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CIT Students’ Union Magazine Volume Twelve, Issue 4

Student Fees Protest

• All the latest CIT news • Top tips for relieving stress • Prepare yourself for Christmas • Quit smoking... get the facts • You think you have problems? and much more...


Contents 4 Feature Story

Celtic Tiger is dead... long live the IMF

CIT Students’ Union, Rossa Ave, Bishopstown, Cork, Ireland. Telephone: 021 433 5274 Fax: 021 454 5343 Email: supublications@cit.ie Web: www.explicit.ie

6 SU Exec Notes 8 P reparing yourself for Christmas 10 Overcoming depression 11 Cit Notes

Seasonal advice

expliCIT Production Keith Brown, Philip O’Reilly

13 T en tips for beating stress

CIT Students’ Union President - John Lane (supresident@cit.ie)

14 Quit Smoking

Vice President Education - Chris Scanlon (sueducation@cit.ie) Vice President Welfare - Vicki Fitzpatrick (suwelfare@cit.ie) Projects Officer - Niamh Hayes (suprojects@cit.ie) Communications Officer -to be elected (sucommunications@cit.ie) Entertainments Officer - Gordon Forbes (suentertainments@cit.ie) Entertainments Manager Mick O’Mahony (event@cit.ie) Print Barnaville Print & Graphics Ltd. Advertising Opportunities CIT has almost 17,000 full and part-time students with over 1,500 staff. Why not use expliCIT to promote your business to this large audience? Copy deadlines, advertising rates and technical specifications are available from our website www.expliCIT.ie or upon request from the Publications Office. expliCIT magazine is published monthly by CIT Students’ Union. The views expressed in the magazine are those of their authors and are not necessarily those of CIT Students’ Union. All articles and pictures are the property of their respective owners and should not be reproduced without their permission.

Get the facts and you will quit!

15 Photos

21 Sport

17 Music feature

22 Problem pages

Soccer and Sports Bursaries 2010

Recent events captured

Ever get the feelin you’ve been cheated in the 00’s?

18 W hat’s Christmas like in other countries? Q&A with three of our International students

19 é ire RIP

photo collage of the student fees protest held on 1 Dec

So, you think you have problems?!

24 Clubs and Societies news 25 Health

The importance of breakfast

26 Games

Great prizes on offer for successfully completed entries delivered into the Students’ Union office

Student Fees Protest Update

‘Our message was clear, our behaviour immaculate, and our resolve unending’ On 1st December, despite the severe weather conditions CIT and UCC students took the streets to protest against a rise in the Registration Fee, cuts in payments Maintenance Grant and the lack of jobs available for our graduates. CIT students assembled in the Student Centre and Courtyard, to hold a rally and then marched from CIT to UCC. From there they gathered with students from all over Munster, and together, marched in solidarity towards the city centre. This peaceful protest drew media attention from both local and national newspapers and television. The protest was an overwhelming success; we had an absolutely massive crowd, estimated at €3000 students. The protest was completely peaceful, with the Gardai commenting on the professional nature of the protest and the amount of stewards present. Every single student who attended can be proud, and I would like to take this opportunity to say a hearty thank you to all the lecturing staff who attended and supported our cause as well a surprising amount of secondary school students. Likewise, I would like to thank the parents who came on the day. This showed clearly that this was not just a student problem and the media picked up on this also. Well done!

We Need You!

Send us your thoughts, articles, advice and pictures. If you would like to contribute anything to expliCIT Magazine, please contact Keith in the Publications Office, 1st Floor, Student Centre or email: supublications@cit.ie


The Celtic Tiger is dead,

T What's the difference between a million, a billion, a trillion? A million seconds is 12 days. A billion seconds is 31 years. A trillion seconds is 31,688 years. A million minutes ago was – 1 year, 329 days, 10 hours and 40 minutes ago. A billion minutes ago was just after the time of Christ. A million hours ago was in 1885. A billion hours ago man had not yet walked on earth. A trillion Euros is so large a number that only politicians can use the term in conversation... probably because they seldom think about what they are really saying. Here is some perspective on TRILLION: Trillion = 1,000,000,000,000. Ireland has not existed for a trillion seconds. Western civilization has not been around a trillion seconds. One trillion seconds ago – 31,688 years – Neanderthals stalked the plains of Europe.....and they’re still there on Kildare Street. Million: 1,000,000 Billion: 1,000,000,000 Trillion: 1,000,000,000,000 Quintillion: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 Sextillion: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Nonillion: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ,000,000,000 Centillion: 1 followed by 303 zeros


he last fifteen years resembled an epic party. The nation of Ireland was like a playboy, lots drank, did drugs, paid high class call girls and consumed only the finest beers, wines and champagnes. Many drove fast cars and led the rock and roll lifestyle. Then, we woke up in 2010 with the mother of all hangovers. We reached for our wallet (the banks) and it was empty. We had sold all our engineering firms and competencies for a rock of crack cocaine at some stage during our binge. Now we realise we haven’t got much left and our recovery will be a slow one. Roll on 2011 and lets start on the road to recovery. The last week of November 2010 was a week when Ireland finally lost control. It had been coming for a while, the property bubble burst three years previous , the Celtic Tiger was assassinated a few weeks later, car sales dropped, un-employment was rising, and finally the banks went bust. The Celtic Tiger, much like a unicorn, was a mythical creature. Everyone heard of him, but only a few ever really saw him. The greed of a few led to his decline and ultimate death, and that was the beginning of the end. The Celtic Tiger, now just a vague memory and utterly pointless for the up and coming young twenty-something’s, is like the Great Elk that lived in Ireland long ago – a national treasure that we didn’t appreciate until it was gone. What is at the forefront of our minds now is the IMF. No longer are we Irish, (we are not even European delete). In essence, we are German. Outside parties will now decide how our economy is run and who will benefit and who will suffer. In all fairness though, the Germans aren’t too bad… anymore. In a nutshell, we are getting about €85 billion – BILLION! From the IMF. For those of you who can’t picture this, that is: €85,000,000,000. That is the most sickening figure that I have ever seen. To make it worse, we have to pay it back. We do. The citizens of this country. We weren’t this highly in debt in the 80’s. Most young people never lived through a recession or tough times. Well, if you were to live through one, this is the one to go through. I think we could be talking

about this for a long time to come. The IMF came into Dublin last month, looked through the public finances, and agreed that the Government needed to cut spending, increase taxes and plan for the future. What they didn’t point out is that we needed to make long term investments in our future so as we start earning money again. The minimum wage is to be cut, all social welfare payments bar the Old Age Pension. There will be tax increases and property tax introductions, you name it, they’ll want to screw us with it. The European Communities now are advising a threetower approach over the next few years, cut spending, increase tax in-

The Celtic Tiger, much like a unicorn, was a mythical creature. Everyone heard of him, but only a few ever really saw him

takes and create more jobs. Very easy to say, maybe not so easy to do. They do, however, have an invested interest in us recovering, because the EU and IMF do want their money back. They also should be after learning from the Greece bailout where the IMF were asked in, but Greece are far from performing to expectations at present. So now they’ll hopefully won’t make the same mistakes with us. For this reason at least, we do have a light at the end of the tunnel. The IMF don’t want us to just pay the loan back, they need us to succeed as we share a currency. It is now in everybody’s interest we succeed. But the people of this country need to get their act together. We need to start thinking wisely as to what we buy and who we buy it from. I tried explaining this to a (clueless) friend of mine not so long ago, that we now need to start buying Irish. We need to keep our money in Ireland. We

long live the IMF need to borrow all this money because we were buying foreign products and sending all our money abroad; cars from Germany, clothes from America and cocaine from Colombia. To support the Irish Economy and the local farmer we need to start buying Irish produces i.e. Irish food and drink from SUPERVALU and support an Irish company. And luckily at this time of year, many tried and trusted toy companies are Irish, even on the Late Late Toy Show, Ryan Tubridy pointed out all the Irish made toys. We need to start spending money on Irish products, made by Irish people. It’s a simple circle. Mary buys a bag of Irish carrots from her local Irish shop. The shop uses this money to pay the Irish farmer and the girl in the shop. The Irish farmer now has more money and goes to the pub and meets the girl from the shop who is spending her wages. The pub is now busy enough to employ an extra member of staff who spends part of his wages on carrots. The farmer’s carrots are in demand and decides to plant more but needs help so employs someone to help him, who spends his money in the pub. The publican gets busier and employs more staff. Since the pub is busy by night, the shop realises that they will need a hangover cure so employs someone for the deli for Sunday morning’s, who spend their wages in the pub…. A simplified version yes, but it shows the importance of supporting Irish jobs, and how the effect spreads throughout society. It also shows that if money is saved instead of spent, how no jobs are created. Spending money when it’s not there is also a challenge but the idea is simple.

We need to start spending money on Irish products, made by Irish people. It’s a simple circle

Feature story

This is how the Celtic Tiger flourished – no one saved. In simple economic terms this isn’t good either, but at least the flow of cash was there. People spent borrowed money, that was in essence, created by the banks, on houses, holidays, luxury items and the frills that were never a necessity. Maybe we all need to go out and party? Screw the four year cuts in spending! There was a point made only a few years ago. Ireland had the highest number of BMW’s per head of population, than any country in the world. BMW were making a fortune from us! I remember my nineteen year old friend having a BMW – looking back on it that was absolute craziness! In our binge we lost the run of ourselves. We didn’t have any value on the money we spent. The euro came in at the wrong time, we were getting wreckless when this monopoly money came along. We spent €12 for a drink in bars, we spent nearly €1 million for a semi-d in the middle of nowhere. We invested in property abroad. If we were declined a mortgage, we were offended. Only over the past weekend I have (briefly) looked into a rent-to-buy scheme in Cork. The concept of this is you rent a property, within two or three years you are given the option to buy it, with the rent you have paid becoming your deposit. If you are paying rent anyway it is basically dead money, so at least this gives you the option of looking forward to your future. In the long run, the future is bright. We will recover, and we will all have jobs again. The Irish have always been resilient, and have most certainly always been positive! Our inherently positive disposition will be what will save us – not the IMF, not the EC, but ourselves, our ability to laugh, and our ability to see the clouds silver lining. Out of the 80’s recession came a fantastic Irish soccer team, so maybe that’s where we need to start looking. Things always have a way of working themselves out!

How the Bailout Works

It is a soft day in a small Irish town. Times are tough, everybody is in debt, and everybody lives on credit.

On this particular day, a rich German tourist is driving through the town, stops at the local hotel and lays a €100 note on the desk, telling the hotel owner he wants to inspect the rooms upstairs in order to pick one to spend the night. The owner gives him some keys and, as soon as the visitor has walked upstairs, the hotelier grabs the €100 note and runs next door to pay his debt to the butcher. The butcher takes the €100 note and runs down the street to repay his debt to the pig farmer. The farmer takes the €100 note and heads off to pay his bill at the supplier of feed and fuel. The guy at the Farmers’ Co-op takes the €100 note and runs to pay his drinks bill at the pub. The publican slips the money to the prostitute drinking at the bar, who has also been facing hard times and has had to offer him “services” on credit. The hooker then rushes to the hotel and pays off her room bill to the hotel owner with the €100 note. The hotel owner then places the €100 note back on the counter so the rich traveller will not suspect anything. The traveller comes down the stairs, picks up the €100 note, states that the rooms are not satisfactory, pockets the money, and leaves town. No one produced anything. No one earned anything. However, the whole town is now out of debt and looking to the future with a lot more optimism. And that, is how the bailout works.


President’s Note


he last month has been a busy one to say the least, and I am more than thankful that the Christmas holidays are only around the corner. It has been a month when a lot of good work has been done by students. The most obvious of these has been the student protest last week. Months of planning and preparation had gone into it and thankfully I can say that it went off without a hitch. CIT students let their views heard in no uncertain terms. We can now only hope that our views are considered. Initially, the Government was looking at increasing the Registration Fee to anything up to €3000 and cutting the grant by up to 10%. This is being written prebudget so lets just hope that our efforts were not in vain. I can commend every single student who participated for representing the college in such a positive, professional light and I’d like to say well done. We have done as much as we can do for now. The exams are just around the corner. A number of final year groups have had exams moved to after Christmas so as to improve the chances of good grades. The library is busy again. We are ask-

A problem of its own success is the student wireless systems in the library and Open Access. At any given time, 120 devices can log onto these systems. If we were talking only computers it would be fine but smart phones also take up these slots. Over the next few months a revamp of the system is planned. It is being clogged up as it was not foreseen the phenomenal rise in smart phones. Please bear with us while this problem is being tackled. Last month saw the overwhelming success of “Positive Mental Health Week”. Over 80 students completed a ‘Safe Talk’ course. This was aimed to help them identify warning signs if someone is at risk of suicide or self harm. As well as this, Laughing Yoga was a great success and a lot of positivity was expressed in a time of year when it was really needed. Moving forward, the Students’ Union will have two Welfare Weeks next Se-

We are asking students to please respect other students in the library and by not disturbing them

ing students to please respect other students in the library and by not disturbing them. We are also asking students to take responsibility and if someone is causing a distraction to ask them politely to be quiet. If students don’t start enforcing the rules of the library, the noise will only get worse. The SU Officers will be taking a walk through over the next few weeks to ensure that the place is staying quiet.


A very busy semester...

mester – Safety Week and Wellbeing Week. If you would like to help, get involved or suggest anything that you would like to see over these weeks, please feel free to contact our Welfare Officer, Vicki, at suwelfare@cit.ie. The January break allows for students to relax, recover and where possible work. In Semester 2, RAG week will start Monday 14th February, Valen-

tine’s Day. This week is designed to raise as much money as we can for charity while also not screwing students for money. UCC’s RAG week is the same week so here’s the heads up, keep a few euros for a brilliant week. The line up will be finalised over the next week or two, and if anyone wants to nominate a charity, please submit it to the SU office or to my e-mail. A new Communications Officer was elected at the Students’ Union Annual General Meeting on December 2nd. Unfortunately, this went to print before the result was announced but I would just like to say congratulations to the successful candidate. December 9th is the CITSU Christmas snowball Party. Aswell as fun, games and prizes that will be given out in the Student Centre, we are having a special Christmas themed event on the night. Keep an eye out on campus and watch your e-mails for further details. Overall, Semester one has been tough for most students – jobs were in short supply, assessments were due before students even had a chance to settle in. To first years I would like to say I hope that you are enjoying college, participating in extra-curricular activities and in general, loving the college life. Semester 1 saw a lot of changes in the college and Semester 2 will also. If anyone ever wants to see something changed, it can be done,. The college is ever evolving and this means that it is never fully set. If students have any requests please come and talk to your Union representatives. Semester 2 will allow for a bit more time for your Union officers to look forward and make changes so feel free to contact us over January – the students might be off but by no means are we. The college balls are also starting up in Semester 2 so get your suits and dresses dry cleaned over Christmas. Best of luck with the exams, have a safe and happy Christmas, and we are looking forward to seeing everyone again in the new year. Is mise le meas, John

Happy Christmas everyone!


hope all the preparations and study is going well for you and that you are taking plenty of breaks and time to destress and just breathe!

I would like to thank everyone who attended, supported and helped out during positive mental health week, especially the welfairies for their constant help! I would also like to thank Grow and Mabs for attending the event and the Cobh community workers for running the SafeTalk. Well done to the 85 students who completed the course and were awarded a certificate. I was overwhelmed by the amount of student interest in the course and am so happy that people are becoming more open about talking about the huge issue surrounding suicide. I promise to use the rest of my year in office to promote mental health as much as possible and am already looking into organising further suicide awareness training. I hope you all benefited in some way throughout the week whether it was a free cup of tea, chocolate, inspiration from a quote, or an information leaflet. I am grateful for all of the student input and ideas which I have used in the campaigns and would again like to ask students to please e-mail me if you have any suggestions about future campaigns or what events you would like to see here on campus. The Students’ Union and the Chaplaincy team have decided to join forces this week to create a stress free atmosphere on campus. The ‘take time to breath’ campaign starts Monday 6th-Wednesday 8th of December. There will be free Massage and Reiki sessions MondayWednesday from 11-11.30am and 1-3. To book sessions please email: suwelfare@cit.ie. We have also organised meditation classes in the contemplation room, first floor student centre for Mon-Wed. The contemplation room will also be fully kit-

Welfare Officer

ted out with incense, candles and relaxation music so please pop up at any stage if you need to take a break from studying or are starting to feel panicked or stressed. We are also going to be doing random acts of kindness throughout the week so if you’re lucky you will get free goodies. It’s also important to mention at this point that O Connells hot chocolate will be on campus Tuesday 7th Dec, so treat yourself to a cup of hot chocolate yummmmmmmmmm.

Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” William Arthur Ward

I know the exams are very important and that there is added pressure this year as most of your exams are before Christmas, but you have to remember to take care of yourself. We at the Students‘ Union work for YOU the students, so please use the services we each provide and pop in whenever you need. There are lots of supports here in CIT so if you need to talk to someone, please visit the Students’ Union, Chaplaincy team, Medical Centre or Counsellors.

I hope you all have a happy, safe and joyful Christmas and I look forward to seeing you all in the New Year! Love and light, Vicki

“At times our own light goes out and is re-kindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.” Albert Schweitzer

SMILE It is a simple act, but sometimes takes a lot of effort. A smile can cause boundaries to melt, hearts to warm up, and distances to reduce. Why don’t we smile more often? Is it too tough to smile? The answer lies in our attitude towards life. If we are more accepting of situations, we will be able to smile more easily. This is a moving poem about a smile, that always reminds me how important it is to smile at the world  She smiled at a sorrowful stranger... The smile seemed to make him feel better... He remembered past kindnesses of a friend And wrote him a thank you letter... The friend was so pleased with the thank you That he left a large tip after lunch... The waitress, surprised by the size of the tip, Bet the whole thing on a hunch... The next day she picked up her winnings, And gave part to a man on the street... The man on the street was grateful; For two days he’d had nothing to eat... After he finished his dinner, He left for his small dingy room... He didn’t know at that moment That he might be facing his doom... On the way he picked up a shivering puppy And took him home to get warm... The puppy was very grateful To be in out of the storm... That night the house caught on fire... The puppy barked the alarm... He barked till he woke the whole household And saved everybody from harm... One of the boys that he rescued Grew up to be President... All this because of a simple smile That hadn’t cost a cent... Written by: Barbara Hauck


Christmas is coming, so be prepared


t’s that jolly time of year again where presents are flying around, everyone seems happy and cheerful and you get to catch up with all your old friends. Great time of year – right? Yes, but maybe not for everyone. Christmas time brings with it stress and old memories for many. Christmas has always been a time for reflection – the end of one year and the start of another, reflecting on your position last year and comparing it to your current. Many of us may have found new love or lost an old flame, loved ones may have passed on, and employment may have come or gone. I heard someone say “This time next year I would be happy if I was in the exact same situation, just with more money”. I am sure many of us would re-iterate that sentiment, and I am sure a few wish they could go back to the way it was twelve months previous. Unfortunately, it looks as if we are all in for a shock, myself included. Many people who lived through the 80’s will remember what a real recession was like. Unfortunately, many

of us were only born in the late 80’s, if even that, so the next twelve months will be an eye opener for many of our generation. Christmas also places financial burdens on people and many of us are already struggling. We need to realise that gifts don’t need to be lavish and expensive, that not everything needs to be perfect, and that very often the most important gift is that of kindness. This is not an airy-fairy concept, but there is no point buying expensive gifts and not spending time with the people who receive them. Families are under huge pressure at the moment, and a nice night together will last a lot longer in someone’s memory that an expensive perfume or cologne. All is not lost however! A new year represents a new start. If 2010 didn’t exactly meet its expectations, 2011 could be where it all turns around. If 2010 was your year, well then you are ideally set up to begin a new one. New year can bring new hope, fresh starts, and new resolutions. Be it to quit smoking, be nicer to someone close to you or to make a life change, 2011 could be

the year you conquer them all. And I am sure that if you look over 2010 a lot of good has happened. We had a great Summer, you are hopefully after enjoying some part of Semester 1 in college. People say that these are the best days of your life. I am currently unsure of this, but if they say life gets tougher after college we might as well enjoy it! And as always, we need to look on the positive side. Many students around the college are young adults with a world of possibilities, and many other students have returned to education in the hope to upskill and improve their situation. In five years time, I am sure we will all be more comfortable, even if it is just a little. We cannot dwell on the negative. It was our can do attitude that led to the fifteen year party that was the Celtic Tiger, and what a party it was! So don’t let Christmas drag you down, remember what it is all about – family, goodwill and… and… the lickle baby Jesus… Happy new year!

Rules for getting through tough situations


hristmas can be an exceptionally hard time for a lot of students, especially with all the pressure and stress you will be facing over the next few weeks with exams. I found reading Robin Sharma books, such as The Monk Who sold his Ferrari, truly insprirational and learned a lot from them. I would recommend any of his books as the perfect stocking filler this Christmas. Hope you enjoy some the extracts of advice from the book! Rules for Winning Trials or Tough Situations Rule # 1: Remember that life is a series of seasons. Every human being will have to endure the harshness of a few winters in order to get the glory of best summers. Never forget that winters do not last. Rule # 2: Join the Hope Club. Big, beautiful and seemingly impossible goals are superb vehicles to keep you inspired. Da Vinci said: “Fix your course to a star and you can navigate any storm.” When you are reaching for great and noble goals that speak to the best within you, your desire to reach them will pull you through the tough times that you will encounter along the seeker’s path.

Rule # 3: Keep in mind, at all times, that we grow the most from our greatest suffering. As we go through it, it hurts. But as we move through it, it also heals. When a jug of water falls to the floor and cracks, what was hidden within begins to pour out. When life sends you one of its curves, remember that it has come to help crack you open so that all the love, power and potential that had been slumbering within you can be poured into the world outside you. Rule # 4: Failure is a choice. Nothing can stop a man or a woman who simply refuses to be kept down. Just make a decision from the centre of your heart that, no matter what happens to you, you will keep walk-


ing the authentic path. Doing so will ensure you a life of real success. Rule # 5: During tough times, there is a tendency to let go of yourself. As you encounter adversity, have the discipline to maintain your routine. Get up early, do your holy hour, eat very well, exercise, spend time with nature. And make sure that you do all you can to keep all four of your central dimensions – the mind, the body, the emotions and the spirit – in fine operating order. Rule# 6 Remember that, no matter how hard things get, you are never alone. Rule # 7 Never do anything because you have to, do it only if you want to and if that is the right thing for you to do Rule # 8 Life does not always give you what you want, but it always gives you what you need Rule # 9 Clearly defined priorities and goals for every aspect of life serve as a lighthouse. Offering you guidance and refuge. Rule # 10 Stop putting off your happiness for the sake of achievement Rule # 11 There is nothing noble in being superior to some other person. True nobility lies in being superior to your former self. Run your own race. Rule # 12 Act as if failure is impossible and your success will be assured Rule # 13 Condition the mind. Don’t let negative thoughts enter it. Rule # 14 The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your thoughts. Rule # 15 Find out what you truly love to do, and direct all energy towards it

Important Information you need before your end of semester examinations, Dec 2010 End of Semester Examinations will take place from 11th December to the morning of 23rd December, 2010 inclusive. Student timetables will be online at http://exams.cit.ie on 19th November and seat numbers will be displayed on 6th December. A bag drop in centre will be available in the main hall where students should hand in bags and personal possessions including mobile phones and other electronic devices. MOBILE PHONES or other ELECTRONIC DEVICES ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THE EXAMINATION HALL. Students who bring to the Examination Hall, mobile phones, iPods, Electronic Devices or written notes of any description, including written notes on hands, arms, pencil cases, rulers etc., are in breach of examination regulations. Any breach of regulations will be reported to the Registrar’s Office and may result in a cancelled examination result. To see the complete CIT Examination Code of Conduct go to http://exams.cit.ie If you have special examination entitlements, you should by now have contacted the Disability Officer to set these in place. However, if you have not done so, you should contact examsmgt@cit.ie immediately. If you are a student whose first language is not English, you may have an entitlement to the use of a dictionary during your examinations. See http:// exams.cit.ie for further information on this. If you have a query regarding end of semester examinations, please email examsmgt@cit.ie

‘Media students assist Exams Office anti-cheating campaign’. Left to right :Carmel O Regan, (Exams Office), Anna Kirby, (Exams Office), Padraig O Geallabhain, (Winning Entrant), Gabriel Frost (Exams Office), Lidija Vasiljeva (Winning Entrant) and Ruth Murphy (Exams Office). The Examinations Office recently ran a poster competition among students of the Media Department. The brief was to design posters increasing student awareness of the CIT examination Code of Conduct. The winners were Ms Lidija Vasiljeva and Mr Pádraig O Geallabháin. The winning posters will be used in an anti-cheating awareness campaign before the Christmas examinations.

Just breathe... time out, time for you

6 - 8 December 2010 • Free massage and Reiki sessions Mon - Wed, 11 - 11.30am & 1 - 3pm. • To book in for 10 minute treatment please email: suwelfare@cit.ie • Meditation classes all week


Mental Health

GROW World Community Mental Health Movement in Ireland Its main strength is the support its members give to each other from their own experience in relation to mental health. It’s objective is to help members recover from all forms of mental breakdown or to prevent such happenings.

Do you suffer from depression, anxiety, panic attacks, isolation, or any other emotional or mental distress? Perhaps you may feel isolated and alienated as a result? If so, GROW may be of interest to you. Grow is a Community Mental Health Organisation which helps people who have suffered, or are suffering from mental health problems. It was first established in Australia in 1957 and since coming to Ireland in 1969, now operates a network of over 130 groups nationwide.


Depression is a mental health condition which affects thinking, energy, feelings and behaviour. It can vary from mild to severe and can impact on ones family, friends and work life. Depression is a very common condition which affects more than one person in ten at any one time. Any one of us can be affected by depression. It is possible to come through depression, with early detection and ongoing support being key to a positive outcome. Depression can have a number of possible causes. For some people it can be from a traumatic event such as bereavement, financial difficulties or breakdown of relationship. Another form of mood disorder, bi-polar has genetic factors which involves periods of depression and periods of elation. The symptoms Depression has eight main symptoms, and the advice is to speak to a GP or mental health professional if you notice five or more of these symptoms, lasting a period of two weeks or more. • Feeling sad, anxious or bored. • Low energy, feeling tired or fatigued. • Under or over sleeping, frequent waking during the night. • Poor concentration. • Loss of interest in hobbies, family or social life. • Low self esteem. • Physical aches and pains with no physical


Members attend a weekly meeting lasting approximately two hours where a specific method and twelve Step Program is followed to enable them to learn the GROW Program and put it into practice. The first step is to become involved in your own mental health and GROW offers this to all who attend weekly meetings.

As the Program has to do with change of thinking and talking, change of ways and change of relationships, certain tasks known as Practical Tasks are undertaken by each member to help them make the gradual changes which contribute to good mental health. Members are encouraged to keep contact during the week between meetings with fellow members either in person or by phone as GROW believes that “friendship is the special key to mental health”, and one of its great wisdoms is “you alone can do it but you can’t do it alone”

At a GROW meeting you will find: • Acceptance and a sense of belonging. • A way to progressively overcome isolation and fear, or depression and anger. • Problems shared become problems halved. • Resources shared become resources multiplied. • That your own experience and struggle can help someone else.

A special ‘Young Adult Group’ aimed at age 18-30 year olds is held every Thursday night at the SMA Wilton, commencing 7.30pm. No introductions are needed, just come along.

basis e.g. chest, head or stomach pain associated with anxiety or stress. • Loss of interest in living, thinking about death, suicidal thoughts.

exercise to write down each day, all of the positives in your life and all of the people and things you are grateful for. • Above all do not try to cope with depression on your own. A support network is crucial to overcoming the health problem. Talk is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Ways to cope with depression • Speak to a GP, counsellor, friends or family. Get support and ask for help. • Couselling and other talking therapies as well as medication can take some time to work, so be patient. • Access support services. Keep helpline numbers close to hand and consider attending a support group. • Exercise and spending time outdoors is important. Engaging in nature can bring some relief. Fresh air can work wonders and really help clear your head. • Alcohol is a depressant and can prove to be a trigger for low mood, especially in individuals prone to depression. It can also interact dangerously with medication. • Try to eat a balanced and nutritious diet. Food does have an impact on mood. Sugary foods lead to a sharp drop in blood sugar levels which leads to energy and mood slump. • Try get adequate sleep. Sleep problems can be a symptom of depression. Too much rich food or caffeine in the diet and lack of exercise can also lead to bad sleeping patterns. • Many people find writing useful and it can have therapeutic benefits. Writing a few sentences at the end of each day can relieve tension as well as helping you realise what is upsetting you. It is also a great

If you are in need of support or require more information, please contact 086-7702807, or our local office:- 021 427 7520. W: www.grow.ie

Please contact Aware for more information: www.aware.ie, 1890 303 302 Make contact with CIT Counselling service if you may think you are suffering from depression or simply just need someone to help you through a rough time. There are lots of supports here in the college: Medical Centre Counselling Service Welfare Officer Chaplaincy Team You are not alone.

With exams just around the corner we thought it would be interesting to do a bit of research into the different types of memory retention which we can all use... Acronyms and Acrostics: (for information involving key words) An acronym is an invented combination of letters. Each letter is a cue to an idea you need to remember. Example: BRASS is an acronym for how to shoot a rifle--Breath, Relax, Aim, Sight, Squeeze. An acrostic is an invented sentence where the first letter of each word is a cue to an idea you need to remember. Example: EVERY GOOD BOY DESERVES FUN is an acrostic to remember the order of G-clef notes on sheet music--E, G, B, D, F. Rhyme-Keys: (for ordered or unordered lists) First, memorise key words that can be associated with numbers. For instance, bun with one; shoe with two, tree with three, door with four, hive with five, etc. Next create an image of the items you need to remember with key words. For example, if you had to remember the four basic food groups-- dairy products; meat, fish, and poultry; grains; and fruit and vegetables--imagine cheese on a bun, livestock with shoes on, a sack of grain suspended in a tree, and opening a door to a room stocked with fruits and vegetables. The Method of Loci: (for approximately twenty items) Select any location that you have spent a lot of time in and have easily memorised. Imagine yourself walking through the location, selecting clearly defined places - the door, sofa, fridge, shelf, etc. Imagine yourself putting objects that you need to remember into each of these places by walking through this location in a direct path. Again, you need a standard direct path and clearly defined locations for objects to facilitate the retrieval of these objects. For example if you had to remember George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Richard Nixon, you could imagine walking up to the door of your location and seeing a dollar bill stuck in the door; when you open the door Jefferson is reclining on the sofa and Nixon is eating out of the fridge. The Keyword Method: (for foreign language vocabulary) First, after considering the foreign word you need to remember, select a key word in English that sounds like the foreign word. Next, imagine an image which involves the key word with the English meaning of the foreign word. For example, consider the Spanish word “cabina” which means “phone booth.” For the English keyword, you might think of “cab in a ... .” You could then invent an image of a cab trying to fit in a phone booth. When you see the word “cabina” on the test, you should be able to recall the image of the cab and you should be able to retrieve the definition “phone booth.” The Image-Name Technique: (for remembering names) Simply invent any relationship between the name and the physical characteristics of the person. For example, if you had to remember Shirley Temple’s name, you might ingrain the name in memory by noticing that she has “curly” (rhymes with Shirley) hair around her temples. Chaining: (for ordered or unordered lists) Create a story where each word or idea you have to remember cues the next idea you need to recall. If you had to remember the words Napoleon, ear, door, and Germany, you could invent a story of Napoleon with his ear to a door listening to people speak in German. A few other notes for you to take on board, please, please, please for your own sake do not bring any papers or notes into the exam with you! If seen with them you will get disciplined with the best possible outcome a resit + 1 which would mean you wouldn’t be able to resit that module until the next year. Meaning you would fail it that year also. You have been warned.

CIT Notes

We have already started experiencing a winter wonderland here in Cork, and it’s looking extremely likely that the festive snow will continue throughout the month. The roads are extremely dangerous in snow and icy weather, I urge every student who will be driving home for Christmas to check out www.theaa. ie to see if the route is safe before heading off on long journeys. Below are some tips in driving in icy and water drenched conditions. Be safe this Christmas, don’t take any chances with unnecessary long journeys and be prepared for long delays! Preparing to travel • Get up at least ten minutes early to give you time to prepare the car. • Clear all windows of snow and ice using a scraper and de-icer. • Use a cigarette lighter to warm a key for a frozen lock. Don’t breathe on the lock, as the moisture will condense and freeze. • Besides an ice scraper and de-icer, it’s worth carrying a mobile phone with fully charged battery, torch, first-aid kit, tow rope, blankets, warm coat and boots, jump leads, snow shovel, warning triangle, an old sack or rug (to put under the wheels if you do get stuck) and water repellent spray. • Plan routes to favour major roads which are more likely to have been gritted. • Put safety before punctuality when the bad weather closes in. While it’s always a good idea to allow extra time in winter for your journey, drivers must accept the inevitability of being late for college/work if they are caught up in an unexpected delay. Driving in snow and ice • Stopping distances are ten times longer in ice and snow. • Gentle maneuvers are the key to safe driving. • Wear comfortable, dry shoes: snow-covered boots will slip on the pedals. • Select second gear when pulling away, easing your foot off the clutch gently to avoid wheel-spin. • When climbing a hill it’s important to avoid having to stop on the hill by waiting until it is clear of other cars or by leaving plenty of room between you and the car in front. Try to maintain a constant speed, choosing the most suitable gear well in advance to avoid having to change gear down on the hill. • When driving downhill, reduce your speed before the hill, use a low gear and try to avoid using the brakes. Leave as much room as possible between you and the car in front. • Always apply brakes gently. Release them and de-clutch if the car skids. • If you have an automatic, then under normal driving conditions (motorways, etc) it’s best to select ‘Drive’ and let the gearbox do the work throughout the full gear range. In slippery, snowy conditions you can make driving much safer by selecting ‘2’, which limits the gear changes and also makes you less reliant on the brakes. Many modern autos have a ‘Winter’ mode which locks out first gear to reduce the risk of wheel spin. Check the handbook if you’re not sure. • If you do get stuck, straighten the steering and clear the snow from the wheels. Put a sack or old rug in front of the driving wheels to give the tyres some grip. Once on the move again, try not to stop until you reach firmer ground. Floods and standing water • Only drive through water if you know that it’s not too deep for your car. • Drive slowly and steadily to avoid creating a bow wave. Allow oncoming traffic to pass first and test your brakes as soon as you can after leaving the water. • Don’t try driving through fast-moving water, such as at a flooded bridge approach – your car could easily be swept away. • Driving fast through standing water is dangerous – tyres lose contact with the road and you lose steering control in what’s known as ‘aquaplaning’. Watch out for standing water, trying to avoid it if you can, and adjust your speed to the conditions. If you do experience aquaplaning, hold the steering wheel lightly and lift off the throttle until the tyres regain grip. • As you drive slowly through standing water keep the engine rev’s high by using a lower gear, otherwise water in the exhaust could damage the catalytic convertor. • If you break down in heavy rain don’t prop the bonnet open while you wait for the patrol to arrive – the engine will be more difficult to start again if the electrics are all rain-soaked.


s d a Lo o be


Rag Week

e t ed r o m firm Con

14 - 17 Feb 2011

Already confirmed ... • Stevie Starr, the Regurgitator (as seen on BRITAINS GOT TALENT) Launching Rag Week at The Student Centre, Monday 14 Feb 2011.

Watch Stevie on Britains got Talent at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ethCJ4bfJkg • Mon 14th Feb – Love Ball to celebrate Valentines Night @ Clancys and Liquid Lounge • Tues 15th Feb – Glo in the Dark Party @ The Savoy • Weds 16th Feb – Rag Week Weds @ Liquid Lounge • Thurs 17th Feb – Tony Baloney and his Exploding Toilets @ Student Centre • Thurs 17th Feb – Tramps Ball 2011 @ Clancys and Liquid Lounge (whole building open)


Exam strategy

Ten Tips to beating Stress

By Pierce Kennedy www.mbhfitness.com


xams are coming and time is running out…… Stress has bad press, however there is good and bad types of stress. Bad stress can develop if people can no longer cope with the pressures placed upon them. As a student it is important to find a life balance. Here we look at ten top tips for reducing stress

1: Learn to manage your time more effectively We all have 24 hours in a day, yet many of us don’t use this time effectively. This can put unwanted pressure on us. As we are late meeting deadlines, don’t have enough time to study or we haven’t enough time. Set routines, using a diary is a fantastic way of managing your time. 2: Adopt a healthy lifestyle Eating a balance diet, exercise and sleep is vital. Exercise is a powerful antidote to stress, anxiety, and depression. To get the most benefits, aim for thirty minutes or more of exercise per day. Exercise releases serotonin and endorphins which makes us feel good. Staying hydrated is also important, aim for 2 – 3 litres of water daily. 3: Know your limitations and do not take on too much As students getting the student / life balance can be difficult, with work, study, college and other commitments. Don’t be afraid to say NO… if you feel this commitment will cause you inconvenience and stress. It’s important to remain focused. We are all different, be yourself, and avoid conflict situations.

4: Find out what causes you stress. Take time to discover what is worrying you and try to change your behaviour to reduce it. Thoughts become feelings and feelings become behaviours. ‘If we always do what we always done, we will always get the same result’ 5: Make time for contemplation and appreciation Think about the things you’re grateful for. Mediate / relax, take a moment to pay attention to what is good and positive in your life over the course of the day. From reflecting on your situation make any changes which may help you. 6: Accept the things you cannot change Every decision we make is done for two reasons. (1) To avoid pain and (2) To gain pleasure. We can only change and influence things we’re in control of. If you cannot change things accept it and move on. 7: Take time out to relax and recharge your batteries Living in the now is important. Creating a balanced life style is key to good performance especially as a student and for exams. Relaxation helps your body return to its normal healthy state. Good relaxation techniques include breathing exercises, massage and a variety of complimentary therapies. Use what works for you. 8: Find time to meet friends. Friends, can ease troubles, a problem shared is a problem halved. Friends help us see things in a different way.

Our perception is not always our reality. If your finding something difficult talk over your problem with somebody before it gets out of proportion

The activities we engage in with friends usually help us relax and we will often have a good laugh. It boosts the immune system which is often depleted during stress. If you do become stressed engage in some form of physical activity. It works off the biochemical and physical changes that occur within your body due to stress. Look to get the balance between study and your social life. 9: Try to see things differently Our perception is not always our reality. If your finding something difficult talk over your problem with somebody before it gets out of proportion. Often, talking to somebody else will help you see things from a different and less stressful perspective. Remember the key is to focus on the solution and not the problem. 10: Avoid alcohol, nicotine, caffeine and foods high in sugar and saturated fats as coping mechanisms Long term, these faulty coping mechanisms will just add to the problem. For example, caffeine is a stimulant and our body reacts to this with the stress response. Sugar will spike your insulin levels followed by a massive drop making you feel tired and down. FIND A BALANCE.


Quit Smoking... Get The Facts Tips for Quiting Smoking! If you are one of the seven in ten people who smoke and wish to stop, these tips will help you to keep the life threatening addiction, once and for all

• Nicotine is a powerful drug, which reaches the brain in seven seconds, quickly becomes addictive and is as addictive as heroin or cocaine. • Tobacco smoke contains over 4000 chemicals, sixty of which are known to cause cancer, including tar! • Other chemicals you inhale every time you light up include: ant poison (arsenic), floor cleaner (ammonia), polish remover (acetone), explosives (toluene), insecticide (DDT) weedkiller (nicotine), aviation fuel (methanol). • Smoking can take ten to fifteen years off your life span • 30% of all cancers are caused by smoking e.g lung, mouth, throat, oesophagus, cervical, kidney, pancreas, stomach and bladder • Smoking causes heart disease, stroke, and reduced blood circulation. • Poisons from cigarettes reduce smokers sporting and physical ability. Nicotine reduces blood flow and increases blood pressure. A carbon monoxide cause’s muscle not to function as well as it reduces the ability of muscle cells to take up oxygen. Tar causes reduced capacity of the lungs, resulting in less air being breathed in and out. • The longer you smoke the greater the risk of impotence boys! Smoking restricts the blood flow to the penis and thus results inability to perform sexually.

You can say one thing about smokers.... they’re not vain! • Skin: smoking ages your skin prematurely; it causes lines and wrinkles around your mouth and eyes. It also causes hallow cheeks and gauntness. • Teeth: smoking causes staining and discolouring to your teeth. It also causes gum disease, leading to premature tooth loss and bad breath.... sexy? Don’t think so! • Hair: smoking starves your hair of oxygen, leaving it dull and lifeless • Smell: smoking makes everything smell awful. Hair, clothes, skin, breath, car, bedroom, house everything!


- Prepare to stop. Write down all the reasons why you want to stop smoking, and keep the list on you at all times! - Make a date to stop and stick to it. - Ask your family and friends for support. - Change your routine and plan ahead. Replace or change activities that you usually associate with smoking. Avoid spending time with friends in smoking areas, stay in for a few weeks if you usually smoke when out etc. - Be active. Exercise will help manage your stress, as well as releasing happy hormones. - Learn to deal with cravings. Practice the 4 D’S. Delay at least three to five minutes and the urge will pass. Drink a glass of water or fruit juice. Distract yourself. Move away from the situation. Deep breaths. Breath slowly and deeply. - Save money. A typical twenty a day smoker spends over 240 euro a month and over 2900 euro a year on cigarettes. Think of the holiday, car, clothes you will now be able to spend the money on! Watch what you eat. Don’t substitute - cigarette cravings for food cravings. Try stick to well balanced meals and choose smart snack choices like fruit or even sugarfree gum. - Take one day at a time. Remember, every day without smoking is good news for your health, family, and your pocket. If you slip up, all is not lost. Set a new date and start again. - Think positive. You may have withdrawel symptoms once you stop smoking. These are a positive sign that your body is recovering from the harmful effects of smoking. They will disaapear once your body gets used to the change.

For help to give up smoking call the National Smokers Quitline 1850 201 203

The Effects of Giving Up Smoking After Twenty Successful Minutes Blood pressure and pulse rate drop to normal The body temperature of hands and feet return to normal After eight successful hours Level of carbon monoxide (which is a toxic gas) in the blood decreases by as much as half and drops back to normal The oxygen level in the blood raises and increases to normal After Two Successful Days All nicotine will have left the body Nerve endings start to regrow A chance of a heart attack decreases slightly The ability to smell and taste properly increases and return to normal After Three Successful Days Your bronchial tubes will relax, and your energy levels will increase After Two Successful Weeks Your circulation will increase, and it will continue to improve for the next 10 weeks After Three Successful Months Circulation will improve The lungs begin to function 30% more efficiently – physical activity becomes easier Physical addiction to nicotine will cease After Three to Nine Months Coughs, wheezing and breathing problems will dissipate as your lung capacity improves by 10% After One Successful Year A decrease in coughing, congestion of the sinuses, tiredness and shortness of breath will occur Lungs increase their ability to handle mucus and reduce infection Your risk of having a heart attack will have dropped by half Energy levels increase even further After Five Successful Years The chance of dying from lung cancer by a former one pack a day smoker is decreased by about half Chance of stroke is reduced to that of a nonsmoker The Risk of developing mouth, throat or esophagus cancer is half of a smoker’s After Ten Successful Years The chance of dying from lung cancer is about the same as that of a non-smoker The Risk of developing mouth, throat or esophagus cancer is decreased even further After Fifteen Successful Years The risk of developing coronary disease is the same as a non-smoker The risk of a heart attack is the same as a nonsmoker

Getting through the first 7 days is the most difficult. With NicoBust all you have to do is take 3 all-natural time-release tablets per day. It stops your cravings and balances your brain chemistry to prevent irritability and depression. Our hypnosis audio makes it easy for you to forget about cigarettes.



€uro Star

Heats: Tues 22nd Feb 2011 1pm – 2pm 5pm – 6pm eds 23rd Feb 2011 W 1pm – 2pm

Closing date for entry Fri 11th Feb 2011

Sign up now! Application forms available from the Info Desk 16 Grand Finale at CIT: 9th March 2011

Music Feature


As 2010 draws to an end, it’s time to look back at what musical treats or horrors occurred during the year. The pendulum swung from the delights of the debut album of Irish troubadours The Villagers through the rebirth of 90s veterans Pearl Jam and finishing up with the dreadful manufactured pap (not pop) that is The Wanted.

with the some of the most uplifting music in years made this a must for me. The Jared Leto led 30 Seconds to Mars released their third album War to Kudos from the kids with some good tunes to boot in the form of ‘Closer to the Edge’ and ‘Kings and Queens’. On the live front grunge veterans Sound Garden also reformed and hit the road. Add in Blink 182 and it was as a rocking summer. 90’s leaders Pearl Jam released the brilliant The Fixer single. The Kings of Leon finally made

along. I am not attacking any musical genre cos there are only two types of music - good and bad.

What’s happened that dreadful bands like the Wanted get record deals which of course will be gone in a year? As pop icon Andy Warhol once said that everyone gets their fifteen minutes of fame Conor O’Brien’s Villagers whose in a lifetime. I am album ‘Becoming a Jackal’ hit the top not being negaspot in Ireland released on uber cool tive as 2010 did American label ‘Domino Records’ is so bring some quality as The Drums etc. pure , the profile of the group skyrockcan testify to that and we all know eveeted when O’Brien played an amazing ry major record lasolo performance bel will sign some on the critics faA recession usually brings a resurrection in music manufactured pop. vourite ‘Live with There is someJools Holland’. If and art. The 70’s had punk, 80’s have rave, 90’s thing fundamenthe East coast melhad Grunge. The 00’s have brought blandness. tally wrong though odies of 70s Ameriwhen there is more ca is your thing this Something needs to happen, that DIY underanticipation for a is a must, especially ground attitude needs to rise again. Bruce Springsteen ‘the stunning’. Beor Take that album coming a Jackal, ... or Bon Jovi and other highlights inThe Rolling Stones touring the world clude ‘The Pact and Home’. This is my that brilliant gospel record they have and filling stadiums that there is for the recommended album of the year. being threatening to make. Para2010 breed of pop artist. It’s like Paul It has been a good year for Irish music more, Arcade Fire and Vampire Scholes and Ryan Giggs (even though overall with albums by Imelda May, Weekend all went global in 2010. they are great players) still being in the Cathy Davey and The Script also Man United first team in their mid 30’s. Pop Music had its saviours in the form hitting the top spot in Ireland. Well Where are the young bucks to chalof Paulo Nutini who returned to worth checking out is the Velvet Unlenge them? Cuba of the ‘50s derground influand calypso for A recession usually brings a resurrecenced Sweet his influenction in music and art. The 70’s had Jane, Delores. B.o.b and punk, 80’s have rave, 90’s had Grunge. entos and DunBruno Mars The 00’s have brought blandness. dalk’s finest the saved the sinSomething needs to happen, that DIY Flaws gles charts esunderground attitude needs to rise Internationally pecially Mars again. 2010 also saw with his amazing Simply what has happened to our rock the emergence “The way you stars ‘cos I don’t see any personalities of another excitare” single. out there saying anything worthwhile, ing New York outThe pendulum then do you? fit The Drums where their bitswung to the other extreme where god tersweet tales of love and friendship forbid, we look at the tripe that came



Christmas Q&A

What’s Christmas like in other countries? By Vicki Fitzpatrick

As part of our Christmas edition of explicit we thought it would be interesting to interview a few International student’s and find out from them what their Christmas experience is like in their home countries. Thanks to Luzie, Ezgi and Eric for their time. Luzie Ardelean Giengen, Germany Visual communications First year student Why did you decide to come to Ireland? I moved here because I always wanted to visit Ireland. I wanted to study in an English speaking country so that I could get a job anywhere in the world. I lived in Australia for a year after high school and used that time to improve my English. Are you enjoying your time here in CIT? I absolutely love it. The people are all so hospitable, warm and friendly. I like it so much I am already thinking of doing masters here, after my four years of study are completed. Are you a member of the International society? Yes. It is a really great society. There are activities organised every weekend, such as bowling, nights out, greyhound track and much more. It’s a great way to meet new people. I am also very lucky that I live with Irish girls, whom I get on very well with and go out with. So what is Christmas like in Germany? Christmas Eve (24th December) is our main day of celebration, as that is when Jesus was born. 25th and 26th are also important too but Christmas Eve is the big day. Similar to Ireland, we have a family dinner and everyone opens presents after. People go to mass in the evening also. Dinner is usually a Goose. Our Christmas tree is decorated with candles, and decorations in the shape of a bell or love heart, which is made out of biscuit. Children can eat the decorations after the 24th. Is there Santa in Germany? Yes! We call him ‘weihnachtsmann’. We also have Saint Nicolas who visits houses on the morning of the 6th of December. Children leave out one shoe at night (which must be very well cleaned) and in the morning it will be filled with a piece of chocolate/peanuts or mandarin. If you have been bold however you will find a dry stick! Have you ever found a stick? No, I’ve never heard of anyone getting it!


How is New Year’s celebrated in Germany? Well the best place to be on New Year’s Eve is Berlin. Millions of people gather in Unter den Linden for the countdown followed by big fireworks. Are you able to go home for Christmas? Yes, I am going home for three weeks and I am looking forward to spending time with my family, but also can’t wait to come back!


EZGI Turkey Software development and computer networking 4th year student Why did you decide to study in Ireland? Ever since I was ten years old, I always wanted to visit Ireland. I lived in the U.S for two years after I finished high school and I knew I wanted to continue to travel to new places. My parents moved here to work so I decided to come to Ireland to study Are you a member of the International Society? I sure am. I was elected as PR for the society and we were awarded best society in CIT and nationally. I am currently the chairperson and it is my second year in the role, I really enjoy it. We work very hard to provide entertainment and a welcoming environment for new members, not just international students but we also welcome and encourage Irish students to join. Eric How is Christmas celebrated in Turkey? Well Christmas is not celebrated that much in Turkey as 90% of the country is Muslim. My family would put up a Christmas tree (for me) and we give each other presents. We also make a special family meal with traditional Turkish foods. None of the shops or bars or restaurants close on the 25th unlike here in Ireland. What’s a typical Turkish meal? Turkey, rice, Dolma which is stuffed pep-

pers with rice and tomato on top. We also make Yaprak Sarmasi which is grape leaves rolled around rice and is cooked in the oven. It is delicious. Have you celebrated Christmas in any other country and if so how was it different? Well, in the US people decorate their Christmas trees with a string of popcorn! I grew up in Kuwait and Christmas is celebrated there like it is in Ireland, as the country has lots of American soldiers. Eric Hong Kong Software development and computer networking 4th year student Why did you decide to study in Ireland? I moved here with my parents eight years ago, and went to a secondary school in Ballincollig. I could have gone to college in Hong Kong but I prefer the Irish weather, it’s much too hot at home. Do you go back to Hong Kong often? I go back about once a year, tickets can costs around €700 so I don’t get to visit relatives as much as I’d like. What is Christmas like in Hong Kong? Not everyone celebrates Christmas. The 25th is a public holiday so everyone is off work and school. You only get presents when you are younger and you are also told about Santa. It was strange my first Christmas in Ireland because every shop and bar was closed, in Hong Kong everywhere stays open. Christmas is an excuse to go out and party with friends. Do you have Christmas trees or special meals? We would go out to eat on Christmas day, maybe fast food. The government sends out warnings at Christmas as having lights on tress is very dangerous. We don’t put up a tree or decorations. How do you celebrate New Year’s Eve? Similar to everywhere else in the world, there is a massive countdown and firework display and night out afterwards.


Pics by: David O’Sullivan E-mail: davidosullivanphotos@gmail.com

CIT student protest, 1 Dec 2010

The management and staff of Rochestown Park Hotel would like to wish all students at CIT the best of luck in their Christmas exams. Thank you for making us your number one ball venue.


Numbers which can Help ... National Drugs & H.I.V. Helpline: 1800 459 459 Providing confidential support & information. Drugs Awareness Programme Web: www.drugs.ie/ Tel: 01 8360911 Provides information, support and counselling in relation to drugs, substance misuse or addiction. Alcoholics Anonymous Web: www.alcoholicsanonymous.ie/ Email: gso@alcoholicsanonymous.ie Tel: 01 453 8998 Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. Narcotics Anonymous Web: www.na-ireland.org/ Email: info@ na-ireland.org A group of recovering addicts who have found a way to live without the use of drugs. It costs nothing to be a member; the only requirement is a desire to stop using. Gamblers Anonymous Web: www.gamblersanonymous.ie/ Email: info@gamblersanonymous.ie Tel: Dublin 01 8721133 or Cork on 087 2859552 Self-help organisation holding regular meetings around the country. Smoker’s Quit Line Tel: 1850 201203 Advice and/or support on quitting the smoking habit.

Suicide prevention helpline Tel: 1800 742 745 AWARE Tel: 1890 303 302 Local helpline for people who suffer from depression, or if their friends and family suffer from the illness and need advice and support. CIT Medical Centre Tel: 021 433 5780 Doctors will be in CIT for the month of January for about two hours a day. Nurse’s will be working normal hours. CIT Careers and Counselling Free and confidential service Phone: 021 - 4335772 or email (E: shirley. gleeson@cit.ie) Rape Crisis Centre 01 6614911 Gum/ STI Clinic 021 4966844 Located in the South Infirmary, Victoria Hospital CURA 1850622626 Cork office is on 34 Paul Str¸eet. 021 4277544 SAMARITANS 1850 60 90 90 24 hour confidential emotional support Email: jo@samaritans.org Overeaters Anonymous 086 3526467 To get information about weekly meetings in the Cork region Email: corkoa@yahoo.ie

STUDENTS Alert! Open until 5am,

Thursday to Sunday (for deliveries only)

Perfect after a night out or ... for all night study sessions!


CIT Soccer A Team – Munster Champs

The Cork Institute of Technology Colleges Soccer A Team were crowned the Premier South Division winners for 2010. CIT managed to overturn league favourites UCC and UL before finally sealing the title with a comprehensive 4-0 win over CSN. Waterford IT and IT Tralee also compete in this league. CIT started their campaign with a tough away fixture in UL, but CIT won comfortably and came away with a 2-0 victory through goals from Cork City players Brendan Cullen and Willie Heffernan. CIT’s next task was the visit of arch rivals UCC. The game was a tight affair, contested by two excellent footballing teams. CIT managed to grab a late and deserved goal through bursary recipient James O’ Sullivan to put them top of the league. Next up was IT Tralee; this looked an easier task on paper, but in this extremely competitive league that

produces a very high standard year after year no fixture can be taken for granted. CIT squandered a few early chances and were punished on the counter attack. CIT slipped up for the first time with a 1-0 loss but remained top of the table. A hard tackling physical Waterford IT side were the next visitors to CIT. It became a tough contest but CIT’s sheer class prevailed in the end and the outcome was a comfortable 2-0 win with goals from Gavin Moore and Eric Kennedy. CIT then travelled to CSN to take on their soccer academy. Only a win would guarantee that CIT would secure the league title. This game became a no contest within twenty minutes as CIT flew out of the traps and into a 3-0 lead, James O’ Sullivan grabbed two goals, while fellow bursary recipient Colin Kearney got on the score sheet before Sean Foley rounded off the 4-0 victory. A remarkable achievement that also has to be noted is CIT only conceded one goal in the five games. Goalkeeper Wesley Tong and centre backs Kyle Smith and John Forest were outstanding and always consistent. Other excellent performers included Captain Brian Murphy, Mark

Kearney and Shane Twomey. This caps off on what has been a brilliant season so far for CIT. The College A team is sponsored by the Students’ Union. Colleges B Team: The CIT college B team are so far having a respectable season. The lads finished in 3rd position in the combined Colleges/Universities league and also managed to knock CSN out of the B Cup, advancing to the second round in the process. The College B team are having a Christmas draw in the coming weeks; please look out for tickets sales that will take place shortly in the canteen. The main prizes include: Dennehy’s Gym Ballincollig 3 month membership, 2 nights Bed & Breakfast in the Travel Inn Killarney, A signed Irish Jersey, A 4 ball Golf voucher for Blarney Golf Course, Manicure, Blow dry, Pizza Hut vouchers, CIT Jackets, Hoodies, Hats and USB keys, The College B Team is also sponsored by the Students’ Union.

CIT Sports Bursaries 2010 Eighty nine bursaries were presented by Munster Rugby CEO Garrett Fitzgerald to both male and female CIT athletes from twenty different sports at the Cork Institute of Technology Sports Bursaries 2010, which took place at the Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig on Tuesday 23rd of November. These bursaries are a reflection of Cork Institute of Technology’s commitment to the development of a comprehensive sporting policy and are awarded to students who display high achievement levels, commitment and dedication to their chosen sport and very importantly, loyalty to that sport within the Institute. The standard is exceptionally high with many recipients boasting All-Ireland medals, Irish Champion titles, M.V.P.’s, World titles and Irish caps. While representing both CIT and their home clubs at the highest level, many have also represented their province as well as their country. Success has found its way to CIT already this year, the CIT Mens Senior Hockey team recorded a fantastic victory at the hockey Intervarsities last month. A remarkable achievement considering that CIT are the only Institute of Technology competing in this top level competition and an historic first title in the history of CIT. As a result Malcolm Coombes, Andrew Daunt, David Smith and Roger Gray were recipients, along with fellow hockey club members and Irish players Yvonne O’Byrne and Cliodhna Sargent. In November, boxing recipient, Eoin Murphy, was crowned Novice

Superweight Intervarsities champion as CIT successfully hosted the competition. Following on from CIT’s fantastic achievement of winning gold at the 2008 Student Yachting World Cup and as a result of winning the Student Yachting Nationals last month, CIT will represent Ireland again next year at the World Cup. A remarkable five sailors George Kenefick, Joe Bruen, Cian Twomey, Denis Good and Dermot Coughlan received bursaries. Others who were recognised include sprinter Cathal Owens who has competed in both the World Juniors and the European Youth Olympics, along with Thomas Houlihan who became the first Irish pole vaulter to compete in a major event at the 2009 European Youth Olympics. Basketballers Sean Field who was a member of the Irish team in 2008 as well as Brunells Kathleen Kelleher, Danielle O’Leary and Rebecca Lyall. History was created with the Gymnastics Club having a member receive their first bursary-All-Ireland Champion for the last two years and Irish team member for the past four years- Jillian Kearns. The standard of rowing recipients reached an all-time high with recipients including Lisa Dilleen, fourth place finisher in the Womens Doubles at the Junior World Championships in 2009 and Shane O’Driscoll who won two silver medals in a double for Ireland in the Coupe in Belgium in July. Munster No.1 ranked table tennis player James Herley was recognised, along with Munster Senior golfer Aoife Lowry and Munster U21 golfer Ross O’Sullivan.

The Tae Kwon Do recipient was the 2010 ICKKF light heavy weight senior black belt sparring World Champion, Dwayne Crowley. Soccer recipients included 2009 Munster interprovincial captain Alan O’Driscoll, Wesley Connolly Tong who represented Ireland in the UEFA Futsal cup in 2009 and Susan Donovan who represented Ireland at the World University Games in Serbia ’09. Munster U21 rugby player Cathal Quinn, along with Munster U20’s player John McCarthy were among the recipients. On the GAA front, All-Ireland football medal winners Ciaran Sheehan, Conor O’Driscoll and Brian O’Regan along with Sarsfields Rob O’Driscoll who recently won a County Senior hurling medal and Colin Fennelly from AllIreland Club Champions Ballyhale Shamrocks were all recognised. All-Ireland Senior camogie medal holder Christine O’Neill, along with National League Ladies Football All-Star ’09, Gillian O’Brien were all awarded. It was a great night with a huge array of sporting talent being recognised. Miriam Deasy, Sports Officer


Problem Pages


fects. You should not need to take any substance to have fun with your friends; maybe you should consider finding new friends who may have other interests that you would find enjoyable also. Here in CIT we have a fantastic counsellor that specialises in drug addiction. The service is completely confidential so please don’t fear your lecturers or family would find out. The counsellor can advise you more on this problem and also help you overcome depending on the drug for fun. I hope you get the help you need.

That’s rough. The best thing you can do is be honest with him. Not mean honest, but tell him that you think that’s in both of your interests to be apart. If he still wants to see you that’s your decision but sometimes tough love is what is needed. Obviously, you will still want to be friends but set boundaries. I hope that these threats are meaningless and are used to get you back because they have worked before. If you are afraid that he might actually hurt himself though, you should tell someone close to him that you think he will turn to when you are gone like a close friend, a brother or a parent if need be. This will just make sure that someone is keeping an eye out for him when you are not there.

Well at least you realise at this early stage that it is a problem. I am sure it started off a bit of fun and good craic, but with all good things, you want more. As a group, try to make a conscious effort to go out some night without any drugs and see that you can still have just as much fun without it. On another note, remember that if anyone finds you with class A drugs while you are out you will be in serious trouble, plus, girls wont like it if they find out you are doing that kind of stuff. Cocaine is highly addictive and gives you an intense high. This is the high you are chasing, but I would imagine that people looking at you don’t think you are as great as you might feel. Give it a kick for a few weeks and see how you do. You will save a lot of money too, so set yourself a goal, and with the money you save treat yourself to something nice. As I am sure you will agree, it is a slippery slope and the more you take, the more you want. If it is beginning to happen every week, get out now. And if it does continue, remember that you do not necessarily need to live with this group of friends.

So You think you have problems?



Our male & female problem solvers are here to answer your questions... keep trying to separate myself from a guy I have been seeing on – and – off for the last few years. Every time we break up though, he changes and gets very down, possessive and says that he can’t go on without me. I have found myself getting back with him out of pity a few times. He is such a nice guy and I can trust him with anything, but I don’t think I love him anymore. I can’t finish up with him this close to Christmas either. I feel trapped. What can I do? Please don’t feel trapped. You need to think about yourself and protect yourself first and foremost. It is not fair of your boyfriend to be emotionally blackmailing you. I would advise you to speak to one of the counsellors here in CIT, they can advise you on how best to handle the situation. If you don’t love someone and are with them out of pity it is not okay. You deserve all the happiness and love in the world and it definitely does not sound like this is what you are currently getting. Please listen to my advice and speak to a counsellor. To book an appointment the number is 021 4335772 and the service is free and completely confidential. Best of luck with everything in the coming weeks, I know it’s hard to end a relationship but you have to do what is best for you.

This will work out, it is just initially getting the idea across that you are not going out anymore, and that you are not getting back together, is the hardest idea to get straight in both his and your head.


Over the last few months I have moved in with a new group of lads that I have known for a long time. In the summer, we tried out a few different drugs, just for fun, and as a once off. Now I am taking cocaine every second week, and I would take it every week if I could afford it. It is not affecting any relationships I have, and it is not causing any problems, but I know that it is not right. My friends take it too, and it is great fun when we go out, but I can see a pattern forming of us trying to get it most nights we go out. What will I do because I don’t want this to become a problem…. Taking cocaine is already a problem. Some of the effects of cocaine include: Aggression, violence psychosis, paranoia, restlessness, confusion, anxiety disorders, memory problems, hallucination, and depression. You are seriously endangering your body and health by taking this illegal substance and I would urge you learn more about the drug and the long term health ef-


I don’t know what to do in January. I live in Cork with my friends who are all going home for the month. I don’t want to stay at home because I don’t really get on with my parents and most of my friends have moved away. I have no job at the moment and the thought of spending a month in Cork on my own isn’t exactly appealing either. Any advice? Well I definitely wound not advise spending the month alone in Cork! Have you thought about visiting some of your friends who live around Ireland? Sometimes the thought of going home for a long period is a lot worse than it actually is! The month will absolutely fly and you might even find yourself enjoying some of the home comforts! January is a tough month for many students this year as you have no college work, no work in many cases, and noth-

ing but time to kill. Often, when someone is bored it is very hard to motivate them, which is what you need to do. Set yourself goals over January to keep yourself motivated, be it in the gym, to look for a job or to even master a game. A full month off with nothing to do is a killer, but don’t let it be a waste. If you laze around you will find it even harder to start back into college. And if you are in Cork on your own, there will still be plenty of people around. CIT is still open and there are still students around. UCC doesn’t take the month off. Alternatively, use the month to relax, maybe even try to find common ground with your parents if your relationship at the moment is strained? You can always spend the time getting fit and healthy anyway! Come back to college looking better than you have looked all year… that’s my plan!


I am really down. Lately all I want to do is stay in my apartment. I hate the thought of college and worse, hanging around the canteen making small talk. I feel really overwhelmed with all my college work, and find myself crying over the smallest of things. I used to love going out Thursday nights, and going to the cinema and stuff with friends, now I only ever want to stay at home. I find I can’t talk to my friends about it, or my parents. I feel like I’m lost or something… this doesn’t feel like me  I am so glad you have come to me with this problem. Personally speaking it sounds like to me that you MAY be suffering from depression. I would strongly advice that you make an appointment with one of the counsellors in CIT ASAP. The worst thing you can do is to shut yourself off from friends and family and spend most of your time alone. Everyone gets down once in a while, so please don’t feel lonely or like there is something wrong with you for feeling this way. The first step to fixing a problem is to talk about it, so well done for opening up! If you would like any more advice or guidance make contact with the Welfare Officer in the Students’ Union, suwelfare@cit.ie. I would also advise you to start writing in a diary, as it is very important that you express your feelings and keep a record of what you’re feeling and your thoughts. I would also encourage you to do some exercise, even a short walk, as it will reduce some of the stress your feeling from college and will also release happy hormones! If you need any help with study advice, I would encourage you to visit the Education Officer in the Students’ Union. CIT has lots of supports available for all its students, we are all here to help! You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself and get out. Sometimes wallowing in self pity leads to a tremendous slump in motivation, and people spend their time feeling sorry for themselves. To feel better you need to get out and feel active again. The happiest people are the busy ones who don’t have time to feel sorry. If you are staying in your apartment all day you are possibly suffering from a dose of cabin fever also. Get involved in a sport, a college society, or even a charity! Christmas is around the corner and there will be a lot of opportunities to do good deeds, which will make you feel good on the inside, and which will show on the outside. The hardest step is the first one. Once you get out again and start going you will feel great! Make an effort to go out and I am sure you’re friends will support you! If this doesn’t sound like a realistic option for you, you need to talk to a friend, parent or counsellor. Staying in all day and feeling down is not good for anyone so try to get yourself out of the rut, as I am sure you want to do yourself. Just remember, night is always darkest before the dawn.

Wishing all students a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year 23

Clubs and Societies

The Business & Accounting Society

Congratulations to the Cit Dance Society who took part in an All Ireland Dance Experiment in November. The competition was hosted by DCU and the event took place in The Helix Theatre. The DanCit troop performed an urban hiphop version of the ever popular Aladdin with some jazz and ballet also thrown in! There is a total of 26 members in the DanCit Crew. Led by Ciara McCarthy and Michelle O'Sullivan this is the first year the society has ever competed at a competitive level and it is a great achievement for the society and its committee. The committee set out this year to get their society know and recognised and that they have done. Their next step is taking place in the Intervarcities next March and hosted here in Cork by UCC.

Another great month in the society with our visit from Eddie Hobbs, Financial Guru on Nov 16th which had a great turn out. About 250 students turned up to hear what Eddie had to say and gave us his opinion on the situation in the country. Eddie made a statement to the students, saying they should all immigrate, which started a bit of a frenzy around the college, but as he said it is only one man's opinion. During next semester, we are hoping to have a guest speaker, a former MEP, who will come to talk about possible jobs in the EU. Our next speakers won't be on until next semester and there are few interesting ones coming to CIT so keep a look out for posters around the college in relation to these events. We also had our Ice Skating trip to this year's Cork on Ice in Mahon where we found our graceful side! We are also starting a cinema night. If it is a success we will plan more to follow like new releases, as many are struggling to go out and socialise, so we will arrange it in college and for FREE. The annual Ball organising is well underway with well-known entertainment lined up to this years themed ball of 'A Night at the Oscars'. Tickets will be on sale in February when we return after the Christmas break. CIT Athletic Club won the County Novice XC team title for the first time ever. This race was in Carrignavar and 6000 meters and a very hilly course. John Collins, Captain of Cit Athletic Club.

Send your Clubs & Societies news to: supublications@cit.ie. Check explicit.ie for publication dates and further information.

Photo: Ian O’ Sullivan (Trainer) James O’ Driscoll, Michael Pat O’ Reegan, John Collins, Eanna Farrell, Roy Evans, Ciaran O’Sullivan and Ben Daly.

The CIT Boxing Club was formed in 2007. Training in the sportshall every Monday at 8 and Thursday at 7. Coaching is by former Irish Senior champion Gordon Joyce and Colm Osbern. We take part in three intervarsitys aswell as numerous shows and fight nights throughout the year. We have our own training ring located in the stand and we hope to put on another fightnight in CIT this year after the success of last years event. Keep an eye out on info boards.



The Importance of Breakfast Breakfast is supposed to be a starchy food like wholemeal (brown) bread, cereal (that isn’t covered in sugar) or porridge. These are slow release energy foods and will help you control your hunger and balance your appetite. Fruit is also very good. So good in fact, that an apple can wake you up better than a cup of coffee, and if you don’t believe that, give it a try for a week.


t’s probably the most inconvenient meal of the day for most students. Every morning you are faced with a choice – extra ten minutes in bed or breakfast. Many students, dare I say most students, skip breakfast, even though we have been told since we were small that this is the most important meal of the day. And why do we do this? The three most used excuses are: I’m not hungry I don’t have time Skipping breakfast helps me lose weight No! No! No!

You are not hungry first thing in the morning because your digestive system is still in hibernation. No one is really hungry in the morning, but it is vital for your energy to have breakfast. Earting early kicks your system up a gear, burns more calories and gives you more energy.

Fruit is always a college students friend. It is cheap, versatile and portable. You can eat an apple, orange, pear or banana anytime, day or night, and no one will look at you funny. In my travels, I have even seen someone pull out a bag of nuts in Havanas one night – I kid you not! If you do have time for breakfast in the morning it is a great time to get in some essential nutrients. An egg, a yoghurt or some fruit mixed in with cereal is fantastic. If you feel like splashing out, taking the Weetabix challenge for two weeks can prove fantastic. Basically, every morning for two weeks you eat two Weetabix and have a different topping on them every morning – fruit, honey, yoghurt, even chocolate if you want to spoil yourself. An ideal start to the day could be either of the following:

If you don’t have time, make time or eat on the go. On the way out the door, grab an apple, a banana or a cereal bar. Skipping breakfast to lose weight? I’m afraid not! Skipping breakfast will actually do the opposite. By eating early your body starts up again and your system starts burning fuel again. If you want to lose weight, have breakfast and watch the energy soar up and your waist shrink (as part of a healthy, balanced diet and exercise) For students, we need energy, especially as the days are getting shorter. High energy allows us to stay positive and somewhat happy. If you are tired and lethargic you can slip into a vicious circle of feelings of apathy and negativity.

Scrambled Eggs Ingredients 3 eggs, A little vegetable oil Pinch of salt if desired, Pepper 4 dessertspoons milk Method: Break the eggs into a shallow bowl and beat well with a fork. Heat the oil in a saucepan then add the milk, pepper and salt. Add the beaten eggs and stir over a moderate heat until mixture is

thick and creamy. Do not cook for too long or it will curdle. Serve on hot toast.

Traditional Porridge Porridge is a food you either love or hate and there are as many different ways of cooking porridge as there are people eating it! If you haven’t tried porridge in years or if you have memories of a grey solid limp in a bowl, it’s worth trying it again using this recipe. Even hardened porridge-haters like it. Ingredients ½ cup of dry porridge oats 1 cup of milk 1 teaspoon of sugar or honey (if you don’t want to add sugar or honey but still want a sweet flavour try your favourite fruit instead) Method: Put everything in a saucepan (nonstick if you have it) and gradually bring to the boil. Do stand beside it and watch it as it does boil the second you look away. Once it has come to the boil turn it down and simmer for five to ten minutes depending on how tender you like your oats. Stir it occasionally. If gets too thick (and how thick you like it is up to you) just add an extra drop of milk. If you want to microwave the porridge, just follow the instructions on the pack. Oats are one a nature’s most nutritious wholegrains. Rich in natural fibre they are fantastic for a healthy bowel and help to keep cholesterol levels healthy. Oats are also slowly digested which means they keep you going for longer and are a fantastic food for people with diabetes as they help to keep blood sugar levels steady. Chop strawberries into your porridge or add a handful of frozen summer berries like raspberries or blackberries. Especially around exam time, breakfast is crucial. I hope that this point hits home and starts a new habit for the new year!


Crossword is sponsored by CIT Societies – www.citsocieties.ie Eugene Sheehy

uzzle #4 byGames Dave Fisher (puzzles.about.com) (Prize €30 for completed entries into SU shop). Winner last issue: 1









12 15



17 19 23










35 38


42 47








10. It makes rosy cheeks? 11. Layers 16. U-__

k __ Peas (hip 17. "__ and ye shall up) B Y receive" N X S A M T S W I 20. Y T U Zaudibly A T N Exhale

N opposite Z U son or 5th, N B e X B pizza order the ocean P E m-packed?V _ (scenic D ia region) B L s




S N I measure F S S T 21. Land I H O C T V R

22. Be O afraid W A I I E S O Y T supplier P B L U 23. Milk

R U E M S P P 24. Coax T O E A J T T

27. Fringe T C C K R R O 29. Headliner E S E N T S E

H L J S I A 30. BadYhabit Y O E C J E A

31. Bush, T U X e.g. J O R O 33. Lowest A U T Mparts W O T

J K J Y__?" T Y Z 38. "Guess 41. Shorten a pair of pants, say









osite of lose

ular oil




ow out



36 40



18 20



43. Picture




1. Apple computers 5. Rave VIPs 8. Platter 12. Egg shaped 13. H2O for Henri 14. Not working 15. Sea between Europe and Africa 18. Trophy, often 19. Breaks suddenly 20. More secure 31 23. High ranking nobleman 25. __ Capades 26. Close 28. Letters on an invitaton card 32. Seize 34. Enjoy, slangily 35. Mix 36. Spiderman, for instance 37. Got bigger 39. Perfect tennis serve 40. __ Might Be Giants (alternative 53 rock band) 42. Gives a job to 44. Rather 47. River blocker B Y 48. NIll atXeaseS A M T S I 54. Part of a list the forest... W I 55.Y“__TwereUkingZof A T N” A lion song) N B (cowardly S N I F S S T P 56. Opposite of lose Z E 57.IThrow H out O C T V R G Popular U O 58. W A Ooil additive I I E S I 59. Black __ Peas (hip hop group)

N K O Y T B S R U E 45. "Do __ others..." X D T O E 46. Prepares a rink B E T C C P R E S E 47. Leaky roof Iindicator R H C S G E D H L Y A49. S G R T L Hi-__ (old recordV Q Y O E Pplayers) S H E N E D Q T U X G R C D E V B K A U T I50. L Frequently, Q I D C L I J K J Xpoetically T T T U K L51. U San E Francisco M T X or XChesapeake, H C W SforX BISHOPSTOWN CHRISTMAS Sexample E H F E J CORK W52. J Recline N A Z Z CREDIT DECEMBER L N O W U D 53. Last word? EXPLICIT Q T L I U D INSTITUTE S V O A H Q NEWYEAR PRESENTS P J G V A B SANTA P M Y Q G Y STUDENTS 44. Give up








1. Pop’s opposite 2. Madison or 5th, abbrev. 3. Knave 4. Small pizza order 5. Like the ocean 6. It’s jam-packed? 7. Big __ (scenic California region) 8. Meals 9. Thought 10. It makes rosy cheeks? 11. Layers 16. U-__ 17. “__ and ye shall receive” 20. Exhale audibly 21. Land measure 22. Be afraid 23. Milk supplier 24. Coax 27. Fringe 29. Headliner 30. Bad habit 31. Bush, e.g. 33. Lowest parts 38. “Guess __?” 41. Shorten a pair of pants, say 43. Picture H C S G 44. Give up G“DoR__Tothers... L” 45. 46. Prepares a rink H E N E 47. Leaky roof indicator CHi-__ D (old E record V players) 49. 50. Frequently, poetically Q I D C 51. San Francisco or Chesapeake, for T T U K example 52. ERecline M T X 53. Last word?






Created by Puzzlemaker at Discovery

Last Months Winner: Ciaran O’Sullivan


Happy Christmas!

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