1 minute read

6.9. Accelerated Farming

Times change and real estate markets rise and fall in a never-ending rhythm. The mechanics of putting together a transaction change and morph as technology and standards evolve to meet demand. Real estate is a fluid business, always in flux, forever exciting. Working with people to help them navigate this daunting process is a tremendous reward in and of itself. But make no mistake; there is also an opportunity to reap significant financial rewards as well. Available in both print and audio format, this book contains information to help an agent succeed regardless of the market. Selling real estate requires more than just sales skills. Accelerated Farming demonstrates that while important, sales skills must work in tandem with advertising and promotion to continually feed your prospect pipeline. Learn the principles of memory imprinting using precise repetition and visuals to create a presence when you are not present. Understand the importance of a consistent, systematic approach to your farming efforts. Online or unplugged, farming means just that: using the power of suggestion to plant seeds to create a lasting identity.

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