Photo by Will Truettner on Unsplash
Extraordinary Times Demand a Better Kind of Company EXIT Realty is a Company with Heart, made up of those who realize it’s Our Time to Make a Change.
YOUR INNER ARMOR STEVE MORRIS, EXIT FOUNDER & CHAIRMAN It’s time to armor up everyone! Strengthening your inner self, builds and anchors your mind so nothing can shake you. If you haven’t already looked at the power of affirmations through my Prompter!™ app program, now is the perfect time. Affirmative thoughts are the emotional armor that keep you motivated, and creating affirmative actions. Root yourself in habitual, positive, present tense thought and I promise you’ll weather any storm.
PUBLISHER STEVE MORRIS EXIT Founder & Chairman GRAPHICS & PRODUCTION CORP. GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT achiever@exitrealty.com 2345 Argentia Rd. Ste. 200, Mississauga, ON L5N 8K4 T: 1.888.668.3948 xt. 4058
l achiever.exitrealty.com
The EXIT Achiever is the exclusive corporate publication of EXIT Realty Corp. International. Not intended to solicit agents or franchisees already under contract with other franchisors. Each EXIT office is independently owned and operated. Any use of the contents of this publication without the express written permission of the Publisher is strictly prohibited. Despite the care taken in reviewing editorial content we cannot guarantee all written information is complete and accurate. Subsequently we assume no responsibility for any errors and/or omissions. We cannot accept responsibility for unsolicited material. The opinions expressed are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Publisher.
2 Volume 9 Issue 1
Embracing real, permanent change takes time, commitment and the forming of new habits to replace the old ones. We’re still near the beginning of a new, extraordinary decade. With all its complexities, it’s still a fresh start and the time to create a vision; perfect vision is 20/20, after all. EXIT owns the next decade, and our one word is #IMPACT this year. We’re striving to make an impact on this industry and in your lives, both personally and professionally. All of us are at different stages, and in different circumstances. Success is knowing what you want; it’s living on purpose, not letting life happen to you. We face some new realities and so take time now to create a vision or life plan. There have been so many studies on the 80/20 rule, so to go forward, first look back. What worked for you in other tough times? What brought you joy, when did you feel the most successful? We get 80% of our business from our top 20% of clients. Clear some of the clutter so you can focus better and spend 80% of your time on the top 20% of your activities that gain results. Try to make good choices 80% of the time. All or nothing creates burnout. People with a higher purpose generate higher incomes. People who prioritize their top 20% of activities get an 80% return. Now is the time to focus on your relationships, your health and happiness. My wish for you is that this time provides reflection on what has worked or is working, and new perspectives so when December 31, 2020 arrives you can look back in wonder, with gratitude for the Impact you made on people’s lives. Especially your own.
Volume 9 Issue 1 3
Everyone wants to hang out where they feel like they belong; they want to be comfortable, safe and appreciated. Building a brokerage has its share of challenges but attracting great agents should not be one of them. The perfect scenario would be to build an office where there’s a line outside the door of eager agents wanting to be part of your brokerage. So, how do you get to that point? There are many factors that go into building the perfect office, but the first ingredient must be strong, well-respected leadership. I think we can all agree the best offices with the best agents often have a leader who is a great coach and has a knack for getting the most and the best out of their people. The best leaders also understand the value of diversity.
We are faced today with generations, ethnic groups and belief systems that play a vital role in the development of a healthy community and atmosphere within an office. Everyone adds to the flavor of the culture within an office with their distinctive ideals, suggestions and perspectives from how they were raised over the years. Strong offices are built with a purposeful emphasis on diversity, knowing exactly how to create an environment where everyone learns and works together. Agents expect an office that is forward thinking and engaged in the acceptance of all people into the EXIT family; it’s what makes our culture here so appealing. In order for our sponsoring system to work to its fullest potential, our offices must be sponsor-friendly and provide every opportunity to help our people learn but also to make them feel comfortable. Give your agents a reason to join in and collaborate. Take a hard look at how you want your office to feel as it grows. For some of you that are veteran offices, perhaps look at where you are currently and where you can adjust and adapt. Identify how you’ll leverage and embrace diversity to not only attract agents but also to develop a rapport of being a company that is well-suited to work with many groups of consumers. Life is about stretching yourself; to be better tomorrow than we are today and to help others along the way.
4 Volume 9 Issue 1
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
Strong offices are built with a purposeful emphasis on diversity, knowing exactly how to create an environment where everyone learns and works together.
BE CHANGE BY JOYCE PARON, PRESIDENT - CANADA Change begins with awareness; awareness for the potential of something greater or better than what now exists. When it happens, there is often a feeling of wonder. And, as the entertaining of the idea continues it’s often followed by excitement of the new revelation, feelings of empowerment – of what we can do, and an ignition of creativity. Change is also a cumulative result of individual action. Mahatma Gandhi’s words, “you must be the change that you want to see in others,” ring true. One act of someone questioning why we put waste in the trash led to recycling. When we each give a little toward a cause we become part of something greater…the solution. Passion fuels change as we’re impacted and inspired by the ideas and voices of others. These new ways of thinking are planted within us like seeds, making it difficult to continue on our previous paths. Interestingly enough, it was this same profound awareness that I encountered when I first heard the EXIT story of single-level residuals. It was exciting and kept me up that night with all the potentiality it kept percolating in my mind. Really? A new, unlimited cash flow stream that converts into retirement and beneficiary benefits, right across North America. That re-writes the narrative not just for REALTORS® and their families, but for the entire industry. Many of us have seen first-hand the hospital bills that residuals have paid, the down payments on homes and investment properties it has provided, the family trips residuals have funded and yes, even the new pairs of shoes it has made possible. If you can imagine it, residuals have probably paid for it. Money otherwise not available and yet so much more. It also fuels a culture of mentorship, teamsmanship, and has brought empathy orientation to the industry. It helps broker owners to recruit and retain to create a healthy bottom line, and agents to financially breathe and excel. So, it’s our calling to share, with great enthusiasm, the EXIT story of single-level residual income. It matters that we all share this amazing story with everyone we meet. We can’t take for granted that people know it, or think they know it, whether they’re in real estate or not. Like any movement of change, you can hear the talk around you, but it’s not until the benefits are actually brought to bear within your own life that you reach true understanding. We don’t know, when we share this unprecedented Formula, who it will impact. We don’t know who the person we tell will share it with in turn. The ripple effect of one conversation can be more far-reaching than any of us can imagine. Every voice matters. Together we’ll change this industry for the better.
When we each give a little toward a cause we become part of something greater…the solution.
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
Volume 9 Issue 1 5
With over 20 years in business as an EXIT office, a successful team of 86 star associates, and over a dozen, Largest Single Grossing Office awards under their belt, the sky’s the limit for EXIT Realty Advantage.
6 Volume 9 Issue 1
Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash
Every business owner dreams, some well before even opening their office doors. They hope and plan, but no matter how epic the dreams may be, somehow reaching a billion dollars paid out in commissions simply seems more like fantasy. If someone had told EXIT Realty Advantage Franchisee, Dave Sawler, that paying out a billion dollars in commissions was possible when he and fellow Franchisee, Philip Duplisea first opened 20 years ago, he would’ve answered, “sounds good but I’ll believe it when I see it.” That didn’t stop the two from reaching for the stars, and the eye-opening realization first came into view for them back in 2007 while surveying their growth and success. Reaching that goal in 2019 and surpassing it solidified that prioritizing office culture and morale before profit makes all the difference. “It’s a good feeling knowing that we help change people’s lives so much,” Dave said. “We wanted to build an office that had integrity and profitability; one with a family spirit that was lucrative, which both we as owners and our agents would be happy with.” The two announced this achievement during their 20th anniversary office celebration last summer, where even some of the associates found it hard to fathom. And that speaks volumes in and of itself, with EXIT Realty Advantage being no stranger to celebrating wins and top marketshare for well over a decade. The year 2007 also marked their first win of EXIT Realty Corp. International’s Largest Single Grossing Office award, which they have successfully and consecutively earned every year since. “With so many great offices in the EXIT System we’re honored to be recognized and appreciate all the hard work of our agents and staff to get us here,” Philip expressed. “We’re proud of this achievement and we have a deep determination to keep this streak going.” To facilitate their continued growth and keep their eyes on the horizon of success, Philip and Dave plan to add a Growth and Development Leader to their roster to aid their present agents and new agents to come. They made a similar move in 2014 when they brought on Manager, Dana Clowater, who said, “I always tell people that all I really have to do is to continue the fine work that Philip and Dave started because the EXIT system works! We do a lot of training and team building exercises because it’s really about getting the most out of our great people and being there for them. We’re very fortunate to have so many dedicated and loyal people on our team who have some great ideas, so listening to them is important.” Achieving such a phenomenal milestone certainly gives Philip and Dave a billion reasons to be thankful. And with their focus on dramatically growing their agent base to be as successful as possible, attracting the best of the top-producing agents in their area, and enjoying a lion’s share of their market, EXIT Realty Advantage looks to continue experiencing a height of success that’s quite simply out of this world.
Photo by Jaredd Craig on Unsplash
Volume 9 Issue 1 7
EXIT Elite Enhanced Technology / Exclusive Access / Knowledge & Expertise
Enhanced Mobile Business Card™
Vanity Smart Signs™
• Own every real estate sign • Provide potential clients the ability to text-in for ANY listing for sale on the MLS ® • Generate leads each time a potential client texts-in for ANY listing on the MLS ® • Capture recipient’s info and property interest(s) • Direct clients to your personal website for full IDX search
• Choose a vanity text code and elevate your branding and marketing game • Provide potential clients the ability to text-in for ANY listing for sale on the MLS ® based upon their location • Generate leads each time a potential client texts-in for ANY listing on the MLS ® • Capture recipient’s info and property interest(s)
Exclusive Event Access
Agent Website with Full IDX
• 1 live VIP event and 2 exclusive virtual events • Special access to partner offers • Annual toolbox delivered to your office
• Full IDX allows potential home buyers to search all properties that are for sale within your MLS(s)*
Level up Resource your real estate Visit the Centercareer to learn at EXIT for only $499 USD/year! how you can sign-up for EXIT ELITE Learn more at joinexitrealty.com/elite
Photo by Thomas Bonometti on Unsplash
A lone wolf entrepreneur grinding to the top makes for an entertaining screenplay, but success rarely happens in a vacuum. As with wolves, REALTORS® work better in a pack. After all, real estate is a business of relationships. So, who belongs to your pack? Your broker, fellow agents, and the leadership at EXIT Realty do of course, as well as any connections from real estate associations to which you belong. But who else? If you ask EXIT Realty CEO, Tami Bonnell, she’d say you’re forgetting one essential group: your Dirty Dozen. A Dirty Dozen is a group of twelve or so professionals from within your sphere of influence (SOI) who work on the business of real estate but not in it. These are very valuable connections to maintain because they have a wide range of industry ties and can offer a perspective beyond that of someone licensed to sell real estate. Not only that, having a well-rounded Dozen helps you create an exceptional, full-service experience for your clients. But a Dirty Dozen doesn’t just materialize from thin air — these are relationships you need to build and maintain.
Building a Dirty Dozen is an excellent step towards establishing yourself as an industry expert. Having that trusted group of advisors helps accelerate your learning, bridge new connections, and create opportunities. It’s about serving clients better and thinking like a consultant to create opportunities like first-time home buyer, climate change, or retirement seminars that bring everyone together, whereby you’re adding value to your Dozen, your consumers and the community. Surround yourself with experts and remember, “a rising tide lifts all boats.” So, let’s dive into who might belong to your Dirty Dozen and what differentiates a dime-adozen professional from the Dozen-worthy. Volume 9 Issue 1 9
Photo by Marek Szturc on Unsplash
A Dirty Dozen is a group of twelve or so professionals from within your sphere of influence who work on the business of real estate but not in it. These are very valuable connections to maintain because they have a wide range of industry ties and can offer a perspective beyond that of someone licensed to sell real estate.
MORTGAGE REPRESENTATIVES Your clients aren’t typically buying a home outright with cash, so they’ll need to secure financing through a lender. Enter the mortgage representative. A Dozen-worthy mortgage representative gets knee deep in a clients’ finances and longterm goals to match them to a suitable product. They’re well connected with lenders, appraisers, and other relevant professionals whom you may consider for your Dozen, and as such can provide useful financial market condition, trends, and forecasts information. You may even choose to form relationships directly with lenders to add variety to your Dozen. INSURANCE REPRESENTATIVES Nothing is guaranteed in life except death and taxes…and perhaps insurance. An insurance representative works with insurance companies to secure competitive rates on services such as homeowners’ insurance and life insurance.. They too should align their expertise with a clients’ unique situation to find the most applicable product. A Dozen-worthy professional has strong interpersonal skills, can articulate the intricacies of complex policies, and provide valuable insight for unique situations where real estate is purchased as a property rental, a flip, or to convert into a business. LAWYERS/TITLE REPRESENTATIVES Real estate attorneys are often brought in towards the end of the home buying process to prepare and review all the necessary legal paperwork, and one is required at closing in many states and provinces. First and foremost, a Dozenworthy pro should specialize in real estate (not your in-law who’s a family lawyer with a knack for real estate), with years of experience and a proven track record. Legislation can vary from city to city, so you’re better off with a local talent with a deep understanding of regulations and restrictions in the area. It’s also beneficial to include a few at varying price points to accommodate various budgets. They offer a good perspective on complex transactions, such as short sales, foreclosures, investment properties, or in cases of contractual issues or disputes, and can build your familiarity with legalese. HOME APPRAISERS Lenders want congruency between the value of a home and its corresponding mortgage loan, and so a home appraiser is brought in to give their objective assessment. With that information, the lender can decide whether the contract price is fair. Dozen-worthy appraisers have comprehensive market
10 Volume 9 Issue 1
Come across a Dozen-worthy professional in the field? - Start with research to find common ground before contacting - Find out their goals for the year ahead and ask if you can help - Follow up every 4-6 weeks to exchange ideas and feedback
knowledge and a sharp eye for what adds or detracts value from a home. They can provide tips on what home trends or renovations influence its value, as well as the kinds of red flags a seller ought to correct prior to evaluation. They can also offer insights into local market trends, average home statistics, fair market values, and comparable data in your market area. HOME BUILDERS With growing consumer demand for new- and pre-construction homes, having reputable builders within your network can be a beneficial addition. Your Dozen-worthy builders set clear expectations and have stable timelines, They may also be able to connect you with other Dozen-worthy professionals, such as lenders who specialize in new developments or members of your city’s planning and development board. These individuals provide great tips on new home building trends, understanding building codes and their changes as well as insight into warranties. PLANNING BOARD OR MUNICIPALITY If you’re interested in the pulse of government policy and its influence on real estate, look no further than your local planning board or municipal office. These connections are almost always Dozen-worthy and reinforce your credibility and authority as an agent. Professionals within these groups can provide deeper knowledge of a market area and are a source of information regarding future community growth, zoning and governance, as well as laws that effect real estate.
Photo by Eva Blue on Unsplash
Volume 9 Issue 1 11
Building a Dirty Dozen is an excellent step towards establishing yourself as an industry expert. Having a trusted group of advisors helps accelerate your learning, bridge new connections, and create opportunities.
12 Volume 9 Issue 1
MOVERS A negative moving experience can taint an otherwise positive real estate transaction, but it doesn’t have to when you have the right connections. The business owners you want in your Dozen own moving companies with glowing reviews, established track records, good customer service, and competitive and transparent pricing. It’s also prudent to have options for both residential and commercial business moves. You can ascertain unique and valuable migration chart data as well as trends toward popular, growth markets by having reputable movers in your Dozen. So, what do you do if you come across a Dozen-worthy professional in the field? Tami recommends starting with a bit of research to find common ground, then making contact to express your respect for their work. As what their goals are for the year ahead and if you can help, whether it’s resources you can offer or connections you can make on their behalf. Do you see ways they could work smarter that you could tactfully suggest, or is there a book you might recommend? Offering unconditional value up front is the surest way to kick off a new relationship. EXIT Realty has always emphasized the human dimension of real estate, and your Dirty Dozen is a network of relationships. It’s about more than just a transactional connection. As Tami always says, “People want to matter,” so develop these into a personal dimension as well. When it’s clear you’ve invested in another as a whole person — not just someone who is of value to your network — that’s when you have something truly special.
50% 40% 30% 0-10% I WON’T Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever. Lance Armstrong
20% I CAN’T Do one thing every day that scares you. Eleanor Roosevelt
I WISH I COULD Be the change that you wish to see in the world. Mahatma Gandhi
I WANT TO We are what we pretend to be. Kurt Vonnegut
I THINK I MIGHT Risks must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to take nothing. Leo Buscaglia
60% I MIGHT Stay hungry, stay foolish. Steve Jobs
It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up. Babe Ruth
100% I DID!
90% I AM!
80% I CAN! Can is 100 times more important than IQ. Max Lucado
Your life is an occasion. Rise to it. Suzanne Wane
Genius is 1% inspiration, and 99% perspiration. Thomas Edison
CHOOSE THE BEST Marie Kozak Regional Director GTA
Rick DeLuca Regional Director CA, HI, NV, OR, WA
Bernadette Cole Regional Owner VIRGINIA
Koy Banks Regional Owner VIRGINIA
Randy Barrows Regional Owner VIRGINIA
EXIT Realty Corp. International is pleased to announce the recent appointments of two new Regional Directors and three new Regional Owners within their corporate North American ranks. With her more than 25 years of real estate development experience, Marie Kozak, will be taking on direction of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) region in Ontario, Canada, bringing with her an in-depth understanding of recruitment, and retention, the sales process as well as essential systems of success and the psychology of sales and human performance. Renowned international trainer, Rick DeLuca will use his award-winning real estate career experience to help build and oversee direction of California, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington regions within the U.S., while another top EXIT franchisee team has made the move to regional ownership. Long-time Maryland Broker/Owners, Bernadette Cole, Koy Banks and Randy Barrows, have accepted the baton of regional ownership from veteran Regional Owners, Tom and Nancy Shaver, taking over the subfranchisor rights to the state of Virginia.
14 Volume 9 Issue 1
Join Our Team Today! CONTACT: JOYCE PARON, PRESIDENT - CANADIAN DIVISION 1.888.668.3948 Eastern Ontario A.J. Plant 613.706.0633
Northern Ontario Kristen Trembinski 705.942.6500
South Western Ontario Lynn Findlay 519.312.8644
CDN DIVISION Greater Toronto Area Marie Kozak 647.404.5691
U.S. DIVISION CONTACT: CRAIG WITT, PRESIDENT - U.S. DIVISION 1.888.668.3948 Alabama/Mississippi Kathy & Troy Dooley 855.811.3948 Arizona Deanna & Keith Weaver 602.628.3060 Arkansas, Oklahoma & Texas Bret Sauer - 972.890.1332 Colorado Margaret & Kevin Hamilton 720.507.3474 Delaware, D.C., Maryland Pennsylvania & West Virginia Janett & Jonathan Rundlett 240.450.2061
Florida, Georgia, Kentucky & Tennessee Stacy Strobl & Kenny Lynn 615.364.8122 Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota North & South Dakota & Wisconsin Bill Pankonin - 612.414.4022 Louisiana Wayne Hall- 337.463.1000 Massachusetts Bill Foss - 888.572.0206 Maine, New Hampshire & Vermont Carol Gartland-Bateman & Ted Bateman 855.345.3948
Michigan Leonard Cradit - 616.213.2051 Montana Tina & Max Coleman 406.375.9251 North & South Carolina Michael Washburn 843.343.3947 New Jersey Jack Da Silva & Shana Meyer 973.466.0003
Virginia Bernadette Cole, Koy Banks & Randy Barrows - 800.906.3948 Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Hawaii & California Rick DeLuca - 541.312.3076
Prime Regions Now Available! Contact Tami Bonnell, CEO at 877.253.3948
New Mexico & El Paso, Texas Chris Harrison - 575.496.0141 Joseph Arnone - 575.644.6300 New York Metro Hector Castillo - 631.421.3948
Volume 9 Issue 1 15
Photo by Prince David on Unsplash
Women Who Roar It’s often said that it’s a very exciting time to be a woman, but one could go as far as to say that it’s always been exciting to be one. Despite all that females have endured, most would never want to be anything but. History shows us that women are natural, fierce leaders and protectors, with a keen sense and unique perspective as such. Yes, they’ve always been seen as maternal and the glue that holds life together, but what we’re seeing now is a woman unleashed is a force to be reckoned with. A woman in real estate though, now that’s a powerful combination. Innately nurturing, they work as a team and listen, making ownership and management positions almost second nature. And with a flexible real estate sales career, the choice between home and work is a thing of the past. The numbers are clear with the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) reporting that 67% of all REALTORS® are female in their 2019 REALTOR® Quick Facts. Here are just a few of the women who mean business here at EXIT.
Lori Muller Broker/Owner EXIT Elite Realty Appleton, Shawano & Oshkosh, WI
16 Volume 9 Issue 1
Why EXIT: My business partner at the time and I had the disclosure papers in hand for another franchise, but during a real estate conference we were attending my partner started talking to an EXIT agent from South Carolina. We googled EXIT on our way home in the airport and sent in an inquiry. The regional owner made immediate contact with us, we met the next week, and we purchased the first EXIT office in the state of Wisconsin. Years in real estate: 17 Why real estate: I wanted the freedom of having my own business. I’ve never looked back once I was licensed. Female role model: Tami Bonnell is my inspiration. She has always asked what is important to me, what I wanted to do, and where I saw myself. Because of her, my passion ignited for helping other women in business. Power mantra: Fear is temporary, BUT regret is forever. Successory: The Resource Center where I’m always looking up offices and agents to match them to one another for transactions, sponsoring, and potential franchisees. When the going gets tough: Get a coach or at least an accountability partner to help work through things. This person has your back, is your sounding board, and sees things from a different set of eyes. If you don’t have one reach out to another EXIT member across the country and you’ll see both your businesses soar! Empowering advice: You make your life by design. Affirm your destination and desires. Face your challenges and challengers head on because this is your dream and no one or nothing will stop you!
Tanya Myre, Broker EXIT Realty Matrix Orleans, ON Why EXIT: EXIT focuses on the individual with training, branding, technology, culture, and financial freedom. It’s a real estate company with heart. Years in real estate: 9 Why real estate: I was starting my young family and looking for a career with a flexible schedule so I could have a healthy work and home life balance. Female role model: Maggie Tessier, she is an inspiration with great core values, who built an empire. She’s an amazing leader. Power mantra: Don’t limit your challenges, challenge your limits. Successory: For me it’s all about networking; the connections with colleagues. All trainings and events at EXIT are focused on the development of the individual. Mindset goes a long way. When the going gets tough: You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf. Love, compassion and keeping a positive attitude will get you through life’s obstacles Empowering advice: Always be true to yourself. Your values are non-negotiable. Find your mojo and make it shine.
Marcella Poitras Broker/Owner EXIT Realty Elite Grand Falls, NB
Marki Lemons Ryhal Associate Broker EXIT Strategy Realty Chicago, IL Why EXIT: The culture and the residual income. In 2019 my residuals funded the publishing of my international best-selling book. Years in real estate: 20 Why real estate: As an unwed mother at the time, real estate afforded me the opportunity to earn an aboveaverage income and the ability to be a hands-on parent who participated in all school activities. Female role model: My mother, Hazel Denise Lemons. She was also an unwed, teen mom who quit her job and opened one of Chicago’s first food trucks in 1982. She taught me the importance of knowing your worth, dreaming big, and taking chances. Power mantra: There is bigger, better, and best all around the world, what are you going to do about it? Successory: The Prompter!™ app. I believe in the power of affirmations. When the going gets tough: My trifecta is prayer, church, and gospel music. Empowering advice: Never allow anyone to put you into their box. Being authentic to yourself makes you feel empowered.
Why EXIT: It’s fresh and innovative with a great look and style, fantastic energy and new thinking. EXIT is real estate with a heart. Years in real estate: 8 1/2 Why real estate: I have always been fascinated by real estate and I love sales. I had a sales background and wanted to take things to the next level professionally. Female role model: Queen Elizabeth. She has been relevant and a leader from the young age of 25. She always exercises control and is not intimidated by world leaders. Her grace and consistency inspire me, as does her ability to hold it together for so many decades. Power mantra: “I’m healthy, fit and producing $_________ a month”. I started with $5,000 a month and now I’m up to $50,000 a month. I am addicted to this mantra and I increase it in increments of $10,000 as needed. Successory: Multimedia, MEMO and the support we get from EXIT’s Executives is so impressive. I always feel surrounded by greatness and someone is always there to help. When the going gets tough: I always say, “We have a situation, let’s find a solution,” so I surround myself with positivity, great staff and colleagues, and I have great faith in the higher power and mediumship. Empowering advice: Be consistent with your clients and always reach out. Remain focused. Surround yourself with people whose strengths are your weaknesses and take advice from those who inspire you in their success.
Volume 9 Issue 1 17
A COMPANY WITH HEART With a corporate purpose to create #impact in 2020, the Spirit of EXIT Dollar-forDollar Matching Program will continue to be a powerful, positive conduit for good across North America.
18 Volume 9 Issue 1
In a sales business such as real estate, many assume that agents are only concerned with the bottom line, that is until they experience the light that shines from within EXIT Realty; a collective brilliance from a company made of REALTORS® with heart. Two such agents are EXIT Realty Premier Sales Representatives, William Anthony Dean and Robert Schwendel. Tony and Robbie, or EXIT’s Real Estate A Team, as they’re known by friends, family and clients, found the Young Survival Coalition (YSC), while working for EXIT. “To say it was life altering is an understatement. It wasn’t until a few days later that I realized what I had gotten myself into,” Tony reminisced of the night he agreed to his first YSC Tour de Pink ride; a ride that Robbie would also take on a few short years later. This annual ride they participate in is no small feet either. It’s a 3-day, 220mile cycling event that spurred the creation of another fundraiser that betters the planet all at the same time. Tony and Robbie have built a 40-person, selfless crew of cyclists over the last seven years. They have persevered through some personal, team losses, raising almost $1 million for the YSC with the help of their Pink Cans for Cancer recycling program, which places pink bins in community businesses, venues and schools to collect aluminum cans. In 2019 the team partnered with EXIT Realty Corp. International, through the Spirit of EXIT Dollar-for-Dollar Matching Program, raising $21,618.35, which when matched by EXIT Realty meant $41,618.35 for YSC. This year Tony and Robbie hope to raise even more for this wonderful organization which has provided for so many cancer patients even during the 2020 pandemic with things like masks for those at high risk for Coronavirus (Covid-19). Keep up on their journey by following them at instagram.com/pinkcans4cancer. EXIT’s Spirit of EXIT program allows philanthropic members like Sales Representative, Larry Gardner, with EXIT Realty All Pro to sprinkle kindness and love like confetti on beloved local and registered charities. Known as Larry “Love” by all, he embodies a life of servitude, through his career, his repeated role as a foster parent, his continual mentoring and support of fellow EXIT agents, and his several volunteer efforts. For over 36 years, Larry has been a bell ringer as part of the Salvation Army’s Red Kettle campaign, personally raising over $170,000 for his local New York chapter. After receiving a proclamation from his local municipality for his efforts in 2018, he immediately challenged himself to reach greater goals the next year, and vowed to partner with EXIT Realty Corp. International to match what he could raise at two sponsored kettle locations.
Rob and Tony with some of Team Why We Ride.
There was no missing those locations either. Anyone who crossed his path was greeted with music, Larry in his musical Santa hat, doing his signature dance moves, and they almost always left with a smile. He coordinated the various volunteers and their shifts for both locations, working in tandem to raise a grand total of $21,535 for the Salvation Army. “The reason I bleed teal has so much to do with the amazing culture EXIT provides through its system of giving back to the agent, the community, and the world,” he explained while sharing the emotional and miraculous story of welcoming his grand-daughter to the world. His one public plea for prayers of healing generated a teal outpouring of love that has flooded his life. “Being on the receiving end, of what I so freely give, was humbling and overwhelmingly beautiful on every level. ‘We are family’ is such a true statement. I am a richer man being a part of this kind company.” The true power and uniqueness of EXIT’s Formula is that when you choose EXIT Realty to work for or with, you’re choosing community too, because a portion of each EXIT transaction fee is held in trust. It’s to this very pool of funds that our brokerages and associates can apply for matching funds in order to assist local area charities, including Habit for Humanity (HFH) chapters across North America. To date, EXIT Realty Corp. International has sponsored 20 home builds, including recently as a silver sponsor of the Jimmy and Roselynn Carter Work Project in Tennessee, where Executives, brokers and agents alike rolled up their sleeves and worked alongside the former president and first lady. The Canadian HFH chapter in Ottawa, ON also benefited from a full $100,000 direct pledge from EXIT Realty Corp. International to support a 16-home development in the Orleans area of EXIT Realty Eastern Ontario. Many people believe in giving back to their communities, and oftentimes the outpouring of support is greater than expected as was the case for the team at EXIT Realty N.F.I. group located in the areas of Pensacola, Pace, Gulf Breeze and Navarre, Florida. When they first began hosting their annual golf tournament. They hoped to raise $30,000, which EXIT Realty Corp. International was proud to match, but exceeded their expectations coming in at $33,478 for an astounding $63,478 donation to benefit the Pensacola HFH chapter.
“The reason I bleed teal has so much to do with the amazing culture EXIT provides through its system of giving back to the agent, the community, and the world. ‘We are family’ is such a true statement. I am a richer man being a part of this kind company.” LARRY GARDNER, SALES REP. EXIT REALTY ALL PRO
Larry with his daughter, Shiloe kettle bell ringing.
Volume 9 Issue 1 19
Working on a 16-unit HFH home build site in Orleans, ON.
EXIT Realty planted seeds of charity and togetherness into the core of the company. Members are treated like the true assets that they are, and in turn treat their clients and communities the same because they understand the importance of giving back.
EXIT Realty planted seeds of charity and togetherness into the core of the company, which have grown into a culture unlike any other in real estate. Members are treated like the true assets that they are, and in turn treat their clients and communities the same because they understand the importance of giving back. This is how EXIT and our agents have always operated, even before the Spirit of EXIT Dollar-For-Dollar Matching Program came to be. Many, like Max and Tina Coleman, Regional Owners of EXIT Realty Montana and Franchisees of EXIT Realty Bitterroot Valley have always sought a way to give. After another record year in 2019 they were researching charitable ideas when they came across a story on social media of a fellow EXIT broker who paid off the outstanding student lunch debt at his old high school. The post stuck with them and, after a few days, they decided this would be the best way to help in their area. With seven school districts in total in their franchise area, Max immediately started making calls. Less than a week later, all but two had responded, and the amount of outstanding debt in certain districts was surprising. Over 37 million people struggle with hunger in the U.S., 11 million of whom are children. Many schools provide students with snacks if they arrive to school late and a great deal eat breakfast at school as well. Early on Max and Tina agreed that they wouldn’t put a limit on the dollar amount they would donate, and they projected the process would take until midDecember 2019 to finalize. With an “all in” EXIT attitude, as of December 2, 2019, they erased the entire school lunch debt in Ravalli County; approximately $15,000 in total, which also aided in the continuation of many beneficial school programs. The Colemans are definitely not finished either; in true EXIT fashion they’re challenging brokers across the EXIT Nation to find a cause and go for it. “It doesn’t have to be the same one,” he said, “though could you imagine the impact of this rolling across the United States?” With a corporate purpose to create #impact in 2020, the Spirit of EXIT Dollar-forDollar Matching Program will continue to be a powerful, positive conduit for good across North America. For more information about the program and to follow along with charitable news and events visit exitrealty.com/spirit.
Boots on the ground helping in Orleans, ON.
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visit the Resource Center for schedule, registration and resources
DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOU’RE MOVING? BY MELANIE ROBITAILLE, SR. STAFF WRITER & GRAPHIC DESIGNER You’ve made up your mind; it’s time to move, and whether it’s into your first home or onto your next chapter, no two people look for the exact same things in the place they call home. Different lifestyles, careers, spiritual beliefs, and interests pull us in different directions, toward various styles of dwellings. But it doesn’t matter whether you’re in the market for condo or back country living, information like walking scores, proximity to amenities like retail and transit, as well as the quality of local schools and neighborhoods is all made readily available. It feels like it’s all there, and with excitement and emotions running high when narrowing it down to the perfect home, one can easily forget to look to the future before putting down the deposit. Before you sign on the dotted line, get an understanding of the community you want to call home. Is it a settlement, hamlet, a township, or city? Is it historically significant? What are the geographical boundaries and what region, if any, does it belong to?
The neighborhood construct you see today is not what it once was, or what it will be in years to come. The neighborhood construct you see today is not what it once was, or what it will be in years to come. It’s all part of a plan; a master or official plan that is, and each and every municipality or region has one. These documents contain maps of each town, or town within each region and outline planned projects, zoning, and protections in place for land. Yes, they’re often extremely lengthy, and they’re always full of complex jargon, but knowing information like this could potentially save you from buying a home that will one day be located next to a sewage treatment plant, along an airport flight path, or adjacent to construction that will destroy a beautiful view. Even the most savvy real estate professional can only cover so much ground, so if yours doesn’t provide this information to you, don’t be afraid to set your agent to the task. Whether familiar with your market area or not, they’re your advocate. Note that these plans are subject to change as populations change too, so pay close attention to the zoning maps. Land is classified into various areas called zones like Farmland, Environmental, Residential, Industrial, or Commercial, and numerically categorized as primary and secondary for priority. Signs of possible change can be found where “zones” overlap and intersect. This means the area has two possible uses and could change one day. Developers and landowners can also apply to make zoning changes at any given time during ownership, so once you’re in your happy home, pay close attention to the same websites and local publications for zone change postings. You can also sit in on, or tune into, municipal council proceedings where these sorts of changes are decided upon. The neighboring public is always given a period for comment before such changes can be put through. A good real estate agent can gather this info as well as interpret, and present these types of details to you. It will no doubt leave you feeling much more confident and informed about your decision. And after all, with it being one of the single largest investments you will ever make in your lifetime, don’t you think you should be?
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WE HAVE AN APP FOR THAT Download the EXIT Realty Connect app and start searching for that place you’ll call home today! Stay connected with your agent with just one click, save your favorite properties and searches, measure your commute from any listing, easily share properties via email, SMS text or social media, as well as link your account with family members to instantly share what you find and love. Get a quick view of neighborhood details, find local points of interest as well as amenities, and do it all in the palm of your hand or online.
Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash
As more and more people fly their city-sized coops for greener pastures, the concept of unplugging or downsizing is no longer a phenomenon reserved for empty nesters or senior citizens alone. “I’d like to re-coin the phrase to ‘rightsizing’,” explained Ellen Butters, Broker of EXIT Cornerstone Realty in Madison, VA, who witnesses first-hand how this trend speaks to anyone tired of the cost of living or whose mindset is about getting back to basics. “Most 20-30-yearolds who buy are starting small, but I also see buyers consistently looking for a more efficient space that can be used for multiple purposes. The specifications are as unique as the people.” Some would attribute this shift to the potential dawning of a new era as our deepening reliance on technology brings us ever more into what’s being dubbed as the Digital Revolution.
Some would attribute this shift to the potential dawning of a new era as our deepening reliance on technology brings us ever more into what’s being dubbed as the Digital Revolution. In the 2013 online article Toward a Digital Urban Exodus by William van den Broek, Cofounder of the France-based coworking space, Mutinerie he suggests, “In the same way as the Industrial Revolution moved the source of allowable values from agriculture to industry, the Digital Revolution has moved the values of industries toward intellectual production. However, intellectual production is not dependent on complex material infrastructures that we usually find in cities, but relies more on an ecosystem, whether it’s urban, rural or even virtual. The economic advantage of cities, which was decisive during the industrial era, now has a lesser meaning.” At the forefront of this Digital Revolution is the Millennial generation, set to surpass one of the largest generations in history, the post-war Baby Boomers. Their sense of home is one where they don’t want to work to live in a place in which they never spend time. So, they’re trading
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Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash
down interior space to cash in on freedom, the world around them, and life experiences. No matter what you call it, Ellen says a real estate professional who listens first and seeks to better understand you is pivotal; something she picked up from EXIT Realty CEO, Tami Bonnell. “Listening and reflecting back the goals and dreams of the client is an essential element of the conversation from the start. There are two things Tami always says that resonate with me in my business. First is have a conversation. It will always lead somewhere, and for me 90% of the time it’s to sharing of dreams or goals, then trust, mutual value and ultimately a relationship that doesn’t end,” Ellen explained. “Second, Tami repeatedly asks us as REALTORS®, if she could wave a magic wand and grant us any wish, what would that look like? I do this with my clients, but ask what their perfect home looks like. It’s a starting point and even though I may not always be able to deliver due to budget, market, or other factors, my clients have been heard and know they’re valued.” Whether you’re thinking smaller or “unplugging” as Ellen calls it, she recommends trying the lifestyle on for size first noting that clients almost always go through a cycle of education and revision. “It takes time and patience. I recommend a weekend rental of a similar style Airbnb or simply taking a weekend to live in their area of interest. If children are transferring schools, taking the time to tour or meet and greet, as well as checking online rankings and programming is important,” she advised. “If my clients are purchasing land for future development, I offer checklists for buyers to complete to avoid being stuck with a property they can’t improve to their liking.” One thing is for certain, the professionals at EXIT Realty understand that whether you’re going big or small, you’re going home. Find your perfect fit at www.exitrealty.com today.
Ace Your Exodus If the bright lights of the big city have lost their sparkle and simpler, country life is calling, check out Ditch the City and Go Country by Alissa Hessler, Curator of urbanexodus.com, a blog site dedicated to sharing the stories of former city dwellers turned country dreamers. A self-confessed former city dweller as well, Hessler provides this no-nonsense guide to help chart a path into a new community and lifestyle.
Volume 9 Issue 1 25
E X I T R E A L T Y C O R P . I N T E R N A T I O N A L P AY S O U T
IN SINGLE-LEVEL RESIDUALS That’s $460 million in dreams fulfilled, quality time spent, and lives enriched. It’s memories made and saved for. Because when you choose EXIT Realty, you don’t just invest in us, we invest in you.
Learn more moreabout aboutthe thebenefits benefitsofofEXIT EXIT Realty’s Learn Realty’s powerful powerfulmodel business model at joinexitrealty.com business at joinexitrealty.com/formula
No Buyout Compares to EXIT Realty’s ROI BY MELANIE ROBITAILLE, SR. STAFF WRITER & GRAPHIC DESIGNER The time has come and you want to slow down, enjoy life a little more, your grandkids a little more, or travel a little more. Perhaps your priorities in life have changed because of your health or that of a loved one. You’ve spent years building a name for yourself and a brokerage in real estate, so why settle for a one-time buyout when you should be enjoying the residual life? Have you ever asked yourself what your business is truly worth? If you’re thinking in terms of traditional real estate, unfortunately it may not seem like very much. But at EXIT Realty, we challenge the traditional. We won’t allow your dreams of a blissful retirement from real estate (yes, you read that right) turn into the stress of agent attrition and asset liquidation. We see a shepherd who’s not only concerned for their future, but for that of their loyal agents as well. When you choose EXIT Realty, you not only benefit from 10% sponsoring bonuses paid from our Head Office as a thank you for building our company, for every sales representative you bring with you, you’re also giving everyone in your office access to this dynamic business Formula to build their future in turn. EXIT is a company made of extraordinary people, who serve the people. We champion for the dream of homeownership and are charitable in the hearts of our communities. We celebrate human potential, foster mentoring, education and connectivity. We’re stewards for a greener way of conducting business, and we’re continually pushing the limits of real estate technology.
We create an EXIT strategy, tailored to you, but unlike traditional pension plans, at EXIT you not only retire, you can financially enhance this time as well. We create an EXIT strategy, tailored to you, to ensure complete satisfaction. But again, unlike traditional pension plans, at EXIT you not only retire, you can financially enhance this time as well. And why not, when you have a reputable name in the business, and years of experience in the art of recruiting, why wouldn’t you put those skills to good use in continuing to build your team, while building your retirement residuals as well? Who you are, what you’ve built, and what you want matter because at EXIT you’re not just another sale, you’re a leader, a person, and people are the very assets of our company. You’re a vital pillar in the foundation upon which our great people business is built, and upon which we will build our business of tomorrow. Visit joinexitrealty.com or reach out to one of our local franchisees in your area today. It’s time you start planning how you’ll enjoy your tomorrow.
Volume 9 Issue 1 27
A FORMULA LIKE NO OTHER A FUTURE LIKE NEVER BEFORE You know, for real estate agents there’s not much financial security. When the only income streams are taking listing and making sales, agents tend to live pay check-to-pay check, spending their commission in advance and rarely saving for the future. You’re only as good as your last transaction and when you stop selling your income stops flowing. But all over the USA and Canada, real estate professionals have discovered an additional revenue stream that fills in the gaps between closing and gives them a financial future that has never existed in real estate before.
EXIT real estate professionals have discovered an additional revenue stream that fills in the gaps between closing and gives them a financial future that has never existed in real estate before. This new revenue stream is called sponsoring, and it’s made possible by EXIT Realty. Through sponsoring, agents earn residual income by introducing other agents to the EXIT system. It’s not a multi-level scheme. It’s a proven single-level system that works a lot like it does in the music and insurance industries. You do the work once and get paid over and over again. For example, Mary is an agent with EXIT Realty, and John is an agent with another brokerage. Mary thinks that John would enjoy working at EXIT Realty too, so she introduces him to her broker, and he’s hired. At EXIT Realty, he’ll immediately start on a 70/30 commission split. That’s 70% to him. As a reward, Mary will instantly receive a residual bonus paid by EXIT Realty Corp. International every time John closes a deal as an EXIT Realty
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agent. Mary’s bonus is the equivalent of 10% of John’s gross commissions, and Mary’s bonus doesn’t affect John at all, because it isn’t paid from his 70%. So, if John is producing $50,000 a year (that’s a realistic annual income) that’s an additional $5,000 every year in Mary’s pocket. That $5,000 quickly grows to a much higher number when you start multiplying it. If Mary sponsored, say, 10 people into EXIT, all producing $50,000 per year, that’s an extra $50,000 a year on top of her own commissions. Now imagine Mary’s bank balance if John earned $70,000 or $100,000 a year? It sure adds up! By the way, when John’s commission hits $100,000, his commission increases from 70% to 90%. The money is flowing everywhere.
Imagine, if you sponsored 10 people into EXIT Realty, each earning $100,000 a year, that’s $1,000,000 in your bank account in 10 years! Could you do anything with that? What are the chances of you having $1,000,000 in your bank account doing what you’re presently doing?
The great thing about sponsoring with EXIT Realty is that when Mary decides to retire or take a break from real estate, her 10% residuals automatically turn into 7% retirement benefits. Finally, a real estate company that cares about your retirement! For as long as the agents that Mary sponsored continue working at EXIT Realty and are closing deals, Mary will continue receiving the equivalent of 7% of their gross commissions. Plus, when you join EXIT Realty, you designate someone special as your beneficiary, and should anything happen to you, all of your sponsoring residuals instantly turn into the equivalent of 5% beneficiary benefits, so your loved ones are taken care of. EXIT Realty agents get a piece of the action from the 10% sponsoring residuals and true peace of mind from the 7% retirement benefits and 5% beneficiary benefits. So just imagine, if you sponsored 10 people into EXIT Realty, each earning $100,000 a year, that’s $1,000,000 in your bank account in 10 years! Could you do anything with that? What are the chances of you having $1,000,000 in your bank account doing what you’re presently doing? And with EXIT, you can be confident knowing that you’re backed by a top, awardwinning brand with world-class training and digital marketing tools; a company that’s dedicated to helping you and the agents you sponsor achieve success.
visit joinexitrealty.com for more information
Volume 9 Issue 1 29
for homes exitrealty.com for careers joinexitrealty.com Photo by Daniel Korpai on Unsplash
Photo by Vlad Kutepov on Unsplash
Eleven years they said, eleven years before there’s no turning back; before we cross that line and push our planet to the brink of damage beyond repair. That was the message presented to the world during the United Nations General Assembly, a year ago already, where world leaders heard the message that they were the last generation capable of preventing irreparable damage to our planet. There’s no more passing the buck, change needs to happen now. Being isolated and practicing social distancing has shown us just how much impact our daily lives have on the planet. With pollution dramatically clearing in the skies over China, and the waters of Venice returning to crystal clear canals filled with wildlife, the message is obvious. Saving the world sounds like such a heavy thing doesn’t it? And when we’re at our worst, we begin to diminish ourselves to a single person unable to tackle such a momentous problem, when we’re actually the whole solution.
Change lies somewhere between want and need. We all need a place to live, so where do you want to see yourself in our world a decade from now? We are the many, the consumer, the demand for what was once thought to be an endless supply. As such we hold an absolute power and a great responsibility. We make a difference by making choices that will tip the scale and drive change. Together, we can hold suppliers accountable, and disrupt the inertia of consumerism. There are so many small moves that, when made together, create a huge impact. Let’s start by doing away with single-use items and keeping reusable options everywhere we may need them, like washable cloth or paper shopping bags and produce bags in the car. Why not switch to washable bento boxes, snack bags, and beeswax wraps for food storage and
Volume 9 Issue 1 31
Photo by Maria Ilves on Unsplash
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
Photo by Anna Earl on Unsplash
taking leftovers to go. Choose re-fillable, stainless or glass bottles for your daily beverage intake. Go straw-less or bring your own reusable stainless or food grade bamboo alternatives for on-the-go eating and drinking. Reach for the cloth, towel, mop, vacuum and non-toxic household cleaners instead of paper towels, single-use erasers and surface wipes or dusters. Educate yourself on the ingredients in cleaning products, and air fresheners. Everything we use ends up somewhere, in the water we drink, the air we breathe, the ground that provides our food, or a local landfill. Let’s change our history of being the throw-away generation to be the future restoration generation. We do this by shifting our thinking and lifestyles away from convenience and toward eco-efficiency. Choose local, seasonal produce and food producers first, support independent retailers who typically rely on local supplies. Plant your own garden and native plants to best tolerate your geographics and provide important habitat for animals and insects. Be smart about how you get around. Walk, bike or take public transit where possible, or tick a few stores off your list when you do head into town. And how many of us have closets full of clothes, footwear, bags, accessories, toys, books, and old electronics? The longer we take care of what we have the better, but when it’s time, take advantage of your regional recycling and composting programs, bring gently used items to local donation centers, join an online swap group or resale site, or when the time allows host a garage sale. Be ever mindful of what you use and what you choose. It can be as simple as turning off unnecessary lights, adding a layer and turning down the thermostat or A/C, shortening your shower, line-drying your laundry, washing in cold water, shutting down phantom power sources, re-growing vegetables from cuttings, or participating in environmental events like Earth Hour, Earth Day, or even local tree plantings or invasive pullings when permissible. Change lies somewhere between want and need. We all need a place to live, so I ask you, where do you want to see yourself in our world a decade from now? But, if you think you’ve done everything possible to reduce your footprint on the planet, I’m here to tell you there’s always one step more you can take
Photo source: Wind River Tiny Homes
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Let’s change our history of being the throw-away generation to be the future restoration generation by being ever mindful of what we use and what we choose.
The future of green real estate is completely self-sustaining homes. Built with materials to withstand natural disasters, erosion, and pests, they’re capable of growing food, filtering and recirculating water within the home, as well as harnessing their own energy and charging cars. to deepen your involvement. That’s because successfully converting your lifestyle to an eco-conscious one doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a budget-related, step-by-step process that evolves as our awareness grows, our demand increases, and newer solutions are brought to mainstream market. For example, time spent can often equate to more than money. So why not take charge professionally or personally as a captain of an eco-team? By aligning with one of many planting, clean up, or conservation organizations you’ll have access to all sorts of marketing templates, ideas, and tools. You can also seek out opportunities at local parks, and conservation areas you frequent when things get back to normal. Many of these places are always in need of extra hands during peak seasons, with specialized volunteer outreach and education programming. Why not start a writing campaign, be it local or national, to the levels of government or businesses you rely on for services in your daily life? Offering positive ideas and feedback on how they can alter practices when it comes to disposing of waste, single-use plastics, or energy efficiency could be the well-timed call-to-action they needed. When it comes to where we live, the future of green real estate is completely self-sustaining homes. Built with materials to withstand natural disasters, erosion, and pests, these homes are capable of growing your own food, filtering and recirculating the water within the home, as well as harnessing their own energy and charging cars. If you’re in the market for a new build, inquire about the latest green building codes, materials or trends and how the builder might be able to incorporate them, along with landscaping, into your final plan if not already. Depending on your lifestyle and budget you may have loftier goals for larger renewable energy projects like installing geothermal heating, wind, or solar powered solutions on your
Concept homes courtesy of ligahomes.com
Volume 9 Issue 1 33
Save Money and the Planet By: -switching to reusable items -turning off unnecessary lights -open windows & turning off the A/C -shortening your time in the shower -drying your laundry on a clothesline -washing laundry in cold water -recycling or donating used goods -shutting off phantom power sources -planting a container garden or patch -making your own household cleaners -walking, biking or taking transit
property. Perhaps you may choose to retrofit your resale home through government programs with high-efficiency windows, skylights, insulation upgrades, or switch to a rain barrel irrigation system. But for some, it causes them to think smaller and embrace another eco-real estate trend, the tiny house movement. Here the mission is clearly less is more where many, including the new homebuying generation, opt into this popular style of dwelling to keep their costs low, their interests mobile, and their home off-the-grid. With a multitude of builders and real estate professionals now specializing in these homes, buyers can find all the creature comforts of home, in a scaled down, minimalist floor plan that promotes an outdoor lifestyle much more connected to and easier on the planet. How we travel in our daily lives also has one of the greatest impacts on our eco-system, so when you feel the need to invest in transportation, there’s a green option that’ll go the distance. Everything from halfbikes, onewheels, boosted boards to e-bikes and motorcycles can get you around, or should you need something that stands up better in the elements, you can research a range of hybrid or entirely electric cars now available on the market. With the rise in demand for such vehicle brands like Tesla, most major retail venues now feature priority parking for energy efficient vehicles, as well as charging stations. There are even apps dedicated to mapping charging stations for travelers looking to road trip, although it’s good to know, not all output is equal. How we live, where we work, what we learn; even what we buy, it all matters. In ten years, what was now will be then, and what we choose to demand today will be the ready supply of tomorrow’s living. The choice is ultimately up to us.
Photo by Karsten Würth on Unsplash
34 Volume 9 Issue 1
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Photo by Nellia Kurme on Unsplash
EXIT Realty’s 2020 Convention is going to be an immersive experience for the senses at the Omni Amelia Island Plantation Resort along the Florida coast. Imagine 3.5 miles of pristine, secluded beaches, marshlands and 36 holes of beautiful golf courses, which set the backdrop for yet another week-long extravaganza to invigorate the mind, energize the body and feed the soul. Enjoy spectacular ocean views, treat yourself at the nearby shopping village with boutiques and French inspired deli and market. indulge in a refreshing spa treatment or take in the surrounding natural splendor that is Amelia Island and embark on a guided adventure.