Bay State Baner 1-21-2016

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inside this week

Streets named for MLK illustrate persistent inequality pg 2


business news


Firm uses weight lifting to build employment skills pg 10

plus ‘Yosemite’ explores dark side of childhood pg 15 ‘Violet’ at Boston Center for the Arts pg 16 Thursday, January 21, 2016 • FREE • GREATER BOSTON’S URBAN NEWS SOURCE SINCE 1965 • CELEBRATING 50 YEARS

BPS budget fears spur call to action

MLK day demonstration

Parents, activists gather for emergency meeting By JULE PATTISON-GORDON

Parents, grandparents, students, educators, administrators and education activists filled Madison Park High School’s Cardinal Hall last Thursday, with dozens standing when the seats ran out. Their purpose: an emergency town hall meeting to address, “What is the Future for Public Schools in Boston?” Government officials were there as well, including city Councilors Tito Jackson, Ayanna Pressley and Timothy McCarthy, along with representatives from state Senators Sonia Chang-Diaz and Linda Dorcena Forry and Councilor Andrea Campbell. The Boston Education Justice Alliance convened the meeting. Activists outlined the trials facing Boston Public Schools, high among them the estimated $50 million budget debt, drainage of money to charters, over-testing and policies regarded as being forced on families and communities instead of inspired by their needs. The year brings decisive deadlines with the School Committee reviewing the budget February-March, the unified enrollment

system for vote in June and the possible November ballot question regarding the charter cap lift— if charter advocates do not succeed in pushing the state Senate to act before then. Marléna Rose, BEJA campaign coordinator, presented Boston’s movement as part of a nationwide fight for to secure equal and sufficient funding for public schools. “Across the nation schools and students are being faced with unsustainable budget cuts,” Rose said. Presenters called for actions ranging from appealing to elected officials and testifying at public hearings to walk-outs.

Budget strains and charter ballots

Heshan Berents-Weeramuni, cochair of the Citywide Parent Council and BPS parent, outlined likely impacts of the budget shortfall, including losses of librarians, science teachers and accreditation at some schools and reduced services for students with autism and emotional impairments. Several activists said the potential lift of the charter cap would only

See BPS, page 19


Demonstrators marched Monday from Carson Beach to Grove Hall to protest police violence against blacks, anti-Muslim violence and to voice support for a $15 hourly wage. Earlier in the day, six activists were arrested at Logan Airport, demonstrating for higher wages for airport workers.

Wu announces council committee assignments Choices raise hopes for body cameras, education By JULE PATTISON-GORDON

Last week, City Council President Michelle Wu unveiled the new council committee assignments and structures, decisions that will strongly impact what gets championed and passed this year. Wu also introduced several new committees, along with restructurings and dissolutions of others. Before making final decisions, she met with councilors to discuss their goals and requested

they rank preferences. Diversity, body cameras and quality public education loomed large on their agendas.

Diversity causes

The Post Audit and Oversight Committee, long-chaired by former Councilor Charles Yancey, was dissolved. Post Audit and Oversight paid special interest to the level of diversity in the city’s hiring. Recent committee revealed a failure of the fire and police departments to hire

enough people of color. Continued attention on bringing and maintaining diversity in law enforcement and firefighting is of great importance, especially as many officers of color retire and diversity wanes, said Iván Espinoza-Madrigal, executive director of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Economic Justice. “There should be continued oversight over the hiring, including and promoting process of fire

See COMMITTEES, page 20

U.S. atty. general visits South Bay Reviews local reentry programs By YAWU MILLER


Suffolk County Sheriff Steve Tompkins and U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch meet in the Library of the Suffolk County House of Correction.

Last year, President Barack Obama made criminal justice reform a priority for his administration, underscoring his commitment with a visit to a prison – a first for a U.S. president. Last week Obama’s attorney general, Loretta Lynch, visited the Suffolk County House of Correction for a discussion of criminal justice reform, reentry programs

and efforts to reduce recidivism. Speaking in a meeting room full of nonprofit and government workers who provide services to inmates and newly-released ex-convicts, Lynch told the gathering that she understands the importance of their work. “The work you are doing is indeed important to real people,” she said. “It makes change in real lives. I want to thank you for believing in people who society wants to write off.”

Much of the work that sheriffs, police and probation officers, nonprofits and clergy do to help former inmates learn skills and find housing and work after their release is funded in part by the Second Chance Act of 2007, a federal program which has given out $400 million in grants over the last eight years – and $53 million last year. One critical reform the administration is pushing this year is to lift restrictions on Pell Grants that bar people with drug convictions

See LYNCH, page 14

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