2017 Global Leadership Adventures | Teen Travel & Volunteer Abroad Programs

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2017 Journeys

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+ 1 858 771 0645 Life-Changing Journeys for High School StudentsTM www.experienceGLA.com

Tourists see,

travelers seek. At Global Leadership Adventures, we are all travelers. From our earliest founders to the thousands of students who pass through GLA programs each year, we seek to learn what another country and culture can teach us. Our alumni come back bursting with stories: The pickup games they played on a Peruvian soccer field. Having textiles sewn into traditional Tanzanian clothing by local tailors. Learning the steps of the Dominican bachata. Sitting in silent reflection at a mountaintop temple in China. Walking through the entrance to the Taj Mahal. These are the moments that linger within our students’ minds as they touch back down on home turf. These moments give context to the service projects GLA students take part in. Students enter programs with a raw desire to serve communities suffering from poverty, injustice, lack of education and other distant global issues. They return home with clear insights into the challenges developing communities face, and what they can do to pave a sustainable way forward. We see our young adult travelers for who they are: the next generation of leaders, health professionals, policymakers, educators, innovators and agents of change. And we make sure our programs align with their highest ambitions. Today we’ve never been more certain that to be the change, we must be changed first. Real transformation continues to be the heart and soul of our organization.

Our Values integrity The framework from which we build every program and relationship

respect We celebrate differences and consider all points of view, always

cooperation We are a traveling community, serving other communities

compassion What drives our service, and extends to everything we do

personal growth We create environments for exploration, experience and self discovery

optimism Our core belief: Every person is capable of making positive change in the world

innovation We strive to work smarter, so we can serve our communities better

We’re thrilled to have you join us.

People using business as a force for good



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+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com


Our journey is rooted in extraordinary impact. “How do you transform a continent?” That’s the question Global Leadership Adventures’ founder, Fred Swaniker, asked in 2003 when he began developing African Leadership Academy, the first iteration and earliest beginnings of Global Leadership Adventures. A native of Ghana and Stanford MBA who returned to work and travel all over Africa, Fred believed the greatest obstacle to African development was a lack of ethical leadership. In an effort to combat this problem, he began to develop a vision for a long-term solution: A pan-African high school nurturing entrepreneurial leadership and delivering a world-class education. The school would extend scholarships to youth across the continent, creating a diverse student community and allowing all students the opportunity to attend based on their ambition and potential, rather than income or background. Against all odds, Fred and his co-founders brought the vision to life.

Leaders are made, not born. African Leadership Academy’s success was immediate and profound. When surrounded by a diverse group of peers and immersed in leadership development, students started to truly believe that they could create change. Today, alumni of the Academy continue to initiate development projects, attend prestigious universities and launch ventures for the betterment of Africa, regardless of the circumstances they were born into. This is the foundation from which Global Leadership Adventures sprung. Fred’s belief in the potential of


every young adult to be a global leader was verified by the prompt success of the Academy. Fred and his team agreed that the model and values of African Leadership Academy should be replicated around the world. Global Leadership Adventures was born.

How do you transform the world? Today, we continue to operate Global Leadership Adventures with a variation of Fred’s original question in mind. How do you transform a continent? How do you transform the world? We think the answer lies in our mission.

Our Mission

To inspire the next generation to realize their potential to transform the world and their role in it.

An itinerary is just the beginning GLA started as an educational institute, and we continue to think and act like educators as we deliver life-changing journeys. We craft each program with the intended result for our students already in mind. Transformation and planting seeds of leadership aren’t things we leave to chance, they are goals written into our curriculum by design. Students are led to connect, discover, and engage while they travel with GLA, preparing them to be extraordinary leaders both during their program and back in their home communities.

What makes the GLA experience unique

The GLA Difference

for students and their families We offer programs that range in length from 8 days to 21 days, focus on different issues unique to each country, and take place in communities that couldn’t be more different from each other. But what makes each journey a GLA experience always remains the same.

Service Learning Adventure™

Transformation &

Leadership Leadership is at the core of every GLA program. Through connection, discovery and engagement, we empower students to pursue new passions, to set higher academic and personal goals, and to begin effecting change within themselves, their communities, and the world.

with communities and peers

Discover cultures different from your own


the GLA difference


5-Point Safety System™

Full-Service Parent Support

Our Expert Staff

in the work of the team and provocative discussions

Our Service Partners

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com


the GLA difference

Service Learning Adventure


Prepare yourself for the richest cross-cultural experience of your life. GLA crafts each program to be immersive and multidimensional by combining three key components: Community Service, Hands-On Learning, and Adventure. Experiencing a country through all three lenses invites students to have heightened opportunities for getting to know local residents and lends a strong sense of purpose to their travel.


Community Service At the heart of our programs is community service, and it’s our imperative to ensure that the projects are communityled initiatives. When GLA students arrive to volunteer, they become part of the greater plan for change. Global issues that were once remote become tangible in welcoming communities. Working side by side with our partners, our students become engaged in understanding how the efforts they make accelerate steps towards sustainable change. Many of our alumni leave our programs valuing most the time they spent on service sites.

Hands-On Learning GLA celebrates learning through immersion and cross-cultural exchange. Our students participate in interactive experiences that expose them to diverse arts, cultures, value systems and histories in ways that no textbook could convey. These experiences welcome high engagement, critical thinking and a willingness to see the world through many different perspectives. Designed around a combination of immersion activities, small group discussion, formal learning objectives and spontaneous opportunities for leadership and education, our programs cultivate more confident communicators and independent agents of change.

Adventure No GLA program would be complete without adventure! Each host community is set in a unique landscape and contains its own historical and natural treasures, which are exceptional opportunities for students to challenge themselves in unexpected, memorable ways. Imagine camping along the Inca Trail on a two-day trek to Machu Picchu in Peru, zip lining through the lush rainforests of Costa Rica, photographing lions and zebras on a safari in Tanzania, or simply trying a new cultural dish surrounded by new friends a world away.

5-Point Safety System


GLA Home Base: Safe and secure lodging Each program is centered around a GLA Home Base, which is housing reserved for GLA students only. It’s their home away from home, a place to relax, the gathering place for meals, and a sanctuary for reflection after busy days. Home Bases may take the form of travel lodges dedicated to our student groups, or sectioned-off hotel blocks. Students room together in gender-segregated group lodging.

Caring supervision GLA policy is for no student to ever be by themselves at any point in time. Students should be either with staff members, in groups, or assigned to a buddy. Our student-staff ratio is 6:1.

Healthy meals and pure water Meals are prepared fresh daily, with a healthy mix of fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy, and bread. Students may sample local cuisine, but Western-style and vegetarian options are also available. Students also have access to unlimited safe drinking water.

Expert local knowledge Our in-country staff members have intimate knowledge of the host community. They have established relationships with medical professionals in the area, as well as local organizations where students do community service.

Safe and comfortable transportation Students are transported in GLA-approved vehicles by experienced, licensed drivers. At time of arrival, GLA staff will be at the airport to meet and greet students. If the plane is delayed, they will wait until students arrive. At airport drop-off, GLA staff will help direct students on how to check in and find their flight.

Home Base

the GLA difference

Safety is our #1 priority. While we believe in the transformative power of stepping outside comfort zones, we remain invested in managing the risks of doing so. We created and heavily enforce our 5-Point Safety System™, a set of rigorous standards, to ensure students’ safety and health, and parents’ peace of mind.

Home away from home

While safety is our top priority, we provide lodging that’s out of the ordinary. On a GLA adventure, you might stay in a zen-like ecolodge tucked away in the lush Caribbean jungle, a raised Inca “tambo,” or traditional huts at a Thai elephant home.

“I’ve always appreciated the beauty of the world around me, but never before have I had an entire rainforest at my doorstep, literally. At Home Base, I lived with five amazing roommates and learned to share everything from my killer dance moves and my deepest emotions to our nightly PB&Js and chips and salsa.”

Emily Costa Rica: The Initiative for Children™

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com


Full-Service Parent Support At GLA, we are your tireless mission control. In other words, we’re with you every step of the way. We understand it can be challenging to leave your teen to the care of others, so we take equal care in providing superior support for every parent, before, during and post-program:

the GLA difference

Full Pre-Departure Support Once you’ve enrolled in one of our programs, the GLA team is at your disposal to provide full support for all your preparations: • Where and how to book a flight • Recommended routes so that GLA students can travel together • Understanding the passport and visa application process, step-by-step • Full access to the online GLA Travel Portal. Network with other parents and students on your program and have all pre-departure info at your fingertips

In-Country Support and Updates During the program, we are your direct link, 24 hours a day: • Offering a 24-hour Emergency Hotline • Requiring all students to call home upon arrival in the country • Making you aware of any emergencies, changes, or updates • Relaying urgent parental messages to students and student messages to parents, via in-country staff • Providing evacuation and secondary medical insurance for all students • Linking you to periodically updated student blogs, with pictures and accounts of students’ experiences, so parents can share in the journey (available for most programs)

Post-Program Follow-Up After the program, our staff follows up with every parent to:


• Get your feedback on the program • Get your feedback on the level of parent support • Ensure we’ve provided the best possible service to you and your family

From one

parent to another I never, ever felt like I was left wondering. “GLA was AWESOME! From the very beginning of our contact with GLA, I was impressed with the breadth and depth of the information offered. When I spoke to or communicated with staff via email, they were friendly, always helpful—just great. All of the information we needed was readily available. I never, ever felt like I was left wondering.” Elizabeth’s mother, Evanston, Illinois

We love GLA! “Two sons, three trips (Costa Rica, India and Dominican Republic) and we love GLA! It’s an amazing experience for the kids but equally rewarding to us as parents when we see these mature and appreciative young men return home after just a few weeks.” Nathan & Zachary’s mother, San Diego, California

I trusted GLA and they did not fail “It truly was a gamechanger experience for my son as well as for me (his mom). This is my first time letting go and sending him to a different country that I’ve never been to, either, and completely on his own. I trusted GLA and they did not fail.” Lucas’ mother, Princeton, New Jersey

Our Expert Staff Our program staff are not chaperones; they are experts and mentors. As part of the GLA experience, students are connected with accomplished program leaders who have in-depth professional experience working with youth. All of them hold college degrees—most with graduate degrees—and many return year after year to work with GLA.

“I really lucked out in that I picked GLA. At the end of each day, we talked

the GLA difference

about our experiences as a group and connected them to things back home, which made the experience especially meaningful. Not to mention we had the GREATEST group and mentors. Everybody is so unique and the mentors are more like responsible friends than disconnected chaperones.”

Michelle Tanzania: Heart and Soul of Africa

Ryan Feinstein

Suzannah Crandall

Joseph Castano




Seasons with GLA: 6 Ryan graduated from the University of California, San Diego, with a B.A. in International Studies before deciding to reside full-time in Bali, Indonesia. For the past eight years, Ryan has been running service learning and leadership programs in Bali, serving as the Program and Development Director of the Bali Institute for Global Renewal. He has extensive experience designing and facilitating workshops, seminars and conferences focused on equipping young people with the skills, tools and resources for moving from vision to action on social and environmental issues. Ryan has been an International Director for GLA Bali programs since 2011.

Seasons with GLA: 2 Suzannah was born and raised in northern Wisconsin, and developed a lifelong love for exploring nature and traveling during family camping trips to Europe and Latin America. Suzannah pursued her love for the environment and travel by studying abroad in Costa Rica while obtaining her B.S. in Environmental Biology. After college, she spent two years in Paraguay with the Peace Corps, working with schools and her community on environmental education projects. Suzannah has spent two summers with GLA in Costa Rica and Peru.

Seasons with GLA: 2 Joe studied abroad in France and Ireland as a high school student, and graduated from the University of Vermont in 2009 with a B.A. in English Literature. He has led high school students to Belize and Guatemala on summer abroad programs, and taught English in Costa Rica, Chile, Argentina and Guatemala. Joe has also taught environmental science and volunteered for the Student Conservation Association and Americorps. He splits his time between working in Xela, Guatemala, and working at a nonprofit mental health and addictions hospital in his hometown.

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com


Our Service Partners Partnerships pave the path to sustainable development. Our role as volunteers is to support the community’s vision, not impose our own. When we partner with local leadership, we are learning how to create scalable, sustainable solutions to address problems in a way that makes the most sense for community residents.

We do together what no one partner could achieve alone.

Dr. Dave Addison

As local leaders who live and work in the community, our partners are able to conduct community assessments, prioritize needs, and execute projects on the ground with the public’s involvement and support. GLA believes working with local partners is a fundamental part of sustainable development, effective service and responsible travel, while at the same time bringing our wealth of experience to the table.

Esther Simba

Dougal Croudace

Founder/Executive Director, 7 Elements

Director, Experience Tanzania

Director, Dream Big Ghana

Dominican Republic / GLA partner since 2009

Tanzania / GLA partner since 2009

Ghana / GLA partner since 2012

Dave Addison holds a PhD in Global Sustainability from Argosy University. He has lived in the Dominican Republic for over a decade, and passionately directs 7 Elements, a local non-profit focused on delivering sustainable solutions to humanitarian needs. The Impact of 7 Elements on communities has included construction of a large-scale aquaponic food production system, safer homes and community centers, reforestation efforts and improved community health.

“Mama Simba,” as she has been called by generations of GLA students and community members, obtained her Bachelor of Education with Languages (Swahili and English) at the Tumaini University Makumira in Tanzania. She has a wealth of experience in education and volunteer programming, and has consulted for the US Peace Corps. Mama Simba has been the GLA Tanzania director since 2009. She continues to be known for being more than a director or leader, but also “a dear mother” and passionate teacher.


Dougal is originally from the U.K., but has been living and working in Ghana for over six years, and established the NGO Dream Big Ghana in partnership with local village communities. Dougal focuses on giving support in three areas: sanitation, education and youth sports development. One of the foundation’s major projects, building eco compost toilets, has benefited the health of hundreds of local people.

The GLA experience, customized for groups Make the world your classroom—or your boardroom, or the setting for your next team retreat. Whatever your group needs, the world can be a better version of it, and we can help facilitate the right environment for your members to learn, grow and challenge themselves. Whether you’re an educator, administrator or other group leader, GLA Group Travel will work with you to design a program for your group of 10 or more based on pre-designed or customized itineraries, suited to any schedule, budget, interest and needed special accommodations.

“It really made a difference for the students. It lit a fire for them.” Susan Ambrose, Group Chaperone Hawthorne Valley Waldorf School Ghent, NY For more information, contact our Group Travel team:

858-771-0645 Email: groups@experienceGLA.com Visit: groups.experienceGLA.com

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com


Adventures to fuel your passions, and find new ones. When choosing your program, ask yourself a few questions. Are you already passionate about a specific global issue? Or do you crave the opportunity to broaden your horizons and discover new passions, taking inspiration from your surroundings? You have an enviable choice: Fuel your passion on a project that builds on existing interests, or be an explorer and find new ones through your time serving diverse community needs.



NEW PassionS Find NEW passionS by taking advantage of a wide variety of incredible opportunities that contribute to global communities in need - and get a sense of how you can use your talents to help.


Land of Discovery™


Land of Discovery™

Costa Rica

Beachside Service Adventure


Beachside Service Adventure Spring Break Service Adventure


Empowering Island Communities™


Amazon Service Adventure Service in the Sacred Valley


Heart and Soul of Africa


Cultural Kaleidoscope™

What’s your adventure level?

For each of our trips, we’ve provided an approximation of what style of lodging and physical activity level you can expect to encounter under typical circumstances.


Your Passion

FUEL your passion for a global issue you care about by diving deep into a service project alongside like-minded peers.


ANIMAL & Wildlife Conservation

• Belize: The Initiative for Children™ • Costa Rica: The Initiative for Children™ • Ghana: Children of Africa™ • Guatemala: Children of the Maya™

• Costa Rica: Animal Rescue Project™ • Costa Rica: The Sea Turtle Initiative™ • Costa Rica: Spring Break Sea Turtle Initiative™ • Galápagos: Preserving Nature’s Wonders™ • Thailand: The Elephant Village Initiative™ • Thailand: The Elephant Conservation Project.

Language Immersion • China: One Nation, Two Worlds™ • Costa Rica: Spanish Service Adventure • Peru: Spanish Service Adventure • Spain: Cultural Kaleidoscope™

Environmental Conservation • Costa Rica: Empowering Rainforest Communities™ • Costa Rica: Protecting the Pacific™ • Dom. Rep: Building a Sustainable World™


Medicine & Public Health • Bali: Global Health Initiative™ • Ghana: Building Healthy Villages ™ • Dominican Rep: Global Health Initiative ™

SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP • South Africa: Social Entrepreneurship Initiative™

PHOTOGRAPHY & JOURNALISM • India: Service Through the Lens™

• Dom Republic: Sports Service Adventure PROGRAM


Rustic lodge

Guest room

Although the same objectives can be achieved on shorter programs, students have given GLA’s Flagship programs the highest ratings for good reason.

program participants » Flagship get GLA’s unabridged leadership service projects allow » Longer for greater impact

language language PROGRAM


Throughout the catalog, you’ll notice certain programs are marked “Flagship.” Our Flagship programs are our longest programs at 21 days, allowing volunteers more time to adjust to life in a different country and additional days dedicated to service projects, ultimately giving them the opportunity to make a greater impact on the community. Flagship programs also allow for more space in the itinerary to visit neighboring cities or go on overnight excursions.

curriculum, including the option to complete a Capstone Project

• Costa Rica: Surf & Sports Service Adventure

Style of lodging: From rustic lodges, where critters are free RATING SCALE FOR LODGING to come and go just as you are,SCALE to guest rooms you’d find at RATING FOR LODGING language language a bed & breakfast—you might even have air-conditioning! PROGRAM

21-Day Flagship Programs

Physical activity level: All GLA programs are active, parRATING SCALE FOR ACTIVITY LEVEL ticipatory adventures design, and takeLEVEL place in settings RATINGby SCALE FOR ACTIVITY where exposure to the elements—including heat, sun, wildlife and rain—are a given. You’ll be off the beaten path RATINGand, SCALE FOR ACTIVITY LEVEL (safely!) frankly, we wouldn’t RATING SCALE FOR ACTIVITYhave LEVEL it any other way.



time with peers and locals » More creates deeper friendships

time for excursions » Additional supports the most diverse experience

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



Featured in

my GLA trip completely

changed the course of my life

Sarah Stubbs Hometown: Decatur, GA Education: University of Georgia, Class of ‘18 Traveled with GLA to: Dominican Republic Interests and Passions: Majoring in Public Health, with a concentration in Global Health Making an Impact: Founded Filters for Families


Sarah, like most high school students, didn’t start out with a master plan for her future. Instead, she started with something much more common: a Google search. She came across the page for Global Leadership Adventures and she was hooked. “I saw pictures of adorable Haitian children holding hands with American teens, and all of a sudden I wanted to be that teen. I wanted to help that Haitian child.” There was nothing that could stop her. She had that image of being the high school student saving the world in her head, and felt compelled to go. Then she actually went, and everything about her perspective changed. “Those kids and families ended up having a far greater impact on my life than I could have on theirs. The experience not only opened my eyes to the severity of issues around the world, but it also made me believe that I could make a difference.” The issue that stood out to her most? Access to clean drinking water, especially in refugee settlements. Sarah couldn’t even believe the true number of Haitian families who lacked clean water. While walking around Caraballo (a large Haitian refugee community within the DR) with Dr. Dave Addison, the country director for GLA’s programs there, Sarah and Dave ended up chatting with the mother of a family whose fifty-dollar water filter had “completely turned their health

and lives around.” When Sarah asked Dave how many people in the community had a water filter, his answer stunned her. “One.” Over a thousand people, and only one family owned a filter. Once she returned home, Sarah couldn’t get that out of her head. She had to do something. “These are human beings we’re talking about – human beings, just like me, who don’t have access to clean drinking water,” she said. “That is why I returned, and will continue to return, to the DR.” Sarah has now visited the Dominican Republic four times, including a six month period where she worked with Dr. Addison on a water filtration project, and has distributed 524 filters since beginning her initiative. She is also designing a study with the organization Filters for Families that will compare drinking water samples to the health status of community members. The data she collects on the impact of clean water can help to improve access to clean drinking water around the world. “My GLA trip completely changed the course of my life. I have not only found a major and career path thanks to my experiences in the DR, but I have found a passion.”

Read more stories from the field on GLA’s blog: theyoungleader.experienceGLA.com


be part of

I want to

the change that introduces new systems

Kenneth Wah Hometown: Diamond Bar, CA Education: Diamond Bar High School Traveled with GLA to: Ghana Interests and Passions: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and building robots! MAKING AN IMPACT: Founded Robo Ghana

During the school year, Kenneth Wah is part of Walnut Valley Robotics, a competitive robotics team, which keeps him busy. As the end of his freshman year approached, he worried about having no summer plans. So, on a whim, he filled out an application for GLA’s Ghana: Children of Africa™ program. As Kenneth likes to tell it, “Even though I’ve been to many other countries, in 2014 I fell in love with Ghana.” When he returned, Kenneth had an idea: “What if I combined the two things I love—robotics and Ghana?” Kenneth returned to the country with GLA in 2015 to test out his idea, and then returned a second time in 2016 to dedicate his time to delivering a robotics education program in a local Ghanaian school. Using LEGO parts to design and construct robots, Kenneth designed his program to not just to teach how to build, but also to inspire creative thinking and complex problem-solv-

ing. “In Ghana, learning is centered around the textbook, and kids lack the hands-on.” Kenneth raised money to produce kits for the course, and focused on delivering hands-on education beyond the textbook. He saw instantly that the approach inspired curiosity and real learning. “The aha moment for the students was when they built [the robot] themselves, and programmed it on their own. My aha moment was when they got it, too… my real impact is to actually change lives, so generations after me can create.” Kenneth is now collaborating with school administrators who adopted his robotics curriculum, ensuring they carry the program onward even while he’s away. He says, “I would say traveling has totally altered my educational experience, as I had the ability to compare myself to those in Ghana, and think about what I could do to make a difference. The kids in the community changed my life.”

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com


“The world is an immense place, and working toward solving its problems is like trying to move a mountain one pebble at a time. On this trip I realized that each ‘pebble’ moved may seem insignificant to you or I, but could look like a boulder to others.” Ross - Ghana: Children of Africa


SOUTH AFRICA p.18 Social Entrepreneurship Initiative



p.20 Children of AfricaTM p.22 Building Healthy VillagesTM


p.24 Heart & Soul of Africa + 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



Social Entrepreneurship Initiative Learn how to design and mobilize solutions for global impact Hear from prominent guest speakers in social enterprise and development Live on a campus with students from over 30 countries Participate at the Ideas Festival at the end of your program Tour Soweto, home to Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela Go on a 3-day excursion to Cape Town language PROGRAM



language PROGRAM






What if the future of our global community depended on your ideas and leadership?


The problems of the world are immense, systemic and complex, but we believe with design thinking, the right partnerships and entrepreneurial leadership, every individual can create change. On African Leadership Academy’s global campus in Johannesburg, surrounded by young leaders from every corner of the world, challenge yourself to push the edges of innovation. Together, you’ll develop solutions to issues you’re passionate about. What are the steps for securing clean water access for a remote village in the Congo? How do you mobilize an initiative to get more girls into math and science careers at home? Or sustain a community-owned business to replace a broken cycle of aid? This is your launchpad for becoming an entrepreneurial leader of social good, grounded in design thinking, adventure and a global perspective.

Community Service


This program draws a diverse group of self-motivated, informed students to go beyond traditional community service and learn how to design long-term solutions for current global issues. Your community becomes the modern world, and your service, the ideas you develop to improve its future. As part of the rigorous curriculum delivered in partnership with African Leadership Academy, you’ll culminate your experience and guided learnings with a presentation at the Ideas Festival, a chance to share your action plan and identify opportunities for global change.

Explore the southernmost tip of Africa on a 3-day excursion to Cape Town, the spectacularly beautiful and diverse “Mother City” of South Africa. Hike Table Mountain, encounter penguins on the beach and have the option to go shark cage diving. You’ll visit places of tremendous historical significance, like Robben Island, where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned during his fight against Apartheid. Near campus, visit the Cradle of Humankind, a UNESCO World Heritage Site where the earliest ancestors of humans were discovered, and hop on a half-day safari for exciting wildlife sightings.

Hands-On Learning You’ll share a campus with students from over 30 different countries across Africa and the world—a campus that has served as an incubator for dozens of projects that have brought social good to the continent and made their mark on the global stage. Connect with peers across boundaries of nationality, race, religion and class, expanding your understanding of life in other cultures. Hone skills of social entrepreneurship, leadership and human-centered design by working with local organizations, social ventures, experienced entrepreneurs, and through team-based experiential challenges.

Lodging You’ll live on African Leadership Academy’s secure campus, nestled in the outskirts of Johannesburg in a suburb called Honeydew. Campus is centered around a quad, and includes a dining hall, library, auditorium, basketball court, soccer field and residential halls. You’ll share a dormitory and Western-style restroom facilities with one or two roommates. Meals will be healthy and communal, prepared by an on-campus caterer. During our Cape Town excursion, the group will be housed in safe, modest group lodging.

 21-DAY PROGRAM July 9 - July 29

 Duration: 21 days  Tuition: $4,999  Service Hours: 16

Link it to » TANZANIA Heart & Soul of Africa (pg. 24)

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



Children of AfricaTM Tutor children at a village primary school Help build and refurbish school facilities Discuss current social issues facing Ghana’s women and children Hike to a beautiful waterfall Learn traditional African dance, drums and percussion Explore outdoor markets and visit historic sites language PROGRAM



language PROGRAM






Beating drums, children’s laughter and warm greetings welcome you to become family in the heart of Africa.


Step onto the flat, sandy land of Ghana, and you’ll immediately hear the laughter of children everywhere. This laughter will be the constant of your trip, and a steady source of energy while you volunteer among one of Africa’s most passionate and kind communities. Ghanaians are known for their smiles, vibrancy and welcoming nature—you’ll see bright colors everywhere: in the land, stitched into traditional clothing, adorning the decor of your Home Base. Your arrival will bring excitement to classrooms as you work to inspire students toward success in school.

Community Service


Volunteer in primary schools, working with children of different ages to help improve their English skills and contribute to each school’s needs, including making improvements to the facilities. Split your time between teaching—potentially without electricity, or even under a tree—and campus refurbishment projects to serve every aspect of the school, and learn all about education in Ghana. Breaks from work might be just as demanding. Try to keep up with the children as they invite you to play soccer and schoolyard games after class!

Experience full immersion in Ghana’s rich cultural heritage as you are actively invited to participate in drumming and dancing, explore outdoor markets and take part in cooking lessons with staff at your Home Base, who will treat you like family. You’ll also experience the natural surroundings of Ghana with a beautiful waterfall hike, and on our 21-Day Flagship Program, visit a monkey sanctuary for a nature walk and opportunity to feed the animals.

Hands-On Learning

GLA has two Home Bases for this program. Both are located outside of Accra (the capital city) in rural village settings. Accommodations are basic, but clean and safe. Students sleep in gender-segregated rooms with roommates, and have access to shared bathrooms with cold-water showers.

Participate in workshops such as batik cloth dyeing, drumming, dancing and crash courses in the native language, Ewe or Krobo. You’ll be bestowed a Ghanaian name by the local chief of your village, and visit a seamstress to have custom clothing made out of colorful fabrics you purchase. To learn about more dynamic issues and challenges Ghana faces, hear from local experts about topics varying from traditional gender roles to modern-day children’s issues. On the 21-Day Flagship Program, you’ll hear about the nation’s history as a hub of the slave trade, and visit Keta Slave Fort to truly understand the weight of this topic.



June 24 - July 14 July 18 - August 7  Duration: 21 days  Tuition: $4,999  Service Hours: 60

Link it to » GHANA Building Healthy Villages (pg. 22)

 14-DAY

PROGRAM June 8 - June 21 June 16 - June 29 July 2 - July 15 July 18 - July 31 August 3 - August 16  Duration: 14 days  Tuition: $3,399  Service Hours: 40

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



Building Healthy VillagesTM Gain exposure to public health issues in Ghana Improve local health and living conditions through your service project Take a boat ride down the Volta River Participate in Ghana’s high-energy drum and dance culture Live steps away from the beach Confront history at a 16th century slave fort language PROGRAM



language PROGRAM






Apply your interests in health and community development on a life-changing African adventure.


From leading the fight against colonial rule in Africa to triumphing in major sporting events, Ghana is known to be Africa’s vibrant democracy. However, in spite of rapid economic growth, poverty in rural Ghana remains critical, and issues like poor sanitary conditions and chronic food insecurity continue to bar progress and even access to education. Your volunteer projects will focus on improving health conditions, central to solving the problem of persistent poverty. A unique primer for studying medicine and public health, this program provides both exposure to health in the developing world and immersion in Ghana’s colorful and celebratory culture.

Community Service A few key, widespread challenges facing African communities are the lack of adequate sanitation facilities, as well as difficulty growing nutritious food. Our service project combats both of these problems. We’ll partner with village families in need of proper facilities, and each group will construct an eco compost toilet from start to finish! This project dramatically improves health conditions while generating high-quality fertilizer to increase crop yields in the community. We’ll also spend one morning getting to know local youth and talking to them about important health practices.

Hands-On Learning Learn about public health not only through your service work in the villages, but also through conversations with local chiefs and grassroots leaders. Through a visit to the “medicine man”—a traditional healer—and a local clinic, you’ll see how Western medicine coexists with rural Ghanaian health practices. You’ll have every opportunity to be immersed in local culture, through high-energy drumming workshops and sessions, a soccer tournament, traditional dance and Ewe language lessons. Simply walking around the marketplace and taking part in impromptu celebrations common to Ghana’s

spirited communities will provide additional chances to absorb the distinct culture.

Adventure Live steps away from the beach on Ghana’s southern coast, where most mornings you’ll wake up to the sights and sounds of fishermen. You can even join them in pulling in the nets! Explore outdoor markets and discover fruits, vegetables, clothing, fabrics and handmade crafts unique to this region of the world. You’ll also encounter history at the Keta Slave Fort, sing and drum as you cruise down the Volta River to the sea, take a cooking class on Ghanaian dishes and celebrate finishing your service project with a community bonfire on the beach.

Lodging The GLA Home Base is a cluster of simple beachfront guest rooms located near a fishing village on the southern coast of Ghana. It is approximately 2.5 hours from Accra, the capital city. Accommodations are basic, but clean and safe. Students will stay with roommates in gender-segregated rooms equipped with a fan. Bathrooms will be shared and have cold-water showers. Cool down after a day’s work in the large saltwater lagoon in front of Home Base!

 14-DAY PROGRAM June 19 - July 2 July 5 - July 18 July 21 - August 3

 Duration: 14 days  Tuition: $3,399  Service Hours: 40

Link it to » GHANA Children of Africa (pg. 20)

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



Heart & Soul of Africa Teach English in local classrooms Volunteer on projects at a village primary school See zebras, lions, rhinos and more on an incredible African safari Hike to a waterfall near Mount Kilimanjaro Spend a day among the Maasai nomadic warrior tribe Learn African dance, percussion, bead making, and even how language PROGRAM to throw a spear RATING SCALE FOR LODGING


language PROGRAM






Explore the myth and magic of the real Africa.


At dawn, the rising sun floods Tanzania’s cool grasslands with gold, school children walk along the roadsides and vendors set out their wares. Nature surrounds Tanzania, where the largest of animals mingle with the most minute, and landscapes are colorful and diverse. But more than anything else, it is the Tanzanian people who will make your visit memorable. Whether you’re teaching a class full of laughing, energetic children, embarking on a wild safari guided by locals or chatting with community members, you’ll constantly be greeted with the characteristic warmth and dignity of Tanzanians, and the raw beauty of East Africa.

Community Service Widespread challenges continue to bar many Tanzanian children from receiving quality education and staying in school. No public funding past primary school, dilapidated physical infrastructure, social perceptions that demote education’s importance and teacher shortages are all critical issues. As a volunteer, you’ll have the opportunity to address these by refurbishing school facilities and teaching English in a classroom setting. Your impactful work will be rewarded by the bright, smiling faces of the local children who rush to say hello each day and are eager for your inspiration.

Hands-On Learning Opportunities abound for getting to know Tanzania’s people and cultures. You’ll hear from guest speakers about Tanzania’s recent history and progress, as well as heavy social issues that linger to this day, challenging communities with health issues, gender inequality, lack of education and other barriers to advancement. Participate in batik dyeing, market visits and traditional music and dance classes, and even pick up a few phrases in Swahili.

Adventure You’ll spend a day hiking at the base of Mt. Kilimanjaro, the tallest peak in Africa and one of the world’s great

mountaineering objectives. See the area where trekkers prepare to take on the peak, and embark on your own hike to two stunning waterfalls. A trip to Tanzania wouldn’t be complete without experiencing one of the world’s most spectacular safaris: Tarangire National Park, which naturalists the world over consistently rate as “the greatest wildlife show on Earth.” Look for zebras, lions, leopards, elephants, wildebeest, rhinos and many other species in their natural habitat. If you’re joining us for our 21-Day Flagship Program, meet members of the Maasai semi-nomadic tribes, who follow their livestock and do not adhere to national borders.

Lodging GLA has two Home Bases. Both are located 45 minutes from the Kilimanjaro airport in small villages. Accommodations are basic, but clean and safe. All students sleep in gender-segregated rooms with roommates, and have access to shared Western-style bathrooms with cold-water showers.

Link it to » SOUTH AFRICA Social Entrepreneurship Initiative (pg. 18)


June 21 - July 11 July 15 - August 4  Duration: 21 days  Tuition: $4,999  Service Hours: 45

 14-DAY

PROGRAM June 12 - June 25 June 28 - July 11 July 14 - July 27 July 30 - August 12  Duration: 14 days  Tuition: $3,599  Service Hours: 30

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com


“Through my GLA experience, I furthered not only my knowledge of India and the local lifestyle in this magical part of the world, but I also learned much about the person who I am. I learned more about my abilities, but also my limits.” Jack - India: Service in the Himalayas



p.28 Land of Discovery TM p.30 Global Health Initiative ™



p.32 Cultural Kaleidoscope TM p.34 The Elephant Village Initiative™ p.36 The Elephant Conservation Project


INDIA p.38 Service Through the Lens CHINA p.40 One Nation, Two Worlds


FIJI p.42 Empowering Island Communities ™ + 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



Land of Discovery ™ Teach Balinese children at an English camp Learn to scuba dive in Bali’s turquoise waters Explore the uplifting spiritual culture through temple visits Interact with elephants at the Elephant Safari Park Surf with locals in Southern Bali, a worldclass surf destination Go whitewater rafting through luscious rice paddies and tropical jungles language PROGRAM



language PROGRAM






Immerse yourself in the indigenous culture of the “Island of the Gods,” and discover unexpected treasures while scuba diving in the Bali Sea.


Journey to the island of Bali, where you’ll influence the youth of an indigenous culture and explore the many wonders of the “Island of the Gods.” Even more than its picturesque scenery, the Balinese people are what make this region truly beautiful. Charming and generous, local residents warmly welcome volunteers who can help fill educational gaps for their children. You’ll volunteer at a local school, teaching English and bonding with the community. In the afternoons and evenings, you might hike to a waterfall, hop on a spider boat to catch the sunset, or gather around a bonfire on the beach.

Community Service


Speaking English unlocks advancement opportunities for Balinese youth. In this tourist hotspot, many of the villages and impoverished communities are overlooked, and as a result Bali’s education is one area that needs attention. Volunteer at an English camp and create unforgettable bonds with your students as you design creative lesson plans and share crucial language lessons. Through community service, you’ll get to know the local people and get a rare peek into the daily life of the Balinese.

Every day in Bali is filled with epic adventures that chart the island from corner to corner. You’ll quickly understand that all adventure here is tied to living harmoniously with the natural world. Learn to scuba dive and explore the coral reef, whitewater raft through lush vegetation, explore temples built to blend in with their exotic backdrops, visit an elephant safari park, and surf the Southern Bali coastline, one of the world’s top surfing destinations.

Hands-On Learning Surrounded by rugged beaches, lush green rice terraces and intricate temples, you’ll be interacting daily with a culture that celebrates sustainable, communal living. You’ll learn about environmental issues and coral restoration during your scuba excursion, discuss problems facing modern-day rice farmers, and enjoy traditional dinner and conversation with the Prince of Ubud at the Royal Palace. Try your hand at the Gamelan drum and Legong dance and participate in ancient ceremonies to truly absorb the spiritual culture of the Balinese.

Lodging Your Home Base in Bali will be in three locations as you travel around the island during the trip: Ubud, Singaraja and Amed. These fascinating villages have all the comforts of home, but also the distinct essence that draw people from all over the world to witness their serenity, beauty, and power. Your housing will be diverse, from an authentic Balinese family home to a beach bungalow. Students share comfortable, gender-segregated rooms with roommates, and have access to bathrooms with Western-style toilets and cold-water showers.

 21-DAY PROGRAM June 22 - July 12 July 16 - August 5

 Duration: 21 days  Tuition: $5,199  Service Hours: 45

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



Global Health Initiativeâ„¢ Shadow health professionals at a primary care clinic for rural communities Observe how public health systems are implemented in developing communities Visit a natural birth clinic aimed at reducing maternal and child mortality Surf with locals on world-renowned waves in Southern Bali Snorkel over coral reefs and a historic language shipwreck on a PROGRAM weekend excursion RATING SCALE FOR LODGING


language PROGRAM






Explore the intersection of modern medicine and indigenous wisdom as you lend a hand to community health projects.


East meets West in this unique program, where you’ll study public health through two different perspectives: Western convention and the indigenous wisdom of the East. You’ll significantly deepen your understanding of the many pieces that make up the global health puzzle, especially in the developing world, where cultural competence is just as important for achieving wellness as medical ability and technology. During your time off service, enjoy Bali’s uplifting culture through live music and dance performances, memorable meals and high adventure on the coast.

Community Service


Spend a few days assisting local health professionals, NGOs and community leaders at a primary care health clinic for in a local village. Observe how care is delivered, and depending on the situation at hand, jump in to help respond to needs: Recording data, assisting with pulse checks, scribing information for doctors or restocking supplies. Take your experience full circle as you help design and deliver a health education workshop for local youth in the second half of the program.

With its pounding surf, emerald rice terraces and artistic culture, Bali is adventure, culture and spirituality all in one. Take a weekend trip to Amed, a sleepy fishing village off the beaten path. You’ll go on a sunrise boat ride alongside local fishermen in their traditional spider boats and snorkel over coral reefs, marine wildlife, and even the remnants of a Japanese shipwreck from World War II. Near Home Base, adventure is also never far away—surf among friendly locals, go whitewater rafting, and ride an elephant at a safari park.

Hands-On Learning Shadowing local leaders, you’ll be immersed in diverse healthcare settings—Western pop-up clinics, a traditional jungle healer’s practice, health workshops with local youth. You’ll begin to grasp the complexity of building and sustaining a public healthcare system. To better understand local philosophy on holistic wellness, you’ll also visit a natural birth clinic and explore where natural remedies are grown on an herbal walk. Finally, there’s no better way to learn about traditional Bali than with full sensory immersion: temple visits, a rice paddy walk, live gamelan music and dinner at the Royal Palace.

Lodging Your Home Base will be in Ubud, Bali’s cultural hub, which has all the comforts of home but bears the artful and serene essence that draws people from all over the world to the island. Your housing will be diverse, from an authentic family home to a beach bungalow. Students share comfortable, gender-segregated rooms with roommates, and have access to bathrooms with Western-style toilets and cold-water showers.

 14-DAY PROGRAM July 2 - July 15 July 18 - July 31

 Duration: 14 days  Tuition: $3,699  Service Hours: 30

Link it to » FIJI Empowering Island Communities (pg. 42)

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



Cultural Kaleidoscope ™

Teach English at a primary school and bond with local students Experience Thailand’s vibrant and colorful food, arts and music Zipline through lush, rural hillsides Visit with Buddhist monks and learn about their lives Spend a day interacting with elephants at a Thai elephant home

language PROGRAM



language PROGRAM






Wander through a land of golden temples, green mountains and saffron robes.


Journey to enchanting Thailand, a kingdom rich in culture, arts and tradition. In spite of rapid economic progress in recent years, Chiang Mai, where you’ll be based, manages to preserve the atmosphere of an ancient village and is still known for its beautiful temples and rugged natural landscape. Make unforgettable connections with Thailand’s rural youth through community service at a primary school and cultural exchange at a local high school. You’re sure to be transformed by the nation’s culture of warmth and reverence, experiencing off-the-beaten-path interaction with the hospitable local residents, temple visits, authentic cuisine, bustling markets, an elephant home visit and outdoor adventure through the lush, green mountains surrounding Chiang Mai.

Community Service


You’ll work at a school providing English instruction for local youth through classroom time, tutoring, arts, crafts and sports. Over the course of your community service, develop meaningful relationships with your students—you’ll serve not only as their teacher, but also a role model, mentor and friend. On the 21-day Flagship Program, you’ll also volunteer on various physical projects that support Thailand’s ethnic minority, the Northern hill tribes. Accelerate refurbishment efforts to shelters and infrastructure for these displaced families who have historically been oppressed.

Northern Thailand’s rugged geography is a playground for outdoor pursuits, including an extensive zipline through the cool, leafy hillsides outside of Chiang Mai and the opportunity for a waterfall hike. You’ll also visit a Thai elephant home, where you’ll feed the elephants, walk them through natural settings and help the mahouts—elephant keepers—bathe the happy animals. Visit the famous Chiang Mai night bazaar and, on our 21-day Flagship Program, go on a bicycling and kayaking adventure through beautiful mountains of Northern Thailand.

Hands-On Learning Experience the wide diversity of Thai culture: Explore elegant wats—Buddhist temples—and speak with monks about their lifestyle and spiritual worldview. Gather fresh ingredients at a market for a Thai cooking class, learn the traditional arts of dance and Muay Thai boxing, get an authentic Thai massage and get up close and personal with majestic elephants. You’ll spend an unforgettable day learning about the conservation of the animals, as well as their significance in Thai culture.

Lodging GLA operates two Home Bases, both of which are small resorts on the outskirts of Chiang Mai. Accommodations are basic, but clean and safe. Students sleep in gendersegregated rooms with roommates, and have access to shared bathrooms with cold-water showers.

Link it to » INDIA Service Through the Lens (pg. 38)


 14-DAY


June 21 - July 11 July 14 - August 3

June 23 - July 6 July 10 - July 23 July 26 - August 8

 Duration: 21 days  Tuition: $4,999  Service Hours: 45

 Duration: 14 days  Tuition: $3,399  Service Hours: 30

THAILAND The Elephant Village Initiative (pg. 34)

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



The Elephant Village Initiative ™

Live and volunteer at a home for elephants alongside elephant keepers Learn about cultural, social and environmental issues related to elephant conservation Hike in picturesque mountains Experience Thailand’s vibrant culture and cuisine Visit colorful street markets filled with local handicrafts Go language

on a whitewater rafting adventure




language PROGRAM






Get hands-on experience caring for Thailand’s extraordinary gentle giants.


Travel to a rural village in northern Thailand where you’ll have the unique opportunity to ethically interact with elephants. Elephants are an important part of Thai culture and the Thai way of life. They are a traditional symbol of royal power, an essential feature of Buddhist art and architecture and a spiritual mentor for people of all walks of life. Learn how their conservation and controversial, modern-day tourism are all deeply connected in this region. Surrounded by the Mae Taeng mountains, you’ll also explore the unique sights and smells of Thailand on cultural excursions.

Community Service Volunteer at a home for elephants alongside mahouts— elephant keepers—who are committed to the long-term sustainability of promoting healthy environments for these animals. You’ll rise before dawn to feed your elephant, and most afternoons, lead them to the nearby river for a bath. The work requires energy and passion to directly care for elephants morning and night, but is deeply rewarding. You’ll assist with a variety of physical projects as well, such as food harvesting, reforestation or land rehabilitation, that help achieve long-term harmony for the elephants, who live in protective captivity due to human encroachment on their population.

Hands-On Learning In addition to observing the animals’ biology and social behavior, you’ll also become deeply engaged with complex global issues regarding captive elephant welfare, tourism and conservation. Discuss the challenges elephants and mahouts face today with mounting tourism and endangerment caused by human activity. You’ll have the opportunity to visit an elephant hospital, watch documentaries and listen to regional experts speak on these controversial topics. To gain a complete perspective on Thai culture, you’ll also spend a day at a high school

for cultural exchange, get to know the local students, visit beautiful temples in Northern Thailand and explore interesting markets.

Adventure Taking care of elephants is passionate work—and giving your energy and effort to provide great care will reward you with a gentle ride and deep emotional connection with the animals. You’ll get to ride an elephant into the mountains, as well as hike alongside them in breathtaking, rural surroundings. To break from service at the elephant home, you’ll have the opportunity to go rafting down the Mae Taeng River, taste foods you may never have seen before and explore outdoor markets with artistic handicrafts and fashions made by local artisans.

Lodging The GLA Home Base is a rustic lodge in a Northern Thai Elephant Home. The Home Base features a covered eating area and is basic, but clean and safe. Students stay in gender-segregated rooms with roommates and have access to cold-water showers and Western-style toilets.

 14-DAY PROGRAM June 19 - July 2 July 5 - July 18 July 23 - August 5 August 8 - August 21

 Duration: 14 days  Tuition: $3,699  Service Hours: 30

 Link it to » THAILAND Cultural Kaleidoscope (pg. 32)

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



The Elephant Conservation Project

Volunteer with organizations that support injured, aging or retired elephants Help organizations that provide humane care for rescued or rehabilitating animals Study elephant behavior and biology in a natural environment Work on projects to conserve the natural habitat of elephants Learn the art of Thai cooking Explore language

intricate Buddhist temples




language PROGRAM






Take your compassion for animals a step further as you work to support elephant conservation.


Take your compassion for animals to the next level and volunteer with organizations that support humane care of all elephants, whether healthy, rescued or retired. You’ll help care for elephants that have been relieved from working in the traditional tourist industry, as you learn about responsible alternatives that can replace unethical elephant tourism and trekking. Observe the inherent, wild behaviors of these gentle giants, stimulated by their improved living conditions in a natural habitat. Away from service, discover the fascinating culture and lush mountain forests of Thailand.

Community Service


Thailand is home to both wild and domesticated populations of Asian elephants. Capture of wild elephants for domestic use has seriously threatened wild populations, and domestic elephants face chronic abuse as they are broken to work in tourism and logging. Thailand has no laws to prevent mistreatment; therefore, there is an urgent need to help these animals. You’ll volunteer with an ethical rehabilitation organization, doing hands-on work with the elephants: Wash them, feed them, collect food and clean their enclosures. Along with direct care, help with community-based initiatives or wildlife protection campaigns.

Thailand exudes both rustic beauty and serene elegance. The people possess vibrant character that is reflected in the landscape, culture and their reverent attitude, a refreshing comparison to the frenetic pace of the West. Feel a special connection to the culture as you explore open air markets, learn to cook tasty local dishes from a gracious local host, visit the sacred and beautiful Buddhist temples and hike towards vistas of mountain ranges and rustic farmland. Experience a deep appreciation for this remote corner of the globe.

Hands-On Learning Rescuing elephants from harsh city environments is already a big step to improving their welfare and general well-being. Changing archaic mentalities toward animal welfare is the next step, and a long-term goal. Learn about historic motivations for domesticating elephants in the tourism industry and how you can join the movement to achieve long-term change. Observe how responsible, alternative ways of interacting with elephants benefits the animals, their mahouts and the environment. Learn how industries like logging and palm oil plantations are devastating the habitats of countless wildlife.

Lodging Home Base is located in rural Thailand, offering natural surroundings and unique, authentic experiences. Accommodations are basic, but clean and safe. Students sleep in gender-segregated rooms with roommates, and have access to shared bathrooms with cold-water showers.

 21-DAY PROGRAM June 21 - July 11 July 15 - August 4

 Duration: 21 days  Tuition: $5,199  Service Hours: 45

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



Service Through the Lens Volunteer with children in rural communities and be encouraged to find “the real story” Capture beautiful moments in daily life Hear from expert photojournalists on their career successes and struggles Learn the ethics of putting humanity before photography Travel to the Taj Mahal Trek through Himalayan villages language PROGRAM



language PROGRAM






This photo was captured in 2015 by student photographer and GLA alum Ryan Parrilla, while on program with GLA in Dharamsala.

Capture the stories of a great civilization, from Himalayan societies to the stunning Taj Mahal.


Visual imagery is a powerful tool for communication, with the ability to reach audiences far and wide, both emotionally and directly. In India, everyday life plays out in bright colors, a vivid juxtaposition of ancient and modern against a backdrop of intricate architecture. Full of diverse people, dramatic landscapes and spiritual energy, the village of Dharamsala— home to the Dalai Lama and today’s Tibetan refugee community—is the fascinating setting where you’ll learn everything you’ve ever wanted to know about photojournalism: the basics of documentation, what makes a good story, ethical practices and what it takes to get published.

Community Service Service will remain the central component of your objective in India. As you take in Dharamsala’s diverse scenery and faces through photojournalism, give back to this community that faces challenges around education and quality of life. In the process, build a personal understanding of the community, allowing you to tell a clearer and more compelling story. You’ll spend time at a local daycare center where teachers and staff run their establishments with minimal resources. Bond with the children as you assist with tutoring and providing afterschool activities that otherwise would not exist.

Hands-On Learning Gain a wide view of India, a land of contrasts. As stories of people you meet unfold, capture them and evaluate how the narratives can be responsibly told through photography and journalism. You’ll glimpse both modernized areas frequented by tourists, as well as an impoverished slum. Visit spiritual sites, learn Bollywood dance and participate in a workshop at a fair trade factory. Documentaries and presentations by grassroots leaders on pressing social issues will help you train your lens on diverse subjects—crowds, agriculture and landscape settings—with sensitivity.

As you create your body of work, you’ll receive guidance and insights from industry photojournalists and editors. Learn from professionals how to cull and edit your images, create an organized workflow, be a responsible storyteller and build demand for your work. Complete a Capstone project, which includes crafting a cohesive story of your time in India.

Adventure You’ll be based in Dharamsala, located in the Indian Himalayas and one of the most visually stunning regions on Earth. Explore Kangra fort, an ancient site known for both its beautiful architecture and magnificent views. If you’re joining us for the 21-Day Flagship Program, trek to rural Kareri village for an overnight excursion, meet its semi-nomadic Gaddi people and visit the town of Amritsar to see the Golden Temple. At the end of both 14-day and 21-day programs, you’ll travel south to the Taj Mahal for a glimpse of what is widely considered the most beautiful building in the world.

Lodging Home Base will be a group of one- to two-story houses in central Dharamsala, a beautiful mountain village. All students and staff will live together in close proximity, sharing a common area. Students will live with roommates in gender-segregated rooms, and enjoy communal, home-cooked meals.


 14-DAY


June 20 - July 10

July 14 - July 27

 Duration: 21 days  Tuition: $4,999  Service Hours: 40

 Duration: 14 days  Tuition: $3,499  Service Hours: 30

 Link it to » CHINA One Nation, Two Worlds (pg. 40) THAILAND Cultural Kaleidoscope (pg. 32)

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



One Nation, Two Worldsâ„¢ Help a minority community restore traditional temples and cultural relics Bond with local children through tutoring English Experience the majesty of rural and urban China Explore the incredible Stone Forest Learn, or improve upon, your Mandarin language skills Discover Beijing and hike the Great Wall of China language PROGRAM



language PROGRAM






A full spectrum of Chinese adventure awaits, as complex as the country itself.


Welcome to China, one of the oldest, largest and most diverse nations on Earth. China’s complex society and rich culture are most authentically preserved in its beautiful countryside, and this is your ticket to the full experience. You’ll be based in Shaxi (pronounced “sha-shee”), an ancient town in the rural Southwest, where temples built of intricate woodwork and a pervasive sense of history are elements of daily life. Interact with the local community through language exchange and impactful temple restoration projects, and explore famous cultural icons on the weekends: a UNESCO World Heritage Site, towering Buddha statues in the mountains, and on our 21-Day Flagship program, Beijing and the Great Wall of China. The 21-Day Flagship program also features the GLA Experiential Language Curriculum™, a unique curriculum for learning and improving Mandarin skills. It combines classroom time with immersion through community service, excursions and cultural activities.

Community Service


Volunteer in the Bai minority community, where residents are actively working to preserve their heritage and cultural traditions. During the Chinese Cultural Revolution, thousands of important temples, buildings and cultural relics were destroyed or damaged, including many sites in the village where you’ll be living. Participate in a physical service project that restores these sites and helps the ancient town’s global image. You’ll also volunteer with local children, tutoring English and playing learning games to help them improve their language skills.

In China, you’ll stand under giant Buddha sculptures at the mountaintop Baoxiang Temple, explore historic villages and visit Naigu Stone Forest, an unbelievable labyrinth of natural limestone formations. If you’re joining us for our 21-Day Flagship Program, you’ll go on a three-day excursion to Beijing, exploring cultural classics like Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City. You’ll also have the opportunity to check a major item off your bucket list—hiking the Great Wall of China!

Hands-On Learning China’s rapid move towards modernity is based on an ancient civilization that has remained intact for over four thousand years. Through local interaction, you’ll learn how contemporary change manifests in rural China. Participate in cooking demos, take dance lessons, visit markets and attend workshops on classic arts like silk flower-making, paper-cutting and Bai tie-dye art. In the 21-Day Flagship Program, our unique Mandarin curriculum combines classroom time and immersion, allowing beginners to quickly learn the basics, and gives advanced speakers the confidence to use their skills with natives.

Lodging The GLA Home Base in China is located in rural Shaxi, a historic market town in the stunning Yunnan province. Accommodations are basic, but clean and safe. Students will sleep in gender-segregated rooms with roommates. All rooms have attached bathrooms with Western-style toilets and showers that have warm and cold water. During our time in Beijing (21-Day Flagship Program only) and Dali, we will stay in local hotels as a group.


 14-DAY


July 3 - July 23

July 27 - August 9

 Duration: 21 days  Tuition: $5,099 + $400 flight supplement*  Service Hours: 36 Language Hours: 20

 Duration: 14 days  Tuition: $3,699  Service Hours: 25

* The $400 domestic flight supplement covers one-way airfare from Kunming to Beijing, and includes all taxes, fees and associated costs paid upon arrival in Beijing.

 Link it to » FIJI Empowering Island Communities (pg. 42) INDIA Service Through the Lens (pg. 38)

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



Empowering Island Communities â„¢ Wake up every day on a remote island surrounded by coconut trees Volunteer on a variety of sustainability projects Get your mud on at a natural mud pool Hike to an outlook point in the Yasawa islands Swim among manta rays Snorkel along coral reefs teeming with exotic fish language PROGRAM



language PROGRAM






333 islands. One Pacific paradise. This is Fiji, where powerful seeds of opportunity await your planting.


“Bula!” This is the enthusiastic greeting you’ll hear again and again from native Fijians. Even on the extremely remote Yasawa Islands, where many regions are extremely poor, you’d be hard-pressed to find a more warm and welcoming people. Life revolves around the ocean and community—old and young live together, and large gatherings and ceremonies are a constant occurrence. Where you’ll live and volunteer, there are no roads, cars, banks or shops. Become part of this simple village life and experience Fiji’s fascinating culture as you work on projects aimed at achieving sustainability for this remote community.

Community Service


While the Yasawa Islands are beautiful, daily village life isn’t quite the paradise that first meets the eye. The community struggles day to day with shortages of clean drinking water, little to no health services or facilities, lack of educational support, and no sustainable way forward that will accommodate growth. Depending on the needs and available resources at the time you arrive in Fiji, you’ll help with any one of several high-impact projects: delivering a summer education curriculum, reading one-on-one with children, refurbishing rainwater catchment systems, working on agricultural projects or helping with marine data collection.

Life in Fiji is a daily aquatic adventure. Glide by boat over crystal blue waters and swim alongside pods of peaceful manta rays. Snorkel over coral reefs teeming with colorful fish as you explore the beauty of the coral’s shapes and colors. Visit a hot natural mud pool and soak in its nourishing powers. Hike to a high outlook point in the island chain and see the beautiful islands below. Experience the vastness of the universe as you gaze at more stars than you’ve ever seen at once. Students should be relatively comfortable in the water to get the most out of this program.

Hands-On Learning

The main GLA Home Base in Fiji is located on a private beach, steps away from the ocean. Students live with roommates in gender-segregated beachside lodging with cold-water showers. While living conditions are simple, you will quickly discover the rhythm of daily Fijian life.

Fiji’s extreme remoteness presents a way of life vastly different from any other part of the world—every day is a chance to learn from its rustic, community-based culture. You’ll have opportunities to watch and listen as ancient stories and legends unfold through traditional song and dance. Meet with village leaders and community members to discuss critical issues facing their families. Learn jewelry-making using coconuts, the steps of the traditional dance Meke, and the effects of invasive species and climate change on the South Pacific.


 Link it to » CHINA One Nation, Two Worlds (pg. 40) BALI Global Health Initiative (pg. 30)

 21-DAY PROGRAM June 13 - July 3 July 7 - July 27 July 31 - August 20

 Duration: 21 days  Tuition: $5,199  Service Hours: 45

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com


“My time with Global Leadership Adventures made me realize that I want to spend my life learning about other cultures and providing services to help those in need. I discovered my passion, and how fulfilling it can be to form connections with people who don’t even speak your same language.” Alexandra - SPAIN: Cultural KaleidoscopeTM


SPAIN p.40 Spanish Service Adventureâ„¢

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



Spanish Service Adventure™ Improve your Spanish through language immersion Explore complex issues of immigration facing modern-day Spain See Spain’s iconic architecture and visit the Sagrada Familia Take a paella workshop and learn to dance flamenco Tour the Barcelona soccer stadium

language PROGRAM



language PROGRAM






For more than a language course, travel to Valencia—the perfect destination for a full Spanish experience.


The passions of Spain’s people are the fabric of daily life; this is a country with music in its soul, a love of fine food and wild landscapes, and a special talent for celebrating all things in life. Based in the city of Valencia, you’ll experience a sophisticated cultural scene, great food, diverse people and stunning contemporary architecture. Sharpen your Spanish skills through a mix of language immersion and formal instruction, and practice with passionate native Spanish speakers as you volunteer alongside local organizations. Experience two of Spain’s sun-bathed coastal jewels—Valencia and Barcelona on this life-changing Spanish experience. The GLA Experiential Language Curriculum™ combines language learning in the classroom with immersion through community service, excursions and cultural activities.

Community Service Although Spain has traditionally been one of the world’s strongest economies, many of the nation’s minority populations are underserved. Spain is at the epicenter of immigration within the EU, and your service projects will focus on promoting intercultural understanding and an attitude of solidarity towards diversity. Volunteer with a local organization that exists to help immigrants assimilate into Spanish culture by running a summer camp for youth and reinforcing the English curriculum through learning games. Overcome language barriers as you improve your own Spanish through working alongside this organization.

Hands-On Learning History and culture collide with the modern and festive in Valencia, and this fascinating city will become your medium for becoming a confident Spanish speaker. Take a paella workshop and learn how food, and long meals with loved ones, plays a vibrant role in daily Spanish life. Tour Cabanyal, a protected historical zone and fishermen’s quarter in existence since the 13th century. Learn flamenco, Spain’s official

folklore dance, and explore Barcelona’s gothic quarter. Dive into medieval history as you see the influence of artists like Gaudí, Salvador Dalí, and Pablo Picasso in the 14th-century architecture of the city.

Adventure Visit the enchanting seaside city of Barcelona, with boundless culture, fabled architecture and a world-class dining scene. Observe the famous Sagrada Familia, emblem of Spain, and Park Güell. Tour the Barcelona soccer stadium. Experience a “Street Life Tour” in support of a social enterprise, creating a job for a formerly homeless person. Chat with locals as you spend an afternoon soaking up the sun on an incredible Mediterranean beach, and go rafting through class III rapids on one of Spain’s fast and fun rivers.

Lodging The GLA Home Base is located in Valencia in an historic and traditional Spanish-style home. The building is basic, but cozy, clean and safe. Students will sleep in gender-segregated rooms with roommates and will have private bathrooms with Western-style toilets. During excursions, we will stay in small hotels.


 14-DAY


June 24 - July 14

July 18 - July 31

 Duration: 21 days  Tuition: $6,399  Service Hours: 45 Language Hours: 45

 Duration: 14 days  Tuition: $4,199  Service Hours: 30 Language Hours: 30

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



“One day, we’re arriving in a foreign country and meeting 28 strangers. Three weeks later, we are saying goodbye to our family.” Cienna - Peru: Service in the Sacred Valley

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



Preserving Nature’s Wonders ™ Volunteer to restore the habitat of native Galápagos wildlife Snorkel with sea lions, turtles, and blue-footed boobies nearby Straddle the northern and southern hemispheres at the actual Equator line Swim, kayak, and hike as you explore these untouched islands Wander the cobblestone streets of colonial Quito

language PROGRAM



language PROGRAM






Live alongside exotic marine life in one of the last untouched places on earth.


The Galápagos Islands, located off the coast of Ecuador, are so unique that UNESCO has designated them a World Heritage Site. These 19 islands have been called a “living museum” and “showcase of evolution.” While the archipelago has been the center of attention from conservationists around the world, it is under constant pressure from environmental threats. Come and experience one of the most pristine natural environments where conservationists are working to protect this unique ecosystem. Besides volunteering, you’ll also have the opportunity to explore volcanoes, snorkel with sea lions, and hike expansive lava fields.

Community Service


The native wildlife of the islands is in danger because the animals’ natural habitat is under attack by invasive plants, litter, and foreign species. On Isabela Island, our project is in partnership with a tortoise breeding center, where you’ll see tortoises roaming around as you work to help them. On San Cristobal Island, you’ll get your day started with a hike up a beautiful hill where we will clear invasive species on private and national park land to encourage tortoises and endemic birds to reinhabit the land. Of the nine days you spend on the Galápagos Islands, six of those days will consist of community service. The other three days will focus on exploring the islands and learning about the biology and geology of the Galápagos archipelago.

This journey through the Galápagos Islands will prove to be the experience of a lifetime. This is not simply because of the rich and varied diversity of animals that you will see or their staggering numbers, but also because of their sublime indifference to you while observing them. Swim with sea lions and observe blue-footed boobies perched on rocks. The skies are filled with wheeling, courting, red-throated frigate birds. The lava rocks are piled high with motionless marine iguanas. You will hike to a volcano and explore one of the five largest calderas in the world. You’ll swim through lagoons, snorkel off the rugged island coast and see wildlife that you have until now only read about.

Hands-On Learning

To start and end our journey, we’ll stay at a local hotel in Quito. While in the Galápagos, we will stay on two islandsIsabela and San Cristobal. On Isabela Island, we stay at a comfortable hotel owned by a local family. On Cristobal, we stay at a rustic volunteer lodge in the highlands.

Throughout the program, you will be in a “living classroom.” We will learn about issues related to the challenges of balancing the needs of humans with the imperative for biological protection and preservation. You will also witness firsthand the diversity of species that led Darwin to formulate his thinking on natural selection and adaptation. The entire journey will shed light on the history of these islands, human interaction and habitation, and the struggle to conserve the wildlife and fauna of this area.


 14-DAY PROGRAM June 15 - June 28 June 24 - July 7 July 3 - July 16 July 10 - July 23 July 19 - August 1 August 4 - August 17

 Duration: 14 days  Tuition: $3,999 + $600 flight supplement *  Service Hours: 24

* The $600 domestic flight supplement covers roundtrip airfare from Quito to the Galápagos Islands and includes $110 of taxes, fees and permits paid upon arrival at the Galápagos airport.

 LINK IT TO PERU Service in the Sacred Valley (pg. 52) GUATEMALA Children of the Maya (pg. 92) COSTA RICA Animal Rescue Project (pg. 64)

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



Service in the Sacred Valley Help alleviate health issues in rural communities Trek to Machu Picchu and camp among snowcapped peaks Visit archaeological sites of the Inca Empire Go whitewater rafting down rivers winding through the Andes Explore Peru’s colorful artisanal markets

language PROGRAM



language PROGRAM






The ancient Inca Empire is yours to discover while making a difference in the lives of families.


High in the Andes, the Peruvian city of Cuzco is a living monument to Inca history. Once the heart of the Inca Empire, Cuzco is home to incredible archaeological relics, colorful fiestas and the finest weavings and arts—all things that have been passed down from a sophisticated, ancient civilization. Traverse this thriving city, explore its markets and go on an epic trek to Machu Picchu. Look around more, though, and you’ll learn Peru has areas of need—poverty and malnutrition are common in rural areas. As you work to combat these issues, you’ll see that Peru is more than its wild landscapes and ancient arts: The sweet generosity and spirited culture of its people are what have truly endured the last several centuries.

Community Service


About 8 million Peruvians remain poor, and poverty is deepest among people of indigenous origin living in remote, rural areas. Food insecurity is chronic here, where many farmers produce basic food crops at a subsistence level. Your community service projects will focus on improving public health, especially for women and children, the worst affected. Help with construction of systems like greenhouses, communal fish farms and “cuy” or guinea pig farms, which offer efficient food production systems.

The Sacred Valley surrounding Cuzco is full of incredible topography and archaeological marvels. You’ll tour famous ruins, take a full day to explore the city of Cuzco, and of course, hike to Machu Picchu. The two- to threeday trek passes through awe-inspiring valleys, and you’ll wake up from camp to staggering snow-capped peaks at 10,000 feet of elevation. If you’re joining us for our 21Day Flagship Program, you’ll also spend a weekend taking in the landscape by raft—rush down whitewater rapids that wind through the Andes range.

Hands-On Learning Your community service projects will give you significant insight into public health, poverty alleviation and children’s issues. Outside of service, you’ll learn firsthand about Peru’s rich culture that descends from the Inca empire, through Andean music and dance workshops, a visit to the local llama and alpaca farm, conversation with a traditional shaman and exploring the bustling Pisac market. Play soccer with local youth and engage in discussion with nonprofit organizations to deepen your understanding of Peru’s contemporary culture.

Lodging Home Base is located in a beautiful hotel. Students stay in gender-segregated rooms with one to three roommates and have access to showers and Western-style toilets. During weekend hiking excursions, students camp in tents provided by GLA.

 Link it to » ARGENTINA Land of Discovery (pg. 58) COSTA RICA Sea Turtle Initiative (pg. 78)


June 22 - July 12 July 16 - August 5  Duration: 21 days  Tuition: $5,199  Service Hours: 50

 14-DAY


June 13 - June 26 June 29 - July 12 July 6 - July 19 July 15 - July 28 July 22 - August 4 August 1 - August 14  Duration: 14 days  Tuition: $3,499  Service Hours: 35

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



Spanish Service Adventure Improve your Spanish through language immersion Volunteer on various projects for the local community Hike to famous Machu Picchu Shop at an indigenous craft market Go whitewater rafting through the Andes mountains

language PROGRAM



language PROGRAM






Where ancient civilization and vibrant modern culture combine, your language skills will soar.


Spanish class will never be the same! Discover Cuzco, the cultural heart of the Inca Empire, as you immerse yourself in its sights and sounds—ancient flutes, traditional clothes, cobblestone streets—and absorb the language. While you volunteer on various projects to improve the lives of indigenous residents in the regions surrounding Cuzco, practice your Spanish with patient and friendly native speakers. On the weekends, explore the Sacred Valley and hike through the Andes mountains to visit Machu Picchu. The GLA Experiential Language Curriculum™ combines language learning in the classroom with immersion through community service, excursions and cultural activities.

Community Service Living and volunteering in Cuzco, besides being culturally stimulating, also provides an excellent opportunity to practice speaking Spanish in real-life situations. In spite of the city’s success in tourism, poverty and classism continue to thrive in Cuzco’s rural areas. Depending on community needs at the time of your arrival, your service may include various community development projects or making infrastructure improvements that ease the difficulty of daily life. Interact with the children and families you’re serving, and experience locals’ generosity and charm as they help you improve your speaking skills.

Hands-On Learning Take advantage of a unique language immersion curriculum that combines classroom time with practicing speaking Spanish in everyday conversation with locals— during service, participating in cultural activities and even on excursions. All levels are welcome, and you’ll be placed with peers at a similar level of speaking and comprehension ability. Improving your Spanish communication skills will also deepen cultural learning experiences, including participating in Andean music and dance workshops,

listening to talks about cosmology, and meeting traditional healers. Experience local culture through soccer game, meetings with farming communities, and engaging discussions with non-profit organizations.

Adventure Peru’s diverse natural landscape creates the perfect playground for outdoor adventures like whitewater rafting and biking. These roads and rivers are the same transport routes that Andean people have been taking for thousands of years, so you’ll see ancient ruins and historic relics along the way. No trip to Cuzco is complete without a trek to epic Machu Picchu—retrace the footsteps of countless Inca natives, and even bathe like they did in the nearby natural hot springs!

Lodging Home Base is located in one of the picturesque villages of the Sacred Valley, one hour outside the city of Cuzco at an elevation of 9,850 feet. You’ll live in a family atmosphere among high mountains, snowcapped peaks and fields of crops. Students stay in gender-segregated rooms with roommates and have access to showers and Western-style toilets.

 21-DAY PROGRAM June 27 - July 17 July 21 - August 10

 Duration: 21 days  Tuition: $4,999  Service Hours: 45 Language Hours: 40

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



Amazon Service Adventure Experience life in the vast, biodiverse jungle of the Amazon basin Spot exotic birds, dolphins and other animals Visit wildlife rescue centers where you can interact with manatees and monkeys Try to “live off the land” on an overnight wilderness challenge Build a raft and participate in a raft race on the Amazon language PROGRAM



language PROGRAM






Welcome to the Amazon jungle, one of the last true frontiers on Earth.


The Amazon is a true marvel of the world and imagination, a life spring of the planet and an ecosystem unrivaled in biodiversity. Sloths, ocelots and marmosets roam the forests, snakes peacefully lurk undisturbed in the swamps, toothy caimans sunbathe along riverbanks and trees rise like giants from the forest floor. Indigenous tribes are still scattered throughout the Amazon, surviving primarily by hunting and fishing. You’ll have the truly unique and otherworldly experience of living and volunteering on the Santa Cruz Forest Reserve, helping efforts to improve quality of life for residents of nearby Amazon communities, and to conserve the biological riches of the rainforest.

Community Service Dive into service projects that directly impact families living in this remote region. Previous GLA students initiated the first garbage management and recycling facilities in the community of Santa Cruz, and developed a community kitchen at the school, initiatives that continue to aid families today. Plant trees to help preserve the Amazon ecosystem, and start a school arboretum or other systems for more sustainable living. Connect with local children through language exchange, computer lessons and playing cross-cultural games.

Hands-On Learning In the Amazon, the world is truly your classroom! Living near the untamed forest will awaken your inner explorer. Learn about environmental protection and fascinating indigenous cultures. Explore Iquitos, an isolated jungle metropolis known as the capital of the Peruvian Amazon, and the largest continental city in the world unreachable by road. Shop at Belén Market for exotic fruits and Amazonian anomalies, and learn about wildlife at a manatee rescue center and monkey reserve.

Adventure The mysterious and relaxing symphony of frog calls, insects, birds, titi monkeys and other creatures is the

reason night might be our favorite time in the Amazon. Be enchanted by a night hike, guided by a local community member who has scouted the jungle for years. Participate in a controlled Wilderness Challenge where, with your team, you’ll make a shelter, build a fire and use a compass to locate supplies for spending a night living off the land. By day, compete in a raft-building competition that culminates in a race on the Mazan River.

Lodging Home Base is the Santa Cruz Forest Reserve, a humid Amazon rainforest preserve located on the Mazan River. It is reached by five-hour boat cruise from the main city of Iquitos, and a one-mile hike inland from the river. On service days, students will hike between Home Base and the river, and take a short boat ride to reach the community of Santa Cruz. Lodging is simple but clean and safe, and consists of traditional raised tambo huts that are gender-segregated and shared with roommates. Bathrooms have Westernstyle toilets and rainwater showers. Meals will be hearty and healthy, consisting of meats, poultry, fish, beans, rice, vegetables and a wide variety of Amazonian fruits.

 14-DAY PROGRAM July 2 - July 15 July 19 - August 1

 Duration: 14 days  Tuition: $3,399  Service Hours: 30

 Link it to » PERU Service in the Sacred Valley (pg. 52)

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



Land of Discovery™ Work on building projects for an underserved community Learn about sustainable food production Live on the Tigre Delta and kayak its many waterways Horseback ride across Argentina’s backcountry with traditional gauchos Visit Buenos Aires and eat like a local Hike by Iguazú Falls, a UNESCO World Heritage Site language PROGRAM



language PROGRAM






Relive Argentina’s history through rugged countryside, historic districts and big city life.


Argentina is to travel what Messi is to fútbol: simply one of the best. Between its hardy gaucho history, breathtaking Iguazú Falls and cosmopolitan Buenos Aires, you could set off in any direction and be on your way to something inspiring. The tango beats of Buenos Aires’ streets will captivate you, and its legendary cuisine won’t disappoint. Volunteering in El Tigre, a historic town in the delta region, you’ll advance sustainable community development efforts and have a chance to really discover the unmistakable Argentinian passion for life.

Community Service


As one of the more developed nations in Latin America, Argentine society is moving forward quickly, but there is still a need for volunteers in many community development projects. Contribute to the health and happiness of families in the Delta region by helping construct muchneeded community buildings using recycled materials. You’ll work alongside locals and form unforgettable bonds with the neighborhood children. You’ll also spend time caring for the urban community gardening initiative, a sustainable food source for local families.

Spend a day off visiting Buenos Aires, Argentina’s stunning capital. Try to keep up with its endless sights: the modern metropolis blends with colorful street cafes, and porteños (the city’s residents—famously passionate and opinionated!) stride past 20th-century stone facades. Away from city life, you’ll kayak the Tigre River steps from Home Base and go horseback riding with Argentinian gauchos. If you’re joining us for the 21-day Flagship program, you’ll visit the almighty Iguazú Falls, an unforgettable sight. Get as close as you can by speedboat and hike to lush viewpoints in the surrounding national park.

Hands-On Learning Argentina is a storyteller’s dream, with vast and varied landscapes and dramatic characters throughout its history. One of these is the gaucho, the rough-and-ready cattle rancher of the pampas—South American plains. You’ll spend a full day on a traditional estancia with gauchos, horseback riding and learning about their craft. At your service site, issues like sustainable community development, organic food production and environmental conservation will come to life, along with learning more about Argentina’s rich culture through cooking demos, dance lessons and a visit to the Tigre Museum.

Lodging Home Base is located in the historic district of Tigre in the northern outskirts of Buenos Aires Province. It is set in a quiet and peaceful neighborhood, and students will share gender-segregated rooms with roommates. Students will have access to shared bathrooms with showers and Western-style toilets. Home Base also has a lovely garden and common areas for students to spend time together. Meals will be hearty and healthy, consisting of meats/ cheeses, pastas, vegetables and fruit.


 14-DAY


July 19 - August 8

July 2 - July 15

 Duration: 21 days  Tuition: $4,999  Service Hours: 45

 Duration: 14 days  Tuition: $3,399  Service Hours: 35

 Link it to » PERU Service in the Sacred Valley (pg. 52) COSTA RICA The Initiative for Children (pg. 66)

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com


“I didn’t really know what to expect when going on my GLA trip to the Dominican Republic, but I came back much more motivated and excited than when I had left. That’s what is special about GLA. You experience social, environmental, and economic problems firsthand and return with a sense of empowerment of how to address these issues at home.” Oliver - Dominican Republic: Building a Sustainable World




+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



The Initiative for Children™ Lead educational English camp for Belizean youth Use experiential learning tools to improve children’s literacy Live on a tropical savannah surrounded by biodiversity Experience everything from lush rainforests to the Caribbean coast Enjoy world-class snorkeling over the world’s second-largest barrier reef Explore an ancient language cave system




language PROGRAM






Improve children’s literacy in exotic Belize, surrounded by dense wildlife and adventure from ridge to reef.


Belize is known not only for its abundant biodiversity, but also for bringing together a seamless mix of cultures: Belizean, Creole, Mestizo, Garifuna, Maya. With one foot in the Central American jungles and the other in the Caribbean Sea, Belize may be small but it’s packed with adventure and culture—you’ll be snorkeling on the reef one day and hiking the tropical savannah the next. In contrast to its vast natural resources, the country’s economic and public resources are limited. As a volunteer, you’ll help design and run an educational summer camp for local children, creating an effective, nurturing environment for children to continue their education.

Community Service


Improve access to education in Belize by staffing a summer camp focused on youth literacy and empowerment through education. You’ll lead the children in experiential learning activities such as co-creating books and taking part in outdoor activities that tie into their language lessons. These are just a few of the creative methods you’ll adopt to make learning more engaging. In a country where one-third of the population is under 15 years old, this is impactful work, and the close bonds you’ll form with your enthusiastic students will reflect the difference a quality education can make.

With its easygoing attitude, Belize is the perfect destination for true Caribbean adventure. Paddle a canoe through a jungle river to observe green iguanas, keelbilled toucans and the occasional Central American river otter. Cool off after long days of service by swimming in the Sibun River. On a weekend excursion to the island of Caye Caulker, you’ll have the chance to snorkel over coral reefs with tropical fish, and with luck, observe sea turtles, dolphins, manatees and other marine mammals in the open ocean. If you’re joining us for our 21-Day Flagship Program, take an exciting, guided journey through the magnificent cave systems of Belize, with a chance of seeing ancient artifacts.

Hands-On Learning The same natural beauty that draws people to Belize risks endangerment to the region’s ecosystems due to growing tourist traffic. Experience the country’s dense biodiversity and learn about efforts to preserve the region during guided nature hikes and a visit to the world-famous Belize Zoo. Try your hand at cooking local foods and beating traditional rhythms on Creole sambai drums. Tour the Xunantunich Archaeological Site for a better understanding of Belize’s ancient Maya heritage.

Lodging Home Base is located on a tropical savannah located in Belize’s central lowland forest. The land consists of many beautiful hiking paths and a wide array of flora and fauna. Students stay in gender-segregated dormitory buildings with fans, and have access to Westernstyle bathrooms with cold-water showers. Meals will be hearty and healthy, consisting of meats, beans, rice, vegetables and fruit.


July 7 - July 27  Duration: 21 days  Tuition: $5,199  Service Hours: 60

 14-DAY


June 21 - July 4 July 7 - July 20 July 31 - August 13  Duration: 14 days  Tuition: $3,499  Service Hours: 35

 Link it to » COSTA RICA Spanish Service Adventure (pg. 68)

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



Animal Rescue ProjectTM Help rehabilitate abandoned domestic animals Learn about protection of rare species of local wildlife Observe proper ways to care for rescued animals Surf, stand up paddleboard and go horseback riding on the beach Learn to dance salsa and cook local cuisine

language PROGRAM



language PROGRAM






Rescue and rehabilitate abandoned and injured animals in Costa Rica, a natural haven for both domestic and wild critters.


If you’re an animal lover looking to make a difference, Costa Rica is an amazing place to volunteer! You’ll have the chance to help rescue and rehabilitate abandoned and injured animals with a local organization dedicated to rescuing suffering domestic animals. Support efforts to provide better infrastructure and care for adorable creatures that have suffered abandonment. In your time off service, experience all the outdoor adventure Costa Rica has to offer—hike to impressive vistas throughout the rainforest, or see the coastline by surfboard, paddleboard, or if you’re joining us for the 21-Day Flagship Program, on horseback.

Community Service Your time with the local community directly impacts animals that have been rescued by local organizations in Costa Rica. From helping with daily walks and feedings to working on building stronger, safer infrastructure for care enclosures or other facilities of the animal center, you’ll find the work rewarding as you witness how animals that were previously abandoned or mistreated can be rejuvenated with attention, safe surroundings, positive social interaction and proper care.

Hands-On Learning Volunteering alongside passionate animal care workers and local rescue organizations will give you insight into what it’s like to be dedicated to both conservation and rehabilitation of domestic or wild animals. Bond with locals and peers based on your shared compassion for animals. With Costa Rica’s rich ecosystem as the backdrop for this program, you’ll even head into the rainforest for sightings of animals you might have never seen or heard of. Visit an exotic animal rescue center and learn about the work being done to protect rare species in the region. You’ll get a diverse look at the country through plenty of

cultural activities, from salsa dancing to cooking classes to participating in a coffee tour.

Adventure After working hard to benefit the animals who reside in this beautiful region of Costa Rica, head out into the forest for some adventure of your own. Visit spectacular natural spaces and reserves, and enjoy scenic overlooks for unparalleled views of this natural paradise. If you’re joining us for our 21-Day Flagship Program, go horseback riding along Costa Rica’s iconic coastline. On our 14-Day Program, visit the crater of a volcano and zipline through the rainforest canopy.

Lodging Home Base is a small, locally-owned hotel located just 20 minutes away from your service site and is surrounded by natural beauty. Unwind each day in the lush garden and with welcoming staff. Meals are home-cooked, including Costa Rican staples such as casados and gallo pinto—flavorful rice and beans entrees—and fresh tropical fruits!


June 29 - July 19 July 23 - August 12  Duration: 21 days  Tuition: $5,199  Service Hours: 52

 14-DAY


June 19 - July 2 July 5 - July 18 July 21 - August 3  Duration: 14 days  Tuition: $3,499  Service Hours: 35

 Link it to » COSTA RICA Sea Turtle Initiative (pg. 78) Galápagos Preserving Nature’s Wonders (pg. 50)

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



The Initiative for ChildrenTM Refurbish school buildings, playgrounds or community centers for children Discuss critical children’s issues in the region Enjoy cafecito—coffee and conversation— with a Costa Rican family Experience Costa Rica’s rainforest canopy on zipline or horseback Raft down a 12-foot rapid on the Tenorio River language PROGRAM



language PROGRAM






Embrace Costa Rica’s children and make an impact on the next generation.


This program takes place in a pocket of secluded communities reachable only by rutted dirt roads. Far from the developed tourism hotspots of Costa Rica, you’ll be helping a more remote Tico village with improving resources for its youth. Through service projects, help speed development of community resources towards a brighter future for this community’s children. Bond with the children and community through impromptu soccer matches, learning how to cook traditional Costa Rican dishes, dancing cumbia and practicing conversational Spanish. During downtime, experience everything Costa Rica has to offer: lush landscapes, diverse wildlife and plenty of outdoor adventure.

Community Service


While it has many progressive policies in conservation and development, Costa Rica’s remote villages and rural populations can be overlooked. As a result, volunteer efforts to speed up development and education initiatives are critical. You’ll focus on various service projects as needed, all of which improve children’s quality of life and their access to community resources: Introducing fine art in local schools, building a playground, paving a school driveway, beautifying the library or refurbishing la plaza—the local term for the soccer field. Volunteering alongside village residents and children, you’ll form unforgettable bonds and see the fruits of your service.

In this part of Costa Rica, adventure is around every corner. You’ll explore the rainforest, ride horses, and hike Costa Rica’s breathtaking landscapes. Visit a National Park and cross several puentes colgantes—hanging bridges—as you take in the rainforest views from all angles. On our 21-Day Flagship Program, hike to Rio Celeste and its famous blue waterfalls, and go whitewater rafting down a 12-foot rapid, passing everything from smooth lagoons to white-faced monkeys and other exotic wildlife.

Hands-On Learning A world leader in conservation efforts, Costa Rica is the best place for learning about environmental issues. You’ll visit a recycling center or agriculture fields to understand the process and its crucial place in sustainability. You’ll also spend time at a family-operated farm learning how sugarcane is grown and milled, chat with locals over cafecito—the Tico equivalent of tea time. Most importantly, you’ll hear the stories of locals who have seen the landscape and culture of Costa Rica change over the course of their lives.

Lodging Your Home Base in Costa Rica will be in a private hotel surrounded by nature. This region is remote and accommodations are clean and safe. The Home Base is exclusively used by GLA students and staff, and is surrounded by lush rainforest teeming with wildlife. Students will stay in gender-segregated rooms with roommates, and will share gender-segregated bathrooms and shower facilities.


June 12 - July 2 July 7 - July 27 July 31 - August 20  Duration: 21 days  Tuition: $4,999  Service Hours: 52

 14-DAY

PROGRAM June 17 - June 30 July 3 - July 16 July 19 - August 1

 Duration: 14 days  Tuition: $3,499  Service Hours: 35

 Link it to » COSTA RICA Animal Rescue Project (pg. 64) GUATEMALA Children of the Maya (pg. 92)

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



Spanish Service Adventure Take your Spanish to the next level through a structured immersion program Practice with native speakers in an encouraging community Volunteer on projects advancing sustainable community development Explore the outdoors: Climbing, rappelling, ziplining and whitewater rafting Surf with locals on a pristine beach

Homestay Experience

language PROGRAM




8 days

Extend your stay and dedicate another week to service.

 Tuition:

Become part of a local family who welcomes you into their home.

 Duration:








 Service Hrs: 25 Language Hrs: 45

Polish your Spanish through true immersion in the community. Get to know locals at a community cook-off and soccer match.

The cloud forest is your classroom, where Spanish immersion, volunteering and adventure coexist to create a limitless learning environment.


Forget learning Spanish in a classroom—on this program you’ll live in the breathtaking cloud forest and learn to speak Spanish like a local. You’ll meet Costa Ricans who continue to work toward protecting their biodiverse home in the face of increased tourism and development. Alongside passionate conservationists, you’ll volunteer on projects in eco-friendly building and agriculture, and interview community members—in their native language, of course! These experiences will make sure you get plenty of practice and return home a more confident Spanish speaker.

Community Service Our community service projects focus on sustainable development in a rural mountain community. Partner with small, local coffee farms that are committed to transitioning from conventional to organic coffee production. This practice leads to mitigation of local health issues, environmental protection, and long-term economic benefits for small growers and their communities. We’ll also contribute to green building initiatives that reduce plastic waste and improve road conditions, ultimately improving children’s access to schools.

Hands-On Learning Cross-cultural exchange is the key to true understanding, and language is no exception. GLA’s Experiential Language Curriculum™ incorporates language learning into structured immersive exchanges with the community: Every hour spent at a service site or on an adventure will push you to use your Spanish skills, creating an intensive learning environment. You’ll be placed into one of three language levels to complete the curriculum. Immersion activities will also include “adopt-a-gringo” home visits, interviews, and dance and cooking lessons in Spanish. You’ll learn about the importance of sustain-

able development and discuss social and environmental issues that reach far beyond Costa Rica’s borders.

Adventure In Costa Rica, all trails lead to waterfalls, tropical forests or unspoiled beaches—there’s no shortage of opportunities to get your adrenaline pumping! Zipline through the tall canopy trees of the cloud forest and go rafting down Pacuare River’s world-class rapids. For a taste of city life, spend a night in San Jose, complete with a tour of Costa Rica’s national monuments. On the 21-Day Flagship Program, learn to surf with the locals of Dominical and experience wildlife up close on a 2-night excursion to Manuel Antonio National Park.

Lodging Home Base will be a picturesque ecolodge exclusively used by our students and staff, nestled in the greenery of the surrounding cloud rainforest. Students stay in gender-segregated rooms with roommates and have bathrooms with hot and cold-water showers. Meals will be hearty and healthy, consisting of meats, beans, rice, vegetables and fruit.


June 23 - July 13 July 17 - August 6  Duration: 21 days  Tuition: $4,999  Service Hours: 48 Language Hours: 35

 14-DAY


June 25 - July 8 July 11 - July 24 July 27 - August 9  Duration: 14 days  Tuition: $3,499  Service Hours: 28 Language Hours: 25

 Link it to » COSTA RICA Protecting the Pacific (pg. 72) ) BELIZE The Initiative for Children (pg. 62)

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



Empowering Rainforest Communities™ Volunteer with a small community on sustainable development Help protect the rainforest’s biodiversity Tour a gold mining camp Zipline one of Costa Rica’s most extensive canopy tours Swim under waterfalls in Corcovado National Park

language PROGRAM



language PROGRAM






Península de Osa is Costa Rica’s wild side—a primitive paradise of dense wildlife and remote rainforests.


National Geographic named Costa Rica’s Península de Osa “the most biologically intense place on Earth” due to the diversity and density of species that call this untouched region of Central America home. Isolated from the mainland, you’ll live in a secluded nature wonderland where howler monkeys sing, locals still pan for gold and macaws soar above the canopy. This ecological treasure trove is the perfect setting to learn about sustainable community development and environmental conservation as you volunteer with the rural people living in the village of Rancho Quemado.

Community Service


With a population of only 200, Rancho Quemado is a small settlement that has called the remote Osa Peninsula home for generations. As the town receives an increased trickle of tourist traffic, you’ll help its residents with community refurbishment projects that help build a sustainable eco-tourism industry, such as painting community buildings, planting gardens, building fencing or helping with recycling and trash pickups. Living among native families in the heart of the rainforest will inspire you to protect the traditional way of life and the region’s precious biodiversity.

From the untouched Bahía Drake and the world-class snorkeling spots of nearby Isla del Caño, to Parque Nacional Corcovado—the “crown jewel” of Costa Rica’s park system—the Osa Peninsula is a remote corner of the world brimming with opportunities for true adventure. Try to spot endangered jaguars and tapirs while hiking through the rainforest, and snorkel among abundant marine life. You’ll have a full day of ziplining and rappelling through lush vistas, and canoe to Rio Claro, where waterfalls and a rope swing wait for thrill seekers.

Hands-On Learning Rancho Quemado may be a small town, but you’ll leave with lessons that extend beyond Costa Rica’s borders. You’ll encounter issues like sustainable tourism, community development and conservation in the face of global climate change. Tour gold mines, sugarcane mills, and local organic farms to understand the traditional way of life that has been preserved in the isolated Osa. Even during downtime you’ll constantly be testing your Spanish and playing sports with children, or chatting with community leaders about how their worldview has been shaped by living in the most biologically diverse place on the planet.

Lodging Your Home Base in Costa Rica will be a series of rustic cabinas, built and owned by local families in the heart of the Osa Peninsula. This region is remote and rustic, but beautiful, and accommodations are clean and safe. The Home Base is exclusively used by GLA students and staff, and is surrounded by lush rainforest teeming with wildlife. Students will stay in gender-segregated rooms with roommates, and will share bathrooms and shower facilities.

 14-DAY PROGRAM June 17 - June 30 July 3 - July 16 July 19 - August 1 August 5 - August 18

 Duration: 14 days  Tuition: $3,499 + $100 flight supplement*  Service Hours: 25

* The $100 domestic flight supplement covers one-way airfare from the Osa Peninsula to the San Jose airport, and includes all taxes, fees and associated costs paid upon arrival in San Jose.

 Link it to » COSTA RICA Animal Rescue Project (pg. 64) GUATEMALA Children of the Maya (pg. 92)

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



Protecting the Pacificâ„¢ Volunteer alongside passionate ocean conservationists Help eliminate ocean contamination Learn to surf on a beautiful beach Spot dolphins, whales, turtles & tropical fish Hike through Corcovado National ParK

language PROGRAM



language PROGRAM






Turn your passion for Earth’s oceans into a journey in marine conservation.


Often considered the planet’s most sustainable country, Costa Rica is a role model for the international community in environmentalism, and the perfect setting for learning about marine conservation. You’ll be based in Bahia Ballena—which translates to “whale bay”—a small coastal village located next to Marino Ballena National Park, Costa Rica’s first marine national park. With these surroundings, you’ll discover issues critical to local sustainable development, examine the full spectrum of marine conservation and adopt the perspectives of grassroots environmental leaders in ocean stewardship.

Community Service


Contaminants generated by tourists in the local community find their way into the ocean, endangering Whale Bay and its wildlife. You’ll work alongside passionate conservationists that are committed to eliminating ocean contamination through various projects. Depending on when you arrive in Costa Rica, you might help build a simple draining and filtration system, clean up beaches, use cutting-edge Geographical Information System (GIS) technology to map waste management, and volunteer on community infrastructure initiatives designed to educate the public and local students on recycling, trash and pollution.

On this action-packed adventure, you’ll visit Península de Osa, one of the world’s most biodiverse rainforests, and soar above the canopy on extensive ziplines. Even the zipline course teaches a lesson in sustainability—it’s designed to grow with the trees in order to preserve the natural beauty of the rainforest. Learn to surf from local experts and hike rugged trails in Corcovado National Park, with a good chance of spotting its endangered habitants—the jaguar, tapir and white-faced monkey.

Hands-On Learning Through volunteer work and presentations, you’ll dig deep into issues of sustainability, marine conservation and climate change, and learn about the ocean’s biodiversity. Connect with grassroots leaders from organizations like the Stanford Woods Institute, who are committed to protecting our natural resources. You’ll also participate in informal soccer games with locals, take a fun dance class, explore local artisan shops in Bahia Ballena, learn to make jewelry using recycled materials and try your hand at cooking local cuisine.

Lodging The Home Base is a peaceful lodge surrounded by lush gardens. Students stay in gender-segregated rooms with fans, and have bathrooms with cold-water showers. There is a pool at Home Base. Meals will be hearty and healthy, consisting of meats, beans, rice, vegetables and fruit.

 14-DAY PROGRAM June 22 - July 5 July 8 - July 21 July 24 - August 6 August 10 - August 23

 Duration: 14 days  Tuition: $3,499  Service Hours: 30

Link it to » COSTA RICA Animal Rescue Project (pg. 64) COSTA RICA Spanish Service Adventure (pg. 68)

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com




Beachside Service Adventure Live in a coastal village near a beautiful beach Volunteer to expand opportunities for local children Ride inner tubes down a jungle river Explore Bolaños Island, a National Wildlife Refuge Zipline through the forest Go snorkeling among marine life

language PROGRAM



language PROGRAM






Experience the pure life —or Pura Vida—while giving back in an underserved beach community.


Escape to Costa Rica’s Pacific coast, where you’ll volunteer in a beachside community and work to improve the lives of youth there. While it has many progressive policies to boast of, Costa Rica is still considered a developing country, and volunteer efforts can be a big help to its most vulnerable citizens. Clean up beaches, play sports with local children, help improve the schools and relax after a hard day’s work at our beautiful Home Base. You’ll also have the chance to enjoy water sports, fun in the sun, and other activities with your new friends from all over the world.

Community Service You’ll live and work in a small beachside community where the ocean plays a large role in daily life. There are many community service opportunities here, and you’ll be working on a variety of projects depending on the needs of the community. You may assist in environmental projects such as beach cleanup, or volunteer on projects to improve a school’s infrastructure: Build a playground or an outdoor basketball court, play after-school sports and games with the children, or construct a bridge so that students can cross flooded areas to get to school.

Hands-On Learning Living in an authentic community is a great way to learn about Costa Rican culture. Connect with the local people, learn to dance salsa and cumbia, taste delicious fruits, and try your hand at cooking local cuisine. Discuss

current social issues in Costa Rica, including growing environmental concerns and the importance of ecotourism. You’ll also have opportunities to practice your Spanish or pick up new words with locals in the region.

Adventure Costa Rica offers many exciting excursions in a natural setting. We’ll visit an adventure park and go ziplining and whitewater tubing down a roaring river. Our location near the stunning Pacific coast allows us space for impromptu soccer and volleyball games as well as a variety of water sports. Dance the night away with other students, take a boat ride to Islas Bolaños, and catch breathtaking sunsets off the coast of majestic Costa Rican beaches.

 10-DAY PROGRAM June 16 - June 25 June 28 - July 7 July 10 - July 19 July 23 - August 1 August 4 - August 13 August 16 - August 25

Lodging Home Base is located in a region known for its beautiful beaches and ecological protected areas. You’ll have access to pools, gardens and a stretch of private beach half a mile away. Students stay in gender-segregated rooms with roommates, and have private bathrooms.

 Duration: 10 days  Tuition: $2,299  Service Hours: 20

Link it to » COSTA RICA Spanish Service Adventure (pg. 68) GUATEMALA Children of the Maya (pg. 92)

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



Surf & Sports Service Adventure Learn to surf from seasoned veterans Adopt local surf culture and the mindful lifestyle of surfers before you Organize and run a sports camp for local children Discuss the role that sports play in connecting people across cultures Go whitewater rafting and hiking in the lush rainforest

language PROGRAM



language PROGRAM






Awaken your inner surfer as you learn to ride Costa Rica’s dream waves and connect with the local community through sports.


Imagine waking up at dawn to natural light filtering through your bungalow, and a warm sea breeze—it’s time to surf. You’ll learn from seasoned veterans of the local surf community how to paddle out, pop up and trim across Costa Rica’s pristine waves. You’ll also connect deeply with local families of Bahia Ballena, your beachside home, by putting on a sports camp for local children. Consider the role that sports play in Tico society, and spend your days leading an active lifestyle through surfing and yoga, high-energy volunteering and outdoor adventure.

Community Service For youth around the world, self esteem and tools for success come not only from learning in school, but also from playing sports and finding passion in after-school activities. You’ll organize a sports-themed day camp for the kids of Bahia Ballena, where they can spend time everyday after school building confidence and life skills. Additionally, you’ll work with the local community on infrastructure and community refurbishment projects focused on educating visitors about beach safety and environmental awareness.

Hands-On Learning Living and volunteering in Bahia Ballena will introduce you to the major role the ocean plays in daily life—not only in Costa Rica, but around the world. Your surf instructors will teach more than the basics of this soul sport. You’ll learn about surfing’s origins, observe a sustainability-driven lifestyle, visit a board shaping bay and absorb discussions and documentaries on ocean conservation and climate change. Organizing sports camp and doing volunteer work in the community will

also improve your skills in working with children and cross-cultural communication.

Adventure Costa Rica is known for being an outdoor adventurer’s playground, and Bahia Ballena is no exception. In addition to endless opportunities for surfing and helping local youth learn new sports, you’ll also go on a whitewater rafting expedition that will allow you to fully appreciate this region’s rugged, untouched landscape. Practice yoga in an open-air studio, hike through environmentally rich sections of the rainforest, and explore Marino Ballena National Park, established to conserve the rich marine ecosystems that are found inside the park boundaries.

Lodging The Home Base is a small lodge in Bahia Ballena, surrounded by lush gardens. Students stay in gendersegregated rooms with fans and bathrooms with cold water showers. Meals will be hearty and healthy, consisting mostly of Costa Rican staples: rice and beans, meat, vegetables and lots of tropical fruit.

 10-DAY PROGRAM June 12 - June 21 June 24 - July 3 July 6 - July 15 July 18 - July 27 July 31 - August 9 August 13 - August 22

 Duration: 10 days  Tuition: $2,499  Service hours: 20

 Link it to » COSTA RICA Empowering Rainforest Communities (pg. 70) Spanish Service Adventure (pg. 68)

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



The Sea Turtle Initiativeâ„¢ Protect endangered nesting sea turtles and their hatchlings Assist in night patrols and visit an animal rescue center Spot sloths, monkeys, and exotic birds as you cruise through the mangroves Soar through the rainforest canopy on a zipline adventure Learn to surf in the caribbean

language PROGRAM



language PROGRAM






Become a conservationist for Costa Rica’s sea turtles on the unspoiled Caribbean coast.


The population of Costa Rican sea turtles has declined by 90% since 1980. Sea turtles face a myriad of threats, including boat traffic, climate change, accidental catch by industrial fisheries and trash in oceans and on beaches. As a volunteer, you’ll live and work on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica, actively assisting a turtle conservation organization and learning about critical efforts to preserve the habitat of this endangered species. Each turtle is precious! Sustainably rescuing the sea turtle population is research-heavy work, and with the right timing and luck, you might be rewarded with the sight of animals nesting or hatching.

Community Service Every day, you’ll have a chance to make a difference in the lives of sea turtles and their future population. Take to local beaches and participate in clean-up efforts, removing debris that can ensnare young hatchlings making their way to the sea. You’ll help local partners as they survey nesting sites and make sure they’re primed for mother sea turtles when they’re ready to nest! A big part of your service will be night patrols and raising community awareness of the challenges facing these animals in order to improve conservation efforts. Make signs that notify community members of protected nesting areas, and help educate local children on the importance of keeping the coast clean in order to preserve native habitat.

Hands-On Learning You’ll be fully immersed in topics centered around the animal world, and learn how critical each species is to the health of all life in the ecosystem, including human. Hear local speakers’ and community members’ perspectives on sustainable conservation efforts, and begin to understand how competing interests of the civilized and natural worlds can intersect. Visit an organic farm and learn about local fruit trees such as cacao, vanilla, and

banana plantations. Dance classes and cooking class will also be part of this experience you will never forget.

Adventure Besides volunteering, you’ll spend time surrounded by the full spectrum of Costa Rica’s natural wonders, even more untouched on the Caribbean side of this beautiful country. Fly through the treetops of the lush, forested inland as you go on a thrilling ziplining adventure. Ride a boat through unspoiled waters of a local mangrove, where you can spot sloths, monkeys and exotic birds. Through cross-cultural exchange, you’ll connect with the strong Afro-Caribbean roots on the Eastern coast of Costa Rica. Learn to surf in the Caribbean Sea, followed by a day excursion to a local beach town where you’ll explore a local market.

Lodging Home Base is in the heart of the community, just a short walk to the Caribbean Sea. Students stay in gender-segregated rooms with roommates, and have Western-style bathrooms with cold-water showers. Here you’ll enjoy delicious home cooked Costa Rican meals. If you look closely, you might even spot local wildlife in the trees surrounding the Home Base!

 10-DAY PROGRAM June 20 - June 29 July 2 - July 11 July 14 - July 23

 Duration: 10 days  Tuition: $2,499  Service Hours: 20

 Link it to » COSTA RICA Animal Rescue Project (pg. 64) COSTA RICA Spanish Service Adventure (pg. 68)

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



Spring Break Sea Turtle Initiativeâ„¢ Protect nesting sea turtles Help turtle hatchlings thrive Assist in night patrols Observe how a local sea turtle hatchery is maintained Spot exotic wildlife in the mangroves Fly through the rainforest on a zipline adventure

language PROGRAM



language PROGRAM






Turn your passion for wildlife conservation into a spring break adventure you’ll never forget.


For more than 100 million years, sea turtles have thrived in earth’s oceans. In Costa Rica, that once incredible population has declined by 90% in the last 35 years alone, meaning there are more threats than ever facing these majestic creatures. Fortunately, you can make a difference in their survival. On this program, you’ll dive head first into Costa Rica’s animal kingdom and its protected coastal habitats, and learn the ins and outs of the local ecosystem. Share your passion for wildlife conservation with the new friends you make in your group and in the community, and work together with conservationists who are striving to protect sea turtles for the next generation. Spring break will never be the same!

Community Service Every day, you’ll have a chance to make a difference in the lives of sea turtles and their future population. Take to local beaches and participate in clean-up efforts, removing debris that can ensnare young hatchlings making their way to the sea. You’ll help local partners as they survey nesting sites and make sure they’re primed for mother sea turtles when they’re ready to nest! A big part of your service is raising community awareness of the challenges facing these animals in order to improve conservation efforts. Make signs that notify community members of protected nesting areas, and help educate local children on the importance of keeping the coast clean in order to preserve native habitat.

Hands-On Learning During your time on this program, you’ll discover how changes as widespread as climate change and as local as trash buildup and boating collisions affect the habitat of native wildlife, particularly for sea turtles. Listen as local speakers and conservationists describe their strategies for protecting sea turtles and their hatchlings. Because this is spring break, you’ll also take the time to become immersed in the local culture and celebrate the tradition-

al Costa Rican Caribbean way! From Calypso dance class to Afro-caribbean influenced dishes and visits to the market, you’ll see what it really means to be a local.

Adventure You’ll spend a morning cruising through the mangroves and it’s stunning nature. Here you can spot sloths, monkeys, and exotic birds during this wildlife immersion. As you’re so close to the beach, you’ll have plenty of time to explore the coast and even spot some animals in the nearby treetops. And no Costa Rican spring break adventure would be complete without ziplining. Soar through the jungle canopy and experience the rainforest on an adventure you’ll never forget. You’ll even cap it all off with a spectacular farewell dinner filled with delicious food, music, and dance!

Lodging The GLA Home Base, your home-away-from-home, is just a short walk to the Caribbean Sea. Students stay in gender-segregated rooms with Western-style bathrooms and cold-water showers. The GLA Home Base is used exclusively by our staff and students.

 8-DAY PROGRAM April 9 - April 16 April 16 - April 23

 Duration: 8 days  Tuition: $1,899  Service Hours: 20

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



Building a Sustainable World™ Learn about innovative methods for building safe, sustainable homes, such as bottle building Meet local leaders and NGOs in sustainability Visit Bahía de las Águilas, a remote white-sand beach Explore a bustling market on the Haitian border Tour the city of Santo Domingo

language PROGRAM



language PROGRAM






Dive into sustainable development issues and learn how to address humanity’s greatest challenges.


Led by Dr. David Addison, Ph.D Global Sustainability, this program will immerse you in humanitarian work for underserved communities. Beyond its resorts, endless beaches and reputation as a Caribbean vacation island, the Dominican Republic is truly complex. Living on the country’s southern coast, a pristine and untouched region far off the tourist track, you’ll be introduced to grassroots leaders working on sustainable solutions to combat social and environmental issues.

Community Service Slow development and vulnerability to extreme weather means volunteers are needed on all fronts. You’ll dedicate most of your time to community development projects such as constructing safer homes and multi-purpose buildings that can be used for community gatherings or school. Learn innovative construction methods such as using recycled bottles for insulation. To alleviate local health issues, you might work on organic food production systems or other sustainable agriculture projects. Your extensive service will make a true difference to the community and bring global issues into your worldview.

Hands-On Learning In this intensive program, you’ll explore many topics in sustainable development. Through service work and nightly seminars, learn how crucial environmental conservation and resource management are to the survival of humanity. You’ll witness firsthand how goals to eradicate poverty and discrimination can either come to fruition or be challenged by community systems. Discuss your experiences in depth, and compare what you see to preconceptions you might have had about the developing world. You’ll also explore vibrant Dominican culture through music, dance and food, and visit a small town on the border of Haiti, where a bustling market is both an

opportunity to shop for one-of-a-kind crafts, and to learn about lingering social issues between two cultures.

Adventure Unspoiled destinations on the island await your exploration on the southwestern coast of the Dominican Republic. You’ll visit Jaragua National Park and Jarabacoa, two unbeatable spots for gorgeous hiking, and enjoy the remote Bahía de las Águilas, a stretch of protected beach wilderness. Appreciate the results of eco-friendly tourism and sustainability efforts here as you enjoy clear, turquoise water against a pristine coast. In the mountains, Lago Enriquillo welcomes you with countless tropical birds, and rural Cachote with its cloud forest and mountain villages. You’ll also experience upbeat city life in Santo Domingo, exploring its colonial architecture and the unmistakable sounds of Dominican life: merengue and bachata beats.

Lodging Home Base is on the southwestern coast of the Dominican Republic, on the Biosphere Reserve of Jaragua. Students will have three to four roommates per room, and share bathrooms with Western style toilets and cold-water showers. Meals will consist of meats, beans, rice, vegetables and fruit. This Home Base is exclusively used by our students and staff.

 21-DAY PROGRAM June 26 - July 16 July 20 - August 9

 Duration: 21 days  Tuition: $4,999  Service Hours: 60

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



Beachside Service Adventure Build safer homes and community centers for underserved families Snorkel in the Caribbean among multi-colored fish Zipline along a cable and free-fall into a freshwater lagoon Hike through the island’s lush interior Ride a boat over crystal blue waters

language PROGRAM



language PROGRAM






Appreciate the beauty of the island and its people, and be a part of the solution to end its poverty.


Riding along rural byways past coconut sellers and corner stores blasting merengue, you’ll take in the island’s lush interior and idyllic ocean vistas. To most visitors, the Dominican Republic is a travel destination famous for its resorts, but go beyond the capital and you’ll discover that much of the country is distinctly rural, and true beauty lies in everyday village scenes where local hospitality can be appreciated. Volunteer with families who have shown grace and resilience in the face of hardship, and learn the challenges they still face in accessing basic human necessities. You’ll find that the allure of the island becomes almost secondary to the warm spirit and strength of the Dominican people.

Community Service Beyond its beach resorts lies a very different Dominican Republic—still beautiful, but full of need. Much of the DR isn’t developed sufficiently, revealing gaps where volunteers are needed to accelerate initiatives for bettering life in underserved neighborhoods. Projects focus on constructing community buildings, safer homes and schools using innovative methods to promote sustainability, such as using recycled bottles for insulation. You may also work to provide families with safer cooking methods, ensure a clean water supply and plant trees for reforestation.

Hands-On Learning Sustainable development is crucial for all civilizations in our changing world. Through your service work and nightly seminars, you’ll learn in depth about how communities come together to take collective action against shared issues: poverty, climate change, lack of quality healthcare and education, discrimination and more. You’ll discuss what makes solutions sustainable, and how to implement them for lasting success in developing countries. You’ll also participate in vibrant Dominican culture—a mix of

indigenous, African and European—through music, dance and everyday community life.

Adventure Hundreds of miles of coastline define the DR—some of it white-sand beaches, other parts lined with dramatic cliffs. Ride a boat over clear, warm water and learn about delicate marine ecosystems while snorkeling. Join the Dominicans in traditional “Family Day” with an outing to Lago Dudu, where you can zipline or cliff jump straight into the turquoise lagoon, play volleyball and explore caves. In the lush, rural interior of the DR, you’ll hike Mt. Brisón to a remote village and learn about daily life on the mountain.

Lodging The GLA Home Base is a rustic ecolodge built from locally available materials in the style of the Taíno people. There is a small swimming pool and home is literally steps from the beach. Students will have four to six roommates per room. Bathrooms have Western style toilets and coldwater showers. Food will be healthy and locally sourced consisting of meats, beans, rice, vegetables and fruit. This Home Base is exclusively used by our students and staff.

 10-DAY PROGRAM June 20 - June 29 July 2 - July 11 July 14 - July 23 July 27 - August 5 August 8 - August 17

 Duration: 10 days  Tuition: $2,299  Service Hours: 20

 Link it to » COSTA RICA The Initiative for Children (pg. 66) DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Global Health Initiative (pg. 86)

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



Global Health Initiativeâ„¢ Gain field experience that will introduce you to public health and medicine Help medical and public health professionals address poverty and health access issues Discuss the intersection of global health with political, economic and environmental systems Hike in the scenic Jaragua National Park language PROGRAM



language PROGRAM






Provide medical, educational and development support to rural Dominican communities.


A primer for studying medicine or public health, this university-level program is designed to give a progressive experience and introduce crucial pieces of the public health puzzle. Challenge your preconceptions of health with new experiences, and receive guidance from attending medical and public health professionals. Learn about seven of the critical elements that create the spectrum in which healthcare is dramatically affected, and gain field experience in delivering health and medical support to Barahona, a region of the Dominican Republic where thousands of people live in poverty.

Community Service Health and poverty are strongly linked. The Dominican Republic’s poorest residents live in bateyes—marginalized settlements—in tin and cardboard shacks without potable water. You’ll help construct safer homes with cement floors and insulated walls, a critical way to sustainably improve respiratory and overall health. You’ll split your remaining time volunteering at various health intervention programs: Shadow medical professionals as they provide pro-bono consultations to patients in atrisk communities, and help run a community diagnostic. Ensure that mobile medical clinics operate smoothly by supporting setup and filing. Finally, knowledge is power, especially with staying healthy—so you’ll also help educate youth and families on developing healthy habits.

Hands-On Learning This program is built around a structured curriculum designed and delivered by GLA’s local program partner, the 7 Elements foundation. You’ll learn through your community service experiences in the field, and complementary lecture, discussion and reflection at Home Base, that health doesn’t fall solely under the responsibility of doctors and nurses. Gain deep insight on how political, economic and environmental systems also intersect to create the vast global health spectrum. Through shadowing medical and public health professionals, observe the

techniques used to provide health services on the ground in developing communities, and learn how community engagement is crucial to breaking the cycle of poverty and poor public health for good.

Adventure The coastal areas west of Santo Domingo grow more beautiful the further out you go, and you’ll get to see it all while based in the southwestern province of Barahona. Sunbathe on the remote Bahía de las Águilas, a protected stretch of pristine beach, and enjoy beautiful desert views inland as you hike in Jaragua National Park’s dry forest. Known for its variety of landscapes, the southwest Dominican Republic even affords opportunity for adventure In the mountains: Visit Lago Enriquillo for wildlife sightings, and rural Cachote to experience the cloud forest and mountain villages.

 14-DAY PROGRAM June 19 - July 2 July 5 - July 18 July 21 - August 3 August 7 - August 20

Lodging Home Base is on the southwestern coast of the Dominican Republic, on the Biosphere Reserve of Jaragua. Students will have three to four roommates per room, and access to bathrooms with Western style toilets and cold-water showers. Meals will consist of meats, beans, rice, vegetables and fruit. This Home Base is exclusively used by our students and staff.

 Duration: 14 days  Tuition: $3,699  Service Hours: 40

Link it to » DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Beachside Service Adventure (pg.84) Sports Service Adventure (pg. 88)

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



Sports Service Adventure Try your hand at kiteboarding or surfing in Cabarete Refurbish community sports facilities in underserved neighborhoods Learn about the intersection of sports with health in developing countries Zipline or cliff dive into a natural lagoon Hike, slide, swim and jump your way down the 27 Waterfalls of Damajagua language PROGRAM



language PROGRAM






Plunge into a mecca of action sports, from cliff diving to surfing to kiteboarding.


Get ready to work and play your heart out as you explore the Dominican Republic in two ways: through sports and service. Sports are a central part of Dominican culture, whether in the form of baseball, the most popular sport in the country today, or an action sport centered around the endless supply of palm-fringed beaches and warm, mild surf. Between volunteering with energetic local children and learning to harness the winds for a kiteboarding adventure, staying active this summer will be easy—and unforgettable.

Community Service


Whether you’re a star athlete or simply a passionate enthusiast, a sports lover like you knows that the true power of the game lies in uniting communities, developing resilience, building confident leaders and inspiring healthy lifestyles. This is no truer in the Western world than it is in developing countries. In the Dominican Republic, you’ll work on physical projects to improve sports facilities for youth in at-risk communities—refurbish a local ballpark or basketball court, or help construct the new hangout for neighborhood youth. No matter your project, you’ll be building infrastructure that supports residents’ health and joy beyond their home and school lives. Take breaks during service to scrimmage and play pickup games with the local children. Try to keep up with their energy and passion!

For adrenaline junkies and outdoor adventurers, the north coast of the Dominican Republic is an endless playground. Go stand-up paddleboarding and snorkeling in the Caribbean, and zipline straight into the turquoise Dudu Lagoon. Hike Mt. Brison and the 27 Waterfalls of Damajagua, and take a thrilling plunge into the crystal pools below. And of course, visit Cabarete, known internationally as the Caribbean’s adventure-sports capital. Choose between surfing or kiteboarding, a burgeoning sport that is truly exhilarating—even beginners can be shot up into the air by their kites as they skate along the waves.

Hands-On Learning You’ll learn how sports, social conventions and community infrastructure all intersect to promote overall health in developing countries, especially for youth. Your community service projects will be supported with workshops and discussions that demonstrate how creating time and structure for sports in children’s lives strengthens communities. The program takes an interdisciplinary approach to studying health and social issues through the lens of sports in the Dominican Republic.

Lodging The GLA Home Base is a rustic ecolodge built from locally available materials in the style of the Taíno Indians. There is a small swimming pool and home is literally steps from the beach. Students will have four to six roommates per room. Bathrooms have Western style toilets and coldwater showers. Food will be healthy and locally grown consisting of meats, beans, rice, vegetables and fruit. This Home Base is exclusively used by our students and staff.

 14-DAY PROGRAM June 22 - July 5 July 8 - July 21 July 24 - August 6

 Duration: 14 days  Tuition: $3,499  Service Hours: 30

Link it to » DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Global Health Initiative (pg. 86)

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



Spring Break Service Adventure Implement sustainable development projects Explore freshwater lagoons and underwater caverns Snorkel over coral reefs in the Caribbean Sea Explore pristine beaches Learn to dance merengue and bachata from Dominican locals

language PROGRAM



language PROGRAM






Meaningful service. Tropical countryside. This is Spring Break off the beaten path.


The Dominican Republic is home to the world’s most enchanting beaches and a dynamic local population. You’ll have the opportunity to see beyond its well-known tourist destinations and work directly with rural communities. Learn the challenges they face to access daily necessities through a range of community service projects that promote healthier living and sustainable development. Participate in high-impact service while enjoying the DR’s lively Caribbean culture and its stunning natural beauty, from coral reefs to white sand beaches.

Community Service


Projects will focus on sustainable development, including the construction of homes, schools and muchneeded community buildings using recycled materials. Depending on the needs of the community, work on various other initiatives to improve the health of the community. You might distribute and monitor water filtration systems, install clean-burning cooking stoves, or build vertical gardens for sustainable food production. By spending time with local communities, you’ll be a friend and role model to young children who have limited exposure to the rest of the world.

This program takes you away from the typical tourist resorts of the Dominican Republic and exposes you to regular life in a rural part of the country. You’ll be welcomed into the local community while you dance with local children. Glide over the Caribbean on a boat ride and dive in for snorkeling over coral and fish. You’ll also visit a freshwater lagoon where you can zipline into the water and soak in the crystal blue pools.

Hands-On Learning The Dominican Republic has a rich culture that combines African, indigenous and European traditions. Learn about the vibrant Dominican culture through interactions with its lively merengue and bachata music, and conversation with locals living in the mountain villages and coastal communities. In addition, through service and evening seminars, you’ll gain a deep understanding of sustainability and how development can happen in harmony with the environment.

Lodging The GLA Home Base is a rustic ecolodge built from locally available materials in the style of the Taíno people. There is a small swimming pool and home is literally steps from the beach. Students will have four to six roommates per room. Bathrooms have Western style toilets and cold-water showers. Food will be healthy and locally grown consisting of meats, beans, rice, vegetables and fruit. This Home Base is exclusively used by our students and staff.

 8-DAY PROGRAM March 25 - April 1 April 1 - April 8 April 8 - April 15 April 15 - April 22 April 22 - April 29 April 29 - May 6

 Duration: 8 days  Tuition: $1,899  Service Hours: 20

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



Children of the Mayaโ ข Teach English at a Maya school Journey across sacred Lake Atitlรกn Attend a ceremony with a Maya shaman Explore ancient archaeological ruins Shop at the largest indigenous craft market in the hemisphere Zipline through the mountains of Guatemala

language PROGRAM



language PROGRAM






Guatemala promises colorful adventure—and the opportunity to make an important mark on education.


Known for its indigenous culture, colorful Maya heritage and mountainous landscape, Guatemala promises adventure for any traveler. You’ll find incredibly warm local residents who are proud to share their ancient traditions and some of the world’s most beautiful natural and historic sites. This program is based in Xela (pronounced “shay-lah”)—a local nickname for the vibrant town of Quetzaltenango. With very little English spoken in the region, volunteers are welcome to take leadership roles in their classrooms, both through teaching and constructing school facilities. You’ll get to know the Xelaju people as you plant important seeds for the community’s future in education.

Community Service You’ll spend your days in Xela becoming fully plugged into the local primary school and surrounding community, volunteering as an English teacher to the Maya children or helping construct a library, classrooms and other school facilities. You’ll have the opportunity to creatively develop and deliver lesson plans, play with the children during recess, and work with locals on beautifying facilities that are critical to the community needs. As you spend time volunteering, you’ll also learn about immigration issues that the Maya youth face today.

Hands-On Learning Living and volunteering daily in rural Guatemala will begin to shed light on major learning themes unique to this country, such as education, children’s issues and preserving indigenous culture. We’ll also meet with grassroots leaders to hear directly about the challenges the Maya community faces to preserve their heritage in the face of globalization. To truly immerse ourselves in Maya culture, we’ll meet a local shaman who will teach us about cosmology, learn firsthand about traditional arts

from master artisans, and visit a chocolate workshop and coffee plantation—complete with samples!

Adventure Xela is located near many of Guatemala’s cultural and natural treasures. You’ll explore the famous archaeological ruins at Iximche, hike to Laguna Chicabal at the base of a volcano, and also zipline against the region’s lush, mountainous landscape. To get a taste of city life, you’ll venture to Antigua, a colonial masterpiece that boasts gorgeous architecture, pastel alleys and cobblestone streets. For a weekend excursion, you’ll spend a night at the sacred Lake Atitlán and visit the bustling Chichicastenango market, the largest Maya craft market in the world.

Lodging The GLA Home Base is a lodge in the heart of Xela offering students a peaceful escape. Students live in gender-segregated rooms with 2-4 bunk beds per room, depending on the size of the rooms. Bathrooms are shared and showers have hot water. The Home Base is quaint and provides groups with a strong sense of community.

 14-DAY PROGRAM June 20 - July 3 July 6 - July 19 July 22 - August 4

 Duration: 14 days  Tuition: $3,399  Service Hours: 30

 Link it to » COSTA RICA Empowering Rainforest Communities (pg. 70) Galápagos Preserving Nature’s Wonders (pg. 50)

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com


staff profiles

Peter Mombaur

Vanessa Allen

CEO & CO-FOUNDER Peter is a co-Founder and CEO of Terra Education. Peter spent his last 15 years working across Africa before joining Terra Education full-time in 2016. He later co-founded and co-ran Tana Africa Capital; now a leading Africa-focused investment company. Peter is a German citizen; he holds a Master’s degree with honors in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Aachen, an honors degree in Law from the University of Hagen, and a degree in Economics from the University of Bayreuth.

DIRECTOR OF MARKETING Vanessa first traveled abroad in high school with her language teachers on a bicycle tour through France and Germany. Then, officially hooked on travel, she set her sights on a junior year abroad in Germany while studying at Occidental College. These days she travels most often to Haiti, where she supports an NGO working in a rural community on education and development. She’s led marketing teams at companies both large and small, and now enjoys introducing teens to GLA programs worldwide.

Fred Swaniker

Judy Calkins

CO-FOUNDER Originally from Ghana, Fred lived all over the African continent before attending Macalester College in St. Paul, MN and then the Stanfod Graduate School of Business. It was during his time at Stanford when he realized that it was a lack of ethical, principled leadership that was holding back development on the African continent. Determined to address this fundamental challenge, he formed his vision for the African Leadership Academy and conceived what would become Global Leadership Adventures.

FINANCIAL CONTROLLER A California native, Judy is the Financial Controller, earning her degree from California State Polytechnic University. She has held several finance, leadership, and IT positions during that time. Judy has traveled to Costa Rica, Ireland, Scotland, Mexico and Peru. She has also volunteered in Peru, with Big Sisters and in youth sports. She loves reading, hiking, snow skiing and trying new adventures, and is proud to help broaden high school students’ understanding of other cultures with GLA.

Andrew Motiwalla

Bridget McTaggart

CO-FOUNDER Andrew served in the Peace Corps and has extensive experience operating international educational programs around the world. He served as Senior Vice President for the non-profit international volunteer program Cross-Cultural Solutions, where he helped build programs from scratch into a network of 14 countries and 2,500 volunteers. Andrew is a graduate of Lawrence University and has done graduate studies in non-profit management at New School University in New York City.

Admissions Manager Bridget loves helping students find international experiences that will benefit them for the rest of their lives. During the past 5 years with GLA, Bridget has worked on programs in Brazil, Dominican Republic, Peru, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Ghana, Thailand and Tanzania.

Jessica Rose Miller

Korissa Dyle

COO & DIRECTOR OF ADMISSIONS Jessica has always had passion for leadership development and initiating personal change as she is proud to be a first generation college graduate. Her passion for international education and social entrepreneurship stems from various experiences studying, living and working abroad, as well as years of experience operating and managing international programs in developing countries for GLA. Jessica is a graduate of Oregon State University, where she studied history, anthropology and Spanish.

Admissions Manager A Green Bay, WI native, Korissa discovered her love for global education while studying in Mexico and Spain. This led her to work in travel & tourism in the U.S. and in Ecuador. Korissa enjoys leading a team of Enrollment Advisors who inspire teens around the world.

Tim Easley

Kumbi Murinda

Jackie Eash

Group Travel Manager Tim has been working with teens for nearly a decade. With GLA, he’s led trips to Fiji, Thailand, and Tanzania! Tim is passionate about seeing the world and experiencing it through service work, adventures, and cross-cultural connections.

Enrollment Advisor Kumbi was born in Zimbabwe and moved to the US at a young age. Growing up, he developed a love for travel and meeting new people. This passion led him to study abroad in Ecuador. As someone who wants to use business as a way to do good, Kumbi connects personally with GLA’s mission.

Enrollment Advisor Jackie’s passion for travel began when she studied abroad in Madrid, Spain. A graduate from San Diego State University with a BA in Business Management, Jackie has spent several years as a travel expert visiting new countries and helping students plan their trips around the world.

Sydney Miller

Hayley Eyer

Joseph Jezak

ENROLLMENT ADVISOR Sydney believes that the future depends upon people being thoughtful, dedicated global citizens, and that traveling abroad is one of the best ways to achieve this. She earned her BA from Oregon State University and has traveled throughout Europe and Costa Rica.

Enrollment Advisor Hayley has moved 9 times. She loves exploring new cultures and trying new things. She received her BA from UC Santa Barbara before traveling through Southeast Asia, which changed her perspective on community development.

Enrollment Advisor Joseph Graduated from Point Loma Nazarene University, with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology. He fell in love with travel when he studied abroad his senior year of college in Thailand. This is Joseph’s 2nd season with GLA, and he is excited to see how our students continue to grow as leaders.

Megan McKinley

Sophie Rouhandeh

Nadine Hamilton

Enrollment Advisor Megan graduated with a degree in Global Studies and wrote her senior thesis about cross-cultural education as a form of empowerment for girls. As a product of educational travel herself, Megan feels passionately about the transformative power of educational travel.

Enrollment Advisor Sophie is a strong believer in opportunities for learning outside the classroom, and is excited about connecting with students and families to encourage unique personal growth opportunities abroad. Sophie is graduate of Carleton College and the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Enrollment Advisor Nadine’s passion for international travel grew strong after her semester abroad in Barcelona. She’s explored Israel, Morocco, and much of Europe. The best part of her job is helping students decide which life-changing experience is best for them. Nadine graduated from The College of New Jersey.

Kevin Khy

Karen Drazba

Mary Gannon

ENROLLMENT ADVISOR An Oceanside, CA native, Kevin worked in the travel industry for 7 years prior to joining GLA. He has worked with many people internationally and is excited to help people create life-changing experiences abroad for teens.

Enrollment Advisor Karen has been jetsetting across the blue pebble, sharing her passion for volunteering and adventure travel with students for years. Sharing the mindset of traveling with a purpose is a genuine passion of hers. Born in Chicago, Karen graduated with a BS in Marketing in sunny California.

Enrollment Advisor Mary Gannon is a native San Diegan. Growing up she loved exploring and has now been to more than 20 countries (and counting). Mary believes that educational travel gives people a unique confidence to achieve their dreams!

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com



Michael DeHoff

Ali Zimmerman

Ros Galati

Enrollment Advisor She is from Murfreesboro, TN and has a BS in Organizational Communication. She’s traveled to 12 different countries and taught English in China prior to working with GLA. She’s excited to continue learning about new cultures and help others find their passion.

Enrollment Advisor Ali received her BS in Recreation, Parks and Tourism Administration from Cal Poly University. During college, she studied abroad in Costa Rica and fell in love with travel. Ali is excited to help teens find their own life-changing experiences abroad.

Student Coordinator Ros caught the travel bug during high school when she participated in an exchange program in Japan. She has studied abroad in Italy and volunteered as an English teacher in Costa Rica. Ros has traveled to over 30 countries and is always seeking her next adventure.

Dejonae Collins

Brittany Raab

Jenica Pistone

Enrollment Advisor Dejonae first traveled out of the country at the age of 15 while participating in a study abroad program. She describes her experience as “amazing” and would advise every young person to study abroad. Dejonae studied Public Relations and Marketing at San Jose State University.

Enrollment Advisor Brittany earned her Bachelors in Managerial and Organizational Communication at Point Loma Nazarene University, and studied abroad twice during college. Since then, Brittany has pursued work that allows her to lead, serve and inspire students around the world.

Regional Travel Specialist Jenica discovered her passion for international travel while studying in Mexico. A graduate of the University of Oregon, she is now going into her fourth season helping families to prepare for their programs, and has staffed GLA programs in Peru, Thailand, and China.

Sydney Baumeister

Kahlia Chehade

Sarah Davidson

Enrollment Advisor Sydney graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a BA in Political Science and Spanish. She found her passion for travel, languages, and culture when she studied abroad in Sevilla, Spain. Sydney is excited to help students travel and discover their passions.

Enrollment Advisor Kahlia was raised in a family of two cultures (Lebanese- American), so traveling and discovering new cultures has always been an important aspect in her life. Her love of travel and desire to see the world has taken her on adventures to 19 countries around the world.

Regional Travel Specialist Sarah received a BA in Anthropology from UC Berkeley. From her extensive travels, she has come to understand first-hand the value of experiences abroad, and she’s excited to help students prepare for their programs. Sarah has staffed GLA programs in Costa Rica, Ghana and the Galápagos.

Leila Barth

Anna Graham

Jordan Hatt

Enrollment Advisor Leila visited her extended family in France every summer from a young age, which sparked her love of travel. After graduating from college, Leila lived in Spain for three years teaching English to local youth. She is so excited to share her love of travel and help teens reach their potential.

Accounting Specialist

Regional Travel Specialist Jordan received her Master of Library and Information Science from the Univ. of British Columbia. Since joining GLA, Jordan has worked on projects around the world. She is excited to help teens have their own transformational experiences abroad!

Anna grew up in San Diego and obtained her Bachelors in Accounting at Lynchburg College in Virginia. She enjoys working for GLA because it aligns her love of numbers with her passions for traveling and helping people. She has since traveled to many places and hopes to visit Antarctica soon.

Carly Sullivan

Shan Sethna

Margaret Chiu

Regional Director of International Programs Carly believes the world is our classroom and the most effective type of education is through experience. Carly started working for GLA in 2010 has directed GLA programs around the world.

Program Specialist Shan is a seasoned educator with an overriding passion for community building, volunteer work and nonprofit causes. He has been mentoring young adults and teaching leadership since 1993. Shan led GLA programs in Ghana and Tanzania prior to joining the Headquarters Team in 2016.

An avid reader and writer, Margaret has always sought to enter distant worlds and make adventurous tales a reality. Since graduating from UC San Diego, she’s traveled extensively, and loves telling the stories of GLA’s international communities.

Reyna Ayala

Brett Scuiletti

Jose Pablo Ávila Arias

Regional Director of International Programs Reyna’s childhood camping trips to the Baja Peninsula spurred a lifelong love of travel. Reyna has a B.A. in Outdoor Recreation, and as Regional Director of International Programs, she is eager to inspire and support in-country staff and students on their adventures.

Content Marketing Strategist

Field Specialist

Brett describes his job as connecting people from digital spaces to real-life places. He graduated as a Journalism and Communications Fellow from Elon University and has traveled to four continents so far - Europe, Africa and the Americas. Brett hopes to step foot on them all.

Jose Pablo has worked as a mentor for GLA programs in Costa Rica and Argentina and currently works on new Program Development, overseeing operations for programs in Costa Rica. He believes GLA Programs are unique opportunities for students on their personal journeys.

Ariel Moritz

Mariana Torrescasana

Daniel Herrera

Regional Director of International Programs Ariel Moritz oversees the student experience and manages multinational staff in the Africa region and Peru. Originally from Philadelphia, Ariel earned her BA in sociology and politics from New York University. Her work has since taken her to countries worldwide.

Marketing Ops Specialist Mariana was born and raised in Brazil, and graduated with a BA in Marketing from San Diego State University. After completing an internship at the San Diego World Trade Center, she discovered her passion for different cultures, which led her to explore a different country every year since.

Field Specialist Daniel is a native Costa Rican and grew up in a part of the country known for cattle ranches and dairy farms. In college, he studied business and English as a Second Language and enjoys working with Global Leadership Adventure so he can introduce teens to the beauty of his country.

Laura Ribitzky

Meghan Sullivan

Carol della Croce

Program Coordinator

Community Development Specialist

Laura earned a B.A. in Social Thought & Political Economy, a J.D. with a concentration in Mediation, and an M.A. in Conflict Resolution. She has extensive experience leading experiential education programs and collaborating with NGOs and other partners around the globe.

Meghan has traveled extensively in Latin America, Africa, and Europe and is passionate about cultural exchange. She is excited to draw from her years in the non profit and event planning world to grow GLA’s community and alumni networks.


GRAPHIC DESIGNER A native of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Carol holds a degree in social communications and graphic design from Buenos Aires University. Having staffed programs in the Dominican Republic, Peru, Costa Rica, and Guatemala, she aspires to provide eye-opening experiences to younger generations.

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com


We’re hitting the road and coming to a city near you. Curious to learn more about GLA? Attend an event or alumni-hosted Open House. Visit www.experienceGLA.com/meetup for the most complete and up-to-date list. We’re constantly adding events, Open Houses and webinar dates to our lineup!

Our Expectations Be present

Our mission at GLA is “to inspire the next generation to realize their potential to transform the world and their role in it.” To that end, we expect GLA students to maintain high standards of personal behavior and to be open-minded. The culture will be different, sometimes shockingly so. GLA will challenge students as they are expected to work hard and be present physically and mentally for all activities. They will get hot, dirty and bug-bitten along the way, but their contribution will transform the community. The goal is for each student to return home with a life-changing experience.

Zero tolerance Andover, MA

Greater Philadelphia, PA

Bergen County, NJ

Los Angeles, CA

Boston, MA

Nassau County, NY

Chicago, IL

New York City, NY

Dallas, TX

Pasadena, CA

Darien, CT

Philadelphia, PA

Denver, CO

Portland, OR

Essex County, NJ

Rockingham County, NH

Farmington Valley, CT

Salisbury, CT

Greater Boston, MA

San Diego, CA

Greater Cleveland, OH

San Francisco, CA

Greater Hartford, CT

St. Louis, MO

Can’t make it? We’d love to meet with you individually a different way. Call us at +1 858-771-0645 to arrange a virtual meetup. We’ll do everything we can to have your questions answered.


GLA has a zero-tolerance policy towards drugs, alcohol, tobacco and disruptive behavior. Those who violate or are suspected of violating this policy will be immediately dismissed from the program at the sole discretion of GLA staff.

Community-led experiences

GLA makes every effort to offer well-thought-out programs crafted for high school students. Detailed planning and exhaustive communication with partners are indispensable parts of our program development process. Occasionally, however, service and activities are adjusted from session to session, due to weather, changing needs of our local community partners and various cultural celebrations and customs. GLA makes every effort to communicate adjustments to students and families with advance notice.


GLA is not a therapy program. Our staff are highly skilled, professional, caring and fun, but they are not licensed therapists. GLA programs can be physically and emotionally demanding, and applicants should be in good physical and mental health.

Need more information to enroll?

How to Apply


Here are several ways for you to learn more about our programs.

Visit our Website




Hold a space in the program Hold a space in a program by completing the Online Application. Submit a deposit and an application fee using our secure online system (Visa or Mastercard accepted) or mail a check to Global Leadership Adventures. You may also call +1 858-771-0645 from 8am - 6pm PST to submit credit card information over the phone.

Complete the Online Application Before a final admission decision can be made, we need a completed application. After setting up your account by creating a username and password and inputting your contact information, you’ll be asked to pay the application fee and deposit. You can then move onto the short answer essay questions and self-evaluation. A completed application includes:

Part of the application process is for you to evaluate yourself as an applicant. This allows us to get to know you better in terms of how you think and your learning style. It also ensures your motivations and interests are aligned with what the program offers.

- Application fee

- Deposit

We review completed applications in two business days and notify students of final decisions by e-mail. If you do not have access to a computer, please contact us for an application to be mailed or faxed to you.

- Short answer essay questions

- Self-evaluation

- Signed agreement forms


- Medical Questionnaire

Refund Policy

Up to five months prior to program start date: all but the application fee is refundable. Four months prior: 75% of total program fee is refundable. Three month prior: 50% of total program fee is refundable. Two months prior: 25% of total program fee is refundable. Less than two months prior: none of the program fee is refundable. Prior to April 1, students can change sessions (dates, program, countries) at no additional fee. Beginning April 1, there is a $50 fee to change your session (dates, program, countries).

Call OR TEXT +1 858-771-0645 Our staff know our programs and can help you decide which is right for you!

CHAT WITH US We’re always available to answer questions on our Live Chat at www.experienceGLA.com

Attend an Open House, Summer Fair, or Webinar Our staff, student alumni, or parents will be at these presentations to share their experiences and answer questions. Go to www. experienceGLA.com/ meetup.

CONNECT WITH FORMER and future students Join a GLA Country Facebook group. We have created communities for students to interact. You’ll be able to ask questions of past participants. Check out photos and videos (high school students only): www.experiencegla.com/ facebook

Ask for program schedule and details E-mail info@experienceGLA.com for specific program schedules and questions.

Speak with references Call 1-858-771-0645 or e-mail info@experienceGLA.com to get the reference list.

+ 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com


Global Leadership Adventures 10509 San Diego Mission Road, Suite A San Diego, CA 92108 USA

Apply Online



photo credits: Carol della Croce, Kit Oates, Eve Oppenheimer, Leah Muskin-Pierret, Zao Wang, Lauren Allik, Emily Putnam, Abby Freemire, Ryan Feinstein, Brandon Grant, Carol Chan, Jan Marc Castlunger, Sadie Dix, Katherynn Deus, Brooke Robinson, Karianne Hoff, Jason Matthew Tye, Steven Redmond, Alit Apriyana, XiaoLi Tan, Zhao Jie, Ryan Parrilla. catalog design and graphics: Carol della Croce

Questions? Call or e-mail us. +1 858 771 0645 | info@experienceGLA.com

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