We Push Buttons: Branding Portfolio

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painters, sculptors, musicians, writers, venues and more ...

a registry of all the best artists in the Mount Alexander Shire




The Art & Culture Guide to Castlemaine

The Art & Culture Guide lists cultural live events in the Mount Alexander Shire and beyond. It is updated daily.

a Hub The Comm eet, es Str av gr ar H 50 Level 1, 16 ne, VIC 34 Castlemai

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stand out

be a star ask us how

ask us how we push buttons


we push buttons



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ushbuttons rob@wep

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Sister Support


Sister Support DOULA CARE S I S T E R S U P P O RT



2013 Red Centre

bird festival







Pr e re sen ce t vo Va ive lid d uch e 31 isc .0 ou r t 3. 14 nt o .


Northern Territory, Australia



Cultural Presentations • Nocturnal House • Free Flying Birds • Desert Animals

Alice Springs Desert Park Larapinta Drive, Alice Springs NT 0870 Telephone (08) 8951 8788 Email asdp@nt.gov.au www.alicespringsdesertpark.com.au

‘There is no zoo or wildlife park in the world that can match it.’

(Sir David Attenborough)

No Park of its kind in the world compares to this one...” Sir David Attenborough “People wonder what it is that is so special here

sites and all the features, our rocks, our trees, our hills.

and it is because everything comes here.

We come up with our Country. We come up with it and

We connect to it, we’re a part of it.

feel it so strongly.”

Our Country is our home, and we know all the

Mparntwe (Alice Springs) Custodians

Open 7.30am to 6.00pm daily I Closed Christmas Day Adult $25 I Child (5-15 years) $12.50 I Student/Concession $17.50 I Senior $20 Economy Family (1A and 2C) $43 I Super Economy Family (2A and 4C) $68 Located 7Km from the centre of Alice Springs on Larapinta Drive, Northern Territory


Alice Springs TOWN COUNCIL Calendar


Civic Centre

Swimming Centre

Works Depot

Senior Citizens

Alice Springs Public Libary

PO Box 1071 Wilkinson Street ALICE SPRINGS NT 0871 Phone: (08) 8950 0583 Fax: (08) 8953 0417 Email: astc@astc.nt.gov.au http://www.alicesprings.nt.gov.au

PO Box 1071 Cr Todd St, Gregory Tce ALICE SPRINGS NT 0871 Phone: (08) 8950 0500 Fax: (08) 8953 0558 Email: astc@astc.nt.gov.au http://www.alicesprings.nt.gov.au

PO Box 1071 Cr Todd St, Gregory Tce ALICE SPRINGS NT 0871 Phone: (08) 8950 0555 Fax: (08) 8952 2404 Email: astc@astc.nt.gov.au http://www.alicesprings.nt.gov.au

Speed St ALICE SPRINGS NT 0871 Phone: (08) 8953 4633

Skate Park Speed Street Phone: (08) 8950 0500

11 Wills Tce ALICE SPRINGS NT 0871 Phone: (08) 8952 4072

Fertile Ground Green Waste Processing Facility Commonage Rd Phone: (08) 8950 0500 Fax: (08) 8952 6685 Mobile: 0419 833 646 (Deliveries) Email: astc@astc.nt.gov.au

Animal Pound Len Kittle Drive Phone: (08) 8953 4430

Yirara College of the Finke River Mission Inc.

Alice Springs, Northern Territory

Christian Faith





Fami l ne


Living Skills


Culturally Diverse

’s F a mi

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