Q: How was the EXIT series received and reacted to? Why did you choose this format (zines)?
A: I’m very fascinated by the physicality of books and I’d always wanted to make one using a DIY approach. I just didn’t quite follow the traditional zine making steps that involve a certain folding technique so I should probably just call my tiny books, handmade booklets. The work was received with interest but also a bit of hesitance because it forced people to acknowledge the personal entries inside. I managed to exhibit some editions in a group show but after that, I posted some of the entries on my instagram and referred to the zine as being about death, displacement & madness. I felt that that was a more open platform for the work to be consumed than the gallery space. A few people though have since acquired some of the limited edition zines and that is akin to somebody buying my sketchbooks. That’s where everything begins. (Interview excerpt by Gloria Kiconco)