4 minute read
trading style
by expertmagic
To summarize what we have seen on chart types, the next picture we made a simple comparison of our 3 different types of graphs.
Choosing a trading style based on our lives is very important. Everyone does not work the same way. Our lifestyle and our daily obligations should dictate the style we adopt and never the reverse.
Swing trading is a trading style based on a execution-oriented by medium-term time frames. The swing trades are the ones that can be held for days, weeks or even months. They generally work on charts of 1h to 4 and daily and aim to capture a swing or a large market movement. This style of trading is ideal for people who have many responsibilities and limited time.
Usually swing traders are on the lookout for big profits.

Day-traders open and close their positions all in one day. They trade on time frames from a minute to an hour and are designed to capture market volatility. This makes them very busy in front of a computer, about 8-10 hours a day. They trade entire sessions, they are people that formed the mindset to work quickly.
This is the style of choice recommended for someone who wants to make money in a day, usually carrying even more than 3 trades per day.
However, this style of trading tends to create very bad habits among new traders. It usually generates impatience that tends to motivate you to increase the leverage making it very dangerous trading.
Usually scalpers hunt small profits: between 10 and 30 pips per trade.
Scalping is fast, if you like action and you like to focus on small time frames between 1 to 1 hours this style will suit you. However if you like control your thoughts and think with a cool head, it is best to stay away from that style.
Usually, when starting in trading, it’s suitable to start with swing trading.
Scalping is for very advanced traders with advanced mentalities.
We advise you to start trading in big time frames : h4-h1 DAILY
The position traders make trades from weeks to months. They work on graphics for a day and aim to capture the key trends that usually occur in the long term. This means that traders position must be in front of a screen for a few minutes a day, and operate a number of trades in the long term.
Now that we have different styles of trading.
We must be honest with ourselves and choose a style that suits our lifestyle.
The tools we are going to show in the following chapters, will develop you a simple and effective trading system that potentially will save you money in the markets.
As mentioned in the first chapter, with this concludes the Introduction to trading. These concepts will not be enough to be able to make money in the markets. But I'm definitely say that these are necessary concepts, they must be internalized.
Once they are familiar, we can move to the next phase and start examiner principles of technical analysis.
We have presented many styles of trading.
What motivated us to write this book is the fact that you bought time to prevent you from making mistakes that we made in the beginning. From our experience of trading, we have tried everything: indicators, indicators and indicators ...
Do you want to know if it worked for us?
Absolutely not ! We took some time to realize that we had to go back to basics to eliminate all these indicators that all they did was confuse us. We must focus on the price action.
We decided to say goodbye to all this mountain of indicators that all they did was fill our screens with colors and make them look like a work of Picasso.
Today AIRFOREXONE specializes in technical analysis of price action, study and interpretation of the different currencies and analysis of fundamental news.
We specialize in swing trading
We are not interested in scalping simply because it takes a lot of time, led to the creation of bad habits and give commissions to brokers.
Our trading style can give us 3-7 trades a week with the minimum target (40 pips).
We focus on finding a style that offers freedom, and above all, which is less stressful for the balance of our lives.
AIRFOREXONE aims to deliberate experience in the most efficient manner. You will gain practical and psychological knowledge and you will avoid to experience hard times, some that times have dropped our morale multiple times, but this shared knowledge will prevent you from living the same as us.
Before continuing, we want to Welcome you to the family. You have taken the right path and decided to move away from those companies that call themselves "financial education companies". Now you are part of passionated traders, and Therefore, you are very likely to get our mentality and trade like us.