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Think like a recruiter People go on searching websites looking for tips and advices during the time of job search but today we are going to reveal something very few people have seen, even though it is the most important thing in a job hunt – “Updating your profile”. It is important to update your profile on the jobsite every few days, if you are looking for a job, based on the job requirement and description. It is very essential for your profile on the jobsite to be interesting enough so that a recruiter clicks on your profile and downloads your resume. No matter how good you, if your resume does not speak that then your years of experience and expertise may also go in drain.

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Things have become very simple these days you can find hundreds of recruiters every minute of the day looking for recruitment. Now it is your responsibility to build a fantastic resume or get it created using professional resume writing services that uses there software to build a resume specifically designed as per your requirement. There are professional CV writers that have that offer best professional CV writing services for CEO, Managerial, Executive level as well. Just imagine the lengths our fathers and grand-fathers had to go just to get a job. In fact it was so difficult in those days that the earlier generations went 20 years without a job change. Many of them would argue that it was because they loved their job so much but I still believe that before the internet revolution and the coming of jobsites, it was very difficult to land a new job. So most people chose to stick with what they got once. But things have changed for the better because of online jobsites and affordable resume writing company. We no longer need to go to recruiters; the recruiters can now reach us, while we sit in the comforts of our homes. “Remember, Your Mission, should you choose to accept it” It is not important to have a good resume but what is more important to have a good profile. Your only aim is to ensure that when a recruiter searches for suitable profiles for job vacancies in your domain then your profile should appear in the top list of profiles shortlisted. Indeed the recruiters investing their time and money going through profiles so your profiles should be interesting enough to make the recruiter believe in you. Ensure that you are better than your competitors.

If your profile gives recruiters what they want then they will literally seek you out. The clicks on your resumes will increase. Only then job offers will start flooding your mails and calls. But recruiters will only seek you out when your profile is relevant to their search and when the profile is eye-catching enough to make them click on your resume. So it is suggested you should use leading resume writing services to develop your resume profile, ensure recruiters get to it, talk to them when they call or email you, make your sales pitch to them, follow up with recruiters during the process, and do whatever you need to do get it there.

How to build a job-ready profile? It is very essential to understand the right way to build your profile. Ideally it should not take more than few minutes to improve your profile and update it on any of the jobsite. The moment you update your profile, its updated version becomes visible to recruiters on that site. You should know that any changes in your account on such jobsites are rather quick and their impact is immediate and significant. But ensure that making changes just for the sake of it can sometimes have the opposite effect. It has been seen that if you have a professionally built resume from any of the expert resume builder or professional CV writers then your profile will be on the top of the list and better than 95% of the other profiles on the site. How to create the right profile on a jobsite? The only way to understand the process of creating a right profile on the jobsite is by understanding how would a recruiter search for candidates on the jobsite that is you need to understand the recruiter panel and there requirement. In general most candidates have no idea about the recruiter panel; they have no idea about how a recruiter conducts the process at their end. That is the reason why most of the profiles fail in achieving their objective. Each job site has a slightly different recruiter panel but, broadly, the panel of all jobsites aims for similar convergence. As you may know a profile has several elements, some of the key things that you must look into while creating your profile are,       

You must have a title/headline with all relevant keywords that helps in improving your search on jobsite. You must utilize all the space and maximum number of characters allotted for any given field. Ensure that your Keywords are common words that recruiters use while searching for similar profiles related to a particular job vacancy. Highlight key skills area in your profile using all relevant keywords and job description desired by the recruiter. Use as many keywords as possible while filling the Key Skills space in your profile. Try to be as generic as possible for location section. You may use online resume builder for suggestions and upload a relevant and professional designed CV for the recruiter’s reference. Keyword Search

Manage your Keyword Search Having keywords listed multiple times in your profile will help your to come up at the top of the search results when a recruiter or hiring manager searches for someone with your skill set. Recruiters search for candidate profiles in various ways. In fact each recruiter has a somewhat unique way in which they searches and filters down the profiles. There are however some common search parameters which all recruiters use on a frequent basis. Keywords are a key route through which recruiters search. It is hence crucial that you have relevant keywords in your profile on a jobsite. There are thousands of keywords which recruiters type in to search for candidates. Depending on your experience, function and industry, these should be there in various parts of your profile.

How to use keywords in your resume? One of the most important elements of any profile is keywords. Research says that am average candidate has only 5-7 keywords in their profile. This clearly is a big error in profile creation that may cost you dearly. Whether you are a fresher or have years of experience, you have to have a lot of keywords in your profile. Ensure that the keywords should be relevant to the area or function in which you are looking for a job. The only purpose of using keywords is to differentiate you from the rest of the crowd. You should have no less than 15 keywords in your entire profile but I recommend that 25 keywords or more is ideal. Use keywords that are at the top of your mind and match your profile. What is more important is to think of a few keywords, and then type the same in your resume as well as jobsite interface. You would surely start seeing results within days Do not forget to update your keyword lists You will be required to have a great set of keywords so as to differentiate it from others. But don't forget to revisit your list from time to time. New buzzwords and niche areas will pop up from time to time, and if you never update your list, you would surely miss out on new keywords that can attract recruiters to your profile. Do not overload People tend to various errors while creating a professionally designed resume. One of the biggest and certainly the most common errors, is of dumping massive amounts of keywords in your resume. You need to strategize carefully with regard to keywords. There are primarily two factors you need to careful about while creating your resume and social profile is, 

Use of common keywords in your profile will appear in many more searches because so many recruiters search for candidates with the same keyword. In fact search results will throw up more than 30,000 candidates and the mission is to be in the top 30 list of a recruiter search.

Therefore you should use few targeted keywords that match your profile, you will receive fewer but better recruiters at your profile. These recruiters would be converted into calls at a much higher rate compared to the earlier scenario where you used the most common keywords. The solution lies somewhere in the middle, it is preferable to start with few keywords that match your profile. You can then add specialized keywords in your profile that not only suit your profile but are also frequently used by recruiters.

Also focus on targeted, yet relevant keywords, in my profile. This strategy would surely differentiate you from the rest of the crowd and make my resume stand out on job sites. It is therefore suggested to choose some affordable resume writing company and use their online resume builder or opt for any professional CV writer for availing best resume service. Expert resume builder is leading resume writing services based in UK working for better you.

What are some resume guidelines that you should follow? Candidates in India stuff their resumes with so much data that the resume length at times reaches five to seven pages. The idea of the candidate is often to talk about all skills and appeal to all kinds of readers. This approach is not useful since recruiters hardly have time to go through so much generic information. One of the most common questions while developing a resume is to decide 'How long should a resume be. But remember length should not be a question. Quality of content should determine the length of the resume. Remember your resume should not be shorter than one page, even for a fresher. Recruiters would read any length if a resume is interesting and relevant. Ideally a resume should be customized and should contain information specifically for the particular organization or hiring manager to whom it is being addressed. After all if you are interested in working for an organization, will it not be appropriate to write a few paragraphs focused on the specific requirements of the organization or the job vacancy at hand. But only a few people follow this practice. Your resume should be targeted. Most candidates make the mistake of trying to create a largescale, general impact with their resumes. The right approach is to have a resume that is as targeted and as focused as a laser guided weapon. If your resume is being emailed for it should be customized for that opening. If it is sent to a company, it should highlight how you can make or save them money. You cannot have a onesize-fits-all kind of a resume. Such a one- size-fits-all resume only goes as far as the trash pile. The only objective you should have for a resume is that it gets read. Don't assume that just because you have emailed a resume to an organization, it would be read. This is hardly true. Most resumes end up getting ignored. There are enormous job sites offering free professional resume writing services that have their online resume builder or offering CV Writing Service by professional resume writers for better visbility and best results. An effective resume must have the following section in your resume,  

Career objective or summary to be placed on top - This statement should be highly focused and must contain all relevant keywords. Career Achievements – You should add three to five points at most depending on your experience. Almost like an executive summary of your resume. These achievements should map your skills and align them to the requirements of the opening or to the specific requirements of the employer.

Work experience -This section must include details of all your experience including internships and other volunteer experiences. Fresher should write about their internships and summer trainings in this section. For professionals with more than 15 years of experience, experience of initial years should be very brief in order to keep the resume short and crisp. Education section – It mentions your degrees / diplomas and other academic achievements. The academic qualifications should include both full-time courses done as well as the part-time ones. Short term certifications and other relevant trainings should be included. Additional information section – It should be at the end of the resume, in case you have interesting facts about yourself, or the resume is too short. This section can include personal information too.

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