“My heart burns for the deliverance of AFRICA, and if you can send me to any one of the regions which Livingstone and Stanley have found to be groaning under the curse of slave-hunters, I shall be very glad. It is no sacrifice, as some think, to come here as pioneers of Christianity and civilization. I would not give my position here for all the world. A powerful race has to be won from darkness into light; superstition and idolatry have to be overthrown, men have to be taught to love God and love their neighbour, which means the uprooting of institutions that have lasted for centuries. Who would not willingly engage in such a work and consider it the highest honour on earth to be called to do it.”
REPORTING BACK …………...on my “footprints” into Africa. RWANDA My last trip in 2011 was in November when I traveled to Kigali in Rwanda. It was wonderful to visit this country; I have waited many years to visit Rwanda especially after all the books I read on the missionaries. After its horrendous past, the wars and the genocide it is a miracle to see what is happening. Central Kigali is far better than Pietermaritzburg with magnificent new buildings, clean highways, and busy streets, it is amazing. I also enjoyed the magnificent countryside with its beautiful rolling hills filled with banana plantations and cattle; with 90% of its people involved in agriculture. Living in two Rwandan homes was another fantastic experience; we have so much to learn from each other. But Rwanda, at the moment, is a huge success story in Africa. I loved my visit here. The conference went down well, but the churches up there are in great need of sound expository teaching. I have been invited back this year, and I am so thankful to the Lord Breakfast—Bananas & Tea for all the doors that are opening for my work into Africa.
The Airport in Kigali
KMBC The new academic year has started off so well—we have a full compliment of students, with 17 new 1st year students registering on 10th January. It never ceases to amaze us, that although we do not advertise, people from far and wide hear of KMBC and want to study with us. It is a wonderful joy to know that in the providence of God, these precious people have been sent to us for training. In addition to our new group, we have 8 in 2nd year and 7 in the 3rd year. With me being at KMBC fulltime now, I can spend more time with the students and already I can see what a difference it has made. In the afternoons I have informal tutorial groups with them and these times really to bring us closer together as a family unit, which is the ethos that I want for KMBC. I am very grateful to the many folks who make up my support team; each bringing their talents and skills to enrich the lives of our students. Evening Classes—the group continues to grow and it is a wonderful time of sharing God’s Word in an informal setting. English and Computer classes have been added to our Curriculum and these are a great help to our students. Our Distance Learning Program is running really well and steadily growing.
NEW DIPLOMA IN MISSIONS This year sees our first group of men registering for the course, coming from Malawi and Zambia. They will be spending a week in Durban with WEC to undergo Missions Orientation and then will return to KMBC for lectures and discipleship. We are excited about the prospects of the future of this study option and trusting God to lead us through this pilot year.
NEWS, NEWS, NEWS REVISED WEBSITE …. Our current website is busy undergoing further development and I think you will all be encouraged by the changes. In addition to the Journals of my Mission Trips, we have added a new section called
CHRISTIAN RESOURCES. All the materials will be available to either
read, download to save or print. These resources include:
• • • •
12 Journals on my Mission trips 4 Mission Biographies History of Missions in S.A until 1900 and the History of the Great Century to follow. Ministry resources include; “How to Share your Faith”, and “How to prepare Bible messages”. Sermon outlines for the whole of the Old and New Testament are also available.
Another new item will be
I will be doing short reviews of the books that I am reading and
those that I have already read (at least 2 new reviews per week will go onto the Web!!). They will fall into a few different categories:
Missions & Biographies
General Newsletter / January 2012
2012 PASTOR’S CONFERENCE: The planning for our first Central
Africa Pastor’s Conference
is in full swing.
Our past students Annie Muya and Anderson Mwila who are based in Kitwe are busy with the preparations for co-ordinating the advertising, venue, catering etc. It sounds like the attendance expected from Kitwe and the surrounding areas is big …. I am not sure what to expect at this stage, but I am lead to believe in the region of at least 100 — Praise the Lord, if this is the case what a wonderful opportunity to expose these Pastors and Leaders to expository teaching, which I am reminded of time and time again, is a great need in Africa. We have also had inquiries from afar field as Pakistan and India. Please pray for the Conference.
Photos from my recent trips
Entrance to Genocide Memorial
Pastor Miriam, from Kigali
Cleaning up Kigali Breakfast
TRAIN up a new generation of preachers and missionaries for Africa. Men
and women who are passionate for the Gospel and who believe the Bible to be the Word of God. This makes the work at our College of critical importance.
MENTOR these pastors and missionaries by regularly visiting them in Africa,
living with them and encouraging them in their great work.
This is critical because Jesus said “without me you can do nothing.” Pray especially for our College, KMBC as we go into our 25th year next year celebrating God’s goodness to us, it has been the most amazing and thrilling story.
PLANT NEW CHURCHES which are based on the Bible and not hampered by
tradition, churches which are self-supporting, self governing and self propagating.
Contribute to my support as a Missionary
work of Gospel ministry. These have been great blessings to many.
Sponsor a student for 1 year
Sponsor 1 of my trips
Help the Bible College in the D.R.C..
Help the new church in Kitwe, Zambia
Support Books for Africa
Help towards the 2012 Pastor’s Conference in Zambia
ARRANGE CONFERENCES to continually be equipping God’s people for the
PREACHING where invited across Africa believing that when God’s Word is
preached, God’s voice is heard. Don McClure a missionary into Africa for 50 years wrote:
“I am filled with an undying ambition to do something worthwhile in the great land of Africa.” Yours for Africa Warwick Cole-Edwardes
This year I hope to visit, Congo, Malawi, Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, Sudan, and Zambia.
If you would like to assist us financially our Bank details are listed below: Please always include your name or a deposit reference so that I can thank you personally, it is important to me to be able to do this.
“If you hold the ropes, I will go” Contact us
Banking Account details: Account name: Footprints into Africa
200 Pine Street, Pietermaritzburg 3201 Phone: 033 346 0635 Cell: 082 920 1147 E-mail:
Bank: Standard Bank Branch: 04 55 26 Account number: 251661423 Swift Address: SBZA ZA JJ
Footprints into Africa NPO 093-161 Registration No. 2010/016570/08