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CIT Students’ Union Magazine Volume Thirteen, Issue 3


Positive Mind & Body Week 22nd-24th November

in this issue: • Love your body • Mind your Mental Health • Sports & Societies • SU Events Gallery • Problem Page • Competitions and much more...

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Contents 4 Special Feature ‘I love my body’

Telephone: 021 433 5274 Email: supublications@cit.ie Web: www.explicit.ie expliCIT Production Design & Advertising - Keith Brown CIT Students’ Union President - Chris Scanlon (supresident@cit.ie) Vice President Education - Killian Hughes (sueducation@cit.ie) Vice President Welfare - Niamh Hayes (suwelfare@cit.ie) Projects Officer - David Humphreys (suprojects@cit.ie) Communications Officer - Sandra Hayes (sucommunications@cit.ie) Entertainments Officer - Cathal O’Mullane (suentertainments@cit.ie) Entertainments Manager Mick O’Mahony (event@cit.ie) Advertising Opportunities CIT has almost 17,000 full and part-time students with over 1,500 staff. Why not use expliCIT to promote your business to this large audience?

6 Officer Address 8 CIT SU Positive Mind & Body Week Useful contacts 9 Looking after your mental health 10 C IT societies volunteer program abroad - Lesotho 11 SU Events photo galleries

19 Problem page

So, you think you have problems?!

14 Special Feature The Race to the aras

20 Societies news

16 Sports News

21 C hristmas in Killarney Enter a great competition!

17 Health

22 Games

2011 Student Yachting World Cup

18 C areer & Postgraduate options fair 2011

There are some great prizes on offer for successfully completed entries delivered into the Students Union office


CIT Students’ Union, Student Centre, Bishopstown, Cork.

5 CIT SU Positive Mind & Body Week - line up of events

DenieD DenieD


Copy deadlines, advertising rates and technical specifications are available from our website www.expliCIT.ie or upon request from the Publications Office. expliCIT magazine is published monthly by CIT Students’ Union. The views expressed in the magazine are those of their authors and are not necessarily those of CIT Students’ Union. All articles and pictures are the property of their respective owners and should not be reproduced without their permission.

Winners of our competitions from Issue 2: Brain Teaser - Michael Kelly, Auto Technology 1 Crossword - Michael Holmes, DCOM 2


The World is not your Oyster ... if you get a Criminal Conviction Getting a criminal record whilst at college will not only prevent you from working and travelling abroad during the summer but will stay with you for life. Issued by CIT Students’ Union


Positive Mind & Body Week

by Niamh Hayes


verybody is so obsessed with their weight and looks nowadays that it can be hard to know what’s healthy and what’s not. Many young people worry about their weight but ignore the importance of a healthy body – which comes from plenty of exercise and a balanced diet. We all know that there is a strong link between what we eat and been well. However, demands of college life as well as food or lifestyle preferences can get in the way of healthy eating. It doesn’t always have to be that way. No matter what our lives are like, small positive changes can be made. Maybe it’s as simple as eating an extra piece of fruit a day, cooking foods a different way, or even trying a new food. Developing healthy eating habits is simpler and easier than you might think and you will look and feel better. Try these tips to help you make a positive step towards a healthier diet: • Eat a wide variety of different foods as there is no one food that will provide all the nutrients we need • Try to be less generous with the size of portion you serve up • Eat slowly so your brain gets the message when your stomach is full • Choose lower fat or lower sugar options when available • Eat plenty of fruit and veg • Eat only when you are hungry • Try to limit your use of salt • Never go food shopping when you are hungry • Try not to regularly buy foods that you find hard to resist • Drink plenty of fluids

Exercise – The benefits: • Reduces risk of heart disease • Boots energy levels • Reduces risk of getting colds and flu • Improves concentration


• Makes you feel better through the release of endorphins • Reduced the need for medication • Reduces health care On top of the health benefits, exercise can be an excellent way to meet new people, discovering new interests and generally feeling better. Starting is the hardest part, because it’s when you’ll be the most unfit. It’s going to be hard work, and you’re going to want to crash out on the couch in the evening and not go for a run around the park. Some tips on getting started: • Start slow, if your fitness levels aren’t great, then it’s not a good idea to sign up for next week’s marathon. Taking on too much too soon can be stressful and you can end up feeling more unfit than you really are. Start with a brisk run or some simple stretches, and then gradually build up from there. When it gets easier, increase the time and intensity of what you’re doing. • Do something you enjoy, while it might seem like a good idea to join an aerobics class, if it’s not something you’ll enjoy, you’ll find it harder to stick with it. • Try and tie exercise in with your interests. • Work it into your routine; some people just don’t like gyms, no matter how hard they try. Exercise classes leave them cold and tread mills give them nightmares. If you’re one of these people, you might be better off trying to exercise in a way that fits into your daily life. For example, cycle rather than take the bus, or start walking home from college. That way you’ll be getting a daily dose of exercise, without really having to change your routine. • Exercise with a friend, you might have more fun that way. You could try walking together, going for a run or for a swim. Having someone else around may help to motivate you. A healthy dose of competition can help you push yourself that bit further. • Make it fun, been active shouldn’t be a chore. Kick a football with friends, play tennis, go for a walk while listening to music or take the dog out. Playing a team sport is also a good way of meeting new people.

Eating Disorders

An eating disorder is characterised by severe disturbances in eating behaviour and can be a complex and potentially a lifethreatening condition. An eating disorder may be a way of coping with emotional distress or it may be a symptom of an underlying issue. It is important to acknowledge that: • Eating disorders are not primarily about food

• People can and do recover • Eating disorders can affect anyone An eating disorder can be very destructive, both physically and emotionally, and people can get trapped into the destructive cycle of the eating disorder without knowing how to cope with it. The longer it is established, the more it takes on a life of its own, so early intervention is really important. An eating disorder is not just about food and weight, but also about a person’s sense of who they are. Understanding the emotional background of the eating disorder is crucial to developing an appropriate response and treatment approach. Therefore treatment of eating disorders will require attention to both the physical and the psychological/ emotional aspects of the person. There are three main categories: Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. Typical eating disorder patterns include: • Self-starvation - by fasting and/or food restriction • Purging - by self-induced vomiting, overexercising, or laxative abuse • Bingeing - by consuming quantities of food beyond what the body needs to satisfy hunger. Recovery depends on: • a will to change • an acknowledgement that the eating disorder is a problem • working to build up a strong sense of self and a new, healthy way of coping that does not need the eating disorder to feel safe. If you are worried about a friend/family member, here are the signs to look out for: • continuing with a diet having already reached their target weight • showing a marked over-concern with body shape, weight and size • becoming obsessed by food • making comments about their body size being abnormal when it’s not • suffering visible deterioration in the condition of their teeth which can result from self-induced vomiting • regularly leave the table as soon as they have eaten • feeling depressed and isolated. If you have any issues with your health or you are worried in any way about yourself or a friend/family member, call up to me in the Students’ Union. You can also call me on 086 384 2977 / 021 4335273 or email suwelfare@cit.ie and visit www. citsu.ie for more details.


Positive Mind & Body Week 22nd-24th November

Tuesday 22nd November

Love Your Body Day

• 10.30am-4pm. The Marie Keating Foundation Mobile Unit - Outside Library. Meet the registered nurse who will provide cancer information and awareness free of charge • Fitness Tests - Main Corridor • Irish Heart Foundation Main Corridor Blood Pressure Checks • Irish Cancer Society - Main Corridor. Carbon Monoxide Testing

Wednesday 23rd November

Love Your Mind Day

• 10am-1pm & 2-5pm HSE safeTALK course - Rory Gallagher Theatre - Training that prepares you to identify persons with thoughts of suicide and connect them to suicide first aid resources, email: suwelfare@cit.ie with name and contact details, places very limited • 11am Mad Hatters Tea Party - Common Room. In aid of Action Breast Cancer •5 pm PleaseTalk Candle Lit Vigil - Outside Library. A moment for students and staff to remember those lost by suicide

Thursday 24th November

Be Yourself Day

• Live Music - Main Corridor • Live Circus - Main Corridor • Free Hugs - Main Corridor • Express Yourself Canvas - Main Corridor. Blank canvas where everyone can paint/draw/ write their feelings and thoughts • ReachOut.com - Main Corridor Note to Self Campaign • 1-2pm Get Active with Xbox Kinect Tournament - Common Room

Wel-Fair in the Main Corridor all week with information stands, fun, games & giveaways! Watch out for the Munster Rugby players who will be making an appearance during the week

Email: suwelfare@cit.ie for more details


Officers’ Address


t’s been a very busy month but we got through it thanks to a lot of help from the Student Body, particularly with the S.H.A.G. week and indeed with the Graduations. To all those of you that helped us out, thank you very much from all of us here in the Students’ Union. Firstly as I am sure you are all well aware, Michael D. Higgins has been elected President of Ireland. I think he will do a great job and hopefully students will benefit at the end of his term of office. He has charisma in abundance and should represent Ireland well on the International stage. It’s all been a busy month in terms of awards firstly Congratulations to BEng(Hons) in Structural Engineering 2011 graduate Gerry Murphy and supervisor David Cadogan – Gerry’s project has just won the Institution of Structural Engineers Student Prize. Secondly, congratulations once again to Rian Edman who won the Babcock Award. This award is given to the Best European Mechanical Engineering Student 2011. Rian also singled out Dr. Keith McMullan, Project Supervisor and CIT PhD Student Kieran O’Callaghan for special mention. We here in the Students’ Union would also like to extend our congratulations to all those students who have recently graduated and extend our best wishes to them in their future endeavours. In the past couple of weeks, we ran an extremely successful S.H.A.G. Week, with the aim to give advice and information to students about sex and how to stay safe when involved in sexual relationships. We achieved this aim through fun, interesting events, where every student got the chance to get involved. Our next Welfare Campaign is “Positive Mind and Body Week” and it will run from 22nd- 24th November. It is hoped that during this week, students will learn about mental health and the link between having a positive mind and a positive body. There will be something for everyone so please get involved! Check out the posters in this magazine for a list of all the events. The Students’ Union are planning to start a new initiative that will encourage proper and healthy food at a low cost. In conjunction with

College Dinners (www.collegedinners.ie) we are going to give CIT students the ingredients for FOUR meals (veg and meat) all for just €10! That’s right just €10, it will get you the ingredients for four meals. All you need to do is cook them and just in case you’re not Gordon Ramsey there are different easy to follow recipes on the College Dinners website, and to even sweeten the deal they will drop the food to you on campus just outside the Library. This offer could not be any simpler. The College Dinner crew will be on campus showing you a selection of their goods on offer on Monday 15th November and on Monday the 21st College Dinners will start their dinner offers. If you have any questions call up to the SU office or visit www.collegedinners.ie for all other information. In the last number of weeks there have been a number of incidents in relation to lockers around the college. The main issue is that lockers are being broken into. The use of a locker in the college is at your own risk and any valuables that are stolen will not be replaced by the college. So, I advise you not to put any valuables like phones or money in your lockers. We are also am pleading with students to mind the disabled buttons on the exit doors as some are been broken by accident due to hitting them too hard. Please refrain from kicking or punching them! A simple push will suffice. Finally guys we have been made aware of an increase in anti-social behaviour by students in the last month or so, particularly in relation to house parties and also with the bus service. Guys please be more considerate of your neighbours and be neighbourly. These are our neighbours - CIT’s neighbours. The college works extremely hard to maintain a good relationship with our neighbours in the Bishopstown area and a minority of you are making it rather difficult by acting the maggot. These neighbours could be your parents, your granny or your younger brother and sisters. You would

Get Involved with CIT RAG Week 2012 Would your Class / Society / Club like to organise a fundraising event?

CIT students and staff have always been very generous in their support of charitable and good causes. In the current economic climate many vital and worthy charities struggle to continue supporting those less fortunate due to financial constraints. Let us continue on this now deeply rooted tra-


dition of CIT and Raise And Give as much money as possible. Rag Week 2012 will take place between 13th and 16th February 2012. This year it is hoped that Rag Week will be student led, and we are looking for ideas to fundraise, to involve more students and raise the profile of Rag Week.

How to Get Involved

Put forward your ideas - All ideas will be

be the first to the Gardai, if it was your family that were exposed regularly to the following • Loud music • Shouting and roaring • Drunkenness • Urination in front gardens • Vulgar language • Setting bins on fire • Kicking rubbish bins down the road • Stealing gnomes • Fecking empty bottles and cans into gardens • Lewd behaviour • Ripping up peoples gardens – flowers yanked, branches of trees been broken off the un-offending tree and flower pots smashed. It doesn’t read well Guys! How old are you? Be respectful! No respect, no excuse!! Will we start on the buses? Criminal Record… you could very well be prevented from travelling abroad; because, of something you did while drunk and been drunk is no excuse either. How shameful would that make you feel? Remember a conviction means NO VISA! All the best for November guys, and remember if you have any problems please call up and see Killian, Niamh or Myself, Le meas, Chris, Killian and Niamh

considered by the Rag Week Committee no matter how big, small or madcap Volunteer to support one of the on campus Rag Week events. If interested please mail your ideas to vicky.osullivan@cit.ie by Tuesday the 22nd of November.

A message from An Garda Siochana... Dear Students, I am grateful to the President of Cork Institute of Technology for granting me the opportunity to write to you directly about the CIT Christmas Day Student Event. In recent years the activities of some students associated with this event have brought widespread negative comment and have alarmed the residential community of Bishopstown. There have been extreme levels of alcohol consumption both on and off the street, fighting on the street, drink driving offences and other public order offences. Twenty four students (24) were arrested on November 25th 2010. All were charged and appeared before Cork District Court on public order offences. As you are aware, if one is convicted of a criminal offence this affects their ability to obtain a visa for foreign travel and indeed those seeking future employment will require a police certificate of character from the Garda Vetting Unit. This year the local Bishopstown Residents Association, supported by An Garda Síochána, has taken the unprecedented step of objecting to the renewal of the liquor licences of McCarthy’s Bar and the Bishopstown Bar. As a result, both licensees have given the courts a sworn undertaking that no students would be facilitated on their premises on the day known as C.I.T. Christmas Day. The Bishopstown community has suffered over the years with many feeling imprisoned in their own homes given the numbers of drunken students on the street and the anti social behaviour of those attending house parties. I would appeal to you to consider the residents of this community and ask you not to promote or participate in this event in the Bishopstown area Given the escalation of violent behaviour in recent years An Garda Síochána is concerned that potential loss of life may occur. The Students Union and the College authorities do not support this event and they are conscious of the negative publicity it generates and the damage it has caused to the reputation of the college and those students that attend it. Please do not engage in an activity which you may regret in later life. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and I wish you well in your future studies. Yours sincerely, Charles J. Barry Superintendent




Positive Mind & Body Week


Alcoholics Anonymous is a support group for people with alcohol related problems. 021 4500481 E: gso@alcoholicsanonymous.ie www.alcoholicsanonymous.ie





22nd-24th November

USEFUL Contacts

Aware is a voluntary organisation, which aims to help those who suffer from depression. 72, Lower Leeson St., Dublin 2 Helpline: 1890 303 302 Email: info@aware.ie www.aware.ie Bodywhys provide a range of support services for people affected by eating disorders, including specific services for families and friends. Helpline: 1890 200 444 Email: info@bodywhys.ie www.bodywhys.ie Console provide support for those bereaved by suicide. Helpline: 1800 201 890 www.console.ie Grow is a mental health organisation which helps people who have suffered, or are suffering, from mental health problems. Helpline: 1890 474 474 Email: info@ grow.ie Eating Disorder Resource Centre of Ireland is an Irish based organisation dedicated to the prevention and treatment of Eating Disorders in Ireland. Helpline: 01 4953577 Email: info@eatingdisorders.ie www.eatingdisorders.ie Irish Cancer Society National cancer care charity Helpline: 1800 200 700 Email: helpline@irishcancer.ie www.cancer.ie Irish Heart Foundation is a national charity fighting stroke and heart disease Helpline: 1890 432 787 www. irishheart.ie Pieta House is a Centre for the prevention of self-harm or suicide. Helpline: 01 601 0000 Email: mary@pieta.ie www.pieta.ie PleaseTalk.ie talking is a sign of strength, not of weakness. www.pleasetalk.ie Samaritans provide a 24-hour emotional support service to anyone experiencing distress, despair or suicidal thoughts. Helpline: 1850 60 90 90 Email: jo@samaritans.org www.samaritans.org

Tickets available from Bus Éireann Travel Centre, Parnell Place, Cork. An Stád Shop, Students Centre U.C.C. Student Union Office, C.I.T.

T 021 450 8188 E info@buseireann.ie


Shine is a national organisation dedicated to upholding the rights and addressing the needs of all those that are affected by mental ill health. Helpline: 1890 621 631 www.shineonline.ie Suicide Prevention Helpline – Open daily 6-10pm for people who are feeling suicidal or equally for a family member or friend who is concerned about someone. Helpline: 1800 742 745 Women’s Aid provide support and information to women who are being abused by an intimate partner. Helpline: 1890 341 900 Email: info@womensaid.ie www.womensaid.ie

Positive Mind & Body Week

Looking After Your Mental Health by Niamh Hayes

It may seem like a strange concept but we all have mental health. Think about it. Feeling happy or excited about something is part of your mental health, in the same way that feeling anxious or sad is. It is important that you see your mental health in the way you see your physical health, and that you understand how important it is to look after your mental well-being.

Top tips for looking after your mental health:

consumed in moderation and not used as an escape from worries or mental health concerns.

Do not be afraid to accept yourself for what you are. Nobody’s perfect, we all have our good points and bad points. Many different things including personality, background, race, gender, religion and sexuality make us who we are. Everyone has something to offer and everyone is entitled to respect.

Your mental health is influenced by your surroundings, so try to make your living space somewhere you want to be. Make your room comforting and make sure your house/apartment is good enough for you to live in. Managing your money is really important too, debt and financial difficulties are very stressful. Living well does not mean spending lots. Been with friends and taking care of yourself can be done within a budget.

Accept yourself

Spend time laughing

Having a laugh is always a good way to improve your mood. Spending time with friends and family can make you feel good about yourself and life in general.


Sweating it out at the gym every day may not be everyone’s idea of fun, but just walking more, or having a dance around your bedroom can actually make you feel happier. Exercise, even done moderately, releases endorphins in the brain, stimulation a better mood.

Have some good mood food

Eating five pieces of fruit or veg a day to stay healthy is not just good for our bodies. Eating healthily prevents you feeling sluggish and tired, increases your concentration and can give you the much needed energy to stay awake for the last ten minutes of lecturers. Try to eat regularly and aim to eat a balanced diet every day.

Socialise without alcohol

Socialising is very beneficial to you, but this doesn’t always have to involve alcohol. Although you may think a drink will help you forget your worries, it can actually do the opposite. Alcohol is not a stimulant, it is a depressant drug. Alcohol should be

Live well

Take a break and relax

Make sure you do not overdo it. Being a student does mean quite a lot of work but try to take breaks in between to keep a good balance between work and social time. Fit things into your day that help you unwind like listening to music, reading or watching TV. Find something that you enjoy that works for you.


Make the most out of your spare time and do something fun. Volunteering isn’t just something good to write on your CV, it’s a great way to make new friends, learn new skills and do something for others.

Support network

It is important to know where to go for support. Whether you just want to talk to someone, or need help with a specific issue, there is always someone here in CIT to offer support and advice. Friends and family are often your first contact. Learn to be honest with them about what is going on, and share your problems with each other. If you feel you need some extra support, there are plenty of organisations out there that can help you. See below for the list of college supports.

Remember the good

It can be easy to let the bad things overshadow your day and forget the little things that make you smile, especially when times are tough. Try to get into the habit of ending your day on a positive. Before you go to bed, write down the good things that have happened to make you smile.

Get some sleep

Sleeping and student life don’t always seem to go together, but you should aim for about eight hours every night. A lack of sleep not only causes tiredness but has been associated with mental health problems.

College supports

If you are feeling down, upset, worried and stressed or just need someone who won’t judge you to talk to you, call up to me in the Students’ Union. We can have a chat and figure out where to take things. You can call me 021 433 5273 / 086 384 2977 or email suwelfare@cit. ie. You can visit www.citsu.ie for more details. CIT Careers and Counselling Service is a free, integrated and confidential service available to all full-time registered students, apprentice students and graduates who were full-time students and who have left the Institute within the previous academic year. Make an appointment on 021 433 5772 or email agnes.looney@cit.ie. Visit www.careersandcounselling.ie for more details Chaplaincy is a dynamic presence in CIT recognising and responding to the pastoral and spiritual needs of students and staff. An “Open Door” policy exists to enable students to feel welcome and to seek support, especially in times of distress, illness and bereavement. Call into the Chaplaincy Office on the 1st floor of the Student Centre or call 021 433 5756


CIT Societiesr Voluntee Abroad program Lesotho Report


fter months of juggling college, assignments, exams and fundraising, we were nearly ready to leave for Lesotho. The excitement was building. We had been to Kenya last year and had an idea of what to expect but nothing can prepare you for the whirlwind of emotions. From heartache at the sight of indescribable poverty, to elation at the joy and unconditional thanks expressed by local people at there new school. I guess this is what has fuelled our passion for volunteering. Volunteering through the work of Friends from Ireland has given us an opportunity to change lives, even if only in a small way. The Project consisted of renovating the existing classrooms, the building of two new classrooms, the installation toilets for the school and piping drinking water down the mountain into the village. Our 28-hour journey from Kerry to Lesotho began with a drive to Dublin airport where we met up with the rest of the volunteers. 18 hours later, 2 plane journeys and little sleep we were landed in Johannesburg. It was 5am, the sun was yet to rise, and it was freezing. This couldn’t be Africa, Africa wasn’t cold? Unfortunately not, it was winter in South Africa and it was now several degrees below zero. We tried to joke that winter mornings spent in B263 had prepared us well. Standing at the collection point we were picked up by a Mercedes, a world war two German military truck arrived to take us on the final leg of the journey to Patiseng, Lesotho. Although a Mercedes, it was not what we were expecting. Three hours later we crossed the border into Lesotho, there was a further three hours driving and a 13km hike before we got to Patiseng. Ireland was a distant happy memory now. On arrival at Patiseng we were greeted by a view that cannot be put into words. Mountains stretched 4,000 meters into the sky, a land that remained untouched by man. Villages spotted across the landscape to recreate scenes remnant of lord of the rings. Like noting we had seen before, we knew we were somewhere special.

tain was piped down to the village and a playground was built at the school for the local children. Just one year’s bad crop and the villagers could be put in serious danger of starvation. The villagers rely totally on the land for their survival, the men farm the arid mountainsides they have cut manually into terraces. From as young as five, boys are sent to tend livestock in the isolation of the remote mountains. They have to leave their families and homes for months at a time to live in primitive huts enduring the extreme weather conditions. Known ad Herd Boys, this tradition is a distinctive feature of Lesotho society. One third of Lesotho’s school age boys and young men are working full time as Herd Boys at any time. The women and children of the village had to climb several hundred meter’s high and a distance of up to two kilometers to collect water from a tiny natural well cut into the mountainside. The piped drinking water provided the village with a reservoir of 8,000 liters of water on tap. This would prove invaluable to the community. Changing the lives of the women and children. The first locals to come to use the water supply had to be shown how to use a tap, they had never seen one before. On the final day the locals had organised a ceremony to thank us for all the effort that we had put in. The ceremony took place at the school. A school that originally educated 120 children in extremely poor conditions was now in a position to educate 230 children properly. The ceremony culminated in the playground, with the children being shown how to use a swing for the first time in their lives.

We quickly realised that this trip wasn’t going to be easy. The reality of living in tents on the side of a mountain with temperatures falling at to -10oC at night, washing in either If interested in applyi freezing cold water or with baby wipes and working ng A feeling of sorrow came over us, the realisation that the project had come to an end, well almost, from 7am to an hour before night fall in high altiemail aoife.kelliher@ cit.ie. there was still the 13km walk over the mountain tude doesn’t allow itself to having a holiday. But we Deadline for Scholars back towards home. The long walk home, endweren’t there for a holiday. hip and Bursary applicat ed with more blisters, bleeding feet, laughter ions The schedule only allowed two weeks for the comand pineapple juice that was the sweetest thing is 9th Dec 2011. pletion of the project, a mammoth task given the we’d ever tasted in our lives, bought from a shop For more informatio diversity of skills and natural obstacles the terrain n guarded by a man with an automatic rifle. vi si t provided. Over the two weeks the old school building www.citsocieties.ie Derek Hilliard & Dominic Spillane was renovated and two new classrooms were built. The toilet crisis was solved with the installation of 4 new toiElectrical Engineering Students lets. The fresh drinking water from the spring up the moun-


SU Events Gallery

CCAD Halloween Party 2011



the real deal Large 14” Cheese Pizza & 3 Toppings

Terms: Valid for take-away, dine-in or delivery For delivery €1 extra.



Terms: Valid for take-away, dine-in or delivery - For delivery €1 extra



Sun-Thurs 12pm-12.30am

Fri-Sat 12pm-1.30am



SU Events Gallery


SU Events Gallery

See more pics on CITSU facebook page and in the photo gallery on citsu.ie


Special Feature


his year’s Presidential Election saw the race for the Áras become the most competitive one in the state’s history. With 7 candidates, all of whom are well known in their own field, the campaign was intense and at times, ugly. Bitter rivalry, stories from the past and shocking accusations were the order of the day for the campaign and in the end, these accusations and revelations were the deciding factor for many of the electorate. A total of 8 debates were broadcast, during which fractious exchanges between the candidates left a lot of food for thought for the voting public. Heres our synopsis of the seven candidiates: Mary Davis, a social entrepreneur and disability rights campaigner ran as an Independent candidate and was nominated by local Councils. Her campaign never really got off the ground so to speak and with questions being raised about her participation in numerous government appointed boards, she polled poorly on election day, receiving the least amount of votes out of all 7 candidate with just 48,567 first preference votes, a mere 2.7% share of the total first preference votes. David Norris, Senator and civil rights activist also ran as an Independent candidate and was also nominated by local Councils. In a campaign dogged by controversy, including his exit and reentry to the campaign regarding allegations of abuse of his position as a Senator in the past using Oireachtas resources to ask for clemency for his former partner in Isreal. Following his re-entry to the race, he polled well in opinion polls but never reached the high percentages that would have been expected of him before the controversy which led him to leave the campaign in August. Norris received 109,469 first preference votes, a 6.2% of all first preference votes cast. This left him in 5th place overall. Gay Mitchell, MEP was nominated by his party, Fine Gael. In what can only be described as a bizarre campaign, Mitchell never hit the ground running and was rarely involved in any exchanges whereby the electorate could have concrete evidence of his ability to be Head of State. On polling day he received 113,321 first preference votes, a 6.4% of all first preference votes, leaving him in 4th place. Analysis of results following this showed that Mitchell only securing 1 in 8 first preference votes in his own constituency in Dublin South Central. Dana Rosemary Scallon, former MEP (and some might say, professional Presidential can-


didate) ran as an Independent candidate and was nominated by local Councils. Her campaign never made her a front runner and mistakes like telling Ryan Tubridy that she would refuse to sign a bill if she believed it threatened Bunreacht na hÉireann when in fact the President does not have veto power, led to much criticism in the media. The revelation about her dual citizenship to the US and the fact that she had to renounce allegiance to Ireland in order to get this led to further criticism. A series of events which kicked

Race to the Aras

off on the Prime Time debate where she claimed that there would be a story in the newspapers the following day of a “malicious” nature about a member of her family led to heightened criticism of her campaign and accusations of looking for a sympathy vote when this story failed to materialise. At the polls, Dana came in 6th place with just 2.9% of the overall first preference votes. Sean Gallagher, entrepreneur and former member of the Fianna Fáil National Executive ran as an Independent candidate and was nominated by local Councils. As part of his campaign, Sean Gallagher, visited CIT to speak to students and staff about “Entrepreneurs and Graduate Opportunities”, during which he spoke about his vision for the future of the Irish economy and the opportunities that will lie ahead for students and graduates. Following his motivational speech in April of this year to the Business and Accounting Society, Gallagher was welcomed back to the Institute by a large audience in the Nexus who listened intently to his thoughts for the future

and many fielded questions to the Presidential hopeful following his speech. At the time of his visit to CIT, Gallagher was polling extremely well in the opinion polls carried out by local and national newspapers, as well as broadcasting media. It looked like a certainty that he would be the ninth President of Ireland until the final television debate which was broadcast live on “The Frontline” with Pat Kenny as host whereby a series of accusations and revelations about Gallagher’s past and his dealings with Fianna Fáil led to his ultimate fall from the top of the polls. He ultimately conceded defeat on the night following polling day when it had become obvious that he would not be elected. Despite the controversy in the days leading up to the election, Gallagher still polled in 2nd place with 504,964 first preference votes and a 28.5% share of the total votes cast. Martin McGuinness, deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland was nominated by Sinn Féin and a number of independent TDs. As was expected, McGuinness’ campaign was largely focused on his past and he spent much of his time defending decisions he had made in the past while he was a member of the IRA, up until his departure in 1974. He also spent a lot of the campaign defending himself against allegations that he was implicated in other activities during the Troubles, after his claimed exit from the IRA in 1974. Despite this McGuinness performed well in the election and secured a 13.7% share of first preference votes with 243,030 first preference votes. Last but not least is former Government Minister and TD, Michael D. Higgins, who was nominated by the Labour Party. Higgins led a good campaign but some media reports suggested that he was spared the intense grilling that some of the other candidates were subjected to. However, the number of first preference votes he received speaks for itself having received 701,101 first preference votes, a 39.6% share of the total first preference votes that were cast nationwide. He was declared as President Elect just 2 days after the election and was welcomed home to his native Galway by a crowd of over 5,000 people the following day. Higgins’ inauguration took place in Dublin Castle on November 11th whereby the Presidency was formally handed from Mary McAleese to Michael D. He is the first President of Ireland to have served in both houses of the Oireachtas having served as both a TD in the Lower House in the Dáil and as a Senator in the Upper House of the Seanad.

CIT Gaisce Society

CIT news

Roseanne Phelan from Ballingarry Co. Tipperary is a second year Applied Biosciences student. She recently received her Bronze Award. Roseanne is the Chairperson of the CIT Gaisce Society and is currently undertaking her Silver Gaisce.

What is Gaisce?

Gaisce-The President’s Award is Ireland’s National Challenge Award; the country’s most prestigious and respected individual award programme for young people aged 15 to 25. Most people have heard of Gaisce, but not many realise the effort required in order to be awarded with one of the three awards. A Gold Gaisce Award is the highest award in Ireland that a civilian can be awarded. Gaisce works on the basis of a personal challenge set by you. You will set the challenge and agree it with a President’s Award leader (PAL). You won’t be competing with other participants, as each challenge is completely individual - so the only person you’ll compete with is yourself!

How does it work?

There are 3 types of award that you can earn – Bronze, Silver and Gold. To earn an award, you will need to participate in each of the four challenge areas. You can build on an activity that you’re already involved in, but each participant must take up at least one new activity to earn an award. The challenge areas are: Community Involvement Personal Skill Physical Recreation Adventure Journey An additional Residential Project is required for the Gold Award.

Sold Out

Sold Out

It’s certainly not too late to register for Gaisce; if you are interested please call into the Chaplaincy Office on the Balcony corridor of the Student Centre to pick up your registration form. For more information, visit www.gaisce.ie Search CIT Gaisce Society on Facebook

Elaine Patrick and Karen O’Sullivan received their Gold Award from President Mary McAleese at Dublin Castle on Sept 29th



The 2011 Student Yachting World Cup


he 2011 Student Yachting World Cup came to a close with a delighted Cork Institute of Technology Team finishing in 3rd place on the podium behind Euromed Arthur Lloyd France & Solent University, England. It was a mixed week of challenges for the CIT Team with weather delaying the start date and daily repairs to the boat costing the team in valuable points in the initial race days. After 2 days of terrible weather the crews left the harbour on Tuesday October 25th for the first day of racing. It was a long day on the water with 4 windward leeward races and a night race. CIT finished in 5th position after day 1 but were always close to the leading pack in races. Day 2 saw the CIT team experience boat difficulties in the 1st race of the day. The rivet holding the foot of the kicker to the mast gave away so the team were forced to go back into shore. The team remained upbeat and went on to win the 2nd race of the day by 40 seconds, they finished 2nd in race 3 and 5th in race 4. Thursdays weather conditions proved frustrating for fleets with winds ranging from 2 to 22 knots. Only two races were complet-

Equestrian Club

ed in which CIT fared well despite breaking another key piece of gear the jib halyard. The team finished 3rd in both races with the halyard giving way in the 2nd race forcing CIT to set about switching quickly without losing too much time. On the final day of racing, CIT lay in 3rd position just one point ahead of South-

Cit’ s equestrian club is one of the most active clubs within the college. Recently club members tried there hand at polocrosse ,training with the cork polocrosee club at Hop Island equestrian centre in Rochestown. The riders leaned the basic skills from club coach Padraig Edwards and assistant coach Mike Murphy. When the riders mastered the pick up s throws and difficult task of neck reining which is turning the horse wit only one hand on reins they played five chukkas (games) each one more exciting than the last. All of the club members thouroughly enjoyed their night.


ampton. In the first race CIT made a perfect start right off the pin but as the wind swung round to the right their gains were cancelled out. They did however manage to sneak past the English team to finish 5th. The 2nd race of the final day saw CIT fight hard to keep pace with the newer boats in the fleet. Despite a slow start, the team threw gybe after gybe in the downwind to catch up with the main fleet. After rounding the bottom mark CIT tacked to the left side of the beat to get some new pressure. They managed to leap frog the French on the final beat to finish in 3rd place guaranteeing CIT 3rd place position overall. A delighted CIT team returned home to Cork on Sunday after a unique week of competition to finish in 3rd place on the world stage for student sailing. Despite the pre-event goal of winning the championship, 3rd place was an incredible feat given the equipment setbacks. The team would like to take the opportunity to thank all those involved namely sponsors; Cork Institute of Technology, Bank Of Ireland, Avis and Euro Car parks. Congratulations to the team from all in CIT for their tremendous performance and representation of the Institute at the World Yachting Championships.


Competition Challenges you to Explore Home Drinking Trends

DARE2BDRINKAWARE.ie is a film and multimedia competition for third-level students, aimed at promoting the responsible use of alcohol. For the 2012 competition, students are being invited to submit film and multimedia entries on the theme of ‘drinking in a home environment’. “Home drinking now constitutes more than 50 per cent of alcohol consumption in Ireland, up from 30 per cent a few years ago,” says Fionnuala Sheehan of Drinkaware. ie. “Students – who are usually living off limited budgets – have always had a tendency to favour home drinking, or to combine having a few drinks at home with a night out in the pub. They consider it cheaper to drink at home than to drink in a bar. “It’s important that students act responsibly when drinking in a home environment as it can pose certain risks. Firstly, when drinking in a home environment, very few people measure their drinks and – particularly if they’re drinking wine or spirits – glasses are constantly being topped up. So it’s likely students are consuming much larger quantities of alcohol than they would in a pub or a club and drinking for a much longer length of time – after all, there’s no closing time when it comes to home drinking.“Secondly, when students purchase alcohol in an off-trade premises and bring it to a house party or back to their own house, they tend to consume everything they have bought. So, whether it’s a four-pack of beer or a bottle of wine, the likelihood is it will all be polished off. “All of these factors increase the risk of over-consumption of alcohol, with obvious negative consequences for students’ health and wellbeing. We’ve also been hearing concerns expressed about anti-social behaviour on college campuses, as a result of home drinking in student accommodation.” “So these are the reasons we chose ‘home drinking’ as the theme for this year’s DARE2BDRINKAWARE.ie competition. We want to put it up to students to examine their own and their peers’ behaviour, and to look at ways of promoting more responsible attitudes to drinking in a home environment.” DARE2BDRINKAWARE.ie is open to all third-level students over the age of 18. Entries for the competition can be produced in the form of an advertisement or as a tool to be used as part of a public information campaign (for example, a short film, a phone app, or a static or rich media website banner). Entries must focus on home drinking, aligning the theme with the competition’s aim of promoting the responsible use of alcohol and / or challenging anti-social drinking behaviours. Students interested in submitting an entry to DARE2BDRINKAWARE.ie now have until 25th November to complete a short proposal, outlining the idea behind their entry. They will then have until March 2012 to develop and complete their multimedia or film project. Entries are judged by a high-profile panel of industry experts, and a prize fund of €5,000 is up for grabs in the competition. Further information about DARE2BDRINKAWARE.ie, as well as guidelines and an application form for entrants, are available on the competition website, www.DARE2BDRINKAWARE.ie

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Fusilli with Meatballs Recipe Makes 6 servings

Each serving of fusilli with meatballs contains: 534 calories, 26g protein, 62g carbohydrate, 21g total fat Ingredients: 1 Tablespoon olive oil 1 large onion, chopped 2 garlic cloves, crushed through a press 1 can (28 ounce) no salt added whole tomatoes in puree ½ cup chopped fresh basil 1 teaspoon dried oregano, crushed 2 slices firm-textured white bread, processed into crumbs (2/3 cup fresh bread crumbs) 1 pound of very lean ground beef 1 egg 2 Tablespoons skimmed milk ½ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 12 ounces long fusilli pasta

Instructions: 1. Grease a large non-stick pan with a non-stick cooking spray, add the oil, and heat over medium high heat until hot but not smoking. Add the onion and sauté until softened, for about 4 minutes. 2. Add the garlic and sauté until fragrant, about 1 minute. Spoon 2 Tablespoons of the mixture into a large bowl. Add the crushed tomatoes to the pan and stir to mix. 3. Place the whole tomatoes and juice in a food processor, puree and add to the pan. Heat to boiling, cover, and simmer over medium-low heat for 15 minutes. Stir in the basil and oregano and simmer for 15 minutes longer. 4. Add the bread crumbs, beef, egg, milk, salt and pepper to the onions in the bowl and mix with your hands until blended (do not over mix). Shape the mixture into 1 inch balls. 5. Grease a baking sheet with non-stick cooking spray, and place the meatballs on the sheet. Cook until browned on all sides, about 4 minutes longer. 6. Remove the meatballs from the pan and drain on a paper towel lined baking sheet. Add to the tomato sauce. Cover and cook 20 minutes, stirring gently once or twice. 7. Cook the pasta to al dente as the package label directs, omitting the salt and oil, drain, and place in a warm serving bowl. Spoon 1 ½ cups sauce over the pasta and toss to coat. 8. Serve the meatballs and remaining sauce alongside with a cucumber salad.




very successful Career & Postgraduate Options Fair 2011 was held by the Careers & Counselling Service in association with the School of Graduate Studies on Tuesday October 4th, 2011. The Fair was host to over 60 stands and welcomed in excess of 1,700 students on the day! The event focussed on career and further study options, as well as travel and volunteering opportunities available to students. This year’s Fair was officially opened by Mr Sean Sherlock, Minister of State, Department of Enterprise, Jobs & Innova-


It proved to be a well organised and focussed event for all in attendance and showed students that there are options for the future!

ciding their next steps and the School of Graduate Studies provides support to anyone choosing to move towards 4th level education in CIT. Why not check out the following websites for information on further options? • www.careersandcounselling.com for information on jobs, career resources and career events and; • www.cit.ie/postgraduates for postgraduate course information.

The Careers & Counselling Service offers continued support to students in de-

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tion and Department of Education & Skills with responsibility for Research & Innovation. The Minister spoke to employers and CIT students and staff while visiting various stands at the Fair, and remarked on how encouraging it was to see such positive interaction between the Institute, employers and the wider community.

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So You think you have



My boyfriend says I’m controlling. We both have very different views on the world and the way to act in a relationship. He told me he cheated on me in our first year together and I said I’d forgive him as I knew he had been in a bad place at the time and he had just broken up with someone before we met. However since we met, I have been jealous of the girls that he hangs around with. It’s almost like I sense he’s cheating. Anyway, now I thought things were good. But then he went on holidays with the boys. He met a few girls in a hostel. Photos have now appeared of him with arms around them on Facebook (very cosy photos). He said nothing happened (which I believe) but he won’t admit that it’s inappropriate for him to act like that. He said that I am over reacting and I’m wrecking his head and other girls wouldn’t care about that kind of thing. Now I don’t know if I am over reacting or if he is just twisting things to make me out the freak? I’m very upset, please help me. Even criticism would be welcome at this stage, as I have been quite sheltered growing up and now I feel that I don’t know much about how things should be. Thanks

I don’t think you are controlling. Most girls would react the same way you have. The fact that he has cheated in the past is going to put major doubt in your mind as to whether he’s going to do it again and there will be trust issues there. I do think you do need to let it go a little though. You took him back which means you obviously feel really strongly about him. However, if you feel like you can’t trust him on every night out that he goes on and every holiday he takes, then you need to revaluate the relationship. It is not healthy for either of you to go through this. If you don’t sort this out now, mentally you are going to continuously worry and stress yourself out. If you do want to be with him then ask him if something happened while he was on holiday? Then move on, otherwise try to put your trust issues behind you and, you both will have a happier, healthier relationship. Right first of all you are not over reacting you are just worried about losing your boyfriend, nothing wrong there! However, if you think he has cheated on you, then you need to tell him straight out how you feel and let him know that you are worried. If he has something to hide he will react to this conversation in a negative

way, if so, you need to tell him to go. Now for a bit of criticism, just because he is in a photo with some girls it does not mean he is cheating! He was on holiday and was having the craic with the boys, no harm there! You need to take a step back and take a deep breath. If you still feel he cheated then ask him straight out! Tell him honestly how you feel and if he doesn’t take any notice of your feelings then tell

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him that you feel this relationship isn’t going anywhere! I recently moved into a house with four other people. I get on really well with one of my housemates who just happens to be a fella. We often share cooking and watch DVD’s together, normal stuff that normal housemates do. However, in the past few days; I’ve began thinking that he may well like me more than just a friend. He often questions where I’m going and what I’m doing? And, when I do anything without him, I occasionally get a glimpse of the green-eyed monster from him. How do I let him down gently without making things awkward in the house? In the past I would have been the first to jump up and tell you to be honest with your housemate. However, having shared a house with friends in the past, I know how awkward things can get when certain things are said to each other. Therefore my advice is to approach this one very carefully. You don’t want to live in that sort of situation for the next nine months, but, at the same time you need things to change. I would continue to hang out with your housemate but maybe get more of your housemates involved. For instance make sure there is someone sitting between you on the couch during DVD night…otherwise you can’t be sure where his hands might go! Try and get out of the house more, show him that you are independent and that you enjoy doing things without him. Over the next few weeks there will be many CIT nights coming up out and I’m sure you’ll meet a fella then and, if you do, bring him around to the house when your housemate is there. Although make sure you don’t rub it in his face that you have someone special, just introduce them to each other and hopefully your housemate will get the message! You need to let this fella know that you are not interested in him and that there is no chemistry between the both of you. You need to sit him down and tell him straight and not beat around the bush, because this will just prolong the outcome that you are looking for. If he does “not get it” when you say it straight to him; bring another fella home and this will really let him know that you are “just friends.” I’d suggest that you keep watching DVD’s and hanging out as there is no reason he just cannot be friends but he must know that’s all you are!



Hey everyone, college is well in swing & so too are all the various societies. In keeping with modern times we buried the “FoppySoc” title & are now the Computing Society. Our current committee for the year are Michael O’Connor - Chairperson, Cathal Mullane - Vice-chairperson, Fiona Cronin - Secretary, Kevin Moore - Treasurer & Robert O’Sullivan PRO all of whom have transformed the society into a much more active society from previous years. We had our successful welcome night of bowling & pool with a great turnout in the Mardyke and was a enjoyable night out. We will as always having our annual Pic n Mix Ball next semester which promises to be its annual success. Our most notable addition this year has been a weekly PC gaming night held in Webworkhouse every Thursday evening. So far the attendance and interest has been excellent & is by no means aimed at the gaming fanatic as many have not not prior gaming experience. This weekly event is always open to newcomers at any point & at €2.50 per person is very reasonable especially when you consider pizza is included as part of the deal. We have begun to play LAN games together which can be both a great way to socialise & get to know new people has we divide into teams and square off against each other in a game of Counter Strike to name but a few. We will also be participating in a College Gaming Inter varsity next semester so will be competing to earn CIT’ Gaming Kings Title!! So check out our facebook page for upcoming events or subscribe to our society text on http://www.citsocieties.ie Hope to see you soon!!


International Society


he International Students Society at the Cork Institute of Technology has been a success since its inception, winning several awards, including Best Society award at CIT for two consecutive years, and going on to win the National Best Society award in Dublin. During this year the committee consists of members from five different countries and 200+ members from ten different countries along with 10 full-time Irish students. The main aim of the society is to facilitate a mix of different cultures in a comfortable environment and to familiarize our members with the colourful Irish culture, through different activities, trips and events all over the Green Isle. We have held a lot of events so far ( Welcome Party, a tour in the Franciscan well brewery, a Halloween party and a trip to Galway). We are going to be donating the candy collected at the Halloween party to children at CUH. Of course, many others events will come, so the craic is guaranteed! If you still do not know us or want to ask anything, please contact us: isscit@gmail. com or facebook.com/isscit. See you around!

Hey everyone, hope you’re all getting through your assignments ok and keeping on top of your coursework. The “Coming Out” talk as part of SHAG week went very well with ice-breakers as well as the actual talk. Big thanks to CIT SU Welfare Officer Niamh Hayes for organising the talk! We had a great turnout for our Halloween Night Tour of Cork Gaol with UCC LGBT, don’t forget to call to the Societies Office and give your name at the desk to collect your €5 refund for attending the tour! We’ve already had some great events this month like Quazar and seeing the movie “Weekend” as part of Outlook at the Cork Film Festival. We also have planned a LGBT Mental Health Talk as part of “Positive Mind & Body Week” so watch out for details on that. Also, don’t forget our “End of Semester” meal the week before finals, it’s always a popular event and places book out early! We’ll be taking suggestions from members as to where they would like to eat as well as proposing some old favourites. As always newcomers are more than welcome and remember we’re nothing without our members so if you’ve any ideas for events don’t hesitate to let us know. Mark O’Brien (Chairperson). www.citlgbt.com. Email: lgbtcit@gmail.com

CIT Musical Society presents

A New Brain


t is with much hype of anticipation that the students from the CIT Musical Society, winners of the CIT Best New Society 2011, have the pleasure of inviting you to their upcoming production ‘A New Brain’ which will be staged in the Stack Theatre of the Cork School of Music. The students will have their first showing on the 23rd of November at 8pm when they run the preview. The next opportunity to catch the talented scholars will be on the 25th at 8pm and there will be two showings on the 26th November at 3pm and 8pm. Tickets are priced at €15 and €10 concession are available at the Cork School of Music main office or by emailing musical@ citsocieties.ie Following the success of their first production ‘Tick, tick... BOOM!’ in February last they are proud to present a show with an all singing, all dancing cast of thirteen and a live band/orchestra - all students of CIT! Ciaran Bermingham will again take the director’s chair for this production. Ciaran is a well known Irish actor who recently appeared in HBO’s ‘A Game of Thrones’ and who will return to the set for the third season. Both cast and orchestra are made up of CIT students from Crawford, Bishopstown, and the CSM and it promises to be a very exciting production. CIT student Brian Raftery is delighted to be playing the lead role. “I feel incredibly privileged to have been given not only the lead in such an amazing musical, but also for the opportunity to perform alongside such an outstanding cast.” ‘A New Brain’ is a new musical written by William Finn. Finn’s music score ranges from the hilarious to the ravishing, and all points in between. The main character, Gordon Scwhinn, is a frustrated composer who is suddenly faced with a potentially terminal brain illness. This unlikely subject bursts with humanity and humour.

Student Cast List: Paul O’Connor, Cobh, Co. Cork Ben Bickerdike, Glanmire, Co. Cork Richard Bun, Midleton, Co. Cork Molly Lynch, Frankfield, Co. Cork Amanda Neri, Montenotte, Co. Cork John O Duffy, Nena, Tipperary Eamonn Shanahan, Thurles, Tipperary Claire Ni Donnchu, Limerick Liane Bradley, Ennis, Co. Clare Michelle Cooke, Rosscommon Brian Raftery, Galway Keelin Kilduff, Naas, Kildare Grace Bergin, Dublin

Through the wide range of events and activities for all the family, Christmas in Killarney offers a build up to Christmas with minimal stress, where everyone can re-discover the magic of Christmas with fun activities in the relaxed, hassle free and safe environment of Killarney. More than just shopping, the town is offering people Christmas as it should be … Festive Displays of Lights; Santa’s Secret Christmas Village; Killarney Jaunting Sleigh Rides; Children’s Christmas Parade; Open Air Christmas Markets; Family Christmas Concert; Guided Winter Walks and much, much more! For further information visit: www.christmasinkillarney.com


To celebrate this year’s Festival, Christmas in Killarney in association with The International Hotel Killarney, are offering a Fantastic Christmas Break in Killarney for two. Prize includes: • A Luxury Two Night Getaway for two in the Heart of Killarney, at The International Hotel. Enjoy the comforts of an Executive Room with breakfast each morning and sumptuous dinner on the evening of your choice in Hannigans Restaurant (Sunday 1st Jan & Monday 2nd Jan). • Pair of tickets to see Keith Barry at the INEC, on Sunday 1st January

Q: Christmas in Killarney Festival takes place in which county? a) Cork b) Dublin c) Kerry Circle answer and deliver your entry to the SU shop

Name: Class:


Terms & Conditions: • Accommodation is valid on Sunday 1st January & Monday 2nd January only • No cash alternative • Prize is non transferable



zzle #8 by Dave Fisher (puzzles.about.com)

sponsored by www.citsocieties.ie




























22 24




27 33

32 36


34 38

37 40



28 35 39 42












Across 1. Washington or New York, for example 6. Feline 9. Part of mph 12. Hardwear? 13. _kosh (Wisconsin town) 14. First 15. Rome’s river 16. Term of respect 17. Not even 18. Prefix for center or log 19. Weatherman’s word 22. Sra. north of the border 23. Where the anvil, hammer and stirrup reside 24. Books for travellers 28. 22 across, e.g. 32. Jungle sound 33. Work in a garden 35. Pace 36. Subject 38. Followed 40. Give the okay 42. B&B 43. Weatherman’s word 46. Pen point 49. Batman and Robin, e.g. 50. __ Smits, “Dunkin’ Dutchman” of the NBA 51. Not uptight 53. Chest muscles 54. “__ no evil” 55. Dine at home 56. Some degrees 57. Period 58. Put sauce on a salad

Prize €30. Deliver your completed entries to the SU shop Name: 34. The Cheshire cat mits, "Dunkin' 6. Price Tel: had a big one n" of the Class: 7. In reserve 37. Rough 8. Dracula's target ptight 39. Not straight 9. Lacking money muscles 41. Less wet 10. Make __ meet Each answer is one letter and it o evil" 43. Havana's island up something we all want: (manage) makes at home 44. Profit What 11. Magenta and __comes next? X L C D degrees 45. Big furniture 20. Not new Letter No. 15 store

Down 1. Fill to the gills 2. Stumble 3. Prefix meaning ‘both’ 4. One of ten 5. Baseball stat 6. Price 7. In reserve 8. Dracula’s target 9. Lacking money 10. Make __ meet (manage) 11. Magenta 20. Not new 21. Roots 22. Ocean-like 24. It gets hung up 25. Also 26. See 27 down 27. Do this to make a 26 down 29. “She’s So High” singer Bachman 30. Golfer’s concern 31. Letters on a sched. 34. The Cheshire cat had a big one 37. Rough 39. Not straight 41. Less wet 43. Havana’s island 44. Profit and __ 45. Big furniture store 46. A flat, for one 47. Egyptian goddess 48. Uncle __ rice 49. Beaver’s work 52. Boat propeller

Brain Teaser ...


in the negative 46. A flat,Answering for one CIT SU 21. are Roots proud to announce that This red furry Sesame Street character’s initial auce on athere is22. nowOcean-like an Xbox in the Common 47. Egyptian goddess Txtn: Who, wat, wher, wen and ? room available for students to play 48. Uncle __ rice 24. It gets hung up in half hour intervals. We have five Name: 49. Beaver's work Also including the Kinet different25.games Class: Mob youSee want play, please 52. call Boat propeller 27 to down the gills sport! If26. in to the27. SU shop. Do this to make a le 26 down meaningYou will need:

29.ID"She's High" Student plusSo a €5 deposit to singer Bachman get the controllers, one game ten 30. Golfer's to theconcern cabinet. all stat and the key on a sched. There is 31. a 30Letters minute allowance per person on the Xbox and if you go over the time, you lose the deposit! All monies from the deposits that are held will go to purchasing new games for the Xbox.


Prize: Bishopstown Credit Union Mastercard with €50 lodged to it Branches at: Wilton Road and Wilton Shopping Centre www.bishopstowncu.ie Deliver all entries to: Students’ Union shop, 1st Floor, Student Centre. Terms and conditions apply. Identification documents required

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