Laura Xiao: Most Innovative Women in Beauty and Cosmetics of 2024 | Exeleon Magazine

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Founder - Henné Organics

Laura Xiao

Redefining Organic Beauty with Scandinavian Elegance

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XiaoisavisionaryentrepreneurandtheFounderofHenne Organics,aluxuryorganiclipcarebrandthatseamlesslyblends thepurityofnaturalingredientswiththeeleganceof Scandinaviandesign.

AsthefounderofHenneOrganics,LauraXiaohascarveda uniquenicheforherselfinthecompetitivebeautyindustry, championingsustainability,ethicalpractices,andnatural ingredients.

Fittingly, Laura Xiao features on the Cover of Exeleon Magazine's Most Innovative Women to Follow in Beauty and Cosmetics.


LauraXiao'sstorybeginsinChinabeforemovingtotheUnited Statesatayoungage.

Growingup,Laurawasdeeplyinluencedbyherfather,who instilledinheralovefortabletennis.Sheexcelledinthesport, playingprofessionallyandrepresentingtheUSonthenational cadetandjuniorteams.Herexperiencesasanathletetaught hervaluablelessonsindiscipline,accountability,andthe importanceofembracingbothvictoriesandlosseswithgrace.


wasnotherultimatecareerpath.The limitedopportunitiesfor professionaltabletennisplayersin theUnitedStates,coupledwithher desireforabroaderimpact,ledher toexplorenewavenues.


TheinceptionofHenneOrganicsisa storythatintertwineslove,passion, andaprofoundappreciationfor natureanddesign.Itallbeganinthe summerof2005,whenachance encounteratasportscompetitionin FloridaledLauratomeeta'charming Swede'whowouldlaterbecomea signiicantpartofherlife.This unexpectedmeetingquickly blossomedintoadeepconnection, andafewyearslater,Laurafound herselfrelocatingtoSweden.

AdaptingtotheharshSwedish winterswasachallenge,butthe breathtakingspringsandsummers captivatedher Thebeautiful landscapesandtheeaseofaccessto naturetransformedherfromacity dwellerintoanavidnature enthusiast.Herlongstanding admirationformodernSwedishand Scandinaviandesignfoundanew companioninhergrowingpassion fornaturalandorganicbeauty—a movementthatSwedenhad embracedearlyon.

Itwasin2014,whenLauraandher husbandmovedtotheNevada desert,UnitedStates,thattheyboth encounteredacommonproblem: verydryandcrackedlipsduetothe aridclimate.Despitetryingvarious lipbalms,noneseemedtowork effectively andtheiraestheticappeal leftmuchtobedesired.

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Thispredicament,coupledwithLaura's growingrestlessnessandlackofinspirationin hercurrentwork,ignitedaspark.Theideaof launchingherownlineoforganicproducts hadbeenalingeringthoughtsinceherearly 20s,butshehadalwaysfelttheneedtowait formoreexperienceandinancialstability

In2015,Laura'spassionforSwedishdesign andorganicbeautycoalescedintoatangible idea,andeventually abusinessventure.The conceptwasclear:tocreatealineoforganic beautyproductsthatnotonlyperformed exceptionallybutalsoexudedtheeleganceof Scandinaviandesign.Lauraenvisioned productsthatshewouldproudlydisplayon herbathroomcounterorcarryasachic accessoryinherluxuryhandbags—products thatdeiedthestereotypeof"eco"products beingvisuallyunappealing.

RecallingthechallengesofstartingHenne Organics,Lauramentions“Theoverallprocess wasabitdificultsinceeverythingwasnewto me.I'dnevercreatedaphysicalproduct before,soIhadtolearnhowtosourcethe packaging,ingredients,gettrainedandlearn howtoproperlyformulate,getcertiied organicbyUSDA,etc.”

Thebrand'sinauguralproduct,theLuxuryLip Balm,wasadirectresponsetoLaura's personalneedforaneffectiveand aestheticallypleasinglipcaresolution.

HenneOrganicswasbornoutofthisvisionof "trueecoluxurybeauty"Thebrandisa testamenttothebeliefthatorganicand naturalbeautyproductscanbebothhighly effectiveandaestheticallypleasing.It'sabout

Beautiful Products That Truly Work

embracingthebestofbothworldswithout compromise.

ForLaura,thisventureismorethanjustabusiness;it's afamilyendeavorthatholdsaspecialplaceinher heart.Sheinviteseveryonetojoinherincelebratingthe beautyandeleganceofHenneproducts.Together,they canredeinethestandardsoforganicbeautyandprove thatitcanbeasluxuriousandstylishasitiseffective.

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Crafting Luxury

AttheheartofHenneOrganicsliesafusionoforganicluxuryand Scandinaviandesign,arelectionofLauraXiao'sdeep-seated passions.Thebrandembodiesaharmoniousblendofthepurest organicandnaturalingredients,manyofwhicharesourcedfromthe Nordicregions,withthesleek,minimalistaestheticofSwedish design.ThisuniquecombinationsetsHenneOrganicsapart offering atouchofeleganceandsimplicityintheworldofbeauty

HenneOrganicsismorethanjustabeautybrand;itisatributeto Laura'sSwedishconnectionsandacelebrationofwomen.Thename 'Henne,'meaning'Her'inSwedish,underscoresthebrand's dedicationtoempoweringandpamperingwomeneveryday.It'sa reminderthatluxuryisn'tjustreservedforspecialoccasions;it's somethingthatcanbewovenintothefabricofeverydaylife.

Overtime,Henne'sphilosophyandvisionhavenaturallyevolved,but thebrandhasremainedtruetoitscoreethos.Inaworldwherefast fashionandleetingbeautytrendsdominate,HenneOrganicsstands outforitscommitmenttoquality,sustainability,andtimeless elegance.

Laurabelievesthatcreatingatrulyremarkableproductrequires carefulthought,time,andattentiontodetail.Thisdedicationto excellenceensuresthateachproductisnotonlyluxuriousbutalso meaningfulandnecessary.HenneOrganicsisnotaboutquantitybut aboutthequalityandsigniicanceofwhatitbringstothetable.

AsHenneOrganicscontinuestogrow itdoessowithaclearvision andunwaveringcommitmenttoitsprinciples.Thebrand'sjourneyis atestamenttothepowerofstayingtruetoone'svalueswhile embracingchangeandgrowth.It'sacelebrationoforganicluxury, Scandinaviandesign,andtheeverydaymomentsofpamperingthat everywomandeserves.

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Women in Beauty Cosmetics &

As Henné Organics continues to grow, Laura remains at the forefront of innovation in the beauty and cosmetics space. Her story is a reminder that with passion, perseverance, and a commitment to sustainability, it's possible to create a brand that not only succeeds in the market but also makes a positive impact on the world.

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Expanding the Brand

UnderLaura'sleadership,HenneOrganicshas expandeditsproductrangetoincludelips,face, andhandproducts.Eachproductis meticulouslycraftedtoensureitmeetsthe brand'shighstandardsofpurityandeficacy. Laura'sdedicationtosustainabilityisevidentin everyaspectofthebusiness,fromsourcing ingredientstopackagingandshipping.

Shementions,“WhenyouhaveaHenneproduct inyourhand,you'retrulyholdingalaborof love.Fromformulationtobrandingto productiontopacking,everyHenneproductis createdwiththeutmostcareandattention,and allofitisdonein-housebyoursmallbutmighty Henneteaminthequaintandnature-illedcity ofWilmington,NorthCarolina.”

ForLaura,sustainabilityisnotjustabuzzword; it'sawayoflife.Shebelievesthatbeautybrands havearesponsibilitytominimizetheir environmentalimpactandcontributepositively tosociety.ThisphilosophyisrelectedinHenne Organics'commitmenttousingrecyclable packaging,supportingfairtradepractices,and donatingaportionofitsproitstocharitable causes.

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A Visionary Leader Driving Change

Laura Xiao's success with Henné Organics is an indication of her entrepreneurial skills and her vision for a more sustainable and ethical beauty industry. She is an advocate for transparency in beauty products, believing that consumers have the right to know what they are applying to their skin.

Laura Xiao's leadership extends beyond her business. She actively supports environmental and social causes, using her platform to raise awareness and drive change. Her eorts have not gone unnoticed, as she has been recognized as a trailblazer in the green beauty space.

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