1 minute read
How to define the Speed of a trend
by expertmagic
Buy sub-optimal zones are close to a macro sell zone In other words price is expensive = bad deal to buy. Sell sub-optimal zones are close to a macro buy zone. In other words price is cheap= bad deal to sell.
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Our work to achieve our goal to be profitable is to capture the major trends, therefore, one of our obligations as a trader is to recognize the speed of a trend to learn to position ourselves correctly. This with Fibonacci retracements will be of great help, we explain in the next chapter.
What distinguishes a trend in the other is its speed. And as always, study the Price Action is able to show us the speed of each. Let’s see how
Strong Trends:
These are the ones where the retracements do not reach the previous peak. In other words, the new low does not even touch the head of previous higher. This trend is most sought after by traders because the benefits cans arrive very quickly and there is no stress of nervous when we see the price turning against us.

Medium trends:
These trends are identified whenever new higher peaks touch the head of the previous high in a retracement and then continue their trajectory.
Weak Trends:

In this case, the dips touch and exceed the previous higher levels.