European CE-5 Diplomatic & Intrapersonal Development training course pack
Table of Contents Front cover! !
Welcome to CeRPER A brief introduction
CeRPER CE-5 Testimonies! ! ! ! ! ! A personal welcome by CeRPER founding director Martyn Ellis ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Your pre-CE-5 Instructions ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Contact to begin now! Diplomatic CE-5 training schedule! ! ! ! ! ! !
Check in details
CE-5: Practical learning
Learning items: Theory
Learning items: Practical
Friday/Saturday workshops!!
Samadhi is a spiritual state of consciousness
Infrared picks up invisible UFO's!! !
Tour the area near Monkton Wyld Court !
Essential and additional equipment list
Samadhi: The Height of Divine Consciousness! !
UFOs hidden under electromagnetic flux! !
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The founding of CeRPER by Martyn Ellis ! CE-5 Equipment List!
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Welcome to CeRPER European CE-5 and Intrapersonal Development training _______________
CeRPER is a not-for-profit profit organisation in Europe dedicated to furthering CE-5 (Human Initiated ET Contact) training and education encouraging a non-harmful, non-prejudicial contact with star visitors to Earth. Consequently, our ethos, policies and fundamental principles supporting peaceful diplomatic human initiated contact, are upheld by CeRPER and reasserted to continue that approach through the promotion of the European CE5 Diplomatic programm. Orientated towards a rational non-anthropocentric understanding of the ET [extraterrestrial] subject, CeRPER’s methodology encourages a synthesis of empiricism and spiritual understanding as a necessary component for successful celestial/ET contact and communication which to date, empiricism alone, has failed to achieve. The CeRPER Diplomat ET1C Training program provides guidance in quiet mind/mediation, interdimentional communication, bio-field sensing, remote viewing, consciousness expansion and more from within a holistic vis-a-vis spiritual growth framework. Orientated towards a rational non-anthropocentric understanding of star visitors, CeRPER encourages a synthesis of empiricism and spiritual understanding as a necessary component for successful star person contact and communication which to date, empiricism alone has failed to achieve. Unlike the NASA funded SETI [Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence] scientific project, CeRPER’s CE-5 project explores and uses human consciousness, emotional intelligence, bio-electromagnetics and psi-skill training augmented with technical equipment to make direct contact with resident and visiting star craft along with their occupants into the contact group vicinity under the auspice of universal pace and necessary human spiritual development.
CeRPER is a not-for-profit organisation registered in England and Wales.
CeRPER CE-5 Testimonies
CeRPER CE-5 Contact Testimonies are published on the website for the purpose of openly demonstrating first hand by those attending the trainings the wide variety of ET contact experience. Such contact experience can be wonderfully profound, loving and beautifully life altering too! "Thank you for the weekend, I miss you all already! it was really special for me and the experience I shared with you all was like no other. The kindness and beauty of all of you is just so lovely. I feel so much more connected and believe life really is amazing and beautiful. I went to the ideas store today and got out the Tao Te Ching :)) Already the weekend has started a chain and new events and perceptions for me that have been very deep and lovely. I feel connected and yes it is like falling in love! I'm falling in love with life. It's strange but when poignant thoughts or moments happen, there is a shrill buzz in my left ear. Not H1, someone else of maybe it's the cosmic tone we were talking about. It happens whenever and wherever such as walking down the street. It feels like someone is confirming my intuition and helping me go with my instincts".
You can read more CeRPER training testimonies HERE
A personal welcome to the CeRPER Training programme If you are considering or about to attend our contact training, I would like to personally welcome you and thank you for your support as we introduce you our intensive course in CE-5 ET Contact and Intrapersonal Development training. The Diplomatic Training programme is intended to unpack within you an understanding of the Self, contact with people from other worlds and to begin that inevitable movement towards harmlessness and kindness to all life within creation. You are also encouraged to remain in a state of continuos readiness or ‘attentiveness’ for the entire duration of the programme. This can be achieved through frequent quiet mind/meditation preparations for CE-5. Remaining centered or mindful throughout the course will greatly increase your receptivity towards contact with celestial/ET and draw to you what you wish to understand from contact. Intrapersonal development: CeRPER training means drawing forth the very best of our Humanity to become CE-5 Diplomats at a time when war and discord challenges our individual minds and woeful hearts. Such discord become as nothing, when it is rolled up into unity. From that moment forth, it is realised that all life is UNIFIED and the ground of being to which the ONE exits, is divine love, experienced as a blissful state. This is not theoretical. Such a universal state has been experience by countless individuals and recorded throughout history frequently corroborating the same wonder. This is the task every soul seeks to fulfill, it is a natural state that is home! Reasoning suggests that civilizations that have balanced spirituality with a scientific parallel to match, have moved beyond near self destruction towards a deep and profound understanding of unity from which emerges compassion, a higher intelligence, and a science to match that now seem like magic to most. For now, we may only wonder! Our star friends understand our soul’s yearning. From one small initiatory step to the next, our task in the development of our Humanity is to understand this state not through theory, but rather as a consequence of direct sensory and interior experience. With experience, we will be better equipped to understand why consciousness is the modus operandi for contact, not by scientific thought alone, but with our heart ablaze! And so we proceed completely free from prejudice, fear and preconceived notions we welcome these visitors, as Earth's best representatives to their worlds. We have risen to the challenge, to show others by our example how to form the 'vanguard' of people on Earth leading such a radical initiative for peaceful contact and disclosure. Many are hearing the call, few will follow. Namaste, Martyn Ellis www.CeRPER.org - Founding director
Your pre-CE-5 Instruction Let contact begin now!
In quiet mind/meditation: 1. Generate a sense of 'readiness' 2. Say hallo and send the invitation for our star friends and cousins to join you now and at the CE-5 site to : teach you what you are ready to know 3. Remain open and sincere 4. Set your boundaries - if you do not have any, say so 5. Ask ET to open your heart, mind and inner sight. If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to email me. Finally and now that CeRPER has a new initiative: CE-5 Video Chat room in place, never before has there been the opportunity put forward your questions to a CE-5 director! Looking forward to meeting you, Martyn.
Diplomatic CE-5 training schedule.
Monkton Wyld Court
As a Centre for Sustainable Education, Monkton Wyld Court hosts a range of courses, conferences and gatherings for adults, families and children. A Parent Child Group, Home Educators Group, crafts shop and a calendar of events add to this unique resource for the local community. Check in at Monkton Wyld Court and meet the CeRPER director Martyn Ellis and his team members for an informal welcome to CeRPER and initial talk/workshop, followed with the first CE-5 training at the contact site. Course fee includes the option to camp or as a deposit towards bed and breakfast. The center has several relaxing communal areas such as the upstair piano room for quiet relaxation, guest kitchen and dining area where you can also help yourself to a selection of complimentary teas and coffee. The center community that are very alternative and extremely friendly!
Arrive at Monkton Wyld Court by car or public transport. Nb. public transport is an option.
Friday/Saturday workshops Workshops : 6pm - 9pm
Learning items theory: Types of star-craft and manifestation experienced at CeRPER training. Please refer to PDF: Your CE-5 Observations. The language we use: Why the concept 'alien' is not to be confused with Star beings; Understanding anthropocentrism or miss placed 'human interpretations' of the subject and how this is used in terms of disinformation to mask the benign nature of our Star visitor presence and interactions with humans; Understanding the necessary spiritual/consciousness component for extraterrestrial contact, personal intrapersonal development; A clear understanding of CeRPER’s ethos, policies and research approach; Questions and answers... Learning items practical: Quiet mind/meditation and concentration to serve as a practical application for: Communication with Star visitors: Receptivity to Star visitor manifestations; How to make contact and communicate using your emotional intelligence and learn how this mode of contact communication is confirmed; Learn how to communicate with ETi using CV or Coherent Visualisation and confirmed through visual Lock On Contact or vLOC and more...
At the contact site Typically between 9:30pm till 12:30am or later... ____
Under the guidance of the director: Site orientation; Quiet mind/meditation and concentration to also aid thought and feeling transmissions; Use Remote-View-Vectoring (RVV) modality for drawing star craft into a given research area; Allow star visitors technologies to interface directly with each participant via consciousness, negating the duality and limitations of linear time and space; Communicate with Star visitors using Coherent Visualisation (Cv) with confirmed through Visual Lock On Contact (vLOC); Expansion of your electromagnetic bio-field to sense and interface with star visitors in the environment; Soft-eye-focusing: Easily learn how to 'see' the various diverse types of star craft and visitors with your innate psi-abilities or interior sensitive abilities; We will also use laser lights for communication, sound transmission and an electromagnetic reading device, radar detector and night vision equipment... Fun and laughter and... much more..
Sunday Meet in the assigned workshop space at Monkton Wyld Court for 11am till 1pm ____ Summing up and debrief of the course and experiences free to leave.
The founding of CeRPER
by Martyn Ellis
Section taken from the book Paths to Contact : Jeff Becker - Editor http://pathstocontact.org
My Contact Career Following my unity consciousness experience, the same rising electrical fizz sensation would continue until my whole body was electro-magnetised. But now, I experienced this when my body was asleep at night. Just before it would happen, my dreamscape would phase out and give way to a kind of lightless space, then the rising electrical sensation would commence until my entire body was electro-magnetised. I would wake up in the next morning and only recall that particular experience, nothing else, and this would occur frequently. I would estimate that it occurred more than twenty times over a period of perhaps a year starting at the end of 1982. At a later stage, what would follow the electrical sensation without fail was triggered by an approaching Star-Craft. In the initial days when I had contact I was not aware of arriving on the craft, that came later. Also, the sensation did not accompany the sight of an incoming craft, but in the late 1980's, as I became more and more familiar with the experience and more lucid, the observation of incoming Star- Craft became a regular occurrence. With total lucid awareness, I would notice the dreamscape change into the lightless space, followed by the familiar electrical body-fizz, then observe a small incoming craft which would dock overhead at an approximate height of about forty feet. Arrival on board was apparent on a ‘change’ of the immediate environment or momentary loss of awareness prior to arrival. But at the start of my contact experiences I was not aware of anything else other than the lightless space and the electrical body fizz sensation. The next development in the contact process, whilst asleep, was crystal clear observations of, ‘moving stars’. The next stage was watching several star-like objects performing acrobatic aerial maneuvers in the sky. It was as though, step by step, the Star-Beings were intending to gain more and more of my attention. These observations were a separate cluster of experiences occurring at different times that did not, at this very early stage, accompany the electrical body fizz — that came later. In the meantime, these star-like lights would first appear on the black canvas-like sky from different directions and meet at a single point high up in the sky. This was repeated over and over again, perhaps for a year. The experience of the lightless space that accompanied the electrical fizz sensations was also happening as a 'separate cluster' of contact experience during this same early period. It was also around this time that I would see on many occasions (lasting for perhaps ten years or so) double moons in the sky as well as double earth like planets too. I would also see many incredibly beautiful star nebulas from deep space. Around the summer of 1983 I rekindled my passion for river fishing. Every Saturday during those summer months I would pack the car with fishing and camping equipment and set off for a weekend. It was during these weekend trips, when a sleep in the tent, that I would find myself in that familiar lightless space but looking up at the sky. The sky would be a beautiful deep black and peppered with stars. Then I would notice one particularly large star moving over head quite low in the sky at about five hundred feet. However, I would notice that the moving star was not a star at all but a light in the middle of a moving triangle. The triangle would be a smooth charcoal black that would just about stand out from the jet black starlight sky above it. I experienced observing this single shape many times for about six months until the moving light would appear along with another. Sometime they would go out and come back on. But then as I got used to seeing them, now in pairs, I realized that they were passing above a cloud base, which explained why the light seemed to go on and off. As these observations continued from within the LAE, two became three. The last time I observed the triangles there was a fleet of perhaps twenty, passing low overhead. Another observation that I have not included but will mention now was nocturnal paralysis that continued from 1981 until the turn of the century. It was a most peculiar condition. Usually I would be aware 11
of being able to move when I woke in the mornings. I would wake up and feel totally paralysed. The only part of my body that could move was my eyelids and eye balls. I would open them, looking up at the ceiling wondering which way the bed was in relation to the bedroom door. I could never figure it out! So there I was, unable to move except my eyelids and eyeballs knowing I was in my bedroom because the same ceiling still needed a repaint, but totally disorientated! There was never any panic at all, just the task to move. After many attempts, slowly but surely I was able to free myself of this ridiculous state. But I was fascinated by it. I would estimate I have had this experience perhaps fifty or more times. On one occasion, I was sleeping on the netted luggage rack of a compartment train travelling through Eastern England, of all places! At no time did I ever view it as anything but a natural condition. The idea that aliens ( a term I will rarely use) were involved in the process was utterly ridiculous. I found this peculiar yet naturally occurring state increasingly fascinating. I noticed that when I closed my eyes, I got really disorientated and often it accompanied a loss of balance. Relaxing into it even more, I found it was like initiating the feeling you get in pit of the stomach when you are on a roller coaster that's uncomfortable! Other times it felt like I was weightless. I would also notice a ringing in my brain if I concentrated. Other times there was utter silence, but most of all the total lack of light when I closed my eyes. Eventually I was able to study this condition and discovered a lightless, weightless, silent, and thoughtless condition waiting to be embraced. I called it the event horizon because it was like losing all sense of having a body, and identity to an absolute void. It was the nearest you could get to switching off the primary sensory circuitry, beyond which was a loss of mind and perhaps a one way ticket. The lasts time this happened was in 1999 when I was taking a morning bath!
End of an Era By July 1984, some seven months after making the decision to retire early from my sport, I packed my Russian hide hand guards, lots of strapping, knee supports, deep heat and cold sprays, plus a whole lot of other DIY sporting medical care for the last time. That summer, when my parents were on a brief holiday break in Lyme Regis, I was looking after their clothes boutique in East London. At the back of the shop was a small utility room with a television in it. It was lunch time and I wanted to watch the opening ceremony of the LA Olympics, so I locked up the shop for an hour break. Within half an hour of watching the opening ceremony I was in a total state, I was in floods and floods of tears with my face buried into the palms of both hands. The nations were now marching around the stadium. The first British athletes to enter onto the track with the Union Jack held high were my fellow gymnastic team mates. The gymnasts led the British athletes on to the track, I recognised them instantly on TV; I broke down. Not surprisingly, I hit rock bottom. I now felt utterly lost without any life direction. I was unemployed, and felt a stranger in a new land without proper job experience/financial survival skills. From the age of twelve until twenty-three I had one single passion and love, gymnastics. That chapter was now truly closed and it hit me like a brick in the stomach. I felt I had moved psychologically from hero to zero. That feeling hung around for a good six years until I was thirty years of age when I began to create contemporary glass accessories and patent my designs. Looking back, between the middle to the end of my twenties, were my darkest times, but as a consequence, gained much worldly life experience which I would not have had if I continued to only know gymnastics. Peace is wonderful, only when you loose it and regain it back, it then become true treasure worth hanging onto for the rest of your life! Contact with our Star-Cousins continued apace. In 1984, I moved away from the spiritualist movement and public mediumship altogether. I would visit Ron and Arthur once or twice every couple of weeks and meditate with them. We would still have long chats and, as ever. I had many questions and found interesting books to read in Ron’s collection. However, it was clear that I was developing a distant pensiveness and I believe it was because of this Ron said to me, “Put down the books and learn from life.� I did just that! In the meantime, my contact with Star-Beings continued to grow unabated. It was around this time that I would sit and meditate in that lightless space in the company of Star-Beings to receive encoded information. What that information was is difficult to know, but there did come a time when I found myself at various installations scurrying down corridors and entering laboratory type areas trying my best not to be noticed. This may have had something to do with the sessions of receiving information of one sort or another. These covert excursions are a little sketchy, and I would welcome a trusted regression session to learn more.
Nonetheless, a new development of a separate kind of encounter took place in which I would find myself in the lightless space meditating, then came the electromagnetic sensation when it was apparent that I was now either on board a Star-Craft or in the very close proximity of a Star-Being and or Star-Craft. The number of times this happened are countless. The point here is that there was a systematic progression. First came the lightless space, then the sitting meditation therein, and then, at a later stage, came the body fizz or electromagnetic sensation. Both sets happened on many occasions with the later developing further with arrival on board a Star-Craft. It was as though a veil (the lightless space) was removed and there I was back on board. Sometimes it was as though the environment changed and this would be particularly so when disembarking the Star-Craft, but also on arrival. Most of the time arrival on board came via the lightless space all the while in a meditative state of mind followed by the electromagnetic sensation. The next development here, in terms of physical sensation, was that of realising I was now weightless.
Star-Being Interactions: In the Cavern One of my LAE interactions with Star-Beings was in a small cavern environment. As usual, the veil between lightless space and the LAE lifted, and on this occasion I was in the company of four Star-Beings, three robed like monks and a fourth who was initially invisible located in the top right corner of the cavern. From where I was sitting, the cavern was approximate three meters in width by six meters in length with a curved ceiling approximately seven feet from the floor with sufficient ambient light that I could clearly see and recall details. For instance I was sitting on a chair at the end of a sturdy dark oak wooden table. The table was about four feet across by nine feet in length. At the ‘lifting of the veil’ I noticed three robed figures with hoods completely covering their heads. Looking at them in profile, what would have been a glimpse of their faces was blacked out. If these Star-Beings stood up, I estimate they would have been about five feet tall. Next, a clear solid glass-like cylinder approximately five inches in diameter by fifteen inches in height floated up to me where I was sitting at the end of the table. I grasped the transparent cylinder, which then immediately turned into the shape and colouration of a small lions head. This lasted for about three seconds. Then, in a split second, the lions head turned into the head of a bald eagle. This lasted for another three seconds. Finally, the head of the eagle morphed back into the transparent cylinder. But this time it was not solid but rather had taken on a fluid-like structure. I was further intrigued and decided to slide back the chair I was sitting on and have a play with this clear fluid-like cylinder. Standing at the end of heavy wooden table, holding the object in an upright position with my hands, I depressed it and it behaved like a water ripple bulging from its centre. I then depressed it harder until it bulged and thinned out into a water ripple. I then returned it to the cylinder form again. Discovering this control I had with the object between my hands, I decided to see just how wide I could get it by continually depressing the fluid-like tube together to create really wide water ripples. I also rotated it in my hand at the same time. By this time I was clear of the table and began to really enjoy myself. It was fun, but soon I began to lose control of these multiple expanding disk shaped ripples. To keep a degree of control I had to move with it, which led me down by the right hand side of the table moving forwards towards the other end of the cavern where I eventually lost total control and it ended up splashing into the top right hand corner of the cavern. However, when it splashed into the corner, it solidified into small clear glass like triangular pieces. More than that, it landed on a being that was beneath it! The shape of the being in a cloak with its hood off could now be clearly seen through the clear glass-like triangular pieces. I instinctively placed both palms of my hands on the glass whereupon it instantly regathered itself back into the clear glass cylinder. Embarrassed, I apologised to the being, and when I turned to walk back towards the other end of the cavern I distinctly recall seeing a fixed grin almost like a cardboard cut-out with pointed teeth. Thinking to myself, “What an odd chap!” the veil returned.
Star-Craft Elder The following encounter began with a sense of ‘gliding’ along a narrow Star-Craft corridor. The corridor was about six feet across and the ceiling was about nine feet high. The walls were seamless and smooth looking, off-white in colour, quite long, and curving to the left. As I was proceeding along the corridor, about twenty five feet in front of me was a being creating a screen memory of a coke can that was tumbling along the floor, which then turned left down another corridor! I followed the Star-Being round the corner and into a narrower and shorter corridor with a lower ceiling. This corridor was about twenty feet long. It was clear I 13
was guided there by this Being who decided to represent itself as a coke can. At the end of this corridor, I entered a circular white room and sliding doors closed behind me. The room was approximately fifteen feet in diameter, again in the same continuous smooth texture, seamless, and of a white colour. The ceiling was much higher - it was difficult to estimate how high. Upon entering this circular room I automatically assumed a horizontal floating position lying in the centre of the space at approximately six foot above the floor. To my right, over my shoulder (opposite the entrance), the wall slid open. I observed a tall slender Star-Being with a long narrow neck wearing a beautiful white robe with a turtle neck design and circular silver and gold braiding on it, glide up and stand beside me. Then, I heard a 'gurgling' sound followed by the sound in my mind of, “Arrrrr you remembered.” The ‘you remembered’ was referring to the fact that I was scheduled to be with this being, no doubt at a particular time. However I was in such a relaxed state that the words “Arrrrr you remembered” took me by surprise. Consequently, I twitched and set my body in motion. I tried to stabilise myself, but I must have had a brief lapse in consciousness because I next found myself walking back down the same long corridor now curving off to the right. As I proceeded some thirty feet or so, a portion of the corridor wall was now an exit point off the craft. The exit point was about three meters wide. From over my left shoulder was a long slender and pale white arm pointing at the exit point beyond which was a familiar street market scene. Clearly this was a past memory scene conveniently projected from my mind. The craft was existing in its own reality, whilst the street scene, part of my past reality, was used to encourage me gently back into my dream world!
Onboard Appointment. On another occasion when the veil was lifted, I arrived on-board and walked up to two men in their thirties who were utterly transfixed as they looked at a wide screen type viewing window (approximately 5’x12’) watching the craft travel along just above a tree lined country lane around fifty miles an hour. Both men were directly to my left and we were about ten feet away from the viewing window watching the lane pass by underneath the craft. Their jaws were dropped and their eyes were as wide as dinner plates! I find myself telepathically saying to the two humans, “Yes, this is really happening.” Then, appearing from a glass sliding panel to my right were three small beautiful four foot tall beings in pale white suits with smooth large rounded heads. They had baby blue skin, small mouths, and large deep black eyes. I instantly knew they were young new arrivals from afar. The two men I was standing with became aware of them as they approached with a degree of curiosity. I advised the two men that if they wanted to remain conscious and lucid in their experience they must avoid looking directly into their eyes; thereby avoiding a hypnotic type effect. There were several of these beings in a large room behind a sliding glass panel. End of contact.
Three Robotic Figures On another occasion I was extracted from a potentially dangerous situation by three human-looking robotic life forms from within the LAE. I was in an open industrial type of setting that was adjacent to some very grim looking 1960's dark brick Victorian houses divided by an alleyway. One of these alleyways led to the open industrial area with lots of open sky. In that open space there was a long row of viaduct workshops, each with large arched doors. There was also a row of these workshop spaces opposite at a distance of about two hundred yards. As I was walking past a one of the Victorian houses, I noticed that a tree was moving and it seemed to be following me! As soon as I realised this, I decided to take the alley between two houses that led out to the open industrial area. Feeling vulnerable, I ran into one of the archways and pressed my back against the recessed door, allowing me to hide out of sight. I remember clearly the open distance between myself and a row of workshops across the way. Then, to my right, three robotic-like figures marched into view about seventy yards away. They moved swiftly with synchronized steps. They were wearing all-in-one black suits with large black visor helmets. I then noticed a small circular disk shape craft glide into view and hover about a hundred feet overhead and in front of these three figures. As the craft hung in the sky, with the three robotic figures still marching forwards, out of the craft came a holographic projection of an Star-Being head with dark almond eyes and open mouth showing its pointed teeth. The being was not happy but decidedly annoyed. It then ‘warned them off’ saying telepathically, "Back off or else!" With that, all three figures immediately stopped marching 14
forwards, turned a hundred and eighty degrees, and went back in the opposite direction. Then the Star-Craft zoomed off. A few moments later, three regular looking human looking men in their late twenties and dressed casually, appeared some distance beneath where disk had been. All three ran quickly toward me and stopped about twenty five feet away. Next, one of the men raised what looked like a metallic tube out of which shot a needle-like dart right past my left ear and into the door I was leaning back against! All three then jogged forwards. One of the men took hold of my arm to lead me away and said, “I’ll explain everything later.” End.
Boarding Chaperone (Early 1990s through 2001). On several occasions I would board a craft along with others. My role was boarding chaperone. On a couple of occasions, an incoming craft aborted due to uncertainty/fear of one of the members in the group. I recall on one occasion (whilst on board a craft) settling the feelings of unease coming from a member of the boarding party before resuming, a now familiar process. On another occasion, an incoming craft stopped about two hundred yards away at around sixty feet because a member of the boarding party was overly anxious. I remember clearly feeling disappointed but understood why the craft eventually retreated. The location where we boarded often changed and was not always outside in the open. Boarding could happen from a large room, and similarly entry onto the Star-Craft would be in an area quarantined from the main craft. I can recall that many occasions in which the boarding party, including myself, would undergo automatic bio-energy healing and rebalancing whilst subtle information was directed into our consciousness. All this would occur whilst maintaining an ‘empty-mind’ meditative state. There was the sense of physical lightness, sometimes complete weightlessness, accompanied with a sense of joy and wonder. The environment was usually a circular room, perhaps no more than twenty feet in diameter, made of white paneling with some see-through material like glass. As this contact experience repeated and became more familiar over the years, the interior seemed to become much larger, more like forty feet in diameter, and part of a much larger Star-Craft. The Star-Beings would often be in a gantry area above the group, though sometimes they would directly engage us if those present could cope with the interaction. It’s always fun to free-float around within this environment under the guidance of these Star-Beings. These Beings I am speaking about are not dissimilar to the Being that is featured on the front cover of Whitley Strieber’s book Communion. I can recall in the early days arriving on board and noticing that others had arrived before me. Later, those I saw onboard were from my boarding party and we would all arrive together. This happened countless times over a very long period of time. Soon after arrival I would go into a quiet meditative state and receive instructions. What those instructions were I cannot recall, but I was always exceedingly excited to be back on board feeling very much a student among these very old Star-Beings who I considered my beautiful wise friends. Always with one particular Being, the joy of being back on board always felt mutual. However, there came a time when the environments became very different, not only in layout but now they ‘felt’ different or ominous. I would have an uncomfortable feeling that suggested I needed to take care not to be seen. The environments would have large flexible silver piping attached to the ceilings and on the floor suggesting air conditioning or an air flow system. I would glide down stair wells and travel into areas that seemed to be open laboratories, or at least fully kitted out areas that suggested scientific practices were being conducted. The environment had a thick with an odd clammy atmosphere, never busy, very extensive, and staffed by few people. I would often hear the odd conversations and I would back off and go in another direction looking at everything in my path. I never actually had any idea where I was going, I just moved around these facilities recording everything I came across. By “recording”, I simply mean looking because everything was being monitored through me. I know that hybridisation has been occurring because I have seen hybrids both walking around and suspended in upright capsules. Since then I would occasionally sense that my eyes were being used to used see through. This seems problematic because it’s the brain not one’s eyes that see. Nonetheless, this is how it felt and this is as much as I can say, at least for now.
Sharing My Body with a Star-Being It was December 21st, 1999, the winter solstice. A group of like-minded lightworkers, including myself, gathered at a lovely little thatched cottage, set all on its own in a Devon valley, to meditate and give thanks 15
to Gaia. We came to acknowledge and give thanks to both the Earth and to others that help us grow in understanding and compassion. We would then take what had been learnt into the new year to help us grow responsibly and spiritually. Sue, the lady who organised and led the solstice gathering, invited all the higher dimensional beings, including avatars, celestials, angels, Star-Beings and devas, to join us. Sue was originally from East End of London near the Bow bells which technically made her cockney like me. Consequently, and although we meditated to dizzy heights, we both always had our feet firmly in the ground! It was during the invitation that Sue said she had “one of the boy’s upstairs”, meaning our Star-Friends, who wanted to experience physical density. She asked for a volunteer, and I said I would do it. There were about ten of us sitting around the log fire. I was sitting cross-legged and immediately entered into a quiet meditative state. After about five minutes, I made the link with the Star-Being and gave permission to energetically enter into my body. I gave a series of start/stop instructions, and every time the being honoured my request. I could feel a very, very gentle uptake of my body manifesting in a gradual stretching of my spine, and I would say with my mind, “That’s fine, do continue.” At no time did I feeling uneasy, and at no time did I have any feeling of colonisation, just a graceful “moving in” to my body that felt tremendously gentle, peaceful, loving, and greatly respectful of my body space. I had no idea how long my spine was stretching into the vertical, but soon my neck began to stretch too. Next, my arms wanted to lift, so I allowed them to, and soon they were gently flexing out horizontally in front of me. Then my head wanted to gently move from left to right and tilt. All the time there an incredible feeling of grace, and my spine and neck were still stretching as my arms and head were in gentle motion. It was about this time, and after what seemed a relatively long period of continuous spine and neck expansion, that a friend’s nine year old daughter said out loud, “Look! Martyn’s neck is getting longer!” After hearing this, it was clear that something amazing was being witnessed. Because I was reminded that a child was in the room, I said to the Star-Being that it was time to gently withdraw. After about five minutes I retuned back to my normal size, five foot six...shame! However, if the room was full of adults, then I would have allowed the Star-Visitor to continue to experience physicality. In that case, god only knows what I would have looked like; next time, I’ll have a camcorder to hand!
Founding CeRPER My path to contact began with and incredible unity consciousness experience thirty years ago. At a time when I was young international gymnast. From that experience, my fear of death ended because I knew there was no such thing as death and that eternity was closer than I could have possibly realised. Since that life changing and paradigmatic shift, contact with Star-Beings continues to persist to this day, and inner experience with these wonderful beings have been utterly amazing. There have been on many occasions the need for healing and they were always there for me. I have received teachings from these wonderful beings and have never experienced anything to be concerned about, quite the opposite. I’ve developed close relationships with these off world beings and I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that they have and continue to offer me protection from rogue forces that have a more down-to-earth origin. Occasionally I’ll receive a death threat via clairaudience, and events do come to pass, yet I’m still here and I’m not going anywhere yet. If I do, I’ll just continue being a nuisance from the other side! In the meantime, CeRPER is the culmination of experience with a provenance stretching back three decades. The final push towards developing CeRPER was inspired by the Disclosure Project, which I happened upon in 2008 whilst surfing the net. For me it had a cathartic effect, it was an emotional experience to the extent that I cried and recognized it was time to come in from the cold. A visit to the states where I met Dr. Steven Greer, the founder of CSETI, included an initiation whilst meditating in the circular Zen Dome in Crestone, CO. Dr. Greer had just concluded conducted a puja and had begun to hand out flowers from the ceremony. One half of the bunch was passed to his left, clockwise for people to take a share and pass on, whilst the same was happening to his right. Unaware of this, I chose to remain in a meditative state. Then at some point two people tapped on my left and right sides, and as I opened my eyes, laughter echoed around the dome because both bunches of flowers ended up in my hands, one in my left hand and the other in my right. But that was not all, the laughter was because Dr. Greer, at that precise moment said, “It’s time to step forwards and commit to the 16
CE-5 project.” The puja session was captured on digital audio and I still have the flowers pressed for keepsake. I took that incident in the Zen Dome as a significant approval from our Star-Cousins. I returned home to the UK and continued to set about what I decided nine months before I met the CSETI team in Crestone. CeRPER was officially launched at a lecture by Dr. Greer in Melksham that I helped to organise in July, 2010 while I was a theological student at Exeter University. CeRPER has since become the first nonprofit European organisation dedicated to teaching human initiated contact yet just as important, is CeRPER’s focus on CE-5 Interpersonal Development, will be explained further on another occasion. CeRPER is also a younger-generation CE-5 Team, who have helped inspire new creative concepts such as CE-5 Live Streaming, CE-5TL (Time lapse), CE-5 reporting and expedition testimony publications, all of which bring new pathways for the CE-5 Project to explore. Finally, I would like to deeply thank all those who have shown an interest in what my team and I are doing to broadcast through our work the all-important CE-5 project that help us to innovate and create new CE-5 concepts. I want to thank them from the bottom of my heart for the little to great things they have done for CeRPER. I also would like to personally thanks my Contact Team for all their dedicated voluntary efforts, kindness and warmth that makes CeRPER a sensitive team and an example of diplomatic leadership. It is an absolute privilege to be, once again, among a community of Light Warriors working for the greater plan, the good of Gaia our home and first mother as well as personal human spiritual growth, to help bring about from ‘within the human consciousness’, all that is healthy, harmonious and good to manifest. It is no less a great privilege that I find myself among such a wonderful constellation of souls and to find myself in an incredibly responsible position to teach what I learned over the many years for which I have a acquiring a modest degree of self-knowledge, meditation, energy work and contact experience, all for the greater good. With God’s grace, I wish to continue to be of service Blessings to all Warriors of Light. Namaste - Martyn. © Copyright 2012
CE-5 Equipment List - Essential list -
Sleeping bag to step into to Keep Warm. Very effective! Hot water bottle or two and stay, roasty-toasty! Depending on expected weather: Winter coat, hat, gloves, long underwear, sweater/polar fleece vest or jacket; Also, a folding chair – such as a camping chair, these are comfortable and easy to carry. £8.99 -> Buy at http://www.gardencentreonline.co.uk or petrol stations for cheaper deals. Snacks and water for the mid-evening break ; Small LED light (red is best) Note: Do not bring torches, due to their effect on eyes and night vision, we suggest single or red LED lights. Optional CE-5 Equipment list
Binoculars: Recommended 10x50 Video camera (camcorder) with low or zero lux capability. IR Binoculars - Yukon are a relatively inexpensive entry into generation 1 capability; DSLR camera and disables flash disabled and with a tripod (if desired); Green Laser - Try : http://www.dealextreme.com/search.dx/search.laser#911 Yukon Digital Night Vision 5x42 : AV out for recordings and link to laptop. Yukon can be expensive so shop around - recommended; Temperature sensors; Radar detector – Portable radar detector sources: http://www.radarsource.com or other web sites;
UFOs hidden under electromagnetic flux invisible to human eyes but thousands of them are hovering all around us
Staff Reporter Feb. 16, 2005 http://www.indiadaily.com/editorial/1629.asp
Scientists in India finally understands how UFOs hover all around us without being visible. In Pune, India, some DRDO (Indian Defence Research & Development Organization) engineers are busy experimenting with a device that can see through the stealth effects of intense electromagnetic flux. According to some of these super smart brains of India, the final stealth effects come from creating an intense electromagnetic flux around any object. The Russians have been experimenting with similar stealth mechanisms. The electromagnetic flux can be created through very advanced applications of super conductors. There are paranormal means of creating this flux that make anything invisible in true sense. The electromagnetic flux can be created through spiritual concentration by any human being. When such an event takes place, strange phenomena happen. And people call it miracle, heavenly effects and so on. The scientists are getting very early indications that electromagnetic flux is used to keep the UFOs invisible from human eyes. Some animals have sensors that can sense energy levels beyond the electromagnetic flux. Probably dogs or cats are seeing UFOs all the time. But they cannot express what they see. According to these scientists, a device that can see through electromagnetic flux is able to see UFOs all the time. The reason why UFOs are visible only in very rare cases and for a short time is as follows: When a UFO enters the earth’s atmosphere and approaches an object or a destination in the earth, the UFO has to transform from ultrasonic speed (speed of light times n) and maneuvering techniques to sonic or supersonic levels and adjust to earth’s electromagnetic and gravitational effects. Right at that moment, to avoid electromagnetic interference, the artificial flux is withdrawn for a very short span of time. After reaching speed levels that the UFO can use in earth’s atmosphere, the electromagnetic flux or cloud is regenerated and put all around the UFO. That explains why in many countries the Air Force Pilots have chased an UFO only to have them disappear in front of their own eyes. Based on this new discovery, there can be innumerable UFOs all around us. There are early indications that teleport mechanisms will also come from advanced research of electromagnetic flux. 19
Samadhi: The Height of Divine Consciousness Above the toil of life my soul is a bird of fire winging the Infinite.
Samadhi is a spiritual state of consciousness. There are various kinds of samadhi. Among the minor samadhis, savikalpa samadhi happens to be the highest. Beyond savikalpa comes nirvikalpa samadhi, but there is a great gulf between these two: they are two radically different samadhis. Again, there is something even beyond nirvikalpa samadhi called sahaja samadhi. In savikalpa samadhi, for a short period of time you lose all human consciousness. In this state the conception of time and space is altogether different. For an hour or two hours you are completely in another world. You see there that almost everything is done. Here in this world there are many desires still unfulfilled in yourself and in others. Millions of desires are not fulfilled, and millions of things remain to be done. But when you are in savikalpa samadhi, you see that practically everything is done; you have nothing to do. You are only an instrument. If you are used, well and good; otherwise, things are all done. But from savikalpa samadhi everybody has to return to ordinary consciousness. Even in savikalpa samadhi there are grades. Just as there are brilliant students and poor students in the same class in school, so also in savikalpa samadhi some aspirants reach the highest grade, while less aspiring seekers reach a lower rung of the ladder, where everything is not so clear and vivid as on the highest level. In savikalpa samadhi there are thoughts and ideas coming from various places, but they do not affect you. While you are meditating, you remain undisturbed, and your inner being functions in a dynamic and confident manner. But when you are a little higher, when you have become one with the soul in nirvikalpa samadhi, there will be no ideas or thoughts at all. I am trying to explain it in words, but the consciousness of nirvikalpa samadhi can never be adequately explained or expressed. I am trying my best to tell you about this from a very high consciousness, but still my mind is expressing it. But in nirvikalpa samadhi there is no mind; there is only infinite peace and bliss. There nature's dance stops, and the knower and the known become one. There you enjoy a supremely divine, all-pervading, self-amorous ecstasy. You become the object of enjoyment, you become the enjoyer and you become the enjoyment itself. When you enter into nirvikalpa samadhi, the first thing you feel is that your heart is larger than the universe itself. Ordinarily you see the world around you, and the universe seems infinitely larger than you are. But this is because the world and the universe are perceived by the limited mind. When you are in nirvikalpa samadhi, you see the universe as a tiny dot inside your vast heart. In nirvikalpa samadhi there is infinite bliss. Bliss is a vague word to most people. They hear that there is something called bliss, and some people say that they have experienced it, but most individuals have no firsthand knowledge of it. When you enter into nirvikalpa samadhi, however, you not only feel bliss, but actually grow into that bliss. 20
The third thing you feel in nirvikalpa samadhi is power. All the power of all the occultists put together is nothing compared with the power you have in nirvikalpa samadhi. But the power that you can take from samadhi to utilise on earth is infinitesimal compared with the entirety. Nirvikalpa samadhi is the highest samadhi that most realised spiritual Masters attain. It lasts for a few hours or a few days, and then one has to come down. When one comes down, what happens? Very often one forgets his own name and age; one cannot speak or think properly. But through continued practice, gradually one becomes able to come down from nirvikalpa samadhi and immediately function in a normal way. Generally, when one enters into nirvikalpa samadhi, one does not want to come back into the world again. If one stays there for eighteen or twenty-one days, there is every possibility that the soul will leave the body for good. There were spiritual Masters in the hoary past who attained nirvikalpa samadhi and did not come down. They attained their highest samadhi, but found it impossible to enter into the world atmosphere again and work like human beings. One cannot operate in the world while in that state of consciousness; it is simply impossible. But there is a divine dispensation. If the Supreme wants a particular soul to work here on earth, even after twenty-one or twenty-two days, the Supreme can take that individual into was another channel of dynamic, divine consciousness and have him return to the earth-plane to act. Sahaja samadhi is by far the highest type of samadhi. In this samadhi one is in the highest consciousness but, at the same time, one is able to work in the gross physical world. One maintains the experience of nirvikalpa samadhi while simultaneously entering into earthly activities. One has become the soul and, at the same time, is utilising the body as a perfect instrument. In sahaja samadhi one does the usual things that an ordinary human being does. But in the inmost recesses of the heart one is surcharged with divine illumination. When one has this sahaja samadhi, one becomes the Lord and Master of Reality. One can go at his sweet will to the Highest and then come down to the earth-consciousness to manifest. Even after achieving the highest type of realisation, on very rare occasions is anyone blessed with sahaja samadhi. Very few spiritual Masters have achieved this state. For sahaja samadhi, the Supreme's infinite Grace is required. Sahaja samadhi comes only when one has established inseparable oneness with the Supreme, or when one wants to show, on rare occasions, that he is the Supreme. He who has achieved sahaja samadhi and remains in this samadhi, consciously and perfectly manifests God at every second, and is thus the greatest pride of the Transcendental Supreme.
Š Copyright 2010, Sri Chinmoy | Hosted by Vasudeva Server2121
Infrared picks up invisible Star craft:
Mexico releases video of 11 objects surrounding military plane www.worldNetDaily.com May 12th 2004
The Mexican air force has released video footage of 11 unidentified flying objects that were only visible via an infrared camera. The objects reportedly flew around a military surveillance plane, Reuters reported. Jamie Maussan, a journalist and UFO enthusiast, told reporters yesterday the objects seemed "intelligent" because at one point they changed direction and surrounded the plane that was chasing them. They were invisible to the eye but they were there, there is no doubt about it. They had mass, they had energy and they were moving about," Maussan said after showing a 15-minute video. He says Mexico's Defense Ministry gave him permission to show the footage. According to Reuters, the government confirmed the video was shot by the air force on March 5 over the eastern coastal state of Campeche as the aircraft looked for drug traffickers near the Gulf of Mexico. "We are not alone! This is so weird," one of the pilots can be heard yelling, the news service reported. The plane's crew had just switched on the infrared camera after first picking up the objects by radar. The objects were described as blobs of light that hover in formation or dart about, sometimes disappearing into a cloud. One of the pilots said he became nervous after the objects surrounded the plane. "There was a moment when ... the screens showed they were behind us, to the left and in front of us. It was at that point that I felt a bit tense," said Maj. Magdaleno Castanon told Maussan on a separate piece of videotape. "This is historic news," Maussan said. "Hundreds of videos (of UFOs) exist, but none had the backing of the armed forces of any country. ... The armed forces don't perpetuate frauds."
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