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Easy Hikes off the Highwood Trail

Highwood Trail is one of the best kept secrets in Kananaskis for local hikers, fishermen, and camping enthusiasts. While tourists flock to more popular parks in the valley, the scenery in the Highwood is some of the best in southern Alberta.

Located an hour south of Calgary off the scenic Cowboy Trail (Hwy 22), Longview is a gateway to the Highwood Trail. Head southwest from the town Longview on Hwy 541 to Highwood Junction. Make your way northwest along Hwy 40, or travel south on Hwy 940 towards the town of Coleman. Both of these directions offer scenic driving loops and some of the prettiest hiking trails to be found in Kananaskis.


Cat Creek

Cat Creek

Courtesy of Jeremy Klager

The day use area is located approximately 3 km north of the Highwood Junction on Hwy 40. A short 4 km return hike takes you to a lovely set of waterfalls along Cat Creek. The trail is relatively easy. It’s a hike the whole family can enjoy. When you’re finished playing at the waterfall, return to the day use area for a wiener roast at the fire pits provided. The picnic area is beside the Highwood River, providing entertainment for any children who’d enjoy throwing rocks in the river.

Lower Cataract Creek

This is another gem of a hike. You won’t find many others on this trail. It is perfect when you want to enjoy a quiet day in the mountains. To reach the trailhead, take Hwy 940 south from the Highwood Junction for 13 km until you reach the Cataract Creek Campground and day use area. It is a good spot to stage an adventure but arrive early to secure a weekend campsite.

Lower Cataract Creek offers a mixture of waterfalls, quiet pools, and pebble beds for children to play in. For a day hike, on unofficial trails take the 7 km trip to the upper falls. This easy trail follows the creek downstream from the campground through an open meadow and a forest on the east side of the creek. Take caution at the falls and stay back from the edge.

For a shorter hike, go as far as time allows and double back. However long you decide to hike, route finding skills may be required as this hike is not as straight forward as Cat Creek.

Picklejar Lakes

PickleJar Lakes

Courtesy of Tanya Koob

This is another beautiful hike accessed off Hwy 40 from the Highwood Junction. The hike starts from the Lantern Creek day use area as you travel west towards Highwood Pass. Parking is on the left side of the highway. Cross the road to start the 4.2 km hike up towards the first lake. From here it’s a short distance to the second and third lakes. With a height gain of 450 metres, this hike is more challenging than Cat Creek and Lower Cataract Creek but makes a great outing for families.

Bring your fishing rod if you plan to have a picnic at the first lake. Boulders and rocks provide entertainment for children who want to scramble and play near the lakes as well. In July you’ll be hiking through a colourful display of wildflowers.

While the trail to Picklejar Lakes is not considered an official trail, it is easy to follow. Previous hiking experience is highly recommended when hiking on unofficial trails.

By Tanya Koob

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