Roger Knecht: Leading Business Coach to Follow in 2024

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Knecht Roger

Mastering Success in Accounting and Coaching

01 | M M 2 0 2 4 E X E L E O N M AG A Z I N E W W W. E X E L E O N M AG A Z I N E . C O M M M 2 0 2 4 | 02 C O V E R S T O R Y President and CEO Universal Accounting Center


isbelievedthatgreatcoachesarethosewho canasktherightquestions,uncoverhidden motivations,andholdindividuals accountable.

RogerKnechtisonesuchexampleofa leaderwhoexempliiesthesequalitiesin hiscoachingphilosophyandpractice.Roger holdsadistinguishednameinthe accountingindustryandservesasthe PresidentofUniversalAccountingCenter (UAC).

Hisextensivebackgroundinmarketing, management andaccountinghasnotonly helpedgrowUACintoatop-tierinstitution butalsoearneditnumerousaccoladessuch asrecognitionfromInc500andUtah100.

Rogerisparticularlypassionateabout coachingandhelpingothersachievetheir professionalgoals,acommitmentrelected inhisworkandpersonalideology.Fittingly, RogerKnechtfeaturesontheCoverof Exeleon'sLeadingBusinessCoachesto

“It’s more important to be present, all in at any given moment than living in the past or dreaming about the future.”



Rogeremphasizesthe importanceof understandingthetruerole ofacoach,likeningittothe coachintheCinderella story:avehiclethathelps onereachtheirdestination moreeficientlyand comfortably Heexplains, "It'sthevehiclewecanuse toarriveatourdestination soonerandwithgreater ease.It'snotmeantto representtheonlywaywe canarrivebutitsurecan makethejourneyalot better"

Inhisview,agreatcoachis deinedbytheirabilityto asktherightquestionsand

holdindividuals accountable.These"right questions"arethosethat uncoverwhatisnot immediatelyobviousand delvedeeperintothe underlyingmotivations—the "why"behindactionsand decisions.Thisprocesshelps inclarifyingandprioritizing tasksandgoals,makingthe pathtosuccessmore transparent Accountabilityisanother crucialaspectofeffective coaching.Rogerstressesthe importanceofsetting timelinesandfollowing throughwithprogress reportsandoutcomes.This structureensuresthatthe goalsarenotonlysetbut alsoactivelypursuedand achieved.

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Rogerintegrateshiscoaching philosophyintohisleadership atUniversalAccountingCenter throughastructuredprocess hecalls“Engage&Manifest”

Thisphaseinvolvesclients reverse-engineeringtheir journey,allowingthemto verbalizetheirendgoalsand understandthestepsrequired toachievethem.Thisprocess clariieswhatneedstohappen andhelpsclientsseewhat theyneedtodoandwhothey needtobecomefortheir employees,clients,and families.

Afterthe"Engage&Manifest" phase,Roger'scoaching processfocusesonseveralkey areas:

Understanding AccountingEnsuringclientshavethe inancialknowledgetorun theirbusinesseseffectively.

Increasing RevenueImplementingstrategiesto growtop-linesales.

Improving Proit -Enhancing proitabilitybyoptimizing operationsandinancial management

Building Value -Developing thebusinessintoaselfsustainingentitywithintrinsic worth.

The Journey

with Universal Accounting Center

Roger Knecht's association with UAC began in a somewhat serendipitous manner. He was working as a recruiter/headhunter, placing accounting professionals in temporary and permanent positions.

Through this role, he became acquainted with the owners of UAC and started taking on contract and consultative roles with the school.

Reflecting on this period, Roger remembers, "Soon the opportunity presented itself to work part-time and then quickly fulltime. This is a decision I never regretted."

His transition from a contractor to a full-

time role marked the beginning of a transformative journey. Over the next 15 years, he developed new roles within the company, opened new departments, and took on various responsibilities His dedication and innovative contributions did not go unnoticed, and he was eventually given the opportunity to become the third president of UAC, a position he has held with honor for over a decade.

Under his leadership, UAC has not only grown significantly but also garnered numerous awards and recognitions further highlighting his impact.

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Hisholisticapproachensuresthat hisclientsarenotonlyequipped withtechnicalskillsbutalso possessthestrategicinsightand motivationnecessarytoachieve long-termsuccess.



Forover40years,UAChasbeena centerofsupportand developmentforaccounting professionals.Theinstitution offersacomprehensiverangeof training,certiications,coaching, andsupporttoindividualsaiming toenhancetheircareersorstart andbuildsuccessfulbookkeeping, accounting,andtaxbusinesses.

UACprimarilyfocusesonworking withtheownersofaccounting irms,providingthemandtheir staffwiththenecessarytraining

toofferhigh-qualityaccounting servicesandgetpaidwhatthey areworth.Thismissionisatthe heartofUAC'sphilosophy,which seekstoempoweraccounting professionalswiththeskillsand conidenceneededtosucceedin theircareers.

Throughitsdiverseprogramsand unwaveringcommitmentto excellence,UAChashelped countlessindividualsimprove theirprofessionalskills,startnew ventures,andachievetheircareer aspirations.


Asaleadingcoachand entrepreneur,Rogerattributeshis productivityandfocustoa methodicalapproachcalled MAPPINGtheBusiness,whichis groundedintheUniversal


Heexplains,"Simplyput,weall haveanumberofresponsibilities weneedtomanagewhichcan becomeoverwhelming.To managethis,MAPhasusirsttake allofthethingsthatweneedto doandirstdocumentthem,write themdown."Thisinitialstepof documentingtasksprovidesa senseofreliefbyremovingthe burdenofrememberingthemall.

Oncetasksaredocumented,they areorganizedintothreekey areas:

• Marketing & Sales (M): Activitiesaimedatgrowing thebusiness.

• Accounting (A): Managing cashlowandensuring inancialstability.

“The accounting profession and its contribution to the business community is untapped and too often under-estimated or understood.”

• Production (P): Working eficientlyandproitably whiledeliveringexcellent customerservice.

Bycategorizingtasksintothese smaller,manageablegroupings,it becomeseasiertoprioritizethem basedoncontrolandimpact.This systematicapproachnotonly clariieswhatneedstobedone butalsoenableseffective delegationwithcleartimelines andexpectations,thereby enhancingoverallproductivity andfocus.


Knechtispassionateabouthis workatUAC,whereheisknown asaself-proclaimedworkaholic. HeconsidershimselfaGodfearingfamilymandedicatedto helpingothersachievetheir dreamsasaccounting professionals.UACrelectsthis commitmentthroughits"giveback"philosophy,offeringfree resourcestoaidpersonaland professionaldevelopment.

Whenaskedabouthowhe maintainswork-lifebalance, Rogersteershisanswertoworklifeharmonyinsteadofbalance. Hestates,"Successcomespartly fromsacriice.Henceitis unrealistictobelieveeverything canorwillbeworkingperfectlyat anyonetime.Thingsneed attentionandsystemsdegrade whenneglected."

Hecomparesthistokeeping platesspinningonpoles,where focusandenergyarerequiredto maintaineachone, acknowledgingthatwhileone plateisbeingattendedto,others maymomentarilybeneglected.

Neglect,inthiscontext,isn't viewednegativelybutratherasa realityoflife'sdemands. Acceptingthis,Rogerargues, makeslifemoremanageableand lessstressful.

Hepointsouttheimportanceof beingfullypresentatanygiven momentratherthandwellingon thepastoranxiouslyanticipating thefuture."It'smoreimportantto bepresent,allinatanygiven momentthanlivinginthepastor dreamingaboutthefuture.This mindsethashelpedmebewhat I'veneededtobeinthemoment andhaveapeacefullife,"he relects.

Byadoptingthisapproach,Roger Knechtachievesasenseof harmonyinhislife,balancingthe demandsofmanaginga successfulbusinesswithpersonal well-beingandsatisfaction.This philosophynotonlyguideshis professionalpracticesbutalso servesasafoundationforhis coachingmethodology,helping otherstoindsimilarharmony andsuccessintheirlives.


Heanticipatesashiftfromtaskorientedrolestomoreadvisory functions,drivenlargelyby advancementsintechnology, particularlyAI-basedtools."Ifeel withthevarioustools,including thosethatareappearinginthe professionthatareAI-based,we willsoontakeonmoreoftherole ofirstatranslator,aninterpreter forthebusinessowner,"he explains.

Amidstthisevolvinglandscape, accountingprofessionalswill increasinglyserveasinterpreters, usingthelanguageofbusinessto articulatewhatthebusinessis communicatingtoitsowner.

Byaskingtherightquestions, theywillhelpbusinessowners determineactionableitems,thus providingmoreinformedand strategicbusinessadvice."More andmoretheaccounting professionalwillbehelpingthe businessownermakemore informedbusinessdecisions, gainingmoreclarityasto 'ThereforeWhat'asitrelatesto thebusiness,"Rogerelaborates. Thistransformationwillposition accountantsaskeyadvisorswho helpdrivebusinesssuccess throughinformeddecisionmakingandstrategicinsights.

Talkingaboutthefuture,Roger envisionssigniicantchangesin theaccountingandbookkeeping industryoverthenextiveyears.



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Knecht,UniversalAccounting Centerremainscommittedto empoweringtheownersof bookkeeping,accounting,andtax businesses.Theinstitutionaims tohelptheseprofessionalsbuild premierirmsintheirrespective areasbyensuringtheyhave competentstaffwiththe necessaryskillstoofferhighqualityservices.

Oneoftheexcitinginitiativesat UACistheexpansionofeffortsto buildarobustcommunityof accountingirmowners.Akey componentofthisinitiativeis GrowCon,anannualconference

speciicallydesignedforowners ofbookkeeping,accounting,and taxbusinesses.

GrowConprovidesaplatformfor learning,inspiration,and celebrationofachievements withintheaccountingprofession. Rogerexpresseshisenthusiasm forthisinitiative:"Toachievethis wearealsoexpandingourefforts tobuildthecommunityofowners ofaccountingirmstoeachyear meetatGrowCon...tolearn, inspireandcelebratetheir achievementsasaccounting professionals."

Byfocusingoncontinuous education,communitybuilding, andcelebratingprofessional successes,UACunderRoger's guidanceissettofostera supportiveanddynamic environmentforaccounting professionals,ensuringtheystay aheadinarapidlyevolving industry.

Exeleon Shorts

One Book Entrepreneurs must read – In the BLACK - Nine principles to make your Business Profitable.

One Tool / App that you would Recommend – LIT Videobooks.

One Quote that Motivates you the most – “When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported

back, the rate of improvement accelerates.” Thomas S. Monsoon

One Movie / Podcast / Show you recommend – The Founder

One Advice for Emerging Entrepreneurs - Success comes from sacrifice but not at the risk of the family, success does not compensate for failure in the home.

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