The Dimensional Ecology of Omniverse - A Presentation by Alfred Webre

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The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse How Source and Souls in the Spiritual Dimensions Create and Inhabit the Universes of the Multiverse

Alfred Lambremont Webre, M.Ed., J.D. EXOPOLITICS.COM


The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse

Map of the Omniverse: • Dimensional Ecology Equations • Omniverse = Multiverse + Spiritual Dimensions • Multiverse = All Universes of space, time, energy & matter = Exopolitical Dimensions • Spiritual Dimensions = Intelligent civilization of Souls + Spiritual Beings + Source (God) •

Image – The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse


The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse

Map of the Omniverse: TELEPATHY AND TELEPORTATION -Telepathy (nonlocal mind-to-mind communication) and -Teleportation (displacement between points in a single dimension or between points among several dimensions) -Reveal fundamental similarities between communication and transportation among humans, intelligent civilizations of extraterrestrials, and intelligent civilizations of souls. Photo-J.B. Rhine: Duke Univ.; CIA Mars Teleportation Jump Room, 999 N. Sepulveda, LA, CA (near LAX)


The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse

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Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness The time-space hologram we inhabit as Earthling humans is an artificial construct, created by a higher intelligence and composed of multiple timelines, from catastrophic to positive to heaven on Earth 2011/12 – Universe portal shift to Unity consciousness and positive timeline 2013 – DARPA and RV predicted global coastal events occur in another dimension/timeline Image: Back to the Future Alternative timelines


The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse

Map of the Omniverse: NUMBER OF UNIVERSES IN THE MULTIVERSE -Psychologist William James (1842-1910) create term "Multiverse" as sum of all Universes. -”Humongous” - Physicists Andrei Linde and Vitaly Vanchurin of Stanford University recently calculated “that the total number of such universes, in the simplest inflationary models, may exceed” a number one can write as 10 raised to the (10 raised to 10 to the 7th) power. 260 Million Miles - This is a deceptively compact notation. First, 10 to the 7th is a 1 with seven zeroes after it, that is, 10,000,000, or ten million. Next, 10 raised to the ten-millionth power, is a 1 with ten million zeroes after it. Written out with six zeroes to the inch, it would stretch for about 26 miles. But the next step, raising 10 to the power of that 26-mile number, generates a number so large that we cannot name it, let alone write it out. It would stretch for at least 260 million miles." Image: Multiverse Theorem


The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse

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Galaxies-One German supercomputer simulation estimates that there are “500 billion galaxies in our universe.” Earthlike Planets-Astronomers now estimate there are 100 billion habitable Earthlike planets in our Milky Way galaxy and 50 sextillion habitable Earth-like planets in our particular universe. Intelligent civilizations (Universe)-A conservative estimate of the number of communicating intelligent civilizations in our universe is one hundred billion (100,000,000,000). This estimate is based on the 1960 Drake equation, which assumes that there are only twelve communicating intelligent civilizations in our Milky Way galaxy, out of the estimated 100 billion habitable Earth-like planets. Intelligent civilizations (Multiverse)-Then how many intelligent civilizations may there be in the multiverse? If we multiply the Drake equation-based estimate of a hundred billion communicating intelligent civilizations in our universe by Linde and Vanchurin’s calculation of the number of universes in the multiverse, we arrive at the number of intelligent civilizations in the multiverse as being 100,000,000,000 times that 260-million-mile-long number. It is not physically possible to actually write that number out fully. 6

The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse

• USA-ET opinion-One 2013 public-opinion poll of 5,886 US adult residents found that “37 percent affirmed a belief in the existence of extraterrestrial life, 21 percent denied such a belief, and 42 percent were uncertain, responding ‘I’m not sure’.” • World-ET opinion-A 2010 by the French market-research company Ipsos poll of world public opinion on extraterrestrials found that “one in five (20 percent) of presumably human adults surveyed in 22 countries (representing 75 percent of the world’s GDP) say they believe that alien beings have come down to Earth and walk amongst us in our communities disguised as ‘us’.” • India/China (BRICS) - People in India (45 percent) and China (42 percent) are most likely to believe that extraterrestrials are visiting Earth.


The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse

Map of the Omniverse: The Multiverse (Exopolitical Dimensions of the Omniverse) DIMENSION-BASED TYPOLOGY OF INTELLIGENT CIVILIZATIONS -Dimension-based or Density-based typology of intelligent civilizations in the multiverse, a typology based on how hyperdimensional intelligent civilizations describe themselves. -Dimension-based or Density-based typology distinguishes between intelligent civilizations in the time-space dimension; hyperdimensional civilizations; and intelligent civilizations’ governance authorities in the universes of the multiverse. Image: 5th Dimension-based Sirius civilization 8

The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse

Map of the Omniverse: The Multiverse (Exopolitical Dimensions of the Omniverse) Exophenotypology - Concurrent with the dimension in which a specific intelligent species or civilization is based, an intelligent species or civilization can also be typed by “Exophenotypology,� - typology or classification of extraterrestrials based on the observable characteristics of their physical appearance. Our -Map of the dimensional ecology explores the humanoid, Grey, Reptilian, Insectoid, and other Exophenotypologies of intelligent civilizations in the multiverse. Photo: Grey ET photo, given to Robert Dean 1994 by Mexican policeman 9

The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse

Map of the Omniverse: TIME-SPACE SOLAR SYSTEM CIVILIZATIONS Mars-Case study of the evidence for an intelligent civilization based in the time-space dimension the existence of three humanoid Exophenotypes on Mars. -Exophenotypology of Martian humanoids, based on the prima facie evidence of eyewitnesses and of documentary (photographic) evidence, -NASA Mars rovers that have photographed three distinct Martian Exophenotypes on the surface of Mars. 5 Martian Exophenotypes. There is no scientific, legal, or ethical requirement that a decision about whether intelligent life exists on Mars must satisfy the whimsical criterion proposed by Carl Sagan that “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” Photo – Earth + Mars (Norwegian Space Centre); Mars Defense Force


The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse Mars Eye Witnesses U.S. Chrononaut Lt. Commander Andrew D. Basiago

U.S. Marine Corps Capt. Randy Cramer


The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse Mars Eye Witnesses U.S. Chrononaut Lt. William B. Stillings

U.S. Presidential Adviser Bernard Mendez


The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse Mars Eye Witnesses Lawrence Livermore Labs Physicist Arthur Neumann

U.S. Serviceman Michael Relfe


The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse

Dimension-based Typology of Intelligent civilizations Humanoid species on Mars Eyewitness Andrew D. Basiago: “There are three principal typologies of humanoid beings on Mars.” Homo martis extraterrestrialis - "The third typology, which I call Homo martis extraterrestrialis, resemble the Grey ETs of the UFO contact literature. This is the type that Courtney M. Hunt and William B. Stillings and I of the CIA’s jump room program encountered after I saw one that was sitting on the roof of the jump room facility called The Corkscrew when we arrived on Mars one time in 1981-82. As I exited The Corkscrew ahead of my fellow chrononauts, I called out to them, “Court, Brett! A Grey. On the roof. Observing us!” They are probably the result of a branch of the Greys that was left back on Mars at some time in Martian history. It was this type of Martian that is depicted in my historic image, “The Humanoid Being on Tsiolkovski Ridge,” which I published in 2008 in my landmark paper "The Discovery of Life on Mars," which is the first image of a humanoid being on another planet ever published on Earth.” Photo: Homo maris extraterrestrialis (2008)


The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse

Homo Martis Terris can be seen in these images from NASA PIA 10214 They are bald, wear black or blue kaftans or gray jackets, and resemble bald men on Earth. They are probably our long lost relatives, separated from us by the chaos that followed the solar system catastrophe in 9,500 BC that devastated Mars and eclipsed the civilization on Earth that built the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx.


The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse Documentary evidence from NASA PIA10214: Figure of insect-human hybrid The Scorpion Man (See insert) in the Turquoise Field, Columbia Basin, Mars


The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse

ď „ Documentary evidence from NASA PIA10214: 3rd dimension animals: A second category of animal species on Mars combines the elements of animal species that inhabit Earth at this time in its biological history and that from our perspective are hybrids of living animal species, such as one animal species on Mars that combines the bodily shape of an octopus with the face of a lion or a dog and that is terrestrial rather than aquatic in nature.


The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse Mars Anomaly Research Society


The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse

Map of the Omniverse: HYPERDIMENSIONAL CIVILIZATIONS -Hyperdimensional civilizations are intelligent civilizations based in dimensions in our universe parallel to our own time-space Earth dimension or in universes parallel to our universe. -Hyperdimensional civilizations may use technologically advanced interdimensional transport when teleporting into our known physical universe or our Earth time-space dimension. -Hyperdimensional civilizations may also use advanced consciousness technologies that permit them to teleport interdimensionally. Hyperdimensional intelligent civilizations can be based in higher dimensions of our own solar system, of our galaxy (the Milky Way) or of other galaxies of our universe, or of universes parallel to our own universe in the multiverse. • Photo:UFODC - UFO/ET July 16, 2002 Hyperdimensional ETs generating a wormhole - U.S. Senate office building


The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse

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Dimension-based typology of Intelligent civilizations Hyperdimensional civilizations: Intention experiments Eyewitnesses + documentary evidence Multidimensional feline intelligent beings - 10 feet tall (perhaps associated with hyperdimensional UFOs) Kan, Japanese monk at ECETI Ranch, Mt Adams, WA Photo: ECETI (Kan) 2009


The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse

Archons - Interdimensional inorganic entities. • Archons are parasitic negative controllers of humankind, inorganic interdimensional entities that must now be exposed and exorcised from the individual human mind, from our human species, and from the planet as a whole as part of our collective evolution to a new state of consciousness and being. • John Lamb Lash – • Archons, Level One - Cosmological "In Gnostic cosmology, Archons are a species of inorganic beings that emerged in the solar system prior to the formation of the earth. They are cyborgs inhabiting the planetary system and the galaxy. •

Image – Archon – interdimensional intrapsychic inorganic virus


The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse

Map of the Omniverse: INTELLIGENT CIVILIZATIONS’ GOVERNANCE AUTHORITIES -There are at least two sources of prima facie Exopolitical evidence for legally constituted intelligent civilizations’ governance authorities that exist in the dimensional ecology of the universes of the multiverse and that have jurisdiction over a defined dimensional territory, such as the Milky Way galaxy in our universe. -Replicable scientific remote viewing. -Eyewitness and documentary evidence, consisting of eyewitness contactee and telepathic interaction with representatives and intermediaries of reported intelligent civilizations’ governance authorities. Photo – NASA Pleiades


The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse

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Dimension-based typology of intelligent civilizations Extraterrestrial governance authorities Light-based civilizations Homo Sapiens – A network of advanced intelligent upper-dimensional extraterrestrial and inter-dimensional civilizations, including Pleiadians and Sirians, originally developed Homo sapiens as a 3rd dimension Light Being, an intelligent being with 12-strand DNA, and a species that was to have been a guardian of the 3rd dimension of time-space in our dimensional ecology on Earth. 97% ET DNA - “A group of researchers working at the Human Genome Project indicate that they made an astonishing scientific discovery: They believe so-called 97% non-coding sequences in human DNA is no less than genetic code of extraterrestrial life forms. The non-coding sequences are common to all living organisms on Earth, from moulds to fish to humans. In human DNA, they constitute larger part of the total genome” Photo: CSRIO.AU– Sirius comparison 23

The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse

Dimensional ecology – Exopolitical Spiritual dimensions Evidence of Life after Death • From a scientific perspective, there are various ways to validate the reality of the continuation of consciousness after bodily death. • Verifiable apparitions of "dead" persons • Communication with "dead" persons via mediums • Communication with "dead" persons via technology – computers; video; cellphones • Studies of reincarnated consciousnesses • Near Death Experiences • Hypnotic Regression to the Inter-Life and Prior Lives • Fotograph of the Aura of Brenda, 2005/01/22 07:40 24

The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse

Map of the Omniverse: SPIRITUAL DIMENSIONS OF THE OMNIVERSE -Prima facie evidence for the dimensional ecology of the Interlife (afterlife) dimensions. –ITC - Our map notes that the same parties that developed Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC) as a technology for communicating in the dimensional ecology between the Interlife in the spiritual dimensions and the universes of the multiverse also developed chronovision, a time travel technology for exploring timelines in the multiverse. - Interlife - Sample ITC images from streaming video on Internet – interaction with “deceased” persons in the human “afterlife” dimension. Sammil & Deborah Preece,


The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse

Map of the Omniverse: SPIRITUAL DIMENSIONS OF THE OMNIVERSE -Intelligent civilization of Souls -“Soul” is defined here as meaning an individuated, nonlocal, conscious, intelligent entity that is based in the Interlife dimensions and that is a holographic fragment of the original Source or creator of the spiritual dimensions of the Omniverse. -Empirical evidence for the existence of souls is derived from a replicable database of more than 7,000 cases of hypnotic regression of soul memories of the Interlife, developed according to a standard protocol [Dr. Michael Newton] -Replicable data report that souls are created in a process that results in a soul as a holographic “egg of Light” drawn from the original Source. Photo: Russian scientist Konstantin Korotkov photographed a person at the moment of his death with a bioelectrographic camera. The soul is in blue.


The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse

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Dimensional ecology - Exopolitical & Spiritual dimensions The Soul: Life between Lives Hypnotic regression Standard treatment at the portal door to Spiritual Dimension - When souls cross over and are received by our guides, the guides use two techniques: !. Envelopment - Souls are enveloped with a large circular mass of energy by their guide. 2. Focus effect - As the soul gets closer to the guide, energy is applied to points on the borders of the etheric body of the soul. 3. Emergency treatment at the portal door to the Spiritual Dimension - When souls arrive at the portal door with their energy in a deteriorated state, physical and spiritual meditation exercises are given to them before the soul move forward. This happens in cases of violent deaths through accidents, murders, war, etc. Dr. Michael Newton. Illustration of the entrance to the tunnel to the Spiritual Dimension 27

The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse

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Dimensional ecology - Exopolitical & Spiritual dimensions The Soul: Life between Lives Hypnotic regression Soul Groups in the Spiritual Dimensions in a context of total freedom: 1. New souls are assigned to a new soul support groups based on their level of understanding; 2. Once a new soul support group is formed, new soul members are not added in the future; 3. There is a process for systematic selection of homogeneous groups of souls. Similarities in ego, cognitive consciousness, expression and desire are defining considerations. 4. Regardless of size, soul groups do not mix their energy with other should groups. Souls can communicate between themselves. Dr. Michael Newton Illustration of the entrance to the tunnel to the Spiritual Dimension


The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse

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Dimensional ecology - Exopolitical & Spiritual dimensions The Soul: Life between Lives Hypnotic regression Soul Groups in the Spiritual Dimensions in a context of total freedom: 5. Learning curves vary among individual souls. Some souls advance more rapidly than others. At the intermediate level, souls that show special talents (healing, creativity, teaching, etc.) are authorized to participate in special training while still in their soul groups. 6. At the intermediate level, souls may join together in large independent studies groups. 7. At the more advanced level, souls can undertake independent activities outside the group, and become to act as guides. Dr. Michael Newton Illustration of the entrance to the tunnel to the Spiritual Dimension


The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse

Dimensional ecology – Exopolitical & Spiritual dimensions The Soul: Life between Lives Hypnotic regression • (1). Creation of souls - Egg of Light; (2) Death and exit - Floating above the body; (3) Entry portal to the spiritual dimension - Tunnel and Light; (4) Home - Guide and Soul's Family members; (5) Disoriented Soul - Trauma and ghosts; (6) Orientation - Life review and healing; (7) Transition - Rehearsal area; (8) Placement - Soul level; (9) Our guides Complex entities. Dr. Michael Newton •

Illustration of the entrance to the tunnel to the Spiritual Dimension


The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse

Dimensional ecology - Exopolitical & Spiritual dimensions The Soul: Life between Lives Hypnotic regression • (10) Beginner's souls - 42%; (11) Intermediate souls - 57%; (12) Advanced, elevated soul - 1%; (13) Life selection - The freedom to select; (14) Selection of a new body - Previews of life; (15) Preparation for the voyage Recognition courses; (16) Rebirth Spend months close to new body. Dr. Michael Newton •

Illustration of the entrance to the tunnel to the Spiritual Dimension


The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse

Dimensional ecology - Exopolitical & Spiritual dimensions Hypnotic Regression • Life of a soul incarnated as an Extraterrestrial: • Transcript of a regression of soul memories: • Dr. N: Do you work only with souls who come to Earth? • S. Yes, but I could go to many types of places. Only a fraction come from the Earth. We identify worlds of pleasure and worlds of suffering. (Earth is apparently a world of suffering). • Dr. Michael Newton •

Photo: NASA - Hubble deep space field


The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse


-Case study of Grey hyperdimensionals implanting the soul of a fetus in the womb of a pregnant human woman aboard a Grey spacecraft. Our map concludes that this case demonstrates that souls and specific Grey hyperdimensionals navigate the dimensional ecology of the Multiverse as interdimensional entities in cooperative relationships, such as mutual assistance in education of a future parent of an incarnating soul and in the actual incarnation process. Image: Suzanne Hansen, UFOCUS NZ, on grey UFO craft prior to ‘merging’ procedure with soul of son into her womb. 33

The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse

World Public Opinion and the Spiritual Dimensions •

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Divine entity-According to a 2011 Ipsos poll taken in 23 nations among 18,829 adults, “one half (51 percent) of global citizens definitely believe in a ‘divine entity’ compared to 18 percent who don’t and 17 percent who just aren’t sure.” Afterlife-The Ipsos poll also found “Similarly, half (51 percent) believe in some kind of afterlife, while the remaining half believe they will either just ‘cease to exist’ (23 percent) or simply ‘don’t know’ (26 percent) about a hereafter. Reincarnation-Seven percent of respondents believe in reincarnation.” Mixed-A substantial core of world public opinion thus has a view of reality that is both congruent & at odds with the prima facie replicable empirical evidence for an Interlife (afterlife), intelligent civilizations of souls, civilizations of spiritual beings, and a Source (God) or Creator. 34

The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse

Purposes of the Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse •

Souls- A core mission of the dimensional ecology of the Omniverse appears to be the creation and development of souls and spiritual beings in the spiritual dimensions. Collective Creation-The intelligent civilizations of souls and of spiritual beings, along with Source (God), collectively create and maintain the totality of the universes of time, space, matter, and energy in the Exopolitical dimensions (the multiverse). Soul Development-The purposes of the dimensional ecology of the Omniverse include the facilitation of multidimensional development and moral growth of souls in all dimensions of the Omniverse, through a variety of activities. Souls based in the spiritual dimensions incarnate as intelligent entities in the Exopolitical dimensions, and by acquiring the moral experience of life, for example, as an Earthling human, can advance their individual soul development. The soul is a holographic fragment of Source (God) and, by advancing its development, advances the development of the collective spiritual dimension itself. 35

The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse


1. Dimensional Ecology-A reasonable observer will be able to conclude that prima facie empirical evidence supports the dimensional ecology of the Omniverse hypothesis. This hypothesis holds that we earthlings live in a dimensional ecology of intelligent life that encompasses intelligent civilizations based in parallel dimensions and universes in the multiverse as well as souls, spiritual beings, and Source (God) in the spiritual dimensions. Together, the Exopolitical dimensions and the spiritual dimensions form the Omniverse. The totality of the spiritual dimensions (souls, spiritual beings and God) function as the source of the universes of the multiverse.

2. Exopolitics & Parapsychology - Exopolitics, the science of relations among intelligent civilizations, and parapsychology, the science of psi consciousness, telepathy, reincarnation, the soul, the Interlife, and Source (God), are among the proper scientific disciplines for exploring and mapping the dimensional ecology of the Omniverse.

3. Dimensionality- Dimensionality, the ability of intelligence to organize itself via dimensions (discrete bands of conscious energy), appears to be a key criterion by which the Omniverse is designed, in both the spiritual dimensions and the Exopolitical dimensions.


The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse

TOP 10 CONCLUSIONS OF RESEARCH ON THE DIMENSIONAL ECOLOGY 4. Developmental Level of Beginner Souls-The consciousness and developmental level of souls incarnating on Earth and our collective ability to comprehend the dimensional ecology of the multiverse constitute both a bottleneck and a key to the future evolution of Earthling humans in the society of organized intelligent life in the Exopolitical dimensions. 5. Soul Power-The long-term positive transformation of power, economic, and social structures on Earth may depend on “Soul Power.” That is, significant soul development during an incarnation can occur as breakthroughs in how science-based knowledge and information about the dimensional ecology of the Omniverse is consciously internalized and openly acknowledged in human society on Earth. 6. Accelerate comprehension of Populated Multiverse & ET/UFO-The dimensional ecology of the Omniverse hypothesis and the dimension-based typology of intelligent civilizations in the Exopolitical dimensions can facilitate and accelerate the comprehension of UFO and extraterrestrial-related data and information by the Earthling human public and by scientific, governmental, educational, and media organizations. 7. Accelerate comprehension of basic reality concepts-The dimensional ecology of the Omniverse hypothesis and the science-based study of the spiritual dimension can facilitate and accelerate comprehension of true versions of basic concepts of reality, such as soul, Interlife and Source (God), by the Earthling human public and by scientific, governmental, educational, and media organizations. 37

The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse


8. Souls are central-The science-based study of the dimensional ecology of the Exopolitical and spiritual dimensions of the Omniverse reveals the centrality of the intelligent civilizations of souls in the creation, maintenance, design, and ultimately incarnation in the universes of the Exopolitical dimensions.

9. Humanity misinformed by Religion & Science-Humanity now is being misinformed about the true nature of the soul, of the Interlife, of the mechanisms of reincarnation, and ultimately of Source (God). Religions are a large source of such erroneous information, which is based on texts and ancient religious belief systems that are not scientifically correct and are yet considered sacred, as a matter of faith.

10. Science & Spirituality Integrated-The dimensional ecology of the Omniverse hypothesis is itself a matrix for recognition and classification of ongoing and new research into intelligent civilizations in the exopolitical and spiritual dimensions. This hypothesis brings science and spirituality together in a way that will return science to the proper study and understanding of the human soul and, one may hope, restore understanding to supremacy over ignorance. To support and encourage this understanding is our duty as informed, aware human souls.


The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse How Source and Souls in the Spiritual Dimensions Create and Inhabit the Universes of the Multiverse

Alfred Lambremont Webre, M.Ed., J.D. EXOPOLITICS.COM


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