EXIT Achiever - Vol 9 Iss 1

Page 28

A FORMULA LIKE NO OTHER A FUTURE LIKE NEVER BEFORE You know, for real estate agents there’s not much financial security. When the only income streams are taking listing and making sales, agents tend to live pay check-to-pay check, spending their commission in advance and rarely saving for the future. You’re only as good as your last transaction and when you stop selling your income stops flowing. But all over the USA and Canada, real estate professionals have discovered an additional revenue stream that fills in the gaps between closing and gives them a financial future that has never existed in real estate before.

EXIT real estate professionals have discovered an additional revenue stream that fills in the gaps between closing and gives them a financial future that has never existed in real estate before. This new revenue stream is called sponsoring, and it’s made possible by EXIT Realty. Through sponsoring, agents earn residual income by introducing other agents to the EXIT system. It’s not a multi-level scheme. It’s a proven single-level system that works a lot like it does in the music and insurance industries. You do the work once and get paid over and over again. For example, Mary is an agent with EXIT Realty, and John is an agent with another brokerage. Mary thinks that John would enjoy working at EXIT Realty too, so she introduces him to her broker, and he’s hired. At EXIT Realty, he’ll immediately start on a 70/30 commission split. That’s 70% to him. As a reward, Mary will instantly receive a residual bonus paid by EXIT Realty Corp. International every time John closes a deal as an EXIT Realty

28 Volume 9 Issue 1

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