Exhibit Magazine Sept 2013

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where tech meets lifestyle 100 €6 $8 thetechy.com

The FuTurISTIC ISSue Will Virtual reality be the Future?

Super bikeS & their gear

hoW to Juice up your Smartphone Flip to page-72 SMart tV


buying guide

roberto CaValliVodka-traCing itS intoXiCationg journey...

Smart WatcheS -the next revolution in the Watch induStry belieVe it or not!! hair-raiSing StorieS FroM the World oF SCienCe


5your SMartphone

beSt WayS to uSe

The Gamechanging Khiladi! AKSHAY KUMAR

REVIEWED: HTC One Dual Sim|Blackberry Q5|Panasonic P51|Toshiba Laptop|LG optimus G-PRO HOW TO: Save iPhone Battery|USE OS 4.3 Restricted Profile|Doubly Secure Your Android Device|Multitask using YouTube’s updated App 1 I EXHIBIT I SEPTEMBER 2013

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