Gypsy Ancestry Graphic Styles Guide

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Contents 3 7 9

history typefaces logo specs dont’s


icon specs dont’s

13 17

colors gypsy brand business card stationary flyers merch leave behind


Gypsy Ancestry Records began in the summer of 2010. It started with Zach Vouga of Glitter Bones and Brian Brissart of BIGCOLOUR deciding to start a record label in order to release vinyls and cassette tapes. Since the start of Gypsy Ancestry, they have signed bands such as underground folk singer Mckenzie Toma and lo-fi grage artists Bourgeois Zeus. The entire band line-up consists of: Glitter Bones BIGCOLOUR Mckenzie Tome Bourgeois Zeus Gypsy Ancestry only releases music on 12” and 7” vinyls and cassette tapes. They belive CD’s are impersonal and leave little room for artwork, plus they sratch easily.

The name Gypsy Ancestry came about when Zach was in Bosnia. As the story goes, he ran across a group of traveling Gypsies on the street after he had been in and out of a few different Bosnian bars. He immediately befriended them. He soon found himself laughing and drinking with the group of travelers. He played the accordian with them all throughout the night and into the wee hours of the morning. This is the true account of how Gypsy Ancestry came about.

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The words ‘GYPSY’ and ‘ANCESTRY’ may only be in Gotham Light. Under no circumstances may one be allowed to change the typeface or family of the logo. Gotham Book as been included for all other body copy which may be required in order to efficently communicate information with our customers. Gotham BookItalic may be used ONLY to put emphasis on a single word or phrase within the body copy. The entire copy cannot be in BookItalic. Big Caslon may only be used for titles of showcase vinyls or any other promotional designs.

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Primary Gotham Light

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

Gotham Book

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

Secondary Gotham BookItalic

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

Big Caslon

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ | 8 |

logo specs

GYPSY ANCESTRY Nothing may be allowed to come into the boundries set around the actual logo. The boundry is measured by the longest width of the diamond when it is reduced to 20% its original size. Refer to diagram above. the only acception to this is when the logo is placed near the edge of the page. At that point, it has no boundries on the two sides closest to the edge. The other two sides must still abide by the diagram The logo may be allowed to have a background image behind it. All background images must be verified with Gypsy Ancestry Records prior to use. contact information can be found on the last page of this guide.

reversed out

GYPSY ANCESTRY when logo is reversed out, you must use the cream color specified in the colors section if it is available, otherwise use white. | 9 |

logo specs DONT’S


Do not use a drop shadow. There is no room in the logo to support such an autrocity.


Do not stretch, compress or distort the logo in any way whatsoever.


Do not change the typeface on the logo. The logo only works with Gotham. All other typefaces are strictly prohibited.


Do not add a background color to the icon. The logo was designed to work with a transparent background.


Do not change the color of the logo to an unspecified color.


Do not change the color of just the icon or just the text. They must both be the same color under all circumstances.

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icon specs

Much like the boundry of the logo, nothing may be allowed to come into the boundries set around the icon. The boundry is once again measured by the longest width of the diamond when it is reduced by 20% its original size. Refer to diagram to the left. The icon may be allowed to have a background image behind it. All background images must be verified with Gypsy Ancestry Records prior to use.

reversed out

The reversed out style of the icon must also be the cream color specificed on the colors page if it is available, otherwise use white. The reversed out icon may be used with a background image. Once again, any background image used must be verified with Gypsy Ancestry Records prior to use. Contact information may be found on the last page of the guide.

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icon specs DONT’S

Do not use a drop shadow. There is no room in the icon to support such an autrocity.

Do not stretch, compress or distort the icon in any way whatsoever.

Do not change the stroke of the icon.

Do not add a background color to the icon. The icon was designed to work with a transparent background.

Do not change the color of the icon to an unspecified color.

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These are the only colors allowed to be used with the Gypsy Ancestry company (along with straight white (c=0 m=0 y=0 k=0)). They can be used for copy, headlines or sub headlines. Any additional graphic elements, not crossing the logo/icon boundries, may also be one of these colors and one of these colors only. Note: The color tranparencies underneath the actual swatch start at 80% then go down to 60%, 40% then finally reaching 20% at the bottom.

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gypsy brand

the business card

The business card is a very important aspect of the Gypsy Ancestry brand. It is the one item that gets out more than any other attribute. These cards are the center piece of the brand. Every element of the brand must be present in this business card. At first glance one will immediately see the Gypsy Ancestry logo placed in the center-bottom of the card spanning over half of the card. The background images were selected carefully in order to properly represent the label. By using images which are clearly natural and rely heavilly on the on the beauty of the earth, it echos what type of music is being produced and distributed by Gypsy. The business card was designed with the idea of being mass distributed. The design leaves no room for false impressions of Gypsy Ancestry Records.

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gypsy brand




zach vouga c: 219.242.2816 888 w. Lill Chicago IL,60614


brian brissart c: 317.640.6546 888 w. Lill Chicago IL, 60614


zach vouga c: 219.242.2816 888 w. Lill Chicago IL,60614

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gypsy brand

Gypsy Ancestry Records 888 w. Lill Chicago IL, 60614

Gypsy Ancestry Records 888 w. Lill Chicago IL, 60614


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gypsy brand

the letterhead and envelope

The letterhead and envelope were designed specifically to work as a pair. Both of them working together adds a great amount of identity to the Gypsy Ancestry brand. Notice the distance around the logo on the letterhead and the icon on the envelope. As long as the edges facing the inside abide by the standards, the design still works and is able to be done.

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gypsy brand

the flyer

The flyer, much like the business cards, is the epitamy of Gypsy Ancestry Records. The design echos everything the label is; clean, simple design with a natural beauty. This brand is illustrated with the image of the natural sky with clouds showers in warm tones matched with the subtle white and toast brown design and type. Again the icon follows all rules set earlier. It was designed for a background image. While it works well by itself, it becomes stronger when the right image is used.

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gypsy brand




doors at 9:30 1035 n. Western

Toro y Moi Glitter Bones Save the Clocktower BIGCOLOUR McKenzie Toma

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gypsy brand

a b

Glitter Bones- WORLDS BIGCOLOUR- Nostalgic Ataraxy McKenzie Toma- Black Rain, Black Horse Bourgeois Zeus- That Zest

Bourgeois Zeus- Vertebrates McKenzie Toma- The Saintly Sisterhood BIGCOLOUR- Flowers of Ten Glitter Bones- Love Before Breakfast


the album | 23 |

gypsy brand


Everything Gypsy is.

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35 hairs

35 hairs

Glitter Bones & BIGCOLOUR

Glitter Bones


Nanuk’s Dream Juniper Tree Kissing The Witch

Flowers of Ten Red Silk Bow Books on Novels

gypsy brand

gypsy brand

the leave behind

The leave behind is a cassette with Glitter Bones on side A and BIGCOLOUR on side B. It works for Gypsy Ancestry design because once again it utilizes the use of a natural image paired with clean, simple design and type. The colors also play a large role in defining the Gypsy Ancestry brand. Here we have a large array of different colors all working together to flow into a perfect mesh.

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Designed by

Jordan Vouga

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Special Thanks Zach Vouga, Glitter Bones, Allah Mode, McKenzie Toma, Nick Donlin, Joe Andert, First Aid Kit, Chris Domer, Tyler McGill, Ciara Petruna, Mr. C, Nanuk, every venue who hasn’t stopped a show early and everyone who has photographed/filmed shows.


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