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CIT Students’ Union Magazine Volume Fourteen, Issue 2


in this issue:

• Lots of Sex Talk! • Sports News •F AQ - Need to Know •P icture Gallery • Problem Page • Games & Competitions and much more...

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WEEK 2012

Sexual Health Awareness & Guidance Week 23rd - 25th October

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S.H.A.G. CIT SU Presents

WEEK 2012

Sexual Health Awareness & Guidance Week Tues 23rd Oct


West Atrium (across from canteen), 11am-12.30pm; 1pm-2.30pm; 3pm-4.30pm. limited spaces! e: suwelfare@cit.ie to sign up. Free lUnCH

Shag-Tag Tuesday @ eclipse nightclub, 11pm, €4 adm. Free before 11.15pm

Weds 24th Oct

Thurs 25th Oct

Student Centre 12.30pm

Student Centre 12.30pm

Blind dATe

dUrex SexUAl HeAlTH MAGiCiAn

dJ Society

Student Centre 1pm

dJ Society

Student Centre, 1pm lots of free durex goodies to giveaway

‘FiFTy SHAdeS’ PArTy’ in The loft Bar 9pm. Condom Olympics, eclipse nightclub passes. Giveaways for best dressed

S.H.A.G. Wel-Fair in the Main Corridor all week with Free condom giveaways Stands include Students’ Union, the Sexual Health Centre, the Sexual Violence Centre, O’Sullivans Pharmacy & More!

Contents CIT Students’ Union, Bishopstown, Cork, Ireland. Telephone: 021 433 5274 Email: supublications@cit.ie facebook.com/CITSU Web: www.explicit.ie expliCIT Production Design & Advertising - Keith Brown CIT Students’ Union President - Danny O’ Donovan (supresident@cit.ie) Vice President Education - Killian Hughes (sueducation@cit.ie) Vice President Welfare - Niamh Hayes (suwelfare@cit.ie) Projects Officer - Richard MaCarthy (suprojects@cit.ie) Communications Officer - Laura Horgan (sucommunications@cit.ie) Entertainments Officer - Martin Daly (suentertainments@cit.ie) Entertainments Manager Mick O’Mahony (Event@cit.ie) Advertising Opportunities CIT has almost 17,000 full and part-time students with over 1,500 staff. Why not use expliCIT to promote your business to this large audience?

4 SU Officers’ Address 5 Lets Talk about sex

Everything you need to know about contraceptionontraception

6 Don’t be embarrassed to talk about sti’s 8 Myths v facts Sex Tips for boys and girls 10 Are you shy?

Some practical help in catching the eye of that boy or girl you fancy

We want you, We Need You!

Here in the Students’ Union we want to hear your stories about CIT events. If you have a story or article that you’d like to share and have published, we’d love to hear from you. expliCIT magazine is YOUR college magazine and reaches all CIT students. The purpose is to cover all aspects of college life including both academic and extracurricular events. In order to enhance the quality of expliCIT magazine, we need your help. If you would like to get involved with our student magazine, expliCIT, please contact Laura at sucommunications@cit.ie or call into the Students’ Union Office.

11 CIT Grad Balls 2012 info 12 photo gallery 14 The Magdalene Laundries It’s time to believe!

16 CIT Socs Volunteer Prog 18 Sports news

Keeping you in touch with all the various sports at CIT

20 Problem page

So, you think you have problems?

21 Top Ten FAQS

A new monthly guide to stuff you need to know at CIT

22 competitions

There are some great prizes on offer for successfully completed entries delivered into the Students’ Union office

Copy deadlines, advertising rates and technical specifications are available from our website www.expliCIT.ie or upon request from the Publications Office. expliCIT magazine is published monthly by CIT Students’ Union. The views expressed in the magazine are those of their authors and are not necessarily those of CIT Students’ Union. All articles and pictures are the property of their respective owners and should not be reproduced without their permission. Winners of our competitions from expliCIT 1: Crossword: Aisling O’Shea €30

Fear Factory

BrainTeaser: Ian Curtin, DBE3 €40 Debit card

SU Official CIT Bash Halloween



Weds 31st Oct Doors: 10.30pm 2 floors Prizes for best dre ssed

Over 18s Garda age ID/passport must be produced as proof of age. ROAR



Of f icerss Addres


ello, How ’bout that ride in? I guess that’s why they call it …. (First person to email suwelfare@cit.ie with the end of that sentence wins four free passes to Eclipse!). An epic speech in its own right and although it is fitting, we are not going to run it!

S.H.A.G. Week

Next week is our first welfare campaign of the year, CIT SU S.H.A.G. Week 2012! Sexual Health Awareness and Guidance Week is all about informing you about looking after your sexual health, how to stay safe and where to go if you are ever faced with tough decisions. The week begins next Tuesday, 23rd October, when we will run “A Guide to Great Sex” workshops. These will take place at 11am12.30pm, 1pm-2.30pm and 3pm-4.30pm in the West Atrium (across from the canteen). Spaces are limited so if you want to take part please email suwelfare@cit.ie with your name, contact number and what time you would like to attend. There will also be free lunch so if the title of the workshop didn’t entice you enough, I’m sure free food will sell it for you! Tuesday night will see the continuation of our Shag-Tag Tuesdays in Eclipse Nightclub so be sure to pop in for some clean sexual health awareness and guidance fun! If you are looking for love make sure you make your way to the Nexus in the Student Centre on Wednesday 24th October. CIT’s very own DJ Society will be taking to the stage from 12.30pm which will be followed by BLIND DATE on stage from 1.15pm. Some very lucky guys and gals will be walking away hand-inhand with a very romantic prize. If you would like to nominate yourself or a friend to take part, please leave a comment on our Facebook page. Thursday 25th October will see the final day of CIT SU S.H.A.G. Week 2012, with the campaign ending in a performance by the Durex Sexual Health Magician at 1pm in the Nexus in the Student Centre. There will be lots of Durex goodies to give away, as well as the show being really informative about sexual health. Arrive early to secure your seat and see the DJ


Society playing from 12.30pm. Thursday night will see the wrap-up “Fifty Shades Party” in the Loft Student Bar from 9pm, which will include the Condom Olympics and free passes to Eclipse Nightclub for the best dressed! There will be a S.H.A.G. Wel-Fair in the main corridor all week where organisations including the Sexual Health Centre, Sexual Violence Centre, LINC and Cork Gay Project, will be on hand to give you information about STI’s, contraception, coming out, etc. Make sure you call to our Students’ Union stand to get your free condoms. If you would like to get involved and help us out during the week, please email Niamh: suwelfare@cit.ie. Your sexual health is not only important during S.H.A.G. Week, it is a life time responsibility! You can also pop into CIT’s Medical Centre to book in for a STI check-up. The Sexual Health Doctor is on campus every Tuesday and the check-up costs only €10. Also call into the Welfare Office anytime to get your free condoms.

Now, for a few info bites: Class Reps

Please elect your Class Rep if you have not already done so. If you have been elected as Class Rep you must register with the Students’ Union by going to www.citsu.ie or calling to the Students’ Union Office. (If you have been re-elected as Class Rep, you must register again for this year). Registration ensures you are informed about Union Council Meetings, Class Rep Awards etc. Please contact Danny O’Donovan at supresident@cit.ie should you have queries or need assistance with the election process.


In the last issue of expliCIT, we informed you we were in talks with management about the library opening hours and we are now delighted to announce that we got what we were

looking for! The following are the opening times for CIT Library: Monday-Thursday 8.30am – 9.45pm Friday 8.30am-5.30pm Saturday 10am – 5pm Sunday (9th & 16th Dec only) 12pm – 5pm

Freshers Week

What a week! There was something for everyone but I think the Hypnotist, once again, stole the show. Check out the hilarious pictures on our Facebook page facebook.com/citsu. Our night-time events went down a storm as well and we were sold out every night. Although we here in the SU think the week was a success, we want your input. Please email event@cit. ie with any feedback/comments/questions so that we can make CIT SU RAG Week 2013 bigger and better than ever before.


This year’s conferring will take place on Friday the 19th of October and Monday the 22nd October. Friday night’s entertainment will take place in Vienna Woods Hotel, Glanmire and Monday night’s will be held in The Rochestown Park Hotel. If you haven’t already done so, you call into us here in the SU office to get your ball tickets. I hope you are all settling into college life well and if you are having any issues, don’t hesitate to contact any of the officers. All the best, Danny, Niamh, Killian

Vagina Jokes aren’t funny. Period. Dick jokes aren’t funny either. Is that so hard to get?


by Niamh Hayes

Let’s Talk About

S.H.A.G Week 2012

Everything you need to know about Contraception

The only sure way you are not going to get pregnant or contract a STD or STI is abstinence! i.e. not having sex. While this is the new contraceptive sweeping the country, if you do choose to have sex, please please please, for your own sake, practice safe sex. Contraception doesn’t just mean condoms and the pill. While all contraceptive methods are very effective, most are 99% effective, when used completely correctly and consistently, you still have to take caution. The safest way of having sex is for both the male and female to protect themselves. I will advise you to get to know what options are out there and choose the one which best suits your body and your lifestyle.

The Pill - 45% of women aged 18-24 who use contraception use the pill

The Pill has been around since the 1960s and is still the most popular form of female contraception, however it does not protect you against STI’s so be sure to use a condom. There are two types; the combined pill and the progestogen only pill (mini-pill). The combined pill contains two female hormones, oestrogen and progestogen. It’s a highly effective contraceptive, but you need to make sure you follow the instructions on the packet very carefully because if you miss a pill you may not be fully protected and you could get pregnant. The progestogen pill contains progestogen only. This pill is suitable if you cannot tolerate oestrogen. There can be some side effects with both types of pills so it is important to find one that suits you. It is also important to know that if you have a stomach bug, are vomiting, or are taking other types of medication, the effectiveness of the pill is reduced considerably. Consult with a doctor if you are worried about any of these.

The Implant - The implant is a small flexible rod which is placed just under the skin on the inside of the upper arm of the female. It releases progestogen, which stops ovulation. It is 99% effective, however like the pill, it does not protect against STI’s. It lasts for up to three years and must be inserted and removed by a doctor. The implant is suitable if you want long-term contraception and wish to avoid taking or using a contraceptive daily. Injectable Contraception- The injection contains the hormone progestogen,

which is released slowly into the body to prevent ovulation. It is given by a health care professional every 12 weeks. It is over 99% effective but does not protect you from STI’s.

The Coil - The Coil is a small plastic and copper device that is put into the womb. It is 98-99% effective and works by stopping the sperm from meeting the egg. It can stay in the body for up to eight years and works as soon as it is inserted. However it does not protect you from STI’s.

The Patch

- The Patch is similar to a small plaster. It is worn for seven days, for three weeks, followed by a patch free week. It contains both oestrogen and progestogen, which are absorbed through the skin to stop ovulation. It can be seen on the skin but it is a highly effective form of contraception when it is used correctly. The Patch does not protect against STI’s.


- This is a barrier method that the female fits inside her vagina to prevent sperm reaching the egg. A flexible rubber or silicone device, which is used with spermicide to destroy sperm, is inserted by the female herself. This method of contraception can be reused but it does not protect against STI’s. It is 92-98% effective with very careful use, but there is a high failure rate with less careful use.

Vaginal Ring - The Vaginal Ring is a flex-

ible ring inserted by the female into her vagina for three weeks every month. It contains oestrogen and progestogen. If properly used it is 99% effective but it does not protect against STI’s.

Female Condom

- This is a barrier that a female can use to help prevent pregnancy AND sexually transmitted infections. With careful and consistent use, it is 98% effective. It is a thin polyurethane sheath, with two rings. It lines the vagina and prevents sperm from entering.

Male Condoms – Most common form of contraception used by 18-24 year olds This again is a barrier method that a male used to help prevent pregnancy AND sexually transmitted infections. A thin sheath is rolled onto an erect penis before sex to prevent sperm from entering the vagina. They are 99% effective with careful and consistent use.

Emergency Contraception (Morning-After Pill) - This should

only be used in an emergency. It is not suitable for regular use. It can be taken up to 72 hours after unprotected sex, but it’s best to take it as soon as possible after having risky or unprotected sex. It is very effective and is available from every pharmacy without prescription. It is important to understand that after taking this for the first time, its effectiveness is reduced greatly with every use so avoid taking it unless it is actually an emergency. As Part of S.H.A.G. Week there will be all kinds of contraception available to view in the main corridor. Make sure you take to time to visit the stands and talk to the professionals who are on hand to give you advice. Please use this week as an opportunity to educate yourself about sex and how to practice safe sex. I will be giving out free condoms all week and remember that I have a year’s supply of them in my office so please feel free to pop up and help yourself. I am not here to judge you, I am here to help you stay safe! Useful Contacts: The staff in the Medical Centre are happy to help you with any queries you may have or advice you may need - 021 433 5780 Call up to my office in the Students’ Union, call 021 433 5273, or email suwelfare@cit.ie www.thinkcontraception.ie www.cura.ie www.sexualhealth.com

In 1912, the world famous Austrian gynecologist, Dr. Hermann Otto Kloepneckler, M.D. Ph.D. published the following: “The best engine in the world is the vagina. It can be started with one finger. It is self-lubricating. It takes any size piston. And it changes its own oil every four weeks. It is only a pity that the management system is so f**king temperamental.”


S.H.A.G Week 2012


“Good sexual health means making sure you have the knowledge, the skills and the ability to make informed sexual choices and acting responsibly to protect your health and the health of others”

STI’S Some STIs can cause long-term problems if they are not treated, such as infertility, complications in pregnancy and pelvic inflammatory disease. Please seek help/advice from a doctor/ STI clinic if you notice any of the following symptoms: • Unusual discharge from penis or vagina • Pain when passing urine • Unusual sores or blisters in the genital area • Itching or irritation in the genital area • Pain during sex STIs don’t always go away by themselves, so get checked out!

Fact: You can get an STI the first time or anytime you have sex.

Fact: You may not know if you have an STI. So what exactly is an STI?

STIs are infections that are passed on from an infected partner(s) during unprotected sex (vaginal, anal and oral). They are caused by specific bacteria and viruses. In some cases, you may be at risk even if you don’t have full sex. Kissing and touching each other’s genitals may pass on some STIs. There are many different STIs – some are more common than others. Most can be cured with medication. However, some of them can only be treated to reduce symptoms but will stay in your system once you have been infected. Remember, only total abstinence from all sexual contact offers 100% protection from pregnancy and STIs.

Fact: In the space of ten years, there has been a 700% increase in cases of Chlamydia in Ireland. So how do I know if I have an STI?

You might not know. Some STIs have no obvious symptoms, so you may not be aware that you or your partner(s) is infected. If you are sexually active, it is important to have regular check-ups.


Steps to prevent catching an STI…. DO… •C arry a condom, always use it properly and ensure it is in date •F ollow the instructions on the condom and practice putting them on •T hink twice about having sex if you are under the influence of drink or drugs. 24% of men and 14% of women aged 18-24 have said that drinking alcohol/taking drugs was a reason for not using contraception. Be Drink Aware! •L ook out for any unusual discharge, sores, rash or bumps and go to a doctor or STI clinic if you are worried DON’T… •H ave unprotected oral, vaginal or anal sex • Be embarrassed to talk about safer sex • Rely on your partner to carry condoms • Be embarrassed to get tested for STIs

Fact: You may not be able to tell if your partner(s) has an STI. Most Common Types of STI’s:

Chlamydia is a bacterial infection caused by intimate genital contact, unprotected sex, infected fingers to eyes, unprotected mouth to anus contact and can be passed from a pregnant mother to her baby. For a woman the symptoms include abnormal vaginal discharge, stinging or burning sensation when you pee, bleeding between periods, and pain or bleeding during or after sex. For a man the symptoms include discharge from the penis and stinging or burning sensation when you pee. Chlamydia can lead to many problems such as fertility problems and pelvic inflammatory disease. It can be prevented by al-

by Niamh Hayes

ways using a condom correctly but if you get it, it can be treated with antibiotics. Gonorrhoea is a bacterial infection caused by the same things as Chlamydia. Gonorrhoea can cause long term complications such as infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease, pre-term labour and low birth weight. Women should look out for abnormal vaginal or anal discharge, burning or stinging sensation when you pee, pain during or after sex, and possible bleeding between periods. Men should look out for abnormal discharge from the penis, and burning or stinging sensation when peeing. Gonorrhoea can be prevented by using a condom correctly or avoiding intimate sexual contact. It can be treated with antibiotics which both you and your partner will have to take. Genital Warts (Human Papilloma Virus, HPV) is a virus that is caused by direct skinto-skin contact, or vaginal, anal or oral sex (protected and unprotected). Some types of the Human Papilloma Virus are associated with cervical cancer in women, so you should follow up with your doctor for a smear test. The virus can be in your system for 3 weeks to 8 months (or longer) before you show symptoms. Warts usually appear as single or more painless, fleshy growths or lumps in the genital area. They come in all different shapes and sizes. Some people do not get visible warts, but can still pass the virus on to their partner. Genital warts can be prevented by avoiding intimate sexual contact. A condom is the best protection against them but it is not 100% effective. Warts can be treated by freezing them or applying a prescribed cream. The type of treatment will depend on the size, location and number of warts. It is important to know that the virus that causes genital warts stays in your system, so the warts can come back at any time. Herpes is a virus caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus. It is contracted by direct skinto-skin contact, unprotected vaginal, anal or oral sex, unprotected mouth to anus contact, and from a pregnant mother to her baby. Most people who carry the virus have no symptoms. However during an outbreak you have flu-like symptoms, painful blisters or ulcers on your external genitals and rectum, or a burning sensation when you pee. Herpes can be prevented by not having sex while you or your partner has an outbreak, and always using a condom. It can be treated with prescribed medication to reduce discomfort, however the virus will stay in your system so future outbreaks can occur.

Fact: You can catch an STI more than once. Syphilis - There has been a recent upsurge in new cases of syphilis! This is a bacterial infection caused by inti-

mate genital contact, unprotected vaginal, anal or oral sex, unprotected mouth to anus contact, kissing an infected person, and from an infected mother to her baby. The symptoms are the same for men and women and occur in 3 stages. Stage 1 is the primary infection. Symptoms include a painless ulcer in the genital, anal or mouth area which appears around 3 weeks after exposure. Stage 2 is the secondary infection. A red, spotty rash develops on the palms of hands and soles of feet. It can appear elsewhere on the body also. Stage 3 is tertiary syphilis. This is rare but there is a possibility of long-term damage to your heart and brain. Sometimes people with Syphilis have no symptoms at all and are diagnosed on blood testing. It can be prevented by using condoms correctly but antibiotics treatments are very effective. Pubic Lice (Crabs) are tiny insects that live in pubic or body hair. They are caused by close body contact with an infected person, and sometimes, infected bed linen or clothes may pass them on. Symptoms include itching in your pubic hair, and sometimes you will be able to see the lice. Pubic Lice can be treated with creams and lotions. Prevent them by avoiding intimate sexual contact and using condoms.

Fact: You can be infected with more than one STI at a time. Who can help?

Regular sexual health check-ups are important to help ensure you can continue to have and enjoy a healthy sex life. If you are not in a relationship or sexually active at present, it is still important to look after your sexual health. STI Screening means you are being tested for a full range of Sexually Transmitted Infections at the same time. A screening usually includes blood tests and swabs. STI screening is free at an STI/GUM clinic. You will need to make an appointment for most clinics, unless they provide a drop-in service. You should have an STI screening if: • you are sexually active and have not had a check-up before • you have had unprotected oral, vaginal or anal sex with one or more partners • your sex partner has had unprotected sex with someone other than you • you have any unusual symptoms

CIT Medical Centre

The medical centre here in CIT offers a STI screening service. If you think you may have an STI or if you are sexually active and want to make sure everything is OK, make an appointment ASAP with Dr. Jackie Cantillon, who comes into the college on Tuesday afternoons. The testing costs €10 with your student card. As with all services provided by the medical centre, this service is completely confidential. Nobody in the waiting room will know what you are going in for, and it will be a huge relief when you get the all clear/treatment for the infection. Dr. Cantillon is highly trained in this area and offers great support and advice. Call 021 433 5780 to make an appointment.

Sexual Health Awareness & Guidance

S.H.A.G Week 2012


CURA – Pregnancy Counselling Service CURA offers a free and confidential service that helps those experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. Support services include free pregnancy testing; crisis pregnancy counselling, info on social welfare and other rights and entitlements; support with accommodation; support after the birth of a baby for mums and dads; counselling after an abortion; and fostering and adoption info. 34 Paul St., Cork. 1850 622 626 021 427 7544 W: www.cura.ie E: curacares@cura.ie Gay Project Cork 8 South Main St., Cork 021 4304884 W: www.gayprojectcork.com E: info@corkgayproject.com LGBT Ireland – Supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people LGBT.ie is the website of the National LGBT helpline. The site aims to provide a gateway to information and support for LGBT people in Ireland. We also have information that will be useful for the friends and family of LGBT people as well as professionals working with LGBT people. 1890 929 539 www.lgbt.ie LINC – Advocating for lesbian and bisexual women in Ireland 11A White St., Cork T: 021 4808600www.linc.ie E:info@linc.ie Naomi – Natural Association of the Ovulation Method of Ireland 119 Patrick Street Cork T: 021 4272213 W: www.naomi.ie E: inforequest@naomi.ie OSS – One-Stop-Shop (Domestic Violence Info & Resource Centre) OSS provides a free and confidential service that includes information, support, referral, advocacy and accompaniment. 94 South Main St., Cork T: 1800 497 497 W: www.oss.ie E: advice@osscork.ie Positive Options - Crisis Pregnancy Advice This website will help you find a counselling service that will support you in dealing with a crisis pregnancy. All of the services listed on the website provide free, non-judgemental counselling and support. W: www.positiveoptions.ie

GUM/STI Clinic

Samaritans The Samaritans offer a 24hr a day free and confidential support service, for anyone experiencing distress or despair including those who could lead to suicide. No matter how big or small the problem is, there is always someone available at the other end of the phone to talk to you. Don’t carry the burden alone, speak up and talk to someone. T: 1850 609 090 W: www.samaritans.org

Sexual Health Centre

Sexual Violence Centre and Cork Rape Crisis Centre The services provided by this centre include information and advice; Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU); counselling; support for families; Victim Impact Reports; interpretation; and training. 5 Camden Place, Cork T: 1800 496 496 W: www.sexualviolence.ie E: info@sexualviolence.ie

This is located in the South Infirmary, Victoria Hospital, 021 496 6844. It offers a free service. Both the examination and treatment are free. You are not asked for your name and are identified by a number so it is completely confidential. The testing may take up to 2 hours and you do have to disclose your sexual history, but don’t worry they are completely professional and have heard and seen it all before! This is located near the Mercy Hospital, 16 Peters St., 021 427 5837. It offers services such as pregnancy testing, counselling for unexpected pregnancy, HIV support, and training and support on sexual health and drugs. Services provided here are free. Visit www.sexualhealthcentre.com

Youth Health Service

73 Shandon St., 021 422 0490. This service is for people under 21 years. Services offered are free STI screening and medication. They also offer free contraception. There is a waiting list so book ahead if you want to have a check-up. Remember: It is good sexual health practice to get a STI check regularly. Book an appointment for a STI check-up in CIT’s Medical Centre by calling in or phoning 021 4335780. The Sexual Health Doctor is available on Tuesdays. No need to feel embarrassed, they have seen it all before! If you have further questions about STI’s or your sexual health please call over to the stands in the main corridor during S.H.A.G. Week. The many organisations present will be happy to answer any of your questions.

Womens Aid Women’s Aid is a leading national organisation that has been working to address the issue of domestic violence in Ireland for more than 35 years. Their direct services to women experiencing domestic violence underpin and inform all our work toward ending violence against women. T: 1800 341 900 W: www.womensaid.ie E: info@womensaid.ie Other useful websites: www.thinkcontraception.ie www.life.ie www.yoursexualhealth.ie www.sexualhealth.com Always feel free to call up to my welfare office in the Students’ Union if you would like to talk about any sexual health issue and help yourself to the free condoms. You can also contact me on 021 4335273 or suwelfare@cit.ie


S.H.A.G Week 2012

Sex & Contraception

Myths V Facts Myth: Some guys can’t wear condoms. In fact, these guys should be avoided! There are so many types of condoms available that you are bound to find one to suit every shape and size. Myth: The pill makes you fat. In fact, some women may experience weight gain, some weight loss. Weight gain is normally due to an increased appetite and lack of exercise. If you are concerned about weight gain discuss this with your doctor and she/he can help suggest a pill or alternative contraceptive that is right for you. Myth: Condoms prevent STI’s. In fact, while it can protect against the majority of STI’s, they do not prevent against herpes or genital warts. These need to be treated medically before having sex. Myth: Male pulling out before climaxing is a form of contraception. In fact, this myth leads to thousands of pregnancies every year. Prewithdrawal before climaxing can cause semen seepage which can lead to pregnancy, so wrap up before foreplay! Myth: The pill causes cancer. In fact, the pill reduces the risk of certain cancers. Myth: You can’t get pregnant when you’re on your period. In fact, yes you can! Myth: The pill causes acne or more spots. In fact, certain oral contraceptives have favourable effects on acne. Myth: Using two condoms is safer than one. In fact, the complete opposite is true! “Double bagging” actually causes the condoms to bunch up, not fit properly and slip off. Myth: The pill delays fertility. In fact, most women can get pregnant immediately after stopping the pill. Myth: A girl can’t get pregnant if it’s her first time. In fact, this is definitely not true! Once a girl starts getting periods, she can get pregnant. Myth: You can’t get STI’s or STD’s from giving or receiving oral sex. In fact, you most certainly can! Some viruses such as HIV, Herpes and Syphilis can be nurturing nicely in the skin or just inside the opening of the penis and are transmitted when in contact with the mouth, penis or vagina. Use a condom!! Myth: Women should take a break from the pill. The fact is that it is not necessary for any woman who is free from side effects to take a break from the pill. Once your system is used to the pill you should keep taking it to avoid irregular cycles and to keep protected against an unwanted pregnancy. Myth: Premature ejaculation is not normal and should be something to be concerned about. In fact, there is nothing to worry about guys! Extra practice at focusing your mind on not cuming may just be what you need. The average time of sex is between three and ten minutes so anything after that is a bonus! Myth: All women reach orgasm through sex. In fact, only 30% of women reach orgasm through intercourse. Foreplay and extra stimulation is required! Myth: Withholding from sex the night before a big game/athletic event will lead to improved performance on the pitch. In fact, researchers have found that sex has no effect on an athlete’s strength, endurance, or ultimately, success.


Sex Tips for boys & girls

With SHAG (Sexual Health Awareness and Guidance) Week around the corner we, as students, decided to put together some tips that we want to pass on to other students. This article is aimed at girls and guys out there who are sexually active and may be interested in some pointers and knowledge sharing, but who may be to shy to discuss the topic with friends. This article was complied using ideas from ‘chats we had with friends in the canteen’, reading up on publications and our own experiences. To be clear, we by no means see ourselves as experts, nor do we believe that students should feel under pressure to become sexually active. However we do hope our article will be useful to some of you:

Tips for the girls from a female student:

1. Lights on or off? Its safe to say guys often favour lights on but if you girls feel uncomfortable with that fairy lights red/pink or even a few candles is an alternative. 2. Don’t be afraid to make the first move. It shouldn’t be left up to the guys to initiate intimacy; some might say it’ll hurt their ego but in my experience its can be an ego booster as well. 3. Oral sex can often be a favourite but we can definitely be uncomfortable with it. I think theres is no shame in practising to become more comfortable and confident. 4. Keep talking to a minimum to avoid the awkward saying things you might regret. My general rule is if I have to think of what to say then it’s not worth saying. 5. We need to become more tactile in my opinion. From my experience cupping a guy’s testicle is a sure way to arouse him. If guys don’t like what you’re doing they are going to tell you how they do like it 6. Whatever you do don’t fake it - 9 times out of 10 a guy gets a bigger kick out of you climaxing than their own orgasm so keep at it till you get there it will be worth it. Guys won’t improve without feedback - if they don’t know where they are going wrong they won’t change. 7. Toys theres one for everyone, they spice up your sex life make everything more interesting...especially for us girls. 8. If a guy is getting too rough or is being too soft this is the time to use your voice. 9. Strip tease, invest in some sexy underwear to keep you both interested even though you know it will end up on the bedroom floor it’s always good to set the mood. 10. If you have just started having sex or even if you have been doing it for a while and you just don’t feel you enjoy it as much as your partner. My top tip is to invest in a vibrator. You will never be confident with sex till you know your own body! You need to spend some time getting to know yourself and what makes you tick. And speaking from experience a vibrator is just the accessory to do it ... if it’s not doing for you check your pulse because I am calling the undertaker. Once you have figured it out yourself you can then guide your guy through it making the experience mind blowing for both of you.

Tips for the lads from a male student:

1. Using different types of condoms / lubes / toys and oils to optimise satisfaction is a great start. 2. Foreplay is a must! Spend as long as you possibly can (even hours!) exploring each others bodies, nawing, biting (don’t bite down too hard, be careful around sensitive areas). Every girl has at least one area that makes her quiver! 3. Masturbation technique - take it easy, don’t be too rough. Massage and glide along sensitive areas, then slowly increase speed and stroking the clitoris. 4. No talking, if you have to ask, then something is wrong! Phrases like ‘Who’s your daddy?’ is never to be spoken! 5. Hygiene is important, trim your engine room! Girls look after themselves and so should you and keep those fingernails short. 6. Mix it up, changing or trying new positions, don’t be afraid to get on the googley machine for ideas! Role playing is an oldy but a goody that is sure to make it something a little different. 7. Shallow ground is the sacred ground. It is said that the outer third of the vagina is the most sensitive, thrusting isn’t essential. 8. Undress slowly; it isn’t always as hot to rip everything the second the lights go out. Try and have it that ye strip each other, and this doesn’t have to be done by hands! 9. The bed isn’t the only place for it, showers, outdoors or anywhere that turns ye on! Be creative lads, the more alternative the better! 10. Top Tip: It’s a marathon not a sprint, stamina is the aim of the game. Sex shouldn’t be about her having one orgasm and you climaxing and then rolling over and falling asleep. Multiple orgasms and longer lasting climaxing is what great sex is all about. Please maintain a healthy attitude towards your sexual health – read the useful articles in this edition and attend the various workshops which will take place right throughout SHAG week.

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S.H.A.G Week 2012

Are you shy?

by Niamh Hayes

Do you need some help catching the eye of that girl or guy you fancy? Read on...

How to impress a girl

• Be well-groomed! This is an essential tip for life, not just for attracting someone. But if you are looking to impress the girl you fancy, shower, brush your hair, brush your teeth, use some deodorant/aftershave. No girl wants a guy who smells and has bad breath so get scrubbing! Make sure you change and wash your clothes regularly, and if necessary take a female friend/sister with you shopping. ave a great attitude! Love life. Don’t •H come across as cocky or full or yourself. Instead be fun to hang around with, easy to laugh with/at, and be outgoing. Girls love when a guy has a good sense of humour and can make them smile and laugh. •S how interest in her! Be a good listener. Let her talk and listen attentively. Ask her about her life, hobbies, interests, etc. Take in what she is saying and try to remember some details. If you regurgitate some details about her at a later date she will be well impressed. Make sure you look into her eyes. Staring at her boobs for a whole conversation will not go down well. If you want to have a look, do so when she’s not paying attention. lirt! Begin by complimenting •F her. Even if she does not like you yet, complimenting her will make her feel good about herself and think positively about you. Catch her eye and smile at her. If you’re talking to her, touch her arm in a gentle way for a few seconds don’t hold on too long or you’ll come across as a creep! If she does seem uncomfortable, do not do it again. Be courteous too. Hold open doors for her and be mannerly.


• Get on with her friends! A great way to impress a girl is to get on with her friends. But make sure you are not overfriendly or bordering on flirting with them. If it comes across that you are flirting she will begin to resent you. So be nice, but not too nice. • Don’t pay “hard to get” for too long! If you do this you will get her attention for a couple of days but after that she will end up frustrated and think you’re not interested in her anymore. Be mysterious but don’t start playing mind games. On the other side, if you’re falling at her feet 24/7 she will lose interest in you pretty fast. It’s hard but you’ve got to find a balance. • Be honest and tell her how you feel! Honesty is always the best policy when trying to impress a girl. Don’t lie about yourself just to inflate your own ego, girls have this uncanny ability to find out the truth about everything so be careful. If you do really like her, tell her. Girls love it when a guy can talk about his feelings but don’t become too mushy.

How to impress a guy

• Find out what he likes! Don’t change yourself to become what he likes but find out what you have in common and talk about that. Ask him questions, guys love that a girl is actually the one who flirts with him first. • Make the first move! Not many girls do this but believe me it is worth it. Guys like that the stress is off them, so get talking. Ask them if they’d like to do something after college or at the weekend. If you are pretty shy then suggest that your friends and his friends hang out together. Sometimes it is more comfortable to get to know each other in a group setting.

• Compliment him! Us girls aren’t the only ones who like to get compliments. Tell him you like his hair or what he’s wearing, but do it in a casual manner. Guys like to feel confident too. • Be yourself! All guys want is someone real. Don’t hide yourself under tons of make-up and a fake smile. If you want him to like you then the first step is to be you. Don’t give up the things you love for him either. If you like each other it’s because of the real you, when you first met so don’t change for him. Always stay true to yourself. • Keep it light! Don’t go spilling your guts and talking all heavy emotional stuff when you first start talking. This will make him run for the hills. • Play back! If he insists on playing “hard to get”, play it right back. Most guys actually enjoy being teased so play him at his own game. Don’t take it too far though because he will begin to think that you enjoy making a fool out of him instead of thinking you actual like him. • Do not become obsessed! For some reason it becomes very easy for girls to start obsessing over guys. Girls this is a huge turn-off so don’t do it. Sure spend time with him, do things together, talk to him about what is going on in your life but don’t let him become your life. You were your own person when you met him so keep some of that individualism. It is also essential that you let him live his life too. Don’t become the greeneyed monster just because he wants to spend time with other people and wants to do things without you. Play cool even if you do think about him every second of every day, guys will appreciate this and think that you are one cool chick.

20 things you should never say during sex... 1. But everyone looks funny naked! 2. Did I tell you my Aunt Martha died in this bed? 3. Keep it down, you’ll wake my girlfriend. 4. Is this a sin too? 5. Hey, when is it going to be Martin’s turn? 6. You’ll still vote for me, wont you ? 7. What tampon? 8. That leak better be from the water bed. 9. Did you know the ceiling needs painting? 10. Did I remember to take my pill?





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Business & Humanities Ball Fri 19th Oct, Vienna Hotel, Cork with POINT BLANK and DJs

Engineering , Science & cad Ball & Crawford College of Art & Design, incl. Media Comms Mon 22nd Oct Rochestown Park Hotel, Cork with UV5 and DJs Ticket price includes bus to and from the Hotels. TICKETS Doors 10pm on both nights. Buses will run from CIT (Tourism and Hospitality dents’ Building) and Cork City from Stu Union (outside the Bailey Bar) to the hotels at 10, 10.30 and 11pm.

Starters Fresh Cream Soup of The Day © Served with homemade selection of breads Golden Fried Garlic Mushrooms Lightly breaded mushrooms served with seasonal leaves & garlic mayonnaise. Warm Chicken & Bacon Salad A bed of mixed leaves topped with sweet cherry tomatoes, red onion, home cut wedges, seasoned chicken strips, crispy bacon and drizzled with a sweet chilli dressing. Homemade Chicken Liver Pate Chicken livers cooked in cognac brandy & fresh herbs, served with toasted crostini and sweet and sour salsa. Mains Roasted Fillet of Salmon © Served with a white wine veloute. Goats Cheese Salad Seasonal leaves, orange segments & roasted walnuts lightly tossed in

balsamic and honey dressing, topped with deep fried breaded goats cheese topped with red onion compote. Prime Roast Rib of Beef © In a chasseur sauce. Panfried Chicken Supreme © Supreme stuffed with feta cheese & sautéed spinach, Served in a fresh garlic, tomato & basil sauce. All main courses will be accompanied by seasonal vegetables & mashed potato. Desserts Baileys Cheesecake Accompanied by chocolate sauce Death by Chocolate Warm chocolate gateau with chocolate ice cream and hot chocolate sauce. Fresh Fruit Salad © A selection of fresh fruits served with whipped cream or ice cream. Apple Tart Served with whipped cream or ice cream.


For class party packages please contact the Students’ Union or Gary at 021-4346755

Photo Gallery

Freshers Week 2012 I love to ruin a good


I REALLY love my teddy!

We’re sexy and we know it

I’m like this with all my friends

’re hottt! Hands up if you think you

How you doin…??

The joys of being in the right place at the right time Back Back Back it up…

Nob Head! WTF!



Anyone know w killed Kenny?

Take me now with your marvellous laser lasso


Life is like a box of chocol

Photo Gallery

dent u t S Shag-Tag & Thursdays @

Pics by CIT SU and Martin Dunne


I liked it, do it again

O’Brien’s sandw…

I Love my fwends…

Tolla… Such a man

Look fhast I’m going


Whats that?

Nice bracelet love!

Ring a ring a rosie ...


Can’t believe I’ve pulled

“The girls actually went to Havanas hahah... I love Eclipse!”


cork paranormal investigators and

the magdalene laundries


Laundries conducted a paranormal investigation of the abandoned Magdalene nt, Danny Preside Union t’s in Sunday’s Well recently along with CIT’s Studen ned abando this of ations investig us O’Donovan. CPI have conducted numero e. evidenc ting interes very some d capture we n building however the night in questio g the building you get The night began at approximately 9:30 in the evening. Upon enterin to get to the location order In ir. disrepa of a very eerie feeling as the building is in a state call the tunnel. It is to like we what through walk to have that we prefer to investigate you 2003. It is now just a pile in fact a part of the building that was destroyed by a fire back in through this you are in get you of rubble that has become overgrown with vegetation. Once as Magdalene sisters) (known women the the part of the building that would have housed floor would have bottom The g. buildin the in lived have and also any children that would n. Drawings of childre the for nursery a be to s appear what also and housed a kitchen area which gives it nursery the of characters from Sesame Street can still be seen on the walls was still open ies Laundr lene Magda the a very strange feeling. You can imagine that when . nursery that within playing n childre that there would have been lots of The first piece that we Once we arrived in this area we began to set up our equipment. motion sensors have These ys. doorwa two set up is a pair of motion sensors across the two main reasons. for these use We beam. the crosses g an alarm that goes off if anythin be would notified straight One being that if anybody was to follow us into the building we To read more please see to… away and the second being that it may be possible for a spirit # igators l.Invest https://www.facebook.com/Cork.Paranorma

this building. We enter at CPI would like to state that we do not condone anybody entering would like to see more y anybod If es. ourselv for sibility respon our own risk and take full in Cork City Gaol for talk a of the building then check out our Facebook. We will be giving in Youghal for the be also will we and r the World Ghost Convention on Friday 26th of Octobe both events can on details Further r. Octobe of 27th y Youghaloween Spooktacular on Saturda page. be found on our Facebook


have found myself in some pretty random situations but when we rolled up to the Magdalene Laundries with a load of ghost-busting equipment I just felt like it had be taken to the next level! The abandoned building was lit up with the glow a full moon emits, and after watching the movie “The Magdalene Sisters” the hour previously I can say without shame that I was “touching cloth”, and we weren’t even inside! If that wasn’t bad enough we were in the top floor when I noticed how expensive the equipment looked and thought.. “Wow… These people are serious…Oh no!…” I was really spooked out but at the same time I was still a little sceptical for obvious reasons. I fully endorse CPI’s version of the night but, at the same time I can’t communicate strongly enough how difficult the situation is for me is to digest. There was things happened that night that contradict what I as a person have come to know as the “norm”. The K11 going off and hearing random bangs I must say frightened the living daylights out of me! However, the one thing I’m really hung up on to this day is the mysterious light. This has had a lasting impact on me because of how “involved” I was in the incident. The light that shone on the wall right next to me was as bright/dim as a 15watt bulb and about a 1.5 foot in diameter. Staring at the light I wondered where was it coming from? When suddenly it just disappeared right before my eyes. I noted the moonlight was shining in the windows of the wall that the light and was on, and after investigating the situation fully I have no logical explanation as to where the light was coming from. Even as I am writing this piece I know that things happened inside that place on that night, some that maybe could be explained… I am left with no other option than to move on without conclusion. The only thing I can say that I am 100% on is the fact that logic is failing no matter what side of the paranormal fence I choose. I am sure there are many like me so I thought it would be a good idea to bring in a medium to CIT and you can explore for yourself the concept of afterlife... Watch this space... In light of this I would like to thank the CPI team, Sinéad, Kevin, Jacque, Kevin (Junior) and Shannon for the experience. A very random experience… but very interesting!

By Danny O’Donovan



Have you now checked and enrolled for all your modules? If not, please do it NOW! Dear Student, We hope the year is going well for you and that you have settled into the current Academic Year. You have already been asked to ensure you had enrolled for all modules in the First Semester (September to December 2012) by 4.00pm on Friday, 12th October, 2012. If you did not register, or have yet to register, please note late registrations or changes to module choice must now be made, in person, at the Admissions Office. These are subject to a Late Enrolment Fee of €30. This needs to be completed by 4.00pm on Friday October 26th 2012. From Monday October 29th there will be a further increase in the Late Enrolment Fee for students who have failed to enrol for all modules taken. The penalty for those who enrol, after October 26th 2012, for all modules taken, will increase from €30 to €80. Please note that from 12.00 noon on Friday November 30th 2012 no further enrolment for modules will be permitted. If you have not enrolled by this date, you will have to wait until the Autumn Repeat Examination in August 2013. This will also apply to modules not assessed by examination. It is your responsibility, as a student, to get the CRN from your lecturer, and to check that all your modules are listed on Blackboard. Best wishes for the year ahead and we look forward to your cooperation with the above. The Admissions Office

The “Children’s Rights Referendum” is on the 10th of November this year. Your last chance to register your vote will be on Tuesday the 23rd of October. Your vote counts. Every vote not cast is a vote in support of the side that is struggling. Take the example of the divorce referendum, it passed by 0.56% or 9000 votes. 1,633,942 people voted. It came down to 9000 people. That is roughly the same number as the student body in CIT. For most referendums less than half the country turns out to vote, giving you even more power. This year, with the election on a Saturday we have no excuse. Get home, get out and vote. Your vote makes a difference. If you don’t vote someone else will make the decision for you. Change won’t stop because you didn’t vote; fewer people will just decide how we change. What does it take?? • Read 21 lines of text (we’ll put it in BIG writing) • Take 5 minutes to register (we’ll help!) • 15 minutes to vote (face it - you’ll be able to get a spin down off the parents)

CIT YFG will be running a register to vote campaign in college in the weeks coming up to the deadline. We will give you all the help you need. We will check the register for you, help you fill out the form and even get it stamped. We will also give you concise information on the Referendum; neutral stuff from the Referendum Commission and the arguments for and against from main stakeholders. Feel free to come up to the stand if you have any questions about registering your vote or the referendum. Alternatively you can email yfg@citsocieties.ie for more information. You can always visit CHECKTHEREGISTER.ie yourself if you don’t want to be seen talking to us! Remember all that is needed for EVIL to succeed is for GOOD people to do nothing…

Article by: Young Fine Gael

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Neasa Peters, Social Care n May of this year I was awarded a CIT volunteer abroad scholarship to volunteer in my chosen country, India. My time in India was amazing and an experience of a lifetime. I was filled with wonder, excitement and nerves and eagerly awaited my arrival in India. Outside the airport, although it was night time, the heat was already overwhelming. We met with our volunteer mentor and made our way to the car. We bundled into a white jeep, searched for non-existent seatbelts and off we went on a bumpy ride! I stared out the window in horror, excitement and amazement; people sleeping on the streets, large derelict buildings, barren land and large colourful trucks. The beeping of the cars and trucks along with the Indian music filled me with excitement! Day two was just as exciting. We were provided with an orientation and given our itinerary for the coming week. After lunch we headed for Jaipur where we would be spending a week with our host families. As I sat in the bus I stared out the window in awe and wonderment. There were people everywhere, rickshaws with up to ten people piled in, trucks crammed with people and buses overflowing with people! There were cows roaming freely and camels being ridden. It was my first experience in a ‘squat’ toilet (essentially a hole in the ground). Not very pleasant! The poverty was difficult to witness, and while stopped in traffic a woman with a small baby in her arms came knocking at the window of the bus to beg for money. I looked away as I knew that it was best not to make eye contact but each knock felt like a squeeze of my heart. Our host family lived in a large, immaculate house in the city. They were an upper class family, well educated and more westernised than the people we had seen on the streets. There were four members in the family, Mr. Goyal, a business man, his wife Jyoti, a housewife and their two children, a girl, Ridhi aged fourteen and a young man, Shabomb aged twenty. I enjoyed the time I spent getting to know my host family but cultural differences sometimes created a barrier between them and us. The next week consisted of orientation and Elaine and I enjoyed many Indian workshops and learnt a lot about the Indian culture. We were completely immersed in Indian life, bartering at markets, wearing saris, praying at temples, learning Hindi, being exposed to Bollywood dancing and movies and much more, I enjoyed every minute of it. After our sightseeing it was time to make the journey to Himachal, where the volunteer camp was located.


CIT Societies Volunteer Abroad program


Elaine O’Connor, Social Care The journey to the volunteer camp involved many hours spent on a bus and an overnight train trip. It was difficult not to be struck by the pollution, poverty in certain areas and amounts of rubbish covering many areas. The vivid image of a father and his two young sons sleeping in the middle of a busy road at 8am one morning oblivious to the noise of traffic and people will stay with me forever. The camp location in Himachal Pradesh is absolutely stunning and incredibly peaceful being situated at the foothills of the snow-capped Himalayan Mountains. My first day volunteering was in a school for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. When I think back now, the happiness and joy which those kids and adults brought to me was far more than I could have imagined. I worked one on one each day with Amit who is 23 years old and travels over 35km by bus each day to come to school, a very long journey on Indian roads. He was a bit of a prankster at the start trying to avoid doing any lessons and

An information evening will take place on the Bishosptown Campus on the evening of Novembe r 13th. To register to attend the meeting and receive an application form send an email to aoife.kelliher@cit.ie

always looking at his watch but as he learned to trust me, his desire to learn became evident and we worked through his personal learning goals together. Despite his little English and my little bit of Hindi, we developed a strong bond over the next few days. Later on that first morning, I gathered with all the students and other volunteers for recreation time upstairs. I just couldn’t help but smile during this time each day! The electricity went out that first morning and in two minutes the atmosphere had changed completely from laughter and fun to silence. I asked them all to form a circle and join hands while I sang “Let’s make a circle, a circle, a circle, let’s make a circle here today”. While it was a small thing, the animated faces and laughter from them was lovely to see. I never thought the music elective I chose in my Social Care course would come in so handy! In the evenings, I worked with adolescence girls teaching them computers and later on, the time was spent singing and doing actions. It was amazing to come to this community each evening and be met with such enthusiasm, positivity, fun and laughter which shone from these kids! I was really moved by a sweet girl called Tanuska when she exclaimed after “this is the happiest day of my life”. I was really sad leaving those girls but happy in the knowledge that they or I would never forget the happy times we shared. In different places in India I noticed some lovely inspirational quotes written on cars such as “Love is a Risk…Risk it” and another one on a billboard said “Don’t let anyone stop you from dreaming”. I guess this experience has broadened my horizons and thought me a lot about myself and that I can achieve anything once I set my mind to it. I think students interested in volunteering should come along to the volunteer information night on November 13th with an open mind. Volunteering abroad doesn’t have to be about making a huge change in a person’s life but can be something so simple or small but will make a positive impact on the person on any one day. Thank you CIT for making this experience possible.

Shag-Tag Tuesdays


Oliver Plunkett St. Over 18s Garda age ID/passport must be produced as proof of age. ROAR


€4 FREE Adm before 11.15pm

Every Tuesday Doors: 11pm

S exual H ealth Awareness & G uidance Check out: www.citsu.ie/ welfare/sexual-health

SThturudsedanyts @ eclipse nightclub, Oliver Plunkett St, Cork City

Part of




sion FREE Admis m p 11 before m 5p .4 10 Doors

Over 18s Garda age ID/passport must be produced as proof of age. ROAR

Every Thursday



Well done to everyone involved in this fantastic Freshers Week Soccer tournament – Craig Robinson, Colm Nugent, Stephen Morrissey, Mark Reardon, Wesley Tong, Gavin Moore and Gavin McCarthy. Look out for the upcoming tournament in the advert below.


staggering number of 31 teams consisting of 217 students competed in this year’s Fresher’s Week Soccer Tournament. The semifinals saw PSGEE take on Multiple Scoregasims and Zancelona played The Mighty Mongooses. These semi-finals, like the rest of the tournament, were played in tremendous spirit, competitive but played in a friendly atmosphere. PSGEE a strong team in the group stages advanced with an emphatic win, and Zancelona who were in the semi-finals against the odds managed to grind out another victory. PSGEE were firm favourites going into the final and as expected had the majority of the possession while Zancelona led by their inspiring captain, Muideen Ajaiji-Iaino, played on the counter attack. PSGEE constantly knocked on the door of the Zancelona defence and eventually made the breakthrough. With Zancelona needing a goal and having to throw the kitchen sink at PSGEE they were caught themselves on the counter and the game finished 2-0 in favour of the favourites PSGEE.

The STudenTS’ union

Soccer TournamenT

Matches to be played 22nd – 25th October Between 12-2pm • Prizes: 1st - €100

2nd - €40 3rd - Money Back • Guarantee of at least 3 Games • Deadline: Friday 19th Oct 2pm • Only €2 per player, €12 per team

• 6-a-side, Games on CIT Astro pitch

Go to Sports Office to collect and drop forms, 1st Floor student Centre For further details contact: eric 086 7816710 e: soccer.facilitator@cit.ie PleAse ‘lIke’ CIT sOCCer FACeBOOk PAGe FOr All uPCOMInG sOCCer evenTs www.facebook.com/pages/CIT-soccer-Club



Training in Mixed Martial Arts

Mixed Martial Arts is a combination of striking and grappling martial arts, and is one of the only martial arts covers all aspects of fighting. So why would it be worth your while to train in mixed martial arts?

Best shape of your life

Even if you only do MMA for fitness and not competition you will begin to notice your fitness improving. Training in MMA is one of the most complete workouts and you will lose weight, gain stamina and build muscle.

A Second Family

Both in CIT MMA and in the gym I train with outside of college I’ve made some great friends and it really feels like you are part of a family. Everyone is friendly and no egos come into training.

You will be able to defend yourself

Lets face it; the majority of people train in martial arts to learn how to defend themselves. By training in MMA you will learn how to defend yourself in almost any situation and learn techniques that will defeat people without the need for strength. You will love the rush of competition, but its perfect for anyone just looking to get fit. If you’re interested in training in MMA pop in to the sports hall at 6pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays or check out our club on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/groups/363902030056/ By: Ciaran Brohan

The ‘Three Legged Lunatics’

Hey! We are Conor and Karina, the ‘Three Legged Lunatics’, and we’ll be running the Dublin Marathon this October Bank Holiday Monday… 3-legged! Please help us support Suicide or Survive and Diabetes Ireland by searching for ‘Three Legged Lunatics’ on mycharity.ie, or support us Liking us on Facebook! Thank you!

Racing every Thurs, Fri & Sat Nights. Doors open 6.45, first race 7.47pm


Rebel Run

Sunday 21st October 2012 Start Time: 9:45am (from CIT Campus) Route Info

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Munster Rugby

Munster’s RaboDirect PRO12 league season may not be going as smoothly as they hoped, as their latest match saw a defeat to Leinster in the Aviva Stadium, where the home team won 30-21. A swift effort from Peter O’Mahony in the first-half where, having taken a pass from Simon Zebo, he scored the side’s first try of the match, which looked promising for Munster. However, Leinster seemed to have that edge that the visitors were missing. Following a second try by the home side, Ronan O’Gara completed the scoring of the firsthalf to leave Leinster pulling away with a 20-14 score line. The ownership of the second-half seemed to change hands however much Munster fought with everything they had to try and overcome Leinster. After 56 minutes, 30-14 down, they still came within inches of the winners. Conor Murray scored the third try for the visitors, with Ian Keatley superbly kicking the conversion over to narrow the lead to nine points. Despite Munster’s efforts, and a few strange decisions from the referee, the home side won their fourth league game this season. Munster now face Zebre in their next league match, where a victory is promising. Before this however, Munster begin their Heineken Cup campaign with a home match against Edinburgh Rugby. With the HC final set for Irish soil, here’s hoping that this match will take us one step closer to being part of that magic.

Upcoming Fixtures

Sun 21 Oct 12:45 – Heineken Cup P1 – Munster Rugby V Edinburgh Rugby – Thomond Park Stadium Fri 26 Oct 19:45 – RaboDirect Pro12 – Munster Rugby V Zebre – Thomond Park Stadium Fri 2 Nov 19:05 - RaboDirect Pro12 – Cardiff Blues V Munster Rugby – Cardiff Arms Park

2012-2013 RaboDirect PRO12 League Table

Pos Team Ulster Rugby 1 2 Scarlets Glasgow Warriors 3 Leinster Rugby 4 5 Munster Rugby 6 Ospreys Benetton Treviso 7 Edinburgh Rugby 8 9 Connacht Rugby 10 Ospreys 11 Newp. Gw. Dragons 12 Zebre

Played Won Drew 5 5 0 6 4 0 6 4 0 6 4 0 6 3 0 6 3 0 6 3 0 6 3 0 6 2 0 6 2 0 6 2 0 5 0 0

Lost Points 0 21 2 30 2 18 2 17 3 14 3 14 3 14 3 13 4 12 4 10 4 9 5 1

By Niamh Hayes


Prob Page



o you think you s m e l b o r p e v ha

I have been going out with my boyfriend for six months now and been in a sexual relationship with him since the start. We have always used condoms because I’m not on any other form of contraception but recently he’s been asking me to go on the pill so that we can have sex without condoms. Is this safe? Am I guaranteed not to get pregnant? I’ve also heard that the pill can be dangerous and make you put on weight and has other side effects. I’m just not sure about the whole thing, please help!

This is something a girl needs to decide for herself, it is not up to the fella. It is your body so you need to decide what is best for it. First of all I must state that just using condoms, which you have been doing up until now, is not 100% safe. You are not guaranteed that you will not get pregnant because accidents happen, condoms break, so you should not rely on them completely. Again if you do decide to go on the pill you are not guaranteed that you will never get pregnant. It is important to know that contraceptives are only ever 99% effective, sometimes less but never more. There is always a chance they won’t work. You must consult with a doctor about this because things like having a stomach bug can greatly decrease the effectiveness of the pill. As well as this, the pill does not protect you against STI’s. If you do decide to have sex without condoms, both your boyfriend and you should go for an STI check-up to make sure you are both clear. The pill affects everyone in a different way. It has, in the past, been linked to weight gain in some people, and weight loss in others. Again you will have to consult your doctor on this, and just to let you know, the pill is not your only option. There are plenty of contraceptives available so be sure to pick the one that’s right for you. Whatever choice you make, make sure you are happy with it and don’t just do it to please your boyfriend.



Okay look, I can see where he is coming from. Sex is way better without a condom, for a guy. The price of them, depending on how many times you go at it a week, is fairly high too. On the other side they stop you getting pregnant and from getting STI’s. Now the fact that your boyfriend is trying to get you on the pill is not really okay. It’s your body and you shouldn’t let anyone pressurise you into doing anything you don’t want to do. If it is the price that is getting to him, just send him up to the Students’ Union office, the Welfare Officer has loads of condoms for free. Otherwise just choose what’s good for you. If he’s only with you because he thinks he’ll get that “real-feeling” then he’s not worth it. Hope this helps.

If you have any problems that you want our agony aunt (& uncle) to solve, please email them to: suwelfare@cit.ie. We will do our best to help you!

here in CIT does this every Tuesday. If you do have something, deal with it. If you don’t, please be more careful in future.


Lad, there’s doing the dog on it and then there’s doing the DOG on it! I’m not sure whether to say fair play or what but you really don’t do things by half do you! I think you should keep your mouth shut for the moment and go get the test done. If there’s nothing wrong then you won’t have worried her for nothing. There’s no point messing everything up so early in the relationship if you don’t have to. If the results don’t come back the way you were hoping, then that’s the time to tell her. Most STI’s can be treated completely by medication so get yourself cleared up and move on with your life. You will have to tell her though, just so she can get herself checked out too. I’m sure you don’t want to have something like that hanging on your conscious if you’ve given her anything. My boyfriend says I’m controlling. We both have very different views on the world and the way to act in a relationship. He told me he cheated on me in the first year and I said I’d forgive him because I knew he was in a bad place and had just broken up with someone before we met. However since we met, I have been very jealous of females he has hung around with, an almost like I sensed he was cheating. Anyway these past few weeks I thought things were good. But then he went on holidays with the boys-, he met a few girls in a hostel and photos have appeared of him with arms around them on Facebook (very cosy photos). He said nothing happened (which I believe) but he won’t admit that it’s inappropriate for him to be acting like that. He says I am overreacting and I’m wrecking his head and other girls wouldn’t care about that kind of thing. Now I don’t know am I being over-protective or is he just twisting things to make me out to be the freak. I’m very upset, please help me. Even criticism is welcome, as I have been quite sheltered growing up so I don’t know much about how things should be. Thanks!

I just started into a new relationship and I am mad about the girl. Before I got with her I was a bit of a ladies man, out three or four nights a week and getting with a different girl nearly every night. I am now afraid that I might have an STI. How do I go about telling her about my worries?

I don’t think you are controlling. Most girls would react the same way you have. The fact that he has cheated in the past is going to put major doubt in your mind as to whether he’s going to do it again and there will be trust issues there. I do think you do need to let it go a little though. You took him back which means you obviously feel really strongly about him. However if you feel like you can’t trust him on every night out that he goes on and every holidays he takes, then you need to revaluate the relationship. It is not healthy for either of you to go through this. Mentally you are going to continuously worrying and stressing yourself out if you don’t sort this out now. If you want to be with him then ask him if something happened while he was on holiday, if he says no and you believe him, then move on. Otherwise try to put your trust issues behind you and you will have a happier, healthier relationship.

I am not judging you or telling you what to do but getting with three or four different girls a week is a little much, especially if you haven’t been completely safe with some of them. Besides the fact that you are now worried that you might have caught something, there is a huge risk that you could get someone pregnant, and I’m sure that’s the last thing you want in life right now. Does your new girlfriend know what you were like in the past? I know you say that you are mad about her, but if you are used to getting with several girls a week, how long will it take before you get bored of the same girl? As I said I’m not judging you, but for both your sakes please be careful, I’m sure hurting her is the last thing you want to do. Go get an STI check-up. The medical centre

Right first of all you are not overreacting you are just worried about losing your boyfriend, nothing wrong there! However if you think he has cheated, you need to tell him straight out how you feel and let him know that you are worried. If he has something to hide he will react to this conversation in a negative way, if so you need to tell him to go. Now for a bit of criticism…just because he is in a photo with some girls it does not mean he is cheating! He was on holiday and was having the craic with the boys, no harm there! You need to take a step back and take a deep breath. If you still feel he cheated then ask him straight out! Tell him honestly how you feel and if he doesn’t take any notice of it tell him that you feel this relationship is going nowhere!

Top Ten

FAQs September By Laura Horgan, Communications Officer

1. How do I get wifi on my phone or laptop? Register for WIFI at its.cit.ie and then log into the browser with your student number and password (same as your email). 2. What is the name of the CIT nightclub in town and where is it? CIT’s nightclub is called “Eclipse” it is situated on Oliver Plunkett Street across from the Brog and above the Grafton Bar. 3. How do I print in college? Top up your student card on line or via the Nexus Market, in the Student Centre and go to open access or the library. You will choose to either send your documents to CIT Colour or CIT Mono (for black and white). You can collect it at a number of print stations around the college: There are two colour and mono printers outside Open Access in the IT building: Two mono printers in the library; One mono printer in the Tourism building.

Our NEW monthly guide to Stuff you need to know at CIT

Is it FINE to park here? This is an important ‘heads up’ to all of you who wish/need to park on or near the campus. First of all the Institute has a very limited number of spaces and will not be given planning permission for further spaces. Park and Ride plans are underway but in the meantime please note the following:

Important points to remember: - If you park in undesignated areas around campus – YOU WILL BE CLAMPED - €80.00 fine - If you park off campus on a double yellow line – YOU WILL BE TOWED AWAY - up to €160 fine - If you park in Leisure World without paying for a ticket – YOU WILL BE CAMPED/TOWED AWAY - €80 / €160 fine

Can you afford the fine?

4. Cost of printing? Mono printing costs 5c per A4 sheet and 15c per A3 sheet. Colour printing costs 15c per A4 and 30c per A3.

TIPS: - If you live in Bishopstown or close by why not WALK (No fuel costs, no parking costs, exercise and you will leave a space for someone who has to drive) - Respect the local community and don’t block access to and from houses - Check out the SU’s carpooling service at www.citsu.ie

5. Where is Open Access? Open Access is situated in the IT Building. The corridor is across from the library, walk to the end of the corridor and you’ll see Open Access.

Your Personal safety

6. Who can use it? All students can use it, just come in and grab a free computer and sign in with your Student ID number and password which is the same as your email. 7. I forgot my password where do I go? Go to mycit.ie in the “Student Applications” then into “Web for Students” then into “How to reset Student Password?” If this does not work you can go to Open Access with your Student Card and they will do it for you. 8. Where can I get an Accommodation list of accommodation near CIT? Call into the accommodation office in the Student Centre or email accommodation@cit.ie 9. What happens if I did not register in time for my electives? There will be a late fee of €30 and you will need to register manually with the registration office. Remember you cannot sit any exam until you are registered for the module. 10. I cannot get onto blackboard its giving me a user login error? This is related to your Module Registration - you will need to go to Admissions in the Administration Centre to find out why you are not yet registered for your Modules.


The Students’ Union would like to offer you some advice in relation to your personal safety and the safety of your property whilst on campus and the surrounding areas. - Be mindful of your personal property at all times particularly bags, phones and laptops. - If someone, through their behaviour is making you feel uncomfortable on campus, call to or ring the Students’ Union or caretakers. - If you are going for grinds in a private house, tell a friend or a family member where you are going and at what time you expect to be finished at. While your personal safety is a matter of personal responsibility, we are here to help so why not put these important numbers in your phone. • (021) 4541012 Bishopstown Garda Station • (021) 4336219 CIT Caretakers • (021) 4335270 CIT Students’ Union


Crossword sponsored by www.citsocieties.ie

Name: Class: Email:

Winner from our first September issue is: Aisling O’Shea, DBE3

Brain Teaser

In a guessing game, five students had to guess the number of oranges in a basket. The guesses were: 22 , 24, 29, 33 , 38, but none of these was right. The guesses were off by 1, 8, 6, 3, and 8 (in a random order). From this information, can you determine the number of oranges in the basket?

Answer: Name:




Prize: €50 cash

Branches at: Wilton Road and Wilton Shopping Centre www.bishopstowncu.ie Deliver all entries to: Students’ Union Shop, 1st Floor, Student Centre. are What fun you could have when you


that flexible!

Down 1. Raps lightly 2. “Got it” 3. Queue 4. Famous collie of fiction 5. Haggard 6. Consume 7. Sis’s sibling 8. Humor 9. “Roaring __” 10. Come up 11. Little dog sounds 19. Beyond __ doubt 21. Prov. for Toronto 23. Where the fat lady sings 24. Garfield, e.g. 25. Give the okay, in a way 26. “__ House” Crosby, Stills & Nash hit 27. Rousing 29. Key on a keyboard 30. A golf ball’s position 32. Honey source 35. Tee__ 36. Polite word 37. Leaves in a cup 38. Grown-ups 40. Part of an act 41. US senior’s grp. 42. Paste 44. Short-billed rail 45. “... happily __ after” 46. Do a farmer’s job 49. Dreamer’s place 50. It ends in a foot

Prize: €30. Deliver completed entries to the SU shop.


The Chocolate crew came down to CIT recently to ‘Share the Joy ...”

Across 1. Cash drawer 5. Money owed 9. Put to the test 12. Largest continent 13. Not usual 14. Nintendo handheld device 15. Writes 16. __ bomb 17. Sixth sense (abbrev.) 18. Playground sight 20. Corn dishes 22. Not guilty 25. Likes to eavesdrop 28. Not complete 31. Not safe 32. Put money on 33. Whitney who invented the cotton gin 34. Like a leaky faucet 37. Sample 39. Let go 41. See eye to eye 43. Reasons 47. Actress MacGraw 48. Fit 51. Adore 52. Hurry 53. Caught in the act 54. Ash, e.g. 55. Place to hang a hat 56. Rim 57. Reddish-brown gem

Winner from May issue last semester is:

Ian Curtin, DBE3

Wilton Douglas

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