UEFA EURO 2012™ Club Prestige price list Venues
Series details
Stadium Series
Gdansk 3
3 group matches in Gdansk
Poznan 3
3 group matches in Poznan
Warsaw 3
2 group matches in Warsaw + opening match
Wroclaw 3
3 group matches in Wroclaw
Donetsk 3
3 group matches in Donetsk
Kharkiv 3
3 group matches in Kharkiv
Kyiv 3
3 group matches in Kyiv
Price/series € 2,900
€ 5,200
€ 2,900 sold out
€ 5,200
€ 2,900 € 2,900
sold out
€ 2,900 € 2,900
Lviv 3
3 group matches in Lviv
sold out
€ 2,900
Gdansk 4
3 group matches + QF in Gdansk
€ 8,800
€ 4,950
Donetsk 5
3 group matches + QF + SF in Donetsk
€ 12,900
€ 7,350
Warsaw 5
Opening match + 2 group matches + QF + SF in Warsaw
€ 13,400
€ 7,850
Kyiv 5
3 group matches + QF in Kyiv + Final
sold out
€ 10,950
Country Series
Gold Poland 16
All matches in Poland + Final**
€ 23,900
Gold Ukraine 16
All matches in Ukraine
€ 23,900
Knockout Series
Ultimate 2
One SF of your choice + Final
sold out
Ultimate 3
One QF and one SF of your choice + Final
€ 9,900
Warsaw 2
Warsaw QF + Warsaw SF
€ 4,900
Kyiv 2
Kyiv QF + Final
€ 8,900
Poland 3
Two QF + SF in Poland
€ 5,900
Ukraine 4
Two QF + SF + Final in Ukraine
Single Matches
Match details
Warsaw Opening
Opening match
€ 2,450
Group Match
Available for matches 5, 9, 14, 17, 22
€ 1,450
€ 10,900 Price/package
Group Match Gdansk
Available for matches 5, 14, 21
€ 2,250
Group Match Poznan
Available for matches 6, 13, 22
€ 1,950
Gdansk QF
QF in Gdansk
€ 2,850
Warsaw QF
QF in Warsaw
€ 1,850
Kyiv QF
QF in Kyiv
€ 1,850
Donetsk QF
QF in Donetsk
€ 1,850
QF - Quarter-Final SF - Semi-Final
Prices exclude VAT. Gold series of minimum 4 and all even numbers above 4 are available. * Skyboxes are sold on the unit by unit basis, to get the total price of a skybox you need to multiply the price per series by the number of skybox seats. ** Final in lounge
For more information please contact the UEFA EURO 2012™ Club Prestige Customer Service on the following numbers: Poland: +48 22 500 94 44 | Ukraine: +380 44 521 94 03 | International: +48 22 500 94 40 E-mail: hospitality.euro2012@uefa.ch | Web: www.uefa.com © UEFA 2011 – English version, December 2011
Corporate Hospitality Programme