Listen to the great Hudson Taylor who founded the China Inland Mission:
“on Sunday 25th June, 1865, unable to bear the sight of a congregation of a 1000 or more Christian people rejoicing in their own security while millions were perishing for lack of knowledge, I wandered out on the sands alone, in great spiritual agony and there the Lord conquered my unbelief, and I surrendered myself to God for His service. I told Him that all the responsibility as to issues and consequences must rest with Him, that as His servant it was mine to obey and follow Him. Need I say that peace at once flowed into my burdened heart.”
Footprints into
REPORTING BACK …………...on my “footprints” into Africa. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO It was so encouraging to see the first graduation of students from the Congo & Missionary Bible College and to visit the 14 churches that have been established by Pierre and Mukombo. These men are doing an amazing work for the Lord and this is what KMBC is all about—training men like these to go back into Africa and preach and teach the Word of God. I was incredibly blessed to see their work.
ZAMBIA The Mercy Mission to deliver the books, clothes and computers to Kitwe for both Anderson’s church and for the new Congo and Missionary Bible College in DRC was an amazing trip which I did with Dave de Winnaar and Tjaart van der Walt from Pinetown. We covered 7500 in days was incredible.
MALAWI I have made 2 trips to Malawi this year. One to visit our C.E.S.A. work and the other a missions outreach to visit our past student, Lenard Gowa in the Ngabu District, in the lower Shire Valley . The visit to his village was two-fold : investigating the plans to put in a borehole that will service the community and the Nursery School as well as spending time with the children to distribute the toys, balls and school materials collected for them. It was wonderful also to spend time teaching the men and women of the community. Water is critical to these people and a AFRIDEV borehole would change the lives of these people.
NAMIBIA It is always good to visit our 5 churches in the Ovamboland province and to be able to encourage the folks there. My visit in May this year was another visit of building relationships and establishing the contact that is so important to these churches.
The development of our website by Yhomas Bloem (my devoted webmaster) has been a huge blessing for Footprints. All my Jour-
nals have been published on the web and are available for folks to read and download. It keeps everyone up-to-date on what is happening and I hope that many of you will visit the website on a regular basis
In God’s amazing goodness I have found an office for my books and after some paint and TLC it is now a
lovely base for Footprints and an office for me to work from. It is situated on the premises of the Evangelical Seminary of Southern Africa, where many of our students go on to study, so I think it has worked out perfectly. A gracious donation covers the rental and I could not be happier. It was officially dedicated and opened in a little ceremony held in the garden on 5 August.
In association with W.E.C. International, we are launching a new 1-year Diploma in Missions
which will start in January 2012. This new course is geared to those who cannot be away from home and family and/or their job for an extended period and where funds are limited, BUT who want to become Missionaries. The response so far to this has been amazing and we are very excited about the prospects. Please pray for us as we launch this for next year.
2012 PASTOR’S CONFERENCE: Planning for our first Central
Africa Pastor’s Conference
is underway. It will
take place in Kitwe, Zambia at the church of one of our current students. We are hoping to draw in as many of our past students in as possible as well as local pastors and church leaders. Our students who are out in he field need encouragement so much. They work with very little resources and these conferences are greatly needed to encourage and build them up. We are hoping to have this kind of conference bi-annually. Please pray for us as we put this first one together. The challenges are to cater for the numbers as well as raise funds to get the folks there and provide meals for them.
Murchison Falls, on the Shire River
Thornton Missionary graves, Malawi
1 of the churches in Congo
Finiish Mission station in Ovamboland built in 1870
TRAIN up a new generation of preachers and missionaries for Africa. Men
and women who are passionate for the Gospel and who believe the Bible to be the Word of God. This makes the work at our College of critical importance.
MENTOR these pastors and missionaries by regularly visiting them in Africa,
living with them and encouraging them in their great work.
PLANT NEW CHURCHES which are based on the Bible and not hampered by
This is critical because Jesus said “without me you can do nothing.” Pray especially for our College, KMBC as we go into our 25th year next year celebrating God’s goodness to us, it has been the most amazing and thrilling story.
tradition, churches which are self-supporting, self governing and self propagating.
Sponsor a student for 1 year
Sponsor 1 of my trips
Help towards a borehole for Malawi.
Help the Bible College in the D.R.C..
Help the new church in Kitwe, Zambia
Help towards the 2012 Pastor’s Conference in Zambia
ARRANGE CONFERENCES to continually be equipping God’s people for the
work of Gospel ministry. These have been great blessings to many.
PREACHING where invited across Africa believing that when God’s Word is
preached, God’s voice is heard. Don McClure a missionary into Africa for 50 years wrote: “I am filled with an undying ambition to do something worthwhile in the great land of Africa.”
Yours for Africa Warwick Cole-Edwardes
To receive my Missions Journal and Reports, please supply us with your email address.
If you would like to assist us financially our Bank details are listed below:
Contact us 200 Pine Street, Pietermaritzburg 3201
Banking Account details: Account name: Footprints into Africa Bank: Standard Bank Branch: 04 55 26
Phone: 033 346 0635 Cell: 082 920 1147 E-mail:
Account number: 251661423 Swift Address: SBZA ZA JJ
Footprints into Africa Registration No. 2010/016570/08