary Travel Service Pty. Ltd. 80 Broadway NEDLANDS WA 6009 893866314 Tewantin Travel Shop 14, Tewantin Plaza 113 Poinciana Avenue Tewantin QLD 4565 07 5447 1011 The Australian Group Travel Company Shop 4 635 Pacific Highway BELMONT NSW 2280 249458345 The Couture Travel Company Shop 11 Emporium 1000 Ann Street FORTITUDE VALLEY QLD 4006 1800 251 100 The Departure Lounge Berwick 70 High Street BERWICK VIC 3806 03 9769 5722 The Don’t Forget Travel Group 79 Glen Osmond Road EASTWOOD SA 5063 08 8118 6341 The Global Work & Travel Co. (Australia) Pty. Ltd. Level 16 50 Cavill Avenue SURFERS PARADISE QLD 4215 07 5528 1917 The Global Work & Travel Co. (Australia) Pty. Ltd. Level 16 50 Cavill Avenue SURFERS PARADISE QLD 4215 07 5528 1917 The Holiday Stop 37 George Street PORT DENISON WA 6525 0458 271 900 The Journey Masters 74 Paddington Street PADDINGTON NSW 2021 02 9360 4000 The MelAchemy Level 4 436 St Kilda Road Melbourne VIC 3004 133 133 The Ornate Travel Centre Pty. Ltd. Shop 1 6-10 Old Princess Highway BEACONSFIELD VIC 3807 The Rocks Travel Shop 1 3 Livingstone Street South West Rocks NSW 2431 02 6566 6770

AFTA Travel Pages

Sunwild Holidays Woodvale Boulevard Shopping Centre Shop 12 933 Whitfords Avenue WOODVALE WA 6026 08 9309 1822

The Travel Authority - Northern Beaches Shop 2 367 Barrenjoey Road NEWPORT NSW 2106 02 9999 5533 The Travel Authority - Perth Level 1, Suite 5-6 19 Essex Street FREMANTLE WA 6160 08 9430 0800 The Travel Book Shop 17 20 Bungan Street MONA VALE NSW 2103 02 9979 7780 The Travel Emporium 17 Charles St SOUTH PERTH WA 6151 08 9474 4777 The Travel Haven Shop 10 204 Warrandyte Road RINGWOOD VIC 3134 03 9876 7688 The Travel Lounge Unit 18 293 Esplanade CAIRNS QLD 4870 07 4041 0123 The Travel Planner 136 Murray Street GAWLER SA 5118 08 8523 1100 The Travel Shop @ Panthers 123 Mulgoa Road Penrith Rugby Leagues Club PENRITH NSW 2750 02 4731 6666 The Travel Studio Shop 15, Q Super Centre Cnr Bermuda & Markeri Streets MERMAID WATERS QLD 4218 07 5572 7272 The Travel Studio (TAS) 29 Salamanca Square HOBART TAS 7000 03 6224 7444 The Travellers Hut Shop 6 39 Avoca Drive KINCUMBER NSW 2251 02 4363 1699 The Travellers Shop 226 Mary Street GYMPIE QLD 4570 07 5482 6999 The Well Connected Traveller (Your Travel Concierge) 55A Birdwood Avenue COMO WA 6152 0412 943 209

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Member Directory As at 31 December 2014 TP World Tours 3/1324 Gold Coast Highway Palm Beach QLD 4221 0402 538 862

Thornleigh Cruise & Travel Shop 8A, Thornleigh Market Place 2-12 The Comenarra Parkway Thornleigh NSW 2120 02 9875 3633

Trade Travel Unit 1 9 Price Street NERANG QLD 4211 07 5574 3733

THORPE & TURNER TRAVEL ASSOCIATES 127 Macquarie Street HOBART TAS 7000 133 133

Trafalgar Travel (Aust) Pty Ltd Level 6 Travel House 35 Grafton Street BONDI JUNCTION NSW 2022 296573489

Timboon Travel Shop 3 47 Main Street TIMBOON VIC 3268 355983667 Time 2 Travel Shop 14 808-820 Forest Road PEAKHURST NSW 2210 02 9584 1995 Timeless Tours and Travel 2/197 Military Road NEUTRAL BAY NSW 2089 299041239 Tobaraoi Travel Pty Ltd 29 Harold Street Newtown NSW 2024 SYDNEY NSW 2000 295199224 Toner’s Travel & Cruise Shop 21 700 Logan Road GREENSLOPES QLD 4120 07 3397 3828 Toorak Travel 533A Toorak Road TOORAK VIC 3142 03 9826 1213 Toorak Village Travel & Cruise 2 Wallace Avenue TOORAK VIC 3142 03 9827 8800

Trans Nuigini Tours Pty Ltd PO Box 371 MT HAGEN 281 PAPUA NEW GUINEA 675.542

Travel Agents Association of New Zealand Level 3 Tourism & Travel House 79 Boulcott Street WELLINGTON NEW ZEALAND 6444990104 Travel and Cruise Ceduna 3/42 Poynton Street Ceduna SA 5690 08 8625 2780 Travel and Cruise Fundamentals Willetton Shop 65 Southlands Shopping Centre Burrendah Boulevard WILLETTON WA 6155 893322363 Travel and Cruise Professionals 70 Glen Osmond Road Parkside SA 5063 08 8274 1222

Transair International Travel Suite 1 (Rear Entrance) 10-12 Chapel Street BLACKBURN VIC 3130 398944066

Travel and Sports Australia Suite 6 281 Hay Street SUBIACO WA 6008 08 9381 9555

Trans-Global Travel Service Level C3 398-408 Pitt Street HAYMARKET NSW 2000 292115800

Travel Associates Australia Suite 5 339 Cambridge Street WEMBLEY WA 6014 08 6314 7100

TravBiz International Suite 401, Level 4 88 Foveaux Street SURRY HILLS NSW 2010 02 9299 0777

Travel Associates Garwood & Turner 170 Elgin Street Carlton VIC 3053 133 133

Travel & Cruise Belrose Shop 48, Glenrose Shopping Centre Glen Street BELROSE NSW 2085 02 9451 7866 Travel & Cruise Bright 100 Gavan Street BRIGHT VIC 3741 03 5755 1121

Travel Associates Lyons and Turner Part Area 5 24 The Esplanade Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 133 133 Travel Avenue 101 Bridport Street ALBERT PARK VIC 3206 03 9696 4799

Travel & Cruise Bundaberg 145 Bourbong Street Bundaberg QLD 4670 07 4151 2888

Travel Beyond Group Unit 6 37-69 Union Street PYRMONT NSW 2009 02 9571 5555

Travel & Cruise Castlemaine 30-32 Lyttleton Street Castlemaine VIC 3450 03 5472 3822

Travel Bird 219 Sunnydene Road CHANDLER QLD 4155 0468 599 344

Travel & Cruise Wangaratta 30 Ovens Street WANGARATTA VIC 3677 03 5722 9600

Travel Bound & Cruise 10-12 Arthur Street Eltham VIC 3095 03 9439 3755

Total Travel (WA) Pty Ltd 557 Canning Highway ALFRED COVE WA 6154 08 9329 2200

Travel & Cruise Yarrawonga 52 Belmore St YARRAWONGA VIC 3730 03 5743 3366

Travel Bug Wantirna 9 Pinnacle Rise LILYDALE VIC 3140 397292211

Total Travel Solutions Pty. Ltd. 2 Dan Avenue MAROUBRA NSW 2035 1300294334

Travel 195 118a Dangar Street ARMIDALE NSW 2350 267722585

Travel By Ange 32 Candy Street NORTHCOTE VIC 3070 394430303

Touchdown Travel 14 Hawkins Road ROLEYSTONE WA 6111 08 9397 5793

Travel About Level 4 155 Wickham Terrace BRISBANE QLD 4000 07 3221 1955

Travel By Design 8 Archer Crt BRIGHTON EAST VIC 3187 395305300

Top Deck Travel - Norwood 260 The Parade NORWOOD SA 5067 08 8332 8899 Top Travel & Tours (P) Ltd L-3samrat-bhawan Ranjeet Nagar Complex New Delhi 110008 INDIA 911125708822

Tour de Force Travel Shop 1b, Marmion Village 19 Sheppard Way Marmion WA 6020 08 9246 2177 Tour East Australia Pty. Ltd. Level 2 189 Kent Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 283145898 Tour Mate Level 2 114 Adelaide St BRISBANE QLD 4000 31625677


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Travel Abroad 4 Baychester Place WAKERLEY QLD 4154 733488275 Travel Africa 48 Lodge Street HORNSBY NSW 2077 02 9940 3684

Travel by Design NSW 82 Yarrara Road PENNANT HILLS NSW 2120 02 9875 1333 Travel by Wyndham Pty. Ltd. Level 7 Wyndham Corporate Centre 1 Corporate Court BUNDALL QLD 4217 755128888 Travel Central Shop 1D George Street MORTDALE NSW 2223 02 8208 8888

AFTA Travel Pages

THESINGER & TURNER TRAVEL ASSOCIATES 72 The Parade Norwood SA 5067 133 133

Member Directory As at 31 December 2014

Travel Club Getaways St Kilda Road Suite 15, Level 8, 436 St Kilda Road MELBOURNE VIC 3006 133 133 Travel Connections 32 Errol Street NORTH MELBOURNE VIC 3051 03 9326 5535 Travel Counsellors Pty. Ltd. Level 4 34 Queen Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 03 8517 8200 Travel Crew Level 1, Commercial Centre, C.Q.U. Bruce Highway NORMAN GARDENS QLD 4701 07 4936 2466 Travel Design 66 Cunninghame Street Sale VIC 3850 03 5144 5100 Travel Designers Lower Ground Floor, Ethos House 28-36 Ainslie Ave CANBERRA ACT 2601 02 6247 6544 Travel Dreams 2 Kinloch Road Daisy Hill QLD 4127 07 3427 6788 Travel Edge Redbank Shop 323, Redbank Plaza 1 Collingwood Drive REDBANK QLD 4301 07 3288 5888 Travel Extra Shop 2, Northwood Plaza 221 Main North Road SEFTON PARK SA 5083 08 8344 4433 Travel Focus International Shop 6, North Lake Centre 67 North Lake Road MYAREE WA 6154 08 9317 4455 Travel Glen 17 Coleman Parade GLEN WAVERLEY VIC 3150 03 9886 1499 Travel Hotspot 19 Paris Way KARRINYUP WA 6018 08 9483 9000 Travel House Group 159 Port Road Hindmarsh SA 5007 08 8340 2966 Travel House Group Christies Beach 49 Beach Road Christies Beach SA 5165 08 8382 5033 Travel Industry Club 22 Ewan Street MASCOT NSW 2020 297008711 Travel Inspirations 2a Stawell Street CRANBOURNE VIC 3977 03 5996 5055 Travel Just 4U 1159 Toorak Rd CAMBERWELL VIC 3124 399371800

travel key Kalamunda Shop 43, Centro Kalamunda Corner Hayes Street & Central Mall KALAMUNDA WA 6076 08 9293 1722 travel key Leederville 226 Oxford Street LEEDERVILLE WA 6007 08 9444 2633 travel key Morley Shop 48 The Galleria S/C Russell Street MORLEY WA 6062 08 9275 5755 Travel Leisure and Corporate Suite 9 456 St Kilda Road MELBOURNE VIC 3004 03 9866 6911 Travel Makers Shop 78 / Eastlake Parade (Corner Eastlake Parade & Trevillian Quay) Kingston Foreshore Kingston ACT 2604 02 6223 2780

Travel Plans International Victoria Centre Shop 4 447 Victoria Centre WETHERILL PARK NSW 2164 02 8922 9888 Travel Plus Australia Pinewood Shopping Centre 33-45 Centreway MT WAVERLEY VIC 3149 398878836 Travel Projects Pty. Ltd. Level 5 Suite 514 365 Little Collins Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 396707397 Travel Prospects Shop 2 80 Walkerville Terrace WALKERVILLE SA 5081 883449030 Travel Redcliffe Peninsula 32 Baynes St MARGATE QLD 4019 07 3889 3999

Travel Masterpiece Shop 20 Paddington Central 107 Latrobe Tce PADDINGTON QLD 4064 07 3367 1644

Travel Rockhampton Shop 23 Stockland Rockhampton 74 - 331 Yaamba Road NORTH ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4701 07 4928 0777

Travel Masters Cnr Cotton & Ferry Streets NERANG QLD 4211 07 5596 0511

Travel Seekers Pty. Ltd. Suite 103 Level 1 Manning Building 451 Pitt Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 292816428

Travel Menai Metro Shop 16 Menai Metro 62-96 Allison Crescent MENAI NSW 2234 02 9543 7511 Travel on Capri Suite 4, Level 1, Capri on Via Roma 15-21 Via Roma ISLE OF CAPRI QLD 4217 07 5592 3349 Travel on Cooper 1A Cooper Street CESSNOCK NSW 2325 02 4990 5000 Travel on Dalkeith 122A Dalkeith Road NEDLANDS WA 6009 08 9386 4477 Travel On King 461 King Street (Cnr Steel) NEWCASTLE WEST NSW 2302 249298600 Travel On Q 94 Cathedral Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011 02 9357 6800 Travel on Sale Level 3 34 James Craig Road ROZELLE NSW 2039 02 9352 3999 Travel Online Australia Pty. Ltd. Suite 18 Level 1 3-15 Dennis Road SPRINGWOOD QLD 4127 738048411 Travel Our World Allendale Square Shop 1 Allendale Square Arcade 77 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000 08 9221 9960 Travel Phase 6 Transvaal Avenue DOUBLE BAY NSW 2028 02 9326 1166

AFTA Travel Pages

Travel Club Getaways Geelong Level 1, 20 Little Ryrie St Geelong VIC 3220 133 133

Travel Spring Suite 5 First Floor 2 Grice Avenue PARADISE POINT QLD 4216 07 5591 2366 Travel Success PO Box 220 MOUNT HAWTHORN WA 6016 08 9201 0751 Travel Talk (International) Pty Ltd City Office 708/Level 7 343 Little Collins Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 396424244 Travel Team Batemans Bay Unit 6 8 Orient St BATEMANS BAY NSW 2536 02 4472 5086 Travel The World (TTW) Level 1 171 Clarence Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 282967077 Travel Time 14 Station Street THORNLEIGH NSW 2120 02 9980 9791 Travel Together 11 George Street REDFERN NSW 2016 02 9690 1699 Travel Tree Level 1 3 Rosslyn Street WEST LEEDERVILLE WA 6007 08 9381 9644 Travel Utopia Shop 1.03A Platinum Building 4 Ilya Ave ERINA NSW 2250 02 4320 6222 Travel X-Pert 106 Bridgman Drive REEDY CREEK QLD 4227 07 5593 8666

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Member Directory As at 31 December 2014

Travel Your World (Mittagong) 101 Main Street MITTAGONG NSW 2560 248724344 Travel&more Shop 27 Chifley Plaza SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 9231 0606 / Wotif 173-185 Sussex Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 280164200 Travelaction Bendigo 112 Wills Street BENDIGO VIC 3550 03 5442 2111 Traveland Epping 30 Langston Place EPPING NSW 2121 02 9868 3555 Travelations Pty. Ltd. 92/ 24 Buchanan Street BALMAIN NSW 2041 298105266 Shop 3 5 Durham Ave ST IVES NSW 2075 02 9440 1455 Travelcall Level 15 499 St Kilda Road MELBOURNE VIC 3004 03 9867 1800 Traveldreamers Shop 6 6 Booralie Road TERREY HILLS NSW 2084 02 9450 0481 TravelEdge Pty. Ltd. Level 10 9-13 Young Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 290801700 Travelhub 21 Lilli Pilli Drive PLEASURE POINT NSW 2172 02 9771 9227

TravelManagers Australia Pty. Ltd. Level 6 111 Macquarie Stteet HOBART TAS 7000 1800019599 TravelManagers Australia Pty. Ltd. Level 7 Adelaide Bank Building 90 King William Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 1800019599 TravelManagers Australia Pty. Ltd. 8/176 Main Street OSBORNE PARK WA 6017 1800019599 TravelManagers Australia Pty. Ltd. Suite 75 Level 7 Morris Towers 149 Wickham Terrace BRISBANE QLD 4000 1800019599 TravelManagers Australia Pty. Ltd. Level 1 The Realm 18 National Circuit BARTON ACT 2600 280626428 TravelManagers Australia Pty. Ltd. Level 7 59 Goulburn Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 1800 019 599 TravelManagers Australia Pty. Ltd. Level 6 51 Queen Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 1800019599 TravelManagers Australia Pty. Ltd. Level 6 111 Macquarie Stteet HOBART TAS 7000 1800019599 TravelManagers Australia Pty. Ltd. Level 7 Adelaide Bank Building 90 King William Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 1800019599 TravelManagers Australia Pty. Ltd. 8/176 Main Street OSBORNE PARK WA 6017 1800019599 TravelManagers Australia Pty. Ltd. Suite 75 Level 7 Morris Towers 149 Wickham Terrace BRISBANE QLD 4000 1800019599

Travella Travel 504 King Georges Road BEVERLY HILLS NSW 2209 02 9570 9533

TravelManagers Australia Pty. Ltd. Level 1 The Realm 18 National Circuit BARTON ACT 2600 280626428

Travellers Choice Travel Centre Ground Floor 130 Royal Street East Perth WA 6004 1300 735294

Travelmode International Level 11 50 Clarence Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 9299 3644

Travellers Place 8 Main Street Upwey VIC 3158 03 9754 1655

Travelplan Australia Pty Ltd 118 Edingburgh Road CASTLECRAG NSW 2068 299589700

Travelling Fit Level 1 Suite 1 66 Terrigal Esplanade TERRIGAL NSW 2260 02 4385 2455

Travelplan Australia Pty Ltd 953 Nepean Highway BENTLEIGH VIC 3204 395915800

Travelling Places 24 Main Street NORTH TAMBORINE QLD 4272 07 5545 1600 TravelManagers Australia Pty. Ltd. Level 6 51 Queen Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 1800019599


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Travelplus 32 Sandhurst Street GOONDIWINDI QLD 4390 07 4671 1014 Travelpro 7 Woodland Court Deeragun TOWNSVILLE QLD 4818 07 4775 2244

Travelscene Gloucester 76 Church Street GLOUCESTER NSW 2422 02 6558 2188 Travelscene Kings Meadows 114 Hobart Road KINGS MEADOWS TAS 7249 03 6344 9544 Travelscene Maitland 384 Morpeth Road MORPETH NSW 2321 02 4933 0874 Travelscene Padstow Shop 2 1 Faraday Road PADSTOW NSW 2211 02 9792 1511 Travelticket Suite 503 74 Pitt Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 292792121 Traveltime Now 19 Lake Vista Drive Peregian Beach QLD 4573 07 5448 3122 Traveltoo Level 1 21 Berry Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 02 9460 2299 Travelways Shop 1 2223 Albany Highway GOSNELLS WA 6110 08 9490 2100 Travelwize Pty. Ltd. 35 The Battlement CASTLECRAG NSW 2068 299585616 Travelworks Cruise & Travel Shop 1 Captain Stirling Shopping Centre 90 Stirling Highway NEDLANDS WA 6009 08 9389 5899 Travelworld Central Melbourne Suite 303 488 Bourke Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 03 9602 2122 Travelworld Kununurra Shop 11 Kununurra Shopping Centre KUNUNURRA WA 6743 08 9168 1888 Travelworld Norfolk Island Boardwalk Arcade NORFOLK ISLAND NSW 2899 +672322781 Travelworld Richmond Shop 32 March Street Richmond Marketplace RICHMOND NSW 2753 02 4588 6946 Trinetra Tours PvLtd. 607 Ansal Majestic Tower Vikas Puri NEW DELHI 110018 INDIA 0011 91 4158 663132 Tripaway Corporate Travel Suite 1, Shop 9, The Pines Shopping Centre KP McGrath Drive ELANORA QLD 4221 07 5525 7304 Tripaway Cruise & Travel Coolangatta Shop 45, Showcase on The Beach Marine Parade COOLANGATTA QLD 4225 07 5599 1510

AFTA Travel Pages

Travel Your World (Goulburn) Shop 2 258-262 Auburn Street GOULBURN NSW 2580 248218188

Member Directory As at 31 December 2014

Tripaway Cruise & Travel Tweed City Shop 223a, Tweed City Shopping Centre 54 Minjungbul Drive TWEED HEADS SOUTH NSW 2486 07 5523 2535 Tripaway Cruise & Travel Tweed Heads Shop 30 Centro Tweed TWEED HEADS NSW 2485 07 5599 2311 Tripaway Cruise & Travel Tweed Valley Shop 7 49 Main St (Murwillumbah Street) MURWILLUMBAH NSW 2484 02 6672 1031 Triple R Travel 17 Spencer Street Essendon VIC 3040 03 9374 2300 Tripro Travel Service Pty Ltd Suite D 2 Albert Rd STRATHFIELD NSW 2135 82838936 Trish Stamp Travel 70 Mt Eliza Way MOUNT ELIZA VIC 3930 03 9787 5437 Turtle Travel Level 1 888 Hay Street PERTH WA 6000 08 9481 5055 Tweetvel Pty. Ltd. 4/23 Darling Street HUGHESDALE VIC 3166 390230882 TWENTY47 3 Address 1 133 133 TWENTY47 6 Address 1 133 133 Twofold Travel 203 Imlay Street Eden NSW 2551 02 6496 4349

Ultimate Sports Travel & Events 64 Bradman Road MENAI NSW 2234 0418 679 866

Wahroonga Travel 25 Redleaf Ave WAHROONGA NSW 2076 02 9489 1978

Ultimate Travel Group Level 2 645 Harris Street ULTIMO NSW 2007 292135454

Warrandyte Travel and Cruise 2 Webb Street Warrandyte VIC 3113 03 9844 2477

Unique Destination Travel 2/17 Frederick St MAYLANDS SA 5069

Warrnambool Travel 159 Kepler Street WARRNAMBOOL VIC 3280 03 5561 2233


Wattle City Travel 104-108 Nolan Street MARYBOROUGH VIC 3465 03 5461 2811

Vanga Travel 62 Chain-O-Ponds Circuit Mount Annan NSW 2567 02 4648 4048

Wauchope Travel Shop 1 31 High Street WAUCHOPE NSW 2446 02 6585 2288

Varsity Lakes Travel Shop 8B 195 Varsity Parade VARSITY LAKES QLD 4227 07 5657 3660

We Know Travel 249 Summer Street ORANGE NSW 2800 263632033

Villariaz 116/77 River Street SOUTH YARRA VIC 3150

We Know Travel Shop 1 116-120 Macquarie Street DUBBO NSW 2830 268851633

Vina Visas 285 Marrickville Road MARRICKVILLE NSW 2204 295641191 Vivid Travel 96 Queen Street BUSSELTON WA 6280 08 9754 1560 Viv’s Travel Bug 18 Highland Drive Bowral NSW 2576 02 4861 3433


Voyager Travel Corporation (VIC) Marlion House 33-41 Agnes Street EAST MELBOURNE VIC 3002 396505244

Ucango Travel & Cruise Centre Caloundra Shop 11, Pelican Waters Shopping Village Pelican Waters Boulevarde Pelican Waters QLD 4551 07 5437 4000

Voyager Travel Corporation (WA) 1st Floor Exchange House 68 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6001 892881855

Ucango Travel & Cruise Centre Maroochydore Shop 401 Plaza Parade Shopping Centre Plaza Parade Maroochydore QLD 4558 07 5451 8600

Voyager Travel Corporation Pty Ltd Level 7 39 Martin Place SYDNEY NSW 2000 283543999

UK and Europe Travel & US & Canada Travel Suite 4 116 Balcombe Road MENTONE VIC 3194 395840896 Ulladulla Travel Shop 3 The Plaza 107 Princes Highway ULLADULLA NSW 2539 02 4455 1588 Ultimate Peru Travel 28 James Paterson Street ANN BAY NSW 2316 4982 1708

We Know Travel 187 Clarinda Street PARKES NSW 2870 268622466

Viatour Travel 125 Ramsey Street HABERFIELD NSW 2045 02 9799 3222

Viluxur Pvt Limited 385 The Landmark 1st Floor Galle Road COLOMBO SRI LANKA 0094 7777 10869

Voyages Indigenous Tourism Level 9 179 Elizabeth Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 282968116 VR Travel Pty. Ltd. c/o Trade Council of Denmark 1 Alfred Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 8246 8302


AFTA Travel Pages

Tripaway Cruise & Travel Elanora Shop 9 The Pines Shopping Centre ELANORA QLD 4221 07 5598 1444

WEBER & TURNER TRAVEL ASSOCIATES Shop 1, 284 Belgrave Esplanade Sylvania Waters NSW 2224 133 133 Welcome Travels Shop No. 19 522, Port Road Welland Plaza WELLAND SA 5007 08 8346 8966 Well Connected Travel 67 Ferguson Street Forestville NSW 2087 02 9975 2355 Wendy Mulry Travel 128 Victoria Parade ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 749273833 Wendy Wu Tours Pty Ltd Level 9 275 George Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 292248899 Wentworth Travel Pty Ltd 21 Junction Street WOOLLAHRA NSW 2025 293019977 West Wyalong Travel 146 Main Street West Wyalong NSW 2671 02 6972 2744 Western City Travel 68 Perfection Avenue STANHOPE GARDENS NSW 2768 8883 3017 Westernport Travel 87 High Street HASTINGS VIC 3915 03 5979 1589 Weston Cruise & Travel Shop S002 Cooleman Court Weston ACT 2611 02 6288 4400

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Member Directory As at 31 December 2014

Wholesale Travel Services C/O MTA Suite 208 Level 2 Eastside 232 Robina Town Centre ROBINA QLD 4226 755973600 Whyalla Travel & Cruise 19 Forsyth Street Whyalla SA 5600 08 8645 8888 Williamstown Travel and Cruise 44 Ferguson Street WILLIAMSTOWN VIC 3016 393977077 Wiltrans International Pty. Ltd. Level 12 179 Elizabeth Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 292657100 Windrose Travel Riverwalk Arcade Shop 2 140 River Street BALLINA NSW 2478 02 6686 6566 Windsong Travel Bellingen Shop 1 58 Hyde Street Bellingen NSW 2454 02 6655 0855 Windsong Travel Inverell 45 Byron Street Inverell NSW 2360 02 6722 3011 Winners World Travel 186 Holden Street CANTERBURY NSW 2193 297057863 Wise Choice Travel Service 12 Talbot Drive Kingsley WA 6026 08 9409 9777 WizTrips 637 Darling Street ROZELLE NSW 2039 295557733

World Cruise and Travel Darwin Shop G12 Darwin Plaza 41 Smith Street Mall DARWIN NT 0800 08 8981 5530 World Destinations 3/128 Centre Dandenong Road DINGLEY VILLAGE VIC 3172 03 9551 8955 World Expeditions Pty. Ltd. Level 5 71 York Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 282708400 World Expeditions Pty. Ltd. Level 5 71 York Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 282708400 World Network Travel 305 Homer Street EARLWOOD NSW 2206 02 9558 8633 World Travel Connections Suite 2 53 Ethel Street SEAFORTH NSW 2092 02 9949 8366 World Travel Professionals - Brisbane Level 22 333 Ann Street BRISBANE CITY QLD 4000 07 3220 2277 World Travel Professionals - Gold Coast Brickworks Annex Cnr Warehouse Road & Brolga Ave SOUTHPORT QLD 4215 07 5556 7222 World Travel Professionals - NSW Suite 5, Level 1 Lingate House 409-411 New South Head Road DOUBLE BAY NSW 2028 02 9302 0700 World Travel Professionals - WA Ground Floor 100 Royal Street EAST PERTH WA 6004 08 9221 2133

Yarra Travel Junction 2465 Warburton Highway YARRA JUNCTION VIC 3797 03 5967 1858 Yarra Valley Travel 268 Maroondah Highway HEALESVILLE VIC 3777 03 5962 1444 YEE & TURNER TRAVEL ASSOCIATES Suite 15B, Kenmore Village Shopping Centre 9 Brookfield Road KENMORE QLD 4069 133 133 Young at Heart 50 plus holidays 63 Mahoneys Road FOREST HILL VIC 3131 03 9875 1411 Young Travel 97 Boorowa Street Young NSW 2594 02 6382 5166 Your World Of Travel 105C Fleetwood Crescent Frankston South VIC 3199 03 9787 3344 YourWorld@Glenelg 97B Jetty Road (Corner Gordon Street) GLENELG SA 5045 08 8294 4344 Youth Shack Travel 69 Mitchell Street DARWIN NT 0800 08 8923 9799 YSC Holdings Pty. Ltd. Suite 104 434 SKilda Road MELBOURNE VIC 3000 03 9841 7789 YTA Travel Suite 305 Level 3 322 Pitt Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 8212 5707


Wodonga Travel and Cruise 86 High Street WODONGA VIC 3690 02 6024 3422

Worldstar Travel Shop 2B 48 Alfred St MILSONS POINT NSW 2061 02 9922 6622

Zignal International Pty Ltd Shop 1B Station Arcade 24 Main Street BLACKTOWN NSW 2148 296222750

Wolf & Turner Travel Associates Suite 4, 28 - 30 Blackburn Rd Blackburn VIC 3130 133 133

Worldwide Specialty Travel Pty. Ltd. 1 Cook Street HAWTHORN VIC 3122 398194874

Women’s Own Adventure t/as Our Adventure Travel 23 Suzanne Road MONA VALE NSW 2103 1300 883 475

Worldwide Travel and Cruise 124 South Parade BLACKBURN VIC 3130 03 9877 9788

Zodiac Travel Level 7 32 York Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 9279 4747

Workers Education Association of South Australia Pty.Ltd. 223 Angas Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 08 8223 1272 World Business Travel Suite 901 Level 9 309 Pitt Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 9389 3800 World Challenge Expeditions Level 5 163 Eastern Road SOUTH MELBOURNE VIC 3205 03 9245 7400


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WYE & JAMES TRAVEL ASSOCIATES 10 William Street TURRAMURRA NSW 2074 133 133 Wynyard Travel 3 Barrack St SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 8224 5666

Y Y Not Travel 40 Elm Park Drive Hoppers Crossing VIC 3029 03 9748 4022

AFTA Travel Pages

Where In Your World Travel & Cruise Shop 14 The Australian Arcade 54-56 Fitzmaurice Street WAGGA WAGGA NSW 2650 269215144

Allied Members Directory As at 31 December 2014

Accor Asia Pacific Level 30 123 Pitt Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 292809831 Air France Level 17 115 Pitt Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 282225050

Gow Gates Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd Level 8 491 Kent Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 282679999 Great Canadian Railtour Company Ltd PO Box 20 CARINGBAH NSW 1495 295261967


Air Pacific Ltd Level 5 280 Pitt Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 9284 6651

Hertz Australia Level 1 Hertz State Office Ross Smith Ave (Control Tower End) MASCOT NSW 2020 283377560

Airplus International Level 3 189 Kent Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 8324 5670

Hong Kong Tourism Board Level 4 Hong Kong House 80 Druitt Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 292833083

Amadeus Australia Level 12 300 Elizabeth Street SYDNEY SOUTH NSW 2010 299033922


Avis Australia Sydney Airport Centre Level 2 15 Bourke Road MASCOT NSW 2020 293539065

B British Airways Sydney Tennance 2 Level 4 309 George Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 296915214

C Captain Cook Cruises Pty. Ltd. No. 6 Jetty Circular Quay SYDNEY NSW 2000 292061171 Carbon Central Network Suite 41 213 Greenhill Road EASTWOOD SA 5063 08 8274 3727

Inplace Recruitment Level 4 191 Clarence Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 292785100 Interhome Pty Ltd Suite 5 Buidling 7 49 Frenchs Forest Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 294532744

K KLM Royal Dutch Airlines Level 17 115 Pitt Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 282225020

R Rail Plus Australasia Pty. Ltd. Level 6 51 Queen Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 396428644 Renault Eurodrive Australia Pty Ltd Suite 37 - MVB 90 Mona Vale Road MONA VALE NSW 2103 02 9997 1655

S Singapore Airlines Limited Level 9 233 Castlereagh Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 293500100 Sunlover Holidays Pty. Ltd. Level 12 East Tower Brisbane Transit Centre 151 Roma Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 735354385

T TAFE Queensland Gold Coast Faculty of Tourism Hospitality Cnr Heeb St & Benowa Rd ASHMORE QLD 4215 755818480 The Globus Family Level 6 33 Erskine Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 282591156


Tourism Australia Level 18 Tower 2 Darling Park 201 Sussex Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 293601111

Marriott International Inc. Level 6 30 Pitt Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 292515538

Tourism Malaysia Sydney Suite 601 Level 6 151 Castlereagh Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 9286 3055


Tours of Tuscany 21 Christine Avenue ELTHAM VIC 3095 0400 191 511

Cardinal Charters 74 Clover Street ENOGGERA QLD 4051 0419 443 693

Online Booking Group Pty. Ltd. Suite 20 40 O’Riordan Street ALEXANDRIA NSW 2015 02 9037 0397

Carnival Australia PLC 15 Mount Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 284248929


Travel Express Level 1 127 Bayswater Road RUSCHCUTTERS BAY NSW 2011 9332 2424

Premier Roadlines Pty Ltd Level 1 282 Gouger Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 884155500

Travel Insurance on the Net 3 Barrier Street FYSHWICK ACT 2609 262805505


Travel Trade Recruitment Level 6 115 Pitt Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 9113 7272

Collette 107 Pitt St SYDNEY NSW 2000 9293 0600 Cover-More Insurance Service Pty Ltd Level 2 60 Miller Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 292028000 Cruise Lines International Association Australasia Suite 1 Level 9 132 Arthur Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 02 9964 9600

G Garuda Indonesia Level 6 55 Hunter Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 293349902 Government Of India Tourist Office Level 5 135 King Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 292219555

Qantas Airways Limited 12th Floor 313 Adelaide Street BRISBANE QLD 4001 07 32382760 Qantas Airways Limited Level 1 144 North Terrace ADELAIDE SA 5000 884072419

AFTA Travel Pages


Y YourTrip 10/190 Lennox St RICHMOND VIC 3121 1300 793 787

Qantas Airways Limited 16 Bennett Street DARWIN NT 800 889823350 Qantas Airways Limited Level 7 167 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000 892258222 Qantas Airways Limited GPO Box 933 CANBERRA ACT 2601 262508208

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Product Directory Index



AAT Kings



Best Western Australasia



Billy Tea Safaris



Charlotte Plains Outback Station – Farmstay



Darwin’s Barra Base Fishing Safaris



Diversity Charter Company



DriveAway Holidays



Falls Retreat Bed & Breakfast






Flinders Island Travel Centre



Gorge Wildlife Park



Hawai’i Tourism Oceania



Insight Vacations



Island Beach Haven



ISMAPNG Sacred Spaces



Meridian Resort Beachside



Min Min Encounter & Visitor Info Centre



Mission Beach Holidays



Ocean Freedom Cruise



River Dolls of Goolwa Doll Museum & Lolly Shop



Sabre Pacific



Samoa Tourism Authority



Shark Bay Air Charter






Solomon Airlines



Sundowners Overland



Swagabout Tours



The Airport Flyer



Travel Express



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AFTA Travel Pages



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