Texas RT Jurisprudence Exam How many make up the TMB (Texas Medical Board)? - ✔19 what are the 3 branches of government? - ✔Legislative, Executive, Judicial Which government branch makes the rules - ✔legislative What is the Medical Practice Act - ✔governs the practice of medicine in Texas Chapter 604 - ✔requires all RTs in Texas to pass the Jurisprudence Exam who advises the texas medical board - ✔texas board of respiratory care how many make up the respiratory care board - ✔9 appointed by the governor who make up the 9 appointed TBRC - ✔4 RTs with 5 years experience, 2 physicians who work in TX and look over respiratory, and 3 public members how often do you renew your license - ✔every 2 years when will you receive a notice to renew - ✔30 days prior to expiration what happens if you let your license expire - ✔you cannot practice respiratory care till you receive your renewal what happens if you practice with an expired license - ✔criminal penalties like you are practicing with no license will you have to pay extra renewal fees if you let it expire - ✔yes inactive license terms - ✔up to five years , have to renew each year without the fees, cannot practice respiratory care, and after 5 years if you don't activate it will be terminated, and you will have to apply all over again. how many continual education hours must be completed for renewal every 2 years ✔24 hours how many hours must be in traditional CE course "directly related to respiratory" - ✔12 hours
can you be disciplined if your hours are not completed/cannot show proof incase of random audit? - ✔yes how many days do you have to report address change - ✔30 days what must your renewal app include - ✔name, and mail address how long for a disciplinary action to be public - ✔10 days where must all arrests be reported to - ✔TBRC are you required to disclose marital statice - ✔no what can physicians do - ✔supervise licensed and non licensed individuals, and delegate to medical acts to trained/qualified individuals can RTs be delegated to diagnose/ prescribe drugs to patients? - ✔no if you are providing care what must you maintain - ✔pt's medical record for each that is legible complete and contemporaneous. (can be disciplined if not) what must the pt medical record contain? - ✔reason for encounter, findings, history, prior diagnosis, prior provider records, assessment, treatment plan, date of visit, legible identity of treatment providers, and written consent for treatment. do patients have the right to view their medical record if it will not endanger them? ✔yes (provided within 15 days, even if bill is past due) how may days do you have to respond to a complaint letter even if away on vacation? ✔28 days can a certificate be suspended for not paying child support to your student loans - ✔yes what do ID badges contain? - ✔name, license type, division, statute (student, intern, trainee) do you have to report gun shot wound patient to authority - ✔yes do you have to report overdoses to the state health - ✔yes ( can get misdemeanor and 6 months in jail if not) within how many years is a licensees history relevant and reported (mental, abusive, addictions, etc..) - ✔within the last 5 years
what was the Texas Physician Healthy Program created for - ✔to help physicians and other licensees who suffer from mental illness, addiction, and other impairments to preform their jobs. (its separate and confidential from the TBRC) a medical professional may rely on a properly witnessed non-written advanced directive or properly executed advanced directive when a patient is incapacitated and/or unable to provide informed consent? - ✔true a patient who has executed a valid written Out-Of-Hospital DNR order may not revoke without the assent of the treating physician - ✔false how many types of drugs prescriptions are there - ✔2 - dangerous drugs and controlled substances can a physician or a PA sign a blank prescription - ✔no controlled substance drugs are - ✔scheduled drugs including narcotics does dangerous drugs include narcotics - ✔no a RT certificate that is expired for ___ year(s) will be canceled as if by request in.. - ✔1 year you have to hold a certificate to practice care in Texas - ✔True