2021 Global Leadership Adventures Catalog V3

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome to Global Leadership Adventures! On behalf of the entire GLA team, I would like to invite you to enroll in one of our experiential programs, designed specifically for teens and young adults just like you who share your passion for making this world of ours a better, fairer place for all. Our portfolio of programs includes returning favorites and one-of-a-kind destinations throughout Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe. Faced with an ever-changing landscape due to COVID-19, we are also offering a full slate of travel programs in the United States for the first time. Additionally, we are running virtual GLA programs for teens, including the Global Impact Virtual Internship, Online Leadership Academy and the Global Summer Symposium, which will take you to new worlds and expose you to exciting opportunities from the comfort and convenience of home. It is GLA's founding belief that young people - given the opportunity and privilege to embrace different cultures, confront timely challenges and develop their own unique leadership styles - will make this world the kind of place we can all share and explore together. I hope to see you out there, with something new to discover over every horizon. Sincerely,

Jessica Rose Miller Executive Director



is to inspire the next generation to realize their potential to transform the world and their role in it. We believe in the power of mindful travel as a transformative experience in the lives of our young people. GLA programs offer more than just an incredible experience in a new place, but provide the depth and breadth of content, opportunity and thoughtful curricula to ignite a spark in students to move forward into the world as mindful citizens.

PEOPLE USING BUSINESS AS A FORCE FOR GOOD +1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


briefcase-medical COVID-19: Risk Management & Precautions

Commitment to Health and Safety for All The safety of students, staff, and local communities remains our highest priority and all program operations will be done carefully and intentionally. Global Leadership Adventures is committed to reopening operations in a safe, responsible and sustainable way. We follow recommendations as guided by the Centers For Disease Control, the World Health Organization and as mandated by local governments. Additionally, we meet bi-weekly with other industry providers to collaborate and ensure our policies remain in line with industry standards. Policies are developed and continuously reviewed to ensure every element of our operations are thoroughly assessed prior to and during any program experience. Here are a few of our updated standards in place for all departures:

Extensive Staff Training

We have developed an extensive 2020/2021 COVID-19 Health and Safety Guidelines Manual which outlines every element our pre, during, and post program processes, along with expectations for staff in upholding these standards. All staff will go through a thorough COVID-19 Health and Safety Training prior to programming, and will be heavily supported by our Risk Management team while programs are running to ensure compliance.

Complying with Local Regulations and Recommendations

First and foremost, we will comply with all local regulations and inform all travelers of additional regulations prior to departure.

Preventive Planning

Itineraries will be adjusted to provide students with the safest experience within our control at the time of operation. Programs with traditionally high levels of community interaction may be updated to limit or remove community contact all together. These adjustments will be done to protect both the community and the group. GLA will inform families of the expected itinerary prior to the program start date and as changes necessitate.

Life-Changing Internat

Thorough Risk Assessments

Prior to travel, every location will go through a thorough risk assessment to ensure it is within our standards for operation during the time of COVID-19. We will assess local case counts and transmission rates, the status of the local community which we plan to visit, as well as our abilities to uphold our stringent safety standards for the duration of the program.

Group Commitment to Safety

The overall health of the group is dependent on each person's commitment to their personal health and well-being before and during the program. All students must commit to physical distancing safe practices 14 days prior to departure and show proof of negative COVID-19 test or vaccination prior to departure. This ensures the entire group is starting out on the right foot.

Health Checks

Our staff will meet with students individually at the beginning of the program to discuss their health and well-being. Temperature checks will take place throughout the program to ensure that no one in the group is showing symptoms of fever or any other symptom. Students will also be instructed to inform staff of any other symptoms, should they arise.

Enhanced Hygiene, Sanitation & Cleaning

The entire group will wear masks when outside of the Home Base -- in the local community for service or other activities -- and practice physical distancing. Strict sanitation protocols will be put into place for vehicles, meals, and accommodations. Sanitizer and/or hand soap will be made available before and after activities and all meals.

Constant Evolution

We are committed to making informed decisions that place the health and safety of all parties a priority. We give you our promise that we will remain transparent and honest in our communication to you as changes arise. In return, we ask for your flexibility and trust that any adjustments we make to our policies or the program experience is rooted in our responsibility to keep you and our local communities as safe as possible as we embark back into the world together.

COVID-19 Policies Manual & Guidelines

Inquire with us for our 2021 COVID Health and Safety Guidelines Manual, available upon request.

Please see our Safety & Risk Management webpage for the latest updates: experienceGLA.com/safety

tional Journeys for Teens

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plane GLA TRAVEL PROGRAMS GLA offers teens and young adults a fresh approach to service-learning and experiential travel. GLA’s goal is to provide life-changing travel experiences that will cultivate a global perspective and open-mindedness in students that will ultimately inspire them to become great leaders and global thinkers who seek positive change in their own communities. That is why GLA incorporates community service, immersive learning and adventure into every one of our travel programs. Participants on Global Leadership Adventures travel programs: > Serve the community through meaningful volunteer efforts > Learn about culture, language, history or a special area of focus > Explore sites of significance along with adventure excursions Choose your own adventure: travel internationally or domestically. As you browse this catalog, start by looking into which destinations most excite you. High school students, middle school students and young adults alike are invited to enroll in one of our servicelearning adventures centered on travel; just be sure to check the age range for your desired program prior to enrollment. You can also choose to travel abroad or within your home country.

Global Leadership Adventures runs programs in these regions: > Africa > Asia & the Pacific > The Caribbean > Central America > Europe > South America > United States

laptop GLA VIRTUAL PROGRAMS Whatat makes We believe students can have life-changing experiences wherever they are - even home.

the GLA experience

Due to the continued COVID-19 pandemic around the globe, the thought leaders and program experts at Global Leadership Adventures connected with our global partners to develop and deliver virtual experiences aligned with our values and student objectives. unique for students Participants on Global Leadership Adventures virtual programs:

and their families?

> Discover how to better serve both their local and global community > Connect with leaders from organizations abroad to facilitate cross-cultural exchange > Overcome challenges alongside their peers and learn real-world skills Global Impact Virtual Internship: > 6 weeks with flexible, part-time hours > Partner with a global nonprofit or social enterprise > Develop leadership and career development skills > Select a specific focus area or theme Global Summer Symposium: > 2 weeks with dates that work with your schedule > Dive into a theme in which to center your learning > Travel virtually to two countries for cultural immersion > Tackle global issues through an academic lens

Leadership & Intentional Program Design Local Partners

Expert Staff

Online Leadership Academy: > 1 week with dates that work with your schedule > Explore many of GLA's most popular curricular themes > Engage with global NGO and B-Corp partners, as well as alumni > Learn from guest speakers, group discussions and leadership modules

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ď”˜ GLA PROGRAM THEMES GLA's program themes set our student experiences and curriculum apart. Every GLA program regardless of theme invites high engagement, critical thinking and a willingness to see the world through many different perspectives. In fact, our students participate in interactive experiences that expose them to diverse cultures, arts, value systems and histories in ways that no textbook could convey. The type of program you choose, based on a specific theme or focus area, will only elevate these learnings, offering a unique thematic lens through which to experience activities and discussions, from community service to immersive learning and adventure.

What are you passionate about? Or what new field do you wish to explore?

On the following pages, discover which program themes are of most interest to you, and then navigate to the corresponding catalog pages to learn more about the particular programs you choose.

GLA offers the following program themes and focus areas: > Animal & Wildlife Conservation > Building From Start to Finish > Children & Education > Community Development > Environmental Stewardship > Global Seminar > Language Immersion > Public Health & Medicine > Social Justice

Which theme is right for me?

For some students, theme is a clear indicator of program preference and guides their final enrollment selection. For others, it is simply a tool to help refine the kind of program experience they hope to have. Our program themes are a means for self-discovery and meeting core learning objectives. They may affect the kind of community service projects you participate in, immersive learning components you take part in, or the kinds of guided group discussions that are initiated by your Mentor. Just remember, you do not have to have an existing interest or experience in the theme of your program in order for it to be life-changing!





Work on projects that have a direct positive

Learn the difference between public health and

Support sustainable practices like reducing,

impact on the surrounding community,

medicine, and how both are critical for community

reusing and recycling. Do hands-on work to

particularly local children, from school

wellness, particularly in underserved areas.

preserve natural habitats and the communities

infrastructure to playground restoration. You'll

Take part in preventative education or hygiene

that depend on them. You may focus on marine

help create a safe space for kids to play and

advocacy, shadow medical students, assist in pop-

conservation to support ocean ecosystems,

up clinics, collect diagnostic data or learn from

climate action to help negate the effects of global

medical professionals.

warming, or land-based conservation efforts.

learn, and for the community to thrive. Enjoy opportunities to play games and make new friends, too.

Fiji Morocco

page 28

South Africa

page 30



page 38


page 38

Dominican Republic


page 42

Dominican Republic

page 54, 58, 62


Dominican Republic

page 54, 60


page 102


Costa Rica

page 76, 78, 80, 84


page 110



page 104


page 112


South Dakota Utah Wyoming

page 40 page 50 page 54 page 68 Page 110 page 120 page 122 page 124 page 126 page 130, 132

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Tutor or provide educational support to children

Observe and protect animals in their natural

Learn and be immersed in the language of

in the surrounding community. This can take

habitats, national parks or shelters. Take care

your host country through local immersion and

place at school or outside the classroom. Be a

of the environment that supports animals

mentored study. Take classes that improve your

friend and role model to the youngest generation,

and native wildlife by working on projects that

Spanish or French language skills, no matter your

and leave a lasting legacy in the community

benefit native species or clears invasive ones.

current skill level. Use your new language skills to

through service projects such as infrastructure improvements at local schools.

Ghana Tanzania Thailand Guatemala

Collaborate with wildlife experts, learn about animal welfare and spend time up-close with animals.

get to know locals and better connect with your host community.

page 24

South Africa

page 32


page 64

page 34


page 46, 48

Dominican Republic

page 54

page 48


page 44

Costa Rica

page 74

page 86

Costa Rica

page 72, 80, 82, 84


page 92


page 100


page 108


page 114, 116


page 118




Advocate for equality, opportunity and equitable

Complete a meaningful building project from

Facilitate discussions on relevant topics with your

access for all. Learn how people who face

beginning to end, leaving behind your legacy

peers, and engage in friendly debates on critical

systemic racism or economic oppression in the

for local families and the community to use or

issues of the day. Leadership and learning are

United States face these challenges, whether

otherwise benefit from. Work alongside local

cornerstones of the Global Seminar, whether

they're refugees, living in poverty or part of a

organizations that promote sustainable building

you're meeting with local leaders, collaborating

minority group. And meet with local leaders

initiatives in the community and see you hard

on projects, taking part in workshops or traveling

dedicated to improving the lives of those in

work through from start to finish.

to institutions of social or cultural significance.

underserved or marginalized communities.

Dominican Republic

page 54



page 120

Dominican Republic

page 26

Costa Rica

page 70

page 56


page 90

Multi-country (Europe)

page 94

Multi-country (Europe)

page 96

Washington, D.C.

page 128

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No matter which destination you choose, we are here to help you prepare for your departure. We are at your disposal from time of enrollment until you head to the airport, and beyond! > Once enrolled you will have access to the TRAVEL PORTAL for your specific program which will have all the information you need to prepare for departure, as well as a pre-departure handbook. > FLIGHTS: Our team will provide all the information you need to book your flight, assist you in connecting with other students to fly with, provide you with guidelines for arrival and departure, and get you in contact with our partner travel agency. > OTHER REQUIREMENTS: We will also provide you information on obtaining a passport and/or visa (if required), any requirements for traveling to your destination, packing guidance, vaccination information, and tips for travel!

pages 106 - 133 Alaska California Colorado Florida Hawaii Maine Oregon South Dakota Washington, D.C. Wyoming


pages 52 - 65 Dominican Republic Guadeloupe

CENTRAL AMERICA pages 66 - 87 Belize Guatemala Costa Rica

SOUTH AMERICA pages 98 - 105 Galapagos Peru


pages 22 - 35 Ghana Morocco South Africa Tanzania

ASIA & THE PACIFIC pages 36 - 51 Bali Fiji India Sumatra Thailand


pages 88 - 97 Greece Spain STEM E.U.


Join us online, from anywhere!

Check out our virtual leadership programs on pages 134 - 151.

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GLA TRAVEL PROGRAMS ____________________

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GLA TRAVEL PROGRAMS International Programs Get ready to step out of your comfort zone, passport in-hand, and explore a country or continent so far unknown to you. On our international travel programs, GLA students like you are invited to travel to a host country and be welcomed into a community abroad. Through the vehicle of community service,

What makes the GLA experience unique for students and their families?

you are given strong sense of purpose to your global travel. You will get to know local residents, meet with local leaders and contribute to a meaningful community-led service project. Through this service-learning methodology, you may complete your program with an in-depth understanding of your host country as well as your community of residence, and the global issues they face. If you're

Leadership & Intentional Program Design

looking to travel somewhere in Africa, Asia, Latin America or Europe and have a one-of-a-kind adventure, our international travel programs are the perfect fit.

U.S. Programs Be prepared for the abundance of opportunities for discovery awaiting you within a single country. As one of the largest nations on Earth, stretching from the Atlantic to Pacific coasts all the way to the far reaches of Alaska and Hawaii, there

Local Partners

Expert Staff

are no two destinations in the United States that are quite the same. If you are searching for a travel and immersion experience in North America, our USA travel programs are excellent options to consider. Iconic monuments, historical sites and cultural immersion are all on the agenda. You will also participate in a mean-

Full-Service Parent Support

ingful community service project during the duration of your program. If you have a strong interest or curiosity about a particular region of the United States, whether your focus is on history, culture, arts, the environment or contemporary issues, you'll walk away having had a life-changing travel experience.


5-Point Safety System

Throughout this catalog, you will see some of our program sessions marked with a flag. These are our 21-Day Flagship programs. GLA participants have reported that our Flagship Programs offer the optimal amount of time to develop friendships with locals and their peers, to make a more significant impact on the community and to fully immerse themselves in the culture. Our Flagship Programs provide more weekend excursions, volunteer service opportunities and leadership training than are available on our shorter programs.

WHY GLA? Leadership & Intentional Program Design GLA travel programs create ambitious, ethical leaders. At GLA, we believe leaders are made, not born: leadership is a life skill that can, and should, be developed. Leadership is woven throughout all elements of the program. From role play style to exploration to getting students out of their comfort zone and into leadership roles within the group, GLA intentionally weaves this approach into the daily experience on our travel programs. Every site visit, cultural workshop and community service project is an opportunity to put these leadership skills into action. Our holistic appproach to leadership and learning creates a lifelong impact for students.






We encourage students to recognize that we all have the power to be incredible forces for good, and we give students permission to exercise their leadership potential intelligently and compassionately. We believe that framing the program experience and various daily activities around leadership helps create personal development and growth opportunities for students to dig deep into their vision and purpose, as well as their knowledge of themselves and the wider world.

Read more about our Leadership Philosophy, and how we weave Leadership into every program on page 156.

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WHY GLA? Local Partners Our local partners are the key to making our programs as immersive and authentic as possible. Whether they're hosting students overseas or in the United States, our local partners know the communities in which we operate inside and out.

Partnerships pave the path to sustainable development. At GLA, we recognize that working with local partners is a fundamental part of sustainable development, effective community service and responsible travel. Our partners help to bring the community's local culture to life, providing the critical context only a resident could provide, and granting our students locals-only access to off-the-beaten-path experiences. Partnerships help deliver authentic experiences. GLA's local partners also play a much larger role than simply being a piece of our program design. They are a core part of our global family, and many have been working with us for years. Students interact with and learn from partners, who range from founders of NGOs to small business owners, local educators, host families and area experts. Whether in remote or city destinations, based relatively close to home or in the far reaches of the farthest continents, our partners provide unique experiences that we could not access on our own.

Expert Staff Our program staff are more than just supervision for our students! They have years of experience working with teens in destinations around the globe. Our staff help to connect the dots of the student's experience to their personal leadership style.

GLA's program staff are more than chaperones or camp counselors they're passionate educators and teen experts. GLA works hard to hire knowledgeable, responsible, accomplished and FUN individuals; we know that having the right Program Directors and Mentors makes all the difference in creating a comfortable, safe and inclusive learning environment for teens. Students are led by Program Directors and Mentors who have in-depth professional experience working experientially with youth and hold college or graduate degrees. They are confident travelers with certifications for the locations and activities they will oversee. More than half of our staff return each season to work with GLA again. Some program staff have even served in the Peace Corps! Others bring experiences studying at renowned educational institutions or working in influential global organizations. Whatever their background, they bring these skills and experiences to the table on behalf of our students, and are particularly adept at facilitating cross-cultural exchange. Our staff elevate a program from a mere trip to an unforgettable, lifechanging journey.

Full-Service Parent Support We understand it can be challenging to leave your child in the care of others, whether they're a teen or young adult. So we take equal care in providing superior support to every parent before, during and after the program.

Full Pre-Departure Support Once you've enrolled in one of our programs, the GLA team is at your disposal to provide full support for all your preparations: > Where and how to book a flight > Recommended routes so that GLA students can opt to travel together > Understanding the passport and visa application process (for international travel programs) > Full access to the online GLA Travel Portal: connect with other families who have students on your program, and have all pre-departure information at your fingertips

In-Country Support and Updates

During the program, we are your direct link, 24 hours a day: > We provide a 24-hour emergency hotline when programs are running > All students are required to call home upon arrival at their destination > Our team will make you aware of any emergencies or major schedule changes > We are able to relay urgent messages between students and parents via on-site staff > We provide evacuation and secondary medical insurance during the program for all students traveling internationally outside the U.S. > We periodically update program blogs with photos and accounts of student experiences in-action

Post-Program Follow-Up

After the program, our staff follows up with every family to: > Hear your feedback on the program and level of parent support provided > Ensure we've provided the best possible service to you and your family > Discuss continued alumni engagement and opportunities

FROM ONE PARENT TO ANOTHER I never, ever felt like I was left wondering. “GLA was AWESOME! From the very beginning of our contact with GLA, I was impressed with the breadth and depth of the information offered. When I spoke to or communicated with staff via email, they were friendly, always helpful—just great. All of the information we needed was readily available. I never, ever felt like I was left wondering.”


We love GLA! “Two sons, three trips (Costa Rica, India and Dominican Republic) and we love GLA! It’s an amazing experience for the kids but equally rewarding to us as parents when we see these mature and appreciative young men return home after just a few weeks.”


I trusted GLA and they did not fail. “It truly was a gamechanger experience for my son as well as for me (his mom). This is my first time letting go and sending him to a different country that I’ve never been to, either, and completely on his own. I trusted GLA and they did not fail.” LUCAS’ MOTHER, PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY

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RISK MANAGEMENT & SAFETY 5-Point Safety System™ Safety is our first priority. While we believe in the transformative power of stepping outside comfort zones, we remain invested in managing the risks of doing so. We've carefully crafted and continue to enforce our 5-Point Safety System™, a set of rigorous standards that support the safety, health and well-being of students on every program.

GLA Home Base: Safe & Secure Lodging: Utmost care is taken to provide safe and secure lodging. Accommodations vary based on location, but all include exclusive spaces reserved for GLA students and staff. It's our home away from home, a place to relax, the gathering place for meals and sanctuary for reflection, team building and leadership after active days. For a description of Home Base types, see the following page. Caring Supervision & Expert Local Knowledge: GLA policy is for no student to ever be by themselves at any point in time outside the established Home Base. Students may be with staff members, in groups or assigned to a buddy. Our student-to-staff ratio on our travel programs is a maximum 8:1, however, the ratio is usually lower on average. Our local partners and on-site staff have intimate knowledge of the host community and region, are familiar with the area's medical facilities and are uniquely equipped to handle itinerary adjustments and emergencies.

Safe Transportation: From the moment students arrive, they are greeted by GLA staff and transported to Home Base in approved transportation by experienced and licensed drivers. In the case of a flight delay, staff will wait for their arrival. Transportation between Home Base(s) and activities is always in GLA-approved vehicles or via the mode of transport most appropriate for each specific location. For example, in Europe or the United States, students may take public transport such as commuter buses or trains in small groups supervised by a staff member; in other countries and regions where public transport is not as reliable, we will use GLA-approved vehicles such as buses or vans. In some cases, a taxi or ride share may be used, but only with staff in accompaniment.

Healthy Meals & Pure Water: Meals are prepared fresh daily by Home Base staff or vetted restaurants, and include a healthy mix of grains, protein, fruit and vegetables. Students will enjoy local cuisine, but familiar staples such as rice are typically available. We are happy to provide a list of select programs that can best accommodate a student with particular food allergies or dietary restrictions. Students will always have access to unlimited safe drinking water and will be provided three meals per day, plus snacks. 24/7 Support & Emergency Response: GLA provides 24/7 support and a hotline while programs are in session. While incredibly rare in occurrence, GLA has a plan in place for all types of emergencies and situations that could arise through diligent risk management and identifying proper health and support facilities within the vicinity of our programs. We provide secondary medical and evacuation insurance to all students traveling internationally outside the United States, and professional medical support is also available to our teams 24/7 should specialized guidance be needed.

 More on our Home Base model: Safety is our top priority, and we provide lodging that’s out of the ordinary. On a GLA adventure, you might stay in a zen-like ecolodge tucked away in the lush Caribbean jungle, a traditional Lapa, or dorm-style rooms in a classic campus setting. In this catalog, each program page will indicate a general idea of the type of lodging you can expect to experience. Many programs include an overnight stay away from the main Home Base or split time between two or more Home Base locations. EXCLUSIVE HOTEL BLOCK These may resemble Western hotels back home, with multiple stories and a reception desk at the entrance, or smaller, locally-owned properties where we stay in an exclusive floor or wing.

ECOLODGE Remote residences located in natural environments, with hosts who place an emphasis on environmental responsibility and harmony with local flora and fauna.

RUSTIC VILLAS Detached, well-appointed structures that offer comfortable living with plenty of open space, amenities and landscaping. The group has access to shared eating areas and common space.

RUSTIC CABINS Quaint, off-the-beaten-path cabins designed to endure the natural elements and provide a cozy setting for shared activities, meals and sleep. Built close to nature, often in wooded areas.

COZY GUESTHOUSE Modest, unique properties in a cozy setting where students may interact with their host, eat together and share common areas. ENCLOSED COMPOUND Several buildings in a gated enclosure, often including detached guest quarters, a separate kitchen, dining area, multi-purpose facilities and host residences in an intimate space. TRADITIONAL BUNGALOWS Detached structures, often featuring open-air construction and in remote locations close to nature and the local culture.

 HOMESTAY EXPERIENCE > Extend your stay and dedicate another week to language learning.

DORM-STYLE Classic university-style dorm rooms on a college-like campus, with variations depending on the location. May feature bunk beds, common spaces and shared amenities.

> Become part of a local family who welcomes you into their home.

BED & BREAKFAST Home-like, quaint accommodations with a cozy atmosphere, with comfy beds and inviting common spaces.

Check out our homestay options for Costa Rica and Spain (pages 74 and 92) or visit:

> Polish your Spanish skills through true immersion in the community.


CAMPING Sleep overnight in tents, possibly changing locations depending on your itinerary. Expect sleeping bags, campfires, simple campsite amenities and ample time outdoors. +1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com




Children of Africa™ pg 24 Building Healthy Villages™ pg 26


Cultural Kaleidoscope™ pg 28


Global Health & Advocacy Project™ pg 30 Safari Service Expedition™ pg 32


Children's Education Adventure™ pg 34

A vast and diverse continent awaits, teeming with the sounds of daily life. Stunning landscapes spill out across a multitude of cultural landscapes. From sunsets at the southernmost point to the smells of spices in the north, smiling faces welcome you to explore an Africa beyond your expectations.

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GHANA: Children of Africa™

flag  21-DAY PROGRAM AGES 14 -19 June 25 - July 15 July 18 - August 7  Tuition: $5,399  Service Hours: 60


book-open Children & Education

Beating drums, children's laughter and warm greetings welcome you to become family in the heart of West Africa.


AGES 14 -19 June 28 - July 11 July 15 - July 28 August 1 - August 14  Tuition: $3,799  Service Hours: 40

Program Highlights • • • • • •

Tutor children at a village primary school Help build and refurbish school facilities Discuss current social issues facing Ghana’s women and children Hike to a beautiful waterfall Learn traditional African dance, batik fabric dyeing, drums and percussion Explore outdoor markets and historic sites


GHANA On this program you will... step onto the flat, sandy land of Ghana and immediately hear the laughter of children everywhere. This laughter will be the soundtrack to your trip, and a source of energy as you volunteer among one of Africa’s most passionate and kind communities. Ghanaians are known for their smiles, vibrancy and welcoming nature—you’ll see bright colors in the land, stitched into traditional clothing and adorning your Home Base. Your presence will infuse the classroom with excitement as you inspire students toward success in school.

Community Service


Immersive Learning

Volunteer in primary schools to help improve English

Immerse yourself in batik cloth dyeing and drum-

Experience full immersion in Ghana’s rich cultural

skills, tutor those who might be falling behind and

ming workshops, as well as a crash course in the na-

heritage as you are invited to actively participate in

contribute to each school’s needs, including making

tive language. You’ll be given a Ghanaian name by the

drumming and dancing, explore outdoor markets

improvements to the facilities. Split your time be-

local chief and have the opportunity to visit a seam-

and take part in cooking lessons with staff at your

tween teaching and campus refurbishment projects

stress for custom-made clothing made from fabrics

Home Base, who will treat you like family. You’ll also

to serve every aspect of the school, and learn all

you select. You’ll hear from local experts on topics

experience the natural surroundings of Ghana with

about education in Ghana. Try to keep up with the

like traditional gender roles. On the 21-Day Flagship

a beautiful waterfall hike. On our 21-Day Flagship

children as they invite you to play soccer and school-

Program, dive into the nation’s history as a hub of the

Program, go on a two-night excursion where you’ll

yard games after class!

slave trade with a visit to Fort Prinzenstein.

explore more of Ghana's cultural heritage in the Ho region.

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GHANA: Building Healthy Villages™

 14-DAY PROGRAM AGES 14 -19 June 28 - July 11 July 15 - July 28  Tuition: $3,799  Service Hours: 40


book-open Building from Start to Finish

Be a part of an invigorating two-week building project and see your work through from the ground up to completion.

Program Highlights • • • • •

Live in a beachside Ghanaian eco-lodge Explore issues related to composting latrines within the community in which you are working Construct a composting latrine from start to finish for families in need Experience Ghana’s unique drum and dance culture Cruise down the River Volta to the sea


GHANA On this program you will... learn why the role of public health is critical in breaking persistent poverty cycles through your start-to-finish compost toilet building project and discussions with health-focused organizations. Participate in community outreach programs that educate about WASH (Water And Sanitation, Hygiene). Both physically challenging and an opportunity to dive into health issues, this unique program provides both a building experience as well as a glimpse into Ghana’s colorful and celebratory culture.

Community Service

Immersive Learning


Assist local masons in the construction of a compost-

See first-hand why sanitation is important in rural

Live steps away from Ghana’s southern coast, where

ing latrine from start to finish for families in need.

communities; learn from nurses as they provide

you’ll experience the sights and sounds of fishermen

Before you wrinkle your nose, consider the critical im-

regular maternal and neonatal health checkups for

on the beach. Join them in pulling in the nets! Explore

portance of your work: These latrines help prevent the

mothers and newborn babies. Compare and contrast

outdoor markets, colorful fabrics and handmade

spread of disease and help local girls stay in school.

traditional ways of life with western practices with

crafts unique to this region of the world. Visit a coast-

This eco-friendly project also produces high-quali-

guest speakers. Be immersed in local culture, includ-

al slave fort, a poignant reminder of a page of histo-

ty fertilizer that can increase crop yields and sustain

ing high-energy drumming workshops and Ewe (pro-

ry that defined our modern world. Cruise down the

nutritious diets. Be part of a ribbon cutting ceremony

nounced “eh-way”) language lessons.

Volta River to the sea, and celebrate finishing your

with the families upon completion!

service project with a bonfire on the beach.

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MOROCCO: Cultural Kaleidoscope™


AGES 14 -19 July 1 - July 14 July 17 - July 30 August 2 - August 15  Tuition: $3,799  Service Hours: 20 comment Language Hours: 10


book-open Community Development

Uncover the secrets of magical Morocco as you immerse yourself in unique spices, meaningful service, and smiles you’ll never forget. Program Highlights • • • • • •

Volunteer at a summer camp for elementary school children Tour Marrakesh's famous medina & markets Experience a traditional hammam, or Arabic steam bath Visit historic Casablanca and the capital city of Rabat Learn to cook tajine, the most popular Moroccan dish Engage in ten hours of Modern Standard Arabic instruction through an accredited language school


MOROCCO On this program you will... spend time in four Moroccan cities—Rabat, Marrakesh, Casablanca and Oukaimeden, a small city at the foot of the Atlas Mountains—to acquire a holistic perspective on the intricacies of North African culture. With a distinctive mix of Arab, African, and European influence, Morocco is a colorful, fragrant and uniquely diverse country ripe for exploration. Through formal Arabic instruction and practicing with children in the summer camp at which you will volunteer, you’ll be fully immersed in all that this country has to offer.

Community Service

Immersive Learning


Volunteer your time at a summer camp for primary

Explore local customs through a Moroccan cooking

Hike in the lovely expanse of the High Atlas Moun-

school students from underserved communities. You

class and meet with a series of guest speakers who

tains, where you just may spot monkeys, Barbary

may help out with everything from teaching simple

are experts in the Moroccan education system. Learn

ground squirrels, or some of almost 200 species of

English lessons to facilitating games or craft activities

to haggle for intricate textiles and artisanal goods in

birds found in the area. Speaking of animals, you’ll

to assisting with physical refurbishment or beautifi-

Marrakesh’s expansive outdoor market, or souk–with

have the opportunity to see Morocco from the back

cation projects such as mural painting or sprucing up

a few Arabic lessons under your belt, you’ll soon be

of a camel, the traditional form of transportation in

the facilities.

a pro! Visit Casablanca’s Hassan Il, one of the largest

the region dating back over a thousand years.

mosques in the world.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


SOUTH AFRICA: Global Health & Advocacy Project™


book-open Public Health & Medicine

Travel to rural South Africa, where you’ll help provide crucial health education to a community in a secluded village town.

 14-DAY PROGRAM AGES 14 -19 July 13 - July 26 July 29 - August 11  Tuition: $3,999  Service Hours: 35

Program Highlights • • • • •

Experience true cultural immersion in a rural South African community Observe community health workers in a mobile health clinic Learn about the challenges of providing healthcare in remote areas of the African continent Hike the Drakensberg mountains, famous for their many peaks and magnificent scenery Zipline amidst the stunning natural beauty of the mountains


SOUTH AFRICA On this program you will... live in Geluksburg, which means “happy mountains” in rural KwaZulu Natal. This rural village town, like many others, has limited resources for primary health care and basic first aid. Become accustomed to the Zulu culture as you participate in a home visit and explore the places where traditional and western medicine intersect. Meet with the local chief, and eat a traditional meal. The rolling mist and tranquility of the surrounding Drakensberg mountain peaks will make for a one-of-a-kind experience on the southern tip of the African continent.

Community Service

Immersive Learning


Public health is an ongoing issue in South Africa where

Immerse yourself in a Zulu community with a home vis-

Hike part of the Drakensberg mountain range, known

an access gap for health care facilities exist between

it, dancing and drumming lessons, and a visit to a tradi-

for its famous peaks and brimming with incredible

upper and lower socio-economic households. Raise

tional healer. Meet with the local Chief and learn about

waterfalls, streams, caves, crisp mountain air and

awareness in the community of Geluksburg, a commu-

Zulu culture and history. You’ll see why healthcare in

spectacular views. This UNESCO World Heritage

nity where primary health care options are currently

rural South Africa is so crucial – the access gap between

Site draws both locals and tourists from around the

non-existent, through advocacy. Facilitate nourish-

urban and rural parts of the country has a big effect on

globe alike. You will also get the chance to go ziplin-

ment and healthy living workshops with local students

the public health system. Observe health care workers

ing through the stunning forest canopy and enjoy a

and their parents, providing them with basic wellness

and visit local clinics in Geluksburg, then compare and

unique birds-eye view of landscapes unique to this

kits and information on how to utilize them. Students

contrast the public and private health care systems.

region of South Africa.

will learn about the importance of a balanced diet and how to maintain a diet within a low budget.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


SOUTH AFRICA: Safari Service Expedition™

 14-DAY PROGRAM AGES 14 -19 July 1 - July 14 July 17 - July 30  Tuition: $3,999  Service Hours: 32


book-open Animal & Wildlife Conservation

Be on the fr ont lines of animal con to track, m servation, a onitor and nd learn ho p rotect South wild anima w Africa’s mo ls. st majestic

Program Highlights • • • • • •

Assist with ongoing rhino and African elephant conservation projects Track and monitor wildlife movement on a renowned reserve Spot Africa’s “Big Five” wild animals Enjoy a bonfire as you camp under the stars Visit beaches on a multi-night excursion to St. Lucia Experience tribal culture and traditional storytelling


SOUTH AFRICA On this program you will... experience life in the Somkhanda Game reserve and learn about conservation on the front lines. You might spot Africa’s “Big Five” in the region — lions, leopards, elephants, Cape buffalo and rhino. By night, you’ll live at a rustic Home Base on the reserve, hearing Zulu stories and learning about tribal culture. By day, shadow wildlife conservationists in the South African bush, go on game drives to observe animals and learn about sustainably preserving the region’s endangered species.

Community Service

Immersive Learning


Join professional conservationists in the field, as-

Hear from experts in the field about the challenges

sisting with habitat restoration efforts and wildlife

facing preservation of various species such as ele-

overnight excursion where you embark on a bush sa-

monitoring. Help the conservation team eradicate

phants and rhinos. Learn to spot fresh prints, iden-

fari and sleep under the stars accompanied by pro-

an invasive plant species, learn about anti-poaching,

tify wildlife tracks, discuss endangered species and

fessional field guides. Travel coastward to St. Lucia

undertake a snare patrol to identify leopards, and

more. Discover the biodiversity within the bush eco-

Wetlands Park and Cape Vidal Game Reserve for a

learn from passionate wildlife protectors about their

system. Visit a local community to learn about Zulu

three-day excursion. After checking into our accom-

experiences fighting poachers. Track the movements

culture and the role the community plays in conser-

modations, we’ll jump right in with a boat ride at the

of wildlife by satellite, learn how rangers set camera

vation. Enjoy tea with and hear stories from a ugogo

iSimangaliso Wetland Park estuary where you can try

traps, and join them in combing through video foot-

("grandmother" in Zulu).

to spy some of the area’s many hippopotamus and

age. Finally, uplifting the surrounding Zulu communi-

Experience all the wonders of South Africa on an


ty is critical to conservation: promote successful and safe conservation programs for this region’s wildlife.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


TANZANIA: Children’s Education Adventure

flag  21-DAY PROGRAM July 28 - August 17  Tuition: $5,899  Service Hours: 50


book-open Children & Education

Explore the myth and magic of Tanzania, a country of abundant wildlife, diverse ethnic groups and peaceful history.

 14-DAY PROGRAM July 28 - August 10  Tuition: $4,199  Service Hours: 30

Program Highlights • • • • • •

Teach English in local classrooms Volunteer on projects at a village primary school See zebras, lions, rhinos and more on an incredible African safari Hike to a waterfall near Mount Kilimanjaro Spend an afternoon with a Tanzanian host family, and on the 21-Day Flagship Program only, spend a day among the Maasai nomadic warrior tribe Learn African dance, percussion and batik cloth dyeing


TANZANIA On this program you will... constantly be greeted with the characteristic warmth of Tanzanians, and the raw beauty of East Africa. Animals abound, and landscapes are colorful and diverse. But more than anything else, it is the Tanzanian people who will make your visit memorable, whether you’re teaching a class full of laughing, energetic children, embarking on a wild safari guided by locals or chatting with community members. Learn about the efforts of local organizations who are passionate about gender equality and committed to making education accessible to girls in the community.

Community Service

Immersive Learning

While Tanzania has achieved nearly universal access

Hear from guest speakers about Tanzania’s history

to primary education, challenges continue to bar

and social issues. Communities continue to address

many Tanzanian children from receiving education.

challenges in the form of health issues, gender in-

No public funding past primary school, dilapidated

equality, limited education opportunities and more.

physical infrastructure, and social perceptions that

Still, the dignity and beauty of Tanzanian culture pre-

demote education’s importance are all critical issues.

vail, making the people resilient and focused on ad-

You’ll have the opportunity to address these by re-

vancement. Participate in a batik dyeing workshop,

furbishing school facilities and teaching English in a

market visits and traditional music and dance class-

classroom setting. The genuine connection and im-

es. On the 21-Day Flagship Program, visit a village of

pact made on these local students will last a lifetime.

the Maasai tribes and experience their semi-nomadic

Adventure Hike the base of Mt. Kilimanjaro, the tallest peak in Africa and one of the world’s great mountaineering objectives. See the area where trekkers prepare to take on the peak, and embark on your own hike to two stunning waterfalls. Experience one of the world’s most spectacular safaris: Drive through Ngorongoro Crater, which naturalists call “the greatest wildlife show on Earth.” Look for zebras, lions, leopards, elephants, rhinos and more in their natural habitat.


+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com




Land of Discovery™ pg 38


Marine Conservation Expedition™ pg 40


The Initiative for Children™ pg 42


Orangutan Conservation Expedition™ pg 44


Elephants & Conservation Expedition™ pg 46 Elephant & Education Initiative™ pg 48 Island Marine Excursion™ pg 50

Embrace the world's most far-reaching continent, stretching from its European borders in the west to the islands and coastlines of the Pacific in the east. Ancient influences, distinct cultures, unparalleled landscapes and breathtaking biodiversity await you at every turn.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com



BALI: Land of Discovery™

flag  21-DAY PROGRAM AGES 14 -19 July 2 - July 22 July 26 - August 15  Tuition: $5,499  Service Hours: 36

book-open Community Development OR Public Health & Medicine Immerse yourself in the indigenous culture of the “Island of the Gods,” and discover your own path: choose between Children & Education or Public Health & Medicine.


AGES 14 -19 June 16 - June 29 July 2 - July 15 July 26 - August 8  Tuition: $3,999  Service Hours: 24

Program Highlights • • • • •

Surf with locals on world-renowned waves in Southern Bali Have dinner at the Royal Palace with the Prince of Ubud Explore the islands' spiritual culture through temple visits and activities Explore Bali's Northern coast and partake in a Discover SCUBA course (21-Day Flagship Program only) Teach children at schools or support public health advocacy at a Balinese community center


BALI On this program you will... journey to the island of Bali, where you’ll explore the many wonders of the “Island of the Gods.” The Balinese people are what make this region truly beautiful. Charming and generous, local residents warmly welcome you to their communities and invite you to learn about the unique culture of Indonesia’s most diverse island. On the Children & Education track, volunteer at a local school, teaching English and bonding with the community. On the Public Health & Medicine track, deepen your understanding of the global health puzzle, including a visit to a natural birth clinic. During your time off service, enjoy Bali's uplifting culture through live music, dance performances and high adventure on the coast.

Community Service

Immersive Learning


Children & Education Track

Interact daily with a culture that celebrates sustain-

Take in Bali's pounding surf, emerald rice terraces

Speaking English unlocks advancement opportuni-

able, communal living. You’ll learn about the conver-

and artistic culture. Whitewater raft through lush

ties for Balinese youth. Volunteer at an English camp

gence of eastern and western medicine in Bali, and

vegetation, explore temples and surf the southern

and create unforgettable bonds with your students

its most pressing health and environmental issues.

coastline, a top surfing destination in the world. You’ll

as you design creative lesson plans and share crucial

Uncover how local nonprofit clinics support mater-

also go on a sunrise boat ride and snorkel over cor-

language lessons.

nal and general heath. You will also have the chance

al reefs and the remnants of a Japanese shipwreck

to meet a traditional healer! Discuss problems facing

from World War II. On the 21-Day Flagship Program,

Public Health & Medicine Track

modern-day rice farmers. Enjoy a traditional dinner

hike in West Bali National Park, snorkel on the Cor-

Advocate for public health efforts at the Banjar - a Ba-

and conversation with the Prince of Ubud at the Roy-

al Triangle and take a Discover SCUBA course to ex-

linese community center - which could include food

al Palace. Try your hand at the gamelan drum and

plore Bali's underwater beauty.

and supply donations or delivering health education

legong dance and participate in ancient ceremonies

to the community. You’ll also design and deliver a

to truly absorb the island’s spiritual culture.

health education workshop for local youth.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com



FIJI: Marine Conservation Expedition™


AGES 14 -19 June 14 - June 27 June 30 - July 13 July 16 - July 29 August 1 - August 14  Tuition: $3,999  Service Hours: 30

book-open Environmental Stewardship

Voyage to beautiful Fiji, where you’ll learn to protect its abundant ocean life and discover an ancient island culture. Program Highlights • • • • •

Learn to collect data on marine biodiversity Contribute to a critical coral restoration project Help with ongoing research that will be used to establish new marine protected areas Snorkel in a sacred hidden sea cave Hike to a panoramic viewpoint of Fiji’s beautiful island chain


FIJI On this program you will... dive into crystal blue water and discover the rich biodiversity of the South Pacific! Assist with marine ecology research and restoration projects while based on Nacula, a hilly volcanic island of Fiji. You'll have the opportunity to live and breathe traditional Fijian culture and participate in marine-based service projects. Work actively to support marine conservation while learning more about the effects of climate change on this unique and delicate environment.

Community Service

Immersive Learning

Fiji’s coastal ecology is threatened by external forces

Fiji’s remoteness presents a way of life vastly differ-

like climate change and overfishing. Learn about ma-

ent from many other parts of the world—every day

rine sustainability by working on an undersea data

is a chance to learn from its enchanting, communi-

collection project. Plant mangroves to mitigate heavy

ty-based culture. You’ll have opportunities to watch

coastal erosion, participate in coral restoration proj-

and listen as ancient stories and legends unfold

ects and promote sustainable use of sensitive ecolog-

through song and dance. Visit the village markets

ical resources. Finally, spend time in the local villages

and participate in a Lovo, a traditional feast cooked in

presenting your findings to schoolchildren, elders and

the earth. Make jewelry using coconuts, try the steps

community leaders.

of the traditional Meke dance, and pick up some conversational Fijian.

Adventure When you live on a remote island in the South Pacific, each day is a new adventure. Hike to Nacula’s highest point, where you‘ll take in the breathtaking 360-degree view of neighboring islands. During your downtime, launch kayaks off of the private beach at Home Base, and enjoy snorkeling nearly every day, including excursions to two world-class locations: the famed Blue Lagoon, and the more hidden Sawa-i-Lau sea cave, a spot sacred to locals and regarded as the resting place of Ulutini, an ancient Fijian god.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com



INDIA: The Initiative for Children™

flag  21-DAY PROGRAM AGES 14 -19 July 25 - August 14  Tuition: $4,999  Service Hours: 45

book-open Community Development

Make a difference in the lives of Indian youth as you discover authentic India, from the Taj Mahal to the royal city of Jaipur.

Program Highlights • • • • •

Live in the royal city of Jaipur, known as the “Pink City” for the distinctive color of its old town Teach India’s children and support infrastructure projects at local schools Take part in an Indian cooking lesson, dress workshops, and yoga sessions Camp in the desert outskirts of Pushkar after experiencing a unique camel safari Travel to the Taj Mahal, the world’s most famous monument to love


INDIA On this program you will... experience the magical land of India: diverse people, dramatic landscapes and spiritual energy. You'll have the opportunity to help India's underserved children in both a school and orphanage setting as well as volunteer on community development projects. Immerse yourself in cultural activities like Bollywood dance, traditional Indian cooking and yoga sessions. Discover this unique culture as you tour the royal city of Jaipur, go on a camel ride in the desert and visit incredible temples.

Community Service

Immersive Learning

Be part of the initiative to support children academ-

Discover India’s diverse religious history as you vis-

ically in a part of the world where the literacy rate is

it a historic temple famous for being the only one

below 70%. In Jaipur, you’ll work with an orphanage

erected for Brahma, and participate in yoga ses-

that serves children affected by India’s HIV epidemic.

sions. Take a town tour in Pushkar and visit a color-

Your service may range from improving infrastruc-

ful and vibrant local market where you can shop for

ture to beautifying the facilities or even engaging

items like embroidered clothing, jewelry and tradi-

in structured play with the kids. In Pushkar, volun-

tional goods. Between sightseeing and participating

teer at a school for underprivileged children. Return

in various cultural activities, learn about and discuss

to Jaipur to teach children in a government school,

the preeminent issues in the region, from access to

where funding is almost non-existent and the need

health care to educational opportunities for youth.

Adventure India is a place that beckons you to adventure at every corner. Take a cable car ride to a temple at the top of a mountain, with stunning aerial views of the desert and town below. Visit sacred Lake Pushkar, a site of religious significance to those who practice Hinduism. You’ll also have the chance to camp over night in the desert outskirts and ride a camel. And of course, no trip to India would be complete without the ultimate bucket list item: an excursion to the iconic Taj Mahal in Agra.

is great.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com



SUMATRA: Orangutan Conservation Expedition™ book-open Animal & Wildlife Conservation

Let the lure of adventure pull you in as you explore the lush jungles and rainforests of Sumatra, Indonesia’s largest island and a wild and rugged destination.

 14-DAY PROGRAM AGES 14 -19 July 17 - July 30 August 2 - 15  Tuition: $4,199  Service Hours: 24

Program Highlights • • • • • •

Encounter orangutans in the wild in one of their last remaining habitats Bathe Sumatran elephants in the river and get up close to these incredible gentle giants Plant trees to aid reforestation of an orangutan habitat that was cleared for palm oil production Camp in the rainforest under the stars and let the sounds of the jungle lull you to sleep Teach English to local children with a focus on conservation and sustainability Build and distribute facilities for trash disposal to keep waste off the streets and out of the ocean


THAILAND On this program you will... support reforestation in orangutan habitats that have been decimated by human activity. Learn about the fascinating orangutans and trek through their natural habitat, potentially glimpsing these incredible creatures in one of the two remaining habitats for Sumatran orangutans in the wild. Build rubbish bins to help local communities keep trash out of their community and the ocean. Learn about how sustainability practices and English language skills can help Indonesian children in the future.

Immersive Learning

Community Service


You will take part in a tree planting project to

An ecosystem is only balanced when the natural

Sumatra is known for its lush, wild and rugged ter-

support the habitat of Sumatra’s native animals,

animals, plants and non-living components are in

rain that calls for adventurers. Trek through and

a habitat that is shrinking due to the expansion of

harmony, and we as humans hold a very important

camp overnight in Mount Leuser National Park,

palm oil plantation and human activity. You will also

role in keeping this balance. Learn about the role

keeping an eye out for a multitude of wildlife species

run English camp sessions for local children, offering

humans play in harming or helping the environment,

you may encounter. Take a trek through a traditional

an opportunity for students to practice their English

as well as the importance of preserving fragile eco-

Sumatran village while observing more flora and fau-

skills with native speakers in a fun and engaging

systems. Gain an understanding of the importance

na, and take a dip in a clear waterfall to cool off. Get a

way. As a bonus, you’ll add sustainability vocabulary

of habitat restoration for native wildlife, particularly

chance to bathe Sumatran elephants, a critically en-

into the mix, giving the children tools to speak about

the critically endangered Sumatran orangutan. And

dangered subspecies of the Asian elephant.

the concerns of their local environment with future

don’t forget the unique cultural and historical heri-

visitors. Finally, support waste management services

tage you’ll explore through local villages, palaces and

to help keep trash out of Sumatra’s communities


and ocean.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com



THAILAND: Elephants & Conservation Expedition™ book-open Animal & Wildlife Conservation

Embrace Thai culture and support an organization working to provide wild elephants a safe corridor to fresh water.

flag  21-DAY PROGRAM AGES 14 -19 June 19 - July 9 July 13 - August 2  Tuition: $5,299  Service Hours: 42

Program Highlights • • • • •

Visit the bustling capital of Thailand, where you'll explore incredible temples and markets Float down a river into an elephant reserve Volunteer at a sanctuary for an endangered species of wild cattle, of which approximately only 120 exist in the world Learn what the life of a mahout is like at an elephant camp Take part in reforestation as you work at a tree nursery


THAILAND On this program you will... become an eco-warrior, taking your compassion for wildlife and the environment to the next level. Help an organization in protecting the endangered wild Thai elephant population by providing a safe corridor to water. Learn about the plight of both wild and domestic elephants. Discuss the complexities of elephant tourism. With a bit of good luck, observe the behavior of these gentle giants in their natural habitat! Visit temples and discover Thailand's fascinating culture.

Community Service

Immersive Learning


Volunteer at a community tree nursery and help

Snakes alive! Participate in a snake education course

Every day is an adventure when you fall asleep to

with re-planting and reforestation. Clean out old

and learn about species found in Thailand, as well

the sounds of wild animals nearby and awaken to

catchment dams and build new ones that will serve

as how to deliver basic first aid for a snake bite. Ex-

the sound of birds singing. Hike through the jungle

as wild elephant watering holes. When you visit the

perience Thai markets and food firsthand. Visit the

to beautiful waterfalls, where you’ll have the chance

Banteng, a critically endangered species of wild cat-

Grand Palace and the Golden Wat temple to see the

to swim in the natural pools. Encounter wild ele-

tle, help build salt-licks and seed-bombs. Assist an

Emerald Buddha. Top it all off as you travel to Kan-

phants safari-style at a national park. Explore a local

eco-village by building bricks out of mud to later be

chanaburi, where you'll see the World War II "Death

river via raft and kayak and cycle through rugged

used to construct sustainable housing. Volunteer at

Railway" famous for its bridge on the River Kwai.

terrain nestled between mountains and hills. Spend

an elephant sanctuary, where you may get up close

Lastly, learn about the importance of protecting land

a day on the beach where you’ll explore a unique

and personal with these majestic animals. Walk to

for the last remaining wild elephants in Thailand.

cave which houses a traditional Thai temple.

a river with the elephants where you will get the opportunity to help bathe them.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com



THAILAND: Elephant & Education Initiative™


AGES 14 -19 June 17 - June 30 July 3 - July 16 July 19 - August 1 August 4 - August 17  Tuition: $3,799  Service Hours: 30

book-open Animal & Wildlife Conservation AND Children & Education

Experience Thai culture as you split your time between working with gentle Asian elephants and teaching English to children.

Program Highlights • • • • •

Responsibly care for elephants living at a sanctuary for rescue elephants Learn about cultural, social and environmental issues related to elephant tourism Meet enthusiastic Thai youth and make a difference in their lives Teach English in a primary classroom Visit colorful night markets filled with local cuisine and handicrafts


THAILAND On this program you will... journey to enchanting Chiang Mai in northern Thailand, where you'll have a chance to engage with Thai youth, as well as Asian elephants. Make unforgettable connections with Thai students through community service at a rural primary school, and take part in a cultural exchange at a local high school. Then, live alongside elephants at a sanctuary, while you learn about how to care for these animals that are an integral part of Thai culture, conservation and tourism. Cook your own fabulous cuisine, shop at bustling markets and explore the rich history and culture of Thai temples.

Community Service

Immersive Learning

Spend one week volunteering at an elephant sanctu-

After decades of exploitation, there is much work to

ary, and another teaching English to local children in

be done to restore natural behaviors to Asian ele-

schools. The goal of the sanctuary is to teach these

phants. It depends on the awareness of travelers like

rescued animals to lead their lives as naturally as

you. Discuss complex issues regarding captive ele-

possible. Work with experts, harvest organic ele-

phant welfare, tourism and conservation, and listen

phant food, feed the elephants, and help with daily

to experts speak on these topics. Then, reflect on the

tasks of the sanctuary. Then, teach English to primary

similarities and differences in education systems and

school students with limited exposure to foreigners.

culture between East and West. Learn how speaking

Get to know Thai culture through your peers at a lo-

with a native English speaker can help young learners

cal high school. You'll all share your cultures with one

with language skills and confidence.

Adventure There's adventure to be found everywhere in Chiang Mai. You'll zipline through the leafy treetops in the hillsides outside the city, learn the art of Muay Thai boxing and visit a local hill tribe, where with a little luck you may have a chance to shoot a traditional bow and arrow. At night, visit the famed Chiang Mai night bazaar, shopping for handicrafts and sampling Thai cuisine.

another during a cultural exchange.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com



THAILAND: Island Marine Excursion™ book-open Environmental Stewardship

Gain hands-on experience with marine biology and conservation while living on tropical Koh Tao (“Turtle Island”) in the south of Thailand. Discover SCUBA on an island known as a top diving destination.

 14-DAY PROGRAM AGES 14 -19 July 17 - July 30 August 3 - 16  Tuition: $3,999  Service Hours: 28

Program Highlights • • • • • •

Snorkel and kayak in crystal clear waters and get plenty of beach time Support artificial reef creation and environmental clean-ups Design and build an artificial reef to be deployed Gain insight on fundraising, social media usage and marketing from a local dive school Dive into a Discover PADI SCUBA diving course Spend an afternoon at an elephant sanctuary, learning how to care for Thailand’s gentle giants


THAILAND On this program you will... travel to a marine lover’s dream destination, a tropical paradise known for its coral reefs, diverse marine life and idyllic diving locations. Focus on marine conservation during your time here: you’ll learn from experts about marine biology and conservation, as well as the importance of environmental stewardship in sustaining Koh Tao’s natural wonders. Observe and take in marine beauty where it’s most magical – underneath the water – as you dive into a Discover SCUBA course.

Community Service

Immersive Learning


You’ll support marine conservation efforts both in

Partnering with Big Blue Diving, you’re going to

You’ll snorkel, kayak, SCUBA dive and spend plenty

the water and on land. Learn about, help design

learn all about marine biology and conservation in

of time on the beach (while wearing your reef-safe

and create artificial reefs to provide marine life an

Thailand. Hear about environmental changes that

sunscreen, of course!) You’ll have a chance to take

area in which to live and thrive. Clean up local beach

come from human activity and how you can support

part in a free diving workshop and you’ll boat over

areas that have been inundated with plastic waste

marine restoration efforts. Learn from Big Blue’s

to Koh Madsum (“Pig Island”), where you’ll snorkel

brought by tourists and learn how to better protect

resident fundraiser and social media marketer about

in turquoise waters and share the beach with native

our environment and oceans everywhere.

how conservation efforts are truly well-rounded and

pigs who swam their way there. Go on a jungle hike,

how to use your skills to raise awareness about caus-

where you'll help clean up the local environment

es you care about.

along the way, and visit another stunning island, Koh Nang Yuan. Spend an afternoon feeding and bathing the incredible Asian elephants you’ll encounter.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com



DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Semester of Service™ pg 54 Building a Sustainable World™ pg 56 Global Health Initiative™ pg 58 Caribbean Service Adventure pg 60 Spring Break Global Health Initiative™ pg 62

GUADELOUPE French Caribbean Adventure pg 64

Surrounded by the shallow aquamarine waters of a vast tropical sea, spectacular islands and cultural treasures await. From expansive seagrass meadows to rainforest canopies, the tradewinds of the Caribbean invite you to stay awhile amongst the crown jewels of the Atlantic.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Semester of Service™


book-open Social Justice, Community Development, Environmental Stewardship, Language Immersion, Public Health & Medicine

flag  8-WEEK PROGRAM AGES 14 -18 June 25 - August 20 AGES 18 -24 March 27 - May 22 June 25 - August 20 Sept 24 - Nov 19

Go on the journey of a lifetime in the Caribbean, and build a working organization with your peers over the course of eight weeks.

 Tuition: $9,999  Service Hours: 200 comment Language Hours: 40

Program Highlights • • • • •

Complete 200 hours of community service over the course of eight weeks Create a working organization that meets the needs of the community Go on an journey of academic, group and self discovery Be immersed in multiple thematic focus areas, including social justice and public health Visit Santo Domingo, the Cabarete Caves and 27 Waterfalls as part of your adventure


DOMINICAN REPUBLIC On this program you will... come to the Dominican Republic to learn about critical issues affecting communities on the ground and draw connections to these same issues that exist on a global scale. Work as a team with your peers on the program to create an organization that parlays your passions into meeting the needs of the local or global community. Develop a mission statement and an operating plan, and set goals as you gain real-life experience in creating and sustaining your own organization. This extended-length gap program gives students an opportunity to deepen their knowledge while being supported in developing solutions to these issues.

Community Service

Immersive Learning


Community service is at the heart of this program,

Students will work together to focus on one specific

Take a tour of the colonial zone of the capital of the

with 200 service hours on the docket. Gain hands-on

critical issue, and then develop an organization dedi-

Domincan Republic, Santo Domingo, and learn how

experience as you engage with concepts centered on

cated to mitigating the problem they identify. Engage

history has shaped what you see of the city today.

critical issues, particularly as they relate to areas of

in meaningful curriculum focused on the areas of

Visit the local Cabarete Caves to appreciate the

social and environmental development. Support a

community development, environmental steward-

biodiversity of the island and what needs to be done

variety of ongoing community projects that tap into

ship, public health, social justice and human rights.

to protect it. Take a boat ride down the Yasica River

each of the learning themes this semester-long pro-

Each night, you’ll participate in curricular deep-dives

to see firsthand how water systems provide life to

gram has to offer. You may tackle projects such as

and workshops. Dive into each topic as you develop

plants, animals and people downstream. Explore 27

reforestation, construction of sustainability-focused

new perspectives and cultivate mastery in each con-

Waterfalls, where you will not only cool off and have

bottle buildings, supporting a pop-up clinic to pro-

cept over the course of the program. Guided by Dr.

fun, you’ll also learn how one Peace Corps volunteer

mote public health, and constructing infrastructure

Dave Addison, the founder of 7 Elements, the group

developed this experience to help preserve the

such as water tanks and latrines that contribute to

will work individually or as a team to create and man-

natural ecosystem.

community wellbeing.

age their organization.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Building a Sustainable World™


book-open Building from Start to Finish

flag  21-DAY PROGRAM AGES 14 -19 July 10 - July 30  Tuition: $4,999  Service Hours: 60

Volunteer on critical building projects from start-to-finish that tackle global issues at the local level for Dominican families and their community.

Program Highlights • • • • •

Build latrines for a nearby community to promote health, sustainability and environmental security Tour the capital city of Santo Domingo Go on a whitewater rafting adventure Visit Dajabon Market on the border of the Dominican Republic and Haiti Go for an ocean boat ride and snorkel in crystal blue waters


DOMINICAN REPUBLIC On this program you will... see a side of the Dominican Republic that most will never experience. Much of the country is distinctly rural, and true beauty lives in everyday village scenes. Volunteer on projects that support families who have shown grace and resilience in the face of natural disasters and political unrest, and learn the challenges they still face in accessing basic human necessities.

Immersive Learning

Community Service


Beyond its beach resorts lies a very different Do-

Through your service work and nightly seminars,

Unspoiled destinations await your exploration, in-

minican Republic—still beautiful, but full of need.

you’ll learn about how communities come together

cluding miles of coastline and lush jungles. You’ll em-

Much of the DR isn’t developed sufficiently, reveal-

to take collective action against shared issues such

bark upon a challenging day hike of Mt. Brison, which

ing gaps where volunteers are needed to accelerate

as poverty and climate change. We’ll discuss how

will reward you with beautiful views of the island. A

initiatives for bettering life in underserved neighbor-

health and community development are related, and

white water rafting excursion and a relaxing beach

hoods. Construct latrines to promote sanitation and

how to implement solutions for lasting success. Visit

afternoon are also on the agenda. Spend a day at

improve conditions for those in the community. You

a bustling market town on the border of Haiti, where

Dudu Ecological Park, where you can swim in clear

may also tackle other ongoing projects, such as en-

you’ll learn about lingering intercultural issues as well

blue cenotes. Explore the colonial architecture of

suring families have access to a clean water supply

as experience daily life on a border between nations.

Santo Domingo with a city tour.

and safe cooking methods, or planting trees for re-

Be a part of the vibrant Dominican culture through


traditional Afro-Caribbean music and dance and local dishes.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Global Health Initiative™


book-open Public Health & Medicine Provide medical, educational, and development support to rural Dominican communities – all crucial pieces of the public health puzzle.

 14-DAY PROGRAM AGES 14 - 19 June 25 - July 8 July 11 - July 24 July 27 - August 9  Tuition: $3,899  Service Hours: 40

Program Highlights • • • • • •

Gain fieldwork experience that will introduce you to public health and medicine Talk with health and medical professionals about health access in rural communities Discuss the intersection of global health with political, economic and environmental systems Work on ongoing sanitation projects Go for a boat ride and snorkel in crystal blue waters Swim in the natural caves and cenotes of Dudu Lagoon


DOMINICAN REPUBLIC On this program you will... challenge your preconceptions of health by learning about the differences between public health and medicine, and receive guidance from local medical professionals. Learn about the seven critical elements of human security and how health care fits into the picture; gain field experience by doing physical work that is public health-focused and aims to improve the lives of hundreds of Dominicans living in poverty.

Community Service

Immersive Learning


Public health and poverty are strongly linked. Work

You’ll learn through experiences in the field and

on public health projects that prevent disease, and

lectures and discussion at Home Base that health

of it white-sand beaches, other parts lined with dra-

see how initiatives such as water tanks can contribute

doesn’t fall solely under the responsibility of doctors

matic cliffs. Ride a boat over clear, warm water and

to locals’ long-term health. Volunteer at health inter-

and nurses. Gain deep insight on how political, eco-

learn about delicate marine ecosystems while snor-

vention programs, shadowing medical professionals

nomic and environmental systems also intersect to

keling. You’ll also visit a beautiful ecological park,

as they provide pro-bono consultations to patients in

create the vast global health spectrum. Shadow med-

Laguna Dudu, where you can explore mystical blue

at-risk communities. Spend time ensuring that pop-

ical professionals and observe practices for providing

cenotes and swim in a natural cave. Take a relaxing

up medical clinics operate smoothly by working in

health services on the ground in developing commu-

river boat ride to a local hangout spot and enjoy the

various stations such as evaluations or pharmacy.

nities. Learn how community engagement is crucial

lush river ecosystem along the way (14-day program

to breaking the cycle of poverty.


Hundreds of miles of coastline define the DR—some

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Caribbean Service Adventure


Appreciate the beauty, history and people of the island as you support development efforts in rural communities.

AGES 14 - 19 June 18 - June 27 June 30 - July 9 July 12 - July 21 July 24 - August 2 August 5 - August 14

Program Highlights

AGES 18 - 24 June 7 - June 16 July 12 - July 21 August 4 - August 13


book-open Community Development

• • • • •

Build safer homes and community centers for underserved families Hike Mt. Brisón to a remote village and learn about daily life on the mountain Snorkel in the Caribbean among the multi-colored fish and diverse sea life Learn about the complex division of the Dominican Republic and its neighbor, Haiti Swim in the natural caves and cenotes of Dudu Lagoon

 Tuition: $2,499  Service Hours: 20


DOMINICAN REPUBLIC On this program you will... take in the island’s lush interior and idyllic ocean vistas. The Dominican Republic is a travel destination famous for its resorts, but go beyond the tourist towns and you’ll discover that much of the country is distinctly rural, and true beauty lies in everyday village scenes where local hospitality can be appreciated. Volunteer with families who have shown grace and resilience in the face of natural disasters and political unrest, and learn the challenges they still face in accessing basic human necessities.

Community Service

Immersive Learning


Beyond its world-famous coastline lies a very dif-

Sustainable development is crucial for all civilizations

Hundreds of miles of coastline define this island na-

ferent Dominican Republic—awe-inspiring, but full

in our changing world. Through your service work

tion — white-sand beaches, tropical trees and stun-

of need. Much of this island nation isn’t developed

and nightly seminars, you’ll learn in depth about how

ning cliffs. Take a boat ride over clear, warm water

sufficiently, shining a lot on areas where volunteers

communities come together to take collective action

and join our snorkeling expedition, where you’ll dis-

are needed to help better life in underserved neigh-

against shared issues: poverty, climate change, lack

cover marine ecosystems unique to the Caribbean.

borhoods. Construct community buildings, homes

of quality healthcare and education, discrimination

You’ll also visit Dudu Lagoon, an impressive ecolog-

and schools using sustainable building materials and

and more. You’ll discuss what makes solutions sus-

ical park where you can discover blue cenotes and

methods. You might also tackle other ongoing proj-

tainable, and how to implement them for lasting suc-

take a swim in a natural cave. In the lush, rural inte-

ects, such as ensuring families have access to a clean

cess in developing countries. Participate in vibrant

rior of the island, hike Mt. Brisón to a remote village

water supply and safe cooking methods, or planting

Dominican culture through music, dance and every-

and learn about daily life on the mountain.

trees for reforestation.

day community life.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Spring Break Global Health Initiative™


book-open Public Health & Medicine

Meaningful service. Tropical countryside. This is Spring Break off the beaten path.

Program Highlights

 8-DAY PROGRAM AGES 14 - 19 March 27 - April 3 April 3 - April 10 AGES 18 - 24 March 27 - April 3 April 3 - April 10

 Tuition: $2,099  Service Hours: 20

Shadow local medical professionals and lend a hand on public health projects in the community • Explore freshwater lagoons and underwater caverns • Snorkel over coral reefs • Learn to dance merengue and bachata


DOMINICAN REPUBLIC On this program you will... have the opportunity to see beyond the Dominican Republic's well-known tourist destinations and work directly with rural communities. Learn how sanitation is a crucial piece to the public health puzzle - many homes in the Dominican Republic are susceptible to disease and illness as a result of living on dirt floors and having limited access to proper toilets or running water. Through evening lectures, dive deep into the complexity of relations between the DR and neighboring Haiti, and how political issues play into the quality of life for many residents.

Community Service

Immersive Learning


Your service work will depend on the most pressing

The Dominican Republic has a rich culture that com-

Glide over crystal blue water via boat, dive into the

needs of the community at the time of your program.

bines African, indigenous and European traditions.

sea, and snorkel over multicolored coral and fish.

You may work on projects such as helping to set up a

Learn about the vibrant Dominican culture through

You’ll also visit a beautiful ecological park, where you

rural pop-up clinic, learning how to take vital signs at

interactions with its lively merengue and bachata

can explore mystical blue cenotes and swim in a nat-

a skills training session, and/or working to construct

music and various cultural workshops. In addition,

ural cave. Spend an afternoon on a secluded tropical

latrines out of recycled plastic bottles for rural fami-

through service and evening seminars, you'll gain a

beach, a prime location for enjoying the sand and

lies to help improve sanitation. Any community ser-

deeper understanding of how health, environmental

sun; shop for souvenirs from local craftsmen.

vice project you are assigned will aim for the same

and community insecurities intersect.

goal: to improve the health and wellbeing of community members.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


GUADELOUPE: French Caribbean Adventure


book-open Language Immersion

Take your language skills to the next level on this French island, known as the “Pearl of the French Caribbean."

 14-DAY PROGRAM AGES 14 -19 July 6 - July 19  Tuition: $4,499  Service Hours: 25 comment Language Hours: 25

Program Highlights • • • • •

Improve your French through language classes and local immersion Serve Guadeloupe’s local communities through community-run development projects Be immersed in the sounds of the Caribbean as you participate in a music workshop Snorkel in deep blue water off the island’s coast Explore the island’s agro-tourism through a visit to a Kassaverie and a banana plantation


GUADELOUPE On this program you will... explore this French overseas territory that sits pristinely in the Caribbean and is home to diverse communities of European, Asian, African and indigenous descent; explore Creole history and learn about the Caribbean's role in the slave trade. The atmosphere is heartfelt and colorful, with a French passion for cuisine and a Caribbean reverence for the surrounding natural environment. You’ll become a more confident French speaker – the official language here – through language courses and interaction with locals.

Community Service Put your French skills to the test as you work with and support the local community through meaningful service. You’ll work in conjunction with community leaders to make city beautification projects a reality - painting projects, maintenance, and sprucing up are much-needed in the city’s many outdoor spaces. Through this work you’ll be sure to build cross-cultural relationships and get to know your new home.

Immersive Learning


Improve your French skills through structured prac-

Guadeloupe is dotted with old plantations and colo-

tice and local immersion. Dynamic instructors will

nial homes, while local markets burst with color and

lead you in lessons designed to develop indepen-

activity. Hike to a breathtaking waterfall and you’ll be

dence and confidence. You'll also get to practice

rewarded for your hard work with an opportunity to

speaking and comprehension while interacting with

swim in the natural river pools near the falls. Snorkel

friendly locals. Experience a mix of French culture

in the crystal clear waters off the island’s coast for a

with a Creole twist and learn about Guadeloupe's

front-row seat in the observation of fish and other

spin on culture and food. Participate in a tradition-

ocean life. And don't forget that you'll be furthering

al music workshop, experiencing the Afro-Caribbean

your French immersion each day of your adventure

beats that give Guadeloupe its special character.

throughout Guadeloupe, as you interact with local speakers in this close-knit Caribbean community.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com




Ridge to Reef Expedition™ pg 68

COSTA RICA Intern & Study Abroad pg 70

Animal Rescue Project™ pg 72 Spanish Service Adventure pg 74 The Initiative for Children™ pg 76 Beachside Service Adventure pg 78 Spring Break Service Adventure pg 80 The Sea Turtle Initiative™ pg 82 Middle School Service Adventure pg 84

GUATEMALA Children of the Maya™ pg 86

From volcanic mountaintops to lush cloud forests and bountiful coastlines, Central America is so much more than a land bridge connecting North and South America. Be greeted by a treasure trove of the world's wildlife in the heart of the Americas, and discover the abundant cultural heritage in this rich landscape the welcoming locals call home.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


BELIZE: Ridge to Reef Expedition™ CENTRAL AMERICA

book-open Environmental Stewardship This summer, explore Belize from land to sea. Experience the country's exceptional wildlife and culture while discovering the challenges facing both its communities and natural habitats.

 14-DAY PROGRAM AGES 14 -19 July 5 - July 18 July 21 - August 3  Tuition: $3,999  Service Hours: 22

Program Highlights • • • • •

Volunteer for a trash cleanup and tracking initiative to preserve biodiversity Discuss critical issues around land connectivity and preservation in high impact areas Snorkel over beautiful coral reefs and spot marine life Tour an ancient archaeological site and touch history Zipline through the lush jungle canopy


BELIZE On this program you will... explore Belize from ridge to reef as you work alongside an award winning non-profit committed to preserving and restoring the biodiversity that this beautiful country has to offer. With one foot in the Central American jungles and the other in the Caribbean Sea, Belize will immerse you in a world full of adventure and new cultures to explore! Belize is rich with experiences — from culture and history to music and food — there is something new to enjoy every step of the way.

Immersive Learning


Learn the importance of ecosystem connectivity and

The same natural beauty that draws people to Belize

Belize is at the heart of the Mesoamerican Biologi-

management, and the complexities that exist as one

is under threat from agricultural development, climate

tries to balance the natural world with the tourism

change, tourism and a lack of economic opportunities

practices and the needs of the local communities.

for the people who call this country home. Experience

Students will conduct a trash clean up initiative in

the country’s dense biodiversity and learn about efforts

three different ecosystems: along an inland river-

to preserve the region through your service experi-

bank, along a coastal area, and at a marine caye.

ence, hikes and water-based activities. Try your hand

Compare and contrast what you are finding during

at making chocolate the traditional way and beating

your project as you catalog the trash collected. Your

traditional rhythms on Creole sambai drums. Get a

data will help determine the possible sources of the

unique glimpse into history while touring an ancient

trash found — which can lead future volunteers to

Maya archaeological site, gaining an understanding of

consider action to prevent further waste pollution.

the ancient civilization’s beliefs and customs.

Community Service

cal Corridor, a natural land bridge with unique wildlife. Enjoy its lush jungle landscape where you will see (and hear!) the local howler monkey population. Soak in the sights as you hike to a waterfall in Rio Blanco National Park. Relax as you float down a river on an afternoon river tubing experience. Snorkel over coral reefs with tropical fish and with a little luck, observe manatees and other marine mammals in the open ocean. End the experience with an adrenaline rush as you zipline through canopy tops in the jungle!

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


COSTA RICA: Intern & Study Abroad

 1 - 3 MONTH PROGRAM AGES 18-24 February 1 – February 28 March 2 – March 29 April 2 – April 29 May 2 - May 29  Tuition: 1st month: $2,995 2nd month: $2,495 3rd month: $1,995


book-open Global Seminar

Study abroad independently by taking your college courses online or by advancing your own learning, including a chance to polish your Spanish skills. Intern abroad with a local organization or social enterprise with an opportunity to earn university credit. Program Highlights • • • • • •

Choose your own adventure: study, intern and/or volunteer abroad during your extended stay Live on an private, remote campus in a Central American tropical paradise Stay within walking distance to one of Costa Rica’s most famous white sand beaches Explore Costa Rica with three organized adventure activities per month Be immersed in the local culture through weekly workshops Improve your Spanish through weekly language immersion lessons


Internship credit available through Portland State University for an additional $750 fee. Please contact us for details. EXCLUSIVE HOTEL BLOCK

COSTA RICA On this program you will... Spend one, two or three months overseas in Costa Rica on an independent study abroad experience. Choose a session start date in January, February, March, April or May that works with your schedule. If your college offers online courses, you can complete them remotely from our campus in Costa Rica, or spend this time as more of a gap break away from your traditional college campus with independent learning. Complete an internship with a Costa Rican organization with an opportunity to earn university credit. Participate in optional Spanish language workshops and community service projects. You will also experience a real adventure with an optional excursion each weekend.

Intern Abroad Choose



Adventure Abroad


Choose between continuing your college coursework

While you are more than welcome to stay on cam-

and Environmental Stewardship internship track to

through online classes from your school for credit, or

pus or visit local beaches during your weekends off

provide a thematic framework for your experience.

take your learning outside of classwork and advance

if you’d like, we include an exciting, planned group



your education through independent study. For any

adventure excursion each weekend. Go ziplining

workplace skills. You can also earn college credit for

online lectures or computer-based studies, you can

through the tropical forest canopy at Diamante Eco

your internship. We encourage you to check with your

choose to work from the classroom, dining room or

Adventure Park. Take in a spectacular Pacific sunset

university to see if they will provide credit for this

your own bedroom. Basically, you’ll be having the

on a catamaran tour. Hit the rapids and enjoy a white-

internship. If not, you can either forgo earning credit or

typical college experience, but from the paradise of

water rafting expedition. You can also take to the

for an additional $750 fee, you can earn the standard

Costa Rica. We also offer optional, immersive language

shore for surf lessons if you’re interested in learning

3 credits from Portland State University for completing

learning sessions for those looking to improve their

how to ride a wave. Activities may vary depending on

the required 120 intern hours, as well as any specified

Spanish skills.

your time of stay. We also offer optional, local com-



Study Abroad



criteria, curriculum and student reflection.

munity service projects.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


COSTA RICA: Animal Rescue Project

flag  21-DAY PROGRAM AGES 14 -19 July 3 - July 23  Tuition: $5,499  Service Hours: 45


book-open Animal & Wildlife Conservation Rescue and rehabilitate animals in Costa Rica, a natural haven for both domestic and wild creatures.

 14-DAY PROGRAM AGES 14 -19 June 17 - June 30 July 27 - August 9  Tuition: $3,899  Service Hours: 35

Program Highlights • • • • • •

Do hands-on volunteer work alongside veterinarians Help care for dogs at a family-run rescue center Experience home visits and rural pop-up clinics Learn about Costa Rica’s animal rescue and wildlife conservation efforts Zipline and horseback ride through lush valleys Careen down the river on a whitewater rafting adventure and log some extra hours in the veterinary clinics (21-Day Flagship Program only)


COSTA RICA On this program you will... promote animal rights and spread awareness about the issue in local communities. You’ll gain pre-veterinary experience working alongside certified veterinarians and animal rescue experts. Not only will you do compassionate, hands-on work with lovable, furry friends at a dog rescue center, you’ll also learn about exotic wildlife species in a country known for its dedication to conservation. In your time off service, experience all the outdoor adventure and natural beauty Costa Rica has to offer.

Community Service

Immersive Learning

This is a service-intensive program shadowing local

In developing countries, pets are often at higher risk

veterinarians and animal experts. Rotate through

of abandonment or disease, simply due to a lack of

different positions at a traveling clinic providing ac-

resources and limited access to veterinary care. Like-

cess to veterinary services. Some of the cases you

wise, exotic animals unfortunately face exploitation

might see include spay and neuter, deworming, and

or the loss of their natural habitats. Learn from guest

care for skin conditions and wounds. Observe the

speakers about Costa Rica’s rescue and conservation

intake, surgery and post-operative procedures, and

efforts. In addition, gain exposure to the processes

help repair critical infrastructure. You may also vol-

and procedures of veterinary care.

Adventure With its rainforests, volcanoes, hills, and valleys lined with rows upon rows of coffee plants, the inland region of Costa Rica offers some of the richest scenery to be found in Costa Rica. See the views on horseback, go ziplining, and relax after a long day in natural hot springs. On the 21-Day Flagship Program, you’ll also experience whitewater rafting, and surfing or stand-up paddle boarding on a beach excursion.

unteer your time walking dogs, working on projects requiring physical labor, making toys and refurbishing the rescue center.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


COSTA RICA: Spanish Service Adventure

flag  21-DAY PROGRAM

AGES 18 - 24 May 21 - June 10 AGES 14 -19 July 6 - July 26  Tuition: $5,199  Service Hours: 48 comment Language Hours: 35


book-open Language Immersion Costa Rica is your classroom where Spanish immersion, volunteering and adventure create a limitless learning environment.


AGES 14 -19 June 20 - July 3 July 30 - August 12  Tuition: $3,799  Service Hours: 28 comment Language Hours: 25

Program Highlights • • • • •

Take your Spanish to the next level through a structured immersion program Practice with native speakers in an encouraging community Volunteer on projects focusing on infrastructure or the environment Go rafting down Pacuare River’s world-class rapids (21-Day Flagship Program only) Stay an extra week and live with a Costa Rican family to perfect your Spanish language skills (Homestay add-on only)

 7-NIGHT HOMESTAY (add-on) See website for details


COSTA RICA On this program you will... take learning Spanish out of the classroom—you’ll live in Cartago, where you'll find volcanoes, beautiful nature and friendly Costa Ricans at every turn, and learn to speak the language from locals. These experiences enhance your language immersion, making sure you get plenty of practice and return home a more confident Spanish speaker. Finally, if you opt to stay for our Homestay Extension, you will live with a local family in a Costa Rican community for an extra week of language skill building as well as cross-cultural immersion.

Community Service In the face of increased tourism and development,

Enhance your language learning through immersive

you’ll volunteer on projects focusing on the social

exchanges with the community, in addition to formal

development of rural communities and the improve-

language instruction during Spanish classes. Every hour

ment of recreational spaces. Focus on the creation

spent at a service site or on an adventure will push you

of community spaces in the rural town of Cartago.

to use your Spanish skills, creating a fun and intensive

Develop projects in public spaces, including schools,

learning environment. Take advantage of home visits

that are in poor condition or abandoned. Through re-

with local families, dance classes and cooking lessons

habilitating safe, community-friendly spaces, we are

conducted in Spanish. Learn the importance of sustain-

helping to reduce school dropout rates, enhancing

able development and discuss social and environmen-

the abilities of children, and supporting community

tal issues that reach far beyond Costa Rica’s borders.



Immersive Learning

In Costa Rica, all trails lead to waterfalls, tropical forests or unspoiled beaches—there’s no shortage of opportunities to get your adrenaline pumping! Zipline through the tall canopy trees of the cloud forest, go rafting down Pacuare River’s world-class rapids (21-Day Flagship Program only) and learn to surf with the locals. Explore the sand and shore of Uvita Beach, and experience an incredible waterfall visit. For a taste of city life, spend a night in San Jose, complete with a tour of Costa Rica’s national monuments.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


COSTA RICA: The Initiative for Children™ CENTRAL AMERICA

book-open Community Development OR Sports Leadership

Embrace Costa Rica’s children and make an impact on the next generation in one of two ways: through community development at local schools or via sports leadership.

Program Highlights • • • • •

Volunteer on beautification and infrastructure projects at rural schools Discuss critical community issues in the region Bond with local youth through cultural exchange or a shared love for sports Experience Costa Rica’s rainforest canopy on a zipline Go on two overnight excursions, one of which includes a whitewater rafting excursion (21-Day Flagship Program only)

AGES 14 -19

flag  21-DAY PROGRAM

AGES 14 -19 July 5 - July 25  Tuition: $5,099  Service Hours: 60

 14-DAY PROGRAM AGES 14 -19 June 19 - July 2 July 28 - August 10  Tuition: $3,799  Service Hours: 36



On this program you will...

learn how development issues in rural Costa Rica—from education access to sustainable land use—are all related to the wellness of youth. You’ll be based in small towns far from developed tourism hotspots. Bond with children and families from your neighborhood as you volunteer in their schools, help lead environmental education or community sports projects, and spend time working with grassroots organizations passionate about engaging the community in more sustainable practices. After service, experience Costa Rica’s lush landscapes and outdoor adventure activities.

Community Service Community Development Track On the 14-day program, empower children by volunteering at schools or summer camps. Refurbish classrooms and participate in cultural exchange. On the 21-day program, provide environmental education to youth, and work on reforestation and conservation. Sports Leadership Track Sports can be a vehicle for positive change. Available only on the 14-day program, students lead projects that grow youth access to sports. Work on improving sports facilities or equipment, and with a little luck, lead community sports activities.


Immersive Learning While Costa Rica is well known for its environmental

On the 14-day program, go kayaking, see the Arenal

and educational efforts, see first-hand how per-

Volcano on horseback and take a dip in a natural

sistent development issues affect the daily lives of

hot spring. On the 21-day program, get to know the

its youth. Chat with locals in their homes over cafeci-

waters of Costa Rica with whitewater rafting on the

to — the Tico equivalent of tea time — as you learn

Tenorio River and a standup paddleboard excursion

what it's like to grow up and live in Costa Rica. On

through the mangrove forest. Spy crocodiles, mon-

the 21-day program, dive into Costa Rica’s “Bandera

keys, and birds on a riverboat tour, hike through a

Azul” program, a certification program that ensures

nature reserve, enjoy a Catamaran cruise and snor-

schools are meeting environmental education stan-

keling and visit a beachside wildlife refuge where

dards. In addition, observe alternative ways to grow,

turtles have been known to nest. Both programs will

harvest and process coffee sustainably.

reach new heights on an exhilarating zipline adventure!

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


COSTA RICA: Beachside Service Adventure CENTRAL AMERICA

book-open Community Development Experience the pure life - or Pura Vida - while giving back to a rural beach community.

Program Highlights • • • • • •

Live in a coastal village near a beautiful beach Volunteer on educational or environmental development projects Go tubing down the Rio Negro Engage with locals and practice your Spanish around town Zipline through the forest Enjoy the ocean via catamaran and snorkel among marine life

 10-DAY PROGRAM AGES 14 -19 June 24 - July 3 July 7 - July 16 July 20 - July 29 August 1 - August 10 August 13 - August 22 AGES 18 - 24 June 13 - June 22 August 12 - August 21

 Tuition: $2,499  Service Hours: 20



On this program you will...

escape to Costa Rica’s Pacific coast, where you’ll volunteer on the project that is most needed at the time of your arrival–this could be beach cleanup, beautification projects, or other initiatives that improve the community. While it has many achievements to boast of, such as universal health care, many Costa Rican communities – individuals, families and children alike – still need your support. Volunteer efforts can be a big help to its most vulnerable citizens. Relax after a hard day’s work at our beautiful Home Base. You’ll also have the chance to enjoy water sports, fun in the sun and other activities with your new friends from all over the world.

Community Service


Immersive Learning

You’ll live and work in a small beachside community

Living in an authentic community is a great way to

Costa Rica is an adventurer’s dream! Cruise along

where the ocean plays a huge role in daily life. There

learn about Costa Rican culture. Connect with the

Potrero Bay on a catamaran, go ziplining over tree

are many opportunities to serve the community

local people, learn to dance salsa and cumbia, taste

canopies, and whitewater tube down a roaring river.

here, and you’ll be working on a meaningful project

delicious fruits, and try your hand at cooking local

Your location near the stunning Pacific coast allows

based on what is most needed. For example, you

cuisine. Discuss current social issues in Costa Rica,

for a variety of water sports and beach time, as well

may assist in environmental projects such as beach

including growing environmental concerns and the

as the opportunity for impromptu soccer and field

cleanup, planting native tree saplings, or creating

importance of ecotourism. You’ll also have opportu-

games. Take in breathtaking sunsets off the coast of

signs to promote environmental awareness and sus-

nities to practice your Spanish or pick up new words

pristine beaches.

tainability. You could work on initiatives within local

with locals in the region.

schools, such as improving classroom infrastructure or starting a school or community garden.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


COSTA RICA: Spring Break Service Adventure CENTRAL AMERICA

book-open Animal & Wildlife Conservation OR Community Development Choose your own adventure - support meaningful community development projects or help protect an endangered sea turtle nesting beach.

 8-DAY PROGRAM AGES 14 -19 March 13 - March 20 March 20 - March 27 March 27 - April 3 April 3 - April 10  Tuition: $2,099  Service Hours: 20

Program Highlights • • • • • •

Live in a coastal village near a beautiful beach Volunteer on community development or sea turtle preservation projects Go tubing down the Rio Negro Engage with locals and practice your Spanish around town Zipline through the forest Enjoy the ocean via catamaran and snorkel among marine life


COSTA RICA On this program you will... experience Spring Break in a whole new way! Lend a hand on projects such as beach cleanup, community beautification, or other initiatives that improve the lives of local residents. You’ll also have the chance to enjoy water sports, have fun in the sun, and participate in other activities with your new friends from all over the world. Choose to focus on one of two tracks: Community Development Track, or Sea Turtle Track. The track you choose will determine the focus of your experience and your community service projects.

Community Service

Immersive Learning


Community Development Track

Living in an authentic community is a great way to learn

You can’t visit Costa Rica without getting a little taste

On this track, work on projects determined by local

about Costa Rican culture. Learn to dance salsa and

of adventure! Our location on the Pacific coast is ide-

leaders based on what is most needed at the time.

cumbia, two traditional dances of the region. In Costa

al for all things ocean: Cruise along Potrero Bay on a

You may assist in a variety of projects such as planting

Rica, food is a huge part of cultural identity – sample

catamaran and play in the waves. You’ll have plenty of

native tree saplings, creating signs to promote envi-

fruits fresh from the tree, and try local dishes like gallo

time for fun in the sun and relaxing in the sand. Take

ronmental awareness, or improving classroom infra-

pinto or a casado. Discuss current social issues in Cos-

a dip in a beautiful natural hot spring. Go ziplining


ta Rica, including growing environmental concerns and

over green tree canopies and whitewater tube down

the importance of ecotourism. You’ll also have oppor-

a wild and picturesque river.

Sea Turtle Track On this track, head to local beaches and participate in cleanup efforts, removing debris that can ensnare

tunities to practice your Spanish or pick up new words with locals in the region.

young hatchlings making their way to the sea. You’ll help local partners as they survey nesting sites and assist on night patrols of nesting areas.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com



book-open Animal & Wildlife Conservation

Become a conservationist for Costa Rica’s sea turtles as you explore the unspoiled coast.


AGES 14 -19 June 16 - June 25 June 28 - July 7 July 11 - July 20 July 23 - August 1  Tuition: $2,699  Service Hours: 20

Program Highlights • • • • •

Protect an endangered sea turtle nesting beach Assist with night patrols and visit a turtle nursery Soar through the rainforest canopy on a zipline adventure Learn to surf the warm, mild waves of Costa Rica Explore a small beach town and the local artisans market



On this program you will...

learn about many of the threats sea turtles face – boat traffic, climate change, accidental catch by industrial fisheries and pollution in their habitats. The population has declined by 90% since 1980. You’ll live and work on the rural Caribbean coast, assisting a turtle conservation organization with critical efforts to preserve the natural areas where this endangered species lives. Ensuring that the turtle population will thrive for generations depends largely on our ability to educate the local community and protect the places where turtles nest. With the right timing and luck, you might be rewarded with the sight of turtles hatching.

Community Service

Immersive Learning


Each year, leatherback and green turtles come to Costa

You’ll be fully immersed in topics centered around

In Costa Rica you’ll be constantly surrounded by in-

Rica’s beaches to lay their eggs. Poachers steal the tur-

the animal world. Learn how critical each species is

credible natural wonders. Fly through the treetops of

tles and their eggs to sell on the black market for profit.

to the health of all life in the ecosystem, including hu-

the nation’s lush inland as you go on a thrilling zipline

Although this practice is illegal in Costa Rica, it is hard to

man. Hear local speakers’ and community members’

adventure. On the coast, ride a boat through a lo-

enforce without the help of the local community’s par-

perspectives on sustainable conservation efforts, and

cal mangrove, where you can spot sloths, monkeys

ticipation. You’ll be assisting on night patrols with a local

begin to understand how competing interests of the

and exotic birds. You’ll also connect with the strong

nonprofit and anti-poaching organization started by a

civilized and natural worlds can intersect. Visit an or-

cultural roots of Costa Rica’s coast by visiting a local

Peace Corps volunteer. Prepare yourself for long walks

ganic farm and learn about growing and maintaining

artisan market and taking workshops on traditional

on the beach guided by the moonlight searching for tur-

local fruit trees such as the cacao, vanilla, and banana.

dance and cooking. Finally, learn Costa Rica’s soul

tle tracks and nesting turtles. You’ll also participate in

sport—surfing—with a lesson on a calm beach.

beach cleanups, survey nesting sites and raise community awareness.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


COSTA RICA: Middle School Service Adventure CENTRAL AMERICA

book-open Community Development OR Animal & Wildlife Conservation

Choose your own adventure - work with Costa Rican children in local schools or help to protect the country’s incredible wildlife.


AGES 13 -14 July 15 - July 24  Tuition: $3,599  Service Hours: 20

Program Highlights • • • • •

Zipline through the beautiful landscapes of Costa Rica Spot birds, reptiles, and other animals in the country’s Central Valley Take a traditional Costa Rican cooking class Go on a chocolate tour guided by a local chocolate expert Enjoy a day at one of the country's picturesque beaches



On this program you will...

choose between inspiring local children through volunteer work in schools, or rehabilitating and ensuring the wellness of Costa Rica’s wildlife. Both tracks will participate in exciting activities like ziplining, hiking and a day at the beach. When enrolling for this program, choose to focus on one of two tracks: Community Development & Children, or Animal & Wildlife Conservation. The track you choose will determine the focus of your experience and your community service projects.

Community Service

Immersive Learning


Community Development Track

Experience true Costa Rican culture while living and

No trip to Costa Rica would be complete without ad-

Make a difference in the lives of Costa Rican youth.

learning in your new community. Connect with the

venture! Zipline through tall canopy trees, go hiking in

Empower local children through your volunteer work

local people, taste delicious fruits and try your hand

the rainforest, and explore one of Costa Rica's scenic

in schools. Help refurbish classrooms and participate

at cooking local cuisine. Dive into topics related to

beaches. Discover the Cacao tree and feast on its fruit

in cross-cultural exchange with students from the

animal welfare and children’s access to education

during an exciting chocolate tour. You’ll also have the

nearby towns.

depending on which track you choose. You’ll also

opportunity to experience the region's exotic wildlife

have opportunities to practice your Spanish or pick

up close during your program. You never know where

Animal & Wildlife Conservation Track

up new words with locals in the region.

you might spot a sloth or monkey!

Learn about Costa Rican wildlife, and sustainable animal care. Service includes feeding the animals, cleaning enclosures, creating toys and stimulating exercises, and general tidying of the grounds.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


GUATEMALA: Children of the Maya™


AGES 14 -19 July 5 - July 18 July 21 - August 3 August 6 - August 19  Tuition: $3,499  Service Hours: 30


book-open Children & Education

With its stunning landscape and ancient Maya culture, Guatemala promises adventure and the opportunity to make a mark.

Program Highlights • • • • • •

Teach English at a Maya school Journey across the expansive and sacred Lake Atitlán Attend a ceremony with a Maya shaman Explore ancient archaeological ruins Shop at the largest indigenous craft market in the hemisphere Zipline through the mountains of Guatemala


GUATEMALA On this program you will... immerse yourself in indigenous culture, colorful Maya heritage and mountainous landscape. You’ll find warm local residents who are proud to share their ancient traditions. This program is based in Xela (pronounced “shay-lah”)—a local nickname for the vibrant town of Quetzaltenango—which is a hub for volunteer opportunities in education and children’s issues. With very little English spoken throughout the city, residents of Xela welcome volunteers to assist in their classrooms with teaching and school facility beautification.

Community Service

Immersive Learning


Spend your days in Xela becoming fully plugged in to

Learn about key issues unique to Guatemala, such as

You’ll explore the famous archaeological ruins at Ixim-

the local primary school and surrounding community,

access to quality education and the challenge of pre-

che, hike to Laguna Chicabal at the base of a volcano,

volunteering as an English teacher or helping refurbish

serving indigenous culture in the modern world. You’ll

and zipline against the backdrop of the region’s lush,

the library, classrooms or other school facilities. You’ll

hear from a guerilla fighter and an army officer who

mountainous landscape. To get a taste of city life, you’ll

have the opportunity to creatively develop and deliver

fought in the Civil War, who will give you different per-

venture to Antigua, a colonial masterpiece that boasts

lesson plans, play games with the children during re-

spectives of Guatemala’s rich history. To truly immerse

gorgeous architecture, pastel alleys and cobblestone

cess and work with organizations committed to impro-

yourself in the culture here, meet a local shaman who

streets. For a weekend excursion, you’ll spend a night

ving school grounds. As you spend time volunteering,

will teach you about cosmology. Learn from master ar-

at sacred Lake Atitlán and visit the bustling Chichicas-

you’ll also learn about social issues that affect Maya

tisans about traditional arts such as weaving, and visit

tenango market, the largest Maya craft market in the

youth today.

a chocolate museum and organic coffee plantation—


complete with samples!

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com




Mythology, Philosophy & Modern Democracy™ pg 90


Spanish in the Land of Don Quixote™ pg 92


The STEAM Experience: London, Paris, Geneva™ pg 94


Understanding the EU: Brussels, Berlin & Beyond™ pg 96

The civilizations of Europe have influenced the world far and wide, from ancient Greeks and Spanish explorers to the modern European Union. Dive in and discover a treasure trove of art, history, language and culture from across this eclectic continent.

Brussels, Berlin & Beyond pg 134

London, Paris & Geneva pg 136

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


GREECE: Mythology, Philosophy & Modern Democracy™ book-open Global Seminar


AGES 14 -19 July 6 - July 17  Tuition: $3,999  Service Hours: 10


Explore Greece, from the ancient wonders of the world’s most influential civilization, to the complexities of modern life.

Program Highlights • • • • •

Check out the ancient Acropolis of Athens citadel, a UNESCO World Heritage Site which includes the Parthenon and Temple of Athena Nike Sail along the caldera of Santorini in a traditional wooden boat, just like a true argonaut Climb atop Nea Kameni, a famous volcano Dive deep into Greek mythology through site visits, guest speakers, and local lore Participate in community service to help support a meaningful local cause


GREECE On this program you will... travel to some of Greece's most influential and picturesque cities. Your adventure begins in Athens, a treasure trove of ancient civilization that has been incredibly memorialized in the form of ruins, museums and iconic spaces that are still in use. Ferry to Crete, Greece's largest island and, according to Greek mythology, the birthplace of Zeus himself. Stay and explore Heraklion and Rethymno, as well as several other colorful villages on the island. Finally, sail through the Aegean Sea to the dreamy island of Santorini, known for its whitewashed cube dwellings.

Community Service

Immersive Learning


For more than a decade, many families and communi-

From the time of Socrates and Aristotle, who formed

Explore ancient ruins and modern times as you dis-

ties in Greece have faced social and economic hardship

the basis for modern philosophy and the sciences, to

cover all that Greece has to offer. Kayak on the ceru-

as a result of the aftermath of the Great Recession, in

the creation of the first democratic society, Greece has

lean waters of Heraion Lagoon and enjoy water games

ways unseen in many other European countries. On

been a major influencer of Europe and the world. Pay

and lunch on the beach. See Athens by bike, stopping

this program, you will take part in a service project de-

a visit to the Byzantine Monastery of Preveli, where the

to explore this ancient city's historic center, including

signed to support a local community in a meaningful

monks are notably active in the community and have

its world-famous Panathenaic Stadium. You'll certainly

way. What form this community service takes will de-

continued to advocate for education and personal

never forget glimpsing the Acropolis of Athens citadel

pend on the most pressing need at the time of your

freedoms for centuries. Visit a Crete resident and learn

and its historic sites - the Parthenon and the Temple

program: it could be helping out at a pantry or food kit-

about the island's history, culture and foods - you may

of Athena of Nike. And don't forget to unwind after all

chen, participating in a clean-up project, or supporting

even get to taste a home-baked treat!

that travel as you take a dip in Santorini's volcanic hot

a local organization.


+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


SPAIN: Spanish in the Land of Don Quixote™ book-open Language Immersion


For more than a language course, travel to Toledo, Madrid & Salamanca - the perfect setting for a full Spanish experience in Castilla-La Mancha.


AGES 14 -19 July 5 - July 18  Tuition: $4,399  Service Hours: 20 comment Language Hours: 35

 7-NIGHT HOMESTAY (add-on)

Program Highlights • • • • • •

Improve your Spanish through language immersion Walk the historic streets of Toledo, known as "the city of three cultures" Visit some of Madrid's oldest restaurants on a tapas tours Go kayaking on the Alto Tajo River Help to run a summer English language camp for Spanish children Stay an extra week and live with a Spanish family to perfect your Spanish language skills (Homestay add-on only)

July 18 - 25  Tuition: $1,699  Service Hours: 10 comment Language Hours: 20


SPAIN On this program you will... travel to three cities in the heart of Spain, all with rich histories that bring a unique taste of the country with each stop. Start your journey in Madrid, the Spanish capital. Then head to Toledo, where your Spanish immersion will truly begin and will make up the heart of your program experience. Journey west to Salamanca, where you'll find the third oldest European university and Cervantes' alma mater. Finally, if you opt to stay for our Homestay Extension, you will live in Toledo for a week with a local family and explore Almagro, home to one of the oldest open air theaters in the world.

Community Service

Immersive Learning


Spain's youth have struggled for years with high unem-

Take your Spanish language learning to the next level

Explore the Spanish language through the lens of one

ployment rates. You'll help Spanish children have better

with engaging classes taught by local teachers and myr-

of Spain's most famous literary figures as you walk the

opportunities for the future by improving their English

iad opportunities for rich cultural exchange. Discover

steps of Cervantes in this land of Don Quixote. See

language skills. In Toledo, volunteer at a school running

more about Spain's literary history - including a visit to

Spain by land, air and water! In Madrid, go kayaking

a summer English camp with children where you'll help

the windmills made famous in Cervantes' masterpiece

and visit the Prado Museum. Enjoy an afternoon by the

them to learn English and develop other skills that will

work. Learn from local artisans in skilled trades such as

Alto Tajo River. Explore Toledo via scavenger hunt and

prepare them for the future. Throughout the program,

sword-making and the art of flamenco dance; then, try

take in the cityscape from above on an urban zipline.

work on additional projects helping to address other lo-

your hand at creating traditional Spanish cuisine in a

Treat yourself to a traditional hammam, or steam bath,

cal community needs.

cooking class.

a practice brought to Spain by the Moors centuries ago.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


The STEAM Experience: London, Paris & Geneva™ book-open Global Seminar


Science and travel collide as you explore some of the epicenters of STEAM learning and research.

 14-DAY PROGRAM AGES 14 -19 July 5 - July 18  Tuition: $5,999  Service Hours: 10

Program Highlights • • • • •

Be a scientist for a day at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) Visit the iconic Eiffel Tower and Louvre in Paris Get a bird's-eye view as you soar over the city on the London Eye Investigate the hands-on experiments and exhibits at Palais de La Decouverte Pitch in on a meaningful service project to help support the a local community  EXCLUSIVE HOTEL BLOCK

MULTI-COUNTRY On this program you will... travel to five cities that are making their mark in the fields of science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM). Your adventure begins in London, Great Britain's metropolitan hub. From there, venture north to Oxford and Cambridge, the world's second and fourth oldest universities. Hop the English Channel and spend three days in Paris, France where you'll explore the "City of Light" so named for its role during the Age of Enlightenment. Finally, journey south via high-speed train to Geneva, home of the United Nations and a longtime European hub for scientific research.

Community Service

Immersive Learning


While this program crosses multiple countries and

From cutting-edge research at two of Europe's most

In one of the most scientifically exciting regions of the

places an emphasis on travel, learning and immersion,

prestigious universities to museums to functional labs,

world, there's adventure all around. Experience the

at the heart of every GLA program is always some form

participate in a variety of hands-on workshops and

glamour of London's famous West End theater, the

of meaningful community service. On this program

demonstrations, with concentrations spanning from

UK's equivalent of Broadway. Learn the thrills of punt-

you will lend a hand to a community or organization in

forensics to astrophysics to transportation. Collect DNA

ing (boating) on the Cambridge River, a tradition that

need. This can take the form of an environmental pro-

from a fictional crime scene and use molecular tech-

dates back to 1903. Take in Parisian views from atop

ject, helping out at a pantry or food kitchen, or partne-

niques to identify the culprit. Visit Cambridge's Polar In-

the Eiffel Tower before exploring the Louvre through a

ring with a local group to help support a community in-

stitute, where you'll learn about the unique processes

scavenger hunt. Stroll around Geneva's Old Town and

itiative. We will select a community service project that

affecting Earth's polar regions. Explore the mysteries of

enjoy a special fondue dinner made from cheeses local-

meets the needs of the location closer to the start of

the universe and the equipment used by physicists at

ly produced in Switzerland.

the program session.

CERN, including particle accelerators.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


UNDERSTANDING THE EU: Brussels, Berlin & Beyond™ book-open Global Seminar


Explore the culture, history and politics of four major cities that hepled to shape the European Union as we know it today.

 14-DAY PROGRAM AGES 14 -19 July 21 - August 3  Tuition: $5,999  Service Hours: 10

Program Highlights • • • • •

Enter into the political center of the European Union and visit the EU Parliament Mark the Louvre, Eiffel Tower and other iconic Parisian monuments off your bucket list Learn about Berlin through its famous street art and an interactive art workshop Meet with local politicians, EU representatives, and local leaders to discuss key issues and policies Contribute to a meaningful service project and lend a hand to a local community


MULTI-COUNTRY On this program you will... travel to the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France and Germany. Explore each of these five core countries that founded and shaped the European Union. Arrive in Amsterdam, one of the world's leaders in environmental conservation, and then spend a day in Volendam for the true "Holland" experience. From there head to Belgium, where you will stop in Brussels and Bruges. Then, enjoy bustling Paris, as well as small yet influential Luxembourg. Finally, explore Germany from ancient Cologne to Berlin, where you'll dive into the history of the city from World War II to the modern day.

Community Service

Immersive Learning


On this program your primary focus will be on travel,

Meet an official from Luxembourg and discuss this

Discover the largest city in the Netherlands on an excur-

learning and immersion. However, at the heart of every

small but influential country's role in shaping the de-

sion through Amsterdam's picturesque city center via a

GLA program is always some kind of meaningful service

velopment of the E.U. Discuss the importance of social

cruise on its famous canals. Make stops in Brussels and

project. You will participate in community service that

welfare in European lawmaking with a delegate from an

Bruges while in Belgium, and create your own Belgian

supports a local community or organization in need. As

E.U. organization. Meet a local farmer for a cheese and

chocolate in a confectionary workshop. Climb to the top

we get closer to the start of the program, we'll be able

clog farm visit and participate in a debate about E.U. ag-

of the Eiffel Tower in Paris and enjoy the views from

to share more specifics about the service project with

ricultural policies. Visit Paris' Immigration Museum and

what was once the tallest building in the world. Then,

you, as we're designing it to be timely and relevant. It

dive deep into one of the biggest challenges facing the

mark the Louvre and other iconic Parisian landmarks

can take the form of assisting a food kitchen or pan-

European Union, and the world, today.

off your bucket list. Cap it all off with stops in Luxem-

try, partnering with a local organization or community

bourg and Germany.

initiative, or even lending a hand on an environmental project.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com




Preserving Nature’s Wonders™ pg 100

PERU Foundations of Global Health™ pg 102 Service in the Sacred Valley™ pg 104

Epic landscapes and a rich cultural history await on a continent that boasts some of the most biodiversity in the world. Islands, mountains and jungles meet archaeological wonders, ancient cultures, and a unique cast of wildlife.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


GALAPAGOS: Preserving Nature’s Wonders™


AGES 14 -19 June 15 - June 28 July 1 - July 14 July 17 - July 30 August 3 - August 16  Tuition: $4,699  Service Hours: 24


book-open Animal & Wildlife Conservation

Encounter different species of exotic island and marine life, many of them found nowhere else on Earth.

Program Highlights • • • • •

Restore the habitat of native Galapagos wildlife Snorkel with sea lions, turtles and blue-footed boobies nearby Straddle the Northern & Southern hemispheres at the Equator line Swim, kayak and hike as you explore majestic islands Wander the cobblestone streets of colonial Quito


ECUADOR On this program you will... experience one of the most pristine natural environments in the world, where conservationists are working to protect this unique ecosystem. Volunteer alongside them to help preserve this UNESCO-designated heritage site. Besides volunteering, you'll have the opportunity to see lava fields, snorkel with sea lions and get up close and personal with Galapagos tortoises.

Community Service

Immersive Learning


The native wildlife of the Galapagos faces danger to

The islands are a living classroom! Learn about the

Snorkel with sea lions and turtles and try your hand

its habitat from invasive species and litter. Prepare

challenges of sustainably balancing human needs

at sea kayaking. Observe the blue-footed boobies

to get your hands dirty! Work at a tortoise refuge

with biological protection and preservation. Issues

that perch on coastal rocks and spot silent marine

center, digging up invasive plants, helping with

such as the pressure to develop the islands for

iguanas. Walk through a naturally formed lava

groundwork and preparing habitat for the tortoises.

residents and tourism will be key discussion points

tunnel, and wade through mangroves as pelicans fly

You’ll plant trees to help protect endemic species

during your time in the Galapagos. Encounter

overhead. You’ll even visit a tortoise breeding center

and restore the natural habitat of the local wildlife.

firsthand the diversity of species that led Darwin

and see baby Galapagos tortoises. The Islands and

Contribute to the success of young people who will

to formulate his thinking on natural selection and

their rocky topography are incredibly unique – no

be future stewards of these islands on various com-

adaptation. Explore ideas about the complicated

two islands are alike – so there’s plenty to see as you

munity projects.

relationship between humans and wildlife as you

island-hop by boat.

contrast the islands with your city tour of Quito.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


PERU: Foundations of Global Health™


AGES 14 -19 June 25 - July 8 July 11 - July 24 July 27 - August 9  Tuition: $3,999  Service Hours: 30


book-open Public Health & Medicine

Work on public health campaigns for the residents of Peru’s stunning, yet challenging, Sacred Valley.

Program Highlights • • • • •

Gain hands-on healthcare experience in rural clinics Help improve basic health for local communities through construction projects Spend a day on the river with a rafting adventure in the Sacred Valley Mark the iconic Machu Picchu off your bucket list Explore the ancient city of Cuzco, a UNESCO World Heritage Site


PERU On this program you will... lend a hand in an area in which poor infrastructure and lack of education pertaining to good hygiene are major factors contributing to health issues in the rugged topography of the Andes. Learn from community health workers operating traveling clinics. This program is a real opportunity to learn about public health as a basic human need, while helping to carry out important health campaigns in one of the most exciting and culturally rich landscapes in the world.

Community Service

Immersive Learning


Work to improve living conditions for rural families

You’ll gain exposure to a wide variety of health set-

Explore the city of Cuzco, a UNESCO World Heritage





tings and topics that help facilitate an understanding

Site, home to bustling markets and quiet stone

In addition, help a local

of how diversities and disparities in peoples and plac-

corridors. The surrounding region is home to

organization deliver campaigns on holistic health and

es impact human health. Shadow community health

amazing landmarks like the Sacred Valley, filled with

medical awareness, and learn about their traveling

workers and learn diagnostic techniques. You’ll see

breathtaking mountain views, colorful Peruvian

clinics which strive to reach communities in the

how basic health monitoring works…and maybe pick

clothing and ancient sites. Visit the iconic Machu

Andes and provide free, quality care to which they

up a few key medical terms in Spanish! In the eve-

Picchu, the ancient Inca ruins that have mystified and

would otherwise not have access.

nings, discuss your observations, the cases you’ve

intrigued travelers for decades. Go on an exciting

witnessed and the first steps you’ll take to increase

rafting adventure down the steep-walled and scenic

global access to healthcare.

river valley.

construction projects.


+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


PERU: Service in the Sacred Valley™

 14-DAY PROGRAM AGES 14 -19 June 13 - June 26 June 29 - July 12 July 15 - July 28 August 1 - August 14  Tuition: $3,699  Service Hours: 30


book-open Community Development

The ancient Inca Empire is yours to discover while making a difference in the lives of rural youth.

Program Highlights • • • • •

Volunteer on community development projects in rural areas Visit key archaeological sites of the Inca Empire Go whitewater rafting down rivers winding through the Andes Experience Peru’s colorful artisanal markets Explore Machu Picchu and camp among snowcapped peaks


PERU On this program you will... experience Peru's Andean highlands in the ancient Sacred Valley, the heart of the Inca Empire. Go on an epic train ride to Machu Picchu and experience this iconic wonder of the world. Look around more, and you'll learn Peru has areas of need - poverty and economic development issues are common in rural areas. As you work to combat these issues, you'll see that Peru is more than its wild landscapes and ancient arts: The generosity and lively culture of its people are what have truly endured the last several centuries.

Community Service

Immersive Learning


Poverty in Peru is deepest among people of

Outside of service, learn firsthand about Peru’s rich

The Sacred Valley surrounding Cuzco is full of incred-

indigenous origin living in remote, rural areas. You’ll

culture that descends from the Incan empire. Visit a

ible topography and archaeological marvels. You’ll

focus on empowering Peruvian girls by improving

local traditional weaving community, where beautiful

tour famous ruins, hike to the famous Machu Pic-

access to education in rural communities. You’ll

Andean textiles are produced. Learn to make choco-

chu, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The two-day trek

assist with building new infrastructure for school

late the Peruvian way and hear Quechua legends from

passes through awe-inspiring valleys, and you’ll wake

dormitories to house students from remote areas

a local author. Meet with a local shaman and spend

up from camp to staggering snow-capped peaks at

as they attend high school. Contribute to the

the afternoon among local artisans at the bustling

10,000 feet of elevation. You’ll wrap up your time

wellbeing of rural communities as you see up-close

market. Engage in discussion with nonprofit organiza-

in Peru with an epic whitewater rafting adventure

how projects like these can deliver meaningful – and

tions to deepen your understanding of Peru’s contem-

through scenic territory.

sustainable – change.

porary culture.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com





Wildlife Alliance Expedition™ pg 108

The Great Pacific Northwest™ pg 122



San Diego Service Adventure pg 110


Wilderness First Aid Adventure pg 112


Marine Wildlife Initiative™ pg 114 Spring Break Marine Wildlife Initiative™ pg 116


Sea Turtle Marine Conservation™ pg 118


New England Service Adventure™ pg 120

The Land of Infinite Variety™ pg 124


Arches, Canyonlands & the Colorado River™ pg 126


Diplomacy & International Development™ pg 128


Grand Teton & Yellowstone Excursion™ pg 130 Wilderness Backpacking Expedition™ pg 132

From the history of western civilization to contemporary politics and social issues, the European continent provides endless opportunities to discover the world outside the classroom. Abundant natural resources, indigenous communities with strong traditions being kept alive against the odds, and communities whose cultural landscapes are as diverse as their complex histories. Explore this land from Atlantic to GLA’s Europe Discovery Programs offer unique exploratory tours of Europe’s most significant and iconic sites. Students Pacific and discover the cultural and natural tapestry that makes up the United States of America. delve into a treasure trove of art, history, politics and culture from ancient times to the modern era as they develop leadership skills and explore what it means to be a global citizen. We invite you to connect your Discovery experiences together for the ultimate European survey. See page 16 for information on connecting two Europe Discovery programs, by way of a supervised Amsterdam stopover!

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


ALASKA: Wildlife Alliance Expedition™ UNITED STATES

book-open Animal & Wildlife Conservation

Journey to the Last Frontier and explore Alaska’s great wilderness while immersing yourself in learning about the 49th state’s majestic wildlife and participating in wildlife conservation activities.


AGES 14 -19 July 5 - July 14 July 17 - July 26  Tuition: $5,999  Service Hours: 22

Program Highlights • • • • •

Get up close and personal with unique Alaskan wildlife Visit wildlife conservation facilities featured on the TV show “Alaska Animal Rescue!” View wildlife during hiking, river rafting, a marine cruise, and a backcountry train ride Become a citizen scientist for an endangered species Learn about traditional customs of Alaska’s Indigenous Natives


U.S.A. On this program you will... be immersed in experiences involving many of Alaska’s iconic wildlife species. See and learn about a large variety of terrestrial and marine wildlife, their biology, and the threats they face. You will also help in animal care and habitat restoration activities in this largest U.S. state (so large, in fact, that if it was divided in half, each half would still be larger than any other state). Because it’s so big, we’ll keep our trip focused on exploring the southcentral region. Hike to a glacier, raft a river, take a wildlife cruise, ride a train, pan for gold, and meet some sled dogs!

Community Service

Immersive Learning


Human encroachment into Alaska's many wilder-

Alaska boasts the most diverse array of wildlife spe-

Become as passionate about Alaskan wildlife as we

ness areas has put wildlife at risk. Help with conser-

cies in the country. You may get up-close with nu-

are! Your journey will be packed with fun ways to see

vation projects, such as the care of rescued animals

merous wildlife species, both terrestrial and marine.

iconic wildlife. In addition to the plants and animals

and their facilities, removal of invasive species and

So be on the lookout for ancient musk ox, moose,

you will witness during the immersive learning com-

habitat restoration. The specific service activity may

bears, bald eagles, whales, otters, sea lions, puffins

ponents, you’ll also get to see wildlife both up-close

vary depending upon the specific needs at the time

and others! Learn from wildlife experts along your

and from a distance during your adventures hiking,

of your trip. Participate in a citizen science project

journey and have evening wildlife presentations.

river rafting, cruising through wildlife-rich waters,

by conducting a monitoring session looking for

You’ll also learn about the unique culture of Alaska’s

and riding a train through backcountry wilderness.

endangered beluga whales. Also, you will receive a

Indigenous Natives, their close relationship with

See a glacier up close, pan for gold like oldtime ex-

one-year membership with the Alaska Wildlife Alli-

wildlife for subsistence, and about a unique mode

plorers to the Alaskan wilderness once did, and help

ance, a nonprofit protecting Alaska’s wildlife through

of transportation integral in Alaska’s history (hint, it

to train (and cuddle with) sled dogs.

education and citizen mobilization.

involves a sled and a team of dogs).

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


CALIFORNIA: San Diego Service Adventure™ UNITED STATES

book-open Environmental Stewardship OR Public Health and Medicine

Choose between two distinct program tracks in America’s Finest City - enjoy panoramic views and Southern California's surf culture while learning about public health or the environment.


AGES 14 -19 July 5 - July 14 July 17- July 26  Tuition: $5,299  Service Hours: 20

Program Highlights • • • • •

Lend a hand on healthcare initiatives near the California/Mexico border (Public Health & Medicine Track) Support marine conservation efforts along the coastline (Environmental Stewardship Track) Observe dozens of species of marine animals Take to the water for a kayaking excursion Visit 5 different habitats: sandy beach, rocky reefs, sea cliffs, kelp forest and deep water canyons


U.S.A. On this program you will... discover Southern California, known for its rugged coastline and spectacular beaches. Draped alongside the Pacific Ocean just north of the U.S. border with Mexico, and a known hotspot for biomedical advances, San Diego provides a unique chance for visitors to explore both opportunities and challenges related to the environment and global health. This is why you're invited to select a program track that best suits your interests: learn about the conservation efforts at-hand for both land and marine protected areas in the Environmental Stewardship track, or contribute to public health and community care projects alongside the border with Mexico on the Public Health & Medicine track.

Community Service

Immersive Learning



From the remnants of Old Town San Diego to the

Kayak in La Jolla Cove, known as "California's Jewel"

Help tackle service projects focused on San Diego

bustling metropolis of Downtown, "America's Finest

for its incredible marine wildlife. The knowledgeable

beaches as well as clean waterway initiatives. You

City" is a treasure trove for those interested in histo-

guides will teach you plenty about this marine-pro-

may work on projects such as plastic-free cam-

ry, healthcare, border issues, the environment and

tected area and its role as both a popular tourist

paigns, beach clean-ups, supporting local water-

beyond. Alongside an immersive university campus

spot and an ocean wildlife hub. Look up and you'll

sheds, erosion control and/or sustainable fishing.

experience in one of the collegiate capitals of the

see nesting peregrine falcons and cormorants on

world, you will explore everything from San Diego's

the cliffs, alongside sea lions sunbathing on stunning


marine-protected areas, and its history as the first

rock formations. With a little luck you might spot

Contribute to health workshops, and participate in

settled location in California at Mission Basilica San

sea turtles, dolphins and even leopard sharks! Then,

a community health and advocacy program near

Diego de Alcala, to the modern opportunities and

tour the city and see what the oldest settled region

the border. Learn how essential preventative care

challenges facing this biomedical research hotspot.

of California has to offer.

is and what barriers may be faced, such as cost of

Learn from local leaders and guest speakers and

treatment or pending legal status.

spend plenty of time outdoors as you learn.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


COLORADO: Wilderness First Aid Adventure UNITED STATES

book-open Public Health & Medicine

Explore Colorado and its many scenic wonders as you earn your Wilderness Advanced First Aid certification with NOLS - the leader in wilderness medicine courses.


AGES 16 -19 June 30 - July 9  Tuition: $4,999  Service Hours: 10

Program Highlights • • • • •

Hone your Wilderness Advanced First Aid skills and earn your WAFA certification Discover what kinds of preventative health measures can be used to save lives in the great outdoors Shadow and learn from community members and experts in the field Enjoy hikes in the Colorado wilderness, a bucket list item for nature enthusiasts Take to the water on a kayaking or river rafting excursion


U.S.A. On this program you will... learn how Wilderness Advanced First Aid can make a meaningful difference for those who travel into remote environments, all amongst the beautiful panoramic views of Colorado. Earning your Wilderness Advanced First Aid certification is a perfect stepping stone to those who want to enter into the health field. Not only does it provide you with basic life skills to care for yourself, but also educates you on health concepts in a very hands-on way. Going through this certification experience on-program is as enriching and empowering as it is challenging. This opportunity is ideal for those who want to travel or work in the wilderness in the future and stay healthy while traveling.

Community Service Contribute to meaningful service projects that provide for improved public heath and wellness. Depending on the needs of the community at your time of arrival, your service could include initiatives such as health data collection, public health advocacy, putting together first aid kits for distribution, or projects that support the long-term health and sustainability of the local environment. Your new WAFA certification will also equip you for future service work off the beaten path, as you will learn the basic skills to communicate with any individual who does not share your the same language, and applies to both humans and animals alike.

Immersive Learning Earn your Wildnerness Advanced First Aid certification through NOLS - the leader in wilderness medicine courses - as part of an intensive 5-day WAFA course during your program. Certified students will be able to conduct a basic physical exam, evaluate patient history, read vital signs and be prepared to deliver emergency care in the wild. Learn the basics of first aid and field medicine, and how important knowing these life-saving techniques can be for those who frequent nature trails or locations far from population centers with easy access to professional care. You will also get a chance to hear from guest speakers and local leaders entrusted with ensuring public health and wellness.

Adventure Enjoy a kayaking or rafting excursion in a state famed for its many rapids and rivers. And don't forget to bring your hiking boots! From mountains to nature trails, Colorado is jam-packed with opportunities to hike while exploring the local wilderness; we'll even hike to our rock climbing & rappelling excursion, a must-do outdoor adventure in the area. Additionally, consider earning your Wilderness Advanced First Aid certification an adventure in its own right. You will learn many new skills through real-life role plays and expedition-based learning that can be truly exhilarating.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


FLORIDA: Marine Wildlife Initiative™


AGES 14 -19 June 18 - June 27 June 30 - July 9 July 12 - July 21 July 24 - August 2 August 5 - August 14  Tuition: $4,499  Service Hours: 24


book-open Animal & Wildlife Conservation

Marine wildlife faces threats to their habitat, including whales, sharks, seals, turtles, manatee and sea lions. It is up to us to protect them.

Program Highlights • • • • •

Be immersed in Florida's many unique ecosystems Contribute to service projects supporting coastal areas and abundant wildlife Get up-close with manatees on a snorkeling adventure Learn about sea turtle conservation and research Enjoy a camping excursion to the island of Cayo Costa




U.S.A. On this program you will... work on projects on and near the Florida coast with organizations and individuals that have been in the region for decades. Expected to face some of the most severe impacts of sea level rise in the coming decades, South and Central Florida provide unique opportunities for students to study the effects of climate change on the oceans, as well as the animals and plant life that depend on it. Consider how challenges such as invasive species, agricultural pollution, overfishing and water quality lead to threatened species and even possible extinction. And don't forget to have some fun too while you're in the Sunshine State. Beautiful beaches and palm-tree lined streets await you at every turn.

Community Service

Immersive Learning


Travel to one of nearly three dozen sea turtle

Learn about the delicate marine ecosystem, as well

Snorkel up-close with manatees, the gentle giants

conservation and research sites and participate in a

as the role of sea animals and habitat in contributing

of coastal Florida, for a once-in-a-lifetime adventure

project focused on tracking, detection and protec-

to a healthy and functioning environment. Discover

you'll talk about for ages. Take a weekend camping

tion. Your time supporting sea turtle stewardship

field sampling techniques and the importance of

excursion to Cayo Costa and explore the island,

will focus on the impacts of sea level rise, water

estuaries. Explore the impacts of humans and Flor-

including identifying native wildlife and collecting

quality, sustainability, urbanization and develop-

ida's tourism economy, particularly in marine and

unique shells. Soak up the sunshine as you enjoy the

ment. Then, contribute to a seagrass restoration

coastal areas that aren't found anywhere else on

natural wonders of Crystal River Springs Resort, and

project, and see how seagrass health effects every-

Earth. Discuss with your peers and hear from local

cap off your program with a visit to Venice Beach to

thing from coral reef management to the longtime

speakers how everything from sea level rise, urban

enjoy the sand and a much-deserved swim in the

outlook on marine life. Habitat restoration can be

development and climate change are affecting these


the key to ensuring the long-term survival of many

ecosystems, and what we can do about it. You will

marine and coastal species.

visit Mote Marine Aquarium, and meet with leaders working hard on these critical issues.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


FLORIDA: Spring Break Marine Wildlife Initiative™


AGES 14 -19 March 27 - April 3 April 3 - April 10  Tuition: $3,199  Service Hours: 20


book-open Animal & Wildlife Conservation The Florida coast is home to spectacular wildlife habitats at risk, particularly for marine animals such as manatees and sea turtles. This spring break, help us to protect them.

Program Highlights • • • • •

Travel to Cayo Costa for an island camping adventure Snorkel among manatees off the Florida coast Contribute to meaningful service projects, such as sea turtle tracking and seagrass restoration Visit Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium — an independent, nonprofit, marine research organization Confront the challenges of habitat recovery and conservation




U.S.A. On this program you will... Make a difference in Florida by helping to protect and conserve critical marine wildlife habitat on and near the coast. At-risk environments in the region, such as those facing challenges including sea level rise and increasing pollution, are in-need of volunteer support. Students who wish to help combat the effects of climate change on the oceans, invasive species, overfishing, pollution runoff and water quality issues can make a difference this spring break. And while you’re here in Florida, we’ll also make sure you have some fun in the sun! This is a spring break adventure, so there are beaches to visit and plenty of palm trees to rest under.

Community Service

Immersive Learning


Sea turtle stewardship can help these gentle giants

Florida is at its heart defined by its coastline and

Manatees are herbivores who graze on aquatic

thrive again throughout the state and its coastal ar-

proximity to large bodies of water. Discover how

plants in tropical waters. Frequently found off the

eas. After learning from the experts, participate in a

delicate the marine and coastal ecosystems are and

Florida coast, you’ll snorkel up-close with these

day-long service activity focused on sea turtle track-

how they affect one another. You’ll learn how sea

endangered, peaceful giants during a one-of-a-

ing, protection and detection. Then, take part in a

animals and habitat play critical roles in a healthy,

kind snorkeling expedition. Journey to Cayo Costa

seagrass restoration effort. A foundational element

functioning environment. Explore the challenges

and discover the ins and outs of the island, as you

of healthy coastal ecosystems in the region, vibrant

facing Florida’s once-pristine ecosystems, from the

identify native wildlife. Soak up that spring break

seagrass habitat can have an impact on everything

explosion of cities and suburbs as well as its potent

sunshine at the Crystal River Springs Resort, before

from nearby coral reef management to wider effects

tourism-driven economy. You’ll also participate in

closing out your program with a visit to Venice Beach

on ocean life. Threatened marine and coastal wild-

peer-to-peer discussions and learn from local speak-

to enjoy the sand and surf.

life depend on habitat conservation efforts such as

ers about animals, wildlife, the environment and the


most pressing issues facing them today.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


HAWAII: Sea Turtle Marine Conservation™ UNITED STATES

book-open Animal & Wildlife Conservation

Journey to tropical Hawaii, where you’ll learn to protect its abundant ocean life and discover that traditional Hawaiian culture is very much alive today.

 12-DAY PROGRAM AGES 14 -19 June 24 - July 5 July 8 - July 19 July 24 - August 4  Tuition: $5,999  Service Hours: 30

Program Highlights • • • • •

Visit Haleakala National Park, home to the world's largest dormant volcano Snorkel and sail in the clear waters of the Pacific Learn to hula dance and participate in a traditional luau Protect endangered sea turtles where they nest through participating in data collection, tracking methods and habitat restoration alongside biologists Journey along the iconic Road to Hana and take in the sights along the way


U.S.A. On this program you will... explore a side of Hawaii that most will never see as you work to preserve some of the world's most threatened wildlife. The island of Maui is home to five of the world's seven species of sea turtle, most of which are classified as endangered. Poachers, habitat destruction, and climate change have threatened the "honu" (the Hawaiian name for sea turtle) as well as other ocean creatures that rely on the delicate marine ecosystem for survival. Learn all about these creatures as you help to restore their home and pave the way for future generations.

Immersive Learning

Community Service


Marine life, and sea turtles in particular, are threat-

Break out the grass skirt and lei: it’s hula time! Dive

Journey along the world-famous Road to Hana, a wild

ened as their habitat is depleted. Green and Hawks-

deep into Maui’s rich Polynesian cultural heritage

and scenic route along the island’s rugged east coast

bill turtle populations are being impacted by events

through traditional dance and storytelling at a tra-

— stop along the way to explore lush botanical gar-

such as the 2018 hurricane that washed out the most

ditional luau. Watch endangered turtles bask in the

dens and remote waterfalls. With more than 30 miles

important nesting beaches for these species in the

sun as you gain firsthand knowledge of their nesting

of beaches to choose from, the island is the perfect

patterns. You’ll hear straight from the experts about

place to try your hand at surfing or observe bright-

issues affecting local aquatic ecosystems such as

ly-colored fish while snorkeling. Take in Hawaii's

climate change, plastics and poaching. Visit the Na-

breathtaking landscape and natural beauty from a

tional Tropical Botanical Garden, and learn about the

new perspective: from the water, while you take a

preservation and history of plant species important

ride on a performance sailboat. Then cool off with a

to Hawaii. You'll also have a chance to see what is

cup of shave-ice, a favorite island treat.

entire archipelago. Participate in beach and marine debris cleanups, assist an underwater visual census, and employ more technologically advanced research methods alongside scientists and local advocates. Other projects that protect sea turtle habitat may include community education and coral restoration.

believed to be the largest man-made structure in Polynesia.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


MAINE: New England Service Adventure™ UNITED STATES

book-open Social Justice AND Environmental Stewardship

Explore picturesque Maine, where you’ll tackle service projects designed to help you learn and engage with this unique and historic state.

Program Highlights • • • • • •

Learn about social justice, and serve and engage first hand with community members in this distinct international refugee state Work alongside refugee youth from Syria, Iraq and parts of Africa Learn more about Maine’s native tribes and various efforts with the green revolution Kayak, canoe and hike to see quintessential Maine Revel in Maine’s lush and wide open spaces, surrounded by nature and wildlife Go sailing along the famous coastline (21-Day Flagship Program only)

flag  21-DAY PROGRAM

AGES 14 -19 July 5 - July 25  Tuition: $6,999  Service Hours: 50

 14-DAY PROGRAM AGES 14 -19 July 5 - July 18 +1-858-771-0645  Tuition: $5,299  Service Hours: 35


U.S.A. On this program you will... support two different types of service projects during your time on-program: engage with the topic of social justice as you work with nearby refugee communities and tackle the environmental challenges facing lakes and the woodlands of northern New England. Whether you’re out on a hike through Maine’s abundant forests, kayaking in one of the state’s many waterways, or discovering the quaint and traditional towns of this majestic, rural New England locale, you’re sure to find exploration and fun around every corner.

Community Service

Immersive Learning


Many towns in Maine have embraced resettled

Maine is uniquely a refugee state and an outdoor

Popular with locals as well as tourists for its incred-

refugees, particularly youth from Syria, Iraq, and parts

wonderland; learn how both its residents and its

ible state parks and wild treks, you will get to know

of Africa. Learn about the challenges they face, and

native wildlife populations coexist and the challeng-

the outdoors well during your time here. Lace up

help pivot to practical solutions. You may participate

es each faces in an ever-changing global landscape.

your hiking boots and trek under the wooded cano-

in community advocacy or physical service projects to

This program is ideal for teens seeking intensive

pies of some of the state’s many nature trails. Then,

support the cause. Additionally, Maine’s wilderness is

leadership development. You will be tasked with

hop in a kayak and enjoy the beautiful freshwater

under threat from climate change and environmental

learning not only about the difficulties facing long-

lakes Maine is known for. Visit a historic lighthouse

pressures. Help by working on habitat preservation and

time residents as well as recent refugees, but also

as well as visit Acadia National Park. On the 21-Day

restoration projects. This may include supporting the

how everything from a changing climate to urbaniza-

Program, explore the coast by taking a sailboat in

Lake Association or Forest Service.

tion is changing the once-pristine local environment.

the bay. See the famous coastline, try to spot whales

Meet with local leaders and learn firsthand from

and learn about the local wildlife and environment.

guest speakers along the way.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


OREGON: The Great Pacific Northwest™ UNITED STATES

book-open Environmental Stewardship

Get off the beaten path and experience the hidden gems of the Pacific Northwest, from Crater Lake to the redwoods and beyond.


AGES 14 -19 June 14 - June 27 July 2 - July 15  Tuition: $5,299  Service Hours: 25

Program Highlights • • • • •

Be immersed in the incredible natural landscapes of the Pacific Northwest Collaborate with local nonprofits and focus on environmental projects Visit world-renowned parks, including Crater Lake National Park and Redwood State Park See the intersection of environmental conservation, nature tourism and holistic health firsthand Learn your personal outdoor leadership style


U.S.A. On this program you will... experience a once-in-a-lifetime adventure in a region known for its stunning natural beauty. While Oregon is a nature lover's paradise, it also faces challenges from many fronts to its climate, forests, lakes and other native ecosystems. Your mission will be to learn how to be a reliable environmental steward as you tackle meaningful service projects that contribute to the long-term health of Oregon's many natural habitats. Learn about the land of our ancestors through immersive experiences working and appreciating the land and the cultural history behind it. Then take to the great outdoors, from Crater Lake National Park to the Redwood Forest and beyond.

Community Service

Immersive Learning


Oregon is known for its expansive wilderness and

Acknowledge the land and ways of our ancestors

Go river rafting and explore the wild waters of the

volcanic legacy. Many of its once-pristine ecosys-

as you explore the intersection of public lands and

Pacific Northwest. Rock climb in Smith Rock State

tems, from its coastal areas to its vast forests and

their role in creating healthy communities. You

Park, well-known around the world to expert and

inland lakes, are facing impacts from climate change,

will explore Oregon's geological history and how it

novice climbers alike. Swim in isolated crystal clear

wildland fire and exploding recreational use. Volun-

shaped the state's unique landscapes. During your

lakes and rivers, and explore Crater Lake National

teer with a nonprofit committed to creating the next

time here, you will also Job shadow and learn about

Park, home to the deepest lake in the U.S. You'll also

generation of environmental stewards. Work on

career opportunities that will take you into the

take a tour of Oregon Caves National Monument, re-

projects that support the conservation and steward-

outdoors, learning how to best care for our shared

nowned for its incredible geological history. Cap off

ship of our public lands. From reforestation projects

lands. Then, discover the complexity behind native

your experience with a a visit to the Redwood Forest,

to wildlife and habitat restoration efforts, students

landscapes and learn about everything from the

home to many of the tallest trees on the planet.

will get hands-on as they learn about critical issues

importance of water quality testing to the impacts of

that affect our natural and wilderness landscapes.

biological surveying.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


SOUTH DAKOTA: The Land of Infinite Variety™ UNITED STATES

book-open Environmental Stewardship

Known as the "Land of Infinite Variety," you'll experience everything from the cultural impact of Native Americans to the natural beauty of the Badlands.


June 24 - July 3 July 6 - July 15 July 18 - July 27  Tuition: $3,999  Service Hours: 15

Program Highlights • • • • •

Explore the sprawling prairies and rich farmland that define South Dakota’s landscapes Support trail maintenance or reforestation efforts in a national forest Learn about the South Dakota Native American population, their cultural significance and the issues facing them today Spend an afternoon in the Badlands, hiking and hunting for fossils and rocks Combine history and sightseeing while you visit some of western South Dakota’s most famous national parks, landmarks and monuments



On this program you will... discover how Native American populations - past and present - have influenced every aspect of life here in South Dakota. From the sacred Black Hills to the wonders of the Badlands, Native Americans have spent generations living in harmony with the land here. Your objective on this program will be learning about Native American culture, and how to be a good environmental steward so we can care for these lands for many generations to come in collaboration with those whose ancestors once lived here. Explore the intersection of history, culture and the environment in a variety of ways as you learn more about your personal leadership style.

Community Service

Immersive Learning


Tackle many of the environmental challenges facing

You will have two major focus areas for immersive

Experience the Badlands, famous for their sloped

natural habitats in South Dakota, as well as the peo-

learning during your time in South Dakota. On one

rock formations, sparse vegetation and clay soils,

ple who depend on them. Contribute to trail mainte-

side, dive into Native American culture, history and

as well as their unique historical and modern-day

nance and make sure that wild areas are accessible

current events. Hear from guest speakers and local

importance to tribes the region. You'll have a

to all travelers and protected for all local wildlife.

tribal leaders, and confront America's past and

chance to wander through part of the Badlands on

You will also help with reforestation efforts, focusing

present treatment of recognized tribes in the United

a daytime hike. Then, take your adventure to the

on restoring native tree species in the region. Then,

States. On another side, develop an eye for the

next level by tackling a ropes course, going stand-up

help with sustainable infrastruture development on

environmental issues facing the state and its many

paddleboarding or canoeing, and biking through the

Pine Ridge Reservation. Support the Oglala Sioux

varied ecosystems. Then, see how the convergence

sprawling prairie land of South Dakota. Cap off your

Tribe on the 8th largest reservation in the U.S.

of human and wild issues creates unique challenges

experience with a zipline adventure, and a unique

through various projects as you learn about Native

- and opportunities - for those who live here.

opportunity to go fossil hunting.

American history and culture.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


UTAH: Arches, Canyonlands & the Colorado River™ UNITED STATES

book-open Environmental Stewardship

Designed with thrill-seekers in mind, with a mix of meaningful community service and pulse-pounding adventure.


AGES 14 -19 July 10 - July 19 July 22 - July 31 August 5 - August 14  Tuition: $4,199  Service Hours: 20

Program Highlights • • • • •

Explore picturesque Utah, spending half your time rafting and camping Support service and restoration efforts along the Colorado River Work on the famous 'Whole Enchilada' bike trail, a one-of-a-kind mountain biking route with international recognition Hike through Arches National Park, famed for its more than 2,000 stunning natural stone/rock formations Go on a multi-night river rafting expedition


U.S.A. On this program you will... experience the myths and modern day realities of the American West. During your time in Utah, you'll discover not only what a unique state this is, but how immensely its ecosystems have shaped its world-famous landscape. From an excursion to Arches National Park to days on end spent alongside the Colorado River, you will be outdoors for a good portion of this program, and be exploring every nook and cranny of the Utah wilderness. Support environmental stewardship projects, assist with ADA-compliant access to trails and facilities, and begin to develop your own personal leadership style by facing challenges in the great outdoors.

Community Service

Immersive Learning


Protect land and water for the wellbeing of the

Learn first-hand how to be a true outdoor leader.

This is a high-adventure program, perfect for

people and wildlife that depend on them. When

Discover more about your personal leadership

thrill-seeking students who not only want to make

it comes to the land, you will participate in trail

style as you learn from local leaders and NGOs

a meaningful difference, but who can't wait to get

building on the Whole Enchilada bike trail. Improve

about their own efforts tackling the most pervasive

outside and discover all the American West has to

access to facilities for people with disabilities by sup-

environmental and land management crises they

offer. The big highlight is a trip to Arches National

porting ADA-compliant ramp building, and contrib-

face each year. Explore the local culture, experience

Park, famous for its stunning landscapes and rock

ute to wildlife management through native species

food the southwestern United States is famous for,

formations. You'll also visit La Sal Mountains and

propagation or invasive species removal. When it

and learn all about the native flora and fauna of this

enjoy an immersive hiking expeirence. Your river

comes to the water, complete a river clean-up on the

immense and diverse region.

expedition will also be a cornerstone of your time

Colorado River corridor close to Moab. Additionally,

here in Utah. Spend five days rafting and floating in

remove tamarisk that poses a risk to native plant

the famed Colorado River.

species, and help with habitat restoration.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


WASHINGTON, D.C.: Diplomacy & International Development™ Located on the campus of American University


book-open Global Seminar Delve into global challenges, priorities and solutions through this survey experience in the capital city of the United States.


AGES 14 -19 July 11 - July 17 July 18 - July 24  Tuition: $2,999  Service Hours: 10

Program Highlights • • • • •

Spend a week living on the campus of American University Meet leaders of globally recognized organizations and NGOs Deliberate and discuss major global issues of the day with your peers Visit the Smithsonian, the National Mall and other iconic DC landmarks Go kayaking on the Potomac and cool off from the summer heat


U.S.A. On this program you will... be an ambassador for a week in one of the world's most important centers of global diplomancy and international relief efforts. You will represent your home community as well as convey your own ideas for meaningful change alongside your peers, while learning from mentors, guest speakers and leaders from major organizations. Surrounded by the historic landmarks of the city, you'll connect the dots between major American events, dynamic global relationships, and how leaders of every shape, size and background can make a difference when we come together.

Community Service

Immersive Learning


While the primary focus of this program is learning

In the nation's capital, diplomacy is the name of

Visit the United Nations building in downtown DC

and immersion, community service and learning

the game. You will be representing GLA as one

and meet with UN representatives. Explore all that

service is key to every GLA program. While you're in

of our student ambassadors, meeting with local

Washington has to offer, from a visit to the Smith-

the Washington, D.C. area you will support projects

leaders and global organizations to learn, share and

sonian and a trip to the National Mall to see all the

that serve the local community. Plan to be nimble

collaborate. Organizations you may hear from or

big landmarks. You'll get a chance to pass by the

and jump on the fly to whatever service project

interact with include the Peace Corps, the American

Washington Monument, the White House and the

needs your support while you're in town. You might

Red Cross, Human Rights Watch, the World Bank

Capitol Building on a city tour, and even get to walk

work at a soup kitchen for local residents hit by

and Doctors Beyond Borders, among others. During

up the steps to the Lincoln Memorial to witness first-

hard times, support a nearby pantry, help with park

your time in D.C. you will meet with experts and

hand the monument to the nation's 16th President.

clean-ups or local environmental initiatives, or even

guest speakers, and learn how leaders from various

And we'll throw in some high adventure too as you

support children or animals in some way.

organizations and nonprofits navigate unexpected

kayak down the world-famous Potomac on a river

obstacles to meet their long-term objectives.


+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


WYOMING: Grand Teton & Yellowstone Excursion™ UNITED STATES

book-open Environmental Stewardship Learn about ecology, wildlife and public lands against the backdrop of two of the nation's most famous national parks.


AGES 14 -19 June 26 - July 5 July 8- July 17 July 20 - July 29  Tuition: $4,999  Service Hours: 20

Program Highlights • • • • •

Spend time in spectacular National Parks: Grand Teton and Yellowstone Work with land management, park service or forest service agencies Explore the rich history of Native Americans and nearby public lands Camp overnight in Yellowstone National Park while seeking out wildlife in the park Learn about ecology, geology, cultural history and water protection in a stunning landscape


U.S.A. On this program you will... experience two of the most famous American National Parks: Grand Teton National Park and Yellowstone National Park. These two cornerstones form the foundation of your expedition here in Wyoming, and are two major bucket list items to check off! You will be based in Grand Teton to learn about public lands, conservation and wildlife, and you'll take an overnight excursion to Yellowstone as well. Make a meaningful difference tackling local community challenges by supporting nature services nearby. Finally, learn about ecological and water protection challenges as you discover the cultural and geological history of this frontier state.

Community Service

Immersive Learning


Connection to place is the starting point for service

Learn about the differing missions among various

Spend time in two world-famous National Parks:

on this program. Service projects in remote areas

federal agencies, such as the National Park Ser-

Yellowstone and Grand Teton. Each comes with a

are situational in the context of community, so

vice, U.S. Forest Service and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife

diverse set of landscapes, scenery, wild animals and

you'll learn about not only the ecological needs in

Service. Hear from experts and guest speakers who

plant life that you will encounter during your time

this area, but also cultural and economic factors.

specialize in outdoor adventure activities, managing

in the parks. These parks aren't the only treasures

Students will have ample opportunities to work with

the local wildlife, preserving the natural habitats of

you'll dig up while here. Hike, raft, climb and swim

land management agencies, the park service or the

the region, and empowering local communities to

to your heart's content. Finally, see which rare and

forest service. Combine your efforts with those of

protect the lands found here. You will encounter

native animals you can spot along the way, and take

your peers who share your passion for environmen-

flora and fauna of all colors and stripes, and discov-

part in a stargazing experience led by astronomy

tal stewardship. Together, you may take part in trail

er how conservation and wild animal management

experts, utilizing telescopes in this low-light-polluted

maintenance, the mitigation of invasive species or

works at National Parks throughout the United


sustainable infrastructure support efforts.


+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


WYOMING: Wilderness Backpacking Expedition™ UNITED STATES

book-open Environmental Stewardship Join us for a rugged two-week backpacking experience in Wyoming - a state renowned for its vast wilderness - and support efforts to build and maintain nature trails.


AGES 16 -19 August 2 - August 15  Tuition: $5,499  Service Hours: 40

Program Highlights • • • • •

Backpack along ridges and trails as you climb mountain peaks Camp out under the stars and the canopy of towering conifers each night Learn the basics of wilderness hiking, including how to read a map, use a compass and Leave No Trace principles Build and maintain trails and support stewardship projects alongside a forest ranger Spot wild plants and animals in their natural habitats


U.S.A. On this program you will... get ready to work hard and play hard in the Rockies! Travel to Wyoming and have a once-in-a-lifetime experience backpacking through the great outdoors in one of America's last great wildernesses. During your two-week backpacking expedition, you'll be challenged to navigate high mountain passes, find your way forward alongside your peers through map reading and compass navigation, and spend each night in tents camping under the stars. You'll also participate in service projects such as trail building, trail maintenance, and environmental stewardship supporting a forest ranger. The goal will be to build your leadership skills during exposure to the elements in the great outdoors.

Community Service

Immersive Learning


One of the most essential components of keeping

Whether you're an experienced backpacker or a

This program is an outdoor adventurer's play-

trails free and open for solo travelers and families

novice hiker, this program will teach you a lot about

ground. As you will be backpacking for most of your

alike is upkeep. On this program, you will be out in

hitting trails in the great open wilderness. You'll

two weeks on this program, you'll find new things to

the wilderness, building and maintaining trails to

learn how to problem solve and plan a hiking route

explore with every step. You will have a chance to

help keep wild areas clean, safe and accessible for

with your peers, overcoming obstacles to reach

do some rock climbing out among the open skies.

nature hikers. As you hike, you'll begin to get a good

your destination. Practice the ins and outs of using a

Camp each night under starry skies, sharing stories

idea about the differences between well-maintained

compass, reading a map and how to properly cross

and good food with your new friends. And discover

trails and those requiring maintenance. You will also

a river. In addition, you'll learn how to cook with a

the natural world in a way only backpacking allows

support stewardship projects alongside a forest

campstove (cinnamon rolls, anyone?) and, with a

for - true and challenging adventure made real with

ranger, helping to keep the native environment as

little luck, you'll spot some incredible wildlife along

every mile that you earn in those hiking boots.

pristine as possible for future generations to enjoy.

the way.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


GLA VIRTUAL PROGRAMS ____________________

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Internship Focus Areas:


Community Development

Animal & Wildlife Conservation

 6-WEEK PROGRAM AGES 14-19, 18-24

- Online, part-time hours - Winter Session: Jan 19 - Feb 26 - Spring Session: Mar 22 - Apr 30 - Summer Session: Jul 6 - Aug 13  Tuition: $1,999


Environmental Protection

Public Health

Social Justice

Children & Education

- 30 hours self-guided study & project work - 24 hours of skill development - 10 hours with host organization - 2 hours final project presentation

pen REGISTRATION -Register online: experienceGLA.com/register

ONLINE During this online internship program you will... dive into a specific focus area, and gain experience as well as critical professional skills while working remotely with an international host organization from the non-profit sector. During the course of your experiential leadership and career development internship, the Global Leadership Adventures team will facilitate your learning and hands-on engagement. Communicate with GLA, fellow student interns and your host organizations via various digital platforms including Zoom and our own exclusive social platform. GLA will serve as the management, support and resource provider of the internship. Local Organizations across several countries will serve as the ‘host sites’ (virtually) for the thematic content of the internships. The virtual internship itself will exist as a combination of a Core Curriculum (leadership and career development-focused classes) + a Focus Area curriculum (professional learning classes).

Core Curriculum (leadership and career development-focused classes): The Core Curriculum is delivered through a series of leadership and career development workshops, with the goal of ensuring that all students come away with hard skills and verifiable technical competencies in a variety of areas. In addition, the Core Curriculum strives to help students hone and develop essential soft skills that can be applied in their future endeavors, whether academic or professional.

Focus Area (professional learning classes): Students will choose from one of several available focus areas, which may change depending on the session dates you select for the Virtual Internship, as well as which host organizations we are working with during your session. These focus areas will guide the specific content of your internship as it relates to each theme, and may include: - Animal & Wildlife Conservation (Ages 14-18) - Children & Education (Ages 14-18) - Community Development (Ages 14-18) - Public Health & Medicine (Ages 14-18) - Social Justice (Ages 14-18) - Environmental Stewardship (Ages 14-18, Ages 18-24)


SKILLS ACQUIRED: HARD SKILLS - Brand Identity - Project Management - Investigation & Research - Technology & Design - Content Creation & Production - Virtual Presentation Skills

SOFT SKILLS - Adaptability & Flexibility - Communication - Growth Mindset - Initiative & Self Drive

TUESDAY: Core Curriculum Session (2 hours)

- Teamwork & Conflict Resolution

THURSDAY: Core Curriculum Session (2 hours)

- Decision Making

SATURDAY: Focus Area Session (2 hours)

- Innovation

WEEKLY: Optional Office Hours

- Cross-Cultural Competence

WEEKLY: Self-Guided Study and Project Work

- Critical Thinking

(≈ 5 hours)

- Reliability & Accountability

*Monday/Wednesday core curriculum sessions are also available

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


Global Summer Symposium

Virtual Programs

Dive deep into a critical issue and learn more about what can be done about it. Each two-week Global Summer Symposium program will allow students to travel virtually to two countries while participating from home via online interactions and seminars. You will explore two relevant United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) during the course of your two weeks, and meet GLA nonprofit and social enterprise partner organizations as well as leaders from these regions throughout the Symposium. Meet 15 hours a week to engage in staff-supported course work and online lectures from local changemakers in the countries you’ll be visiting virtually as well as your thematic focus area of choice. Guided by a professional Mentor, students will be challenged to deeply analyze the information provided while working in teams to develop a project aimed to offer a solution to the issues being presented. Present your solutions to our local experts and join forces to work towards actionable change both in these communities and our world at-large.

Choose from one of the

following themes: Animal Conservation (pg 140) Children & Education (pg 141) Community Development (pg 142) Environmental Stewardship (pg 143) Language Immersion (pg 144) Medicine (pg 145) Public Health (pg 146) Social Justice (pg 147)

Introduction to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) The 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals, as crafted by the United Nations, present a detailed framework that calls for “peace and prosperity for people and the planet.� Global Leadership Adventures is adopting these SDGs as cornerstones for our Global Summer Symposium, in that each Symposium program will dive into two of the seventeen goals and use them as a lens through which to provide students with actionable, tangible benchmarks for meaningful change. Below are some of the Sustainable Development Goals we'll be featuring on our Global Summer Symposium programs, as outlined by the United Nations. Goal #1 - No Poverty End poverty in all its forms everywhere. The pandemic is pushing tens of millions of persons back into extreme poverty, undoing years of progress.

Virtual Programs

Goal #2 - Zero Hunger End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. Goal #3 - Good Health and Well-being Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. Goal #4 - Quality Education Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Goal #5 - Gender Equality Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Goal #6 - Clean Water and Sanitation Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

Goal #10 - Reduced Inequalities Reduce inequality within and among countries. Goal #11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Goal #13 - Climate Action Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Goal #14 - Life Below Water Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. Goal #15 - Life on Land Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss. Goal #16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. https://sdgs.un.org/goals

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


Virtual Programs

Global Summer Symposium: Animal Conservation Join us for a two-week online program where you will explore the connection between conservation of the natural world and our own. Travel virtually to Thailand and South Africa to see how wildlife conservation is being used to work toward a more sustainable future for life above land and below water. Challenge conventional thinking as you embrace new systems and approaches to support sustainable wildlife conservation.

Program Highlights • • • • • •

Travel virtually to Thailand and South Africa to collaborate with leaders from the region Learn how two organizations on the front line of animal conservation are confronting critical issues Meet like-minded peers with a shared interest in wildlife conservation Explore UN Sustainable Development Goal #14 – Life Below Water Dive into UN Sustainable Development Goal #15 — Life On Land Earn a certificate of achievement at the end of your two-week experience


- Online - Part-time hours - July 19-30  Tuition: $1,499

pen REGISTRATION -Register online: experienceGLA.com/register

Global Summer Symposium: Children & Education Join us for a two-week online program where you will explore the unique issues that youth face in regards to their rights, educational access and well-being. Travel virtually to Ghana and South Africa to learn how initiatives are being put in place to improve the lives of its youth through supportive solutions. Confront challenging topics such as child slavery, and uncover how education is instrumental to solving the immense challenges children face around the world.

Program Highlights • • • • • •


- Online - Part-time hours - July 5 - 16  Tuition: $1,499

pen REGISTRATION -Register online: experienceGLA.com/register

Travel virtually to Ghana and South Africa to collaborate with African leaders Learn how two communities are confronting critical issues around children’s rights on a local scale Meet like-minded peers with a shared interest in children and education Explore UN Sustainable Development Goal #1 — No Poverty Dive into UN Sustainable Development Goal #4 — Quality Education Earn a certificate of achievement at the end of your two-week experience +1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


Virtual Programs

Global Summer Symposium: Community Development Join us for a two-week online program where you will explore the health and well-being of youth and how it is inherently connected to the communities in which they live. Travel virtually to South Africa and India to learn how community development initiatives are being put in place to to work toward supportive solutions that improve the lives of youth. Embrace new systems and societal structures that support the well being of youth in two of the most populous regions of the world.

Program Highlights • • • • • •

Travel virtually to South Africa and India where you will collaborate with community leaders Learn how two communities are confronting critical issues around children’s rights on a local scale Meet like-minded peers with a shared interest in supporting children and community development Explore UN Sustainable Development Goal #1 — No Poverty Dive into UN Sustainable Development Goal #2 — Zero Hunger Earn a certificate of achievement at the end of your two-week experience


- Online - Part-time hours - July 19-30  Tuition: $1,499

pen REGISTRATION -Register online: experienceGLA.com/register

Global Summer Symposium: The Environment Join us for a two-week online program where you will explore the greatest environmental challenges facing the planet in Asia and the Caribbean. Travel virtually to Thailand and the Dominican Republic to see how climate action is essential to mitigate the most harmful effects of global warming. Challenge conventional thinking and embrace the concept of sustainable cities and communities as solutions to this century's environmental crises.

Program Highlights • • • • • •


- Online - Part-time hours - July 5 - 16  Tuition: $1,499

pen REGISTRATION -Register online: experienceGLA.com/register

Travel virtually to Asia and the Caribbean to collaborate with leaders in Thailand and the Dominican Republic Confront climate change head-on and uncover what sustainable solutions may exist Meet like-minded peers with a shared interest in environmental stewardship Dive into UN Sustainable Development Goal #11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities Explore UN Sustainable Development Goal #13 – Climate Action Earn a certificate of achievement at the end of your two-week experience +1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


Virtual Programs

Global Summer Symposium: Language Immersion Join us for a two-week online program where you will primarily speak and learn in Spanish to boost your language skills. Travel virtually to Spain and Peru to explore how language is instrumental to culture and society in ways that go beyond learning vocabulary. Student projects will be to create curriculum and resource aids to support local schools and health institutions that support these communities.

Program Highlights • • • • • •

Travel virtually to Peru and Spain – and see how the Spanish language shapes both countries Learn about the distinct variations of Spanish, and how dialect, accent and vocabulary varies Meet like-minded peers with a shared interest in Spanish language immersion Explore UN Sustainable Development Goal #10 – Reduced Inequalities Dive into UN Sustainable Development Goal #16 – Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions Earn a certificate of achievement at the end of your two-week experience


- Online - Part-time hours - July 19-30  Tuition: $1,499

pen REGISTRATION -Register online: experienceGLA.com/register

comment Please note: Students who register for the Global Summer Symposium on Language Immersion need to have an intermediate level of Spanish speaking skills to participate.

Global Summer Symposium: Medicine Join us for a two-week online program where you will explore the intersection of traditional and western medicine. Travel virtually to Nigeria and Thailand to compare and contrast their public health systems -- how do countries on opposite ends of the globe approach healthcare? Learn about criticial issues facing these healthcare systems, from addressing the lack of healthcare leadership in West Africa to navigating the complexities of utilizing both traditional and western medicine in Southeast Asia.

Program Highlights • • • • • •

Travel virtually to Africa and Asia where you will collaborate with health professionals from Nigeria and Thailand Learn how two organizations on the front lines are confronting critical health issues in their communities Meet like-minded peers with a shared interest in public health and medicine Explore UN Sustainable Development Goal #3 – Good Health & Well-Being Dive into UN Sustainable Development Goal #10 – Reduced Inequalities Earn a certificate of achievement at the end of your two-week experience


- Online - Part-time hours - July 5 - 16  Tuition: $1,499

pen REGISTRATION -Register online: experienceGLA.com/register

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


Virtual Programs

Global Summer Symposium: Public Health Join us for a two-week online program where you will tackle the most pressing public health issues of the day. Travel virtually to Ghana and Peru to explore how sanitation initiatives and clean water programs are being used to effectively improve public health. While diving into the culture and atmosphere of each region, compare and contrast public health and medicine and uncover how each is needed to prevent and treat illness.

Program Highlights • • • • • •

Travel virtually to two continents – South America and Africa – and meet leaders from Peru and Ghana Uncover the latest public health initiatives being put into place in these communities Meet like-minded peers with a shared interest in public health and medicine Explore UN Sustainable Development Goal #3 – Good Health and Well-Being Dive into UN Sustainable Development Goal #6 – Clean Water and Sanitation Earn a certificate of achievement at the end of your two-week experience


- Online - Part-time hours - July 19-30  Tuition: $1,499

pen REGISTRATION -Register online: experienceGLA.com/register

Global Summer Symposium: Social Justice Join us for a two-week online program where you will analyze various social justice issues facing the African continent. Travel virtually to Morocco and South Africa to consider what social justice issues face these countries today and what is being done to address them. Explore the concept of social justice and make the case for equality that confronts racial and gender divides.

Program Highlights • • • • • •

Travel virtually to Morocco and South Africa to collaborate with organizations in the field Witness how these organizations are actively working toward equality in their communities Meet like-minded peers who share your passion for achieving social justice Explore UN Sustainable Development Goal #5 — Gender Equality Dive into UN Sustainable Development Goal #10 — Reduced Inequalities Earn a certificate of achievement at the end of your two-week experience


- Online - Part-time hours - July 5 - 16  Tuition: $1,499

pen REGISTRATION -Register online: experienceGLA.com/register

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com





Featuring global NGO, non-profit and B-Corp partners -- as well as alumni students and staff -- to showcase some of Global Leadership Adventures' most popular curriculum and themes, this week-long virtual program is a best-of GLA offering. Using GLA's exclusive Five Leadership Pillars as a framework, the Online Leadership Academy is designed to support student leadership development and thematic exploration. Our team has partnered with some of the most incredible global leaders and organizations to allow students to engage with critical issues and challenges around the world while honing their leadership skills. There is also an add-on option for earning community service hours as well as an official GLA Service Certificate. This option is included free with your course and is available upon request for those seeking to complete up to 20 formal service hours.

ď ł 1-WEEK PROGRAM AGES 14 -19

- Online - Part-time hours - June 14 - 18 - August 2 - 6 ďƒ– Tuition: $799

clock DAILY STRUCTURE - Group workshop or activity - Keynote speakers - Question & Answer session - Guided Mentor group discussion

pen REGISTRATION -Register online: experienceGLA.com/register

ONLINE During this online program you will... join your peers from around the world to engage with critical issues and challenges facing the world as you develop your aptitude for leadership. Each day of the series is focused on one Leadership Pillar that will promote ongoing leadership development throughout the week. Your daily course begins with an activity or workshop that connects you to cultural practices around the world. Then, you'll hear from our keynote speakers, followed by an open forum Q&A session. Finally, you'll split into small Mentor groups, where students will meet to digest, reflect and collaborate with your peers in leadership workshops alongside an inspirational Mentor. Every student who registers and completes the GLA Online Leadership Academy will receive a Certificate of Completion at the conclusion of the session. So if you're looking to challenge yourself as a leader while engaging with global leaders and like-minded peers, this course is designed with you in mind.





Live Your Values

Uncover Solutions

Be Courageous


Connect & Influence

DAY #5 COURSE Take Action

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com



PRE-COLLEGE ONLINE ACADEMIES Operated by Summer Springboard


Find your major.


The Pre-College Exploration Academy is a series of 4 interactive online workshops offered throughout the year with some of our top instructors from Harvard, MIT, Facebook, McKinsey, and other institutions. This is a great option for students who want to explore different academic majors. This academy meets for 4 sessions lasting 3 hours each. Each session is limited to 35 students per track. ACADEMIC TRACKS: MEDICINE & HEALTHCARE



Day 1 - Emergency Medicine Day 2 - Genetics Day 3 - Psychology Day 4 - Neuroscience

Day 1 - Entrepreneurship Day 2 - Management & Strategy Day 3 - Innovation Day 4 - Law

Day 1 - Robotics Day 2 - Architecture Day 3 - Engineering Day 4 - Computer Science


October 17-18 & 24-25 January 23-24 & 30-31 April 10-11 & 17-18 June 12-13 & 19-20 June 14-17  Tuition: $795 clock 9:00am PT / 12:00pm ET

pen REGISTRATION -Register online: experienceGLA.com/register



Dive into your academic interest.

The Summer Immersion Academy is a two-week deep dive into one subject area. Discover your academic passions with a real-world professional, engage in interactive online learning, and learn about career paths for this major. This online option is perfect for students who want to gain deeper insight into a specific major and career advice from experts in the field. This two-week online academy meets daily for 3 hours. Each session is limited to 35 students per track.

June 27-July 9 July 11-July 23 July 25-August 6  Tuition: $1495 clock 9:00am PT / 12:00pm ET

pen REGISTRATION -Register online: experienceGLA.com/register






TRIAL LAW +1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


GLA FELLOWSHIPS What is a Fellowship? Global Leadership Adventures offers Fellowships to provide academically or creatively gifted students the opportunity to expand upon their GLA Travel Program with a curriculum that both highlights and recognizes their achievements. These self-guided and GLA-supported Fellowships invite students to step up and learn to be leaders in their field of interest. Our Fellowships are specially designed to work with any GLA program, pending approval of your application, because you are the leader in your learning as a GLA Fellow.

What Does a Fellowship Look Like?

Why Apply to Be a GLA Fellow?

Each GLA Fellowship contains three curriculum units:

Whether you're a highly motivated student who wants to earn

> Pre-Program: You will be asked to complete coursework to spur your learning on a selected topic. This may include reading, viewing documentaries and more. You will be given options to shape your experience. > On-Program: Once you begin your program, you will have an objective to complete that will further your learning and prepare you for your post-program assignment. This may include taking photos, journaling or capturing video depending on your chosen Fellowship and track. > Post-Program: After you complete your program, you will be given time to wrap up your Fellowship by completing a special project. This may include writing an essay, curating a photo collection or producing a short video. Every step of your Fellowship is outlined on the curriculum you receive, from start to finish. The Fellowship curriculum is self-guided and relies on you leading your learning, so if you follow this guiding document step-by-step, you can't go wrong!

additional merits for your college application, or you're simply passionate about broadening your horizons in a field of interest, you're an excellent candidate for a Fellowship. Upon completion of your Fellowship and successful submission of your final project, you will be honored with the following awards: > A certificate of achievement > A medal, plaque or pin honoring your achievement > A recommendation letter from our Executive Director (avail able upon request) > Ability to add 'GLA Fellow' to your university applications


Learn more about Fellowships, cost and how to apply at experiencegla.com/fellowships


HONORS FELLOWSHIP Explore and analyze the aspects of

Push yourself to develop an artistic

service-learning and cross-cultural

creation based on your experience

immersion through the lens of your specific academic passion. People change the

on a GLA program. Whether you're creating a short story, journal entry, short

world every day through many different academic pursuits, and this

documentary film or a photographic journal, this Arts & Letters

Fellowship allows you to chase your own. Whether you're shadowing

Fellowship focuses on making you grow as an artist. While creating

health workers in the field or learning about the intricacies of wildlife

art might not be easy, the experiences that come from your

conservation, the experiences that come from GLA programs can lend

GLA program lend an amazing inspiration for your work. As you

amazing inspiration to your studies. Your GLA program, from connecting

prepare to craft your final project, draw on your experiences as

with your peers to exploring a theme of interest, will give you a fresh

well as the insights of your peers, and create something incredible.

perspective on your academic passion.

PHOTOGRAPHY - Capture moments frozen in time while on PUBLIC HEALTH - Gain a deeper understanding of how public health

your GLA program as you try to improve your eye for framing

and medicine combine to make a healthy community and use this

subject and light as a photographer.

knowledge to connect to your GLA experience.

VIDEOGRAPHY - Use what you learn and what you see on your INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT - Take a closer look at

program to film, direct and edit a short film that shows what your

international aid and volunteerism as you strive to help communities on

experience was truly like.

your GLA program.

CREATIVE WRITING - Put pen to paper as you explore your ANIMALS & WILDLIFE - Learn about the struggles and obstacles that

experience through prose. Tell your story through a personal

animals and wildlife face through research and explore these issues

narrative, short fictional story or anything in-between.

first-hand on your GLA program.

FINE ART - Push the bounds of creativity with a custom fine HISTORY - Understand the history of the place you're in and how it

art project using any medium you can think of, such as paint,

connects to the current state of where you are in the world.

sketching, sculpting or even music.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


The GLA experience, customized for student groups! Make the world your classroom! Our experienced team will collaborate with you to design customized itineraries based on your program goals, budget, and student needs.

GLA Custom Group Travel programs are ideal for: • • • •

Middle and High Schools Colleges and Universities Youth Organizations Scouts...and More!

“I feel like this trip couldn't have been morseamless and perfect for our students. As a teacher, I grade students. You guys earned an A+.” Amy Elliot Wolcott School Chicago, IL

For more information, contact our Custom Group Travel team:

+1-858-771-0645 ext 5 Email: groups@experienceGLA.com Visit: groups.experienceGLA.com

GLA for Families

operated by

Life-changing journeys for families. At Global Leadership Adventures, we believe families that travel together grow closer together. Over the years, many of our teenage alumni have come back home from their experience traveling abroad with GLA and shared their one-of-a-kind travel stories with their families. This in turn inspired many families to reach out to our Enrollment Team asking if there were any opportunities for families to travel together to many of our most popular destinations, and interact with some of our favorite local leaders and partner organizations. That's why we decided to launch GLA for Families, in partnership with our sister organization, Discover Corps! Not seeing your desired destination on this page? Call us at 1-858-771-0645 to speak with an Enrollment Specialist, and we may be able to book you on a trip to another country or region of your choosing.

GLA for Families travel programs are ideal for any family unit: > Parents + Teens > Parents + Younger Children > Parents + Adult Children > Families + Grandparents > Solo Parent + Child > Solo Grandparent + Child > Siblings or Cousins > Large Family Groups

PROGRAMS: Alaska: Family Great Exploration 7 Days Available for Summer Dates Costa Rica: Family Volunteer Adventure 8 Days Available for Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer Dates Hawaii: Family Ocean and Island Adventure 7 Days Available for Fall, Spring and Summer Dates +1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


OUR LEADERSHIP PHILOSOPHY Leading the GLA Way A principal focus at GLA is personal growth and leadership - it's in our name, after all! We believe that leaders are made and not born. Leadership is embedded in all of our programs across all spectrums to inspire students to continue to “be the change." The GLA Leadership Curriculum™ is designed to engage students on all levels and is tailored to each unique group. The curriculum utilizes critically reflective journaling and intentional Mentor-facilitated discussion to digest and process daily experiences through the lens of leadership. We celebrate examples of outstanding leaders we encounter in the community; guest speakers bring concepts to life and demonstrate the full spectrum of leadership styles and approaches.

Five Branches of Leadership The GLA Leadership Curriculum™ consists of the following five branches that are brought to life on every program through engaging discussions, roleplays and interactive activities tailored to each program.

Live your values Leadership is rooted in intention: desiring to contribute, bit by bit, to making this world a better place. Leaders recognize that in the tree of life, the strength of their roots—their values—determines the strength of the trunk, branches, leaves and fruit from year to year.

Be courageous Leaders dare to go where others have fallen short. Armed with the humility to see the world as it is, and the audacity to imagine the world as it could be, leaders stand, planted firmly, against the winds and weathering of doubt.

Uncover solutions Leadership thrives on long-term vision, imagination and active problem-solving. Leaders recognize potential where others see despair, creatively extending limbs and leaves toward light, in symmetry and balance.

Take action Leadership is incomplete without action. Putting intention into practice, leaders push for their ideas to flower and bear fruit: results that defeat complacency, break through bureaucracy and challenge corruption.

Connect & influence Leaders know that complex problems are best solved collaboratively. They nurture lasting relationships and weave connections of meaning that others understand. Leaders do well by doing right by others, creating shade and refuge for all those who cross their paths.

OUR ROOTS Our journey is rooted in extraordinary impact... Our story begins in 2003, in the African country of Ghana. Founder Fred Swaniker had a dream. Fred, a Ghana native, TED fellow and entrepreneur from Stanford University, envisioned a high school designed to develop Africa's future leaders regardless of the student's income or background. Fred believed that the key to success was not leading young people along a set path, but allowing them to define their own path. He believed that leaders are made and not born. After joining forces with Chris Bradford and Peter Mombaur, Fred's former classmate and mentor, Fred's vision was brought to life with the establishment of the African Leadership Academy (ALA), a revolutionary pan-African, non-profit high school in Johannesburg. ALA's success was immediate and profound. When surrounded by a diverse group of peers and immersed in leadership development, students began to truly believe they held the power to change the world around them. As a way to expand the reach of ALA's successful curriculum, Fred, Chris and Peter created a summer program, this time welcoming students from around the world and planting the seeds for GLA. Global Leadership Adventures grew into a global team in 2006 with the expertise of Andrew Motiwalla, who joined the team with Peace Corps experience, as well as a background in operating global service-learning projects and developing experiential education programs. Values central to the Peace Corps - immersive experience, sustainability and working side-byside with local communities - were infused into GLA's program design early on and continue to be cornerstones of the dozens of programs our organization operates worldwide. Fred also continues to be a leader in his field: he was honored as a pioneer by Time in its annual list of 100 Most Influential People of 2019 for his continued work with ALA, alongside the foundation of the African Leadership University and the African Leadership Network.

Image Š PopTech 2015 Licensed under Creative Commons

Fred Swaniker

Time 100 Most Influential People of 2019 Founder of: Global Leadership Adventures African Leadership Academy African Leadership University African Leadership Network

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com



GLA is truly a global community... While our main headquarters is in San Diego, California, many of our dedicated staff work from around the United States and overseas. Our HQ staff wear many hats and work behind the scenes to make sure that our programs are safely run and intentionally designed; our experienced and travel savvy Admissions team helps families select the program that best fits their interests and guides them through the pre-departure process. Our team members have extensive experience in the field both independently and through GLA programs, either as alumni themselves or on programs as Mentors or other supporting roles. While we all come from different educational backgrounds, a prerequisite to work with GLA is to be mission driven, passionate and knowledgeable. We rely on our values to be our guiding light and ask our students to do the same. In addition to our year-round HQ team, we also welcome a huge team of staff from around the world to lead and facilitate our programs during the various times of year our programs are in operation. Our program staff trains extensively to deliver safe, life-changing journeys for teens and young adults no matter their destination.

For complete bios on our HQ staff, check out our website at experienceGLA.com/team


Our values are what make GLA different. THIS ISN’T JUST ANOTHER LEADERSHIP PROGRAM — IT’S A LIFE-CHANGING EXPERIENCE. Our values set the standard for GLA policies, priorities, and company culture as we work toward our mission. These ideals guide our interactions with our employees, our local partners, our students and the world around us.


“When I look back on my GLA experience, I consider it to have been life-changing.” -Based on a survey of alumni 3 years post program


Personal Growth

Our Integrity is unspoken. It is the unfailing framework from which we build every program, human relationship and bridge into a community.

We are invested in the Personal Growth and development of all our students and staff. We foster an environment for students to safely explore, experience and self-discover.

Respect Respect is inherent in all of our interactions among students, staff, and all of the members whose communities we serve. Respect means accepting and celebrating differences. Respect means considering all points of view, always.

Cooperation Cooperation is key to our accomplishments. We are a traveling community, helping to serve other communities. We work together, learn from one another and build valuable friendships in the process.

Optimism Optimism is at our core. We believe that anything is possible and that every person is capable of driving and adopting positive change in the world.

Innovation Innovation is what makes us stand out in international education. Open to new ideas and always striving to work better and smarter to serve our communities, students and parents.

Compassion Compassion is what drives our service, and that compassion extends to students, parents, and host communities. Our care for people extends to everything we do.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


GLA INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION Global Leadership Adventures created the GLA International Foundation to be a year-round channel for direct action to support the community-led initiatives our students become passionately involved in each year. Because GLA covers all overhead costs, 100% of every donation to our Foundation goes directly to important development work happening around the world. GLAIF, a non profit 501c3 organization, is a platform which allows these young leaders the opportunity to stay actively involved in the causes they became passionate about during their GLA experience. You can make a difference. Fund work that is action-oriented, community-led and focuses on root causes by donating at GLAIF.org The Foundation has launched a Community Partner Emergency Relief Fund to support our global partners who have been deeply impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. You can make a difference. Fund work that is action oriented and community focused. Go to GLAIF.org/relief-fund to donate.

Our Expectations BE PRESENT

Expect the Unexpected

Our mission at GLA is “to inspire the next generation to realize their potential to transform the world and their role in it.” To that end, we expect GLA students to maintain high standards of personal behavior and to be open-minded. When traveling, the cultures you encounter may be different, sometimes shockingly so. GLA will challenge students as they are expected to work hard and be present physically and mentally for all activities. We also ask students to take a step back from regular use of technology on our travel programs - particularly their smartphones - so as to maximize their engagement with the program and their fellow participants. Students may get hot, dirty and bug-bitten along the way, but their contribution will transform the community. The goal is for each student to complete their program having had a life-changing experience.

“Boarding the plane, I had no idea what to expect. I never knew that the three weeks I would spend on my GLA program would be the most rewarding, memorable and happy days of my life. I created lifelong friendships and was able to utilize the time I had to challenge myself to grow in every sense. The trip completely inspired me in the best way possible, and I took everything I gained from it back home with me.”


hour-by-hour schedule. Activities change. Weather surprises. New community

-CLARA | GLA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC STUDENT The best way to approach a GLA travel program, or any experiential travel opportunity, is to expect the unexpected. Unlike a day at a theme park or on a cruise ship, your GLA experience may not match a lovingly crafted itinerary or

Our Travel Programs for ages 13-19 have a no tolerance policy towards drugs, alcohol, tobacco and disruptive behavior. Those who violate or are suspected of violating this policy will be immediately dismissed from the program at the sole discretion of GLA staff.

needs and availability arise and projects are adapted to reflect them. Don’t let


Why? Because no two sessions of your chosen program, even those happening

GLA makes every effort to offer well-thought-out programs crafted for teens and young adults. Detailed planning and exhaustive communications with partners are indispensable parts of our program development process. Occasionally, however, service and activities are adjusted from session to session, due to weather, changing needs of our local community partners and various cultural celebrations and customs. We expect participants to be open-minded and flexible, willing to embrace the experience when plans change. GLA makes every effort to communicate adjustments to students and families with advance notice. We expect you to be open-minded and flexible.


GLA is not a therapy program. Our staff are highly skilled, professional, caring and fun, but they are not licensed therapists. GLA programs can be physically and emotionally demanding - applicants should be in good physical and mental health, as well as meet our Essential Eligibility Criteria, or EEC.

that make you anxious! In fact, at GLA we believe an unexpected change in plans makes our programs abroad among the most rewarding travel experiences you’ll ever have.

during the same season or year, are exactly alike. One student group might get lucky and spot sharks while snorkeling in the Galapagos, while another group in the USA may meet an influential local leader if her schedule suddenly clears up out of the blue. Meanwhile, sometimes a flight is delayed or rescheduled, weather patterns change and a thunderstorm moves in during the planned time for an outdoor activity, or an unexpected traffic jam causes a visiting speaker to miss their planned arrival window. In fact, any number of unexpected changes may happen. While we do our best to reschedule missed plans, in some cases we are not able to do so. Not to worry! GLA’s model means we have experts on the ground and at headquarters working hard year-round to make sure any change in plans is transformed from a missed activity into a wonderful opportunity to experience something new, different or eye-opening for all of our students.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


laptop How to Register for Virtual Programs

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Visit our online registration portal.

experienceGLA.com/register Select the virtual program of your choice. On the registration page, select the link for the virtual program offering you wish to register for: > the Global Impact Virtual Internship > the Online Leadership Academy > the Global Summer Symposium GLA's virtual programs have registration windows that open and close prior to the session start date. If your desired offering isn't available on the registration portal, please return at a later time or call us for more information.

Complete the online registration form and submit your payment. Simply complete the form, including essay prompts and you will be registered for the session of your choice, pending availability and review. In order to submit payment, you will need to have a credit card available (Visa or MasterCard) to pay the registration fee and complete your enrollment. You may call us to submit payment over the phone at 1-858-771-0645 during office hours.

Be sure you meet our virtual program eligibility requirements > Access to a desktop computer or laptop with reliable internet > Working web camera and microphone for virtual course participation > Active email address to communicate with the GLA team > Ability to commit to the full course schedule > English language proficiency

Refund Policy

Global Leadership Adventures has a detailed refund policy available at: www.experiencegla.com/faq-tuition/ *GLA Virtual Programs do not require an application fee or deposit at this time. Please review the Refund Policy webpage listed above for full details as well as Terms & Conditions.

plane How to Apply for Travel Programs

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Here are several ways for you to learn more about our programs.

Visit our online application portal.

Hold your space in the program of your choice. Make your program selection and complete the Contact Information section. Submitting the deposit and application fee using our secure online system (Visa or MasterCard) holds your spot on the program as you complete the remaining steps of the application. You may also mail a check to Global Leadership Adventures or call +1 858-771-0645 during office hours to pay by phone.

Part of the application process is for you to reflect on yourself as an applicant. Complete a brief series of short answer essay questions and a self-evaluation, which help us get to know your motivation for going on a GLA program. This also ensures that your interests are aligned with what the program offers. Finally, complete a medical questionnaire, which helps us prepare to accommodate for pre-existing conditions, food allergies and other safety- and health-related considerations.

Refund Policy


Complete the online application.

Need more information to enroll?

A completed application includes:







We review completed applications in 3-5 business days, and notify students of final decisions by email. If you do not have access to a computer, please contact us for alternative application options.

Global Leadership Adventures has a detailed refund policy available at: experiencegla.com/faq-tuition/ *All refunds exclude the application fee and deposit for your travel program. Please review the Refund Policy webpage listed above for full details as well as Terms & Conditions.

CALL OR TEXT US: +1 858-771-0645

Our Admissions Team is here to help! We have staffed and visited GLA programs, and are available during office hours to answer your questions or find the perfect program.


REQUEST A SAMPLE ITINERARY Request an infosheet with a sample day-byday itinerary by visiting the webpage for your desired program at experienceGLA.com and selecting the Request a Sample Itinerary option.

We get it. Sometimes you don't want to speak with someone to have a question answered or to communicate with one of our Enrollment Specialists. Feel free to email us anytime.

 instagram

Once in-person events resume, you can meet with a GLA rep at a fair, open house or meet & greet. Can't meet in person? Join us on a webinar or Q&A session: experienceGLA. com/events



Join one of our student or parent Facebook groups to interact with GLA participants and alumni. And follow us on Instagram @GLAteens to view photos and videos of our programs in-action.


Call or email us to request a contact list of parents and families who have sent their teens on a Global Leadership Adventures program before to get the inside scoop on their experience.

+1 858 771 0645 experiencegla.com


CATALOG DESIGN AND GRAPHICS: Sarah Davidson, Carol de la Croce

10509 San Diego Mission Road, Suite S San Diego, CA 92108 USA

Apply Online www.experienceGLA.com/apply

CATALOG PRODUCTION TEAM: Brett Scuiletti, Ashley Welter, Jessica Miller CATALOG PHOTOGRAPHY: Photo Credits at experienceGLA.com/credits

Questions? Call or e-mail us. +1 858 771 0645 | info@experienceGLA.com

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