November 2012
My dear friends, As I come to the end of my first year serving as a missionary with Footprints into Africa, I cannot thank you all enough for your prayers, love and financial support … thank you so very, very much. Now to report back on these last two terms since my previous newsletters.
FOOTPRINTS DAY – OCTOBER ZAMBIA We held our very first Central Africa Pastor’s Conference in Kitwe in July and I was overwhelmed by the response. An average of 175 delegates came and 34 local Churches were represented, which was fantastic. By God’s grace I taught on 1 Thessalonians and I did some practical pastoral subjects like Preaching and “Keeping your heart on Fire”. Afterwards I went on an amazing adventure, finding the place where David Livingstone died … a dream come true for me. MALAWI In September, together with Dave de Winnaar, we drove 6000kms in eight days up into the southern part of Malawi. In a village in the Ngabu District I dedicated the borehole which my son Jon had raised R50,000 to install. We also delivered clothes and books for the local community as well as blackboards for our Nursery School. Driving up there we got hopelessly lost on the dirt tracks trying to find the burial place of Mary Moffat Livingstone. But we eventually found the site and it was another dream fulfilled.
What a happy day we had with many of our friends, supporters from Pinetown and our students. We had a Jumble Sale – sold books, white elephant items, and clothing. The ladies had a tea garden running during the day, which created a marvelous vibe. The money raised will be used to buy an office cabinet which we need for all our Resource materials. An additional bonus was having both Jon and Gregg with us … they loved the day. WEBSITE Wow … this is looking fantastic at the moment, please visit us on Some of the new articles include:
Jon’s amazing testimony 24 lectures on Missiology Bible overviews on Daniel; 2 Timothy; Revelation New book reviews go on every week The Journals of my trips last two trips to Zambia and Malawi Some great new photographs th A special 25 edition on David Livingstone’s biography
KMBC The Lord has blessed us wonderfully this year; I think having the “Bishop” here full time has had a positive cohesive effect on the College. We have a fantastic group of students and through the providence of God; all our needs have been met. Each week I have 30 lectures, 1 Bible Study, 2 tutorials and preach 3 out of 4 Sundays each month. It is a big load but I love it … I could not wish for anything better than training pastors and missionaries for Africa.
OUR COMMISSION TRAIN up a new generation of preachers and missionaries for Africa. Men and women who are passionate for the Gospel and who believe the Bible to be the Word of God. This makes the work at our College of critical importance. MENTOR these pastors and missionaries by regularly visiting them in Africa, living with them and encouraging them in their great work. PLANT NEW CHURCHES which are based on the Bible and not hampered by tradition, churches which are selfsupporting, self governing and self propagating. ARRANGE CONFERENCES to continually be equipping God’s people for the work of Gospel ministry. These have been great blessings to many. PREACHING where invited across Africa believing that when God’s Word is preached, God’s voice is heard.
RWANDA AND UGANDA - NOVEMBER Next week I leave to preach at Pastor’s Conferences in Kigali, Rwanda and then go on to Uganda. It is so exciting having my son Gregg with me; who is now giving up law to go and study at George Whitefield College next year, while Jon continues with his studies in the Diploma in Missions. Pray that all the Conferences will go well and that they will equip the pastors and leaders to be more effective. Friends it has been an incredibly happy and fulfilling year of being a servant into Africa, thank you again for supporting me.
Blessings, Warwick A quote from Hudson Taylor “it is no small comfort to me to know that God has called me to my work, putting me where I am and as I am. I have not sought the position, and I dare not leave it. He knows why He places me herewhether to do, or learn, or suffer.”
Don McClure a missionary into Africa for 50 years wrote:
“I am filled with an undying ambition to do something worthwhile in the great land of Africa.” Contact us 200 Pine Street, Pietermaritzburg 3201 Phone: 033 346 0635 Cell: 082 920 1147 E-mail: Banking Account details: Account name: Footprints into Africa Bank: Standard Bank Branch: 04 55 26 Account number: 251661423 Swift Address: SBZA ZA JJ