Empowering Homeowners
Mapping Extraordinary Experiences
The Secrets Behind Writing a Bestseller
How a Hairstylist Can Change the World?
women JENNIFER MESSER Rewriting the Health Narrative
In an era where the world's social, political, and economic landscapes are ever evolving, there is no better time than now to celebrate women at the forefront of transformative change. As we unveil the inaugural issue of Exeleon Women Magazine, we're both proud and honored to spotlight a curated selection of global women leaders who are not just breaking barriers but are also shaping the future narrative.
As you dive into these stories of triumph, innovation, and sheer determination, let them not just be tales of individual prowess but also collective reminders. They stand testament to what can be achieved when women are given the platforms, the opportunities, and the respect they deserve.
To the trailblazers of 2023, and to every woman reading this — you are powerful, you are essential, and the future eagerly awaits your imprint. Let's continue the journey, hand in hand, towards a world shaped by the brilliance of women.
Welcome to Exeleon Women Magazine. Here's to celebrating women, today and every day.
For any advertising related information, please contact info@exeleonmagazine.com. Submissions as well as contributions to the magazine are welcome.
Take a moment and let us know about our magazine; whether it be about the design or a possible mistake, we would appreciate any feedback from your end. You can reach out to daryl@exeleonmagazine.com.
Da r y l Ye ung
Empathy, Innovation, and Social
Responsibility: Unraveling the Success of Larisa Miller
MORGAN GIST MACDONALD The Secrets Behind Writing a Bestseller 20 JAMIE MITRI Meet the Moss Guru 28 ELIZABETH FAYE How a Hairstylist Can Change the World? 34 JENNIFER MESSER Rewriting the Health Narrative 40 ELIZABETH DODSON Empowering Homeowners 46 KIRSTY GORDON Mapping Extraordinary Experiences 50 40 50
CEO, Phoenix Global
Unraveling the Success of Larisa Miller
Larisa Miller is navigating an uncharacteristically unique career, to say the least. As the CEO of Phoenix Global, a global consulting firm, she works with governments and businesses across five continents, playing a role in the critical development and modernization of many developing nations. She disrupts legacy business models, allowing businesses to find new ways-forward in an unprecedented and transformational global business environment.
As part of her commitment to social responsibility, Larisa intentionally seeks out the vulnerable, those who lack access to opportunity, and empowers and guides them to futures of entrepreneurship. All these experiences have converged to shape who she is as a leader. Larisa is a leader who recognizes
the value of a team, the importance of mentoring emerging professionals, providing a way-forward to those who lack access to opportunity. She is a woman who freely shares her lessons-learned to make the journey of others a bit easier to traverse.
In this Cover Story interview, we endeavor to explore the mindsets that have shaped Larisa's career pathway - the experiences, philosophies and perspective that have helped to make her a global business icon.
You are a self-proclaimed disruptor. Where did this disruptive mindset originate and how does it shape who you are as a leader?
I learned from an early age that there isn't an industry, sector, process, or mindset that is
immune from disruption. No matter how institutionally entrenched a sector is – or business within that sector –they are vulnerable if they aren't always looking for ways to disrupt their business model. Just because we have always done something a certain way doesn't mean that we've been doing it in the most efficient, productive, or growth-propelling manner. We must always be mindful that the greatest disruption to an industry or sector usually always comes from outside.
For instance, hotels did not create Airbnb, taxis did not create Uber, Blockbuster did not concept streaming services, and Kodak did not anticipate filmless telephones that could take photos better than top-ofthe-line SLR cameras. While some industries got comfortable with 'the way it's always been done', there were outside innovators preparing to disrupt. That's the kind of mind I have…always looking at a business model or idea, and then snapping it apart and reassembling it in a way that will make it stronger, more unique, more resilient, and more successful than its competitors. Why get stuck in the middle of the pack with your competitors when you can lead the way, set the trend, and determine a new way forward for your sector that will have competitors chasing you, not the other way around.
You've had quite a diverse career. How has this influenced your approach to business?
I've worked with people from a diverse cross-section of cultures, geographic locales, and business ethos', and that has made my lens for business much more expansive. I've seen challenges – and solutions to those challenges around the world, and it allows me to extract the value and the lessons-learned and apply them to projects and clients who haven't had the benefit of exposure to these thought-processes.
When you operate within a bubble, unaware of the world around you, your potential for innovation and diversity is limited. You don't know what you don't know. That's not the fault of the business but having the opportunity to explore solutions to problems you didn't even know existed, architected by people who have had to navigate these challenges, can be a catalyst for positive change. This approach allows businesses to innovate without having to reinvent the proverbial wheel. Shifting through processes and introducing
When you operate within a bubble, unaware of the world around you, your potential for innovation and diversity is limited.
is finite, whereas failure, one of the necessary steppingstones of life, is just redirection.
What advice would you give to young people who are just starting their career journeys?
My favorite question to answer! No matter how progressive the world is, there are a few universal truths that most people only learn or acknowledge following years of trial and error. Do not say goodbye to education. Your formal education is only the beginning. Life never stops teaching, so you should never stop learning.
What you expect to be…the life plan that you've drawn for yourself…will be as everchanging as a Dubai Street map. Be open to adjusting your route, relishing the unexpected detours that life bestows. These detours will lead you to unimagined experiences, destinations, and people, often missed by those who are too inflexible, fearful, or distracted to see these diversions as opportunities. Put down your phone. Look up. SEE the world. Destiny will walk right by those who are too busy taking selfies.
With each juncture in life, you will need to make a decision. Be strong in your convictions, even if those convictions are contrary to popular opinion. Do not be afraid to swim against the current. Make your decision, believe in that decision, and follow it through to the end – regardless of the outcome. Be resolute and do not quit.
Do not doubt yourself. YOU are the one person with whom you can have complete trust. Make mistakes. Mistakes are as much a part of life as successes, and they often teach you the largest, most important lessons. Do not be afraid to fail. Failure is one of the necessary stepping-stones of life. Follow your endeavors through to the end – sometimes the end is bitter, and sometimes sweet, but each conclusion you reach will leave you stronger than you were at the start.
Follow your dreams, but do not be afraid to
change those dreams. As you grow and evolve, so will your hopes, goals, and aspirations. Life is unpredictable, and everchanging. Be brave enough to change with it. As Darwin said, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one most adaptable to change”. Do not be afraid to embrace change. Have no regrets. If you want to learn French, study it. If you desire to see the sunset on the Thar Desert, go see it. Climb the steps of the Eiffel Tower and appreciate the view from each level. The perspective, as with life, will change the higher you climb. Do not make one bucket list in your twenties and expect the list to be the same in your forties. Your list, as with life, will change. Don't be afraid to add pursuits and destinations, and don't be afraid to scratch some off.
Travel. See the world. Prioritize spending on experiences, rather than material possessions. Appreciate cultures, foods, and landmarks. Experience the beauty and diversity of the world, and learn that people are people, despite differences in language, tradition, or religion. There are good and bad people – good and bad behaviors – in all countries and cultures. Be respectful.
You are the stewards of our planet. You have the power to heal the turmoil that my generation has created. Be tolerant, understanding, and helpful to those who need it most. While it is never good to judge a book by its cover, learn to trust your instincts. They rarely steer you wrong. Always treat others with dignity and compassion. Be helpful, not hurtful. You may never know how deeply an unkind word will affect someone. Be empathetic. Compassion, honesty, commitment, and humor are necessary qualities found in all great leaders. Every one of you has what it takes to be a great leader.
Follow your endeavors through to the end –sometimes the end is bitter, and sometimes sweet, but each conclusion you reach will leave you stronger than you were at the start.
unique strategies and solutions is what I endeavor to bring to the table for all our clients.
What is the most important consideration in the governance of a business to make it successful?
You have to remember that it is always about the people. The people who work for you, the people who choose to work with you or buy from you, and the people in the community – and world – who both impact and are impacted by your business. Sometimes we focus so much on operational efficiency, innovation, and processes that we forget the people who are at the core of every successful business. I've been fortunate to have lived around the world, seeing the best of humanity and the worst of humanity.
The governance a company applies to the people they employ and serve plays a critical role in the operational excellence of the company, as well as the responsibility and reputation derived from their commitment to good governance. Good stewardship and governance must include accountability, transparency, equity, and responsibility, particularly in the areas of risk management and corporate strategy. When a business can successfully infuse responsibility and administration, then the people within the business ecosystem will be compelled to be an active participant in the governance, not just a beneficiary or bystander.
Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
People ask me this question often, and my answer is a resounding, “I have no idea!”. Being open to the journey and embracing new and unexpected opportunities has been the beauty of my life. It's led me on a journey that I could never have scripted or planned, and if you had asked me this question five years ago, if I would have tried to guess where I'd be in five years, I would've been wrong! Putting yourself into a box or molding your journey to a contrived plan will cause you to miss the beauty and surprise of the journey itself. The unknown is not a comfortable place, but if you can get comfortable with being uncomfortable, then you open yourself up to a life filled with extraordinary experiences, opportunities and relationships that lead you to ultimate fulfillment. So, if I try to guess, as I said, I am certain that my prediction will be wrong, so I'll just continue to be along for the ride.
What is one word you would use to describe yourself.
Unstoppable. No matter how rough or challenging life gets, I always keep moving forward. I've taken many detours, I've had to pause and lick my wounds a bit when things don't go my way, but I never quit. When I fail at something, I never quit. Quitting is finite, whereas failure, one of the necessary steppingstones of life, is just a redirection.
The Secrets Behind Writing a B e st se lle r
Learn the proven strategies and secrets of successful authors as Morgan Gist MacDonald of Paper Raven Books shares the path to writing bestselling books.
rom studying sociology to becoming an author to now launching over 100s of books through your publishing company. What has been this journey like for you?
Growing a service-based business in an industry that is changing rapidly has challenged me to create entirely new best practices and success paths for my authors, from the ground up.
20 years ago, there was no such thing as a book coach. If you pitched an idea for a book to a traditional publisher and were accepted, you'd work with the publisher's acquisition editor while you were writing your book.
Once people were able to self-publish, though, they still needed that help in developing a manuscript, so they started looking for professionals who could help with actually structuring and writing a book. When
I started, that's exactly what I was doing, helping people to organize, write, and develop the content of their books.
Then, my clients started asking me to help them publish their books. I knew how to write a book and how to edit a book, but I really didn't know anything about publishing and marketing. So, I wrote my own book and went through the self-publishing process, tried dozens of different approaches to marketing, and I optimized the process as I went along.
Now, I've developed best practices and systems and grown a team of editors, designers, formatters, marketers, and project managers, who all work together on the 50+ books a year we launch at Paper Raven Books. And with every single book we launch, we look at what's changing in the industry, what are still best practices, and what pieces can be optimized to create even
better sales, rankings, and reviews for our authors' books.
Writing a book can be a daunting task and extremely overwhelming. Talk to us about your own experience writing your first book.
When I started writing my own book, I'd recently had my third baby, so I was typically awake for a 4 am feeding. I would stay up and write from about 5am to 6am, when my other two children would wake up and be ready to start the day. I spent a couple of weeks just developing the structure of the book, and then I wrote the first draft in those quiet early mornings for about two months.
Fortunately, I had worked with enough clients through writing their books that I felt fairly confident that if I could get something like 30 or 40 hours of writing time in, that would be enough to develop a solid first draft, that I could then revise and publish.
For most of the writers my team and I work with, if we can help them create a structure in the beginning, and then optimize each writing session, something like 40 hours to 80 hours of writing time is enough to write a first draft that would then go through a few rounds of revisions before being ready to publish.
As a first-time author, how can one gain visibility and attract media attention to boost their overall sales?
The place where most readers discover new books is the Amazon bookstore, so we recommend that first-time authors focus on optimizing the book's sales page on Amazon. Choose a launch week, where you're going to put the ebook on promotion (free or $.99), and gather a launch team of 50 people who are going to download that ebook and leave a review during your selected launch week.
We also recommend reaching out to book promotion sites (like cravebooks.com) to let their lists of readers know about the new book that's running an ebook promotion.
When you can stack a couple hundred sales or downloads of an ebook in a short amount of time, it'll pop the title to the top of the category, which will increase the visibility of the book. Now, you'll want to select your book's categories carefully. In the Amazon bookstore, ebooks may select 10 categories, so we recommend first-time authors find very niche categories that are nested inside of larger, relevant categories.
For instance, if you're writing a book on leadership, you could launch the book in the very large, highly competitive category of “Business & Money.” The problem is that if your book is not doing well, relative to the other books in that category, you'll fall in the rankings, and Amazon's algorithm will push your book to the bottom of the category.
However, if you launch your book in a smaller category that's nested inside of Business & Money, you'll have a better shot of doing well, relative to the books that are specifically categorized there. So, if you could choose this category: Business & Money > Entrepreneurship & Small Business > Entrepreneurship.
Your book is then launched inside of the smaller category, “Entrepreneurship,” which only requires 91 downloads or sales to become a #1. Now, hitting #1 in a category is fun, and, more importantly, it triggers the Amazon bookstore algorithm to show your book widely in the next category up, in this case, “Entrepreneurship & Small Business.”
With this type of strategy, you're triggering the Amazon algorithm to show the book more widely in increasingly more competitive categories, so you can get visibility for your book in those larger categories.
Once your book has at least a thousand downloads or sales, a few #1 rankings, and 50+ reviews, now any additional promotion you do for the book is more likely to be effective. Most people who find your book online or hears about your book on a podcast will look at the Amazon sales page before they buy, so we want to make sure that sales page is a high-converting sales page that's stacked with sales, #1 rankings, and
great reviews.
What according to you are the three biggest mistakes authors make that impact their longterm sales and visibility?
First, authors tend to forget to think about how readers actually buy a new book. These days, most readers are going to the Amazon bookstore to buy books. More than 70% of books (eBooks, physical books, audio books) are bought through the Amazon bookstore.
When authors are developing a book idea, they tend to go into what I would call an “untested
market,” meaning they haven't identified what readers are searching for in a book like this. Reader's search patterns are especially important. For instance, when readers go to the Amazon bookstore and search for a book, are they really typing in something like “business book?” Or are they typing in something that's a little more specific to their situation, like “business lessons about failure.”
Turns out, when you do the research into keywords, “business lessons about failure” is searched approximately 1,214 times per month, currently, with only 84 other books listed with that
keyword phrase. One of the tools we use to do this is Publisher Rocket, and there are other tools, too.
In the context of bringing a new book to market, what this means is that if you tag your book with the keyword “business lessons about failure,” the book will be served as a search result to 1,200 people every month—and not just people, book buyers who are actively searching for a book like yours!
Steven Adjei is an entrepreneur, healthcare consultant, author, and poet. When he released his book, Pay The Price , others had recommended he simply publish a business book and try to get it into bookstores, like everyone else. Steven had some innovative ideas in his book, including stories about ethics in entrepreneurship, passion and pain entrepreneurs encounter in their journey, plus motivational poetry woven in and a companion playlist available for free access. When we helped Steven publish and launch his book, we tested the market, searching for keyword phrases that would put his book in front of the right readers, keyword phrases that included “business” and “entrepreneurship,” yes, but also “ethics,” “passion,” “pain.” You can test the market of your book, ahead of time, by seeing what your ideal readers are searching for in online bookstores.
The second mistake most authors make is not having a clear way for the reader to become their customer, which I refer to as an “untested customer journey.”
In the book world, by default, the readers who purchase a book are customers of the bookstore. Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and any independent bookstore will happily accept the payment and customer information from a book buyer and never release that information to the author of that book.
For many authors, though, being able to contact those readers is the best way to grow an author brand and base of fans. Whether you would like those readers to become clients for your back-end products and services or simply continue buying the books you release every year, it's so much easier for an author to grow when they have a
tried-and-true customer journey from one book into the bigger business.
When Dr. Terry Pease published and launched her book, Love, Dignity, & Parkinson's , we helped her include a companion workbook and journal that a reader could access for free by scanning a QR code. Now, every person who scans that QR code and provides their email address, Dr. Pease is able to reach out to and offer additional coaching to, inside her business.
The third mistake most authors make is actually in the writing part of the process, especially because most of us were never taught how to structure a book and write 40,000+ words that transition smoothly from chapter to chapter in a compelling narrative arc.
For many authors, writing a book is a little like dumping information onto a page and hoping the reader can follow. I call this an “untested concept.” The author has accumulated a lot of ideas, experiences, and stories, but putting them all in one book does not always make for a great reader experience.
When Dr. John Martin first wrote his book, Psychology Confidential , he wanted to provide the reader with a collection of funny, poignant, touching stories from his career as a psychologist and professor. Many of his patients and students had had clarifying moments by learning psychological principles, and he wanted to create a story-telling version of that experience. To his credit, Dr. John had many, many stories that he could draw on. And where our book coaching team helped was to curate those stories and craft a compelling structure that guided the reader through a series of experiences, chapter-bychapter. Dr. John's book is a fantastic read, in itself, and he is frequently requested to campuses and events to tell more of his stories to students, faculty, and folks interested in how psychology informs life.
So, those three together, if you can test your market, customer journey, and content, will help any writer develop a book that will sell, grow your
business, and create a lasting impression for your readers.
How is Paper Raven Books helping authors gain visibility, market their book, and most importantly, find customers?
At Paper Raven Books, we help our authors to selfpublish professionally. Our team of book coaches, editors, designers, formatters, marketers, and project managers work with authors, one-on-one, to write, publish, launch, and market their books. Our authors are truly self-published, which enables them to retain the creative vision, legal rights, and profits from the books.
And we bring our 8 years of experience and best practices, so that we can help the author get the most of their book. We help to make sure the book fulfills the author's intention to serve a specific type of reader, who could then work with the author in a deeper way. We help to create a customer journey, so that those readers can easily become a client or customer of the author.
We help to optimize the book for visibility on the Amazon platform, so that even people who are discovering the book for the first time are eager to buy the book and leave a review, which builds the foundation for the books' long-term sales. We help our authors get on to podcasts and other peoples' platforms, so they can spread the word about their book, mission, and message.
As the Founder and CEO of Paper Raven Books, what role do you play in the day-to-day proceedings of the company?
I am involved in architecting each piece of our customers' journeys, from the ads they see for our company, to being invited to a workshop, speaking with one of our sales reps, and then choosing a package that fits their publishing needs.
I meet with a few clients each week, I host an allclient meeting once a week, and I meet with each department, to make sure they have what they need to serve our clients to the best of their abilities.
What do you think is the future for the publishing industry? What role do you think modern technology will be playing?
I believe that direct-to-consumer sales is the future for most authors and readers.
Right now, we buy eBooks through Amazon because so many of us have Kindles. What if we were able to buy eBooks from any website and instantly, easily drop those eBooks to our ereading device? That would massively disrupt Amazon's hold on the book market.
At the same time, I believe that many readers will still want to go to bookstores, not necessarily to purchase specific books, but for that experience of browsing through bookshelves and discovering something new, surrounded by the smell of paper, the sound of an espresso machine, and the buzz of being around other book lovers.
Right now, bookstores simply sell books. I wonder what it could look like to be a member of a bookstore, able to browse and while enjoying beverages, as much as you wanted. And when you find something you like, scan a code and have it delivered to your device or your door at the same hour. Something like that could be very possible with open-source e-readers, audiobook apps, and print-on-demand.
Not to mention NFTS, Web 3.0, and all of the technology that's allowing peer-to-peer exchanges. Much of that has yet to be proven in the broader marketplace, but there's a lot of excitement about what's possible with new and emerging versions of books and bookstores.
So, yes, I'm excited about the future for authors, readers, publishers, and bookstores—it's a whole industry, filled with people who love books.
Meet the Moss Guru
hat according to you makes one a powerful woman? How do you integrate the same thought into your leadership?
I don't think there's one right answer as to what makes a powerful woman. I think just being a woman in today's society – whether you're working a 9-5, raising kids, single, or just trying to figure it out – you are powerful.
I think the number one thing that makes me powerful is that I don't have a fear of failure; I take calculated risks and if I do fail, I learn quickly and pivot. If I didn't take the risks that I did, I would still be in a complacent bubble. I don't like to be put into one box. I enjoy learning all areas of a business and I am constantly challenging myself to grow. I put my work ethic into everything that I do. I do not have a give up mentality. I work harder and smarter and face failure straight on.
Talk to us about your growing up years. What is your earliest memory as an entrepreneur?
I was born in Beirut, Lebanon during the Civil War and immigrated to Canada when I was just 8 months old and then to Smithfield, Rhode Island when I was 5 years old. My parents are both entrepreneurs – as are my uncles and cousins. I grew up greeting customers in my parents' businesses and selling anything I could from gum to tires to falafel and hummus.
What was the idea that led to the start of Moss Pure? What was the market gap that you wanted to address?
I founded Moss Pure during a startup competition at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in June 2020, called the
How Jamie Mitri used engineering and biology to create the first and only live moss artwork that improves your air quality – Moss Pure
MIT Lebanon Challenge. Moss Pure won First Place Startup in the competition in Track 1B Health, Energy, and Waste Management. From there, the United Nations invited me to compete in their Development Programme in August 2020, where it won the Top 10 Startup.
During the competition, I realized that moss has several benefits. But there weren't many companies that were using live moss. Most moss companies use preserved moss or dried moss, which are no longer living. Because preserved and dried moss are no longer living, they are not able to improve air quality as only live moss can.
In talking with customers and scientists, I found
1. No other company was able to use moss as an effective air filter.
2. No other company was able to keep live moss alive in indoor environments for more than a few days.
3. Existing living walls and moss walls used a great amount of water and electricity and were bulky and required time to assemble.
Using engineering and biology, I created the first and only live moss design that improves your air quality and provides therapeutic relief without needing any watering, sunlight, or maintenance. I
wanted to create an aesthetically pleasing, yet simple decor piece that anyone could use in their everyday, modern space.
Talk to us about the science that went behind the creation of the product.
A great deal of science is used in the creation of our products. We are not simply just putting moss on a wall frame. Although I have a strong science background, I spent months and many hours doing hands on research with moss to engineer Moss Pure.
I formulated a multi-layered design of eco-friendly materials that sustain the moss within our product in any environment – indoor and outdoor. Because of this, our products do not need watering, sunlight, or electricity. Our proprietary technology extends the life of live moss from days to years. The multi-layer also works in synergy with the live moss, so that the moss uses toxic pollutants in the air as its food source, therefore improving your air quality. Air purifying plants take decades to purify the surrounding air. Moss Pure's technology enhances the air filtering capability of live moss.
We are the only company that has certified analytical results showing that our live moss products improve your air quality within minutes, capturing carbon dioxide, dust, allergens, pet dander, VOC, metals and certain bacteria and viruses.
I also worked with 150 customers in the U.S., gathering feedback on the aesthetics of our design. I conducted prototype, alpha, and beta testing with our customers to create the final Moss Pure products you see in our online store today.
As the Moss Guru, what role do you play in the day-to-day proceedings of the company?
I'm a very hands-on CEO. I am involved in every aspect of the business in some way – whether it's working with a customer on a custom moss wall, helping assemble our products, pitching to a distributor, sales, marketing, PR, accounting, finances – you name it and I'm doing it or have done it. I am able to combine my passion for
science and fashion and interior design every day and I'm stepping out of my comfort zone to grow the business.
Looking at your journey as an entrepreneur, if you were to start again, what would you do differently?
Absolutely nothing. Every milestone, every mistake, every failure, and every success accompanied a learning lesson, and I wouldn't take any of it back. It has been such a rewarding and amazing experience, even on the crazy days.
What would be your advice for emerging entrepreneurs bringing-in new and innovative sustainable solutions?
Being an entrepreneur and launching a business is difficult in itself – let alone creating an innovative product in an existing market. When you create such an innovative product, you have to make sure your messaging is right so that you capture people's attention and then you have to clearly explain why you are different from your competition. It's incredibly challenging but if you know it's worth the risk and you are consistent, the business will grow and everything that you've worked so hard for will pay off – and it is such an amazing feeling.
Finally, what does the future look like for you and Moss Pure? What are you most excited about?
I'm excited to get the word out about the company and expand it. Moss Pure has such a positive impact and story and I want to share it with the world. We are also always learning and growing, and we are releasing new products with feedback from our customers. My creative and intellectual mind is always at work coming up with something and I love it.
How a Hairstylist Can Change the World? Interview with Elizabeth Faye
t the age of 12, Elizabeth Faye was expelled from school for coloring her natural hair with a box of dye. But as fate would have it, this led her to a chance encounter that would change the course of her life.
Her parents booked her a color correction at a fancy upscale hair salon. While sitting on the hairdresser's chair, Elizabeth started sharing every little detail of her life to her stylist – Brandon.
For the first time in her young life, Elizabeth felt heard, beautiful, seen, and loved.
This cemented a bond between Elizabeth and hair salons, and eventually paved the way for her professional journey as a hairstylist.
A single act of kindness changed the life of Elizabeth Faye. Today, as a hairstylist turned coach, Elizabeth is determined to help transform the lives of others like someone did to her.
In this Exclusive Interview, we interact with this incredible entrepreneur and learn more about her journey and beyond.
From visiting a hairstylist that changed your world to today a hairstylist turned coach that is changing the world, what has been the journey like for you?
The journey has been a wild ride. So much learning and growth. The entrepreneurship journey is truly the greatest opportunity for personal development on a fast track in the best way. There are highs and lows, and I wouldn't have it any other way!
What prompted your interest and subsequently your foray into the coaching space?
I began working as an assistant in a salon that was very education-forward where I was working for salon educators in the beauty industry. From day one, I've worked backstage on hair shows, teaching at salons, working alongside educators at salons, etc. I also come from a family of educators. My
grandpa was a teacher, my father does a lot of work within the church such as teaching and guiding hikes, yoga, etc.
Teaching has been in my blood. I became a beauty school teacher at Paul Mitchell for four years and then taught at Redken for six years. From there, I went on doing independent education since 2014. My transition from hair educator to business coach then led to a healing journey that really led me to goal setting and manifestation.
Talk to us about your client approach, one that has facilitated the career transformation of 1000s of individuals.
I am a business coach that hones in on attracting wealth, shopping online, marketing, and working with educators on establishing their mission and curriculum. However, the strategy is only 20%, when 80% of career transformations derive from personal and spiritual development.
Our signature framework, Sacred Success Method, blends strategy, somatics, and conscious work. Somatics is understanding the nervous system [this is where breathwork comes in and is one of the best ways to heal your nervous system] and marrying the mind and body together and mixing it with business strategy.
Blending strategy, somatics, and subconscious work together is very important to me because it really brings together the science and spiritual side of success and empowers others to understand it and to lean into their own tools - which are themselves!
What is your vision through Hair Love University?
How is it empowering and impacting the hairstylists community and beyond?
My mission is to help hair stylists show up as the most authentic version of themselves, which is going to require some healing work as well as strategy and skill to help them feel aligned in their work and attract wealth in a really aligned way. I want them to feel really lit up about what they do because they really are in such proximity with
people all of the time and are often seen as a trusted space where people feel comfortable confiding in them.
I know firsthand as a former hairstylist and salon owner that I was there through some of my client's biggest milestones [marriage, divorce, babies, death, etc.] and people really turn to us as a close person in their life. I want to help hairstylists be well and regulate their nervous system as they act as that rock for other people that sit in their chair.
I believe we are all a part of The Ripple Effect but hairstylists touch so many lives, and if I can help them, then I am quite literally helping hundreds of thousands of people.
Brief us about the importance of visibility and for women entrepreneurs to put their personal brand out there.
This is why I do a lot of personal and spiritual development work with people because putting your brand out there is sharing your heart. Sharing your perspectives, desires and how you want to serve people can be a really vulnerable thing to do as female leaders.
As we lead, we have an opportunity to share from the heart space, to collaborate, and to empower. Sharing your mission and heart is incredibly needed - your story matters!
As an entrepreneur, coach, speaker, author, and mother, what does a day in your life of Elizabeth Faye look like? How do you ensure work-life balance?
Typically, the morning starts with Cacao [I love a daily Cacao] and bringing my nine-year-old to school. Then, I coach a few days a week, so taking a moment to get grounded, light some incense, and then start my day with some rituals is very important to me. After a day of coaching my clients, we have dinner and family time [typically involves board games].
Other days, I am in a lot of CEO meetings [either in bed or from my hanging chair] and blending my
rituals into the day which can look like breathwork, meditation, or taking a walk. I am a big believer in moving energy through dance and yoga. In between all of that, I am often speaking, traveling, and hosting retreats.
To ensure work-life balance, it is important to build in those small rituals. It can be making your nightly bath or drinking your daily beverage ritualistic. It is really bringing intention and slowness into these different spaces of your life. Oftentimes, I bring in coaches and experts to guide me so I can constantly learn, grow, release, and be cared for because the higher level of a performer you are in your business, the higher level support you are going to need in your life and your self-care. Lean on your support system - you are going to need to even out that load to show up for yourself and your business.
Finally, what does the future look like for you and your brand?
I am now a Tedx Speaker and I am publishing a book in the fall! I am looking forward to more speaking engagements and continuing to coach high level humans and doing breathwork exercises in huge settings. I am looking forward to working with more corporate brands and schools, as well as helping more people change their life. I am dabbling in more projects that are outside of the box - music and products that are more ritualistic. We just came out with a conscious song titled, I Am Loved Devine, on Spotify.
J ennif er Messer
ennifer Messer's life pivots on a poignant memory from her teenage years: the sudden and shocking death of her father from a heart attack at just thirty-nine. With a cloud of questions enveloping her - 'Why did this happen? Would her genetic legacy seal a similar fate for her?' - Jennifer's quest for answers unraveled a complex web of factors influencing cardiovascular health.
What began as personal introspection rapidly transformed into a crusade for holistic well-being. One profound moment of self-realization, upon seeing a photograph of herself on the brink of following her father's ill-fated footsteps, marked the start of her transformative journey. Tipping the scale at her heaviest and engulfed by fatigue, she resolved to rewrite her health narrative, not just for herself but for her family. From thereon, Jennifer's life intertwined with the mission of fostering a health-centric environment for her loved ones.
As a registered and listened dietician and expert nutritionist, Jennifer's vision today echoes her relentless spirit and hard-
earned wisdom: optimal health is achievable, and the transformative power of a healthful lifestyle is irrefutable.
In this Interview with Exeleon Women, Jennifer Messer shares about her journey, her fitness ideology, and her vision going forward.
My philosophy embraces a holistic approach to health and fitness for women, recognizing the interconnected dimensions of physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being. I prioritize physical activity and nutrition in my professional practice, viewing them as two pillars with far-reaching impacts. This symbiotic relationship between mental and physical wellness is at the heart of my approach. Balance is essential in my philosophy, as extremes hinder long-term success and overall health. I uphold evidence-based practices, rooted in scientific rigor, ensuring that my strategies are wellfounded and current. Individuality is
essential, and I customize and tailor my approach to my client's unique needs, preferences, and circumstances.
My philosophy is firmly rooted in the belief that women should view their well-being as an essential aspect of self-care that is non-negotiable. Allocating time for the preparation of nourishing meals and engaging in daily physical activity isn't an act of selfishness. On the contrary, it's a profound commitment to becoming the optimal version of yourself, ultimately benefiting not just you but also your entire
network of relationships – from spouses and children to family, friends, and colleagues.
By prioritizing these self-care practices, women empower themselves to operate from a position of strength, both physically and mentally. When your own health is nurtured, it reverberates positively throughout your daily interactions and responsibilities, allowing for a more vibrant and engaged presence in all aspects of your life.
From my earliest days, I was surrounded by the exuberance of my three brothers. This nurtured my love of fitness, which took root in outdoor exploits—scaling trees, catching frogs, and pedaling my bike through our neighborhood. When the time came to embark on the organized path of fitness, tap dance, gymnastics, and ice skating were my introduction. But baseball was my true passion. In Little League, I clinched the title of MVP, awakening my competitive fire. I grew to understand that in movement I experienced true joy.
My journey into health and nutrition has been a lifelong one that began with a personal tragedy. When I was young, my father passed away from cardiovascular disease at the age of 39. This experience shaped my identity and filled me with resilience and but also a strong curiosity for the role of genetics and lifestyle in chronic disease.
As a young mother, I saw a candid snapshot of myself and realized that I was standing at the edge of the same fate that had befallen my father. I was overweight, exhausted, and unhealthy. This reflection of reality motivated me to make a change.
Determined to be a role model for my daughters, I made gradual, sustainable changes to my nutrition and resurrected my love for fitness and sports. I went on to shed more than sixty-five pounds and markedly improved my health.
This pledge to my health and well-being marked my entry into the health and
nutrition field. I was then prompted to return to school to become a dietitian and then completed a master's degree in exercise science strength and conditioning. Now, fueled with knowledge, I am compelled to help other families avoid the devastating effects of losing a loved one prematurely and help people live full and active lives.
One of the most important underpinnings of the work I do with my clients is to first work with them to identify the 'why' behind their desire to embark on a health journey. This is a critical first step in laying the groundwork for success in any health journey. It is their reason for making changes, and it will help them stay motivated when things get tough. When clients understand their "why," they are more likely to make choices that are aligned with their goals.
Another crucial aspect of helping clients succeed is providing them with accurate information that clears up any misunderstandings or confusion about diet and exercise. This field can be overwhelming, particularly with so many unsubstantiated online resources, but relying on scientific research is the key to finding reliable answers that can be put into practice and get clients the results they dream about achieving.
Creating a safe space for open dialogue is essential in building a healthy client-coach relationship. Encouraging clients to openly discuss their issues, progress, and roadblocks helps me identify obstacles and work closely with them to develop strategies for effective navigation.
Extrinsic accountability is often necessary for clients in the early stages of their journey. By providing structured support and consistent accountability, I aim to encourage the development of intrinsic motivation within my clients, driving them toward their health and fitness goals. Ultimately my goal is for clients to outgrow the need for my services.
Embarking on a healthier lifestyle is always a good decision, no matter what your age. It's important to seek support and not be afraid to ask for help. As a woman who grew up in a predominantly male household, I believed that selfreliance was the key to resilience. However, during my own health transformation, I learned that seeking professional help and support from others is a sign of strength and wisdom. Luckily, many insurance plans cover the services of registered dietitians, who can provide excellent nutrition guidance for those on their wellness journey. If you need help getting started with strength training, consider seeking advice from a personal trainer - I know of a good one if you need a referral! Let your family and friends know you need their support and consider finding others with similar goals. A group with a common goal
provides support, motivation, and accountability, which can help you stay on track and achieve your vision for optimal health.
It's important to celebrate every accomplishment, regardless of how small it may seem. Whether you've cooked a healthy meal or gone to the gym after a long day at work, each victory deserves recognition. These small celebrations build momentum, and what was once overwhelming gradually becomes a habit that you eagerly anticipate.
Lastly, remember to take things one step at a time. It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of achieving your goals quickly, but focusing on sustainable changes that you can maintain for the long haul is essential. Don't overwhelm yourself with too much too soon. Start with small changes that you can stick with and gradually make more changes as you become more comfortable. Achieving your vision for health is a journey toward a complete lifestyle overhaul that requires patience, determination, and self-love.
I am bursting with excitement about the future! I am passionate about health and wellness, and I am always looking for new ways to
improve my own health and the health of others. I have recently taken a deep interest in the study of health span and the science of staying young, both physically and mentally. I believe that this is the key to truly enjoying life to the fullest.
Professionally, I am thrilled to have recently kicked off a new venture in partnership with my daughter Lauren. We are combining our expertise to support people in achieving optimal health goals through balanced nutrition and effective physical activity. Interestingly, this venture is part of my personal pursuit too; seeing my daughter grow as a female strength coach in the fitness industry brings me immense joy and pride.
I believe that Lauren and I can make a real difference in the world by helping people live healthier, happier lives. We are both committed to this work, and I am excited to see what we can achieve together. My future promises a coming together of personal joy, professional growth, shared purpose, and the power of making a difference in people's lives. I am eager for the exciting times that lie ahead.
ounded in 2012, HomeZada emerged as a platform in response to a universal pain point –disorganization of paperwork. HomeZada stands out as an all-in-one platform that empowers homeowners with valuable tools to manage their home and their assets.
At the heart of HomeZada's philosophy lies the commitment to empower homeowners with tools for maximizing the value of their homes while minimizing stress and environmental impact
In this interview, Elizabeth Dodson, Cofounder of HomeZada, shares how her personal frustration led to the start of this cloud-based solution.
Talk to us about your growing up years. What is your earliest memory as a leader that you can remember?
Being the oldest of three girls was my entrée to leadership. While I gained a lot by studying for my bachelor's and master's degrees, I attribute much of my leadership style to my mother and stepfather. My mother encouraged her girls to be independent and to think for themselves which we all do. My stepfather encouraged us to try new things before saying we did not like them. This combination of philosophies enabled me to take risks, try things and to think for myself.
This empowered me to start HomeZada to help homeowners manage the details of
their home while also helping real estate professionals stay connected intelligently with their customers.
What was the pain point that led to the start of HomeZada? What was the idea behind the name of the company?
I founded HomeZada in 2012, at least in part, as a response to the mountains of home-related paperwork around my home -and the feelings of disorganization and stress this created. All the vital information about my single-biggest asset, my home, was scattered at different places throughout my home and office, yet none of it was easily accessible.
I assumed there simply had to be a cloudbased platform that could collect and organize all of my mortgages; product warranties and repair schedules; home documents; wills, trusts and personal financial documents; receipts; inventories of personal possessions; and other homerelated paperwork that cluttered my home. So, when I realized there WASN'T anything like this on the market, I and a business colleague set out to create one.
We settled on HomeZada since “Zada” means prosperous and fortunate in Arabic –and when connected to your home, implies that your home can be a place of prosperity and fortune if you're willing to invest the time and energy. We also love the spirit of possibility that “Zada” brings.
What is the approach followed by you and your team at HomeZada to ensure optimal home ownership experience for your clients?
Our team remains committed to offering homeowners a continually updated suite of best-in-class apps that empower them to maximize the value of their home while minimizing the costs, stress, time and impact on the environment that can come from homeownership. Everything we do must align with this value proposition.
A good example is our launch of the “Zada” AI Chat Assistant in June that added a real-time AI overlay that provides realtime answers to any perceivable homeowner question about home maintenance and repairs, renovation and remodel projects, homeowner's and other specialty insurance, home utility costs, the photo and video documentation of personal property for insurance purposes, and other topics associated with homeownership. This new services adds tangible homeowner value, ultimately giving our subscribers more tools to build and maintain equity in their homes, whether primary-residence or investment.
What have been some of the biggest challenges when it comes to running HomeZada
over the last 11 years?
Some of the biggest challenges managing HomeZada is addressing the many different customers we support. HomeZada subscribers span the homeowning spectrum: from first-time homeowners to veteran. multiple-property investors living in urban, suburban and rural settings in all 50 states and 20 countries. This makes for very interesting marketing campaigns and messages to reach the variety of customers using our services. There really is not a “typical” HomeZada customer
What does a day in the life of Elizabeth Dodson look like? How do you ensure work-life balance?
The first question I would ask is what day and what time is it? My day starts off with a workout, a shower, mediation and jumping right into the day's work. The day varies depending on the meetings and tasks on the schedule. I like variety because it keeps me interested in my day and my company.
Once my workday has ended, I like to be creative in the kitchen creating new, healthy recipes. Some more HomeZada followup and then potentially entrepreneur or networking events that may require my attention. A good night's sleep is also key to a healthy lifestyle.
Work/life balance has not been a challenge for me because I have creative outlets that I address during the week and even on the weekends. In fact, I made my own shamanic drum a few weekends ago. My husband and I believe in the philosophy of always be learning which takes us into new fun projects. Like my stepdad says, be open to trying new things before you say you do not like it.
Finally, talk to us about your vision going forward for HomeZada. What are you most excited about?
HomeZada is part of an exciting time. Homeowners are excited that they finally have tools to help them manage their home. Our team is excited for the many enhancements we have coming. I believe our team has easily ten years' worth of valueadded features to add to HomeZada that will transform the homeownership experience.
We are excited to bring homeowners together with the product and services that they need to manage all the aspects of their single-largest asset on one, easy-to-access seamless platform.
n the tapestry of life, fate often weaves its intricate threads, guiding us towards unexpected paths and shaping our destinies. Such was the case for Kirsty Gordon, a visionary entrepreneur whose journey in the travel industry is a testament to the power of serendipity.
With a multitude of passions and dreams swirling within her, Kirsty embarked on a quest for purpose, unaware of the extraordinary twists and turns that awaited her.
As Kirsty left school, her heart brimmed with a kaleidoscope of interests and potential career options. From the thrill of professional horse riding to the allure of landscape technology, from the depths of scuba instructor to the compassionate calling of physiotherapy, she pondered the myriad possibilities that lay before her. Little did she know that fate had already set in motion a series of events that would shape her future in ways she couldn't fathom.
In the midst of waiting to hear if she had been accepted into a landscape technology course, Kirsty went on an adventure—a scuba diving
i r sty Gor d on
course on the shores of Inhaca Island, nestled off the coast of Mozambique. It was there, surrounded by the azure waters and the gentle sway of the tides, that destiny beckoned. A chance encounter with a kindred spirit led Kirsty to an invitation that would change the course of her life.
A lovely lady, bound for St Maarten in the Caribbean to embark on a sailing voyage, mentioned her friend's quest to navigate the waters down to Puerto Rico and through the legendary Panama Canal. The friend, in need of a capable crew member, sought a soul adventurous enough to seize this extraordinary opportunity. And in a heartbeat, Kirsty, her spirit ablaze with curiosity and wanderlust, leaped at the chance to embark on this voyage of a lifetime.
As her sails billowed in the warm Caribbean breeze, Kirsty felt an indescribable sense of purpose and awe. Yet, a letter awaited her—a letter that held the key to a different path, a landscape technology course that had accepted her into its folds. But fate, with its whimsical sense of timing, had played its hand. The letter, tucked away and forgotten, arrived too late.
"When I returned home, I found a letter that had somehow not been opened confirming my entry into this course – but they had started this a week before
and wouldn't take my late arrival," shares Kirsty.
Soon, in a bustling shopping mall, she crossed paths with the mother of a dear friend, who revealed—her friend had recently completed a travel and tourism course and found herself impressed by its wonders. It was a lifeline, a glimmer of hope that guided Kirsty toward a new chapter in her life.
With unwavering determination, Kirsty embarked on a whirlwind journey of exploration and learning. She shares, "All went super quickly, I applied, was accepted, arrived in Cape Town, and ended up with my friend in a 'dig' as a room has freed up. This was the start of my travel adventure." A 6month course became the gateway to a world of endless possibilities and her foray into the travel industry. Her thirst for knowledge was unquenchable, and she absorbed every nuance and insight with passion.
Fast forward 30 years, Kirsty Gordon stands as an empowering woman in the travel industry. The founding of Anywhere in Africa Safaris, a concierge travel company, was born from her love for the continent, her desire to connect directly with clients, and her unparalleled expertise in the field.
One Book Entrepreneurs Must Read – The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
One Productivity Tool that Everyone Should Use – Clockify.
One Travel Destination that you would recommend – Rwanda.
One Quote that Motivates you the Most – “It’s the Journey not the Destination.”
One Advice for Women Entrepreneurs – Don’t give your Power Away –Believe in Your Women Power
Today, as the CEO of Anywhere in Africa Safaris, Kirsty weaves together the threads of luxury, personalization, and sustainability, creating
unparalleled travel experiences. Here's how she describes her company, "We plan bespoke, luxury travel packages to Southern Africa, East Africa, North Africa, and Indian Ocean Islands. We don't do anything off the shelf, as we tailor one-of-akind journeys to suit your specific interests."
In Kirsty's world, communication is the lifeblood that connects her with her clients. No query goes unanswered, no concern is left unaddressed. While her team works tirelessly behind the scenes, she stands as the face of the company, ensuring that each client receives the attention they rightfully deserve.
From the first planning phase to the final steps of their journey, Kirsty remains a steadfast presence, ensuring that every detail is meticulously planned and executed. She says, "During their trip, I am in contact with them from when they arrive to when they leave making sure that they are happy with their accommodation, all transfers, and flights are running timeously. They're never left wondering!"
Kirsty's vision even extends beyond the bounds of the travel industry. She is driven by a profound sense of responsibility, seeking to make a positive impact on society, the environment, and the lives of those she encounters. She advocates for sustainable practices and supports smaller
charities that often go unnoticed, recognizing their invaluable contributions to the communities they serve.
Her commitment to fostering meaningful connections extends not only to her clients but to the people and places that make Africa so extraordinary.
When discussing the challenges of the travel industry, Kirsty's insight is both candid and reflective. She acknowledges the ever-evolving landscape in which the industry operates, with changing trends, emerging technologies, and global uncertainties. One of the ongoing challenges she highlights is the need for government support and recognition of the travel industry's vital contribution to the economy.
She believes that collaboration between industry stakeholders and government is crucial in order to foster sustainable growth and navigate the complexities of regulations and policies. Another challenge she addresses is the mindset of African travelers, urging them to appreciate and invest in the wonders of their own continent, rather than seeking experiences abroad.
Moreover, Kirsty recognizes the importance of guide training and education, advocating for a
holistic approach.
Despite these challenges, she remains resilient, using them as opportunities for innovation, adaptation, and creating exceptional travel experiences that leave a lasting impact.
From Kirsty's perspective, achieving team goals begins with setting clear expectations from the very beginning. She emphasizes the importance of clarity in communication, productivity, outcomes, and etiquette. By setting these expectations upfront, she fosters a culture of accountability and high performance within her team.
Reflecting on her experience, she acknowledges that no manager can excel in every aspect of a business. She advises aspiring entrepreneurs and managers to leave their egos at the door and recognize the unique skills and strengths of their team members.
She further advises budding entrepreneurs to find a business venture that aligns with their passion while ensuring viable opportunities for financial success.
Kirsty embraces the 80/20 rule as a guiding principle in her entrepreneurial journey. She identifies her team's best assets, whether they're individuals, products, or
strategies, and focuses on utilizing them efficiently to create maximum value. She understands that by optimizing her resources, she can generate significant results and drive success.
Looking to the future, Kirsty's long-term goal is to solidify Anywhere in Africa Safaris as the go-to company for planning trips to Africa. She aims to build a strong brand that is synonymous with trust, excellent service, and unrivaled knowledge of the continent.
She understands that her company's future lies in the hands of her clients, and she strives to provide them with extraordinary service, unique experiences, and a personal touch that will make them repeat customers and enthusiastic ambassadors for Africa. She says, “My long-term goal is that when people thinking Africa, who do we contact for help in planning a trip, who is trustworthy, who offers the best service and knowledge - they must recall Anywhere in Africa Safaris.”