Yvonne Kason - After-Effects of Spiritually Transformative Experiences (STEs)

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After-Effects of Spiritually Transformative Experiences Spiritually Transformative Experiences™: - STEs™ The phrase “Spiritually Transformative Experiences™” (STEs)™ was first coined by Dr. Yvonne Kason MD in 1994 in her groundbreaking book, „A Farther Shore”, and expanded upon in her more recent books, „Farther Shores” (2000), and Touched by the Light: Exploring Spiritually Transformative Experiences (2019).

Spiritually Transformative Experiences include: -Mystical experiences; -Near-Death Experiences (NDEs); -Other Death-related STEs such as: deathbed experiences/end-of-life experiences; death-watch/shared-death experiences; and After-Death Communications; -Psychic/intuitive experiences of many types; -Spiritual energy/Kundalini awakenings; -Inspired creativity; -Shamanic experiences. Spiritually Transformative Experiences are sometimes referred to as “extraordinary experiences”, “exceptional human experiences”, “spiritual emergence syndrome”, samadhis, siddhis, ascension experiences, and other terms.


Causes of a Spiritually Transformative Experience There is no known cause of a Spiritually Transformative Experience, though there are many theories. Being close to death in the physical, emotional, or psychological sense may contribute to its likelihood.

Significantly, an STE occurs in diverse circumstances: -Trauma – or a series of traumatic events -Serious accident or injury -Illness, coma, cardiac arrest, dying -Childbirth -Grief, depression, despair -Wellness, happiness, peace, love-making -Meditation, yoga, fasting, chanting, contemplation -Sleeping, waking, walking, driving -Ordinary daily activities All types of Spiritually Transformative Experiences tend to transform experiencers’ values in a more spiritual direction and propel an increased desire to be loving, ethical, and of service to others.

Features of a Spiritually Transformative Experience There are many circumstances that can result in a person having a Spiritually Transformative Experience, however, the same trigger may not result in another person having an STE. Some STEs like near-death experiences (NDEs), near-death-like experiences (NDLEs), out-of-body experiences (OBEs), awakenings, kundalini experiences, past life experiences, and after-death communications (and others) share similar features:


-A sense of transcendence – of having partially or substantially vacated the body, and the material world – perhaps even having a vision of departing planet earth and being in outer-space and beyond. -An extraordinarily bright, pure white or golden light, with consciousness and feeling, emanating intense love and acceptance. -A feeling of spiritual homecoming – bliss. -A melding in with universal power – having the feeling of oneness, wholeness, completion, perfection, eternity, God. -Expansion of wisdom – gaining an instantaneous knowing of spiritual truth – of being able to understand complex universal truths easily, naturally, intuitively. -A panoramic, holographic life review or preview. -Entering a heavenly, otherworldly, universal, or expansive state or realm – ultra-colourful environment; landscape; music and scents. -Encountering a divine presence, angels, spirit beings, light beings, religious figures, or deceased loved ones – communicating with them telepathically.

After-effects of a Spiritually Transformative Experience All Spiritually Transformative Experiences are unique, however, experiencers can also share similar after-effects: -STEs are intense, overwhelming, extra-sensory experiences that are difficult to verbalise. -STEs often bring about a change in the way an experiencer perceives the world. -An STE can super-charge an experiencer’s life – affecting their sensitivities, abilities, identity, relationships, interests, motivation, and behaviour. -Experiencers may lose all fear of death and suddenly gain an insatiable appetite for spiritual knowledge, learning, and creativity. -Experiencers generally have a more positive and compassionate outlook and feel a greater interconnectedness with all life. There are four types of after-effects: spiritual, psychic, physical, psychological.


SPIRITUAL AFTER-EFFECTS Spiritual after-effects are often the most life-transforming effects of a powerful STE. Many STE Experiencers’ spiritual views are profoundly changed by their STEs. Their new spiritual convictions are incredibly strong, because they are based on personal spiritual experience, the memory of which seems deeply etched into the soul of the Experiencer.

Common Spiritual STE After-Effects 1.Loss of fear of death. Near-Death Experiencers who had a white-light mystical NDE almost always lose their fear of death after the NDE. Experiencers of other types of STEs sometimes also lose their fear of death, especially if in their STE they saw glimpses of the after-life, or perceived the reality of reincarnation. 2.Convinced of the afterlife. Many STE Experiencers become convinced of an afterlife, that the soul or spirit lives on after death of the physical body. 3.Convinced of the reality of a Higher Power. STE Experiencers who had mystical experiences or mystical type NDEs become convinced of the reality of a Higher Power, a higher intelligence, underlying the universe. This conviction may or may not be compatible with their previously held spiritual views. 4.More spiritually focused. Many Experiencers become much more spiritually focused after their STE. They become convinced that we are truly spiritual beings having a human experience. They increasingly see the purpose of life as a spiritual purpose, an opportunity for our souls to grow and learn spiritual lessons. 5.Increased conviction of the underlying unity of all religions.


Many STE Experiencers find their spiritual views expanding after their STE, with a new conviction of the underlying unity of all the worlds religions. Their perspective often shifts to seeing various religious paths as like different routes, all ascending to the same peak of a spiritual mountain. 6.Less dogmatic religious views. Many STE Experiencers become more tolerant of other religious perspectives after their STE, and become less dogmatic in their religious views. 7.Increased desire to pray and meditate. Many STE Experiencers develop an increased desire to have a spiritual life, including an increased desire to spend time daily in prayer and meditation. 8.Increased desire to read Scriptures. As an after-effect to STEs, many Experiencers find themselves having a new spiritual hunger, including a strong desire to read Scriptures of their own faith, and sometime also Scriptures of other faiths. 9.Increased desire to live a moral and ethical life. Many STE Experiencers find themselves developing a strong inner desire to live their life in accordance with ethical and moral principles, to follow the Golden Rule, to follow universal moral precepts such as The Ten Commandments. 10.Increased focus on honesty and truth. After a powerful STE, many Experiencers become much more strongly dedicated to being honest and truthful. They become unwilling or even morally unable, to tell a lie. They may become strongly committed to standing up for the truth, even in challenging situations. 11.Increased desire to express love. Many STE Experiencers are deeply impacted by the intensity, joy, and beauty of the unconditional love that they experienced on the other side. After their STE, they feel a strong and increased desire to express their love to others. 12.Increased desire and ability to be forgiving.


Some STE Experiencers have a marked softening of their feelings after their STE. They may have a dramatically increased desire to be forgiving of others, and they may also have an increased ability to be forgiving. 13.More generous and less materialistic. Many STE Experiencers become less materialistic after their STE. They often have a decreased desire to accumulate great wealth in their lives, and may become more generous with any wealth that they already possess. 14.More courageous. After a powerful STE, Experiencers often feel more courageous, buoyed by their strong new spiritual convictions. They may become more willing to speak up and express their opinion, even in difficult situations. 15.More willing to speak out about social injustices. After a powerful STE, some Experiencers become much more vocal and proactive about issues relating to social inequalities, discrimination, or injustices. 16.Increased desire to be of service to other. Many STE Experiencers develop a strong desire to be of service to others after their STE. This may begin or increase the amount of volunteer work in their life. 17.New insights into the true spiritual nature of the universe. Many STE Experiencers develop new and more expansive views of the nature of the universe following their STE. 18. Shift to an inner focus, and increased desire to surrender to the Divine. Some STE Experiencers find their STE has shifted their priorities and focus inwardly. They become less focused on outer worldly goals, and increasingly focused on inner spiritual goals, including surrendering of ego desires to the higher wisdom of the Divine Plan.


PSYCHIC AFTER-EFFECTS Most STE Experiencers find themselves more open to psychic and intuitive experiences after their STE. The type of psychic abilities that develop vary from person to person. This psychic development can be very surprising to persons who do not know about the inter-connectedness of diverse types of STEs.

Common Psychic STE After-Effects 1.Clairsentience. One of the most common psychic STE after-effects is the development of clairsentience, the ability to sense other people’s emotions by feeling them as physical sensations in your own body. Also, the ability to intuitively “know” correct information about others: by touching a person; by touching an object that a person has touched; by looking at a person; and/or by looking at a photograph of a person. 2.Clairvoyance. Starting to have recurrent clairvoyant visions is another common STE aftereffect. This may be a new ability to see spirits of deceased persons, auras, astral visions, subtle-energy patterns, or to perceive illnesses within a body. 3.Clairaudience. Many STE Experiencers develop clairaudience, often the ability to hear inner guidance from spirit guides. Some develop the ability to “hear” plant and animal spirits. 4.Frequent Premonitions. Some STE Experiencers report more frequent premonitions about significant life events, following their STE. 5.Frequent Synchronicities. Many STE Experiencers notice more frequent synchronicities, meaningful “coincidences”, after their STE. It may appear to the Experiencer as if invisible higher forces are guiding them through these meaningful coincidences: to


exactly the location where they need to be; to meet the people that they need to meet; and/or to find the information that they are seeking. 6.New Healing abilities. Many STE Experiencers find they develop new healing abilities after their STE. Sometimes this healing ability occurs through touch, by a laying on of hands. Other times the Experiencer’s energy field or aura seems to have a healing effect on those around them. 7.New mediumship abilities. Many STE Experiencers report after their STE that they developed mediumship abilities, the ability to see and/or hear the spirits of departed individuals. 8.Past-life memories spontaneously surface. STE Experiencers often begin to spontaneously remember some of their past lives. These memories are often stimulated by going to a physical location where it seems the Experiencer lived a past-life, or by meeting a person who the Experiencer “remembers” having known in a past-life. 9.Higher guidance. Many STE Experiencers feel strong inner guidance following their STE. This guidance is perceived as higher guidance coming from spirit guides or spiritual teachers, and may be heard verbally, seen through visual symbols, felt as a strong feeling, or come upon the Experiencer as a strong wave of knowing.


PHYSICAL AFTER-EFFECTS Common Physical STE After-Effects Experiencers are often surprised to notice many physical symptoms occurring in their body in the weeks, months and years following a powerful STE. It is recommended that Experiencers consult with a qualified health professional about any unusual physical symptoms they may be having, to rule out a physical cause. If no physical cause can be found, the symptom may be an after-effect of their STE. The following physical after-effects have been reported by many STE Experiencers: I.Increased sensitivities: STE Experiencers commonly find their bodies much more sensitive to many physical things, including: 1.Less tolerance to chemicals: Experiencers may find themselves reacting strongly to chemicals in their food or in their environment. 2.More sensitive to medications. Many Experiencers find themselves more prone to get side-effects from medications. 3.More sensitive to bright light. 4.More sensitive to loud noises. 5.Increased allergies, including new food sensitivities.

II.Metabolic Changes: STE Experiencers often report that their metabolism seems to be changed at times, often more noticeably immediately before an STE, or for a period of time right after a powerful STE.


1.Swings in energy level: Experiencers may notice that they have much higher physical energy than normal for certain periods of time, but at other times for no clear reason they have lower energy levels and require more rest and sleep. 2.Sugar sensitivity: Many Experiencers notice that their metabolism of sugar seems affected by their STEs. Sometimes Experiencers develop an aversion to sugars. Other times Experiencers develop cravings for sugar or sweets, especially immediately after an STE, and during times of high creative energy. 3.Lower blood pressure: Some Experiencers find their blood pressure medication dosage needs to be lowered after their STE.

III. Sexual energy changes: STE Experiencers may be surprised to notice changes in their sex drive and sexual energy after a powerful STE. During a kundalini awakening strong sexual sensations may be felt, including a penile erection in men. Both male and female STE Experiencers sometimes report periods of markedly increased sexual energy after their STE. There may also be periods of unusually low sexual energy. IV.Sleep pattern changes: Middle of the night wakening is reported frequently by STE Experiencers. They find themselves often waking up around 3:00 AM, and unable to return to sleep for an hour or so. V.Electro-magnetic sensitivity: Electro-magnetic sensitivity is a fascinating and poorly understood after-effect of STEs. This manifests in two ways: 1.Increased sensitivity to electro-magnetic fields: Experiencers may feel a new physical discomfort when in the presence of an electromagnetic field.


2.The Experiencer’s own energy may at times disrupt the function of electrical and electronic equipment close to their body. This might include disrupting the function of nearby microphones, projectors, computers, electronic security cameras, microwaves, and wrist watches. Some notice their energy field seems to make lightbulbs pop and burn out, and other Experiencers report that coins held by them will not function in vending machines or pay phones.

VI.Sensations of energy movements: Experiencers may sometimes feel physical sensations of energy moving through their bodies. In yoga this is explained as sensations of movement of “prana” or the life-energy. This may be associated with: 1.Chakra sensations: Sometimes the energy movements are felt focused around the “chakra” points, the seven spinal energy centers. 2.Spontaneous body movements may sometime occur when the energy movements are happening.

VII.Migratory, undiagnosable body pains: Experiencers may report unusual body pains that move from place to place in their body, with no medical cause. In yoga it is thought that these transient migratory pains may be related to the pranic energy movements (described above) when the prana energy hits a “block” in the subtle energy body. VIII. Physical health improvements or enhancements: Some STE Experiencers have reported remarkable improvements or enhancements in their physical health following their STE. This includes: 1.Spontaneous or rapid healing 2.Improved hearing 3.Improved vision [Reference: Debra Diamond]


4.Synesthesia: Some Experiencers notice a blending of their senses of perception, for example so that they might at times “see” as well as hear sounds, especially music.

IX.Yogic phenomenon: Some STE Experiencers report episodes when their body spontaneously or intuitively compels them to go into a yogic posture, to do yogic hand movements or “mudras”, or they may spontaneously start uttering Sanskrit words (Sanskrit is the ancient classical language of the Indian yogis). These yogic phenomenon may occur to Experiencers with no knowledge of yoga or Sanskrit.


PSYCHOLOGICAL AFTER-EFFECTS Experiencers need time to psychologically integrate a powerful STE. This integration process usually lasts years: as the Experiencer gradually deepens in their understanding about their STE and its after-effects; as they heal old psychological issues that have been exposed by the STE; and as they deepen in their new spiritual understandings. Many STE psychological after-effects begin immediately after the STE. Some after-effects may be immediate and temporary reactions to the STE. Other psychological after-effects may last for the rest of the Experiencer’s life.

I./II. Positive Psychological STE After-Effects 1.Abandons self-destructive habits. After a powerful STE, many Experiencers suddenly find the inner strength and motivation to stop unhealthy habits and addictions, such as to stop smoking cigarettes, to stop using marijuana and other drugs, or to reduce or eliminate alcohol intake. 2.Sets healthier boundaries. STE Experiencers may find a new inner clarity and strength to set healthier boundaries in their relationships, and to stop tolerating and perhaps walk away from unhealthy or toxic situations. 3.Stronger self-confidence. STEs often give the Experiencer a stronger sense of self, and greater selfconfidence to express their personal views and opinions. 4.Greater humility. Powerful STEs often have a humbling effect on the Experiencer, as they realize their smallness in relation to the Higher Power or Cosmic Intelligence. Humility is also strengthened by the Experiencer’s realization that all beings are equally loved by the universal Higher Power.


5.Re-evaluates jobs and relationships. After a powerful STE, Experiencers may re-evaluate the appropriateness of their former jobs and some friendships. They may find the inner strength to leave unhealthy or unhappy situations, and find or develop ones that are more satisfactory. 6.Stronger sense of life-purpose. Many Experiencers have a stronger sense of life purpose, or even a “mission”, after their STE. Usually this purpose or mission relates to being of service to others. 7.New interests. After a powerful STE, Experiencers often develop new interests related to their STE. Frequently Experiencers become more interested in spiritual topics, begin reading books about different types of STEs, begin to explore diverse spiritual paths, or to explore different self-development methods. 8.More creative. Many Experiencers notice an increase in their creativity after a powerful STE. They may develop a new urge to journal regularly, to write poetry, to paint or draw pictures, to photograph nature, to dance, or to compose music. Some Experiencers suddenly develop a new outstanding creative talent, seemingly as an after-effect to their STE. 9.Repressed memories surface for healing. STE Experiencers often find that after their STE unresolved emotional issues start spontaneously surfacing to their awareness, so that they can be examined and resolved. This may include repressed childhood memories. Many Experiencers find journaling and seeing a supportive psychotherapist helps them heal the surfacing memories and issues. This process is sometimes called “spontaneous psychospiritual house-cleaning”. 10.Embraces personal healing and recovery work. After a powerful STE, Experiencers may find the inner clarity and strength to embrace their personal healing and recovery work: to go into rehab for their addictions; or to seek therapy to deal with childhood abuse issues.


II./II. Challenging Psychological STE After-Effects 1.Difficulties with relationships. Many STE Experiencers have challenges in their friendships, family, and/or marital relationships after a powerful STE. This is because the Experiencer is not the same person they were before the STE: they have new and very different perspectives on many issues. The relationship challenges may be further intensified if the Experiencer feels they cannot talk to their loved ones about their STE, or if their loved-ones do not believe their STE story. 2.Confusion, anxiety. Some Experiencers feel anxious and confused after their STE, because they are unsure of the nature of their experience. Often Experiencers struggle to even find words to describe their STE. Anxiety is usually reduced after the Experiencer finds information about STEs, discovers others have had similar experiences, and learns the “name” for their type of STE. 3.Fear of losing control or being crazy. Following a powerful STE, some Experiencers think they might be “going crazy”, and that they are losing their mental self-control. They may fear their STE was a sign they are developing a new mental illness. 4.Fear of being labeled “crazy”. Many STE Experiencers fear that if they share their STE story with others, they will be labelled as mentally ill or hallucinating. 5.Fixation with the STE. Some STE Experiencers become very preoccupied with thinking about their STE and its implications, to the point that this fixation begins to interfere with their daily life. 6.Despair that the STE bliss and joy has ended. Some STE Experiencers feel great upset and grief afterwards – sadness that the bliss, joy, and love that they experienced during their STE has ended. 7.Recall of unresolved issues may cause a crisis. 15

Some STE Experiencers go into a psychological crisis or a spiritual emergency after their STE, due to unresolved traumatic memories which begin to spontaneously surface to their awareness. The Experiencer may be totally surprised, shocked, or even overwhelmed when they unblock very traumatic memories.


Challenges of a Spiritually Transformative Experience A Spiritually Transformative Experience may bring about new challenges, like feelings of confusion, longing, social isolation, and depression. The reason for this is that an STE may contradict what a person was raised to believe in, and may go against what the experiencer’s family or community accepts as real. Ultimately, an STE is a spiritual healing or ‘wake-up call’ and to process it appropriately an experiencer must be able to communicate it. The experiencer will often feel a need to share what they have experienced, and yet it is something that is quite difficult to put into words. If they are then invalidated in some way, this may cause a lot of stress and disappointment. One way to share an STE is to carefully choose someone to talk to about it who will listen respectfully and without judgement. It may or may not be a family member or friend. It may be in a safe online forum or to a spiritual counsellor. Other ways may be to write about the experience in a journal or book; create something that represents the experience – big or small, move into a profession that utilises wisdom gained from the experience, speak and teach about the experience in a video, or to a group. There may be a big need in the experiencer to take what they have been gifted with and put it to beneficial use, often in service of humanity. But if a person feels their experience will be dismissed or ridiculed by others they will feel reluctant to speak of it again. This may result in inner turbulence and poor health until the energy is communicated effectively. The transformative aspect of an STE is complex and far-reaching. Depending on the intensity of the STE, whether it was an uplifting or fearful experience, how often the varying phenomenon and after-effects frequent an experiencer, the kind of support and acknowledgement they receive, the resources available to them; it can take many years, even a lifetime, to truly integrate these profound consciousness experiences into daily life.


Summary -A Spiritually Transformative Experience is also referred to as numinous, noetic, transcendent, transpersonal, mystical, anomalous, religious, paranormal, parapsychology, or ecstatic experience. -There are many after-effects of having one or more STEs, often resulting in the regeneration of the experiencer psychologically and spiritually. -There can be a notable enhancement in a person’s creative and intuitive abilities, and sensitivities to his or her environment. -The integration of an STE can take many years and happens at many different levels within the psyche, eventually culminating in acceptance of what has happened, and how it has changed the experiencer’s worldview and the course of their life. -It is important for an experiencer to be able to focus the extraordinary energy they gain from the experience in ways that benefit them and others. -Everyone can benefit from the sharing of STEs – the experiencer and the recipient. If you wish to assist your own integration process, speak to someone that you can trust with your experience and write your experience down. You may even like to share it here at Spirit my way. We’d love to hear about it! -If you would like to assist someone’s integration process, you can ask them to share their experience with you. You can encourage them to write about their experience or to share it here at Spirit my way. -There are many helpful organisations and sites dedicated to the study of STEs: the American Center for the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences (ACISTE.org), the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS.org), and the Near-Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF.org) – and others.

Sources Reference: Yvonne Kason - Touched by the Light (2019) Source: https://spiritualawakeningsinternational.org/ste-after-effects/ (archived here: https://archive.md/f8epG )


See also: American Center for the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences https://aciste.org See also: Competency Guidelines for Professionals (PDF) https://aciste.org/competency-guidelines-for-professionals Books on Near-Death Experiences: https://www.nderf.org/catalog.htm


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