3 minute read
We Are Resilient
Would you like to know where the real estate industry is heading? You’re not alone. The “bubble is going to burst” analysts that started warning us years ago have yet to be correct. Yet, where were those same early predictions of a roller coaster ride of scarcity in listed homes and jaw-dropping rises in sale prices?
My father, who passed before Christmas last year at the ripe age of 92, sold the first single-family home that he built for just over $2,800. Yup, land in. Both young and old reading this are shaking their heads because of where the market has gone. All of this has happened in the midst of a global pandemic, heat waves, environmental disasters and so many divisive opinions on how to move forward.
Change continues to shape us. We’re re-evaluating our priorities, re-thinking our purpose, and re-inventing how we see ourselves and our world. There’s an old saying about facing challenges that goes to the effect of, the deeper the valley that we fall into, the higher the mountain we are later able to climb. Perhaps this is true for many of us that suffering has been and is the birthplace of our own epiphany of a deeper understanding of ourselves, changing our perspective and sparking our creativity for a better life to live.
I think that we can all agree that more change is to come. And although change (especially when you aren’t asking for it) can be very uncomfortable or even terrifying, it can also uncover some of the greatest treasures in life. Sometimes this happens quickly, however, often that’s not the case. Life has a way of using time to its advantage and often hope is our only ally. Hope, though, is powerful. It’s a belief and expectation for better things to come. Sometimes it’s a kind word or smile from an unexpected source, an encouraging medical report, a payment in the exact amount you needed, or someone showing up with exactly what you needed.
As change keeps presenting itself, in all of its many forms, let’s choose to see what is possible on the good side of it. Let’s help others to stay in their best possible feeling space as they face their struggles. Let’s remember that we continue to be blessed, working in one of the best industries on the planet with uncompromising, dedicated leadership. Just as EXIT Founder and Chairman, Steve Morris says when he shares a famous Margaret Atwood quote at the finale of our Broker-Owner Training...